The Starjndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited Miscellaneous FURNITURE PACKINO PACKING —A H. SHRENK. i»O* NONA Sixth street, drat class packer of fur ■tture. china ami hricabrac. Bell phone IIIW. W. J. WENRICH. 339 Hamilton street— Furnltuie, china ana piano packing, hhipnicuta looked after at both ends, also all kinds of hauling. Ben pnoue *UI W. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ESTIMATES given for all kinds of elec tric light wiriug and repairing; elec tric «. Wiuit.ung a specialty; no job too small or ail worK guaranteed. fcaUKLtdSS I&LUCfKIC Alivi.NG v,»J.. i'mt Vi liroaa _ OLD GOLD AND SILVER UL#L> GOL»L> AND SILVEK watches, dia muuua and Jewelry bought tor iiigji tot casn prices. JOs. L». Bii.rJN.NKK, .no. I lh.iu a*,. Bell pnone 1-. I.U SXOfcAGE. io i(*Blory brick building, rear 405 Market iiuua«aoia *ooas lu clean, piltaic . ce;..*. Kcuduuaal* I a Lea. App*> to l'. C*. UUz.S£.t\., KJ dl. UAKKJgBUKU STORAQJS CO. Two uew c.^at-dl©ry brick * arcboudc*, eu%i auduiawci) nieprooi. diviaeu luio Uiepruol pi*»ale tuoina oi tunous tucj tor 10c Aloiage cX iiou&tuoiu Itoous, Ute ucacr Hareuouie ol tuo oio*i l> pe ot are con* lit itcuou ioi «eaviai lacy • «.««,• A" »»»ui irtu argu eiecuic elevator* ana apirai chute lor tue ana safe uanaiing ox »iou*«- Uuld feuou* auU ait kiua> oi uieichaa ui6c. iiow storage raiea ouutn »t.eeu ueai ration, OM me iiacks of rtuua. xL H, PIANO MOVING PIANO moving by experts. WINTER ftA»>iO CO.. .a N. fourth St. call it J. QUI jlhohc. t MONEY TO LOAN LOANS—S» io $ Ki soneal working people without bank cieait at lesa thai* legal rale*, payable in inatali ui.uia lo ault Donuw era conveuiei. a CO-OPERATIVE Loan and iuvesioient Co, 204 Chestnut be ALL KINDS OP HAULING ai.i. klnda of hauling; large two-tea truck; furniture, pianos, freight, la the city and auburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic ana pleasure trips, day or tvening. Wit H. DARE, 14>1 Vernon) feL Bell phone 3517 J. Sale and Exchange - FOE SALE. SAFE FOR SALE—Worth $90.00. will sell at a bargain. Call at 211 Market street. C. W. H. LAXGMSTS, I nmbrr—W e are overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to sea us. PUKe Cameron and Mulberry Sts- FOR SALE—Crow n upright piano; wal nut case; fine condition; prl< e s!'S —$5 down, f! per week. ALSO one Brad bury upright piano, ebonized case. Price 1116—55 down. 11.25 weelt WIN TKR PIANO CO., 23 N. Fourth SI FOR SALE—2OO hundred Barred Rock, White and Brown Leghorns, pullets, at a bargain if taken at once. Just started to lav. Call Bell phone 507R-3. A. B. DAVIS. Penbrook. Pa. WA.VTBD—Jane Beatty, 1627 Wallace, to whom two reserved tickets were awarded to-day, good for evening per formance. January 21, 1915. Call for them at the Star-Independent office be fore 8 p. m., January 20, 1915, or they will be forfeited. FOR SALE—One good freight elevator; w;ll sell very cheap at this time as we must have- more room. ARCADE LAUNDRY, Logan and Granite streets. FOR SALE—At MELTZER'S, mens overcoats, from SI.OO up; men's suits, from $2.50 up; ladies' suits, $1.50 up; ladies' dresses, from 75c up; soldier overcoats and soldier shoes. Every thing in good condition, slightly used. Also felt boots, $1.95. Come atid look them over. Open evenings. S. ML'LTZ ER, 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second St.. Red Tip, Ring Point, Bill iard. Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant Grip and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second St., 5,000 sets New Sash. Bxlo *l2 L. primed and glazed, at $1,15 per set. Also other sizes. The Doldrums ''ln the doldrums'' is a phrase more often employed than understood. It re fers to a belt of calms cont mjruous to the equator and situate between the course of the southeast and northeast trade winds. Long periods with scarce ly a stir in the air and a torrid sky above, broken by sudden squalls and violent storms o* short duration, make the doldrurrp a dreaded area for sailing ships. FOB SALE 25 South Front Street krlrk mldrurr witk ten large rooms, bath and faraaee. Kooaiv l«o-«t«ry briek atable oa rear of lot. < TI.OT FT. ; With the laatallatloa of city nteam heat aad aoate laterlor thin property nonld make an ideal propoaltlon for a elub houae, with aleeplnt: ronnm— near Market atreet aad oterlooktag a beautiful aeetlon of Hlver l'ark and the Suaqnehaaaa. ] Miller Bros. & Neefc SQUARE —===== li Wants HELP WANTED—MALE. J | AUTO transportation school wants men i to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to 1100-per month. We Rive a - | thorough course in cruel* and practical . ! work tor $35.00. No. N. Cameron: ! Belt phone 1710. » TAKK ORDBfUS FOR US. * We have retail stores in principal cit- , ie* of V. 8.. and want wide-awake, hon ! est representatives everywhere to take I orders for (loodlow ? Oood Clothes— ( suits and overcoats for men and youths. Previous experience unnecessary. Stores opened for men who prove successful. ' Start on part time or full time. One ' man worked evenings and made more I money first week than his regular posi i tion paid him. Address Goodlow's Good I Clothes Stores, Dept. 13, New York City. : , RAIIjROAD firemen, brakemen. SIOO - $l2O. Kxperience unnecessary. State Railway, care Star-Indcpo || I ' ARMY OF UNITKD STATES. MKN . WANTKD: Ablebodied unmarried I men between age of IS and 36; citixens ' of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For < information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, nd & Market sts., llarrisbur*. x Queen St.. Lancaster. 3a3 Pine St.. Williamsporu 37 W. .Mar ket St.. York, or 113 Independence St,. Sham ok in. IJa. AN experienced tobacco stripper; lady . preferred. H. G. WISE. 34 S. Thir | teenth St.. Cit>\ I WANTISD—An industrious young mar ried man to take charge of a farm. Must he experienced and well recom mended. Address 3435, care Star-lnde- I pendent. - | SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Young man wishes restau | rant or counter work; experienced in 1 both; can give good references. Apply or address 102 4 Market. WANTED—By a middle-aged man with a family, any kind of work; janitor or . | night watchman or collector, or, . | agency. Can give good references. Ad- : j , dress 2543 Agate St. WANTED—Position as hotel man, but- j ler in private family, or cook. Ad- ! dress 329 Cherry St. i A COLORED MAN wants a position! , around a house or store; can furnish . references. Call or write 520 Brown Ave. WANTED—Colored boy who has his own bicyr e wants work of any kind. Address 1207 Apple Ave. V YOL'NG married man wishes a position as ehaulTeur; can give reference, do own »ei»airtng. 0«11 or write, R. D., '.9 i S. Court_St.._City._ AGENTS WAN-fED AGENTS—lntroduce famous Japsilk ' nonbreakable gas mantle. New in . America. Last longer, throws greater j light. Fits standard inverted burners. Rapid seller. Sample lac. Jules Elec- 1 trio Co.. 209 West 4Sth. N. Y. , LARGE eastern factory wants reliable party to manage distribution, excep- i tional patented utility selling every where; big income assured. Protection given. References required. Write Troxell, Hotel Commonwealth. ; ' HELP WANTED—FEMALE. • HARRISBURG SHORTHAND SCHOOL stands for individual instruction; best] ■ i known methods in teaching; real touch, ! typewriting; a personal interest in each I student. My guarantee: To prepare I students for good positions; to aid them , in securing employment. Tuition will be charged for 7 mos. only. Free after : that time. Free trial. 31 N. Second St.] ' ' ~ I 1 SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE, j WANTED—'A position as chambermaid or waitress; experienced. Address 101 j ' S. River Ave. WANTED—By lady—liousework, wash- ' ing or ironing. Address 336 Cherry | St. GERMAN GIRL wants general house- I work. 541 S. Front St., Steelton. Pa. | WANTED—MiddIe-aged white w oman | wants position to do general house work; good references. Address MRS. K. WAGGONER. Hummelstown, Pa. YOUNG GIRL wants position as house keeper, in small family, or chamber | maid. Call 2017 Kensington St. I I'OL'NG GIRL (colored) desirea posi- , 1 tion as child's nurse, light house! I work. Address Advertiser. 1308 N. Sev- : I enth St., care Vennie. WANTED—A middle-aged German lady wishes days' work of any kind; has i experience in restaurant. Call or ad- : dress A. R.. 415 Christian St., Steelton, - | YOL'NG WOMAN (colored l desires laun dry work: thoroughly competent. ; write or call Lewis, 506 Filbert St. Also, younger sister desires light , ! housework or position as nurse. WANTED—Washing and Ironing to do. at home. Apply 1635 N. Seventh St. - WANTED—Poaitlon as housekeeper or i work by the week. Address 1310 i Herr street. | 1 DAY'S WORK wanted, of any kind, by | Ia colored woman. Call or address , 521 Brown Ave., City. "g, ' HARRISBUBG STAR-INDEPEXDENT, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 19, 1915 —, Real Estate REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. I'OK SALE - AT - A" BARGAIN—Or will exchange for improved city property, Xn Imposing 14-room 40x40 ft. Colonial suburbau residence. All ia>provements: perch 10 ft. wide. 70 ft. long. Lot, llsx 200 ft. Shrubbery: six kinds of fruit in bearing. Trollej near: 12 minutes ■ aiid one fare from Market Squara. Call Bell phone No. 304SL FOR SALE—A 17-acrr farm in Cum berland county, on a main road. si\ miles from Macnanicsburg: level land, 1 house and nil outbuildings: price S'JO". Apply 11. G. PEDLOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St. BE YOl'R own landlord: a small cash payment will give a deed to a new brick house on the Hill; balance can be paid as rent. Apply 1L G. PEDLOW, ,110 S. Thirteenth St. FOR SALE—One new brick house, near the center of the city; a beautiful lo cation. 6 rooms and bath and all con veniences. Price only $-'.400; .mil sold on easy terms. Also building lots at Riverside. Penbrook and Paxtang. Job carpenter work promptly at', naed to in any p.trt of the city. Estimates cheerfully furnished Apply to S. HAI.- DEMAN CO., Carpentei? and Builders, 3222 N. Sixth St., Pa. Beli phone 3622J-3. THHEE-STORY FRAME house on Sus quehanna street for sale at reduced price—former price SI.SOO—9 rooms bath—gas furnace. Particulars at BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. $1,900 WILL BUY either one of two dwellings located on Woodbine street —all improvements—one with steam heat —drive alley on rear. BELL REAL TY' CO.. Bergner Building. l-'OR SALE—No. 1520 Swatara St.; 3- story brick house; S rooms, bath, gas, electric light, furnace, porch, cemented cellar; to be vacated January 20. BELL REALTY CO.. Bergner Building. OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE: 219 Reily St.. reduced S4OO. 1940 Green St.. reduced S2OO. 1235 and 1237 Bailey St.. $250. 540 Schuylkill St., reduced SIOO. BKINTO.N-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. OCR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE: 18 acres: frame buildings; located 'i mile from Brandtsville; 225 fruit trees; some in bearing; possession April Ist. Trice $ 1.20 m. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. UNFURNISHER ROOMS FOE RENT BUILT especially for light housekeep ing. with or without kitchenettes; rooms strictly private; stoves furnished free; laundry, phone and bath room privileges; private lockers for surplus furniture. office (or see jani tor. same building), (29 Broad street. (Sunday inspection invited.) REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Three-story brick house, 310 Nectarine avenue, handy to car line, near Mulberry street bridge; all improvements. Apply 320 Crescent St. FOR RENT—IOOS Manada St.; 2-story brick. all improvements. W. E. MOESLEIN. 612 Boas St. Bell phone FOR RENT—Two-story brick dwelling. No. 1118 N. Fourteenth St.; all im provements; large front porch and back and front stairs. C. H. ORCUTT. No. 267 Cumberland St. DESIRABLE houses and apartments for rent in all parts of city. Reasonable rent and good locations. Inquire of HARVEY T. SMITH. 204 South Thir teenth street. Bell phone 24SL. FOR RENT—AII improve ments— -1614 Catherine, $16.00 539 S. Fifteenth $16.00 •330 S. Eighteenth, .. .$18.50 Apply Kuhn & Hershey, 18 South Third street. FOR RENT—Houses with all Improve ments, at moderate rentals. J E. Market PL SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and IH-story dwelling houses for sale Elder Real Estate_Co.. 24 th and Perry Sts APARTMENTS FOR RENT 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET— Second floor housekeeping apartments; large rooms with kitchenettes and baths: modern improvements; electric lights; gas; city steam; janitor service. Apply at above address. APARTMENTS FOR RENT —3 rooms and bath, coal and gas ranges, gas or electric light, sls per month. Apply at Mehring s Liquor Store, Sixth and I(>JV 3tree,s - Phone 2671, United Lost and Found m mm mm^ FOUND. P'OUXD—A place without trying. Care fui cleaning, best of dyeing. Where? At Lggert's Steam Dyeing and French cleaning Works, 1245 Market St. Call tuner p.ione. call and deliver. Bosinut Opptriinitiss BUSINESS OPPOETTJNITIES. GENTLEMAN wishing to retire offers manufacturing plant for sale; only one of kind in city; price very reason able. Will bear close investigation. Address J437. care Star-Independent. AN INCORPORATED CO. wants party who can inve«t few hundred dollars with services for the exclusive sales right in this city for new invention (patented); proposition will clear SI,OOO and up per month. Article demonstrated sells itself. You will miss the oppor tunity of your life If you do not Inves tigate. For personal interview and In spection see MR. CLARK Room 517, Metropolitan Hotel, to-day and to-mor row, 9 to 4. APARTMENTS Suites of 2 Rooms and Bath IN THE Reynard, 208 N. Third Street i Large, light, airv, and comfortable rooms, i Steam heat and constant hot and cold water sup s plied. 1 r Hardwood floors; electric light; wired for tele phone service. TILED BATHROOMS. Ready About February 1, 1915 APPLY TO ' Commonwealth Trust Company, Market Strest Harrisburg. Pa. j t < i For Rent i Desirable offices in the i Union Trust Building, ij A pp'y ■| Unian Trust Co. FORSALE A knitting factory, all Improve- ■ ments; electric power: two-story frame: stcair. hea't. well lighted; equipped with the latest knitting and sewing machinery. Possession i ' j given at once. We will rent if party j ' would be Interested in the manu- I facturing of ladies' garments. Information Wanted—Call Bell phone <4. Steelton. Ha., or j M. R. ALLEMAN J 145 ,\. PKOAT STREET STEKI.TO.V rA. . I | SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITORS !ncje*aie Your Income Buy GOV£RKK!cK f BONDS ;; ' Yialsinj B'c CLARENCE COKE * CO., , 1 45 Broadway. * New York ■■UBMnHHBV ' Public Sale i of UNION HOTEL L | property, on premises at Lavsvilie. {.Perry county. Pa., Saturday, .lanuary . i :'O. at II o'clock. I.arge brick iiotel , building, steam heat, electric light, •| large lot, good stabling. 2 minutes' j i walk front railroad station good auto- | ' mobile roads. Old established hotel, i ; splendid opportunity for country hotel j business. Easy t"rn:s. |! RUSSELL, J. MARTIX. Executor. I | r v i Public Sale of Stocks I Will sell 15 shares of L'nion Trust Company Stock at Court House. Sat urday. January 23, at 2 o'clock ' p. m. I John T. Ensminger Attctioaecr. ' ' Legal ! V— £ ■ | Irene K. Mrlloialii v*. 11. Stuart >lc i DoatM—ln the Court of Common Pleas of Daupllin County—,Xo. 522, I June Term. 1911. , To T>. Stuart McDonald. Respondent: I . You are h-reby respectfully notified j . j that the hearing in the above-stated j I case will take place at the Court House I I in the City of Har.-isbuig. on Monday. ! | the Ist da;>" of February, A. D 1915, at > ten o'clock a. m„ when and where you ' I may attend and make defease thereto If i vou see proper so to do. E. E. BE IDLE MAN. Attorney for Llbellant. : Sheriff's Office, Harrlsburg, Pa., ,! January 19, 1915. I - I NOTICE Edith Prnnlsitrr vs. John S. I'rnxlngrer— In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. No. 68, March term. 1906 —In Divorce. To John S. Pensinger. 'i You are hereby notified that a hear , i ing will be bad in the yove-slated | [ case, before the honorable/ the Judges: of the Court of Common Pieas of Dau phin county, at th-3 Court House. Mar ket street, Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, on Monday, February 1. 1915, at 10 o'clock a. in., at wbich time and place you may appear and be heard in your defense if you think proper ho to do. ROBERT STITKER, Attorney for Libellant. i ' I Damascus It is estimated that at least 20,000 pilgrims pass through the city of Da j mascus each year. They are material ■ to the financial welfare of the ancient ' city, spending in the neighborhood of $900,000 for goods of every kind. Da ■ mascus is busy, and the people are in j dustrious. Nearly everything actually , needed by the native is made there, i and there is a surplus sufficient to sup [ ply a large surrounding territory anil the pilgrims and visitors *ho pass that way. In this respect Damascus has not changed in hundreds of years. It has always been a maker and distributer of food and raiment.—Argonaut. Death and Obituary Mi DIED. ; SHOOF—Naomi Jane Shoop. wife of George Davis Shoop. of Ml Forrest street, died January IS. 191T>, aged til: I years, 5 mouths and IS dav*. funeral services will be' held from her late home on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, after which the remains will ; be taken to the Camp Hill Church of I God. where further services will be held | a' ll o'clock. Interment in the Camp i Hill ceemtery. Friends and relatives 1 1 will attend without further notice. Please omit flowers. | I/>NGE>PECKER—On Monday. January IS, 1915, Elsie E. Dongenecker. j Funeral on Thursdav afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late home, it";! N | Second street. Relatives and friends, | are invited to attend without further! ; notice. Interment in Middletown ccme- i i tery. ■ BRJSNNEMAN—On Mondav afternoon, J January IS. 1915, Carrie T, Rrenne j man. wife of Oscar G. Brenneman. ; Funeral on Thursdav afternoon at 2 o'clock, from Her late residence. No. SS N. Eighteenth St. Relatives and friends , are Invited to attend without further j notice. Duncannon paper please copy, j -- FINANCE ==^== BURST OF ACTIVITY WHEN THE STOCK RfifIRKET OPENS Generally Higher Prices Prevail, But Trading Settled Down Before End of First Half Hour—Large Part of Dealings in Specialties By Associated Press. < I New York, .lan. 19.—Wall Street.— [ Stocks opened with another burst of j activity and generally higher prices,] j but trading settled down before the end ! of the first half hour. With such ex ceptions as Missouri Pacific, Lehigh i Valley and '"Soo" all of which rose J a point or more, guius were mostly frae j tional. Bethlehem Steel declined a : point probably in the belief that the directors will not. declare a dividend 'on the stock at to-day's meeting. It j soon made partial recovery. As usual I : of late a large part of the dealings was ! , in the specialties, with a good demand j 1 for coppers. Following its early low, tjie advance ! j( was resumed on about the largest vale: I! witnessed since the renewal of business, t | Transactions in the first hour aggregat- ! !ed 140.000 shares and embrace! the j * greatest variety of issues. The siguifi-1 cant feature, however, was that favor-1 ites asserted their former leadership. United States Steel changed hands in blocks of 1,000 to 1,700 shares, gain ' ing a point. Extraordinary ease of money as seen in the steady reduction \ of emergency currency, was perhaps the I most potent factor in the movement. | B6nds were strong. Philadelphia Produce Market ! Philadelphia, Jan. 19.—Wheat steadv. | No. 2 red spot, export, 1410144: No.' 1 1 northern. Duluth export. 149® 152. Corn firm: No. 2 spot, export. TT'iffl i 78Vi : No. 2 yellow local, 79Mi@S0 l i. I Oats staady; No. 2 white, 5»©5914. Bran fii\n: winter, per ton, s2S.s'J*f? 29.50; spring, per ton, »27.00©27.50. Refined sugars firm; powdered, 5.05 @5.15; line granulated. 4.9505.05; Con fectioners' A, 4.8604.95. Butter steady: western creamery, ex tra. 32; nearby prints fancy, 35. Eggß firmer; nearby firsts, free case. 10.20; current receipts, free case. 9.90 western extra firsts, free case. 10.20; firsts, free case, 9.90. Live poultry weak; fowls. 13© 15; I I old roosters. 10(?;< 10'.;.; chickens, 12©! I 14; turkeys. 12«t IS; ducks, 15016; geese, 13015. Pressed poultry Arm; turkeys, fancv, : 21fa22: fair to good, fowl's,! heavy, ISii 19; average, IPO I 7 Vj; small, I 12® 13; old roosters. 13: broiling chick- I ens, nearby, 16ft 22: western, I4S/20; roasting, 1601S; ducks, 12017; geese, ' 10©/14. Potatoes steady: Pennsylvania, per ■ bushels, 63@65; New York. 11® 52; Jer sey. basket, 25040. Flour firm; winter straight, 6.250 6.50; spring straight, 6.40 ft 6.60; sprint; patent, 6.6007.15. Hay steady: No. 1 large bales, 15.500 i 19.00; No. I medium bales, 18.50019.00;! No. 2 do., 17.000) 18.00: No. 3 do., 14.500 I 15.50; sample. 13.50014.50; no grade, i 11.00012.00: light mixed, 17.50018.00; I No. 1 do., No. 2«d0., 15.00 Pi: 1 16.00. Chicago Live Stock Market Chicago, Jan. 19.—Hogs—Receipts. ! 26,000: slow. Bulk. R.TfiT.OO; light. 6.85; 07.12%; mixed. 6.60@7.10; heavy, 6.45 ft; ! 7.05; rough. 6.4566.60; pigs. 5.4007.00. i Cattle —Receipts. 4,000; steady. Na- ; tive steers, 5.6509.40: western, 5.00® 7.60; cow* and heifers, 3.2508.10; calves, 7.50010.50. Sheep—"Recaiptr. 8,000; strong. Wiieep, 5.6006.35; yearlings, 6.5007.40; lambs. 6.5009.40. MARINE FOOTBALL WITH "DOC" AS ' OOC AMD A 3LEE*>mG SQL DlGfs_ FRIEND A letter from one of the American marines stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Territory, tells timv the marines are very proud of their football team. With only a hnndrrd men to pick a team from they have made a good showing in tbe games with the army post near by, which numbers 1,400 en. listed men. The football team, with becoming modesty, expends its pride on Doc, a white bulldog. Doc, however, is not allowed on the field except at prac tice. It is feared iie might imagine he is a quarter back arid make a foul tacki# if he saw any of his friends being jumped on by a stranger. The marine slum bering in the accompanying picture had no tdea that he was being pboto. emnhed. but Hoc was ••wise," as may he readily seen. ■ H- " ■ ■■■ 1,476 MARINE DISASTERS / 5,295 Persons Involved in Calamities to Vessels in U. S. Waters Bii Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 19. —There were 1,476 disusters on the waters of the United States during the lust fiscal year in which the life-saving service worked alone, according to its report to-day to Congress. The v> .<cls involved carried 5,295 persons and property was valued at $4,042,985. In 323 other instances the service worked in conjunction with the revenue cutter service or other ageucies and took part in the rescue of 2,691 persons from vessels valued at $10,641,655. The year's record, the report de clares, was made "in the face of an un fortunate situation, a deteriorated life saving service.'' It again urges upon Congress the need for legislation to provide for retirement pay for life savers. A Declining Art "Don't you want your boy. Josh, to be a good speller?" asked the school teacher. "I duiino," replied Farmer Corntos [ THE DAILY FASHION HINT. J v HgsE bmi '™^^^^^ i^^B^ > Frocks of embroidered voile will be modish for the comiuj; summer as well as for the Southern season. This model is of white cotton voile. The bolero waist and the circular tunic are fasteued in polonaise fashion down the front i with pearl button* Girdle of pink satin ribbon tying In loops in (rent 11 set. "About all the notice a good speller gets nowadays is bein' called , ion oeeasionaaly to decide a bet.'' Washington Star. TO TALK ON WOULD CLEAN UP The Rev. Wililam B. Cooke Will Give ■ Illustrated Lecture To-morrow Night | An illustrated lecture on the topic, "Cleaning Up the World," will be giv [en to-morrow evening at the Market. Square Presbyterian church at. 7.31) i o'clock. The tine colored slides are I furnished by courtesy of the State De partment of Education and the lecture will be given hy the minister in charge, the Rev. William B. Cooke, who saw something of greater cities on his j way out to Manila four years ago and j back through Europe last year. H. P. Shomo Serenaded I After the parade this afternoon the | Ringgold band, with the Northeastern j Republican League, of Beading, sere | naded ill. I*. Shomo, of the Auditor Men ! oral's Department, at his home, -'ll | Walnut street. LAWYERS' PAPER BOOKS j Printed at this oftic o in best style, at, j lowest prices and. on short notice.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers