16 ' * &T Men's and Boys' Clothing Ad. on Page 6 Men » s an d Boys' Clothing Ad. on Page 6 q Come As Often As You Can to Harrisburg's Merriest Toyland I Everything to make the little hearts glad tills Toyland. Toys for the quiet and the boisterous—Lady Dolls or Gentlemen V j < Bolls, Sailors and Soldiers, 011 foot and horse, Military Hats, Drums and Trumpets—Elephants, Bears, Monkeys and the Whole k]]« I' 1 . I Familiar Animal Kingdom almost. !|',', jr fflfBHUH' : (, the grown-ups, Toyland offers the resources of stocks and the price range that completely satisfies. Iji * ,f| ' To the children, it is a perfect riot of fun. 1 '*. I ' MBHHJkr^Pr ft STw 8 ' SC ",-' oc . *° ' Mirroseopes, $2.50, $5.00 to $7.50. Fur Animals—Dogs, Cats. Sheep, Goats, Revolving Chairs, sl.lO to $1.50. [it i)' ~s~\ ,~T~ ' —\ Bell toys, 1.5 c, 48c to f)Bc. Typewriters, SI.OO, $2.00 to SB.OO. Lions and many others, 25c, 48c, 98c Desks, SI.OB, 91.33, $1.48, $1.75, $2.25, !ll| , ' 1 VO jlpTmVu \ Mechanical Duck Ponds, 73c, 08c to SI.OB. Mechanical Trains, 25c, 48c, 08c, $1.50, to $4.08. $2 08, $3.30 $4 50 $4 08 $5 08 I'd * 1 ' fAJI // Jl 1 dRR&h/ Mechanical Boats, 48c. 08c, $1.48 to • sl>.»B. $3.50. $7.50, $8.75, $12.30 to Never Stop Tops, 10c; Dancing Tops. 10c; s<U>B to $15.00. I, ' ' > 1I L VMi< SI.OB. $10.50. Wirl-I-Gig, 10c; Never Stop Soe-Saws, Rockers, 25c, 48c, 08c, sl.lO, $1.75, . |(|, ' \JI | I f tggg&yr Attachments for steam engines or motors, Electric Trains. 08c, $1.50, $1.60, $2.08, 25c. • SI.OB to $2.50. a i j s.—M | I LJttU '" c " 00c, 08c to $1.50. $;{.;(0, $4.08, $0.50, $7.50 to SIO.OB. Horse and Carts, 25c, 48c to 08c; Horse GUIDER SLEDS !■' 11 _jj/lili l * Mechanical toys, 10c, 25c, 48c, 60c, 75c, Electric Motors, 75c, 08c, $1.25, $2.00 and Wagons, 08c, $1.25, $1.50 to Guider Sleds. 83c, 08c, $1.25 to $1.48. TV- J I iKfifcfefSl ff ®Bc to. $2.50. to $2.25. $3.80. Combination Black Board and Desk, 08c _/7"7k( Hrfl • HA 111 tire Engines and Hook and Ladders with Tunnels. 25c, 48c to »Bc. Plusb Horses, 25c, 48c, 08c to $1.25. to SI.OB. /I f ItMl. i T jl'- thrte horses, 25c, 48c, 08c, $1.25 and Stations. 25c, 48c, 08c to SI.OB. Houses, 25c, 48c, 08c to SI.OB. VELOCIPEDES V 11 "MijffMJS&t!Hrj.M I'JU jj,i f 1 - 75 : Av »ter tower, 08c; Ice wagon, Signals, 25c, 30c, 48c, 08c to $1.48. Stables, 25c, 48c, 08c, SI.OB to $3.30. Velocipedes with rubber tires, $2.08, fl 7W tF 'I'I T? ii J $1.25; Fire patrol, 08c; Dray wagon. Erector Building Toys, SI.OO to $25.00. Box Cars, 48c to 08c. $3.25, $3.75, $3.08, $4.30, $4.75 to J\ ' )'J \ ]j \J 1 $1.25. American Model Builder, 50c to $25.00. Grocery Stores, 48c to 08c. $14.00. IK jfl \\\\ \I,I II | t **"' Steam Engines. 08c, $1.50, $1.75, SI.OB, Sand Toys, 48c to 08c. Tool Chests, 75c, 08c, SI.OO to SI.OB. Hand Cars, $2.08, $3.08, $4.08 to $7.50. ft /V>» »»» ■ rf-j) $2.50, $:1.50, $4.08, $7.08 to SIO.OB. Panama Pile Driver, 08c. Work Benches, with set of tools, 08c. ROCKING HORSES U. —■' 'I - . Iron trains. 48c, 08c to $1.75. Friction Toys—Engines, 48c and 08c; Work Benches, with set of tools, 08c, Plush Horses on Rockers, $3.50, $4.50, * Mechanical automobiles, 25c. 48c to 08c. Automobiles, 48c and 08c; Hook and SI.OB, $2.50, $3.25 to $3.08. $5.30, $5.50, $0.50 to $7.50. . . _ Tf tliP inminl arlvprif nf Merry-Go-Rounds, 60c to $2.50. Ladder, 08c. Doll Carts, 25c, 48c, 08c, $1.50, SI.OB, Real Skin Horses, $0.50, $7.50 to SO.OB. I KorfC tne annual artAent 01 i ems Wheels, OOc to 08c. Sail Boats, 48c to 60c. $2.50. Plush Horsos on Swings, $4.08, $6.08, I lciVoliriP DflyS Santa ClailS does nothing else Begirt®* banks, 50c, 08c to $1.25. Footballs, 25c, 50c, 75c, 08c to $1.33. Chairs. 25c, 48c to 08c. $7.08, SB.OB to SO.OB. 1 foi us woik a da\ grown tips "Through Fairyland," one of the most pleasing Christmas attractions the store has ever developed, will be shown for the first 1 . liZn'Z£7mu%£. • tin ' oto ""'" Tmv ' at2uV ' o,,k - 011 "* Fo " rt " K '°" r - Ev " rv ""** s " c tllis w " ndcrf " l " higit J ' -»/-*• t •% * r -« * w oxford shape, moire lininp with inside Soodandby C° als and Suits for Women and Misses: Prices That Are Unmatchable pocket ' 16 iLCh ™' ¥l ' s0 ' 18 £& lmininiTM n« in.! e The oat Soetion lias * niore comprehensive style showing than at any other time during the Fall season and the prices are English oxford selected smooth brown . ' ' i ' as attractive as the}' will be at a later period. cowhide leather bags, leather lined, its in that humor where we can 0 „ f the molt imfM t Bavi there u mly one mt o( b ' e i te d back ?12.50 green cheek dbelfa. «dtaT^* mix m With the voungsters and includes a group of $20.00 Salt's a kind, but all of them are specially „ naic u n , lb . « n ; Dllll o ... , , . poppets, set in lotK and sliding eatcnes. for a moment <?ee things Plush Coats, in the new Pox Trot priced. ' Grey mixed novelty coats, broad coats, back hnuhed with large plush French sewed edges and sole X thing.. lined w . th anteed Brown diagonal cloth coats, plush box pleated back; finished with self- buttons and fancy collar that but- coraers, 17 or 18 inches, .......^5.00 through their eyes. dyed satin, at 516.50 collar and broad plush girdle, covered buttons ?15.00 tons close to the throat, .. .$18.50 ilae 1 walrus gram leather bags, Eng- So a heartv welcome is ex- Other coats in this broad collection $15.00 All wool novelty coats with raglan Heavy all wool novelty coats; col- hrass'slidine fulUu't , , " are of zibeline, corduroy, broadcloth, All wool fancy novelty check coats, I sleeves, notched collar and deep lar and cuffs of self material 17 ni- is nn tended to grown ups as well a 8 cheviot and English mixtures. In velvet collar buttons close to throat I suffs •. $20.00 $18.50 Three piece hi h cut' zebu leather to cllildien to see Toyland to- At Prices As Low As sl2 50 bapK ' leather lined, with three pockets, morrow. Don t forget to point D , 1 . 41BKrt . , solid brass lock and catches, high cut, out to your little youngsters the and Vn sults of fancy ~ u f U Ul ,? reen - liav >' aml Flir a » (1 velvet sults with shor t Velvet suits ill jaunty styles with sewed-on corners, suitable for either fun 11 v elowns nin tliP weave cloths with a simulated belt l,lai ' k P°P lln 111 redingote style, trim- coats 111 rich poplin broadcloth and short coats in military stvle closing men or women, 16, 17 or 18 inches, from' Tunp-lolanrl tint nt and si,k braid aild b »»on trimmed; n^ d narr , bands °f velvet and novelty weaves; collar and cuffs of higlr throat; finished with fur; navy, $5.00 aisles on the street 41« in Vp nli r - t ti i k 111 $16.50 jin or yoke effect, Velvet suits in jaunty short coat set and black in long grain hair goat, floor. This attraction is worth inltP H i -ti l'. ! 1 hroaddoth suits in navy, $20.00, and $25.00 styles, finished with fancy cording of smooth cowhide, black whale walrus a visit to the Christmas Store. 'vl'll't .nml 0 !,,? bla^ k a " d other good colors Hmshed New velvet suits in navy, green velvet; skirt and jacket beautifully grain, leather lined. Oxford shape, ! Knt!nn« u!,ln l!l ! rt ! lth sllk hraul ornaments. Rediiced and plum; military collar ; waist fin- trimmed with self-colored crushed French edges with reinforced corners. ' buttons. Reduced to $14.50 to $20.00 I ished with satin sash, .$32.50 I plush, $35.00 ! Extra value at . $3.98 V. f —t Gloves Make As Serviceable a Gift Thousands of Beautiful Subjects in As You Can Think of: Many the Christmas Picture Gallery TI7 4 T * F) * Framed pictures make one of the most pleasing of gift things, and an exceptionally at -I—/-rV-Ovl/llvl/ 111 Va/U.ClliriOS LvOW lIT 1 fICO - - svj.v tractive holiday display has been prepared in the Christmas picture gallery in a section of * iw the MiHinery Department, Second Floor Front. tan Ind C gr S e P v k Pafr OVeS blaL>k ' 'tv le . atherette ItOVeS. l t OVeS . in , V-'° f Carb ° nS> Co ' ored p " nts and Christ - V P ict,,res ' ncat Hand-colored «nd carbon print 9 in gilt, oak and lan ana gre\. rair, &oC clasps; white, tan, grey, natural and bis- 'J""""" k \ gtt frames 89c, 05c to SI.OO French frames . 50c Kid gloves in two clasp style; in tan cuit. Pair to $1.25 Nature prints framed in Circassian walnut and "Six Greatest Moments of a Girl's Life," 9x27 ji and grev. lair, $1.25 Long washable leatherette eloves in ' gilt, inches $2.50 inches, oak frames 50c Two-dasp kid gloves with Paris Point white, pongee, tan and grey. PTiir, ' r f U" J I_ or _ °f f « silt. »*lB and three ro«s embioidery stitching; SI.OO to $1.50 VJIII Ix3llClK.6rCnlGrS f . . * " ' Miniature pictures-in fancy French gilt frames, black, white, tan and grey. Pair, 51.50 ... , , , , T , ,■ , • , • , A . farbons and polor<, d subjects in oak, gilt and French - 25c| soc to $l oo Trefousse Perrin Pownea and Centi and leatherette gloves in The list given here is for women and frames,.... 25c David Davidson's Nature Prints, ha'.,d color* in x u " ues ami enii- black, grey, brown aild natural. Pair, represents the same high quality that IS Nature prints and old masters in carbons, including three sizes, Circassian walnut and inahoganv frames, men two-clasp kid gloves, made of best 1 25<* and to be found in the list for men. "Eventful Days," ;J9 c 50c, *I.OO to »1.50 Pafr, '. a ,'sl.7Vt n o d s& . Children's washable leatherette gloves; Hemstitched linen handkerchiefs »■ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front-Three Elevators. coio^to^na^ch 6 spats^^d asps at !"sl.oo Paju fa n C yMen's Underwear That Is Made To Gift Hosiery and Underwear for >uH length at 1 Children's cashmerette and golf gloves; Hemstitched embroid- Give Comfort and Warmth Women \\ ashable leatherette gloves; in Biarritz in white, natural, grey, brown and navv ered in one corner- pure linen Egyptian cotton ribbed union suits; medium and style; in white and pongee. Pair, 81.00 Pair 25c and sOr ' tn <«1 heavyweight sl.oo Women's fast black thread silk hose in holiday i »• Di™, 8 .,«, noo, ' * * l,i„ e „ handkerchief, Vsl, s c,lS —5 |l» — , j . , , . 1 ' I Women s fine thread silk hose: black, white and col r-\ ill r-> , _. . edges and embroidered 111 one corner. Natural wool shirts and drawers, medium and heavy or „ in holidav boxes Pair Il(1 Decorated Japanese Sets of Fine China ...,, ,"* '» w-«o IgU; Decorated Japanese ch,n» bureau ae„, J.pancae hand painted clan, eel, ! SSS SS consisting of comb and brush tray, powder including tra> and six salt dips, ..$1.98 Crepe de chine handkerchiefs, with $1.50 only, $1.50 and hair box and hat pin holder, for gift Decorated Japanese mayonaise or hcmtitched edges; all colors, ' h 1 whipped cream dishes of china consist- Madeira hand embroidered, OJI . „ v»uttuii, wuuiduuoiiK union OUlfcS flt ajt oer < - luua ' consist » gyk plated half hose; seamless; black, tan, navy and .. ... . , at sl—s ing of tray, ladle and dish 50< 50 £ to $2.00 Pair< -23 c; 4 palr ln ho n day box, St.oo White ootttm ribbed union suits; fleece lined, D _t_ ' T " J , Dives, Pomcrov & Stewart, Street Floor. Fine silk lisle half hose; black and colors. Pair, ' ac ' ft-WO an d $1.35 t DOnemian iridescent VJiaSSWare - 3<Sc; 4 pair in box, »1.00 White wool and cotton union suits $1.50 Decorated flower vases that stand Bto 15 inches high are among the good looking Stacy's 25c challenge chocolates, with box ? tton .T*?. *** . 4 . '".' aS Wd . T" T*\ a $Z imported pieces of glassware from Bohemia—and they are about the last we'll get for delicious centers; some covered with nut Thread silk lisle tops; black and navy Ssc Duofold wool and cotton union suits, a long time. Priced, in the basement, at 25<M0.98c • to P s * Special, to-morrow, lb., 19£ Thread silk half hose; colors and black. Pair, 50c sa.so and $3.00 ***^*—— . > Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Q w U T eries 'J>S(A n I- Attractive Gift 1 T At \ ery Moderate Prices / —4 I — Mff V/^v ! . . \ j I —-— in 25 lbs ' Sugar for $ 1,35 with Each Sa \ ® iiMi (Lrf Lingerie /-v y Mr SI.OO Purchase 1 J~ —~7 Combination pieces, gowns, corset covers and Telephone and mail orders will be given \. \ . h! ( long skirts, with trimming of lace or embroid (bsE&iiitil Jrsffist I prompt service aiid careful attention. It is the i -sl-00 to SIO.OO / \^«r<VLp_/j , aim of our grocery depart inent to sell the finest SllDpefS Stand dt the TOO in br I 7 WM m £,sf 1 food stuffs obtainable at the lowest prices it is "r i in T \ A\\&§J f\lr \W A fe W® possible to quote. fa | nf \ J f J f \\ CS3 "jf New Asparagus In tall [ • Pulled Figs; large box- | IJIOI WA VOV " 1U1 I 1111110 f | /J|\ \\ If Un Kinc>- fo n r ew Pack Cofn- es xew citron;' ib.V!'! If Harris!,urg is to organize a branch of the Societv for the , Eiderdown bath robes - wit Ji ' I \ Ji 3 '■sliver-dale" Peaches' I>romoti °n " f Giving among the first hints sent out to gift Iar ' t0 ?5,0 ° i **+XT\\ 111 \ ! QfYlfvC for fliffo ca "santa Clara'' Pruned Italian Chestnuts; I?®° Phe showing of slippers ill the SllOe Section is Well Woltll good colors, $3.50 to $7.95 E? •. Ql' 1J„ n K; an d choosing will be more advantageous while stocks are O'll 1 /"> rUmitUre ollglltly in ««., w OMEN . s ro , BEM Silk and Cotton Damaged By Water Petticoats and Smoke in a and most varied shnufina 1,0,- Q I'ancy Head Rice; 3 lbs.. size; dozen 2»c made on full toe lasts with hand " "'pes. Regular price, 50c. Spc- 1 I I IKsKJCI IO 0 . . ever had showing we have I New Pwl Tapioca; »« , turned 8 olcs ; Regular price. 11.50 c . tl . . , ~ w Special Clearance lbs 2.v- choice large Grape BPe,ia|ly B P e,ia| ly priced $1.35 CHILDREN s RUBBER BOOTS Silk jersey petticoats of messaline —.>OO mes- ~, . . c ~ OIL. GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS Mothers Oats; 3 pack- Fruit; each. 7c ( 4 for We Men's brown kidskin slippers; Children's rubber boots; knee saline Detticoats with tailored or plaited c had furniture temporarily stored in Zr ™ a« at 55.ta,-w«•»-.' • ■ ••••• ■■ • f? *;»r' "r 3 chimney. Electric portables are comnletc r Walrt ° 1 f pork and Imported ltoquefort; lb., Spfcially priced, SI.OO Specially priced, SI.OO Black COttOll petticoats, . to $3.50 y "► : ' . 0 u furniture I 13 s I <• - B&B&BSzBS and readv for use. rleties; can. .%<•; iioxen, Swift's Premium Hams; 1 1 ® and hee,s - Regular price, Regular price, 40c. Specially priced, • ' clearance to- Brass'oil lamps fitted with art iHass . Red Alaska Salmon; tall about 12 lbs. each, lb., 90c $1.25. Specially priced Otic 29c morrow. Bhad(,s - S4..VJ to #IO.OO "Tuna" Fish; . n s sUpi.er soles. Specially Q| . (T 1 C"r\ 25 ffoJdeil Ottk Hlld ltUlhoe"lllV Gas portable or reading lamps in various ! substitute for chicken in Corned Beef; lb 2& omen s black felt Juliets; fur priced 35c IjlOUSeSat Ibl.OU u I I V b , / designs of art shades—Roman globe old , Ba '? d8 ' £ an ;, .■ . .»4c Minced Ham; lb. . ..30c trimmed with silver buckle on vamp. Women's slipper soles. Specially -TvOCkfTS, lOrHlOl'lv 7*4.50 to Knirlish brass hm.W.I hr».« , *\ ew Seedless Raisins; Ring Bologna; lb., l.sr Hand-turned soles with low flat priced «>\p ¥ 1 ffflr\ r- mm Q -„1 OE4 i AA oV Georgian brouze and delft blue finishes, ' Currants! ba "o« Bologna. heels. Regular price, *I.OO. Spe- Misses' slipper soies! * Specially 11l Stead Of SI.9S sß.t)o. Special to $4.25 $r>.UM to 915.00 ,3 ° Boiled Ham; 11. :«.r «*'|y priced, . . . ..83c priced 30c t) Otlk BllffetS tllat Decorative oil lamps with central draft pitte '' package. Pure Cocoa;; lb i3c Women s oxfords, grey Juliets, fur Children's slipper soles. Specially Of Persian lawn, With a trimming of cluster w<>rp 50 in burners, lift out brass oil pot, with globe .Arabian Fard Da,ls; Bos.dale to match base of lamp SI.»H, $2.50, lb ; late; 4 lb. cake I3c| l P ' *" anflturne 4 so| p® 811,1 J ow .Mens red and grey eiderdowu ki npl ,ia|| v nrieerl for crift mvinir <Bl rllCe and IjeSS. I 'l Sft pK".™. .ss f^stjsss. 1 HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 4, 1914.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers