2 A CHURCH HOME Sterens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church Thirteenth and Varaou Streets Dr. Clayton A. Smucker; Minister. WHY ATTEND ? It is alive. It is a family eihuroii. It hiss a cordial. >oi ial atmosphere. It is rented pewp. Siqjperled by volun U»ry offerings. it offers a service enriched by a high order of pijpit efficiency and splendid ninsif. It maintains ati \uJusually large number of auxiliary organisations which oflfer attractive opportunities for service to aD who arc caper to be useful It is doing affective, permanent and far-reaching wurrk iu the city. Wliy not make it your church hornet Sunday Services ("lass meeting. ?*.C»O A. M. Morning prayce and reception ot new members, i (V.CSO \. M.—Stough converts and othrrs arc requested to come and bo rejruJarlv received into the fel'jwslup «>f the church. Sunday sciio<iJ, 2.00 V. M. Senior and Intermediate Kpworth League. 6.30 P. M. Kvening pmwr and reception of new members. 7.:W V. M. The church ehnir ami the mule chorus will sing. Bring ""Make Christ King" and participate in the service of song. The sacramerct of Baptism will be administered at the 10.34) A. M. and 7.30 P. services. REMEMBER THE BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE IS YOURS, IF YOU REACH IT FIRST. WE EX TEND A GI>AD HAND TO ALL. | i -■ V. M. C. A. I'RAISE SERVICE Will Celebrate Last Sunday of the Old Yeai: To-morrow The last Suwiay of the old year w-il I>a celebrated at the Youug Men - ! Christian A-*o> ist .on. Second and lx> east street?. with an aprrwpriate meet iug for men only, at 0.30 o'clock, to niornow aftesooon. the character o: whirh wi-ii be a praise, prayer and te? tiniony service l . The jjjenieral secretary Houier Black, will be in charge. Ap prop] ri ale hytsns will «>e .-an-/ undo tHe <fcrevtion of the chorister, W. H Kaut ;. The. me*?:™-* will lie o|«e<n it every body. Printed matter w.H iw distributed for the Bii*i« conrereuie to be led by Br. C. J. SWrfieW. January 3 to 10. A rordiai invitation is evtfiide I by tht management lor a4l men to be prevent Strang«»ts hi n ie city, commercial trtu elers in particular, will be welcomed l>oors wiSI ;|>e open at 3 o'clock, ton verts of the Btough evangelistic cam paign are urgoil to be sire«K»nt. Thr «iulßinr llnl Will Not Xakr tot Niervou. "The app.v con lniation of laxative* ir IjAXATIVE" KKOMo Wfc'lXIXE makes the Quinine a t's s form Imvc a far bet ter effect tfian the .nxluiaiv Quinine end it does t.oi .die ; ;'i« head. Remem ber t:ie full nu.u>> intl Umk for signa ture of E. %V. GROVE i«i box. Price 24c VERSES BY BfSHOP DARLINGTON Cards Bearing Poem A::e Sold for Bene nt of iCiaoiou Work Card »i>eariag vajiw appropriate bo the Christmas sea*ou, composed by •Bishop .lames' Henry Dai<iugton. Harris burg iiioce»' of the P-.»iestant fipis copal chareb. are on >»ie in many stores in the city, and iia\e -'been in large de stand. The proc«e<ls from <ho sa e of the cards are too* i;se i for missionary pur poses. Grabbed His Opportunity The pavement artii-e had deputed eanier than usral and «[>)«iireutly in a hurry, for he had not ru'ubed out hi* gitrai- eiforus. i was speculating to why he shoo id have decamped »c suddenly, when I saw a rapped and very dirty boy su-auntiy take up th« artist's position. Alter a ctraftil loo's round he took off his caip and held it out iu the true protVemonal manner, He had. in fact, to the uninitiated, be tome the pa venter, t artist. I nevet taw a fntarter or more iurpudeirt trick Two pennies (neither was miu«?> wer« dropped into h * cap and then the au thent-v artist was to be re trntng to his o-wn. The boy was ell like a shot, and as he [>aseed me h« winkci.—Loudon Ohrouicle. Special Lines A corps of d'jetors to eharge well. A corps of detrJists -should be goo-J «: digging in. A corps of gar.Jfuers should be ■£>;« tu rake the enemy. A corps of stokers should not mind advan ing under a hot fire. A cert's of artist? should always en joy a brusli with the foe.—Boston Transcript. HOLIDAYS We wish you "many happy returns"—but happiness is really only a reflection of health. It depends largely on the digestion. If you are poorly as a result of a weak stomach, inactive liver or clogged bowels we urge a trial of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It brings back appetite, aids digestion and is beneficial t<j the entire system. Start to day. SIB CHURCHES 10 REM m ICHERSED ICTIVITIES Ministers Will Baptize! and Receive Into Fel- i » lowship Converts of Campaign CHOIRS TO GIVE SPECIAL MUSIC Moving Pictures Will Be Shown at Cimat Lutheran and Fifth Street Methodist—Gathering at Bedcen er Lutheran of Members Received Churches of the city which co-op crated in the campaign and were clo»e-i paxtiaiiy or entirely duriug the seven weeks of the tabemarle meet ings. will tomorrow rejpen aud pre pare for increased activities, while iu many churches of the differeut denomi nations Christinas sermons and Christ mas music will be features of the Jay s services. In the trough eo-oj>erating churches tiiere will be baptism and reception into church fellowship of men, women and children who hit the trail at the taber nacle during the campaign. There will be :nformal receptions for the converts, in audition to the introductions into church nietnber>hip. In several of the churches there will be communion serv ices, and iu m&uv the sen ices iu t lie evening will be of au evangelistic na ture. Lxteus.ve revivals, iu the wake of the Stougli campaign, are t»ei»iy planned, in which the iitouglt sou;: j l>ooks will be used largely. Sunday School Rallies The Sunday schools of the co-operat-i ing churches, which bad been held at morning hours during the campaign, have been restored to afternoon hours. In many Sunday schools there will be rallies and the services will be of a special nature. Ministers of the co-operating church- j eg will in soiue instances preach to trail hitters and in other cases to per sons who ha\ e not hit the trail, and calls niil be made for converts. At <'hnst Lutheran church and at tiie Fifth Street Methodist church mov ing pictures will be shown at the even ing services. Moving Pictures at Fifth Street Not wishing to interfere with the last Sunday of the Stough evangelistic campaign, the Fifth Street Methodist church did not observe the usual Christ mas Sunday program. As a substitute for the Christmas Sunday program will be rendered this Sunday. A num ber of Christmas anthems have been prepared by the choir. In the place of a sermon there will be something new ;u the way of a Sunday evening serv ice. in the form at a motion picture en-, titled. "And There Was Light." These pictures have been pronouueed by ex perts the world over as among the best that have yot been produced in this hue of work. They are reverential, iu tone, instructive iu their teachings, and with it all leave.a healthy moral! spiritual result. Because of the uniqueness of tfhis j ft>rni a;' religions wvw. which is in ' iine with the plans aud purposes an nounced some tiuie ugo by the pastor, the Kev. B. H. Hart, a large attendance will no vkuAt watch the result. JPHs chnr-h is also following null conserving the results of the evangelistic services. At the morning i servu-e a inuniber of the couverts will ®e received in the church on probation i and classes for religious instruction will; be formed. 'Pnese classes will ibe under • t :e direct supervision of the 7>astoT. To further enlarge the seo>pe of the re-! ligiou» interest now manifested iu Har risaurg. s;.e,-ial evangelist: • services will •be held in this church Wednesday and Sunday evenings. A large ehorus choir ' has been organized, and this . hoir will be supported by an orchestra of a dozen pieces. T;.ese special, sen-iees will eon-j tiniie in definitely. The Sunday school wiil m«t in its regular session at - o'ciOJk. the first sin<ie the beginning of rue Stough meetings. New Members for Growing Church Or. Ciavton Albert Smacker, of Stevens Memorial church, has one of the largest church famines irf tne city ' to look after. The membership roil now carries over 1.150 names. To-mor row morning at 10.30 o'clock a very urge lass of the >tough converts anil others will r>e received into ihe fellow ship of the growing church. "loyalty" ' will be the aui&jeet of the address to be given by the iniuister. Preceding the ' service in the Stevens 'Memorial Metli-; od'st church, Thirteenth and \ \ ernon streets, a class meeting will be ii&id in the Sunday school room at 9.30 a. in. .At the 10.30 service the chuiva > hoir wiil render special Christmas inu- , sic. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock the i!ti day a.faool will meet with A 1 K. Thomas iD cnarge ot 1..e program. War ren W. Van Dyke and Koss K. Be.g stresser will conduct. two sen-ices in the church for young folk at G. 30 p. m. At the evening elosiag service Dr. Saiueker will preach and receive new lairrflm u i nto the church. The church choir aud the male chorus will siag. The ftougli song book. ' Make Christ King."' will be used io Phe service of "eng. All owners of i>ooks are requester! to bring them along to the service. Some time 1 during the evening will be given to testimony aud praise. Come with your song of ; ea-.e. your word of joy "and your "prayer of thanksgiving to God. | The best seat in the church is yours, if I you reach it first. Hundred New Members in Year At the Redeemer 'Lutheran church, special services will "be held on Sunday. Tliere will "be reception of new mem bers and an euort will be made to have •present every roewber who was re ceived into church fellowship during file year. About 100 will have added to the roll of chureh members. The music will •h« of t-pecial interest. Miss Ituth K. Wells will preside at the organ, a num ber of Cnrivtroas anthems will be ren dered and Miss Mora E. bulienower will sing a solo, "being accompanied bv lia trc>be 'Baruitz with the violin. The *er ; rnon thwie for the morning will bo I'Mesus —the .Savior of Men." and in ! the evening. "An After-Christmas j Thought." Music at Redeemer Lutheran | The i-hoir of the Redeemer 1/ntberan I church will render special Christmas TTARRTSBfRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 26, 1914, nmsie at 'both mo ruing and evening scrvivc. Murniujt —Prelude, MoJejltto. Wil son; Adagio, Ij huor; an turn, •• Hark' Hark My Soul!'' SheWy: offertory. Andante,, Luuuucus; j»usUude, Alauli in G. Smart. Evening luvervtion, G-uil*»»n»; prelude, Andsmte Reli ;<iosu, Eisr.t: an tbeiu. "Glory Be to God Moat High.' Hfy*RJ MIO with violin aceumpani meut, Mis* Flora Kwheuower, Eat robe B&rnitr., "O Hch* Night." Adoi;>lie A dun: offertory. "Choral." Bjkli; an them, ''Worphiip the New Born King," William?; anthem. "Gla'l *"f«l Voices," Vsiil'ord; jiostiude, Prooessiou al. Gunman',. Music at Messiah Lutheran Morning—Prelude, "Minuet." Mo /.art: offertory, " I/uJUinv,'' Kirvluier; autbem. "There Were Siienberds." Birch; jostinde. "Pofllude in D." Durun-l. Kveniu* —-Pre Jade. "Sunata in D Minor," Beethoven; autlieiu. "ili»iy Nitrht. Silent Nisht.." Haw ley: ba*s solo, "Wheu from the East the Wise Men Cauie," Huiiard; offertory, "Ser enade." Jensen: cantata, "The Birth of Christ," BernaU; }H>st,ludr. " M'Jreh Triumphal," Tbalberg; soprano. Mrs. William K. Bumuaujrh; alto. Xlis- .Mar tha Couner; tenor. Dr. Byrou S. Beh ney; bass. A. W. Hartmau; organist. M. •• . Emma Hoffman; director, A. W. Ha rt man. Services at Imm&uuel Church A Christinas song service will be held at limiianui'l Presbyterian at 7.30. The choir under the direction of Mis. 11. M. Silhope will song: C-a-rols, "Hark! What Sounds Are Sweetie S-wa.ling," Wl.olpley; "Stars All Bright Are Be-'uuiug." Buflingtoii; nn theni, "Siug, O lien vena,'' CaUib SLui i>er: carol, "Jeaus Is Born the Heralds Cry." Bnfiington; anthem, "There Were Shepherds," A. M. Stults. Mrs. -Shape will sing "Silent Nicht, Holv Night. - ' Cantata at Pine Street Tomorrow evening, at the Piue Street Presbyterian church, a double quartet will renter the cantata. "The First Christmas. " composed by C. Whit ney (.oomi'S. The following organ se lections will be played during the serv ice by Frank A. McCarrell, the organ ist and choirmaster: Prelude, "Christ mas Offertory in F." Grison; offertory, "Christmas iu ' Wu: postlude. "The Just of the Magi," H. Alexan der Matthews. Paxton Presbyterian Program Christmas music at Paxton Presby teriau church. The following music will be sung at the service at 11 a. in. to-morrow by the choir: Antheius, "Joy to the World," Holton: " Let Us Go to Bethlehem." Kirkpatrick: "God Scut His Son at Christinas,'' Criswell: ladies' quartet. "At Mid night." Rice; solos. "Christmas Stars," Heidiugcr, Mi*< ftoliue.-; "Star of Bethlehem," Adams, Mr. Nelson; "The thrift's Child." Yan Dewater. Mr. Diehl. t hoir lea.ier. lialpli 1. I>eihl; or ganist, Miss Eva Kunkle. Music at Calvary Churcli At Calvary Presbyterian: Prelude, "Fantaisie," Dubois: offertory, "In vocation," Caprice; solo. "Sung of rlie Ages." Mr-. F. M. Green and J. H. Meredith; anthem. "O, Holy Night." Adam: jiostlude, " MarChe Salennelle,'' Leuiaigre At Saiem Reformed C'aurch Music for Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. in Salem Reformed church. Third and Chestnut streets: "Tiie Kirst t hristinus Morn," New ton: "We Have Seen His star iu the East," Caleb Simper; "While Ship herds Watched Their Flocks." Rogers; "Adeste Fideles," arranged by Y. Novcllo; quartet. "Shepherds Watch Thy Best at Night," Parkhurst; solo, selected. C. Russell Small: so'oists. Mrs. C. W. Myers, soprano; Miss C. Wynne Cassel. contralto; Mr. White, tenor; 11. M. Tropp. baritone; Mrs. Edwin C. Thompson, organist an i diiiH tor. Mo zart's "Gloria" will be sung at the evening service. Ta'oernacle Baptist Program Musical program for Sunday at Tab ernacle Rapist church. Korster. near Sixth, Calvin A. Hare, minister: At j 10.30 a. in., "Hail to the l«ords Anointed." St. Galicall; airtheui, "Joy to the