The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 30, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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( Ettablxthed in 1878)
Published b-
/* Star-lndepo-ident Building,
M-20-22 South Third Street, Harrleburf, Pa*
Every Evening Except Sunday
Officers .- Diner*n .
Bikjamin F. METERS, Jolu , l l KchNi
W*. W. WALLOWIR, _ ..
Vfte President. W » K
Wm. K Misters,
Secretary ami Treasurer. Wh. W Wallowcr.
TYM H Warner, V HLMMEL Pehohaus. JK ,
Business Manager. Editor.
All communications should BE addressed to Star Independent,
Business. Editorial. Job Printing or Circulation Department,
according to tlie subvert matter
Entered at the Post Office in IlaiTisburg A* second-class matter.
Benjamin <FC Kentnor Company.
» New York and Chicago Representatives.
New York Offlee. Brunswick Building. Fifth Avenue.
Chicago Office, People's (}as Building. Michigan Avenue.
Delivered by carriers at • cents a week. Mailed to subscriber;
for Three Dollars S year in ADVANCE
The paper with the largesi HONK Circulation in Harrisburg and
nearby towns.
Circulation Examlnru by
Private Branch Exchange. .... No. 3280
private Brtmch Escnanfie, • No. 245-246
Friday, October 80, 1914.
Sun. Moil. Tucs. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat.
12 3
4 5 6 7 3 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 18 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Full Moon, Ith; Last Quarter, 12th;
Now Moon, 10th; First Quarter, 25th.
TRw ' ' Hnrrisburg ami vicinity: Fair,
• slightly cooler to-niglit; Saturday fair.
Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair, slightly
■*PplT cooler to-night; Saturday fair, moderate
I west winds.
. —.
In the People's Column, in another part of this
newspaper, appears a letter sigued ''One in Search
of Information," the author of which practically
asks the Star-Independent to advise him how to
vote on the partisan candidates for the leading
offices to be tilled by the electors next Tuesday.
In the complicated political situation existing at
present the Star-Independent lias endeavored to set
forth in its news columns, without bias and without
distortion of facts to favor the interests of one
party more than another, the actual uncolored news
and developments of this campaign. This includes
a fair exposition of the substance of the utterances
of the leading candidates and the development of
all important movements, whether within or outside
of partisan influences, which have a bearing on the
issues of the fight. This newspaper has printed the
platforms of the leading parties and explained the
various interpretations of those planks in the plat
forms which are capable of ambiguous construc
tion, as those interpretations have been given by
various responsible individuals. This newspaper
has commented editorially on various phases of the
campaign where it has .seen the opportunity to set
■ its readers right when there was danger of their
being misguided, or to give them fair and unbiased
aid in making up their minds as to the real signifi
cance of campaign influences.
The Star-Independent, however, has not under
taken to dictate to the voters how they shall cast
their ballots. It has not tried to fool them into
thinking that one party is all right and another all
wrong. It has not tried to becloud the issues by
misrepresentation and mud-slinging to make it ap
pear that the millenium will arrive if one party
succeeds at the polls and that the state is destined
to eternal damnation if that party's candidates fail
of election.
In other words the Star-Independent, has not
attempted to hoodwink and mislead its readers. It
lias not tried to insult their intelligence by taking
the position that it is the function of the newspaper
to pass out ready-made opinions for the people and
try to force those people to 'adopt those opinions
as their own. The Star-Independent does not un
dertake to do the people's thinking for them, but
it does place proper material for their thought
before them in a way to interest them and to help
them to arrive at their own conclusions.
There are occasions when a candidate can ho
shown to be utterly unfit to till the"office he aspires
to, or by comparison with his rival to be so far
inferior as to be a fit subject for defeat. Then it
is the direct duty of a newspaper to warn its
readers against him.
lu ordinary circumstances, however, the func
tion of a newspaper to-day with regard to politics,
is to set forth the facts intelligently and in an
independent and unbiased way so that the readers
can think for themselves regarding the matters of
chief concern in a campaign.
We will state, therefore, for the benefit of our
esteemed correspondent, who, we are proud to say.
has been a daily reader of the Star-Independent
for the last twenty-five years, that if he and all
other thoughtful voters who have made an honest
effort to digest the tacts of the campaign as thev
have been set forth by the unbossed newspapers of
the state, and be guided by their own consciences
in deciding how to vote next Tuesday, the result of
the election will represent the concensus of the
honest opinion of the unbossed voters who always
have the balance of power when they choose to
exercise it.
At the unveiling of a monument to Robert Burns
in Pittsburgh the other day the principal speaker
was Andrew Carnegie. The man of millions spoke
lovingly of the penniless poet and asserted that the
principal bonds which to-day hold English-speak
ing men together are "'the liible in its marvelous
translation, along with Shakespeare and Burns,
next to our common language and common law."
All that the speaker at the unveiling said about
the man whom the monument memorizes was j
highly complimentary. The shade of the poet may
perhaps appreciate the honor, but it is doubtful.!
Burns and Carnegie, although both ot' Scottish an-;
eestry, hold little else in common. The misfor-;
tune of the former and the fortune of the latter
led them in opposite walks of life; they provide
excellent examples of extremes in the social scale.
"Poverty is indeed his companion," says C'ar
lyle in his essay on Burns, "but love also and cour
age; the simple feelings, the worth, the nobleness
that dwell under the straw roof, are dear and ven
erable to his heart; and thus over the lowest prov
inces of man's existence he pours the glory of his
own soul The Peasant Poet bears himself,
we might say, like a King in exile: he is cast I
among the low and feels himself equal to the high-)
est; yet he claims no rank, that none may be dis-!
puted to him. The forward he can repel; the j
supercilious he can subdue; pretensions of wealth
or v ancestfry of no avail with him; there is ai
tire in that dark eye, under which the 'insolence
of condescension' cannot thrive."
There seems to have been no tone of condescen
sion in Carnegie's speech and certainly no inso
lence. Yet there appears to tie something inappro
priate about a discourse on the qualities of an
eighteenth century poet who spent his brief life in
poverty which he so appealingly defended, deliv
ered by a twentieth multimillionaire whose
most extravagant efforts to dispose of wealth will
hardly permit him to die anything but a rich man.
in view ot the poet s peculiar disposition toward
aristocracy, the homage paid him by the multimil
lionaire must have been all the more striking. Mr.
( arnegie s sincerity in his praise of Burns cannot
lie questioned, and the extent of his true pride in
the illustrious son of his native land can only be
imagined. The views of the two men regarding
wealth may correspond in some respects, yet the
actual conditions in their lives form a contract
which is too evident to be overlooked.
Phe rich and the poor honor Robert Burns,'and
his fame lias not been confined to his own nation
ality, nor to his own race. The monument at Pitts
burgh was erected by residents of Western Penn
sylvania of Scottish descent who, although they
have t lie distinction of having expressed their
appreciation in concrete form, are but a small
traction ol the admirers of the poet in this nation;
of the poet whose conception of the coming broth
erhood of man are imperishable.
The stories from France of the killing <,f C.erniuu gen
erals must l>e taken with a few slices of Ihnburger.
The postmaste* of Greenville has refused to deliver post
cards sent out to voters over Colonel Roosevelt's signature.
Welcome, Greenville, to the map of Pennsylvania!
The Bureau of Food Inaction in New York City has
had to insert an advertisement in the newspapers to get
a director at $5,000 a year. Times can't, bo so hard in the
At least three of the leading Philadelphia newspapers have
urged the election of Judge George Kunkel. of Harrisburg,
as judge of the Supreme Court, and so have scores of other
newspapers throughout the state.
There wasn't much comfort for Palmer in the tour of
the Colonel. "Don't vote for Palmer! A vote for Palmer
is half a vote for Penrose," shouted the Colonel. And it
is too late now for Palmer to get off the ticket!
Silas—"l hear your sou left that small town and went
to the city to have a larger field for his efforts."
Hiram—"Yes; and that's what gets me. When Hank
was home, a two-acre potato patch was too big a field
for him." —Judge.
Alice, an enthusiastic motorist, was speaking to her
friend, Maude, in relation to the slowness of a certain young
man at proposing.
"Charley seems to start easy," she remarked, "and he
speeds up well, but just at the critical moment he always
Two country women, mother and daughter, were visiting
a menagerie for the* first time. At last they came to the
hippodrome, and stood for several minutes transfixed in
silent wonder. Then the mother turned to her daughter
and said, slowly and solemnly:
"Goodness me! Ain't he plain?"—Exchauge.
"Mary," said Mr. Thomas, when a silence fraught with
unpleasant meaning had followed his first altercation with
his young wife.
"Yes?" said Mary, interrogatively.
"When a man and his wife have had a—a difference,"
said Mr. Thomas with a judicial air, "and each considers
the other at fault, which of the two do you think should
make the first advance toward reconciliation?"
"The wiser of the two," said Mrs. Thomas, promptly;
"and so, my dear, I'll sa.v at once that I'm very sorry."
A colored mau called at Mrs. Baxley's, looking for work.
"What is your name?" she asked, after hiring him.
"Mali name is Poe, ma'am,' was the answer.
"Foe!" she exclaimed. "Perhaps some of your family
worked for Kdgar Allan Poe; did they?"
The colored man opened his eyes wide with amazement.
"Why—why, ma'am," he said, as he pointed a dusky
finger at himself—"why, Ah am Edgah Allan Poe!"—Lip
THERE'S a chilliness in the air that speaks in a lang- { y
uage plainer than words, "Get that Winter Suit, mMM\ WHlll it
Balmacaan or Overcoat NOW." x/lWm aVIIV/ Jf 18223S
THE GLOBE stocks are composed of only the /: I If/- '
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Here a man can buy with the positive assurance that I j jBBBH/ M (RET
his dollars are doing their utmost. IS I llffiv IH lull
Here a man can buy without hesitation, garments / i' ill
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It's a SURE thing men! —You CAN'T lose—every WtUll % m
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"■ n Balmacaans and Overcoats that represent the max- |||i B ;
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A America's greatest Ready-To-Put-On garments Si fife P* fl
Igg —■''FASHION-CLOTHES' S they embody that V IL. M
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greatest possible values at S2O and $25.
There's Solid Comfort Derbies! Derbies! For Men's Hands
for tlie men who wca/r these warm Tlie U>l4 models—all fashioned for Imported English Cape gloves buy-
Shaker-knit Sweaters—all styles and Ihe men who appreciate "class" in ing an enormous quantity brings us
colors—inverted poekeis that can't sag headwear. Felt hats; ves, we're these exceptional qualities "to sell at the
—extra values at "strong" on those, too, at remarkable price of
$5.00 $2 and s3—Stetsons $3.50 SI.OO
I r s
| Tongue End Top ics I 1
i ■ ix- mil- ii i 7
i When Europe Faces "Reconstruction"
If ttie reconstruction in Europe fol
i lowing the war is anything like as slow
! aa it was in the South after the War of
| the Rebellion, it will be many, many
j years before Europe will be anything |
| like it was before the outbreak of hos- j
tilities. Chief of Police Hutchison,
who was stationed in winter quarters |
in Georgia during the Spanish-American
war, with his regiment, was given a
leave of absence at his request that per- 1
mitted him to ride over a part of Sher
man's famous route to the sea. He
found desolation everywhere, he said.
No attempt had been made to reeon
struct much of the devastated property
there at that time. In what was at
one time a grand plantation he found a
small piece of land being cultivated bv
former slaves, but most of the land ly
ing idle and uncultivated.
* « *
i Another -Harrisburg Minrtrelinan
Reference in this column the ether
| day to "Billy" Welsh, the minstrel
| manager, calls to mind the fait that
another Harrisburger was just as promi
nent in minstrelsy, but in another line.
Joseph Moeherman, of an old Harris
burg family, whose real name was ■
I Machamer but whose stage name was !
! Mortimer, was for years one of the j
| stars of the minstrel stage at a
I time when good banjo players were few
and when evefy college glee club
didn't have a score of more '• banjo
thumpers" in its ranks. "Joe'' Morti
mer, as he was best known, was a man
of superior ability, and after a career j
l on the minstrel stage lie became man
ager of a famous vaudeville show in
Philadelphia, which he conducted sue !
cessfully for several years, making it j
one of the best known variety shows •
in the country. He died in Philadelphia
some thirty-five years ago and his body
was brought here to be buried in the
Harrisburg cemetery under his real}
name. There are few who remember j
the genial minstrel, but he was of the j
''Lew" Simmons type,—friends with!
♦ »
Careful to Be Quoted Right
When Senator Penrose travels on a :
campaigning toai he generally takes
with him his own personal stenographer ,
to report his speeches and he does this
as a measure of precaution. He has j
seen so many speeches of public men j
garbled by unscrupulous persons and j
so many false statements attributed to
them as having been made in public i
speeches, that he takes no dhances, and I
as a consequence he carries with him
'his own man, generally one of the best
than can be found in Washington or
Philadelphia. By this means he is en
abled to refute any garbled reports of
his speeches or anything he is reported
to have said that he did not say. Colo
nel Roosevelt is different. He has a
secretary with him. it is true, but not
a stenographer, and he generally speaks
out so boldly ar.d openly that he cannot
•be misunderstood, so that it is not nec
essary for him to have a verbatim re
port of every speech he makes taken
by a personal stenographer. It was the
famous old Benjamin P. Butler, of
Massachusetts, statesman and soldier, j
who straightened out New Orleans aft
er the Uni, v ii troops took possession of
the city during the Civil war, who was
the first to carry his personal stenog
rapher with him, and he was heard to
declare once while campaigning for the
j Presidency that he took his own stenog
rapher because "you couldn't believe
| a d —d word the reporters say about
—j,, | |M |i-|| .
ft. f nM J
ir ™w JWmm
r i . ,f J. f
* mm "' MMM * wftr
Miss Emma Myrklc
One of the most pleasing leading women on the stage to day is Miss Emma Myrkle, the feminine star of the Mvrklfl-
Harder stock company at the Majestic Theatre next week. Miss Myrkle has a winning personality and makes friends
wherever she plays. The opening play will be "Elevating a Husband." Louis Mann's comedy sm-.'t-- This play will
be given Monday afternoon and evening. All the plays will bo given at popular prices.
j vou.'' Maybe he was peeved because
jhe didu't draw big crowds.
* * *
Women Suffragists Were Active
The workers in the interest of suf
i'rage are active. An opportunity like
the visit here ot' the Colonel was not
one to be missed by the women workers
in the "cause," and some of them
toiled until almost midnight Wednesday
preparing suffrage literature to hand
out to those who attended the meet-
ings at Chestnut street hall and the
j Board of Trade.
Penusy Announces Pay Days
The employes of the Middle Division
lof the Pennsylvania railroad will re
| eeive their pay for the second half of
! October Thursday, November 5; Friday,
i j November 6; Saturday, November V;
! Monday, November 9, and every day
: after thnt till Saturday, November I i,
j inclusive.
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.