The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps YOU are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be lorleited V Miscellaneous FURNITURE PAOKJNO PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1»0« Nortb F SI itli street. ttrsi class pack.rul fur- Allure. cbiQA AQ<l lieil puou* < 1 U»W. h q W. J. WKXKICU. 33* Hamilton street— tuiuituie, china «uu yuuu packing i b(uyui«uta ioottva feller ftl uoiu end*. A.i»o «ui knius uc uauJutn. b«u yuou# w. | PERSONAL. LAUKUS—When delayed or irregular. uae Triumpa Pills, always dcytnU uoic. "licaei Ana p«ii tK-uiars Uee. Vviii* X*tiuu*l iiisiuuie. \NauAte. V\ - MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. v ATT EXT ION—We will pay li.oOO re- v ward it our botue butter nerger fails to aiciiic one pint niio oae , puuua ui tiUiUr in two minutes, sweeter - . luuu cre*uu*i> butier. uemunst ratora j ana general agents wanttu. salary or cuin.iitsdiuii. w nit lot lilastiaieu oir- j cuiars and auurtises oi l.uuu users. s \vunacriui m.vuuuu. i anui> butter Kciger Co.. Wasiuagion. L-. L. v L6i iMATfcla giVcu fui all kinds of elec- j trie Pi ftil WUIU9 and repairing, «ice ttic wMikiacting u specialty; no joo 100 < t.uall or iarg«-> au guaranteed. iui«EcTKiC VAJ.. inroad oL _ _ OLD GOLD AND SILVER J ulj GOLD a.\;» dU-V~EB watcher dia- . I |ii lie prices. JU£». L». tlK. .so. ' \ X .s. lU..U bu bcil ptiol;*. l.Hu SXOUAGL. ; bI'ORAGE in J-stor> Orlck building, LtAi Aiaikti o'w HuUauUola guau* > in clean. puv»«t iweattv/aaUie • * i«it& - u. u«»vo4«i. • v »*o Jlara cl du 1 ."j fciAliKl&ttUlUi 5>TvJKAviJ£ CO. Two ! utw CigllL-SlOli UIICA Wt.cHoUsu, 4?u« at)dutui«t> UlCplwui. UiilU<*>-4 lawvJ n*upiw %jl private iu uUti ui **.nuus loi« iii« aiuia&c ui UUudcbuia feujuo, lite ouivr •vaiouuasc oi wile utu»( •Vf-wcu ol aie l'«uruaui cuu* »u a«.c.wu iu> iut> tue <4Ol ctw ana sate UdUuiiU| ui U uaai* ( iiuiu ft uuu3 «ua muuo ui aiercnan uuu U l * AlUi a s c iAiUj. OuUUi OOwwUa s.ieeu uca. wm liie oi A V ul. a. Ik it, BJSLSESS PERSONALS 1 j»* w«.«ntmerrKtra k«v out c6io. < '■t. U" IIUIUU. U1... am,, iu.a >v.u- 1 au..a J,i ; <- a M t Acting SAtt "■— ■ i PuOiO iIOVi_N"U 1 IA.NU iiio.iiig J> uiper.i VM.NTuii ! i'i.v.\u iu.. iu ». .ouita sl v_a.i 1 . iiu. uen puuitc* ' 1 MUINxjI XO LOAN L'JAXj—id .« tot ooaci wurtlng »i«op4e wiuioUw uaaa cieuit a; ie^j llloit iegSi 1 Jits, aJl« la illjUi. UieuLa iu ouu uuriuwtis cuuvcuuu.4 CU-Oi't.iUliVg uian auu Cu, •U4 Caesiuui at AJUL KINDS OF UAUUMQ ALL. kinds of hauling; large :wo-toa Lruca; tuiaituic. pianos, creigm. in Ul« cii> anu suburbs. Prices reason sale. Picnic &;iu i« irips. uay or evening. V\ M. H. L>Aiilu Veinoa 6L B«U pnone i r Real Estate UNFUBNISHBB ROOMS FOK BENT BL IL.T uspe-ially for light housekeep ing, with or without kitchenettes: rooms ,«tri'~tly private: stoves furnished tree: laundry, phone :tud bath room privileges; private lockers for surplus furniture. In<ju!rt office ior see jani tor. .-ame butlding>. l!road street. iSunday inspe rion itiviteil.) BOOMS FOB BENT THKBE ROOIIS. bath and bal cony. second floor, heated with steam; g.ts furnished for anJ i-ooktnp. J1i.09 per month. Ad.lress 11. G. W.. 1 U'9 Vernuu BE AX ESTATE WANTED WASTED—Acreajfce. farm, itv or town property, suitable for (Obdivision into small farm* or lots. brings more when cut tip and liandled by our up-to date methods. We are fully equipped to subdivide and sell real estate at .t-;-tion on commission in all parts of t e United States. We turn real es tate. residence lots or farms into cash quickly. Write us. Our representa tive will inspect jour proper:y. We also exchange Washington City "invest ment property for residence, farm or timber land. National Keal Kstate and Auction Company. 1024 Woodward bldK ' Washington. P. '*. i ' ■ - ■ - . . 1 , FOB SAXE 1001 N. Third St. 3-story brick building with cel lar. Lot 20x100 ft. In the uptown business district, I at the northeast corner of Third and : Boas Sts. i The rack-bottom, cash price will interest yon. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE REAL ESTATE Fire lusaraace Surety Beads Leeaat aad C*ut Streets \ I Real Estate *—» —__J 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOlTsaLe— Property No. 191J Penn St., brick house, front and back porches, i-emented cellar, fully improved: model home for small family: price right to quick buyer. Apply on premises. ; OUR JANUARY RAROAJN SAI.K— --lt":t Market St.. reduced s.'oo. •-•19 Kelly St.. reduced *4OO Third St.. Knhaut. reduced 1300. 123;. and U:!T Bailey St.. reduced HaO. ' BRIXTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. y OIR JANUARY BARGAIN SAIJS— acres; " 4 mile from Oberlin; 4'. miles from Harrisburs: level land; new house and new barn; possession April 1. li>ls. BR INTO N-PACK ER (N\. Second and Walnut Sts. ■ VAST FORTUNES In Canadian town lots. Owners must sacrifice account war: big profits. Also fartivlands. Bar sains. American Canadian Investment Co.. Box 172, Chicago. ; 1001 NORTH THIRD STREET (north-, east corner of Third and Boas Sts^— In the up-tow i business district—3- j story brck Quilling with cellar Jov t>o ft. Th. rock bottom, cash price will interest you. MTLEER BROS, i NElit'E Federal Square, Harrisbur:;, Pa. II." o wit.lj BUY a brick and frame house on Jefferson street: 7 rooms ami oath; furnace; porch: No. 2J22. Inspect the interior. Owner occupies property. BE Lb REALTY CO.. Bersner Building. PKXBROOK la**T. 30\150. for sale at great sacrifice. This lot is well lo tted and must be sold soon. An unusual haryain. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Butldin g. $2,700 WILL BUY a 3-story brick house on Allison Hill; S rooms; bath: cas; . elc :ric light: porch: furnace. Only I S"00 needed. BELL REALTY CO.. Berg ner Building. NO. 1132 BEURYHILL STREET for sale' at a. reasonable price; brick: 9 rooms; bath: gas; furnace; porch; price reason-' able. Als.i other desirable houses. BELL REALTY CO.. I'.cigner Building. OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE: -417 Reel St., reduced SSO. -Mts N. Sixth St.. reduced S4OO. 1909 N. Third St.. at the right price. s 0 .<• :S2 Herman Ave., Lemoyne. re duced st"o. BRINTUX-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE: lit Acres—ll miles from Harristjurg; frame buildings: 3.000 fruit tree's: some in bearing: station on property; can be bocght on easv terms. B K INTO N - PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. i FOR SALE—Beautiful home on Camp ' str-ct. well built; tile bath room; > ' ii.Hiii'urlaih metal weather stripping; will picas, the most critical and can ' only appreciated when seen: just' one house from Sixth street. Price right if sold quickly. Address No. 3435. care Star-Independent. FOR —One new brick house, near CKiiter of the city; a beautiful lo- . i rooms and bath and all coil- ! venien es. Price only $2,400; and sold; on easy terms. Also building lots at l.iv rside, Penbrook and Paxtaiig. Job carpenter work promptly attended to in aay ■■ irt of the city. Estimates cl'.i ert ally furnished. Apply to S. H iL- ' L'i.MAN cu.. Carpenters and Builders, 1 X. >i\th &t., Harriaburg, Ba. Bell phone 5622J*3. FARM LAJN'DS—OKLAHOMA sl.9' PER ACRE buys 160 acres Okla homa Ranch and Timber Land, in line with Oil and Gas Development, lev v.s. perfect title, no trades. King- APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RHX»— Apartments at southeast ; corner toirrth and PefTer streets. Alii conveniences at reasonable rent. Out- i side porch. Apply B. F. UMBERGER. 10s X. Second St., or 427 Peffer St. ! 107 SOUTH FROXT STREET—Second! floor housekeeping apartments; large : rooms with kitchenettes and baths; | modern improvements: electric lights; gas; city gleam; janitor service. Appiy at above address. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. | FOR REXT—Now furnished front rooms facing Capitol Park: stationary wash stands, hot and cold running Water: ; electric light in each room; also use of phone and large bath. Apply 410 North street. FOR REXT—Two rooms, furnished com plete for light housekeeping. All conveniences. Use of Bell phone. Call 10S9I. or address .014 N. Third St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. : TOR REXT— -53«S S. 17th St 120.00 536 S. 16th St 117.6 m 1937 Swatara St. $15.00 1019 s. 21 Vi st $r:!oo 912 X. 3rd St., store room, ..$20.00 J. E. GIPPLE. 1231 Market Street. i FOR RENT—IO•>." and 1007 Manada St., 2-story bricks: all improvements. W E. MOESLEIX, 612 Boas St. Bell phone 2593. TO SMALL F AMILY —Six-room brick dwelling, 312 May street: all im • provfmrnts: rent $13..%0; possession February 1. Inquire E. O. SHAFFNER 107 Boas St. Bell phone 1295 R. ; DESIRABLE houses and apartments for rent In all parts of city. Reasonable rent and good locations. Inquire of HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 South Thir- I teenth street. Bell phone 248 L. tOK RENT—AII improve ments — 1614 Catherine $16.00 539 S. Fifteenth, ... .$16.00 530 S. Eighteenth, .. .$18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hersliey, 18 South Third street. FOR RENT—Houses with all Improve* menta, at moderate rentala. J. & | GIPPLE. 12.1 Market St HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 3fc-«torj dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real Estate Co.. 24th and Derry Sts XT PAYB TO USE STAR INDEPENDENT WANT ADS. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 23, 1915. Wants AOBNTB WANTED ' AGENTS—Snappiest household line on | earth; red hot sellers, steady repeat ers; 100 per cent, profit. 250 light weight, fast selling, popular-priced ne- ' cesstties: agent's outnt free. Get busy, quick, write to-day. Postal will do. | American Products Co.. 1605 American j Bldg.. Cincinnati. O. . ; AGENTS WANTED at once to sell a); !household necessity: good seller; ex cellent commission pay. Address^-or j 'call 1713 Penn street. • WE PAY SBO monthly salary and fur- ' nish rig and expenses to introduce guaranteed poultry and stock powders. Bigler & Co.. X 953, Sprlngtield. 111. AGENTS to handle exclusively or as ' i side line SSOOO Accident and Sickness Policy for SIO.OO yearly. Pays SSOOO , death, $25 weekly for accident or sick- | ncss; men or women accepted; no ad- j ditlonal dues. Easy seller. Liberal j commission. SIOO,OOO deposited with ! I state. North American Accident Insur-, ance Company, Premier Dept., Newark, i I \GEXTS —Splendid opportunity to make big profits: write to-day for special terms to sell Contraco Kerosene In | candescent Mantle Lamp; 100 candle-' M*et light, consumes 1 quart oil in 20 i hours; Connecticut Trading Co., Clin i ton. Conn. MEX and women wanted to handle the : best proposition ever; big prottts: free I particulars on request: write quick, j Cardiff Supply Co., 519 Beacon St.. Utica, N. Y. J AGENTS—2OO per cent protlt. Automatic ! scraper and cleaner: cleans off the j mod. Needed on every porch and out- | side doorstep; Parker sold 92 In four \ days. Write quick for terms and free sample. Automatic Scraper Co., 4042 | j White Bldg.. Dayton, Ohio. . KOKO-WHEAT crisp; SIO.OO daily profit ' —new confection; oc package costs j can of samples 10c; particulars free: machine $7.50 prepaid. Corneau i : Co.. 512 X. Parkside. Chicago. I AGENTS—SOO per cent, profit: free satn- ; | pies; gold sign letters for stores and ' | office windows. Any one can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 437 N. Clark, Chl | cago. ANYOXE can make S2O weekly with our interchangeable scarf pins." Write to-drtv. Selling plan and particulars free. Opal Manufacturing Co., F25 East ; 14th. X. Y. City. AGENTS WANTED—To sell the origi- ' nal Native Herbs. $1 box for 60c. For sample aud terms address G. W. Bas setj.Jjept. 33, Columbus, o. i HELP WANTED—FEMALE. ] WAXTED—Lady traveler for 1915. Ex- ; periepce unnecessary. Salary, com- I mission*and (Ttpense allowance to right : lady. Mcßrady * Co., Chicago. INDIES—Earn $2.40 a dozen making' handkerchiefs: home business: expe- ' rifence unnecessary. Mail dime for pat- | tern, instructions. Homework, 198, Al | toona. Pa. !DO you want another $2 daily? No ! experience; constant spare time work knitting hosiery; machines furnished on contract: we take product. Helping : Hand Stores (Inc.), Chicago. LADIES sew at home; good pay. Send ' stamp. Work sent prepaid! King Mfg. Co.. 1431 Broadway, Xew York City. LADIES—Make plain aprons at home, $6 to $9 weekly; only band and hem; I sample apron, etc., sent on receipt of j 25c silver and 2c stamp; paper.' LADIES—Make shields at home; SIO.OO per 100. No canvassing required. Send stamped - add re - sen envelope for full particulars. Eureka Cu„ Dept. | 112 D, Kalamazoo, Mich. WANTED—MiddIe-aged white woman I for general housework in country home. 20 miles from city. Family of | three. Address 3139, cave Star-Inde- I | pendent. | A RARE opportunity; comfortable liv-I I ing. home sewing, plain cloth seams, I any sewing machine, steudv; no can- 1 vassing, no tritlers wanted; samples 10c ! i Returned if not satistactorv. Home ' Def trß Co.. Jobbers' sewing, Rehoboth, j DO YOL WANT to be a Stenographer"* ] If you do. buy tuition from an EX-I PERT IX GREGG SHORTHAND—one j who knows what the student needs, and i n? w to_ give a thorough training in a . short time. Tuition charged for seven ! months only. Free Trial. B. I 1 704 R. call. Harrisburg Shorthand School 31 SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. YOL NG GIRL desires light housework ■ or child's nurse. Applv at 806 Cow j den street. I YOUNG WOMAX (colored) desires po- I sition as chambermaid and waitress {or general houseworker. Reference. I Call or address car« VENN IE, 1308 N Seventh St. WANTED—General housework by col ored Woman. Address 1207 Apple Ave. WANTED—Washing at home, and work by the day. Address 1506 Howard 1 j Ave. ! WANTED—Position a3 nurse or maid by colored woman. Address or call 121 Short street. . WANTED—Work of any kind bv color ed woman. Apply or address 121 t-hort St. Can furnish good reference. ► .WANTED—Position as chambermaid or ' assistant cook. Apply rear of 210 ■ j Chestnut street. A RELIABLE colored woman desires . j position as general housework: first [ class cook and laundress. Apply or ] write IQBB South Ninth street. I LADY wishes housekeeping for a re fined widower; city preferred; can I | furnish reference. Apply 1805 Berryhill I street City. ! WANTED—A position as chambermaid or waitresu; experienced. Address 101 i S. River Ave. . ■ WANTED—By lady—housework, wash , | ingr or ironing. Address 336 Cherry ■ I Bt * : HELP WANTED. - WORK spare time stamping and ad- I dressing envelopes. Trial lot and | particulars. 10c. Eureka Publishing Co., Sta. A, Columbus, O. He that plants thorns must never ex >. pect to gather roses.—-Pilpay. \ > r~ —J Wants | HELP WANTED—MALE ; MEN wanted In all localities: 120.00 we«kl> and permanent position show in* samples: grocery mail order house; ; outfit free; highest reference. Box 306. ! Port Huron, Mich. | "MOVIE" actors and actresses in bin demand: large salaries, pleasant work ; and travel: become popular and inde- : pendent. We teach you how. Write ! Mutual School of Motion Picture Acting. i Gaff Bldg.. Chicago. 111. | OPPORTI'NITY for bright young man; to go in business for '.llmself or et»r.t\ : ! big salary: no capital needed. Write ; Chief .Engineer, 455 Cass street. Chlca j go. ill. j WANTED—Names and addresses, by mail order houses: big pay; home work. Information for stamp. Direct Appeal Co.. Plymouth. Indiana. $2,500 ANNUALLY—Co-operate with me 1 evenings at home; everything fur nished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Nebr. ISO MONTHLY and expenses to travel. distribute samples and take orders or , appoint agents; permanent Jap-Amer- Scan Co.. Chicago- GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS: thor- ' ough instruction. $5.00. Returned it ] I not appointed. Particulars free. Amer ! ican Civil Service School. Washington. 1 j P. C. j i | ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN , WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried |, ! men between age of IS and 35; citizens j ■ of United States, of good character and ! temperate liablt.*. who can speak, read j ; and write the English language. For ' information apply to Recruiting OlHcer, Hergner Building, 3d & Market sts„ Harrisburg. 4S N*. Queen St.. Lancaster, i 353 Pine St.. Wllliamsport. 3? W. Mar -1 ket St., York, or 113 Independence 3t„ shamokin. Pa. | WANTED—Man to learn the tea and I cofTee business: must furnish bond I and good reference. lIIUND UNION j TEA CO., 20S North Second St. ! AUTO transportation school wants men ' to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 tti SIOO per month. We give a j thorough course in crude and practical | work for $35.00. No. 5 N. Cameron; t phone 1710. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Two boys. 12 and IS years i I old, would like to get work on a I I farm or witli a trucker, for board and t | clothes; born and raised on a farm, i .Vpply 424 Hamilton St. j I YOUNG MAN wants work of any kind; i | can tire boiler. Call or address 012 ( [Granite avenue. I YOUNG MAN. not afraid of hard work, wishes work of any kind; can Ire 1 boiler. Call or address C. L. A.. 190S i Moltke Ave., City. ! WANTED—-Position as janitor or night | • watehmtn or any kind of work by j I day or week; whitewashing cellars, trimming vines, shrubbery, etc. Call j s or address 1337 N. Second St., City. j WANTED-—Position a* flreman or night j | watchman or any kind of work by reference. Address or call 835 South Tenth street. Iwanted—Harry lV Gibbons, Mo. 1117 I James Rtreet, to whom two reserved I tickets were awarded to-day. good for evening performance, Januar> 26. 1917. S Call for thetn at tho Sfar-lndopentlent ! office before S p. m„ January 25, 1915, jor they will be forfeited. WANTED —Position as barber; seven ! years' experience. Address or call , 835 South Tenth St. i YOUNG MAN, 2S years, wishes position at anything. Apply TAPPIN, 444 Wal nut street. , j WANTED—Colored man wishes position i as cook, waiter or houseman, or any kind of work. Apply 110 Liberty SU A RELIABLE colored man, married, j • desires work as porter, janitor, house man, watchman or driver. Can furnish j good references. Address 133 Balm St. | WANTED—Position as tenant farmer I by a white married man with wife | I and one child. Call or address No. 313 : ; Briggs street. Harrisburg Pa. : WANTED—Young man wishes restau- ; rant or counter work: experienced in ' , i both, can give good references. Apply ! or address 1024 Market. j SALESMEN WANTED. ' SALESMAN to call on home owners, landlords and real estate owners with , i new leader protector; $25 to SIOO a I week for right man; small deposit for outfit required; money buck upon re- I titrn of outfit; no salary grabber want ' ed, but a ma:i of caliber who wants to • 1 make real money, quick. Call or write !! the Berg Mfg. Co.. 114 East 13th St., | New York City. | WANTED—Salesmen and agents; side i I line, free sample; electric sign. Hashes (changeable wording in radiant beams . ! of electric light. Outselling everything, i SIO.OO. Terms 10 days. !• lashtrlc Sign ■ i Works. Chicago. SALES MANAGER, $25.00 to $50.0(1 -! weekly: selling grocery, drug and . ; auto trade: staple article; repeats; ex- J I elusive territory. C'leanzit Co., 1310 (Chestnut St., St. Louis: j ! SALESMEN WANTED—Experience un necessary, easy work, big pay. Write for large list of openings offering op . , portuuities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month ■ while you loam. Address nearest office. ■ ' Dept. 245, National Salesmen's Training Association. Chicago, New York. Kan : | sas City. San Franciscoi J WANTED —Salesman to sell our well known line of Red Cross Cider and - Temperance Drinks In small country 3 towns only. Commission 2a per cent. , and weekly drawing account of $35.00. P I Red Cross Company, Dept. A, St. Louis, j Mo. j HELP WANTED. WANTED—Distributors, men and wom en. to give away packages perfumed ' borax soap powder; no money or ex- I perierjee needed: good pay. Ward & . Company, 216 Institute. Chicago. " BROKERS OR STOCK SALESMEN WANTED, with successful record as producer, to solicit subscriptions for » stock on proposition without equal. In " dustry showing dividend record #0 per cent, to 3<M> per cent, per annum. Back - ed by Government and Bank reports that convinces every prospect. Live, II wide awake men can make liberal ar r rangements. and big commissions, art • i vevtisipg and leads furnished. Stock | will pay 50 per cent, this year, and m > appeals to prospective buyers, exclus " j Ive territpry. Give experience, stating .. in detail past results, and interview will "I be arranged. Address 3440, care Star -1 Independent. ———————l————i I . APARTMENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third Street Large, light, airy, mut comfortable rooms. Steam heat ami constant hot and cold water sup plied. Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for tele- j phone service. TILED BATHROOMS. Ready About February 1, 1915 I APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Company, 2215 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. 5 \ | Sale and Exchange - PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE—'Will be sold at public sale, at Broad street market, Satur day morning next, January 23, at nine j o'clock, a fine lot of household furni ture and rugs: all to be sold without | jJssenfe^^A^JH^SflßlSNKj^^uctionee^^ FOR SALE. C. W. H. I.ANUI.ETZ, l.umhrr—We are overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to see us. Office Cam or an and Mulberry Sts. FOR SALE—J. W. Parks bred-to-lay strain Barred Plymouth Rock cock erels; March hatched; lino, large, husky birds; cheap, quality considered, J. F. LINGLE, New Cumberland, l'a. Box 194. FOR SALE—Reo five passenger tour ing car. all now tires and tubes; three extra tires, five extra tubes, electric horn; also ico cream factory. 2\a-11. P. Sas engine, 40-quart freezer, crusher, can and nibs to pack 100 gallons cream. All in first class condition. Soda water tank, brand new; hot soda apparatus complete. Address Hoover's Cafe, Hum- ; t mi lstown, Pa. [ I FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South i Second St.; Red Tip, King Point, Bliz- | tard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant Grip and Always Sharp Calks. I FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South i Second St.. 5,000 sets New Sash, Bxlo j | xl 2 L.. primed and glazed, at $1.15 per [ set. Also other sizes. I J Bisinass Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A MANUFACTURER WANTS sales managers: earn $3,500 annually sell ling high grade specialties: SSO will finance. Manager, 306 Langdon Bldg., New York. BUT OIL STOCK in $61,000,000 com pany. just organized; ground lloor proposition; 100 per cent, dividends 90 days possible; 20 wells at once; quick action on your money: limited number shares at 2c share; $lO buys 500 par value stock: big advance in stock soon; selling fast; remit now; write for free information: dividends declared soon. Amalgamated Oil Co., 1145 Colcord i Bids.. Oklahoma, ok la. GENTLEMAN wishing to retire offers manufacturing plant for sale: only one of kind ill city; price very reason able. W r ill bear close investigation. Address 3437. carc Star-Independen t. Legal L a . . n NOTICE TQ BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned, at room 13, Court House, Harrtsburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock, noon. Wednesday. February 3rd. 1915. for the books, blanks, bill heads, letter heads, envelopes, orders of court, and sundry receipt forms required by the Itecorder, Register of Wills, Prothonoiary. Sher iff and County Commissioners, for the I ensuing yaer. Detailed list of require ments can be had at this office. Sam ples and quality of books, forms, cte., can be seen at the offices of the above named officials. HENRY W. GOUGH, County Controller. Harrisburg. Pa.. Jan. 20, 1915. »■ Lost and Found ; FOUND. i POUND —A place without trying. Care ful cleaning, best of dyeing. Where? . At Eggert'a Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St. Call ~.iu:ie. V_all and deliver. ! LOST. ■ A PURSE containing some money, san > j itary drinking cup and card case with name and address, in ladies' walt- I ing room of P. R. R. Co. Reward if returned to 1249 Kittatinny St. FOR SALE A knitting factory; all lmprove , ments; electric power; two-story r frame; steam heat, well lighted; equipped with the latest knitting . and sewing machinery. Possession given at once. We will rent if party would be interested in the manu facturing of ladles' garments. Information Wanted—Call Bell phone 74, Steelton. Pa., or M. R. ALLEMAN ~ Mill. FRONT STREET STEELTON, PA. j FINANCE STOCK SELLING RENEWED ON VERY MODERATE SCALE Two-Hour Session Bore the Familiar Week-End Aspects Recessions Range From Minor to Substanital Factions nl the Prominent Issues | R<i Associated Press. New York, Jan. 23, (Wall Stroi'tl — I The course of to day's two-hour session I of the stock market bore the familiar | week-end aspects. Yesterday's selling j of leading stocks, presumably for | profits, was renewed on a very moderate i scale, total sales being far below re cent averages. Recessions ranged from j minor to substantial fractions in prom J ineat issues, while Western Maryland, Missouri Pacific anil " Soo " lost 1 to - j points. Among specialties and iinlits | trials there were declines of 1 to ; points in American Tobacco. Bethlehem I Steel. Mercantile Marine ptM., Califor i nia Petroleum pfd. and Western Union, j The entire list steadied somewhat in I the final dealings. Reading leading the I partial recovery. The closo was irreg | uiar. Summary of the Markat for the Weok * " A Sound First Mortgage Bond providing An Excellent Income is described in our cir cular No. M-108, which will be sent on request. ! A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities 149 Broatfway, New York [ Chicago Philadelphia Buffalo Boston Baltimore London HmBBEBSSKEHDBSBR9HSHBBBM ; iSAVINGS BANK DEPOSITORS locrMst Your Incaroe Buy GOVERNMENT BONDS . Yielding 7 : ' i% CLARENCE COME & CO., , 1 43 Broadway, New York For Rent Desirable offices in the Union Trust Building. r Apply I Union Trust Co. :]£. MONEY ZL 5 j Employes' Discount Co. 36 North Third Street —... J ij Death and Obituary DIED. MYERS —On January 23. 1915, Mrs. Pearl A. Myers, wife of Charles E. My ers. at the home of her lather, J. L SheafTer, 1305 North Second street, aged 31 years, 10 months and 4 days. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 1305 N. ! Second street. Rolativt-s and friends are invited to attend without further no , tice. Interment Paxtang cemetery. WORLEY—On January. 23, 1915, Isa bella . Lila Worley, agod 4 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. X. Joseph Worley. Funeral on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from her late residence. 910 May street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further 110- j tice. Interment in East Harrisburg cemetery. 11 gains for the great part of the wee-k, but r cue ted Infer as a result, it was helievcd, of persistant realizing sales. Much of the liquidation was said to have come from abroad, ijoudon and Kuropean centers selling according to reports, fully 100,000 shares for the period named. The net result, however, left the average of prices well above that of a week ago. To easier Money, more than any other factor, was attributed the re vival of activity. The west and other interior sections have been heavy buy ers, speculatively and otherwise, of stocks, while the increasing volume of open bond sales, which was exceeded by I "over counter'" trwliug, testified to the better investment demand. In fact, j the broad and general inquiry for bonds I has surpassed all expectations. ■ JSteel ami copper shares also proiited by distinct improvement in those in dustries, the former by a restoration :of the full dividend to Bethlehem j Steel pfd., together with a marked in crease of general production, and the latter bv a pronounced advance in the price of the inetai. Wail road earnings, while somewhat more favorable than in immediate preceding months, still show general net lossess. ! 'Foreign trade continues to move dis i tinctlv in favor of this country, the re . cent heavy exports of foodstuffs, cotton . and general merchandise being far in j excess of impo 'ts. Kxeluinge on lon , don and Continental Europe was firmer during the woes mainly as a result of purchases of Itmime bills to meet sales here of foreign owned American se curities. , NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS. i Furnished by H W. Suavely, Broker. Arcade Building, Walnut aud Court Streets Xcvv York, .lan. 1915. , Alaska llold Mines JS", 2S'j ! Amalgamated Cot>per 56'.ij " I American licet Sugar 34'n ''l American Can 29 ; ' m "J!•"i I do. preferred O'V American Car and Kdy Co., it IT American Ice See.ur :• I I Amor. Locomotive 2ii'r* 27 American Ktnellliig '•:! I American Sugar 1 oi» H"l American Tel. and Tel ' -1 1 "J<> ■•; Anaconda 277j i7-\ Atchison 1 -"5r» 1 ■ ! Baltimore and Ohio 73', 7:!', | Bethlehem Steel tit t'n'., I Brooklyn R. T S7'.. x 7',. California Petroleum t'i'.i 16 Canadian Pacific 165» t IH. 1 , Central heather 35 Chesapeake and Ohio t« i r, ' V i Chi., M. and St. f 92'« 92', t'hino Con. Copper IPC* 36'.. :'orn Products 9T» :• "i llCrle 2' 1 : 2'j . 1 do., tirst nreferred 36'.. :!6'(. ■ General Klei-tric Co 111 >i 'i! 1 General .Motors !> I ~ m I ' Goodrich 11. K :hii, :!o'< _ ! Great Northern, p f<l tin', ilti-', j Great North. Ore, subs i, i riuggenlielnier Kplor r.Hi, Interboro-Met 12'.. 12', do. preferred ilf; 51 i Kansas Cit.v Southern. . .. 2','. :u, ! Lehigh Valley I 7 '1::s ! Mexieun Petroleum 63'; 'Missouri Pacific tji, 12", j Nev. Consul. Copper I::> s I'.', I Now York Central !'l , 112 ', |N T . V.. N. H. and II 54 5 1 ; Northern Pacific, t ftl or.«i i Pennsylvania If. R IftTU lo7', Pittsburgh Coal Is is do. preferred si " 4 si a « j Pre»H Steel Ca.r :::: -** l :::t :i^ I Kail way Steel Spg 2.'. 25 I Kay Con. Copper 17-' I I7"i 1 Heading ... 1 r, Mi 152"i Republic Iron and Steel... 21', .M, | do. preferred 7S 7S Southern Pacific n 7l, S'.'i Southern Railway 17'* ts I do. preferred 61', 62 ITonnessee Copper :: I ::ir. I Third Avenue t;i t:: t Union Pacific 121 "i 121 IU. S. Steel :,2 ', 52% j Utah ( 'opper , , 1 I Western Ma.rylam' ill", i:> | Western I'nioi "J 7 ,, 62'j • Westlnghouse Mfg 7! 71 Philadelphia Closing Prices Philadelphia, Jan. 23.—Stocks closed steady: ! Cambria Steel It 1 General Asphalt, asked . | do. preferred, asked 67 Lake Superior Corp., asked Lehigh Navigation 71 '4 Lehigh Valb y 6.V, Pennsylvania I!. It I Philadelphia Klectric 23 U Philadelphia Company, asked,.. 2:! 1 do. nreferred, asked 1 Philadelphia Rapid Transit lO'l i Heading, 78 Storage Mattery 431., -1 Union Traction, asked .Iti . U. U. I mi, U. S. Steel r,l^ Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia, Jan. 23. —Wheat lower; No. 2 red spot, 14.341.146; No. I northern. Duluth <-\port. 151 % 151. Corn lirm; No. 2 yellow local, SO#Sl. Oats flr 111; No. 2 white, 39((/>ofl. Bran (irm; winter, per ton, $23.3%) 38.50: spring, per ton, 127.01) ft 27.50. Retined sugars steady; powdered. 5.05; tine granulated, 4.1)5; Confectioners' A. i 4.85. ' j Butter steady; western creamery, ex tra, 32; nearby prints fancy, 35. j Hogs—Unsettled conditions prevail to I 10.65; current receipts, free case, 10,35: | western extra Ijrsts, free case, 10,ti5; j firsts, free '-ase, 10.35. I Live poultry steady; fowls, 13®Is old roosters, 10 -v/) 10 Va; chickens. 12® M 14; turkeys, 12(&il6; ducks, ia<&l6; "geese, 13 #ls. I Dressed poultry firm; turkeys, fancy, 21®22; fair to good. IS'wSO: fowls, I heavy, lSr«il9; average. 14®17"/4; small, |1 2 # 13: old roost.-rs, 13; broiling chick ; ens, nearby, t6#22; western, 14fy;20; : roasting, 16#18; ducks, 12iJ?il7; geese, | 10IS 14. 1 Potatoes weak; Pennsyh aula, per 1 bushels, 63065; New York. 45r0/52; Jer : sey, per basket, 30®35. Clour firm; winter straight, 6.25i® i C.50; spring straight. 6.40(&)6.60; spring patent, fi.60®7.15. 1 Hay steady; No. I large bales,<a> 19.00; No. 1 medium bales, 18.50® 19.00; j No. 2 do., 17.004/; 18.00; No. 3 do., 14.50® 15.50; sample, 13.50@t1.50; 110 grade 1 1 l.OOfylll.OO: light mixed, 17.50® 18.UO; No. 1 do., Iti.oO® 17.00; No. 2 do., 15.0044 16.00. Chicago Live S*ock Mavkst Chicago, Jan. 23.—Hogs—Receipts, 1. 11,000; strong. Bulk. 6.750)7.00; light, - yitxed, 7.661&'7.10; 4 #6.95; rough, 6.40(96.55; pigs, 5.40®7.10. t, Cattle—Receipts, 300; steady. Native 3. steers, 5.50®9.35; western, 5.007.50; 2 cows and heifers. 3.20#8.00; calves, 7.25 I. #10.50. o Sheep—Roceipts, 3,000; weak. Sheep, 1- 5.75®6.50: yearlings, 6.75®7.60; lambs, 6.75#8.50. 9, Extra Sunday Special h Several groat features in to-mor -3 row's New York Sunday "World." ye ll cure a copy. Adv. e Faith must become active through " works. —C. W. Weiidte. f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers