10 ■ HOUSEHOLD TALKS Henrietta D. Grauel Sweet Red Peppers or Canned Pimentos The sweet red pepper '* on< " 1 greatest helps that housekeepers have when they want to give a variety in the serving of vegetables or a fancy t touch to a meal. The bright red color and the . piquancy of the vegetable change the , character of every other food they are added to. tf you have not formed the habit of using peppers try some of the following suggestions, but please be sure you use the sweet variety of the pepper family, for the peppery pepper is too hot for our palates. One pleasing combination is cauli flower and red pepper salad. Blanch and cook the cauliflower; it should be of ' ivory whiteness when finished. Break into neat bits and chill. Remove the tops from the peppers as well as all the white-fibre lining. If you like them mild soak in cold water. Pip the cauli flower in French salad dressing and fill the pepper cups with it. Set each pep per on blanched lettuce and garnish with cream cheese balls. Canned pi mentos may be used for any of these recipes. Bed Peppers Stuffed With Mushrooms Prepare the peppers by seeding and scraping out the lining after cutting them lengthways. Moisten two cups of soft crumbs with cream, season with *a!t, pepper and butter. Add two chopped fresh mushrooms to each cup of crumbs and stuff this into the halves of the peppers. Bake in a shallow pan with a little water in it until the stuffing is brown. Chicken and Pepper Fritters Mis one-half can of cbm. oce half enp of flour and tw v > cups of chopped chicken meat or chicken and veal with enough milk to realte a thin batter. Add half a cup of chopped sweet pep pers. Bake like griddle cakes, using plenty of drippings in the frying pan. Asparagus tips in pimentos is popu y WRECK DISMEMBERS HTM Man Is Torn to Pieces As Missiles Fly From Mill Bloomeburg. April 2 7.—The body of Henry Heid. aged 40, of Fishing Creek township, was torn to pieces yesterday when a nut fell off a chop ping mill and into the cog wheels an! pieces of the mill flew in ali direc- > tiors. Heid was in the path of some of the pieces and the upper part of his body was shockingly mangled, and he suf fered several fractures of the skull and lived only a few minutes. His brother, George Heid. standing on the other side of the mill, was only slightly hurt. So great was the force of the flying Iron that part of the building was torn down. Saved After Burial Alive Shamokin. Pa.. April 27.—H0 war! Sharp and James Auguetine, of Kulp iront. anl John Williams. Green Ri ige, were caught behind a rush of coal at the Green Ridge colliery of the Penn sylvania Coai Company. Rescuers I DYSPEPSIA CONE! NO INDIGESTION. CIS. SOURNESS-PAPES DIAPEPSIN Time It! In Five Min- ; utes Your Sick Up set Stomach Feels Fine When yonr mea's don't fit com fortably or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in yonr stomach, or if you i have heartburn, that is a sign of indi- i gesr.on. Get from your pharmacist a fifty-cent i ease of Pape's and take a . do«e just as soon a*< you can. There > w;ll be no soar risings, no belching of ' ] OOEHNE BEER Unrivaled for Purity and Flavor " \ V A builder of A Tonic strength for businessmen and and flesh overworked persons V—_______A Produced by the Master Brewer DOEHNE BREWERY Bell 82« L Order It Independent SIS 0 = = | EVERY HOME | Has Its Real Value The wants of many business people and home de mands are realized by its use. Let us act for and with you—now. Call at our office or Bell Phone 3280 Independent 246 or 246 L lar now because the tips are just in season. The coarser part of the aspara gus may be used in cream of asparagus soup, though so early in the month the | entire stalk should be delightfully teuder. Cook the asparagus as usual and dress with well seasoned cream sauce made a trifle thicker than is usual. Heat the pepper* in boiling water and serve the asparagus in them. If you prefer you may chill the vegetables and masque the asparagus in mayonnai# and serve as a salad', but it is fine when prepared as directed. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS "Please tell me where I can find liquid wall plaster and is it already mixer! t" Reply.—This is a dry powder and only requires the addition of water. It comes in all colors and may be had, un | der manv names, at any paint store. • • • "Kindly tell me price of tubes for piping frostings and where to buy themf" Reply. —These tubes sell at about ten cents each in any household furnishings store. You can make a very good pastry tube by folding heavy white pa per into a cornucopia and snipping off the pointed end. Press the mixture through this little hole and, after some practice, vou will become quite deft. > • • "Can you suggest anything that will take spots from a mirror, also how shall I dve a woolen dress? —R. R. G." Reply.—lf the diseolorations on the mirror are on the under side you must have it resilvered: if on the onter side rub with silver polish and then wash gently and polish. You can use any commercial dye for coloring the dress and if you follow the directions you will i have success. To-morrow —Broiled Ham. workel for more than three hours be fore they were finally rescued, unhurt, •but badly frightened. HONORS CONFEDERATE DEAD Southern States Observe Holiday. Con ducting Memorial Exercises Atlanta. April 27. —Memorial exer cises were conducted in several South ern States yesterday in honor of the Confederate dead. It was a legal holiday in Alabama. Florida. Mississippi an cl Georgia. and schools, barks and public offices were closed. Several Texas cities held mem orials. Evangelist Challenges Doubters Northumberland. April 27. —Before a crowded auditorium the Rev. H. B. McDonnell, of Philadelphia, opened a ten lays' evangelistic campaign in the Seventh Day Adventist church here last night. He spoke on "The Proph ecy of Daniel." The evangelist declar ed he was ready to answer any ques tions on religion that might be asked by doubters or ec offers. but got none. undigested foo»!*• Tralaa Leave Harrlakara— For Winchester tad Martln«bur«. at 1.01. *7.60 a. ra. *3.40 p. 18. For Hagerstown, Cliambsraburg an 4 Intermediate statlona, at •».<>». *7.§ a •iI.H a. in.. •».«!». S.U *7.4#, n.oi p, B. Additional trains (or Carllale aa« Mechanlcaburg at (.41 a. m.. 1.1 i. ».jt « d.io. 9.20 p. m. For Dlllabur* at ».««. *7.10 and«ll.*l a. m~ LIU '***o, iUI ill p. at •Dally. All other tralna daily exeat* ■uadajr. J BL TONOB. a. A. rid due. o. p. A. Soaa j