Igt ■ DOUTRICHS AT Overcoats every style, fabric and This Live Store's showing of M prices to suit every one. The Klav- Fall and Winter Suits cannot be sur- /jjflt //-4 • iel e and Balmacaan predominate in passed by any store in Central Pennsylvania. IIU Style in both foreign and domestic No matter what your taste or desire may be s?4,WfoM B\ ?\ <&9fgmwti aSSB^m %. !'VS &/ 35ft «■* ** **** <*"• ind He Chum. bolS -KuppmhtimCT pro. //£>&(&s iMiiNOT iMlt! H/V ' *' ductions," are the most popular styles, /g/j&w\ M J1 , I S2O $25 S3O OT'SIII Pill Bops' Men's Shirts 'al\»\| y |] n pll 1 Suits and Overcoats The most complete assort- lm Bi,ll| ill-J ' l|jl||l 1 Some of the suits have two pairs ment of guaranteed shirts to be Lm , M |H>|| | ||j Sj ! ji'i |in \ oT bloomers and all made of good honest found in Harrisburg, demi bosoms, mush- M jl|l|v\ ftfl'V' •jf • ! liij 1 wearing materials, prices room plaits, negligee and the soft French illlft ft I 11 ilHf Overcoats, Balmacaans, shawl and . 11l fj m j! ' f military collar coats seem to be most popular, Neckwear —We are recognized as " IJ lit ;| fe I] S in cheviots, chinchillas, etc., prices Harrisburg's headquarters for new neckwear. 1 J jj J| ||f $3.50 to $10.(1 St 50c SI.OO I I NT* 1 if«\ 11 iUhi iW? «« THF HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMEF |H JF llMf TB T| 9| Sj THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMEW .V I 804 Market Street EL '"""TjfAiways Reliable Harrisburg, Penna. | News OF STEELTOFs FIVE-YEAR-OLD GiRL HUB A VERY NARROW ESCAPE lay Longanecker Missed Death on Fiont Street by a Few Inches Last Evening While Crossing That Thor oughfare to Join Sister A crowd of people gathered in front of the Pakce theatre last evening wit nessed a very narrow escape of a child from being run down by an automobile. Fay Longanecker, aged about 9 years, and her small sister, Thelma, aged aibout 5 years, were among the crowd. An older member of the family directed the elder sister to cross the street to make a slight purchase at a novelty Fay started on her errand and when about halfway across the thoroughfare little Thelma trotted after her, unno ticed by her older sister. Coming up the street was an automobile, which the child did not notice. The driver of the machine, however, pressed on the emergency brakes and soon had the car stopped. The little girl was just missed, her clothes being soiled where the right front tire brushed them. Pauline Ney, aged about !t years, had a simliar escape Tuesday evening when she was returning Trom the Fel ton school building. As she was in the act of crossing Second street at the intersection of Walnut street she collid ed with a passing auto, but escaped seiious injury by a narrow margin. NEWLY WEDS ARE SHOWERED Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herman Remem bered by Friends A kiitchen shower was tendered 'MT. and -Mrs. (Harry Herman who were mar rial Thanksgiving Day by a number of friends a.t their home, 123 Penn street, last evening. iMany useful gifts of aluminum, granite and chinaware and wit glass were presented. The guest of honor was the presence of 'Mrs. Sarafta (Herman. S3 years, grandmother of Harrj' Herman. After spending a social evening re t'reahnien-ts were served to the follow ing persons: 'Mrs. Saraih Herman, Mrs. IM. F. Harlan, Mrs. Fred Downs ami son, TOc'hard; Mrs. Charles Kile, Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. White!) read, daughter Rnth, and son, Williami, Jr.; iMiss Mafual Mhick, "Mrs. Frank Meckley, of Steel/ten; i\ITS. C. W. Fisher, Jr., Paul Kline ami hiis mother, Mrs. Kline; iHarry Kline, iMirs. Hoover, Ohafrles Hoover, Harris 'burg, and Miss L»ui!u Herman, iHigh spiiire. REN DE RED LIT ERARY PROGR AM Hlghsplre Patrons Delighted With Progress Shown by Pupils The Highspire High school rendered the following program at its meeting in the High school room this afternoon: Call to order, president; song, school; reading of minutes, secretary; oration, Paul E. Eshenour; ipiano solo, Sylvia Stigleman; debate, "Is Immigration Detrimental to the United States?" af firmative, May Albert and Russell Ehr liart, and negative, H. A. Durborow and Helen Sides; recitation, Kathryn Wolf; piano solo, Mary Fink; iHighspire High school gazette, Frank M. Dnrt>orow; ■critic's remarks, critic; miscellaneous business and adjournment. THE ALTAR GUILD HELD AN I ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING i Membership Committee Reported One Hundred and Eleven Names and Cash Amounting to More Than Thirty-six dollars Fifty members of tlhe Ladies' Altar ' Guild of St. James' Catholic church at , tended the monthly meeting held in the Benton Catholic chub hall Wednesday eveniing. The business session was pre sided over by -Mrs. Charles Buck, fires j ideivt of the association. The following presented a member ship of one hundred and eleven mem bers and $36.35, in cash: Mrs. J. Vfit ter in the lead, IMrs. Glaser, Mrs. ley, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Reagan and Mrs. Ludwig. A feature of the affair was an address by the Rev. James C. Thompson, j rector, in Which ho congratulated the ladies for t'heir enthusiasm and social endeavors. "Holy God" was well sung by tlhe audience with Mrs. D. J. Man-nix presiding at the piano. The nest meet ing of 'tlhe guild will toe held the firat Wednesday in January. BUYS THE DARON PRINTERY- M. J. Horvath, New Owner, Will Con solidate Two Plants The Daron Printery, 50 North Pront street, one of the oldest jab printing plants in the borough, has been pur chased by M. J. Horvalth, proprietor of the 'Horva'tth Printery, 159 South Froni, prtreet, tllie new owner taking possession to-day. The two plants will be con solidated under one mainagem«nt next week and will be located at 50 North FYont street, the latter plant being the more modem. The new owner is a Croatian by birth but a naturalized resident of the Unit ed States. He learned the art of print ing under the late BUsiwortlh IM. Daron, whom lie now succeeds, working six years for the latter. After leaving the employment of Daron, he worked at his trade in the East Kind Printery, Pitts burgh, for t'he Maple Press Company, York; George F. Lashey, printer for tlhe Philadelptoiia ami Reading railway, Philadelj hia, and the State Printery and the Warrirfburg Telegraph printing •plant, Harrisburg. STEELTON NOTES Owing to the bazar to be held this evening in the Market house by the Reformed Sunday school, the choir of that church will not hold its rehearsal this evening. Miss Fannie Eggleston, of the Stough party, addressed the children of the Highspire schools in the High spire United Brethren church yester day afternoon at the close of t'he school session. The Mechanics' and Helpers' Relief Association announces a dividend of $5.50 to each member, which will be paid after the annual meeting to be hold December 9. The president of St. John's Luther an C. E. Society announces an import ant meeting to be held in that church this evening. New officers will be elect ed and other business will be transact ed. The town property and com mittees of council met with Robert Hoy, a representative of the Harris- HARRISBURG STAR^INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4, 1914. burg Light, Heat arnd Power Company, and went over some change-! proposed to be made in the lighting system of the borough which will be submitted to the December meeting of council next Monday evening. I Squire Gardner last evening com-j j matted Tamo Oesaneski to jail in de- [ j fault of bail to await his appearance ! 'before the court oil a charge of fore- ' J ible entry m'ade by Marian Mihalie. Tonio was arretted on the premises j of Mahalic Wednesday night when the latter covered hi.ni with a gun in his j chicken coop. The Sunday school of the First Re- 1 I formed church will he'ld a baaar in the North Front street market house this evening. A "real live Santa' Chains" will feature the booth to be condiuict-ed by the Joy Bearers' class. Steelton Lodge, No. 411, Knights of Pythias last evening conferred the first degree upon u class of candi- j dates. The borough water board will hold it* regular monthly meeting this aft ernoon .in the pumping situation at 1 • 'dock. i Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting nurse employed by the Steelton Civic j Club, will be in her office from 8 a. m. | to 9 a. m., from 12.30-p. m. to 1.30 p. m. Harvard Football Team Cost 925,000 By Associated Press. Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 4. —Har- 1 vard's championship football eleven 1 was produced this fal lat a cost of $25,000, according to figures an nounced to-day. The largest item was ; $7,500, the salary of Percy D. Hangh- I ton, head coach. ■ j 7c a Day for Thaaa FINE WATCHES The Watch and the Price Defy Alt Competition Women's and Men's Open face or Hunting case. These watches fully guaranteed, Elgin or Wnltham movement, ex pansion balance, polished regu lator, display winding works, pat ent self-locking setting device, and rust-proof case guaranteed for 25 years. Perfect in every respect. Only $14.00 50c a Week—Can You Beat It? Full Line of Xmas Goods Now on Display American Watch & Diamond Company Open Evenings COR. 4TH and CHESTNUT STS., HARRISBUBG FLOWERS FOR A THOUSAND HOMES j Continued From First P«*f. The hundred of women worked at the i tabernacle the greater part of thu morning preparing 'for the flower distri ! bution. - j pampaign Only Now Beginning Before beginning his sermon at the tabernacle last night. Dr. Stough made i the statement that he believes the i work of the campaign has just He told how h<> has means of knowing the trend of affairs through the mem bers of th« party, with whom he holds a daily conference, through the exeeu ! tive committee and through the min i isters, and that indications are that the | campaign is only now beginning to j have its full effect. "I believe we ought to start the j six weeks of this campaign," he said, ' a week from next Sunday night. The I city hasn't begun to be moved yet. I j want to say that I haven't run out of I sermons yet. Understand, I am not' I anxious to stay here a day beyond tine j i six weeks, for I am anxious to get to j my home for the Christmas season. 1: feel though as if I were willing, if the 1 ; spirit of God moved me, to give up the ; ] Christmas recess, \-es even the Altoona | campaign which follows, if I could j | only move this old city." Scene at Calvary Presented The great effort of the evangelist's sermon was an attempt to have his au | dience visualize the crucifixion of Je j sus Christ. Jn his impersonation of .Tc®us, Dr. I Stough staggered across tihe platform j with the weight of an imaginary cross I bending his shoulders, then he gaaped, tottered, fell to his kn-ees awl finally with a loud groan lay full length "on j the stones of the streets. He raised himself 'partially, only to sink back I again with a cry, under the heavy | cross 'beaan supposed to be pinning him down. '' My God,'' cried the evangelist, | '' will people ever realize what Thou i didst suffer on Calvary?" He followed that scene immediately j with a representation of the nailing j of the hands and feet of Jesus to the | instrument of torture, pretending to j wield a heavy haimmer. , In closing, he impersonated Bara- I bas, "tihe guilty man who had been [ freed that an innocent man might be | condemned," coming to Calvary and | cringing before the cross gazing at the ' crucified Christ and crying" oi«t, "My | God, He's hanging on my cross." Brewery Employe Hits Trail "Thy name is Baratoas, sinner," I said the evangelist, in making his ap- I peal for. trail hitters. Eig'hty persona accepted the invita \ tion, among whom were nine married j couples, and a large number of small boys. One man said that he was the ! driver of a brewery wagon, and would j give up his business whereupon Pro ! fessor Spooner started the eh or up sing ' irog '' The Brewer's Big Horses.'' , Dr. Stough will preach to-morrow | Wternoon to women on.lv on "The I Story of Life," and in the evening he | will give his lecture on amusements, ! soiid by his associate, Dr. Cartwrig'bt to be one of his strongest talks, pre senting the matter of amusement-seek ing in a new manner, amd being rich in argument. Money Coming In Slowly The $19,000 budget is not being wiped out quite as rabidly a« antici pated. The total amount on hand is 115 ,203.92, including yesterday's col lections of $11.35 in the afternoon and $195.45 in the evening. RESTORES WOMAN 10 LIFE Surgeon Manipulates Patient's Heart Until the Lungs Resume J Their Work Los Angeles, Dec. 4—A modern won- i tier of medical science was consummat-1 ed yesterday afternoon at the Good | Samaritan Hospital, according to the statements of three physicians who say that Mrs. Walter W. Alters, of 1022 Gramerey place, wife of the California manager of the International Frnit I Products Company, was restored to | life after having been dead for ten j minutes. "The 'raising' was not from a the oretical death, or state of coma, as it is ordinarily understood," said Dr. P. M. Williams, who, with Dr. C. S. Hutchinson, were the attending sur geons. "Mrs. Akers was actually dead. Her heart had stopped its functioning; there was no pulse; the ages were fixed in the glare which spells for every medical man the eternal sleep; there was no response to the usual tests. The patient was dead. "The end came during the progress of a major operation for laparotomy. The operation was progressing in due course when our attention was direct ed by Dr. W. S. Holman, who was ad ministering the anaesthetic, to the woman 'g complete ' collapse—to her death in fact." Mr. Akers, who was awaiting the re sult of the operation in the adjoining room was summoned. The doctors went to work. Nurses began the administra tion of oxygen. Dr. Williams vigorously applied himself to producing artificial respiration. Dr. Hutchinson then inserted his hand through the incision made in the abdominal wall until the diaphragm was reached. One finger grasped the top of the heart; his thumb was at the bottom. A slight compression, another and another followed, until the phy sician's hand was contracting and di lating the organ in simulation of the heart throbs. The lungs reluctantly again took up their burden. After that the patient rallied with a marvellous rapidity, it is said, and in a few minutes was so far recovered that it was necessary to administer new anaesthetic in order that the original operation might be concluded. The operation lasted more than two hours. Dr. Hutchinson said last evening that the patient was in normal and satisfactory condition, with every chance in her favor for a complete re covery. A complete report of the case is to be mado to medical authorities. At the Photoplay Another famous Broadway-star Vita graph production will (be shown at the 'Photoplay to-day, "Uncle Bill,'' in which Miss Anita Stewart and her most capafble Broadway-star cast ap pear. This three-act comedy is not the old-time scream, but a continuous hearty laugh from start to finish. Pro duced with only the Vitagraph's best actors and actresses, it is a real treat to see. This picture had been booked for our theatre a few weeks ago, but through express delay was not shown until late in the evening, but the fortunate pa trons wiho did see it will be pleased to hear of its return. Saturday Miss Al ice Joyce appears in ' 'The Theft of the Crown Jewels," wearing a $3,000 gown and $1,0*00,000 in real jewels. Adv.*"* SQUARE OF THE CIRCLE For All Ordinary Mechanical Work the Formula 3.1410 Is Used The ratio of the length of the oir- I cumference of a circle to its diameter, I sought during many thousands of years, has never been discovered. It has 'been j known for decades of centuries, aiway ! back to the Aryans and to the Egyp- I tians—or rather 'to the non-Egyptian pyramid of Suphis 'builders—'that the circumference of a circle is t hreo and a fraction times longer than its diam eter. This fraction lias been souhit by computers in every great nation from •j rehi'storic times. Within modern times it has been computed with accuracy and la'bor in Germany ou't to 6'3 5 decimal places wit'h no end—there is always a remainder to be reckoned. But all of this work was useless, be j cause 'high mathematics has shown that i'tho string of figures wi>l never come to i an end in any finite number of figures, i And as these men cannot think of in ! fiwiby t.hev made the sym'bol of in i finity and stopped wasting tim'e many ' years ago. The circumference of a iriircle is 3.- 14159265 plus longer than its diame ter. But in all ordinary mechanics, as in factories, mac'hine shops and 'the like, the number 3.1416 is used. Thus t'ho difference between lengths of cir cumferences of locomotive drivewheels or any other made !by using one or the other of these values could not be de tected 'mechanically without micromet ric measurement.—New York 'Ameri can. Change of Doctors "Oh, yes,'' she remarked in reply to her incredulous friend's question. "I changed doctors quite a long time ago, 'before last Christmas, in fact.'' "But 1 tihought you had such confi dence in 'Dr. Healemf" "Oh, so I did. But he's getting so frightfully old fashioned, you know, doesn't move with the times am! that sort of thing at all. Perhaps you re mem'ber me 'telling you how terribly I felt the cold last winter?" "Yes." "Well, I we rut to Dr. 'Healem aibout it and !he told me to wear flannel. Flan nel, if vou please!" " Yes." "So I went to Dr. Nicely. lie sug gested sealskin!"—Tacoma Tribune. RAJLROADS CREWJOARD HARRISBURO SIDE Philadelphia Division—los crew to go first aifter 4 p. m.: 110, 107, 109, 113, 125, 117, 120, 106. Engineers for 102, 107, 110, 114. Firemen for 107, 109. Conductors for 10'5, 109, 125. Flagmen for 105, 109, 127. Brakemen for 103, 109, 125, 127. Engineers up: Poster, Supplee, Sel lers, Young, Happersiht, Albright, Brooke, Hogenitogler, Statier, McGoiw an, Snow. v Firemen up: Miller, Bistrever, Mof faitt, GClniinger, Robinson, Spring, Cover, Wagner, Myers, Davidson, Kreider, Weaver. Conductors up: Ropp, Funk. Flagman up: First. Brakemen up: Riley, Buchanan, Busser, Bogner, Bur.k, Kope, Sweigert, Griffie, McOinuis, Oo*, Hlppell, Gouse, Desch, Hivner, Frock, Mclntyre, Stet inam. Middle Divisioil-r-15 crew to go first «iftei 1.10 p. m.: 22, 24, 25, 18, 23. Preference: 4, 3. Fireman for 25. Brakeanian for 24. Engineers up: Bennett, Free, Rav ens, Magil'l, Mum.mU, Webster, Simon ton, Moore, Heiitzler, Kugler, Smith, Wissleir. Fircinien urp: Gross, Ross, Reader, ' il\.a't tetter, Zeiders, Sheeslcv, I Vizis', Pot-teiiger, Bornman, Wright, Fletcher, SchrefHer, t'Ox, Arnold. ) > C'niductors up: Baiskins, Fraliek, Pat ric.k, Hu'ber. , J Flagmen up: Caiiin, Miles, Mumma; j Hrakornen up: Putt, Bickcrt, Ker win, Fritz, Re'M, Heck, Roller, Plack, KiieWer, ROssinger, Reese, Spate", Frank, Kipp, Sehoffstai'l, McHemrv, Kohli, Peters, Stahl, Myers, Troy, Plpp, Ma t Iritis. Yard Crews—Engineers up: Ori*t, Harvey, Siltfm.ao, Kuhn, Snydfr, Shaver, liandm, Ho.vler, Thomas, Rudy, House r, Meals, finvab. Firemen up: Hiart, Darkey, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Essig, Xcy, Myers, Boy to, Shipley, ('row, Revi.l, Utah* Schieffflr, Rauch, Wnigle, Lackey, Cookerlv, Maever, Shollter, Snell. Pairtoiet, Ge<tj-.^ Engineer for 1454. Firemen for 1454, 1171, BNOLA SIBd Philadelphia Division —214 crew to go first.: 207, 241, 233, 230, 228, 215, 212, 20'4, 235, 229. Engineers for 207, 213. Fireman for 229. Conductors for 215, 227, 230, 233. 'Flagmen for 213, 335, 244. (Hrakemen for 204, 215, 221, 21)3, 235. Conductors up: Eaton. Stauffer. Flagmen marked up: Snyder. Ford. Brakomen up: Arment, Knight, Twiffg l,utz. Fair, Gotidv, Fenstcmach er, Kone, Albright, MoPhearson, Werfs, Whitman, Weislt, Deets, Decker. Middle Division—-110 crew to go first after 2.15 p. m.: 119, 113, 107, 106, 114, 120, 101, 116, 112. Conductors for 110, 119, 116, 'Flagman for 106. THE READING P., H. and P.—After 12,15 p. M.i 11 20, 15, 14. 5, 4, 7, 23, 17. Eastfcound—After 12.15 p. m.: 60, 63. 61, 68, 70, 59, 51, 71, 52, 5.8, 56. Conductors up: Kline, Hilton. Engineers up: Wood, Wireman, (Barn hart, iMassimore, Pletz, Eape, Morrison. Firemen u"p: Bover, 'Dobbins, Kelly, Sullivan, Nye, Aunspaie'h, I lowers, King. Brakemen up: Troy, Gardener, Ihin can, Ely, Holibert, Ware, Reach, Yoder, Painter, Eiisminger, Smaling, Shearer, 'Hinklo, iMashmer, Ilerkim-an, Greager, Ayres, Wynn, Strain, Hoover. f * Take FORNEY'S Dyspepsia Panacea < And give your stomach greater di gestive power. You make the food you eat more valuable to you and you build up your general health on a sound basis. Send 50c for a bottle of this val uable remedy. It ro«y be the means of saving you hours of untold mis ery and suffering. Forney's Drug Store 426 MARKET STREET ~ 9
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