The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, April 12, 1871, Image 1

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P. C. Van 0-elder.
abscripllon, (per year)
RATES OE AoirtnTistisiq:
Sq're..,. I ILL I 3lne I 4 Iwo I a /lob I Ohlos IYr
1 Square, I $l,OO I $2,00 I $2,60 I V5, - 00 1117,00 I $12.00
d,irO. L....
we 'Special Notices 15 cetiftipA line; Naitorial or
cento per Hue.
T usieut narcotioing SIT be paid for iu advance.
11 e nt
Notes, Marriage lanta
Certaicateo,,tt c Constable blanko , D and , eeds, Judg-
.., b
Office iu Smith and Sowon's Bleak, ictoss•ball
from Agitator Office up stairs. [eeeon r
d floo.]
Wollsboro Pa, Jan.i, 1511-Iy.
_ _
Jno. I. Mitchell,
Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In
surance Agent. Office over Kress's Drug Store,
Welleboro, PA. Jan. 1, 1871—y
William A. Stone.
attorney oud Counselor et Law, first door above
C•lnverse st - Osiood'estbro, on Iditin stref.
Welleboro, January I, 1871 y
Seeley, Coates Sr Co.
dA3K ERB, Una/Mlle, Tiogii, County, Pii.—
tieoeive money on deposit, discount notes,
Old sell drafts on New York City. Collect
i.dis promptly made.—Jan 1, 1871-y
DAVID COATS, I Knoxville, .
Jno. W. Adams,
attorney and Counselor at Law, Mansfield, Tioga
~ ...)unty, Pa. Collections promptly attended
to. Jan. 1, 1871—y
Iviho4 * Niles,
ti,rueys and Counselors at Law. Will attend
promptly to business entrusted to their oare in
Ole counties of Tioga and Potter. Office on
;I:c Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y
F Wipio
John W. Guernsey,
tt,,rney and Counselor at Law. All business
entrusted i to him will be promptly attended to.
oft,A 2.1 door south of liaoett's Hotel, Tioga,
lioga County, Pa.—Jan. I, 1871.
Wm. B. Smith,
e e ,, j oa, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Corn
w.iiniaatiorie sent to the above a4dress will re
na prumpt attention., Terme moderate,
a,,xvillo, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1871.
tit an.,yi. aroi Got 31ors ?,t lei, Toga Pa.
All bulinass outtitateil to their eare lvrllreoeive
prompt attention,
Jan 1. 1971 y
Armstrong be
f.c, I, H7l—y
W. I): Terbell & Co.,
u , lesale I , ruggistA, and dealers in Wall Paper,
Vnr i 'ne Lamps. - Window Glass, Perfumery,
,-iris, Lg.-Corning, N. y. Jan. 1 '7l.
D. Bacon, M. D.,
Phy,,cian and Surgeon, Ist door east of Laugher
[turbo—Slain Streat. Will attend promptly to
Wellsbaro.—Jan. 1, 1871.
A.M,M. if.,
Homoeopathist, Office at his Residence on the
Aconna.—Jan. 1, 1871.
George Wagner,
Shop Grst Juor north of Roberts St Bail
ey's Hardsvaio Store. Cutting, Flttjpganalte
p4,lring dope, promptly ana i.oll. -.1nn.1, 187 1
~ .
Smith's Hotel,
1, > t ;a, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. House`in
pod condition to accommodate the traveling
Dliblie in a sup orior manner.—Jan. 1.08'71.
Fitl'lllCl'Fi' hotel.
\ION ROE. Proprietor This h00.1.c, formerly
,r cup,c,l 1)3 E Fallnns, is cOclucte3 on Tem
perance principles. Eceryl accommodation
tor man ant 'nest. Charges riiasonable.
Janwiry 1,
l'flion Hotel.
Vin Horn, Proprietors Vollsboro. Pa.
pleasantly looatod, and has all
tt.e..nranienoes for man and beast Charges
..I.ltrate,—.Tan , 1871-ly
New tbacco Store !
, j i.tiL zublicribes has fitted up the Store first
j .leQr east Thors liardet's dry goods store,
• t tite euir,ufaett) and tiF.ljo of
.11.1.1 11 8, (all grades), Fancy and commOn
;iI , IEINO TOBACCO r tilichigan.riue Cut
C'IIBJVINO, and all kinds of
UG TUI3ACCO, PIPES, and thechoi
ctst Brand of CIGARS.
!) .; ,I 1 40,1 eeo for youreelvee.
•lan i, I;i7l—tf.
tt, el me P.liiug qt.(' Ut.fot tunate,
n - • r Phlitintliropy
4, t' ON I lIF r. ROHS OF YOUTII,nnd Fql
1 Age. u. t I ui it to MAnftl4,oi and tinklAl..t ETILIr
,tl, Z`Allitill) It 1.1 the affitcte , i. Sent free, ILll3ellied'
1,7,:t- l y 80% P. Pliliedt Iphie, Pa.
BORDEN ccoblib 011
...4 • hand Pure, Drugs and 15Iedioinet,
ChelfliCali, Paiata atla Oils,
Staiknery, Yankee Nk.ti”us &C.
RI I'LL'ULLY Comrout4Dr.D.l
I I, It•it
proprietor 94'
this line takes this tnetbe.l of in
pablie Chtit the e bore Stage runs
Lys cxceptell.)' between the Iwo ple-
‘.velkboro at 4 a In , arrfvoe at
tofieLl 311 a cu
• • Mausfledd at 2 41.1_ p. tn., and arrivea at
, r „I -, in taro 1,25.
, R. VAN f LUItN.
1.“. I 1671-
New Music Store.
VOW upeoed in Snaitk t Bowen': bock, are
1.1 and floor, a music coon} where w i 1 bo kept
r. •= l l , ibitir,u, and 'for sale,
Steinway and other Pianos,
k Organ:, arid a choice selection,ol Sheet
Newmosio received every .uordh--
LI 2 ,n,! on Piano and Organ, and ih Singing
• 1 , 010%,en Opportunity for, practioe afforded
! • the ,e who :11.,,y de ire It W. TOLL.
A dniinistrator's Notice
1- 1. : 1 1 . F,1tS OF ADNIII4ITAATION on the
'btate et J. 11, Whitiori, deceased, half of
`''u!i7an trmnship:hitviitg been sranted:to th - e
ar..i, r.i ig up (I, all thiisi“indebtid to 0r../tacitik
I, fdals.tgainst said estate,- Will eAll onittettle
Nub •
NATHAN _5.0V1114 , 10,:i 1.., March ?V, 1971 Ow. 4ioo4ri:r.
D IVORCE --To Margarut 11yd° ; You
;re hereby notified 'that Frarthljn, A. Ilydr
applied to the Court of COttlyrli .Pleas of
;tuba county for a divorce frOm she bonds of
MMatrimony. aad that' saitt.C9,ot :fiisrApjvitited•
t• mhty, the 20th . day of May, 18 1 7 i, ror thu
ag of kali! APPliOutinl the premises; on
stiQh ceeasien you °ail attend if you think pro
in. \ April 5,1871 4w, E, A. FIBII, Bh'L
- ----..„THE OLD i '
A: -
[HOLY-kittiWn 404* mend Heine;
did and for a time oaaiip et Ey D. D. 11011.
day, has been thoroughly,refitted, repitir
ed and opened by
• t
who will be happy) to accommodate the 'old
friends of the lionse atvery reasonable rates.
Jan 1,1871 y L DANIEL MONROE.
- 6 - 073 I 1,
Yr HE nridir's)grd ja notv prepared to ejul .
Ante alkordorsfora'orlib Stones and Maltt.
merits of either
of thelatost style and approved workmanship
and with dispatch.
He keeps constantly on hand both kin& Of
Marbld and will be able to snit all who maifa.
vor him with their orders, on a l e reasonAbleteims
as can be obtained In the country.
Vjnga , Ja3) # •;1":
Fall & Winter Millinery
AXES. SOFfELD respectfully announeesito
411. the public that she is now receiving a
complete stock of
. Fall and Winter Goods
Especial attention is invited to her OBSOTitOO,Ta
Corsets, and. Ready IVlad9 White Goods,
AI SO, Zephyrs and Germantown
Wools In Fancy 81140.
Patterns in Zephyr and everything pertainiti,g
to the trade. RID GLOVES of the hest brand .
Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowerla,
tttess, &e:
The Wilcox Gibbs Sewing Ma7ohine for safe,
or rent hy.the week.
Wellsboro Oct. 5, 1870. tf
[J. B. tilLEs
tidllUEL .LINN,
Ladies that have not noticed these , Muffs will be
astonished at their cheapness, !beauty and ootri t
all of which will be sold much below former pri,
ces. All work done pioniptly, 'and to ideaae.
Wellsboro, Nov. 7, 1870-tf. •
(First Door f•lost of Cone House.)
THE subscriber hits °pentad a market for tho
aaporamctdation of all in want of
rash will be' pWitlfor pork, beef , mutton, ue•
cattle, hides and sheep pelts.
Fresh fish evoyy Saturday.
November 2, 1870 tf
ALE pers,,na irldebted to D.:4 1 . Roberta 1)5 1 .
nook account or Notes araroquested to calf
and settle , and savo Co§tg, at G. W. IkTerrick'd
1811.—tf D. P. ROBERTS
Tz - REPS constantly on band, RIMINI
kW:A ES, Marine, Alarm & Calendar CLOCKS,I
Plated Spoons and ForkB; Table,' Butter and
Fruit Knives; Cups, Castors and Cake Baskets;
Napkin Ridge; Cram - Bali Sugar and Mustard
Spoons; Fipo Gold and Agate Rings; Gold Pons
and Pencils; Solid Gold Sets; Pearl Fancy and
Plated Buttons; Veatch Gnards and Chains, &c,
A large stook of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, and
Colored Grasses, all at reduced prices.
N. B.—Watches and Jewel' y neatly Repaired.
March 1, 1871.
1 0
A/[ RS. 17. 1., EA L ,STMAN _still. coutiuues it t
in: Ova 10 one muttio, and is now prepared
to,lurnish her pupil%wipriplitrpotion books and
note tenshi, ai cheap ti4xati , lin" found elsewhere,
Lasenslivtin on tlats'" : ' • •
Piano, Orkan
instruments furnished for praotice. Also instrutii
Hone given in vocal music. Having for many
years been engaged in teaching, will guarntee
1; 113.1 1.4t1
4644 11WRIST.
Office oproaspe Oolie Ilupse, yVolletiero, Pa. All
operations neatly and cdrefully paifatmod. Sat
isfaction guaranteed at liv.e and let live prises.'
Feb 22 , 1871 tf.,
:Europearl., AAtar
Great Balloost__Aspensiosit!
nui EN killed, WIATI3I.I and Children going
crazy over the Vegeta' Style - and finiar
' /Pita/Ftsl}3Xo
Irow Neramore's now Photograph Gallery Wells•
born. Ali the letMit Styles of picturea, such es
tierman apd Medallion boade, Cabinet Size, new
Victoria Size, Rod , Porcelain. pictures (plain or
colored), and many limber - StYlfi too numerous
to mention. SteretineePle-00.11Xitjii,d', Vie" Of
Private IlesidanieS"roitdo• ar! r tizmaqiittfo prices.
Copying"-pld pictures e ibligitiOWA§ratne to
any, Size,required, a speciality, doilteds`kbey
will bo (etencbod. in- Nitta iiikor._ooloriatilii;oll' ,
or wator.eiileirs good ." - arortiriant of frames
congantlynn bend .; C~ti[+►odaramiaoFpealmiina -
before Oeing.ilitelibiliel.f
N, 8., donCirtieflike • thei4dartn„ over .‘,4,--11.
Wellsboro. • - • '
--- - .
Adm I ntstraior 55~.•
ir ETTE R. 3 ; _ihit,' A Di( INlM:4l4oPl',`Aitiv iog
I_,/ been granted an the, ta.l4lti ti4ll,igliard IL
)hull, deceased, late or Tioga townahip,, then
lu,debted .
,to spiel eatatiirtiApakeltnitutilinte tiiii'. l
want, add itiose hay.invlAirna agio rhewarnei.,
will preichtllrit . ii(tiz , ji_!Akr . sf_ It , I!: '
‘,.:. -. " . i .tv..„...w . tg . ll' t.
'''''• "s -- 7 --- 7 t - -- -." ; ,-,---. -, _.• -.7,, .
TN DIVORCE.-,-.To Henry S. Mowery • You
ate hereby notified-that'llarriet
-by her next friemd,clMosetiSinlilij'hae liptilfii*
the Court of Common of 'liege eenntYfer
a 4tivoreo from the r bonda ....o6inalrlteeny, And
that said Corirk hisappaltiind du 40,
day of May, 1871, for tip
plioant in the premises; - On4whiah oci bre S , Otz
can attend if you think proper. •
April 5, 1871 4w E. A. rp3s,
. . .
• . ... _ ,
. .
,__ • _ I -
. .
.I , ,Ris-,..,;...., , ,, , , , ;-_- ,, ...- - .7 , ...- ! , --i: 2 -i.t. ,,,, ...': - .:'''Y • . ,-•------------,---- ------ ---- -- -.---- --
. ~. ,,. .- - .. it ' i ..-'#'*;.' ' .1 ,, i —#.:.•,*. .i . .. ',,' ' '..
.• ....—................—....—..—....* .........,—.......... --.--...................,....................---
,_ : 1 - ,
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, f .1, * -.:-.1, --‘
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" ' '- - ''''' '-'- - 2 “f ' '' - ' " ' ‘'A " 4'i'' i' I ` - _'l4 0101 :4 - 1..i.i',.1 '' - $1 P, . ~' liiiii“,,'„'ii i' • - :-. -
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~.._ , :i- .. .. i p. .i Li ~, , , ~. 1 ........ IIV .-t. a —,i ~.4! ' ;;' , i ,••. ,” --.1 , ~... 11',3 , •,,,. •,l ~ . •
I r-vj,
TiogaMarble_ Works.
New Millinery_!
M RS. ore n !p al T v
large nn
assortmenta p Street, o pas just
oacomo ;
Which aloe is Selling at COSF,
such as
I dal the only agont in this place fur
- r
and altar. MONDAY,: .Doc. 6, %:1870,VTrillsap
NJ will loayeQor wing at the followinghours,viz:"
QoinutlViser., ~. •* ?;z, ~ I =" illi id '
, ? A. ...., EXORT.EXPRESS Monduys, excepted) . for Buffalo, Dipkirk and the vest,
:0)06 4 1 .- its, NICIII7.2XPRESS dielly;(o,ls A :MI for
, • Rochester, Bin/dupe incepted) fcr Buffalo,' Dun
' • ' • kirk, and tlio woe t.
' 6'llo 'A; 4,,' WAY ii .: t :
iG irx - for A oclestsm Bun, days'iici444l,
' 10,25 A.II.;I='TRAIN ) § l3 dayi excepted for
Buffalo and Dunkirk. -..
12,0 0 5 P. M., WAXFBEIGIRT, Sundays a seep ted,iiir
Hornollbillio. • -
2,00 A.M., Ellial.BlollE RXP.,-Sundayei excepted,
; orftiiokel3tOrand Buffalo vlie'll:von.. rte _ ,. .
(540,P. Al ! , EMIGRANDIIiiiiN, daily, for ther'Weit.
7,35 F. M., DAY? EXPRESS; Stindayi! ititiy ie4r, ,45
P. al:,fo; EQ.Clunilek,) for. Buffalo andthif, sr et.,
1 243 AzIlli; EXPRESS ELAIL, Buildups excep i .
-tor Buffalo, Dunkirk and the! beet...,. ''
, 4 - Gond. ZAStz f
-12, 43 A. My .10.01.1TIMPAR88, StundaykixOntedi
connettlng at Nii* - YOrk w_lth'itternounZtriiirte
L ;and steatnerifortika•NticrEdglafidcumse-
4,45-A. • M.,- OINDINICATI• kIIPRNSEI;III44/iya lop
' • ceptid, corn:tabling Dtkrierseyilvrittiittlinil
for Philada.•Baltimbre-and- •
2,07 P. M., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, for Elm ra,
Sundays excepted.:
11,28 A. Id., DAY IMPRESS, Sundays excap ed,
.couneoting at Jersey Olty ;with. ra ((knight Dx,-- 1.
'prose train far PhiludeAllitLi I
.10r, Zs titt:4OPEu..OIPAIV - 41r,
11,40 A. M., WAY PREPIIIT,Sundays
4.30 P- M., DivisfpN #l,Ap., Sundays oil:opted.
7.44 H. M . 2 LICifITNINtI SYSRESS, daily, counbct.
ing at JersaySity v?irh morning Express train
fur Raitithore and Washtngton.
BAAIGAtir. CitiioKßD T11110:1311B% - ,
4 141-• A iloTtleed 4tn'dcemplete' 'Poolent•Tiznit ;at
Passenger Tralpe op thh brie Railway nit& connecting
Llnee,hae recently been pnbliehed,and can be precut•
od en application to the Ticket AgentoltheVompapy'
WM. R. BARR, - - L. D. ItUOKER,
18 losisb4rikeora64 ) 8iiibia4L. It
T. 10.148 will rup as follows uutil farther notice
No. 2, 225. N 0.4, 9,28. No.o, 6,94. No. 8, 8,22.
No.lo, 11,33. No. 12, 12,12. No. 14, 6,60. No. 10:
8,20.- No.lB, 11,12,
No.l, 0,2 1 3.,,,,N0. 3,4.65, No. 6, 6,01. No. 7, 1,15
No. 0, 7,20. No.ll, 10;18. No. 13, 1,42.
Northern Contral R.R.
XraineforCanandagnialeavoEiniira an followe '
Apcomodation at . 712 p m
Ritprese[fe.uteet trafp on road] ...... ....... 11 65 a m
Aran ]0 80 p m
Accommodation 8 15 p'sx,
On and after Dec. 5, 1870, trains iv al arrive arid
depart from Troy, an follows;
924 p. !IL—DAD) , ( except Bunth6 , B) for Elmira and
Buffalo ,vla Erie Railway from Elmira.
10 14 a„, m.—Baily(o4copt Stiudaya)fo r mlra,ll uffa
lo, C t imandiiigua , Badwater , Susp.Britigaancrthe
Ca mid as.
Q 55 A. in.—Dally(oscopt Sunday's) for Baltitoora,
07 P. m.—Dally (oxcopt Sunilaye) for Baltimore,
Waehingtonand Philadelphia.
Arrival and Departure of Stages.
THE Stagrs rivuoiog over
the diffei era routes frora
t; 7r ;
* r .± . - 2,l. e i l v ls o bo u r s o, fol v i i. o ll wa dc :f p r a o r m t a t na
voT•Ag.FI: 4 _A!I-IN rue Wellsboro Poat OffiCe:
IT I. LL6IIOIIO & TlOUA.—Depart 5 & JO, a. m., arrive 13
" , , and 7 o'clock p.m. • 1
Wriaollono ikahreseerzr.u.—Dephrt 8 a. m.; Ifni l'e 6 p. rzi
WNLLSHORo & COUDEBBPORT.—Dep. Mon. & Thur. 2 p. in:
arrive Monday &Thursday at 12 in,
Wzciassono.k.Junsr.TlMlC6:-="Depart issou.s Thur. 9a pi '
gyrlveTuesday es FrUp.m
• onoWBl l l,Bll & - kl.Tcitirroms-zurir,z wuwor - -- - --.:tc-L
-• , • p. m:, art. Tam & Fr!iiaj at 12 n
" i i \ ;) N ., v
t(''l ,t 1 C
c: „
Aggßxe,A,N,..•w,,,,,,Togs l
ooti•''en'Arks, - E.Eys, RINGS,
&c., &;3„ &c
' With most other articles usually kept in ;pitch
iihieb Wei*/ low for'
'C' 1 A - S ',
, ,
Repairing ilona neatly, and protrip,iiy, and on
hart uurtva• •
January A, 11311-y,
A NY quantify on hand at the Elk Run Plaster
4 miles front Gaines. Price WOO per
Jau.2sth, 1871.-3 m
' : Farm and Timber lot for Sale..
11111 E undersigned.,offers for sale, , her. %rat in
1 Middlebury Township TiOga, Co., known as
We Ezra Stevens farm, containing one ; huntirod,
acres, - with apple orchard, two tame ,ha , cps,
one Urge frame behao, all iti iocia' conAillob;
fatfEn under tate of good cultivation, best 'q'u'al
itY. of flat la ds on crooked Creek, silroad de
pot near. 'lie adjoining timber lot of two
hundred actJos, containing large quantity of
botolock, and hard woods, with quite a largo
amount of p'no.
~ Address W. A. STORE Esq,, Wollabore Pa.
Wellabpro, Feb. 15. 1811-If. . .
DIVORCE.—T 6 Richard- - 13ush: you a:ro
1 • hereby notill,ed Rink, by, her
pet friond, David P Roberts;. his; applied to
tbei Cot Comicial:LT.loo of l'ioka County for
divorce- Profit'. thiil hOnds of niatrinniiiy, and
that said tqUitlias 'appointed Monday, the .29th
day of May;,lBll;fer ihtibiaring of said appli
cant in , the' Prortilset ; oh' which occasion you
may attend if you think
1,4 w RTlSH,f3.llriff.i.
#4lion l : yop ure
iiiielpi`notkfie4 that,Woome,*ilaori, has apr
epTio tbn'eburt,qomroolk z ,Plea l k, or Tioga
(ran& fok ti alirorCefioni the lionan•of pkatrlino.
iLnd that said-Cost:than
_appointed Monday,
Abe 29tli daiotlitaY, iSYf, for -Ake l epringiof
said,appticant in the promises; on which occa
slot you oan attend if"yott think proper.
April 5,1871 4w N. A, F/8,11, ahoriff,
i • t. 4,22,1, •• 2 .171 • -.1 i;;: "
WLLOOKr' T 1904: . 0011NZT 1871.
ro l p bas long been estab
lisboa iu the Jewelry busi
ness in Wellsbore, has al-
ways -do sale, various
kinds and prices of
•4. FOLEY.
_; akfif)-,;4"1.e Aret
4 6* •t. •
• • !I
‘,4 • A :)4r n r Y r9.l /. • =
Her darctire 911 ed With
.:Ftepheait.tilth &lied-content
_ Nihatteer dho has; she enjOis,litokaska
..‘F.Or,whatheay.en hath cot sent;
1 , , ' -• "
She fobks ?Tit towara the pnyille, 4911 :;
' Thti it:mist:Mb rjpples ) ti'ii . lll4 isills 4
' , Ahd the hi:Aid-ft-Mae 'C44'
i .1 •i.i „ -•
,soul ‘ fereno, thraagh.pjear„ inild:eyeap. 1
Hierbabyazes /forth; t„.11 1 1
1 • ' ' Hie eiTonae ed ema itian speech more wife '
-- • ~; flO
• ~.
She oe,res tio_t,ntaity booka;to read,
19 6 4'41 4 4 1
.I,rarntatleitby,no,-fortrinl dread,:
Hef heart,inspireilvphped • :
•1• hoixie•eptini •
• ').
1: Fe/ wbrdrietbmcflaralY,ifoi•hirrtiehalli-1:'
r; ne'ep:lik&irlFetti'll'olvl/
, •
Anil ne'er ant?, llollt,,she pfaie, i t -A.:
Vat Oleo
4. , •4 0.2.6 ~,1
0 t needed , wnetner small or great, ,
• • .:•.•11 31).; • . i— S'
In babyhoed,atpopg her ,toyai
. She happy was for. /WW 2 ;
And now,arahl ker,hotAkoldloys,
She builds entlearinglowera.
And now as then sheigiveth joy • '
To, all who near her dwell;
And feels the restful harmoni •
Which frau/ . her 5901 lioth,well.. ,•• ;•J
As'from a bioalt in laid.); dell,
Or bird upon its nest, '
Or whatscieseilitthoine dOth•dwell'_!: l
;on natankii tr9ngnil bresit- '
- • ~ .;1 'LIVe datii!x:yt
*Zs.o_v_i4isijkoi) - 4 . i . .;!,:1::
NOTES 41T . 11111 ,, WAYi ,11 . 1 7
, . t •; .
We clp, 9,t0 . lio ingfroin the North
westeryi, (II!„) whi h was written 133 ,
one of the editors o rthat [paper, .Iwhile
on a visit to, this pl ce. .."1 1 tie .very. fiat-
tering notice of our elf aud, the, Agied
tor makes us a littl modest in the Imp
mises„init we have concluded. to .shnt
Our that part, of.tire article, and
pUhlish It verbatim, for, the generous
mentions made of our 'bus,ineW men,
the churches, hotels, ands Triffea
•.0 tt.i •
‘Wellshozo, the county seatof Tioga
ponnty, Pa., is beautifniforsituation; ,
builkin a basin
. 5 - .lf,about anlile,dri pit ;
ogligerene9l aid surroundd&brihil
from, six to„eight,hundred.
, The. 3411 age itself As, on a high elevation,
being 0011 t ci &Well hundi<ed fis3tabovi
,the ievelnfiltte,sea.! •'quite--ail of
town; having been .itettied 1ini , 1814,- , bi ,
persons :who ,eame berofroixt=the States
of Delaware and, , Marslati.dit' and- brel,
their slaves with -them.. zoVoharne,
soap ,as they cane to reside in* the,: free
State .of , Eerinsylvanis, , t.•heysbebtiroe t ,
by, the 'Jams the. CemutatiWealth
fregii t - contains , a „ pOpulation , O;',
lifteelkhundred; „has about ! _thirtylpla . :::
pp, of - pßoinefl9,i' fiVe, lour .43h wri
c_keei,A:eglJttltouse And
!ing,,011ie,...bc, , W of -mbick idozjoh Wort(
the : - JrAelliocratio - 0 4 6 4
VounplAgitcteee isAthejlepribliCan
per, and JO eigtrteeh TstearEi
published/ by -P. C.- VIM- Gelder, '-'ESO.,!•
and- is a radical'paper,hanievindi-t
(sates; high toned iridts morals,' rind has'.
alWaYs been fearless and outspoken pro:
all the great morai, sahlects in, which?:
the Slate and community. are interest ! .;
ed., It is the friend of fredizore,
peitee and roligion', - and in •unCOM
promisini foe to vice and -wrong doing,
Its editor and publisher is a live busi
ugasman,, intelligent and straightfor
ward in the. management, of Ma affairk;
and nothing.goes ; into- coluaris of
bis.paper which the most., fastidious pat
rent would be unwilling for ; chili
dren to read.
• " Such a paper is a blessing- to any
;onimtmity. • ~T he ofticeof the Agitator.
is; iri many reSPecte, t‘MOdel'office, lii
'oce4Piet 3 :OP Second. story, of a—largp,
ithree r story-bnilding. The ceilings 'are:
'high, the room commPoyeas,i-Wsiilight
ied4l',lenittlf44:;;l)lt4 presses for print
{tang the paper and for
, doing.:ol . :*-1148
of -job 'al e' trife - *,isticps‘foyed
patterns: ;: ro,.nd'*l#l, itil rats ,of • type tA
•;the newest Styles, as good- workPOO l ice
Mere as is d one in y, our dity•of4ees,
" The 'ho,tel acconipottations of _the
place are eitceileilt„ Ty? .eeuniari. b e i ng
large, thirty miles square, and contain
ing a population_,iit.thirty:seven thou
sand, the courts, -which :are , held here
ouarterly, bring together a large num
ber of persons from the' enmity. ''li is
fact accomatiA.fOr the number,
cor.s6 small=a vlll9 er The Ceti
is a-iiirge, -first Class betel, • altekether`
thetbekiinbliehOuse In , Neithexon'l"enn;,
Sylvania. Is tcell kept, by Vet. ,
Graves, And id deserved ISr'p!opiibit
"The church ti.c.onpiodations.o.f,the.
villiliil'OAVOt as good as in most'place.s.
Of ii.ilS el4C'• T4e,4l,ethodists- have re,•
centl:y e : opipTeted a ilue l o.usel and, imr •
dell the ithiepiinistry of Af)V. pr.,8u010, ,
they'," have a., ! goo , congreation. .•The
Pr . e s*3 7 tprians
,anCl i : Episcopalians are.,
alreiiilkiitating the subject of build
ing, and without doubt. will soon ac-..
complish the,el.de9t , ,t ; heKhav,e in. view.
The Baptiste have a lion in which they
Worship, temporarily. • t It has a , central '
loeatien, is.. increasing in value; and
tloy,propose some day to sell it And'
i 1411 4)4 11 ; 1 ,A 4,llleeting house:-' , • , . i
" Thesehooltrot , Wellietore are, fully`
kip to the. times:'- ThWy4l6ftWideif, arid'
in the . handle of , `notritieten t 'likltruefork .
ProfessoraVinteih, thelfirliiiiiiiilletiOli"- - :
. .e.'r; is:a: young , irrnin fof literal cen ltiffe,
liiving.grailnated ittitethestei trnlier=
sity, and spent some two -Sears in'Eti=
rope ini +study and travel ii)gi i irle is tho- 1
rongblY.qtlalifted &sr bis4oeitioh ;,, end =
being PM3l3ssed of an. - enthusiestic:tein- 1
perament, so desirable:in an , instu4tok,
pvery , department - of:the school feta his'
nfluence. 2,-.., e rhe achoole hereardaigOod
tis 64:public .echools 'lii Illinois;—and
that : is high praise.; , , , .- . , -If -., .
..(i`f The village as a wholeis trtilY bean- 1
tifu I. , lts, streets., are broad, "and, its
• Voill4 O ..TP 0 1 444 in kit:unmet by double•
rows of trees, the:eith andrnsple: :The,
:hobses, many, of them,' re. neif_ i ind
2.x te4 8 1X9,„ •With....largtt.: , yards44.449lp. „
IP, ~MtiiilPY..9.l l4 l ; l 4 3 4 4o..witii!eyerii
greeige:i .Asu t -Nv hat tonetitute the 13harth
Of ickrellshorti, are the dear n,ldlitlrsi that
Orrottild' I tne " a 1; ,•.4 ova,-•-:iistii, if te t " lii3
eighto?f,:frogr. - ekx - itipAtght hued ed
'lee t,. Some of these are dbittiide to"
their very summits, and others are s ill
Covered with the primelocil foreefe i of
. I
141 il,lellitt Ililit: • •
PiP4 ol ll(l ]4 ° } lll° 9l l. 'S te.iB4l a Er,eat
ItiliaberTotOO L 'ang*go 1411)3341 og
afid 1i:11AI:fig 1(03' fron i l, the foresp the
AbrdeltiOgiOie 'B4 : iiiiao,(l to Wll 7
FliEttnsport to' alObi acid, prepireit for
tbe itt
‘. 4 .Thr • e
. _
;'':The greatest drawback to-the gro w t h
of the to*n,is the want of a! railroad.
For tae. reaerlti _the . place, has •t; be
) ;eqc_4Pkb, !etagefrprzt,Tioga, a distance:
of seventeen miles This will soon' be
: cbv,lated by a railroad now, being .04-
, s tructed In called
.0e liNieborn,ai:tl 4 lo 7
1 reneeidlie . road:, cenp i el4ing witA the
'ternikit - iiiidlqofileg".iie,?fril• 1141 18 :
alre4d,"iraii‘A 'l:,.;stifei4,4, l xrar . 4 4 ! the
way, end the Wen: is ' heinglal t d i sn, the;
track; iiiid‘tlie t ear's` .WIII; 'run. as far' as
'Wellaboro thoi't bming ' fall. ° "some' of
Writ nest Ini hi is ki EA bitursdithiffi 'Oil iin ,
ithe- world; hakie,theen.,`iv en cdifi c thi so
• bills; land; tam cOnilirtnYlivhdi dfiii l thien;
artaiiilding e thoroad.w ll'heiklitifitati
wealtiti c atd ` are ,:censtractingi th i tf oad,
4n :.019, ni..o,4o4steuttitA inautibrovitik
ille.."A to *B. , Ouge,::arci the .:._grie i road i• alid,
,the;, bkl. ,l 4eA r )Y O -, Intide • of:. iron,: _ire.
large antnn - Pc ) }.9f . .engil anstlu tubor: . to ))g
kii4l4e4 *.iyer tif:ip road, will make, it
1:0 1 Pg c.ij; 4 4 o3 i to 'YIP..., c9Poottist;.:: in
iiiiticipation - Of i pi'e early ecifnpletion . ,Ot:
--theroad;Milliiiptis of feet of lninber:are'
Irlled'iip liktite 'side of 'the track, iinit
ing for 'transportation."' The hitherto
huiet 'village has**cfitighe the:spirit Hof
enterprise and las put pit - Otte albUsl-
41ess-like appearance, - Ile* 'buildings
are going up on all iiiide'A, -new streets
are being opened, and ' corner lotsl'al e ,
ready bring high prices. The Mining,
interests _vvill . soon add, .probably, •a'
thousandto.,the, population. Already
this beautiful, healthy.-retreat, is attrap
tine the Attention of many from oni
large Cities And fowns,- Who„come here
to 14 P0 :1 4 . 6 4 01 K 13 uPe1' ,1 7 ,4P0 1 04. T.491: 6
is a gbej reatszin'f tips, for: perhaps
-there is tiol'PleriSiiritei or 'heal tiller:Spot
to be'foundthan' this Pine creeS i region.
1 " Here are the headwaters of the f3ts
quehatma river, and 'various stream's or
creeks that run around the base of these
hills and through the deep ravines, are
the best trout fishing grounds in the
country. The hills are covered with
berries in Eiummer, and the abundance
of game to be found 'lithe forests makes
it a most Abe
place of resort. to
all lovers 4of nature. Then, too, the
stranger can find good accommodations
at the hotels ; the citizens are. Intelli
gent, hospitable - and polite to visitors,
and .the. new comer At cries feelAthat
he is aniong, friends. It is;aneXcellent
place for persons in poor health tocomp
and recuperate.., The high altitude,
pure, air, surrOunding hills, the'befinii-- -
'fu I c s de nety Ith a E everywhere .. meet's the'
eye,, all conspire to bring health And vi
gor to the invalid." ' . .
[Correspotlonoo of the Agitator.] ;
. ,
SILVER Oar, (N. bf.,) March 13, 1871 i
IWlell I wrote, you last, the IndiaiiS
1 4 1 a been_. unusually quiet for , a- long
time, and . we 'were' Wen ti - g . ' t0,4i10
that our troubles - Ni7ith the were over !
Batty "true to theiri. nature , they have
again madetbetrappearan e When least
expepted. A'few Weeksai co
Iffigkiitilith4chorses -and:mules,' and
B ' ir s l4l • 4 • t i9w: c 4*.. tki, ici fe7dli - a 4 S•e; . -r- ,
Afteie a lveary , marcnof 15 ,miles, they
Came. upori a; rdrieheria, situated ori the
top of , 4 high mountain, near Drageon
canon, and succeeded in making a last-f
ing peace with 14 of them.. Many more
were wounded, some of the stdlenshickli
recapturedandnlany Indian trophies'
secured, together with letters supposed,
to have been taken from the mail at the ,
tine of its' capture last October. The,
Celebrated.(i ) liief " Big Feet," Who re
joiced-in a edal, extremity 01,13 incheS;
depalzted:,this We, du'ring the unplea
santness.. '[ .••. - - _ ' - ,
- A short time after the first stock was
taken,'the Indiana. di/0 a hole in the
ceiral ist.W,Aliblilll, 4 VVelif.:•, and got
away" with: eigh t mules •and borsesP A
cOmpii!sr. of bitizerM*4l.loll3lO44tafebr,
orgaOlzbel, it Oei' the - leadership of Cap
ital:oobn lullard, who followed therp
• 140 tnildsi when their village and'hidirig
plaT) ; .lYAß..lo l lsco:Ntered :among the, foot
;hills ,of, the„t •rancisconiountains. ' - ,
I -After; =letiVing - a guard' 451' foi : e in ti .
iwitli tl:o,4ll3.o:4ls i *C4t„Bullard procee , .
Ved. to akii}ek the : town !rbree 14118
Ihrouglit to, the ground, the Orst Indian
nniking hislappearance arid while , dy.4- ,
ing ho raised his. revolver ;with' both ,
hands and !shot, Copt'aiu . 44ll§ict ilAro 3 ,
thp'beaft: ti exliireii without a groan
or a word: Nerved With hate and - a de:-
terminatio for 'vengeance, the
inaile wiiitig f ,• work, untills Apaches lay,
dead upon the , ground and the remain? :
der bad sought sheiter,among the ro4a. - :
gozae,',Ol l the . sti e ilen ..steal: was. .recap-i
ureci,:ktiffm.ii Indian boy brought back.
Much• - credit'is due Major Keiley; ;
6aptin 131illerd arid' the citizens .and
Soldi re who accompanied the expedi
tions fora quilrifeterin i g deserved pun
, 'ohm nt•to the'-Apachea, who have been
in LW habit of murdering' and robbing
.with impunity: - Thelndians baize
roade l one ot two-raids since; but WO
little success, as the stock is now kept
1 ‘Stielitei.!, ' '• 'I ' - i • '
I" i The sad news hes just reached us
that Charles Kerl 'and wife,' daughter
of Major Itta, of the U. S. army, toge- -
ther with fl i •e out of seven men' acting
a. 4 an escort 4 were brutally murdered by
the Apaches,. while on their-way to fort
Bnyeribfrem Old _Mexico, where Ken
hid ~beeri ,on, butiiness. i Only. two es
' caped, andjihey,were tbaillyt wounded
The carriAglir-And party :wet's' attacked
in a canon, find all killed on •the spot
egeekt,;Jsire7l Keil,. who succeeded In
idttinkisetpe Inds away, , ,When an 1141 AI
.04 .4. l l9Witikagaced ., her 4beough: the.
,kip:dy t ., A,fter whichilhey stripped ev , -
P!*-:o l Yed , of eiotutpg,fiebm: their Vie--
0016 ADA:44O4g Ono, rreVolversi tour
moles, au d one or two - horses; made good'
thir• , ,peCAPer.; Herl •andshis' •wife hati•
1 ,ordy .been s parried.aboubeiglit , rnontlnii
A:nd .mere 'much thought •of wbereVerr ,
they wore kpown. • I - —(1 -; ~. - o.
`," 'A. pf, meetipg trip Altivens „has been
held; and a§troug,dispesition, manifes-:
test te'offor '-a - lafgC, bountY for IndAau
scalps:. - SOnietbilie rfiliat ' and will be
opr, , grsiw,•rapidly,
a n d:statt o . §3.,asqqd ch nu cp t cl: being", pie
lobgi f tint,
.14ygcg n. the, W,erri.tskTy t
The Iver r4lnes ore proitng
AWL' uolul incitithi.ent • i tested '
over Eme-,Ziew diedoverles -, n
tilo,uAtfdr.llV, l oK eight rtallea ftogkbetek
. .
Ogfilfr; *W441614 i 1 ;10%,1 1 00,,
a loptti`potiAgirimeiftsj: l
‘ll '
But Time should not complain,—
There'll soon be little Days enough "
Tv make! the Week @seta."
2i, 1 (Li
.4 .2
•.., 3 V, [For thd Agitator.] 1 '
14r.,..Vart. Getder -.!- , -"Will : you Please
P 12 .1) 11 8,11 Au your, paper, for the informa»
goll of tl/o, public, the, follow log section
of the fiVense,law, pitssed ,on . the gwl 4ay
Of Bach, 1867: - ., , i
See, I lie it enacted,' d;c:; That when applica
tion is made so , any' Court of . Qaarter 'Bessipps
of : tlitis, gommenwealitt_for license to sell IntOxl=
citing drinks, it shall be lawful for said spurt to'
hear petitionS; in addition to"that of the ap`pli
pan,,t, in favotofrand •remonstrances against db.:) .
application for such license; and r in itll,,easpe, to
refuse the same, whenever, in the opinion of said
eciart s . having due regard' to 'the 'number and
9 1 ,k Eraqtf 3 r.of nig Pegtlaneks.f.c.r. and , against, : spa
apiiliCapoii, each license is not necessary •forithe
accommodationt'of-th'e public arid eniertiiintrit
of 8 tratigece and _traveleritiland _upon. sufilort
came. being shown„ the the said , Cearts shall )1 re
power to revoke 'tiny' libeaso"gi-anted` 1)Y - them;
and, all laws ineouihtent..with; this -.section,
hereby repealed. Provicte s ci,,, That the suretleii in
the atpllcant” for lice ns
;the bond . required' of e)
shall baisigners-taliapetition.; , ..... .....; i ,
~,tll,,will, be seen by. the above -secticip, ,
%We ,is now injorce,_that there is no
liinAt 1 0 11 ,Of .SO.xON age.' as: to. Allepeti;
tonal. or, irereonstrants,' but !all, ri
9. 1 g11i Ctler '1 i.t.PA the court-are:to refuse'
t l ti,
11cena, , Al . -;:,r 49 ye r , la, tite„opirtion)of
- silk ofirt—liafing Ane regard to, Ote
ntibit) '''and `character ofl the, piiipt.j.-
'411( foi'atlii against Stioh i thiPlicatioh--
such!license'le'not rieticeSSary. - ":Tbieec e .
.. -
tiorrie in plain""Eiglitili, ' titd . we trd,st
cam befeasily understood by everi,one.
I- Wish you to publish this, in ordel• to
.satisfy thepublie "whether it lathe Wil
ter, of this article -who is ' pettifogging,
or .somebody else,; The shirt of - NemeSis
,is uncoMfor,(able to wear, even when:it
Sts; but
,whoever puts it, on should re
rueraber the fate, of . Hercules.
• Yours respectfully,
1_ 7 _1.,
' 1 ' "` LryLE atmanoßts.
' The varied and vivacious Chicago
,Tri&une hiving ra!iblitihed a paragraph
of 49Die rather humorous import' Con
cerning Allmon line :disguise , iwhith
certain female compositor, In :that city
had, seen, fit to afNet,,its city editor Was
recently called upon by the equivoca
ting young ladyrherself, who, in justi
fication of 'that which had been impel-
ted to hei, gave the following sketch of
her life l•
In 1867, being compelled to work,her
own way throtigh . the world, she left
her native village in New England fOr
the Nest,-and, pausing first in Cleve
land, . Ohio, undertook to sust•alu her
self there by needlework. A few hu
mane families, gave her what employ
ment they could command; but as this
yielded only a wretched pittance, there
was' a• necessity that she should seek
some other source of income. For Si.
year thereafter, she applied herself . to
the acquisition of the - typographical
'art in'a printing office; andthen, findi.
ing herself ,coiniieteht to "strike outc . !
for herself, went to a country` town hi
Michigan, where female compositoni
were employed, and obtained werk - Ori
the local newspaper. There, again, her
matnings were not satisfactory, and,' re...,
.pairing thence toVhicago, she entered
fairly into the larger world of typogia4
phical vicissitudes, At, first gaining
..$l5 a week in a bookprinting establish 4
agent., then doing not so well, in a dai-i
1 iy and a weekly paper office succe,ss-!
ively, she started, about a year ago, toll
'St z Louis, where was an office promis-i,
ed.. , Onmeinere lio*;Vei her - 4 , ittili roi:-4
tviip overtook her. _ 'After only a 'brieil
-th..t ( n of prosperitylih St. Louis, shewas
thrown out of employment, :and from'
thence ensued such an. exhaustion .of
her little stock of money, as soon redif
ced her to actual distress. • For a 'time
she thought pf resigning all ambitious
schemes of life at •once, and entering
some family as a servant; but, even
upon the verge of this step, it occurred
to her to try whether it had, been her
incapacity or her sex which had so (Es:.
likrously wrought against her. • 'To
make this ' - trial; she imiviied 'all that
was left of her more fin femilite
wardrobe, applied the-pecuniary' ro.
Ceeds.thereof to the purchase of a , as=
online ontfit.,,and,jrt • the atipearante of
ft sprightly, handsome yotirig.lad i made
renewed sq , ertures , for employment.
Now,ascording to her *tory,. ,she en -
icOPROT.Pa Po difficulty, at all in finding,
iand , retaining ,w,py,k, yokrewaoled with.
In t intro's wages, and, , after earning en. ,
loughs to take, her,thither, returned ,to
Chicago in A ugt'st 'last, arta r ) eadily, pb
;tailed an engagenienflri the Office of a
daily - paiier.''S'fate'd iiy •thlS' success,
atidiniterably fearful that her SO. wo'ld
he discovered before site had acciiMula•
letra sufficient fund to prOcure 'a' new'
ferninin'eiwatdrobe,- and then pay her
fareback to her native Ne* , Englan;
she spared no 'pains ,nor ingennity
i fi
perfect the delusion so precious to h i'..
Buying a razor, 'she fehaved her upper.
Up day after day, hoping, but in vain,
to develope thereby some Appearance - Of
a Mustache. In proseeution of similar,
:masculine iiientilleatlen, she' learned
to, and did 'Srailiea ill'ke; and was ever
ready td iyropitiate hef 'follow wOrkinen
witli . eigais and Alban loans of raiii4`
PinallY;'however, one 'of-Jhe printers'
who had long suspected Um - trail in the'
•case, gave thebrave givido understand
that her disguise was not.p.erfeet, and
'having persuaded take boa"d in
'the .family,aids mother and, sister,'
eventually induced a full confess On—
. d now ~ in the proper i garments of
her sex once more, and probably under
an engagement of marriage, th late
",little - breechee of the Chicago Com
posing moth gives her true sto . Y, Si
'above, to the press, before coming on 34 :
visit to her family at the kast. "
. . .
Frail Huebandg and a Fast La y.
'Anxious !pothers ..who .are uneasy
-with regard to,the,KnoFals - of thelr sons,
tohouldalSO have,
,an l ey!? to their iis : - ;
timd since, 'in Betitno l
,:,IClasstiehusetts,a - Veiy fine woman oc
cupied pri4atif apaitinents'Ori
,street. 'A few'of the 'anxious roam:- 2
mos'' of 'Beacon Street, fearinglesttheir
young.sons should visit the OforeSald
Timms, and thus be secluged.'from- the
path , of virtue, called Itirien the "First
Young Lady," and requested that she
,shOuhi relieve their fears by: removing
)ber quarters to some other part of the
The'qUeenly reply of , the Iting—
for.the lady was the former, by nature,
,a(icytiiet 'atter name —wll not, tho
l omedted' - i;y' the 'ieWident'O' it'dae9ri
,street' and the anriiver`tii'tbeli,roqUelfit,,,
nil published in the' timed of that' dp,i,, -
,was as-follewe :
f l ",Ladles--pleatie be`seated.`aon' `dam`
; lighted: that! 961 i, have' called; I
Ann wished for this iiiiterVieWl'anif
now-tel l' you ith at it ifilnotforYalirsotisti
welfare that you need be anxious, but
I am much annoyed by the frequent
calla of your husbands 1"
A "Muscular Christian,"
- • •
,The following story, is told by he
lipston Waveler : ' •
1 1.cimit .ISW yeas- ego a , gentlein
who was .employed as superintend •nt,
in a really charitable institution', In .
York, went into one of the , markets, of
that 'City and selected quarten iDf . beef
for "horde consnmp4on."
"hall .T send it honie for your' aidt
ed the market man. \
" No I thank yon, I will carry itmy.
The market meta 'regarded him v,Ath
an inereduldus look, and remarked—
" What !'you tarry a Whole, quarter
beef?'' •
" Yes, sir," was the quiet , responSlj.
The market man again regarded his
Oustoraer -with attention, and no qo i tibt
made up his mind that he was overra
thag bi l e Strength. Then he said :
Well, sir, if you undertake' to
carry this quartertlof meat home your
self, .I gill give it to you."
"'Are you serious 2"
" I am serious," replied the market
" Then," returned the customer, "if
that is the case, just help me tq get,it
on .my back, and we'll see if I crt
carry it."
This was done; aMI, with Out let down
or: rest, the gentleman-carried it to he
institution with which he was conc
ted, t e marketman accompanying
him, lost in amazement at the unek
pected development of strength and
1 J. E.
_la another occasion, the same m;us
cular Christian, having purchased, 26
pairs df shoes for the institution under
hissare, began gathering them together
in older to\ carry them off.
" Are yoir," said the merchant, "
ing to carry these'home yourself?"
"Certainly, I am," was the reply,
"and if necessary would carry twenty
five pairs more."
The merchant looked thoughtful for
a moment, and then turning to his
clerk, (he knew the occupation of his
customer,) said :
," John, you may put up twenty-flVe
pairs more of those shoes for Mr. 1 -1 --.
Altd, John, do not make anychargefor
them." . t
. Of course the customer who had car
ried the quarter of beef did not fear to
shoulder fifty pairs of shoes. j 1
The strotig man—strong ifaith as
in works—is the Rev. R. O. Doles, now
and for 'some years bacX the efficient
superintendent of the I;Lome for Little
Wanderers in this city. 1
. .
Questions alternately by the Court,
the State's Attorney,' and the defense,
as usually answered by an inteilge
" Are you opposed to capttal punish
ment'" .
" Oti, yes—yeS,' sir."
" If yot were on a jury, then. where
ft-mau wa being hied for his life, 31u
would'nt agree, to a verdict to,.ha
him?". , •
" Yes, sir.-- , yes, I would."
" Have you forined, or expressed a
'opinion as to4he guilt or innocence
"y Xlll, ?''' 7 I • ---
"Vourinind, then, is made up?'!
" Oli,'no—no, it ain't."
Have you any bias for or against
the prisoner ?"
"Yes, I thin k I hav'e."
" Are you p . ejudieed ?"
" Oh, no, not a
," Have you g.ver heard of this ease?
" Think I h ye."
" WOuld yot i decide, if ou the Liury i
according to the. evidence or nide To'
" Mere rumor." .Y
" Perhaps y o u don't understand ;
would you decide according to rumor,
or the evidence?"
!_iF,vidence." 1 .
"If it were i •our power to do so,
wohld'iou , change the law of capital
puniihmenti or let it stand ?"
""Let it stand." . ,
1 - The 'Qourt—" Would you let it sten
,or ehane it?"
t, • "'elm ge It."
l t! y
' 'NO ' 'which would you do!:
"Don know, sir."
" Ate ou a freeholder?"
" Yes, [r --oh yes."
"Do 'on own a house and lot, or l
rent." '
' " Neither—l'm a boarder."
" Have you formed an opinion ?" • I
i " No, sir." ,-
" Have you expressed. au opinion ?"
= "Think I have."
.The Court—" C4entlemen, I think the
juror is competent. •It is very eviden i t
he has never formed nor expressed an
opinion on any subject."—Lou. C 01471.
1 'We commend the following as -wore
'thy/of alt acceptation. It we on.l.
?i , ou/ii live so as to.baltince each day's
'trials against the day's; strength, Aeti r
lng td-morrow account far its own tioul
'lies; we should live the lOnger : : .
"; LIVING' 'BY THE DAY.—I compare,
says John Newton, the troubles we are
.obliged to undergo in the course of a
year to a great bundle of faggots, far
,too heavy for us to lift. But God doe
not require •us to carry the . whole a .
once, He mercifully unties the bundle,
'arid gives us first oue bundle, which w
are to carry to-day, and then anotheri
`which we are to carry to-morrow, an ,
Se on. 'This we' might easily
. nianage
if we would only take the blirden ap= p
JPOinted fOr us each day ; but we shoos
to increase our troubles by Carrying yes
•terday's stick over again to-day, and,
,aoing_to-moriow's burden to our lort,
,hefore we are required tabear It. Wui.l
iJiky puts the same truth in another way.
Ye playsentAde c r The year .before as -al
(leak containing three., hundred, and.
sikty-tv'e letters' addressed to
for each ila.4antintiucirig its - trials and
, ,
prescribing its einploymente, with. an
- Order lei open daily tuftheletter ' for the
- day.. NoW• We may be strongly tempt
ed' to unseal beforehand seine of The
'remainder.- This however would Only
servo to embarrass us i while we ShOcild
.violate the rule our Owner and; Maker
juts laid down for us : 3 Take, therefore,
; no thought foroeArterrow, for the mor--
.Fow shall, talse th . opght . for the brings
of itself..! ! ? .1
The iollowing dialogkje.lp 911 e Of
Fetiches ef
. a st 'Ohm cat: is
Vx!) 11 c 1 Y
littio cO,ro Ilps
ttind',l are' you Cora feitiittle Oforf.
," Yes Ahatilts 7 .--=
• Ypti 4o•not, feel the cold '.?? •; , •
Not at ,)
. Yout, window closes easily ?'
Very picely, dear.'
COPIQ and take ray place l'
, ' ,
Impaneling Juries.
l'her gtifoOx 4. -
• ;
r • '
Hook f&. btu-t 1 1 _.11008t)
L WW2 supplied . with PnOsol tad Tniet
cute ail kfude pf Job Work wit!k, mantle sag
"Art additlonisg all ilia tato siyits triste
have bestvit sdla this depart/net. •
aturigt - Votton,' n,
[lior the Aotatlr.3
florae of the Piineiplei of the 24,1ec0-
I. Evangelical Doctrine, embodied in
Scriptural and fixed st at e l m a n tO,
wrought intd every part of the Service,
summed up in an Apostolical Creed, so
simple as to be WTI gib% to a ohild,
repeated always by t' e whole 4 odgre
gallon, and thus rooted in the roeMory
and the faith of Young and old; its sub
stance being; " Jesus Christ the same
yesterday, to-daY, and forever." '
11. Congregational and responsive
worship, engagiug all the people, 'em
ploying not only the ear, but the eyes,
the tongue, and only
attitudes of the body—kneeling in con
fession hand petition; standing up in
praise, with frequent singing; and sit- ,
ting to hear the. Word ; a worship ev
formed to the pattern shown in all parts
of the Bible.; animating the" attention
by its fitness and variety ; in forms of
lang#age careftilly prepared by the wis
dom and fragranwith the piety of
'ages; gathering u all the sentiments
and desires suitabl to social and com
mon prayer; avoiding all that might
oftend reverence; dignity, or a pure
taste, and securing a noble and beauti
ful solemnity.
111. In preaching, an adherence to
spiritual and permanent subjects, with
a reverential treatment of them, by a
Ministry in three Orders, ordained ac
cording to the apostolic modeil, customs
extending through. Christi e n. history,
and the personal. practice of about sev
en-eighths of the Christian world.
, IV. A system of holy education,
raining every baptized child to vpne-
rate and love his Church as the Mother
to whom he belongs by a lvine Cove
nant in a blessed and jo yous Daher'.
tatce; to heed punctually all the ordi
na ce s that are a means of heavenly
grace; and to understand clearly the
reason of the hope that is in him, as
preparatory to the sacred rite of Condi..
mation. . .
V. A vete& of Practical Righteous.. -
ness, connecting all the great Interests
of life, such as youth, marriage, home,
sickness, death—directly with the Willi-
enees of the Church as the "ide bli-
Christ ;" teaching the people that eve
ry man, woman and child should ren
der some practical service tothelDiviue
Masterin the interests of this Church,
under the rector's direction ; thnFi t ten
ding to realize a living, united and sym
pathetic Body of the Lord, having
many members."
VI. An observance of the "I Chris;
tian Year," making all its Sund l ayeand„
holy days, feasts and fasts, a round of •
interesting commemorations of t h e
great events in the life and i ministry of
our Saviour, of the facits of redemption,
and the saintly characters of the New
Testament. By this means, eaelV'Sun
day has its own individual associations, -
lessons and prayers all over the world
directness 'fund diversity are gren to the
discourses of the pulpit; _help is citen
clod to human infirMity ; laud the whole
" Year of, the Lord" is turned into a
practical manual of evangelical instruc
-• t t • I , •
the grearine 13P1i.a1111... illustrating
God's benignant sovereignty, the Holy
Trinity, renewal and sanctification by
the Holy Ghost, and justifleatiodthro'
faith• in the cross of Christ.
VII. A general cultivation of the
Spirit of religious awe, Including reve
rence for sacred times and places, a loy- ,
al respect for authority and law, a con
servative habit of thought, obedient
and gentle manners, and uniformity in
ecclesiastical usages throughout Chris -C ; ' °
tendom, A high degree of spiritual •
power is ascribed to the two sacraments
—Baptism and the Lord's Supper—as ,
Christ appointed them ;—they aka ad
ministered and received with signal
marks of veneration. - gull part of the
church building has its peculiar mean
ing an l drireasons. 'pie minister, as a
priest of God, alivays appears before
the congregation in a robe of his office,
the same everywhere, the simplest and
plainest possible, " covering:up all the
changing fashions of men,"
all cynicism or surprise, and designated
by Jehovah as a symbol of purity:
VIII. A Church Polity, cot k:Tined
la its main outlines to the republican
government under which we live, witil,
legislative departments corresponding,-
to the national, state and municipal au
thorities, combining clerical and lay
eleme ts, with an elective representa
tive system securing the I rights of all,
and re erving the exercise of spiritual
discipl'ne in the local church to the
• clergy. . • .
IX. A liberal practice as respects the
terms f participation in sacramental
privileges, abstinence front pulpit con
troversy, and a charitable spirit toward
the members of all Christian bodies. i •
X. Christ having established a. ViSi•
:We Kingdom in this world, Which ifs
the Church, " the pillar and groun&of
the Truth," a profound conviction-ari
ses that on earth, our religion ( aur-
Selves, must be of two partsl: , inward
and outward, life and body, spirit and
form, invisible and visible; that Christ
Himself has determined certain char
acters or ordinances by which this
Chur#h should be everywhere add al
ways known ; and that a recogniron of
the doctrines of this Church, with a
cheerful allegiance to it, is not only es
.sential to the final preservation of his
torloal orthodoxy, but would provide a
remedy for many evils .in .our present
disordered condition.--A '.l3'am ii i
Statcm,ent Concerning the Ch rch, by
. 'Rev. F. P. Huntington, .13% hop ;of
AN Ev Pat," said,
a gentle' " .will pe
busy all want to. see'
any pent. )11 inquires
it I am at home, don7 , t tell a direct lie,
but give an evasive answer." -
'1 Faith an' I will, sir," replied Pat.
In the evening, wishing to_lpow how
Pat got along, he called him iu to his
"Well, did any one wieh to see me
Orday ?"-
Yes, sir."
; Jill/10 ws,s,4?” „, •
" Bisther Brown sure." -; :1 •
""What did he .
t` asked, me was4Tou
" H0w . 41 . 4, you au tiwer. him ,_ •
• " BiaSiVely, sir."
"'How is that ?" •
" Y asked him was his grandmother a
mula "
• •
pal Chtuch.