The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 01, 1869, Image 3
11016 E MIATTER,S. wEDNEsDAy, SEPT. 1, 1809 . New advertisements Attornoy and Gonne°lor•at-Law—J. W. Adams. Sicilian Hair Renewer—R. P. Hail, I). Premium List—Tioga Co. Agricultural Society 1 % , ,,11,641r0 Inhumed Agency—Smith l Mu. .PEACII AND ICE CREAM FESTIVAII. The ladies of the Baptist Sooiety will furnish an Ice e r entnentertnirimuntevory evening this week, st the Town Ilall.l I'EssoNAL.---Tol. Emery's reply to ~igw3 xil lappear next. week. 'The poem; entitled—" The Brook," did not twit this office until the outside had gone to It will appear next week. •cifoor„ —,The Wellsboro District nli odeummoncos 'to-day under the, auspices Of Mr. N.ll, Young, who taught so acceptably lalAt. and MIFSCS Wright, of Farmington, and {ocher, of Wellsboro—both teachers of ascer tained cud fence. SPLENDID — That halfbushel of early a pples donated to the printer's of tho Agitator by Mr. Richard Moore, of Delmar last week. There ,can't a poor apple in the lot, nor a wormy one. May Pomona preside over his orchards and every Tor be fruitful. The "D vil" will ho the dohor's c ‘erlaEting friend. • Tii IsforEou.—Sdrinc of our citizens , air the splendid meteor of Tuesday evening ,eck. The papers give glowing. accounts of the .fight, and all agree substantially with the descrip :m, given by theme who Saw it hero. The lu minous dotal lasted a dozen minutes, or, there , atout, as seen from this point. WELL, WELL!—llohl your breath, r (14 is true : Mr. Artemus-Borden, of Charles kit spring sowed ono bushel of Norway oats 2zy quarts, by measure) on 11 acre of ground. La:t reek Mr. Borden harvested and threshed do: crop, and on weighing the yield found that 'l,c had strenly-seven bushels and sixteen pounds of cAt! That is 771-fold; and nobody can beat it. Bradford county take notice. 'FALL OATS.—Mr. - Arthur Goodspeed !Elk Run, Covington, has left with us two, tools of oats from a field of 3 *acres, nutoborini spires to the - stool, and measuring 6 feet in eighth. Some of the heads measure 16 inches; r,d though,the oats are of the common variety,' hey are estimated• to produco from 60 to TO Awls to the acre r . One selected Spiro measures .rer seven feet. ,Mr. Goodspeed evidently has land and knows how to make it produce. CHABLESTON.—Wo are obliged to Cosmopolite" for the following: -As Mr. W. M. Clo'le, whois in the employ of 6eu. P. Card, at his mill on Hill's Creek, was re :bring a chip, or some other obstruction, from the gang, on Friday last, the stick ho was using .t_r that purpose, was violently thrust against his head by iho notion of tholuachinery, render mg him insensible for tho sipace of two hours. fly was supposed by all preS'pnt to he dying. A I , ll3sician I was brought us soon as possible) -uceeetled in resuscitating him, and I am happy Le 1E now doing well, This is another warning tho<e Woking about steam machinery. MIL) , he heeded:" Ci B. EA.T STORM.-o eastern tornships of this county were' vi ited by a fear ful storm of wind, thunO, lightning, hail and lan, Saturday afterao . e r n, 2Sth ult., Mr. A. Knit . - fin, at Ward, inkiims us that the storm in that toun•hip was.-violent beyond proCodent. Fences sere ',rostra:tett; orchards, and tiinber uprooted ,r twisted off, and standing grain aid- flat. The ightning was terrific and the rain deluging. A hurch in Canton was struck by lightning, and a ,urn in Liberty was baldly damaged: Mr. Orrin hitlin's farm, in Ward, sufferett most, though tiitf & Whitman's farm was badly damaged. Mr. Daniel Bristol, of Mainz,burg, was struck lightning while at Fan Brook, and instantly Fdle 1. The body .u,Y /uhril battle Sunttgy. VI. I.:hark:4on, lightning r ;lrnelt Mr. F. U. Ely'B .4 and killed two lioree. We hemr of no in Chid hwaiity, iottl) TEM PLA ItS.-- , -()fileerS of CON' Lgn, Lodge for the current quarter : 11',1'.'1'.—l:. Rolibin= - T.— Mary Cleaver -Ann Aicelzer Ar:-I;lspt--lra S -11.trriel Itebitu.en ; Ir.] , Chaplain-6. W. Kelt , : 111;trAtal-- :1 Me : Deputy—Esther Ito:tue; I. It.-- MEM Ali. , II ti to I .lircy ; O. t I.•- Cll tiles Lev • 1:. II ---1:111,1iiir Johnson ; 11. tic A 11.11.11,. 11 11101'1 , of Crookekl Creek 1.(14.1ge • ii.ecney ; V. T.--Cai rie frosty 1 4 .croary—'fliono Keeney ; F. S .--Benj. -('llLyton Croft; Marshal—L. IV illcox ; . 1 .,, ,l: Willcox ; evnuy ; - !ley ; Kerm.y. IME I'EvsoNAT.,.---\\Te bad (,lipped a band ,,re6l,lllletw• promotion to I'.num for - hip or 'lie Full Ilrotilt Coal emit ~ .,1 11,13 3 Corning paper, at added t lies et° .'me appli;pr i iate comments, ter last ncet:t. l a 'l sie eoli t v ,pirited atvay, lostrevr , r, and to,,st the los t was discovered it was too late to 'll4 traveling public hill - he s-its ry to • 31r. Koigilit, whose genial smile and , easy reffilureil it n pleasure to voyrige oil his Ile will carry to I is new position all) the :11,1(st,i01 popularity and success, and while *tgretting his retirement we rejoice in his pros ! erny. If anything could atone for his abscnce might be the fact' that Conductor Way tills the 7 acancyJ l Conductor Shattuck takes the position seated by Mr. Way. Tho public is fortunate in r , asing, such Railroad officials. Mr. Charles L. Siemens, of this Village hits re ,ored the appointment to a first-class lerkship in 2e Treasury Department, Wasbingt 'in. Mr. sioTeni; by education an{i expericifee, is fitted i. , ..ieharge the duties of ' his place will' great crew t, being one of the most accomplished us .,,iit.ints to be found anywhere, We congral4- lite bun. . . fio; , st .—" A Man's stomach,'' said a :fiend to us the other evening, " is like a one horse wagon. If you load it for two _horses it sill break (lowa ; but if you put on the load it was intended to:eatry it will last a dozen years." A very lioutl illustration. This is tlti trying u.asotx. Rot days anti cool, damp nights., want tr e,peeially unfavorable to the preservation of healtli unless great ears be observed. W ithout inUnthog to interfere with the butcher's trade, we roar - say that not too much Meat should Le rattn non-a-days, and pot too "pinch pastry.— Pgid breakfasts, in whieh ripoy'ruit plays `tn iieportant part ; plain dinners, also largely r f luted with ripe fruit ; and slippers in which a cup of Idaek tea is morq , if not all,—this vi ill lestretto for indoors workers. Alen Mho work in the fields may of, more titan sNien eary people with impunity. Some people are mortally afraid of ripe app lep. 'They won't hurt aayko,fy if eaten is ith breakfast or dinner ; they are not so safe eaten licteen meals. Remember that the one-horse, wagon will not carry a two toad with safety. Iternernbcring that ; and t forgetting that more clothes should be worn at Light than during the day, and the chances are that you wilt escape the more mortal ili.eareS Which rage during variable summer weather. —There are two sorts of ex tremists— Ex tremiAs with reason, and extremists uit bout reason. The farmer have common souse and the latter ha% e nothing but brute passion The form " ' l,, z Libor, with intelligence, to draw the ' ,, r 1, l out of the pit of ignorance and vice ; oie 41, ca),.. ~t oady as a clock, or as the revoluti 111 l of the glebe. Vii may leave thew to-day and re turn (eerily Scars hence, and find them still w "hicg for progress in the van. The latter At" are ‘iolettt and obstreperous, aroiFivik and (oar ) 'ku'ne, an I hate all men who do not agree With ttiem• you know where they aro to-dliy, but no :tan it pres dent enough to Fay where they will tt to-morrow. They are not to be depended up ',s because moved by passion instead of reason and healthy impulse 'You can eco a type of the former class in novae° greoloy, and you may rco• ognin a typo of the latter class in Andrew John sun. Thu former was radical and aggressive, but uvgent to have the rebels treated like human beings. Johnson breathed threatenings and slaughter against the disarmed rebels, and ended by falling into theit arms, the veriest rebel of them all. Greeley was willing a few of the lead ers should be tried, convicted and punished; Johnson was clamorous for the death of every traitor. You may see this thing demonstrated every day, in various ways other than thoso re lating to the rebellion. When will men' learn that to be an extremist does not involve being a Stuidd brute? • i t writer'in Harper's Bazar is treating every weog upon "Manners upon the Road." Some- hues ho , hils the Dail 611 the bead, but oftener be doseiet. Ho has not yet shown up tho boor who crowds your - wagon into tho ditch when the road is broad enough for the use of both. Nor that other flip:aim:ll, guilty cur, who to - your morning salutation returns a sullen stare. Nor that Cad s compustiof : heariAliness and gloom, who heats and swears.. at his horses in tin" preseneo of do (Tot people: Nor that pitiable creature who' lirawls upon the Streets whilo quiet folks go about their business. If the Bazar utan would do his specks a signal service we can think of no better or surer way than in the foregoing di- cetions MANSFIELD. Henry Allen, Esq., has become sole oWner of tho propertyd lying on the south side of Wellsbere St., and west of M. L; Clark's store, having purchased it from Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Holley. The street leading from Main street to the State Normal, called Seminary Avenue has been made some eighteen feet wider, which is quite an id/prevenient. I see that Murdaugh, Pitts Bro. are draw ing the material on the ground for erecting a bui ding on Sherwood street. Let it be a nice, one, that it,maykompare with its location. A serious accident occurred at the gymnasium of the State Normal on last Thursday by which Daniel Holden, son of J. A. Holden was -very badTy injured. While ho vas swinging on some ropes attached to a large timber in the top of the building, the timber, having become seasoned, was moved from its place, and fell, .striking him on tho head, and from thence broke through - the door beneath. 11 1 / 4 . Holden was taken up for dead, but is fast„ recovering. Ilusinel , .s, generally, is becoming more brisk TionA.—l still find many little items that may be of.interest to sonic of tho readers of the Ay i iptor, among them you will find that the cove bridge on M'ellAoro st., has been restrung and replaulied in a creditable manner. P. ticrardy's story, "Centurine" is to appear in the "Western World new paper. Tioga can claim this rtory as an adopted child. It was written in French by Mr. Iterardy, and translated in a treholarly manner by Mary P. Sherman. Our moneyed citizens have held a meeting in reference to the removal of Om county seat, and a heavy gun may he expected that direction. Dr. A. Humphrey has Bono to Detroit to ho abtent three or Nur week.R.__ G. W. Sweatland, lailor, - has gone to New York to replenish his stock of clothing.- E. Bayer an ived front Brooklyn on Monday, the 23d. - Mrs. Quin Wellington, of Coining, has been sojourning with her friends hero for the last few weeks. - Commissioner Van Ness has made an inspection of the Berry bridge, with the intention of repair ing the same. A %cry modest ranee has been built fronting St. Ai crew's chapel. The chapel is expected to he ready for d.