12 oX^^f^CrV\ViVCr\^V^V^\\}(3^\^ Friday Specials Bring a Host of Values From Every Department No Friday Specials 59c Table Damask, 42f ■ .M-»^fiagijßifrw». ft. Brassieres Women's $2.00 Slip m rt i* 11 M'l no R rat ' e mercerized Brassieres, open front, re- pers, ■ Sent U. U. D., or Mail or table damask; 72 inches wide • inforced under arms; lace or , ,*2 00 hi 1 1 ■Phone Orders Filled. This 15c Clutch Pencil and 5c Box of Lead 1Q Fndav Onlv ............ A nr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, heels. Special Friday only, ~———— Dives, Pomero.v & Stewart, v __ -r.. r. ~, * Second Floor—Three Elevators. })s(* cit i. • j Street Floor—Rear. tlr Hives, Pomeroy & Stewait, Street Floor, Rear. p;„l 0 ' i»> IUI 11 . 1- i i • Clearance of Untnmmed v 1 0 s ; : , <,nls black kid skin ——————————— Hats Friday at 10c " 50c Leather Belts, 25tf Beaded Nets Ribbon Specials 65c Pillow Tubing, 45tf J"f St' oh ,' sizps 2 1 /* .... ( Turkish Towels ' r 61 T tu 4 - Special Friday only, a fi •!f i IS ,i °. °i ,f ' a l ns . , . Men's and l)o,vs' 50c leath- Beaded nets, +2 inches All silk taffeta and moire Gsc linen pillow tubing for 95* X .V.°i«vi."? '• "ti ,' , ! ' ! * c l'' a ' n w^'te Twkish er belts. Special Friday only, wide; in brown, navy, grey, ribbons, 4to 5 inches wide; pillow cases and bolsters; 45 Misses' $1.50 black and '.'i". >a ' ' S ' tn'l bath towels; good size hem- 25* champagne, reseda and light in a full range of colors, val- inches wide. Special Friday brown kid skin lace shoes; nied. Special Friday only, rv c 0 , blue; values up to $2.50. Spe- ues up to 25c. Special Fri- only, yard 45* stitched soles with low heels. WDives, Pomeroy t Stewart Wit MenTstorTstLtVl™' cial Friday only, yard, 98* day only, yard 18* Pomeroy & Stewart Special Fridayonly . 98* *, bleached Turkish bath Satin taffeta ribbons, 1 to Street Floor—Sear. towels; good heavy quality. IV 2 inches wide; good range and spring heels. Special Special Friday only, ...17* QQ Be(J g prea( j S) gjty of colors; values up to 10c. Friday only, 59* I Black Tooiip*, at ktDives, Pomeroy & Stewart _ Special Friday only, yard. Black DTGSS Gtood"? rv D CIdLK loques at AOr street Floor—Rear. SI.OO Single crochet bed Men S and Boys 5* -DIdCK UTeSS wooas t* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Clearance of a special lot ____——— spreads, extra good quality. *» Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart 75c black Panama; 50 streot Moor, Rear. of black toques for elderly Special Friday only, . ~o9* Jerseys Street floor. inches wide. Special Friday ——. women in the Friday clear- TTiir»lr Tnwpld •*" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's $1.50 jerseys with only, yard 59* anceat 25 * XIUCK loweis street Floor—Rear. roll collar; black, grey and —~ b]ack rHtino . 50 Boys' $2.00 Shoes, Pomeroy & Stewart 15c and 19c part linen huok white. Special Friday only, Women's Neckwear -ches wide Special Friday ficj Second Floor, Front. towels, plain white and col- 95* _ only, yard, .' 69* Jpi-oo ored borders; slightly dam- Fancy Aprons tsr Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, lanre° rantre ofstyled■llaht* *, - n u , m h h 80 - ys ' s 2 ' oo hla( ' k and aged. Special Friday only, 3 .. . * Men's'at™, mLt fm„, .*h°? hlacl ? waffle check, brown kid skin shoes . heavv —————————— f or . . 25* Fancy round aprons; em- iy soiled; values up to oUc. oO inches wide. Special Fri- stitched solos- not nil «/ps Friday Sale of SI.OO Blr „, Poll ,„ w , Sav'ont Spe """ OS& •*" a - Spe«i»l Friday oniy, »i.35 Trimmed Hats Women's «olf Vests c, t| » d« *. 1W- Black velvet turbans, sail- w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Women's $2.50 golf vests, ties in ombre shades. Special yar d, ~..95* ors and other effects trimmed Damask Doilies Second Floor-Three Elevators. sleeveless, green and grey Fridayonly, 25* sa.oo black silk nonlin •46 IVI . ~ ~ , , ZZ==ZZ==: or P'«n whito Spc- Sleeveless guimpes in fig- inches wide. Special Friday Basement Specials merly $-.9 1 5, $3.95 and $4.9 d, I2y„ c fine all linen damask cial Friday only, $1.50 l]rcd uet with j ligh co n ars . j d 51.49 in the special clearance Fri- doilies with scalloped edge, 6 Corset Specials t * Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, values up to 39c. Special '. .. .. SI.OO Welsbach chic gas da - vat 91.00 and 9 inches. Special Friday t . , , „ Men's store street fLI Fridayonly, 25* . black broadcloth o4 lam Special Friday only, „ T,. „ t onlv s American Lady and D. P. ' 1 J ' r inches wide. Special Friday 70< : Seeond °FIo r o 0 r! Fronr art ' «■'Dives Pomeroy & Stewart &S. corsets, $2.00 ZZZZZZZZZUZZ ""Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart only, yard, ?1.69 30c Colonial tumblers. Spe- Three Elevators. Street Floor. Rear. ' 0nlj " '' l,as 811661 Moor ~ Bcar ' Dives, Pomeroy t Stewart, eial Friday only, ..... .25* _______________________ ITDives, Pomerov & Stewart lueil S OOai OWedterS Street Floor. ftßc optic etched glass boll 1 street Floor - Men's $1.50 hepvy weave bona - S l ,ecial Fridft y on^ 49c and 98c Fancies Snecials Fridav in maroon coat sweaters with Silk Specials 5, Mn R i., t .i! F UttJf roll collar. Special Friday „„ „ . Lining Specials ocean oiacK vrow stove * PriHair AT I ITTV.-* O J • . •- -O JRI O-. SI.OO golnne or corduroy & r polish. Special Friday only, ±riaay at lOe White Goods Shirtwaist Ruffles oul >> io * for children's wear-emerald lur uiuuiea h wear, emeraia QOc black satme, 3fi inches . Fancies in black, white and 10c to 12% c white goods, Shirtwaist ruffles, slightly er D.ves Pomeroy & Stewart, and mahogany; 27 inches wide Special Friday only, 39c oyster fryer with wire colore in many styles in the includingVepe, madras and soiled: Mens Store, street Floor. wide. Special Friday only, yardj 12U* basket. Special Friday only, special clearance Friday at pique. Special Friday only, 50c ruffles Sneeial Fridav . Na,( 9* 25* 10* yard 6i/ 4 * o nh . .. . Dives. Pomero.v A Stewart. do <>q i< i" h I Itllol I»" ffi .i_. i' I Mackinaw Coats I inches wide; navy and black I I inches wide. Special Fri- I I tiaps. Spt )/, V !ifs wide . woql ' gpe Night ——-_——————_ gtorm calf Specials in DreSS eial Friday only, . .?1.00 c'al Friday only, yard,.. 69* . „ , a • 1 and black boX ealf sho « >s . Cottons rrDivcs. Pomeroy & Stewart tiMta tiQfiDnH SI.OO Redona creoe .50 Men s ,oc flannelette night Embroidery Specials made on broad toe lasts with .. . street Floor, Rear. $1.69 to $1.98 Pattern • . •, ', shirts, good colors, sizes l-> hi»Rvv winfpr woiirht 25c cotton suiting; solid ————— inches Wide; all wool; best f) , -JN social Fvidnv nnlv Cambric corset cover em- neavy winter weignt so es, LULIUU • «» •« . Cloths Friday at 98* £j-. Bp-tal Friday "nV . P "! »2 W Aluminum Ware , fip,res r ages; size 63x63 and 63x82 lnches Wlde i Copenhagen, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ' • white and colored grounds. sauce pans, consisting of I'A inches. Special Friday only, and navy. Special Street Floor. Special Friday only, yard flnd ;{ . (|Uart fiizeß; $1 69 98< Friday only, yard, ~..89* Sheets and Pillow Cases r I Tl value. Special Friday ordy. Dive?, Pomeroy & Stewart $1.25 silk poplin :40 nches I I I I Jewelry Specials 50( . embroidered trepe;! I , 89^ street Floor, Rear. wjd a] , sha des. "Specia, , 59c 76xSXMnch bleached Lace Specials 50c slimier buckles in sold white grounds with colored $1.49 6-quart aluminum pre _ Friday only, yard, ....'.94* sheets. Special Friday only, F an'dox H/ed SWial clots. Special Friday only, serving kettles. Special Fji „ $3.00 coatings, 54 Indies . *» J'"SSSS - W MDive.,' Pomeroy & Ste^wt oweing.se wide; solid colors; navy and ill,-lies wide; value, up to 98e sterling silver dcposil Me and 500 crepe and .ilk 10c white linen finish tow- Copenhagen. Special Friday pmow lanes, special rri(lay Special Friday only. ware cream and sugar sets. I muslin'; solid shades. Special! I eling, red border: 17 inches °nly, yard, $1.89 ° * yard, 5* Special Fridayonly, ...50* FYiday only,' yard, ...12'A* S $2.00 ailk poplin ; 46 inches Camisole lacea. 14 inches *1.50 Rogers silver-plated *1.25 broclded poplin; half . Fancy Oin Z wide; shade ot navy. Special * ' ' •yAj. wide, in shadow effects; val- tablespoons, dessert spoons silk; 36 inches wide. Special -oc to 29c fancy chintz in fa? Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart rndav onlv, yard, 1 * - t ues up to o9c. Special Fri- and forks. Special Friday Friday only,'yard, white grounds with colored street Floor— Hear. Dives, Pomerov & Stewart »" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, day only, yard, 10* only, half dozen, 59* ... . ,» If patterns; pink, blue and yel- Street Floor street Floor, Hear. y " * oOc crepe; half silk; self- i ow . Special Friday only, ————————— t4r Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, $1.98 and $2.50 silver mesh colored figures. Special Fri- yard, 19* TTT , Ao c/\ _ Street Floor. bags, slightly soiled. Special day only, yard, 25* Women's $3.50 Shoes, _ , Prfdav nnlv SO** /WDives, Pomero.v & Stewart Corset Covers Women's Handkerchiefs _' 26c organdy; half silk; Third Floor—Three Elevators. $1.95 , . ... .... _ F'ancv candlesticks, clocks. while ground with floral de- ■ w . 4 .. - n . 4 Uambric corset covers, Women's hemstitched col- Remnant Curtain Goods ink wells, etc. Special Fri- sign. Special Friday only, : Women s $.!.00 patent colt high neck and tight fitting; ored border handkerchiefs day onlv, ... .25* and 50* yard 8* Children's Pajamas shoes; button and lace styles, plain finish at neck and arm- with fancy corner designs in Remnants ot 12 , /jc curtain J - 9 r made on a full toe last with holes; limit two to a eus- blue, pink and lavender; vil- muslin and silkoline; 3ida> r wide; neat styles. Special pajamas, sizes 2to 10 years. F'riday only $1.95 Special Friday 0n1y,...10* day only, 4 for 10* only, yard, 5* Duly, half dozen 79* Friday only, yard, ....9 1 /!;* Special F'rida.v only, .95* t/f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, t*Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart W Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Oives, Pomeroy & Stewart, tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, *•*" Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, tDives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Second Floor—Three Elevators. Stroet Floor. Third Floor—Threo Elevators. Street Floor. Street Floor. Men's Store, Street Floor. 'is ' , ' CHORUS TO RENDER PROGRAM To Give Coucert at Masonic Home at Elizabethtown Nov. 19.—The Palmyra >nen's chorus, coimposed of the leading male singers of the First U. B. church, Palmyra, have arranged to render a fine concert, a>t the Masonic Home at Eliza bethtown, Lancaster county, on Tuesday afternoon. They will 'be accompanied by the pastor, the Ro\. K. A. Burtner, and Musical Dire-tor Harry G. Wit meyer. A tine program has 'been ar ranged for the occasion. The Rev.'Mr. Burtner will also preach a special ser HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, NQVEMBEB 19, 1914. mon on the occasion of the visit of t)he cfhorus to the home. The chorus is a fine musical organization and is making a great hit wherever it has already ap peared. Aged Man Dies Suddenly M'ountville, Nov. 19. —Adam Fishel, 77 years old, died suddenly from heart disease while getting a bucket of coal yesterday. He was married 48 years and resided here since his marriago. He was prominent in politics. IHis wife, a number of chiUren, grandchil dren and several broilers and sisters survive. I Contents ol Gun in Eight Side Neffsville, Nov. 19. —Prank Landig was pvotoably fatally Injured yesterday afternoon while out gunning with a number of companions, the load of a shotgun entering his right side. He lost considerable blood and was rushed to the hospital. He was getting over a fence after a rabbit, when the gun was discharged. Counting Their Election Costs Easton, Nov. 19.—Henry .T. Steele, of Easton, who was elected to Congress from the Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania j district, to succeed A. Mitchell Palmer, expended $3,624; W. Clayton Hackett, State Senator-elect, expended s64l', and William M. Benninger, re-electcJ to the State Assembly, spent onljf $207. Professor Edward Hart, the de» i'oated Washington party candidate fat I Congress, expended $1,272.