THEIIOGA , RPRI IiNATOR IA POW:ISM:6 MIRY WICDNIGSMIT MORNING UT P. C. Van 0-elder. Ti RIS OF SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IN AMC& abscripllon, (per year) RATES OE AoirtnTistisiq: TEN LINES OY MINION OR LESS, MARX ONE SQUARE Sq're..,. I ILL I 3lne I 4 Iwo I a /lob I Ohlos IYr 1 Square, I $l,OO I $2,00 I $2,60 I V5, - 00 1117,00 I $12.00 CM 2.00 tttiiares, l d,irO. L.... '~s~o MEM we 'Special Notices 15 cetiftipA line; Naitorial or cento per Hue. T usieut narcotioing SIT be paid for iu advance. 11 e nt tir Notes, Marriage lanta Certaicateo,,tt c Constable blanko , D and , eeds, Judg- .., b FVU'SIN-VSS C_A_RT)I3 CCEO. W. M.ERRICii, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR at- LAW. Office iu Smith and Sowon's Bleak, ictoss•ball from Agitator Office up stairs. [eeeon r d floo.] Wollsboro Pa, Jan.i, 1511-Iy. _ _ Jno. I. Mitchell, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In surance Agent. Office over Kress's Drug Store, Welleboro, PA. Jan. 1, 1871—y William A. Stone. attorney oud Counselor et Law, first door above C•lnverse st - Osiood'estbro, on Iditin stref. Welleboro, January I, 1871 y Seeley, Coates Sr Co. dA3K ERB, Una/Mlle, Tiogii, County, Pii.— tieoeive money on deposit, discount notes, Old sell drafts on New York City. Collect i.dis promptly made.—Jan 1, 1871-y MORGAN SEELEY — Osceola. DAVID COATS, I Knoxville, . YINF. CRANDALL, Jno. W. Adams, attorney and Counselor at Law, Mansfield, Tioga ~ ...)unty, Pa. Collections promptly attended to. Jan. 1, 1871—y Iviho4 * Niles, ti,rueys and Counselors at Law. Will attend promptly to business entrusted to their oare in Ole counties of Tioga and Potter. Office on ;I:c Avenue. Jan. 1, 1871 y F Wipio John W. Guernsey, tt,,rney and Counselor at Law. All business entrusted i to him will be promptly attended to. oft,A 2.1 door south of liaoett's Hotel, Tioga, lioga County, Pa.—Jan. I, 1871. Wm. B. Smith, e e ,, j oa, Bounty and Insurance Agent. Corn w.iiniaatiorie sent to the above a4dress will re na prumpt attention., Terme moderate, a,,xvillo, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1871. Seymour tit an.,yi. aroi Got 31ors ?,t lei, Toga Pa. All bulinass outtitateil to their eare lvrllreoeive prompt attention, SEYMOUR Jan 1. 1971 y I= Armstrong be ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, i' iLLIAMSPOBT, PENN'A f.c, I, H7l—y W. I): Terbell & Co., u , lesale I , ruggistA, and dealers in Wall Paper, Vnr i 'ne Lamps. - Window Glass, Perfumery, ,-iris, Lg.-Corning, N. y. Jan. 1 '7l. D. Bacon, M. D., Phy,,cian and Surgeon, Ist door east of Laugher [turbo—Slain Streat. Will attend promptly to Wellsbaro.—Jan. 1, 1871. A.M,M. if., Homoeopathist, Office at his Residence on the Aconna.—Jan. 1, 1871. George Wagner, Shop Grst Juor north of Roberts St Bail ey's Hardsvaio Store. Cutting, Flttjpganalte p4,lring dope, promptly ana i.oll. -.1nn.1, 187 1 ~ . Smith's Hotel, 1, > t ;a, Pa., E. M. Smith, Proprietor. House`in pod condition to accommodate the traveling Dliblie in a sup orior manner.—Jan. 1.08'71. Fitl'lllCl'Fi' hotel. \ION ROE. Proprietor This h00.1.c, formerly ,r cup,c,l 1)3 E Fallnns, is cOclucte3 on Tem perance principles. Eceryl accommodation tor man ant 'nest. Charges riiasonable. Janwiry 1, l'flion Hotel. Vin Horn, Proprietors Vollsboro. Pa. pleasantly looatod, and has all tt.e..nranienoes for man and beast Charges ..I.ltrate,—.Tan , 1871-ly New tbacco Store ! , j i.tiL zublicribes has fitted up the Store first j .leQr east Thors liardet's dry goods store, • t tite euir,ufaett) and tiF.ljo of .11.1.1 11 8, (all grades), Fancy and commOn ;iI , IEINO TOBACCO r tilichigan.riue Cut C'IIBJVINO, and all kinds of UG TUI3ACCO, PIPES, and thechoi ctst Brand of CIGARS. !) .; ,I 1 40,1 eeo for youreelvee. JOHN W. PURBEL •lan i, I;i7l—tf. 110 \VA RD SANITARY AID AS SOCIATION, tt, el me P.liiug qt.(' Ut.fot tunate, n - • r Phlitintliropy 4, t' ON I lIF r. ROHS OF YOUTII,nnd Fql 1 Age. u. t I ui it to MAnftl4,oi and tinklAl..t ETILIr ,tl, Z`Allitill) It 1.1 the affitcte , i. Sent free, ILll3ellied' HOWATID ASSOCIATION, 1,7,:t- l y 80% P. Pliliedt Iphie, Pa. VlMlytt BRIT STORE I • BORDEN ccoblib 011 ...4 • hand Pure, Drugs and 15Iedioinet, ChelfliCali, Paiata atla Oils, Staiknery, Yankee Nk.ti”us &C. RI I'LL'ULLY Comrout4Dr.D.l Ii IL BORDEN. I I, It•it WELLSBORO AND MANEWSLD STAGE LINE. proprietor 94' this line takes this tnetbe.l of in pablie Chtit the e bore Stage runs Lys cxceptell.)' between the Iwo ple- ‘.velkboro at 4 a In , arrfvoe at tofieLl 311 a cu • • Mausfledd at 2 41.1_ p. tn., and arrivea at , r „I -, in taro 1,25. , R. VAN f LUItN. 1.“. I 1671- New Music Store. VOW upeoed in Snaitk t Bowen': bock, are 1.1 and floor, a music coon} where w i 1 bo kept r. •= l l , ibitir,u, and 'for sale, Steinway and other Pianos, • k Organ:, arid a choice selection,ol Sheet Newmosio received every .uordh-- LI 2 ,n,! on Piano and Organ, and ih Singing • 1 , 010%,en Opportunity for, practioe afforded ! • the ,e who :11.,,y de ire It W. TOLL. 15-nuth. A dniinistrator's Notice 1- 1. : 1 1 . F,1tS OF ADNIII4ITAATION on the 'btate et J. 11, Whitiori, deceased, half of `''u!i7an trmnship:hitviitg been sranted:to th - e ar..i, r.i ig up (I, all thiisi“indebtid to 0r../tacitik I, fdals.tgainst said estate,- Will eAll onittettle Nub • NATHAN _5.0V1114 , 10,:i 1.., March ?V, 1971 Ow. 4ioo4ri:r. P D IVORCE --To Margarut 11yd° ; You ;re hereby notified 'that Frarthljn, A. Ilydr applied to the Court of COttlyrli .Pleas of ;tuba county for a divorce frOm she bonds of MMatrimony. aad that' saitt.C9,ot :fiisrApjvitited• t• mhty, the 20th . day of May, 18 1 7 i, ror thu ag of kali! APPliOutinl the premises; on stiQh ceeasien you °ail attend if you think pro in. \ April 5,1871 4w, E, A. FIBII, Bh'L EMEM=M= EEO - ----..„THE OLD i ' A: - . [HOLY-kittiWn 404* mend Heine; did and for a time oaaiip et Ey D. D. 11011. day, has been thoroughly,refitted, repitir ed and opened by ' DANIEII.I MONROE, •; • t who will be happy) to accommodate the 'old friends of the lionse atvery reasonable rates. Jan 1,1871 y L DANIEL MONROE. 8,00 4,OCt SOO ITI Ia - 6 - 073 I 1, Yr HE nridir's)grd ja notv prepared to ejul . Ante alkordorsfora'orlib Stones and Maltt. merits of either ITALIAN OR RUT - LAND MARBLE,, of thelatost style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. He keeps constantly on hand both kin& Of Marbld and will be able to snit all who maifa. vor him with their orders, on a l e reasonAbleteims as can be obtained In the country. FRANK ADAISitd. Vjnga , Ja3) # •;1": • Fall & Winter Millinery AND FANCY GOOIS. AXES. SOFfELD respectfully announeesito 411. the public that she is now receiving a complete stock of . Fall and Winter Goods Especial attention is invited to her OBSOTitOO,Ta Of Corsets, and. Ready IVlad9 White Goods, AI SO, Zephyrs and Germantown Wools In Fancy 81140. Patterns in Zephyr and everything pertainiti,g to the trade. RID GLOVES of the hest brand . Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowerla, tttess, &e: The Wilcox Gibbs Sewing Ma7ohine for safe, or rent hy.the week. Mrs. A. J. SOPIELD. Wellsboro Oct. 5, 1870. tf [J. B. tilLEs J. C. NORTON tidllUEL .LINN, Ladies that have not noticed these , Muffs will be astonished at their cheapness, !beauty and ootri t fort. all of which will be sold much below former pri, ces. All work done pioniptly, 'and to ideaae. •bißa. CAROLINE EMITII. Wellsboro, Nov. 7, 1870-tf. • NEW NEAT MARKET 7 (First Door f•lost of Cone House.) THE subscriber hits °pentad a market for tho aaporamctdation of all in want of . FligBo MATE rash will be' pWitlfor pork, beef , mutton, ue• cattle, hides and sheep pelts. Fresh fish evoyy Saturday. BEZEKIATI STOWELL. JR. November 2, 1870 tf Notice. ALE pers,,na irldebted to D.:4 1 . Roberta 1)5 1 . nook account or Notes araroquested to calf and settle , and savo Co§tg, at G. W. IkTerrick'd 1811.—tf D. P. ROBERTS MANSFIELD, PA. Tz - REPS constantly on band, RIMINI aY ALTHAM and SWISS WATCH-1 kW:A ES, Marine, Alarm & Calendar CLOCKS,I SILVER SWOONS , Plated Spoons and ForkB; Table,' Butter and Fruit Knives; Cups, Castors and Cake Baskets; Napkin Ridge; Cram - Bali Sugar and Mustard Spoons; Fipo Gold and Agate Rings; Gold Pons and Pencils; Solid Gold Sets; Pearl Fancy and Plated Buttons; Veatch Gnards and Chains, &c, A large stook of SPECTACLES, GLASSES, and Colored Grasses, all at reduced prices. N. B.—Watches and Jewel' y neatly Repaired. March 1, 1871. 1 0 A/[ RS. 17. 1., EA L ,STMAN _still. coutiuues it t in: Ova 10 one muttio, and is now prepared to,lurnish her pupil%wipriplitrpotion books and note tenshi, ai cheap ti4xati , lin" found elsewhere, Lasenslivtin on tlats'" : ' • • Piano, Orkan instruments furnished for praotice. Also instrutii Hone given in vocal music. Having for many years been engaged in teaching, will guarntee satisfaation,te'4ll. 1; 113.1 1.4t1 OPERATIVE AND MECRANICAL 4644 11WRIST. Office oproaspe Oolie Ilupse, yVolletiero, Pa. All operations neatly and cdrefully paifatmod. Sat isfaction guaranteed at liv.e and let live prises.' Feb 22 , 1871 tf., :Europearl., AAtar Great Balloost__Aspensiosit! nui EN killed, WIATI3I.I and Children going crazy over the Vegeta' Style - and finiar ' /Pita/Ftsl}3Xo Irow Neramore's now Photograph Gallery Wells• born. Ali the letMit Styles of picturea, such es tierman apd Medallion boade, Cabinet Size, new Victoria Size, Rod , Porcelain. pictures (plain or colored), and many limber - StYlfi too numerous to mention. SteretineePle-00.11Xitjii,d', Vie" Of Private IlesidanieS"roitdo• ar! r tizmaqiittfo prices. Copying"-pld pictures e ibligitiOWA§ratne to any, Size,required, a speciality, doilteds`kbey will bo (etencbod. in- Nitta iiikor._ooloriatilii;oll' , or wator.eiileirs good ." - arortiriant of frames congantlynn bend .; C~ti[+►odaramiaoFpealmiina - before Oeing.ilitelibiliel.f N, 8., donCirtieflike • thei4dartn„ over .‘,4,--11. Eastwarita'peritatßoomstipiipsile Wellsboro. • - • ' • --- - . Adm I ntstraior 55~.• ir ETTE R. 3 ; _ihit,' A Di( INlM:4l4oPl',`Aitiv iog I_,/ been granted an the, ta.l4lti ti4ll,igliard IL )hull, deceased, late or Tioga townahip,, then lu,debted . ,to spiel eatatiirtiApakeltnitutilinte tiiii'. l want, add itiose hay.invlAirna agio rhewarnei., will preichtllrit . ii(tiz , ji_!Akr . sf_ It , I!: ' 4 ‘,.:. -. " . i .tv..„...w . tg . ll' t. .Tingtk, '''''• "s -- 7 --- 7 t - -- -." ; ,-,---. -, _.• -.7,, . TN DIVORCE.-,-.To Henry S. Mowery • You ate hereby notified-that'llarriet -by her next friemd,clMosetiSinlilij'hae liptilfii* the Court of Common of 'liege eenntYfer a 4tivoreo from the r bonda ....o6inalrlteeny, And that said Corirk hisappaltiind du 40, day of May, 1871, for tip plioant in the premises; - On4whiah oci bre S , Otz can attend if you think proper. • April 5, 1871 4w E. A. rp3s, . . . • . ... _ , . . ,__ • _ I - . . .I , ,Ris-,..,;...., , ,, , , , ;-_- ,, ...- - .7 , ...- ! , --i: 2 -i.t. ,,,, ...': - .:'''Y • . ,-•------------,---- ------ ---- -- -.---- -- . ~. ,,. .- - .. it ' i ..-'#'*;.' ' .1 ,, i —#.:.•,*. .i . .. ',,' ' '.. .• ....—................—....—..—....* .........,—.......... --.--...................,....................--- ,_ : 1 - , . tVl * " "..,/ ':', 4/ ' lit :s +.1::• r `,.sii) - p",/,'4' t:.,.',V;i 1 4 4 ---,.,,,,,,, 4- it . ~.,,, j il t it : i . y .y e - 1 ,,,, ", , ~--------.-------. , f .1, * -.:-.1, --‘ .-. . . _ , • - ...... :...4.,&..f: 1 1ai1T:.:,..i„ .'. " -----'• 1 '',, .."- P . 1. • i . - 4 . , /=- a ' ..) rt ~ 4 ` P.' 'lro,:el ~, 1, ..._ 1 , ~ ~ 41(ptii,it“,:i y . “ 4: , C.lli ,). withilvidt.liit;'.) -.4 --- sailAirsgt-Itt j -t - .4.4 - 0 ' 4tll li) i.,1,i•-.4 14 , ,z. I' ! -- - “: . • , '.'i ,-, ---, 3 .4 : t • t; , trite - efll 1 .1 • 1 - 0 -- . ”T: to - , fVf ',,, ,f , .e: •, i , r..!. . • -,_ I , I „,• . , • ..z . ... . . .., , ....- .. 4 , ,.. .?.., 14.:,-,, , '.. , "..0. , SL , 1 '! ~ ;i *-, 1, ssf: s ysipllvd - Al t-g_k: fs , , Nri . pi: ~ , .0 , V . : 1 if,ti a t t i tni,.g ; i/W,i041 • :44 - i, : a , !/ , 1 1 34.;k1 . : II ! i t t . .It i t . l4:) . .14( 4.. 41:!14 , ,6,...ti I btx t :l4ll3 . le tj," : . sl# , S ,, i , 1 I , ! t 1! ~ ' i s .: ii4l- 1. ~ - " i i !:, : i f ie . i\,, 1 \*, ~ ii., 11 , i, 4t ..a l ~.4,, , 44,, , f, 1, i....;: ~: ,1, ~413:,,..,,,), ~,;:l. .. --.. i t , 4.z ., 1 tc, , 1. t ls \ ••• i- 4• - • . \ - i V \ 1 " : , :' ,: :::''''1 ( 7 L v ~ 1 ; ' l .,t 1 1 ) .- t..: 1 11I ) ..i -,',,,, t 1 ,:i ~ r2. 1 3.v.:( I 1 -- -3 :1 7- ...). ! \ i ~ 1; 4. . .. _l "\ i ' ... \, ( 1 ,,, , 1 ) :, ', ',.;:,_.'' ... ,1 c 1 , .„. _ v yN y,.. , 't -, :},-.+.; :.'11.., ' J '.' i'” - i vitt i% t ci • i tift - N i i , , !. , 4 ' i t .:,•• gll I I --,, -.; ; , ~: if - .,.:• .~:• -- -.' - .11 :• I , ' 1 - '. L L . t• -•.;t , sc., \,___ • - . d , = ~,e4.ct•-.,,-,c • v.,0 c%-,..0. N. IA.. , ,•.,„, ...„ =. . ,c,. c:c ~,,....,, . 41, - : .•, ----::::,---, 1, 8 • ,‘,==, .:1,....__.. •-= .„.„•,; ~.-„, . ,- ; , . 1,,.. 1 ' .7 1' 1../' --- . - • ' !II % , ~ •' -'•:-.; • ......f ..... .../ 7- -; ... '-•' ' -•' ' ''' Ai. ...4....... l'' ' 't - I:.' - 0 ....,' ! '' C- f .. ... , •:i ', -: , I +...' " ' '- - ''''' '-'- - 2 “f ' '' - ' " ' ‘'A " 4'i'' i' I ` - _'l4 0101 :4 - 1..i.i',.1 '' - $1 P, . ~' liiiii“,,'„'ii i' • - :-. - 4. 4,..i.1 ,_ .4. ~.._ , :i- .. .. i p. .i Li ~, , , ~. 1 ........ IIV .-t. a —,i ~.4! ' ;;' , i ,••. ,” --.1 , ~... 11',3 , •,,,. •,l ~ . • I r-vj, `VOA;.' TiogaMarble_ Works. New Millinery_! M RS. ore n !p al T v etlr,v large nn assortmenta p Street, o pas just oacomo ; MILLINERY GOODS, 4 Which aloe is Selling at COSF, such as TATS, SONNETS, STRAW GOODS, LACES, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, FI'DKERCIPFS, I dal the only agont in this place fur GAYS PATENT MUM ]Ltlc.. A. B. EASTMAN, =I - r ERIE RAILWAY. , ' (114 and altar. MONDAY,: .Doc. 6, %:1870,VTrillsap NJ will loayeQor wing at the followinghours,viz:" QoinutlViser., ~. •* ?;z, ~ I =" illi id ' , ? A. ...., EXORT.EXPRESS Monduys, excepted) . for Buffalo, Dipkirk and the vest, :0)06 4 1 .- its, NICIII7.2XPRESS dielly;(o,ls A :MI for , • Rochester, Bin/dupe incepted) fcr Buffalo,' Dun ' • ' • kirk, and tlio woe t. ' 6'llo 'A; 4,,' WAY ii .: t : iG irx - for A oclestsm Bun, days'iici444l, ' 10,25 A.II.;I='TRAIN ) § l3 dayi excepted for Buffalo and Dunkirk. -.. 12,0 0 5 P. M., WAXFBEIGIRT, Sundays a seep ted,iiir Hornollbillio. • - 2,00 A.M., Ellial.BlollE RXP.,-Sundayei excepted, ; orftiiokel3tOrand Buffalo vlie'll:von.. rte _ ,. . (540,P. Al ! , EMIGRANDIIiiiiN, daily, for ther'Weit. 7,35 F. M., DAY? EXPRESS; Stindayi! ititiy ie4r, ,45 P. al:,fo; EQ.Clunilek,) for. Buffalo andthif, sr et., 1 243 AzIlli; EXPRESS ELAIL, Buildups excep i . oil, -tor Buffalo, Dunkirk and the! beet...,. '' , 4 - Gond. ZAStz f -12, 43 A. My .10.01.1TIMPAR88, StundaykixOntedi connettlng at Nii* - YOrk w_lth'itternounZtriiirte L ;and steatnerifortika•NticrEdglafidcumse- 4,45-A. • M.,- OINDINICATI• kIIPRNSEI;III44/iya lop ' • ceptid, corn:tabling Dtkrierseyilvrittiittlinil for Philada.•Baltimbre-and- • 2,07 P. M., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, for Elm ra, Sundays excepted.: 11,28 A. Id., DAY IMPRESS, Sundays excap ed, .couneoting at Jersey Olty ;with. ra ((knight Dx,-- 1. 'prose train far PhiludeAllitLi I .10r, Zs titt:4OPEu..OIPAIV - 41r, 11,40 A. M., WAY PREPIIIT,Sundays 4.30 P- M., DivisfpN #l,Ap., Sundays oil:opted. 7.44 H. M . 2 LICifITNINtI SYSRESS, daily, counbct. ing at JersaySity v?irh morning Express train fur Raitithore and Washtngton. BAAIGAtir. CitiioKßD T11110:1311B% - , , 4 141-• A iloTtleed 4tn'dcemplete' 'Poolent•Tiznit ;at Passenger Tralpe op thh brie Railway nit& connecting Llnee,hae recently been pnbliehed,and can be precut• od en application to the Ticket AgentoltheVompapy' WM. R. BARR, - - L. D. ItUOKER, Oeu'lPaes.Agent 18 losisb4rikeora64 ) 8iiibia4L. It T. 10.148 will rup as follows uutil farther notice 40INg NORTH FROM TIOGA. No. 2, 225. N 0.4, 9,28. No.o, 6,94. No. 8, 8,22. No.lo, 11,33. No. 12, 12,12. No. 14, 6,60. No. 10: 8,20.- No.lB, 11,12, ooniq SOUTH FROM TIOGA. • No.l, 0,2 1 3.,,,,N0. 3,4.65, No. 6, 6,01. No. 7, 1,15 No. 0, 7,20. No.ll, 10;18. No. 13, 1,42. L.H.STIATTUOII,SOpq. Northern Contral R.R. TRAIN FQB TUE NORT' XraineforCanandagnialeavoEiniira an followe ' Apcomodation at . 712 p m Ritprese[fe.uteet trafp on road] ...... ....... 11 65 a m Aran ]0 80 p m Accommodation 8 15 p'sx, On and after Dec. 5, 1870, trains iv al arrive arid depart from Troy, an follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 924 p. !IL—DAD) , ( except Bunth6 , B) for Elmira and Buffalo ,vla Erie Railway from Elmira. 10 14 a„, m.—Baily(o4copt Stiudaya)fo r mlra,ll uffa lo, C t imandiiigua , Badwater , Susp.Britigaancrthe Ca mid as. LEAVE SOUTHWARD Q 55 A. in.—Dally(oscopt Sunday's) for Baltitoora, Washington,PloiladelphisAc. 07 P. m.—Dally (oxcopt Sunilaye) for Baltimore, Waehingtonand Philadelphia. A LFRBD R.FISKE GeielSuptilarrieburg, Arrival and Departure of Stages. THE Stagrs rivuoiog over the diffei era routes frora t; 7r ; * r .± . - 2,l. e i l v ls o bo u r s o, fol v i i. o ll wa dc :f p r a o r m t a t na voT•Ag.FI: 4 _A!I-IN rue Wellsboro Poat OffiCe: IT I. LL6IIOIIO & TlOUA.—Depart 5 & JO, a. m., arrive 13 " , , and 7 o'clock p.m. • 1 Wriaollono ikahreseerzr.u.—Dephrt 8 a. m.; Ifni l'e 6 p. rzi WNLLSHORo & COUDEBBPORT.—Dep. Mon. & Thur. 2 p. in: arrive Monday &Thursday at 12 in, Wzciassono.k.Junsr.TlMlC6:-="Depart issou.s Thur. 9a pi ' gyrlveTuesday es FrUp.m • onoWBl l l,Bll & - kl.Tcitirroms-zurir,z wuwor - -- - --.:tc-L -• , • p. m:, art. Tam & Fr!iiaj at 12 n JEWELRY'; STORE:: WELLSBORO, PA. FIE " i i \ ;) N ., v t(''l ,t 1 C 1 c: „ d. Aggßxe,A,N,..•w,,,,,,Togs l =I GOLD OR JEWEL• ooti•''en'Arks, - E.Eys, RINGS, PENC4S 3 STEEL PENS, THIMBLES, SPOONS, ,RAZORS, PLA . TED WARE, SEWING MACHINES, &c., &;3„ &c ' With most other articles usually kept in ;pitch iihieb Wei*/ low for' 'C' 1 A - S ', , , Ell Repairing ilona neatly, and protrip,iiy, and on hart uurtva• • January A, 11311-y, ATTENTION FARMERS! • PLASTER, , A NY quantify on hand at the Elk Run Plaster 4 miles front Gaines. Price WOO per - VERMILYEA & BENA UER, Jau.2sth, 1871.-3 m ' : Farm and Timber lot for Sale.. 11111 E undersigned.,offers for sale, , her. %rat in 1 Middlebury Township TiOga, Co., known as We Ezra Stevens farm, containing one ; huntirod, acres, - with apple orchard, two tame ,ha , cps, one Urge frame behao, all iti iocia' conAillob; fatfEn under tate of good cultivation, best 'q'u'al itY. of flat la ds on crooked Creek, silroad de pot near. 'lie adjoining timber lot of two hundred actJos, containing large quantity of botolock, and hard woods, with quite a largo amount of p'no. ~ Address W. A. STORE Esq,, Wollabore Pa. i II ARTITET 31. STEVENS.. Wellabpro, Feb. 15. 1811-If. . . DIVORCE.—T 6 Richard- - 13ush: you a:ro 1 • hereby notill,ed Rink, by, her pet friond, David P Roberts;. his; applied to tbei Cot Comicial:LT.loo of l'ioka County for divorce- Profit'. thiil hOnds of niatrinniiiy, and that said tqUitlias 'appointed Monday, the .29th day of May;,lBll;fer ihtibiaring of said appli cant in , the' Prortilset ; oh' which occasion you may attend if you think 1,4 w RTlSH,f3.llriff.i. #4lion l : yop ure iiiielpi`notkfie4 that,Woome,*ilaori, has apr epTio tbn'eburt,qomroolk z ,Plea l k, or Tioga (ran& fok ti alirorCefioni the lionan•of pkatrlino. iLnd that said-Cost:than _appointed Monday, Abe 29tli daiotlitaY, iSYf, for -Ake l epringiof said,appticant in the promises; on which occa slot you oan attend if"yott think proper. April 5,1871 4w N. A, F/8,11, ahoriff, i • t. 4,22,1, •• 2 .171 • -.1 i;;: " WLLOOKr' T 1904: . 0011NZT 1871. I= GotelSuplt ED,S.YOUNG Gon'lPpes.Ag't INS 1l DREW- , FOLEY, ro l p bas long been estab lisboa iu the Jewelry busi ness in Wellsbore, has al- ways -do sale, various kinds and prices of • IL.. •4. FOLEY. _; akfif)-,;4"1.e Aret 4 6* •t. • • • !I ‘,4 • A :)4r n r Y r9.l /. • = Her darctire 911 ed With .:Ftepheait.tilth &lied-content _ Nihatteer dho has; she enjOis,litokaska ..‘F.Or,whatheay.en hath cot sent; 1 , , ' -• " She fobks ?Tit towara the pnyille, 4911 :; irayd ' Thti it:mist:Mb rjpples ) ti'ii . lll4 isills 4 ' , Ahd the hi:Aid-ft-Mae 'C44' i .1 •i.i „ -• ,soul ‘ fereno, thraagh.pjear„ inild:eyeap. 1 Hierbabyazes /forth; t„.11 1 1 1 • ' ' Hie eiTonae ed ema itian speech more wife ' -- • ~; flO -s • ~. She oe,res tio_t,ntaity booka;to read, 19 6 4'41 4 4 1 .I,rarntatleitby,no,-fortrinl dread,: Hef heart,inspireilvphped • : •1• hoixie•eptini • • '). 1: Fe/ wbrdrietbmcflaralY,ifoi•hirrtiehalli-1:' r; ne'ep:lik&irlFetti'll'olvl/ , • Anil ne'er ant?, llollt,,she pfaie, i t -A.: Vat Oleo 4. , •4 0.2.6 ~,1 0 t needed , wnetner small or great, , •:„ • • • .:•.•11 31).; • . i— S' In babyhoed,atpopg her ,toyai . She happy was for. /WW 2 ; And now,arahl ker,hotAkoldloys, She builds entlearinglowera. • And now as then sheigiveth joy • ' To, all who near her dwell; And feels the restful harmoni • Which frau/ . her 5901 lioth,well.. ,•• ;•J As'from a bioalt in laid.); dell, Or bird upon its nest, ' Or whatscieseilitthoine dOth•dwell'_!: l ;on natankii tr9ngnil bresit- ' - • ~ .;1 'LIVe datii!x:yt *Zs.o_v_i4isijkoi) - 4 . i . .;!,:1:: , NOTES 41T . 11111 ,, WAYi ,11 . 1 7 , . t •; . We clp, 9,t0 . lio ingfroin the North westeryi, (II!„) whi h was written 133 , one of the editors o rthat [paper, .Iwhile on a visit to, this pl ce. .."1 1 tie .very. fiat- tering notice of our elf aud, the, Agied tor makes us a littl modest in the Imp mises„init we have concluded. to .shnt Our that part, of.tire article, and pUhlish It verbatim, for, the generous mentions made of our 'bus,ineW men, the churches, hotels, ands Triffea •.0 tt.i • ‘Wellshozo, the county seatof Tioga ponnty, Pa., is beautifniforsituation; , builkin a basin . 5 - .lf,about anlile,dri pit ; ogligerene9l aid surroundd&brihil from, six to„eight,hundred. , The. 3411 age itself As, on a high elevation, being 0011 t ci &Well hundi