Towanda daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1879-1921, August 04, 1881, Image 1

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VOLUME 11, NO. 304.
Personal. L
Mrs. LAPORTE, of Say re, is in town.
Miss MATTIK MALLORY has returned from
a visit in Canandaigua.
1 <""7
JOHN BEAMAN -IS spending a day or two
with his Towauda friends.
PORT. H. SAYRE, Chief Engineer of the L.
V. li. R., is registered at the Ward House.
Rev. GEORGE SHAFFER and wife of Mos
cow, Lackawanna county, are visiting their
cousin. Mrs. DENNIS CLARK, in this place.
Misses SARAH and SUE RAHM have gone to
Cooperstown, N. Yto visit Mr. JARVIS'
family. They expect to be absent several
President PACKER and family left Sayre
yesterday for the Thousand Islands, where
they will ocoupy their pleasant cottage, ''ldle
wi'.d," until the first of September.
Rev. JOHN S. BEERS having accepted a call
to a Church iu Massachusetts, has tendered
his resignation as rector of Christ Church,
to take effect the middle of September. The
resignation has been accepted by the vestry.
L. C. BURT, Esq.. general agent Charter
Oak Life Insurance Co., is in town, lie re
ports the Company in a prosperous condition
and making rapid strides toward regaining
what it lost during the financial troubles of
four years ago.
Doctor EYER, of Waupacca, Wis., who
married our estimable yonug lady friend, Miss
BELLE L \. VIONT ts rroiw <tmibly*h!tpi4V. His
good wife presented him with a beautiful girl
baby 011 Friday last. Like most other first
babies, it weighed exactly nine pdunds. "Mo*
t her and baby both doing well."
Everybody can afford to go 011 the excur
sion to Watkins.
Be sure and purchase your tickets for Ni
agara 011 or before Saturday night and save
25 cts.
For the information of physicians and the
public, generally, we print 011 our fourth page
the law regulating the registration of medical
and surgical practitioners.
The Wyalusiug M. E. Sunday School will WELLES' Grove Saturday afternoon
Avgust flth, and give a Sunday School Exer
cise in the Church the same evening. Ad
mission 10 cents.
THE DOCTORS.— The following additional
registration of doctors was made yesterday:
James W. Parsons, M. I)., Canton boro.;
New York Medical University, Feb. 13, 1880.
Volney Ilomet, M. D., Cainptown; Jeffer
son Medical College, March 8, 1850. Ass't
Surgeon 7th Bonn. Reserves 1802 to 1804.
The largest pic hie of the season was the
one which visited the EILFNREUGKU trout
ponds yesterday, under the auspices of the
M. E. Sunday School. The company number
ed 500, filling eight ears, and the day was en
joyed to the fullest extent by all who partici
pated. The receipts covered the expenses
and left a handsome margin. The delightful
music discoursed by Geruiunia band was en
joyed by both old and young. No accident
occurred to mar the pleasure of any oue.
The managers of the Niagara Falls excur
sion for next Tuesday, were in Towauda yes
terday to remind us again of this rare treat
in store for us. Their work is being done
with great care, and 110 expense is spared nec
essary to make the day one of pleasure and
profit to all. The managers are perfectly re
liable, all business men oflthica, well known
as upright and trustworthy dealers, so that
we are perfectly safe iu resting upon their
representations. They promise a wonderful
chance for a view of all that can ye seen at
Niagara Falls at the least expense of time
and money. Their business reputation is at
stake so vte need have no fear of failure. Let
110 one fail to embrace this rare offer made us
by these gentlemen. Come one and all! Let
us on to Niagara!
The Expensive Rosery and Nursery Ilouse
of 11. G. Chase & Co., of Geneva*-N. -¥r. r
represented in Towanda and vicinity by Mr. J.
T. MOOUK, of Itliaca. This is one of the oldest
and most reliable Nursery Concerns in the
State of New York. Their large and increas
ing trade is due solely to their honorable
method of doing business. Many of our best
citizens will cheerfully testify fo the very
satisfactory manner Of their dealings with
them in the past, always receiving their or
ders in the best condition and True to name.
Parties giving Mr MOORE their orders can do
so with the utmost confidence. Wo bespeak
for him 0 largo patronage.
One of the events of the season is a grand
excursion to Niagara Fulls, over the P A N.
Y., G. I. & S. and N. Y. Central railroads ou
Tuesday next, Aug. 0. Several Ithaca gen
tlemen have undertaken the enterprise, and
offer a very attractive and cheap programme.
l As noticed elsewhere,tin' train will start from
Towauda at 4 a. m., arriving at Niagara at 1
jp. m., remaining there eight hours. Thus it
I gives ample time to see all the sights about
i this most magnificent and grand waterfall,
! the greatest wonder of the world. Soon af
; ter dark the Falls will be gorgeously illumi
nated by powerful electric lights. This sight
alone is worth the trip. Tickets there and
return are sold at the low rate of $4.95,
Cheaper than staying at bonic.
No one should miss this opportunity of a
day's ride through the garden of New York
State. Every one should go and take mother,
sisters Altkuugl*
IMS pessengcrs are confidently expected,
j the managers have arranged for every com-
I fort and convenience, and will spare 110 pains
to make it thoroughly enjoyable and long to
be remembered by those participatning. Tow
anda should turn out at least two hundred 01*
Mr. BARCOCK. the ticket agent of the P. &
N. Y. It. It. has the tickets for sale and in
formed us that he would carry some with
him, so that they can be obtained of him
without going specially to the railroad sta
Parker, the guide, who assaulted Mrs
Bull, escaped lrom the officers last night.
The President's Condition.
AUGUST 3 7 F. M.
The President passed a very satisfac
tory day. The wound continues to do
well. He takes an adequate quantity of
nourishment, and appears in all respects
better than at any time since injured.
The rise of temperature this afternoon is
slight. At present his pulse is 102, tem
perature 99.4, respiration 19.
METEOROLOGICAL.— The thermometer at
Dr. 11. C. PORTER A SON'S Drug Store, at the
corner of Main and Pine streets, indicated as
6a. m.—64 deg. above zero. 9a. m.—7l; 12 111. —
79; 3 p.m.—B6; 6 p. m.—B4;. 9 p. m.—7B.
Average temperature during the day—77.
6 a. m.—72 degs. above zero.
winds mostly southerly; .stationary or lower tem
Don't fail to go to JOHN SULLINAN'S on
Bridge street, for the best five cent cegar.
ducements are offered you by the BURLING
TON ROUTE. It will pay you to read their
advertisement to be found elsewhere in this
issue. _
FOR SALE, —A second hand buggy in good repair.
Inquire at this office.
Lost, Sunday evening, between W. Dittricn's and
F. Watts', a pair of lisle thread gloves, with colored
wrists. Finder will confer a favor by leaving at
Mr. Watts'.
We are constantly receiving orders for " Lum
Smith's Imitation Stained glass," and are ready to
give our patrons the full benefit of an inexpensive
and handsome decoration by placing it on any glass
wlictber door or window, large size or email glass,
gew\vhltn;-rmmd oj?. wqunrb, in fact any posi
tion, shape or kind of frame or glass that needs
shading from the rays of the sun, or from the gaze
of inquisitive eyes. Thankful for the very liberal
patromtge bestowqd since we have received the
agency of this Imitation, we shall by a strict atten
tion to business, lipping to merit a continuance of
the same. To those who have heard of the •'lmi
tation Glass," ahd have not seen it, we extend a
cordial invitation to examine into its real merits,
and ask the prices for which it can he obtained, we
are prepared to contract with churches, balls, or
or other public buildings, and warrant all of our
work to surpass in beauty the genuine stained glass
and our prices arc less than one-fourth the cost of
| the same. Those in need of anything of this kind
or who are lovers of art, whether they wish to pur
chase or not, are respectfully invited to examine
the same at CIIAS. F. Citoss' Book Storel
f , 'V*
Under this head we icill insert FREE, notices of
, r. situations or Ac if ir anted.
Wanted. Work hy the,day, to support my family.
Mrs. (§aml.'G. Berry, Mechanic Atrect.
A addo (iiiftf,; <one who understands nil kinds of
house wqvk and cooking, wanted. Highest wugts.
Inquire at tliis office.
A set second hand light single harness wanted.
A. J. NOBLE, Troy, Pa. July 281
Eagle, Automatic and Copying pencils, at C. P.
Welles' Crockery store. '•'<
C. M. Manville has a quantity of four feet flag
stones for sale cheap..
Picture Frames, .a large stock, varieiy and low
prices at C. P. Welles' crockery and 99c store.
Buy Knapp's Superior Flavoring Extracts
lor lamily use, warranted pure.
Ik* wrbtTmvMlng TMirs, ifrtbd "hssortin7nl*in
medium and low priced goods at C. P. Welles' 99c
Live spring chickens constantly on hand at
Myer's Bridge St. Market.
A GOOD i TOM 11 CHEAP.—I offer for sale
VERY CHEAP, the house and lot, South
east corner Third and Elizabeth streets in
this borough. The house is in good repair,
the lot large, with good well of water and
water in the house. The property will be
sold for half its value on long time.
June 9, 'Bl. O. D. KINNEY.
Chlldrons cart ages at reduced prices to close out
stock, at C. P. Welles' crockery store.
really elegant and eligibly situated residence
of Mrs. Doctor Houston is offered for sale at
a bargain. The lot is large and has ou it an
abundance of fruit of all kinds. It is alto
gether the most desirable property of tlie
kind now on the market Only a small pay
ment required; balance can remaiu on mort
gage. Call on the premises.
July 7. Mrs. HOUSTON.
T U E S 13 Y
AUGUST 9th, 1881.
T 0
P. & N.Y. & G. 1.& S., & N.Y.C. &H.R.R.R.
Giving 8 hours at the Falls.
Hound Trip Ticket.
If bought on or before Saturday Aug. 9th.
From Towanda #4.95,
After Aug. 6th, 25 cents additional will
be charged.
Tickets for sale at all Rail Road Stations.
Train will leave
TO WAND A - - 4.00 A. M.
Arriving at Niagara Falls 1 r. M.
The first and only Excursion over run
from this Seetion to the famous "Wat
kins Glen, will run over portions
of the Pa. & N.Y. ; N.Y., L.E.
& W. and the N.C. Rail
Roads, without
change of cars.
; On Tuesday Aug. IG, 'Bl,
By the Presbyterian aud Methodist
1 Episcopal Churches and Cornet Band of
■ •• f
i -t )l ru.
Presbyterian Church M. E. Church.
Rev . D CRAFT, Pafat. * Rev. J H WRSTON, Past.
Cornet Band.
8 G ZIGLER, Leader.
I M A I.LI s,
The Excursion Train will start from Mehoopany
and stop for• etcnrMonists at all stations
named in the following tahle, in
which is shown the
Schedule Time and Ticket Fare :
6:00 A M leave Mehoopany - - $2 75
6:23 " " Meslioppen - 205
6:38 " • Black Walnut - - -2 60
6:38 " " Skinner's Eddy - 255
6:12 " " Laceyville - - 2 50
7:02 " " Wyalusing - - - 235
7:13 " " . FrenChtown - 230
7:27 " " ltumtnerfteld • • 2 25
7:33 " " Standing Stone - 2 20
7:42 " " Wysauking - . - 2 10
7:49 " •' East Towanda - - 200
7:54 " " Towanda - - - 2 00
8:07 " " Ulster - - - 190
8:16 " " Milan - . . 1 85
8:24 " " Athens 1 75
8:31 " " Say re - * - ' - 170
10:30 " arrive at Watkins.
Returning, the Excursion Train will leave Wat
kins at 6 p m, and will stop at all the stationsnamed
above to let oft* excursionists, arriving at Sayrc at
8:00 pm, Towanda 8;40, Wyalnsing 9:30, Mehoop
any 10:15.
Tickets can be purchased at the above stations,
and are good going and returning on our Excursion
Train for that day only.
This Excursion is very cheap. There is no change
of cars. It gives you over seven hours to go through
the most remarkable Glen in all this region "round
about," and return liorao the same evening. You
can take your own refreshments and call it a pic-nic
or you can stop at the Glen Park Hotel, one of the
fihest In the State, located at the foot of the Glen,
and get a first-class dinner at any hour, and Free
Bus for guests of the Hotel to and from Depot, for
75 cents.
We will sell you a ticket on our train for 20 cents to
go through the Glen—less than half the regular rate
There are many places of great interes in the vi
cintiy, some or all of which you can see, such as
Watkins Glen, Havana Glen, Glen Eld
ridge, Glen Excelsior, Glenora, Hector
Falls, Lodi Glen, Wiilard's Asylum, Lake
Cayuta, Lake Lamoka, Mineral Spriugs,
Devil's Punch Bowl.
From Point Lookout there is one of the finest
panoramic views in the World—Magee Monument,
jron Bridge across Glen Gorge, 165 feet high, &c.
f you desire, you can take a grand boat ride of 20
or 25 miles on Seneca Lake on board one of the
magnificent Steamers of the Seneca Lake Steam
Navigation Co. We will sell you a ticket on our
hain for 20 cents. In short, the Committee of Man
agement and Rail Road Officials will spare no pains
for the comfort, pleasure and safety of the excur
Wyalusing, Pa,, August 4,1881.