World," Handei; solo, "The Birthday of A King," Neidlinger, Mrs. Frank Criswell; "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," Men .eilvohii. At 7.39 p. ni., "Harl; the Glad Sound; - ' "Brightest and Best:" "It Ct>nie Upon tho Midnight Clear;" "Peace on Earth;" anthem, "Hail to the King," T.acey; solo, Night of Nights.' - Yau derwater. Miss Ethel W&id; antliem, ("He Shall Be Oreat," Hall; ••Hail j Thou Long Expected Jesus.'' The regular order of services in city j ekurches to-morrow follows: METHODIST Fifth Street—Tho Rev. B. H. Hart, ' pastor. Reception of members at 10.30. Sunday school at 2. Jr. Ijeagee. at 3. j Ej'Worth League dt C.30. Christmai Sunday progTJini at 7.30. Motion pic ture entitled, "And There Was Light." J Ridge Avenue, Sixth and Herr Streets—The Rev. John H. Daugherty, pastor. 10.30 a. m.. reception of mem bers and i>aptism. Short sermon to trail hitters. 7.30 p. ui., reception of mem bers and a sermou '' To Those Who Did Not Hit the Trail." 2 p. m.. Sunday. Class meeting at 9 a. m. Devotional meeting of the Epworth League at 6.30. Grate—The Eev. J. D. Fox, D. D., pastor. 9.30, class meeting. 10.30, "What Will You Do When You Grow Old " 1.45, .Sunday school aii<l men's Bible ciaof. 6.45, Bp worth League. 7.30, "Harvest Past; Summer Knded; Not Saved." Prayer meeting "VVedjes- Jay evening at 7.30. Watch night service, Thursday at 9.30 p. m. Oirtin Heights, Sixth Street, Near Camp—A. S. Wi4!iaui», pastor- 9.30, cJass meeting. 10.30, reception of meiti- Irers. Sunday school at New Year's sermon anil revival serviee at 7.30. Thursday nit lit -watch service at 9.30. Stevens Memorial, Thirteenth and \>ruon Htrects—Dr. Oiayton Albert Smucker, pastor. Class meeting at 9.30, J. H. Sheesley, leader. Morning prayer anil reception of new m«mt>ers. movgh converts and others are requested to attend the service aad *>e regularly re ceived into the fellowship of the church. Sunday hchool at 2.'Senior «nfl intermediate i&pworth at 6.30. ISOSP K. BergvtreMer will have charge of the senior service. Warren W. Van Dyke will lend the Intermediate league. Sunday evening closing sorvice and reception of new members at 7.30. PURITY—QUALITY—FLAVOR 1 t BAKER'S COCOA Possesses Ml Three It is absoiutely*pure, it is of high quality, and its flavor is delicious. Guard against imitations: —the genuine has the trade-mark on the package and is jj MADE ONLY BY I WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited | Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. The church choir and nvule chorus will Mil;'. Tfre tttoitgih hook, "Make Christ King," will lie used in the service. Couie with _vour book mid participate in the stirring service of son'.'. Epworth. Twenty-tirst ami Horrv •streets —The Rev. D. \V. Peavor, 1 pastor. Moniiuy service at 11. Becop-i tion of momivi'rj and Hffly Communion. Evening service at 7*30. Subject,' "Jesus Crowded o»t.'' Revival ser-; vice. Sunday school at 10. Class meet in).' at P. Bpworth League devotional meeting at 6.30, St. Paul's, Vine and Front Htreets —'Robert W. Runvan, pa«tor. Preach ing services at 10.30. Sunday morning. "A Mes.-age From the Skies." Bap tism and reception of members. Rally Sunday school services at 1.&0. Bp- ; worth League at <5.45. Evening worship at 7.30, with altar service*, reception of members and baptism. The "Final ' Record or the Rooks Opened,'' will be tie subject discussed 4>y the pastor. Hpec i#l reviv*! services lietginning Wednesday evening. Docem-ber 30. , P-s.—J VTEEIAN Ca> ary, I amerou and Sycamore 1 Streets—The Kev. frank P. MaoKenyje, | pastor. Morning service at 10.16 j o'clock. sr.'bjiwt of sermon. "Mistakes of tiie Year." Kveuiug service at 7.30; o'clock. subject ef sermon. "A New Year 's Resolution. Sunday school at | '* o'clock. IM-idweek service Wednesday! e' ening at 7.30. A watch nigirt service' Friday evening at 11.15 p. in. Westautister, Green and Reily Streets —The Rev. K. E. Curtis, pastor, llhurch I at 10.30 a. m, "Prince of Peace." \ Sunday school a' 1.13 p. in. Christian' Endeavor at ti.4.'i p. m. Church at 7.30,1 " Abounding Service. Pine Ktreet, Third and Pine Streets— i The Rev. Lewie Seymour Muilge. O. L)., . i asior. The Rev. 1. s A rnieatrout, as sistant pastor. 10.30 a. m„ sermon ou i Nchemiah. 1:1?, "A Mind to Work.'' 7.30 li. in. service, sermon on Matthew 2:1, "The Year One." f ecial musical service. "The First Ohri-ftmas." sung by a double quartet. 1.30 p. m., church .Sunday school, elementary ilenartments, j International graded lessons. 1.40 p.! m . ctLurcu Sun-Jut school, advanced de- j paitments. Adult Bi'ble .lasses. Wed- i nwl.iy. f)e"»m ! ber 30. 7.30 p. m., mid week service, Snsje.'t. "The Pilgrimage Olivet, •Derrv and Kittatinny ■Streets - The <iJe\. Wiiiam O. Yates, pastor. X'omi-g service at 10.30 o'clock. Kni>- j,v t id senium, "Christmas Chimes." j Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Special j nit;»i • by Mendelssohn qnurtct. Sunday : • hool at 2 o'clock, i . E. at 6.30 p. in. j Midweek prayer service Wednesday j evening a; 7.10 ]. ni. ImmanueL Sixteenth and .luniper Streets —Tie Bev. 11. E. Mailman. pas tor. Morning service at 10 o'clock. Sunday school -Christmas service at 11.15 a in. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Special Christmas music. C. E. Societies 6.30. I'nxton- A Christmas praise service will tie given In - the choir at 11a. m. There will be several solos ai i anthems. The | :.«tor. the Re. Harry 1!" King, vtiil ;ri jch. Sunday school at 10 a. in. C. 1 E. moetiug at •> p. m. Evening service j r.t fi.3d p. m. EAPTIST Market Street. Fifteenth and Market > Street.'—The Rev. Walter Heurv Dall viau, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Knbjji' 't of sermon, "Why the Htough Campaign Was Not a Greater Success." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. The Rev. W. 11. Hike will preach. Sunday school at 11.30 a. in. Prayer meetiug will be merged into a New Year's watch service Thursday night. Mass meeting for men and women at 1 Market Street Baptist church to-mor row afternoon at 3 o'clock. All in- ; vited. Trail hitters especially urged to lie present. The Rev. W. H. Pike, dean of the practical Bible Training School, Biiile Park, X. Y., will speak. This service will be a blessing to all Stough campaign followers. I lean Pike was recommended by Dr. Stough. He is a Bible expositor. The Secand, Cameron Street —The Rev. Albert Josish Greene, A. 8., pas ; tor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Glory of the t&ristmas Mora." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The American Negro." Sunday school at 12 m. B. Y. P. T7. at 6.30 p. m. We are making special arrangements for all services for the day. Public is eordial- I lr invited to come. Tabernacle, Forster, Near Sixth Street—The Rev. Calvin A. Hare, pas tor. Christmas sermons and music, 1 morning and ovening with baptism at evening service. Sermon by Pastor Hare at 16.30 a. m. Subject. "The i Kingship of Jesus." Biblo school at | 11.30 a. m. Young People'* meeting ■ at 6.30 p. in. Christmas song service ! and sermon by pastor at 7.30 p. in. I Subject, "A Personal Yisit to Bethle -1 bem," followed by baptism. St. Pan], State and Cameron Streets —The Rev. E. Luther Cunningham, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "A Re trospect." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Christmas service will be* ren dered by the Sunday school entitled, "His Natal Dav." Sundav school at 12.30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. at 6.30 p. m. W. Justin Carter will make an address at the morning service in the interest of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Watch night service beginning at 9 on Thurs day. The Bev. C. J. Heudcrson will be in charge. A cordial invitation to nil. First, Second and Pine Streets—The Rev. W. H. Booth, paster. "After the Uevivjil—What!" at/10.30 a. m. Ohristnw* exercised of the Sun (lav | jH'lioui lit 11.30 h. iu. Christian flkdotiv-j or ill 6.45 p. in. "A New Year's Mes-j sage" nt 7.30 p. hi. Baptism of Stough I UOIIVITtS. LUTHERAN Redeemer, Nineteenth and Konsing ton Streets—The Rev. E. Victor Bo land, pastor. Morning service at 10.SO o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Jesus— The Saviour of Men." Evening serv ice at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of ttermon, i "An After Christmas Thought." Sun-1 day school at 9.30 a. m. Junior Chris- j tian I'll. lem or at 2 p. in. Senior Chris tian Endeavor at 6.30 p. in. Memorial, Fifteenth and Slioop i Street*—The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. I>., j pastor. Morning service at 10.30 j o'clock. Evouiug service nt 7.30 I o'clock. Sunday school nt J p. in. Men's prayer meeting at 10 a. in. Junior Lu ther I<eague at 5.30 p. in. Senior Lu • her League at 6.30 p. m. Topic. "The" Holy Child: A Sign." Luke 2:12. Se nior catechetical class Friday evening j at 7 o'clock. Junior catechetical class Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. I'ri [ mary catechetical class Saturday mom- J ing at 10 o'clock. Bethlehem—The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, pastor. "What We Should j Forget" at 10.30 a. in. "What ,AVc Should Remember" at 7.80 p. m. ! Christmas music continued. Sunday school at 1.45 p. m. Christian Endeuv -1 or prayer meeting at 6.30 p. m. Christ, Thirteenth and Thompson . Streets—The Rev. Tliomas Reiach, Ph. ' IX. pastor. Morning service at 10.30 I o'clock. Sribject, "Soul Winning." Evening (service at 7.30 o'clock. "The | Nativity." Pictures of the birth of i Christ will be shown. Sunday school ! at 2 p. m. Men's Bible class at 2 p. nt. i The pastor will give a talk ou the life of Christ. V. P. S. C. E. at 6.30 p. iu. Chester Bricker will lead, j H6Jy Communion, Seventeenth and State Street-—The Rev. John Henry ! Miller, pastor. Morning service at 10.45 j o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Epistle." Evening sen-ice at 7.30 | o clock. Subject of sermon. "Two Opin ; ions." Sunday school ait P. 30 a. m. j liuther League at 6.30 p. in. Zion. Fourth Street —The Rev. S. i Winfield Herman, pastor, Morning eerv j ice at 10.30 o'clock. Memorial sermon. : Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Christ mas cantata. "The Holy Night," Brew | «r. Sunday school at L 45 p. m. Christ mas exercises. Men's class at 1.50 p. i m. Senior catechetical class at 6 p. m. Augsburg, Fifth and Muench Streets i ' ir> Rev. Amos Maxwell Stamets, [pastor. Morning service at 10.30 j o'clock. Subject of sermon, "A New Way for the New Year." Evening serv ice at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of ser mon. "The Best Gift to Give to God " Smi.Ujv school at 2 p. m. Christian En deavor at G. 30 p. m. Services at the church every evening during coming week. Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. E. D. \\eigle, pastor. Subject of sermou. "1914—A Memorable Year" at 1030 a. m. Sermon b v Dr. L. A. Weigle of ,"\ale University, at 7.30 p. m. Christ ; mas music will be repeated morning and ; evening by special request. Week of prayer will be observed nightly from i January 3 to 10. concluding with the ; midwinter communion and' accession of | members. EPISCOPAL j St. Stephen s—The Rev. Rollu, \ | Sawyer rector. 8, Holy Communion. 1 10. fciuuday school. 11, morning l prayer and sermon. At this service 'the Christmas music will be repeated and a sermon suitable to Christmastide will |be preached. 4.30, a Christmas can I tfta. "The Star of Bethlehem." will be 1 sung. | St. Andrew's, Nineteenth nud Market Streets—The Rev. James F. Bullitt, rector. Morning prayer and sermon at 10.30. Sunday school at 12. Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30. Mount Calvary, Camip Hill—The Rev. O. H. Bridgman, rector. 'Morning service at 10.30. Sunday school at 2.30. CHURCH OF G-OD M.iclav Street—The Rev. F. 1. M. Thomas, pastor. Sunday school at 9.45. E. at 6.50. Preaching at 11 and 7.30. Prayer service Wednesday at 7.30 p. m All welcome to all serv ices Subject of sermon. "The Shep herds' Return." The choir will render a cantata Sunday evening at 7.30 en titled, "The Holy Night." Fourth Street—The Rev. Dir. Wil liam N. Yates, pawtor. 10.30, "The After Vision." 7.30, "A Challenged Ministry." Sunday school at 1.40, homecoming rally. Junior C. E. at 3. Senior and Intermediate C. E. at 6.30. j All persons who wish to join the church COUPON Guaranteed Sterling Silver Initial Glassware 3h This coupon when presented or mailed to !]■ f THE STAR-INDEPENDENT 111 $ mU II 111 »'"h 48 cents. 4s good for Six («) Tumblers—lo cents •* **9 9 il extra by mall; I tL Jfl '1 ' OK r** 1 ] 'll'l wilh " J cents, Is Rood for One (1) Larue Water 11' Il Pitcber—ls cents extra by mail; II 'h II I |||| with 48 cents, U good for One (11 Sugar Bowl and ;!( ' j]|] I One (1) Cream Pitcher—lo cents extra by mall; t' MB OR l' ' | ' |Kill you can get tlie entire set of Nino <9) Piece* with i Miiil tbe ® mo, " l t specified above, or any two sets with tlie ill ii iMH ' advertised price, If you huve one of those coupons. l ily** Sets now on display at THE STAR-INDEPENDENT 18-20-28 South Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. will meet. Hie pastor Sunday morning at I 0 o "clock Pleasant View—The Hev. George \V. Baupor, pastor. Sunday school at 9.45. 10.4.i. "What IHave 1 Learned This Year J'' Senior t' K. at 6.45. ".HO, "The Voice of • the l'ast." Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.30. The Rev. George W Harper, pastor. UNITED BRETHREN Derrv Street—At t'be morning serv ice, which will ihe iield at 10. o 'clock. Dr. Ijvter will administer the order of baptism and receive into church mem 'hei'sliip many new members. At. 2 J), ni. Ihe Sundvy school will hold a home coming service at which time tllie Whrist mas carol singers- will reader several selections, in the evening tile organist, Mrs. John 'Henry, will render an organ recital froui T to 7.150 p. in. Following is her program: Prelude, "Christmas Pastorale." Dehlher; hrisfcmas Eve," Mulling: Noel, 'bv (Mailing; Variations in 'Ohrist.mas i ano Is, Deitiier; oSertory, "Holy Night." iParker; postlude, IMamli of Mngi, l>u 'Hois. At the regular even in'" service whi.Mi opens at 7."© o'clock 'iie i hoir, under Prof. T. 11. Davis, will render "The i 'iiristmus I.Vbessage, *' by Dressier. " I'nfold O (fates," (by Weni bel. and llun .la i s "And the Glory of the .Lord,'' after whicih 'Dr. iLvtcr will deliver a sermon which will ibe evange listic in its character. Ottortiein, Heily and Fourth Streets —The Ke\. S. Edwin ißuplp, pastor. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Sub jeet of sermon. ''The CimiVh and the Convert.'' Evening service at 7.110 o clock. Subject of sermon, ''ear the Kingdom." Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Reception of members si both services. State Street,, Eighteenth and State— Tne Rev. A. 'G. Bossier, pastor. Sun day school ingatheriug service at. 9.30 a. m. Evening service at 7.30 o 'clock. Subject ot' sermon, "The Unspeakable Gift." Reception and baptism of new members Mi the eveniug service. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30 p. ni. Sixth Street, sixth and Seneca Streets—The Re\. P. 11. Ba!.-.'baugii, pas tor. Praise service at 9.45. Sunday school at 1.45. Jr. t . K. at 5.45. Sr. C. K. at 6.30. Worship at 10.30 and 7.30. •Saturday eveuiu'g cottage prater meet ing at the home of tMr. Peiffe-r, -325 Logan street. Watch night services at 8 p. ni, Rwem'ber 31. with sermon at 10.30 p. m. by the 'Rev. Dr. Yates. First—The Ke\. P. Spanglcr, pas tor. 'Morning service at II o'clock. Evening serfrce at 7.20 oV'lw'k. Su'l.t .ject of sennou. ''Tliq < 'lirist Child and a Modern ]<lea.'' Sunday school at 10 o'elock. E. at 6.15. illolv (Join uiunion at botii services. RE FORMED 1 ourt li—-The Rev. .Homer Skvles iMjuv, paetor.. 'Mwuing service at .1 >O .-1 5 o'clock. Sermon 'by James it. i?iw»pley. Evening service at*7.3o o'elock. Christ mas anthems ami hymns •will be repeat ed at this service. Address 'by tihe pas tor. (Sunday « hool at 9.30 o'. lock. Heidelberg €. K. at U. 30. UNITED EVANGELICAL Park Street. Sixteenth and Park Streets —The Rev. A. M. SaiiTpsel, pas tor. Sunday school at 9.JH) a. in. Preach ing by the presiding elder, the 'Rev. P. E. K-Umun. of Heading, at Vtt.3'o -a. in. K. Jj. K. Ht 6.30 p. in. Preaching by the iastor at 7.30 ip. in. Tlie 'Holy t'oin munion will -be ad«iinistetie>d at both tiie morning and evening service ami at tihe evening service new memlbers «ill be received. Watch nigtot services on Thursday evening Wgiuniog at S CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church ot Christ, Scientist, Board of Trade Hall —Sunday, II a. m. and 7.30 p. hi.: subject, ••'Christian Science.'' Testimonial meeting Wed nesday at H p. n.. Free reading rooms, Kiuikel building, 1.30 to 5 p. in. daily, also Monday and Saturday evening. Adv. CHURCH OF --.KIaT Fourth Street, Fourth and Delaware Streets—"To Santa's 'Land With the Dream Man,'' Sum Lay evening at 7.30. All seats free. 'iiiiUie school at 10 a. 1:1. fjord's Supper and preaching by pastor, the 'Rev. lj. O. Knipp, of Phila delphia, 11 a. nt. Prayer meeting every '.Veilnosdav evening at 7.30. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Church of the Brethren, Hummel Street—Preaching toy the Rev. D. 11. Widderat 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Christian Work ers at €.45 p. m. o 'dock. MISCELLANEOUS 'Reformed Mennonites—Preaching in Kinnard's hail. 303 VcrOeke street, Sunday at 10.34) a. m. All are invited. At Redeemer Lutheran Christmas candy for the children will be distributed at Redeemer Lutheran Sunday school to morrow morning. SATURDAY NIGHT SEE!Wi|& REV: SAMUEL W.PUBV!S.D.D. THE MIRAGE OF LIFE. Text. "What Is 3 our life? It t» oven a vapor."— Jaa. Iv, 14. "Poor fool!" A toy balloon was nail ing near the housetops. A grocer's boy with a basket of apples saw it frotu the sidewalk. He stopped oppu mouthed. atarlng eyed. It was <le scundlng. His basket dropped. Some cue else overturned it. Its contents scattered He darted into the street oblivious to trolleys, trucks, iiutos. It was nearer. It bobbed up and down in the fickle breeze. Llis band almost touched it. It dropped a.vuln tunializ. irißiy near—he almost had It-theu up again a foot beyond his reach. An other whirr of air and It is down direct ly In front of him. He darts forward, claps his hands against its sides, and— it bursts! Vanishes into thin air, like a ghost at dawn. He stands for a mo ment looking at the thin rubber tissue in his baud, then dine* It aside in dis gust. He looks for Ills apples. They're gone. "Poor fool!" And yet thou sands of others were darling from the same sidewalks into the courthouse, the banks, the shops, the stock market, the lurid "movies." dashing by In big red touring cars at tlie speed limit, pursuing something Just beyond them. Have you seen folks when they have caught up? Have you noted ihe en joyment seeker the moment after? There is no time when the balloon Is farther away than when you have caught it. The Mirage of Life. After traveling for hours across a trackless waste of burning desert sand,, tormented by thirst, the traveler discovers his supply of water has fail ed. The last muddy drops are drunk. His eyes, ears and month arc gradual ly filling up with the fine alkali sand, until he feels a cupful of water would be worth its weight in gold. At this moment, when his mind and body are in such & state of torment, he sees to his delight iu the distance a large lake. Its bunk* covered with palms. Its surface with little islands of re freshing green. Cheered by the sight he presses oil, eager to quench his ihirst. As he goes the lake recedes. At each advance it, too, moves, until at last, tortured by thirst, exhausted by fatigue, he siuks iu despair. Ha has beru chasing the mirage of the desert. The effects of mirage are ex traordinary. It is the very phantas magoria of nature; her wildest, most wayward and most, fantastic sport. She creates the illusion of laughing wares, sparkling lakes, verduous is lands. feathery palms, blooming flow ers, only to mock the trareler's ravish ed eyes. The desert mirage is only a type of life itself, luriug man onward toward tomorrow. The Illusion of Life. Life is an illusion, not a delusion. To paint wood or stone so that it will be taken for stone or iron is a delu sion. To paint a picture so that earth and sky are not mistaken for what they seem, but produce the emotion of earth nnd sky, this is illusion and is the painter's art. The law of illusion is written large in everyday life. Chil dren live iu the world of make believe, and grown folks hunger for it too. We live in a world where our senses trick us. Our earth seems larger than any star, the moon is small, sky ia blue, clouds are fleecy, the sun re volves nbout the earth—at least so it seems. Life lures us on, dangles the prize before us, making sure to keep It just beyond our grasp, if uot our touch. Youth has the freshness of morn to travel in, middle age blaze of high noon, old age evening shadows, twilight—and after that the dark. The prize lies at the end of the race, though Abraham never owned a foot : of ground, and Moses never crossed the Jordan: he only saw the "sweet fields beyond the swelling flood." standing "dressed in living green." But they reached the great goal. So we fathers promise a bicycle for the boy. and a Pbi Beta Kappa key dangles before the man, and both are lured through many a drab school day till ! the education is finished. The Will o' the Wisp. Is the rainbow necessary hk the rain? Are clouds only God's sprinkling pots, or are tliey the cauTas of the sky? Are apple blossoms only to produce apples, or are they for bocs and lovers' eyes? Should one have vegetable garden and no flowers? Is truth merely to be weighed and measured. or is it io be drenmed, felt, and imagined? The great est truths of life .are only apprehended through illusions. Knowledge is a pass ing from one illusion to another. As trology leads to astronomy, alchemy to chemistry, savagery to civilization. The thousands dying on European bat tlefields, tilled with patriotism—illu sion? Possibly, but on the way to a higher patriotism. The huatben in his blindness is on his way to the cross of Calvary. Illusion is the law of growth. Who can define the miracle of birth and the mystery of death? Who knows what Is health, when the weak •lng lives tlirough years and the athlete dies in a few sick clays? Who can define wealth save as accumulation of things? Love is an illusion. Many a June bride has most cried tier eyes out before September. But when the hon eymoon went (iown it brought the steady, certain light of a new day. The lover and lass are now father and mother. The man lias his dream of success and the woman of love Neither ever has It quite fulfilled. Illusion is Cod's way of get;ing things done. The gabby man Is sure a bore. His mouth should have a clutch. For he couW sjnr a whole lot more And not talk &a!f as much. —Cincinnati Enquirer. Unnecessary Pallor. Must as she -was entering the ball room. Gladys turned white to the lips." "I guess she remembered she had neglected to powder her nose."—Baltl mure American.
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