The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, November 19, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Friday Specials Bring a Host of Values From Every Department
No Friday Specials 59c Table Damask, 42f ■ .M-»^fiagijßifrw». ft. Brassieres Women's $2.00 Slip
m rt i* 11 M'l no R rat ' e mercerized Brassieres, open front, re- pers, ■
Sent U. U. D., or Mail or table damask; 72 inches wide • inforced under arms; lace or , ,*2 00 hi 1 1
■Phone Orders Filled. This 15c Clutch Pencil and 5c Box of Lead 1Q
Fndav Onlv ............ A nr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, heels. Special Friday only,
~———— Dives, Pomero.v & Stewart, v __ -r.. r. ~, * Second Floor—Three Elevators. })s(*
cit i. • j Street Floor—Rear. tlr Hives, Pomeroy & Stewait, Street Floor, Rear. p;„l 0 ' i»> IUI 11 . 1- i i •
Clearance of Untnmmed v 1 0 s ; : , <,nls black kid skin
Hats Friday at 10c " 50c Leather Belts, 25tf Beaded Nets Ribbon Specials 65c Pillow Tubing, 45tf J"f St' oh ,' sizps 2 1 /*
.... ( Turkish Towels ' r 61 T tu 4 - Special Friday only,
a fi •!f i IS ,i °. °i ,f ' a l ns . , . Men's and l)o,vs' 50c leath- Beaded nets, +2 inches All silk taffeta and moire Gsc linen pillow tubing for 95*
X .V.°i«vi."? '• "ti ,' , ! ' ! * c l'' a ' n w^'te Twkish er belts. Special Friday only, wide; in brown, navy, grey, ribbons, 4to 5 inches wide; pillow cases and bolsters; 45 Misses' $1.50 black and
'.'i". >a ' ' S ' tn'l bath towels; good size hem- 25* champagne, reseda and light in a full range of colors, val- inches wide. Special Friday brown kid skin lace shoes;
nied. Special Friday only, rv c 0 , blue; values up to $2.50. Spe- ues up to 25c. Special Fri- only, yard 45* stitched soles with low heels.
WDives, Pomeroy t Stewart Wit MenTstorTstLtVl™' cial Friday only, yard, 98* day only, yard 18* Pomeroy & Stewart Special Fridayonly . 98*
*, bleached Turkish bath Satin taffeta ribbons, 1 to Street Floor—Sear.
towels; good heavy quality. IV 2 inches wide; good range and spring heels. Special
Special Friday only, ...17* QQ Be(J g prea( j S) gjty of colors; values up to 10c. Friday only, 59*
I Black Tooiip*, at ktDives, Pomeroy & Stewart _ Special Friday only, yard. Black DTGSS Gtood"? rv D
CIdLK loques at AOr street Floor—Rear. SI.OO Single crochet bed Men S and Boys 5* -DIdCK UTeSS wooas t* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Clearance of a special lot ____——— spreads, extra good quality. *» Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart 75c black Panama; 50 streot Moor, Rear.
of black toques for elderly Special Friday only, . ~o9* Jerseys Street floor. inches wide. Special Friday ——.
women in the Friday clear- TTiir»lr Tnwpld •*" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's $1.50 jerseys with only, yard 59*
anceat 25 * XIUCK loweis street Floor—Rear. roll collar; black, grey and —~ b]ack rHtino . 50 Boys' $2.00 Shoes,
Pomeroy & Stewart 15c and 19c part linen huok white. Special Friday only, Women's Neckwear -ches wide Special Friday ficj
Second Floor, Front. towels, plain white and col- 95* _ only, yard, .' 69* Jpi-oo
ored borders; slightly dam- Fancy Aprons tsr Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, lanre° rantre ofstyled■llaht* *, - n u , m h h 80 - ys ' s 2 ' oo hla( ' k and
aged. Special Friday only, 3 .. . * Men's'at™, mLt fm„, .*h°? hlacl ? waffle check, brown kid skin shoes . heavv
—————————— f or . . 25* Fancy round aprons; em- iy soiled; values up to oUc. oO inches wide. Special Fri- stitched solos- not nil «/ps
Friday Sale of SI.OO Blr „, Poll ,„ w , Sav'ont Spe """ OS& •*" a - Spe«i»l Friday oniy, »i.35
Trimmed Hats Women's «olf Vests c, t| » d« *. 1W-
Black velvet turbans, sail- w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Women's $2.50 golf vests, ties in ombre shades. Special yar d, ~..95*
ors and other effects trimmed Damask Doilies Second Floor-Three Elevators. sleeveless, green and grey Fridayonly, 25* sa.oo black silk nonlin •46
IVI . ~ ~ , , ZZ==ZZ==: or P'«n whito Spc- Sleeveless guimpes in fig- inches wide. Special Friday Basement Specials
merly $-.9 1 5, $3.95 and $4.9 d, I2y„ c fine all linen damask cial Friday only, $1.50 l]rcd uet with j ligh co n ars . j d 51.49
in the special clearance Fri- doilies with scalloped edge, 6 Corset Specials t * Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, values up to 39c. Special '. .. .. SI.OO Welsbach chic gas
da - vat 91.00 and 9 inches. Special Friday t . , , „ Men's store street fLI Fridayonly, 25* . black broadcloth o4 lam Special Friday only,
„ T,. „ t onlv s<j> American Lady and D. P. ' 1 J ' r inches wide. Special Friday 70< :
Seeond °FIo r o 0 r! Fronr art ' «■'Dives Pomeroy & Stewart &S. corsets, $2.00 ZZZZZZZZZUZZ ""Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart only, yard, ?1.69 30c Colonial tumblers. Spe-
Three Elevators. Street Floor. Rear. ' 0nlj " '' l,as 811661 Moor ~ Bcar ' Dives, Pomeroy t Stewart, eial Friday only, ..... .25*
_______________________ ITDives, Pomerov & Stewart lueil S OOai OWedterS Street Floor. ftßc optic etched glass boll
1 street Floor - Men's $1.50 hepvy weave bona - S l ,ecial Fridft y on^
49c and 98c Fancies Snecials Fridav in maroon coat sweaters with Silk Specials 5, Mn R i., t .i!
F UttJf roll collar. Special Friday „„ „ . Lining Specials ocean oiacK vrow stove
* PriHair AT I ITTV.-* O J • . •- -O JRI O-. SI.OO golnne or corduroy & r polish. Special Friday only,
±riaay at lOe White Goods Shirtwaist Ruffles oul >> io * for children's wear-emerald
lur uiuuiea h wear, emeraia QOc black satme, 3fi inches .
Fancies in black, white and 10c to 12% c white goods, Shirtwaist ruffles, slightly er D.ves Pomeroy & Stewart, and mahogany; 27 inches wide Special Friday only, 39c oyster fryer with wire
colore in many styles in the includingVepe, madras and soiled: Mens Store, street Floor. wide. Special Friday only, yardj 12U* basket. Special Friday only,
special clearance Friday at pique. Special Friday only, 50c ruffles Sneeial Fridav . Na,( 9* 25*
10* yard 6i/ 4 * o nh . .. .
Dives. Pomero.v A Stewart. do <>q i< i" h I Itllol I»" ffi .i_. i' I Mackinaw Coats I inches wide; navy and black I I inches wide. Special Fri- I I tiaps. Spt <ial Friday I
Second Floor; Front. ' $1.39 English longcloth, 10 2oc ruffles. Special Friday with pin stripes. Special Fri- day only, yard 29* lo*
Three Elevators yards to a piece: - b inches only, 121,* Men's $7.50 plain navy day only, yard, .......68* 35c floral satine 36 inches . 2oc pol, cloths. Spe^
wide. Special Friday mily, «- D ives, Pomeroy & Stewart blue mackinaw coats; all * „,;h?
uece, 89* Street Floor. sizes Succial Fridav onlv Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart wide. Special Fnday milj, Hj c dairy thermometers.
cs nxr i t1 .,0r r . um 84 SO Street Floor, Front. yard 29* Special Friday only, ... 10*
Men S Silk Neckwear $1.29 English nainsook, 10 tsrDives, Pomeroy & Stewart 5c coat and hat hooks. Spe
. Men's Sfc flow. M;,Vhit" P b«for U g m"iv a RengO Belt Corsets p aml s,„« eial Wd.y only a*
ing-end silk four-in-hand ties. i n g. Special Friday only, effects- extr-1 heavv Sue Panel Curtains _________________ «*Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Large selection of patterns. 85«? Rengo Belt corsets, sizes . , : . ' . ' • __________ Basement.
Special FVidav onlv, ...29r 35 and 36: $3.00 value. cml h nda;y only ' ••••? 5 - 98 $2.25 and $2.50 ecru panel Colo _ f ei:„i, f i. T
„ , 0 ts- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Special Friday only, 81.69 WDives, Poinerov & Stewart curtains with braid trimming, * riaay Oaie 01 Ollgniiy
"Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Street Floor, Rear. ■ „ , „. " '>)/, V !if<l« Innn Sinoi'ial fiVi
Men's Store, Street Floor. W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, * en 3 ' riet 001 • dav "only 98* Soiled UndermUSlinS Book Specials
Second Floor—Three Elevators. ——^
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Nainsook corset covers; lace 70 c leather bound Every
__ ,__ 1 Colored Dress Goods ____________________ Bath Robe Blankets Tl,ird I,,oor — Thrco Elevators - or embroidery trimmed: man's Library books, odd
Men S Wool Vests oe . „ , _1 Ili X dinn I a ■ I cu- titles. Special Friday only,
. . 50e serge; 36 inches wide; Men's Flannelette it u. ........ .a_ SI.OO value. Special Fri-
Men's $2.20 sheep wool pelt in all good colors. Special . 1 lob V «o day only, 50*
vests for all out door service. Friday only, yard, 35* Pajamas Special JM ulay only, Muslin Curtains - n , a •, v ■ SIO.OO set of World Wide
Special FYiday only,. .$1.59 7 _ , ~ , , i* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, j i va ue ' P ec,a _ encyclopedia, 12 vols., cloth.
_ 7oc Shepherd s check, 42 Men's SI.OO flannelette pa- street Floor, Rear. SI.OO to sl.oo odds and day only, <s* Fridav onlv 83.50
ini ; hes Wide - Special Friday .' anias - frog trimmed; sizes ends of curtains in muslin; <., % , Pri SpCUal Y '
or- only, yard, 49* 15 to 18. Snecial Fridav onlv. plain edge and ruffled; 2AA 3 ,
QQ . ' 79* i tt j, yards long. Special Fridav aj 01 y ' street floor, Rear.
89c navy storm serge: oO v Children s Handker- 1 ~ , . , ,
Bovs' Gi-aiintlpt*; inches wide. Special Friday Men's $1.98 flannelette pa- ... ' Cambric an nainsoo
onl}-, yard 69* iamas Sneeial Fridayonly Chiefs «yDives, Pomeroy & Stewart 01 ""
D , jamas, oituai . Third { , ]oor — Three Elevators 00 and Toe values. Spe- Fountain Pens
Boys leather lined flaunt- 76c suitings, basket weave, " Children's hemstitched cot- __ eial Friday only, 50^
let gloves; fringed, and star 54 inches wide; shade garnet d Pnmprov & Stewart ton handkerchiefs, worth 3e. _ ' ' Q . . Self-filling fountain pens—
'* Spm " la "S Sr:as Men'ss3.ooStom,
r uai rriaay oniy, yaia, _________________ rrDives, Pomerov .& Stewart - - y '
M" Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, $1 gp cheviot, 54 Street Floor. SllOeS, $2.50 | I $2.50 and $3.50 values. Spe-1
Men', Store, Street Floor. jndu>s wide . woql ' gpe Night ——-_——————_ gtorm calf Specials in DreSS eial Friday only, . .?1.00
c'al Friday only, yard,.. 69* . „ , a • 1 and black boX ealf sho « >s . Cottons rrDivcs. Pomeroy & Stewart
tiMta tiQfiDnH SI.OO Redona creoe .50 Men s ,oc flannelette night Embroidery Specials made on broad toe lasts with .. . street Floor, Rear.
$1.69 to $1.98 Pattern • . •, ', shirts, good colors, sizes l-> hi»Rvv winfpr woiirht 25c cotton suiting; solid —————
inches Wide; all wool; best f) , -JN social Fvidnv nnlv Cambric corset cover em- neavy winter weignt so es, LULIUU • «» •« .
Cloths Friday at 98* £j-. Bp-tal Friday "nV . P "! »2 W Aluminum Ware
, fip,res r
ages; size 63x63 and 63x82 lnches Wlde i Copenhagen, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ' • white and colored grounds. sauce pans, consisting of I'A
inches. Special Friday only, and navy. Special Street Floor. Special Friday only, yard flnd ;{ . (|Uart fiizeß; $1 69
98< Friday only, yard, ~..89* Sheets and Pillow Cases r I Tl value. Special Friday ordy.
Dive?, Pomeroy & Stewart $1.25 silk poplin :40 nches I I I I Jewelry Specials 50( . embroidered trepe;! I , 89^
street Floor, Rear. wjd a] , sha des. "Specia, , 59c 76xSXMnch bleached Lace Specials 50c slimier buckles in sold white grounds with colored $1.49 6-quart aluminum pre
_ Friday only, yard, ....'.94* sheets. Special Friday only, F an'dox H/ed SWial clots. Special Friday only, serving kettles. Special Fji
„ $3.00 coatings, 54 Indies . *» J'"SSSS - W MDive.,' Pomeroy & Ste^wt wide; solid colors; navy and ill,-lies wide; value, up to 98e sterling silver dcposil Me and 500 crepe and .ilk
10c white linen finish tow- Copenhagen. Special Friday pmow lanes, special rri(lay Special Friday only. ware cream and sugar sets. I muslin'; solid shades. Special! I
eling, red border: 17 inches °nly, yard, $1.89 ° * yard, 5* Special Fridayonly, ...50* FYiday only,' yard, ...12'A*
S $2.00 ailk poplin ; 46 inches Camisole lacea. 14 inches *1.50 Rogers silver-plated *1.25 broclded poplin; half . Fancy Oin Z
wide; shade ot navy. Special * ' ' •yAj. wide, in shadow effects; val- tablespoons, dessert spoons silk; 36 inches wide. Special -oc to 29c fancy chintz in
fa? Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart rndav onlv, yard, 1 * - t ues up to o9c. Special Fri- and forks. Special Friday Friday only,'yard, white grounds with colored
street Floor— Hear. Dives, Pomerov & Stewart »" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, day only, yard, 10* only, half dozen, 59* ... . ,» If patterns; pink, blue and yel-
Street Floor street Floor, Hear. y " * oOc crepe; half silk; self- i ow . Special Friday only,
————————— t4r Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, $1.98 and $2.50 silver mesh colored figures. Special Fri- yard, 19*
TTT , Ao c/\ _ Street Floor. bags, slightly soiled. Special day only, yard, 25*
Women's $3.50 Shoes, _ , Prfdav nnlv SO** /WDives, Pomero.v & Stewart
Corset Covers Women's Handkerchiefs _' 26c organdy; half silk; Third Floor—Three Elevators.
$1.95 , . ... .... _ F'ancv candlesticks, clocks. while ground with floral de- ■
w . 4 .. - n . 4 Uambric corset covers, Women's hemstitched col- Remnant Curtain Goods ink wells, etc. Special Fri- sign. Special Friday only, :
Women s $.!.00 patent colt high neck and tight fitting; ored border handkerchiefs day onlv, ... .25* and 50* yard 8* Children's Pajamas
shoes; button and lace styles, plain finish at neck and arm- with fancy corner designs in Remnants ot 12 , /jc curtain J - 9 r
made on a full toe last with holes; limit two to a eus- blue, pink and lavender; vil- muslin and silkoline; 3<i $1.50 Rogers silver-plated 12i/ 2 c percale, 36 inches Children'ssl.lo " Kewpie"
medium low heels. Special tomer and none exchanged. ues up to 10c. Special F'ri- inches wide. Special FYiday oyster forks. Special F>ida> r wide; neat styles. Special pajamas, sizes 2to 10 years.
F'riday only $1.95 Special Friday 0n1y,...10* day only, 4 for 10* only, yard, 5* Duly, half dozen 79* Friday only, yard, ....9 1 /!;* Special F'rida.v only, .95*
t/f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, t*Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart W Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Oives, Pomeroy & Stewart, tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, *•*" Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, tDives, Pomeroy & Stewart,
Street Floor, Rear. Second Floor—Three Elevators. Stroet Floor. Third Floor—Threo Elevators. Street Floor. Street Floor. Men's Store, Street Floor.
'is ' , '
To Give Coucert at Masonic Home at
Nov. 19.—The Palmyra
>nen's chorus, coimposed of the leading
male singers of the First U. B. church,
Palmyra, have arranged to render a fine
concert, a>t the Masonic Home at Eliza
bethtown, Lancaster county, on Tuesday
afternoon. They will 'be accompanied
by the pastor, the Ro\. K. A. Burtner,
and Musical Dire-tor Harry G. Wit
meyer. A tine program has 'been ar
ranged for the occasion. The Rev.'Mr.
Burtner will also preach a special ser
mon on the occasion of the visit of t)he
cfhorus to the home. The chorus is a
fine musical organization and is making
a great hit wherever it has already ap
Aged Man Dies Suddenly
M'ountville, Nov. 19. —Adam Fishel,
77 years old, died suddenly from heart
disease while getting a bucket of coal
yesterday. He was married 48 years
and resided here since his marriago.
He was prominent in politics. IHis
wife, a number of chiUren, grandchil
dren and several broilers and sisters
Contents ol Gun in Eight Side
Neffsville, Nov. 19. —Prank Landig
was pvotoably fatally Injured yesterday
afternoon while out gunning with a
number of companions, the load of a
shotgun entering his right side. He
lost considerable blood and was rushed
to the hospital. He was getting over
a fence after a rabbit, when the gun
was discharged.
Counting Their Election Costs
Easton, Nov. 19.—Henry .T. Steele,
of Easton, who was elected to Congress
from the Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania j
district, to succeed A. Mitchell Palmer,
expended $3,624; W. Clayton Hackett,
State Senator-elect, expended s64l',
and William M. Benninger, re-electcJ
to the State Assembly, spent onljf
$207. Professor Edward Hart, the de»
i'oated Washington party candidate fat
I Congress, expended $1,272.