to Buy oiMJont Homc'vl ' ' \ Sale and Exchang* FOR BALE ONE low-down milk wagon, one laun dry wagon, one grocery wagon; one ■ Dayton wagon; wagons suitable for all purposes. GROCE'S WAGUN SHOP, 1541 Walnut St. EVERYBODY—Write for our free book let. The only hand massage and vl . brator and improve your health and beauty. McGinnis & Eggstrom, 65 W. i. Harrison St., Chicago. SECOND-HAND building material for sale. Apply 333 Market St. « FOR SALE—Over two hundred mount t ed birds, wild pigeons and other rare specimens; condition excellent; price reasonable. Collectors and schools in -i vestigate. Address DR. VERE TREICH , LER, 'Box 15, Bell phone, Eliza _ bcthtown, Pa. '■ C. W. H. I,A\GLET/,, Lumber—We are overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you 1 big bargains. It vflll pay you to see us. Otlice Cameron and Mulberry Sts. PIANO VAN for sale; has brass rail ing and trimmings, and is in first clasjs condition. Inquire at 137 South Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE—A 4-plece mission library suit, upholstered in genuine leather ■with a library table to match; prioe $35.00; value $55.00. Slightly used and good as new. Address 3784, care Star- Independent. BARGAINS in typewriters. Bar-lock, $10; Williams, $10; Remington, sls; Royal, S3O. L. C. Smith and Under wood, prices reasonable. L, C. SMITH & BROS., 36 S. Fourth St. ONE PIANO —Was used about one year. I am leaving city and will sell it reasonable on montnly payments. Ad dress 3748, care Star-Independent. FOR SALE—AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street. o.uOO gallons New Era Ready Mixed Paint, Acme quality. All the full liue of the Acmt make. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South Becond St.. 6,000 sets new Sash. Bxlo xl 2 L.. primed and glazed, at $1.15 per itt Also other slsea Bisi'dms Opportunities '■i i !-> BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ■ AN EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 5150.00 1 will put you in control of the big ; gest legitimate money-maker in the country. W. J. LaVarre, 198 Broadway, , New York. I BUSINESS of your own. Responsible man wanted to operate vending ma chines and wholesale chewing gum. Small capital required. Part of time. Chic-Mint Gum Co., Wilmington, Dela. ANY' PARTY wishing to start tip cake baking, with a small capital, mav hear of something to their interest by calling at 2015 Penn St. Custom es tablished. AN exceptional chance is offered active party with SI,OOO to invest together with common sense and energy enough to conduct a respectable, permanent, cash business that's easily managed. Free from competition and get rich quick schemes where with ordinarv la bor frcmi $3,000 to $5,000 should be cleared yearly. Owner of this business Invites the very closest Investigation Full particulars will have to be given at personal interview only, which can be had by addressing Profitable. 3778, ————— Legal I—4mpes — — IN HE CltlsenM' < lull— ln the Court of Common I'leax of Dmipliiii County. I CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made by Charles H. ! .Tones. Albert 11. liuffan and James R. ! Wilson, et al.. to the Court of Common I Pleas of Dauphin County, on Monday, ! the 24th day of May, 1915, under the ! Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth i of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to ; . provide for the incorporation and reg ulation of certain corporations," ap- 1 proved April 29th, A. D. 1874, and the I supplements thereto, for the charter of i " an intended corporation, to be called the "Citizens' Club." the character and j object whereof is "the maintenance of at 1 club for social enjoyments, and in this ' ' behalf to secure a suitable place of 1 meeting, and to maintain a library and i a reading room provided with the news- ' papers, magazines and periodicals of the day, thereby promoting the social, | i moral and educational welfare of its I I members," and for these purposes to " have, possess and enjoy all the rights, . benefits and privileges of the said act of Assembly and its supplements. j ] MICHAEL E. ST ROUP, - f— ■ ■ . i,i . «. - i ■ .. | , Houses For Salo 1412 Berry hill St.—3-story brick —8 rooms— bath and furnace. 1207 H Derry St. —3-story brick J —9 rooms—bath and furnace. 28 N. Eighteenth St.—3-story j brick—one of a pair. A desirably located property. * ! 1 1384 N. Fourth St. 3-room | i 'frame house. Lot 22 l /fcx6o ft. I - Kents at $S a month. Price, SI,OOO. i 1411-18-15 N. Fourth St. —-frame j houses. Rental income $384. Price, ! $8,200. i > 921 Green St. —2-story brick— j " shop 16x20 on rear. Lot 20x171 ft. | 405 Herr St. —3-story brick—9 j " ro*nis —batli and steam heat. ' 2:15 Maclay St. —3-story brick— j 1 corner house —steam heat. Lot f 21x98. j 2447 Reel St. —2 '/£-story brick— ? 8 rooms—bath and furnace, $2,050. 1 2121 N. Second St. 3-story d brick; —a thoroughly modern house. !j 2218 N. Second St. —2 Vis-story j brick and stucco—modern through- i out. Lot 25x100 ft. I " 1816 State St.—r-3-story brick— j ' 8 rootps —bath and furnace. 1004 N. Third St.—3-storv brick i j —9 rooms —bath and steam heat. i - 1801 - 1807 - 1810 - 1812 South | Twelfth St., and 1208 Pigeon Ave. I F These houses will be sold together or J | f, separately. : f MILLER BROTHERS & CO. •• REAL ESTATE J Fire Insurance Surely Bonds Locust and Court Strreti A / - v pr } j*'™ HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 15, 1915 Rnl Estate - REAL EBTATB FOB l*M HARM of seven acres; brick house, all necessary outbuildings; In Dauphin county; three miles from Harrisburg, 10 minutes walk to trolley; 6-cent fare. Price $3,600. H. G. P«DL<hV. 110 S. Thirteenth St. ISO CASH and payfnents of $18.25 per month will buy a new -brick house; all improvements; side entrance. H. G. FED LOW, 110 S. Thirteenth «t. RIVER ROAD property; good 7-room house; porches; granolithic walk; lot 52x400; to river edge; price $2,200. H. U. PEDLOW, 110 8. Thirteenth St. 57 ACRES—2% miles west of Mechan icsburg, 10 minutes walk from trolley line; frame dwelling; 8 rooms; frame bank barn; limestone soil. BRINTON PAOKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE— -622 Mahantango St.; 3-story brick; 7 rooms, bath and furnace; lot 15x105. Locust St.. Camp Hill; 1\ acres; 3 squares north of trolley line; 2V4-story frame dwelling; 6 rooms, bath and vapor vacuum heat; hardwood floors; porches, HO fruit trees coming In bearing. Price $4,200.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Streets. I WOULD LIKE to turn wLhln ten days two North street properties, 1713 Re glua, 231 N. Fourteenth St., bungalow at Paxtonia, furnace, cellar; large plot of ground. CASSELU 1444 Rcgina St. (24) ACRES ($1350) (On) Main Road (to)large CMty Mar ket. Buildings (alone) valued t52600). Telephone in Double Porch Home, largo Bank Barn, straw shed, wagon, hog, poultry and storage houses. All kinds of Choice Fruit, fine meadows and creek. With (tine) black horse (2) large good oows (2) hogs (100) chick ens (170) bushel corn (35) outs (10) wheat (8) rye (10) potatoes (3) ton straw and hay and Fanning Machinery ready to go to work ft ($1900). Old People. Possession (at) once.' (Bargain). (80) ACRES <53200) (Buildings) all Painted (1915) valued alone ($4000). On Main Road to City Market (8) room (2) porch home, Tele phone, mail (at) door (500) feet to school and church. Large Bank Barn, straw shed and (double Wagon House. All kinds of Choice Fruit (22) acres Winter Grain and Spring Water Creek. With (2) fine young horses (3) fresh cows (6) hogs (65) chickens (4) ton hay and straw (104) bushel oats (180) corn (20) wheat (10) rye (14) potatoes (team) harness and wagon—Sacrifice— onl* ($3850), (46) ACRES ($1700) (Joining) Eastern Boundary and Sus quehanna river only (5) squares to trolley, railroad station and large City Market. Fruit Orchards grew ($475) fruit last year. Flowing spring water, meadows and creek. (4) acres wood land. Two-story Home, Barn and out buildings. (Loam Soil). Match team Horses valued ($500) and (2) cows (4) hogs (20) chickens (3) ton hay and straw (36) bushel corn (24) oats (16) wheat (8) rye (12) potatoes (new) team, harness and wagon only (s#*oo). GEORGE B. OSTRANDER Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings FOR SALE— -1216 Green St.. 2 V4-story stucco frame house, 6 rooms, bath and furnace; eornen property; just finished; posses sion at once. 236 Charles Ave., 2 V4-story stucco house; six rooms, bath and furnace; just finished; possession at once. Lot 34 feet fronting on Green street, near Broad street. M. A. FOUGHT, 272 North St. $2300 WILL BUY a frame house on S. Eighteenth near Market street; all Improvements; look at No. SI North Eighteenth street. Price and particu lars at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. SI2OO WILL BUY a frame house on Rudy street; also two desirable Pen brook properties for sale at reason able price; large lots; fruit. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—No. 1944 N. Seventh St.. 2- story frame, all conveniences, front porch. Nos. 1107 arid 1109 Plum avenue, 2-story frame, water In kitchen. No. 1112 N. Fourteenth St., brick, conven iences, front porch. No. 1940 Derry SU all conveniences, front and sido porch. C. H. OKCUTT, 267 Cumberland St. _ REAL ESTATE FOB BENT __ CAMP HILL —A small frame house —six rooms with bath, near Market »nd Cumberland streets, Camp Hill. Will rent to respectable small family. In quire F. A. SENSEMAN, Cumberland St., Ca.m.p Hill. FOR RENT No. 1413 Market St., .....$26.50 No. 1110 Walnut St $20.00 No. 2016 Kensington St $10.50 No. 1019 S. 21 St »10.U0 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market St. HOUSES FOR RENT— -1620 Regina St $23.00 1 2609 N. Sixth St $23.00 1 1306 Wallace St $12.50 1729 State St $27.00 35 S. Thirteenth St $25.00 i BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. NICE HOUSE for rent, 1208 Penn St., corner Penn and Charles Ave, All conveniences; rent reasonable. Inquire of H. COHEN, 202 Market St. FOR RENT—A frame house, No. 1532 Thompson avenue; five rooms. To a small family of adults, rent $lO per month. Inquire of GEORGE L. KEP- ! NER, 114H Liberty SU TWO .<EW houses, Nos. 1909 and 1911 Zarker street; all improvements, steajn heat; rent reasonable. Call on premises. / DESIRABLE houses and apartments tor rent, all over city. Reasonable rents. Inquire HARVEY T. SMITH. 204 South Thirteenth street. Bell phone 248 M. FOR -RENT—House, all Improvements, city steam heat; central location, $ doors above Market street; suitable for boarding or rooming house. 9 N. Fifth St. Apply S. MELTZER, 513 Walnut St. FOR RENT— -542 S. 17th St $18.50 540 S. 17th St $18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hershey, 18 South Third Street. rOK KENT—Houses with all improve ments. at moderate rental* J. K. GIPPLE. 1251 Market 8t- REAL ESTATE - WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED— PIot of ground containing at least 30,000 square feet. R. It. siding preferred. Box No. 3783, care Star-Independent. APARTMENTS FOR EEirT MODERN and sanitary; steam heat; electric lights, gas range and water heaters; laundry trays; finest equipped for medium rent in city. Location 1419 Vernon and 1418 Thompson Sts. Open for inspection. Apply BAPTISTI, Third and Chestnut Streets. FOR RENT—Large room, third floor, lire proof building; corner of Aber deen and Strawberry avenues. Frelgnt elevator service. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co., 222 Market St. »BAL~ESTATE fOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOB RENT and 2 ft-story ' dwelling houses tor sala. Elder Ileal ' 24th and Parry Bf. UNFUENISHED ROOMS rOR RENT ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS : Built especially for light housekeeping single or with kitchenettes, arrange- * ments strictly private, stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bath room 1 privileges. Private lockers for surplus ' furniture Inquire office, 429 Broad St., ■ or Janitress. same building. Daily ln apectlon Invited. FOR RENT—Several unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, no children. 1 Also, one furnished room. Apply 814 N. Third street. ' * . Warts VmsBBMMaMaMnwnMMasMM HE l * WAMTBP—MAU i WANTED—Carpenters ' and laborer*, corner Ninth and Cumberland Stß. . Apply to FRED A. HAVENS CO. ■ RiELIA RLE MAN to distribute pre premiums advertising Rogers 20-year ■ silverware; salary and commission; can I work part time. Charles A. Doe Co., 19 , Cope'and Bldg., Philadelphia. ■ WANTED—Man to represent us in your , own territory. $85.00 per month trav eling expenses and commission. Experi ence unnecessary. Wrltei quick. E. O. Andrews, 2909 Indiana Ave., Dept. 44, - Chicago. ! LABORERS WANTED [ at , 333 MARKET STREET r ' WANTED—SB carpenters to call at the Hershey House to-night; steady job. EDWARD KNIEPP. MEN WANTED for detective work; also ■ instructed by former U. S. G-ovt. de " tective. Write J. Qanor, 2309 Calumet, t cl ' lca go. ; SBO MONTHLY and expenses to travel, distribute samples and take orders, appdlnt agents; permanent. Jap-Amer ican Co., Chicago. S3O WEEKLY, event, gs at home. Ev erything furnished, no experience, no ' canvassing. Don't worry about capital. | Boyd H. Brown, De-pt. A3lO, Omaha; Neb. EVERYWHERE, men willing to dis tribute circulars, samples, tack signs, | collect names, etc. No canvassing. | Continental Register, Chicago. BE A DETECTIVE—Earn SSO to SIOO weekly; travel all over the world. 