10 i The Star-Independent's Great Bargain and Educational Page I | WE WILL PAY YOU TO READ THESE ADVERTISEMENTS S This page contains bargains—the very best of the season—offered by Harrisburg's reliable merchants. You cannot afford to miss them. Read every advertisement on this page and then tell □ If us what bargain you find to be the best bargain and why. For the best letter the Star-Independent will pay $3.00 in Cash; for the second best, $2.00 and for the third best SI.OO. Address all letters |j] I to The Bargain Editor, The Star-Independent, and send them in not later than Monday noon of next week. Anyone can compete. We will publish the prize letters, with the names and addresses * | in our news columns or we will omit the name if desired. Letters not to contain more than 150 words. Betcim-i inf==s=^nf====-irirr==nni===irir===]Clt====int^=ll3t^=lEE i FOR A FROSTY MORNING BREAKFAST f | 6 lbs. of Old Fashioned Buckwheat, 25C t «5» ♦ Bottle of Pure Sap Curtis Brothers' Maple Syrup 251 * i 1 lb. of Brelsford Sausage 15c t Is. S. POMEROYj ❖ 8 South Market Square t % Dealer in GROCERIES, Fancy and Staple * «!• > >:• ❖<• •> •»< •> *♦ * * -fr+* ***<• ** * * * ••• •> *•> , a nickel's worth Peoples Bakery A 5-eent piece will buy full value Woodbine Street • in our store, and an extra nickel s . Our goods and prices are always right. l worth ot courtesy and service be- ® sides. titzell Our policv is to give t'ull value —— ABE MAXOTIRES VALUABLE? for the inonev vou spend with us. . .. ,i We will let tins question undecided and Rive you a specific instance where] FORNEY'S DRUG STORE $n" r h V ™%. ru ViL-^m 1 runntl 0 vnua WIUIIL accomplished without the usa. of a MAXOTIRK. I ♦lit! MARKET STREET > t SHAFFER SALES CO., —————Bo-88 South Cameron Street THIS WEEK ONLY A % A $7.00 Comb, Brush and I Old Gorman I Mirror Set s RYE « s4*s O Whiskey L. A. FAUNCE JOHN J. FINN JEWELER 454 Marke t' St. 1314 North Third Street Family Trade (Both Phones) F. E. RIDENOUR, 1221 N. Third St. A BARGAIN Fresh Cut Flowers Always on Hand ______ . __ „ Tr FRIDAY ONLY Funeral Designs a Specialty 1 All 40c Cakes, 30c SPECIAL Suits Sponged and Pressed, SO Different Varieties Suits Steam Cleaned, 81.25 I „ H. SCHAMPAN Sheaffer s Bakery Custom Tailor ■> »» i*ni • i Third and Reily Streets 905 N. Third St. •> •> •> ♦:< •> »:• »> •> ♦> •>♦>»>•> •> »:♦»>»> •> •>»> *»:• »> ♦»>❖ ♦> »> •> ❖♦❖i* •> ♦ *s* *2* ***£ j Reason No. 2 *•' & H Vou will save 10 per * % Sgd 3 cent, by purchasing • % j | I "** i 5c cigars packed in | % ~*_J Humidore form. *j j. »> .j »> * «s» •> <4 •> s»>»i« & •> •> •> ♦> •> ►> •> »> »>»><« •> •:« »> •> {«►:« ►> •> •> ♦> .> •> «j» •>j Good Pies and Cakes Pure Gum Drops, ug- Start something. If they dont serve U ' al ' P e . r P 1 Ui« them. Made by Special this week, Atticks & Atticks GEUNDEN'S Drug store; 217 Broad Street Sixth and Boas Streets r \ n 1 n _ House cleaning time: Call Bell ftj AII l 3 E W P^ one 248R, and have us give you an estimate on the wiring pfiy hEIH j&fC °* y° ur house, or a fine gas or rUI iIUIIICIw an electric dome. Liberty Siu-lls with high brass. 65c box. , £ E. WEBB I Red To,, Hunting Oeps, 234 Thjrteenth g <sc each. . We still have a few single- ' barrel guns for $3.00. BIG BARGAINS _ ii i New Stoves at whole- Bogar Hardware sa ' c 0 entire stock. All guaran- Company tecd 1315 N. Third Street Morris Skolnik Ne,r Broad 5.,,.t M„k« 12u gt Open Evenings C. V. Phone V 53.50 and $4.00 Lockets Hallowe'en Novelties With Brilliants in jireat variety and at Reasonable Prices H. G. SEIBERT, Jeweler! Central Book Store 1902 North Sixth Street ! ;J29 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. | Hot Water Bottles & Fountain | Syringes 25 % THURSDAY ONLY | I GOLDEN SEAL | I 11 S, Market Square % <• + HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 28. 1914. A BARGAIN 1 Dr . enu "I I Julia Marlowe Shoes FRIDAY ONLY ! if tAd UN rrfll harKßil,s for Doz. Sepia Sketch pi «| Mk I al■■ ma They are Up-to-tlir-inimitr in at $6.00 P* | |li t Style, quality the best, and very com ss.oo Doz. Sepia Sketch '"C shoes are far superior to at How is It tllclt lliv IlOlirll- ordinary $I».00 and $3.50 shoes. New styles for the holidays. Hoi* IS <II\VHVS pl'Cpcl 1'0(1 to Mnv we show them to youf Musser's Studio, B ,d ™^wci? >e we LAPPLEY'S, No. 16 N. Third St., know. Ho has an account v Fourth and Kelker Sts. u ... ....... ni with us. You can have an v Hoautitul Klectric Art ('lass Dome,, with chain, hung anywhere in Harris-j HCCOUIIt TOO. 5 Dauphin Electriraf' 00 4 Per cent, paid on Savings I ARE YOU AWARE j Supplies Company { the Arcade Laundry | John S. Musser, President > Washes Corsets > t:tl Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. XfUSt COlU" I Tl,oU ' IO ° U • il ' Bt ''' ke < Sorosis Shoes pany of Harrisburg " 77'™" ""T I for Men 36-38 North Third Street * ArC3.u6 L3.Undry ; are as good as the Women's. Try them. • | Logan & Granite AveS. < PPTTrTi 13 N. Third St. V ' * €. KjixHjixU, lAA^vwvw/vvyvwyvvyw ll Fresh Country Pork, Better Clothes-Less Money Gray Bonnet 5g iiigar Sauerkraut, 6c qt. | 2.-, box. Tt. !T* Jo"''box. s2.^, HULL BROS. j MP CHAS. H. KOCH ' i7ik n. THIRD street r j 35 N Second Street GOOD EVENING nwni IMS NEW FALL Just a look at our beautiful wA I wLIIiCb tiew line ol gas aiul eleetrie j„ treatment of all diseases of Lingerie and Silk L'll portables will tell you what vou one ot' tile prim ipal factors in the 1 o-j. , want. Cure it* Pure Blood. Oxyoline treat- fl ° nV(iar fl ' olll "P to ments purifies the blood. $15.00. The Columbia Tuberculosis, Bri B hf. disease. p. f Rlieiiinatisin. and Chronic- Nervous m f #/•> M f Electric Clio. Diseases are wonderfully relieved M—i CI R M 1,,, , „ and cured bv Oxyoline an<l Arc Light SPECIALTY SHOP 13th and Market Sts. equipment and methods used at T a «■ The Shope Sanitarium. JO» Locust Street, Next to Orpheum v j ; v 11 * National Cash Registers — j THE rHII.DKKN A 1.1. I.IKK I Total adders S4O and up. Sold on! * dttamttt tjttttipi) ! easy payments. . rvr f*r*- ' BUTTER Call at show room. No. 105 Market! IHf Q W PPIT Q PfOnH ' i'dT,, l^, e " " nch ' a , n( l as ., we '"fke our 1 .1 .. •• .• 1I 1 l.i VV C v l\ l<d.ll\J own we cart vouch for its quality and street, and yet demonstration ot our, A »» VV.IV itg freghness . only Hk- per lb. I Money and Labor savin;: Machines. ■ _ _ N. R. Black, Sales Agent ! SCHAEFER Both Phones llomiter niul I'ackt-r of IIIkIi (iraile fof-l Ualgdill fee anil Tea. 48* 13th St. Hell phone IttMsj Developing Printing Enlarging j T A KFPPT F woo sterling. ' HOERNER'S J* Axi-aA i. Gray Flannel for Petticoats this PHOTOGRAPHER j T itrp fnr week onl y Room 10, «1) N. oECOND STREET oC* t)ei Vai'd HARRISBURG, PA. . _ _ / :»« BROAD STREET ckfJkW { 9 ® c Blaek Hats re ffizy Sec my duced to Oeli/ J p..i Full five-vear aruaran- ; ! ' i >-s.