Bowman's First To-morrow for Your Every Needl JSfIt&TTMZ/fzlA Buibs Reduced I Wonderful! How Men Area IflWrWf// U» 2°c Tube Rose bulbs, 10< doz. T * * TT /» _ , _ r ___SS'!S::SS Lining Up for Light **•"" Basement—BOWMAN'S. \KT •% /"CT"* Ciiif p Harrisburg To San Francisco Large Black and T- —T —; ▼▼Ciglll OUIIS M ul O U/fLf Its an Unusual Lvent That Has W .+• l i ± i * a On May Ist the E. G. 0. walkers, composed of three sturdy Harrisburg 14/Z» °4- *7 *° I<l *' tompera-^^M lads, will leave the Bowman store (around noon) to walk to San Fran- TXtXQ Csd//0/*S Tutki cfl TYIIA/p/c a# comes about in jlist a week. eisco, expecting to complete the trip in 26 weeks. * For Immediate IJse Uinlbn I UWcIS al \jf j~SS . ~ . . H 1 xWI "««*cuuuc \jsc U If D ' v i I * increasing heat comes an^H Be on hand to wish them a safe and pleasant journey. Combination black with n3IT rfICC \ Js. J increasing demand for "light weights." X — white; or white with black It's a sale, and the towels are made ... band ec |!g e on brim. Made of of fine cotton resembling the im- jOwAJk Here you II find cool English cut home-^B $2.00 value for V 6 number of advanced ideas in TtrAw TtniUa pi_;rr colors—grey, smoke, tan, brown and smarj^l T «#/»/., 7 T . o; . . summer hats, and they're H?al- lVOry Wlllte LillllOll mixtures at H Lately ixecewed L*ar£e Shipment ly so smart and becoming, - Voile Of NpW T itml 01im 010 anx * ous or - vou see I one of the newest summer white "1 f A ' Some of the patterns are new ones; bright and fresh looking. It's most and others . beauty; 39 inches wide, and only w J WW J economical and should be in every home. Printed under a New Process by 17< yard. Jfegp1,;.....// which heat and moisture can have no effect. Price, sq. yd. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. I Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. WlTil II Nk I O /I Notes On the Carpet Floor "r *-' <UIU. ■ * "r*r* y *l M ": y 'l Shimmering Silks of the Better Nobby Top Coats—splendid for motor- I red and """» Blrlpes; dCi a,trac " ve colo, '"" !S; y "i ri.. I*. Xfiil >in K ; for young men and all men. Tweeds ■ Quality %gM and eOvertß, also Hacks and oxfords. .■ ** y?** and T Run - is m»»ud in its variety of popular J [f|\ Priwd at * lo ' ™d »». ■ .id.; ««,1 .tape; ab|e rs - weaves; and mostly all represent good price values. I [ff \ , H yard, and 45r. , ' _ . . ._ _ _ =»3 yard Pnnt Warp Chiffon Taffeta, edge; excellent quality -|C E|j O, ■ Sale contimies of qnaillt ro|onial """ bta * Black Chiffon Taffeta, ?1.00 |M X OtrOWS ■ an . , eau l u room pa ems Rag Rugs—over one hundred choice Silk Crepe de Ohine, $ 1.25 yd. m tans and greens; luxurious high patterns, and useful sizes to select -40 inches wide; black! beautiful quality. J \ moderate price. ■ pile fabric; suitable for parlors and from> at a Baving of one . fluarter to quality Gros De Londres Silk, 81.50 p gfl ■ bed rooms; j'ard, I one-third on the price. ° ne qWarer ° I Silk Crepe Meteor Spi.69yd.- inches wide; black; fine ffeWfl _ - , ■ - . , r „„-B 0 w MA y 3 . Black Faille Francaise, $1.59 £ ffl Specialties OtlT Clothing ■ i————. ___ — inches wide; fine, soft texture; yd . —36 inches wide; satin finish. I Q Ti&narfmoilt TToc HH *KTo-filial TlT rtw . - \r\ At** \ b,ack Black Satin Messaline, 59< yd. i^CpdrtmCilt XiaS ■ liaLUral WaVy I \J 1 Black Satin Messaline, —36 inches wide ; 275 yards in the PrAnaroH Hair Switches ' yd.—36 inches wide; blue star lot; very special. xrCparCCl $1.35 MBV 1 - Auto Dusters- Linen Trousers; Mohair Suits;' Values up to $3 Handsome Join The Bowman Alapaca Coats; Flannoi r Troupers; Snk\?uto h lSr and I None under 24 inches, and j/ j Refriger&tor Clltb Office Coats; Duck Trousers; Caps. many of them are 28 inches SpHtlg FoOtWCOr To-mOrrOW — ah ehades bui gny. A ttr(inth)pl i) T I Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Q U.L, LIUtilU 1W A _ T/V4 , 0« M ■ 1 ,. g " ■ N !J eI SUC V Mans Improvements : I Silk Hose OCCUnty Woraen - 8 battleship grey, fawn, WllOWlllg 01 Especially noticeable is the Spartan union suit which H A.C * T sand and putty colored top lace and oil I I 'i new closed crotch that will give every man the I ' 65c button military shoes; gun metal and W Q.SII comfort he has long been waiting for. Cotton and lisle gauze Pure thread silk in black The Only Handbag That patent colt trimmings. Any pair in + « at sl-00 1 and $1.50. Also at this price is the famous ■ only; double soles; high spliced Ppflllv our entire stock, at 93.50 wllltS Munsing union suit. ' heels; wide garter tops. They're xteaily ItOCKS ■■ called "seconds," but we still Unlike all other baes ft t Women s patent colt and gun e (>an sav without hesita- yB.V. D. Union Suits at SI.OO Men's Balbriggan Underwear, HI believe the salesman made a "catches" a small but stronir Tever " ietal CB ' f lOW slloes ' colon ' als ancl ,ion that our showing of boys' Men's Union Suits, 50<—cot- 50<* shii-ts and drawers; long mistake. "-locks" the catch and makes it im- pumpS ' in all the lateSt shapes and Sh S " lts '? far su P eri <> r to ton ribbed; open mesh; white and and short sleeves; regular, stout ■ Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. possible to come open accidentally. st y ,es and combinations. Pair, $2.25 an y previous display. ecru. aud knee length drawers . H * This patent will be found only on to $3.50. Wash Suits of every imagin- Mens Union Suits, 79^ —fine i ■n* ~ tt p. the "Security Lock" bags. " able description—linon, repp, ribbed: long sleeves, ankle length; Men s Shirts and Drawers, 25^ ■TIII6. YcAjr J?me Women's low shoes and pumps in madras, ratine, cliambray,linen, ecru; spring weight. each—open mesh and balbriggan. rnv A CViftttri,,,, nf n-nlrn 6 »1 • """l ° , in tan calf with welted soles; values pique, mercerized poplin's and Main FIoor—BOWMANS. The Showing of Women S wain,. = ) leathers, $2 M and At aboot the cost Palm Be,eh, in eve,-, shade and ■ Silk Gloves to four fittings. Well lined""' of having an old pair repaired, Fownes and Kayser's— n . , , . The new "Etons," Vestee Oil fk lITV OdtUrday J\.ltCJl6ll makes that have created the Considering the fine quality, the Women s button and laced high suits> Dickens, Oliver Twists \fU.O<XXUjr J H most stylish of all styles. new shapes (illustrated), fittings, and shoes; good styles; excellent leath- Middy and French Blouses, etc! o i St)eCialS H They're here in the wanted t" e "Security Lock," no better bags ers; Gpodyear welt soles and turns; p_- j . , r UlllltUi" d L * shades; self and contrasting em- have ever been offered at values $2.50 to $3.50. Russet, at SI 25* 81 50 ' and un to O * 1 Clothes Baskets, 69c—regularly 98e; broidery, 50< to 82.00. Be sure .to ask for the "Security 81.00 pr.; black, at $1.29 pr.; M.I, H0.,-BOWMAN'S. Look." white, at 51.40. Third PIn.r—BOWMAN'S. 0.l ' Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ' TI,M FIoor—BOWMAN'S. batUrClay rHCeS *<«••« ■l™'™-- ■ i Windsor Kettles, 95c—regularly $1.30; _ _ ns a rem i n^er °f Bowman re- wearever aluminum; 4-qt. size, with cover. Wf a I—lntr/% C/N W\ rv \ O • "I IWT liable furniture when you're think- Gas Iron, si.oo—formerly $2.75; com- WC lIdVC OOIXIC V GFV I |\| f*\AJ I MlTltfQ ing Of adding to the home; and here piete with hose. J I IV/ VY 1 llliigO are a few timely specials: Basement—BOWMAN'S. H "X.T t cotton combination mattress, lo onow You In Coat Models j J j $6.00 all cotton mattress, . J II SBig, full cut coats of Priestley mixture—the fabric that, is used in Qg J Mgr sl2 00 im {J rial f^ U J 8 *? 0 H —and new covert^ in "Manhattan Maid," "Watch Your Step" and "Hello $15.00 golden oak extension fable, at"".™!'!.™ 0 ..';. 5 :..."!! $lO, $12.50 and sls I golden oak extension table, A very complete showing of various new models in covert, mixtures, gabar- $3.25 slip seat dining chairfß^7s dines and poplins. Priced —— -3 $2.98 slip seat dining chair, B^-^0 at ctUQ G IjoiJ $2.50 chase leather dining chair, {^ A Very Unusual Showing fJ ™ _ $16.00 continuous post brass bed, S Of Smart Coats at $5.98 StltfHv Clothing' I $15.00 continuous post brass bed, Umbrellas, 95c I Copies of the higher-priced garments. In coverts, serges and mixtures; in Jo .. nnn . , , > ,1' , , . 1 black, navy, Copenhagen, putty and Belgian blue. All sizes for misses and women. fftr S+lirHv "Rnirc continuous post brass bed Has your umbrella ever turned in- H 1 • ox. , —. Otuiuy i>uys 88.95 side out? If so, you will welcome ■ New models in Shepherd check suits,at 815.00 s<• 00 continuous post white bed, ~ , ~., .. ~ TT New models in serge suits, at 815.00, 820.00 and 825.00. Norfolk Suits, $2.95 and 853-50 the arrival of the hantturn Um- New models in poplin suits, at 820.00. 83.95 military models; $8.75 continuous post white bed, brellas. There are a great many new A splendid showing of spring weight dresses in wool, at 85*08, 87*5®» checks, stripes and mixtures, of 87.95 frames on the market that have merit 810.00 and 815.00. blue, brown and tan; all sizes, $5.00 continuous post white bed, j H1 t no ne as practical as this new uresses ana Suits Tor English Model Norfolks, • Fifth noor-BOWMAWS. Bowman's The "Kantturn" is fit- ■ «gm Stout Figures-Reduced Ncw summer » d »» ble h ' I JB Dresses worth $lO to sls, at $5 '"C^Vam 95 "" I , SmU WOrth * ls '°°. «» no -!7sX' Sding Vonise Bnmln „d Ed,... «-f,ch COVERING of these „ m h.i ■ „ , Correct in every detail—material, color and style. The suits are mostly caans, reefers and box coats, of to 6 inches wide. Prices range from ine - H navy blue, in sizes 41 to 49. Dresses, sizes 37 to 45. serges, Shepherd checks and 10c to »t.RO yd. las is a waterproof material .that H J.// Jn '/IX > To-morrow we will sell a special lot of Skirts—made of homespun cheviots in fancy mixtures; sizes 2to 10 ecni™ to widT*^Pn>es wiU lve service. The HANDLES ■ /If ,j**> plain gored effects; full widths; smart mixtures. They were made to sell at years. ran g'e from 15c to stf.9s yd. are of natural and "mission woods in yjr * t0 $6.50. Special, to-morrow, at 81*08 Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. MaiA FIoor—BOWMAN'S. the newest styles. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 1 ' ■ Maiu FIoor—BOWMAN'S. BARBISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1915. 5
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