The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, October 07, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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October II Bally Day In All th# Sun
day Schools
Special Correspondence.
Millersburg. Oct. 7. —Miss Juanita i
Kline was a visitor at Halifax on 1
Ralph Sponj. who is in his first Tear
at Dickinson College, spent Sunday at
liis parental home here.
Sunday will be Rally Day in all the
Sun.lay schools of town. On Saturday
afternoon a street Sunday school <iem
ongtration will be given. All the men
and boys from the several schools will
form a parade accompanied b\ the
Citizen's bond.
.Mr*. William Smith and little son.
•pent the past week visiting her sister.
Mrs. Samuel Snyder, at M'nldletonm. I
and relatives in Harrisburg.
The brick building in the Brubaker
block, which was damaged by tire, is
nearly ready for occupancy again. The
ground floor is already occupied. C. K.
ITiler having moved his general store
into the large store room which he oc
cupied before the tire. Attorney H. L.
Lark can again have his law offices on
the second floor in about a week s
time, -and the third floor is being pre
pared for occupancy by the local order
of Red Men.
Mrs. Emanuel Giffen, of this place,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lidick,
in Harrisburg.
Mrs. Delilah Miller is spending some
time with her daughter, Mrs. Richter.
at Duncannon.
The Kev. D. W. Bicksler Visits Former
Special Correspondence.
Halifax. Oct. 7. —The Rev. D. W. |
Bicksler. of Plymouth, a former pastor ;
of Trinity Reformed church, called on
his former parishioners here on Tues- .
A small child of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
McN'eal is critically ill.
The Rev. \V. H. Snyder, of Lykens.
will occupy the pulpit of the local
Methodist church on Sunday morning
and evening.
Frank Kepner spent Sunday with his
parents at Woodside.
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Fisher, of Har- i
risburg, visited at the home of Cor- j
nelius Koppenhaver over Sunday.
MT. and Mrs. Henry E. Baker, of
Millersburg. visited the former's moth
er, Mrs. Susan Baker, in Halifax
township the fore part of this week.
Oliver Hawk, of Millersburg, visited
in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Ludlow and ,
daughter have returned to their home
in Harrisburg after visiting relatives
in town.
Dr. Snoke to Make Address in Zion
Lutheran Church
Special Correspondence.
Xewville, Oct. 7. —On Friday even
ing. October 9. a meeting will be hell
in the Zion Lutheran church at which
time Dr. anil Mrs. John Snoke, lately
returned missionaries from Sio Khe.
China, will be present. Dr. Snoke will
address the meeting. They will have
curios from the Orient on display and f
will give facts concerning the same.
To this service the public is invite l.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clouse have re
turned from their wedding trip to Buf
falo and Niagara Falls. On Sunday
tiiev were guests of honor at a dinner!
at the home of the groom's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Joshua Clouse, Broad <tree:.
which was enjoyed by a few friends.
This day marked the twentieth wed
ding anniversary of the elder Mr. an i
Mrs. ( louser, as well as the birthday
anniversaries of the groom' 4 mother
and grandmother. The latter. Mrs. An-j
nie Glauser, was not present on account
The fuv fa! of Charles Washington
v. as held from his late home in the
South Ward Friday, October 2. in i
«tead of Sundav as noticed. The serv
ice? were in charge of the Bev. W. J. J
Winfield, assisted bv the Rev. Watte:
The funeral of James G. Evans, of
IrisiitDnii. was held on Satardav m ru
ing. Mr. Evans was born in Wales an t
w»* aged about 5 7 years.
M: i Lolita left last week tor
Washington. D. C.
Mrt and Mrs. Edmund Randall, who
were pleasantly entertained by reJa
fives here for two weeks, returned to
their home ;n C'atasauqua on Friday.
Mrs. Harry Lloyd, of New Mexico, Has
Gone to New York City
Spe. ,al Correspondence.
Mifflmtown. Oct. 7.—Mrs. Harry
Lioyd an i little daughter. Sara, of Ft.
W;ngate. New Mexi-o, who have been
visiting Mrs. Wilson Lloyd for the
past two weeks, left Tharsdav for a
visit with relatives in .Vew York Citv.
Misses Blanche Wright and Minnie
Reynolds were recent visitors :n Lew
Mrs. May Beuhl and daughter,!
Grace, of Phila lelphia. while attending
joi to llr
■eerier retail <bops and D^t
to theatre*. depots, <reax.salp pleri, T<*»
wl* br r..«as»j a t th*
sth AT., Broadway, 2MI St.
▲ five million dci:«r of modem J»'|
tectum axomxoo4tUo» I
1.000 guests.
A Good Room,
$1.50 Per Day. L
With Rath. $2 to -S3.
Piccadilly RM:«ii.-«nt.
■v. Bro* e! toil G»ld« tn Re,ju—t. J J
■ _i wmm wnwm
2 Minute* from PENNSYLVANIA
200 J&eaufifiil
<sSc?fi J&ooms icxtfi* I
J&crfh and{Teeming
Jce Zrfatets, |
artery t*P' j
Popular Cafe, Grill [ j
the funeral of Mrs. Beuhl's mother.'
Mrs. John Etka, spent a few day«»
with Mrs. .lenuie Horning and family.
O. L. Berry spent a day at the Lati
. i-aster Fair. i
Mr. and Mrs. Piokershied spent the 1
; week-end in Lancaster.
Mrs. Tristan, of Phoenixville. is vis
iting- at the home of her nephew. Guy
| Anker, and family.
Henry Scholl has returned from a
I trip to Atlantic City.
Miss Margaret Laird left Tuesday J
■ for a week's visit with relatives at j
Spruce Hill.
! Mr. Greir, after a month's visit with j
: his sister, Mrs. Sophia Murray, has left ;
! for his'home in Indiana.
Miss lrma Snyder, of Cresson, spent i
Sunday in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Spooneberger, of j
I Huntingdon, spent Sunday in town.
Mrs. Bettye Kulp, of Pittsburgh, is |
visiting her daughter. Mrs. Blair Cra j
| mer.
Miss Billy Billets, of Lewistown.
j spent Sunday with Miss Jessie An-J
| drews.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finnefrock |
| spent Sunday in Port Royal
j Miss Jennie M« Alister." of McAlister
! ville. is visiting her cousin. Mrs. Wil-i
; son Lloyd.
Miss Flora Selheinier. of Lewistown.
"pent Saturday with Mrs. Maggie Ir j
; win.
Misses Lydia Vincent and Marga-'
retta Irwin. Maxwell Manbeek an-i'
Roswell Doty motored to McClure on i
Saturday evening to attend a baked!
bean supper.
Mrs. Susan Arbogast, of Mexico, and,
Mrs. Joseph Arbogast, of this placse. |
spent Tuesday in Lewistown.
Mrs. Albert Haekenberger returne i :
Monday after a two weekc' visit with
her daughters in Philadelphia and New
! Jersev.
Miss Nellie Weimer, of Port Royal,
was a recent visitor in town.
Mrs. Jesse Bhoads Returns to Her
Home in Steelton
special Correspondence.
Wiconisco, Oct. 7.—Miss Margaret
Orr is visiting her sister in Minersville. i
Mrs. Jesse Rhoads returned to her
home in Steelton after visiting her
mother, Mrs. Dollie Coles. Her niece, j
Miss Mildred Hand, accompanied her.
Miss Edith Wells, of Loyalton, is in
■ town.
Mr. and Mrs. George Witman and j
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thompson spent i
Sun.lay in Washington. D. C.
The Misses McWilliams and Tavior
. niked to Muir Saturday.
A German band was here this week, i
Mr. and Mrs. L K. Diefeuderfer. the
Rev. G. S. Kerr and daughter motored 1
Berry Sunday. Mr. Kerr
I preached a very fine sermon there.
Many are asking the question: "Is
Wiconiseo to have a mummers' parade
ou Hallowe'en?
Lodge 021, Odd Fellows. Installs New
Si'dal Correspondence.
Dauphin, Oct. 7.—Dauphin Lodge j
No. 61'1, I. O. O. F., held installation
of officers at their hall on Saturday I
evening. V.. rj. Sehreiner, district!
deputy grand master of Odd Fellows, of
Middle town, was present and had j
■ harge of the installations. The follow
ing c)ffi -ers were installed: Most grand,
iarence secretary, I. i'.
Bogner; treasurer, F. B. Putt; trustee, ;
H. D. Bender. Light lunch was served.
The Dauphin Literary Society will i
hold their meeting at the home of Miss ;
Goldie Douglass at Stony Creek on Fri
day evening. The following program
will be rendered' Singing. High
-rbool; debate, "'Resolved, That more
knowledge is gained by travel than by
books.'' affirmative, Miss Ruth McEl
vee. Miss Christina Long and John
Kobb: negative, Miss Anna Hager, j
Max Long and Joseph Kennedy; vo.-al i
solo, Prof. Miles C. Hummer; reeita- I
tion. Miss Eulaiia Miller; vocal solo, j
Miss Esther Sbaffner; singing." High
school. Contests and games will fol- •
low the program and refreshments will !
,be served. The following are the offi- ;
< ers: President. Max Long; vice presi- |
dent. John Ko'ob; secretan-. Miss Alice ;
Minsker; assistant secretary. Mfss Es-;
tner Shaffer; treasurer, Joseph Ken
The Rev. E. E. Bender Returned by TJ. ■
B. Conference
Special Correspondenct.
Williamstown. Oct. 7.—IMJSS Carrie
Bianning. of Harrisburg. was home over
The Rev. E. E. Bender was returned
to his harge here as pastor of the I", j
B. ,-hurch by t'he East Pennsylvania .
•onferen-e whie'n met at Phiiadeiim'.a
iast week. t
John Nicewender and Charles Kiel - ■
benstein. of Tremont, visited town I
friends Sunday. '
Dr. H. A. Shaffer is examining the!
purils of the public schools.
John Kilraine, of Harrisburg, spent
Sunday with his mother.
Mrs. Jane Enders, cjt "Fisherville. is
visiting her daughter., < harles i
■St rail b.
Miss Edna Polm is visiting relatives J
in Steelton.
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Mi Her, of Pen;!
Argvle. sj'ent Sunday with hi* jiarenis, (
E. Milleriand wife.
Samuel <'ox and sister, Mrs. Aaron j i
Presented to Every Reader of]
| Many dictionaries of various kinds have been placed on the market, but none would pass muster with the STAR INDEPENDENT. \
| Recently a large publishing house in the East brought together the world's greatest authorities on the English language and the re- i
> suit is this New Modern English Dictionary, illustrated, which a syndicate of leading newspapers immediately secured for the pur- I
> pose of following out a plan of education throughout the country. So for a short time the STAR INDEPENDENT in connection f
> with these other papers will offer this LATEST dictionary on the remarkable terms outlined herein, before it is placed 011 sale at >
| the stores at the regular retail prices. THIS DICTIONARY HAS NEVER BEEN OFFERED IN THIS CITY BEFORE. |
\ < > THE NEW 1 ■ \
1 Modern English Dictionary!
> TThtf* T ilfPQi" CptlQllQ You are only required to show your indorsement of this \
▼▼ til 1. lie vcilolld great educational opportunity by cutting out the Cer- f
s • * TYT-i rr\* IUI Df. A tificate of Appreciation printed on another page, 5
* I die Ic \A/rl€l't" I n A\f Money Keturnea and presenting it at this office, with the expense
\ lilo lo Tfiltti J. liC j If Not Satisfied bonus amount (which
p —. covers the items of the
I SiJV nf -It" cost of packing, express J;
| VrJ. At, lom f act °ry, check
j Regular Price, $4.00 j
I This Dictionary Was Never Before Offered in This City. |
\ Magnificent Full Page Plates Practically all dictionaries heretofore have been but revisions of and addi- |
| Aeronautic views (Aeroplanes. Dirigi- offers jewels. tions to the unabridged edition of the original book turned out by Noah >
;l a meri>an^Pi!re-bred Fowl,. Peace Webster before his death in 1843. But in the NEW MODERN—for the I
II Badges and Decorations of Honor. I 'et 'T * tone!, ' l),an,on,,s ' Kmpr!il,is . first time in dictionary making—^-is combined the work of the greatest <
I Bias* snieitTng Ores. p"s",ge stamps. MODERN authorities from the largest seats of learning, who have pro- |
i eramic Art of five < enturies. Soals of the States. duced a new compilation based upon Websterian principles rather than a i
* Deep-Sea Specimens of Marine Life Singing and Working in the Kindergarten. . . r f. , , x , T . . ~. i. , xu S
< Different of Mankind m Native Society Emblems. mere revision of the obsolete work. It is right off the press truly the <
« Famous Gems (Koh-i-noor, Great Mogul, Standard Cattle. 1913 Dictionary* #
< eto -'• , Submarine and Torpedo Boats. , _. . ;
I »> ,x "*" Commercial Charts I
lx>ek and Canal (Sault Ste. Marie). Thoroughbred Logs. \Jllllllvl V/lAUI. vO ?
i Lumbering Industrv Scenes. Types of Electrical locomotives $
S Military Academy at West Point. Various Kinds ..f Kittens. Representing products of the United States and World, Agricultural, Coal, >
1 Spa,^r ,r p^s e ?Late,t Model,. view' of f Kne io Kngines Cotton, Gold, Silver, Iron, Steel, Money, Oats, Coffee, Tea, Wheat, Wool |
> National Coats of Arms. Wild and Domestic Food Animals. &nd many Others. 5
! Beautiful Colored Plates and Black-and-White Illustrations Suitable to Work of Its Character. |
| It's the LATEST and BEST Dictionary. I
? Oat of Town Readers: Nail One Certificate With Expense Bonus Amount Mentioned in the Coupon. Get Busy —Clip a Coupon To day \
Kalr»h and daughter, Eva, and son,
Bryant, formed an auto party to Potts
vilie Saturday.
Invalid Anxious to Expire in His Own
Towanda, Ha., Oct. 7.—That he
might die in his own home in Jack- 1
aonville. Fla.. James F. Lane, a wealthy
jeweler of that city, was placed aboard
a private car attached to a Uehigh
train here ve9terdav, and all possible:
1 speed will be made to comply with his
He is suffering with tuberculosis and
i came to Towanda a month ago for his'
| health. His wife, two sinters, business j
'associates and a retinue of nurses and
! servants are accompanying him on his
race against death.
Death From Crushing Wheels
Kane, Pa., Oct. 7.—When a team of
iiorses hitched to a heavy farm wagon
ran away, Dewalt Stnhlman, a wealthy
1 farmer of Byrontown, was fatally in
| jured. being thrown to the ground, so j
' tihat the wheels passed over him. <He 1
1 F
; was rudhed to the local hospital, where
he died.
May Hasten Litigation Over Thaw
Washington, 0. C'., Oct.' 7.—Assert j
inu that the sojourn of Harry K. Thaw '
in Xew 'Hampshire is a scandal to the!
State of New York, attorneys for iho
| latter State w.ill ask the Supreme Court!
'next Tuesday to advance for immeui
ate 'hearing the litigation over Thaw's
extradition to New York.
Child Falls at Play and Dies
Reading, [> a., Oct. 7.—While at play
with companions here yesterday. Wil
liam, the 5-year old son of William
Huiber, fell on a cement wall and died
almost instantly of concussion of the