1 Write Dept. 156, United States Detective and Adjusting Agency, Railway Kx | change. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED—Traveler. Age 27 to 50. Ex perience unnecessary. Salary, com -1 mission and expense allowance to right man. J. E. Mcßrady, Chicago. BE A DETECTIVE— Earn $25 to $75 weekly, chance to see the world with all expenses paid. Write for particu lars to Lorainu Detective System, Inc., Dept. 121, Boston, Mass. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodled unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts„ Harrisburg, Pa, GOVERNMENT examinations; thorough instruction, $5. Returned if not ap pointed. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Washington. D. C. 18 MEN WANTED for chauffeurs posi tions; new system home study with models; recommended by auto manu facturers; our graduates earn to SSO weekly, illustrated catalogue anct Employment Plan free. Wm. Crabb, Deipt. 6, 66 Beaver St., New York. BOY of temperate habl«a, 15 to 17 years of age, for general work around green house. Apply S. W. MILLER. | East End green house, 910 S. Twentieth St., Harrisburg, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. EXPERIENCED white man wants em ployment of any kind; house cleaning preferred. Apply A. L. 1819 N. Seventh St., Harrisburg, Pa, COLORED MAN with a small family wants positiop as chauffeur, butler or hoUßenvan; has been at last position 7% years; best of reference. Apply STERLING KEYS, 446 Ridge St.. Steel ton, DRUGS—Registered graduate, married; sixteen years experience, wisiies po sition; references. P. O. Box 194, Har risburg, Pa. WANTED—A position as chauffeur for a jitney bus; can furnish reference. Call 3694W, Bell phone, or 109 Washing ton street. MAN wants work in a store or as jan itor. Inquire 1170 S. Cameron St. WANTED—Man 45 wishes a position as collector, watchman or general store work; has ten years experience in gro cery business. R., Logan Ave. VIIDDLE-AGEI) MAN, of temperate hab its would like work as blacksmith, lias 25 years experience and can give best of references. Address or call. S. WEAVER, Second St., Wormleysburg. I WANTED—Whitewashing and house work done by CHARLES SUMMERS, | 608 rork Ave. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS—A big summer seller; sotne thlng new; concentrated soft drinks. Just add water; delicious soft drinks In a jiffy, any time, anywhere. Popular for the home, picnics, parties, socials, etc. Guaranteed under U. S. pure food laws. Lightweight packages by parcel post; no delay. Enormous demand. Agents coining money; $6 to #l2 a day. 250 other fast sellers, all big repeaters, 100 per cent, profit. Agents' outfit free. Territory going fast. Be quick. Just a postal to-day. American Products Co., i 326 Third St., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS—Everybody uses our goods at this season of the year. Write now for catalogue, particulars and free sam ple. Thomas McLaughlin, 118 Knox Ave., Monessen, Penna. AGENTS—-New game for cigar stores; easy seller; big repeater; particulars free. United Sales Co., 205 Walnut Ph, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS—SOO per cent, profit. Free samples. Gold sign letters for stores and office windows. Any one can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 437 N. Clark, Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED. GOOD steady position for salesman to sell factories, garages, stores, dry cleaners, etc. Milwaukee Tank Works. Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED—Six men at once to repre sent us in Eastern cities and towns. $l5O to $250 monthly. We pay every Thursday. No samples; no selling or collecting; simply determination to work. Such full Instructions furnish ed that success Is assured. Write and secure splendid income. H. O. Jones, Sec'y, 750 Schwind Bldg., Dayton, O. SALESMEN—SideIine. Your own ter ritory. SIO.OO electric flashing change able letter window sign. 30 days time. Ross made $43 first morning. You will Free sauvple. Flashtrlc Sign Works, Chicago. BITUATIONB WANTED—FEMALE. A WOMAN of c&tture and refinement desires Immediate employment. Ad dress MRS. W„ 135 N. Summit. WANTED—Days' work ocf any kind. Ad dress or call 2013 N. Cameron St COIX)RED WOMAN wants a position as cook. Cajl or write 520 Brown's Ave., City. A YOUNG colored girl would like a po sition as light housekeeper or as general nurse girl. Address or call ANNA HICKS. 1437 Vernon St. City. WHITE LADY wishes work by the day. Can give reference. Address or call . 1313 Cowden street, Harrleburg. r WANTED—Position as housekeeper by i woman with boy nine years old. Call i or Address M. P., 357 Nectarine Ave. 1 Wants HELP WANTED. . WANTED—Cutter who understand* the marking and cutting of aprons, at once. Aipply Coonvbe Garment Co.. Ml " nersvllle. Pa. r DISTRIBUTORS—Wanted to hi re (iev > eral men end women. Distribute free ) packages soap powder with soapß, etc. Experience unnecessary. State wages - expected. Write WARD CO., 217 Instl i" tute, Chicago. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—Ladies with good repute to introduce our merchandise to the pub lic. Apply after 6.30 p. in. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. 208 N. Second St., City. GOOD MONEY made ait home knitting hosiery; machines furnished on time; we buy or sell \our goods; easy and constant work. Gleason Wheeler (Inc.), 337 Madison, Chicago. LADIES—Make shields at home, |lO per 100; send stump. Work sent prepaid. King Mfg. Co., 1131 Broadway, Now york City. LADIES —Make shields at home; SIO.OO per 100. No canvassing required. Sent] stamped-addressed envelope for particulars. Eureka Co., Dept. 1121). Kalamazoo, Mich. WANTED—For a orlvate family, to go short distance in country, competent colored cook; will have assistant; must be first class and give good references; good wwges. Apply 517 N. Second St. WANTED—-Housekeeper, one who has no objections to children; middle-aged lady preferred; good home for the right person. Address F. A. LUTZ, 958 South 21st street. WANTED—GirI or wom«n for general housework; good place to right party. Call or address Office, 429 Broad St., be tween 10 and 11 a. in. WANTED—Vampers, Hp stitchers and headers. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Man ufacturing Co.. Vernon St., Harrisburg, Pa, " WANTED—Experienced help. Ap ply Silk Mill, corner North aud Second streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Cjirls over 16 years of age to learn cigar making. Paid while learn ing. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race street.. Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKING PACKING—A. M. SHRENK. 1906 North Sixth street, first class packer of fur nUure. china and brlcabrac. Bell phone ALL KINDS Qg HAULING . ALL. kinds of hauling; large two-ton truck; furniture, pianos, freight. In the city and suburbs, prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE, 145* Vmnon St. Bell phone 3517 J. WANTED AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Who want to dispose of their cars for sales, consult us at once. We have buyers. No sale, no pav. We sell, repair and store automobiles. Try Keystone service. Bell phone 266 R. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO., 814 N. Third street; also Keystone Garage. 919 Myr tle Avenue. MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY IN ANY AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty. Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT 00. 13a Walnut Street PERSONAL. LADIES—When delayed or irregular, use Triumph Pills; always depend able. "Relief" and particulars free. Write National Medical Institute, Mil waukee. Wis. STORAGE STORAGE In a-story orrck building, rear 408 Market St. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. DIENER, Jeweler. (U8 Market St. FIREPROOF STORAGK—Private rooms for household goods, $2.00 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South' Second St. HARRISBURG STORAGE COMPANY. FINANCIAL. ANY PERSON NEEDING MONEY In amounts from $5 to SSO. holding a salaried position, would be benefited by calling on us. EMPLOYES' DISCOUNT CO.. 36 N. Thlrd St._ PIANO MOVING PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing and storing; work done by experts. WIN-' TER PIANO CO.. 23 N. Fourth St. Bell phone 148. MISCELLANEOUS SIGNS of all kinds; brass signs st half price; our simplified process makes this possible; strictly high class work guaranteed. MANAHAN & CO., 24 S Dewberry street, DETECTIVE PRIVATE DETECTIVE GEORGE W. SHULER 522 & Fifteenth St. Bell Phone 2898R L ■mm*m Lest aod Found FOUND. FOUND—The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market Bt. Do you? Call and deliver. FOUND—A decided Improvement In my appearance since having my clothing cleaned and pressed at Parisian Dye Works. 1409 N. Third. Branch, Hoffman- Kerns. 337 Chestnut. Bell phone. Call- Ing and delivering. / LOST (LOST— hand pfX'kftbook. tan colored, on Fourth street car. betwoen 11 and 12 o'clock to-day, Saturday. Re ward It. returned to DR. FAG BR. 1234 N. Sixth St. FINANCE SHORT INTEREST DRIVEN TO COVER IN MARKET TO-DAY • Prices of Stocks Rise Two to Four Points and Clouds Which Gathered Over Country's International Rela ; tions Were Partly Dispelled By Associated Press. New York, May 15.—Wall titreet.— , The clouds which gathered over the stock market yesterday as a result of the apparent crisis in this country's . international relations were partly dis pelled to-rlsy. Prices of stocks rose 2 to 4 points aind the staort' interest was again hurriedly driven to cover. War . shares, yesterday's weakest features, made up some of their declines and standard shares as well as speculative issues responded to the more cheerful mood. Tracing was very moderate through out, however, pursuant to the policy of caution counselled in responsible quar , ters. Recessions occurred in the final dealings, Hethleheni Steel and Westing house KJectric reacting sharply. For eign advices were of the usual conflict ing character but domestic news was i altogether reassuring. Bonds were I strong. The market closed firm. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS New York, May 15.-1915. Open Close Amalgamated Copper 63% 6,1% American Beet Sugar 41 4.1 American Can 31% 32 American C. and F |B§J 49 American Cotton Oil 44 14 American Ice Securities... 29 30>.jj American Locomotive 40>4 41% American Smelting 63»» ti I V. American Sugar 104 104 Anac-onda Atchison, «»7 gg-i; Baltimore and Ohio 73 ty 71 lj Bethlehem Stefl 130 130 Brooklyn Rap. Tran 85 88 California Petroleum 14 14 Canadian Pacific, .. ] :># 158 Central Leather 33*4 34% Chesapeake and 0hi0,... 41 42'4 Chi., Mil. and St. Pau1,.... 88 89'<j Chino Con. Copper 41 41*4 Col. Fuel and Iron 25 25% Corn Products 12% 12 7i Erie 23? i ''4% do., Ist preferred 38 V. 39 Goodrich B. F 39% .411,: Great Northern pfd., 115 1 \ii ',4 Great Nth. Ore, subs 29Vi 30% Interboro-Met 19»j 20 do., preferred ti7% 68% Lehigli Valley 137% 1-P Mexican Petroleum 65 . 67% Missouri Pacific 12% n National Lead 55 56 Nev. Consol. Copper, 13% 14% 'New York Central 83'4 83% N. Y„ N. H. and H., 61 62 Northern Pacific 103 104 Pennsylvania R. R 105106% Pittsburgh Coal 18% 19V, Press Steel Car 39 39% Ray Con. Copper 21% 2"-% Reading 141% 142% Republic Iron and Steel, .. 24% 25% Southern Pacific, 85% 87 Southern Railway 16% 3S Tennessee Copper 30 31 Union Pacific 122% 123% U. S. Rubber 58% 60 <4 U. S. Steel 51 51% do., preferred ...104% 100% Utah Copper 61% 62% Virginia-Car. Chem 27% 28 Western Union 63% 64% Westinghouse Mfg 86% 87 Philadelphia Closing Prices Philadelphia, May 15. —Stocks cloned steady: Cambria Steel 46u General Asphalt it do., preferred 64 I>ake Superior Corporation. ... 7 Lehigh Navigation, 71 Lehigh Valley. 6974 P. R K > 53 u Philadelphia Klectric 23% Philadelphia Company 34% I do., preferred 34' | P. R. T I 714 Reading 71^ Storage Battery 50 % Union Traction 31 U. G. 1 82 U. S. Steel 5H4 Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia. May 15.—Wheat weak; No. 2 red, car lots, export, 152©t00; No. 1 northern, Duluth export, 163@156. Corn steady; No, 2 spot, export, 76® 80; No. 2 yellow, local. 83@83%. Oats lower; No. 2 white. 61Ji6lii. Bran weak; winter, per ton, "29.00- spring, per ton, 25.50®26.00. ltetined sugars steady; powdered. 6.10- line granulated. 6.00; confectioners' \ tOiu. Butter lower; western creamery, ex tra, 28; nearby prints, fancy, 31. Eggs iiteady; nearby firsts, free case 6.1u; current receipts, free case, 5.85; western extra firsts, free case. 6.15- firsts, free oase, 5.70@5.85. Live poultry firmer; fowls, 17@18- roosters, 11%@12; chickens, broilers, 30@38; turkeys, 13@15; ducks, 13@15; geese, 10@11. Dressed poultry firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18#19; average, 10017- unattractive, 14®15; old roosters, 13%-' frozen fowls, 18® 18; roasting chickens 17®SO; broiling chickens, 22®27; tur keys, 18@2S; ducks, 12® 18; geese, 12 ® 16. Potatoes weaker; Pennsylvania. i<er bushel. 50®52; Maine, 50®52; New York 35® 12; Florida, per barrel, $3.50#5 25. ' Flour firmer; winter straight, 7.00® 7.25; spring straight, 7.35®7.50; patent. 7.50® 8.25. / Hay firm; No. 1 large bales, 19.50 ®20.00; medium bales, 19.50W20.00- No 2. 17.50®)18.50; No. 3, 15.50® 16.50; light mixed, 19.00® 19.50; No. 1, 18.00® 18.50; No. 2, 16.00® 17.00. Chicago Live Stock Market _ Chicago, May 15.— Hogs—Receipts, 7,000; strong. Bulk. 7.70®7.85; light. 7.60®7.95; mixed, 7.55®7.95; heavy, 7.30 rough, 7.30® 7.45; pigs, 5.75® Cattle—Receipts, 100; ste-ady. Native beef steers, 6.80@9.35: western steers, 6.00®7.85; cows and heifers, 3.30W8.75; calves, 6.50®9.25. 7.90®8.60; lambs, 7.75®9.90. WEKKLY BANK CLEARINGS Bradstreet's Figures for Last Week In Harrisburg and Other Cities Bank clearings in the United States for the week ending May 13, as re ported to Bradstreet's Journal, New York, aggregate 13,612,085,000, against )4,200,323,000 last week and $2,996,491,000 in this week last year. Canadian clearings aggregate $134,- 747,000, as against $160,122,000 last week and $159,966,000 in this week last year. Following are the returns for this week, with percentages of change from this week last year: New York $2,182,518,000 I 34.6 Chicago 315,470,000 I 2.8 Philadelphia 151,152,000 I 4.7 Boston 161,928,000 I 1.5 St. Louis 77,531,000 I 1.2 Kansas City 74,895,000 I 44.6 Pittsburgh 47,221,000 D 11.2 San Francisco, ... 47.283,000 D 2.0 Baltimore 32,894,000 D 5.9 Scranton *3,426.000 Reading 2,013,000 I 1.3 Wllkes-Barre 1,637.000 I 9.7 Lancaster, 1,610,000 p 2.4 Harrisburg, 1,561,000 I 2.9 Erie, 1.002,000 D 9.1 York 961,000 IJ 3.1 Chester 628,000 D 5.5 Globo tndemnity Company, N. Y. Surety Bonds Liability Insurance The Neefe Agency, Kunkel Bldg. —Adv. SOCIETY FOLK 10 HELP AT STEELTON CARNIVAL They Will Wear o*y Costumes in he tiding Over Booths While Croatian and Servian Sokols Entertain With Brilliant Native Folk Dances 'Fashionable folk of both lHarrisburg and Hteelton are talcing great interest in tho ■plans 'being made 'by the women of the steelton Civic Club for a "'Borne talent" carnival to be held in Seceud street, Steelton, Saturday, May 22, for the 'benefit of the \ isiting Nurse's fund of the thorough. The carnival will be held from 2 o'clock until 10 at niffht, and special interest attaches not only to the fact that the young persons of the Cottage Hill section, where the families of the Pennsylvania Steel Com pany oflicials reside, will participate in fancy dress, tout also to the fact that the foreign population of Steelton will take part in all the splendor of their native dress. Second street will 'be roped off for Iho occasion from Pino street to Adams, and at. night the thoroughfare will ?>o brilliantly illuminated not only with extra nr.' lamps tout with powerful searchlights. The street will be gaily decoratod with bunting and flags of all nations and the plans indicate that it will be the most brilliant affair of the kind ever attempted in Steelton. Mrs. R, V. W. Reynders is general chairman of the committee of arrange ments, and Mrs. Richard V. McKay is in eharge of the drills and other exhi bitions to be given 'by Steelton sokols of the Servians and Croatians. More than 100 of the men, women and chil dren of the sokols will participate, wearing their gorgeous national cos tumes. Persons In Charge of Booths This part of the entertainment will consist of drill®, foii dances, Indian club and wand exercises and perform ances on Ihe trapesc and parallol Ivars, —all taking place in the street. There also will be a bi|< street parade hetucPed by tho famous Steclton band which will give frequent, concerts during the afternoon and evening. Another feature will bo singing by a colored quartet. The booths will be elaborate and gorgeous. Mrs. Liewis E. Johnson will be in charge of the country store and will be assisted by a corps of young women of social prominence w"ho will wear appropriate costumes and sell a great variety of wares including aprons, caps, fancy articles, baked beans, canned goods and everything else ordi narily found in a well regulated coun try store. Mrs. Henry Gross will preside over the. bargain counter; Mrs. Robert 'M. Rutherford will conduct the cake booth, and Mrs. Charles V. Buck, the ice cream department. There will be two May pole dances, in charge of Mrs. Chariee T. Feidt, while Mrs. Prank D. Carney will chap eron a corps of pretty girls who will sell "hot dogs," pies, coffee and other things at a regular "quick lunch" counter. Mrs. Uttley Aberc.rom-bie will •direct the sale of soft drinks to the thirsty throng that is sure to be there. '' Hlt-the-Baby'' Booth Not even the " Hit-the-babj'" booth will be omitted. It will be in charge of Mrs. McKay and anybody who oan knock d'won the requisite number of miniature doll babies will be rewarded with a fine five-cent cigar, which will be handed out by Charles T. Feidt or Charlton Reynders. There will be a fortune-telling tent in charge of Mrs. Maude Hope, but the committee de clines to announce the names of the pretty "gypsies" who will mysterious ly delve into the future for all per sons who have the price. Mrs. Wiggs, of cabbage patch fame, will be impersonated by Miss Katherine Darby, who will be assisted by Miss Azalea, daughter of Steelton \s burgess, and there will be lots of other attrac tions which are bound to net a fine nest egg for Mve very worthy cause. SPEAKS ON EAGLESMEBE J. Horace McFarland Addresses Young People at Stevens Church An illustrated lecture on Eaglesmere was given -last night by J. florace Mc- Farland at Stevens Memorial church, at a meeting of Epworth League mem Ib-ers of the city. An address was also made by the Rev. A. S. Williams, pastor of Camp ■CuTtin Memorial church. The male chorus of the Stevens Memorial church sang. Injured in Crossing Auto Crash Salisbury, Md., May 15.—'His auto mobile struck by a freight train, Mr. Ba«hore, a partner in the firm of tho Eastern Shore Real Estate, was seri ously injured here yesterday. He was picked up and rushed to the Peninsula General Hospital, where he is in a seri ous condition. Death and Obituary DIED. WEN'RIOK—On Friday night, May 13th, 1914, John Joseph Wenrick, Sr., aged 65 years. Funeral services will be held from the home of his son. William R. Wen rick. 1312 'Herr street, Tuesday after noon at 2 o'clock. Interment In Harrls burg cemetery. MIS FOR SALE ALL GRAUKS AND SIKE9 From 48 Acres, fair buildings, for S9OO, to 311 Acres, good buildings, for $3750. and acreage for suburban residences and farms for flowers, chickens, "truck" or vege tables. Come and see the country It's delightful—A "Jitney" to show you around. C. B. CARE Care's Grocery, I.lncleatown, Pa. A description at 400 Market street, j HarrUhurg. 11 614% | , and Ample Safety We •re offering the Two I Year 6% Convertible Bond* of a very prosperous Public Utility Corporation, serving a territory growing at about three times the ratio of in crease throughout the United States. Price to Yield &A% Full particular i on requtsl Jtr Circular O-SO N. W. Halsey & Co. 49 Wall Straat, New York Experience in Buying Bonds should be used as a guide In making other investments. With this idea in mind we are recom mending a bond secured by First Mortgage on a combination of Utilities in a substantial and growing community. The at tractive price at which this , bond can be bought makes it in our opinion a most desir able investment, not only now, but for the future as well. Send for Circular M-129,which describes this bond in detail A. B. Leach & Co. InTastment Securities 149 Broadway, New York Chlcac* Philadelphia Buffalo Boston Baltimore London JAPANESE!" GOV'T CMOS inest I I Sold 95% Safest Price to-day 76 Investment Yield 8.06% we know. CLARENCE CONE & CO. 46 Broadway New York FOR SALE NEW CUMBERLAND MATTRESS FACTORY Owing to the death of the pro prietor, the entire stock, machinery and equipment of the New Cumber-, land Mattress Factory, doing an established, profitable business, will be sold at a great sacrifice. For full particulars call on MRS. J. G. DAVIS, Lock Box 431, Frout Street, New Cumberland, Pa. ________ J I FOR REHT l | Large Room ( j; About 4,000 sq. ft., third |> || floor, fire-proof building ;i || Corner of Aberdeen & ji li Strawberry Avenues ji II Freight Elevator Service <: Apply j ji Commonwealth jj Trust Co. j| 222 Market Street j MONEY If you woi-k, keep house, pay your hills and need money for a good purpose, we can supply It in amounts of %a to 1200 at legral rates, payable weekly or monthly. Organized in 1909 by local people witii local cap ital to »ave borrowers from extortion, the Co-opera tive, regardless of what others advertise, still leads for business rates, terms and service. CO-OPERATIVE Loan t Investment Co. illM CHKmtIT ST. Open dally from 8 a. m. to ti p. m.. and Wednesday and ' Saturday evenings until It o'clock. For Sale I 1923 X. Second St., 3-story brick. 2033 *. Second St., lot 50x16:; ft. INIO ,\. Third St., store room and two apartments. JTI4 State St., 3-story brh'k. 1805 lirern St., 3-ator.v brirk. 1810 Snatnra St., 3-story frame. PAXTANQ 3<4-at»ry frame, lot 7:'x130 ft. I.ot, Paxtanic Ave., 85x150 ft. SPEECEVILLE 2 Kurnlnhed CottnKex along river, 6 acres of ground. hundred fruit trees, beautiful summer place. FOR RENT 2223-25 Atl»M Av«'„ U-Rtory brick, all improvements, electric lights, sls H. M. BIRD UNION TRt'ST Bf.DU. V—— _ ——— LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest prices and ou short notice.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers