:` ' HEM JOBBING T . The proprietors have stocked the 08136116m0 w i t h B now a varied assortment ofd JOB AND' CARD TYPE AND VAST PRESSES, Bed ale prepared te execute neatly and prompt POSTERS, *HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, BIL HEADS, CARDS, PAMPHLETS, &a., &o. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a full asserlbum of Constables' and Justices' Blanks on band. People living at'sidistanob'ea dependon ha, log their workdone promptly' and sent book-11 return mail.. BUSINESS IDIRECTOR W. D. TpIitDELL & CO., DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Wall Paper, Korona° J;ftlips, Window Glass, Perfumery, Paints and Oilsjte., &a. Oorning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 18637-Iy. WILLIAM ?EL SMITH, AT.COMIBY AND.`OOUNSELOA AT LAW Insurance, Bounty an 4 Pen;ion Agouti, Main Street Vi'ollsbero, Pa.,l,Tan. 1, 1868. S. F. W ILsort. WILSON- & NILES, A.V.004N.1475- 4 VICOITSSEI4OIIS-A4:•' LAW, (Plrit doot- from' Bigoney's; - ori the Av onue)— Will attend to business entrusted to their care in the ocntntios of Tioga and Potter. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 18.68. HILL'S HOTEL, WESTFIELD Borough, Tiogu Co. Pa., E. G. Hill, Proprietor. A new• and commodious building with all the modern improvements. Within easy drives of the best hunting and fish ing grounds in 'Northern Penn's. Conveyances furnished: Terms moderate. - Yob. 5,156 Iy. • . .. GEORGE WAGNER, l og. TAILOR. ,Shp Scat door north of L. A. &woes Shoe Shop. t Cutting, Fitting , and Repair. ing done prO ptly and *ell. , Wellaboro, Pa., Jan. 1.,.1868 , 04y. • ' , . . , JOHN 13;g1lAILSJP,14,1.41E, DRAPER AND TAILOR.: Shop over John R. Boiren's Store. Oar Cutting, • :Fitting, and Repairing done promptly and in best style. %YeHaber°, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868-ly WAIL .GARRETSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Notary Publio an Insuranee Agent, Bless burl, Pa. over Caldwell's Store. ..470.t(N - 4.. MITCHELL . • A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, A Wollsboro, Tioga Co., Pa. Oahu Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance Agont. lie will attend promptly to collection of Pensions, Batik Pay and Bounty.. As Notary Public he takes aoknowledgontents pi•deeds, ad ministers orths, and will Rotas Commissioner to take testimony. pirOffice over Roy's Drug Store, adjoining Aviator Ofoc , .—Oct. 30. 1367 John W. Gnornsov, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR' AT `LAW. Raving, returned to this county with a view of making it his permanent residence, solicits a .hare of public patronage. All businesr en. trusted to his care will bo attended to with tiroinptness'iwid sdcllty. Oilice . 2d door south of E. S. Fan's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa. sept. 26.'66.—tf. MAAS WALTON 1110 USE, . Gainos, TiOga County, Pa. HORACE C. VERMILYEA,'Paoron. This is a new hotel located within easy access of the bust fishing and bunting grounds in North ern Pennsylvania. No pains willOao spared fur the accupemodation of pleasure seekers and the traveling public. [Jan. I, 1888.) PETROLEUM HOUSZI, w.E.6IIIELD, PA., GEORGE- CLOSE, •Propri.. odor. A new Hotel concluotod on t.tfa principle \ of live add let live, for the ecconaniodation of the publio.—Nov. 14, 1868.-Iy. • GEO. Ur: ETON, COUNSELOR AT LAW, Law. roneeirille, Ting& Co., Pa: Bounty, Pension, and Insurance Agent. Collections \ promptly attended to. Mee 2d door below Eord Bowie. Doo. 12, 1867-1 y -R. E. OLNEI • - DEALER in CLOCKS & JEWELRY; SILVER PLATED WARE, Spootatios, Violin String., Ste., .Co., Mansfield, Pa. Watches and Jew elry mail* repaired. Engraving done in plait) English aid German. ' - llseptra• ly. Thou. B. Dryden rry lIVEYOR k DRAFTSMAN.—Ortiars left at his roogn,Toinsend hotel, Wellabor°, will a....0et with prompLattontion. Jan. la. Is67.—tf. . FA.II4'S HOTEL 1.0(141., TI•OGA Good stabling, attaobod, and an attentlve.hos dot- always in attendance. 8: HAAR, . . . . Proprietor. . • tdress - ihz & Saloon ,ver Wilcox ik Barker's Store, Wells k , Va. PattAtMiar attention_ paid to Ladies ,r-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing., etc. Dralds, Pods, cods, andlnficilitS ofi hand and made to Dr ier. 11. W. DORSEY. • J. JO NSO'll. D ilitOtiN, M. D., late of the 2,1 Pa. Cavalry, alto nearly four years of ttimjsertice, with a !Ara,. .Nporlence in field nud Ifospltal pirtice, has opened at, Ake fur the practice ofy medicinal and surgery; in all tira lichee. Person* from a distance can find goon k”aiditig at the Pennsylvania Hotel' when ,desirect— n,ll vi•dt any part of the State in consultation, or to ~, : rfurni surgical operations.! . No 4, Union Block, lap t tirs, Wellsboro. Pa., May 2; 1880.—ly. ~T MY PICTURE GALLERY.— TPIECINIL SPENCEIV . ks the pleasure to_ inform the. citizens . fif Tiorga c.anty that ho has completed his - NEI, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, ~1 on hand to take all hinds of Sun Pictures, •ozli as :Unbrotypeq, Forrotypes,Nignottes,Cartos te Viaite, the Surprise and ICurcka. Pictures; also p.rtical:ir attention paid to oopyin,go.nd ()W i ars— Pictures.l Instractions.given n the, Afton terms. Elmira. St., Mansfield, Oct. 1, • 13. OXVILLE;' Pa,, Pension, BoutktYP and In' Jut-duce Agent. Combunicationa• font to .the above addruse receive prompLaitention. Terms moderato. Umn 18.68:139 U. S. CLAIM' AGENCY, Fur the Colleetion.bS Army and Navy Claims 'and Penapna. NEW BOUNTY LAW, passed July 28, TS6o,givoe 1 t, o and three years' soldtere extra bounty. Send to your disehargre. OFFICERS' E.S.TRA PAY. Thrt4 tuoutbs' extra pay proper to voiouteer °Sneers were In service March 8,15 1 4. PENSIONS INCREASED 'roan ato have lost 17k limb . and who have been pernm. ere tip and totally disabled. All other Cloyernment claims prosecuted. ' , JEILOME B. NILES. Wellibara.ootober.lo,lBBB4t Dr. 0. IL. Thompson. t - torver.v..avamouou pA.3 Will attend to •Profeisionalealls , in the village, and imaiediateiVieinity iVellsboro. Oflice and Reeldeneci on State St. 2d door on the right going East, (June. 24, 1668. BLACKSMITHING. TIM undersigned having returned to- Wells boro and opened his shop, on Water Etreet; . udieits a share of patronage. Ile proposes to do WORK CHEAP FOR CASH. 6hoing hordes $3,60 and other work In propor April 29, 18.09.-om. • - J. -W. RITTER, G. _PUTNAM ILL WRIGHT—Agent for all tho host 111 TURBINE WATER WHEELS. Also for Stowort's Oscillating Movement for Hang and Malay Saws. Vogt', Pa.„4ug.,7, 1867, Iy. • Bounty and. Pension Voeney, LTA VINO rCceiteddefialtelnatruation,+4o re'etTd is) 1.1. the extra IR/m*lV th 7.• clot approved J. 117 29, I.§B4and havlug on hand n I afge:oupply of all toeessary blanks:l am prepared to proucute nil pen. stun and botrntyciattnulihich may be placer] In my hulas. Perecinalivlngat n dislAnce can communicate with me by letter. and their commnpleatlon a sill be ptoMptay ansarstod. 1 W 31.41, 8511111. Welleboro.cictober2lo,B6 . B. , _ C. L. , W,ILCOX, Deilor i DRY 000pS of all' kilpfs," dud taakiie: ll .ro'ti , o'no.. ,- Olirat.fofttnent is large and prioss lovg. Storo in 'troion Xiliok. Call in gentleman.z.mnay 2018084 y. • • - " Ilia lllNlMEalk. ' ' 'l , • - ‘ , . 4 .t. , A ' ~ • , ~ . . , ::;_, :.. ; .,... ;,. ,, , 4 , ~ 5.. . - ~,,:!!',..;,, V P .. • %7 15 ,-. 2.-0.......-'. il..t 1 . - 4 ,:, I • , 7 -r_ , ~- I ',. ' • . , „ ,•••:-,,,' • , • :-, :•,,, • ~ ~ , .../ _ ~ .' • - ..---,---..... ,' " •:. .10.- '' • , __ -4. i ) ~. , .. , ~ s, ,- i, , ` +..• :-,'; , - •-•' - '4... 2- - - § - ii i-/ i i " - 1 -'kio; - 1 - '.4..' - ' -.4 t -1. %) 3, ki : „1.0 -- ,11 , ...! , .L. } , i, v 3 ~ 7:...k A. „ i '''. ' -,-, ..'''' . 7::A; • 141 I '4.A r . i!..N ‘r • . -- • 1 / 4 . --\ , / ' . .... 41 ....\-. 7\ .. \, . . . , i\.t ,' . -...„.. .... N .. ' i ,1 ' .1 . 8311131 1 - *'} L i f :' :'- ;1.-• • 'Ai ' 1 '' i 4 '. I ' Ql ._ , . . git 4 ~ . ... ~. . pet yer . • . • • 1 . . ... .•> . ~ ",--,-. „..,.• -- •, , .. . „. , •_. ~ . _ - . „ - .• it , .- •.! !it -, • •:- r- - 1i ,,.. , : J' . '''.. 0 ~. , •u4l - J't ' l 3' .•••-•...='!.., 1 -- - '_.'. ',' •_ . •, - r - ,,i, _ ---- - : . :n - f 'rr , •-•' - ' • iki ._.._;._. • I ". ...• ~ • • . • _ (:,-4. • ' ' 1 , . „ _ . , ' 1 ------: '-' 7 ' ----- ,L. . • , ', .-. .: . , • '"_ -' ' . . . , , . . 1 .• _ -________—______ . : ~..., , ~. 1 - 2'•11.§ - 0. r,: - .:3:2 :Z t7....1 -.:.:: i.,.:t..tr5,-;.4t .. . . . ! • , . „ . . . .- '- " -'• ‘: ! Tsi ' , ....... . ---..— . nt . . , Li . , _. TUE/ .iften44 . o:iiir a • It ' ' t '' *4 AI:b. " '" " ' '-' ' . -. ,, - '4 , , i , -. ~- - ,': , 1 t.., .. “•,.. ~1 .1-11.1 Imo, , ',!,. .' , ~ , glUaliat i 'AM •Atiael.... JEVE/40.31 . 3.3eaug ~ Ca linriatgaCOin.llVP :: -- . ' - • . '- : . - , - .- ~- .. -- - 1 "'"'.• . - . :-, , 1 truttr4 . . ~. . , ~ ~. . f • , ~. , . :', 2 8(In Col cin _ ____ - •- ' • .11. t ~. •• - ~ ' 4 .41/., „.,,, .. •.''' ;!..Itt:,' , o ;•-/1 ,'''•!," , , -,4 , ~'-' r ' '' 1 . i • _ • , ... ' Quo Col. .v. , , , ~ . , of _ In Vlll4. NV . ~.--, .... ... .. : . „ :WELLSBORO'''',LPA; , : - ' - i DEC - E . lit . tll,--23 , 1868 - .:- . . - . , , .. . , .. ---, ' i . . . . . , , .NO 51'..' ' CITY ROOK 13INDERY BLINK BOOK. (SIGN OF TILE BOOK, 2D FLOOR,) OUR: ! WC OTTO GOOD es .rn BEST, Cii.s.sP,4l.lllE CHEAPEST. J. B. N/L213 Of every description, In all styles of Binding, and us low, for quality of Stook, as any Binileu in tho State. Volumes of every desoripti?i, Bound in tho, best•tnannor and iti, 4 ,atifityfe - Oy- ALL KINDS OF GILT WORK . Executed lu the beat manner. Old Books re bound ondmode good as new.' Elk k a; lanna • COMPLETE YOUR BETS: ' I nal prepared to furnish back numbers . of all Reviews or Magazines 'published in tbe'United States or Great Britain, at a low price. BLANK BOOK & OTHER ~ PAPEA, , Of all sit ea , and 'qualities; on Wand; ruled or plain. BILL HEAD PAPER, Of any quality or size, on band acid cut up ready for printing. 'Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD BOARD of all oolors and quality, in boards or cut to any size. Cap, Letter, 'Tote Paper, 'Envelopes, Pns, Pencils, &c. I am aole_agent for- Prof, SHEPARD'S NONCORROSIVE STEE,L. PENS, us. ventooe SIZES, FOR LADIES A=ID 0 EMI.= Which I WI! warrant equal to (old Pone. The best in use and no mistake, . •The'alaovo stock I will gall at the Lowest Bates, at all tines, at a small advance on New York prices, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All woric.andrstock warrantcdrtp repreaMtied-r . • I relpieifully solidit a share of puhlie platen. age. Orders by mail promptly attended to.— Address, LOUIS KIES, Advertiser Building, Elmira, N. Y. Sept. 28, 1867.—1 y - UNION iIIOTEL MINER WATKINS, PROPRIETOR. HAVING fitted up ii'oew hotel building on the site of the old Union lintel, lately destroyed by fire, I tun now reedy, to revolve and entertain , igneste.• The Union Hotel 'too intended , fox a Temperance House, and the Prekitietor believes It can be sustained without grog. An attentive hostler 1 n attendance. Wellsboro, Juno 20,1807. • ,Tourz-zritire, TAILOIi Ai b; has opened a shop on Crafton street, roar of Sears es Derby's phoe shop, where ho is prepared to Manufacture gar ments to order iu tbo. most substantial wanner, and with dispatch. — Particular — attention paid to Cutting and Fitting. • March 244,15,08.-Iy.:: On strictly Teri . iperance principles, Morris Run, Pa. R. C. BAILEY, Proprietor. Horses and Carriages to let.—March 8, 1888.—Iy. E„, dROOERV AND RESTAURANT, Ono door aboye.the'Meat Market,., • AVELLSBORO,- PENN , ,* - RESPECTPULLY- announces to the trading publio that he has a desirable stock of Oro oortes,:comprialig, Teas,'Cotioes, Spices, Sugar. Molasses, Syrups, and all, that constitutes a,llc.t. 'class stook. Oysters in every style at "all Sea, sonable hours. Wellsboro, Jun. - 2' 1567-4f.':- Groat Excltem impeached, arid Effir bree's /Moots and shoes triumphant! "be filgaCrib , +‘ would say to the people. of Westfield and vicinity that be is Manufacturing a Patent Boot which he believes ti. possess the following advantage over all others; there is nO crimping; 2d. no wrinkling, save as the break,' to the fe'et- bd,; no ripping, short, they,ate Just; thd for everybody. damplcs on hand and-!order; toUeited; Sole right of. Westfield township and Bore secured,; Re hies alsoinst received a splendid , set of eidraorisk patterns, latest atyJes. Coma' ens. coma An' ' '. Na are bound toeell cheap for cash or ready pay., Shop". one dtair south of Sanders &-i..'dieg - tore. WeSttleidlioro', fisb.lB 18C8. J. R. VAIMEE. C. H. GOLDSMITH, Proprietor.—Having less ed this popuhirliotel, the prnprietor=ieSpeet fully solicits sTeir &hate of patronage. „"EVCi) attention given to guests. - The best hostler h, the county alwhys in attendance. - April 29, 1889.—1-y. - - TIOGA' GALLERY OF ART. . , I,yould respectfully inform the eitizens_at Ti ga'and vicinity, that I have bullt.it new in the,Bitrough of Tioga, and having Ist "goad PhOtogia . phic Artist in my employ, I am nuts prepared to furnish all kinds of Pictures liiiovy totbo - 'Photographic Art. Also hari-nOri io - y emrilo , a, number of first class Painters, -- .1 em preparedlto . 4nswer all calls for house, sigo";:ciii riago,Tornaasental and scenery painting.,,' dress A. B. MEADE'. May 8, /808--6 m. Tioga. • 1-t •-• Tan PLACE I TO BUY DRUGS. AT Alio LaWrineeville Drug Store; where yt;u will find every thing properly belonging to the prut , Tracle CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST, . .•• and of the best quality . for Cash. Alsu, Paiute. Oils,.Varnishes, Lamps; rantiy, Notions. Vhilin Strings, Fishing Tackle, Window Glass, ke, Cash paid for Flax Seed. .`C. P. LEDNAIUt Lawrenceville, 'May .8, 1867. 1 _ Glenls Rills Insurance Ocunpnny, (TEN'SPaLLS,_pi. Y. , Capital . ~ nd Surplus $373,637.66 FARM DISKS, only, taken, No'Premium Notes required. It is LIBERAL, Tit pay's drianigeB by- Light ningovlkethei• Fire ensues or not. It pays for lire stock killed by Lightning, in barns or in the field. • Its rates are lower than other Companies t. equal responsibility. I. C. PRICE, Agent, Farmington Contra, Tioga Co- 1?,.!t- Map 29, 189.7-Iyls. - =I I)EALEIVI HARDWARE, IRON, ;STOVES, TIN-WARE, BaTINGCUILFRY 9 • 4 LuttICUL,TURAI.. Carrisi6' N.,Y., Jan. 2,1567.—1 y HAt9ESS: ,RLLEY;`- - 'BOUT ANb SHOE' MAIURS,' Over d ran Vo/kenbaree' it, ih tote iou hi lately occupied - by P.nj. S'ee/,y„ • ‘. • lIDOTS AND SILGES of all kinds Ifiado : a °icier, and in.the liosl ulanner." REPAIRING of all kitids,dopo promptly aPd good, Give u a ollt, ' • ' • • JOHN • -' WPC MIRY. • ' ll'lleboro, Jan. 2, 1868 ly. .GEQ. ATTOitNE . 'e A.N.6 f)'IINSTELLo'II' AT LAW. Office with W. 11. Smith, Esq;,[ /Stile Street; opposite Union Block, Wellaboro, Pa, July lb, ,1808. EEO 8 Bald%tiin Stz,ctOt, BLANK BOOKS - STATIONERY, HAMILTON HOUSE, M3cacaisgy WEL LSBORO ,ELOTEL. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY WALIEEIt & LATHROP. WATER - HARNESSES, SADDLES, h: 1 -`i i ,„•. 4 ..1,,';.). ) C , , ' '' il::; • .., , INTRODUCEAD AMERICA FROM GERMANY, in z 8 3s. HO,OFLAND'S BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S ; GERMAN TONIC, ~SRIZENRED -ar Ac.-J49x4-02.4-i; PIIILADELPIIIA, PA. . The greatest haoomo remedies for Liver Complaint, - DYSPLVIZtrA;' - ' Nervous Debility, ovrt i tadg; Manses of the . Kidney!, DIMPTIOIO3 BEAT; and all Diseases• nrlaing from pi., ordered• Liver, Stoturlob r or 'X/ - 17**Z27 Tfill )3166)i. " . Read : the fonoioing symptoms, and if you find that your, eyetem,is affected by any of -them; you may rat assured that disease has commenced' its attack or+ the MAO impoitant organsief your k b4cly, and ;Sinless 'soon' checked by the use of powerful iirmtdiet, cptniseraUe I(fe, soon terminating in death, toßt_ba the rendt. Constipation Flatulence_ t inwarel Fulness Of .11100 a &L to the eadAciSitY Stomach, •Matisetti; Heart burn Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. • Sour Eructations. Sink- irig or Fiuttaringlat-theePit , ' , ' ot.the.Stomach, Swimming of the- Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing.' Fluttering at the Heart, • Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Heact Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yet lowness of tiae Skin and • - .! Eyes, Fain 'in the 'Side, Back, Chest, Lirabs. , ete., Slid.— • den Flushes of Heat Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. Ali these indicate disease of the Liver or Digestive Orgapt,eombtryei with imure :.- 15crotaith s German Bitters is entirely vegetable, and contains no liquor. I Is a compound of Fluid E xtracts. The Roots, Herbs, and Barks from which .these, extriteta t eye made are gathered in 'aerlitaity. Alk the medicinal virtue s'cire !extra - bite:o, from them by a scientific chemist. These extracts are then forwarded to this country to be used expressly for the manufacture of these Bitters. There is no alcoholic substance of any hind Used ~171, , cam.p9anding,;tlaa t isitterS hence Itfa the only Bitters. that can be used In cities where filboliolic st lin. Wants are not advisable. fociflanb's ecrman Gallic is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitten, with PURE Santa enti Rum; - Oranci, etc. It is used for the same diseases as the Bitters, so cases where some pure alcoholic stimulus is required. You will bear in mind that these remedies are entirely different from any others advertised for the cure of the diseases named, these being scientftla preparati.me of suedioinol extradtc - whibS.the‘otheirs eve mere decoelidne arrant in some farm. Tlee,TQNIOlv desideetty ons of the post pleasant and• agreeable• remedies es Ore - red to the public. its taste is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take it, while its l(fe-givitly, exhilarating, and medicinui qualities hare caused it to be known as the greatest of Thousands of cases, svhen the pa tient suppospdfie :was atilitifed this terrible disease, have been cured by the use of these remedies. Extreme emaciation, debility, and cough are the usual attendants upon severe cases, of dyspepsia Tor; distutseoc .I)l}e' digestlir,S}7.l/rgalts, • WlNionAn ,tittieit) genuine Cans until hut, these remedies will be found of tile greatest benefit, strengthening tintkinvigoratisig. DEBILITY, Thsrc to no medicine equal to liboilaturs German Bitters or Tunic in cases of Debitity. They impart a tone and rigor to the whole system, strengthen the ap caase an enjoyment of ithe food, 'iambic the .I(nrallter it,tgaV(l,Y t l 4 1 4 6 4 4 4.1* . a P l * - 4 . squAdj comideceicm,seradictitc?the tinge' %from the eye, impart a bloom to the cheek., and change ,the imaml from a short-breathod, ensaciaird,- weak, !and m.renus inchlid, in a ftlitfarcy, stout, and myor our ptY.SNI. Weak and Delicate Children tire mode strong by tieing the Bitters or Tonic. In fact, they are Fainal/y Medicines. They can be edrainietered wit h perfect sorety xo,n .child .t.ixrce • 1 looslfl4odi Ahoidoet dOi t tot;p;goltitt 4 or o MEW. ninetir. . • z • J• • nese Remedies are the beet 131ood P'urll3.ors ever known, and will curc all disease resulting from , bad blood. j rcerp your Wood pure; icsep,your Zi&er'4:ii;order; I.'s .p ?your digestive . organs in a sound, healthy condi (inn, by Me ere of these remedies, and no disease will - seer assail you. ezzm emzv:rLraioN. Ladies who wish n fair skin null good complexion, free ,fr ern is yellowet,.,. lsh IMO RSId 41k/0110 ilittigaleitilinit,LlA rimedies occasion.. ally. The Liver in perfect order, and the blood pure, will result in spark. Bug eyes and blooming cheeks. C .1 2 k u .r)c Qtrrean ;lienucties one :bisoiteifeiled. The pennine hare the strait:ire of C. .7Er.. Jackson . on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and (he name of the snide blown in each bottle. Warr ' arc coitnecrfcit. • _ Thortmod4 ikill4tfirli7lirkyie 1600 c-re.. e e iv ed, t mittitylaigto the vlrttais oftlies • remedies. DEAD THE REGODIMENDATIONS, FROU RON. OEO. W. WOODWARD, Chief Justice or Vie 'Peutityltrafils PIIILAIDELYMA, aIAECII 16th,1130.7. /find "ifoofland's German Bittcrs" is not an intaxr foaling beverage, Ina is a good tonic, useful in disor ders of the digestive organs, and of great bemire _fit omits of debility and want of nervous actfren in the ;system. rain's play, t CEO.' IP. -iVOODSVARD. - ' cr2t6:1121667; .713 - 11 7 '.9 111.0aIP3ON, Jildge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Piraminne, APitu:Sth;lli6fo I consider 6 $ Hoollantrai German Bit. tern , ' a valuable medicine. In ease of .at.. tacks o.S.lndi estiott Lar Dyspepsia." I can certify this from ray. experience of it. Iroisre, with respect, , frpopirsorg. • From IL Y. JO9FaPII Tf. KENNARD, 'fit.; t Pastor of Tatit Britalsti DR. JACESON-..D.W011R . : 1 -Thcfrebern)irno 1 , 6.• quested to ccnanect my name with. recommen ations • iNfrsept , Lincfs opmedirfaes; but regarding the Practibi • as Cal a tnty apprepri.a4,sp?icre l JAW* taiSfldaties '7 • cltnid; Dttt wit4i: clear pto.qt" in parlop, ing4incs.6 and ,• Du•44e2;rl{srntntt i,slagatiayllsortirna,te: usual course, rtctsacpress ? lity fiat bzicifctlay Mae far generet 6bil}ty.ofthentave, Butt especiallyfor Liver Coraplant; MR a: safe eud yet ueble,. prepavetion. some 'eitesql*Ofifiaut tut:Wily, %doubt not, it wi ll be very thr4:04.1.22 ter MOW idho itufit-r from tied atom. rause:. 7.112 , k'r5, very respectfully, J. 11. KENNA RD, Eighth, below Omits St. Price of the Bitters, 81.00 per bottle t Or, a half dozsia for $5.00. Price of theC.Tenic;? sl.slYper 4 bottlei or, a half dozen for 87.60. Tie Tonto is put s up in juatt ' 1 . Recollect that it is Dr: iroolianera German Remediis that 'are souniversapy aseckamel so high,Zy reconyneur.; ed; ancrdo.not' am" ehd - .PmE(444.0 iitcfpce you 10 take any'lhAY'itorthathe ma2i . sayMtfisit its good, s4loe he makes a larger profit on it. These 7?emeeties 7 kottl be sent by express to any loctigv upop, to the P 4 144411 4Ji4tcEi? AT crilE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Yo. - b4l.,4nazr'srniir, rleior. ronnerly C. & CO. Than) •Roinedles are , • ior • ' sale by Dramas tip,. oralcaapersi and •r Ma/U. • alai. Dealers everywhere. j• Do not forget to examine wen thp article you outer toga genuine. —•- ' E MIMI The above te'r atilB;l27l;irtigitiite,). :Sterekeepetw o . and Medicine Skiers; eVerYviliiiii throughout the United Statee, Oanadae, South illintaltme and the West Indies...4Am 11,'&947, ' w ..~,~.i ;;t _. .;~,d;k~".ir~cia`r' , l;ti.r~.,i~_.t: , ~- 'ae~.-.~r, s .~.i :~ aftit`~ CONSUMPTION. 'lt; ao ' lir OE2 ; , . Matto' Omer. KIND SMILIES FOR ALL, Tho sunshine beams on all alike, On rioh and poor the flUtoo, No'er heeding once the dress or look,— Tho station or the name; Then why not we with equal love Look kindly upon all? 1 ; , p;il4lot of paldoeatall: Cno.—Rind smiles, kind smiles, For cot or hall, Have pleasant words for every one, And kind smiles for all. Oh I' it would lighten many hearts, And ease them of their load, And it would gin for us new charms, Thus reaping what we sowed. . Then l et ugyeartigigd;Temileis for: aIW . 'For, riekund poorithe - same;. -Anti t,bey,,• gatraoli vs:at last , • ,A.Me q elp g pn our n4me.. - ;( 1. kind smiles,4.o. Our lives are bettor for the torn We give each other here, And smiles are easy to bestow— They do not cost us dear; And pleasant words and kindly deeds Are always well bestowed," And we shall reap an hundred-fold Per what Ito thus have sowed. • Otto.--Yes, kind smiles, &c. :, MYrilltAt . PUA : igettitifiC i', AT THE TOP OF A LONG CHIMNEY. A man will go blind, and Mad too, from fear ; I have seen it happen, and if you don't mind listening, will tell you the story. I was apprenticed to a builder when I left school, and soon got to liko the trade very much, espec ially, when 4 the - worli- - -WasL-perileuri;‘and gave : me rtlie'.9ttior lads in•daring:: Stlideil l :waoini nick-, name in those days, ,glYoo4artly,owitc:-. &minter' reflOtigjegii, Pot; „Ini!zi, out grown my proportions, and because they said I coilld crawl 'along a roof like my namesake. When I was about three and twenty I was working with the famous Mr. ~and went down to Swansea with his picked hands, to carry out a contract he had takeh in that town. While there, I fell in love with the prettiest girl I had seen hi Wales, and that is saying a good deal. For a time I fancied she liked me, and that Lwas getting ,on, very with ;fly' love-3144king, 14_uif:J t 30.0 ado:Ai& my inistake;for an old lover of hers joined our men, and Mary gave me the 'cold shoulder directly. You may believe that sweetheart of hers (who was called Ben Lloydd) and I were not the best of friends in the world; but i am not the sort of fellow to harboronalice, and when the biddings to the 'Wedding went. round, and I knew that nay chance was gone, I made the' best of it; I kept sore heart to myself, and determined to beat down jealousy, by being great chums with Ben. , 1 went to the wedding; •there. were not; many" da,fa d 4 tijot steal-ha I Fazifhou`tto by,lNT,Otditie,, which was - 44 -I btigi.e' - atO,:goay,Trind hornelikVitit;,YOu'd Mlitli;,ol;4ee. being t he" 'ix) dr of / ni,cle,t .a.#4,•lntlustry: IL„is .-"PPt4" 6 *....1i50 UktaLlw.a3l"l - to go, mitt lgok tit the happiness, anottiert man.. nits . done :von Pl,,tiLltlyOu kuntvAtio 'ptoverb 'says, "-What is one man's meat is another t man's poison ;” and kio it was I got to oslii upon Mary as a ,tiort of sister,. and lieu had no cause /or j4tlousy, although there Were plenty of evil Longues reito) to put him up Lu contract Was nearly up, When a llglitning-cooductur upuu one of tbe highest ehluiiieys ever at Lluilell3 - Bpring was to be put inlaid the owuei of the works (Meted our Waster a job. " just the sort of thing for (ou, pe- i to ti c pr, of p )1, touched my cap, and accepted it off hand, and then lieu stepped up and said he'd volunteer- to be the second man, two being required. " Al! right," said tlie master " you are,tlA steatliest-lieatied feltbxvs The ft e 0.); On ti;;IM d ey,e4 peirny of"it `i4„' be . tArfteit you. t „ Wi 'l. l 11 X 41 1 Y40k, t;i2o. work, but sa k e - ti L jo.tirit," uitim moruingiandget itdo is quletl , ' aiM . • Solt w4l§ tthas , lcionasi).totir obilv'e'iborzl4 , lugsiatter, - wo , foutdiord'Otilkitlibiitl..ian._- elly, and all readytt'Or IOW" ltitlift.t- The kite by which the line attached to the block was to he sent over the chimney, was flown, and did its work well; the rope which was -to ,haul l nEtlie„,pradle was ready,i fat* stepAng 036'11101d began the-aicent. 'There had been very few people about when we went.into the yard, but as we!got higher, I saw that the news had spread, and that the streets_ were. tilling;with:eight e Therfyff *iit,s.r,-W),§t4Lirkg;44,9l4,;!', I salq),"*!lvitig my dard'joay, they i n:.:449,,L9344e4 11,3.,V0Mft. down tli ,;••T': a °A I iPV 5T.9 1 , 1 •kek/ , .quietlP 'answered. Ben k ii!ppa lug in •iktatrange itone , liand• turning ;to 47 - eaw: thatn deadly pale, arid sat Iti• the (brittifii* of the cradle, huddled up together, with ;.his eyes fast shut. " You're not frightened, old chap ?II I asked. " What's thattp you?" A . ; i‘ ~..„. .1 i• i. - 1 " Oh,' rictlillfg' 4 , onlytieliffi dottin'g Up. pretty quickly, and you'd have a better, bead for work if you'd got grad ually used to the height," He said nothing and _hever moved. Then:looking. up, I-sawc" "Vterk,cloo, to tli& top--it . 4 .`eur4tircia ',. ci l u ffg,t), ( 4fie : wool'd =be tbefe,; : „yophtlW.C.,-„4 l 4o l ,:*ett r I Acrinctilik,witlCunabate4;s: sei3, ..,..k.1444,1 den' Chill' ran, thiAiigh. j my,j loW e a,rol sat.in'Y:ilesh creepingi ~..Wheynha4;..imlen tilch/ated: the' distauee, , anch , withi the ferce they were winding, at'tht* 'rope' ,in'Ust inevitably break when the cradle ,'cane in contact with the block. There ' . ‘ viite,,no time to attempt a signal, only _an !instant to point out the danger to Ben, and then to,get hold of the rope, and by going hand over lum.id,;•e§,ch the, copihg petorrimif crtitile fetinl4 in p.l l l, imm was riddeilrriost quiekeithati I can tell you; Ben following. The cra,slle,cap? . e.ph ; chert„,..;-_,A,T, ticipate 4 , - the:ropa - Vo . 4 . y(#jil,l34plyg' sou oii opcp . .* ti fie , tyinn 1)43,0A7 PfrOvh , the aitf, - and AnapPO4 . ,':.7.od3y , t ri ! ff4llt t ,,the, cradlCatid . there W#., yi,ett„ile;t; - nearly' IQ. feet.ta, the 'OA, w.ltb .npthlug :to:rest. Oh ',140t,,. ,a ..coping. , barely , . eighteen .I..tebe.i,-witle.t' , *.‘. „ , '.1,4Y, , f0 , .. , 1 , . , t) at. le -' 'Ben:shrieked out thatitie iwaa - o,"dead man, autteriech k` Tell, ur i iwheru'lleati kneel e r Harry 7 shtiu'r .;me , gwliZre:l, ;cat pray;to'Almight y G . ed • ;' f oil ciin-iP.....t O • tO - thsWay'?" '' ``• HtiAlhol," tetticl,'l.4onit-Ipaaheart;,God Can,`'hearybu.lll4, j aalkell sitting; as ku 4 siblli:;"4 l - 1 01 , 0;g1 1 4 , nyrto •;getclup,,- 4uPu ~t 9, af , moral': certaintS•.! ThitiX , :ofr 4 . N , :ra ry-,-runn f and' keep up." - : , I ' •,',i •sßui. belonly shopix-antliSAVllS'Caft: 'arid Morefgroutiiiig and ci , s , liig - tvolvi - 4 . - tre - witsqusr ; andl 6otiltUtige l '"fllUtir',ll, e did iitit'Calti tl 11 e'IM 'do 14 'q V, eibntitit4b ;' ,. ..', 3 " ~ "00 et hold litiiiii;i6o,#_>, - ,TAM,. ; t4iii4;i: .iit tpliti: evefsAik/V1,441,7.4, , . the. ,touqb. of'it ivb ld.glire lea,esnifsige