The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 14, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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A Recital of Recent
Thrilling Air Duels
BetweeD French and
German Machines
A French Corp* Commander Ventures
Opinion That a Single Aeroplane
I* aa Valuable as a Whole Division
of Cavalry in War
Paris, Oct. 14, 9.10 A. M. —The ac
tivity ol' Herman aeroplanes over Pari?
has brought up a geueral discussion ol
rile value of these machines in warfare
and a recital of thrilling aerial duels
between French and German machines.
One Prencth corps ownmaniler is quot«sl
as having said tnay, iu h:s opinion a
single aeroplane was as valuable a> a
division of cavalry. Aeroplanes are of
the greatest service in preventing sur
prises. and few important movements of
troops iiave been made which haye not
been promptly reported by aerial scouts
before their completion.
A daring encounter took place recent
ly between a German inonorlinc anil a
French 'upiane during a critical mo
ment in the execution of nil important
maneuver north of the river Oise. The
Germaa was seen sailing over
tie Fre eh lines jusi before a strong
detachment of troops was to start on
a movement to the nortii. For the suc
cess of this maneuver it jvas vital that .
ritis scout of the air be removed and
a French biplane undertook the respon
The French machine rose from fhe
ground abruptly and in rapid circles
pained an altitude greater than that of
the Oerman. but even this advantage
was not sufficient to drive the scout
away. In a daring dive iu which he
braved a heavy ti-e from the French
lines tie German descended to a height
of 1.000 yards, and skilfully avowing
the French machine, he started to drive
for the German lines. The Frenchman
seemed to ha>e the advantage in sr>eel
which has not often been the case in
aeroplane encounters in this war. For
a whi!fr the German was successful in
keeping out of reach of the Frenchman,
liut the biplane, continuing its flight a;
a considerable height, finally attaiuel
an advantangeous position.
Then there could be heard the quick
and sharp reports of a machine gan
on the Fren "h flyer. The monoplane
floated for a few moments as if the
pilot had lost control and then, flut
tering like a wounded bird on the wing,
the machine started an oblique fligHit
downward which ended in its crashing
to the earth.
New ork, Oct. 14.—Captain Kol
hange, of the Belgian steamer Sam
land, which arrived to-day from Lon
don, said his home in Antwerp had
been destroyed by a German shell and
that he had lost his savings of a life
"When the attack on the fort be-
Can. said Captain Kolange. "nn wife
sent two of oar children to me in Lon
don. while she stayed in Antwerp to
look after our home, our propertv and
the other children. When one of the
big shel's struck our house my wife
was hurlfd out of bed. She and the
• hildren, scantily clad, escaped from the
' ouse before oth.'r shells fell, lyater
they succeeded in reaching England."
Tokio. Oct. 14. 3.40 P. M.—lt was
declared officially in Tokio to-day that
the American cousul at Tsiag-Tau. W.
R. Peck, and a number "of German
women and children are to leave Tsingy-
Tau to-morrow. This move is n fulfill
ment of .the arrangement recent'y con
dude! for the removal of all remaining
non-combatants from the German po
sition in Kiao-Ohow.
An engagement between a German
and a Japanese aeroplane occurred ovei
Tsing-Tau yesterday. Neither aviator
was hurt. The German machine rose to
a heigat o' 9,000 feet and disappeared
in the clouds.
London, (Vt. 14. 3.25 A. M. —"The
captain of an Ameriiaa schooner which
was permitted to pass Antwerp to-day,"
says the "Daily Express." Hotter-lam
correspondent in a dispatch filed (Mon
day, "states that the German camps
extend iu a semi circles four miles wide
and twenty miles in extent between the
inner and outer fortifications.
"There were no fires in the city then
though the ruins were smouldering.
The ermans were busily engage*! in
making an inventory of the stores
wnich had fallen into their hands. - '
Pekin. Oct. 14.—According to ad
vices received here from Tsing-Tau, ar
rangements ha>e beer, made for the re
moval from that city of W. R. Peek,
the American consul, and non-consbat
auts. The transfer of these people to
the Japanese, will be made to-morrow
under a white flag. It is understood
that bombardment of Tsing-Tau by the
Japanese will begin October 17.
To Safeguard Non-Combatants
Tokio. Oct. 14.—1t is reliably re
ported that tthe German commander at
Tsing-Tau has agreed to tihe Japanese
proposals as put TO'ward by the Em
peror of Japan for the preservation of
the lives of non-combatants in the Ger
man fortress and it is expected that
these neutrals will leave Tsing-Tau
«hortlv bv wav of the Shantung rail
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
Paris. Oct. 14. 3.10 R M.—The fol
lowing official announcement was given
o;rt in Paris this afternoon:
"In tho Belgian Held of operations
there were some en winters during the
night t»f 0.-tobe-- 12-13 and during the
day of the 13th in t.he region around
Ghent. Kuglisfa and French troops have
occupied Ypres.
"First—On our left wing, as far as
• the Oise, the operations are developing
•' Second—On the center previous re
, ports of the progress of our armies .in
rhe region of Berry-au-Bac have been
con tinned.
"Third—On our right wing there is
nothing new.
German Press News Denounced
" While it is not our custom to reply
to the inaccuracies of the German press.'
■ t seems to us rroper to denounce the'
. :'aise news published in certain German
newspapers concerning the pretended!
destruction of two divsions of French >
cavalry. This information is absolutely
erroneous. The truth is that '.*ertain ;
forces of French and German cavalry, ■
with supports, nave been engaged for
•several days along the front at I.a!
Bassee, Kstaires and Bailleul. The Ge
mini avalry sncceded in maßing a very j
slight advance between the cana' of '«a
Bassee and the Lys, but tihey were;
obliged to .(raw back in the territory!
north or' Lys.
"The losses susnained by the Ger-:
man cnvalry are assuredly as percept
ible as our own. One of t*he German >|i-1
j visions suffered particularly because j
it was pursued during one entire day i
by our avitors, who did not 'cease to!
throw l>omhs down upon the Genuan I
| troops.
Verdun Report Also False
"Another case is the fact that the
Germans aunounce t'hey are undertak
i ing the investment of Verdun. Tn this
, instance, also, to learn the truth, it Is
sufficient to refer to the situation as j
set fortfh. on several different occasions,!
■ n tiie French oflicia 1 communications, f
. The Germans have not succeeded up to j
the .resent time in hurling t*hemseOvesi
against the fortified position of Ver-1
dun. They have, however, made two
futile effort? to envelope, at a consul-1
era'ble distance, the French forves which j
are operating around Verdun.
"One of these efforts was chllraHer
ized by their attempt to go through the'
Argonne forest, between Binarville and ;
Varennes. It will be recalled that this j
movement failed, with very important
losses. We did not even announce at
t'he time rhat two German battalions
had been annihilated is this engage-
I nient.
Crossing of the Meuse
"The other enveloping movement on !
the par: of the Germans, undertaken in
milch g-eater numerical strength, was
directed toward crossing tihe ATeuse in j
the region of St. Mihiei. If the Ger-j
mans succeeded in reading this river i
on the front, between Maifey and j
Ohauvoccoiirt. all t.ieir efforts to ad- j farther resulted in failure. The!
German forces found themselves caught
on the flank by detachments of our j
troops which advanced from the south
to the north through the southern see-1
tion of the heights of the IMeuse and i
through the southern section of the |
Woevre distri"f.
London. Oct. 14. 1.40 P. M, —Out of
the mass of wholly irretconcilable asser
tions regarding the war in Europe,
emerges the seemingly established fact
that ti-e (iermaus are attempting to re
peat- the rapid sweeping movement
which five weeks took them al
most to the gates of Paris.
With most of Belgium already occu
pied there is nothing that can stop the
invaders reaching the coast ami remain
.ll a there at least temporarily utriess the
Britis i naval guns are able to render
tenure impossible. The length of their
stay at the popular seaside resort,'
should they seize Osten l, will, of COUTSC, '
depend upon tihe outcome of the great
- battle now understood to be opening
near the frontiers separating the prov-1
' inces of West 'Flanders and 'Hainaut'
from the French department of the
. i north.
Allies' Left Strongly Reinforced
Beyond an unconfirmed report of
fighting iu the direction of
i'. 1 oas* town fifteen miles northeast of !
, Ostend, there is r.o frrtlher news of the
' German advance in this vicanity. Far
ther south there is reason to believe
!. that rhe left wing of the allies has been
strongly reinforced and confirmation of
. this is found in tho statement in the
, last report from General Joffre. the
, Fren h commander-in-chief, that the of
fensive aga.nst rhe Germans has been
resumed in tfaat part of the line of
' battle.
Tn order to strength his forces in
':this vicinity General Von Kluck has
Mrown an entire hnny corps into LiiJe.
, This manufacturing city has once t>e
i fore been in German hands and it has
. been within the German lines since an
early stage of the hostilities. Its occu
i ration to-day does not seem to have 1
been seriously opposed, in fact it is ex
, plained here that it could not have
, been without disarranging tiie allies'
. line.
Germans Anxious for Amiens
, ' A- ording to observers in London,
the Germans have been particularly
anxious to reach Amiens and thus se
, cure control of tihe railroads to the
, north and to the south. But, according
to a- French official announcement the
. 1 allies have checked their movement in
. this direction and have made a "mark
ed advance between Arras and Albert,"
where the principal German effort een
' jte-ej.
Embassy Women Asked to Leave
] Oct. 14. 2.56 P. M.—ln a
. dispatch from Amsterdam the corres-
I pondent of the Rfuter Telegram Com
: panv says the Frankfurter "Zeitung''
; has received a communication from
. i Constantinople which says that the
l British Ambassador to Turkey, Sir
, L«oiiis Mallet, asked the women of the
. embassy last Monday to leave the city.
Cholera Cases Multiply Rapidly
t Paris. Oct. 14, 11.50 A. M.—A dis
i patch to the Havas Agency from Borne
savs: "Cases of cholera are multiply
ing rapidly in Galicia. Transylvania
and north and East Hungary. The
fear is expressed that the disease will
I prove a serious menace to military op
-1 crations."
Consul General of Philadelphia, Makes
an Appeal for Contributions
for War Soffarers I
Belgium asks the aid of iHarrisburg
ers in the relief of the suffering caused I
in that country by the war. P. Rage- |
mann. Consul General of Belgium, in i
Philadelphia, to-day asked the sfrtar-In
dependeut to print the following ap- n
: :>eal: . c
\ "To the Public: Once more I ap- 11
peal to your generosity in behalf of '
suffering Belgians. Antwerp has fallen, *
Ghent has faileu. 'Many of our cities t
are in ruins. Industry is almost wiped
out. Local food supplies ore almost ex d
j hausteiL The desolation and suffering T
in once happy, prosperous Belgium are I
i without a modern parallel. Millions of d
women and children ar utterly penniless, s
Nearly all our men are without employ- a
I uient. Unless the world helps, the Bel- f
, gians will die of cold apd famine. 5
I '' Wihhout regard to any political 2
, considerations I ask your contributions r
j for our non-comlwtant sufferers. Every 0
little jielps. We cannot get enough.
I Generous have offered f
services and money to'eover advertis- c
1 ing. clerical assistance, postage, ew., {
so that every dollar <>ontri.biit«<l will go (i
! liiroc't to Belgian nou-coMbatant suf- \
! ferers.
"Sen.l all money contributions to 1
Charles C. Harrison, Jr.. & Co., Lafav- »
' ette building. Philadelphia, treasurers
i of the Belgian Relief Fund for Destitute
Non-( omhatants. who will forward the 1
money direct to the Belgian Minister in
; Washington who has endorsed themove
j ment. T
" AH subscriptions will be -published, j!
omitting names when requested, and :
| receipts sent prompty. Official state
! ments as to disposition of fund will bo (
made frequently. s
"In the name of Belgium I extend *
my thanks f<u> contributions already re- '
eeiveti.' 1 ' t
London, Oct.* 14, 1.35 A. M.—Ca- 1
, tiling from Lisbon, the correspondent of i
j the "t entral News" says it is reported J
j that the German Minister to Hirtugal '
; and other Germaus residing in Lisbon '
| are about to leave for Madrid,
i As a result of Cabinet meetings and 1
j conferences between the leaders of the '
| various Portuguese parties and the J
I President of the republic, the corre- '
spoudent continues, it has been resolved !
to convoke Congress October IS iu '
der to pass a vote for the mobiiization 1
of Portuguese troops. I
London. Oct. 14, 4.35 A. M.-r-Julius ' 1
Van Hee. the American vice confiil at 1 J
j Ghent, before leavingthat city for Brue- I ,
1 sels made repeated trips from, his hotel' |
j to the railway station carrying wounded | ]
Belgians in his motor car in order to ! '
i enable them to go to Ostend.'' says the 1
I "Daily Chronicle's" Belgium corre- '
j spondent.
j Mr. Van Hee performed the
i same services for six badly wounded I
j persons at the military hospi-tal."
New York. Oct. 14.—Officers of the |
1 Dutch steamer Prinz Willem V, which '
| arrived to-<lay from the West Indies, ! <
! reported that the vessel had been j
chased bv a British cruiser while off As ;
bury Park. Two German citizens were !
aboard the steamer.
hen the British cruiser approached I
the steamer was headed iu shore. She |
ran well within the 3-mile limit. The '
war vessel then turned and steamed '
out to sea.
j, Washington. Oct. 14.—Colonel Col
jewski, military attache of the Russian
embassy here, received to-day the fol- i
losing official dispatch from Petro- '
; grnd:
" A battle has begun on a line ex- '
tending from the country around War
| saw along the rivers Vistula and San !
to Pryzemysl and further to the south
of the river Dniester, in East Prussia 1
the situation remains unchanged." |
Paris, Oct. 14, 9.10 A. M.—News j
was received in Paris to-day of the
death of General Rondony, commander j
of the Third brigade of French colonial '
infantry. The general was killed
'j while leading his brigade against the
Two English nurses have met their
i. death on the field of battle. The wom
en were killed by an exploding shell
while they were on duty in a field hos- \
pital behind the center of the allied
Military Governor Killed at Arras
liondon, Oct. 14. 3.25 P. M.—The ;
' Exchange Telegraph Company has
given out a dispatch from Paris say- :
ing that General Mareol, former gov- [
ernor of the famous French military,
■ school at St. Cvr, and one of the best
known of the French gpnerals, has
been killed in the fighting in the neigh-1
' borhood of Arras.
Ostend Objective Point of Germans
1 The Hague, Oct. 14, via London,'
4.17 P. M. —According to a special dis
patch to the " Avondpost" no fewer]
than 50,000 Germans are in Ghent. '
Many of them, however, are 'eaving in I
the direction of Brughes. A German of
ficer is quoted in this dispatch as sav
i ing that Ostend was the objective !
point of the German advance.
Coining to America for Money
i London, Oct. 14, 12.33 P. M.—E. B.
■ Wyman, head of the information bureau i
•' of the American Belref Committee in
■ London, sailed on the steamer Adriatic '
. I to-day for New York, accompanied by
his wife. Mr. Wvmaawill endeavor to
raise money in Amelia to enable the '
committee to carry on its work as long I
? as may be necessary.
t Boston Curb Exchange Resumes
1 By Atsi/ciatrrt Press.
I. Boston, Oct. 14.—The Boston curb |
! exchange resumed business to-day after
I having been closed since July 30. I
Pupils in Ninth Grade Schools In City
to Compete for Priies—E. g. Wal
lower Heads Committee on Judges
—Letters of Instructions
In a circular letter to all the grain- 1
mar or Ninth grade school teachers the 1
committee of the School Board which (
is arranging for the city-wide celebra- j
tion of "Thomas A. Edisoe Day," OJ- I
tober 21, to-day announced most of j
the detdils.
The committee, consisting of Presi
dent Harry A. Boyer, Secretary I). D. j
Hammelbaugh, Director Harry A. Bretz,
Or. F. E. Oownes, school superinten
dent, and Robert W. Hoy, commercial (
superintendent of the Harrisburg Light .
and Power Company, was appointed |
following the recent action of the (
School Board in setting aside October (
21 as a day upon which the 450 gram- (
mar school pupils should write essays
on the great olectrical inventor.
Tn connection with this plan the
Harrisburg Light and Power Company'
offered cash prizes aggregating $25 for
the best essays and this committee was '
appointed to serve as judges: K.
Wallower and Professors W. H. Fahne
stock and George R. Hull, of the facul- ]
ties s of Central and Tech high respec
tively. The letter of instructions to the
school teachers is self-explanatory anil
is as follows:
"To Ninth Grade Teachers—On Oc
tober 21 will occur the thirty-fifth an
niversary of the perfection of the in
candescent lamp by Thomas A. Edison.
The Edison Lamp Works of the General
Electric Company, Harrison, N. J., has
conceived the idea of celebrating Bdi
son Day in commemoration of this an
niversary. The Harrisburg Light and
Power Company jn response to this ,
movement has decided to offer prizes to
our Ninth Grade pupils for best essays
written on the life and achievements
of Thomas A. Edison. Any data that
may be desired relative to Mr. Edison
will be furnished by the Harrisburg
light and Power Company.
"The money values of the prizes to
be awarded are as follows: First prize,
$10: second prize, SS; third, fourth,
fifth and sixth prizes, $2.50, each*
"The essays will be limited to from
nine hundred to one thousand words
each. They must be written on the
regular ink" tablets supplied by the
School District and ou one side of
the paper only. The teacher of each
Ninth Grade school is requested to cor
rect the essays submitted by the pu
pils of that school, select the first six
of these and submit these six only to
the committee in charge. All essays
are to be handed in at the secretary 's
office not later than October 21, the
anniversary day. The final decision of
the committee will be based upon the
excellence of the essays, not only from
the view point of thought and ma
terial. but upon all the details of com
position. such as neatness of work,
punctuation, capitalization, etc. In fact
this will be looked upon probably as
of greater importance than the his
torical facts for the reason that these
facts will be supplied by the company.
All essavg should be expressed in the
language of the pupil."
Stough Campaign Shop Meetings Are
Proving Extremely Satisfactory
The shop meetings which the Stough
party are holding daily in the interest
of the Stough campaign are drawing
much attention and are proving of
much value to the advance activities. |
All of the shop meetings so far have'
been very well attended and the shop |
people are looking forward to them
with great interest.
At a meeting held last night at the
county almshouse by Billy Shannon
and Miss Colt eighteen persons asked
for prayer.
Shop meetings were held to-day at
noon at the Blough Manufacturing
Company factory in Reilv street in
charge of Homer Black, of the Y. M.
C. A.; at the Summerdale shops of the!
P. R. R., in charge of the Rev. B. L.
Moore, pastor of the Enola I'nitedi
I Evangelical church, and at the Luck-1
, now shop of the P. R. R.
■ A rally of persons interested in
the neighborhood prayer meetings of
the First and Third wards was held
this afternoon at 2 o'clock in St. Paul's
| Methodist church in charge of Billy
' Shannon and Miss Colt.
! A similar meeting for the Fourth and
Fifth wards was conducted in the
Boas Street United Brethren church at
i 3 o clock by the same persons.
The personal service committee meet-
I ing scheduled for Thursday night in
the Deny Street L'nite'd Brethren
church has been postponed to Friday
i night at 8 o'clock.
Large rampaign posters will be
placed all over the city during this
Dr. C. P. Wiles to Make Address at
Christ Lutheran Church
Christ Lutheran church and Sunday
1 school are planning for a great Rally
service next Sunday afternoon at 1.30
o'clock. The principal event at the
Rally will be an address by Dr. C. P. j
Wiles, of Philadelphia. Dr. Wiles is
editor of the Sunday school literature |
[of the Lutheran church of the General |
Sv/iod of the United States.
Another attractive feature will be a j
| chorus of men from Steelton. consist-
I ing of sixteen voices. They will ren l
der several numbers. T. H. Hamilton, j
1 of this city, will give an exposition of'
! the lesson. The program will include;
| a number of vocal solos by trained j
J singers, and a processional by the Bs-!
jginner and Primary departments.
Every one in attendance is to receive!
a beautiful souvenir. A watch fob will i
!be given each member of the Men's'
I Bible class. The decorating committee,
is at work to make the school room a
: veritable garden of fall foliage and
flowers. The officers of the school pre
| diet the largest attendance in the :
school's history.
Visits Metropolitan's Sanitarium
John Heathco'.e. a superintendent of
i the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com-'
I panv, returned to-day from an inspec-1
tion trip to McGregor, N. Y„ where 1
the company has built a sanitarium for
: the use of its employes who are suffer
| ing from tuberculosis. There are in
I the sanitarium about one hundred of
the company's employes, both from
the home office and the field.
New Pur« rood Products aa Well as
Attractive Ways of Preparing
Old Ones Are Shown
Crowds increase nightly at tho see
end annual pure food exhibit held un
der the auspice* of the wholesole gro-!
cers of Harrisburg, the attendance Inst j
night totaling almost 3.000, just'
doubling that of the first night.
It brings home to the users of goods
of national fame the cleanliness used i
in the manufacture of the product and!
what's more it shows the housewife
new and attractive ways of preparing
long used articles. Then, just to help
it along, a sample package is given so
that the first trial can be made at
lectures by Mrs. Jennings, a domes
tic science expert, are proving inter
esting. Along with her instructions
she bakes bread, cakes and biscuits.
Demonstrations are made every after
noon and evening. The exhibit is open !
during the afternoons from 2 to 61
o'clock and in the evenings from 7 to j
10 o'clock.
Highway Commissioner to Open Bids on
The lost big patch of street paving
•work —31,000 cubic vards —to be laid
out before the arrival of the real cold
weather is planned in a call for bids to
be received and opened at noon on
October 24 by Highway Commissioner
William IHV Lynch.
oCntractors are asked to bid for
Paving work on the following street sec
tions: Emerald, Apricot, Whisler,
I'rimrose, Gruber, Swato, Wingert, Nine
teenth, Wharton, Derry, Howard, Ethel,
'Market and Derry. This work will re
quire 17,000 feet of granite curbing.
The majority of the ipaving contracts
awarded by the City Commissioners
during the past summer have ibeen
worked out by the contractor and only
u few of the jobs now planned by the
Highway Commissioner will be started
this fall. This plan also will facilitate
starting the paving work early next
To Sell Scrap Iron
More than 2,500 tons of scrap iron
which has accumulated througn rne re
moval of abandoned water mains will
be sold at a public sale to be conducted
by Public Safety Commissioner Harrv
F. Bowman at the pipe shop on Monday
afternoon, October 26, at 2 o'clock.
Pay Street Lighting
The Harrisburg Light and Power
Company was this morning paid
$4,331.60, that money representing the
cost of street lighting during the month
of September. The City patrolmeu
also received their semi-monthly checks
this morning.
Prothonotary Improving
Prothonotary Harry F. Holler, who
had bepn confined to his home at Hum
inelstown for more than a week suffer
ing with an attack of bronchitis, is
slowly improving. He visited the office
yesterday for a few minutes, although
his condition does not .warrant his re
turn to work at thU time.
Received by Local Fireman From Those
Who Attended Convention
At last night ' 3 meeting of t4ie Fore
men's Union in the Washington tire
house, letters from out-of-town fire com
ipanies were read. They were all along
the same line, thanking the local iire
j men for the courtesies extended them
during their stay in this city.
This being the first meeting since t'he
convention tihe work was mostly rerview
work such as the reporting of commit
tees and the like. Howard O. IHolstein,
chairmna of t'he finance 'committee, said
that aHI bills contracted for during tihe
convention have 'been paid to date and
tlnat enough money is in the treasury
to fav those that have not yert been
I turned in.
Resolutions were adopted thanking
' the citizens of Harrisburg for decora
-1 tions, Mayor Royal, Police C&ief Hutcty
j ieon and the rest of the police force and
I the newspapers for their aid.
j A. !L. Button, chairman of the enter
; tainment committee, reported that the
union cleared about SSOO by the Ferari
carnival an.l about the same amount toy
the firemen's popularitv contest, wtoicto
was won toy John G. Willis. The next
regular session of the union will be
held on November 10.
Charged With Securing 97 on Check at
Ensminger's Drug Store
A young woman charged with pb-
I taining $7 on a worthless check at the
I Eosminger drug store, 214 Xorth Stfc
j ond street, was arrested last evening
at 6 o'clock by City Detective White,
on a warrant issued on information
signed by Dr. J. T. Ensminger. He told
the police that he gave her that amount
of money on a check for S2O and she
promised to call for the check, which
was left for security. She never re
turned. he told the police,
arraigned before Chief of Po
lice Hutchison last evening she gave
; her as Margaret Feeser. She is
j 21 years old. She waived a hearing
( and was held under S3OO bail for her
appearance in court. According to the
J police three similar checks were found,
but no more money was raised on any
I of them.
Mrs. Oeorge W. Palmer Diee
Mrs. George W. Palmer, of Pitts
j burgh, mother of Mrs. Catherine A,
(Place, 1712 Carnation street, died sud-
I denlv last evening of apoplexy while
' here on a visit to her daughter.
The body will be taken to Pittsburgh
Vo-night at 11.55 o'clock by Under
■ taker George H. Sourbier. Funeral
services will be held in Pittsburgh Sat
j urday afternoon and burial will be
made in that city.
Penrose Attacks War Bevenne Bill
By Associated Pre**,
Washington, Oct. 14. —The Republic
an attack on the war revenue bill was
\ continued in the Senate to-day by Sen-
I ator Peh rose. He declared that t'he
measure was "war legislation in time
of peace" and said that the necessity
for additional revenue arose from the
"total failure of the Democratic fiscal
policy of tariff for revenue only."
Artistic Printing at Btar-lndependent.
| Civilized Native of the Philippines.
Who la Charged With Forgery in 1
Western Pennsylvania, Flees to '
New Orleans
—i I
■»• Dale I ook, a .State policeman, sta- i
tioned at Butler, to-day secured a reuui- (
sitiou from Governor tener 011 the Gov- | |
ernor of Louisiana for tlio return to I j
Pennsylvania for trial of Nathan A
Sisson, a native of the Philippines, who ,
is wanted for forgery in Butler and is (
under arrest in New Orleans. Sisson ,
came to this country several voars ago .
and was a student at the Chicago Uni- <
versity. where he seems to have ac- i
cumulated ideas that were not strictlv i
of au educational character. He lo
cated in Pittsburgh and artcrwards i
went to Butler, where, it is alleged, i
he pursued a system of swindling bv <
forged checks, being aided bv accom
plices in Pittsburgh. Sisson removed i
his baggage to Pittsburgh and then <
shipped it to New Orleans, and Trooper ,
Cook was put on his trail. .
By the employment of a little Sher
lock hoi tnesism the trooper discovered
that Sisson's baggage was bound for
the southern city, and he telegraphed
the number of the checks to the New
Orleans authorities, with a request that |
Sisaon be arrested, which was done as I
soon as he presented his checks for his !
baggage. Trooper look left for New
Orleans this afternoon to get his man.
Sissou is said to have swindled a large
number of merchants and others by
means of forgeil checks and* secured a
big sum of money, how much could not
be stated, as the forged checks are still
coming in.
Raiding Fish Pirates
. The State fish wardens, acting under
instructions from State Fish Commis
sioner Buller, have arrested a large
number of moil along the lower {Sus
quehanna who are alleged to have vio
lated the fish laws, trapping game fish
with'illegal devices, killing fish out of
season and otherwise making them
selves amenable to the law. State po
licemen assisted in the raids resulting
in the capture ot the fish pirates, and
the latter have been heavily fined.
Laws Codified
The Legislative Reference Bureau
,has completed the codification of all
laws relating to boroughs and lias pre
pared a new law embracing all the sa j
lient and necessary features of borough
j government. The new measure will be |
, submitted to the next session of the j
Huntingdon's Treasurer
Governor Tcner has appointed H. W. I
, Harrison, of Mount Union, to be treas-|
urer of Huntingdon county, to fill a
vacancy occasioned by death.
, Candidates Withdraw
Withdrawals of Legislative candi !
. | dates from the ticket to be voted in |
, | September have been filed at the State '
. j Department as follows: Kober; H. I
i | Smith, Republican and Keystone, Pirst i
, | Philadelphia district; H. H. Young. '
i Prohibition, First Fayette; .1. M. tfem- i
j bower and W. 11. Martin, Prohibition, j
! Second Fayette; George W. Porter, j
| Washington, Jefferson county; A. Mar- |
; tin Graham, Democrat, 'Lawrence,
i i —•
j Automobile Licenses
Automobile licenses to the number of !
j 104,569 have been issued at the Au- ;
tomobile Division of the State Highway j
Department and 6,200 trucks have been j
[ licensed. These, «with the licenses to j
( ] dealers, drivers and others, run the
| number of licenses issued thus far very j
s I close to 150,000.
Hamburg Sanatorium
State Health Commissioner Dixon j
j visited the Hamburg tuberculosis sana- I
s torium to-day and found the work so
I far advanced that it is expected the in- j
, stitution will be ready for patients by j
, October 26, the opening to take place
! on October 24.
I :
. | Typhoid Subsiding
.' In the seven days of typhoid epi
-1 ! demic at Lehigh University twenty-six
1 cases developed but the fear of a fur- !
.! ther spread is over. Having showu j
» that the water supply was not the '
; cause an analysis of milk and food is |
r being made, and all milk and vege- !
j tables now furnished are being cooked. I
t Board of Accounts
The Board of Public Accounts held
a meeting to-day and took up matters |
that have accumulated since the last 1
7 meeting. In the absence of Attorney i
General Bell, his place on the board
t was taken by Deputy Attornev Gen- ,
eral Cunningham. Auditor General
| Powell and State Treasurer Young were I
' j also present.
" j New Justice
i i Thomas A. Hos-temian was to-day
appointed justice of the peace for Penn
| 1 township, Centre county.
t Last Substitution Day
9 j Saturday next will be the last day 1
i : for the substitution of candidates on
• [ the ballot in place of tliose who have '
! withdrawn. Monday next will be the
- j last day for candidates to withdraw,
' e Gets Appointment at Good Will Five
r Fire Chief John C. Kindler this
morning announced that Samuel H. 1
Lehman, a member of the Good Will
Fire Company, would be engaged to
i drive the new motor apparatus of that
1 i company, the driver to take up the new 1
•' work to-morrow morning. At present :
j he is employed at the Market hotel, i
e Fourth and Capital streets.
The appoiutment of George Irvin to I
! drive the new motor apparatus at the
1 Friendship Fire Company was announc
>ll ed some time ago. Irvin has been a
-1 driver of the combination wagon at
e the Friendship for some time and has
made himself familiar with the Morton
truck of that company by watching its
construction at the locai plant of the
■Morton Truck and Tractor Company.
s Knocked Senseless by Chain •
Nossel Droggie, 26 years old, an Aus
e employed by T. Larry Rvre, con
e tractor on the Second street subway,
y was rendered unconscious this morning
e when he was struck in the eye by a
J huge chain. He was carried to the
Harrisburg hospital, where he respond
ed to treatment. Droggie resides at
:. 57 Conestoga street, Steelton.
Dynamite Incased in Metal Placed Un
der Pew in Famous St. Patrick's—
Edifice Damaged by Crash
New \ nrk, Oct. 14.—A bomb made
of dynamite, encased in metal, explod
ed under a pew in 'the famous St. I 'at
rick s Oatbedral, on 'Fifth avenue, late
yesterday. A hide was blown in Hie
floor, another smaller one in a window,
t'hree pews > destroyed and pieces
were hipped from a granite pillar ami
from a temporary altar. Two of the
five persons who were at worship in
the church were slightly injure I bv flv
ing fragments of metal and wood!
Whether the explosion, the sound of
which was heard blocks awav, was
caused by a bomb was a matter of
doubt for sonic hours. Reports that
such a device had been employed were
declared erroneous by t'iic police, who
asserted that either n hot-air box or a
recently ius l talle<l heating apparatus
lhad burst. Inspector Owen Eairtfn,
of t'he Bureau of Combustibles, decided
last night, however, t'hnt a bomb had
caused t'he damage.
In the ilust and fragments gathered
up were discovered a two-inch length
of pipe a half inch 'in diameter, a hit
of tin resembling a box cover and
small pieces of iron.
Police and fire officials said they
knew «>f no motive any one icould have
tor exploding a bomb in the Cathedral.
Monsignor (Michael J. 'LaveHe and other
priests of s9t. Patrick's niiwle simitar
i statements. Mnnoignor Lavelle suggNsi
led that a demented person with a
j fancied grievance might have placed
tfho bomb.
Chief of Staff for Big Para<ta to Meet.
Association To-night
Francis H. Hoy, ,lr., who has ac
cepted the appointment as chief of stall'
for the mummers' parade which will lie
held here New Year's Day, will meet
with the association this evening in
the basenieut at police headquarters.
More than » hundred invitations have
been seut out to individuals and or
ganizations which contemplate taking
part in the parade, asking that the,\
attend the meeting t< hehr of I lie pa
rade plans.
The rules committee will report to
the association ami if is expected that
preliminary plans governing entries for
the parade will l.e made. „ A meeting
for the organization of the board of
directors of the association will be
scheduled and plans will be started for
another ball to be held in Winterdalo
I hall on the night of December 3".
j Hairy Updegrove Assaulted and Rob
bed on Sixth Street Near Boas
I Dick Oweus. a colored man, was ar
| rested in an Eighth ward house last
' evening on complaint of W. Weaver,
j who reported to the police that Harrv
! Updegrove, with whom he was walking
j was held up by two men on Sixth
| street, between Forster and Boas
streets last night and robbed of a
I watch. Weaver, according to the po
| lice, identified Owens as one of the as
Updegrove was requested to appear
I before Mayor Royal in police court to
| morrow afternoon to prosecute Owens.
| Minnie Brown, in whose house Owens
j was found by policemen, was also ar
i rested and held on a disorderly prac
| tice charge. The second man, said to
• be in the case, was not found.
; William Frye, Injured in Garage Ex
plosion Sent Hou-.b
| William Frye, 15 years old, 336
South Sixteenth street, who Was
; burned in' the gasoline explosiou in the
Mt. Pleasant garage, 1336 Thompson
I street, September 16, was discharged
j from the Harrisburg hospital yesterday
j afternoon, having fully recovered. He
| was burned about the face, hands and
j arms, several burns on the arms being
very deep. He is the first of the five
I victims of the explosion to recover.
Daniel Frazier, 1363 Howard street,
i and Harry B. Noal, Rutherford
Heights, two others, are still in the
I hospital. Both these men were taken
jto their homes on their own request
and later returned to the hospital. Both
j are recovering slowly.
Are Successful Over Government Troops
Near Limonade
By Associated Press,
Cape Haitien, Haiti, Oct. 14.—The
' Haitien rebels have won a victory ovo?
I the troo[« of the government at a point
j near Limonade, on the north coast,
j The President of Haiti is retreating
' in the direction of Granderiviers. Other
I government forces are returning to
j Cape Haitien.
Charley Schuck Hilled and His Wife
Wounded Near Jolo
By Associated Press.
Manila. Oct. 14. —Oharlev Schuck
was killed and his wife wounded to
day by a Moro near Jolo. The man's
bead was severed from bis body. No
i reason for the murder is assigned.
Schuck had lived among the Moros
! for thirty years and was held in the
j highest esteem.
Funeral of Duncannon Boy
(prank W. Maguire, aged 9 years, the
| son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maguire.
| of Duncannon, died at the Harrisburg
! hospital Monday. The body was taken
j to the home of his parents from where
the funeral will be held.
j -
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