12 1 . ' ' —/ ' 1 - _ 1 1 ■ / Important Savings Mark To-day s List of' Bargains for Friday No Friday Specials Damask Napkins Madras and Gingham Stamped Dresses Men's Garters Women's Union Suits Black Dress Goods a i. nr\ r\ u.tl » 50c all linen damask nap- SOc madras shirting iu plain white lawn dress- Men s elastic pad-garters. , SI.OO and $1.25 cotton rib- $1.25 silk and wool Santoy, Sent C. O. D., or Mail or k j nfi . 24x24 inches square; "white grounds: SpecialFFr- es for children; Ito 4 years; fepecial Briday only, 6* bed union suits, medium 40 inches Special Friday ,-Q, Q VillnH odd patterns in fine double daV only, yard, 12y 8 * ,crossmatched stamped, ready er Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, weight, low neck, sleeveless 0n1y,....'..... 98* Fnone Orders Dllea. damask quality. Special Fri- eTjm CCater8 ter iringham in j 0 eml >roider. Special Fri- Mens store. Street Floor. and e ibow sleeves, none ex -1 day only, 25* t i enf?t hs of 2U to 4 day only .19* changed. Special Friday . $1.25 Canton crepe, 48 - ?«"»«<>? * Stewart ___ only 50* >ncltts. Special Friday onljs Women's Shoes y«d ...... Third Fl -~ Three El - tor * Chambrav Shirts *** (¥> militnrv Ibop shoes in 1 vr Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, j Street Floor. SI.OO serge, 50 inches. Spe- Jtl 1 »?f and natfnt ——— Street Floor. Men's light blue chambray cial Friday only, 79* gun metal calf and patent , Stajyinad Scarfs shirts, collar attached, dou- _ colt skin, With sand cloth Cotton Damask *— aiampea Beans ble stitched sizes 14 to 16 SL2S French serge, 54 tops, stitched soles and 29c bleached t . ottou table _ 26c cream art uloth scarfs Special Friday only, ...25* M ® n s Hoae I I inches. Special Friday only, I French heels. Special Friday da ~ ask . 58 inches wide: ex- Suiting and Ratine and center-pieces, stamped „. Diveg) Pomeroy 4 Stewart 7c and iOc cotton seamless 95 * onl\ ....... •■••••••' * tra good patterns. Special 15c linen finish suitings in ready to embroider. ■ Men's Store, Street Floor. hose; lavender and purple. 85c wash Santoy, 38 inches. suZZ j, Friday only, yard 19* Jh Sp«W Friday Friday only 17* Special Friday only 5* Special Friday only, . .68* toweling, 17 in. hes wide; red 75c ratine: 42 inches wid"e; Third Floor — Three Elevators. street Floor. Street Floor. «w a border - Special t>iday on i\l solid shades of light blue, Ribbon Specials women S onoes yard or helio and rose. Special Fri- ———————— Silk taffeta ribbon, 2to 3 ' Women's $2.00 white can- erDives, Pomeroy ft Stewart day only, yard, 49* Art Scrim inches wide, values to 19c. u nofl r. i jt* « j vas button shoes; all more or Street Floor. or Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart 25c to 39c Dlain and fancv Special Friday only, yard. Children S Hose Colored DreSS Goods less counter soiled. Not all Street Floor. : P }.} ... • lOf' 12'/«>c heavy black cotton ~, . , . , *v;,w nnlv scrim in ecru or white; flat *■* W ", ea v 7oc Shepherd checks, 42 —————————— ' edge and colored borders. 3 Silk taffeta ribbon, 5 inches seamless hose. Special Pri- inches. Special Friday only, crDives. Pomeroy ft StewaT Bed Spreads to 6-yard lengths. Special wide, values to 29c. Special Divei. ft siew.rt yard ' V*** Street Floor. $2.50 light weight Skinner Silk Muslin Friday only, yard, 19* fcrida> only, yard, 18* street Floor 75c navy mohair, 44inches. satin Marseilles ied spreads; 20c silk muslin, one-half Flior—Thwe* Wash ribbon, in fancy L_———— Special Friday only, yard, _ full size. Special Friday Man'o fihnAQ ?1.3» styles ; with self-color figures. ——————————— blue and pink, 5-yard pieces, —a—————————— 75c wool creoella. 39 inches. w Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Special Friday only, yard, ———————— 12 i/ 2C va lue. Special Friday Women's Hose navv, Copenhagen. Special Men's $1.50 black kid skin Curtain Comers only, piece, 8* 25c tan cotton hose with Friday only, yard, ... 59* so^s S fecial Frldav only er ——————i «"Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart 25c to 59c curtain coopers, ts* Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, fashioned feet. Special Fri- 85c serge, good shades. SOW. special uriaaj Street Floor. in Irish point and Notting- . street Floor. day only, 15* Special Friday only, yard, „ . _ lIUCK J. Owe S ham laee; l yards long. I Pomeroy ft Stewart 69* WDives, Pomeroy ft Stewart 12% C red border huck tow- g ial Friday only iai/o* street Floor. y ' h 54 Street Floor. i fl -.„ „ Allprf ,i ~ap Sr>e<*ial r x I'iencn serge, o-t oniv, 4 for . . 25* Bleached Sheets «\ Di ™ 8 ' Pom « r °y & st e w«t. Women's Neckwear dies; good selection shades. I J 7 hlp«nhpH sheets- size Third Floor —' rhree Elevators ————————— Special Friday only, yard, l>9c scarfs and shams to _ hleacned sneets, _ Bl^ e ______ Special lot of mussed neck- _ 95^ Children's and Infants' match; lace trimmed. Spe- 72x90 and 70x90 inches. csuD- wear from regular stock; val- Men's Union Suits Shoes ( ' ial Friday only, 39* ject to slight lmperfectunis. ' ues to 50i>. Special Friday m) cotton rib- • V'° U , grai ?^ e el°th, ->4 S M Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart Special Friday 0n1y,.. .39* Silk Specials only, 12%* uS untrSts medium inches. Special Fnday only, , Children s$L25 black kid , Street Floor. 76x90 bleached sheets wjth French brocades woven on Pomeroy & Stewart weieht. sizes 34 and 36. Spe- yard 49< skin button shoes; made on scalloped edge; regular toe silk faille, 42 inches wide; Street Floor. cial Friday only 69* $1.25 French crepe, 50 full toe lasts with Goodyear value. Special Friday only, retrularly $2 50 Special Fri- ' , v " « , inches. Special Friday only, welted soles, sizes o to 8. mvu. Special Friday only, . . .85* **** GheCkS , erDivee, Pomeroy ft Steward ° nly ' y#rd Street Floor. ' Infants' 50e kid skin soft 15c white lawn checks; 36 Street Floor. Moire Suitings Lace Specials ———————————— dnln'ehes 11 i!»vv mvrtle^and sole shoes. Special Friday inches wide; sheer quality. 1 ° P 40 inches; navy, myrtle, sand, . only 25* Special Friday only, yard, $2.00 moire suitings, 42 Camisole lace, 14 inches „ , x „ r Copenhagen and grey. Spe tiTDives, Potnerov ft Stewart 8 * i —rn — 1 inches wide; in wistsria aiui I I shfldow patterns, 25c I I R63/dy*to"W63iT I I ciftl Friday only, yard,. t|| Street Floor. $1.50 English longcloth, 10 Pillow Cases Russian green. Special Fri- value. Special Friday only, Straw Hats, j $1.50 silk poplin, 40 inches, Lll —————. vards to a piece; 36 inches 45x36-inch bleached pillow , day only, yard, Wo* y art j 10* A special purchase of straw red and gold. Special Friday wide. Special Friday only, cases ; regular 12%0 value. WDive«, Pomeroy ft Stewart AH over shadow lace, 36 hats in large variety of sailor only, yard 59* Celluloid Clocks and piece, 0 5 ** Special Friday only, . .10* Street Floor. inches wide, white and ecru, shapes with silk bands; a Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, _., _. , _ tjrDives, Pomeroy ft Stewart 39-inch iinbleached L—— 59e value. Special Friday fresh new stock in reds, o, . K1 R Gold Picture Frames street Floor. lin; lOc value. Special Fri- only, yard, . 39* blues, white and black, val- ' $125 fancy white celluloid JZLj *. Toilet Goods English torchon lace, Ito to 98 ' S ' )e, ' ial Fl j d ß ay clocks. Special Friday only, wuivee, romeroy & aiewar* p onl} , White Piaue • „ Witch-hazel-bring bottle. Sl) ,:, ial Fridav on l' y . y ard . 1* solves, Pomeroy & Stewart Corset Covers j fra ool 19c white pique, 28 inches HIZZIZZIZZ— Net top all over lace, 18 Btreet Floor ' Fo " rth Street Aisle 2 styles nainsook corset >peila rii on>, ... wide. Special Friday only, inches, white and ecru. Spe- —-—-a—————— covers, regularly 25e; limit 2 "Dive S, Pomeroy ft Stewart vafd Writing Paper Soap tablets, witch hazel cigl F j. iday onl d to a customer. Special Fri street Floor. SJV tine stripe crepe, good 1 lb. writing paper and two Weial' 1 x- 1 826 ••'Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart RugS and Linoleums day only, 15* . value for waists. Special Fri- packages envelopes to match. Street Floor. . , 50c nainsook corset covers. day only, yard, 25* Special Friday only, .. .25* o*, aozen, oufr __________ 40c rubber mats. Special Special Friday only, ... 35* Watch Fobs and Pins nrDivw, Pomeroy ft Stewart One clutch pencil, with Medicated tar soap. Spe- Friday only, 23* 50( . nainßoo k or cambric SOc leather watch fobs. Street Floor. leads in holder. Spe- eia layony, ca e, ... * 35c wool and fiber rugs. drawers. Special Friday Friday... 10, ..%? Spec aU Specisl Kriday o nlv, ..W black bei r tTins S and a bucE Colored Wash Remnants street Floor. "Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart incheT'wUle. values . 50c a " d .f )c Wilto » r ' .ier!". 1 " Special'Si'lay onlj, Special Friday only, ... 15* Remnants of 59c crepe de ZZIZZIIZZZZII to 49l> ' S P ccittl Frida y hpeC,a ' " day „° llly ' " 25 < 59c German silver coin chine, 36 inches wide; one- n „ , __________________ yard, 25* Remnants of 7!) c inlaid lin- SI.(MI to $2.05 brassieres. purses. Special Friday onlj*, half silk; lengths of 2 to 4 vOOK BOOKS ——-a.-aa——— Cambric corset cover em- oleum. Special Friday only, Special Friday only, ...95* 25* yards. Special Friday only, Lowney's cook books. Spe- Men's HandkerciefS broidery, 17 inches wide, val. 55* rr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. »■ Dives Pomeroy ft Stewart. yard 15* cial Friday only, ... 18* Men's 12V 2 c cambric hand- ues to 18i-. Special Friday Remnants of 55c and 60c Second Floor-Three Elevators. Street Floor. «" Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. «" Dives Pomeroy ft Stewart. kerchiefs with initial. Spe- 0nl >' >' ard - ,J/ Sneeial Fri —————_ Street Floor. Street Floor. c j a j Frijgy on iy 3 f or 25* Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, tor ' { imoleum. . petial I 1 1 aa—__ ■■ v Street Floor. day only, 37* . | - - . ' f Divc# - ft Stewart. " a J„l Nlffht GoWnS White Dress Goods Men's Store, Street Floor. '•* tOLOa ,natS, • no ; nHno u • - 19c rice cloth, for waists Galatea and Crepe Men s Suspenders _ Friday only, .o9* ue [: k OW " h lu f kimono sleeve and skirts; 28 inches wide. I2V2C galatea cloth in navy Xic police suspenders, solid Women's Vests velvet and Axminster s tyle• limit 2to a customer. Special Friday only, ... 11* grounds. Special Friday only, leather ends. Special Fri- Watch Fobs hassocks. Special Friday Special Friday only, ...25* 15c white Plisse crepe; 30 yard, 6*4* day only 17* 19c white ribbed only, 37* ,50c crepe gowns with ki inches wide; for underwear; 18c crepe in neat styles and 18c police suspenders, leath- |«*tner watcn vests, sleeveless. Special Fri- 20c rubber stair treads. mono sleeves. Special Friday P X Tnh . .10* " P X -I* «*y only, W» Special Friday oaly, .. .15* only, 35* trDiVes, Pomeroy 'ft Stewart xarDives. Pomeroy ft Stewart tzr Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, trDives, Pomeroy ft Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. tar Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart t * D ' ve ®' Pom « r °y & Stewart Street Floor. * Street Floor. Men's Store,' Street Floor. Men's Store, Street Floor. Street Floor. Third Floor—Three Elevators. Secc. d l loor—rhree Elevators. v "" """ STOP WAR MATERIAL TRADE: GET DYE, SAYS BERNSTORff Washington, D. C., April 8. —The dyestuffs famine that threatens to close about 270 cotton and woolen mills in the United States could be averted, Count Bemstorff, the German Ambas sador thinks, if the United States would put an embargo 011 war supplies.' This, he asserts, should be done as a retaliation for the embargo against German dyes. There is little hope of averting a famine in dyes. Within a month most of the mills that use dyes made in Ger many or England or France will be without dyestnffs. The State Depart ment is unable to move Great Britain to lift the blockade that bars German dyestuffs. Seventy-four per cent, of the dyestuffs of the world are made in Ger' many. "It is our understanding," said Dr. Thomas H. Norton, of the Department of Commerce, "that Germany has on hand a good stock of dyes that are nu demand in this country. The nitric supply has not been materially re- by the manufacture of explos- The supply of carbolic acid has by the war, and there is Growing Children uentjy need a food tonic and tissue for their good health. Olive Oil Emulsion HyptrpJloifMci for this. A. Oorgas TTARRTKftTTRG STi R-INDEPENBENT. THURSDAY EVENING, APSIL 8, 1915. have no definite information on the German dyeituffs supplies, but it is generally understood that there is no shortage in them in Germany yet. "By the end of April the situation among the mills that use dyestuffs made in Germany will be serious." PADEREWSKTSAILS FOR U.S. TO ASK AID FOR POLES London, April 8. —Ignace Paderew-j ski sailed from Liverpool with his wife | on the Adriatic yesterday, on a mission j to arouse Americans to give financial j aid to Poland. The pianist's whole soul j is wrapped up in tie undertaking. "I won't play while I am there," he said. "I cannot get myself to touch j a piano. All my thoughts are upon | Imy suffering kinsmen. Knowing the! generous hearted Americans, I feel they! will respond as nobly as they have with Belgium." Paderewski lost nearly his whole for tune in the devastation of his home in Poland. Rich art treasures and other valauble accumulations were utterly de stroyed. Paderewski will remain in America for some months. Approves Jitney Company Charter The Public Service Commission held an executive session last night and ap proved the application for a charter for the Jitney Transportation Company of Harrisburg, and it now goes back to the State Department and thence to Governor Brumbaugh for his approval. As the Governor generally accepts the action of the Commission as final, it is expected the charter will soon be is sued. The company proposes to operate 5-cent-fare auto 'buses in this city and Steelton. IT PATS TO USE STAB INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. / "Nothing Wrong With the quality of the lumber I get from j you." "I always get j prompt delivery too." These remarks were just j made to us by a man who i does lots of carpenter work. And if the lumber we sell is good epough for this very cautious buyer, it will be good enough for you. We are extremely care ful of the quality of the lumber we sell. United Ice & Coal Co. MAIN OFFICE Fonter and Cowdert Btreat* 1 *■ - F. HOFKN SIHITfI DIES Author, Artist and Engineer, Aged 77, Passe* Away at His Home In New York By Aisociated Prets. Xew vYork, April. B.—fP. Hopkinson Smith, author and artist, died last night at his 'home 'here. 'He was 77 years old. The genius of (Francis Hopkinson Smith, manifested itself in many branches of activity. His reputation as an artist was only second to that as an author, while as a practical engineer •he won high standing. Sixteen years after his 'birth in Baltimore in 1836 he left school and went to work, first as a shipping clerk and afterwards in a metal industry. Subsequently he studied mechanical engineering however, and permanent results of 'his work in this line of endeavor came in the construc tion of sea walls a£ Tompkinsville, Staten Island, Governor's Island, in •New York harbor; Race Rock light house, near New Conn., and the foundation for the Statue of Lib erty in New York harbor. 'Mr. Smith's artistic bent developed early and he became the producer of numerous successful paintings and oth er work, many of which won recognition at art expositions. It was undoubtedly, however, ae an autthor that iMr. Smith was best known as he was a prolific writer of novels, Aort stories and books of travel, many of which he illustrated himself. His tales of the South, of New York and of New England won him fame, which was added to by other literary work, thfe charm of which was widely recognized. Aaaong the best known novels were "Caleb West," "Tom Grogan," "The Tides of Barnegat" and "Fne 'Fortunes of Oliver Horn.'' During t'he latter years of 'his life Mr. Smith spent much time in Europe where he loved to paint in the out doors. Amateur Sleuth Nearly Kills Father Hazleton, Pa., April B.—Commission ed as a private detective by a New York agency, w'h.ich is alleged to have armed 'him wit'h a revolver, Stephen Motto, of Hazleton, used his weapon in an argument with his father, whose agility in ducking profoa/bly saved 'his life. Bullets imbedded themselves in the door as 'he fled". The young man was locked mp fcy the police. New High School for Lebanon Lebanon, April B.—Lebanon will get a new High school building and in all piobability it will be located on the quarter • block surrounded by Chestnut street, Sixth street, Strawberry and Church alleys. Options have been se cured by the Lebanon school controllers on the ground for $41,400, anil at a special meeting of the Board next Mon-1 day evening final action will be taken in the matter. The proposed site is 198 feet square. Confesses to Burglary at Pottsville Lebanon, April B.—After a gruelling third degree in his cell at the county jail, Raymond Forry, of this city, who ih charged with burglarizing C. Q, Campbell's hardware store, this city, has confessed to the crime of burglariz ing a residence in Pottsville. The con fession was made to Bergoant C. Smith, of the State police, Pottsville, and* Po lice Chief John 0. Zironiermau, of this city. NO LONGER A RIVEROF DOUBT U. S. Charts Tell How to Safely Beach ,the Mouth of the Kus kokwim Washington, D. C., April B.—The re cent announcement by the Department of Commerce of the discovery of a prac ticable channel into the river, Alaska, attracted widespread in terest. The interest will be renewed by a notice just issued by the department to the effect that the Coast and Geodetic Survey has printed two companion charts, one of Kuskokwim bay and one of the river. Both charts arc supple mented by leiflcts of sailing directions, containing a full description of the courses which should be followed, the landmarks and other details of impor tance to the navigator. These charts furnish the long sought answer to the question of how to reach in safety the mouth of the river from the sea. For the first time the naviga tor has the means to avoid the decep tive blind channels which penetrate the shoals of the delta and a guide to follow the river channel as it winds its way through the mud banks of the riv er bed. These charts give the results of four years of persistent effort in face of adverse weather, many hardships and some danger. With their aid, this great river valley becomes accessible. The rssourc.es of a territory covering many thousands of square miles await de velopment by those who will grasp the opportunity. The chart makers have blazed the way. BOY CHARGED WITH ABSON He Just Fired Building to See the Horses Bun Pittston, Pa., April B.—Unable to re sist the temptation to tell a playmate how he ha<l set fire to the storehouse <_>f the Pure Oil Company, "to see the horses run," Charles Riser, 11 years old, was arrested by city police yester day. He admitted the offense. The boy was on parole of the juvenile court. A few mont'hs ago he and some other lads placed stones on the Lehigh Valley tracks, in an attempt to wreck the Black Diamond express. The obstruc tion was discovered before the train ar rived. He confessed when fhe police traced the plot to him. Judge Fuller sent him to Glen Mills vosterday. He is an orphan. Our "JITNEY" Offer—This and 5 c. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with Be to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing ca thartic, especially comforting to stent persons. Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 North Third street. —Adv. 138 House Bills Offered in a Day The great mass of bills introduced in the House yesterday —it being the last day for the introduction of bills for action at this session of the Legis lature, —increased the total to 1,515, of which 138 bills were offered yester day. This is considerably under last session when the total in the House was 2,746.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers