The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, April 27, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Henrietta D. Grauel
Sweet Red Peppers or Canned Pimentos
The sweet red pepper '* on< " 1
greatest helps that housekeepers have
when they want to give a variety in
the serving of vegetables or a fancy t
touch to a meal.
The bright red color and the
. piquancy of the vegetable change the ,
character of every other food they
are added to. tf you have not formed
the habit of using peppers try some
of the following suggestions, but please
be sure you use the sweet variety of
the pepper family, for the peppery
pepper is too hot for our palates.
One pleasing combination is cauli
flower and red pepper salad. Blanch and
cook the cauliflower; it should be of '
ivory whiteness when finished. Break
into neat bits and chill. Remove the
tops from the peppers as well as all
the white-fibre lining. If you like them
mild soak in cold water. Pip the cauli
flower in French salad dressing and fill
the pepper cups with it. Set each pep
per on blanched lettuce and garnish
with cream cheese balls. Canned pi
mentos may be used for any of these
Bed Peppers Stuffed With Mushrooms
Prepare the peppers by seeding and
scraping out the lining after cutting
them lengthways. Moisten two cups of
soft crumbs with cream, season with
*a!t, pepper and butter. Add two
chopped fresh mushrooms to each cup of
crumbs and stuff this into the halves
of the peppers. Bake in a shallow pan
with a little water in it until the
stuffing is brown.
Chicken and Pepper Fritters
Mis one-half can of cbm. oce half
enp of flour and tw v > cups of chopped
chicken meat or chicken and veal with
enough milk to realte a thin batter.
Add half a cup of chopped sweet pep
pers. Bake like griddle cakes, using
plenty of drippings in the frying pan.
Asparagus tips in pimentos is popu
Man Is Torn to Pieces As Missiles Fly
From Mill
Bloomeburg. April 2 7.—The body
of Henry Heid. aged 40, of Fishing
Creek township, was torn to pieces
yesterday when a nut fell off a chop
ping mill and into the cog wheels an!
pieces of the mill flew in ali direc- >
Heid was in the path of some of the
pieces and the upper part of his body
was shockingly mangled, and he suf
fered several fractures of the skull and
lived only a few minutes. His brother,
George Heid. standing on the other
side of the mill, was only slightly
So great was the force of the flying
Iron that part of the building was torn
Saved After Burial Alive
Shamokin. Pa.. April 27.—H0 war!
Sharp and James Auguetine, of Kulp
iront. anl John Williams. Green Ri ige,
were caught behind a rush of coal at
the Green Ridge colliery of the Penn
sylvania Coai Company. Rescuers
Time It! In Five Min- ;
utes Your Sick Up
set Stomach Feels
When yonr mea's don't fit com
fortably or what you eat lies like a
lump of lead in yonr stomach, or if you i
have heartburn, that is a sign of indi- i
Get from your pharmacist a fifty-cent i
ease of Pape's and take a .
do«e just as soon a*< you can. There >
w;ll be no soar risings, no belching of ' ]
Unrivaled for Purity and Flavor
" \ V
A builder of A Tonic
strength for businessmen and
and flesh overworked persons
Produced by the Master Brewer
Bell 82« L Order It Independent SIS
0 = =
| Has Its Real Value
The wants of many business people and home de
mands are realized by its use. Let us act for and
with you—now. Call at our office or
Bell Phone 3280 Independent 246 or 246
lar now because the tips are just in
season. The coarser part of the aspara
gus may be used in cream of asparagus
soup, though so early in the month the
| entire stalk should be delightfully
Cook the asparagus as usual and
dress with well seasoned cream sauce
made a trifle thicker than is usual.
Heat the pepper* in boiling water and
serve the asparagus in them. If you
prefer you may chill the vegetables and
masque the asparagus in mayonnai#
and serve as a salad', but it is fine when
prepared as directed.
"Please tell me where I can find
liquid wall plaster and is it already
mixer! t"
Reply.—This is a dry powder and
only requires the addition of water. It
comes in all colors and may be had, un
| der manv names, at any paint store.
• • •
"Kindly tell me price of tubes for
piping frostings and where to buy
Reply. —These tubes sell at about ten
cents each in any household furnishings
store. You can make a very good
pastry tube by folding heavy white pa
per into a cornucopia and snipping off
the pointed end. Press the mixture
through this little hole and, after some
practice, vou will become quite deft.
> • •
"Can you suggest anything that will
take spots from a mirror, also how shall
I dve a woolen dress? —R. R. G."
Reply.—lf the diseolorations on the
mirror are on the under side you must
have it resilvered: if on the onter side
rub with silver polish and then wash
gently and polish. You can use any
commercial dye for coloring the dress
and if you follow the directions you will
i have success.
To-morrow —Broiled Ham.
workel for more than three hours be
fore they were finally rescued, unhurt,
•but badly frightened.
Southern States Observe Holiday. Con
ducting Memorial Exercises
Atlanta. April 27. —Memorial exer
cises were conducted in several South
ern States yesterday in honor of the
Confederate dead.
It was a legal holiday in Alabama.
Florida. Mississippi an cl Georgia. and
schools, barks and public offices were
closed. Several Texas cities held mem
Evangelist Challenges Doubters
Northumberland. April 27. —Before
a crowded auditorium the Rev. H. B.
McDonnell, of Philadelphia, opened a
ten lays' evangelistic campaign in the
Seventh Day Adventist church here
last night. He spoke on "The Proph
ecy of Daniel." The evangelist declar
ed he was ready to answer any ques
tions on religion that might be asked
by doubters or ec offers. but got none.
undigested foo<l mixed with acid, no
stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or
heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea,
debilitating headaches, dizziness or in
testinal griping. This will all go. and.
besides, there will be no sour food left
over in the stomach to poison your
breath with nauseous odors.
Tape's Piapepsin is a certain cure for
out-of-order stomachs, because it takes
hold of your food and digests it just the
same as if your stomach wasn't there.
Relief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery is n-aiting for you at any
drug store.
These large fifty-cent cases contain
enough "Pape's Piapepsin" to keep the
entire family free from stomach disor
ders and indigestion for manv months.
It belongs in your home.—Adv.
Gear Your Skin
Ecaema. psoriasis, rlnc worm, plra
plM. scales and crusts ars du« to
myriad deeply burled fwmi In th«
skin. To securs relief and our* thesa
germs must be destroyed and elimi
The D. IX D. Prescription, a mild
compound In liquid form of oil of
wlnteritreen. thymol and other <h*al- j
Ing elements, will give Instant relief
In all casea Unlike salves. It pene
trates to the deeply burled senna,
kills and washes them out
All druKirlsts have D. D. D. A
f:eneroue trial bottle for ISc. Coir.e 1
n and let us tell you about our money
back guarantee otter on a full alae |
bottle. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap, j
liwtas. the draaaist. HI V Third St.. I'.
, K. H. statloa. Hall order* received.
Niece of Mrs. Robert N. Carson Alleges
Husband Was Cruel
Lancaster, Pa. April 27.—A case,
i that created a sensation in Philadelphia .
a year ago came up again yesterday in ,
the divorce suit of Margaret Dobbius;
against Bernard A. Dobbins.
The plaintiff is a niece of the late !
! Fanny Carson, widow of Robert X. Car-!
son, a wealthy Philadelphian. Yester
day 's testimony was that she left her
' home because her husband did not pro
vide properly for herself and children, j
1 While residing in Philadelphia she and t
' her children were supported by Mrs. ,
Carson, who died July 4, 1912. leaving;
the income of $25,000 to iMrs. Dobbins,
'then residing at Churchtown, this:
■ county.
When counsel for Dobbins moved for j
. a non-suit on the ground that Mrs. Dob
. bins left without justification, her conn- <
sel amended the libel in divorce by add
, i ing to the desertion cause that of cruel
; treatment. The defendant pleaded sur- J
I prise, and the case was continued.
