ONE PLACE AND THArS HERE A good merchant must keep his ear to the ground. We do. That is why we arranged for the exclusive sale of STYLE PLUS CLOTHES sl7 in Harrisburg. This is the story in a nut shell. By concentrating the force of their great factory upon ■SKI STYLEPLUS n flill'l'E CLOTHES «PA* L i| jj|jr JpJ the makers have been able to put in better fabrics and toj turn out better workmanship. Moreover they have been liVsr a^e To t ' ie s kill a great fashion artist so that any M'Mh; 'HjMIM mmi can w ear this special suit at medium price knowing that he is well and correctly dressed. A big assortment of styles. We can tit you mentally a> well njjUfigf f\\ ,1 as physically. We have enough fabrics and the models to tit your vocation as well as your body. fi|l lViu Come in and see STYLEPLUS quality at sl7 as uational hm Mwl v advertised. You are sure to save monev. It* thEIHlb HARRISBURG. PA. SUBURBAN BXiAIN The Supper Given by the Reformed Church Was Quit* a Success Correspondence. B aiti. Xot. ». —The Women's Chris fan Temperance I'uton of this place beid a meeting Sunday m the Lutheran church. The 'arge crowd filled both the ■ am auditorium and the Sundav svhool room. A few snow Hakes were in toe air • Wednesday. Miss Graee Mover, of Cente-. was en tertained Sunday by Miss Josephine Sheaffc. ■ this place. Via-'-. Kiner and Miss Charlotte of this plate. went to Ha gerstown. Md.. Saturdav and were mar ried. T iie supper held on Saturdav by the K 'formed -hurch was a success. There 'js over s">o clearer!. Miss Goidie Dlnitii. f this place, re tu-ued home oa Saturday. Gordon Minitrb, of Lojfviiie, spent rne week end w-rtn friend* here and at tended the v . 0. T. I". meeting. Mrs. Kliiai>e*S St:ne. of Bi\!or. at tended the \V. C. T. I", meeting and' * sited friends in this place. DAUPHIN Items of Interest About People Who Co aic and Go Spe.'.aS Corre.s;»ondeiu % e Dauphin. Nov. 6.—Shares and Wi lam Lyter returned Wednesdav s'-om a wanting trip to Perry county, bavin? bagged thirty raSbits. The La ves Aid Society of tue Lu theran churek met at the home of Mrs. n ■ B. yesterday afternoon. Aft er the -esr'.:(ar bn>me<s was transacted dinner served. Mrs. ElinMi Gerberich returned on Tuesday from a visit to Hanover. Mrs. John Fflty and son. John. >:en: Vjr-iay witii her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. File. H. C. Forney and family are st>end tiif arinte- in Harrisburg. aar'es Baiiets. of Halifax, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. J. K. Williams and da .sotec.! Mae. spent Sunday at Camp Hill. ! liaton Bi.sel. ot Philadelphia, was •he guest of his mother. Mr- Mariau Bi.'sel. on Sunday. M". and Mrs. Dixon Greenawa t a;> i -on. Scan ey. w feo were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H B. Greenawalt. re turned to RoseUe. X. J., on Reginald Fernauld. of New York, spent several days in town. HALIFAX Junior CtLTLjtian Eadeavor Society Will Hold a Meeting Saturday 2?p?<val Correspondence Halifax. Nov. t>.—H. N. Peck. of! near Dauphin, was in town on busi jess Wednesday. A special meeting of tue Junior « nr. Endeavo- So : ecy wii! be held :n the I nked Brethren church to-mor -ow afternoon at 2.45 o'clock. An in teresting feature of the servi e will b a icessage by Mrs. C. A. Pike on the work of Miss Meilie Perkins, u m < - .'nary- at \ eiardi. New Mexi.o. A * - iai offering will be lifted. Harry Lutz moved his family to Eiiz * -ethtiftn on Thursday, where ne will i be employed in a shoe factory. J <"ae general comai ttee -nakinj ar » angeinenie for the dedication of the; 1i ew Boyer Memorial school building J i>>e: o»: Wednesday evening ard for-' »t-e*ed the arrangements for the exer ises of the day. Mrs. Eliia Loomts •was apoplnted chairman of a committee i to iook after the purchasing of a piano, 'and John H. Kingman. Prof. S. r. Beit ; '.el and H. Stewan Potter we-e 3p . pointed as a committee to arrange roe ' program. » Mr. and Mrs. Harry liilier and ch'i •iren. Misses LiUie and Florence Mi! . tier, and Harvey G. Jury autoed to » -xyaiton and visited the former's aunt. 'Mrs. John Barry. HERSHEY The Bev. I. M. Hershey Accepts Charge of Shatnokin U B Church ■Spe iai Correspondence. f Hershey. Nov. 6. —The Rev. 1. Mover ; • Hershey. the librarian at this pia-.-e. , J 4 '** been appointed as pastor of the Sham.dsin United Bretnren eaurch to take the place of tiie iate Rev. A. S. | B«»'*ley. »ho died several weeks ago. Me will move with bis family to that place in a few weeks. The Rev. Mr. Hershey has been a resident ot" tlrs place for several rears and his many friends -egret to see him leave. Sixteen car toads of cocoa beans were received at this place hist week. The Rally Day services in tihe I'nit e-i B-ethren church on Suiulav fore noon were a success. Addresses were de livered by a numfoer of fhe former su periiHendents of the Sunday school and ! the total attendance was 370. Mrs. O. G. Rotnig and iaugihter. i Florence, transa-ted '>um;!tvs at Har risbcrg on Saturday. Miss Evelyn "Bowman, of Rovers ford. w»i the truest of 0. S. Alaulfair and family on Thursday. Ortober 29. Mrs. George S. Rent.' and children have returned from Hunter's Run. Cum berland county, w.iere ther spent the summer. J. B. :s on a four days' mo tor trip through the coal regions. He a-vompames vieorge Dilliager. of I.e moyne. Mrs. Morris Wenger was a visitor to An a v ii(e on Saturday. NEW BLOOWffIELD Prof, L. E. McGirmes Lectured In Presbyterian Church Sperial CorresporiJence. New Bioomfield. Nov. 6.—Profes ; sor L. E. McGinnes lectured in the Presbyterian church of this place, last evening a; T. 15, on the subject. "The Tragedy of An Unused Life.'' James S. Magee. an attorney-at-iaw. of New York, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. He voted here. A. P. Nickel and wife, of this place, returned nome from Chicago Monday. Benjamin Clark, of Trenton. N. J., spent the week-end in this place. Miss Gertrude M. Spangier. of Cen ter Hail, a parishioner ot" the Rev. G. W. and Mrs. Mclinay, several years ago. spent the week-end visiting them at their home :n this place. Miss Mabei MeKeehan returned to Philadelphia. Saturday after spending the summer at her home in this place, and also visiting Miss Gra e MeKee han, who is tea hing school at Skill man. N. J. Mi<s Cormne Askins returned to her ■home :n this place after visiting her > sister. Miss Laverina Askins. who is' tea.'hing school in Yardville. N. J. David Holmes, wife and daughter, of o»r'..«,e. spent toe beginning of tli'.s week with relatives in this pis-e. MILLERSTOWN Mrs. W. D. Bollinger Has Returned From Trip to Washington Torresponde - Miherstown. Nov. 6.—Miss Rutn Bitzman spent several days :n Tnomp sontown. Mrs. P R. Suenk »pent several days in Baltimore with her son. Robert, who s improving after an operation he un derwent at a hospital in that citv. A. H. I :sn and J. fci. Rounslev were a Harrisbu.-g on Tuesday. ueorge Heisey has moved into Mrs. Mary Peilow's' bouse on East Mam | street. • M.-s LiUie Nan*, -elle. a teacher in the Steeiton s-hoois. spent Sundav at her home ic this town. Mrs. W. D. Boiiinger has returnei a>nie from a visit to Washington. LINGLESTOWN School Board of Lower Paxton Town ship Meets at Paxtonia . Spec.a! Correspondence. Lingiestown. Nov 6.—Mr. and Mrs Dav: i Sha.ile spent Monuay with frien-ia at Ha-r sburg. Mrs. Eiizabeth Boithaser. Mrs. Em-' ory Ha-sier and Mrs. C. B. Care on Tuesday afternoon attended the funer al of toeir relative John McCormiek.. who was killei by an automobile at Harrisborg on Saturday. Elmer Hassier. of Washington, D. C.. spent Monday as the guest of his ' pa-ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hassier. Miss Sallie Zimmerman and Mrs. Aiiee spent Monday with friends at Harrisburg. The school board of Lower Paxton met at Partonia oa Monday evening to grant orders for the teachers' pay for the second month of sebool. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bicker, of Hum melstown. announce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Rieker was Miss Jennie' ! Clay, formerly of this town. A uuniber of friends and relatives attended tae funeral of Mrs. H»iu heidi | at Shoop's church on Monday. Samuel Bait baser, of Jersev City.' HARRTSBCRG STAR-iyDRREXDENT. FRIDAY EVEXIXO. NOVEMBER t>. Tuesday with his mother. Mrs Elizabeth Ralthaser. George tingle. of Lebanon, on Wed nesday was the guest of Mr. ami Mrs Irvin L-.ngie. Mrs. H D. Koons ami sou. Harry spent Wednesday with friends at Ship pensburg. Miss Anaa Mehrin™. of Harrisburg and Bess Ear!v. of Haiiitou. on Tues iay v.sited friends here. Harry Lew s, of Ephrata,.« spend ing a few days as the guest ot Mr »n>i Mrs. t'harles George. Miss I.illian Hain and nephew John Ham. 2d. of Halnton. on Wed nesday visited frien is here. Mrs. Annie Smith spent Tuesday and Wednesday with friends at Har risburg. Mrs. Charles Koons and son. Charles Koor.s. on Tuesdav attended the t'uner ai of her aunt. Mrs. Babble. heid at Mount Holly. Mrs. Joseph Snyder spen; a few days friends at Harrisburg. MIDDLETOWN The Funeral of Jacob Drayer Will Take Place Sunday Mornins Special Correapjndence. Middletown. Xov. 6.—Jacob Drayer, Tho formerly resided in town, but moved to Collins Station about 2 ! . years ago. died at his home taere on ; Thursday morning from a complication of d.seases. aged 59 years. He had only been ill for aoout three weeks. The deceased was well known in towu. having resided on South Wood slrec;. Besides his wife, he is survived bv three sons. Herbert, of town, and K.l Han and Howard, residing at home; aisu his mother and one sister, wao reside at Greencastie. Pa. The funeral will be held from his late home on Sundav morning at 9 o'clock and at 11 i>. ni. in the Church of God. The Rav. 11. P. Hoover wiU officiate. Interment will be made in the Middlecow*n »'emeterv. The remains of Paul, the 3-month-oid sor. of Mr. and Mrs. George Irelv. who died at the parents' home ou Tuesda • afternoon from pneumonia, were !ai.l to rest .n the Middletown cemcierv. Services were conducted at the home on Lawreu e street this afternoon a: 2 ! o clock Th-» Rev. H. F. Hoover, pas tor of the church of God. officiated. Miss Estella Heistand. wao had been visiting relatives in towu for some time, returned to her home in New York on Thursday. Mrs. Harry Rudy and son. of Lttit/., are spending sevtral days in -town as rise guests of the former's paients. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Myers. Pine street. Mrs. Kste Weaver, of Lancaster, is spending a few days in town as the gaest of M. and Mrs. Webster Weaver. North Union street. T. C. Smit-. Spr iij street, has In stalled a large gasoline tank in bis yard, holding nearly t>oo gallons, and from the tanx he will run a line of pipe ;o the curb. which wiil »ork au;o matically. the same to -be used ov per sons -uniting airconwjilea. and Will be <|Uite a ••on', enience to many. Harry Kreiser. who is employed at the Wincroft srove works, met with ;i painful accident yesterday while at hU work by feaving two of his fingers broken by being caught in a wheel and also had" a hole <-ut in his hand. He went to a physician, who dressed the wounds. Richard Hippie transacted business at Harrisourg yesterday. M-s. Boyd Bishop and son will lea re on Saturday for DUl4barg. York eoun ty. where they will visit relatives for se» era! days. Miss Florence Beard entertaiued the . D. P. CluSj at her home on East Main street iasr. evening. Refreshment* were served. The Liberty band nave .-hanged their meeting night fo- praeiite from Thurs lay evening to Tuesday evening, as sev eral numbers piay in the orchestra at the Luna rink on Thursday evenings. The Sunday school class of ftt. Pe ter's Lutheran Sunday school taught by A. S. Quiekel held their jegular month ly meeting at the hom; of Mrs. Clay ton Hoffman on Water street last even ing. After the business was trans arted a social hour was spent. Be freshinents were served. Miss K-ichel Poist. daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. C. R. Poiet. will enter the German hospital at Philadelphia, where she will take up the work of a trained f nurse. Jaeob Embii-k. Jr.. las resigned a* < bartender for Wesley MfCreary. of t ie Keystone hotel, i Charles Hickernell. who had *-een working at Hershev, Pa., as carpenter. , resigned his position there ami re turned to town. Miss Rose ttowrers, of Harrisburg. spent iast evening in town. HUMMELSTOWN Class of Nino Candidates Initiated by Modern Woodmen Camp Special CQrrtiyondciKt) HummdiHnrn, Nov. fi.— At lho regu lar meeting; of l amp No. 10714. Mod ern Woodmen of America. Jast evening a class of nine candidate* was luitiato.i. The initiatory work was performed by ! the degree team of the local camp sud was witnessed by a large number of members. FoUowiug the regular meet ug refreshments were served and an ad dress made by State Deputy M. H. Wyckoff, of Harrisburg. Mrs. Emma Brinser visited her daughter. Mrs. liuy Krause. at Harris ! burg yesterday. Haul Schaft'uer, a student at the i.ancaster Iheologioal Seniinarv. and Herbert Sohaffiier. or' Franklin an i Marshall i oliege, visited their patents, Mr. and Mrs. F. .1. Seluiffner, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Burehtipld an nounce th,-> birth ot* a sou. Mrs. Buro-h Held before her marriage «as Miss Kdua Shope. Mis. Harry Seibert visited iie- daugh ter. Mrs, (. harles Imiby. at Harrisburg l vesterday. Mrs. tiara Wikel. of York, is spend mg se\ tval days with Mrs. Kffa Man beek. Mrs. Mary Nit has returned to har ! home in Harrisburg after spending two ; weeks with her daiiabter. Mrs. (\ H. Miller. Edward Hoffman, of Lebanon. was a visitor in town yesterday. Mrs. Harry Snyder and daughter, Dorothy, spent yesterday in Harris | burg. Harry Spidel. o: Steeltou. spent ednesdav in town. Mrs. Joseph lihoads. of Harrisburg, visited her sister. Mrs. C. H. Miller i yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ricker, West H gh street, announce the birth of a ! 'laughter. Mrs. Ricker before her war rt.age was Miss Jennie Clay. of Liu | glestow n. Miss Naomi Krause. of Harrisburg. is spending several uav s at the homt of her grandmother, Mrs, Knima Brin ! ser. Harry ilight, of Harrisburg. spent yesterday iu town. Miss Marjorie Nsdev "as a \ sito: n Harrisburg yesterday. Mrs. Harry Horst SDent yesterdav 11 Har risburg. LOYSVILLE H.rvcy Morrow. Wuo Was in the West. Returned Home Spo, ui Correspondence. l.ovsville. Nov. 6.—Members of tiit? Lutheran church of this place, soul the old parsouage and are ,joing to erect a new parsonago closer to the chu.'.h than the old parsonage was. G. R. Heim, a student of the sem • nary at Gettysburg, was home over eleetion day. W.thani l>utsaa!l and wife, who re side iu Ha-ris-burg. are spending some time w ta Mi?. Gtushall's mother. Mrs. j 0. Kiner. Ke\. .D. 1., Scott and sons nave purchased a new large auto. This is the second auto that they now own. C. C. Nickei is getting ready to plant 3,200 trees this fall. He aireadv .ias a number of men employed for getting the trees ready Harvey Morrow, who was in Okla noma, and several western States :roui June 1 until Saturday, returned home. Mrs. Samuel rvott is spendiug some . time :n New York. t. E. Keil and wife were visiting Mrs. Kell's aged fataer. who nas his leg broke. NEW CUMBERLAND A Number of People From Hsre Are At tending the Stough Meltings ipe rat Correspondence New Cumberland. Njv. o. Ljt , prayer meetings be ,eiu mis even mg a: the homes of Samuel Biodget. H jC. Oren, H. F. Kohr and John Rosen berger by members 0 f Kuughman Me morial M. E. church. Th* leaders will be J. Sprenkel. Frank Seiti. E 11. Fisher and H. F. Kohr. The brvk work of the Church of God will be ompleted this week and piasterer* will begin work in a tew days. . The >ea;oi class of the New t um oerland High school held its tegalar meeting ia«T evening. yuitc a number from this pla. a:a attending the «Stough meetings M. A Hoff is one of the ushers. The jauior class of the High srhoo has purihise.i -lass pins and rings from Baster Bro. a Co., of Rochester. N. Y. Mr. aud Mrs. < harles Repuian. Church avenue, announce the birth of a sen. J. A. Sprenkel spent several days in Siiippensburg this week. l.Jc.nda Eager ha* returnei troui a visit to grandparents. Mr. aud Mrs, David Ashenfelter. of near Ijewisberry Mrs. Edith Feigat entertained th ■■mo ot wli.i-ji <i:.- ;» a member at hej Rub, Tear, Scratch, No More! Zeno Gives Immediate Relief From Itching and Burning—Drives Away Eczema Quickly Get a Free Trial Bottle and Prove It If you waut to put a quick stop tc the torture of ec.eoia or other skit trouble, and waut to rid yourself of the affl'etion for • an't be gin using,/Cemo too -•oon. Th's clean. antiseptic. non H. / greasy liquid doef f V Aj j f.m the business and J i does it n a .liffv as l/vj . voti will admit w hen you have tested it. Prove Zemo! Try 25c bottle from 1 i 1 ; your druggist to- J——l^Bl I day, or send your address and 4e (for actual postage) to E. W. Rose Co. Laboratories, Dept. 37. St. Louis, Mo., for a free trial bottle (in plain wrapper) that will convince you in shaft order. Send now! Zemo is sold and guaranteed by drug gists everywhere, and in Harrisbnrg by Golden Seal Drug Store. E. Gross. 1 Kennedy's Medicine Store, ( roll Keller. 1 W. T. Thmopaon. <M. Forney, ami iT. Prowell. Steelton, Pa. J. Xe!son | Clark Drug Co. Adv. f THE DAILY FASHION HINT. )! One of the new hell shaped dresses It has a short basque waist of taupe o.ored faille silk aad a wine colored faille siiU skiri home on Market square yesterday aft-' ( Crnoon. t The fallowing church services will be 1 held ou Sunday: i St. Paul's Lutheran—SnuJuy s,-lu>ol r at 9.30 a. m. Christian Kndeavor at t> 1 p. in. Preaching at 7p. in. > i Trinity l'nited Breth'cu snii-iay 1 school at 9.30 a. in. Preaching at 10.30 I a. hi. Junior Christian Kndoavor at - ) p. m. Senior Cbris;iaii Kndeovo: at i> t p. in ('reaching at 7 p. in. 1 Church of vie.i—Sunday M-houl at : 9.80 a. in. I'reeehuig at 10.30 a. in. ? Christian hudeavor at t> p. in. Preach- ■ ing at 7 p. in. s Baughman Meniorja M. K. Sunday •, school at 9.20 a. ni. Preaching at ,10.30 < a. in. Kp Worth League at 6.30 p. in. I Preaching at 7 p. m. MECHANICSBURG Woman's Home Missionary Convention of' Carlisle Presbytery Meets Special ■ "orrespoad »noc Mechauicsburg. Nov. o.—The morn ing session of the convention of the ' Woman's Home Missionary Society of :he Carlisle Presbytery was opened with devotional services le>l by Miss •'etrie. This was followed by roll call to which delegates responded with tiie number of members in their respective Woman's, Young People's. Junior*. ; .ad Cradle Roll Societies. The fallowing nurehes were represented: Hiu Spring. Newville. Bl'ionitieio. Carlisle Kirsi church. Carlisle Seeoa i chun-h. Ceuire. Cbambersburv Central, Chambersburg .- Falling i Chanine: sburg Hope JOHN DREW, HERE NEXT TUESDA Y, !S A REAL COUNTRY GENTLEMAN Ifit. JW—— W / «» Of the thousands of magnificent sum mer nomas ou Ixjng Island, New York, there is none, perhnps. laat occupies quite the plai-e in the life of its on it community as does taut in which Mr. John Drew, actor, lives with his fam il yin the months of the yeur when he is free ftom theatrical engagements. 'Mr. Drew on the stage, immaculate, correct and gracious, is the same IMr. Drew of Kast Hampton, situated at the far end of Lnag Island, on the side" where plie ocean +>eats tirelessly 'lmpel. Dauphin. tterry. Dickinson, Duncannon. Gettysburg. Great Conewa go. (ireeneastle, Harrisburg Bethany, llarrisburg Calvary, llarrisburg Cove nant, Harrisburg Market Square, liar .'sburg Olivet. Harrisburg Pine Street,! llarrisburg Westminster. Lebanon Christ, l«ebauou Fourth (Street, L<ower Marsh Creek. I'atli Valley, Famotts- : burg. Mel'ouuellstbnrg, Mercersburg, Middle Spring. Middletown, Millers town. Mechaaicshurj}, l)ill?burg Monag hail. Newport. I'iueton. York Springs, ■Petersburg. Robert Kennedy Memorial. •Shippensburg, Silver Spring. Steelton, ■<!. Thomas, I'pper Path Valley, and Wawnesboro. Following the roll call was the treasurer's report which show- 1 eil receipts tor the year as follows:' From the Woman's Societies, $4. i ">!>S.!'l : Young Ijadies' Bands. sl,- 0.34.25; Sunday schools t'or Home Mis sions. $700.67; total tor Home Mis > ous. st>.7;!2; tin frecdmen. $1,275.02. An was then given by Mrs. Craighead, matron ot' the Presbyterian hospital. >an Juan. Porto Bieo. She told niauy very things of their work. Over one thousand patients were cared for in the hospital in the past year. After announcements by the president. Mrs. Sharp, sectional confer ences were called of presidents, secre taries and treasurers of different so cieties. aud the morning session ad journed and a luncheon was served to delegates in the lecture room of the j church. The afternoon session opened with I et«\t;oual services conum-ted by Mrs. Curtis. The discussion of Slission Study Books was opened by Miss Pet e. who re;-unintended "The Red Man Mr. Drew is to btf seen here in h-is utw comely. "The Prodigal H'Jsbaird." :il the Majestic theatre for one perforin 'ance only. Tnesdav evening. Novem ber 10. In the tneatre lie is the ex ponent of the very best traditions, is a summer "country gentleman" in ev ery meaning of the word. His Home in quaint Kast Hampton is the exempli faction wf the best traditions of a coun try seat. Hospitality, neighborliness and correctness constitute the secret key to one of I<otig Island's show places. ' Adv. BREAKS 1I COLD IN A FEW HOURS WITHOUI QUININE First Dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" Relieves A I 1 Grippe Misery Don't stav »tuffi»U-up' blowing ami snurtliiig! V dose of Cold Compound" tuKou every two hour!) tinitl three doses are taken will wui grippe misery initl lirciik a severe cold either m the head, chest, body or limbs It promptly open* elogged-up nos trils ami air passages; stops nasty discharge o nose running; .relieves nick headache, dullness, foverishness, sore throat, sneering, soreness and stiffness. "Tape's Colli Compound", if the quickest, surest reliof known and costs only 2o cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causos no incouvenieiice. Don't accept a substitute. adv. l«aild." The convention voted for its adoption. The special study and work ; of {tie Home Missionary Society this year "The Indian." Mrs. Herman Mil ler than gave "Gleaming* from the S*- i nodical Meeting" which wore much tip precited. Reports of committees were then heard and adopted. Memorial serv ices were held for Miss Anna 11. Matt ! hews, a vice president of the society who died at her home in Ijchauon Au gust P.O. I!U4. Tribute* to her mem ory wcr»> uaid by Mrs. (Sharp and Mrs. llintou and the convention united in I singing the hymn " To AH the Saint* i Who KYum Their Labors Rest." Miss Petrie the told of Old Dwight, the first Mission School among the Indians. It. ; was totally destroyed bv tire and ef I forts are being made to rebuild it. A I report of the Bailey Memorial Fund for 1 Wasatch Academy showed each church contributions, the total amount being \ SL'.tiSS.Cy. The Market Square church in Harrisburg claiming the privilege of i contributing half as Mrs. Bailey had been one of their number, their con I tribution was $1,395. The election of officers for the Society resulted in the election of the old officers with two ex | ceptions. They are president, Mrs. •loshua Sharp, of Chambersburg; vice i presidents, Mrs. Thomas I*. Wallace. Mrs. E. K. Curtis, Mrs. T. M. Nelson, i Mrs. George 11. Stewart, Mrs. Walter Scott, Miss Marv Sloan, Miss Ellen Kerr. Mrs. Hinton, the last named suc ceeding Mrs. Matthews, deceased; cor responding (secretary, Mrs. Sheffer; re ! cording secretary, Miss Fleming, suc ceeding Miss Condrey, resigned; freed ■ men, Mrs. Seibert; literature. Miss Kel ly; Young People, Miss Riddle; I'res byterial treasurer, Mts. 11. R. Johnston; Synodicnl committee, Mrs. Norcro;#, Mrs. Mitchell. The convention received an mutt tion to hold its meeting next year jUf Mercersburg and the invitation was 90 ' cepted. The convention closed with i prayer and benediction by the R6v. George Fulton. A lire at Dillgbuig yesterday called our fire department to aid. The Citizens' chemical engine was taken with several members of that company and two mem : bets of the Washington company were ! taken on Gelwicks auto truck and they made the distance in.a very short time, the home company with the aid of bucket brigade had succeeded in ex tinguishing the tire. Mountain lires are still burning anil smoke is still perceptible here, and at night the sky. even in the moonlight, shows very red. The executive committee of the Mil j ier evangelistic meetings held a meet ' ing last evening in the office of A. B. , Harnish. Plans for the meeting were discussed. The evangelistic services in the Methodist church were last evening in •charge of the Rev. .1. R. Sliipe, who preached the sermon of the evening from the text lieu. 3.9 "Where Art Tliouf" The Kev. X. W. Kiracofe as sisted in the services. There was one conversion. The services of the even ing closed with testimonies. Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Xeiffer and Mr. ail,l Mrs. Kllenberger, of Ilarrisburg, were automobile visitors here yesterday. Mrs. Jennie Anderson, of Ilarrisburg, is itii j; her niees, Mrs. .1. K. Prow ell and the Misses Parker. Mrs. Harriet I/. Brandt, of Harris burg, was a visitor here yesterday. Mrs. S. p. Segelbaum, of Harrisburg, vjsited friends here, her former home, this week. and attended the Missionary convention. Mr. an i Mrs. Samuel Brown have re tinae from a visit to relatives in Philadelphia. Mrs. s. K. Base luce, Mrs. R. H. . Tiiomas. .1.'.. Miss Mary Clark and Miss '< athaiine Keefe represented the Worn an's i I,ib. of this place, u tho conven tion u: ne Cumberland \ alley League of Civic clubs, held in Xewville to-day. A Few Best Sellers Tlie p II i-ipa I c.kara ter in the follow ing was nc: engaged in flirta tion. b merely req. isitiouiug a few novels: v | Yo.iuw Lady (reading from list) 'Engaged to Be Matricd?" l.'biarian (referring to shelf)—Mo, madam. I idy—"Tiiou Art the Man?" Librarian - Ves. malum, l.adv Tiiatik Kisses?" l/brarian-"—Out. Inadain. Lady—" After Dark'?' - • Librarian Ves. madam. Ladv—Thanks. 'Love Me Fi|r everf'' Libra ran \u. " WooeJ aud Mar ried ''' I-a Iv No. tliai.k vou. " l.'ndv 1-ove's Rule'" L'.ibrat ian -No. madam. Lady "Goodby, Sweetheart!•' Thank ycj very much.—(Books of To day and To-morrow. ... That Mude Him Tire* Bobbie —Don't you feel -tired. Mr. Bibbie? Guest —No Bobbie. Why rfo i you askf Bobbie—'Cause pa said he 1 met you last night and you were car rving an awful load. —Boston Trau -1 script. "Will nothing move you?" he ask ed anxiously. "Ves," she replied. "I've got a : truckman from downtown to do the job I for $6 a load."—Philadelphia Ledger. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers