6 ( Ostahluhcd in 1876) Published b« VNK STAR PRINTING COMPANY, ' Btar-lnd«p*id«nt Building. ' IMO-12 South Third Stro«t, Harrtabwfl. Pa, Officer* t Vine tort; maun F M«r«ss, Ja , K u u Kcbn, President. I. W. WAtiLowia, Vice President. M *• * ,T M I. H. Miysrs. Secretary and Treasurer. Wm. W Wauiowu. i. « WanN«*. V. HUMMEL Una HA US, Ja., Basinet* Manager. Editor. HI communications should be addressed to Sta» Independent, tides:. Editoritl. Job Printing or Circulation Department; ording to the subject matter. tered at the Post Office la Harrlsburg as aecoad-clasa matter. ajamln & Kentnor Company, New York and Chicago RepreientaUraa. w Yo.-k Office, Brunswick Building. 2*25 Fifth Avenue, leago Office. People's Oas Building, Michigan Avenue, lelirered by carriers at 6 centa a weak. Mailed to subscriber! Three Dollars a /ear in advance. THE STAR-INDBPCNOOiIT "he paper with the largeti florae Circulation in flarritburg ana rby townt • Circulation Examinee! by THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN APVSRTIS3BS. ~ TELEPHONE*! BELL vat* Branch Bsohanpo. .... No. 3280 CUMBERLAND VALLEY »«to Branch Enohango, .... . No. *45-246 Wednesday, March 24, 1915. MARCH ■un. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 TlB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOON'S PHASES— Fall Moon, Ist, 31st; Last Quarter, Bth; New Moon, 13th; First Quarter, 23d. ~ WEATHER FORECAST® [jRES » fV Harrisburg and vicinity: Fair to ' night and Thursday. Not much change in temperature. Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair to-night — an <i Thursday. Moderate west winds. rESTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE IN HARRISBURG lighest, 60; lowest, 35; 8 a. m., 38; 8 p. m., 45. ENGLISH NEEDED IN PORTO RICO K bill introduced in the House of Delegates of rfco Rico,to abolish the teaqhing of the English iguage in the lower grades of the public schools i to make Spanish the official language of the ind has given rise to a lively contest. Supporters the bill have brought hundreds of native boys legislative sessions to cheer for the Spanish lan ige, while on the other hand crowds of school ps have of their own initiative gathered at public .ces to protest against any change in the courses study. The natives at present are in control t of both inches of the legislature, for the first time since i establishment of American civil government in rto Rico. They are surely making bad use of iir newly acquired power by trying to deprive ir school children of knowledge of the English guage. Such knowledge may be of more value the students in after years than that which they y acquire in all other branches of study put ;ether. The native Porto Ricans naturally prefer Span to English, for it is their mother tongue. If they nt to speak in the Romance language, they have privilege to do so. They are not having English ced upon them by the United States to the ex sion of their own language, but invaluable op •tunities are being offered to them in the public ools, established at so much expense by the ishington government, to learn English alongside Spanish, so that they may be of increased use ness in after life in commercial and other aetiv s. *orto Rican boys who learn Spanish in their nes and are able through training in the public ools to speak English with equal fluency have dent advantages over students in the American jlic schools who ordinarily know but one lai\- tge when they leave the grades, and afterward rn othei% imperfectly if at all. Even in many lerican high schools students have no opportuni i to study Spanish at all. Vith demands increasing for men who speak both jlish and Spanish to take part in the commercial ivities between North and South America, the "to Ricans should be seeking to increase the ilities for teaching English in their schools rather n to eliminate the language from the courses of dy- BUCKING THE RULES OF HEALTH 'hat "the average human being does not want live hygienically" is the conclusion reached by editor of "Clinical Medicine." Te long suspected it, doctor. The average human lg does not appear to be very eager to follow scribed rules of health. In selecting his habits iving he prefers to consult himself rather than hysician. The former is not nearly so exacting the latter. P he ever does make an honest effort to learn the ditions whereby he can live hygienically the rage human being becomes so confused as a rule the complex ruk# laid down by the authorities ; he abandons his good intentions in despair sinks back into his unsanitary existence, con ; to inhale and eat and harbor injurious ge^ms even delighting in his recklessness, he more the average human being reads and rs of rules and regulations for the preservation lealth the more desirous he is apt to become e happily unhygienic. He learns, for instance, roper methods of ventilation based on scientific HARRISBURO STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 24, 1915. analysis of the constituents of the atmosphere in well ventilated and poorly ventilated rooms, and learns that he has been breathing enough of bad air each day to put him in five or six graves. He is not frightened but elated; He argues that if be cause of ignorance of hygienic laws he has been able to exist in inVperfectly ventilated rooms without suspecting that he was being harmed, he had better remain in the embrace of that shielding ignorance.. Especially in the matter of~diet does the average human being prefer to follow his own inclinations regardless of the advice of physicians. He wants to eat what he wants when he wants it. He would eat the rules of health if he liked them, even though they might not digest very well. He refuses to deny himself delicious food for the mere, reason that it may harm him. He sympathizes strongly with the sweet little girl, raised hvgienieally, who begged of her relentless mother: "Please, because this is my birthday, let me have something to eat that's not good for me. 1 ' Just when we have our electric chair working nicely some .one introduces a bill to abolish capital punishment. The London firemen are planning a strike for more pay. There are a good many advantages in having a volunteer department. * Disagreement with the political bosses when he was gov ernor of New Jersey is what put Woodrow Wilson in the White House. We wonder what disagreement with the bosses in Pennsylvania will do for Governor Brumbaugh. Judge Kunkel is right in not permitting Mercer, the forger, convicted in the local courts, to go as a "stool pigeon" to help the New York authorities obtain some con victions of other crooks, unless the New York prosecutors are prepared to post a bond guaranteeing Mercer's return to be sentenced here. The first concern of the DnHphin county court is to make sure that justice is done in Dauphin county, and New York need not expect, even for the sake of helping to bring criminals to justice there, that Dauphin county is going to take any chances of a wily crook like Mercer making a getaway. TOLD IN LIGHTER VEIN THREE OF A KIND Glass, China and Reputation are easily cracked and never well mended. —Benjamin Franklin. PERHAPS ALL OF THEM There's a movement on foot to make Chicago a city of gardens. Beer, vegetable, summer, or Mrfryf—Washing ton Post. THE REMAINING EIGHTEEN Knicker—"Przemvsl has been captured." Bocker—"Fine; now they can go after the other eighteen letters of the alphabet."New York Sun. SHE DOES THE SPEAKING "Do you know Mrs. Gabb to s[>eak to?" "Well, I know her to listen to, if that is what you mean," replied White. —Cincinnati inquirer. APPROPRIATE "What material would you recommend for a dress to go to a garden party!" should suggest lawn."—Baltimore American. I ' HISTORICAL "DATE" "What little boy in class ean mention a memorable date in Roman history?" asked the teacher. "Antony's with Cleopatra!" ventured one of the boys. —Froth. f TAKE YOUR CHOICE. "What is your reason for wanting to learn to dance}" "Well, it looks foohsher to sit still and look foolish than it does to get on your feet and look foolish."—Washing ton Star. RETRIBUTION "I cannot understand why the Lord took my other hus band and sent Aie you!" "Sorry for him and had it in for me, I reckon."— Houston Post. SUPPORT LACKING He—"You can't truthfully say I haven't supported you in the style to which yon were accustomed." She—"Yes, I can. You never hold me on your lap any more."—Judge. HE UNDERSTOOD "Jane, what time is it?" called down the irate father. "I don't know, Pa. The clock isn't going." "But I am," spoke up the young man, who could take a hint.—Detroit Free Press. THE ABSENT-MINDED DOCTOR Hostess—"Dr. Spiggins, will you have some of the tongue!" • The Doctor (absent-mindedly)—"Oh-er-let me look at it, please."—St. Louis Times. WELL QUALIFIED Lady (engaging nurse) —"Have you had any experience with children!" Applicant—"Yis, mum. Shure, Oi used to be a &hild mesilf."—Boston Transcript. HE WOULD GET IT ALL "If I could get some one to invest a thousand pounds in that scheme of mine I could make some money." "How much could you make!" "Why, a thousand pounds."—Boston American. BRAVE BRITISH HENS A correspondent writes to inform us that a well-known dairy company supplied him on February 28 with some eggs dated March 1. It certainly speaks well for the patriotism of our British hens that, in their anxiety that there should be no shortage of food here, they should actually be laying eggs a day in advance. —Punch. SAVING THE DOLLS "Why do you put your dolls away so carefully?" asked Aunt Myra. "Oh," replied little Eva, "I'm keeping them for my chil dren to play with." "But suppose you do not have any children?" queried her aunt. "Then," replied the little miss, "I'll give them to my grandchildren."—Chicago Tribune. RZBE LIGHT THE PUCE OF FOOD The Old Skipper—"Don't you come tellin' me none of your cock-an'-bull yarns about waves 80 feet high. Why, I've been at sea, man an' boy, for nigh on 50 years and I never saw none no higher than 40." v The Young Sailor—"Ah, but see 'ow things are gone up since then."—Kansas City Star. ( JSFJa. arm too oftmn domed with drags &S when their blood is really starved. They need that blood - strength which comes irom medicinal nourishment. No drags can make blood. BCOTTS EMULSION tonhighly I concentrated blood-food and every drop yiddsretorns in strengthening both body and brain. a. If yon are frail, languid, 2R& delicate or nervona, take \jJV Scott'* EmaUon after meals II Iff for one month. No AleohoL ' \ [Tongue-End Topics | Say Messudieh Was a Hulk In naval circles in Constantinople it is mainained that little glory came to the British submarine which tor pedoed the Messudieh at the entrance of the Dardanelles some months ago. The Messudieh, it is claimed, was at that time not'hing but a hulk, whicih had been, stationed in those waters for the purpose of making the inspection of the entrance to the Dardanelles toy means of searchlights possible. In addition na val circles in the Turkish capital claim that the British submarine did not dive through a mine field because the Mes sudieh was stationed outside the field— several knots away from it, in fact. « , * History of the Messudieh How the Messudieh became a hulk is a rather interesting story. On the Mes sudieh were to be found the two big gest guns in Turkey, two 9.2 inch 45- calibre Armstrong pieces. A little while before the outbreak of the European war the British Naval Mission reported Turkish Navy Department that the guns in question would have to un dergo some modification and recom mended t'hat for this purpose they be stopped to the Armstrong works in England. This was done. * * * Took Her Guns Away When the war broke out it was found that the Messudieh, minus her heavy guns, was of little use. It was then decided to take her secondary armament of twelve 6-ineh pieces and her 'battery of fourteen 12-pounders ashore ami arm with them several anti torpedo boat and anti-minelayer sta tions which toad toeen established. There was little use ttoe 10,000-ton vessel could 'be put to after twit, and so it was de cided to employ her powerful search lights at the entrance to the Darda nelles. * * * German Newspapers in Trenches The war is responsible for the ap pearance, on every 'battle front and iu almost every fortress, of a series of newspapers which, for obvious reasons, set quite a new style in journalism. In parts of Northern France where Ger man troops are trying to get out Ger man paikors with French type cases, is sues are already coming to toe prized as curios in wtoick the letter "v" has to toe used for the "w" an the "q" for the "g" so common in German and so comparatively unusual in French. The "h" is frequently missing. * it Convey the Home News At points whereat roof' 3 are stationed for long periods it has been possible to make frequent use of the cartoon and war has drawn into the ranks so many artists, writers and skilled tradesmen and priuters that the resultant output is often astonishingly good. All over Europe, especially in districts that have toeen conquered there are being issued papers in the native language for the purpose of •educating the civil 'puliation to the conqueror's view|x>int and of coin'batting the claims and state ments of native [tapers. Many arc printed in two languages. 'Business houses, bangs and factories are pub lishing papers full of 'home news which they send to employes at the front. , 4 * * Spain After U. ti. Wheat The Spanish government is taking steps to secure an adequate supply of grain until the next pro cedure will 'be sim ilat to that which other countries have 'been obliged to adopt. It will take over a numtoer of 'Spanish-owned vessels and use them to convey cargoes of wheat and oats from the United States to Spanish p>orts, principally Barcelona. Rates of freight toy ship to Spanish ports 'have increased in consonance with those of neighbor ing countries. The increase has in fact 'been rather more pronounced than to some French ports. For example, It Is nearly ten per cent, cheaper to ship grain from the United States to Mar seilles than to (Barcelona because ship owners give a preference to cargoes destined to Marseilles, where there are fairly certain of toeing atole to unload without delay. ' Tea Company Employes Promoted Letoawon, March 24.—Landis A. Far ling, for fifteen years in the employ and also the manager of the Grand Union Tea Company's. store here, has 'been promoted to tne management of the company's store at Lancaster. He will 'be succeeded here toy Arthur L. \Hoff, for some time the chief bookkeeper of tlhe Lancaster store, who has also been promoted to the managership of the Lebanon store. Equal Suffrage Loses in Maine Ahgusta, Me., March 24. —The lower bouse of ttoe 'Legislature yesterday fail- i ed to give the necessary two-thirds vote to a resolution to submit the women's suffrage question to a pwpular vote. The measure toad passed the Senate. PEOPLE'S^COLUIHN The Star-Independent does not make Itself responsible for opinions expressed In this column. THE MAN OF THE HOUR IN RELIGIOUS CIRCLES Editor, the Star-Independent: Dear Sir:■»— Ever since the inception of the Rev. William A. Sunday's work in Philadelphia many of the common ' people of Harrisburg have .Jbeen im- Iportuning us for some public expression of our opinion of the Rev. William A. Sunday. Thus far we have declined to grant the requests. But, now, that our sil ence is being interpreted as that of op position to the man and his work I have concluded to say a few things about "The Man of the Hour in Re ligious Circles." The Rev. William A. Sunday is an orator who cannot be analyzed. This, of course, makes it impossible to say just where his power lies. Unfortun nately he employs slang. He speaks the language of the men of the street. This makes him a man's preachef. He uses the slang phrases that you read in the press but every one con fesses thnt when they hear him use them that they sound very different from the way they read when in print. His slang phrases are deliberately adopted to arrest men's attention. But, as the work progresses he eliminates slang. He lashes the clergy and the church unsparingly which I regret 9s a defect, and a hinderance, rather than a help to the work he is trying to ac complish. It must lead some mer curial people to underate and possibly even despise the clergy and the church. But not withstanding all this he is a man of wonderful power, a born ora tor, a magnetic leader, a fearless soul, a charming personality, and an irresist ible force. He .grips everybody. His only real critics are those who fail to hAr him. The moment one hears him he melts away all their prejudice, however strong, and' they become his admirers. He wins college presidents, students, professional men, business men, working men, weary willies, its well as the down-and-outs, and even the society leaders. College boys who listen drowsily to the very best preachers, follow him in his addresses, and will work for him as for no one else. Thousands of stu dents have been tremendously movedl by him. He fascinates the children. He has a fund of beautiful and effec tive stories and he tells them wonder fully well. He has an eye for pictorial effects atid an instinct for picturesque words. The press says much about his slang, but I wish it would say more about his peculiarly beautiful and ef fective utterances, for he is a master of perfect English. Some of his utterances are literary gems, beautiful in conception, and per fect iu finish. He is what I call the man of the hour in religious circles, and when peo ple hear him they are puzzled, startled and become critical, but before he has concluded, they will be among his ad mirers. Isaac W. Bagley, Censor of Camdeu, N. J. ICE COMPANY GETS BIDS Plant Will Be in Operation Ninety Days After the Letting of Contracts At the regular meeting of the board of directors of the Merchants' Ice Com pany of Harrisburg yesterday Messrs. Johnson, Perrin and Kitchen, the com mittee on machinery, made their report. The committee did a great deal of work, exhminiiig and compiling und compar ing over twenty detail bids from dif ferent competing companies. The bidders were: York Ice Ma chine Company, of York, Pa.; the Frick Ice Machine Company, of Waynesboro; the De La Vergne Ice Machine Com pany, of New York; the Carbondale Ice Machine Company, of Carbondale, Pa. These companies submitted bids on ice machinery The committee submitted their final report to the directors. During their labors, which have extended over a pe riod of three months, they have made a number of visits to plants in other cities, notably Reading, Allentown, Easton and Philadelphia, where differ ent types of machines are in operation. The first three named cities have com panies similar to the "Harrisburg com pany. Mr. Danner, city engineer at the fil ter plant, and Mr. Clynn, mechanical engineer of the Hershey Chocolate Com pany, rendered ttoc committee valuable assistance. Tho machine men state that the plant will be in operation in less than ninety days from the letting of the contract. Ice ought to be manufactured by June 15, 1915. The board of directors adjourned un til 2 o'clock Thursday, March 25, to meet at the Metropolitan hotel. Defi nite action will be taken at this meet ing. \ COURT HOUSE PLAN BOES OVER Present County Commissioners Say They Will Not Tackle Problem The recommendation of the March graud jury which suggested the erec tion of a new court house to replace the present antiquated structure, will not be acted on toy the County Com missioners this year. That was mai|e known toy the Commissioners this morn ing. They think it unwise to begin work now that their successors, who will be elected next fall, would have to finish. The court house question, the Com missioners said, would make many con ferences necessary between county and city officials, for the, proposal is that there be a joint county andi city build ing. It is figured that toy the time plans could be prepared successors to the present City and County Commis sioners will have been elected. McNichol Offers Election Bills Of the 'bills introduced in the Sen ate last night by Senator 'M'cNichol, of 'Philadelphia, one compels nominations toy papers to 'be made toefore the pri mary elections; another gives the first party column on the toe. I lot to tohe party 'polling the highest vote at the last gen eral election instead of Ja»t Presidential election as at present, and a third gives candidates place on the 'ballot accord ing to the priority of filing their pa ipers. A-t present candidates go on the toallot in alphabetical order. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS Printed at this office in best style, at lowest priccß and on short notice. , gk ' V By MR. P. KENNETH |1 Van Y orx fl achieved an artistic triumph in last night's Recital, II at Technical High School Auditorium, which was shared by the £ a Angelus Player Piano | The piano which you can play as perfectly as J Mr. VanYorx did, without musical knowledge or > training. Ik Overheard at the Angelus Recital: Si "I never believed such playing "During the playing of the 'Rondo was possible with any player- Capriciosso I couldn't tell it wa« piano." a player-piano." "It is the first time I ever heard " T never tllo °£ ht U to ' a plaver-piano that didn't sound accompany sutfh an artist, as Mr. mechanical." on any player-p,ano." ( . Fine! I was more than sur- • Why, I dicin t know it was a prised. No canned music with player-piano until I saw the the Angelus." pedals-" "I thought he as playing by ( "Now I am convinced that the hand until I saw him put the . Angelus is all it's claimed to be." music-roll in." I Convince yourself that with the Angelus von can render perfect music. Visit our music rooms and play the Angelus. No obligation. I.ni J. H. Troup Music House I Troup Building 15 So. Market Sq. I f I f Money to Loan on Harrisburg Real Estate. °< Union Trust Co. of Penna. > —4 ___ m mmmmmm Mbaai mmmmm BAPTISTS ELECT OFFICERS Permanent Organization Effected at Meeting in First Church At a meeting of Baptist young folks i in the First church last night the Bap tist Church Association was organized, with the following officers: President, the Rev. W. S. Booth, of [ the First church; vice presidents, t'ne ' Rev. Walter H. Dallman, pastor of the J Market Street church; Ray Shoemaker, | of the Tabernacle church; the Rev. A. t J. Greene, pastor of the Second church, and Harry Shaner, of the First church; I general secretary, George Sharp, Taber-' nacle church, and general treasurer, | Horace Jackson, Market Street church. M'ADOO HOME FROM HOSPITAL Weak From Operation and Needs Quiet, But Doing Well Washington, D. C., March 24.—Sec retary of the Treasury LMvAdoo, who ! was removed to his home Monday after an operation for appendicitis at Prov idence hospital, ten days ago. will ibe forced to remain in seclusion for three J or four weeks. The Secretary's physicians say (he is a weak man, and w'hi 1 e tihere is nothing alarming in his condition, it will take •time to build up his vitality. His re- | coverv ihas been slow, but satisfactory, | his physicians assert. Continued quiet j alone, they say, will result in ihis com plete recovery. Carpets and Rugs This year they are made from a most perfect selec- ! j [ tioii of materials and colors. The Blended Effects are luxurious— pleasing to the i | eye—sure to wear well and to last a long time. Our stock is larger and more complete than ever j j before. Come and inspect them. Our prices will please you. Best quality printed Linoleum now per yd. Vacuum Cleaner with brush, $5.00 I Harrisburg Carpet Company i No. 32 North Second Street _ _~i,, ' Set Aside Drug Conviction Trenton, Mairch 24.—Upon the i ground that the act of 1908 prohibit- I ing the sale of morphine except upon a j physician's prescription does not in dude heroin, a derivative of morphine, J the Supreme Court yesterday set aside I the conviction of Theodore J. Norwood, I a druggist of Jersey City. On Hand! Gloves for every occasion. Just now the new black embroidered backs are "the thing." They give the finishing touch to tlie day dress of men who discriminate. The social season lingers along for a while yet. Maybe you need a pair or two of Dress Gloves. Wo have them in white glace, reindeer and suede. r* j 3rd Near rorry s walnut i *■ j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers