8 SUBURBAN MILLERSBURG October II Bally Day In All th# Sun day Schools Special Correspondence. Millersburg. Oct. 7. —Miss Juanita i Kline was a visitor at Halifax on 1 Tuesday. Ralph Sponj. who is in his first Tear at Dickinson College, spent Sunday at liis parental home here. Sunday will be Rally Day in all the Sun.lay schools of town. On Saturday afternoon a street Sunday school suit is this New Modern English Dictionary, illustrated, which a syndicate of leading newspapers immediately secured for the pur- I > pose of following out a plan of education throughout the country. So for a short time the STAR INDEPENDENT in connection f > with these other papers will offer this LATEST dictionary on the remarkable terms outlined herein, before it is placed 011 sale at > | the stores at the regular retail prices. THIS DICTIONARY HAS NEVER BEEN OFFERED IN THIS CITY BEFORE. | \ < > THE NEW 1 ■ \ 1 Modern English Dictionary! > TThtf* T ilfPQi" CptlQllQ You are only required to show your indorsement of this \ ▼▼ til 1. lie vcilolld great educational opportunity by cutting out the Cer- f s • * TYT-i rr\* IUI Df. A tificate of Appreciation printed on another page, 5 * I die Ic \A/rl€l't" I n A\f Money Keturnea and presenting it at this office, with the expense \ lilo lo Tfiltti J. liC j If Not Satisfied bonus amount (which p —. covers the items of the I SiJV nf -It" cost of packing, express J; | VrJ. At, lom f act °ry, check j Regular Price, $4.00 j I This Dictionary Was Never Before Offered in This City. | \ Magnificent Full Page Plates Practically all dictionaries heretofore have been but revisions of and addi- | | Aeronautic views (Aeroplanes. Dirigi- offers jewels. tions to the unabridged edition of the original book turned out by Noah > ;l a meri>an^Pi!re-bred Fowl,. Peace Webster before his death in 1843. But in the NEW MODERN—for the I II Badges and Decorations of Honor. I 'et 'T * tone!, ' l),an,on,,s ' Kmpr!il,is . first time in dictionary making—^-is combined the work of the greatest < I Bias* snieitTng Ores. p"s",ge stamps. MODERN authorities from the largest seats of learning, who have pro- | i eramic Art of five < enturies. Soals of the States. duced a new compilation based upon Websterian principles rather than a i * Deep-Sea Specimens of Marine Life Singing and Working in the Kindergarten. . . r f. , , x , T . . ~. i. , xu S < Different Ka.es of Mankind m Native Society Emblems. mere revision of the obsolete work. It is right off the press truly the < « Famous Gems (Koh-i-noor, Great Mogul, Standard Cattle. 1913 Dictionary* # < eto -'• , Submarine and Torpedo Boats. , _. . ; I »> ,x "*" Commercial Charts I lx>ek and Canal (Sault Ste. Marie). Thoroughbred Logs. \Jllllllvl V/lAUI. vO ? i Lumbering Industrv Scenes. Types of Electrical locomotives $ S Military Academy at West Point. Various Kinds ..f Kittens. Representing products of the United States and World, Agricultural, Coal, > 1 Spa,^r ,r p^s e ?Late,t Model,. view' of f Kne io Kngines Cotton, Gold, Silver, Iron, Steel, Money, Oats, Coffee, Tea, Wheat, Wool | > National Coats of Arms. Wild and Domestic Food Animals. &nd many Others. 5 ! Beautiful Colored Plates and Black-and-White Illustrations Suitable to Work of Its Character. | | It's the LATEST and BEST Dictionary. I ? Oat of Town Readers: Nail One Certificate With Expense Bonus Amount Mentioned in the Coupon. Get Busy —Clip a Coupon To day \ Kalr»h and daughter, Eva, and son, Bryant, formed an auto party to Potts vilie Saturday. KACINO TO DIXIE HOME TO DIE Invalid Anxious to Expire in His Own Residence Towanda, Ha., Oct. 7.—That he might die in his own home in Jack- 1 aonville. Fla.. James F. Lane, a wealthy jeweler of that city, was placed aboard a private car attached to a Uehigh train here ve9terdav, and all possible: 1 speed will be made to comply with his request. He is suffering with tuberculosis and i came to Towanda a month ago for his' | health. His wife, two sinters, business j 'associates and a retinue of nurses and ! servants are accompanying him on his race against death. Death From Crushing Wheels Kane, Pa., Oct. 7.—When a team of iiorses hitched to a heavy farm wagon ran away, Dewalt Stnhlman, a wealthy 1 farmer of Byrontown, was fatally in | jured. being thrown to the ground, so j ' tihat the wheels passed over him. a., Oct. 7.—While at play with companions here yesterday. Wil liam, the 5-year old son of William Huiber, fell on a cement wall and died almost instantly of concussion of the brain.