A Rhyme Six Hundred , Years Old. Guard, my child, thy tongue, That it 'Dank o° tvroOg i • =Let i3Oavillvorl pasii over tic ' Bet the watob .trutlaimfore it That Is speak per _wrong, Ouard,my chill, thy tongue. Guard, my child, thine eyes; Prying is aot wise : -Let them look on what is right; U From all evi) turn their eight; Prying is nod. WlllO, Gad,lny thin° eyes. Guard, tny'ohild, thine car; jllyirked word vii)4 1 • Let no evil word coma in That maytcause the soul 'to sin Wicked words will scar. • iltutrd,ray gbild, tbine'ear. Ear and eyq.and tonguo, adaard' while ` thou art young; For, abut! these busy three - Can unruly members be. award, while thou nrtyoung, : , Ear and eyes and tongue. For the Agltator.l One Thousand Miles over the Rooks of Tioga County. BY ANDREW SHERWOOD, '18,41151:8Iir GFOLOOIST oY TH6 Ofilo CIIAPTER VII. - TUE COAL MEASURE'S. • "And God avid let th'e'eariti hring turtb grant, the herb yielding teed; and the fruit tree yielding fruit after bit kind." 'Like gulliver, the hero in Swift's Wondrous tale, who lost himself in a gigantic corn fleld,.where the corn grew up tall as the trees of the forest—so we have wandered down the vale of years, until finally, far away in the mighty ptospect, where the mist of the unmea sured centuries hangs dark and heayy, we stand on the level savann.ts of the carboniferous world,—lost in a forestl' of gigantic ferns and palms. In every reeking marsh, grow the rank Calamite and the somber Sigillaria ; 'Lott there' is no flower to enliven the funereal depths Of those silent glades, or song of I,irdi to break the mighty, solitude. , -No quad ruped•eontes forth, `by day •or night,ito seek its prey, fur, the atmosphere- is charged with deadly carbon. Oily cloud's of insects darken the Or, like swarms of mosquitoes in - some bosky dell, at the close of a summer day. All is silent in those green and Ink - t-hint woods, and we wen) to see, "in the multitude of trunks darkeoed atioVe by :clouds.of foliage, the slim columns of an elder Alhambra," But those graceful columns—the Sig- Blade and the Leptdodendron—whose green branehes untetled the earth in that age long gone by, liaveheen extinct for untold 'center les4 : -We may enter the gloomy galleries - which the miner ) .has dug in the rock-ribbed mountains, ant i se e their eltarred and carbonized trunks, lying. nil' they fell ; or feel that we are treading over the imprisoned sunbeams iviiieli warmed the' into life; but, like the tumuli of the Mound- Builders, which dot the prairies of the Far West, no spirit comes forth •to tell 1 , us of their history.- We only know that they grew on - a lesiel continent, having a very warm and moist climate, and but little 'elevated-above (hb sea. The Le pidodendron was a very large tree, some what resembling the modern tree-ferns of the tropics, and the common ground pines of our own section. But while the tree-fern - earth's a height of Only four or live feet, and the ground-pine as many inches, the Lepidodentiron raised its hirsute branelies nearly a hundred feet over the soil, and along with conif erous trees allied to the pines of Nor- folk Island, are supposed to have cover ed the drier ,plains. The Calainite re sembled the common horse-tall (Equi setum Fluviatile) of our swamps; but unlike this humble plant, it attained to a height of thirty feet. The ;Valeria —an associate of the Calaroite in the marshes—often reached a height of sev enty feet; and such was their abund ance, that there are large seams of mil which are composed principally of their remains. Beneath these palm-like trees, there was a dense undergrowth of ferns, whose . fronds - are now spread out be tween the layers of shale in the most perfect state of preservation. ' Over 300 species have been found in the Coal Measures, while there are no more than sixty indigenous species found in the whole of Europe at the preSent day. It is now believed by all geologists of any note, that coal is of vegetable because it consists of vegetable tis- ' ori gin,sues, while the accompanying shake contain numerous roots, leaves, and. trunks of trees, The peculiar conditions under which it wasreduced, were doubtless similar to th se existing in ' .) the peat bogs of our owt times, only on a much grander scale. In those anClent and widely extended Marshes. just as la the Great Dismal Swamp of Virgin ia at the present day, vegetation flour ished and decayed until a deposit of car bonaceous matter, sufficient to form a coal bed, had accumulated, when the .land subsided beneath the waters, and strata - of Sand and - clay were thrown down. This process was continued thro' a long period of time, until all the veins of coal had been produced. The coal beds mark the eras when the surface 'remained stationary ; while the sand stones point to Limes of subsidence.— Bituntinous and Anthracite coal were both formed in the same manner, sand belong to the same age, only the latter has been subjected to a greater amount of heat and pressure. Allowing for re duction in bulk by compression, decom position, and the lose of carbon, it would require eight feet in - depth of vegetable matter to-make one foot of bi tuminous coal, and twelve feet to make one of anthracite. - For, a bed of anthra cite thirty feet thick,like that at Wilkes barre, the vegetable debris must have been over 300 feet thick ; and for a bed gLbituminous coal six feet thick, like at at Morris Run, it must have been nearlylifty feet in thickness. ft is sup posed that all the forests of the United - f , dtates at the present day, 'would not make a bed of coal equal in extent to the great Pittsburg seam. Coal may be justly considered as one of the mainsprings of modern civiliza tion and progress. Wherever this min- eral exists, there you will flud the ele- ' month of wealth and power. England, the mast powerful nation of Europe, c k e,- copies only a, small group of islands ; yet the 100,000,000 tons of coal which ' she annually produces, has epabred her to extend,her -power over the entire globe; an it is bier - boast that the sun never sets on her possessions. Together with iron, it likewise forms the Kraft and Stoll of our attainments. Dining the past year, the anthracite and bitu minous mines of Pennsylvania pro-, duced more than 25,000,000 tons of coal„ 5,000,0000 of which were devoted to the development of motive . power,.which was equal to' the labor of 28,000,000 of men. The amount of anthracite' coal yet .in Pennsylvania, is 13,171,828,500 tons, which will give us an annual sup ply of 20,000,000 tons for 000 years, But vast as is.this undeveloped treasure, it is quits Insignificant when compared to the bituminous coal deposits in the wes tern half of our State, These deposits are so stdpendotte, i that could their val ue be realized at once, t would national debt nearly sixtypay our times. Such facts indicate to, the observing mind where the seat of empire will be in fu ture ages. They 'compel us to believe that Providence has designed this to be a country where mind Mardi make Migh. ty strides on 'the - 'high --road to perfec tion ; that here a republic shall be es tablished, which shall bs)a terror to ty rants, and the, glory of which shall hest a thousand years.' -- • ' .. Tior County Agitator. z , ; - J y , yrflifi - office Woll slocicea wit Typo, %Wanes, &c., and has every advantage for doing • • JOB PRINTING in a superior manner, Plaire,or in Colors, from a wed ding card to a sheet postor. Any kind or style of work dono at this ctrico, as follows: 2, .„ Law Books, Pamphlets, Cards, Invitation Cards, - Hand Bills, Programmes, Checks, Drafts, Dub'lls, Bill Minds, Circulars, Orders, Shipping Cards; Business CardePEnvolopes, Tinted Plate Printing, Visiting Cards, Wedding . &c., &c., Justice Blanks, And all Other blanks constantly on, hand and for Sale i‘ends, warrantee, S,chool Contract, Leeds, quit-claim. Summons, Subpoenas, Statement and Confession, Warrants, Executions, A.Vcablo Action, . indemnifying Bonds, ;-• ,; Bdtds,Constable's Scilo,‘. Attachments, Oddgutent ', i Collector's SAS, ; ; t Notes,' Petition:and ;Send Marriage Or3rtificate E , , ' for 'Apement of 0 uardlaq.; I ' i I ; ' t And any o ut er n ot above' ; vill be blanks enumera t ed printed to order on short notice. air Pe rao no !ending orders for JOB WOItK .will get their Work promptly dono and returned. We shall spare no pains to please our customers in this depart• meat. Those sending work. Pions° state the size of Job, kind of ink and paper desired. , : • VAN GELDEIi A MITCHELL. Proprietors Feb. 1870 BEE - HIVE EXCHANGE. I Surrender; BUT AT DISCRETION! YOUsee that hill a column of space with half an inch of t reading matter don't help ino after all. What d'ye do that for t" asked less than a million of my customers, when I apparel in blank. And, being tuckered out with tryinT, to explain why I did it, I am forced to do it in print: Therefore, Know ye, all good people, that I am doing a Land Office Business, WHOLESALE & RETAIL SUGARS, 4L[ GRADES,. SYRUPS, MO , LASSES; PORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CISCOES, COD, HALI BUT, AM) HO FORTH, And I am selling cheap as I always de, and can save country dealers their expenses to the little city of Elmira, or the big pity of New York.-- But then, THE TEA TRADE is ono of my biggest, brightest, and best things. Yon cannot get-bettor OOLONG OR GREEN TEAS, 1 or cheaper, than I can 801 l you: You may pa tronizo the Great American Tea Company, and then I can do you- good. I have enough to Bet Tioga County a ! TE -HE - LNG fotilhe next 26 years.' Besides no man has a big.. ger or bettor lot of Impaug Emu,- then I have, and am Bolling thorn at a bargain, Everything in the Grocery Line, CANNED FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES, . WOODEN WARE, CONFEC . TIPNERY, not mixed as I mix them here, but in good order. I buy all the BUTTER AND, CHEESE, that I can, and almost everything else but teasels Sign of tit° BULL ‘tc BEE-HIVE L i W. T. MATHERS. Wellsboro, De 0.15, Dec. 1869. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPEIR 2 WALL PAPER' T . ET it be distinctly understood the inhab- JUI itants:and oitizona of Wellaboro, two will will I WALL PAPER , and any other article in tho 1 lEtvii.2.l4- - Lino, c ap e er than can be sold by any. other firm in Tioga County; farther we do affirm that no man can undersell na . unless they receive goods by :the AIR LINE. We have justareceived from N: Y., 35 P 000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER • • bought:at the presontl Glpld prices ,$l4, which we will sell cheaper thin any other S r west of N. Y. Call and examine, and too ar: certain that wo can please in Price and quality, and if - not gui" we Will pay you for your time in specie. ' \ • P. WILLIAMS & CO. Welleboto, April 6, 1870. BOOE AGENTS WANTED .FOIESTRUG GLERS AND TRIUMPHS OP • -- - - P. T.. BARNUM , WRITTEN BY ELAISELP IN Ons Leads OCITAYO VILIIIIE•-• NEARLY 800 PACISE--EILINTED IN ENGLISH AND ONAmm,r_. / 33 ELEGANT PULL NOR RAGE/MHOS : • /C Embraces FORTY YEAHE ETCOLLIOTIONN of.his Busy Life, ati a Merthant ;Manager, Banker, Lecturer and Sho4znan. and gives accounts of his Imprisonment, Lit Failure, bit &maw:slid European Tours, and im portant Historical and Personal Reminiscences, re plAto with Hunior Anecdotes and Entertaining Marra, tilre,• No booktpubllshed so acceptable to all classes. Everyone wants it. Agents are soiling from 60 to 100 1 4 a week,. We, offs extra terms. Our Illustrated Cata. logno and Terms to Agentalsent free. ' J. B.BIIRR CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn. FOR SALE /lonia and lot on Pearl Street, 2d houso iho South ,of district eohool•house. 'Enquire on premier, . Stoves: Stoves :: a. itt, ft H*RDVVAREI . Havingformed a partnership In the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stock of theold stand . on • MAIN STREET; WELLSBORO, a complete acnortment of Fitalf Hardware, of which we enumerate tho following artielea: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, ' CARPENTER'S TOOLS,' PUMPS, AXES, En BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & _BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Alm, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a now thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stook of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the boat quality of goods in our line; and all work to order done promptly and well. Buckeye MQwcr & Reaper. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. KT FACTORY PRICES, Always on hand or furnished to ordor, at BOBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardware Store, Wellsboro. ROBERTS it BAILEY. Wldr. ROBERTO. R.O. BAILEY. Woneboro..Tart- 1,1810-tit. • Lots 0 of New Goods ! T. L. BALDWIN & 00'S and see a nice stock Of Goods for the 1 SPRING 6c SUMNER. E2.0)130 11122100 0010221; —all styles, colors and patterns— ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK , AND COLORED SILKS, &c., &o. BEAUTIFUL Summer sgams, anti a large assortment to sated from. OELOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS 4c., TO TRIM DRESSES . OR SACQUES. —Our stook of— YANKEE NOTIONS can't be beat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, • 1 CORSETS, &C, MOICIMOMI too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so largo an assortment to select from in a country store, and clear down to the iggiaWe also keep a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and parts of suits. Should we fail to suit you with ready-mado, we have Cassimere and, A TAILOR, TO OUT AND VIT. Boots and Shoes, • all styles and sizes. HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY; WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD . WARE, NAILS, IRON, Looks, Latches, Carpenters' Tools. A GENERAL STOCK OF - GROCERIES, Fresh. WEAS are lower than at any time since the war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and so have some cheap. We are agents for the E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE. Farmers, if you wanttools to work with drop in (SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Ca3iliga Plaater, cf-e. %aortal:is, Palls Firkins and Ashtob Salt to flavor with. All kinds of Parm Produce want ed.' Prices can't be boat. T. L. BALDWIN CO. Tioea, Pa-., May. 4, 1870. AUGERS, BITTS, AGENTS FOR THE COME TO TIOGA, PA. BOTTOM FIGURE. RENIDVAL. New Stock!' INew Goods! SEARS & DERBY • • , •_, AVE taken the n ew. More one door above Wright '44 Dailey , where they are - on band with a Ziew Stock - Of . ' , *: 'BOOTS, BALMORAL% . - OA/TERS,' • BOOTEES,' BROGANS 'AND GALLIGASKINS • ' warvantedia fit any , foot'from No. 0, to 13" fri t:flush% The '-stook. bat.boon, jeliotod by one who has the advantage of . TIIIRTY ; Y E QR S ' EXPERIENCE buelneee, and En the best and klieg in the CO ntry, ,Mor etook of • • 161t:EiTair PALL FRENCH E;IP, SOLE, COMMON CALF,` BINDING,IIO - ROOOO • •&0 • - *lll be kept heretofore} On Findings We; shall be found -at homo al ways, and we aball endeavor to sell at prices satisfactory to the trade. WO won't be under; sold. CASH PAID • FOR HIDES, SKINS,, FURS PELTS. Also the top of the Market for ,:WOOL., Bat our best hold will be ow CUSTOM - WORK! An anal. There's comfort in a well made custom boot, That Ste the corns without too much Compressing For everybody knows a 'shabby foot' Ounnot be compromised by overdressing. And one may wear clean linen with 'a suit Of finest cloth, but there is' no finessing Will mak4' a man , with shabbily dressed feet, Look Aikei,'n gentleman upon the street. Mona. : Buy your boots of ' SEARS A DERBY, Oi any other man. [Printer's Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1.889—tf. For Sale. lAM AGENT for Kinney Co., Celebrated j platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, all made in good'style, and from Jersey timber, and warranted in every rospeot, equal to any made. Can ,furnish any of the above at the lowest Manufacturers price's. L. 0. BENNET. Welleboro, Jan. 1, 1870-tf. House and Lot for Sale. HOUSE and Lot, and vacant lot for Sale cheap. Location We'labor°, and desirable. Inquire at the Agitator Office. Jan. 1, 1870—tf. TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. y AM now building at my menufactory,in Lawrence ' Till°. a superior FANNING MILL , Whichpossosses the following advantagesover allother mills: 1. It eeparateeryo,oate,rat litter.amifoulseeds,atid cbossand cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow aced, and al other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy aced. • 4. It does all other separatingroquired of a mill . This mill is built ofthe best and most durable tim her, in good stylo,and is sold choap for cash, or pro deco. I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oatefrom wheat,to othermillsaonreasonableterm s. J .H MATHER: Lawranceville,Jan.l,ll7o-t f • IRON WORKS! FOUNDRY a MAOHINE SHOP ! WELLSBORO, PA. SEARS" & AVERY, • PROPRIETORS. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, OULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, BET . TLES, ALL SIZES, SAP PANS, FARMING UTENSILS, ALL KINDS, WOODMACHINES WOR SAWING WOOD; Brick Machines, CHURN POWER; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN HORSE;'CONSTANTLY ON HAND, And also, everything usually found in a first . class Shop. Wo call particular attention to our MA CHINE IMO?, which has been re-built with new, and first-class MICHINBRY,LITIIO Iron PLANER, DRILL, &o. We employ none but first-olass 'workmen, and are, therefore, pre pared to do our work in the beat style, and at short notice. We have recently added new MAORINERY, for Planing and Matching boards. Oall and see us. Jan. fp, 1870-Iy. SEARS A AVERY. _ m L7J g _ I› t%' • 0 ---- -- c ) o ). lJ'I:J. t ," - 510[1 5• s °c) i w ris: ,„„ d , 111;1 hi „ , , • + , 1, 1 0 • P. 4 C Tt 410 ti V I-4 Cri C 75, C• Cr 4 IND 0 i-a ' a CD tN2 Wh. CO ...I cz t 0 , p ::) . Z 1 C-0 C.ci tSO 00 ( 4 7) c) •-1 tO w cr4 4 P 4 4 I % ND ,P I ^ - ' 8 8 P. 64 .rz. 4 .6 4 - a' 4 . ^ ——- - Re, 61' I V V V ME C) , , 1 1 h. , I j 0 vt4/ THE EQUITABLE .I.4..F.BAssimANcm socarry. OF THE UNITED' STATES; Chartered under the Laws of New York. Cash Aiseta $12,000,000. Annual Business $42,000,000. irIIVIDENDO applied to reduce 2d and all jJ subsequent premiums, or, to increase the amount of the policy. Dividends are from 10 to 20 per cent the 2d year, and increase Cub year therefore. The= Equitable• did business •to the amount of $12,000,000 more last yest(lBB9) than any ether • company—all oath. Purely , mutual and non - f orfeitable. No other company can Abe', a better record, hirger diiidends, or safer tem, cavities. All the profits less the actual expenses of the company are divided among the policy holders as dividends each year.. Any one desir ing of hiving a life insured,, if he will examine the figures Of the BqUitable,will become convinced that it is to his advantage to insure in this Com pany In preforene to any other. • • • W. A. STONE, Agent, Office with WilSon do Niles.] for Tioga Co. - April 104870--Itu Grocery and ,Provision Store, CORNING(, N. Y. C). 31,21. 16113L114, TeIIOLEBALE AND RETAIL DEALER VT in all kinds of GROOM ES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, . L c? ' FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN DRIED FRIIITR, CANN i pD FRUITS A*D VEGETABLES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & OROCIRERY WARE, 011ILDiEN'81 CARRIAGES, OABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &0., &o. • A full and complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best quality always on, hand. Particular attention paid to Fine Groceries Dealers and Consumers will find. it to their in terest to examine hifVfock before buying. Corning, N. Y., r I 1,1870. CORNING JEWELRY STORE! A. D. DUDLEY, e Watchmaker and Jawsler. A large aosortmont of I WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS AND FANCY GOODS. ..„ALV. Engraving done in any style. Corning, Dec. 16, 1889. A. D. DUDLEY, ly. No. 10, Market Bt. J. STICKLIN, Ohai rmaker, Turner, and Furniture Dealer. IIgALK ROOM and FACTORY opposite Dartt's Witorta Rh an Mails. ; ati,aat. vphavra ha la pro 'pared to Mukha' Cabinet Ware of any kind to those in *ant. • . , ' Orders Promptly tilled and satisfeetionguaran. teed. Fahey Turning done to order. Wellaboro,Jan.'l,lB7o. J. STIOKLIN. Valuable _Farm for Sale. A farm of three hundred acree, with two lima drod and twanty-ilve sores improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River'and Railrocd. Well watttered, un der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga Village. T. L . BALDWIN. Tioga, Jan. I, 1870-tf. Dr. IL R. Phillips, 2151103074 11211 5 2ISSIfe r u HE undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Westfield and surrounding coun try that he is permanently loCated at this place. He is fully prepared to do all kinds of . 1 DENTISTRY, in the highest style of the art. Salem:Alen guarranteed. OMceover Soovill's Drug Store. Fine Photographs can be had over the Drug Store. H. R. PHILLIPS. Westfield, Pa., June 80,1888-Iy. Wholesale and Retail DRUG STORE ! By W. C. KRESS. LOTS SPRING GOODS fling subscriber will keep on nand at all times JIL a full stock of DRUGS ANDINDICINES- PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medieine,s, Flavoring _Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White WaSh ' Lime and Brushes, Varnish and • Sash Brushes, Window Glass all 8 Zes, Varnish of all kinds, Fancy Boaps,• Hair Oils, SPEC3TAC3LES, Hair and both Brushes, a full stock di Yankee ,tVotions ; also a complete as soritnint of Homeopathic Medicines, and a fall stook of Pure Wines and Liquoys. Buyers are requested to call and examine pr °es boforo purchasing elsewhere. Apr. 20, MO. Planing & Matching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED & GROOVED, with rapidity and exactness, with our new Ma chines: Try it and see. B. T. VANUORN. Weashore, Jan. 1, 1870. NILES' VALLEY Steam Flouring Mill. WILL do custom work on Mondays, Thurs. days and Saturdays of cal week, as it will accommodate our business bet er. Highest market price paid for Wheat and Oats. PRAM& BpNNETT. Niles Valley May 18,181,0.41. MOM DOG STUB, DRUGS 'AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, TUADDRIA DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S OONOENTRATKD MEDICINES, IRE DELL'S f• FLUID, E%- TRACTS, • BURNETT'S 0000AINE, FLAVORING EXTRAOTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENV'MEDIOINES, ROOK _ ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & 00'S RE Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers areroquested to ealland get' quotitions before going further Esat. Oorning, N.Y., Jan. 1,1870-1 y r}MiAVE bought the right to use, the Paten asao Roofing in Tioga County, and am now preparad to put on roofs cheap and in good workmanlike manner. This roofing is fire and water proof.; I refer to Messrs. Wright & Bai ley, Toles Barker, and C. L. Wilcox, where samples can'be seen and roof .in use. MOSES WINGATE. Welleboro, Jan .1, 1870,tf. 813. HOLLIDAY, Proprietor. A large and • commodious House, located in the imme diate vicinity of all, the County,buildings, with large and commodious barns attached, AT - James Hazlett acts as hostler, and will always be tound on hand, attentive.to business. Jan. 5,1870.—1 y IafAVING completed his new Cabinet Ware it honso on Main street, Wellsboro, has stock ed it with a large and superior assorted stock o Ohamber Snits, Walnut, Ash, Maple • from $l6O down, and as oheap as the same goods can bo bo't in the cities, freight added. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, ' from $125 down. Moo,. SFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHES, TETE A-TETES, Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Lookligg, Glasses, Brackets Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. I am manufacturing as usual, and intend tv *cep a full stock of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and beet stook of Furniture ever brought into the county. Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING &MOULDING, done to order at the Factory. Jan. 1, 1869-tf. WALKER & Leirfiribr. DEALERS IN ; HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL; NAILS, STO VES, TIN- WARE, BELTING, MS, CUTLERY, WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Oarriago and Harness Trimmings, • HARNESSES, SADDLES, &c. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, 18711-Iy. C. F. & 0. Moore, LIVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLES Wellsboro, Pa. Officio and Stables on Water Street, in rear of Court House. They will fur nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, or Carriages, at short notice. Long experience in the business enables the proprietors to announce with Confidence they can moot any reasonable de mands in their line. Drivers furnished, if desired and passengers carried to any part of the country. Thankful for past favors, they invite continuance of Custom. Terms reasonable. Nov. 24,1869.-Iy. Great Improvement in Densistry, --t•„ HAVING purchased the exclu -11.1l sive right of Dr. Folsem's Im s•seal proved patent Atmospheric - Dental Plates for Vega County. I now take pleasure in _offering it to the public as the greatest DIS COVERY yet made in By the use of which, we can overcome any any and all dillioulties which have heretofore baffled the skill of the most practical Dentist in the world. Plates constructed upon this plan re main perfectly firm under all circumstances in condition of the month, as no air, or particles of food can p °glibly get under them. Those having old styles, Oold or Rubber Plates, can, at half the cost, have the Improvement applied to them answering in every respect the same purpose as as a new set. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every case. C. N. DARTT, Dentist. Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1869. • This Is 10 certify that wo aro now using the Improv od Dental Plates with perfect satisfaction. having luaed the old style ofplatos for yearn wi th all the troubles , and inconveniences known In the use °flinch plates, 'e cheerfully recommend the Improved Plates as far ',superior to adythi ng yot known. E. 11. KIMBALL. CHAS. WILLIAMS. W. 0. KREBS. OIL ctoTns AND MATTINOS, May 4,1870. MIMI well known STOCK HORSE will stand the ensuing :mason as follows : At the stable of the subscriber in Mainsburg, 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday 'of each , week, and at D. D. Holiday's, Wellsboro, the three first days of Court, ofeaoh week. Terms, $lO to ensure Pasture furnished for mares from a distance. All accidents at the risk of owners. Owners dis posing of mares before foaling, will be held re sponsible for the insurance money. May 18,1{870-Bm. I E. A. FISH. CORNING, Y. WHITEWASH LIME tt AND DYE COLORS, FINED OIL. W. D. TERBELL 00. Patent Rooting. Wellsboro Hotel. Furniture I Furniture B. T. VAN HORN, FURNITURE. ~; &0., &0., Jko:, with Upholstery to suit. B. T. VAN HORN. Mechanical Dentistry. CARPETS, just received at THOS. HARDEN. YOUNG BERTRAND. - RAILWAY !rpm TABLES. ERIE RAILWAY. ' ' •• ON and niter IiIONDAY, MI 2d, 1870, Trains willionv °Corning, 111 - e following hourh,via 1 Com WEST. 8,00 r MORT BXPIIDBB, daily tor Roth ,ester Bu ff alo, Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cincin nati!, malting direct cornmection.ulth Unitise!' the Grand Trunk and Lake Shore RailwaYa at Buffalo. Dunkirk and Cleveland for all points West, and at Cinclmintil with the Ohio and Mississippi and Louis ville Short Line Railways for tho Soo lb and Louth west.. 6,18 a la, EXPRESS 04%11,01lndays excepted, for Buffalo;•Drinkirk and Clevoland, connecting with trains for the Weet, A Weeping Coach ie attached to this train running through to Buffalo. X 0,22 a. mr MAIL TRAIN, 9tulityB ox.co pied , for, Buffalo and Dunkirk. L 45 p. m.. DALTI4OIII3II,Xi'RESS,Bunda-iisoxcopt od, for RooduAtor and Butialo.vlA Avon. 7,39 p.m., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, (Buchanan, and tile South Stops at drincipal. stations and con iaecte points on main line. New and improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany this train from Now York to Dulfalo,and sleeping Oosepos attached at liornolleville, running through to Cleveland and Callon without change. 11,25 p. in., EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays exempted, ter linable, Cleveland, con eat:lg wIN trains for the West. 12,05 P. tn., WAY BREHM , Sundays/a:cep tad. 6,45 p. in., EIdNIRANT TRAIN, daily, for the Went QOINQ ViBT. . _ 11,48 p.m., MOUT EXPRESS, Sundays, excepted, potthecting at ,New Yolk with afternoon trains and Steamers for Boston and Now England &ites. Sieeping.Coaches accompany this train to ew York 4,35 a. tn., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, klo days ex:- cepted, connecting at Elmira for Williamsport, Rarrisburg and the South; also at Elmira for Oatian • dalgua; at Waverly with train of Lehigh valley Rail way ; at Owego for Ithaca; at Binghamton for Coo perstown and Albany; arid at New York with steam ers and afteinoon Express trains for New England cities. lifirllleeping coaches accompany this train to New York. • 11,28 a. m., DAY NXPREBB, Sundays excepted, connecting at Jereey.City with midnight exprees train of New Jersey; Railroad for Philadelphia. Aliso stopeat principal etattione add connecting poitite on main line. New and improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany this train to New York. 12.15 p. m., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, daily for Susquehanna. 2,20 tr % ru., ELMIRA. MAIL, Sundays excepted. 4ao p• m., NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL, Sundays excepted, connecting - at Elmira for the South. 7,57 p.m., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, Daily,connect ing at Jersey City with morning Express train of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington; and at Now York with morning Express train for Boston and New England Cities. Alec stops at all prin. cipal stations and connecting points on malt line. Sleeping Coaches accompany this,traa through to Now 11,33 a. to., WAY FREIGHT, Sundqys excepted. BAGGAdE CHECKED THROUGH. per- A revised and ccimpilete"Pocket Time Table"of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and connecting Linea,hasrecently been published ,and ca n be procur ed on appitcatton to.the Ticket Agent of the Company WM. R. BARR, Gong Pass.A.?:ent Slooaburg & Corning, & Tioga R. rt Tiainswillrun as follows untll f urtbor notice Accommodation—Liaroa Blosaburg at Op a.,!ni—Mana field at Tioga at 8,22, LawroncovillOat 007— arriving at Corning atlo,lo Mail—Leaveslllossburg at 2,80 p. m —Mansfield at 3,10, Tioga at 3,45, Lawrenceville at 4,29—arriving at Corning at 6.30 p. m. Mail—Leavoseerning at 7,50 a.m., Lawiencevllleat 8,41, 'Bog° at 9,29, Mansfield at 10,05—arriving at Blase-burg at 11,45 a.m. I • Accommodation—Leaves Coining at 2,65 p rencoville at 4,04 Tioga at 4.55, Alansfield at 8,38 arriving at Blosekurg at 6,20 p.m , L .SIIATTLIOR ,Sup't lktorthi;trn Central R.R. TRAINS TOR THE NORTH. Trainsforeanandagulaleave, Elmira no follow a : Accomodatton at 7 05 p m Express[fostest train on road] •12. 20 a m Mail 10 00 p tr, Way Freight,[passonger coach attached]. : ....'...2o a m °nand after Nov. 15, 1889, train will arrlcie and depart from Troy, ae follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 4.6, 'p. ta.—Dally (except Su ndayd) for Elmirh and Buffalo ,via EFloßallway from Elmira. 1025 a. m.—Daili(oAcept Sundays) for Elmlra,ituffa 10,0anandaigna, Rochester, Snsp.Bridge and the Oa nadaa. LEAVE.SQUTITWARIV 728 A. m.—Paily(oxcept Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington,Pbiladelphia,&o. 968 P. in.—Dally ( exc ept Sundays) for Baltlinore • Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED R.PISKR I.IO.S.YOUNG • ' GenlSupt.flarrliburg. Gen '1 Pass. A g't 10,000 Agents Wanted EYERYBODY'S LAWYER BOOK OF FORMS,I BY FRANK CROSBY; Esq., Member of tho Philidelphia Bar. Enlarged and Troronghly Revised, Br S. J. VANDERSLOOT, Esq., Member of tho Philadelphia Bar. 608 PP. 12 No. LAW STYLE. $2;00. T n" 'UNEQUALLED BOOK concerns the property, business, individual rights, and so cial privileges of every one s and affords, a fund of legal knowledge that to many will make it worth its weight in gold. The simplicity of its instructions, the comprehensiveness ,of its sub ject, the accuracy of its details, the facilities af forded in its perfect arrangement, and the con siseness and attractiveness of its style, as well as its cheapness, make it the most desirable of the legal hand-book. No effort or expense had been spared in adapting it theroUghly to the times, and affording in it the most recent and useful information. IT CONTAINS 711 E Constitution of the United States, "With Amendments; General Bankrupt Laws, With Amendments.: Pension Laws, With Necessary Forms ; Internal Revenue Laws, With Stamp Duties ; Post Office Regulations, With Postage Rates, ,e., &c TOGETHER WITH THE Laws of all the States IN REGARD TO Acknowledgments, Credits, Naturalization Administrators, Debts, Notes. Affidavits. Weds, Obligations. Agents, . Divorce, Partnerebips, Agreements, Dower, Patents, Alimony, . Exchange, Penalties, Appeals, i Executors, Petitions, Apprentices, . Exemption, Powers, Arbitrations, Guardians, Pre euaptions, Assignees, Hotels, Receipts, AssignmentEr, Landlords, Releases, Awards, Libel. Rights. Bills, Liens, Slander. Boarding,Limitations, Tenants. Bonds, 1 Marriage, Vessels, q Carriers, Masters, Wards. Codicils, Minors, Wills, Opoyrights, Mortgages, &c., &c. WITU Plain and Simple Instructions to Everybody for Transacting their Business According to Law; the legal forms required for Draw ing np the Various Necessary Papers; and useful Information in Regard to the Government of the Uni ted States, and the various -, State Governments, • etc., etc. • 1 Agents Wanted. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS are offered to agents everywhere. This work is the most com plete of its kind over published, and presents ex cellencies that commend it'to all engaged in the affairs of everyday life. Every farmer, business man, Tradesman, Laboring Man,. Politician, Property Holder, Bankrupt, Professinal Man, arid every ono having a Family, will find it in teresting, instructive, valuable, and full of infor mation. SEND FOR OUR LARGE AND HAND SOME SIXTY-FOUR PAGE CATALOGUE of noarly One Thousand standard and choice Works. Its character throughout is sue as• to command the confidence of all oxperiono d can vassers, and the approval of the public. SINGLE COPIES of Everybody's Lawyer sent to any address, postagC paid, on receipt of price. "-•; For terms to Agents, and s other information, address, John E, Pott i er & PUBLISHERS, 614 and 617 Season STREET, ' &fah 80,1870,8 m. , •,....,-•••-,+. L. D. RUDKER , Gen'l Sup't OM inimranee A geno i ys . WELLSBORO, Gash Capital over $20,000,000, FIRST-CLASS COTS.-NONE BETTER, "Up ATES AS LOW as any good Cotepaslei• 4 JLA, will take. Policies on dwellings and - propert' written at this office, and deliven payment of premium. • • Are You Insured ? - 11 mists but little, particularly to insure h e n, lugs, farm property; and contents. Detsebsi dwellings and farm property insured for 3 y e „, for ono per centum and expense of policy, a t A bonen, detached 100 or. more insured t o $lOOO for 3 years, at an expellee of $11,50. p a i l g3,83i a pear Sauffl tax --good thing in ern e ti fire. Furniture, provisions, bedding de., at lire same ra,tes. There is no excuse, Everyone:Should be Insured. If not with me, Smith .1 Merrick will do it ju t ' as eheap,•ans just as well. (Gratis, gentlez nef q I aboold be glad however, to befriend en oug h it this manner to pay for advertising, JNO. MITCHELL. Wellsboro, Jai2. 1, 1870-tf. Spring Millinery, In! AfirßS. SMITH, on Main Street, b 43 j ut 111, opened a very large assortment of MILLINERY GOODS! such as RATS, FONNETS, STRAW GOODS, LACES, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, IPDRERCIPFS, &C., &C., all of which will be sold much below former pi. ces. All work done promptl4 and to please. MRS. C AROLINE SMITE, ' Wellaboro, May 11, 1870—tf. MILLINERY. 11LERS. E. E. Kimball will be found hortifte in her new quarterti, over Young and Co.'i bookstore. She has jest received lots of SPRING MILLINERY to which she invites the iittention of the lad* of Wellsboro and vicinity. MRS. E. E. KIMBALL. April 13, 1810.1 y, CAMPAIGN OF 1870; _4, • '„ New Spring Goods AT THE PEOPLES SVE (AUK STOCK IS \ NOW: VERY COMPLEII 1...) in all branolibs, and Prices down to Pi standard of gold at par. Our STOCK 011 CLOTHS is very large, and we male dolled to brdu when deaired. Our CARET STOCK it♦ thcl largest in this section of the slate, and prices 10 to 20 per cent'lower than last year. Linen and White Goods are as low as beforo the war. We keep the M ale Brand Black Alpaca, which Madam Demon 'eat, Frank Leslie and Harpers' Bazaar unite in pronouncing the beat Alpaca in market; 1150 the BeaVer Brand pure MohairS, a splendid an title, and full atsortmont. Thei UNITED STATES TtA'COMPANY, -.'"--'..:-.. send us with the last invoice --7 : ''',l.D Er, ''''' - i "just received, the following no- I t - ) T-,—l' 1 'Ova. "We propose after April j_i 0 Ist, 1870, to pack a certificate "------.. for an elegant Silver Plated - Tea Service, daily, in one pound pactge. The certificate when found, will he forw rderl to us through our agents, and they, will deliver.the service to the fortunate party.' ' $ We aeAhe agents for the Company, and yr can assure ourcustomeri, that their I rita &re cheat* than they can be sold at retail, be sides the chance of getting a Tea Sett. • - 4 We aulir& a call from all the citizens of Tiov ()aunty an; vicinity, visiting Oorning, and we assuro Omni that they shall he kindly and fair• ly treated, and we will do them good. SMITH & WAITE. Corning, April 20, 1870. ilAtrip i ss SHOP T IV. NAVLE, would ea) , to hie friend , VII • that his Harness Shop is now in tangiest, and that ho is prepared to furnish heavy or Misariae.sauses, on short notico, in a good and substantial tna nor, and at prices that can't fail to snit. The boat workmen are employed, add none but the' best material used. Call and see' Deo. 9, 808-Iy. G. W. 1 AVLE. - u. xi' Et la a e ! 11 MR. A: L. MONROE, le :the authorized Agent for Tioga and Potier Connties, to effect insurance in the • Wyoming Insurance Company. Royal, Capitol $4900, 000 London, Liverpool &Globe, Capitol, $16,1/00,0 0 ° Ho will canvassitio county during the week ea cept Saturdays, when he will be found at the aloe of John. L Mitchell, to attend to all who may give him a call. 1 1 A. L. MONROE. Sept. 12, 1869-3 m.. Hugh Slchool. THE Subscriber; will open et School in the village of Osceola, on Monday, March 7thp 1870, and continua twelve weeks. RATES OF TUITION gq 0 0 • $5,00. ..... . ..... 16 00 . 0. 0. WARD, Pr Primary, Com - mon English, Higher, sob. 8,-tf. II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers