P . 0 ..... 1!.tt. II =I I wood iouglit its° in otltuu, With peaches fltt for eaten, With sossago rneet,:nefrien,. • • And can4ydates - n.,treeten, When cheitnuts i 8 a fallen, And 'beieltlnutaja 'so thick ' _ Ong'4;lVhtio 'would think of dye», ' Or ,even ) g,itien `sleqtle. Ongli; tad rwoott net dye in the ['de rather bo a little buoy - And pla.ivith an itigutrabber hot. • . TUE: SLEFX• Titu: • DEATH: ol' PLANTS...73y heti the coldlweatlier comes some plants die; and so go to .slop , for the wintar.-- SomeiiirintS always'die-in the', rat Corn dies; so does,the bean-vine. so do many other Plants. In order to haVe_speh plants another year, we_keep some Of their seeds to put. into' the ground in the spring. But some plants sleep in' the Winter. Look at tree. ' Its• branches •are' ull bare,- It seems as if it had no life hilt.' Bdt, there is'llfe there, and - It will'sllo itself next spring. its life' is; 'asleep, ki. - ,t_ns I told you it is in tlieseed hi / iforo it a put into the ground. Its sap all Ftill in the pipes. The mouths the ri•ois have . Stopped their busy: work. tt -, hulls all, over the tree are asleep- iii I heiz "w inter,crad les." 'Pin! wind :0111 forth, • hut .ftivor f them HI). ii.ow much-Jiro there is asleep in that tvee The buds are-all there which_ are to make all that you will see on. it the next summer. -They- are covered iiil?:tugty from the cold in their winter e 0,05., The little things are very still; hut they are alive. They . orily want a wayrn ~z un to make' them show , it.", As soon in the spring as they feel the warmth through their coats, they begin. to swell, as I haVe 'told you; and soon ope 4 their Coats and go to..work to make' leaves, and flowers, and flints. Agreat, work they do - after their ,long" sleep. Look up intoa tree in summer and see how these leaf-buds have filled' , e_very: branch -with leaves. You eau- -hardly believe thati it is the same tree that you stov su hare'in the winter: - ;;nine plants`die down to the ground, th,?.ie'roots live through the winter. Von know that this is the way' With, 0.11413 and dafliatils. They come tip - in the spring from' the roots that have, been in the ground all the winter.: tie, too, do the beautiful crocuses, that peer, up so early in — spring that they often get covered with snow. The roots of grass, too, live in the earth through the winter. d .; The life i n these roots is asleep through the winter, ust as it is in the trees nnd hu-dtes., Their little mouths do Liiot drink up any sap. How much life I here is asleep in the winter covered up in the earth I - - ' What do you think becomes of all the leaves that fall, and of• all the plants that, die in the autumn? They are not lost. They decay and become a part* of the earth. A great deal of the ground under your feet was once in the shape of ,ttllits, and leaves, and tlowlers. And now the roots suck up from it,, sap to be tirade into the same shapes again. So you see that the dead plants and leaves of one year are used in making the plants and leaves of the years that come, after.—Child's Book, of _Nature. A good old Massachusettadoetor mkt NeMon in the street one day. After the uuttl salutiouil, the doctor began to cough. " - Why, doctor," s,ait.l the sexton, `!you li.avo got a cold. How long have you had that ?" "Look here, Mr. Sexton" said the doctor with a show of indignation, "what is your charge of interment'?" "One dollar," was the reply. "Well," continued he, "just coine Into, my.olllce, and I will pay it. I don't want io hav6 you around, do anxious about niy health." The :•exton vats even with hilit,lkww ever. Turning round to the do .tor, he : r . Doom., I eatinnt attbrel to l, bury yet. 11u5-iliess was never t,t)g,t)o(l as ic been sinev yo 6 Legate praetiee." A friend was traveling. over the l3os . too andAl bully Railroad, recently, and went into the sinoking car to enjoy his - pipe. Billy Morgan was in the chair, pretty well "set up," with whom the conductor had considerable trouble.— On arriving at Springfield," Morgan made a motion to get out: seizing him by the collar, he thrust him back 'into his simt, with the- remark) that ho could not ; et any ruin there. Leinme get out," said he to the con t;torv" "Lis a marrar of great 'portanee 't get out—'tis a fortune to me." "Ilow so'?" asked the conductor. "Why, - you see," replied Morgan, "'f - 1 - gut out and take on'y two'glasses mo' i s h:;:.) glasses I shall own the wholnra'- mac:. '4 farmer's son had for a long time been ostensibly studying Latin in a pop ! . altar academy. The farmer not being ~a tistied with the course of the young Illopeful, recalled him from school, and, placing him by the side of a cart, one day, taus addressed him : " Now -Jo a!pli,here is a fork, and there is a heap 1 1 of nu mire and a cart; what do you call them in Latin?" " Forkibus cartibus, et ma iuribus," said 'Joseph. "Well, 110 W," said the old- man, il you .do ( u not take that forkibus pretty ickibus, and pitch that manuribus into that Cartilius, I will break your lazy baeki bus." Joseph got to workibus forth- Wi thibus. A Dutchman once met an Irishman on a lonely highway. As they met, each smiled thinking he knew,tho oth er. Pat on seeinghis mistake, remark ed with a lOok of) disappqintment. " Faith, an, I thought it was you, an, you thought it was me, an, it's nathur of us.''"rhe Dutchman replied : " Yaw, dat ish dhru ; lam anuder man; mid you ish not yourself : we poth pe ionic other podies.' Professor 8. 7 -----, the ethinent . elec trician, was traveling lately in the cars, when a man came up and asked him for his fare. " 'Who are you?" said B. "12 my name is Woad, I am a con ductor." • " Oh," said the professor, very quiet ly, " that can't be, for wood is a non conductor." When a Scotch had told his nelghbor that he had preared two ho firs and a half the_ day, b fore, the neighbor said to him : " Why, minister, were you not tired to death ?" Aw, na," said he, " I was ns fresh as a rose; but it would have doneyOur Ilona good to see how tired the congre gation was." - During a recitation on natural his tory in one of our well known colleges, a student, in the pursuit of knowledge concerning the habits of animals, said: " Professor, why does a cat,• while eating, turn her head first ono way, and (lien the other." . 4 For the reason," replied the profess or, "that she cannot Om it both ways at once." The art of economy is dr:living in as much as one can, but unfortunately young ladies - will apply this "drawing in" their own bodies when they wish to nvoid anything like a waist. - A New England writer says 'that It has been found that negroes can be bet ter trusted than white rnen,.not to be tray secrets. We suppose this is upon ti principle that they always keep dark. It is undeniable, says Prentice, that in America it takes three to make a psir—be, , sbe and the hired girl: g ad edam baton modern, there would have been , a hNed" girl in Paradise to look niter Abel and "raise Cain." MED - 10AI, AADVICE Is erc"—ulte;i'xperials;e, but tbis you ia;io for °ft • • , • 1 the tending.' - If by accident; you get scalded, bruised, ';; burned, or sprained,-then apply - Salutifer immediately; for it is quick to give relief; and powerful to cure pain and soreness. If you are afflicted with lameness, or numbness and sti f fness of the limbs, ;•,r with 'severe pain, or painful swellings like Neu ralgia and inf/amatory Rheumatism, then try , • SALUTIFER 1 )011 means. Apply,it quickly so as 1101,1'0 leave it open to the air; and use it according to directions on the bottle. • If you have Sore Throat, or Quinsy, or Felons, or Croup, o Pleurisy, or Chilblains, or any of these disorders that require an outward }remedy, then SA LiJTIFER IS what you want, far it has proved a bless ing to thousands.' = Although Jit is reckbned to be one of thestiongest inecZicines ; yet it is so safe that even a child may Icandle ( - 6 use it. S ALUTIFER .• Kept constantly on hand for immediate use, 'will certainly prevent much su,ffering, and may save life. , if you are prudent and economical, and desire. to save expense; then remember that SALUTIFER Is found to be a saving of more OWL $lO a - - year in all families that use iit. /Al• Tor sale by all Druggists. -‘iSrbolosale Depot 252 Greenwich St., New York. I Wholesale and Retail DRUG STORE ! "Ay w. C. K.RESS. THE subscribertrill keep on band at all times 1 a full stock of • 'DRUGS AND MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, • Flaiwring Extracts, Penfumery, Kerosene, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes, Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Glass all sizes, Varnish of all kinds, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, . . SPECTACLES, Hair and Tooth Brushes, a full stock of : Yankee Notions; also a complete as sortmelt of llomaeopathie and a full stook of Pure Wines and-Liquors. Buyers are requested to call and examine pti eras before purchasing elsewhere. ;larch 24, 1289-Iy. W. C.KRESS. L OTS OF NICE • NEW GOODS, BEI AT & FAI*R'S, TtOGA, PA SUCH AS DRY GOODS roeeries, 11ANS, & CAPS; BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY &WOODEN WARE, READY TO BE INSPECTED, AND SOLD AT A. FAIR PROFIT. 1 El CALL MID SEE. • WICKHAM it FARA. Tloga, Ditty 12, 1869. -:',Stoves-:„Stoves‘;l.: , El 1 A N D A' lit DIVAIt EI Having formed a partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardwire trade, the undersigned harp the pleasure tionntirtnce that they have, at a l great outlay, added to the usual stockof the old stand on • MAIN STREET, itVELLSII9RO, a complete assortment of shelf Ifarilware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGgs, CARPENTER'S TOOLS,. PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOcKS, JIATOIIETS, CHISEL: SPADES,' VOW, tkri-011-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, .WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS,. HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, • Sr, BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, =II SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also,• PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, • POWDER AND CAPS. • PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for nice. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stook of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line ; and all Ivork to order done promptly and well. AGENTS FOR THE Buelkeye. Blower & Reaper. War. ROFICRTS. R. O. BAILEY.- 1 - 2.012M1M2 TIA 111.PV Wollsboro,May 19,1889—tf. UNITED SECURITY Life Insurance gr. Trust Company, of ,t. ennsylvania. CRARTER PERPETUAL. Capital, $1,000,000. $lOO,OOO deposited with the Auditor General for security of the Policy Holders. EPECIAL FEATURES• Low cash Premiums. Polioios, Non-forfeitable by their terms. Liberal Traveling Privileges. Return of all Premiums paid. Annual Dividends. Pomales'lnsured at same rates as Males. Home Office S. E. Corner, sth and Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Applications for InSurapco may be made with KY. B MONEY, General Agent, Trellsboro' Pa. May 12,1868—tf. • 'TARRY MIXB' HOT HOUSES Having boon to much expense in fitting up another Green House, giving more room for large pots, I flatter myselftbat no Green House. can make a bettor show of RARE AND THRIFTY PLANTS, ' Dahlias, Rues, Verbeniai, Fettling's, Geraniums, all•sorts ; Basket Plants, all sorts; Hanging , Baskets, new patterns; Beautiful Bego• nine, Cape Jessamine, 'Carnations, Cissua, discolor; Pelargoniums • in variety, 456 c. Ac. Ac. , New Crimson Cluster Tomato Plants ' and all sorts in pots br by the dozen. All kinds of Cab-. bage Plants, Egg IPlants, Asparagus Roots (two years - old) Sago Roots, Celety; Dwarf„ White Salad, Cauliflower, Thyme. All kinds of early Vegetable plants ready Ist of April, at the Green Houses and at the store of McCann do Mix, ?demur's Now Block. Having employed one of the most experienced Florists' htoill at all times give any informa tion to customers on the mode of propagaticin and cultivation of Plants. This Spring's Catalogue will be sent to all that may deal& and, write for it. I invite all to come and see my Houses, Plants, Ac„ for them selves. With gratitude I acknowledge past favors. _gar-Bouquets will be found at the store of McCerin & Mix. every morning, Sundays except ed ; 86 to 60 cents each. Towanda, Pa., Mar. 3,1869-6 m. _NT' Orders left at Wm. Roberts's Hardware Store, Wellsboro, will receive prompt attention. • The Rest Stock ,of Flour , • FEED, MEAL,' PORK, PROVISIONS, &0., in Wellsboro, can be found at M. B. PRINCE'S. 'A choice lot of OLOV.ER and TIMOTHY SEED, 'besides all kinds of ORDEN and small FIELD SEEDS, SEED !POTATOES, Ac.., at M. io• B. PRINCE'S. Yorecan got cash for year EGGS, BEANS, POTATOES, GRAIN, BEESWAX, &e., AT • N. 'B. PRINCE'S. March 31, 1869. Young Bertrands WILL stand the present season is follows : Mondays and Tuesdays, forenoons, at the stable of the subscriber; Main:burg. t Tuesday afternoons, at Brundage's Stables, Mansfield. Wednesday's at Graves's Covington. Thursdays at Cherry Flats. Fridays at Whitneyville. • Saturdays at Fellow's, Wellsboro. B.A. FISH, • May 12, 1869-2 m. Proprietor. 500 Cord s of Hemlock Bark, Wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid on delivery at my Tanneryoin Wellsboro. Jne 2, 1869-tf. 10131/111 EIBEROLLTI. i t IflE SUBSCRIBER having pstabi/shedhtm j: cl fin this id; r, . „ BAKING :` BUSINESS. in this villagei_next door to IL R. -Kimball's Grocery, is nor- prepured.to eary oil th e business l in all its various brandies.. -1 will'--teept- otin 'tinnily on band : an ussorttnent of. Er*, such as • • _; LOAF . BREAD,, - BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM.' BREAD, BUTTER ' CRACKERS, BROW B R RA - 0, WATE R, • CRACKERS, SUGAR CRACKERS, • • • DYSPEPSIA AND SODA BISCUITS, , OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, , PIES, AND LUNCH, at all hours of the day, Sundays excepted. to o lly sirietatteAtion, business shall endeavor, merit the PRO110.1:10ZOnage. • . , CRAB. STEVENS. Wellsboro, June. 24, 1868. WHOLBSILE DREG STaR. CORNING, N. Y. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CON9ENTKATED•MEDIpINE . S, IREDEiaiS ' .TRACTS, BURNETT'S ,0000AINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT I MEDIOIAS, ROOII ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDT GLASS, . WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, --I AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL. Bold at Wholesale Prices. I3Vers are requested to call and get quotations before going further East. . . W. D. TERBELL 00. Oorsting, - N. Y., Jan. 1, 1868-ly Grocery and Provision Store, CORNING, N. Y. G',.. MI. BALI_., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, , GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNED ~ F RUITS AND VEGETABLES, WOOD & 'WILLOW WARE, (LASS & CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CAiRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &0., &o. A full and :ooMpiete assortment of the above mentioned goOds of the best quality always on hand. .Partienlar attention paid to Pine Groceries Dealers and Consumers will find it to tieir in terost to examine his Stock before buyin Corning, N. Y., March 31,1889. TO TUE • FARMERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. lAWL now bungling at my manufactory, in Lawrence. villa. a suPerior FANNING MILL, • which pouesees the fallowing adVantsgeSover till Other mills: 1.11 separates rye, oats, rat litter, andfoulseedband chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flat seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It clears timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a rain. This mllll3 built of the best And most durable am. bar, in good style, and is cold cheap for cash, or pro. duce. X will fit a patent sieve; for - separating oats front wheat,to other mills, on reasonableterms. J. H MATHER. Lavrrenceillle ,June 16, 18694 f 1869. FOR: SALE. .1869 • • • BY u B. C. WICKHAM, • T HIS NURSERY OP FRUIT AND• OR. NABLENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA:— , . 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, ' CHERRY and ORNAgENTAL TREES SHRUBBERY. , The Fruit trace are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Oilr• Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28,1868-lye To Lovers of Good Stock. I STILL contintie to keep my Alderney Bull for improvement of Milking Stock. Ile will be part of a season in Middlebury, and balance of the time at Wellaboro. I have for I , Sale 1 Devon bull, pure blood, 2 years old, Also 2 grade Alderney Bulls, blood, 1 year old. I would attention to my. Chester County White Boars—AX/nole Sam and Young America. Uncle Sam Will remain at Middlebury—Young America at Wolisboro. Those wishing good Stoek please give z)2041, L. C. BENNET. Wellsboso, May 5, 1869-tf, House and Lot for Sale. IOUSE and Lot, and vacant lot for aale cheap. Location Wolleboro, and desirable: Lignite at the Apidolor Ofhoo. Oot, 28, 18884—tf. John B. Bowen 4. • t TS, now receiving a largo and complete escort '.• went of Pall At Winter . Goods, bought since' the late decline in prices in New York, consisting of t - • . rorisr C3-ood.ei, coilesi:Eate &Parl4, 40043 4,Srf• ) ~•! = • YANKEE NOTIONS, &a., &c. Particular attention is invited to our Stook of aidiaang MEM ZOOM§ AND, TMMAgNGSi r • ,Gaiters and Hoop Skirts; also a - nice line of TEAS, New Crop, very line at reduced prices, !A fine assortment of Ladies FUR% very oheap o all of which will be sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. We respectfully invite all to call and examine my stook before pnrobasing elsowhot:o.. Remember, Anvil* Store, No. 1 Union Block. Welleboro, Oot. 21,18138. RIV-i - 8111' 1 '36cit4'iv. FRO! THIS DATE f - VCR CASH, we will sell FEED at those pri •oee: , .. Very best Rye ' A „Cats, Ground . • . ' hire, . . $2,50 cwt. Best imported Feed, . 2,25 " Best Common Eeed, . . . 2,00 " Cow Feed,. , . . . • 1,75 " • The above goods, at the above pricee,, are etrictly cash ! We don't mix sand in our feed. We haven't. a Plaster Mill connected with our Floi ng Mill! Ou4 Feed is pure! WRIGHT A BAILEY. We labor°, jai, 20, :HOP!• H. een. *. J. Kruger' P. D. Pease. R. KRU.SEN WESTFIELD, PA:, WOULD announce to the public that they are now receiving a fall and complete as sortment of • DRY GOODS, Notions,' Covets, Furs, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Proni4ions, Crockery, Hardware, Stoneware, 4Ec. which they are prepared to sell for cash, or ex chnnge for Country Produce; at rates which defy competition. Westfield, Deo. 2,1868—tf For Sale. The subscriber offers for sale the following property, situotod in Covington- township and borough,,Tioge county, Pa.: , • ' 58 acres of land in Coving ton son Road leading to Blossburg, 4 miles there from and 1 mile from Covington borough, about 20 acres improved, a good frame house, barn and other outbuildings thereat'. Alio; Sawmill, Sash Factory, and Shingle Mill and water privilege thereon. Also, two tipple orchards of 170 trees, mostly Aoice fruit and about half bearing trees —l.O Flom creee, unerry, sv,thirrant red, white, and black, 4 Crabs, 10 bearing Grape Vines, 12 Pear, and Peach and Quince. I Also—a Timber lqt, 819.8 acres, of a mile from Sash Factory and Sawmill. Timber, pine, oak, basswood, chestnut, ash, beech, birch, maple end hemlock. Also—a lot in the village, adjoin ing Gerould's orchard, fronting on Williainson road and railroad, containing about an acre, a 2-stbry House, outbuildings, fruit trees and a good well of water thereon. Also—another village lot, fronting on William son road, 60 feet front by about 200 deep, and another lot fronting on said road, 114X.114 feet. For further particulars inquire of DAVID S. IRELAN, Sr., orfl..J IRELAN, Covington, Pa. April 21, 1.369-tf. Read 2 Read 2 THE CELEBRATED Mason & Hamlin Cabinet AND ORTABPLE ORGANS Together with the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN and MELODEONS, can be advantageously par abased of 1/ 4 9 ,i.g WHOM. 4 1 4.111 D TxockA, PA. iIAVING obtained the agency from the man ufacturers of the above named instruments we have the facilities for furnishing them at pri ces to compare favorably with those of dealers in either the game or other reed instruments. Their reputation is such that Otiarcely anything need be said regarding 'their beitilidesiriibie, having been awarded' Oral:antis ritiadale at the principal Fairs and Institutes, both in tide and foreign countries. Many fine modern im provements, which' are so deeirable in all good reed instruments, are owned add retained for their exclusive use by the manufacturers of these instruments. Hence it is, while they claim strength and durability, together with volume, and quality of tone equal to any, they excel all other reed instruments, in the variety and corn. bination of tones, phial' can be produced. , INDIVIDUALS, 'SOHOOLS, CHURCH ES, SOCIETIES, and other organizations, wishing to ohtain a reed instrument, can be suited as regards size styles, prices, dc., &C. ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED. pr. Bend for a circular. -61 g" Tioga, March, 7.'4 . '69. T. A. WIP)IIIAid. Parsing d~ Notching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT TONGUEP cE iGROOVRD, with rapidity and eiaotnese ' with our new Ma. chines: Try it and see. .13. T. VANBORN. Wellabore, April 21, 186 g. TO LAWYER S_ BANKRUPTCY BLANKS, In full setts, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. CASH Paid FOR HIDES, bir t M. A. DUMP. WeDeboro, Deo. 18, 1868. . I ANOT HER NEW AND LARGE STOOK OF ALBUMS, Just received by P. A. Williams 4% Co. The greatest and 'Anapest variety ever brought into: town. Albums from 75 ots., to $2O sash.. Call and see. P. R. WILLIAMS & CO. Welisboro, Doc. 23, 1868. Farm for Sale.. ITUATED on Elk Run, Gaines township eontaining 125 acres,so aeres improved. Said farm is wellwatere, has a frame house and barn and a choice apple orchard, and is well adapted to dairying purposes: Title good and terraseasy.. Inquire of Win. H. Smith, Wells. born, or, L. L., RUSSELL , Delmar. Sept,2B)lB6B. : - ,-IP-, , Lit wl Td B,U -I r SEL , L IS OUR BTLFVESS "MF 10 buy at , highest market pries, the feltowing a ides. • SHEEP,:' PEL T 8, DEACON. SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, RIDES, Joni - VEAL SKINS,. • for *bleb ,we, will pay. oub. We will manufacture to orderarenoh or bome fionnetOitiAlvor.KlßßOOTß, in the but man. ripiend at. fair roma, and.pay espeoial attention A S 4', We have a first-rate stoOk-of IMAI(Y7 , IVIADS_I4IO4K, on which we will not he undersold, and from this time we shall make ft A tieing to keep up tho but stook of . 'LADIE'S 'GAITERS " to be found in the county, whir wo will sell at lovrev profit than 'such artiolos have over been Miami in this region. - We shall likowise keep up a ood assortment of ii i IJAD B IE O S OTE '__ UR BALMO_RA_ Ls t • N'S Aria II p R ES, I N R 'S AND! MISSES WORK OP VA I • pious STYLES, • " • , and all styles of MEN'S WORK. LEA THE ' IVDINGS ;can be 4ought of us as ohea Where this side of Nevi York, and we shat 14;7 a full stock of - _ FRENCH CALF, F " ..KIP, IJP ''PER, SOLE, LININGS, -- mip BINDING. - Our stook of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, • 0,8 I ill PE, with SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found the lar gest in the county, and we sell for *mall profit*: We talk business and we moan business.. Wo have been in this region long enough to bo well knoWn•-•let.thoso who know no try no. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Wm. Rob 'etts! Hardware Store, C. W. SEARS, GEO. 0. DERBY. IWallaboro, April 24, l8:67-tf. THE CHURCH UNION. • Tpaper but bean recently enlarged to. uaimmoth proportions:: 11 , Es ma sesame 111220101111 PAM us sox wows.'ls the leading organ of the Union Move. ment,.and oppoliel . tttnailsm, elm): communion, ex. cltudVenape :idwirch caste; It 'lathe only. paper that V 11141140 ;Henry. Want Bee e beeeliermons, which It doe/ webk,,ftust as :they are - delivered,— with out riukliileation or ow/Tertian by him. ' advocatea' universal suffrage; a unfoii of christians at the polls; ' and the rights of labor. ' It has. the boat agricultural Department of any paper in the world; publishes stories for,tbe family, and for the destruction of social evils, Its editorial 'management is impersonal; its _writers. and editors are from every branch of the ckurr.b; andltotri - overygnide of society. It has been aptly termed the freest.orgaa of thought in the world. Snob, a paper, offering premiums of .Sowing' Me. chines Dictionaries , Appleton '. Cyclopedia, Pianos, Organ; for Churches, etc makes ono of the best' pa. per. for canvassers - in the World. Every Congregation may obtain a Communion Ser. vice,an Organ, a Melodeon, a Bible, or a Life Insurance Polls) , for its Pastor, or alraost any other needful thing, by a club of subscribers. Send for a copy, enclosing 10 cents, to HENRY E. CIIILb, 41 Peal Row, New Wax. 119.. P. &Subscriptions received at this office. Dtwoßzsre MONTIILY MAGAZINE universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America, devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, household Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including special departments on Fashions), Instructiods on health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the beat authors, and profusely Illuetrated with costly Engravings, useful. and reliable Patterns, Em broideries, and a oonetant succession of artistic novel ties with other mint and entertaining literature. Noi person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without tho Model Month. ly. Specimen copies, 15 cents, mailed free. Yearly, ss, with h Tainable'prendunp; two copies, 0,60; three copies, $7,60; live copies $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs a.!s3 each, with tho first premiums to each subscriber. 101)...A now Bertram A Fenton Sewing Ma chine for 20 subscribers at $3 each.' PublicAtion Mice, 838 Broaeway, New York. Demoreet's Monthly and Young America togetbors4, with the premiums for each. 1a1f1174.86VR Yana Ainottes. E•+1 , ...p0. 1 - 7t is the D best Juvenile Magnin°. Every /My and Girl that sees it says so, and Parents and Teachers confirm it* Do not fall to secure a copy. A good Microscope, with a Glass Gylindor to confine living objects, or a Poi/ two•bladed, pearl Pocket-knifo, and a large once-, bor of other • desirable articles, given as premiums to each subscribers Tettrly•,fl..6o. Publication Office, 898 Broadway, New York. Try ft,lioys and Mau. Specimen coplen, ton cents, mailed ha. ' Now is You''. Time to Buyl HAVING more goods than is necessary for this market, I will sell my entire stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, AND FAN CY GOODS, AT COST. 0. G. Clocks at $3,60. Gothic " " 3,68. Cottage " " . . . 1,70. American Watches in Silver Hunting Oases at $l9. Finer Movement:, in hoavier Oases, at cor respondingly low prices Plated Ware at Man ufacturers' prioes. THIS IS NO HUMBUG, BUT A VER; ITABLE SALE! Call and see for yourself Webber°, April22, - '6B. A. FOLEY. NATIONAL LIN IMMUNE COMPINY OP TIIE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASII/WaTON, D. C. Chartered by Specil Act of Congress APPROVED JULY 25, 1868. Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID IN FULL. BRANCH OFFICE First National Bank Building, PHILADELPHIA, Where all Correspondence should be Addressed OFFICERS: CLARENCE H. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance dc Ezeoutiie Com. HENRY D. Coma, Vice-President. Hamm W. PEET, Secretaryand Actuary. _ B. S. Mama., Manager. Olrcnilars. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en on application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to R. C. SIMPSON, WELLanono, PA., by whom appl i icatlona will bo roooivocl and POll oleo proourod for 'Bogs County. Deo. 9, 1869-Iy. WASHING MACHINE. JAB. M. WILKINSON, of Charleston, having purchased the right to make and vend the H. P. Jones Washing Machine In Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machines aro being made at Van Horn's Cabinet Factory, Welishore, where they may tie procured. The beat, cheapest, and most sensible maohine ever invented. June 24,1868-tf. ASH PAID FOR WOOL, BUTTER AND C OBERSE, by ' 0. L. WILLCOX. June 17,-1868. RAILWAY - TIME TABLES.- ER E RAILWAY. ON and after II NDAY April 20th. Ma, Trains will leavO Corning, at the following hours, viz; 1 11)INQ WEST. . 12,30 a. En., MXPR SS MALL, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk find Cleveland, connecting with trains for the West, A Sleeping Coach is attaclied.to this train at Now York, running through to Mead villa without change. A Sleeping Coach is also at. Melted at Susquehanna running through to Buffalo. 6,11 a. m. MOUT EXP., daily for Duffalo,Dunkirk, Clovelami l , Dayton anti Cincinnati, making direct connection with trains of the Grand Trunk Railway at Buffalo, and with tiro Lake Shorn Railway at Butt brio, Dunkirk'and Cleveland, for nil points West and North:West, and at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi Railway for tha South and SoutlitWest. . Int.. This train makoo a direct daily connection with' all Lines to the West and South•Wcst, and is providod with the now and Improved Drawing Room Coaches peculiar to the Broad (tango, arranged both ler day awl night travel, running through to Roehestor, Buffalo and Cincinnati, and thus forming tho ONLY DAM LINE from Now York,Cincinuati and tho South-West; running through NO miles without change. 6,30 a., in., _NIGHT EXPBEFIS, guadays excepted, for Kochester and Buffalo, via Avon. 10 15 a, Ta., /JAIL TRAIN, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, 145 p. in., BALTIMORE RXPRESS,Buudivaexcopt od, for MelloGtorond Buffalo, via Avon. 7,06 p. ni., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Putrid°, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Dayton, Cincinnati, and the West and South, connects at Buffalo,Duti kirk and Cleveland with the Lake Shore Hallway for all }whits West and North• West, and at Cincinnatii with the Ohio and Mississippi Railway for the South and Soifth• West. Sleeping Canaries attached to this Train at running through to Cleveland with out change. 7 i r et t m te;!. DAY EXPRESS, Sundays oxoptotl, for 1,30 p. to., WAY FREIGHT, Su ndays'excepted. 5,25 p. su,, EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily, for the West GOING EAST. 4,35 a. tn., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Monday loit• cepted, connecting at Elmira for Canondaigui ,1 at Owego for Ithaca, at Binghamton for Siracusa - at Great Bond for Scranton, at Lackalwaxen for lle es. dale, at Middletown •for Unionville, at Goshen for Montgomery, at Oroycourt for Newburg and M ar. Wick, and at Jersey City with afternoon and evening . . trains of Now J ersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Haiti more and Washington. ., 10,30 a. m., ACO3IMODATION TRAIN, daily, con. nectlng at Owego fur Ithaca. (11',66_it, ra. ' DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at Waverly for Towanda, at Binghamton for Syracuse, afOreat Bond for Scranton. at Lacks waxen for Honesdale, at 'Middletown fur Unionville, and at Jersey City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. - - 2,20 p. m., BALTIMORE EXPRESS. Sundays...ex cepted. 4,26 p. m., NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL, nun days excepted, connecting at Elmira for Conan. daigug, and at Waverly for Towanda. 7 ,80 p. m., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, Daily, connect )ng at Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg and the Sotith, and at Jersy City with meriting express train of Nets , Jersey Railroad, for Philadelphia, Baltimore add Washington. • . - , . 12,20 P. In., WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. tar A rortee4 and complete "Pockht Time Table" of Paseanger Trains on the Brie Rai IWO' and .connepting Lines, has recently been palliated, and can be prochr ed on application to.tbefficket Agent of the Company. WM.. IL. BARB, W''' 11. RIDDLE, (len'l Pass. Agent. OorelSup't. 11Lossburg & Corning, & Tioga R. R Trains will run as follows until farther notico Accommodation—Leaves Bloseburg at 0;15 a. in., Slane field at 7,05, Tioga at 7,41, Lawrenceville at 8,28 arriving at Corning at 0,32 a. m. Mall—Leaveaßloasbnrg at 8,00 p. m.,lslanstleld at 3,40, Tioga at 408, Lawrenceville at s,oo—arriving at Corning at B p. m. Mall—LeaveeCorning at 8,00 a.m. - , Lawrenceville at 9,03, Tioga at 9,45, Alansilela at 10,22—arriving at ltloes-burg at 1.1.,00 Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 2,40 p. m.,Law• reaceville at 8,62 Tina at 4.40, Mansfield at 6,30 arriving at Bloesburg at 0,15 p.1:11, L.ll. SIIATTLICK,Bup't Northern Central R. R. TRAINS FOR TUE NORTII. Trains forCanandagnialeave Elmira as follows Acconiodat /on at 0 20 a n) Express Leastest train - on road] 12 20 p In 710 pm Way Freight,[passougor coach attached].........B 00 n in On and after Apr. 2i, 1301), trains will arrive and depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTIINVA_RD. 927 P. m,—Daily (except Sundays) for Elmira, Mara lo, Canandaigua, Rochester, Susp. Bridge and the Canada& 10 55 a. tu.—Daily (except Suhdays) for Elmira and Buffalo, via Erie Railway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTIIWAR.D. b 24 A. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore Washington, Philadelphia, 6.c.. 9152 P. m.—Dally (except Sandays) for Baltimore Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED It. FISKE ED. S. YOUNG Gon'iFtipt.llarrieburg, Pass. Ag't Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia dr.,Zirio R. U. , . On and after Apr. 2(3,1800 Trains on this Road wi run as follows : .1 I • WESTWARD Mai/Train loaves Philadelphia 10 45 p m " " 11 Williamsport 8.15. a m " ' " arr. at Erie ,1 , 9.20 pin Erletxpreas loaveaPhiladelphla .1 11.50 noon 11 . 4 4 • Williarnapoit 8.50 pin " " arr. at Eriel 4 10.00 a m Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia 1 , 8.00 a in .1 " " Williamsport 6.30 pin " " arr. ut Lock Haven 1.45 p m EASTWARD. I Mail Train leaves Erie mu a in 4 1 4 1 44 Williamsport 12.20 ain " 1 ' arr: at Philadelphia 9:25 a m ' Erlo Express leaves Erie 1 6.25 pin 4 " " Williamsport ..... 7.50 ain " 41 arr. at Philadelphia. 9.10 p m Mall and Express connect with Oil Creek and Alle ghony River Rail Road. Baggage Chocked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Gen'l Stet. Athuitic and GreatWestorn R. W. SALAMANCA STATION. WESTWARD BOUND. EASTWARD BOUND ' Mail - 5.30 Express 5.10 Accommodation 0,35 Mail Express 12.19 Accommodation, 11.46 Express 11.00 Express 0.19 ACCory there is a junctlon;, with the Philndelphia &, Erie, and CII Crook Rail Roads. AtMeadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Pithole .ranch. At Leavlttsburgo the Mahonihy Branch • makes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Galion, Marion, 'Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, Oon.Supt., Meadville, Pa . • HARNESS SHOP G. tt,ll A s V hf rj a E rners ° .; l l l a d op y n o t i o v i n h i ;ul f l r fl n s ti t 3 and, that he is prepared to furnish heavy or light X -- Xistanaelsesea, on short notice, in a good and substantial man ner, and at prices that can't fail to suit. The best workmen are employed, and none but the best material used. Call and see. 1 - Deo. 9,1866—]y. , G. W. NAVLE. P t "Cf iti V 4.1 t ill b '2 PA o r,sl (i) . , 0 7... P, 1-4 ~..;- 0 7... .z. 6 ) -- i,„, t p ti -, , W - ::' a 9 P. ::g v• ~ C). LI 14 KO E . '' (.5 ,. E, ) , t l ', 1 . t g .. . 0 1 ■ ri ‘ p. tl . nil 0 ri 0 Fr o UI -•-• -t , i t - - tr " er• ."' P O W Ind 0 , 0 op,. '' g iftw Ile gl td ell* K , fi m P Prl z Ici g 4 pi lid it s, g ot 3 8 trl z 4 il p V. 3 % ,..1 0 :0 ." 0 1 0 so t 4 P 4 m l'-4 4 c -4 2, ~4 1) 2 11 4 0. ::::,. ::) .F. A - . g g r, e '" 1 . 4 ° bill ; 5. v2,..?•?-r - N*4 IQ E. 0 4 , • 1 tt gr. p..., ~, 0 " E w l-4 , . , t iftio til 0'..,4 ••• 0 i ro I , V :4 04 i ... • z Q hi El 64 is CO ggi . , e• - op p I 0 I a ±.... 0 ' . 13 0 W m 0„ . „.... 0 ,>: wll a) to pd . , I I [7 ' l tn LI 8 . • I al b °• 2. I ig w 0 'P. . 0- tl 4 1 1 o w 1 ,s 4 t il l l i le , 1 0:P. N N a . ..• .4, u) ~, . .a. 1 %. .. '''. LT Ch Ch Ot OCO Co ” 1:1 wo: Ili 0 c) c) c) co •••kt-• co o)•o) Pli 10 . 0 IS .. .. Pr‘ 0 0 ..--1 0.) co 4b• Pr P c:' .1 0 ..m ..in .5) .5 1 iti ;3' OC> 0., -a ...4 c.).) Nit PP;PPP°P Atlantic and= Great -A . ;•TD . ERIE RAILWAYS, THE ORFAT,BRO I AD GUAOE ROUTE CLEVELANIk TOLEICIe, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, SY. PAUL, OMAHA, Andlo all Points in ttio IVEsT and NonTn-Spear. Dayton, Cincinnati, Louis. • VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CI'T'Y, MEMPHIS, NEW ORLEANS, And all pint in tho South & SouthWeat, with No - Change of Coathes TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI, Prom any point on the Erie Railway,. An ad. vantage and convenience not offered by any other routo.,_ 3 THROUGH 14.0 'MING EXPIigSS THAINd DAILY. Baggage Checked Through, and .No C/lANOE'' from ouo ear to another, preventing loss or data. ago. Tickets via this popular routo can be procured at all otlices on the lino of thciErio Railway, and of When purchasing ask the Agent for Tickets vitt the ATLANTIC & GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. W. B. SIIATTUC, Gen. Ticket and Pass. Ag't, ClevelarA 0 • L.• D. RUCKER, Jan, 6, ''MP. Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa ••• • f • ' • , ; , • - - • ; ; • ••:: • _ ITHACA WHEEL RAKE. MBE undersigned, a practical farmer, is offer] ing this implement to the farming pub!it with perfect confidence in its superiority to any other rake in usc. The teeth are oil-tempered spring steel and fully warranted not to break with fairnsage. By an ingenious arrangement the loaded rake is easily discharged by a loot treadle and baud lever, and the pressure of the teeth upon the ground can be exactly gauged by ' ,tho font. Every tooth is independent of ovary othertooth, and the head being movable the rake adapts itself to every inequality of tie ground. It rakes clean, is simple, strong and lasting. To try it is torbny it. I refer the public to the following persons who have the rake in use t 1 • It. Toles, Chatham; Chancy Ackley, Clymer; E. 11. Stebbins, Op:nea t ; J. W. Davis, Brookfield; Isaac Thompson, Kelsey Erway, Harrison Valley, Potter County. „ .. ? ,1 - Orders for this Rake may be addressed to 00oe at Westfield, Tioga Co., Pa. . 1 June 9, 1869. • ISAAC WANK., Ag't. SHRINER'S ~ „fiviect,oll 4 , , IVY 7.-::tiz•k" = -; - Will cure the ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, BLOOD SPITTING, DIFFICULTY OF BizNATHING. PAPI and WEAKNESS IN THE CHEST, TROXIBLESOMR COUGHING AT NIGHT, &o, It will effectually re move the Cough that frequently follows Measles, and tiny affection of the respiratory organs, no matter of how long ; :standing, or whatever the age of the person. It acts of specific, is purely vegetable, and is pleasant to the taste. Its effect is soothing, allaying the yip lenCe ofthe cough, facilitating expectoration ) (Aiding the nerve., and the-oysters. Mothers, Save Your Children! No child need die of CROUP, If this Syrup Is tiled in time c this is a fact demonstrated by experience. No family should be without this Syrup, as that fatal disease, CROUP, comes like a thief in the bight, to tel away your little ones, when regular medical aid eaunot'be obtained. July 28, 1689-1 m Pla,ining & 'burning. ITAVING got his now Factory in operation JILL is now prepared to- fill orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the best style of workninn ship. Having procured a IWOODWORTII PLANER, S ngy to dress bortnie or it . lank with diBpatoo S I CROLL-WORK BRACKETS, furnisised tonrder. His machines are of the DOW ost and most improved patterns. Shop cornor of Pearl and Wain Ste, IKELLS BORO, PA., Oct. 31, Ip6o-tr. B. T. VAN HORN. J. STICKIJN, Chairmaker, Turner,. and 1 ( —" Furniture Dealer. SALE ROOM, opposite Marti's Wagon Shop, Main Street. FACTORY in Stints 6 , Wil liams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wellsboro, Jnno 12, 1367. J. STIOKLIN. • For doing a family washing in . the best and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any is theworldl Ras all tho strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid soap. Sold by the ALLEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia; Sept 2, '6S-ly. Tioga Marble Works. liE undersigned is now prepared to pixe l_ _cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Monu ments of eider ITALIAN OR 'RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. Re keep constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in tits country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as new • PORTER WILCOX. Tioga,Nov. 1,1867—tf. 1 , Valuable Farm for Sale. ‘ 1 A farm of three hundred acres, with two ban dred and twenty-five acres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and Railroed. 'Well wattlered, an tler a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four 1101150 S and lots for sale in Tioga village. T. P. BALDWIN. Tiara, Feb. 12,1868—1 f. Cabinet *ChM Photographs, and all special sizes, and finest styles of pie tures, finished in first-class manner nt Spencer's Art Gallery. • hfansfield, 3, 1869. THE LARGEST STOLE OF . AMC:VirtrIMS • IN bu T y io i g n a ti ? Co e unty, the Cheapest place to t. Agent for L. BOLLES tf' CO'S HOSE, Binklhamtnn, N. 17, and ELMIRA SAW FACTORS; Elmira, N. Y. STOVES SOLD ON TINE. Mansfield, N. .25, 186S-Iy. G. B. RIFF.. • CARD PRINTING-:—at Now York prices, in 'Colors or plain, and out to suit ordors, at Tam AQITATOB OPINE. TUE P'pr, BEERS & 4113130TT, , OPPOSIT DEPOT ELMIRA Prepared only by DAVID E. FOTITZ : . 13altimore; AL B. T. VAN HORN,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers