2 BANK DEFICIT NOW MADE UP Shareholder* of the Bchaefferstown In stitution Have Paid the *43, 500 Needed SchaefTerstown, Pa., Feto. 16.—Now that all of the $42,500 deficit of tiiie Firat National Bank here has been made good, according to an official statement given out last evening inter est centres in the day on which busi ness will be resumed. Final payments on tiie $l7O assessment were made yesterday by the shareholders, who pre to take no small part in the selection by the boa.nl of directors of the new cashier. The list of candidates is said to include a number of likely men and it is the purpose of the directors to leap thetir own counsel until the time eomes for a . fully complied with, either W 9 l\ (C (Tl />,. he court, and the poet and well driver stood side by side before the judge to present their respective cases. Both argued their sides so well that the magistrate was plainly puzzled to know which was actually right in the matter. At length, wearv of tho affair, Scheffel said: "Weil, I'll give in and pay for the well and the court expenses, too, hut on one condition. My oppon ent shall, before our eyes, take a drink, of t>he water from the well in ques tion. " The poet then drew from his hip pocket a flask of dirty yellow wa ter and, after extracting the cork, passed it over to the well driver. One glance was enough. He thrust the bot-) tlo aside with a disgusted look and strode out of tho courtroom with an angry growl. The Boy's Idea "Pa?" '' Y e>p.'' "I don't see why the men who wrote the rules of grammar didn't make 'T done' and ''has went' proper. It's easier to say it that way.'' —'Detroit Free Press." "I Don't Feel Good" That is what a lot of people tell us. - Usually their bowels only need cleansing. ""foxalllOld&dli&i, will do the trick and make you feel fine. We know this positively. Take one . tonight. Sold only by us, 1Q cents, i * Ueorga A. Gorgaa.