pr , -.1 , - , z that..--ef:.l:- ..":11r-r.:-,.:;' ible is'uot t a, Ohm . whigh the-wit of inguciliiaibieritifi tihe: l world; r t i that it s Is notittt Institution I . deh .may I?"':iiMP_ll3e4e-41,t),Ohett4): nut'kogir t•el thv.9nlye gehlus ;' hUt ii•ef Vieille ordering, and Ltinding upo i s in aline -relattoba - . , .'and - . , chit* : -es C ileY.#.'- . # 1 1 , 0 ' 1 136dy;iind to! I.4hOnctrW' Of such,--A[ we once becom e , with this idea of ' the "CitUreh - tif' , Vii iiitt,..eureWiirliligicius Alommunien ' Win ii4i• loiiiiiet l have the appearance at times of is Spitittrat Si beria I.': -: / • . - ''' •"•' We I have ?aid 44 . 8 :4, 11 14 1 4 :1 , 41:40 briefly touched 'upon 'presents itself in a two-fold - aspeot:. We - resere the ' re untining.retnarkS for next week's eel-. emu! . K. ght Aijitator. CIRCULATION.• •-• P. U. VAN GELDS% ,IkAlltpr, EOM VF[eltiaborqugh, Pe. :, 'Wednesday,` March 16, 1811...''T C4*(ll*S . ,*:' Ou the Ith of 14fareli,-tritit 111-.; Colfax 'deelaied the seittiioti , elt tbe - Sert-j ate ef Ate 41st•rengivts at ' nn eta, mid! tlie'organizathin of' ithe tiewlAkiiite wits' Immediately . protieigled teen new Fietixtoritheit tife' ettili;-.. The. credentials . efliltst!s i c3oldthWaite; of Alabama; ton - ot . stexeft;,97l4 2 l pledget , C of Georgia, were i laid pa i Ate table. •- In-The Bence; all the appropriation hilts were Mated-, said at-12 M.; the i 3 ession'of the Hopee'ett he ilat Congrese elesed: •1» I he' »41» ,, ' 4 11eutiti r -222 tnenibeis , . - The vote Was then tak.eft "fer"SliCrtker, • - the candidates helni:Jaines 'Cr ii+t inn, Xtepublicaii, and (4orge .- _#,:: -. ;iiiitgan; Mr. Slaine, Was •eleoted by fivotoof 1213 tc; 93. The other officers electeti k all Republicamt, were,l;;llward MiluOt'son, Clerk; N. 0, Ord way-,Ser geant, at ,Arista; 0, S. fluxion, , Door keeper ; W. S. King,. Postmaster and J. &I Butler, Chaplain. These were all ofllceire of the lust 'House.. • A .resolu tion was passed to adjourn stio.44le Bth of March, • The • swearing in o f.t h members froth Tell nessee a nd ";4iissia till! of Mr. Waddell, from'North Carolinr, was objected thO' c iibt• jections were finally overruled; and the 'members sworn in. - The H ten drew for seats, a n ti adjourned, initilith of March. About -two linniired• Ohl .Were left undisPosed of in the and nearly the same number in the Se- Inate, of the 41st Congress. - The 42d Congress met at noon, March '4, and organized: la " the new - Senate there are 68 Republicans, 15 Deniocrats, and one vacancy. The last Senate stood 63 Republicans and' 11 'Democrats. It is rumored that Messrs. Clayton, of Ar kansas, and ,Alcorn, of Mississippl„ %Vint , not accept their Oats. It is understood that the seat of Mr. Vance, of N. Caro lina, will be contested by Joseph C. 4b bott,, and that of: Mr. Hatuilten, of Texas, by J. J. Reynolds. , The. House consists of 181 Republicans and 96 De mocrats; vacancies, 2.; yet-to be ,elect= ed, 14. The vacancies occur in where Gen: Logan, - Representative - at large, has been chimen Senator, - and in Michigan, Representative Ferry, hav ing been' elected to the Senate. Of the 14 yet to boahosen, Con itectioult elects' 4; in April ; California 3, le Septern-, ber ; New Hampshire 3, in Mar c h sad Texas 4: Of the Representatives of these States in the last Congrms, 10 were Republicans. The last House stood 1/1 Reptiblicam! and 72 ,pinno-, erats. Five of the new Representatives are colored. There will be eight eon.. tested.xliection cases, with the probabll - - ity'of (more. FERNANDO During the :past session; of , the 41st Congress,: Mr. Wood (Pernandy) 'se* fit to inform the Hotta°, and, -inciden tally, ' ? the - rest of inankind,llithat he Was the first man who responded to the , President's call for . ' volunteers. Left was Who called the Union Square ineet int ; himself and Colonel—er ElenatUr— Ba m er made the speeches on that ne sio ; and he:=Feritounly-raised the Mezart regiment, paying out : money therefor, which, we are sorry to learn, , hoe, never been refunded. :. -yes: We seem to remember that Mr. Wood said on that occasion, "The Union must be maintained." We remembe , also:that he regretted to Robert Toon) ,s his Ina; bility to send arms to the rebels; to be used for the subjugation of Union forte;' and that he said in w message to WI) Common Council, '" the dissoltition* the Union 'is inevitable." What: t een-, did man, whit ears not level with the top of his head, does not 'know that the Course indicated, by Ft!l'llittli!ia Wood',- and persistently followed by such, 'war'. Governors as Hey moor, a mild hayo re-, suited in the sueceFs of the: rebellion? Have we forg l otten whosupported Abra ham Lincoln in the dais aids bitter weariness ? ,flave we forgotten who al ways Itad - glthn faces and hints' of sus picious detibtat a Union victory—with 'a smile, and iinplfeit belief, for a re el success? . r--.Wito does not know, that the Copper - heads of the war discouraged,, enlist-, Tents, encouraged desertion and run ning froin the draft; deolared the war - 1 e\ failure, and endorsed the Chicagneuni 'render platforni ? What 'party la , it' &- day that endorseS, eXetises, Or deniesi= the murdeionS 'nets 'of a laWlesS'arrhy of organtz . eil 'rebels . and ' tiro* who al'e nicking the _Hind It a deplation 'to, Such 'an extent, that-in seine:geotiona the U. S. mail has been disconti titled on old and populous iOutel, as, for I a-, stance, between Louisville and Frank fort ? llow many . of this lawless band (the Ku-Ittult) will vote for a Republi- : elli , candidate" in 1872? k How many. si 'Mil to-vote, 'at roast once, 'for- the pemocratie nominee? Who it tt he %Tort.h will be With them- inyotint4tind rejoicing'or moUrning,.llSSneeeaa by de- - gat., may crown . : their jelat.etforta?-4' Why'ask .1 ' Every, man hnOWs, that at least ;a me mbership in the .Tf. i tt-glitx is an endorsement et, DeameraCY. ,:, 'XiTP man or paper of any party ,denits, this at the South. - ' • - It is rather early for agitating the question of the nest Presidency ; but When the proper time , comes for that , we trust we',shall not be found working not voting side by aide wll4l rebels and `- • - We conclude by quoting briefly from an article in Harpers' Weekly, one' of the-ablest and best c4nduoted papers in . the ci!•ia4ry ' • • . - • -- •: -:• ..---..% ~,.: „ .... : 04-:-. , .---.. - - 1- 74 - I,:iiii.:CoeiiitAioidiit l Ot thaviibidiion.,iivi . . thelr latior or:: oottld - as .eitetty,'lpriiva,„:Abra hatil tinnolnio'hive been n =rebel;, as Istlauittlit the i conittcy,et' their own- loyalty= - .11ht,- !toted , DA 4)14,. bisok"• soldirre,. - ,-1041. 411 1 44 0 4 'iti - 0 61 til”. alders as ebrisjian gettiloat*„l. ; ' ,- whiviteriilhiSiiiii for whose stieettax at t.hif , 411 ' - ill a el.i.''' . , prayed - and rebel await - eta kl . - re' - 0 I -wood and Ids ilonktoiti ten.:'Bat loyat-hOrtii*liv lon** 1" .-a white they seouratity4enall. thy . li' en 'and, the - tone of," the ', Copperteadi;- they 'alini. - ;.peittelva that' the party - 4o Which 'the i men .tt'f t kit t mum, tiorrhatonglai not yet -.hontattvaniapted4 the reeult of the war e mit aecintOteed In the set tlemottt of t t hp'Uttion, and throuitt its organ. In., the press deihiga .thote . of the= hire ,Tellt fir who have done both;. while jp ,Y,irginto, by, a etriot pititY'reete;itliriiiil/4e-PititratriirbiniAin Car!, tag _water : lp a Orr- fa eafyishor,?w!trieweeo With that of preitig, the 'finertotiein'of W.eoptier= head " , „.. „.„ , ~. .. ~ MEE ,• • • , We reprilitrthesh64;:telling - speech of 'Mr.i Ainisitong tin - - his. Joint tied;' an Ali a gree with tvi . th that this koieinn . treittlis,•:•aii"."Ott4eit tWU wh,a4l4etis to beat the ; heail'of o'fdwi .oppsl•46l4ri.iii.t w tiaud.efe,*, ha's g about tt r ' 4WouOtt:, gaiiiatter piey-Alre: •, , , - 1 • tO„ helreated.witb.,as communities not t 3 nations. 4,4ll34 L) fipqtti4d • ,Tall; may or may-. net:-..eempreliend the ; distinction.; lanii never yet,, satyr. reason to belleVe! , that :the ,Indian; *.mind,took , In the .iheaning of-'at :treaty : as (tie understond , atnong.cfyitrzed-iiii.. tides=—at least no ccCsiern chier'n i eft be appears to tinderaian l ti it and tiqi 'liar pen to ktuitr ihnt'theffe 'Children ; 'Of nix"- fere' tither - c ionh , treaty' akin c g `vit~r the white man as ti„.'tylitillug heaupileinCiited. hie amateur scalping and ravishing' en, the outer Eat itet,ncintt, oPPortOOltY .offers, We :441 1 ,'k, 1 4 2.1,1"ri.j..4'0141-,.bta', native nasti ness, and ,been-in the, wnire.of his °rig inal,Cusw:o iiP,es atter the MI nriesets,mas -0601:e. 1.,7„We tie& tdignifyidm the a;ni non ;44i tinticinkily;Celice titrely and hiaeltiutird, tite4anie - tennee t it'e wolf; snit we are gia4 ' that thiS joint has' teen ' 'adoPied ; doilOy pleased, too; that `'it Originated" with Mr., Armstrong, whoie, congressional reCord;nremay here remarit, is, an hor nor to himself and Lis constituency. L 1,900. BE Mr. Speaker, the resolutiOn which I had the honor to introduce early in February, and to which the honorable chairman of the committee has referred as having been embodied in the re port tinder 'Oonsideration, I am happy to believe, settles definitively the Vexed and "tfoublesome question of Indian treaties. , ' The- right to make treaties is the Constituthin in the "President, by and with the advieo nod consent of the Senate.* A s a power vested by the direct provision of the Constitu tion, it is lifted beyond the control of Congress; for it is plain-that it is oat competent bylforce of a mere law .to withdraw a power conferred by the Constitution ; but the right to determine who are nations or Powers with whom the U. States will contmothy, t eaty t belongs. to the political &tier of the gov nment; or, in other words, the law-making' poW r. , While I 'held • all trinities duly,roade end ri4tifled AY the Senate to be:lnvl citable; I believe it to be folly,competent for, Con gress' to declare that this government will not in the future recognise any foreign,Statit or Power . whom they 9 choose, to i tiesignate,:-and• where fne".l their 'l - '6°w:llth:in is - in their lodgment inimical to the national interim ..• Miabli _Moro' in y, they withdraw Our rdeognit on of-the nationairehitnieL ter of a people in the Anomalous conditidn - of in Indian tribe. The , recognition of one govern ment by another' id a matter of political expedi-, army as to all 'future contracts or treattea. We' may darifully refuse and by taw declare 'that ere' will withdraw our recognition and, will ; noe,here= after recognize'its a Porter with whom we will contract bytresty, even 'France . or •England, or any other nation, whatever; and i such nation would have , no right to Inter fere withsuch,exer. else of our 'sovereign discretion. .. She .'could rightfully-insist upon-the fulfillment of all our covenant obligations already contracted, but she could, not force herself upon -Ormcontinued re ,cognition beyond the -Craft of our own discre-, Lion. It lea question of ' com ity anol not 6tab•:' soluto.right.,:t. - ' . . -•- I , ' WARRIOR.' • The, remedy therefore,- In my judgmitnt, ,con sista not in the denial of the right -of. 60 Pre!i!, dent, Ily and with the advice and x collient` of Atte Senate to, Make thiatlici•with; dnilldn tribeador tbey.stand nt i meant, veoestii zed .by all:depart ments of-the government as,aompotent Rowers ; and so long as they condi:Mel.? bend recognised, the constitutlmittl , right io 'Mae I tietttlea with 'them is boyontllegislative control but .to with drair'dur recognition of thi3m, one And, all, and the assoitioti by - law that they shall:hereafter, cease to bohooognised as Poivers with whom' we wilt contract by treaty—the result will be that 'the future our dealings with them will be as mere domestic commtinitics, with whom we may eon- . 'tract, but only with the approval of Congress.—' They will be contracts, not' treaties. ' Of course, such,,Nvithdranal ,of our' -recognition would not affeot 'the validity' of any treaties alroOdy law fully made; but there Is propriety in the distinat re•affirmanee of our adhevence to all'_our treaty obligations. , „ With these view s, I most 'heartily.approve this report, and hcipdit will bdadopted by the Mae, as it has already been by the Senate -g ' Wn are a little curloivi to . know `what answer Governor Elohle4", new under going impeachment; wOl make to the testimony of one itergen, - Whivttefilitied that he ktledAntinticed; 'shot arid pulled . d6wu," one-Luelenll.-iktur ray !'under the tirdert ofGoVernot den.)7- Such methods to prcieurii infov mation havi no place the books,' though Judge Lynch has now and then resorted to such measures - , and' even worse. • We more' and"more ansPect that society in North' Carolina is not alto gether lovely. ' • Straws I Show ''which"way ' the' wind blows.' " 111....i-.lra` has ; ii:Me ,R,ePubliCan ity , Boo intijOiltY4a gain df 500 in 'the liSt year: • ' if "'.-"' z" '',' .. - ' 1- ''': , 1 , W.fiburri . hakin4ile is c;eali a1.24:4 'ete,C -< ling' die . 'iiiitlWire , iiiibliOn' I; tlCliet by' about WO majorlik. ; - ''' - ' ; -F` , iughkeepidelis I. •ideated' a Beptifill can' Mayer 114'.9(K10iSjOitys4-440,iii'6! 1102since' the 416 - 41.3ii.e't liff4O4 Rochester has kofie . Ikiii(dir iteptihill: can i mine out of, fourteen Aldermen .be fag---Republican. All ,Briggs, the, Re publican candidate for Mayor, is elect ed, it Is fairly.Wßepublican yictory.. -Utica has Cgene Democratic. Rome ditto/ ,' .' • Troy eleote a ileineciatio Mayor and fen Aldermen =the "Reimblioans ideet ingllhree'Ala'Men:" 541)074014 ten Detiidi•atiol i l eiiteliiibllool '' : :•,: - ...._- , •,: 6 1 , Oil ~ ~'). `~ tit': 'i~ s tli , 4101,------ ' * On February 11, Mr. Arrnstr ►ng in trodineed the following joint resolution n ; t=h• . e House of• RepresentativO.S - at Washington : Refolved,, By the Senate, (N.; That hereifter no' Indian pation or Who within,the ,territory .of the United Statee shall be acknowledgeg o or re : ocignized as an independent tribe, or pow er, with whom tho United States may oontraot by treaty. Provided; That rifilhing hfirein contain ed shall be oppotya ed. to invalidate oeimPair the obligation of any treaty heretofore lawfully, made and ratified with any finch-Indian .nation,or,tritte. wae referred to . the Conimittee on,lndiam3 Affairs, who reported favor ably on theist instant,n - and the' report was adopted, after a -Alert diseusgion and some exPlanationfor the benefit Of sonic members whetifought it might ratify treaties heretofore made, and In cidentally confirm such grants - as hav, been made under those treatits to Jas. F. Joy and other's, which bave.,fiereto- Aire received• ; the `,41 isapproval of - the House. Mr. Sargen!,-8104: As I randerstand the report,lt, deecept ratify' or confirm any preceding treaty; butit does at firmatiiely 'declare that nothing of the kind 1 !4 4 44 /)e'ftote again; ,7, • , - • Psndlug.the Adoption' 1:•f the4epoiti Mr. Vilrmstmnglet' the' 'llbor 'for a feW minutes, - and , mede the -follOitini-Aii marks to support of his resolution - YOM LEUTIONS. _Tvz,,.. - - 3, t...?..i RonsTEADvanivANOlmustrLmit. • : ~,. ,Au hinid;-Congmes dal)l4ind 'argued "dtiiiii*the iti,4 l ' S e rf - - 41/.14 : 1410ion, iintllAO)ltat ,i- 2•Atidri!, Aiiti44if lin *tlitrtsii '-.. A ' i , l4. einn at 4:41I, 4 4 11:111,. t ,t4 tilos. , Of 0 161 Ailerht' . ' tl ;4oiii. r 1 t i.bili4) 44b should final! . ' ..ius4Nitgrekaitilreeelie the 'approval Of i t . '"the Fred - alit" before iln3 . 4tli'et - ttiirOV; itiei4ei*e - oic itei . day were in consideration of - the filth.:; The good ,point in Mils is, that flu; ic;, '''' hylsta and-all , -those "i a terestedltr - onw eeliOneOus leiialatloa are- in: Ihssedr,'.-14 The bad:features of this procroet.inatkm are, ihaLfeally . necessary leglSlXtion Ms htirried,through, In clumey,'lneonsid orate manner, wh a ilethanyreOiresio. torions bills are passed over kir want' time.' ``Among theilitter;,are the bill to re - stet - v . to' -pens ioners employed' in the eiVil serviee the, pensiOnsor which they Were "deprived' ;in 1866-11; the''beiihty bill ttie B,Adieno ' hamisteid:fte`C:-; *lPttiii,KOii3O" l 4 lll4vi i i o o4 o# ;e 4 0, r #1.4 . 0 11 :' .'l46l4or;itit.:4:kl**A -00p0,.04,,req0):-.9oYR.t_,:j:#9?Pri.l.o !i!Xiit; Senate 4,5ci14P. 80 ! 1 ,,P0:4 0 .,,Prc1ai o,r briefness, and the early adjouTninei4:, i-, s; ,llLiaexpepteftthat the_ extraordinary " 6 1 31 Pn cf 'the now Cong T esa i v 1111 0 4411 now„orgaiii,xed„will be, devoted to tio tion on the ,most important: measures which:have failed for war* or time. :4,4. We trust that the XLM'd Congress will attend to the bounty bill and home stead act without delay. , The action of the House 'on` this 'natter Whe conSid bred nlinelif erineltudie T by ex-soldiers tirionghout the' cetintiy, and - eidonies Were formed "atiteading,Penkiiiylvai l ite, at ''Viinneeonne,' Nylablinsin,' and Bid : . ney, Olio. . I .l'shOse eglonieu Witli, a kir gercolorty frotn,Booton, 114saohuspla, 903' *iticii , r,oo o #4.itetictr 04 thefitqt or. Cengrepa c pat they may , know Jost iviitrittthey staud, aud what are their legal rights in the matter, before attlitt.6 lug out for now liornes in the Far West. -It appers that the class 'of , ex-soldiers whom t tie law Is intended to benefit, is muc larger than ' Was -at first- sup posed ; nd we have! no doubt' that, -if the Be n to does its duty; 'the ' first of next November will show severalthrii ty villages where ilierols not a white inhabitant present. .', ' ' The 'bounty ' bill is -lois important, both to the welfare of thecountrY and the individuals who Will 'reap its bene fits i . but it is a right all:the same, and we trust the people, by their represent-' atives, will so soilthowledge it. ' ' - etur' readers: will recollect that the bOthity' bill paseed on thei23d of Fehru syy ;* Mit the bill is,dofectiVe, _ in tort it provides that all soldiers innsiored into the tinlted Statea service for three years 3, between May 4, 1881, and July 22,'1881, and who, were discharged .honorabky before serving two• years, by reason of Miral disability contracted in the service, are ehtitied,to receive one hundred dollars bounty. 46sevident that the Senate intended by this bill to relieve the en tire corps of troops accepted under the balLof May 4, 1881,'but it Is so unforta miteliatawn_tbat it fails to aocolnplish much good. A large proportion' of the troops who offered themselves under thbi 'eat and who entered `camp prior to Jti1y,22,1861, Palled to be ,regularl MC4010400, iierwlo,of the triiiteo Stateq ;dill - 84 4 <at date. . Th e *LP hack otTereckthemseives - ,under;tta, oatl of, May 4,, lad entered camp, .and were in. readiness Ack march to,,the Capital. - Any delay in ,their . formal. acceptance by the United States, was no fault of theirs, and' tbegovernment should now declare itselebound bylbe promise held out to these men. ••• And before closing this article, we wish to warn all ox-soldiers against sel ling their discharge papers. These pa pers may be sold by the brokerslo oth er men not veterans,' who wish to ac quire 'western !lands, 'and may do so by assuming the name of. the.seldierwhol4 4hieheitePePer:e'4ke,YhaYeUeught' 'lp other cases,. believed that discharge papers are being bought up for the-pur-t pose of paingpold-bank to their Original Poseeesors,at a greatly advanced price, when Wanted- • •t; , - A ‘ year or #wo . hen eei colonies ,m,sol ,diers will be ,starting westward, , , end. many a, veteran will then be willing to buy back his discharge, at a price dou hie or treble the pittance be- now sells it for. The warning to ell seldiers, sal- loin, and their widows, and 'orphans, having possession of such papers, is to hold thein Nolonest man can *ant to buy 'them, for no one but the' rightful possessors can make any proper use of thena. • - "'Thei cannot be sold without perpetrating a fraud, either on' the soltiler, who sells or . on the govern or, both. The Terrible filluiotini..4ifrli3'r.,le, Merl MEMPHIS, March `7.—Further infor mation-from Meridan, Miss. states that after the shooting of Justice Bramiette and three negroes last • night, the eiti zens assembled in large numbers with :arms to assist ,the *dicers, the — eriff was commanded to disarm the, -i k ,ne groes In execution of this order sev I o t groes were kilidd by the liheriff's party ,durlOg last , nlght. The total number • :of persons .killed, as far as known, is `seven-six. negroes and Judge Bandette. The Mayor, William Sturgiss, was, on his own , request, :This morning, after tenderiug his resignation, given , a safe `conduct to the ears by4he •oltisene, ,on his pledge to go north and neverreturm e3A9/0101 , 1,c Mine., March , 7.—ln the riot at , Meridan last night eight , or ten piegroex , were killed, k besides -Judge Bramlette, and .a number of, whites an 4 negroes-wer% wounded. , A, fire (mound ,on Saturday night destroying. $76,000: worth of. property, and Laften, a negro, was -arrested as incendiary, and was being tried , before Judge Bramlette, when ler, a negro, rose in the ,court roam nd. shot the iedge through.: the bead , killing him nstantly. general melee enSued. Tyler .and Laften were killed instantly. ,J. Aaron, Moore, a negro; and prominent politi cian) and. member, et :the- Mississippi Legislature,who; as aiso,o prisoner as W ! ,xomrytuthe rt burnlOg;. wa*.Bhot, -It isuPpogedniaaltio : , r 1!, - Last night another lire , oemiredi iroying.iiehatolf and! 'father -buildings.- Af , niiitingizif citizens,' was held and a larety eeinadtteatoto«operate with the; Sherift in_Treatlrving -order, was -ap. peilited. is now ' • - The safety - committ ee arrived here this eonfe- - with Governor Alcorn. SAN DOMINGO:, . The with the 'Ran iionitit t-°,,4iCini/.10P4,30,0014d; 1 4 4 a arrived at gungaton , 'Jamaica, bow:wird bound They will.prObably import favorably for iumezationt ; dun, Mitii; t ANOTHER AND , FULLER ACCOUNT. EMI BE .. ,"i .mac. ~.a Yv! .. i I t - -;--- - ! . `. , r 1-4, = '4.4aV°. , ''''''.., ''' l**.: :' . . 4, ..,'' '' - , '''' j- 1 -445-3 .1 ' '. t Vie' ihileviiiiig' coiiiiiendericello - t nal tini Em rai ' r tier 'Passe e w ,k _ PP •ID - • many "foul - - tine:Vier A:lezander: The --,, , . , guspe , , iik, 414*, Wt4PA l ßtrf; 1 4 ter a • ~," 03fits,, :011. - ikOPOOMER4 1 has iffoo 441 if .:' ,lit' 4 4 %eh' '? , , y llt lltws, t &Orlon* ,:',., 4 , hW iiii" , PreolE 4 ** l tlii fie frrve itr`;fbt the terencih; - luaala remembern that you - pitorented-thii eproad - 1000:„;A*ati::Afs - 4- ,bh m i l :ypu t r c i : 11 . 1 ,y::,..;y - ' fiiiii &alb:toned that :-r "te44144 hlid 49y1040,4viiE:10,taWliitpitions brl.tiebirtan4 44, 4 -4 f _P r at-4 ' ., a )1 11 41 4 ilftee*- TO had-jdOsiktt f 'fv,ofifedi;mtirid:,‘ , ktie . likiifti*iiii4o4ieekiiusWitad , gitiii.' At ii,*o:itioiiith • .4'-t ..,,, : .-,... , %i.....--- , ,. s' ..„ . ~, - -,, , . „,,,,, , . -Ilietop;srvoitui'skiiiiiteNtiveS) dOior#lo' 4 , #?c!' - *4, 14 ,J , SiOerof4,vq , .it?Pit . li '# r PPYo‘ol l "* ' ? , l ,been .whi or ahoy is sown 1l or .12. " 3 9ung-0•-,0.4 1 4 318,n 4-1 1 ..444, 4 1 P lawleas °utraSMi,lx9VAP , WfiY744., */*lcret,(Ofift 44.4444i1ti *MO 11,9riberWd0-14901itto-Valleot deayitzt---10imp,they San • be 'ride-' 4 liended`ou:tami& foi +lli lerattoviniiideo a t `t ier tint . yirealattitiiik And feri - a Senatorial 'otxuel . on the; 11 th ceinniittee' iipolnted the purpose of preparing hill 'jot the, Priitediog of loyal. ottlieha — the soothfrom IC.n•Kina O4ragfie: 1 fietih offences are regaithitt ae, and will*, de- Olared,Oolatiene i ef the *)oB,o6ttO ! ' of Mk, united' B tatePs .th,eot.fae Ole PreoldO . *Hi authorized 02'eTploy ,the tang, awl...nava! forces, an Imo:tato eases for the purposekludieateil, ~.fl'heJointilopunisidonep AM cattail, their, way settlement orinatienal differelicial; vith , laudable .idierQiird! of dyspepi3ti4;and a csonteatpi 'fort iiktra sblfto troubleli that Ogiiii:ktipiorlijuide The announcement that Din 'N,oble bad been found guilty by a Tioga coun ty jury, and sentenced by the , court of oyer and terminerof that county Olive years imprisonment in the State Prison at Auburn at hard labor, was rec'etved with a thrill of satisfaction:. by our en tire community. - The trial j net closed, WhiCb has resnit , all in his colviziction was the fpurth whfeh he has had aeon, the aatne in diCtinent, charging him ,the the" rob-. bay of , the Royal Insurance Company of a.large amount _of honde.•,,TWice this county and once , in Tloga the jury which listened"to the evi4eUce failed to agree upona verdict. With a perseverenoe and a' pemisten cy worthy of imitation In the •punish ment ofcrime, the People, and the Ta surarica Company haye ;flowed _op these - .repdated disagmethe Is; until finally' twelve men" upbu 'their; oaths said by their verdict that' there Was nos reasonab!e - doubt of the _guilt of Dan Noble of the crime with whlch,he was charged. By the result of this trial .another proof' is given of the fact that" justice though sometimewslow is sure and cer tain. Rulloff and Noble both have found it so, or are likely to. Let all good men rejoice at' the result of this trial, and hope that's ph:idler fate may soon overtake all who deserve the same.—Elmira Advertiser. DFNTIBTRY,— C. N. pAkit,.,dentlet Mae la Wright et 110111430" !looy, wlytro,#ist 43*, to ;ask* tee* with Aluj, flew _ iiitprpaetneo 1? 101 gives botter , ,-. iii*lstacttio# itie use.',44oiatid,iii - • • - PFOR Eiteatraenr," is.the;uniqueStitle ofa new illustrated family ,paper the Am number o f which lies before us. i It s finely printed on "tin ted Paper Ind the origlnarand - SelpeterLinaLter It eentaas fullrearry. - our: the 'Meaning 'it. name. Lovers of light,readino of , the .Ledor end 91... h. Pais , stile, are kept in mind, but 'His tory, Travel, Agrloulture, Humor and-Burlesque; are not forgotten, In ahori,,a field is taken which has never before been eo completely occupied, It le to be issued monthly, and sample coPles will be sent ty the publishe s' on receipt of Pit: , teen cents. The subsoription prise is one dollar and a-half per year,, and the publisher; offers prlzes.on a fair, though.'novel plan, but of suoli magnitudelblifthey would be looked upon With dlstrnet,lf they were' not so resionally eiplain ed and strongly , I youehed, for, by some of the largest and most rcsponelble houses In thoconit try.- • ' Agents are Wintek in this -vielnlty; but to shied-the pub* from ItepsOtiotk any one 91PPIY: lug must give eatiefeotoryreferehee, after :which they will be furnished with' a certificate tho publisher, , and :s, liberal commission allowed. The prises offered' being . direct to subscribers, and not to gettels up of clubs, as is usually the case, will render it art' easy matter to obtain a large list amongr:-.ons; reading public.- Address Henry /1 - . Sage, Fish Miter; 4 Allen - street, Buf falo, N. Y. . • • • Munn : lea March tuother : of this 'established favorite of.. thi boys and , girls, . has ancong,otner,gird things, , a, thrilling 'story, entitled, ~,Viirhat that Ooaet Oost," by Mies Dar ling, author . of Battles at Home.° Terme, $1,60 a year, • Por Specimen and. Premium - List, ad dress the Publisher,. dIOptA.ON B. FQLLER, Poston. - .: • ... • Aw Fon Paseo sh—A menzairrs l-,--Pran se is eat handed by this terrible war...hiany of her peo ple are starring and utterly - destitute., Let ps not forget her early recognition of American Tude-' 'pendence and the prompt and 'generous old • she then us now to °arc. straggling Iftepublio, and let usilow share wp,ber, from ,our abundance is tliti lieueof her need. • •-•-" MEE _"Hearthe Cry that Comes - Aerobe -the -13 ea P 4 R.alkylimiougAnd oborpe. :Wople gnd .igutio by GO t. F. Pebyehe4 by R o ot & CAdy, - The above Is on the title page of a pies° of music Just received,-andis decidedly In the right direction, : It Is no time to oritioise this is say of Franey" Bhe needs oufkilil 'and ehMild hive' it for humanity's fake, even limbo had not "field out thefirlendly band when our days were dark," 8o we say our.Ohloago, friends have done a prop er and thud) , thing in issuing' this song; It ls stirring and well Oalonlated to arouse , sympathy for : the war-stricken peasantry, whose. mute , : ap, peel is so touching, Let every linger in the land sing It, and - thete . will be no lack of "food to eat" or "grain to • plant." , • • • ; ' • ' : , Ittseszeiri; 'for Maict more than mietabii its Wrest:teed reputation-of being the. most ' valuable) Hontobold Magazine published. Its pages present epsltoser)iroproved. appearance, the typo not being geitoPaati has th 6 steel of making the print aPPbeeliirges and mine Its table of otenternti ios va.: HOY) Originality asl4 ex001109e) ~0 114 1 1 94tt passed, All of the artieles,arkrali*lFe9sAill ta: mbtriin' of "t librien• :The children. ide favored this,,montbi 'Prise Bios', entitled "Winnefred and tbeKalq,". by Miss A. A. Prince. There are also oiantribu- Urine from Die Lewis, Eleanor Kirk, Mary Wat: ezbury, Geo/ Burleigh. and ninny, others. dollar year. Address , B:I3.'WOOD & D 01; • - • • • Newburgh, - - PLASTER 'PLASTER • WILL be kept constantly on hand at Tioga vv. f • Depo!,,untit the :,18tb• Use nbxt, •a t $7.50 poi too, s : - .1. nitimaTiN: Mush 15 18'11 • Or" Luropean , war.l , , 4' .4 . 4 • ir' r Aire l o k ls ll o9.lle ANC44 1 40 1 04 . . . • "'" ' 1 11UPIN Mad,. WearessaccadirlywassaarOgothis nun "e r 4 / 1 1 /" . # . 31 1- 5 4 10/44 6 t •—A -Mt I .1 a= f. 45 frpasynrismors'a o f boio. All th e 'haat Wyk* of Adam, ono Akp Victoria Sin; ith&Porselaln ,Plaifires ( plata~ dies o , lo red)s and man), nain Miles too Alitlerolll' to mutation. Steresocopla views, and ',lowa of Privatiliedilences slide it'rescsolible Copying - old plettures and enlarging the tame t 9 - 411 7 111101 14 44.0 dtlififtelalitrimakf4 disked: tinily will be,reioaehad Inas Ink eir , sabred • in on or wa tt solo% A 'geed' atortment of Jennies constantly en hand. Call sad axamine specimens before going elsewhere., . • . N. B. dont wilitake ih4';pliscie; am A. B. Eastman's Ponta ROesns;cppbsiks Clone Hen, Wellsbbro; • s' • 1• • -; .Ikb it.:VIABAX9/01i MEM ' • 'Dan •Noble: wAr f ,.,.3"..-:1n2..., -•-- 7 -.lwi ti : 4,-, -,, • ',..• 15ra,5!...0.1- .44Y1,:i'A. liiiiiTZ•loLlY—lii WeHobo°, oaths Mb, last, bji** • wider Si q ~Mr.- Mallow Smith or Sia4lol AYek.",' la Miss eatbarine Kul 'k- at i lota . 4-.,... AVIS k"; 0 1 , --, lit Delmar,-by K V. - •'4 , .. cr -,, 40 ; 0 %. 7 , - , .:1871,) Nathan 117' • aiftta .- A lr IshP)sa ,• • '-... at. '' ", ..t - 11 A= . ' ... 1E . 111 ' ' lR t iViltiCK-; IC. ELLEt- - liv s lllaii4elitf r'' "Manitrilb,by:Rer.:o. r.‘,nrafrOur,',Brr. 4. si Kirkpatriok, and Mira S.. Y.' Kelley,. both of , 4400#1.444... •-'..... '.1,.`":-.., - - ..f.,'" :7 -- ...'''''' :-.,' ~. r , ••• ',- 1 - - , ' • : " Ns*4R, 4.+1'..Y4.*U-1,T4 1-Iqit E .r l. . B1. . 4 "1;.04 il7b-7s; th F4 e,I4J P , P. .n Il„lfityßielothir,Or "Ittilio l f l rl r g Co . -- .iiien444,9Xjily'll4ei 80x.4. : P.lNiff, Mr, Jioabf T,'Rlotii4, 'to Miss liti4 V. iHeat daughter Of Gen. R. C. Con. both.of Liberty. : • ROLASON74I4BOIIISi , i4a Moto, Fib. i, By 'Rev,. A. B. obaso,_ Mr. T. N. Rotation. of Rimer rifle Bair Jereiy, ind Wei R. Louise; bum o, of Ttego".Bti.,,,' i , :;t - ". ..,:. .....; ---.. r:... , ”"'., ' i'! 1 . . BORENBOIC—BAKHR,Irs -, /loge -I. PO:- 2 5 , ri. By .140v,..4.- R. 9bittie, ; . Mrc Batidtaphillo neon, of fitirouger, Norway ! Europe. .and i Mies Mary B. Biker of Middlebury, Tioga, Pais , DEATHS.; - lIILLS—ia:-Clillasio,'Veti::22o; Simla ; Milk aged 80, 011Lifti- - -o!lmarilOpi,`o#4'a M 11!, ape, ,13.1 IsTrips=2 - 4, 'Obi 4.401 County 4, ; EIAM Ufa; 'died at the 9 4 1 1 ,1, 4? 1 . 1 . 80 0 ya-, t.. No#ice to , Pemlsionei TE itibeorlbbi inslaise in' will leave forAbeti l}b,out, tbolet. ;of , nest, awl is prepared to loaito Parielasoiel to public, lan*, twderliolittrekipletioall Llomestiad4oti diaries 'reastinabla; - Por pardonless, awl forms taproot, Apply to Wolleboro, Pa. :WAIIIiIKGTOIi March, 16tb,' I ,1)18605101013. , • Ftrtn beratofon?'extating under Emma, A, of Itualea Bandotphilittits" day- citigolvan, by mutual clamant : - The bbaks;' notea, , :and iota, mum% igttl fecluainAt themtapdvaclupted.hy l the. aW 4 e -r*Aukta be beta aroonditatad tiy • ' RIBILLEIt . • g 8 a' stranger - Pasha tbrOugh'i . vlllige l evib r y ;th° more quiet Farm Honseitu search :of 'a , new home, nothing will attraot his attention, thrifty' °Collard; grove of 'ornamental' , trees with shrubbery fbopt tho, bull4iugp.- There. fore don't riegleot` to -plant treis , bboanie you want to sell out and go south. if you lave a houso to sell yongive it a little extra bruahing. Serve the fern or thnstillnga lot .tno sante '.:•way. After you have mended that broken gate, to atop the sows; thenplant a few More • trees,: tbisi very spring., Rand in your orders early ; „call and ex amine spedimeie t, ,11lowers on band and fin sale at a made. • —•- •-- "' " •I ,••• • M.B. pßusog. 0,1.1.69F0. Marqb• Aath, i6Z L. Foi'tilialo,; yoke olpAten,..7, yeare thin ring) OAT IN ' 16th 1871, - ' • Obe; oetolf. :-„,iiiri.lll. tioay.filchool- T4l:- 11 . lin Ebbed Directors of Wellibero h ill hold _ a meeting at the , Mashie! Homo, Tharsda afternoon htaroh SO L ltgli from, two , to fear -o - chak for;the purpose' f hewing apillioations f r' 1,.1 Oaten:lent and iorreotlen of School 'taxes ifOr t cy year-ending Jtme-1871;after which time no anc application a will be beard. - , ; I ' ~ By order of the Board .. l l , ' • ' R. B. MIER Week. 1 1 1 Attest: JOHN L MITCHELL Bee'y ' ' ' March 15,48715-Sw, - , For Sole. - 081:111L8IOR and Clibiax Seed Potatoes. The 1:4 timbal varieties tor' , field culture. '!Very produotivurrud, good keepers. , Price per bushel, 00, 'per .pe4, nets. • • , • - =Delmaryllirroh,'l6,l,B7l-41i.' ' ; ; • = ; - O. Eli BREIWOrtIi. etcatot is 'that it* e obutinls ' stoners 'tif; nig& °minty' will hbld a • Gin= Appemdfor.those,whe are aggrtatid by their auettementeaud,militig,enrollp;onts for the year 4871, by , sot tif Aetembly in, each, ease made and protidedifiiiisieiNimetiti,vomioiloitottm my doe/at the CoMmixdoriers' Wrellebo ro, en the 26th, 28th, 27th A 28th,4ay,e of April next, bOmmenoing at 9 A'. M. each day. • • • • " • M. W. WRTHEIRBSU, - P.I7,VANNESI3; ; • 4 90 44 1 ,CRORP• Commissioneri. , Attest.: Tnoi.•Ausii, Clerk. - - • Mardi' 18.1871 Ow • STATEMENT of Reoiip6 and dituree of the Borough' Of _We ifr9na Jan. 'Bl, 1870, to Jan. 81, 1' - RECEIPTS. iTiOm duilicato of 188 D, - ' ' 1870, • Proni, fines ind licensed, • = • Wow, plank walks; .; Blom Virm.lcobeele, retiring Treamer, ; 1 1 1., ,•;_•; !.;;•NXPEZDIT.UIiFB: Dpottakozpeups. , vfiro •-• _ _ • gh... f ,o4ine,ankezi g ine r ; 18.,89 Stieetilitd bridee` rex:airs, 1,028 'B2 Total.,- - ,$4,104. irooniti dna' frOiti dil ) plioittes "Sjoi , •“: • ; ", 1870, " .. 148 50 Total,. - - Ift2BB 88 Ikt order of Bartielte and '0;311II0i1. • - 4. 'O:W. BAILSY, Clerk. '' Maroli,e,,lB7l 2w , - I THE BEST HOTEL in the 00011ITir.' . 1 „ Rooms large and well .trentlia t•dl,. Amoommodations loot surpassed by any firkt (dais " hotel - in . the "..:Iforthern Tier." atr.t,s no' - hig h e r . thin' at 'seeond third rato„lotels,-. Looation, porno: bt. Main a Wabiut.ityeets,:tralboXo- - 7 - • A - golid tableq-good"lhittis, ipod *id and goo f ' hditt e ki A. `11: ,- GRAVREVIrtop'i. r./" 18 ,1 0 , #p • r P e' . -1 nitnts ra ors owe • . .; • OT Afoliday, Hie 27th dez i of Marob, instant, '1 *Ol on the farm of the late Butler timid'', in Covingten, at todblroirelidne, the fol lowing propert7",•wit _Ono pair i.of borsea. two wagons, $0 yearling , cattle, eleven" calves k hue pie, ' one fins, threeliivelicif bees; (ib'ehl3k ens, about 20 tons of hay; = one M41901' 1 ,' plows; harnesses w laid:Areas, and numerous other far ' rang hi:Piemonte ; wheat ) eats, buckwheat, corn, F•pOrk, and ho'useheld goods.' I e Tenn : purehases - less than $25," cash I froth 126 to $41,), a credit, of, three ',months • will be girea ; over pp, ,e ; credit, of. gist months,' 1 . 0 each: Cabe priyment to* bet secured - 11j jtuigulent exemption note,i or other security ilatisfliotory to ,the Administrators..: JAMES S. BROST, ' JOHN H. WILSON, Admiz're: Ateroh.B,lll7l 13w ,Sii:.hIREOSOOPES, l' f n:. , ;11.1•8111dEli - 1 0 0PAIO • ;' B. '4tt IC T. , 'OTEI,(4I - 05: - ; ! limits the atteatio of the Trade to thetr : exten sive aisortinett Of the`above`goodi, of 'their atois patio:6omi, manufacture cind'importation: - Alio * - •"- rIOTO LANTERN SLIDES ", • • - rind' ' • BRE .• =I 4,• GRAPH() •!' xfiw,*..lll47fooP-YO . I3EMITII. R. .& T. ANTHONY . & . 691 paciADiciAti Ns* 1; > .• • Apposlto Moircip'o ItAIMACTUSIMI ' I.P r EiGTOGRAPHIC7 (MATER mang t f.— , AtTiPaii* MAILNUtTitATIOLOti. the .setete efttip)iet*, Q. Alford, /10/404,, 44 . 1111fingraiticir, to - the'litidersliti melt WhilioliW ttitikl'ostito, ndtboi ki .10 --sll3o 3 ll4ll l 4llithe saufil: , .llW noties. , * o_ lifor i!e;tlemeiton 401)ik aneynidi f ,Vileiefou'Abit'elidettigetietit W. mete RUTH. ALFORD; 4:2 :# 4 406 .3 4T 43 4 8 , X . 04 , 0 1 A4sairt's,. TN DIVOROW—To Hicahl yawn i I You are hereby 4iitided rigeit oi2. Aldan; by her altlkftialad a . 11 14 ,11 , 4 .4 0 0 , 11, , 0 1 , 0 vomit , of a -4141 A of 410 at 00,4924. aor `divorce tionithitbnitip'of truitelatoni; #nd. ttuit the heath:trot iaid,.applLesnt Itk the Ve l o ll 7l hid an , 11o4dgya• MO. 214, JAM . Waal mail *beri*ou 4110 matted to? appear Ind iaake id'asidifoniittoiAt; - if have if YoU w think pro. A. Mltah aerifit 'lank 8, /871 4hr • 1 4.::.i 5:;.:C' ".' -4,4F,,,,ii,...„..,„,„..,...,,,,,..„..,..„ : „.„4„,.,,,,,,...„,„,„,„,..„.„, , . ~, ..„ - -11141JBLIii' - ROPORTtr''''', • • •• -:pOR-0A15v.„,40.„„,,,, , ,, , it.„..;...,.,...: , 'lmiied : - .L?elth', a lasti.;.oeikill-ra•f_koft ,abasSwoOdi _.„), - • .'44!.. ',.- ,• _ OXAT,n4faititlielkltatered,". The .... fir.',,46, - ,, ~:infthe.,!!!'llofoifate lot.!' ' Three I t ' :f ,_, , t.0 Wo ,fihA rr iti,rmiid. - .: 'fa' spas , • ' "9 , , 4 5u '. - „ 'a- flt hlre: , - 04 - Aer road . from ,- - iift : tattfrfo i ant. lk i lso on - the 'road titre liatoiS Pieltinitee tolifillieto liberente'tii• si, a; lot kilt an: lire; eoiner'-'ot Meade tid-Welauta Aire. eta,' wenaborok-with _a good _ 041.4 0 1,1p0 41 0 11 4...4.91te now,Landin,:gooda or, or, a nd ' _•goad, biro- 44,wetroiloitet,iiii the 1 premises. a _ - :, -- :,,..-_ .- a, •.:'- • ' -- - ,_l. 1 . Also, - alit of one bre, ' corner "of ,Afeade' Mid ,Lineoln ateeet4 well eitnited, and desirable as a l'hlttidingteo , l-- - ..•• ,- ": , "-" , '",! , :' , - .. a , - ,:. , ''.- - !, ,, , , , ,, ft , if , -'--;s AltO niielOOTO, ton calves a ' Anaptity of toOsealditteiituti. ,, • I t - Terms for the areal estate'i one third - or more' cash down, the raglan° in„ three 'or - four annual instalments ! tilitt Interest., ;•-••'., •., 1 '.'-'• .- ` ,0000)0 41 fiat***iitiiii3,4 0 0 7 .0:,,- ;., ' , - ,,, ,g,4.,..--2-,,-- „c , i - .4 , :v r lvvr A prA,AL.43A,Buti,Et ., F=;:r: -. " Maritili,loilfw --- -Welleboid` Pa , , , " -PENNSYLVANIA State . Normal-Schoel,, Foh'Co., A;.l— - !sr.= Open's ilarch 27 . 0.;1871.f • - BOARD la • • k ' CI A RLEI R ILL, A. ?d,, Pairfinvez,, Professor Of. Science and Art 'of , Teachitig, and 'Misfit -aid Murat thilOstiphy .l ! " z•'• •"' ;s • JONES.; 04. - PeOloisOr,- of . ethsmatldd and Natural' Philehopliy; CLARK, A. IL L PrOfessor An blentlishirtiiiges aid 11900 tieraionaar. ,MISS ,ERANOES C•SQRRA'N,,, Plower- Moderp ,LaeguAger, '"• • ; • MISS 013 - 04 N R. PRESTON, Jp6tract or of Raiding and EtOstnion,, ,f •• ' - ISAAC, 0. HOYT, Professor of Instrumental 4:14.01,Lgs o.,Tivi*PEOSi x Profaseor of pral ing and Painiitig. , • . LEWIS MBAR. Inetruotor of Penmanship. MISS ANNA'. R.- KELSEY, Assistant, in Maibethatiee: • • .- •-- • • VINE R. PRATT, M. E.; Principal of Mod. a School. ' •• - -•. MISS MYRA MORTON, - R. i n Pro.6aPtr*Oo - =MIES Lfgata Assistant. :anima Aprjl ilaimi to the Anther im.. W. — .; ; ..,-IL,O t P . ,ii9r.a4riolls: ; _; - .. Punt, t usinife bit itcettp,ilL "Vdly,K aecurid ',by 11,0"01!iilhg bitonliOn - Ci,igokeih. ' - - • ," ',- . , .404. __l ,__........?a to tel. ~.. ~._ - ,- -, Ai : * redent.Poko,f tbecliegistata re, llan fellOW tug Approgihitt9pB,',liis t made 'by :the State - to Normal Stadenti and Osadiratea_ ,•' : ' ' 1. Bash Student over eeventeen yerirs of ago, who shell sign a.paper.deolaring his iptention to ,teach 1p tke,Comsnon fieheol of the State, _shall .receive the sum-otrifty * Osnor per week . toWards a f .detray_ing tho4spenses of tuition and be ding. 'fi.'llaoti 'stadent over seventeen years. 0 ag ed who was Weighted id the military and naval entice of the/ 'United States, or •of -Pennsylvania, of whose father lost hi. life in said service, and who shall sign:tinagreement as above, shalt, re -I'c:dye the sum of Oda DOLLAR per week. 1. Esoh'ettidentirho, apint graduating, shall, sign an agreement to teach in the Common 1 Schools orthiti state two full years,* shall rnoeive the snm of PIPIT DOLLARS. - s 4. Any Student to secure these benefits, must attend the -Sehohl- at isait' twelve consecutive *oaks. ~ -1 - , - ' , - , - All the Dip!times ;We authorized and furnished by the State,, AA exempt those who hold them from_ any. further examination by authorities aottikit • under the provisions of our Comthen School laws. Expenses for &hoot Year of 42 Weeke, including Board, Tuition, Room- - Beat, Oil, - and Washing, slB6less 50 cents, or sl' per week,' as stated abavei) and less $5O-if graduating., . Eapetwesfor Thitd Term, (14 Weeks,) com— mencing March 27114 1871, including, as above, MAW' Hots. Or $1 per week.) . • Tuition and Dock Rent, for those who do of board in Normal Building, $lO per- term, 14 Weeks,) lasslOote'.' or $1 per 'week:. , Instruction in Instruments/ Hattie, Including use of instanent, $1 per -week. Penmanship, (24 Lesion.,) $1.50. • Drawing, $3 per term. Painting, s6,to $lO per term. - Board can be obtained in private families, at $3.50 to $4 per week. No EXTRA CHARGER. Students admitted at any time. All Pills 'are to bo paid promptly in advance to the Ptinolpal, who acts as agent for the Trustees. Btudenta boarding Initho Normal Building furn ish awe% pillow-oaaor, and one comfortable." /Air Blights luformation,'•Or lidinkalop School,, a4dresil the priagipal , `:y' Mansfield, February 15t11,1871.4e .WEBB, .? W. M. D - ,- 'PhYßician And Surgeon. Orriou—Openbag out of Hastlogo k • Cole'i; Drug Storer-•mar4'l, 1871. • . :boro, 871:. %108 60 402 80 $2 26 180.74 Oat 74 994 08 146 81 Mir . ..- it :'T°llae . . .. iimuiti imaitiiiiii ALPACAS, POPLINS; . BLACK AND COLORED tko. BEAUTIFUL Winter SHAWLS CLOAKS REA'DY-MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LINItIOS;tIER,I NO E TASSELS.. TO 1 TRIM DRESSES ' OR, SACQUES. can't be beat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought of so far. HOOP MOATS, BALIgOR.AI, SHIRTS, too numerOns to mention; but will say that you will seldom And so large an assortment to select from in tieountry store, and olear down to the READY-MADE CLOTHING, I= In Waite, and parte xt,enits, tilhould ire fail to snit you with ready-made, we hare Oaaelmere • and , , HATS AND CAPS, STItAW OODS, , .AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF ' CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD ; WAIIE,SHELF HARD ; Locke Latches Carpentin'Tools. • , 1 • ' GPNERAL STOOK OF :s 'Cilt 0 OE It IE COPES 0., i_ onr, Hotel, 1 01 , ALS, HALT; LIME, PLASTERS PORK, FL OUR C'_akiigallfrielei., 4.0.• . ; • • , ° ) , Buttertubs, Patl4.Fitkine, and , Ashton salt to flavor with. All 'hiade f Yea,* lotiAuots want -ed. Moe! °stilt be boat; 3 ~1: - J •A'School Year'intiet be at least lour months. 1111 - tfo7rde ANY , EXPSSBIO. Lets of. Na. Goods I COME TO T. L. iiii I LDWIN & 00'S TIOGA, PA. attd see•a ntoe stook of Goods for the FALL `• tt WINTER, --ill styles, cobra and patterns-4- • and a large assortment to soliot from .Our stock of— YAN K.,E NOTIONS j4:I9WSETS,'-. &O. ' SPEMME,CIg BOTTOM SSIGITRE We also keep a large assortment of - otti liiiots And Shoes, *Maytag, and dais. ,_~. -< MIN IBM E:-HOWE SEWING MACHINE. Mil parnieit, it you wanttoolo to work With drOri in .:'IN & 00, ,P9SO/„P 1 4109t.11/a3R 0 A " ' 7T, ; ~:s # # • slbe'subeistlifer. Witten all in:ntieofAar) %fetid tii-keep a atill-larger.aos9 therilaft-seaepri,„ artil.aleo sown finer I =SI VIP!! goptia are-ao much abespar tbau• putting prim. tbTak tiros Otala at $1; $1,?!?, $137;i11 ; 60, $l, ' . ~COXAQT{.M:O:I3„ - These toads arialso mital 145w0r in pi 'ninth= psloed bilks and Poplins, and a We have ti Veeortaloat; in lip We have a very fine Wok, from thailow i $3, $4, $6, $B, $7, $B, $lO, $l2 and $9 p , i r NAPKINS, while and solo TO %FELS, Iluckabuek, .Dice r iock of Black, White and colored Globes, :in our regy,leir make (tke_lJosephene seamless) warranted equal to any in themarket. ~~ .~ ~~- . We - invite - Olen - thin' - to- of striped and plain Japanese Sit ks . striped,and-plain French Silks, Black Taffeta and Gros-Grain . ,- , Silks,' - .Black Alpacas; Black Pdre Aohairsl i in all .Nos., . Black and White Plaids, Black and ~While - • . - - - Stripes,.Fancy Plaids, Suit F loods, , as well as . an entire new sock ,of . . . -Domestics at the lowest • -- i . . . cash prices of • - '. - the season. March 15, 1871. I TIYE IiUBSORIBER, would respectfully inform his many patrons and the trading public, that he has made large reductions in pried' of his winter stook' of , ... . . . OLOTHII OASSIMERES S all of which are offered for 'Oath or Ready Pay at prices that CB It not fail t , give eatiefaotion. The public are cordially invited to call and..examine and be cou 1 vinoed that, now Is the time to buy cheap. The highest Market Price ' i - ' - Paid for' all,kirids of Produce. I We'labor*, Feb. 22, 1871. The Largest Estabpshment in Norpern I• T_TAVINP,- facilities for-buying and handlitif large quantities of Goods onables'him to offer XIX them at leviest,Yobbing prices. In o r retail departmeat Goods are soidkilt, a Imall ayl vance over wholesale prices. A large stock o. Transfer Ornamenits, Stripeing Pei and. Brushes for Carriage aDd Cuttr Ornameniing. HOVELS, SPADES, PORES. BE Nell WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BURRS, • StirEINSI . WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE.TREES, .f.PIO SPRINGS, HORSE iSHOES. HOOP, BAR,& BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. AleO, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES; POWDER , • AND CAPS, PATENT BARNDOOR lIANGINC4. a new thing, and wade for UPC Theee ftra 4ut a f"sp of tho many artleten eJbmpoving the eirk otiLerdirate - ' I Invite the public to can and ez'amine for tho schwa. I aim It) kuci the beet quallty of goode in my line; and:all work to order done romptly and well, Dpoßs, BIAINEIS, AT :6R- 7 1 7- PRICES WellstlproJeb.l,lB7l-Iy. , „ 'WILLIAM RO I DERTE. ":- _ ESII ._III3W ME -..-,_,._. , . 1.;:- 1 :_,-.."-.',--?.` .-. ' --"-•',, ''..:, a a). . - _ ~ , ' i 3 IM II A ~-I~~A MEE BEI Bliarse ~ I.f ';''', _ .--:: L: cl 1: ,`. DRAPERY .1 TABLE LINE, DRESS GOODS, inj PRINTS, G.INGEfAMI NEW ARRANGEMENTS I Shawls, press Goods, Futs, GENTS, BOYS and YOITTIIS N N Ready-Nade Clothing ! EMI W. C. .IE-K-I;t3ooEitie Draggist zi STONE, MDR ISLAND AD GLASS, ALL SIZES, SINGLE AND DGI.7IIIE T PAINTS„ AFL KINDS AND COLORS, VARNISHES AND VARNISH BRITS MU= INEAMS 4OI)S irl , • ,ING,: - N.. Y. - COB !yr spring Goods; to nail and iirxernine thefr new ,t , rttnent' of DRY,. GOODS and 1101,ta nod t:110 grades then - we have kept for seyoral years pike t. SIL4I-i:S. EN sexeral 'care Ent*, that we have, felt ,wariat,ted 6 eau eult any um We have' theni in Pallas and 12, $1,75, $2, $2,25, $2-50, $2,76, $3. _, t`i Hit and FOPIANS. e, and , , ellen keep a good aasertonot of low 30 it assortment of the better qualities. . . Iv* e g ular and extra sizes, white and colored, at very fl; w rman Quilie 'very cheap. Curtains. e pricei upwards, as tine 'as needed. $1,75, f 52, s2,to, pairi; - .These prices kept' in stock, and ihatt goods Fold n eider: • • ' • - USLINS, in all grades. g, in all grades, very cheap. liorders, from $1 - to $5,50 pr. doz. hamask, bordered, froml2s to $9 pr. doe. ••- • • - 'I6IV styles for early spring treM. j-c., choicest patterns of the _Season WHOLESALE AND RETAIL .1 UNE =I I=lsl J. A. PARSONS & CO THOMAS• HARD'. WHIM Llift RE lIES s A PULL, STOCK our business kept in stock Stoves Having on band a largo stock of Tin, Stores ►d Hardware; the undersigtio a takes pleasure announce that ho has at a great outlay, ad to the usual stook of the old stand on MAIN STREET, 15',ELLiBORO, complete ancortmeet of Shelf hardware, which he enumerate tbe fallowing articles: AILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, CUT, MILL, HAND ANA) BUCK, AWS, BUTTS, STRAP BINGES, CARPENTER'S _ TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTSJAITT , STOCKS, lIMICHETS, • OWSELS, ZiMM a. ! lil cils W., C. KRESS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers