16 Beautiful NewV el vet Dress Shapes Fall's Most Important Clearance of Suits In Attractive Values at $2.95 St^sfor Misses Women ; a pi . , . . . . .. „ , «„ Qr Regular $18.50 Suits: $15.00 Mr 11 iilHSii A manufacturer s clean-up brings these tine untrmimed hats m all the latest shapes at $2.95. D ! They are made of the best quality of velvet and are genuine $4.95 to $6.50 values. The lot is made OH OO se! —ijji ' j up of the new large hats with round crowns and slightly rolled brims, smart new turban effects in- s)aO#UU OUIIS • • li!i 1 — ( eluding stvles that copy the rakish hats worn bv some of England's Highlanders, and popular new r , - , , , , . ... . , —( : ! —x sailors * 1 f Every suit that has been entered in this special !i|Hl|r , f7l \\ i -X, clearance is from regular stock, and is unmatchablc ||J|i ;! ' !'< U\ \l \tfri Colored hats are the latest in the millinery Realm and we have the new shapes in red velvet and cloth in «at the price to which it has been lowered. There arc j. i > .jflHHffllnpL (k' 1 colors to match women s spats. hundreds of garments to choose from and scores of jjtim,, —j • jr j r* i i t stvles from which to make selections. "" s L*sjiag|Bira " ~' v V J| 1 rimmed Hats Keduced in the Early buyers to-morrow will find rich savings \^k fv? Annual Fall Millinery Clearance ' New suits of fine quality poplin in a medium length style with a ■j!!''- f 7 sf|l\V II I j V A ' belted back; the front is made with broad revers and military collar in -"pBSI B>SU | At I \ I AV„ it .. • i i i ~ , i , , Russian green, tote *c negre, navy blue and black. Specially priced MM, I I \ HB i\ hurrying out all trimmed hats that have been in stock at tkoo PjlvM ] \BV j \ longer than a month.This policy keeps our display up-to-date. 111 The styles at ftJO.OO are unmatchable in quality of materials and rj|!|:*\ / \ l I I / a - • \ t i. a to. * individuality combined; some of the coats are made with pleated backs ! if \\ ilh \ tj J f -_» i <»Xltl <111: elaborately trimmed with cord and tassels: others are made on the \ Vjj [^^o^ ) Jf ~Zj rr~ f-\ r-r\ _, _ straight line effect. They are particularly desirable for misses and women M y \ ißfflSwfireliii a' 1 ■:K V. \ A. 58.50 to $12.50 Hats at $6.50 ° f a 'era« e IB plum. green, wine, brown and black. W/) /Jj |! IHIIHfIIP U» */-> r\r\ /-v suits of flue quality lustrous broadcloth trimmed with velvet ?j9S|iifC I $12.00 to $15.00 Hats at $8.95 o ™'S.ldX"" "° k * rr °" **• """• -r(t• —- gg - : /J\V-' K Lj (tfi Cfj (to Q C U n i. ftf <Ty| nc #sIT.SO suits of tine quality broadcloth with military coUar. The skirt «:\'M , II *PvJ.O\J IL» vpO.C/O 1 ldlS ill l.i/O is made with a yoke back and buttoned in front. Reduced to s;tt).oo •" W S TriuHiied Hats in dross styles for girls rcdum! to 49< j, See the Christmas Floral DiSDlav Suits With trimming of fur and crushed plush in jaunty short models v* « CD*" _ r J f or tlie young woman who demands fashion's latest fancy; in sizes M f Corsage Bouquets Boutonnieres Novelties to and ih »a».oo to __L t-c Dives. Pomeroy Ji Stewart. Millinery, Second Floor, Front—l! Elevators. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor—Three Elevators. 14 Styles Nainsook "Queen Quality" Shoes A Sale of Rugs to Grocery Attractions There'll Be a Big Sale of Gowns at SI.OO Express True Elegance Last Three Days for To-morrow Eagle Shirts To-morrow The early selection of gifts is encouraged Women of discriminating tastes who follow Beginning tomorrow and continuing for tnreo With each purchase amounting to 50c we will Kiigle shirts need no introduction among by this collection of neatly boxed dainty un- Fashion's tread are enthusiastic devotees of days special opportunities will be offered in Bigelow oftVr 5 lbs. of granulated sugar for '-Tc. ' men accustomed to pay $1.50 to $2.00. So derwear. At SI.OO we show 14 styles nain- Queen Quality shoes, because in Queen Qual- und s »"th rugs as follows: j -Waldorf" Pork and i impoktrd and n«>- to-morrow's sale of $1.50 and SI.OB patterns sook gowns with trimmings of lace, embroid- ity footwear they find the marks of excel- $27.50 rugs, 9x12 size, .V—..10 i Beank; regular mentic i hkksk. at $1.19 is bound t.o be a big event. ery, insertion, medallions ami ribbon—every lence that go to make up the superior points s]'- 00 "f-s La Fanc'y new'corn; three | "Roquefort" cheese; j Every pattern represents the best madras garment in holly box ready for giving at of custom footwear. Smith l . Beat °HS„d packed ,he ,lnest and percale procurable. Christinas. A fomplcte of vjuoeil yualltj $19.50 m«js, 8.3x10.6 size .'.517.50 in } iiVg % cans: for 2oc Edam Cheese; lm-Ro i *' v Dives, Pomeroy iV Stewart, Men's Store. 15 Styles Corset Covers at 50c Shoes awaits you in the Dives, Pomeroy & $22.50 rugs', s>xi2 size, $10.30 tins®": fo? araßUß . . N .Me » ,i: ® Nainsook Corset Covers trimmed with lace inser- Stewart Shoe Section. SoS.OO n;gs, 12x13.ti size $;10.00 Eureka Soups; all va- Pimento cheese, Uk, < of ci C~^rx n t ioii. medallions and lace edffe —choice of 15 stvles _ . ... , . , . , $ 7.5 0 nips, 12x15 size * * A « " O Ol liuu, niruuiuuus «uu uut- r cuuue 01 10 Black kid skin arch support shoes, with long in- , Dozen imported Swiss 3 "'t* •i ' ' ei' i '• T* . . • • 30c side counter, broad steel shank piece and low ortho- "".oi'nn «i- neek Sy 3 "se • Ch n M ™<it' ' ;? 3< ' Htiolihr Dainty Styles m Petticoats pedic heel—« perfect shoe for women who seek *;V?o rUpS ' ioV P> sU'-- Sicarent.Tlong pack- I omestU hw ' bS ' '-is.- TUre WUdllty Messaline and jersev Klosfit petticoats, messsline relief from chronic or acute cases of "flat foot." *--.oU rugs, .\ - siae »!«,..> | a -rw New full Cream u„„ L , or pleated flounce; pluir wistaria, raisin. Persian Pair $«.00 Bmith'._Tap. Brussels rugs: Noodles, 3 P . Chee.e; 1b.........aa0 'Hocolate bonbons, in pound boxo.V blue, emerald and black 5T..00 Black and tan calf skin shoes made on English $13.00 rugs, 8.3x10.6 sixe ' Klag Maine Corn; the cake," .Be Especial 19f^ Bla.-k cotton petticoats, tailored and j «.ited lasts with blind eyelets aud low heels. Pair, $4.00 •o. « uigs. jxi. M.e. *i. .aw finest packed; can . lac clear Brook Creamery Boyd's hand-dipped chocolate coated marshmaJ flounce SI.OO. $1.50, St.»3 to KU1.50 i. >.■ j . i $19.00 rugs. lO.ox U.o o nv nr n;,.». is, I „i ii Women's gun metal calf, patent colt skin and vici flag Tomatoes: whole, I California Peaches. lows - Box > -3c ln\es. t omero> &. ctewart, Second Moor. at ... . . L Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Third Hoor. solid, packed in large meaty and tender; 3 lbs.. Fresh walnut chips, lb 25c Turee Elevators. Pomeroy'' kk Stewart, Street Floor. I Three Elevators. K/' 8 " ,V.TO New Seeded Kalsifs" DeUtoUr chocolates, lh 35c j ••Dei Monte" Aenara- n ,ek ize : .. . ise .%Oc chocolate Marguerites in pound boxes. Spe \ \ T us Ti P* s: California's New cleaned Currants; C *&1» 35c IVItJII o v Ilut/lW Udl dllll C finest; can 23e package I2e Frozen mints, the new chewing gum, 2 pkgs.. 5c U • Mrviprfltpiv PrirpH Olo\ es. Oenuine (Jualit> Specials in the »;;. arn . RUo . n^, . e ': p . at :S; n ives , Poim , rov & Btowart , „ aßt , mpnt . Hosierv . Moderately Pmgd From Europe's Best Makers i I inen Sertinn ! e *. e ™:. c * n U£ , _ . f o Heavy woo: mixed half hose in black and, ox- ,\t uo other store in liarrisburg can yon •uWutr-for" °"New e Gia'e Men S DreSS GIOVeS Heavy fast bl4ck wool half hose. —sc rind hs eoropreheusi\e a showing ot gloxes, »' l ''i'" ' 1 an ' I 1 ' Heii Alaska Salmon: New California Wal- } Dent's prix seam spear back capo gloves in rep- Black cashmere half hose 35c and 50c nor one as representative of true quality as S 50c blea-hed mereeri-.ed table damask, 64 inches ft,-]"" »£ Shell' Children s fast blaci cotton hose. 13 l ic \ you will see at our glove section. Crime lamb wide. Special, vard 29c Herritiß Koe: in tall \- onds: lb.. at>e Dent's Royal Buck grev street and driving Boys fast black hea v y cotton ribbed hose, —-tc nfuHes n,,., low n„.i liv \leret>ri>*eil iiuDkins IS :in*l iiu inches so u a re, i too New Brazil Nuts, ll>., tsc gloves, . $2.f10 Heavy natural wool shirts and drawers. Each. ~ asv stairos the prices rise to the best ill 2- hemmed ready for use. Special, do/.cu. «»c aud 8»c cure.i! d ' l K lK. f '...' ."""ioe ta/oe" I ;Special, peck, im- D„ I'. &S. "Special" spearbaek cape gloves in Scarlet wool shirts and drawers. Each. ..*1.25 | clasp styles at $2.25. * r Dives, Pomeroy l: Stewart, Street Floor. Rear. . sledded'Whc'it!''paekt | t!l^ "'LuiMan ""kirglov^^'fleeVe'lined! s()c ers COttol> . SMld ,™oc ' Instance these: M | Children's grey and tan ki.l lined mittens. Heavy natural wool union suite. 53.50 to #* 5« ° f Umb iU taU< Wh "®! ToWels and ToWeling ' sliced... .'jpZ Mother's Oats; 3 pack' Bo vs' tan and black lined leather wilh I Boys heavy cotton fleece lined union suits, 50c ST e y black- Special, . B.K * v v * xxlx e> Choice little Pienie ages 25e f ofror , - iw . » , . . _ I t-l •) c* Vpr'i ITP "i llni* I *. riot# oliliL't One-clasp cape gloves, with prix seams. Pair, 12 Ig <■ red border huek towels, hemmed. Spe- 1 ib.. u»«. COFFEE AND TKA x Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Beautiful Blouse Styles at SI.OO _ . . . , -n,,... . . ~ r i, . ». ... i 2Sr (Niffoe - ll> JLV I Vole lingerie blouse,, en i nte. trim- ! ° ne - ClaBP C3Pe gl ° VC8 ' ,U Un 3rd WaCK - g| X * ] bleßChed We ' 8 ' «' ■ Fancy Florida Qrlg S it" °£ Mf>n\ SilW Knit me.l with filet lace insertion turn-over collar. *I.OO Two-clasp gloves of extra quality with Paris Mlcaehcd aud brow., twill eotton toweling. B P e- ! New juiey Fiorl.ia o'r- j canl lIVTI IVT 1 P,qUe . eol,Br :. lOng S,eeves point and wide embroideiy; in tan, i -..yard. BED SPPBADS a \ Neckwear Voile blousds. fronts trimmed with bunch tucks . black. Pair 9t.3» - New white Orapes: 2 Our Favorite Tea: lb New bias knit and crocheted four-in-hands j aud organdv panels, organdy collar and cuffs. 5i.95 Two-clasp real kid gloves of finest _quality, in %2.W Marseilles satin bed spreads. Specia!, ' "Caiaba''' Melons;'ea.. ; Basket Fired Japan Tea; ' * ' BOc and #I.OO «* Dives, Pomeroy & Second Floor. white. gTey. tan and black ssi...» to -51..59 r , O( . lb ««,, p la i n accordion knit four-in-hands, two-tone col Three Elevators. tf Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. t Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Hear. | I ors ..sC>c and Our Men's^Clothing Section Is Ready for ~=~ ™ ™ A it I 1 I J 1 r I White and peeler cotton ribbed vests; regular and ex- Another Kun on balmacaans 1 o-morrow .^r.rfss; SI.OO Wizard floor mops with -"> c bottle of polish; : SI.OO M /~v /->. 4 /-v mm ■+ pw s~\ /~\ $1.25 value 00c Bleached cotton ribbed union suits; fleece lined, SI.OO. /I f I V i. T T I U CI I i. _ U1 L 1111 $1.50 Saingenic floor mops with 25c bottle polish; Extra size $1.25 ■ti f . iTV I f— * 1 I If! I I 111 $1.75 value at HHc White cotton ribbed union suits; fleece lined 75c -ivy IU i Women's Winter Weight Hosiery "About even- style you can think of" n the way one of the .-lothlng i'wiV "S -n ' salesmen expressed liunsfll over tile Ot new rsalinacaans tor i:t-inch chafing dish trays, nickel plated with satin Fast black cotton hose; fashioned feet; spliced heels ski tijp week-end outlittill o- finish center, $1.25 and toes, 25c ■issak ~ ,i « . ~ -toe Wear-ever aluminum stewing pans. Special, ..21c Fast black heavy fleece lined hose 25c Here are tlie best nalinacaaus made for the money. \\ e buv them SI.OO wear-ever aluminum Berlin kettles one 1 for less and sell them (or less. The popular styles of hiah-gnule ma- A ReadinO Lamo for Winter WTV \ tenals and workmanship at popular prices. $ 1.40 aluminum lipped preserving kettles; 0 quart size, l\CdUlllg TiS \ aluminum tea kettles".'.'.'".'.'.'. .".$'| 7 «o , 6 .P anel portaWe reading lamp for gas or elec /} % And for men who don't care how much llionev tliev l)Ut in a $2.00 aluminum tea pots, '. i'mc i trlc^-v > ,it,p< ' w ' t ' l shades, overlaid metal 7 , /\\ 7*JmM Balmacaan we've a tine lot of garments made of beautiful imported *- > -™ aluminum water P aila ; I!t< i uart size - | scroll work art glass panels, in green or amber; / \H l\.m umo c 1 • . «n AAA a.jrk $1.37 I nmshed ill brushed brass, verde green and Empire (f V| hV- vJ* fabrics at $30.00 to $40.00. j Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. I gold, $8.98 | ® and $15.00^ r\iA ' Handsome Tartan Check Suits—sl2.so to SIB.OO D \m , \> > . ('assimei-e and worsted fan,,- tartan plaids in blue and ,n,,0, !,l„e i PfepafatlOnS for ChflStmaS Make It NeCeSSEiy ind purple, brown and black, blue, black and green, blue and grey. f-pi nf Half Our Piirnitiir/=» v Wflß purple and green, blaek and purple swagger English close-fitting J-yiojJUoC vJi 1 Idil vytll 1 LlilJ.llU.ltZ7 OIOOJv Mfii Hw| ' N —lin» d with serge, lligll cut vest, $12.00, $15.00 and SIB.OO ' Christmas toys and games are clamoring for their holiday position on the furniture floor, and in ~ T) y c* 1 /~\ order to accominotlate them it will be necessary for us to dispose of at least one-half of our regular % ] ■ OOVS and I stock. Consequently we announce for to-morrow a flat reduction of 10 per cent, on all lines except J 1 sectional hook cases, Crex goods and such other furniture as we have already reduced. MT ' ✓ 1 B °. vs ', hU( k bl "e mixed .-heviot, fancy grey mixed, light grey diagonal $55.00 mahogany buffet coo fift I $15.00 mahogany dresser «11 Qet /iFjr \mz X, r r. cheviot, fancy brown Lnglish, mixed and dark grev cheviot Norfolk suits, serge ' «,o-„ . , fflli.oD IP -<y 5 lined. English Style sacks With patch pockets $3.75 to *35.00 mahogany eh.na eloset $29.50 I B.ao mahogany dresser $13.95 V-T % Boys' Balmacaans in fancy grey mixtures, light grey diagonal cheviots, fancy 125.00 golden oak dresser $19.50 515.00 golden oak dresser, $11.95 brown mixtures, dark grey worsteds, blue and brown chinchillas, $5.00 $25.00 mahogany dresser, $19.50 | "8.50 golden oak dresser sl3 95 *3 Dives, Pomeroy k Ste.vart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor—Three Klevators. I- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Moor—Three Elevators. HAR-RTSTtrRO ST A R-1N DEPENDENT, FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER VI 1914.
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