The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, February 16, 1915, Page 2, Image 3

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Shareholder* of the Bchaefferstown In
stitution Have Paid the *43,
500 Needed
SchaefTerstown, Pa., Feto. 16.—Now
that all of the $42,500 deficit of tiiie
Firat National Bank here has been
made good, according to an official
statement given out last evening inter
est centres in the day on which busi
ness will be resumed. Final payments
on tiie $l7O assessment were made
yesterday by the shareholders, who pre
to take no small part in the selection
by the of directors of the new
cashier. The list of candidates is said
to include a number of likely men and
it is the purpose of the directors to
leap thetir own counsel until the time
eomes for a <tecision. This will not be
before official notice has been received
from the Comptroller of the Currency
of the day on wihuoh the bank can be re
opened for business.
Developments in the suicide of Levi
Kline, the Bethel township auctioneer
and farmer, whose body was found at
daybreak Sunday hanging from a cheat
nut tree near his home, a mile and a
half from Mount Zion, show that he
was in no way connected with D. B.
Kiefer, the Middletown horse and cat
tle dealer, financially.
It was declared yesterday at the
Fredericksburg National Bank that the
several notes it holds, aggregating a
comparatively small amount. are
Kline's personal paper, all of which is
amply secured.
It was denied yesterday that the
mysterious letter Kline received on Sat
urday had anything to do with his bank
business, and Kline's friends say his
chief source of worry was a report that
he had paid too much money for his re
cent purchase of Bethel township land.
Binner's will was probated yester
day at Lebanon and letters taken out
bv the widow, who is the sole bene
Teachers Asked to Send Letters to
Members of House and Senate
Backed by Miss Margaret M. Sulli
van, 1831 Market street, president of
the 'Pennsylvania State Teachers'
League, members of the society are pre
paring to tight for the passage of the
proposed teachers' pension law and the
minimum wage bill at the present ses
sion of the Legislature.
The pensioning of incapacitated
teachers has been endorsed by the State
Educational Association. The minimum
salary bill proposes to fix the smallest,
salaries a teaoher can get at $45 and
$65 a month, according to the condi
'Miss Sullivan urges teachers to send
post cards, telegrams, letters, etc., to
the members of the House and Senate
when these two bills are pending.
Cut This Out Now
If you don't want it to-day, you may
next week. Send this advertisement and
5 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address clearly.
You receive in return three trial pack
ages—Foley 'a Honey and Tar Com
pound for coughs, colds, croup and grip !
pe; Foley Kidney- Pills, for weak or
disordered kidneys or bladder; Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a pleasant, whole
some and cleansing purgative, just the
thing for winter's sluggish bowels and j
torpid liver. Those well known standard j
remedies for sale by Qeorge A. Oorgas,
16 North Third street, P. R. B. Sta-I
Aged Woman Dies at Christiana
Christiana, Feb. 16.—Mrs. Martha I
A. Cooper, 81 years old, daughter of
the late Elijah Lewis, who was noted
in anti-slavery times and was one of
the three men arrested and tried for!
treason in connection with the Chris- j
tiana riot in war times, died from in
firmities of age yesterday. One son j
only survives. She is the last of her '
family, who were prominent- in the
days of the Revolutionary war.
Big Blast Loosens Much Sand
Strasburg, Feb. 16.—Lewis C.
Sprecher about fifteen months ago used I
145 pounds of dynamite in his quarry
for a blast, which shook houses for
miles around. That a large amount of
stone was loosened is shovsn by the fact i
that the stone crusher used from that
blast 1.000 perches of stone and 100
or more perches remain yet to be
Pish Fanciers Organize
Marietta, Feb. 16. —A Fish Fan
ictrs' Association has been organized in
Lancaster county by electing t'he fol
lowing officers: President, Hiram
Peoples; vice president, Harry H. My
ers; secretary and treasurer* William
Hawman. The meetings will be held
hereafter on the first Wednesday of
the month and many good talks were
given at the session and organisation
All this week, The Chas. K. Cham- j
plin Stork Co., in a repertoire of
successful plays. To day, matinee I
and night, "The Littlest Rebel." 1
Monday afternoon, February 22, at '!
2.15, Twilight Sleep Lecture to i
women only. j j
Tuesday evening, February 23, Rav- '
mond Hitchcock, in "The Beauty 3
Shop." J t
Ererjr afternoon and evening, high i v
claa* vaudeville. ; s
Every afternoon and evening, vaude r
vilje and pictures. f
__ ' 0
Motion Pictures. j J,
Motion Pietures. I ■'
j t
! e
■ ; n
Motion Pictures
V i.» I
"The Littlest Rebel" f
The Ohas. K. Champlin Stock com- c
I » | Today Is Sweetheart Day— I
I VOUR opportunity to test at our expense the I
I -*■ best toilet soap made. Don't let it pass—this is an I
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I full size cake of I
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1 More than a million women have tried it—and found it to be
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I selling brand of toilet soap in the world. ___ __ _
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1424 West jj 111 j BBHMb "*' ""*"" t,t "» n B
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9 l\ (C (Tl />,. <h £3 01 $< through your jobber or direct. sj-jSfc-., M
H ViJi, rt (\ A..,ViWI Cif ir BR Jk '-C - (.
9R J vliy Q'SI/1 clitiona readtr this coupon VOI OI iaMwMnMraaMßaH. PBHj
sggSfe, Star-Independent, Februaryl6,.l9ls. ($ |£
~ ______ • " ""* """ 1 -''' .
, pany will present to-night in the thea
j tro beautiful the great William anil
i Dusten Farnum success, "The Littlest
! Rebel." The story is a beautiful one,
| dealing with the war between the
; North and South. The production is
a sumptuous one and the electrical ef
fects dazzling. Tho great battle sieue
in the third act is one that will be with
yoi. for years to come. 80 realisbu'
and forceful are t.he lines of this play
that it is considered the greatest mili
tary play ever written. Adv.*
"The Stranger"
Wilton Lackaye knew a good thing
when he saw it and for three years
Btarred in "Tho Stranger," to be giv
en to-morrow afternoon. The storv
deals with the winning of love and
business success by the man who *as
born nameless in the poor house and
who, by going to N'ew York as a boy,
found the road to success and fortune.
He returns to the home of his boyhood
to find the evidence to clear the "name
of his mother. He becomes interested
in the little southern city, standing by
the path of progress," wistful, yet
nfraid. He determines to briug "the
spirit of progress there, and while doing
so wins the love of a southern belle.
Just how all this it done takes columns
to tell and seeing is by far better than
reading, so you are invited to be pres
ent at the first presentation on Wed
nesday afternoon. Adv-.*
"The Reformer"
Does Billy Sunday want SSOO to use
for himself or to turn over to some
eharityt This is the sum that Mr.
■■ f t ' \ Y'* ' • ,
Champlin has offered to Mr. Sunday if
he will i'ttend any performance of the
great play that set all Boston talking.
Sunday advised keeping away from
theatres. 'Mr. Champlin asks you to
come Wednesday night and guarauteos
that the reformer has a sermon of Mr.
Sunday lashed to the mast. A play
that calls a spade a spade and appeal's
to the masses is this drama. One of
the greatest and strongest plays 011 the
stage to-day. The story that is never
told in the papers, nut one that you
must come to eee if you wish to learn !
about is "The Reformer." The doors
of the theatre will be locked at 8.20 |
Wednesday night. No one will be ad- j
mitted after that time. Adv.*
Twilight Sleep Talks
Many notable achievements and dis
coveries hove beiMi credited to the
twentieth century, but probably the one
which has t'he most far-reaching effects
upon the human race and which will be
of the greatest benefit to women espe
cially is the discovery of what is now
universally known in this country as
"Twilight Sleep." This condition of
the mind and body is produced by a
drug known as " Bcopolaaain " and its
proper application and use so as to rob
th*t holiest of all womanly functions,
namely, the bringing into ttiis world of
a new life, of its pain and suffering,
has been perfected by Professors Gauss
and Krt)nig in the city of Freiburg,
Germany, at tihe " Fraiien-Klinik," or
woman's hospital, there. Two "Twi
light Sleep" mothers who are enthusi
astic over the new treatment in child
birth will talk to women only on the
I subject at the Majestic theatre Mon
day afternoon. Adv.*
Raymond Hitchcock
Raymond Hitchcock, everybody's fa
vorite comedy .cut-up, he of the sub
terranean voice and otherwise comic
personality, will come to the Majestic
next Tuesday evening. Mr. Hitchcock
has a new vehicle upon which to dis
port his engaging presence this season.
It is called "The Beauty Shop," a mu
sical comedy from a triumvirate of
pens wielded by Chunning Pollock,
Rennold Wolf and Charles J. Gebest.
Mr. Hitchcock has been presenting
"The Beauty Shop" in New York and
rej orts from that city as to the -play's
merits are most favorable. The play
ran for many months at the Astor thea
tre, 6n Broadway, to the largest patron
age ever accorded this Broadway fa
vorite. It goes without saying that
Messrs. Cohau and Harris, Hitchcock's
managers, have surrounded him with a
tine company, which includes an at
tractive chorus of singing and dancing
artists. Every member of the original
company will bo with "The Beauty
Shop" wherf that delightful novelty
comes to town. Adv.*
At the Orphoum
The Orpheum has a Valentine show
this week. If that means an Unusual
show, it applies all right, but it ovgfot
to have a title to brand it much above
the average. And its merit is not alone
due to tike presence of the old favor
ites, Van and Schen«k, who, of course,
are always excellent, but because the
best big headliner ever seen at the Or-
pheum is there. And then there isn ? t
a dull moment to be crammed in any
of the otther acts of the bill. But the
headliner called '"Home Again," to
quote the recent issue of "Variety,"
the leading theatrical publication," is
■ the 'best big act- variety holds. Or
pheum goers who viewed the produc
tion yesterday were of this opinion,
and there are reasons to believe that
tihe news, of the current offering will
"Home Again" is unusual because
of the size and general excellence of
the cait, because of not only pretty
girls, 'but really clever girls, because
of the four scenes ot picturesque scen
ery and, last, but not least, because it
has a cleverly thought out plot that
is out of the ordinary and capably
played. "Home Again" is funuv, it
is tuneful, and it is spectacular. Van
and Sc'henck, the monarchs of harmony,
are here in new songs and new fun and
they walked away with their customary
laurels. They who know the popularity
of t)his team know just how much that
is. Darrell and Conway offer a novel
somedy skit with singing; Bill Pruett,
tihe Cowboy Carupo, pleased immensely;
Mr. and Mrs. Fraak Gilmore, late fea
tures of the New theatre, New York,
offer an interesting comedy drama
called "Too Much Extravagance," and,
in fact, each act 01 the current show
is entertaining pnd clever. Adv.*
At the Colonial
It is needless to say that the comedy
hit of the Colonial's career is now on
view at that playhouse. It is at loast
needless to say this to the army of
amusement seekers who viewed this
name screeching comedy when Sam
iVfann and company presented it at the
Orpheum some few years ago. "The
New Leader" takes its name from tho
title character in the sketch. He is
the man in the orchestra pit and the
other members of the company are
in vaudeville acts, coming in for their
Monday morning rehearsal. It, of
course, is a "small time' theatre and
the comedy is immense. The manage
ment declares that "The New Leader"
is the most costly attraction ever pre
sented at the Colonial. There is not
the slightest deviation in the excellence
of the supporting acts. 'All of them
are up to the recent standard estab
lished at the Colonial. Adv.*
And an Unanswerable Argument in a
Suit at Law
Among the many anecdotes told of
Joseph Viktor von Scheffel, the Ger
man poet and novelist, the following
from Tagliche Rundschau is one of the
'most amusing:
In a place where Scheffel once lived
there was a lack of good drinking wa
ter. One day a well driver in the
neighborhood proposed that the poet
allow him to drive a deep well for him.
Scheffel accepted his offer, but only on
condition that after the water had been
drawn it be found drinkable. The well
driver completed his work, but all that
the pump would deliver was a thick
yellow liquid, so the poet refused to
pay for the work.
Finally the matter was brought be-1
fore t>he court, and the poet and well
driver stood side by side before the
judge to present their respective cases.
Both argued their sides so well that
the magistrate was plainly puzzled to
know which was actually right in the
At length, wearv of tho affair,
Scheffel said: "Weil, I'll give in and
pay for the well and the court expenses,
too, hut on one condition. My oppon
ent shall, before our eyes, take a drink,
of t>he water from the well in ques
tion. " The poet then drew from his
hip pocket a flask of dirty yellow wa
ter and, after extracting the cork,
passed it over to the well driver. One
glance was enough. He thrust the bot-)
tlo aside with a disgusted look and
strode out of tho courtroom with an
angry growl.
The Boy's Idea
'' Y e>p.''
"I don't see why the men who wrote
the rules of grammar didn't make 'T
done' and ''has went' proper. It's easier
to say it that way.'' —'Detroit Free
"I Don't Feel Good"
That is what a lot of people tell us. -
Usually their bowels only need cleansing.
will do the trick and make you feel fine.
We know this positively. Take one .
tonight. Sold only by us, 1Q cents, i *
Ueorga A. Gorgaa.