12 HOUSEHOLD TALKS Henrietta D. Grauel Let There Be Light The first mouth of spring is here and while it lasts you will doubtless be too busy to think a great deal about the food supply. At this season the ail importaut thought is house cleaning. This is an elastic term, to some it means turning the house upside down ami resettling it: others do but a little surface cleaning. What is the happy medium ! We know disease lurks in dirt and that both dirt and disease are found in neglected coruers. Light, therefore, is what we need. If ail parts of the house are kept t'ull of light and fresh air. dusty spots and germ laden cor ners will disappear. "I.et there be light" is good advice for the house keeper: if it was followed it would save her »ork and worry. There should be sunshine and air in the bed chamber where there are. oh. so many things to catch and hold dust; ornaments on dresser and walls: slipper cases and fancy bags and draperies may make pretty bits of color, but more often they only catch dust. Open the windows and shake the curtains, how dust dies out into the sunshine. ' Dust kills more persons each year, in Amer ica, than gunpowder. Before you start house cleaning in earnest dispose of some of the excess furniture and useless decorations. \on do not need many of the articles that require constant clean ing. your family do not prize them, some one else will accept them gladly. With the useless ornaments and unneces sary furniture out of the way you can • lean your house comfortably. One can plan even house cleaning so that it may be dfine in comfort. Need less steps, tired backs, wrinkles that massage will never remove, come be cause we do not take sufficient time to plan our work. You and I both know women who take their work easilv, never seem over burdened and yet ac ———■ r »■ ■ Digest All Your Food Food that is properly and | thoroughly digested will never trou ble you. When food is not digested it gives rise to the formation of passes which impair the action of the heart, it torms poisonous compounds and upsets the system. DYSPEPSIA PANACEA will put your stomach in shape and help you digest all the food you eat. 50c Forney's Drug Store 426 MARKET STREET M 0 the •, 10c - „ value _ IOC in a IOC smoke " MO JA A All Havana Quality Made by John C. Herman & Company THE ALE AND BEER produced by the Master Brewer at the DOEHNE Brewery cannot be surpassed for purity, health, tonic and food qualities. DOEHNE BREWERY Order It-Phones | J2K„ CASH FOR YOU Find a purchaser for the article you pos sess and want to sell. If it has value— an advertisement in the Classified colunms of THE STAR-INDEPENDENT will get you effective results. ACT WITHOUT DELAY Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245 or 246 0\ 1 lomolish a wonderful amount. House keeping and house cleaning; in fact all our daily tasks are just what we make them, pleasant work or tiring drudgery. Why not plan f or sunshine, fresh air and simplified work from the top of I the house to the basement: from the back door to the front. Dingy things look dingiest just now when stoves and furnaces have been going all winter, dust, lint and disorder will always be with us and spasmodic cleaning does little good. Instead use daily, water, air and sunlight and these helps will make your house comfortable and ; healthy. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Question. —Please tell me the differ ence between "sanitary" milk and , "pasteurized" milk ? Reply.—Sanitary milk and hygienic milk: certified and guaranteed milk are terms used to show that the producer j agrees to give the customer milk of a t certain composition or quality and the j latter should see that the milk comes up i to the standard indicated. Pasteurized i milk is that which has been heated *uf- ' fieiently to destorv all disease prodocun. organisms. * * * Question. —How is new iron ware • prepared for use? Reply.—lf an iron kettle, boil a j handful of hay in it and let this remain j iti it until it is cold. It' waffle irons or j frying pans, immerse in a bigger utensil filled with water and a little hav. Then J there will be no trouble with food i sticking. * * * Question. —Please tell me of some use for a quantity o.' badly worn stockings! ! Reply.—Old stockings make excel lent dust cloths. Heavy woolen hose' may be made into useful leggiugs for I the children and they are also good for] ( making woven rugs if cut and sewed in j strips. NOTE TELLS OF CRIME Hazietou. March 24. —Christ Ken nedy, of Drifton, while walking be- I tween Lattimer and Drifton found the ! following note on a bush: "Help! Follow- my tracks westward, j 1 I am hurt: was struck on the back of ! the head with a rock and thev are fol- j lowing me. John Kagle. 133 West ! Broad street. West Hazleton." The police of Hazleton and West Hazleton are searching for Kagle. who is ni!s« ; .ng. I J. Harry Stroup Insurance Agent 1617 North Second St I j fIARRTSBURQ STAR-INDEPENDENT. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 24, 1915. PAggOT&CD. HABOLD ftCGMtt(fci) Aufhor</ The Place 5f Honeymoons, etc. F* CQPY/iJGffT ff/ ThT OOe3J-/tCKKUJLCOn/>UIY W CONTINUED "I didn't act like a man. Some day a comfortable fortune would fall to the lot of each of us. But 1 took eight thousand, lost It, am' came whining to , you. You don't belong to this petty age, Paul. You ought to have been a fellow of the round table." Arthur smiled wanly. "To throw your life away Uke that, for a brother who M Ye«, It la I, the Unlucky Penny." j I wasn't fit to lace your shoes! If you 1 had written you would have learned 1 that everything was smoothed over. ! The Andes people dropped the matter j entirely. You loved the mother far J better than I." "And she must never know," quietly. I "Do you mean that?" j ~"I always mean everything I say. Arty. Can't you see the uselessness o? telling her now? She has gone all 2 these years with the belief that I am a thief. A thief. Arty. I, who never stole anything save a farmer's apples. They 1 would have called you a defaulter; that's because you had access to the safe, whereas I had none." Arthur winced. "I don't propose to disillusion the mother. I am strong enough to go away without seeing her; and God i knows how my heart yearns, and my ears and eyes and arms." Warrington reached mechanically for the portrait in the silver frame, but Arthur stayed his hand. "No, Paul; that is mine." Warrington dropped his hand, puj sled. "I was not going to destroy it," Ironically. "No; but In a sense you have de nt roved me. Cc*"Den«->t<'on WV-r tuning tnongnt most or us aivc mat word! The law of compensation For ten years Elsa has been the flower o* the corn for me. She almost loved me. And one day she sees you; and in that one day all that I had gained was lost, and all that you had lost was gained. The law of compensation. Sometimes we escape retribution, but never the • law of compensation. Some months ago she wrote me a letter. She was always direct. It was a just letter." A pause. Arthur gazed steadily at the portrait, while Warrington twist ed his yellow beard. "The ways of mothers are mysteri ous," said the latter, finally. He won dered if Arthur would confess to the blacker deed, or have it forced from him. He would wait and see. "The father and the mother weren't happy. Money. There's the wedge. It's in every life somewhere. A marriage of | convenience is an unwise thing. When we were born the mother turned to us. Up to the time we were six or seven there was no distinction in her love for us. But on the day the father set his choice upon me, she set hers upon you. You'll never know how I suffered as a boy, when I saw the distance growing wider and wider with the years. Per haps the father understood, for he was always kind and gentle to me. 1 ex pect to return to China shortly. The Andes has taken me back. Sounds like a fairy tale; eh? I shall never re turn here. But did you know who Elsa Chetwood was?" "Not until that letter came." Neither of them heard the faint gasp which came from behind the portieres dividing the study and the living room. The gasp had followed the Invisible knife-thrusts of these con fidences. The woman behind those portieres swayed and caught blindly at the Jamb. With cruel vividness she saw in this terrible moment all that to which she had never given more than | a passing thought. No reproaches; only a simple declaration of what had burned in this boy's heart. And she had almost forgotten this son. A species of paralysis laid hold of her, leaving her for the time incapable of movement. She heard the deep rolce of this other son say: "Lots of kinks in life. There Is only one law that I shall lay down for you, Arty. You must give up all idea 6f marrying Elsa Chet wood." "It will be easy to obey that Are you playing with me, Paul?" "Playing?" echoed Warrington. "Yes. Do you mean to sit there and j tell me that you don't know why I j shall never marry her?" Arthur read the truth in his broth- j er's eyes. He smiled weakly, the anger gone. "Same old blind duffer j yon always were. I wrote an answer j to her letter. In that letter I told .her . . . the truth." "You did that?" "I am your brother, Paul. I couldn't be a cad as well as a thief. Yes. I told I ner. l low ner more, waat you never knew. I Ist Craig believe that 1 was you, Paul. I wore your clothes, your scarfpins. your hats. In that 1 was a black villain. God! What a hell I lived in. . . . Ah, mother!" Arthur propped his head upon his arms again. "Paul, my son!" It was Warrington's chair that top pled over. Framed in the portieres stood his mother, white-haired, pale bnt as beautiful as o( old. "I am sorry. I had hoped to get away without you knowing." "Why*" "Oh, because there wasn't any use of my coming at all. I'd passed out of your life, and 1 should have stayed out. Don't worry. I've got everything mapped out. There's a train at mid night." Arthur stood up. "Mother, I am the guilty man. I was the thief. All these years I've let you believe that Paul had taken the money. . . "Yes, yes!" she interrupted, never takiug her eyes off this other son. "1 heard everything behind these cur tains. You were going away, Paul, without seeing me?" ' What was the use of stirring up old matters? Of bringing confusion into this house?" He did not look at her. He could not tell her that he now knew what had drawn him hither, that all along he had deceived him self. "Paul, mv son, I have been a wicked woman." ' "Why, mother, you mustn't talk like that!" "Wicked! My son, my silent, kind ly, chivalric boy, will ypu forgive your mother? Your unnatural mother?" He caught her before her knees I touched the floor; and, ah! how hun grily her arms wound about him. "What's the use of lying?" he cried brokenly. "My mother! I wanted to liear your voice and feel your arms. You don't know how I have always loved you It was a long time, a very Ipng time. Perhaps 1 was to be blamed. I was proud, and kept away from you. Don't cry. There, there! I can go away now, happy." Over his mother's shoulders, now moving with silent stabbing sobs, he held out his hand to his brother. Presently, above the two bowed heads, Warrington's own rose, transfigured with happiness. The hall door ojjened and closed, but none of them regarded it. By and by the mother stord away, but within arm's length. "How big and strong you have grown, Paul." "In heart, too. mother," added Ar thur. "Old Galahad!" "You must never leave us again, Paul Promise." "May I always come back?" "Always!" And she took his hand and pressed it tightly against her cheek. "Always! Ah, your poor blind mother!" * "A'.wavs to come back! ... I "Eighteen Thousand Mile* I Have Traveled to Find You." am going to China In a little while, to take up the work I have always loved, the building ot bridges." "And I am going, tool" It was Elsa, at her journey's end. Jealous love is keen of eye. There ' was death in Arthur's heart, but he ! smiled at her. After all, what was more logical than that she should ap- ! pear at this moment? Why sip the cup when it might be drained at once, ! over with and done with? "Elsa!" said the mother, holding Warrington's hand in closer grasp. "Yes, mother. Ah, why did you not tell me all?" Arthur walked to the long window > that opened out upon the garden. There, for a moment, he paused, then passed from the room. "Qo to him. mother," said Elsa, wise ly and with pity. The mother hesitated, pulled by the old and the new love, by the fear that the new-found could be hers but a lit tle while. Slowly she let Paul's hand fall, and slower still she followed Ar thur's footsteps. "I wasn't quite brave enough," he I said, when she found him. "They love. I And lore ma well, mother, for I am I the broken man." She pressed his head against her j heart. "My boy!" But her glance was j leveled at the amber-tinted window through which she had come. To Warrington, Elsa was a little thinner, and of color there was none; but her eyes shone with all the splen- TWELNTY-TtJIIR INCH TELXSCOPFI OT W »JH U 1 H mLOMELL JANJI MASCHi* VEGETATION" INCREASING "NORTH AND DECREASING SOUTH J Mars Is In the ascendant In the days if the world war, and there Is Interest. Ibcrefore. In the planet Mars as well, for there are some reiunrkable photo graphs and transparencies of our next loor neighbor lu the solar system These photographs were taken at the Lowell Observatory, 'Mo vlewpolut of things celestial at Flagstaff. Ariz, which Is under the direction of Perclval Lowell, whose study of Its canals or chauneU has given rise to the theory that Mars is Inhabited The exhibition represents the latest discoveries made at the observatory iuj tl)e Southwest, where the atmosphere! is remarkably clear and the observa-j tory Is thousands of feet above thei level of the sea, so there are fine op-| portunlties for watching what Is going l on in skyland. oor ot tne oriental stars at wnicn ne j had so often gazed with mute inquiry, j "Galahad!" she said, and smiled. | "Well, what have you to say?" "I? In God's name, what can I say ! but that I love you?" "Well, say it, and stop the ache in my heart! Say it. and make me for get the weary eighteen thousand miles I have journeyed to find you! Say it. and hold me close for I am tired! . . . Listen!" she whispered, lifting her head from his shoulder. From out the stillness of the sum mer night came a jarring note, the eternal protest of Rajah. THE END. GET* SOMERSET MINES Johnstown. March 2 4. —Reports are ! in circulation here that the United Coal Company mines in Jerome, Bos well and Elk Lick, Someset county, are to 'be taken back by the Mer chants' Coal Company, of Baltimore, which sold tliem to the Kuhn interests of Pittsburgh five years ago. It is believed here that this indi cates an early resumption of work at the mines and a heavy shipment of coal from the Somerset county work ings. It's Easy to Start the Fire Your fires don't need con stant watching it' you burn—j KELLEY'S COAL Why? Because it's easy to start j the tires and just as easy to keep tlieni going. Because j it's all pure coal, rich in car bon, uniform in size, even burning and clean. That's why* H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third Street Tenth and State Streets * 6 FOR RENT PRIVATE ROOMS FOR HOUSEHOLD OOODS FIRE PROOF STORAGE We Invite Your Inspection HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. 437-443 SOUTH SECOND STREET J / / What far\»» on the planet Mars has] beeti the subject of speculation tills' many a year, and the announcement by Dr. ScUlaparelll thirty-eight years ago that he •. \v channels was followed by the Investigations of Or Lowell, who mapped out the supposed waterways and prepared uiatiy drawings and photographs. j The changes noticed In certain chan • inels has given credence to the idea that | some of tbeni at least are artificial. Quick Belief for Coughs, Colds ana Hoarseness. Clear the Voice—rine tor Speakers and Singers. 2."> c. GORGAS' DRUG STORES 16 N. Third St. Penna. Station STEAMSHIPS BERMUDA Theae Chitrmlm lalaada Art -Von at Tkttr Beat S. S. "bERNIUOIAN" I holds the record—4o hours—is the newest and only twin-screw steam ship sailing to Bermuda, and the only one landing passengers at the dock at Hamilton without transfer by tender. Round Trip with meals <25 ind and stateroom berth up For full particulars apply to A. 85. OITERIIHIWiK A CO., A(«ll Uuc kec S. S. (0.. 1.1 i., 21) Broadway, Ken Yorki P. I.OUM-: UVMMEL, Ilia Uu. ktt >t., Harrlabum, i'>„ or air Ml'fe et Agent. BUSINESS COLLEGES / Begin Preparation Now i Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL of COMMERCE 13 S. Market Sq., Harris burg, Pa. I —————— HBG. BUSINESS COLLEGE 320 Market Street Fall Term September First t DAY AND NIGHT | v HOTEL IROQUOIS South Carolina Avenue dr Beach ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ; Pleasantly situated, a few steps from Boardwalk. Ideal family hotel. Every modern appointment. Many rooms equipped with running water; 100 private baths. Table ami service most excellent. Rates 110.00, J12.00, $15.00 weekly, American plan. Book let and calendar sent free on request David P. Hahter Silas Wright Chief Clerk Manager Calendars of above hotel can also be obtained by applying at Star-In dependent office. 11 On a planet tvbere vcgrtntlon ; Iconserved with the greatest | lniHKiuaUoo pictures (lie luisy ' I uttending to Uu'ir ditvhev. rotnpun^H ■ | which the I'iinuinn Canal Is oii^H ■ rivulet, and arranging to ijtillty over the entire surface. I Be this as it may. the i |wrtrn—il t>.\ these pictures tracted much attention. After lone of the photographs Professor Sclß t!parellt wrote, "I never < ou!d • lileved the fp.it possible." COI'RT OF COMMON PI,PUS NO. cor.vrr ok chiladkuphia Decemi>er Term. 1810. Na. SAM UK I. KKA. Trustee. H I PENNSYLVANIA CANAL. COMPACT et ■ NOTICE. TKUSTRE'3 FtHtBCI.OSrRK SAt.ltfl OF ALL THK KBTATK. ItL.AI, ANI) AL. BIGHTS AND I'KIYIUJUKfc WIIA'IH I BV KH OF THK I'KNNS\L\ AMA CANJH company. rnraiiant to decree or tlie Court or Pleas No. 6. for riiilailelphia CouuC. the abure rntltlril can* Novenrtiei' 15, KOTT ! amended Otliiucr in, luu. samui-i K*,. Mifiiiliu i ed rnistev uuCer the uuc>rlg:ig • given and eSect i ed July 1, 1870. by Pennsylvania Canal Coupa ti> Herman Lomliaert as original trual.t*. •ecui* the pavment of Its conp>n bom. a to t ; amount of s6.otio.uoo. of ilie cleiioinlnatl..n or * 000, due July I J 1)10, of wliicli bonds to t amount of Jl.tMs.OiHi are outatandlnt die a I /unpaid, upou wbli'b default was made irben lb j fell due Oil aald first day of July, 1910. will si, ! «t Itlblic Auction, al IJ oVlo.k o*.i<, at 1.1 I Cbeatnut street. PblUdelutiia. l'a . on wcilnesdi | April 7. 1015, tbr properties. rlKbls and prii , legos hereinafter briefly deaerllied. relerence bei | mane to Mid decree lor a full dos.T piioi on i i conditions and terms of sale hurolnafter aet rorl PROPERTIES TO UK SOLD. ! (a.) That portion, t>cing at>< ut rt 71-100 miles ! length. of tbe Wyoming Division of the ( anal < | tending from Northampton stiect. in ibe City I Wilkes-Banc. to tbe easU-rn boundary «-f ti'a; pt Hon of the Canal which wa* conveyed !> ifao Omb I Co. to Harry K. lau*»*r by d»ed dated Fet»rui j 24. 1900; s!ihj"»t a* ti> pari thereof, .o tl e r;si I and casement for railroad purposes «craitt* lot , Cural Co. to tbe North ami West Braicii It ilw : Co. by derd dated August 1». I* v 3 and i «oi . io Luzerne County In Deed Book t>. g.- .1: and subject to the grant of coal nd other m i ends »tc., underlying the earne !•*»rt ib it f nn by the Canal Co. to Clarice fairish by d I dat December .11. IHMS. record**! in Luseme C-uuo , Deo,| lI.K-.k No. 241. pa Re 3b. I »b.) Sn h risrht an the Canal Co. may hare reconstruct and maintain tb« ilain H<-r<>«B i , Weit Branch of the Susqut banna lii*er a ! Montgomerv. In tbe County ui kx-oni'ng knt»\Tn as »he Vfuney Dam. and tb»' portion . f I West Branch Division .if the an,l. about c mile in length, contiguous lo tlie sit.- ..f I.i - •« dam. extcmliu<? from a point 4<o fe t Ka»lw;ii me.iMir"il along the S<Mtth property line < f s Canal from the Intersection ot h.ii<| p,<»periy 1 with a line In prolongation Sotithw.n.liy i a - m th« canal) of the breast of said Muncy Dam, a point In a line In prolongation Soulb^'Hrt Scriisa tiie canal, of tbe Westerly line o' i Lot-k House lot at Lock No. IP. in the Town di Muncy l ixtk, I'ounty o. i toother with the rijrht to Hood a■; Is lands above said dam. That part of the portion of the W ' Branch Division of the rsnal in Bn> ler OoU I 1 extending from railroad brldffe to j former site of I'enu's Creek Aqusdurt, a < tan. e «if H»*>ut 3 3-10 iniles. which was r ->e ' ; to tbe Canal Company in it* deed to the Nortbi ' Central Cunrectlug Railroad Cotnpuny. dut-d < ! tober 24, 19"3 and recorded In Snyder Co. I Miucellaneous BtKik No. 0. Pago 378 a. , M.) That portion baring a lenath of alwoif I feet of the Juniata Division of the Canal ! Jnnsata Junction. Dauphin Oiunty. ezteu.ilng t> < i th«- Eastward boundary of Canal as con»< by the CMIIMI Co. to the I*. It. K. Co. by «! date<l Oetoln»r 18. 1800, to the Western bound I of Ihe Fastorn Division of paid Canal. (el That portion of the F.aatern Dltihloo of CanHl. at aald Juniata Junction, extending Smi wardly from tbe Southern boundary of the Ca , aa conveyed by the Canal Co. to the North Central Connecting R. R. Co. by deed dated Ot : ber 24, 1903, to and Including the lock lo tbe p at Clark's Kerry dam. Together w the four frame dwelling houses there i (f.) Thf* bridge across the Susnnebanna B' at Clarks Ferry In tbe Township of Reed, «'ou of Dauphin, known as darks Ferry Hirer bri<! baring a length of twenty hundred and elgl , eight (2088) fwt more or less, mibject to cond< nation proiyetllng* heretofore Inatitutcd by | County of Dauphin to acquire the bridge, toget ! with the riffht to thif damages awarded I is.' That portion «»f the Wlconlsco Dlrlsion the Canal in Dauphin County extondlnt fron 1 point 150 feet above th»- bead of the outlet I known as "No. 1" at Clarks Ferry. Westw* I a distance of 400 feet. m<»re or \ js. to a pois . tbe Intake silo from tbe Susquehanna Rlrer dam across said Rlrer at Clarks Ferry, tofet with the 'mine dwelling thereon, harlnc *n s I srea of about one acre. | Also, all the pergonal property of tbe Canal l and all tbe eatate. right, title nnd <ntere«t of , Canal Co. of. In and to all real estate, real pr ertr rlghta and of every kind soe ' forming part of. connected with or belonging or | any way appertaining to the works and prop* | now or heretofore known aa the Pennaylva nana! (excepting tbe parts and portions hereto! sold and conreyed by tbr Canal Co.) and all singular the corporate rights and franchisee of ' Canal Co. and generally all properly whaterei i j wheresoefer. real, personal and mixed, thereto longing and In any way appertaining. TRRMS AND CONDITIONS. 1. The several abore described premises < : be rtrst offered for sale separately, and tiie® j of the 6ald premises as a whole, to the bi,;t and best bidders, aubject to continuation by Court, 2. Twentr-flve per cent, of the amount of accepted bid sbsll be paid at tbe time of sale cash, and the balance of tbe purchase money a! be paid upon confirmation of the sale by Court, without any liability of the purchaser sse to tbe application of the purchase money. SAMUEL REA. Tru*te NOTE "The condemnation proceedings he tofore instituted to acquire Cla Ferry River Bridge (see "f* supra) h : been dismissed by the Court since t advertisement tirst appeared, and the fore the sale of said bridge will be subject thereto." Cumberland Valley Railro la Effect May 24. 1114. Train. Leave Harrlaburs— For Wlncbeiler and Martinaburg, I.OS. *T.SO a. m.. *3.40 p. m. For Hagentown, Chamberaburc tnterinediate aU.ttona, at *S.OS, *i r,i a. nu. -H.4U. S.JJ. •7.40. 1 a. m. -Additional trains for Carllal* licchanlcaburc at 1.4t a. nu >.IV. ! U Jo. 9.30 d. m. For Dlllabur* at 5.03. *7.50 and M a. m.. I.IS. *3.40, 5.31. 6.30 p. m. •Dally. All othar train* dally «xi Sunday. J H. TONOB. U. A. RIDULOB. a. F. A- *UI
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