•dieatcry services in about two mouths. • 'Pilo Gunton (Wind) Brothers, gave a roiree, Bay.letl's Hall on 'ruk•ilay eve. The festivals given by the Good Teleplays tt•t re a stweess, The ladies who are thus L•tboring lin• the good caw.. deserie the highestemmneutati.ut from the lodge or ' l ,vbi,th they oro metehm.i. The remodeled borough sehool will commence on Monday the :fifth of Augmd, tinder the :miier him! of IL M. lienle Mr. Itceles is known to he sielive. CIWYgI tie onto, and if aided by the school officers be will give the school a system:it h.: ••reconstruction." 'Hazlett has razed "Parr's hotel" to the illonntl, laud is badly in need of ikgiv sign: Soule hotels ' Piave staggering sign , ahottt the F tr,etF, hot t:eorge does not. ;- , inith keel's a fi rst etas meatmamhet, team ket, oi‘lei hotel, awl livery. N.. 11.1111 i": 4 llappil• 113, cnhl lot un W:dittli ,t , ti) 17111 I'h , ctticutcnt kll llll3Cnhan tliflicnllica lilts again t.poit..l qadttrith that i•lathl. Villl N 3,1111: V. it I 111. i ho lAll ' lllll in Itiniidling his ritt"itt of stigni ;-11,Johe. E. Ilayet is laying a long otreleh of pump logs for his launerv. and a ill r built: a new dam at the John Pielcptims, ono ij Uncle Saints rcgular-, in Inuun Irutn on a furlough. Ile r e ports s,p)e vot of lo he iu halt 1.A110,11 F. E., Soli(IC • Lnv ~Mee is Applooeldog crania:- 1i tool, hough some ilaVe appl 0/CII6IOIIS 11:It I S 1 , .1111 , 13 CM) 1, not -Mint upon a rink.' Tho almve I, -Stiold,y's" Mgt article at:, "Titig:t local." lam compelled to leave the "scene ut net ion - and pitch toy lent in another chine. My eonnee-tion nigh the A 9 itutor Inos liven Most pleasant, anal it any one leas been ()trended, or tial , hoyn, ht• teas not the intention or the writer. I ant i`tolebltil to this community for many v..rp and .1, indne.-3:us, im(l part with you teluct- :Linty. Though 1. am unable to usher in a "Regular" as did ''Aceitiental," 1 truilt the va t alley tstli Lt' tilled by one better grattlied. 1 kill Lid my Friend, of thn town and county Ly quoting the elosingl agraph of H. W. -.Norwwtl.": "Awl if you, too. reader, Mt livl n 1111111111 to 11•at•e ("Snobbleten")— w wewl, I :10111 be lejnieeti uml repaid for ell my trouble. I we, ecce,:ittrils, Iwir Ex Local, SNOBBLETON. We 'egret to lose tile terviees of our collet-Tom dent. Ile has done as much to insrease the ardor of improvement in the i'illago_of Tioga as any citizen thereof. Many have suggested some more pretensions writing, but "Snobbleton" has very e( arly obeyed orders in picking up "unconsid ered trifles" of ne•wsl. If tome one will take up the cotrespondence and carry-it on wo shall be glad of it. Meanwhile our ex-local has our best wishes for health and success in the western home to which his feet tend. To SPORTSMEN.—Tne present gaine laws of Pennsylvania are briefly digested by a contemporary thus , : Deer cannot he killed or taken except from the let of September to ilhe :flst of December. Grouse or Pheasants can be Aut front the Ist of August to the `4oth of December. Partridges can only be kill( d from the Lt of October to the 20th of December. Wild turkeys can be hunted from the let of October to the Ist of Januaty. Squirrels and rabbits may be shot front the LS of August to the first of January. s'Woodeock front the 4th of July to the 15th of November. Inst etiverow 'hints, which includes the rob ' his, ate prohibited to be shot at any time, and it is illegal to rob. the nests of ant birds of all kinds. Trout can he Mica for with hook and line only,“luring the onintlis of April, May, June and July. Sunday shooting or hunting is prGbibited un tier a lien,vr penalty. - Tr .(t• • , are entirely Fail) ited. Possei,ion of fish or other gaunt out of season, i:.. :.nlli eient to eon% iet the phrty, even if they %%ere put ehased. ~ . The penalties vary from $5 to $lO. Pnii half the fine goes to the informer, and sty on[: eon% ieted and refusing to pay the tine, Sea to flail fin• ten days• . The Septembi r Pooom Itl articles by the fol.. lowing author:, : H. C, Lea, igts. Hav.4,ln no, Conens, Cal. Dodge, Mrs. Cheeshro. Prof. De, Vero, Fenimore Cooper, V invent Colyor, Stoddard, and ,Bayard Taylor. It 6 a very readable number. _ T. s. Arthur Fon, Philadelphia, publiah three inagaiines eminently calculated to make the us orld Letter. The "Home Magazine" con tains all that i.t needful in fashions, patterns, and lalley uot6, tort-tier ttith talcs and sketches. which, though 1111 . l'il" sensational, are instructive and entertaining. "Inlee a month," a beautifully printed nolgaxitio of Iliune, Foreign, and nrigkOnl literatuie, uhen bound will form an attractive Look in any prit ate It has a F alit] story----The of Taxhary,"—Worth thrice the cost of the inagayine, %%Adel) is only 4 , i. "The Vhildren's Hour — is one of the hibst fascinating of the nuottlilie provided for children, its illus tration (wing gents of the ilcsigne and graver's art. The eltildrea who read this lit tlo magazine will grow better Its they, grow older. $1. 9 5 per year. DEMORUST'f4 YOUNG AunntrA.—This excellen little periodical ift . constantly adding to its repu tation, and is certainly the most sensible, prae . . . . . . fiord, and best edited of all the juvenile magazines. It is not-composed, lige some others; of - a - certain ntimbor of stilted articles, enters right into the o interests, and oaf:ovations , of . its y groederstnd patrons; allows them to speak rerun sympathies, thomsolves, and stimulates them . .wonderfully to activity of thought an _expression, We con sider it the hest investment of $1.50 that any pa rent ean mko. Published at 833 Broadway, N. Y.• :Tun PIIR • NOLOGICAL jOL for September l contains th portraits and biographies. of John Itogeitr, the designer and modeler of the ' well i t known "Ito its Groups ;" ' Jos. - A. Wright, ox governor of Indiana, and late Minister to Prussia; Von Baer the Russian Naturalist; Vinhie Ream, the Washington Sculptress; be'sidea interesting a6iolos illustrated and otherwilso,'on. Heads largo and small; Personal Beauty; St Mark's Cathe dral at Venice; Apoplexy, or the Philosophy -of Sadden Death ; the Rhinoceros ; Controversy, its Uses and abuses; Life Saving Apparatus; True Relation of the Sexes; kvisit to a Cloister, or the Ape men, by Carl Vegt; Presentiments, etc. Price 30 cents, or $3 it year. S. R. Wells, - Publisher 389 Broadway, Nevp York. 'Hugh 'Voting 4;. Co., have all the Magazines at leir Bookstore. 'ln 'Munny's Musimu for August, Miss,Aleott, the editor, relates, with her singular power of hilet aind vivid description, a pathetic experience of 1101.'11080W life during the late war. Iter story of "An Old-Pash. Oirl" is continued, introducing Polly tosow fashions, Madam Chuck and her Family" will please the little folks, while "writing Composition" and, "Mario Antoinette" arc instructive and interesting. In addition to this pleasing variety, we have a charming poem by Miss Prescott, the usual Monthly Chat, Puzzle-Britwor, 'he.; the whole handsomely illustrated- and melt printed. $1,50 , a year. Single numbers, 15 as, Ilottext: 11 Fur-Lun, Publisher, 14,11romfield Street, Boston. CORNING.—The .Tournal says: "John Vaughn, of Knoxville, N. Y., W3B kicked by a horse last week, and died next tiny." Tho Jeer not mon disposed of 1000 dies in ono day with "fly paper." 'We always knew that a Doctor could slay hie thopeatide. BOY LOST.—About the first of May last, a little boy 10 years old, namod John An drew Colo, left Fields' Station, on the Pennsyl vania Central R. It., about eighteen miles from Williamsport, PA, saying he was "going to Buffalo, to find his Pa." Since that time his pa rents Intro been unable to obtain any trace of him. Ills residernee is in North New Berlin, Chenango Co. N. Y. The boy has a" largo, soar, caused by a burn, on ono of his arms. go has blue oyes. He has a hole for an.ear ring, in the upper part of ono (Allis ears. Any, person giv :mg information of his whereabouts will confer a favor upon ; his parents. Address James Bole, at North New Berlin„Clienango Co. N. F. • "REG ULA IL" RELHIpuB.- 7 -Tlie pttstor of the BO tkst church will commence a series of sermons on the Milli and practice of the Baptist denomi nation, on Sunday evening, next. The first in order will ho the inspiration of the scriptures. jrg- JUVENILE CONCERT at Baptist Hal Wednesday Evening, Sept. I, under the lead o Prof. LONA:. Go and hear the children. 3 c-a c:tcs it 1 33 IA iss i wt. e. Ist gsi . FHOWE, Jr.,' first Premium Sewing Mn 4 , chino for sale in Wollsboro, by Oct. 28, 1868-2 t. A. FOLEY. Sell 00 . 1, 800 IC!4- The Sanders Union Series. Tho peopte of the township of Delmar are. hereby notified that the Sellout Directors' of that township have by resolution adopted— The Sanders Union Series of Readers and Speller. The Itobinson series of Arithmetics. At vary low' introductory terms. The First Reader to ho exchanged even for Osgood's or the old Sander's First Reader.. The other hooks furnished at low exchange rates, with or without the old books. These terms can be learned. of any of the teachers or school direeturs of the township, or by inquiring at the Book Store of l I ugh Young & Co t ., Wollsboro. People desiring to avail themselves of these liberal offers can do so for ninety days from this date, that is, until Aug. 20, LS69. Teachers in the several districts of Dehnar are requested to send or leave their names at the Book Store of livart YouNn k m A 1 2 . v ly .Ato-po,tucrov‘. cimrleFton, Aug. 5, 11 Rev. C. A. Stolle, Mr. - William c,„ Marvin, a Cliarlestm), and Miss Nettie Mich, 'Fiaga. AVII,COX—PFVFS.—In East Charleston, at the house of (1. \V. Pitts, by T. D. Elliott, Mr. Everatil Wilcox, of Mansfield, and Mies Maly E. Pitts, of East Charleston. sco-I'T —BRACE.—In Ellcland, Aug. 9, at the iIIJUSO. Oil, Fred Calyur, by N. Strait, Mr. L. W. Scott, of Elhland, aud IlieF L. . liraco, of We:A.l'lo4. S PLC I AI, I N - uricEs. STATE NORPIAL SCHOOL, MANSFIF:f.I), PENIRRYLVANIA. mil E next term of 'this Institution will coin merle° Wednesday, Sept. let 186:1. For Catalogues—address Prof. Chas. 11. Vor ril, Mansfield, Tioga County Pa. Jnly 7, 1869-tf. At ; lifusliA HALL'S N ,:, e ' 41.Y.F; 4 ,- I , Op. - 1 - ; 0 , , 1 las prorkl itself to be the most perfoot.propara lion for tho Hair ever'offared to the public to llnsronn GRAY PAILT TO ITO OItIOINAL COLOR, and create a now growth whore it has fallen off from disease or naturrq;doettyr, An who use it are unanimous in awarding i ho praise of being the best Bair Dressing ex ant.. Our traatssei on tho Bair soritfiee-liy Mail. mAx.arAcTuittm ONLY 11Y It. P, JEALL A-. CO., Naebutt, N. 11. Proprietors Sopt. 1, 1 Btlo. TILE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suf fered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fel low•sufferers the means of eure. To all who desire it. ho will send a copy at the pro scriptlou used (free of charge,) with tho directions for preparing and !wing the same, which they will find a sear CURE reit CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, de. The object of the advertiser in sending the Proscrip tion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which ho conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may Provo a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address llev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Icings County, N. Y. May 26, ISO9-Iy, A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years' from NM.- eons Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effectstof youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which 'he WON cured. Sufferers 'wishing to profit by the adver r t bier's experience, can do BO by addrutrling in perfect confidence, 301 IN B. OGDEN. May 213, , No. 42 Cedar Street, New York ATTORNEY AND CO UNSELOR-AT•LAW, Tioga county,. Pa. Collections promptly attended to. [Sept. 1, 1869. WM. 11. AIINISTIRING Aug. 4.18604 y ___ ____, NotiCe to ColleetoFS. OOLLECTOItS of the taxes for 1860 are re queAted to be prompt in collecting up their duplicates And paying over tho Fame by the Ist of September. liy i so doing not less than $lOOO can be t•avell to the county. 'Aug, 1, 1869. 11. C. BAILEY, Co. Treasurer. Rouse, .CS, Lot for Sale. .A:0901.) Mown and barn, on a lot of two tierce, within ten minutes walk of the' our house, WellAoro, is offered for sale. Tn quiro of John I. Mitchell, Esq., Welishore. Aug. 25, Isn97ts. V 10 DEBTOItS.—AII persons indebted to me nro requested to call and settle nt once. All accounts with me - before the now firm was formed must bo closodup without delay. WILLIAM ROBERTS. Welleb.oro i Aug.-20, 186 Q, SEWING _MACHINES. MA 11,11:1AC4It;S VEGETABLE!sICI HAIR .2?-I".,ItIEWER preticht tlic Ittirrront faliing out TO CONSUMPTIVES, ERRORS OF YOUTH. JnO. m. Adams, Armstrong & Linn, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, WILLIAMSPORT, PENN'A John 11• ; .4fees. Grocery AND PROVISION STORE, ; ;J • lu Mozart Block, let door below Converge & Oe o.ood's Dry Goode Score. Come to John R. Rice If yon want to get some good Rice, Only ono stinting por pound But you will not fOul pr/111840y or mine, Nor any other ooniponnd. But Teas, Teas, of the very best, Hero you will find aslarge hen's'nest; Cloves, cinnamon and candy, • liero you will find everything handy. Flour, Flour, of every grade and Idnd, And prices to suit all mankind; So there will be no grumbling, While the barrels in and out will be tumbling 'Crackers, Tobacco, and Allspice, Dried .Reaf, and pugar l oured Mann; If I 8011 to you onco I can twice, 'So °Latin woman and Man. So give me a call both groat and small; And I will tryst° suit you all; But if you uall in here by chance, Do not forgot to bring a few stamps, •Kerosono Oil and vinegar,' Coleman's Mustard and Ginger; And Soap the boat at'ten cents 'a bar, • • And fine Salt for butter, the boat by fur Here is where you will find, Brown's Glass cleaning Polisb, Tliat . wlll last until everything is demolished August 25, 1869—tf. T • IP. DONALDSON s a candidate for tf • tho office of Protbon 'tory, subject to the decision of the RepublloanlConvention of Tioga County. [Mr. Donaldson's pledge of May 10th 1869 j„ ' . . • •, • TO THE VOTERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. HAVING bcen - liolicited by many of my Re publican frlends front all parts of the county, to become anindePendent . candidate for the office of Prothonotary, I have conoluded to yield to their requests, and Without offering any further reasons for doing 80,1 now announce myself as a candidate for that office. Aug. 18, 1869. j J. F. D °Malan 01. Patent' noopng.' I HAVE bought the right to use the Patent Elastio Roofing in Tioga County, and am now propamd to put on roofs cheap and in good workmanlike manner. This roofing is,fire and water proof. I rotor to Messrs. Wright & Bai ley,.Tolos S Barker, and C. L..Willoos, whore samplob can be seen and roofs in use. MOSES WINGATE. Wellsboro, Aug. 11, 1849—tf. House and Lot for Side, OUTII of Mansfield, Tioga Co., Pa., within onsy walking distance of the Churches; State Nor al School, &c. House in good order; good size and convenient. Excellent well and cistern water close to the door. Lot contains fthout II acre, and has a number of choice fruit trees, grnpo-vinos /N. A pleasant and desirable home. Will ho sold at a low figuro. Address or inquire off J. N. BIXBY. Mansilelci, June 9, 1869-tf. r i ll iX3o GFM! M. M. SEARS, PROPRIETOR. WHERE delicious Teo Cream, French Con fectionary, all kinds of fruits in their season, a mice dish of Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate, and Oysters in their season—can be had at all hours, served in the best stylet Next door be low Roberts & Bailey's Hardware Store, Main Street. IVellsboro, Aug. 4, 1869. TN Deerfield township, Tioga County, Pa., miles from Knoxville and 2i miles from Oeo- Oill, on the road leading from Riser settlement to the river. Said farm contains, 106 acres, 130 acres improved; is table land, and lies hand somely; has,4o acres of meadow which 'flan bo mowed with a machine; is welt watered, and well adapted to dairying purposes; has many tine springs; timber hemlock, beech, and.maplo. Comfort:At. viancd td/ r A t . , „w w .. eef 9.t feet square, a 30x40 oarn, ca /en,. raintry nr. - young apple orchard thereon. •J:orins easy. Ap. ply on the promises, or address, at Oceola. July 7, 1809-tf. MORRIS SEELEY. NEW STRING GOODS tEGUI, A TOR, CORNING. N. Y: WE have just rocoivtl' a largo stock of f 3 tillable for tho Spring trade, to which tvo'dopiro to call the attention of the pee-, pie of Tioga County. In DOMESTIC. GOODS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, POPLINS, SILKS, SHAWS, COTTON AND BOOTS AND SHOES, wo have a full assortniont on Inspootion of Goods and prices that will satisfy the ol4iSest buyers that this is the lilacs to make their pm:amiss. In Grocery Department, we have everything needed to make a complete =EI GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS We have also just received a large lot o direckfrom the Importers; of entirely new pa tern, very neat, and ebettpoi than over offered i ' this market before. Do not fail to look through our stock boforo making purobases.• Corning, March 22, 186i1,—ly. Farm for Salo I AT T FIB WOOLEN GOODS, for mon and boys' wear Caipets, &c., &c., assortment of CROCKERY, NEWELL 4' OWEN 'CJICW 3MirLACA3 ART GALLERY, Is the placo to Set. Your PHOTOGRAPHS. Now and RtiatioS o 9 l34 o. • Tho now Cabinet also mado in any position. ! . . npr; 1 ,1869. LArgestStoek of Frames In 'flop Nputtly for-imie - at:tho lowest prices, at • • " • • CLAY KING'S April 14,!1869. ' Art Gallery, ; Ai. 11. EASTMAN, 7741.4 DENTIST 4 1 A'..o Artificial tetith from ono to an °Miro set insert ed at short nodes on any plate desired. Teeth extracted without pain—proved by scores of witnesses, at the aloe. Special 'atten tion :given i to the treatment and filling tho natural teeth. , All_work warranted at !give and lot live prides." • July 28,1889.: NHS' SPRING GOODS AT the PEOPLES' STORE CORNING, N. Y. I F you want the beet AMERICAN PRINTS in maaket for 123 cents per yard, and other Goods in proportioti. If you -want any Dress Goods or Shawls. ( I R you want any Cloths •or Cassimeres, by the yard or made to order In the most ap proved style. If yoa want, any Carpets, • I call whore you can Jnd 70 rolls to select from In short, if you want anything in OREIGN .& DOMESTIC GOODS at lin Ipwpst - Triaes. Call at the PEOPL iS' STORE, • • where prieellaki unifo n and tow, whore honesty and fair healing is th motto; , and if you want any "1'30.1 3 1.., 25 per cent lees than you can buy elsewhere, call on the agents of the GREAT E. S. TPA COMPANY, and be convinoed, Como and see for yourselves. Store directly opposite tbo Dickinson House. Corning, Morel 31, 1889 Wilson tt, VanValkenburg's No. 2 - Union* Block. is the place where the crowd go to find THE NEW SPRING STYLES POPLINS, GRENADINES, LAWNS, ORGANDIES, * PIQUES, CHINTZS, PERCALLES, GINGHAMSi DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL STYLES, FACTORY'S,' SIIEETINGS, BLEACH ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. rrooP SKIRTS, of ovory description, DRESS TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS of all kinds; also tho largest and the pest assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING I= over brought into Tioga County. Remember the place, and call before purchasing. No have selected our stook with great care' and notify gentlemen that in LIGHT CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, LIN ENS, FARMERS' SATINS, GAI TERS,.BS SUMMER WEAR of e , Ory dodoription we can't be boat. Thankful for past patronage, and by strict at tontion to business we'hopo to share a continu Once of tho same, WILSON dc VAN VALKENBURG. Wollsboro,May 19, 1869-tf Hr. H. R. Phillips, NYMOMOVI MUM I= MTIE undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens ref surrounding coun try that ho ip poinianently located at this place: lie is fully jrcpared to do all kinds of DENTISTRY, in the higlios . t style, of the art. , Srtisfaetion guarratiteed. Oftlee over Seotiirs Drug Store. Fine Photographs can ho had over the Drug Store. If. R. PHILLIPS. Westflohl t iPa., June 30, 1860-Iy. 100,000 \ LBS. WOOL TINTBD for lvtich the highest prioo will be paid at. the Store of Juno 16, 1869. No. 18, MAIN STREET, w4LLspoRO, PA SMITII & WrE TOLES & BARRER. This space was sold to Mothers, but ow ing to the rush of bu siness he cannot 'use it. C-C-B-&-F COME TO T. L. BALDWIN-gr. CO'S TIOGA, PA and see a nice stock of Goode for tiro Spring & Summer Trade such as ZILIM 312,E aaama —all styles, colors and patterns— ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICK FRENCH. JACONETS, ORGANDIE `, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK , AND COLORED SILKS, &c., &c. BEAUTIFUL SUDIDIER SHAWLS and a largo assortment to Foloct from. CLOAKS READY-MADE, AND CLOT TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS &(.1 , TO TRIM DRESSE§r OR SACQUES. —Our stock of--= YANKEE NOTIONS oan ° t, be lent. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought of so far HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, - CORSETS, .&C, R—O—lei—A—N mazmauEem too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so large an assortment to soleet from in a country store, and clear down to the BOTTOM - FIGURE Wo also keep a largo assortoacint of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and parts of suits. Should we fail to suit you'with ready-made, we have Cassimore, and - • A TAILOR TO CUT AN.O FIT and Shoes, Boot styles and sizes HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, Locks, Latches, Carpontore' Tools. A GENERAL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Fresh. TEAS aro lower than at any time since the war. Did not go to Juba to buy sugar, and so have some cheap. We are agents for the E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE 1 1 --I-----NV-X Farmers, if you want tools to work with drop in. SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &c. Butter tubs, Pails. Firkins, and Ashton salt to Bator with, All kinds of 'Farm Produce want ed. Prices can't ho boat. T-----U-A-N---K-S T. L. J3ALDWIN do 00 pogo, Pa., May b, 1869. higliam's Woolen Mills DEERFIELD, PA. MBE subscribers will p• y Cash, Pall-Cloth, Cassimoros, Planuels, t a., !co., for Wool.— They also manufacture as Baal— TO ORDER, OR SHARES, to suit eustotnora. All work warranted at; rop resented. Thoy invite particular attention to which are warranted in every respect. Partien lat attention given to ROLL - CARDING CLOTH 13RESSING. INGIIAM'S largo stock of Oassimoros, &c., 25 per cent loss than any competitors, and warrant. ed asiepresented. INGIIAMS minufacture to order, and do all; kinds of Roll-Carding and Cloth Droning, andi defy competition. INGIIAMS havo as good an assortment o Full Cloths, Cassimeres, Stot,l and give more for Wool in exohane than i any other establishment. Try them and,satisfy Your selves. INGIIAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow anesquo Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our Cloths aro warranted, 'and sold by the following persons: DLLANO Jr, CO.. Weßsboro . , Pa. T. L. BALDWIN A: CO,, Tioga, Pa.;- J. C. BEINNETT, quvington, Pa. 100,000 Pounds of Woo JOSEPH INGHAM k SONS Decrfwl,l, JOOO :10, ISG9-1.1. L-E Fresh Goods Received Weekly X _ool' i 4 ND gErtGni, Converse & Osgood cep ennatantly un liana n largo z.toeli of genera MERCHANDIZE GOODS AS REPRESENTED. * NOT Jitn. 6, 1863.-jy. CONVERSE, s OSGOOD The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Ting'n and vicinity that ho has just opened a Watch and __Jewelry establishment in Borden's Drug Store, and is prepared to execute all dors in his lino of business with despatch and in the best of man ner. ALL WORK WARRARITED, S. WILE Tiogai, Feb. 21, 1869.-If. EAST CIIIA.RLICTON WOOL CA.IIIG, HAVING purchased tho wool carding works of Molt k Whitney, the subscribers aro now prepared to card wool into rolls promptly and in the beet manner. Persons coming from a dithanco:and wishing to carry their rblls home with them the same day will be accommodated. The charge for carding is based upon the weight of the rolls, and not upon that of the crude wool. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have a first-class machine and plenty of power to drive it. July 27, 1:369-4m Plaaa.c:o -M"-"cortqatS6 ORGANS AND MELODEONS FOIL sale by I. O. HOYT. 'Haines Brothers Pianos, Chickerings, Steinways, and Steck'e• liintermister's Organs and Melodeons, and Ma son & Ilamlin's Organ. Those are alltirst.elass Instrumento: Baying the experience of many years in Musical Instruments, 11 d tuning the same, I can offer greater inducements to custo mers of Tinga County than any other dealer in Northern Pa. Every io.ltrument l is warranted for five years. For fali particulars Fee Illustent od.Cataloline. I. O. HOYIT. Mansfield, Pa., Match 3,1869-1 y A P. CONE baiting laid off his land on Stato Street ,into town lots now offers. them for sale on reasonable terms. Wellston°, April 28, ISli9. At- STEAM Engine I; Boiler, and all the gear iog for an up and down Saw. • JOHN 4. BOWEN. Wellaboro, Juno 23, 1862.-tf. IMI their Water Proof CASVIIERES, AND 1 Wanted. Dry GoodN Fresh Groceries! CROCKERY: Hats and Caps. De it remembered, that TO BE UNDE RSOLD. WATCHES ' , ,- -,-.. ' 'a i" ."- % 12 I t" 7125-., W 4 IA V 4 M N 2 4; ! MOORE & BACON State, Street Lots leor (Arai% To tho cvanors at Unp4tonted &mds. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, 1 - HAttnisnona, PA., May 25, 1869. ,) IN obedience o an Act of Assembly, approved tho eighth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and six ty - nine, you aro hereby notified that the " County Land Lion Docket;' contain ing tho list of -ilnpatontod lands for Tloge. Co., prepared under tho Act of Assembly of the twentieth of M y; one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and the supplement thereto, has this day been forwarded to the Prothonotary at tho county, at whose office it may be examined. The lions can only bo liquidated by the payment of the purchase money, interest and foes, and receiving patent, through this Department Proceedings by the Attorney General have beat} stayed for ono year from 'this date, in order thi!'t parties may obtain their patents without addl . - tional cost. 1 JACOB M. CAMPBELL, - • ' Suryoyer General. .... WANTED--AGENTS For Prof Parso,n'S Laws ot Business. With full Directions and Forms for all Transaction& in awry State. by TLIEOPULLOS Pattsorts, L. L. D., Professor of Law in llarvard University. . A New Book for Every body. Explaining avery kind of contract and legal ob. ligation, and showing how to draw and executo the&X. Tho highest and best authority in tho land. send for our llburnt terms: also for our patent Bible Prospootto. Sent Free. PARNIELEE dr.CO., Philo. Pa. JUTIO 9, 1869-3ra. . Administrator's Notice. LETTEIIS of Adminletration having been granted to the undersigned upon the es tato of -Leander Culver, Into of Elkland, deo'd, all persons indebted to, or claiming •agalnst the estate, must aottlo with R. T. WOOD, DOLLY CULVER, } Admr's. Elkland, Juno 16,1869-13 t.. HARDWARE 'AND STOVES r CONYEItS & OSGOOD HAVE on hand and are constantly receiving II it at their Hardware Store every article needed in this regibit - lof country, in the HARDWARE LINE. SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL NAILS, MIDDLETOWN AND ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, srrov]Es, Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal Stoves. Rome Companion, and thd justly oalabratud 11111111EIN COOK STOVE, j 7 • TIN-WARE No pains will bo spared to moot the wants of our customers._ CONVEES dc OSGOOD. Wells . oto, Jan. 6, 1869, ly. FIE AMERICAN BU, ON-HOLE 0 rER-SEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE. THEgreatest invention and tho best sewing Machine in the uorld. It has no equal a$ a Family Machine. And INTRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST It is really two machines in one by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement, making both the Shuttle or' Lock-stitch and the'Over seaming and Button-hole stitch -with equal fa cility and perfection. _ ICoxecutos in the very best manner every va riety of sowing, Such ns HEMMING, FELLING, CORDING, TUCKING, STITCHING, BRAIDING AND QUILTING, GATHERING and SEWL ING ON, and in addition OVER-SEAMING. Embroiders on the edge and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all fabrics. Every Machino is warranted by the Company or its Agents to givo ont fro satisfaction. For ftirther information inquiro of F. KINOz.S- LEY, at R. C. Bailey's in Morris . Run ' or of MO. S. K. EVERETT, four doors - south of the Depot near R. Farr'a Hotel, Mossburg, where the ma chine may be tried, and instructions received in using the Machine, by all those wishing to buy. P. KINGSLEY, Agent. Morris Run, I'a., Juno 9,1869-3 m. a Wm. Rinkle, )111 Common Plens of Potter Co., do cs. r ‘ 12' Feb. Term 1889. Foreign Al Chas. Dnsbor. j tat:butt:o = The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, To the Sheriff of said enunty °reeling : L. S , W e command you that you attach Chas Bushor, late of four _bailwick, Yeoman by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and Ina meats, rights and credits, in whose hands or posses ion meter the same maybe, found so that he be and apj,eor before our Judges, at Coudersport, at at Court of (3 in mon Pleag there to be held the 15th dayhf Febrn, ry, A. D. 180, there to answer Wm. Raddoehf a plc, of debt, damages fifteen thousand dollars end also, that you 611111111 On to be4noraPpear be M.° our said court at the same time aud place, to answer what shall be objected against him and abide the judg ment of the Court therein, and have you then and theie this writ. Witness the lion. Robert U.White, President Judge of our Court. at Coudersport this 10111(111y of February A. D. 1869. • 11.3. OLMSTED, MOOIDDOfitIy. SU Enter's OEFLEE Coudersport, Feb. lath :SC.P. I li,reby rei tic) t hat the above Li a trim copy of the original tout now 111 my hand. July 21,1800-6 w. U. T. llEttiotus, Sher in Oiphaits' court .8 l ale, - BF virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga County, to me directed, I will ex- Pw.e to sale by pnblie vendee, at the Court House, Wellshoro; Thursday, Sept. 2, 1869, at 1 o'clock P. 111., the following described real es tate, late the property of Simeon A. Butler, of Delmar, deceased, viz : , . Beginning at a post and stone coner, running east along the B. 11. Warriner lot, South 87° East, 82 perches to a post and stone eornler, thence by land of Horace Butler, South 97 8-10 porches to a !post and4tono corner, thence by lands lately Owned by Ensley Simmons, 87° West, 82 perches to a post and stone corner, thence by land of Ira F. Butler, South 97 8-10 perches to the place of -beginning, containing fifty acres, more or less, with about S acres im proved, ono log house and a few fr it trees there at]. SIMON V. BUT I FR, Adm'r. Aug. 4,1869-31. TIOGA HIGH SOHIOL. /VIES School now becomes a p rman - nt In stitution, under State authority, having by spociallact received some peculiar privileges, and it can now afford all advantages common to /Nen detnic institutions.. To those designing to pre pare for teaching wo offer very decidgd advan tagos by combining the Theory with the Practice. Fall Term commences Aug. 30, ISt3O, and con tinuos 14 weeks. - ' RATES OF TUITION Common English, Elementary Algebra, Pri mary Philosophy and Primary all pupils of school age residing' in TiOga Boro. Common English - $5,00 Higher " 1,00 Commercial course, time unlimited 5,00 German—extra ......... 3,50 English Branches and Berman ~ 1 " Commercial course... For information with regard to rooms or board call on, or address IL M. BEELES, Principal, • Aug. 4, 1869—tf. Tioga, Pa. 4FEETWOOD, Ir, FARM PRODUCE 'RE calved in payment fOr Tuition. UNION ACADEMY„ KNOXVILLE. TIOGA CQUNTY, PENN'A C. C. WAttD; Principal. Mrs. ADA. W. HORTON, PioceldreAs. Miss llonTom, AFsi4tant. isliSS EMMA BARTLETT, Teacher of. Music The Fall Term m ill Commence AuguA 31. !rho Winter Term Noveather 30. The Spring Term March 3. Each Term to continue 12 weeks. EXPENSES PER TERM Taition, including rent and wood;Vall Term $11,50 " '• Winter Term.. 13,50 "o " Spring Term..:112,50 Day Students , 7,00 Instrumental Music, (Piano, organ or Melodeon).. - 1 0 ,00 Vocal Music 2.00. Use of Instruments - '2,00 Drawing and Pending 3,00 Board per week :1,00 July 21., 1869-11". z.. • , , . Wellsboro 11'001- Ce'll•clihg, 1 - 1 7 ‘ orks. SA. IIII:TB0,1.1) wishe• jo inform tho Pub . lie that ho is ready is do all business in his lino with promptness and in a )vorkmanliko manner; and also that ho will keep cloth and cash to exchange for Wool at his shop. S. A. 11ILT130lill. Juno 2, 1860-6w._. JOR BALE—A lot of. cuttor timber, ready fur use, will bo sold clmp. Call on HALT. 4E MARCIT, Km:top - Me, Pa. .47 - 3 - nly 21, 1T69-3m 08-WORK, IN TEE'BEST STYLE, and withdespatoh,alTHE AGITATOIt Ogle°. 11 A A U 8,50 8.50