[THE WEATHER j RAIN TO-NIGHT j AND TO MORROW i Detailed Report. I'aue If I KeT a ?. , , 57', k,> VOL. 7(>—NO. 122 TWO GREATEST BATTLES OF EUROPEAN CONFLICT NOW REPORTED TO BE RAGING Engagement Between Nieuport and Dixmude Said to Be the Most Violent and Most Im portant of the Entire War With Zeppelins Giving the Ger mans Considerable Support— From Sambor, Along the River San to Przemysl and One of the Most Bitter Battles of the Present War Is Being Fought, the Fighting Having Now Lasted Eight Days London, Oct. 24, 10 A. M.—A private Berlin dispatch, according to the correspondent of the "Central News" at Copenhagen, states that the battle raging between Nieu port and Dixmude is the most violent and the most im portant engagement of the entire war. He adds that Zep pelins are said to have given the Germans considerable support. London, Oct. 24,4.05 A. M.—Telegraphing from Vladi mir, in the Russian government of Volhynia, under date of Wednesday, the correspondent of the "Times" says: "A battle, which for numbers engaged and the bitter ness of the fighting is probably one of the greatest of the present war, is now raging on the line from Sambor, along the river San, to Przemysl and Jaroslau and then to the southward. I traveled over a distance of about 66 miles in the rear of and parallel to the Russian position Gn which, at ail points, cannonading was terrific and uninterrupted, the battle having lasted for eight days. "It is difficult to get details, but it appears that the Austrians started the attack at Sambor, but were thrown back by the vigorous Russian counter-attacks. Then a concentration of the Austrian corps attempted an advance against Lemberg with the object of bisecting the Russian line. This attack was defeated with heavy Austrian losses and the capture of 5,000 Austrian prisoners. "Towards Jaroslau the Germans are co-operating with the Austrians who took Jaroslau earlier in the fight ing but the Russians are now said to have recaptured the town." Two months ago to-day the British army began its re treat from Moiis. To-day the battered forces of Sir John French are fifty miles to the northwest of Mons. In the intervening period the impetuous German advance pene trated almost to the gates of Paris, only to be hurled back again in the crucial battle of the Maine, aud now the hos tile forces are deadlocked on a line which extends from S\\ itzerland to the North Sea. To-day's reports throw little new light on the course <>t' the battle. Upon the fighting on the plains of Flanders, in the opinion alike of (ierman, French and British ob- M'l'vers. depends in large measure the outcome of the ■whole campaign and perhaps the future of German opera tions in France. The official French statement states with what intensity the opposing forces are contesting the issue. It is admitted that the Germans have advanced to the north of Dixmude aud in the neighborhood of La Passee. but as a counter stroke, it is said, the French have pushed iorward of Nieuport. in the region of Langewarck and between Armentiares and Lille. These, in the lan guage of the French War Office, are "inevitable fluctua tions of a contest waged so fiercely." The War Office con tents itself with tin- general statement that the line of < ombat as a whole has been maintained. Over the remainder of the long battle front the dead lock continues. Slight progress is claimed by the French at various points in the Woevre district, but the general positions of the opposing forces is changed in no important particular . Regarding the situation in the east there is as hereto fore a conflict of arms. The French War Office asserts that the < lermans are falling back to the south of Warsaw as well as to the west of Ivaugorod. Advices from Russia and Austrian sources agree that one of the bitterest battles of the war is in progress along the River San. An official Austrian statement reports the repulse of the Russians, who had been permitted to cross the river and were then attacked. Dispatches from Petrograd, however, state that the Austrian assault was repulsed by vigorous counter-attacks of the Russians. Into the monotonous routine of official statements and to the technical details of the fighting was injected a picturesque touch by the report at Tokio of Vice Admiral Kato, verifying the German claim to another audacious feat of the seas. The vice admiral admitted that it appar ently was a German torpedo boat destroyer and not a mine that sank the Japanese cruiser "Takachiho" on October 'l7. and paid a tribute to the bravery of the Japanese who lost their lives. Star- Jnkpctiktii HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 24, 1914 12 PAGES GERMANS MAKE PROGRESS AT DIXMUDE; THE FRENCH ADVANCE NEAR NIEUPDRI Paris. Oct. 24, 2.50 P. M. —The of ficial communication giveu out at the war office this afternoon says the Ger- i mans have made progress to the north of Dixmude and in the vicinity of I-a Bassee, but that the French made ma terial advances to the east of Nieu port, in the region of Langemarck, and ' between Armeutieres and Liille. The text of the communication is as fol- ! lows: '•The battle continues 011 our left! wing. The enemy has made progress to the north of Dixmude and in the viciu- : ity of La Bassee. We have made very 1 perceptible advances to the east of 1 Nieuport, in the region of Langemarck, and in the region between Armeutieres and Lille. It is a question of inevitable fluctuations in the line of combat which , however, maintains itself as a whole. "On the rest of the front several German attacks by flay and by night have been repulsed. At various places we have made slight progress. In the Woevre district our advance has con- i tinued in the direction of the Forest : of Mortmaro, to the south of Thiau court and in the forest of Lepretre, 1 north of Pont-a-Mousson. "In Kussia the Germans are reflat ing to the south of Warsaw as well as to the west of Ivaugorod aud Nova ! Alexandria. Desperate fighting con j tinues in Galicia on the Sandomir front, j At Przemysl the Russians have taken , 2,000 Austrian prisoners." JAP CRUISER'S CREW SINC NATIONAL ANTHEM ASTHEY j 1 PERISH WHEN BOAT SINKS 1 i Tokio, Oct. 24, 4.15 P. M. —It is of i I ficiallv announced that the De-' partment now (.elieves that the Japan '■ ese cruiser ,-hiho which was sunk; in Kiao-Chow na.bor on October IT T-as ! torpedoed by the German torpedo boat i ! destroyer S 90. Previous official an- j I nouncements had it that the cruiser had | been sunk by a mine but German and ! ■ Chinese reports credited the S 90 with; the feat. Unofficial accounts say that the S ' 90, masked by heavy seas, dashed out 1 ' of the bay and launched her deadly tor- j i pedo. She than ran the bloeka ie and ; I was pursued by the enemy's destroyers. ! Foreseeing what her fate would be her j commander drove her on the shore and | j tired the magazines. The captain and, the crew of sixty made their way to • | Shanghai and were taken in charge" and | interned by Chinese soldiers. Vice Admiral Sadakichi Kato, com- j | mander of the second Japanese squad-1 ] ron before Tsing-Tau, reported that the ; wreckage of the Takachiho, the fact j that the explosion was visible for a| j distance of 20 miles, aud the stories of | the survivors convince him that the ! Japanese cruiser was torpedoed by the I German destroyer. Immediately after ! the torpedo attack the magazines of j the Takachiho blew up. According to survivors, many mem- I bers of the crew of the Japanese ves- 1 sel were blown overboard. These men j j united in singing the chorus of the na-, I tional Japanese anthem and thus per ' ished. "This is evidence how bravely I i these men died and how they voiced ! | their love of country in the supreme' moment," says Vice Admiral KatoJ who also reports that the commander I of the Takachiho died at his post on j the bridge. CONGRESS ADJOURNSTO-DAY Leaders of Both Sides AgTee to Ad journ Session at -» O'clock This Afternoon By Associated Press. Washington. Oct. 24.—The filibuster | which has been holding Congress in ses j sion collapsed to-day and leaders of both sides agreed, to adjourn at 4 1 o'clock this afternoon. At the conference whicli agreed on j the adjournment, Southern members fighting for legislation to relieve cot ton growers pledged themselves not to I block the plan with points o <f no quorum or other technicalities. The plan was accepted by .Senate leaders where the filibuster also had commenced and adjournment again seemed assured. Senator Smith, of Georgia, who has 1 been tthe head and front of the filibuster ' in the Senate, said he would not block the adjournment if the majority of thei Southern Senators were decided to; abandon the filibuster. That appeared I to be the situation., Ql EEN VICTORIA'S SIXTH CHILD' Fourth Son Added to King Alfonso's Household in Madrid Madrid, Oct. 24, Via Paris, 11 A. M.—A son was born this morning to Queen Victoria, of Spain. The Queen of Spain is a granddaugh ter of the late Queen Victoria of Eng land. The son born to-day is her sixth child, the others being three sons and two daughters. 1 is. mm io KNOW FATE SOON Counsel for Woman Ac-! cused of Slaying Mrs. j Bailey Rests Case ! Shortly Before Noon \ SHE HOPEFUL OF BEING ACQUITTED Witness Testified To-day He Saw* Man j Running Across the Carman Lawn ; j About the Time of the Murder and Leap Over the Fence j fi.v Associate* Press. Mineola. Oct. 2 4.—The defense of Mrs. Florence Conklin Carman, 011 trial ] for the murder of Mrs. Louise Bailey on June 30, last, rested shortly before noon to-day. Counsel prepared feo sum ; up and indications were that th*; ease ! would go to the jury late this after- I noon. The testimony of unimportant wit nesses and the arguments of I>istriet Attorney l>ouis J. Smith and counsel for the defense to-day was all tlwt re j niained to be heard by the jury this i morning. It was expected thai, the I jury would be given the case late this i I afternoon and the opinion prevailed ! that a verdict would be returned before ; nightfall. After testifying on cross-examina 1 tion and after listening to the testi j monv of her little daughter, Elizaiteth; I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conklin.; her 1 j sister, Mrs. Ida Powell; her niece, Mrs. j Helen Powell Corby, and her husband, j Dr. Edwin Carman, the accused woman | returned to her cell last night prolict- j I ing that the jury would return a ver- i j diet of acquittal. She sent her parents, j j her daughter and nusband home happy I j with her assurance that within a few j i hours she would be free and would j ; spend Sunday with them, Negro > Testimony Favors Defanse i Mrs. Carman's confidence in the out- j ! c-onte may be attributed to the m:«s of '< evidence, mostly from members of her | immediate family, to disprove the etorv j told by Celia Colt man, the negro maid in the Carina i home, that implicated j ! her mistress wit! the murder. The de fense also offered a witness, a negro man. who testified that after the shot was fired he saw a man run across the Carman lawn, jump a fence and etisap-1 j pear. Mrs. Carman's face was wreathed ;in smiles when she entered the court room. Shebowed to several frirnds, kissed her daughter Elizabeth, greet i ed her husband with a nod and a smile I and taking the seat at the ta- Continued on Hißhth Page. HMHW DRUNK'-SIOOGH Evangelist Says He Never Made Such a Statement About the Candidate ! REFERRED TO MEN IN PARTY Sunday Sends Telegram Say ing He Is Not Endorsing Any Can didate and Has Never Done So in His Religious Campaigns I The Rev. Dr. Henry W. Stough, the ' i evangelist, who will conduct the- re : ligious revival to begin in this city on : November 1, and who was quoted in a i Clearfield county newspaper as having 1 said that Dr. Martin L. Brumbaugh, 1 the Republican candidate for Governor, was drunk and had to be led to his 1 room after a meeting in Dubois, came [ out flat-footed to-day and said that he ! J made no charge of the kind relating to t Dr. Brumbaugh and never said he was ; drunk, as quoted. This denial of the |, story came from Dr. Stough in re . S sponse to a telegram sent him by Mr. . E. J. Stackpole, of the "Telegraph,'" ..asking him concerning the truth of the , 1 quotation attributed to Dr. Stough. In | full the Stough reply is as follows: "Certain members of the Brum"- baugh party were drunk when thev t i were in Dubois. I "My information is that one orf the candidates in the party was 'knisey 1 drunk' wnile another candidate was j only 'plastered.' "At the Acorn Club in the presence of about fifty people, .Toe Bensinger, ' i former State treasurer of Hotel Men 'a Association, a saloon keeper and hotel i man went up to Dr. Brumbaugh, put his hand on the doctor's shoulder and said: 'I have orders to put you to bed |i at 10 o'clock. While you are in the 1 Continued OB Xlitk Page. 120,000 LOSS IN NEWfILLE BLAZE Ten Buildings Destroy ed by Flames Dis covered Early This Morning ONE RESCUER IS BADLY BURNED' Carlisle Sends Auto Engine Which Makes Long Run and Gets Into Ac tion Thirty Minutes After Sum mons (Special to the Star-Independent.) Newville, Oct. 24.—Eight stables, a warehouse and a plumbing establish ment were destroyed by a fire which broke out, in one of the stables at 5.50 ' o'clock this morning. The total losses are estimated at $21,000. The flames for a time threatened destruction to the residential section of Newville. Steward McDonald, who was aiding jin rescuing horses from the stables, was severely burned about the face and hands. It is believed, however, he will j recover. The blaze had assumed such ! proportions within an hour after it was j discovered that the chief of the fire de ; partment sent a call to Carlisle for as j sistance. A motor combination chemical and | hose wagon with several men made a record run here from Carlisle and had a stream on the burning buildings thir | ty m'.nutes after receiving the call for j help. Flames Near Dynamite The fire was confined to the stables i and warehouses on Church avenue, im j mediately back of the residential sec j tion, although the firemen and specta | tors were in a state of excitement when ] they learned that a warehouse, iaimedi j ately back of the Graham & Laughlin ! hardware store, which had caught fire j several times contained a large quan- I tity of dynamite. The fire is believed to have started in Continued on Ninth I'ftkr, FINDS ARCH UNDERFRONI ST. Diggers Uncover 20-Foot Stone Struc ture Which Ofice Marked the Course of a Creek A force of men engaged in laving the new water main in Front street, tfhis morning uncovered tibe bed of an old vreek beneath that thoroughfare be | tween the I.McCormick and Olmsted resi- I dences, just north of Walnut street. A stone archway that reached to within two feet of the level of the asphalt pavement was encountered in the work and the new water main will have to be laid through it. The arch over tine old creek bed is estimated to be twenty feet in width at the -bottom and is twelve feet deep. It was covered up, according to old resi dents, about forty years ago. For a while water ran through under the street, but in late years the outlet; had , become clogged up and the creek bed was almost forgotten until it was found again this morning. The course of the waterway was south through River street and made a turn at Locust toward the river, going under the Olmsted house Which occu pies the site of the old St. Lawrence | German Catholiic church. The creek is ' supposed to have been one of the out ( lets for Wetzel swamp, which is now j Wildwood lake. Discovery of this archway under the street presents a problem to the con tractor who is laying the water main. main will ran about ten feet above the bed of the old creek. YEMEN BLOW OPEi! SAFE Postofflce at Grantham Robbod of #SO in Cash and $l5O in stamps Last Night Early this morning yeggmen blew j open the safe in the postofflce at | Grantham, which is located on the Phil - j adelphia and Reading railroad on the 1 border line of York and Cumberland counties, and secured SSO in cash and $l5O worth of stamps. The postofflce is in the store of P. >l. Wingert and the safe is located in a little room in the rear of the store. The burglars covered the safe with blankets and it is supposed that they waited until a train was passing be fore they set off the charge. A resi dent of Grantham heard a sharp re port about 3.30 o'clock, but paid no attention to it. The State police, who are hunting for the burglars, have no trace of them, ex cept that it is supposed that they board ed a train and came to this city. CITY WILL SAVE 16.000 ON PAVI Lower Prices Offered in Bids Opened To day Are Attributed, to Competition 17 PROPOSALS ARE SUBMITTED Central Construction Company of Har risburg Is Low in Most Cases— Contracts to Be Awarded So Work ! Can Start Soon Between $5,000 and $6,000, contrac tors say, will be saved by the City of' | Harrisburg through the fact that three! | different contracting firms, —two from Harrisburg and the other from Clove-' | land, O. —competed for the contracts to i pave, with asphalt, seventeen different; i street sections. The proposals were opened at noon to day by William H. Lynch, Commissioner of Highways. Tiie Central Construction & Supplv | I Company, of Harrisburg, was low bid j der for most of the work. The Clew-1 | land Trinidad Paving Company, of | Cleveland, 0., was low on the paving | for several small contracts,—short al leys,—but that concern's bid on the curbing exceeded that of the Central by ten cents on the foot so that in to taling the figures for curbing and pav ing the Central is low on these jabs also. The Cleveland Company set out in its proposal that it would not under take to do paving work in this city un less the contracts called for 16,000 or | more square yards. The Stucker Broth ers Construction Company, of Harris i burg, also submitted bids. Six sets of specifications for the sev enteen paving jobs were lifted at the Highway Department by street paving contractors ana it was thought that the Continued ou Mnth I'n jrt*. PRIZECOW PERISHES WHEN FIRE RUINS EXPRESS CUR Flames Break Out When Pennsylva nia Train Is Running Through Cove and Coach and Its Contents are Rapidly Destroyed A high bred cow. worth several thousand dollars, and many cases of merchandise worth more than a thou | sand dollars, were destroyed in a fire which consumed an Adams Express Company car on train No. 4S, at Cove, twelve miles west of here, ou the Mid dle division of the Pennsylvania rail road late yesterday afternoon. The train was bound for this city. The total loss may rea> ii SIO,OOO. Express messengers on the train dis covered the fire burning fiercely about 3 o'clock and the train was stopped at | Cove. The car was cut out of the train ) at a water tank n here a stream of wa | ter was played on it. The car, cow and merchandise were a total loss, although the contents of two metal cases, whidh are the property of the express com pany, was saved. The train continued on its way without the burning car. The trucks were brought to this city this morning and placed on a siding near the express company 's office and just beueath the Mulberry street bridge Continued on Mnfb Pajce. HAHRISBIRIi GIRLS RETURN Miss Buehler and Party Marooned in Berlin Will Arrive To-morrow Word was received here eariy this morning by Miss Bachael Pollock, 1'32 North Second street, that her niece, Miss Martha Buehler, and Miss Mary Robinson, Mis? Margaretta Fleming and Miss Susanna Fleming, all of this city, will arrive in New York from Europe to-morrow, on the steamship Rotterdam. Miss Buehler, Miss Kobinson and the Misses Fleming had been touring the continent for the last year and when war broke out were in France. For some time nothing was heard of them and no letters were received by their friends and relatives here until through their friends and Vance C. McCormick, Secretary Bryan was interested in the matter and finally received word that the party was safe in Berlin, where they would remain until they could ob tain passage home. It is expected that the party will ar . rive in this city late to-morrow night lor Monday morning. SCORES OF FOOTBALL GAMES TO-DAY PERIODS 1 2 3 4 Total Princeton. . . 83E3 |H HSR 9311 —II Dartmouth, . WM ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Harvard.. MM M M M Penn State. . M ■■ M u. oi p mm ng mm MM Carlisle, . . . |Q} |Q] |Q |Q —|Q POSTSCRIPT | I PRICE. ONE CENT. K con OH GRIDIRON TO-DAY Princeton and Dart mouth Play Initial Game in Formers New Palmer Stadium U. OF P. TACKLES THE REDSKINS Cornell and Brown Do Battle On tlic Pole Grounds in Only Big Football Contest New Yorkers Will See At Home This Season I /!;/ AanuciutcJ I'u Philadelphia, Oct. 24. I'ho Indians ! bv struignt hue bucking bv tneir backs , carried the battle to Penn ; 5-yard line, where they were held and lost the ball I oil »» attempted placement kick. The : remaining pla, of the period was in , Carlisle's territory. Score: I'eun, U; ■ Indians, 0. J In the second period Pennsylvania I tried a field goal, bat the ball did not J carry to the goal jiost. Carlisle se j cured the ball and by consistent plug ; carried the ball to midfiehl, where j Pennsylvania stopped the Indians and it was I 'enn s b:i I on a punt near her own 40-yard line. \ fumble gme the ball to the Indians again on I'eiin's •I 2-yard line Uesunnug her line plunging, Carlisle carried the ball with in I 'en n s o-ynrd line, a-- - the Indians were about to carry the ball over tiie f»oal« Pratt fumbled and the period v\:.s over. Scoic end second period: | I'enn, 0; Indians. 0. i New \ork, Oct. 114.—Though not the most important game in the east to ; day, local attention is attracted to the i Polo Grounds where Cornell and Brown meet in :he only big football contest |;a New orli tli.s season. Both teams bad their tiual drills yesterday, Cornell i taking the field alter the Providence i players had finished and drilled behind j closed doors. Princetou-Dar'.iqontli Couteet j The • tank':iig batt f the day bid* J fair to be the Princeton Dartuioutij conflict. It will be the lirst game ia the new Palmer stadium at Priucetun. The Dartmouth eleven this year is con- I sidered fully up to the Dartmouth -standard aud Dartmouth's best has played close games with the Tigers with an occasional victory. More than once the teams have been so well-matched that tae won was small and the winner in doubt ali the way. This year Prince j ton, like Vale is opening out and push ing tluiig.-. 1 tic l'igvrs haven's dune anything worthy of special mention yet i and tlu game with Dartmouth should I pro; e the actual worth of the team. I Harvard plays Pennsylvania State, but the team which the crimson will ! put in the field is far from its best aud there is a cliauci of an unexpected vic tory. I-or a hard game Pennsylvania State is stiii an unknown quantity. It will be a roiief to Harvard to" come through the battle without having any more men injured. U. of P. and tlie liid.aas I he University of Pennsylvaii a aft er its ex llent siiow.ug against ihe navy, is hopeful of getting even for ; son.- 1 dele: ;> !,, I aiiinr, tlie more >o I because the Indians have been doing ; poorly. Renewed /est will go with the , Army an I Navy efforts to-day since i'. : has been definitely settled that they a'« j to meet. FATHER it; SIX KILLS HIMSELF ! Poruier Conductor of Valley Railways Company Takes Poison | (Spt-ial lo i- i-'tar-liidepemlcut.l • Carlisle, Oct. H I. — An empty two jounce bottle which once contained ear j boiic acid and which he held in his . hand this morning explained the death j of James Steele. 3S years old, of Kast | Penn street, a former conductor on the | trolley line of the Valley, Railways I Company, running between here aud i Harrisburg. Hi- lifeless body was found j by his wife a few minutes after he got ! up at 6 o'clock, preparatory to his go j ing to work. Financial troubles are said to have prompted the former trolley aian to end j his life. Steele and his wife conversed | with each other before he left the bed room to prepare for work and then Mrs. j Steele said, he gave not the slightest intimation that he intended to com mit suicide. Steele's widow and six children sur vive him, besides his parents, three brothers ami three sisters.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers