The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 23, 1868, Image 1

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The proprietors have stocked the 08136116m0
w i t h B now a varied assortment ofd
Bed ale prepared te execute neatly and prompt
Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a full asserlbum
of Constables' and Justices' Blanks on band.
People living at'sidistanob'ea dependon ha,
log their workdone promptly' and sent book-11
return mail..
W. D. TpIitDELL & CO.,
DRUGGISTS, and dealers in
Wall Paper, Korona° J;ftlips, Window Glass,
Perfumery, Paints and Oilsjte., &a.
Oorning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 18637-Iy.
Insurance, Bounty an 4 Pen;ion Agouti, Main
Street Vi'ollsbero, Pa.,l,Tan. 1, 1868.
S. F. W ILsort.
A.V.004N.1475- 4 VICOITSSEI4OIIS-A4:•' LAW,
(Plrit doot- from' Bigoney's; - ori the Av onue)—
Will attend to business entrusted to their care
in the ocntntios of Tioga and Potter.
Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 18.68.
WESTFIELD Borough, Tiogu Co. Pa., E. G.
Hill, Proprietor. A new• and commodious
building with all the modern improvements.
Within easy drives of the best hunting and fish
ing grounds in 'Northern Penn's. Conveyances
furnished: Terms moderate. -
Yob. 5,156 Iy. • . ..
l og.
TAILOR. ,Shp Scat door north of L. A. &woes
Shoe Shop. t Cutting, Fitting , and Repair.
ing done prO ptly and *ell. ,
Wellaboro, Pa., Jan. 1.,.1868 , 04y. • ' , .
JOHN 13;g1lAILSJP,14,1.41E,
DRAPER AND TAILOR.: Shop over John R.
Boiren's Store. Oar Cutting, • :Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in best style.
%YeHaber°, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868-ly
Notary Publio an Insuranee Agent, Bless
burl, Pa. over Caldwell's Store.
..470.t(N - 4.. MITCHELL . •
Wollsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.
Oahu Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance
Agont. lie will attend promptly to collection of
Pensions, Batik Pay and Bounty.. As Notary
Public he takes aoknowledgontents pi•deeds, ad
ministers orths, and will Rotas Commissioner to
take testimony. pirOffice over Roy's Drug Store,
adjoining Aviator Ofoc , .—Oct. 30. 1367
John W. Gnornsov,
Raving, returned to this county with a view of
making it his permanent residence, solicits a
.hare of public patronage. All businesr en.
trusted to his care will bo attended to with
tiroinptness'iwid sdcllty. Oilice . 2d door south
of E. S. Fan's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa.
sept. 26.'66.—tf.
. Gainos, TiOga County, Pa.
HORACE C. VERMILYEA,'Paoron. This is
a new hotel located within easy access of the
bust fishing and bunting grounds in North
ern Pennsylvania. No pains willOao spared
fur the accupemodation of pleasure seekers and
the traveling public. [Jan. I, 1888.)
w.E.6IIIELD, PA., GEORGE- CLOSE, •Propri..
odor. A new Hotel concluotod on t.tfa principle \
of live add let live, for the ecconaniodation of
the publio.—Nov. 14, 1868.-Iy.
• GEO. Ur: ETON,
roneeirille, Ting& Co., Pa: Bounty, Pension,
and Insurance Agent. Collections \ promptly
attended to. Mee 2d door below Eord Bowie.
Doo. 12, 1867-1 y
-R. E. OLNEI • -
PLATED WARE, Spootatios, Violin String.,
Ste., .Co., Mansfield, Pa. Watches and Jew
elry mail* repaired. Engraving done in plait)
English aid German. ' - llseptra• ly.
Thou. B. Dryden
rry lIVEYOR k DRAFTSMAN.—Ortiars left at
his roogn,Toinsend hotel, Wellabor°, will
a....0et with prompLattontion.
Jan. la. Is67.—tf. .
1.0(141., TI•OGA
Good stabling, attaobod, and an attentlve.hos
dot- always in attendance.
8: HAAR, . . . . Proprietor.
. •
tdress - ihz &
Saloon ,ver Wilcox ik Barker's Store, Wells
k , Va. PattAtMiar attention_ paid to Ladies
,r-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing., etc. Dralds,
Pods, cods, andlnficilitS ofi hand and made to Dr
11. W. DORSEY. • J. JO NSO'll.
D ilitOtiN, M. D., late of the 2,1 Pa. Cavalry, alto
nearly four years of ttimjsertice, with a !Ara,.
.Nporlence in field nud Ifospltal pirtice, has opened at,
Ake fur the practice ofy medicinal and surgery; in all
tira lichee. Person* from a distance can find goon
k”aiditig at the Pennsylvania Hotel' when ,desirect—
n,ll vi•dt any part of the State in consultation, or to
~, : rfurni surgical operations.! . No 4, Union Block, lap
t tirs, Wellsboro. Pa., May 2; 1880.—ly.
ks the pleasure to_ inform the. citizens . fif Tiorga
c.anty that ho has completed
his -
~1 on hand to take all hinds of Sun Pictures,
•ozli as :Unbrotypeq, Forrotypes,Nignottes,Cartos
te Viaite, the Surprise and ICurcka. Pictures; also
p.rtical:ir attention paid to oopyin,go.nd ()W
i ars—
Pictures.l Instractions.given n the, Afton
terms. Elmira. St., Mansfield, Oct. 1,
OXVILLE;' Pa,, Pension, BoutktYP and In'
Jut-duce Agent. Combunicationa• font to .the
above addruse receive prompLaitention.
Terms moderato. Umn 18.68:139
Fur the Colleetion.bS
Army and Navy Claims 'and Penapna.
NEW BOUNTY LAW, passed July 28, TS6o,givoe
1 t, o and three years' soldtere extra bounty. Send
to your disehargre.
Thrt4 tuoutbs' extra pay proper to voiouteer °Sneers
were In service March 8,15 1 4.
'roan ato have lost 17k limb . and who have been pernm.
ere tip and totally disabled.
All other Cloyernment claims prosecuted.
Dr. 0. IL. Thompson.
t - torver.v..avamouou pA.3
Will attend to •Profeisionalealls , in the village,
and imaiediateiVieinity iVellsboro.
Oflice and Reeldeneci on State St. 2d door on
the right going East, (June. 24, 1668.
TIM undersigned having returned to- Wells
boro and opened his shop, on Water Etreet; .
udieits a share of patronage. Ile proposes to do
6hoing hordes $3,60 and other work In propor
April 29, 18.09.-om. • - J. -W. RITTER,
ILL WRIGHT—Agent for all tho host
for Stowort's Oscillating Movement for Hang and
Malay Saws.
Vogt', Pa.„4ug.,7, 1867, Iy.
Bounty and. Pension Voeney,
LTA VINO rCceiteddefialtelnatruation,+4o re'etTd is)
1.1. the extra IR/m*lV th 7.• clot approved
J. 117 29, I.§B4and havlug on hand n I afge:oupply of all
toeessary blanks:l am prepared to proucute nil pen.
stun and botrntyciattnulihich may be placer] In my
hulas. Perecinalivlngat n dislAnce can communicate
with me by letter. and their commnpleatlon a sill be
ptoMptay ansarstod. 1 W 31.41, 8511111.
Welleboro.cictober2lo,B6 . B. , _
C. L. , W,ILCOX,
Deilor i DRY 000pS of all' kilpfs,"
dud taakiie: ll .ro'ti , o'no.. ,- Olirat.fofttnent is large
and prioss lovg. Storo in 'troion Xiliok. Call
in gentleman.z.mnay 2018084 y.
• -
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:WELLSBORO'''',LPA; , : - ' - i DEC - E . lit . tll,--23 , 1868 - .:- . . - . , , .. . ,
---, ' i . . . . .
, , .NO 51'..' '
GOOD es .rn BEST, Cii.s.sP,4l.lllE CHEAPEST.
J. B. N/L213
Of every description, In all styles of Binding,
and us low, for quality of Stook, as any Binileu
in tho State. Volumes of every desoripti?i,
Bound in tho, best•tnannor and iti, 4 ,atifityfe - Oy-
Executed lu the beat manner. Old Books re
bound ondmode good as new.'
Elk k a;
I nal prepared to furnish back numbers . of all
Reviews or Magazines 'published in tbe'United
States or Great Britain, at a low price.
Of all sit ea ,
and 'qualities; on Wand; ruled or plain.
Of any quality or size, on band acid cut up ready
for printing. 'Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD
BOARD of all oolors and quality, in boards or
cut to any size.
Cap, Letter, 'Tote Paper, 'Envelopes,
Pns, Pencils, &c.
I am aole_agent for-
A=ID 0 EMI.=
Which I WI! warrant equal to (old Pone. The
best in use and no mistake,
•The'alaovo stock I will gall at the Lowest Bates,
at all tines, at a small advance on New York
prices, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All
woric.andrstock warrantcdrtp repreaMtied-r . •
I relpieifully solidit a share of puhlie platen.
age. Orders by mail promptly attended to.—
Address, LOUIS KIES,
Advertiser Building,
Elmira, N. Y.
Sept. 28, 1867.—1 y
HAVING fitted up ii'oew hotel building on the site
of the old Union lintel, lately destroyed by fire,
I tun now reedy, to revolve and entertain , igneste.• The
Union Hotel 'too intended , fox a Temperance House,
and the Prekitietor believes It can be sustained without
grog. An attentive hostler
1 n attendance.
Wellsboro, Juno 20,1807. •
TAILOIi Ai b; has opened a shop
on Crafton street, roar of Sears es Derby's phoe
shop, where ho is prepared to Manufacture gar
ments to order iu tbo. most substantial wanner,
and with dispatch. — Particular — attention paid
to Cutting and Fitting. • March 244,15,08.-Iy.::
On strictly Teri . iperance principles, Morris Run,
Pa. R. C. BAILEY, Proprietor. Horses and
Carriages to let.—March 8, 1888.—Iy.
Ono door aboye.the'Meat Market,., •
RESPECTPULLY- announces to the trading
publio that he has a desirable stock of Oro
oortes,:comprialig, Teas,'Cotioes, Spices, Sugar.
Molasses, Syrups, and all, that constitutes a,llc.t.
'class stook. Oysters in every style at "all Sea,
sonable hours.
Wellsboro, Jun. - 2' 1567-4f.':-
Groat Excltem impeached, arid Effir
bree's /Moots and shoes triumphant! "be filgaCrib , +‘
would say to the people. of Westfield and vicinity that
be is Manufacturing a Patent Boot which he believes ti.
possess the following advantage over all others;
there is nO crimping; 2d. no wrinkling, save as the break,'
to the fe'et- bd,; no ripping, short, they,ate Just;
thd for everybody. damplcs on hand and-!order;
toUeited; Sole right of. Westfield township and Bore
secured,; Re hies alsoinst received a splendid , set of
eidraorisk patterns, latest atyJes. Coma' ens. coma An' ' '.
Na are bound toeell cheap for cash or ready pay., Shop".
one dtair south of Sanders &-i..'dieg - tore.
WeSttleidlioro', fisb.lB 18C8. J. R. VAIMEE.
C. H. GOLDSMITH, Proprietor.—Having less
ed this popuhirliotel, the prnprietor=ieSpeet
fully solicits sTeir &hate of patronage. „"EVCi)
attention given to guests. - The best hostler h,
the county alwhys in attendance. -
April 29, 1889.—1-y. - -
. ,
I,yould respectfully inform the eitizens_at Ti
ga'and vicinity, that I have new
in the,Bitrough of Tioga, and having Ist "goad
PhOtogia . phic Artist in my employ, I am nuts
prepared to furnish all kinds of Pictures liiiovy
totbo - 'Photographic Art. Also hari-nOri io - y
emrilo , a, number of first class Painters, -- .1 em
preparedlto . 4nswer all calls for house, sigo";:ciii
riago,Tornaasental and scenery painting.,,'
dress A. B. MEADE'.
May 8, /808--6 m. Tioga.
• 1-t •-•
AT Alio LaWrineeville Drug Store; where yt;u
will find every thing properly belonging to
the prut , Tracle
. .••
and of the best quality . for Cash. Alsu, Paiute.
Oils,.Varnishes, Lamps; rantiy, Notions. Vhilin
Strings, Fishing Tackle, Window Glass, ke,
Cash paid for Flax Seed.
Lawrenceville, 'May
.8, 1867. 1
Glenls Rills Insurance Ocunpnny,
(TEN'SPaLLS,_pi. Y. ,
Capital . ~ nd Surplus $373,637.66
FARM DISKS, only, taken,
No'Premium Notes required.
It is LIBERAL, Tit pay's drianigeB by- Light
ningovlkethei• Fire ensues or not.
It pays for lire stock killed by Lightning, in
barns or in the field. •
Its rates are lower than other Companies t.
equal responsibility. I. C. PRICE, Agent,
Farmington Contra, Tioga Co- 1?,.!t-
Map 29, 189.7-Iyls. -
9 • 4
N.,Y., Jan. 2,1567.—1 y
HAt9ESS: ,RLLEY;`- -
Over d ran Vo/kenbaree' it, ih tote
iou hi lately occupied - by P.nj. S'ee/,y„
• ‘. •
lIDOTS AND SILGES of all kinds Ifiado : a
°icier, and in.the liosl ulanner."
REPAIRING of all kitids,dopo promptly aPd
good, Give u a ollt, ' •
' • • JOHN
• -' WPC MIRY. • '
ll'lleboro, Jan. 2, 1868 ly.
Office with W. 11. Smith, Esq;,[ /Stile Street;
opposite Union Block, Wellaboro, Pa,
July lb, ,1808.
8 Bald%tiin Stz,ctOt,
1 -`i i ,„•. 4 ..1,,';.). ) C , , ' '' il::; •
.., ,
FROM GERMANY, in z 8 3s.
~SRIZENRED -ar Ac.-J49x4-02.4-i;
The greatest haoomo remedies for
Liver Complaint,
- DYSPLVIZtrA;' - '
Nervous Debility,
ovrt i tadg;
Manses of the . Kidney!,
and all Diseases• nrlaing from pi.,
ordered• Liver, Stoturlob r or
'X/ - 17**Z27 Tfill )3166)i. "
Read : the fonoioing symptoms, and if you find that
your, eyetem,is affected by any of -them; you may rat
assured that disease has commenced' its attack or+ the
MAO impoitant organsief your k b4cly, and ;Sinless 'soon'
checked by the use of powerful iirmtdiet, cptniseraUe
I(fe, soon terminating in death, toßt_ba the rendt.
Constipation Flatulence_ t inwarel
Fulness Of .11100 a &L
to the eadAciSitY
Stomach, •Matisetti; Heart
burn Disgust for Food, Fulness
or Weight in the Stomach.
• Sour Eructations. Sink-
irig or Fiuttaringlat-theePit , ' , '
ot.the.Stomach, Swimming of
the- Head, Hurried or Difficult
Breathing.' Fluttering at the Heart, •
Choking or Suffocating Sensations when
in a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision,
Dots or Webs before the Sight,
Dull Pain in the Heact Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yet
lowness of tiae Skin and • -
.! Eyes, Fain 'in the 'Side,
Back, Chest, Lirabs. , ete., Slid.— •
den Flushes of Heat Burning in
the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of
Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits.
Ali these indicate disease of the Liver or Digestive
Orgapt,eombtryei with imure :.-
15crotaith s German Bitters
is entirely vegetable, and contains no
liquor. I Is a compound of Fluid E
xtracts. The Roots, Herbs, and Barks
from which .these, extriteta t eye made
are gathered in 'aerlitaity. Alk the
medicinal virtue s'cire !extra - bite:o, from
them by a scientific chemist. These
extracts are then forwarded to this
country to be used expressly for the
manufacture of these Bitters. There
is no alcoholic substance of any hind
Used ~171, , cam.p9anding,;tlaa t isitterS
hence Itfa the only Bitters. that can
be used In cities where filboliolic st lin.
Wants are not advisable.
fociflanb's ecrman Gallic
is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitten,
with PURE Santa enti Rum; - Oranci, etc. It is used for
the same diseases as the Bitters, so cases where some
pure alcoholic stimulus is required. You will bear in
mind that these remedies are entirely different from
any others advertised for the cure of the diseases
named, these being scientftla of suedioinol
extradtc - whibS.the‘otheirs eve mere decoelidne arrant
in some farm. Tlee,TQNIOlv desideetty ons of the post
pleasant and• agreeable• remedies es Ore - red to the
public. its taste is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take
it, while its l(fe-givitly, exhilarating, and medicinui
qualities hare caused it to be known as the greatest of
Thousands of cases, svhen the pa
tient suppospdfie :was atilitifed
this terrible disease, have been cured
by the use of these remedies. Extreme
emaciation, debility, and cough are
the usual attendants upon severe
cases, of dyspepsia Tor; distutseoc .I)l}e'
digestlir,S}7.l/rgalts, • WlNionAn ,tittieit)
genuine Cans until hut, these remedies
will be found of tile greatest benefit,
strengthening tintkinvigoratisig.
Thsrc to no medicine equal to liboilaturs German
Bitters or Tunic in cases of Debitity. They impart a
tone and rigor to the whole system, strengthen the ap
caase an enjoyment of ithe food, 'iambic the
.I(nrallter it,tgaV(l,Y t l 4 1 4 6 4 4 4.1* . a P l * - 4 .
squAdj comideceicm,seradictitc?the tinge'
%from the eye, impart a bloom to the cheek., and change
,the imaml from a short-breathod, ensaciaird,- weak,
!and m.renus inchlid, in a ftlitfarcy, stout, and myor
our ptY.SNI.
Weak and Delicate Children
tire mode strong by tieing the Bitters
or Tonic. In fact, they are Fainal/y
Medicines. They can be edrainietered
wit h perfect sorety xo,n .child .t.ixrce • 1
looslfl4odi Ahoidoet dOi t tot;p;goltitt 4
or o MEW. ninetir. . • z • J• •
nese Remedies are the beet
131ood P'urll3.ors
ever known, and will curc all disease resulting from
, bad blood.
j rcerp your Wood pure; icsep,your Zi&er'4:ii;order;
I.'s .p ?your digestive . organs in a sound, healthy condi
(inn, by Me ere of these remedies, and no disease will
- seer assail you.
ezzm emzv:rLraioN.
Ladies who wish n fair skin null
good complexion, free ,fr ern is yellowet,.,.
lsh IMO RSId 41k/0110 ilittigaleitilinit,LlA
rimedies occasion..
ally. The Liver in perfect order, and
the blood pure, will result in spark.
Bug eyes and blooming cheeks.
C .1 2 k u .r)c
Qtrrean ;lienucties one :bisoiteifeiled.
The pennine hare the strait:ire of C. .7Er.. Jackson
. on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and
(he name of the snide blown in each bottle. Warr
' arc coitnecrfcit. •
Thortmod4 ikill4tfirli7lirkyie 1600 c-re..
e e iv ed, t mittitylaigto the vlrttais oftlies •
Chief Justice or Vie 'Peutityltrafils
/find "ifoofland's German Bittcrs" is not an intaxr
foaling beverage, Ina is a good tonic, useful in disor
ders of the digestive organs, and of great bemire
omits of debility and want of nervous actfren in the
;system. rain's play,
t CEO.' IP. -iVOODSVARD. - '
cr2t6:1121667; .713 - 11 7 '.9 111.0aIP3ON,
Jildge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
Piraminne, APitu:Sth;lli6fo
I consider 6 $ Hoollantrai German Bit.
tern , ' a valuable medicine. In ease of .at..
tacks o.S.lndi estiott Lar Dyspepsia." I
can certify this from ray. experience
of it. Iroisre, with respect,
, frpopirsorg. •
From IL Y. JO9FaPII Tf. KENNARD, 'fit.; t
Pastor of Tatit Britalsti
DR. JACESON-..D.W011R . : 1 -Thcfrebern)irno 1 , 6.•
quested to ccnanect my name with. recommen ations
• iNfrsept , Lincfs opmedirfaes; but regarding the Practibi •
as Cal a tnty apprepri.a4,sp?icre l JAW* taiSfldaties '7 •
cltnid; Dttt wit4i: clear pto.qt" in parlop, ing4incs.6 and ,•
Du•44e2;rl{srntntt i,slagatiayllsortirna,te:
usual course, rtctsacpress ? lity fiat bzicifctlay Mae far
generet 6bil}ty.ofthentave, Butt especiallyfor Liver
Coraplant; MR a: safe eud yet ueble,. prepavetion.
some 'eitesql*Ofifiaut tut:Wily, %doubt not, it wi ll
be very thr4:04.1.22 ter MOW idho itufit-r from tied atom.
rause:. 7.112 , k'r5, very respectfully,
J. 11. KENNA RD,
Eighth, below Omits St.
Price of the Bitters, 81.00 per bottle t
Or, a half dozsia for $5.00.
Price of theC.Tenic;? sl.slYper 4 bottlei
or, a half dozen for 87.60.
Tie Tonto is put s up in juatt '
1 . Recollect that it is Dr: iroolianera German Remediis
that 'are souniversapy aseckamel so high,Zy reconyneur.;
ed; ancrdo.not' am" ehd - .PmE(444.0 iitcfpce you 10
take any'lhAY'itorthathe ma2i . sayMtfisit its good,
s4loe he makes a larger profit on it. These 7?emeeties 7
kottl be sent by express to any loctigv upop,
to the
P 4 144411 4Ji4tcEi?
Yo. - b4l.,4nazr'srniir,
ronnerly C. & CO.
Than) •Roinedles are , • ior • ' sale by
Dramas tip,. oralcaapersi and •r Ma/U. •
alai. Dealers everywhere.
j• Do not forget to examine wen thp article you
outer toga genuine. —•- '
The above te'r atilB;l27l;irtigitiite,).
:Sterekeepetw o . and Medicine Skiers; eVerYviliiiii
throughout the United Statee, Oanadae, South
illintaltme and the West Indies...4Am 11,'&947,
' w ..~,~.i ;;t
_. .;~,d;k~".ir~cia`r' , l;ti.r~.,i~_.t: , ~- 'ae~.-.~r,
s .~.i :~ aftit`~
ao '
; , .
Matto' Omer.
Tho sunshine beams on all alike,
On rioh and poor the flUtoo,
No'er heeding once the dress or look,—
Tho station or the name;
Then why not we with equal love
Look kindly upon all?
; , p;il4lot of paldoeatall:
Cno.—Rind smiles, kind smiles,
For cot or hall,
Have pleasant words for every one,
And kind smiles for all.
Oh I' it would lighten many hearts,
And ease them of their load,
And it would gin for us new charms,
Thus reaping what we sowed.
. Then l et ugyeartigigd;Temileis for: aIW .
'For, riekund poorithe - same;.
-Anti t,bey,,• gatraoli vs:at last ,
• ,A.Me q elp g pn our n4me.. - ;( 1.
kind smiles,4.o.
Our lives are bettor for the torn
We give each other here,
And smiles are easy to bestow—
They do not cost us dear;
And pleasant words and kindly deeds
Are always well bestowed,"
And we shall reap an hundred-fold
Per what Ito thus have sowed. •
Otto.--Yes, kind smiles, &c.
:, MYrilltAt . PUA : igettitifiC i',
A man will go blind, and Mad too,
from fear ; I have seen it happen, and
if you don't mind listening, will tell
you the story. I was apprenticed to a
builder when I left school, and soon
got to liko the trade very much, espec
ially, when 4 the - worli- - -WasL-perileuri;‘and
gave : me rtlie'.9ttior
lads in•daring:: Stlideil l :waoini nick-,
name in those days,
&minter' reflOtigjegii, Pot; „Ini!zi, out
grown my proportions, and because
they said I coilld crawl 'along a roof
like my namesake. When I was about
three and twenty I was working with
the famous Mr. ~and went down
to Swansea with his picked hands, to
carry out a contract he had takeh in
that town. While there, I fell in love
with the prettiest girl I had seen hi
Wales, and that is saying a good deal.
For a time I fancied she liked me, and
that Lwas getting ,on, very with
;fly' love-3144king, 14_uif:J t 30.0 ado:Ai& my
inistake;for an old lover of hers joined
our men, and Mary gave me the 'cold
shoulder directly. You may believe
that sweetheart of hers (who was called
Ben Lloydd) and I were not the best of
friends in the world; but i am not the
sort of fellow to harboronalice, and
when the biddings to the 'Wedding went.
round, and I knew that nay chance was
gone, I made the' best of it; I kept
sore heart to myself, and determined to
beat down jealousy, by being great
chums with Ben.
, 1 went to the wedding;
were not; many" da,fa d 4 tijot
steal-ha I Fazifhou`tto by,lNT,Otditie,,
which was - 44 -I btigi.e' - atO,:goay,Trind
hornelikVitit;,YOu'd Mlitli;,ol;4ee.
being t he" 'ix) dr of / ni,cle,t .a.#4,•lntlustry:
IL„is .-"PPt4" 6 *....1i50 UktaLlw.a3l"l
- to go, mitt lgok tit the
happiness, anottiert man.. nits . done :von
Pl,,tiLltlyOu kuntvAtio 'ptoverb 'says,
"-What is one man's meat is another
t man's poison ;” and kio it was I got to
oslii upon Mary as a ,tiort of sister,. and
lieu had no cause /or j4tlousy, although
there Were plenty of evil Longues reito)
to put him up Lu
contract Was nearly up, When a
llglitning-cooductur upuu one of tbe
highest ehluiiieys ever at Lluilell3 -
Bpring was to be put inlaid the owuei
of the works (Meted our Waster a job.
" just the sort of thing for (ou,
pe- i to ti c pr,
of p )1,
touched my cap, and accepted it
off hand, and then lieu stepped up and
said he'd volunteer- to be the second
man, two being required.
" Al! right," said tlie master " you
are,tlA steatliest-lieatied feltbxvs
The ft e 0.); On ti;;IM d ey,e4
peirny of"it `i4„' be . tArfteit
you. t „ Wi 'l. l 11 X 41 1 Y40k, t;i2o. work,
but sa k e - ti L jo.tirit," uitim moruingiandget
itdo is quletl , ' aiM . •
Solt w4l§ tthas , lcionasi).totir obilv'e'iborzl4 ,
lugsiatter, - wo , foutdiord'Otilkitlibiitl..ian._-
elly, and all readytt'Or IOW" ltitlift.t- The
kite by which the line attached to the
block was to he sent over the chimney,
was flown, and did its work well; the
rope which was -to ,haul l nEtlie„,pradle
was ready,i fat* stepAng 036'11101d
began the-aicent.
'There had been very few people
about when we went.into the yard, but
as we!got higher, I saw that the news
had spread, and that the streets_ were.
e Therfyff *iit,s.r,-W),§t4Lirkg;44,9l4,;!',
I salq),"*!lvitig my
dard'joay, they i n:.:449,,L9344e4 11,3.,V0Mft.
down tli ,;••T': a
°A I iPV 5T.9 1 , 1 •kek/ , .quietlP 'answered.
Ben k ii!ppa lug in •iktatrange itone , liand•
turning ;to 47 - eaw: thatn
deadly pale, arid sat Iti• the (brittifii* of
the cradle, huddled up together, with
;.his eyes fast shut.
" You're not frightened, old chap ?II
I asked.
" What's thattp you?" A . ; i‘ ~..„. .1 i• i. - 1
" Oh,' rictlillfg' 4 , onlytieliffi dottin'g
Up. pretty quickly, and you'd have a
better, bead for work if you'd got grad
ually used to the height,"
He said nothing and
_hever moved.
Then:looking. up, I-sawc" "Vterk,cloo,
to tli& top--it . 4 .`eur4tircia ',. ci l u ffg,t), ( 4fie :
wool'd =be tbefe,; : „yophtlW.C.,-„4 l 4o l ,:*ett
Acrinctilik,witlCunabate4;s: sei3, ..,..k.1444,1
den' Chill' ran, thiAiigh. j my,j loW e a,rol'Y:ilesh creepingi ~..Wheynha4;..imlen
tilch/ated: the' distauee, , anch , withi the
ferce they were winding, at'tht* 'rope'
,in'Ust inevitably break when the cradle
,'cane in contact with the block. There
' . ‘ viite,,no time to attempt a signal, only
_an !instant to point out the danger to
Ben, and then to,get hold of the rope,
and by going hand over,;•e§,ch the,
copihg petorrimif crtitile fetinl4 in p.l l l, imm
was riddeilrriost quiekeithati I can tell
you; Ben following.
The cra,slle,cap? . ; chert„,..;-_,A,T,
ticipate 4 , - the:ropa - Vo . 4 . y(#jil,l34plyg'
sou oii opcp . .* ti fie , tyinn 1)43,0A7 PfrOvh ,
the aitf, - and AnapPO4 . ,':.7.od3y , t ri ! ff4llt t ,,the,
cradlCatid . there W#., yi,ett„ile;t; - nearly'
IQ. feet.ta, the 'OA, w.ltb .npthlug :to:rest.
Oh ',140t,,. ,a ..coping. , barely , . eighteen
.I..tebe.i,-witle.t' , *.‘. „ , '.1,4Y, , f0 , .. , 1 , . , t) at. le
-' 'Ben:shrieked out thatitie iwaa - o,"dead
man, autteriech k` Tell, ur i iwheru'lleati
kneel e r Harry 7 shtiu'r .;me , gwliZre:l, ;cat
pray;to'Almight y G
. ed •
f oil
ciin-iP.....t O
• tO
- thsWay'?" ''
``• HtiAlhol," tetticl,'l.4onit-Ipaaheart;,God Can,`'hearybu.lll4, j aalkell sitting;
as ku 4 siblli:;"4 l - 1 01 , 0;g1 1 4 , nyrto •;getclup,,-
4uPu ~t 9, af , moral': certaintS•.!
ThitiX , :ofr 4 . N , :ra ry-,-runn f and' keep up." - : , I '
•,',i •sßui. belonly shopix-antliSAVllS'Caft:
'arid Morefgroutiiiig and ci , s , liig - tvolvi - 4 .
- tre - witsqusr ; andl 6otiltUtige l '"fllUtir',ll, e
did iitit'Calti tl 11 e'IM 'do 14 'q V, eibntitit4b ;' ,. ..', 3 " ~
"00 et hold litiiiii;i6o,#_>, - ,TAM,. ; t4iii4;i:
.iit tpliti: evefsAik/V1,441,7.4, , . the.
,touqb. of'it ivb ld.glire lea,esnifsige<ltilin"
. , `; , .Where is it boy?" he said, hoarse
“ly.V.andj:tban-Cldbtailk into his face,
Twilich was turned to me,;-11IaN,g , 4117ttliig
eyes were drawn together, squinting
and, bloodshot, and 1 know that the
'fright had driven hinibli ': Push
ing Myself• to,'..him.placed y
o‘ind his wOst wer4e4 , iotioti• to
the Xed,,wrsh 1" put in his 'hand; arid
then' I 100 edbelow :to see whether
they,were trying to • help us ; but there
was no sign,: The yard was full of peo
ple, all running- hither and thither;
and as I afterward -Anew, all in the
greatest consternation ; the cradle hav
ing fallen on one of the overseers of th'
works; , killing him on' the spOt; and so
occupying the attention of those near;
that we unfortunates Wete for 'the time
forgotten. was, Oral ming ink eyes
hOpe Of Seeitig'sOmp, Wort made tn-heIP
ii NikiOp I startled; by a, horrible
`-hrOPelltuAct: Ake sense : of= new
(tenger, for : round,•l saw -Ben
champing with his teeth:and foaming
tit the,mouth, , and •gesticulating in an
unearthly, way. Fear bad not only
blinded him, -- beteraWhis brain.
mSearcely bad I tithe' to, coliaprelaend
when • he began "edging 41s. W 0, 3,1
'toward ine; 'and ,every . hair on - X.rlY
headseemed to stand on end, as I ECIOV,.
edaway, 'keeping as far • otf its'l could,
and scarcely daring to breathe, lest he
Should hear me, for see me he couldnot
—that . waii my orily'eonsalatioß. -
twiee•=4llrice—he followed - me round
the Mtaith'Of 'that horrible: chituriey ;
then', no.' doubt thinking-1' had • 'fallen
over; he gavelip,the Search., and begtgi.
trylng7to get . on to , his feet :What
could,' I noW do to save life? To
touch him- Was certain death• to 'myself
fliv*ell 'as him for he'would ineyitably
50126" the,'Wei. should betli,gci over
.together. 'To let him stand up' was to,
witneisbis etatially certain clestiootiou.
thoUght of- pear tuiti I,' re-
membered thut if- he died,Alt e migh tget
to:care fornie. The 'devil. , pot - that
thought ih I : Suppose; but,
thank-God ) there Was a'atronger - power
than Satan near, and at the risk of my
Me, I roared out, ." Sit still, or you will
fall, Ben Lloydil I"' .- •
'fiocrouched down and .held on with
elenelied.teeth, shivering and -shaking;
Irk after f;lays, he told me that he
thought that it was my spirit sent to
warn and save him. - •`
.-1-`-Sit still " I repeated from - time to
time, watching, tiyttii aching_eyes and
brala for some sign of aid. Each min
u ;seemed to .an hour. ! My, Bpi
greW dry, uy,•tongfie ,literally clove to
mY,rnoilth, and the perspiration: run
niug down .blinded • me. At • last—at
hiSt4ope came. The crowd began to
gather in;•the yard, and :people were
ruunling from 'distant lanes, and a sea
of faces were turned 'upward ; then
some one who had got a 'speaking
trpmp,et, shouted. " Keep heart boys, ;
Wit - save yeti I" 'A' - few minutes,more
afidtlfe . kite began to rise; higher and
higher it comes, on and on. How
watched the white-winged messenger,
comparing it in'iny heart to an angel ;
and surely, as an angel was it permitted
to come to us poor sinners hanging on
the ve_rger;of, eternity.....Vp :it came,
nearer - and neer';giiide'dby the - skillful
The slack-rope crossed the.chirn
riey,stind'we.weie we'd."
I could not shout hurrah, even - bad I
dared ; but in every' beat of my heart
.oas a thanksgiving to the God, I had
never :truly:known till that hour, and
whose-rnerciful providence I can never
doubt again.,Thebibel
vas - flied, the cradle Came
eu -agatu,..andAlen...obeying
_my order,
Igot In, I followed ; hut no sooner did
touch hlm than he began trying ,:to
get out. (.1 got hold Of him, - d taking
it; head his he that I was attempting to
throw him over, he struggled and
fOught like-the madman, he lwas—grap
piing, tearing.with his teeth, shouting,
shrieking and praying alt the way
down, while the cradle strained and
cracked, swinging to and, fro like the
pendulum of a, clock. As We came
near the ground 1 could hear the roar
of voices, and an occasional cheer; then
suddenly all was silent, for they ' had
heard Ben's cries, and when the cradle
'Couched the ground, scarcely i man,
dared look in. The first who did saw a
horrible: , sig for, exhausted; by, the
struggle tinti!excitemet4, to hoop as. thk,
cradiestoPpeid - - had taniteddaltd, Ben
feel i br4% srelaa.bnd,fafiteitedliis
teeth In fek' fleck!
No wonder the men fell back with
blanched faces ; they sawthat Ben was
efazed; but they thought that be had
'killed me, for, as they said,. ho was ac
tually worrying:me like:a dOg. ; •
At last the master got to us, and
pulled Ben off me., I soon caineround,
.but it was a longititne =before ho got
•poor feilow; and when he did
conies out or the asylum, he was never
tit for• his" old trade again, so - be and
Mary went out to Australia, and the
last I heard of tbei4, was, that; Ben,,litid
. got a couple' oil thousand ; sheep, and
was doing - capitally.
I: gave us the trade, too, soon after,
finding' that I got, queer in the 'head
when I tried to face height. , So, you,
see, that morning' changed two
''men's lives.--Quiver.? • 5.
dity as the steamer "Buckeye" was
4tiout to depart for New Orleans from
Cfpcinnati, a tali countryman, carrying
a,.,prtir of saddielbage on his arra, and
egyered with perspiration, and who
igoked'as Ithough ho 'eohltin't,tell his
head frOm ti butiblinf shingles rushed
into the - calling at; 'al; Or' his
" iWbere„ is Colonel Mclntosh? Is
colonekUolntosti on this boat?" '
Vib,Wrie,anstvered. • -
" Well, - then; whar Is the eati'tim? I
must see Colonel Melutogh."
On being Wormed that the captain
was on'tifeburricauP deck, our iiiquir
.l,ng friend passed through the crowd in
that direction. _
• n Haul in the planks and shove her
6110 sounded in bis ears just as he
rekeh,ed_ the clock.
‘" ,Step her, cap'um—stop , her I- lam
IRA going to New Orleans.
' "Run out the plank I" shouted Cap
taiu liartshorn.
" I
,p4y t . Cup' olai ' wautto see Colone
Mel ut05i3,..1 must, bee him.'?
"I don't know him, sir," quickly an
swered the old sea-dog., * We can't
wait , --go ashore. Haul in the planks,
say 1" •
' ll ‘` Ohl the'Kernalfi
—he's a di'stant relation of mine, and I
never saw him in my life."
3stow ;captain. IL; is a warm hearted:
us'ever one knows. The lust up.;,:
lam! touched his feelings, and he kind
' l .,Wow near nr , ltin -are. you - = to the
`gentleman whoin y.eli are seeking.?"
by, Cap'um, he was once engaged
tO my wife."
l i a„aptolf,•that hawser and let her go,"
lgeW ale )ipt, -words. •heard. . And the
boat kind - the man that'was in search of
.his rolative wended their way to New
3 , :; , •
i COPE% T.r,43,, x Op. MASON,`?-?When - 4W hen tine
ißritish tetteliteelogidallisetialation were
-iiispectin,,a_ the gallery of paintings at.
ADliiirlton House, attention being called
1 16 1 the-picture'of Joseph . working as; it
: •
i ctrylt.nter, assisted by the child Jesus,
,gr, Black said he wished , that Joseph.
',liiiid:Hbeen represented in his proper
bicaine Atlictst§on; o rigi (fat
:Used preity I g architect, builder, or
,mason, and , Lio,enter. , -The.- term
carpenter, he urged, vas undoubtedly
„an.erkor, as in the climes where Joseph
no wood was used in the ere - stiou`
of the structure .of their houses, but
atone only. --Builder,
In the beginnizof 1840 Henry Leffing-
Nell was a well-to-do mechanic, living
• near the suburbs, of London, England.
in the month of March of that year a
larceny was committed near.' hie resi
dence; and circumstances pointed to
bite' as the perpetrator. He was arrest
ted; examined bele& one of the stipen
diary magistrates, and fully committed
('or trial. A month after he was con . -
.vi_cted and sentenced to • hard labor in
thefpenal colony . of Australia for a period
of ten years • and; in less than . a Week
thereafter, he was on his way to the fart
of Tani. His devoted wife, who - all the
tline firmly believed in her .husband's
innocence, at 'once made preparations
to follow and remain near • bim during
his confinement, so that she might be
the first, when his ticket of leave, came.
to cheer him - with _good counsel and
comfort him with wifely love. ' -
. The ship. containing - the •convict in;
rived safe and her, cargo of living human
beings was at once transferred to the
government Workhouses. Not so, how
ever, the ship upon which Mrs. Leff=
ingwell embarked. When .about half
way upon bet' jour ley, the •yessel en-
Countered :a fearful storm,- and, after
buffeting the - waves for two days,' foun
dered and went down, the - crew and
Mrs. Leffingwell barely escaping upon
a raft hastily constructed when it was
found that the ship could not be saved..
,A.fternu exposure of several days they
'were picked up by the American ship
North wind, bound from New York , to.
China' where Mrs. Leffingwell was at'
lengtlilanded, only to find herself •fur
ther than ever from her destination,'
and with no immediate prospects of
teaching it. • •
' After several Mouths of patient watch
ing, and waiting, she . was enabled;
through the kind officesf the American .
consul then residing at eddo, to pro
cure passage to Cuba, w ence the pros
pect of . reaching Aus alia would be
very much improved. steeling over a
spate of a year and a alf, .in which
Mrs. Leflingwell passed through many
seenescalculated totry firmer resolutions
than hers, but through which sheclung
to her resolve with true English obsti
nhey, she finally found herself on the
shores of Australia, but as much at a
loss concerning the exaot locality of her
husband's whereabouts as she would be,
of a needle for which she would be hull--
ting in a hay mow. She persevered,
however, but four long years passed
away before she•was enabled to obtain
the slightest trace of her husband, from
the fact that when once landed fram the
'ship,.each convict receives a number by•
which he is only known to the keepers.
Mrs. Leffing wel I knew not her husband's
number; and when she made inquiries
for hitirOfhe was always baffled with the
question, "His number, tna'ain ?"
At the end of the time spoken of, du
ring which her means had become ex
hausted, and she had been compelled to
resort to menial labor, she one day
pickedjup a 'Sydney paper, in - which
was an)account of her hnstiand's 're
lease, the real criminal of the larceny
bfiving been found and transported.
The account gave her 'husband's num
ber and the facts which convicted him
in so precise a manner that. she could
no longer doubt as to who was meant.
Her course was marked out at once.
Going to tlie - prisiati authorities of Syd
ney, she at length learned that "ticket
of-leave man No. 188," her husband's
number, had left for the United States
of America twe weeks after his release..
The thing for her to do wtfs to fol
io* 'him. Scraping together. lier scanty
means, she found the possessed barely
etiougb to pay her passage. She seized
upon the, first opportunity presented,
add in June, 1847, she found 'herself
mice more upon .the ocean, -bound; for
, theist:Ad of the free, with her mission
still uitaccotnplished.
1 i In due time she arrived in New Yost:-
City, where she remained until the civil
war, broke out, not having, in the mean
' tithe, heard one word of her husband,
thOugh 'she - had made every exertion
to find. his , whereat outs. When the
war broke out, and at the first call or
• nurses in the„hospitals, she responded;
and:Until peace was declared there were
none more faithful in the care of otir
,wounded than Mrs. Clara Leffingwell.
While in one - of the hospitals at Mash
ingten, site nursed to life and strength
a Lean who knew her husband in the
artily, Who had been his messmate and
' boon companion, and who, in his deli
riure,,constently-called upon his com
rade 0. come to his assistance, When
the crisis was passed and it
-was known
that the soldier would live, she ques
tioned' him - concerning her hushainl,:!
and 'ascertained that he Was inia Penn
sylVania regiment, having "..enlisted
froth Pittsburg two years before. . •
She tit once addressed Leffingwell a
lettei;'-stating in full her efferta to find
hhs,lind detailing at length het' disa-P
-points:tents and troubles. . -With the
usnal r perversity of the army mails, that
letter never reached its destination.
Mrs. LeffitigWell 'waited' and waited,
but still no answer came, and at length
when the war was over, she set out
once more in search of her husband. A
, yisitto,Pittsburg revealed the fact that
herqulsband's term of enlistment had
expired 'long before, and his identity
was once more lost. She inserted ad
vertisement in a number of the Penn
sylVania papers, calling for information
of his whereabouts, and then sat her,
self again - to , watch and wait. Time,
eretit, slowly orf, and still no tidings of
her absent one. ~ • ••
A , week ago, when she had given up
all hope of ever s ` seeieg her husband
ageht; she very •nnexpectedly received
direet information of this place of abode
froth one who catnercross the advertise
ment ot' three years before, The - paper
containing- it had, providentially, es
caped„ the destruction which usually
comes - upon the dailies of the different
cities, :led now was the Means ofuuiting
two persons who for twenty-eight years
had. been separated by a cruel fate,
Our heroine at once made preparations
to go to.her husband; who lives in or
near Cincinnati, and who had been ap
prised of her coming. She :Accordingly
_ left ;Pittsburg on Friday morning, and
in - ri'ved in Cleveland in the afternoon,
of the Same day. What was her sur
prise, and pleasure on a I ig h ti lig from the
care at the Union depot to procure some
: refreidttnents, to be confronted by her
husbited. ,
For a moment they stared at each
other, and then, with a simultaneous
impulse, they rush into each other's
arms, all unconcious of the gaping
crowd; who, with the usual curiosity,
bad paused n their hurry to witoett, ,
.the'scene. The years that had Qepara-:
ted them, though they had silvered the,
heed's of each, and ' left lines of care
,upon their brol.vs, had not eradicated
the love they bore one another, or torn
; from 'their hearts the . memory of the
olden time, before relentless fate had so
cruelly thrust them asunder. The trials
of the past were forgotten in the present
joy, - -and they took the train for home
at seven in the evening,,happy only in.
each other's company. It was while
the,y . ere waiting the departure of the
Cincinnati train; and through the kind
officers one of the Cleveland and Pitts
burg railroad
.officials, to whom Mrs.
Letlingwell had revealed part of her
_history, that the' above was.received
frogdoes not remember when he
weds a tadpole, but other folks do.
DEAR AO/TATOR:—Blauy guestious
have been asked me •relative , to' this
country, the advantages it holds out to
young people as inducements to come
here and settle, &c. In 'this letter I
propose to answer some of these ques
I will take Dodge County,. es a fair
standard from which.
.to base our. esti
mate. It lies in the' second : tier of cod&
ties,frem the Southern lineof tho State,
west from' the Mississippi about 120
miles, opthe line of -the Winona & it:L.
Peters R. R. It is .betterfee . larni
lug purposes, perhaps, than Oimsteitd,
Blue-Earth, and many other counties
in the State; but will be alairbasls fqr
reckoning. ,
The northernl part of the county Jr
traversed diagonally by a strip of tim
ber called:Vie:Big Woods, which fur
nishes timber amp sufficient . kir the
wants of the whole . count . The south
ern part is almost entirely prairie Sand,
with hero and there a g owth of tim
ber of perhaps a hundre .acres... 4 i?The
soil 'is a rich loam, strong y imprOgna
ted with lime. All the 'Mater here is
hard , the water of the ZUmbro• river,
and of the sloughs draining the county
not excepted. My wife says that the
rain-water-here is harder than the wa
ter from her well in Mansfield. There
is, tie doubt, some lime absorbed - from
the tinst from the roofs, &0., before the
water reaches the cisterns. This super
abundance of lime, in the soil is one 01
the ingredients that make It so 'pro
ductive.- This black, loamy soil is ev
erywhere from two to six feet deep ;
making an almost inexhaustible mine
of - wealth from which the farmer may
make his drafts every year.- Fields
were pointed out to me that this season
yielded twenty-five hush .:Is of wheat u
tile acre, and had yielded thus, lon al,
average, for twelve had thirteen succes
sive years, and. not a fork-Intl of ma
nure, of any 'kind., had been given back
to the soil. Sou as the grain was reap
bd and removed, the grouud was plough
ed and sowed• again in- the Spring.—
There is no fall grain raised here. I.
sown on one field it would be , founc
somewhere else in the Spring. It Is lit
orally blown out of the ground: Tll4
fields of which I speak wereno better
than an average of the quhlity of tht
laud. The price of land varies as it:-
location. Improved farms, within I
radius of, three miles from the count
seat, can be bought for froth twenty t. 4
'thirty dollars-per acre; Wild lands, a.
:good as any of the improved farms, eau
be bad in the County, all the way from
three to fifteen dollars. Very good am,
desirable locations can be secured fo!
ten dollars per acre. Now let us mak.
an estimate of the cost of land) and Im
proving it :
Half Sections, 320 acresc OM, $3,20(
,Breaking, say at S 5, . '1,601
060 rods of fence ®sl, ' 90!
480 bushels . seed wheat, 481
Sowing and_harvesting, -, • • 32(
Cutting and thrashing, ' - . ISt.
Total expense,. • , $7,04(
Firat crop estimated at less than
the average, will be 8000 bush
els of wheat, $B,OOO
_ 'as.Tet.prollt, $9114
„ ..
The iirst!crop is considered very pool
if it does nbt yield, its I have estimated,
twenty-five bushels per acre. Rarel
,is the yield less than thirty bushels pet
acre. The second ,crop, Is generally
quite as good as the iirbt. The .seconu
crop may be estimated thus:
Plowing @S2, s64t
<ISO Bush. seed, ' ' , 4.St
Sowing and harVesting, • 821,
'cutting and thrashing, 48(
• Int. On purchase money at 10p. o. 82u
" Total- cost. • .
8000 Bushels'Wheat,
Net profit, 4 P t 76(
Add first .y ears profit,o6t,
Value of !and thus iroprOved, 6,4 a,
Total profit, . $13;12"
—A. pretty good -profit for a capital of
$7OOO and two years labor. .;
But it is not every young man that
Can command $7OOO. What shall he do?
Ile must work within his means.
'1 Two
Young-men might unite-their iuterest,
rind by going dlittle farther back get
land just as good,for three, four, or five
dollars per acre,. which- need not: be
paid immediately. A small payment,
on ,the ptirchase money will secure the
p)ssession,'tind - ample time can be .had
for the paymentbf the Test. - By ;unit
i4g their teams they can do their ,C.Mcll
breaking, sowing, harroWing and cut
fing;`.Src. In the hboVe estimate-I have
put everything at the price it can be
hired done. Of course, 'all that . a per
son does himself will be saved from-ac
tual cash expense. In smaller farming
the expense is proportionably greater;
btit you say this is only an estimate,
and will-not bear out in actual fact.—
Well, here is actual fact: ' A friend m
Mine,lllr. C , has - a farm of 180
aeres,:two,miles from Mantorville, for
which he paid, two years ago, :$2,500.
(It was then partly under
This - year, with one team am' Itt4r
but a boy twelve years old, the raised:
80 acres of wheat, 800 bushels; 10 aces
of oats; 10 acres of corn ; .3 acres
barley, 180 bushels; lacre of potatoes.
The iyield of Corn, oats, and potatoes.
I-do mit know, but .they were good
crops—its go as I ever say in' Pen ten
All tills was done without hiring 2111;\
help'saVe two hands about two weeks
in the heat of harvest. Besides, Mr. C._
delicate health' ' suffering, two
years' ago, with lung disease. %From
this you may judge for yourselves what
opportunities the West °Mrs to young
men of energy and tact: By -- ,going fur
ther out
-on thrisfrontier; plenty of land
,dan yet be secured under the-Homestead
- Act. Of course, one taking this advan
tage must Make up his Mind to endure
the disadvantages• of frontier:life for a
sewn. As to church and schdol pt-hi
loges, the people are fully awake, :to
their interests. This is howu iu the
fact thai the best and MoseperinanOt*
.buildings to' tie seen ore:Churches and
school houses.. ,Salarjea•ot teachers ID
the Uruded, and Hi h schotilsnre froo ,
$1,;000 to $2,000 pet-' annuitn: But.
have already extended Iny-l i etter too
gtteitt a ; • - •
- 5 My ,heaith improyes but,, : l,
itOlie it is for perinitifenc:e. „litope,sopik
toreturn: • -Will probably be at Mans
field again Soon after thelliblidays: , -
I •
Yours :
.1 'l' 'STREIT,
-DeaeOn D., of Ohio; a 'very pious man,
was noted for his prayers, espee
wily 'i n hi s f a mily. O e Monday morn
ing the Deacon and hts,wife were alone
and as was his usual custom after break•
rqqt.n, prayer %re.= offered. There being
a n- All inson! amotint of: Work that day:
the Deacon's praYeriwas short.: lie seiz4
e d ; his hat and Milk -pail and started for,
the barn. His wife being very deaf did
not notice his absence, 'but sup - posed,
hicn tn, be still engaged in prayer. ;- On
hisleturn from milking- he was surpritt--
ed to find heritifflineenn, 114. step
-1 -to' her iutd 'shouted -- " A Men," .
when she itnm •diately arose and went
about her work as though nothing had
e gioga Punt 10tita
ablished oiery *edtieidayAtioni - isi#ll
ar, invariably pi iditAtice. • ,
COBB & VAST lELtitt.:•"
ion 0 1 bultio, OS un, IWO •IttioilVillit.
railelio I $/1 SZAVSWO \TOO
reg z s uo vi,oo 4,00 8,00 - .12,00
io,oo 10,0017,001#200 soSoe wow_
I 18,00 28,00 80,00 4,0,631, moo Iwo
i Special Notices 15 Ratite per listei:kiiiiiiger
Local 20 cents por 114 e. . •
A 133.13Y 1 S STORY : BY A BABY.
I atilt very old- to write— , Pm. °ply
- at'
s 'i.
one! It- ai my -birth-day - yesterday,
and I on't have milk out of ,a bottle
any more--I have bread and nillic,,Ont
of a bowl. Bridget ties my bib - 000
my chin, and feeds me very fast-roihe
don't understand that I ought st.O, )341: 4 4
time to swallow. ' 'When, Lllihut.:lny
lips and sputter, she says, "Thera WWI
take your supper good, like 'a deign'!"
I can't swallow a whole bowl atatiaie;
and I cry, rd she gives me a - shalt*.
After that h ave - the W:1
the stomach-c'
Lyink anake with it, one hight;'-/
began to think that I hadultMy - rights-
[ and I wanted 'eta: How to get 'eta £,
- don't how I cry all I can—but that!,
' no use s
-kick, toO-,=but what" goad
; comes of it? They only give me .dry
;to nails me sleep • theu 'I feel hut, and
6ick, and stupid a lll next day. One of
my rights is not to have• drops; but
*there now, how am I not to have 'ern? ,
There it comes again !
I.know a baby, who lives down street,
who has one of bis rights. It's a ~krone
•of breakfast I never ha&--a nice, cosy,
.comfortable breakfast, that isn'tehoked
,down you by aspoon andßridget._ -- Yea
'put your cheek against it, ~ and play
with It, and talk t sit, and haves little
inore, - and coo over
.it, t and feel warm
,and h ippy—all the while being softly
rocked and sung to, not by Bridget! -
The most comfortable think I ever
had was . tin Indian-rubber bottle.
What are mothers made for, If a baby
isn't to have one? Who invented nur• ..
sing -bottles? I hate him, whoever he
haven - mother,,you. know--a lady, ,
who says she is, conies - in-sometimes
and tells other 'ladies that she'CiT'iaot -- 7-
-.:outented with-Bridget!' Neither tun I,
for that matter; but - you see my mother '
.a not thinking of rn,y rights,- but of
tier's.- She wants to: yote I and even
wanting to'do it takei-La great deal of
dine. She writes, too, I for the:news
-.apers. When I want to find out
whether she really is my mother, and
vegan to talk to her, she says, "Bridget,
:- tat must really take '
that darling child
Away—he disturbs me dreadfully 1" -
Bridget is big and coarse, her great
mobs of knuckles -hurt me.-, She ties
strings too tight and jogs me too hard..
My own mother is soft and' fair, and
1 :ler skid is like silk, and I like to touch
I her. I'm a lady's baby, and one of my
ights is that a lady shobid handle and
iandie me. No one sees it. I'm put
)ff on Bridget.
Mamma don't like to sit at table with
' Bridget, but she lets her feed me. Per
-1:11)3 I have aristocratic notiotT, 'too;
,vho cares for them ? ..
One day, Bridget had a big pewter
;meastpin, with-a yellow stone in it, on
her collar, and it Rept scratching ray
hand ; nobody knew it. One day, she
took me out in my wagon and' upset ' '
:tie: no one knew that-either 4
She takes me out to her cotieln'ashan
'y, where littlaPat has the measles, or smallpox, and if I don't Catch 'em '
;loth, it's because "There's a sweet lit
tle cherub that sits up aloft," to kefp - ,
watch for poor, motherless babies:
Sometimes she leaves me alone in the
room with a great lire. I alviays want
to put my-fingers in It, and they alWays
burn. Once marnina found it out, •and
then I had a different Bridget. They .
are all alike tthey' came from the lna ,
telligence o ff ice, and are rough and
coarse, and sawn of smoke, -and take
f. are of me for money and not!. flr •
Phis new one is sleepy, and -no s over
And drops me sometimes. 'One t tipsy
andlay 'on me. . Some day 4 will
tumble clown stairs with her big feet
and slip-toed shoes, and break yneck,
I dare say. - - ,
• •
• , ir
A father, too. I have a right to a'
1 father—Mine is a Wall street/ maw; he
goes out early and comes hotline to dirr- -'
ner. I should think he might - be •Very
i e
nice to know, but I'm not aegtiainted
with him ;he has nice Wile whiskers
and he laughs and says, "ii lio oldi fel
lew„' when we meet, and grif,do ?tell
him about Bridget; and my feelings -
-overpower me, and I cry, and heTs,
"Take the little rascal away, Bidd y "- .
One dreadful thing Ido save ; it. a a
family doctor ; ho says I'M 'a very Ale •
child, and does - dreadful thingsrto me. '
Once he lanced my gums, and once he -
vaccinated me. After that I had a sore
arm, and Bridget's blue merino hurt-it.
In suumigr there used fo,besomaeom- '-
fort in going out in my qgirambulator;,'
and seeing that, . after all, I• was not '
worse off tAan other -babies, all given
over to Midgets, whom I met; but ,
now it's whiter, and I have to stay hi' .
my nursery.hl a flannel shawl, and - do -
nothing but Oink; I've decided -that I' .
must have my rights. A whole mother-
ought to belong to-every baby; and a
Bridget is,an Imposition: A -lady's •
baby ough to lie sometimes-in a /tars.
arms, and be I talked to by it. - lady: ••
When lam able to speak I shall -pay
•what Bridget says, and -with her accent;
'and then I shall be scolded, - as - Mit •
were my fault.. That's the way with
my brother Tom.
Here I lie now, while Bridget talks - to
the milkman do the area. I'm hungry; '
and damp, and. Wretched. I'm tired of •
being in the cradle, and I shall hurt -
-oyself If I roll out. I want the big '_
orange on the mantle -piece, and• to sit - ,
lin somebody's. lap and have my- feet - •
toasted; and hear "Little pig goes to:
market ;" but mamma is at a political
meeting; and papa in Wall street, and_
'Bridget in the area, and who cares what-.
1 want? Rights! I wonder . where. -
pry rights are? Nobody talks! about '
them„ No matter, I'll yell until /get
'ein. ' • • . .
3 , P. S.—l have yelled and Bridget' has -
itiven me drops. No matter, Nebel I'm
a man, I'll for the rights ckfigibies.
I'm going to sleep. Good-bye. ; ~.. •7 :
Bon P - G ROW INO ox Turmh—bicup
berries are found in immense quatitt•
Lieti . tit Alaska. Theygrow -on a, bush
about the smile in appearanee'.as,Whar;.-
tleberries. When ripe t i liey are red, O
a juicy and quinine taste, and generally
biennial. One quart taken and placed
in a tub the size of a bushel Whea
when stirred, completely lilt said ` . tub
.witfi froth; Awl the inure it is stirred
with the flaked hand and urtn, the btilr
el, it becomes, until you cati.eut it with
it knife. I,t is eaten with — horn and
'wooden spoons, all the family sitting .
round the tub. It is undoubtedly. an
acquired taste, but - the commodity is
winch senght after. The froth is of a
bouutifia pink color, • Green berries
will make nearly the same amount of
froth, but it is of a white color, aud' is
not so highly flavored. Foreigners stir'
it:with pert el' 'sherry wine, and add
sugar, in - which case it is a delicious
luxury. 'Large quantities are dried •by
being placed in a tub with their leaves;
foiming a cake which is placed in wick
er-tables, with light fires under,- and
the sun overhead, Whet) dried thep•
keep in a dry place for a number
of - years.- ?rhe dried berries are black,
lind•lnok dirty. A piece„ two. inches
square, beaten in a water-pail, will Sll .
.it full of froth of a dark pink color.
• PO t •ciro persons in flip same bedrOotn,
one of whom has the toothache, and
the ,otber is in love, and it will be
fontid that the person having the tooth
ache will go to sleep first. •
Precept upon precept, line upon /ISM
C 3