11016 E MIATTER,S. wEDNEsDAy, SEPT. 1, 1809 . New advertisements Attornoy and Gonne°lor•at-Law—J. W. Adams. Sicilian Hair Renewer—R. P. Hail, I). Premium List—Tioga Co. Agricultural Society 1 % , ,,11,641r0 Inhumed Agency—Smith l Mu. .PEACII AND ICE CREAM FESTIVAII. The ladies of the Baptist Sooiety will furnish an Ice e r entnentertnirimuntevory evening this week, st the Town Ilall.l I'EssoNAL.---Tol. Emery's reply to ~igw3 xil lappear next. week. 'The poem; entitled—" The Brook," did not twit this office until the outside had gone to It will appear next week. •cifoor„ —,The Wellsboro District nli odeummoncos 'to-day under the, auspices Of Mr. N.ll, Young, who taught so acceptably lalAt. and MIFSCS Wright, of Farmington, and {ocher, of Wellsboro—both teachers of ascer tained cud fence. SPLENDID — That halfbushel of early a pples donated to the printer's of tho Agitator by Mr. Richard Moore, of Delmar last week. There ,can't a poor apple in the lot, nor a wormy one. May Pomona preside over his orchards and every Tor be fruitful. The "D vil" will ho the dohor's c ‘erlaEting friend. • Tii IsforEou.—Sdrinc of our citizens , air the splendid meteor of Tuesday evening ,eck. The papers give glowing. accounts of the .fight, and all agree substantially with the descrip :m, given by theme who Saw it hero. The lu minous dotal lasted a dozen minutes, or, there , atout, as seen from this point. WELL, WELL!—llohl your breath, r (14 is true : Mr. Artemus-Borden, of Charles kit spring sowed ono bushel of Norway oats 2zy quarts, by measure) on 11 acre of ground. La:t reek Mr. Borden harvested and threshed do: crop, and on weighing the yield found that 'l,c had strenly-seven bushels and sixteen pounds of cAt! That is 771-fold; and nobody can beat it. Bradford county take notice. 'FALL OATS.—Mr. - Arthur Goodspeed !Elk Run, Covington, has left with us two, tools of oats from a field of 3 *acres, nutoborini spires to the - stool, and measuring 6 feet in eighth. Some of the heads measure 16 inches; r,d though,the oats are of the common variety,' hey are estimated• to produco from 60 to TO Awls to the acre r . One selected Spiro measures .rer seven feet. ,Mr. Goodspeed evidently has land and knows how to make it produce. CHABLESTON.—Wo are obliged to Cosmopolite" for the following: -As Mr. W. M. Clo'le, whois in the employ of 6eu. P. Card, at his mill on Hill's Creek, was re :bring a chip, or some other obstruction, from the gang, on Friday last, the stick ho was using .t_r that purpose, was violently thrust against his head by iho notion of tholuachinery, render mg him insensible for tho sipace of two hours. fly was supposed by all preS'pnt to he dying. A I , ll3sician I was brought us soon as possible) -uceeetled in resuscitating him, and I am happy Le 1E now doing well, This is another warning tho