, State Rifle Range Soon Will Have
Abundant Water Supply
Mt. Gretna. Pa.. April 27. —The con
[ 1 tract for the construction of the new I
I 150.000 gallon water reservoir on the :
State rifle range reservation was award- |
, ed vesterdav to Fmanuel Keener, of ,
t Colebrook. The reservoir will give Mt. J
, Gretna four times its present water sup- i
i plv. the old dam having a capacity of ;
- 50.000.
: A 'second contract was awarded to i
[ David Risser, of Lebanon, for rhe clear- 1
ing of forty acres of timber land, in
preparation for the next guard encamp
Young Woman Decides Not to Wed as
She Beaches Minister's House
Reading. Pa.. April 27.—With the
' stage all sot for a wedding before the
Rev. .1. Franklin Cropp. here yester
day. the bride-to-be. Miss K:hel M. :
Border, of Oak Brook, balked when she '
reached the parsonage with her intend
ed husband. Robert H. Marquette, of!
, West Reading.
Parental objection is said to have
I kept the couple apart some time ago.
! but Miss Border be anie of age a week
ajo. A license was granted yesterday !
and al' arrangements were made for the
wedding. At the last moment Miss .
Border decided not to be married.
Strap Studded With Tacks Said to
Hare Been Used on Negro
Montgomery. Ala.. April 27.—Coun- I
tr officials are investigating the death
of James Lee. a negro convict, who
ha l been leased by the city to a plan- '
tation owner.
Fellow ■•onvicts have testified that :
Lee was beaten for an hour by 3n !
overseer, who used a strap four inches
; wide studded with tacks. Physicians
i have testified Lee's wounds caused his
Suffrage Rejected in Florida
Tallahassee. Fla„ April 27.—The 1
lower house of the Florida Legislature 1
yesterday rejected a resolution to sub- |
mit an equal suffrage amendment to ;
j the voters in 1916.
Death in Child's Impulse
Altoona. April 27.—Watching a ;
trolley car approach and waiting until |
it was within thirty feet of her. Jose- !
phine Mignoane, aged 3. daughter of
Giuseppe Mignogne. a Pennsylvania
track watchman, ran upon the tracks j
a mile west of Tyrone yesterday and i
. was instantly killed.
Lancaster Gives Stough #4 700
Lancaster, April 27.—The total 1
' amount Lancaster folk gave Dr. Hen
ry W. Stough. the evangelist, is $4,- j
700. The total number of trail-hitters i
lis given as 3.500. The co-operating
■ churches are planning to continue the
campaign in their various chuiohes. j
The campaign, it is estimated, cost ;
aboJt $ 17,500. j
Take a Tablespoonfol of Salts If Back
Hurts or Bladder Bothers—Meat
Forms Uric Acid
We are a nation of meat eaters and
our blood is filled with uric acid, says a
well-known authority, who warns us to
I be constantly on guard against kidney
The kidneys do their utmost to free
I the blood of this irritating acid, but
become weak from the overwork; they
get sluggish; the eliminative tissues
clog and thus the waste is retained in
the blood to poison the entire system.
When your kidneys ache and feel like
lumps of lead, and you have stinging
pains in the back or the urine is cloudy,
full of sediment, or the bladder is irri
table, obliging you to seek relief during
the night: when you have severe head
aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleep
lessness, acid stomach or rheumatism in
bad weather, get from your pharmacist
about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a
tablespoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast each morning and in a few
days your kidneys will act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
litliia, and has been used for generations
to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys,
to neutralize the acids ia urine so it is
no longer a source of irritation, thus
ending urinary and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a delightful effervescent
\ litnia-water drink, and nobody can
; make a mistake by taking a little oe
j easionalljr to keep the kidneys clean and
| active.—Adv.
Copyright, 1915, by George Br rr McCutoheon.
"Dense do not handle the bedspreads
and curtains. They will fall to pleces"-
I heard no more, for the vanguard
bad pushed him aside aud wns swoop-;
"I sat bolt upright and yelled, 'Gel
Ing down npon me. A sharp oosed
man led the way. He was within
three feet of the bed and was stretch
ing out his hand to touch the proscrib
ed fabrics when I sat bolt upright and
"Get out!"
Afterward I was told that the guide
was the first to reach the bottom of
the stairs and that he narrowly escaped
death iu the avalanche of horrified hu
manity that plied after him, pursued
by the puissant ghost of a six-year-old
I Meet the Foe and Fall.
THE post that morning, besides
containing a telegram from
Vienrfu apprising me of the
immediate embarkation of
four irreproachable angels in the guise
of servants, brought a letter from my
friends the Hazzards, inquiring when
my castle would be in shape to receive
and discharge house parties without
subjecting them to au intermediate sea
son of peril from drafts, leaky roofs, I
damp sheets and vampires.
I sat dewn and looked about roe i*
gloomy despair. No words can describe
the scene, unless we devote a whole'
page to repeating the word "dismal."; in the midst of repairs Is an 1
awful thing. I looked, despaired aud!
then dictated a letter to the Hazzards
urging them to come at once with all'
their friends!
1 needed some one to make me for
At 11 o'clock Poopendyke brought
me a note from the chatelaine of the
east wing. It had been dropped Into
the courtyard from one of the upper
windows. The reading of it trans
formed me Into a stern, relentless de
mon. She very calmly announced that
she had a headache and couldn't think
of being disturbed that day and prob
ably not the next
My mind was made up In an Instant.
1 would not be put off by a headache— j
which was doubtless assumed for the
occasion—and I would be master of my
castle or know the reason why, etc.
In the courtyard I found a score or
more of Idle artisans, banished by the
onsweeplng tourists and completely
forgotten by me in the excitement of
the hour. Commanding them to fetch j
their files, saws, broadaxes and augers.
I led the way to the mighty doors that
barred my entrance to the other side. I
I stood over my tolling minions, and 11
venture to say that they never worked
harder or faster In their lives. By 12 ■
o'clock we bad the great doors open
and swept on to the next obstruction.
At 2 o'clock the last door In the east
antechamber gave way befor* our reso-,
lute advance, and 1 stood victorious
and dusty In the little recess at the top
of the last stairway. Beyond the twen- :
tleth century portieres of a thirteenth
century doorway lay the goal we
•ought 1 hesitated briefly before
drawing them apart and taking the
final plunge. Aa a matter of fact I
was beginning to feel aahamed of my
sell Suppose that she really had a ,
headache? What an uncouth, pusil
lanimous brute I
Just then. ev»n as my hand fell upon
tbs curtains, they were snatched aside. I
and 1 found myself staring Into the
vivid, optllted face of the lady who •
had defied mo and would continue to ;
do so If my suddenly active percep- j
tions counted far anything.
1 aaw nothing but the dark. Indig
nant Imperious eyes. They fairly
withered me.
In *ome buste. attended by the most
disheartening nervousness, I tried to
find my cap to remorp it In the pres
ence of royalty, r:nf trttinately I was
obliged to the somewhat cum
bersonie crowbar 1 had been carrying
•bout with DIC, and it dropped with a
sullen thwack upon my toes. In mo
ments of gravity 1 urn always doing
something like that. The pain was
terrific, nut I clutched at the forlorn
hope that she might at least smile over
my agony.
"I beg your pardon." I began, and
then discovered that I was not wear
ing a cap. it WHS most disconcerting.
"So you would couie," she said very
coldly and very levelly.
"It—it was necessary, madame." I re
plied ns be»t I could. "You defied me.
1 think you should have appreciated
my position, ray motives—or—my"—
She silenced me—luckily. Den ren
knows—with a curt exclamation.
"Tour position! It Is Intensely Na
poleonic," said she. with tine Irony.
Her gaze swept my horde of panting,
wide eyed bouse breakers. "What a
noble Ttcrory!''
It was quite time for me to assert
myself. Rowing very stiffly, 1 re
"I regret exceedingly to have been
forced to devastate my own property
in such a trifling enterprise, madame.
The physical toss is can
see that for yourself—but. of course,
you have no means of estimating the
mental destruction that has been go
ing on for days and days. You have
beeu backing away at my poor, dis
tracted braiu so perslsteutly that It
really had to give way. lo a measure,
this should account for my present
lapse of sanity. Weak mindedness Is
not a crime, but an atflictiou."
She did not smile.
"Well, now that you are here. Mr.
Smart, may 1 be so bold as to inquire
what yon are going to do about itV" '
1 reflected. "I think, U you don't
mind, I'll come In and sit down. That
was a deuce of a rap 1 got across the
toes. I am sure to be a great deal
more lenient and agreeable if I'm ask
ed to come in and see you. Incidental
ly 1 thought I'd step up to inquire bow
your headache Is getting on. Better, i
She turned her face away. I suspect
ed a smile.
"If you choose to hang your old
castle to pieces In order to satisfy a
masculine curiosity. Mr. Smart, 1 bav#
nothing more to say." she said, facing
me again -still ominously, to my de
spair. Confound it all. she was such
a slim, helpless little thing—and all
alone against a mob of burly ruffians'.
"Will you be good enough to send your
—your army away, or do yon prefer to
have It on band In case I should take
It Into my head to attack you?"
"Take em away. Mr. I'oopendyke," I
commanded hurriedly. As they crowd
ed down the short, narrow stairway 1
remarked old Courad and his two sons
standing over against the wall, three
very sinister figures.
"1 see. madame. that yon do not dis
miss your army." 1 said, blandiy sar
"Oh. you dear old Conrad!" she cried,
catching sicht of the hitherto submerg
ed Schmicks. The three ut them bob
bed and scraped and grinned from ear
to ear. There could be no mistaking
the Intensity of their Joy. "Don't look
so sad. Conrnd. I know you are blame
less. You jtoor old dear!"
1 have never seen any one who look
ed less sad than Conrad Schmlck. 1
rather peremptorily ordered him be
"I will attend to yon presently—all
of you," said I. They did not move.
"Do you hear me?" I snapped angrily.
They looked stolidly at the slim young
She smiled, rather proudly. 1 thought.
"Yon may go. Conrad. I shall not need
you. Max, will you fetch up another
scuttle of coal?"
They took their orders from hsrS
"By Jove!" I said, looking after my
trusty men servants as they descended.
"1 like this! Are they my servants or
"Oh. I suppose they sre yours, Mr.
Smart" she said carelessly. "Will yon
come In now and make yourself quite
at home?"
"Perhaps Td better wait for a day
or two." said I. wavering. "Your
headache, you know. 1 can wait Just
is well as"—
"Oh. no! SlDce you're gone to all
the trouble I suppose yon ought to
have something for your pains."
"Pains?" I murmured, and 1 declare
to heaven 1 limped as I followed her
through the door Into a tiny ball.
"You are a most unreasonable man,"
she said, throwing open a small door
at the end of the ball. "I am terribly
disappointed ID you. Yon looked to be
so nice and sensible and amiable."
"Oh, I'm not snch a nincompoop as
you might suspect, madame." said i
testily, far from complimented.
"And now. Mr. Smart, will yon he kind
enough to explain this Incomprehensi
ble proceeding on your part?" she said,
facing me sternly.
But I was dumb. 1 stood Just Inside
the door of the most remarkable apart
ment It has ever been my good for
tune to look upon. My senses reeled.
Was 1 awake? Was this a part of the
\ Hore. si Mt, l« that remedy for debtll
run down, played oat people I
i w hrthet your trouhle It nervous or
ortranio, whether very serious 01 Ju«t a
half sick f»<?Ung. hero is the remedy:
The right remedy because It attacks
disease through the right medium,
through the body's most Important ner
vous center—the Solar Plexus.
MEN—R«iun Your Vlsotms Health. Rvrfed
iia Yew Functleael Oriira.
WOMEN - Repair Yew Sheltered Nerves.
RebuiUYew Youthful Visor.
The sutwenter ol your nervous system
which governs ah your bodily functions,
and determines their healthful activity
or unhoalthful inactivity, lies In the Kolnr
Plexus. It Is most obvious then that our
new Solar Plexus treatment goes directly
to the point where the battle against low
activity and disease must be waged.
The Prwrglst Is authorised to retnrn
your money In three days, on reoolpt of
the unused portion ol the tablets pro-
Tided satisfactory results have not been
obtained In that time.
II yon desire a one dollar box sent
direct from us In a plain package fill In
your name and nddress on coupon oelow
i enclose 10 cents in your letter to oay cost
of sending, and you wilt receive a regular
| one dollar box to be paid for after used
' provided results are satisfactory Ii not.
you have nothing to pay. and you alone
i decide that. Go to the Druggist now, or
send to us by mall at once for this won
derful new Solar Plexus treatment.
The Dean Co..
i tiljurney Bid jr. Syracuse, N. Y.
1 acoept your iree offer Send a
11.00 box or Dean's Solar Plexus
Tablets. I enclose 10c.
These tablets are for sale In llarrls
burft by ijeoige A. Uorgus, Druggist,
SI.OO per box.
hlenlc. sinister, vvi-nfhrr racked castle
In which 1 rras striving so hard to tind
; r comfortable comer?
"Well?" she demanded relentlessly.
I "By the Lord HairyP I began. And
Inn my tongue only to lose It again.
The room was completely furtilHbed,
bedecked ami rendered hn til table by a
hundred a lid one articles that were
: mysteriously mlssinu from my side of
the ogstle. Itnu*. tapestries, curtain*
of the rarest quality: chairs, couches
and cushions; tables, cabinets and
! chests that would have caused the
•yes of the most conservative collector
of antlquas to buljre with—not wonder,
j but greed: stands, pedestals, brasses,
bronzes, porcelains—but why enumer
ate? On the massive oaken center ta
ble stood the priceless sliver vase we
. had missed on the second day of our
occupancy, and It was filled with fresh
yellow roses.
And so complete had been the rifling
of my rooms by the devotvd vandals
in their efforts to make ttf!s lady cosy
and comfortable that they did not
; overlook a silver framed photograph
of my dear mother.
To Be Continued
| Two Cases Develop in Wilkes Barre Fol
lowing Accidents
Wilkes-tßarre, Pa.. April 27. —The
city Bureau of Health was yesterday
j called upon for the second time within
two weeks to take charge of a ease of
! tetanus, the result of a mine accident,
j Alexander Orland got lockjaw after an
; injury from a premature blast. The au
| thorities immediately placed the house
| at which Orland bardei under quaran
i tine.
The health authorities were called
i upon to take charge of a similar ease
at the City hospital when a miner, who
had part of his heel cut off, was found
to 'be suffering with tetanus.
Coroner's Jury Holds Evil One Respon
' sible for Death of Dorrancetown Man
Danville, Pa., April 27.—An unusual
| verdict was returned yesterday by a
Coroner's jury, empaneled bv Charles
j P. Gearhart to inquire into the death of
Lewis. C. Benedict, •of Dorrancetown,
I whose body was found in the Susque
j hanna. It was as follows:
"That Lewis C. Benedict, not having
God before his eyes, but being moved
I and seduced by the instigation of the
' devil voluntarily, feloniously and with
j malice aforethought, threw himself into
| the North branch of the Susquehanna.''
Benedict was missing five weeks and
< was prominent here.
so'- QQ Sunday
ff Excursion
Tbe Great Metropolis
W A big opportunity to
■re a big city.
HarrUburg.... 3.45 A. M.
Returning leaves N piv
York <USO P. M.
Tickets on sale at ticket of
fices beginning April 30.
Penasylwaßia R. R.
'One 12 100
Convince U
3ft Doses 25c
At AU Druggists
For Headaches, Neuralgia
Massachusetts Candidate For Govern
or Draws Much Enthusiasm—so
Voices Render Musical Program
The (Christian Endeavor rally held
in the Park Street United Evangelical
church l:ist- evening under the auspices
of the Harrisburg C. K. Union, was
full of enthusiasm.
A chorus of fifty voices under the
leadership of Mrs. IT.l T . Swengol,
rendered excellent mutuc.
President A. C. Dean, of the Har
risburg E. Union, presided, and the
Key. K. 0. G. Bossier, pastor Slate
United Brethren church, conducted the
devotional exercises.
Bishop IT. K. Swengel, of the United
Evangelical church, offered praver
during the evening.
Wi 11 iuin Shaw, of Boston, general
secretary of the United Society of
Christian Endeavor, delivered an ex
cellent addrcMt on the progress of the
. E. movement and reforms in
He spoke of the great fourth
world's convention to be held iu Chi
cago in July, when thousands of .dele
gates will gather there. "Billy" Sun
day will conduct the jrreat evangelistic
meetings. President Wilson and Sec
retary of State are expected to lie
present. He aluo spoke of the State t'.
h. convention to be held in Harris
burg, July, 1916, and commented upon
the liberal con tribu lions from Dau
phin county to the International C. E.
building fund.
He is touring the Slate in the in
terest of general C. E. work at the
following places, Xorristown, Colum
bia, Lebanon. Harrisburg, Altoona and
He is also a candidate for Govern
or in the State of Massachusetts.
Delancey Nlcoll's Daughter Dies
New York, April 27. Miss Jose
phine Churchill Nicoll, onlv daughter
of Delancey Nicoll, a noted' New York
lawyer, died yesterday of rheumatic
fever at the home of her aunt, Mr*.
Josephine Y. Birney, near Ossining,
Y. She was socially prominent in
this city and had planned to go to
Europe this spring as a war nurse.
Soap should be used very sparing
ly. if at all, if you want to keep your
j hair looking its best. Most soaps and
j prepared shampoos contain too much
alkali. This dries the scalp, makes
! the hair brittle, and ruins it.
The, best thing for steady use is
J just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil:
I (which is pure and greaselcss) it is
cheaper and better than soap or any-
I thing else you can use.
One or two teaspoonfuls will
! cleanse the hair and scalp thorough
j ly. Simply moisten the hair with
water and rub it in. It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
! which rinses out easily, removing
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and it leaves
j the scalp soft, and the hair fine and
| silky, bright, lustrous* fluffy and
| easy to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
| (it must be mulsified, plain coeoa-
I nut oil will not do) at any phar
! macv, and a t'ew ounces will supply
I every one iu the family for months.
Golf* Trunin, Hunting, Untiling,
and Cycling
Tours Inc. Hotels. Shore excursions.
Lowest Rates.
Twin $ C "RFtMlinilN" 1 i ) ' 518 Ton ®
Screw \lTlLillAll displacement.
Fastest, newest and only steamer land.
Ins; passengers nt the dock in llertninla
without transfer bj tender.
For full Information apply to A. E,
OITKHBRIDGE * CO., Agents Quelle*
S. S. Co., Ltd., 32 iiroaduay, \eu York,
•r any Ticket Agent.
12:1-425 Market St.. Harrisburg, Pi.
At the Entrance to tbe P. R. R. Station
South Carolina Avenue <£ Beach
Pleasantly situated, a few steps
from Boardwalk. Ideal family hotel.
Every modern appointment. Many
rooms equipped with running water;
100 private baths. Table and service
most excellent. Rates 110.00, $12.00,
115.00 weekly, American plan. Book
let and calendar sent free on request
David P, Rahte* Silas Wrlgbt
Chief Clerk Manaaer
Calendars of above hotel can also be
obtained by applying at Star-In
dependent office.
1 , ' \
Begin Preparation Now
Day and Night Sessions
15 8. Market Sq„ Harrisburg, Pa.
820 Market Street ]
Fall Term September Flrit
Cumberland Valley Railroad
la Effect Mar «. >»!*•
Tralaa Leave Harrlakara—
For Winchester tad Martln«bur«. at
1.01. *7.60 a. ra. *3.40 p. 18.
For Hagerstown, Cliambsraburg an 4
Intermediate statlona, at •».<>». *7.§ a
•iI.H a. in.. •».«!». S.U *7.4#, n.oi
p, B.
Additional trains (or Carllale aa«
Mechanlcaburg at (.41 a. m.. 1.1 i. ».jt « 9.20 p. m.
For Dlllabur* at ».««. *7.10 and«ll.*l
a. m~ LIU '***o, iUI ill p. at
•Dally. All other tralna daily exeat*
■uadajr. J BL TONOB.
a. A. rid due. o. p. A. Soaa j