~» Black siik velvet Hats, no , iITT Bargains . - special for week-end 98C \ 7 I \ ; tee. I ernis to suit. j /A J - in Dress ' $2.50 Black Silk Velvet Hats. Spe r J . I \ ' cial for week /t% I M 1 tA Hats | H TROUP MUSIC end SL7S I , J * »• lAULI Fancies from 25<» to 49^ Charlotte J. Opperman HOUSE jVlisS BOfllber^ef MILLINERY i 15 So. Market Sq. ® 227 North Second Street * -» TSI <itroot . —. >'■ . i7tj i>. 3i\in f "" i 11 ■ ii ■ II i iin ■ ■ I*« a Bell Phone 2193 ! Combination Bargains for Thursday AE'S 1 lb. B. B. D." Blend Coffee, 30c' I P°i' Hair Dress I 1 qt. Best Saur Kraut 5C S; E s tc han,po °" 2 lbs. Granulated Sugar 12c i\ ffl&W 1 Loaf Bread 30 t/T ftSSJ "2? ! _ j > for Toilet 50C / /y i Articles and WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK / A-j Buffers. B. B. DRUM, 1801 N. 6th St. v ■»*- jr. / ■ The Best Suits Brass Costumers for SIB.OO SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS WEEK in the City $1.75 Reduced to 98c Let me prove it. THE STORE OF GREAT FURNITURE VALUES ' N Zimmerman FURNITURE,, CARPETS and RUGS Allison Tailor BljttOrff & CO. 7 N. THIRTEENTH STREET NEW CUMBERLAND, PA V — * v I BARGAIN OFFERS : CAREFULLY READ Continued From Fifth Page be the advertisement that shows the i greatest reduction in the regular price. |' The regular ipricc must be the standard |t or market price. Ryder's Brighten Up Stores offer i ''Flat- Tone'' at half price, an actual [ 50 [ter cent, reduction. A certain t value or the regular price is not men- |< tioned, because "Flat Tone'' has a It standard, one price everywhere, the ' came as I'needa biscuits or Ivorv so«p, s and when the advertisement offers it v r at half price it leaves no doubt but i what it is a saving of one-half, hence t the biggest bargain and the best bar- r gain, because one could not huy an in- i SPECIAL NOTICE: The names signed to aU prize winning letters must be published in full. ferior article to take its place for halt' the price of "Flat Tone." Mrs. Marv Yost. • 615 Dauphin Street. Second Prize-winner The Bargain Editor: Dear Sir— The J. id. Tici'p Music House has, in my opinion, presented the best bargain to be found in your advertising contest. The principal reason for so believing is thalt by purchasing a S4OO Sterling piano for $235 a saving of $165 is effected, this ainouut itself being suffi cient to purchase the majority of ar tides advertised by other merchants. The advertiser has bought sufficient space to display his bargain in a man ner that is bound to be attractive, and in this space he has given the reader all that is necessary to make a sale. The mere announcement of a S4OO Sterling piano, like new, for $235, guaranteed — and sold on terms to suit the purchaser, would interest any one who had never tihought of buying a piano. A barguin of this nature offered by a reliable firm is an exception. Yourg truly, William L. Kay. 1855 Market Street. Third Prize-winner Bargain Editor: l>ear Sir— Hull Bros.' choice countrv butter at 32 cents a pound is in, mv opinion, the best bargain of this week, because we know it, is what they say it is, and thej price is below market |>rices. Why pay 40 cents for butter when you can get: just as good for 32 cents?. We know| that the average workingman of to-day must save to meet the high cost of liv ing, and butter is something we must| have. Mrs. Page, 9 1 2 May Street. j 'l* 5' <♦ •> •> ❖v•>♦> •> •>•> ■!« <■ »> »i« •> •> »>»>►> »> •;« »;• <• ♦> <• >;• »> »> »;• •:« s►> »>•!« »j -> •>;«•:« ♦> ►> •% •. j || Vou Must Have Money (o Buy Bargains | | Let The § |COMMERCIAL BANK! ;| 1222 and 1224 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa., | j ❖ Save Your Money and Pay You Interest | ;«•;« -l* •>* .•«»;»;«»;«>j. «g»»> ►> *»>»>»> »> .j. ,j. »j> .»«»*, .j. •§. $ »j,»;«.j »j,.•« ~f 7 «M*nnn r i /'We Nickel Plate One $450.00 used Stiefl „ Piano. Stove Parts Ono $250.00 Used Cabinet j The NuSS Mfg. Co. T) , j CJOK nn j., I I TH and MULBERRY STREETS Player and $25.00 worth J ' MERCHANTS or Haver Rolls tor i M „ , , , , No more broken wheels if you will hnvc me equip your bicycle with ;Mt a A iMK. irtfc. hole rtcel lined wood rims and motor s3oo.oo : wt, chrsVrß. smith 1815 N. Third Street Can You Beat It? THURSDAY ONLY " is tloz. Roger's Knives and Forks, 1,1 ' regular $5.00 value, Stieff Piano **«« Warerooms N ' 1215 N. THIRD ST. FOR s " f Pure Wine, Liquors and Beer r , . . . r , x tlectrrca! Contractor JOHN G. WALL „ Cor. Sixth and Cumberland Sts. xIOUSe Wiring a bpeCl<y Both Phones Auto Delivery .—All kinds ol' electrical C. T. FERNBATJGH r <'pair work given prompt Fine Cakes attention. Hell phone 3480.. Insist on your Groceryman furnish- Ij|H \j ]\j CVV FiKI) j ing them. Retail and wholesale. ' \ Tf • kJn I 1031 N. Sixth Street MiUllet strcct - I - nilloy " c - Pi ' , |f 33c SPECIAL ™j ! | 1 lb. Famous Banquet Blend Coffee, SOc % j| l -2V 2 -lb. Bag Snow White Flour, 3r- •> i * ° # V* * | POLLECK'S GROC ' * WHERE QUALITY COUNTS HARRISBURG- AND STEELTON ;; All Kinds of : Singeing Massapting Safety Rszar Blades St cZJ?S r tn. P^ op Resharpened. Market Street S.-.C per dozen, at ' a FORNEY'S DRUG STORE union Shop Crude Oil Shampoo A Case of Allentown Beer f"""""' nr7ytJK "~" SPECIAL HANLEN HIAPLG WALNIII ij===j ICE-CREAM The Best Varnish Stain ————— 5 5e per qt. WALKER S MESSIMER FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20th j Brighten-up Finishes are real Bar- 411 N. Second Si. | f;ams because they arc the best that I j braius ami money can make. j Families a 1 id Pai'tlCS Ryder's Brighten-Up Siores ( pplied 51,0,t No " 44 N. Third St. Broad St. jjflg j; i ! Buy the Best for the Money one hundred SI.OO Watches Yingling's Celebrated Pottsville Beer Thursday and Porter Onlv VV/ Bottled by CHAS. s. BUX W. R* ATKINSON Both Phones HIH-820 Market St. 112:5 N. THIRD STREET # «5» •> <« *l* &*> •> «5» «fi» <i* »> »> ♦> •> »> •> •> ►> ♦> •> •> ►:« »;< <%> -i* ►;« »> »> •i« ❖•> »t* ❖ »i« »i* ❖❖•> v»j ! A BARGAIN FOR ALL HILL PEOPLE | % ' Save Your Car Fare t »> y We will start our ! CHRISTMAS SAVINGS FUND S | Pecember 29, 1914 '•> You can .join any time after that. Open every Saturday evening. I The East End Bank | % Thirteenth and Howard Streets % * •>
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