The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 05, 1870, Image 1
II 111 Eil ÜBE 111 VOLUME m oo ikvontionik tvaßt,vs t, st9.ll,ripa I VAN GELI)ER. & MITCHELL 4 t . p. foja6 i -"' 111 1P. LAKA39I7.- HMIS 01 8139CRINION INVARIABLY 11 ADVANCI. Subscrip . tign l 4 ,(p;r4 i -1- • RATES OE ADVERTISING. TEN LLlES•orthiitox itss, ItAICE ONE SQUARI o, I 8 Ili' I 4 Ins f BPJos I 611.10 s I 1 Yr Square, I $l,OO I $2OO I $2,50 ► $B,OO I $7,00 I $12.00 2 8q9ar0v,..._ 12 : 001 4,001 4,00 1 8,001 12,00 I 18,00 Unitl.loj o 115,00 117,00 1 22,00_1 30,00 1 50,000 NI•••:71 1 - 540'24 0 0 - 1 . 0: 06- 1 45 ,6 0 1 -06 : 60 rlOO.OO a . 0 CR- Spools! Netreeo - 1!. tet `.pes-11berialttositi or Loral 20 cents per Wise , - .0 i 1 It t * . .. Traosieut.adentisbig stoat be paid for la adva 43.. A:GNU : eIk; illittiks,:',TobitlibleAlabki; Meal, /Ai went Notes, Marriage Certificates, ac..on band. ', 0- . BUSINESS , CARDS. Tan Golder & Book,. klajo,ood FoucyiJob Rrillteris; - ..All,work pristhviflq "oi%d eicectited.Stin.: tviBlo. 'ly; f7itnlo, Attorney and Colinaslor at Law, Insuranee. Bounty: rind Pejasion Agency, Street, Welleboro, Pa., Jen. 1,.1870. Geo. W. Merrick Attorney and Counselor at Law. WCS 7411 Smilh, Eeq., Main Strpet, oppopito .11nion Block, Welleboro, Pa — r -Jati. 1, 1870 , jib. W. ~:i.d4ul4 Attorney and Conlinlor at Law, Mandela; Tioga county, Pa. Collections promptly, ott#3ndod' to. Jon. 1, 1870. Juo. It Mitchell, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Claim, and In surance Agent. Offioa ovor Kress' Drug Stop, adjoining Agitator Office; Jan.', 1870 Niles, - Attorneys and Counselors at Law. T WJII attend , promptly to business entrusted to their earelir the counties. of Tioga and Potter. Office an the' Avenue. Jan. I, 1.870. 8: F .NVILsos.) • [J. B. Num.- John W. Guernsey, Attorney and Counselor at Law. All business" ontrasted to him will bo promptly attended to. Office 2d door booth of llazlett's Hotel, Tioga, Tioga County, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1370. Win. B. Smith, , Pension, Bounty and InsnraneO Agent. emt.? munioations sent to the above address will re-. calve prompt attention. Tcrme moderate; Knoxville, Pa 1 .--Jan. I, IS7O. • .John C. Horton, Attorney and. Counselor at .Low, T.itign, Pa.-- 0 Mee with C. H. Seytnour, &tr. Business nl7 , tended to with prciroptness.—Jan. 1. 1970. W. D. Torben & Co., Wholesale Druggist?, and dealers io vuper e Kerosene Lamrs, Window Perfutuerr;' Pitiuts,,Oili, &o -Corning, N. Y. Jan. I. Dr. C. K. Thompson, Wellsboro, Pa., will attend to Piofcssional cail& in the village of Wellsboro,, and elsewhere.— ,- Office and Residence on State St., 2d doorlm t right going east.—Jon. 1,1870. D. Bacon, IC Physician and Surgeon. Will attend promptly to all calls. Mike on Crafton Street, in rear of the Ment Market, We{Mayo.—Jan ; I, 1870. E. S. Perkins, 11. D., Reopectfully announces to the citizens of East Chnricstno nod vicinity, thßt ho would be grate fill f•yr their patreasge.' Office at C r ,1: Kohler's tpre.—Jan. I, MI. A. M. Ingham, M. Iletneeoputhipt, Office at his ltesitleeco . .on the Acunud.—.lan. 1, Mu. George Wagner., Tailor. Shop 11ret door north of Roberts dr. flail. i•y's lint d ware Store. Uutling,Titting and ito pairleg done promptly and we11...-,Jao. 1,1870. John Etner, Tailor and Cutter. :hop opporite Dan t's Car nage :.!. , hop, Maio .S t., where lie is prepared to do work promptly Hod peat —Jail. I, Ih7o. Thomas B. Brydvn, Sarveyor and Urn Roman. (Juli t s loft at his room, Townsend House, Wellsburo, will meet with prompt attention.--Jon. I, Ix7o. ' E. E. OnIP), Dealor in Clocks and dewolry, Silver and Plated Ware, Speothelee, Cbdiu Btringe, 1-0. Watch rs and .1 uwel ry neatly' tapaiped. I.lngraving d.,no in plain bn , oirt) and German --Mansfield, Pa., Jan. I, 187111.1. l'etrolottu Ifottse, wewttiold, Pa., Geo. Propriet.w. A new Hotel conducted on the priteiple of live and lot live, for the accommodation of the publio. Jan. I, 18;0. linzlett's Hotel, Tioga, Tiaga County, Pn. 00011 t.tabling attach o.l, and nu attentive bulgier always in attend ance. 0 co. W. Illslett, Prop'r.—Jan. 1, 1/170. MIN HOta, WoWIOI.I Llor"ugh, Tonga Co , Pn. E. 0. 11111, ,t now and coinutodions building with all the tunderti improvernente. Within en.y drive of the best !milling and 6,,hing tironn.ll in Northern Pentra. Couvoyance. furni4bod. Torus moderato.—Jan. I, 1870.. Smith's Hotel, . , Pa.. E. M. Smith, Prqprietor. 'lnns° in emulitinn in aceoutnintiate the traveling publie in a 13aperitir wanner —Jan. I, 1870.. Keystone Hotel, sabiosvine, Tiugn Co , PA., J. P. Bonn, PXPP'r. (low' entcrtiinmen' for loan oral boast. Con votient to the hyst fishing grounilA. Parties aecommilliated with conveyances.—Jun. 1,'70_, Dealer in Verapmt and Italian Burble, mann. teesturer or Mont - intents. Tomb Sti.rses. he , eor tier Morket and Cetior :its.. Corning, N Y. All orders promptly ni•ufly executed. An• drew Van Dusen, Agent.—Jan: I, 1870. Vnion ifotef, Miner Wntklnr, Prou'rielor. Thu traveling put), will rind !hi, al I 01:11 . (0111/10 nod ,eHnvenient linure to I•tI.1 , :It. frond rtnbliey, end anlit- Irony° r. .Jun. 1. 1810.. THE Qamier sE.t rts, vitopltik.Thit NVII ERE delicious creani, kronth o:in fection:try, Icin,bi fititte in* ilAtir soas.)n, it nice dirt) of ft,t. Eeffee. or ehoeoi.ite. and Opiteys in their reii•et - cat, fr hwt nt ett hourr, rervcil in die bort t.tylc Ntxt doer t e low Roberts h Bailey's Hardware Sti,ria. Main 'street. wcAllboro, Jan. I, 1870. HARKNESS & RILEY, BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, Over & Volt th, roma bitely ixerupiett by Belli. Seeby. tipIUCS ANtl' ail 'Wiz- mad( 10 qrtior tpl in the beet tuntinur. - Ntt 4f all kinds end 4.011. Ilion :14 n W it El t, . tVnliAl4ro, Jan. I. 11470.-I. K R. KIMBALL= OROOERV AND RESTAURANT, One door ahoy° the MeAt Market, NV EL , 1 , 81301t0, PENN'A, • R ESPECTFULLY announces to the trading publio that he bas n desitdille stock of tiroc carips, couiprisiog, Teas, &trees, Spices, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes a firs& classistock. Oysters in ovary style it nil sea. sortable hours. Wallsboro,Jan.l * 1870-ti. itlll MORI t~ [ ~,.'"' 4 *r ^, c ~ ..,,~ ~ _ erg•• i:tli.O::t - ,::gt'.:,.:'., ,. . - k:.:::..0:::i - j(tt''..0 1 1 i• • i EJAA 1 SEWING MAtHIPIES,i '694 BROADWAY NEW , f Points of Excellence. • ail f< Beauty Bud Elasticity of Stitch. Perfeetion.end Simplicity of MAchinirx ,p , ils!ng bolb threads" difeetty frinn p fastening of, iteth.i - ,by bond untrue 'Poste. 4f4uri/A; - tie !A:14(89f 4 , o : licatten - wlthotti'ehbvigi 9F, diestment. "" " • 'rhom see retains 113 Vitality ntid ITrinnbsa ter w,,ashing and ironing. Ilesiilos tieing-ell kinds of. work den° by. other. Sowing 311tebines, the , zo 3.lneldnes,exeento the 'post beauttful and permanent. Embroidery end ?rnsitu6nlal ' ' . • • x.rt-The highest iPreintztate at , all - ,tbe frird and 'eihibitions • '4:4 'the united Statea• 'and Karope, have been awarded the; drover tbfßaker , Sewing Alaehines, and the work done by them, wherever ekbibited'ininonitaditicaf.') ,t/Wrllio very highest prize, VIE GROSS OF TABT,EGIOROF BONOR, was conferre'd on the representative of the Grover & Baker §otring Alaohiries, at tho Ex,positiopjloiyerstille, Paris, 1887, thtts'atle4itig their - great intierier -I.;typ,vcr all other Betring,Mpoliii)es CIT' 'BUOK ;BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, iialdwin Stroot, (SXGII.OV-plg BIQ BOOK, 2D F i LOOR.), - ME BEI GOOD A 8 VIEP. T.,C4E+P AS .11111, CY-EA PEST k BLANK BOOKS Of every descriptiOn, in all styles of Binding, and as low, for quality of Stook,.as any Bindery in the State. -Volumes of Arrervdesaription sound in the best manner and in any style or dered. t i ouna jaiiiriiiitez,gt;:oitak- ruleeri, 0 Books To. Id Eteouted - iivthe tmst gt,k, (es; ,Ligazlis "ON `41•1410 • Taal prepared to-Atrial:lh bak , numberkof ull Reviews or Magazines publishedazz the United qtates or Groat Britain, at a low price. 1 BLANK 1300 K & OTHER PAPER, Of all sizes aiid qualities on band ruled or elain RILL " HEAD PAPER, 1 Many quality or size, on hand and cut up ready printing. Also, Itilits.PAP.,Fltt r and °Alt]) 00A1tLl. of all colors and quality, in boards or out to any size. " • STATIONERY (;ap, Letier; Pelts, Pencils, &c. • 1 sub itgent. fur Prof. SHEPARD'S NONCORROSIVE STEEL PENS, or vAnionn sizes; ion LAM RS AND 0 DNTLENI [ w'll warrant equal to Opld Pens, Tho host in use and no mistake. ° i the above stock I will sell at tho Lowest Rates at all timos, at a small. advance on New York prices, nail iu ltuat/tities to suit, purehasers. All Work and stock warranted 118 rtglrthiliflted. • I rOp t 1 y solicit A 'are' ot puha() iitroit, age. Orders by mail promptly ateended . fo,—, LOUIS ICIES, Advertiser Iloilding. Elmira, N. Y. II A RDIV A RE; BELTING, SAWS, CUTLERY, rp suhseribbr ha fitted lip . the 'Store first do'or eort Thomaa ilarden'h dry goods store,. for the inautifitetnro nod tale of ' ' ' CIGAR,,, (all grades), Fancy and 'Common SMOKING TOBACCO,MichiganlineCul CHE WINO, and all kinds of PLUG TOBACCO, PlT'ES,,and ;he . ch:o cat Brand of 'CIGARS. ripp E undersigned has fitted up the old Foun dryl, building, near the Brewery,, Wellsbere, and is now prepared to turn 'out fine calf, kip, cowhide, and harness leather , in ; the best to in not. Hides tanned on' ba'sh paid 'fot, ' ' ' welisbc,io,, Jan. I, 1870. Groat ImproVement In Densistry. . DA VIN() pnrehesed the , "exclti 4" ,4- trine ri of Dr. 'rollout's' in 41141. provelLpatent A rmprpD pr t h tot .!. 1 1 '11.ites for Tiogn • Count. now tql;e_pletiiure in offering it to the pithily es' the'grekteFtl)lB coveity yet made in • ' ' ' ); . y tho_q,e til which, we VIII overcome ` any flit) , and all dialculties which 1 - 'r & licret.olitre baffled tho skill ,uf the west piacifeal • iti tlie scuTl.l. ' 'Plates constructed — piton titiit . Oa* re otilin perfeetly'lß tit 'uOthir all.) .. ciictituitinces or t•,iethito Ts of the mouth , nitii; ail, cr particles of tuna can ptisiilaygcttintiNribe.m. Thole having .1.1 $ l l . ,•e, Gold or Robber Plates, COP. at hall the e... , bus - a thv itoprpvement applied do them t rip i r. ip every respect the, FOOIC. purpose. *IP pew set. Perfect satiltlnclion guaranteed . ~,t* etas.: ' , CC. DRIT, Dentist. .- 1.1.•ru: San. 1; 1g69.' MEM EIZI Tlil cert it) tbnt. w., Jure' now 117 , 10 g the Impr,or. l'lnt , •B whim perleet entisfaction. `,PRTIPEC:_ the .11403 le orl4iites trouble •,,,,t n.wit 1n . 114 , n.O ninnnb,plnte l l, rieornini4Ol 111 E; irntlt"OVP4' tqattli Ri .111...1 r It. 311:tlititiu 3et known. it:R. RIMBALL. I :I IIM3I3I.O••3F II COrte4S4 . 0101 ANS AND 11lEtODEO1 t 3 1 .• • . ~Ut , hy T. G. HOYT. Haines Brothers _IL Nana*. Cniekorings, ein way..., and SteeleP. Itinteroii-ter's Organs and Atelailfons, and M 11... B.!ti A 11-imiio•s organ. There e all first.closs, twtretnentt. Ilisvieg the . experieilve . of tinny years in Mn•ica: In , truouenis, and Ruling:the , ; i tne , oirt?r . grolter t.l eusto,-, meis Coehty than any other dealer ip Northoln•l'a Every In4trTum, is warranted forlltfOt ishilieulnrs , *Pe DlURtrat. C;tintg.gile.• I. iityrr. Mau aid(' po. J.3 1 ! L 1570-1 3 ,- • '; • Planing 6: PLOOIII.NG, CEILING, WAINSCOT .ING,' TONGUED 4 GROOVED, with rapidity and exactness' with our new Ma chinos. Try it Stud see. B. T. VANHORN. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1870. • • "~. ~~ ~;~~- srt ~'.: STITCit EAMILY MEM QT.7lt. • W.O'X'T:O ALL KINDS OF GILT WORK COMPLETE YOUR SETS! Jnn. 1, WALICE & LATHROP, ' ALGRB IN RON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN- WARE, WATER LIME, Ault (CULTURAL iMPLEMENTS, 9arriagc and . .ilarness Trimmings, llltt - NESSES, SADDLES, • - • Owning. N. Ir., Jan. 2; 1870-Iy. New Tobacco Store ! L 6" Call and Fee for yourrelver. • , JOHN 1 3 7; PURSEL. • WellAoro, Jan. 1, tB7o—lf. New Tannow. Mechanical Dentislry. ~.. „~ =la ifida r:< • clTtl e ir a P e T o r tho , People. IWlll.ll4lmTirto-stltsinli FOTI TIM = It is cheap biostitss-its Sitstaittiiitt is largei than 14TOW IS THE TIME TO I'Vlnt OlatißS. ; Tho New-Torh Weal/17 Trianno Contain - It all the inipe 4 rtattlEdittirtalit ifubilitted- In tbeltAILY TRll3llNll;lexeept these of mere ! . ly loeal interest;' also literary and Scientific In telligence; Reviews , of the most interesting:and important New Books; letters frein'our 'large corps of Correspondents; latest news received by Telegraph from all parts of the world; a sum mary of all, important intelligence in ell-city: and elservhdre; a Synopsis of, the proceeding of Congress and State Legislature when In session : Foreign NOM received by every Steamer : Ex clusive Reports of the . Proceedings of the Par tners' Riskof Of iftngterlcan, Tnatitute.:,T'eike About 'Fruil.; 'StoeltrFitiltWAaff CAII4 itily (loods And Generitl Market ROOM , I TO Fun RepoFtis '''rrf . -I)lB6•Aprierrieta- Inititnto , taimbre Plitb,'aptl'ihd vlirftedi4gribullitria, NO i 1 ports3ri - iitiOt n a nnibioliVelifelithvorth 1 44. , b' Wel . 4 übseription. _ e - llORTlbill i AtitAVtolliklibbt4T. . ~ i' To keep paeo with the growing interest in 'prelatical liorticulture,..and. to comply_with_frie. (pont appeals from all parts of the country for information of a practical character on the sub- Aectk , Weihrliepgagsd'thcf services oflutporepst who I experienced in rural affairs to write In a ht Lyle &series, of articles pa the orantrgeraent, of f mall - Vinos. Fruit itidy . egiscatopundre,' . 0001 And Vow to make therr,pAy,giviorgeeeralf and Spec:* direcilons front planting telhenititaate disposal OfOphe 'Crepe - ~ c " ~ ,-: , ,-', iOf year s there h as been a L fuerative bait: ass carried on by unprincipled then, in'selllng oration - and old; plants under fnowlnantatt, to. th.e. nesperirneed. The Tribune will bo :always oady to guard the fa rm e r against any such im - position that comes within our knowledge. e VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. - I , . ..... , To make The Tribune still more valuable to is agricultural readers, we have engaged Prof; amen Law s lreteikroOlturgeop liii, Agprpell , Uni t ersity, to' amiwer'qttOslions enhcetrabg.k i diseases Of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, and other...domestic an pnals, and to prescribe! Ten:Mimi . ); AnsWera , landi prescriptions will be giverronly through the col - mums of The Tribune. Ve aro sure tbat this [no* . feature : in: The , TribuneiwilV add!, larg'ely to. ilts reader& 1 - as alluiwzieri ofanidialksre liable toi ;neett theh;forna, Olen proffered. loquirlea, ebo'd , ' be , made ; as brief,sn pessible, Omit, I theggetrtfons, , , lanewers, and preseriptlens may, be, pubilsired,to gether. In sport, ; we. intiend ithat ! The Tribune It pap ;in Abe rudisitce . rn all , tbateencerps the `Agricultural, Menufacturtog,Mining;end other 'lnterests of the country, apd,t,hat for; atialY. Wl' completeness, it shall remain 'altogether the most valuable, interesting, and instructive Newspaper published in the world. It has been well observed that a careful read ing and study orthe - Farmer? Club In The Tribune alone will save a farmer hundreds of dollars in his crop. In addition to these` re ports, we shall continue to print the best things feiptt te on thej { ttliteAp;Asisielltepil Asap j! and foreigirlilltai,!ammall **Ow njures frout:yskir,tokioj. fitimer can do Wittout it. As a lesson to Ms workmen alone, every farmer should place the Weekly Tribune upon his table every Saturday .evening. TT ; • The Tribune' Is the hest 'and eilimicist `papei iu the country. This is not said in a spirit of boastfulness. It has fallen to Blew-York to cre- ate the greatest newspapers of the country.— Hero concentrate i the commerce, the manufac -0110 itteciminiral urces;4lleftegtiehltilial wealth of tau Republic. so Here all the news gath ers, and the patronage is so • large that journal isirre.ah afford loprintit.,. This is the.strength of Tho Tribune. We print the cheapest n en'd best edited weekly newspaper in the country. We have all the advantages around us. We. hay :smug Ant xate_tl SernhAVeek ly;. all lb bifEct, TAI I the elaborate an tt - iStraltrertrattrarevy---ei-.v. - liehmegit—perhaps' - the most complete in Amer ico—is devoted to the purpose of making The Weekly. Tribune tbo best and .cheaposknewspa per iu the world. The result is that . we•have so systematized , and expanded .oln...resources that every copy of The Weekly Tribune contains as much Matter AS a' dataleciaio Think}of it ! For two dollars, the subscriber toj The Tri bune for ono year buys as much read ng matter" es though he filled a shelf of his library with fifty volumes,. containing the greatest works in the language'. - The foree brebeoptiess can no:furthec go .F The 'Weekly Tribtind is the pallet of 4,110 pee. pie. Hero the eager, student may learit,the last lessons of science. Here the echtilttiMay reviews of hest books. Hero may• he found Correspondence trom all pans of .the world, the observations of sincere and'gifted mein, Whe aertro The Tribune in almost every country. The Tribune , is strong by reason of irs enor mous circulation and great oheapness. It has long been conceded that The Weekly. Tribune has the largest circulation of any" newspaper in the country. For years wehave printed twice as many papers, perhaps, as ail of the other week.; ly editions of the city dailies, combined. This is why we are enabled to do our work's° thor oughly and cheapiy. The larger our circulation the better paper we can task°. - No newspaper so large and pompleie as THE. W.P,FIt.I.4',TRIB:. UNE Was ever before so,low a priett.' Ternig•pf ,The Treekly (p . ettLiti- One copy. ono year, 52 issues.g • • 42.00 5 copies SO . ; 10 copies to drie•address,„sls and one extra copy ;•10 copies to narnes *of'substsri hers ono postofficat, $1 ep (kach,ankf2 copy ;•,20 •copies to_one address $1 each, and an ex Era .:0py; , 20 copies to names of subscri ber/eat Ode plaeo, $1.35 dads' nod ono e.Sttra ; 50 eQpibs fo,otia odoeu ,etich, and one ex. Arri; :6 . 0 copies to names of subscribers st • one pi ace,-81 10 each and one extra copy.,,, THE THE SEMI: AVEEIqT TRI.J3IINE , is pulatished every Tuesday an 'Friday, and bet. ing printed twice a weak, we - earl, of course; put in it that appears in our weekly edition, in oludiageyeryithing on the euhjeet of A0406;11:1 The - "Semi-Weekly Tribune also gived-in' the course of the year three or four of the BEST AND LATEST POPULAR NOVELS, by living authors. The' oost of these aloAc, if bought in hook form, would_he from six to eight dollars. TERMS " ' dopy nne your 7 104 numbers,, • $4 2 copies,bne Year,-104 nuMibqt ... 7; 5 copies or ' over , e:sieh ' - 3 Persons remitting fur 10 copkes $307111 re ceive en citiiveiNry one.ysiiZ For 0100 we wip send 34soptes nnt) the Dniiy Tribuno.t TboDnily TRIBUNE ig,published every mor ning (Sim dfiyn excepted) nt SIIY per, yenr, $5 for- six toontMl:' ; • - - • • The Ttibuns Aknanac. 1870.. 20 cents. Xriliana Almanao ,tiiiimint r l 838 to :10613-2 volucuur~s+r hnif Uhnd,Po... liechl f eitiona Of a Bury i3y gorlie4 Creelak bii)111 5111:,Library $.1.11_0; ;. . Afarsaret '1;4;o1S". Pear Cillitiritor Protft; $1: Elementiet 'Agriculture, el.etk: l hutch Closols--llow to make them, 25c1r. , I Sentfree on receipt of price. Ifrinfiking "iotilittarices — rar - Intsshiptlons - or books, Morays prtioarli 11.". drat oniNe*Ytgrk, or a- Cort Office Money. Order, if , possible: .• Where neither.otthese can .b 6 prOeured , r6nd the money in a - Registered letter. ; . ,*- • . Terms, Capp In adimnee, a .1 • - &tray, - Tun Turner:3E, Ne* York. • Tai LADY'S FRIENLI—The number , for "Jan. nary, 1870;is a troltsplendid New Yeei'll gift: A thrilling pieture—"Th the rapids"' of Nieigardi,l is the first steel plese ; Theipeoncl, is .- biliutiful titlqpige : fOr the . Fagoting enelie ‘ K if tit ;ttiikl. Glower w reathed portrailer ;Jain- Isf: litdy - ; • contributors—the brightly intellectual face of Mrs. Henry Wood matronizing the yoji dies--:•Mrs:i‘loultorti Ptorenoe' Percy, Pre'ecott, Mies Douglas, August Holk,..iteptaliik Hostner. Every admirer of these talented ladles will desire to nee this beautiful plate. The Col.; tired Fashion - plate, as usual, ettows,the latost styles; it'd there`is besides's:page of tidily - col ored patterns for Dalin Work. Deacon do Pe ternon„3l9 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Prleo $2 do) a year. , ' , = Orit SCHOOLDAY VISITOR.—The first number of the Fourteenth yettisand Volume of tills wide: awake Magazine is received,, nod we pronounce it fresher,..brighter andbetter. thaCever.l. The table-of contents is a rich feast throughout, and our young folks are in eestacies over it. The:. Publishers offer a Charming Steel Engrzi= wing, just poblished, n. their pretninin plate for 1870, entitled "Help Me Up," worth $2,00 soapy, for twenty-five cents each subscriber. The terms of.tbe Visitor are $1,25 a year, or $l,OO to clubs. Don't fail to send tea cents to Daughaday 4 Decker, Publishers, 42411Tfilnt4..Street, Phila delphia, for sample Duinbers; prerratini lists, &c., ,to., and eommeneo a club , atonce, at your Post ifoltse Lot for Sale. • A (loop blouse and barn, on alot`of irro 21., ;Lorca, within ton ..tninntes walk ,of tiro' Court Mum, Wolleboro, I. offered for talo. 10 <intro of John I. lilitehelli , Egq.,Wellaboro. Jan. 25, 1870—tr. - • . ~~ °. -~~ ~ r' it NEievApEn GFREAT - a ifill ~,t104.,, - -outAltil. t-4 1 1413..v 0 40-;•4 4, ...,zif , AN0rktr , r4.4:1 ral e .440.„1 ,-- z-vjv,7l, - 5,4 s4r-rf , 'd`ri E.:4EI l'iAVta t 14-',ooi=r ' ''. t :PAV I4I ; ' ' ,4 % OD-NeES3)At • ' - ', 7; - -- is auottodi-Al , 4 t '' ‘ ,. i. t strexit iii'' sew t *.-U41 4 042-11: 111 Yettetittir.-4,`,1t1 1 1 ;6 I - Ir'll'ti rti- , . - ~ ,-I 1 ?IL 1 . .1 5 /t. 4°444 * % • i 1 9 . ak,43-• kdiciato l d) 041910 ) 1 4#,4 0 /1 , - .'"," r''' till,,,er 1 ,0- Tilik: °MOWRY. -,ik--- -, 1.7 ,:,. --, ..., - , 4 , , • l ,„,--Tati - IsV-k,t44, aI, T ;;•3 I WAiliiiirtitp.ittCtiWVelfiV4 ' 0 l' AS.,F,So Ifan4,k4ae I zy teli 4 r4llWsilatobefilailisiatti4 esithil , iAn' 'ftit i ltlArleV4Wittl.P.Wll- ..: 1 40hittlh ii,-111-4.--- - ,.'••retsui,-isiols i ill-tioiratitir a ; aurrenn 'X'aVirwee, l / 4 ', ,)” ell-044h- ICA4-Vgi4fA , Ili tiAv;Jtulfr.l ft 000 140ifitie42. 1 .6it.k0 1 '''''!7 ', A Wir e *0wi1.094 , fgat5WM1111%.9" ila r ir tgi i if 3 ;t4P9440,477 . 1L'44 s'', Y I s. 1 . T.- 1 ? r I I*U rt S-0 " 1 1P I T' y" flt And de' rop:ei ?..,,yEsT4Fivo, *t . 1/0 *oil ' k l i si to l4l- -*4 l , .49 144 nd dolt* t t o - ttAz., ,4infovvem i gs, ;Y, 4 1 el ‘ I , lii' ie*lig.t C4'004, o 4 fifil" f iu IThe 0010- ii -Op afidllfttleL- 1- , . X-44441.1 iitit k etitaehtet AO 410 14;iit' . 04 Ip l a * WU 40 nix ,I tlin' ) P r )- iiat t iviilif'tlo l ' 'fr4 t iiiii'l ' ij a iy f ii':f h I tremor kiiittaitaldf ittcrielittidtit4 , •to ••• l i ...2, n 4 t,.. ° t,,.- ~n g ,g,,4 e *' ; i 49,1 1 .1th,5,-11;$01 1 , 6 ( 0 144t-iTreeP,Wo4d-st: I t I ( ra i_Pß i s e 74"1 4 P' 13u J u 4p 1 49 9 - to t 1 a A v4 nd ta i ll tslifi th et t lrent a :ter fF il oct e lo g lit lttr gr 'h olui air d. Y , t g 4: 4 44; J u # t ridY uP ot d ' e a ft3 / 1 4 4 11 "t t in r e e , 5121"6 ' 'tliC" heY hari iddd4 Oft; hilletkotrt het leerily 03 1 0 iI Won'reflectiOn it has seemed' nedia• Aladrpliatii**l 4 o l o;fthe"l i wie o3 ,o '134.64.1d, give tt brief account of the dir t Th 4 oratila aiipptlV do slow; Ito 1;4; , 1 el 1 Tfereilir rock fell:di:Mona Vhieli'Condl -40 thaxightiirladlOrieslandleries sae cries : , tutee solid &VAL& eili:plititet, tiii`a i , I,lf 11,01 lAk.; A , . 1 -, 1:. ''' kfidilidgetif theiVand'of their historY roxs;4 OI I III 34S I 4 I OYALYOIO494, 04 0 10 1 4 1 sigrIngi g l - ; t i t i i 1 ... 4. ts ' ' " in this' country, irth r h ?likqy rt t /I r jith h'vfasY?vf i x: rllh aot:i f f4l l l47r se i l :h 18 44 " kfol ' o l llo i Ei b lrle c Le/itigwdf r&tebod ' iPlitliSi riiPiii474Sesisr seAsitk to /ma to I ,tliat ripe maturity whic h teli f is attained ` Akad;At titetr,spsykakittepheartiterain4 a r.- , 1 1 0141itIttai ISieC' Ali acquaintanc e ' Drip-drop; drii-dtditiVveilthhinimee, '' ' 4 liVrtfi t tiebMer WtriiiSituvils akioesgerii• , And skiii , diep illset'the'sycaitora.leaves, s: , tiat ' fir 6ider to gain, a eiirreet Idea Of : AB tflharenever'whold bo`sanshiiiiagain. ' ' -, 1 1 'those iiiateins which Etre, represented in 1 i 7 ' ' Aur trw it . dm i n t v 't t ' '.l ~. , pt ; ;'..1 ,', The mouriainetraid to the grave havdionei 1 - .., - - .., • • , i And' the waitustotamen are hero and are there , i s .4 . n,clarecting our thought:l'th this sub- Vildi birds at the windows and gleam . * of rho sun ieelt j WA l aro naturally' carried" back to I. Milking the'thatabbford‘rdti torpo Air, .. the'ellikin of all' ihings.--tO a tithe, maSr and over top aadec,the,npst,nnliifir it e ' 7 .1 bat, joil eit the earth; tdgether with the' Aw..(l,4•4oCatmstillrit-hprn i through the gray, other' wiles Whieh makenp oar plariet- 1 1 Anddriest bushes grow green with spray, 4ry : lisiiistimi-=•venus Mani,' Jupiter, die. find the ditapled.waterits glad hatido , laPs. --4 , eiti,4th i rdivre oir'froM the greit e'en -`I „' ~.. 1. -, ,",,1 1" , ~"- k` ,. .. ElT , .'_"i; ' -,) :li tad' 4unt'and"exiated' in P the' prig* The loaves °I 4 1 1 Vi n `P C .Vid'i l PeA 0 73 4! weve, :I ti, 0 r ''t - , f - tie ifs 0 apace ad - masses - of luininOtlO n ) And the num/lora pni, 41 the mourning ohms, And over OA Po i tipetyo4 . to the:grave; vapor (- 'or nebulous Metter. These in ''s W The long grasm" and blow's andblowp. tUttl;ltti they 'proceeded on 'their diiirrt-'' Afirrdcmir4drA 2'aTtlirwhy,"• , r- ' RP rettittitions;threiv off other masses I, And lova 9xutlio,ll9mto`fiimiowigiiimn springs, of Voila, ' , which ' eventualik' became And thb , bafds 09) bf_thp'iwafdorei - mth rings,, Moons, or satellites. The earth threw Aie 0 4 1 Ilti iii P.e 4 ilvatli r oArt;:i` ~-, ' ' ' ettleficilltuchs'body ; Jupiter four,' and -, , • 3 }l.,t t Pil ..,. • Sittnrii eight. This retailevas Prodneed ~ t w ky well k nown: law, which Is illus tratedbY turning a grindstond rapidly ;--wheri , the particles of water are seen to; be ithro*n froth' ifs diak. It was thrkiuhibe operation' of the same Saw that t h e' earth, while yet in a state of ineindes&nee, was elongated at the eqxititor and 'flattened it Vie poles.— Astromnily demonstratesthat Venus, Mani, &darn aud'Jupiter, are also ob late tipliereids; and this effect could have been by no`other cause thani ttiititimated above, unless ' we regard'l as aleorisequence of miracle= Which lis rinphilosophical. ' • ' Such are some of the views, in re spect to the early history'of our globe, which • originated, in the minds of La- I place,and Herschel, and which are gen erally accented among men of science. It is only one of many theories, how tier, and not one of the established ' facts of , geology.. Beyond the time whenthelirst , rocks were formed'ye Can travel , only in imagination., `Wet i na " ° lir infanc y..r th a ' Ml9d when he'earth, !Oa burning f fiely.mass t and glowed like the red hot iron at the furnace-mouth ; we may 'eVen 'ge'',,he, yard title; until we stand, under the closely•hending horizon on the farthest t)oundaries of time, where the darkness `....r...FP5P hele r get papfdiVtt_bsN • ••• 4- •-" La i r-L-I,lm 3 fu I 0 Y the Creation of matter. To call a world intq l existence required the , mighty en , orgies and the immediate will of the Deity—the great Cause of 'causes. This Is one of the clearest facts which ge elegy has 'elucidated, and . the 'most , Crushing;blew which the legions of in; fidelity 'ever experienced. One they have the meitexqnisite - 'PereeptionC6r the grand, the beautiful anti the true, I yet It is here alorie that happiness, sat isfaction and repose, can 'be found for the soul, or the longings of the immort al mind be satisfied. In the language of Hugh Miller . ; " r .Th Christain has nothing to fear, the in del'nothing to hope, from the great tr the of ge(b.ogy. 1. ) It is assuredly not thro gh any enlarge- Mont of man's little apprehensions of the Infinite and the E ernal that man's faith in the Scheme of salvation by a Redeemer need be shaken. We are in calculably more in danger from one un subdued passion of our lower nature, even the weakest and the least, than from all that the astronomer has Yet., discovered in the depths of heaven, or the geologist in the bowels of the earth. If one's , heart be right, it is surely a good, not an evil that one's view should be expanded ; and geology is simply an expansion of view in the =diirection of the eternity that bath gone by." We can never be positive that the earth existed •in a nebulous state; but we knowihat previous to'the formation of the oldest stratified rocks, it existed in a state of igneous fluidity;:and that, as the process of refrigeration went on, a' crust formed over the surface_of the molten mass, and that then the waters of the Ocean were created. At this point geology becomes one of the exact _ scienteal;-for, from the`moment the waves and currents began their work' of erosion, and of piling up layer after layer of sediment in the , profoonder depths of the sea=--the story of creation is written in clear and unmistakable characters., The numerous leaves in the books .i.f 'stone; which contain these characters, have been divided by ge ologists—if I'May so: exPresis Myself— into various chapters. These divisions have been made with respect to the mineral contente and organics relnalnB which chtiraeterlie edoli group. Fink, there is the Azoic ,Age, or Age preced ing the creation of life; second,' the , Silurian Age, or.; Age of Mollusks; thiß thy...-Devonlah Age, or Age of FisheWfourth, the Carboniferous Age, or Ago of Aerogens ; fifth, the Cre taceous, Age, or Age of Reptiles ; %lath, 'the Teftiary Age, or Age of Mamffaals ; seventh, the Age of M an, or the Era bf ._ Mind; The Azoic Age, the first in geedogle history, comprises all rocks which were formed prior to the dawn of life upon our planet. It consists of granite; syenite, gneiss, &c., and constitutes the only - universal i formatiohY In every part of: the . World it Is present, and is found to underlie all other systems, though it forms the surface-rock over a small territory only—having been buri ed up by subsequent formations. In North America it forms the surfaCe rock over a belt of country reaching . from Lake Superior to Labraderl; the same belt extends from Lake Superior to the Arctic (Mean. Second, a small area in northern New York,and anoth er south of Lake Superior. Third, part of the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas ; Ilie Laramie Range in Nebraska, and the Black Hills in Dakota; also the Iron Mountains in Missouri. The maximum thickness of the Azoic is thirty thousand feet, and some of its most impratant- 'mineral productions are magnetic and specular iron ore.— The famous iron mines of Swedere. be long to this System ; also those of Lake Champlain, Lake Superior and 'Mis souri. No geld has been found in the torgnanOus' ,gataing • .`A CHICAGO Sokift 'EFFECT 01' REA b/NO aottfm 13 TITO" /34:14,4A1' ISEI sad - if following The account of the co w seqatficir of 'circitlating ticaigh's 1 5%. fr9_ O r a T.Luanksgivinginumo . er tne xnaurte of - that city. 'lr" ' • • ' • purge again I'r a prom inontAtizeli ofr thy NOrth Division, at the:Poliee'Court yesterday, was that he bad attnekeir s an t Ipdividi at vito) was engages} traveliag,,aroaad the city, and attempting to obtain sub,' Scribers to the biogrtkpby Of the eeltght -,* *. dough'. The attacked: Persowsaid that the accused had sud denly 4ome up to Min; observed that he was' the destroyer of his - ilomestie hap i'idktisk!itid.R€6,oWldliFdqivii4t V e kt ie thoo.o,l , l s o 4 oe4s l ‘4 o t-aeStaatA (I With the rife of the prisonett. , ir lie batUsbeen-6:: (Here ,h 9, smilcd ingly witli his left and uninjured eye.) Th - e'liea'eeirdfd - IT:)e -- ieem — tO enjoy W t tlald„ ' 1 .104 Whit t tilt rhave made thyjs.latetne,At ur nonoracomterrjtmger/oryounieu. " It has ,alwa:ye t beeil, ,my t habitiv i hen I reaciiedy hem° in the eVening to eat dinner, and then mix and drink 'a umbler of punch.? I " What liquordo you use, asking par don for the interruption?" says his Honor. , " Crow„" says kr. c—. ; " trite ,t4ght," su his H onor ., '4sl is my own" tipple or afternoon, and Mighty seductive it isw "But the other day," says Mr, C—. when I' went to the cupboard, I, in the words of am old English poet, 'found it all bare,' and I said to my wife, ' how is this?' or more strictly, `how the devil is this?, To which her reply was that her, eyes had been open ed •to the sin and danger of moderate drinking. She had pnrehasecl that 'day the blographY of the excellent Mr. Gough, and her eyes had been opened to the horror of my course. Thereupon she took the book and proceeded to read several extracts therefrom. They were gloomy. :i s. "I attempted to reason with her, ( but in vain. The more I reasoned the faster she read, and we might have been still at had I roll .1. 64 the Gordianknotby going to a saloon and taking a drink." " When I came hohte that evening, 1 went into tho parlor, and there saw my wife in a state of unbecoming drunkenness. It was a tabelau. There ,Were a :bottle and all the materials `on' the table and .several' tumblers. On the sofa was Mr. Gough's Life, open at the one hundred and seventylifth page. : Paying no attention to wife, who quite unable to speak, and had on ci most lac c) 0 k- adaisical expression, I read from ;the b , ,:at tust:that point. i3ug. gestiug to- ives the propriety of getting drunk in orc er that thei rhusbandsmight seekowitl eked. lunderstood then, and saw that my wife had underrated the quality' ,011 the 111qhipt, and huit'crkde cif getting liustidell'in it lady-like Wilk, had got decidedly upset. "I left her and went about my busi gess. The next morning she was not at all cast down, but asked me trium phantly lapr'..l 7 i.,iked tl'iti i adtllng that there were - Many Other valuable re ceipts in the book. " That is the way to reason with Women," says his honor. ;" I came home latc;'' , said Mr. C--, "and went to sleep. I was awakened early in the morning by my wife, Who `lz;egan reading from the book, which I believe she had under her pillow. She read, anothgr.;, long ? extract rOattve to, CPiAliieto rum'ant 'the'. Igrief it caused his wife. She read until r fell a sleep again, and remained so till morning. This state of things las tCd for two or three days,, .I , ,purchased another bottio and kept it locked up. " She kept on reading the book, and „As she advanced, she read it to me at Mintier, at breakfast and at bed time. EIMER MIME day before yesterday morning tke had reached the one hundred and seventy-fifth page. Something there )dad evidently struck her.' She did not rend it, out, but was evidently medi tating over it. I said nothing, but let titings,.take their course.. "Thereupaa I took! the 'bbok away Ilona her and tlirew it into the street. 'On my way down town I met the ped dler, who insultingly 'asked me if my family were supplied with the bingra ,phy of Sir. Gough.. Thereupon I did knock him dnwn." • " This court " sad thejustice, " de- Cline &lift* any tam against the de defendent. But it is far different with the complainant. He can only he re garded as a pestilential emissary or the powers'•Of darkness I would fine the man Gough if I had him here, and since I have not; I shall fine this man Who sells his works $lO for creating dm- I (lord in 1,140 family of zoy frjende 0itk41% ., .-0 ,`~:~ 1171 WI =TEE 141 ..5..% - 1 31',fc E6-4';.A/` (,M?,. -,,, 1, 1..-71,;4- VVAt; :-• , X ~ __ ~ , - Niv - 6,4 • :--" --';:el% Vl''' -44,4'''- 44,,,:;.1.0" '''.. t - ' - -13:4-41,q-.4:1'.'-' • A , I ' 7% . I' i pli • -4-777: e *lSt ANtilligriStOjkik: CARY4i p 5 `~` x~* ~ 4, 4 44 , , 4 4. .• 4. 4 , 44 11,4 A - • 4 MEM :r s,, .°, 7.w~:...~ ~'• i I'.'iOU'iilkiitiitiiii:'''''''''''-1:.': I ',**-' , .P* 1 4.**,,.00.. '4', .!...-.;6.'1.' icti:lBo4' mar ago *onf torreepondenti waivin , A (MintY, atirT/43,gat`i.ntlithtia 6flection ot:the'tviodipeoplelnet,ln tllMV94ll) ll l4",;thef Ataterv'iMl)tpsiiantY, - o Pfiforms , i.P,lybich X/Pxt n,M.40 0 F7, ing frmeup,cfp.rnany.reapFets s o4lolo. 'people ar c up to AP3elit ; ready fo the oF.iinotrori of . good Werke. „. . a Riiir • 4n lea_ from ' 'where 'I lielv'tfiite,' Wm. Penn : `first I Tended ; and the city'of theater le linty fi t onrishingnti the place where the great and good Quaketcommenced his good werk.e. .-; • • The excellent ,princlplea held and taught by the So ciety Of s krtende,,havp had inneli to doln , ing the character .Quakers' are "'yet, are always read Motattod works: flemad named Du Ails vicinity who -dred yqlrs old! Hi died in the house fore hinl hadllyed Map.: Ho voted ' _ gu Presidei4ta from Washington , to Gran. I He Was a - very terdPerate man, and this aecountedlin home measure Air' his excellent health-. One' et the peculiar , ities of thiseounty is the 'fact that for ,ntanyy ears the county town, Media , ,las had the liquor, traffic entirely stopped: liquors are .sold , there. They have no.salcons, no barrooms, an"d-a more pleatiant; thrifty, prosperous place can not be fOund anywhere. The Charter nooe - at - Media, a large, 'first Class houseis kept op strict teetotal Princi• - pleetal•it paye the stockholders- well. Mr: Hankins, , an excellent christian gentleman, is the proprietor. At Media; Dr. Parrish an-Inebrl. ate Assylurn called 'a Sanitarium, at which a great many disc:: men, ine briates, have been cured = d -ny Much beneflited. There is a 1. ge • ssylinin 'or SChool there also for w• .k acted Children, a State institution. a is a wideawake, goahead, yankee Ilk wn. There are excellent public schools, churches, neWspapers. The Sons of Temperance and Good Templars are strong there, and have done much good. The Masons, Odd Fellows, Red- Men and Knights of Pythias , are also represented. • . ' Much attention' is given in this county to the promotion of Bands of Hope or Children's temperance societies. Sab- bath schools also seem well- ; attended. The interests of religion are Claiming . much attention just now, and several' important revival meeting and in prog ess'heie and there. I The lodges ofpood Te'mplars in this ilounty areablysustained - by the church es and pastors. I -have . held Nubile ,Meetings in,the Episcopal, Presbyterl - :Baptist, Methodist and Quaker housesWf this county, and have had the heartico-operation. of the clergy of all ..t,hese...4kll..a.ther. ilpliominations. The armors, Democratic - trr are all very friendly to the cause. The lodges of Geed Ternplars are large ly attended, and they excel in good or- der ; and in the •proportion of old and young: people in them. I have met quite a number of Roman Catholics: in the lodges of this county._ Pomp aston filing cases of reformation, the result of *pod Templai influences haVe' beep kiven 'Me: In 'one instance"a man through ihtern_mrance and negligence lost his Mint and all the property he possessed, and with his family was re duced to, pauperism. The Good Tern plars took him into the lodge. Ho re formed and now is living on and has nearly paid for the farm he lost! These proofs of the good of the Order meet us in all parts, of the State, where the Good Templar instrumentality is prop erly carried on. Alt depenes on the management of such associations. In the hands of wise', prudent, liberal and charitable people, the Order is a public benefactor ; in the bands of, and man- aged • by, improper persons, the Orde would of course prove a public nuisance. There is vo virtue : ,in the machinery;, , 6ut if the truly wise and good work - tylachinery,,it wll4 accomplish the cad sired. it will save the fallen and save the yousg ? save, society from the op pressions and corruptions, vices , ; and ir regularities resulting from intemper ance. Ido 'not forget the many good ,people of Tioga county. I Wish them a Merry Christmas. JAR. Al DAVIDSON. WHAT WILL You DO *ITU.YOUR EVEHINGS THIS WlNTER.—Winter is faist tipproaehhig. Already it ba's sent out its skirmishers ' in the'form °feting ing winds, and bitter snow-squidls. With it'will come long evenings - of leis ure. Young men, what do you intend to do with these evenings 7 There`are a thohstind inducements to squander them. The' gaily lighted liard-room, opens its doors and invites you Ito enter. The theater, - the ball, solicit you. All gods of similar tempta tions allure you 'to spend your time and money ;..and many of you will be drawn into extravagant expenditure, by, these, ih themselves, innocent amusements. Another and worse class of tempta tions will beset you. Tlik, drinking sa loon, the house of ill-fame, will invite you to enter, and with delusive' excite ments seek to blind your moral' precep nor's and lead yon to ruin. What are you going to do with these precious;, evenings? Will you throw away their golden opportunities, and bring upon, you p. burden of vain regret fer the years that are to come?.Do, you riot see their value, if improved ? • There are thousands of young mechan ics whin will see the6e words, and will, some of them,-perhaps, resolve that this Winter shall not be spent as was tbe,last r . This. Winter, shall be devoted to neglected acithmetic, algebra or book 4eeping. They will seize the coming leisure to perfect their linowledge of drawing, or to complete their perusal of some scientific, historical or literary work begun long ago, 'but still unfin ished. They know the value of time and they will no longer squander it. Alas! how. few of these wise resolu tions will be kept. Yet we are hopeful that SOMO will be influenced by our exhortation to use their time in a more profitable manner than do the majority of pleasure-loving young men. The. means of self-improvetnent are, now so widely, diffused, that no one seeking knowledge cln fail to obtain them, and while wedr not counsel, the. ci n. utter renunciation of innocent amuse ments, it is always wiptdom to subordi nate these things to higher purposes. Young mechanics, andyoung men of whatever occupation you may be, you may refer your future succeSs or failure ,to the way in which you employ this Winter's leisure. Then what will you 'do with your evenings ? . _''s~ ~'~:'~~'5 MI , - ::,~; ~.:» , , " 0 : 1: (-1 , 0 rz, 187 04 .-. 14 <7t.,' '~Y~r? 1.- • ••• _'• '-`%, M 3 A `DETEdIVE'S EtriVENCE' TyE isarx i o t Those. who hava the,, Pfdne," saki enierlence of'Sergeant qhir was set a naught bsr the 40ecentilitties' d Bain , myTown ilodicsanettluxeiiinillai to* but With) tints de Itrerence • Th party' Mak; inte iisted. here was; guilty of meditated wrong, widle,there the ,eifect of imagi;'l nation, and, great anxiety-united tivconl , :found the experience of,the great T. 4011 . 1. don detective. • • : A young lady!,s jewels had been stol en from her room on, Esplanade street, end Mr: I. and 'niseif were sent , to look them up. ArriVing at the house;44 , were 'shown Into the room where the rebbery had been' committed, and I `ainined : it carefully. Its was =a large, elegantly furnished apartment, , ''and showed no evidence of having been en tered - by violence. CoStly articles be longing to,a lady's toilet were scattered , through the room. The NieWei, ease Still lay upon the bUreau. The light of' the morning sun streamed in at the open 'window, and flaihed Upon many a beautiful vase and riJh trifle. 'Pictures hung from the wall, and goldand sit Ver work in many a curious and'-rare device set OF the, elegance of the apartment. A splended watch set with 'jewels, was left untouched. Rich shawls, and laces, and robes of great value, bad been passed by, and only diamonds had been taken). The young lady herself was in the room calmly observing all that passed. There was 4 shade of anxiety on her 'face, nothing more. Madam, you have no suspicion who did this?' I asked her.. Why do you ask me ?' ' Because if you have, it may save some trouble.' , • . have ndthing to tell you,' she re plied lu a tone which aroused rny sus picions at once. el She was a tall, stately looking lady, With whom it would be difficult to as soeiate,the idea of erirne. Vast resour ces furnished her with every luxury, and her :every want was gratified al- Mcipt as soon as expressed. She could not have made way with her own Jew els:;: yet - her tnatiner convinced me she knew in! . What way they had disap peared. ' I .motioned my companions from - the room and then addressed her. You say you can giVe me no infor mation?' ,: , . • , .. . .. . ! . None , Mr. F.: l ' And ,et you/ know ho hey were taken ?' • . - Me S' The great black eyes flashed With surprise, and the indignant blood stained neck and face, j‘ ; and you must permit One to repeat, my :observation. You. can - tell me all about it.' , : . She looked at me - -with a strange, frightened expression ; the flush faded from her face, and a chill, grayish pallor took its place. . - Ilelieve me, sir, I know nothing,' 4 - ifd"ri . gtiti . `drept - lato - ixer--icrroiu,ti. virardti ,of entreaty: ' how should I knovi ?' ' That I cannot tell;• but Miss M—, your ripem . has not been entered with Violence... No professional robber has been here, or these things, almost-as Valuable as those taken, would , not have been here. Access could not, have been gained by tho windOws; tor theY have , not been disturbed: Yew door was locked fret& the inside and bolted. No mere felon did:this deed. Miss M--, You must tell me who is the criminal.' Her excitement as I proceeded, be came marked . and noticeable. Her face was rigid with fear, and her hands twitched ne vously. i , ` Perhaps lost them at the party.' • I knew sh was not in earnest. ' No ; thatkds not likely.' As. I spo r lqii my eye lighted on a hand kerchief Iyhig on the floor.. I picked . it up without her observing hie, and made an ,excuse for leaving tbie room for a moment. . . • I neglected to state that her aunt first discovered the robbery. Enterink the room at an early hour she found the jewel ease open,. and the diamonds gone. She inquired of here niece where they Were. • ' In the case.'` : • ' ' No, they are nothere.' ' I put them there.' - ' Then they haVe„been stolen,'' and . ' the alarm was given. The young hidy had Manifested un- Usualapathy, and had rather discour aged' the idea of search May' be she had mislaid them, she s' id;; -and they' would turn up again. , •'' : • Reaching the hall I found the name of thetentleman• on the handkerchief —Paul Esben—a gay gentleman- of the town and .a pet of the' ladies. r .More than one parent ,had to interpbse Jo. prevent' him wedding his daughter.— Ile was heartle - ss, soulless, moneyleis. I knew him well. Returning to the reon4l asked' Miss .M,,if she knew Mr. Esben. " '... ... She. seemed a, little,surprise, but an, swerod..readily that ,she did. .. 'When did you see him last?' ' A mOnth.shce.' 'Not later ?' 'No.' ', "Has be ever given you any keepsake or present?' • . . Does he ever visit here ?' No—my uncle will not allow him.'• She was scanning ray face eagerly as I asked her these questions, and was evidently deeply laterest&l. ' Flow came his handkerchief in your room 7' I showed it to her. ' What ! His handkerchief in my room I' She stood before mo like ,a lioness at bay. Her tall figure .was drawn up to, ~its full ,height, and the beautifulw-ovan looked in that indig nant atfitudO"-never more peerlessly lovely. How did it come here?' I asked. 'Left )y himself,' she said. g I will tell you sho Said, speaking rapid ly, and vidently carried away by her passionn e resentment. 1 I lik:d the man. I sympathized in his pec liar position--the education, habits a)d tastes of the gentleman, without he means. He told me last night - 04 t< he wanted a large sum of money. did not have it, but I loaned him my j :wets with which toraise . it.— The jewe a were not stolen ; I loaned them to I im myself.' It wo (.1 never do fir the world to know t iis, and I told her as ranch. I kept her secret, faithfully, but- I got back the jewels. 'She is dead now, and there are none Hybl°. who know the event of which I speak, save Mr. I. and myself. It will do no harm to, publish it, as a curious incident in a detective's experience.—New Orkans Picayune. Tta WI • • : 4 . .'. '• ";-:' '''; 4.:2-i:':',f.]-.:::)-;i".,','r'.-:-:...:,..:.1;:-,,,"..04',.- MOM 4- 1.-4141- • ;; ~•-• 4„:, 4 ' , , Li d a BEAUSTAN. t , 1., I .. q- -! • , ~ .I ,-: .1-.,- :. ~ Man • 4eara *we, goon sitt4r.-0 1 ,10 4 4 11 ,...:, 4, mg of t i'e Nona& And.No;efoltg Icwau''.. -- rs ll ot ' aßt°4tic"ing 4 4 150 PC40 14 ! 1 *' ' If4et; in his sOokings,:witkitt ,OW II sad :' thighs to match , stood in.. 'OW dOtok IPA. yirikr*iitery with ' evident 44-tarlatoyi 1 ie.° 4 1 4_, "bran new" cars and anoktill.J: A motive which mad 4usi arrived-ii ' t e; station: A: rough 'citizen '. eiciKl:' r npar him, ) watched his l ' uthitsgrd#64"' 'wondet ; :attentively, and drawing ' near, • entered into 'conversation- : with him. l ' -I -' ',ll4s'was "down' from Vermont -- after. work and wanted to get a chance Inv -one of these here railroadslo- in Said the other : "Why. don't you go and see the Superintendent.? '" W-a-1, I would if I ; know?d , where to find him." ',- ' ,-..' • "-Oh !'then come along with me—l'm 1;i:dog right:to hie office. l ! •:- .;.,,. •, 'Accordingly off went the twain, right to the store where that. demurest of all hoTers, Jed" 8 ., stood likes , p4triarcitid spi er, waiting for any;unsophisticated nest. t t, human fly that might flow der into , his "Alai" said the wag Vir , o acted as pilot,'t there ho is HeMis a _young Man, Mr. 8., who wants &berth o the n , .-• railroad as brakeman ."1 .. , Sem was`posted immediately " %11, I don't, know. Wa'vebad a goodmanyapplicalonsfor the'pos>, and in tact I had engaged a man to, go. out 'on the train, but he isnot up to his en gagement, and I will talk toyou. Have you ever been acqustemed to railroad "'W-a-1, no, I n't; but I guess I could learn it m ghty Soon. What's the wages?" t,‘-Thirty-siN dollars a nmth and clothes." ‘f W-a-1, mister, I'm ready, of 'you say so, to take right hold." "Very well, then ; I'll send , you out on this traint; but ' I wish to put you upon your guard with reference to one matter, and that is, there is a set of troublesome fellows continually hang-. ing around the train, pretending to be long to the road. Some of them. may interfere with you. If they do, put them off the ears at once—tell them I put you on the train, and take wet ore. , ders or impudence from any one of them. As to-your duties, when you hear one whistle, screw on •( the. brakes ; if two alarms are sounded, screw, them down bard; and then when three are given, loosen the brakes for the train to go on. 11l go with-you and put you i on the train. You return here to-night • and then I will see about your boarding place." ' Accer,dingly down they went to the station, and there the pretended Su- • perintendent showed his employe the brakes and the mode of using them— leaving him with a fresh injunction to "knock any one who attempted to in terfere with him." Before many mbautes the Vermonter had a customer. The whistle sounded and on went the brake. "What are you doing with that hrak.a ?" shouted the legitimate brake- man. "Jump off if you don't want your head broke." • Jonathan looked. at. the rude interro gator (a small man) with contempt, but disdained : a reply. " h-reeet !. a- h-ree 1 wh-000," went the whistle and the new -brakeman. screwed away for dear life, until snap went the chain. This was a cup too much, and off went the infuriated little brakeman for assistance. " What are yell doing there ?" asked the conauctor, whd returned with the men ; and stepping upon the car, he placed his hand upon Jonathan with a view to summary ejectment;, A brret struggle ensued,, at the termination of which the conductor lay sprawling upon his back, with the small brake man's head jammed between hie leis. " Como on ye darned heathe sI" shouted Jonathan, now fairly roused— "come on ! Pine:ern you to cut up di doks around me. Pin hired, I be. Mr.. hired me for the business, and of I don 3 learn ye ter tend to yer own, it'll be coz yer strongerin I be!" A fresh struggle ensued between our hero and some half dozen others em ployed on the train, who had gathered around, and Jonathan was overpowered, wLen an explanation took place, and the Superintendent's. "store" was sought for, but could net be fohnd, ,as the. I/In corrigible wag had not been' s _ inemi- Oohs as to make the engageme t in his own store ; and although he wa strong ly :uspected as being the autt of the too practical joke, no proof could be hal , for by ' a shrewd management of the muscles of his face, and cool assur arm- aided by a different dress, he suo cee led In arguing Jonathan out 'of his sus ficion ' the latter - having charged hi.. with the hoax. The , best part of th , joke was the denouement.-- The act al superintendent hearing' of the in omitat le pluck displayed by the Ye I , outer, sent for him, and it is said th , t be now satisfactorily fills an fin pp taut post upon, one • of the great W: stern roads. DRUNKARDS leave to se , ety a ruined character, wretched ex: mple, and a memory that =will goon TO r. I leave to my parents. during their lives, as much sorrow as humanity in ,a feeble and declining stale can sustain. • I leave my brothers as much mortifi ,cation and injury as, I- could bring upon them. I leave to my wife a broken heart, a life of wretchedness and shame, to weep over my premature death. I give and bequeath to my children poverty, ignorance and low character, and theremembrance that their father was a monster. 1 Is not this the-better - Way, noonly to pick apples, but to do gene erally ?. We aregoing . to the jud ment, i i and we should have the fact in friew in all that. we do. Itris just as wicked to cheat in quality as to cheat in qtiantity. To take the price (if a good article; hen you me covertly putting of a poor*one is no_ better s than robbery. To know ingly take pay for more than, yon give, Is not a whit more honest than stealing. •A pickpocket may as well lay claim to religion or morality as such a man. PAT DOOLAN, at tl e. battle of Chan. t cellorsville, bowed low at-tCc non-ball which whizzed just Edx in° es al: l ove his head. "Faith," said Pat 4 !on+l 4 nev- , er loses anything by being polite. - , Many tourists to Niagara Falls will agree with Mark Twain, who said that the first tune he was there, the back fares were so much higher than the Falls that the Falls, appeared insig. niflcant. • yi ~, `.t: ERNE RE bthni