The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 27, 1868, Image 1
. . . . . .. „ • , _ itte - COP Ilitnii 40tiltor l 1e Publatiiool.ol•Wn6tesdaS? lOatiiiiiirlitlf i per year, invariably , in advance. ", • COBB „ VAti_r,EizEß.. ~ m ii ...aok)/ •1 , I t) , • A . :- Ili r 4 vArraar.riall.i -. , - _ • ..o,:r•vzerviaxstrita itelaws. vuLirrs, or 4utlos, OR yteubyeitit 84131134, r IS Inal4:llfle,lB ,sl ce„ A Square, 0,00 $2,00 $2,50 $5;00 12 Squares 2,00 .8,00 4,00 8,00 Milt ' 10,00 1.5,00/ 17,001 22,00 12118.00 04 00 BP,rf 400. Special NokieV:s 16 Pants 111F•lino; Editorial or Loaf 20 rents per line; - , BUS/NESS MREOTO4Y. w. D, TERI - Sit:l6 dt-C4)-4 VIIOLESALE DIWOOIBTB,- and - dealers in Wall Paper, K.oresene Vaelps, Window-Glass, Perfamoryi tt_S4 i j darning:lT:Y., Jai. 1, 11;88:—Ty. WILLIAM 11: ATTORNEY 'AND': : COUNSELOR' AT , .LAW, Insurance, fibuntiandlronsion AianeY; Main Sire d mrs s lk t i k uro . , 4TI/41;18e.?,. S. F. • e J. B. Nities. , ttuisom WTI 11:10S; ATTORNEYS .t p(iRiSghBRB ~AT,k i pcw7 (pre' door from Iligotinfii, on the Avenuo)-- Vitt attend to basineea entrusted 'to •thoir cari) ie the voodoo of Tloga and potter. • IVelleboro, Jan. 1, 1868. - • • 1 WEiTFIELD , Borough, lioga. ,Co.r Proprietor`. A new and - commodious }Aiding with all the modern' • improvements. Within ,eas,rdriv,es,of the hest huiting and fish, iog grounds In lifirtberti:PAnnls-. 00 9v574n,q°4 fureisbid. TeiMs niedeitite: ' " 4 " ' Feb-3;1868-1i. - Sbo'p diet door north okra. A. Seara's Shoo Shop. AD -Cutting, Vitting, and Repair= ing done promptly and ;wall. Wellabor,o;,.lfia., Jan. - 1; JOHN B. SHAILSIMEAIFLE, - ItAPERAND TAILOR, ?p i :over ,TAtm R. llowen i e; Store..','Avatink f .; Bitting, Ropeiririg : done promliftt!dd, 3tYI4. A . Wellsboro; Pa.;.Tarc.'l;lB6B:4l , , M. GABBETSON I - TTORNEY AND OGUNSELDR —LAW; Notary Pubito and - InsarantiO Agent., -Bloes bur, , oyerVeald.., • k—• , s i t oriNt Lt rTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Wollsboro, Tioga Co., Pa,' , Maim Agopt, Notary POliqi and ,Ineurancti gent. ilo of easione, Baek 'Pay ' As'Nntary • a lm a he takes aoknopliidgemonts l of fte t eds,, .inistere ookas dorqinini,iondr t 9 Ica testimony. ,Agr•Dfflidoiter Itoysa•Dingt3toio; 00111114, Agitator Offea.4:oot: 40.18611 . John W. Guernsey, = , ItORNEY AND SIOUNSBtOR AT LAW; dating roturaed to thia cotinty.with .view of making it his permanent' zesidenoe, solicits si Age of publics. ,patronage. 411 business-An ? , trusted to his cafe will _be' attendid 4ci,,totlt, promptness and fidelity. ',Officks - fid. donr, [tenth of E. 8. Ildres hotel. Tio - ki; Tioga ed., - sept.26.'Bl3.—tf. ZA AK WALTON 1 -1 11(0,VtiE; Gainos, Tioga- CoVniy; Pi: !RACE C. V ERNIILYEA, .tnotort. This is now hotel located within gutsy adobe's of the t,o,t fishing' an d,,litinting grouridd'in North (D. Pennsylvania.. No pains- will-be spared it the act:mm[4o4o°n otpleisenrp?eqicerrt add . travelingupentilio.e;, — pokteorititinz • EiTFIELD, TA.;- tIEORGE OL01313;-..PilitAri.t nr. A now IloteLoondooted,oratio!prinoiple tic°, end lot lfvo, for tho nooonitnodalloti of, -' CONEY a, cQuiienou AT. WV,: Laise. reacevillo, Toga Co.,,Pnk Bounty, Pension, and lusuratme Agent. ColltrAloni..prpmptly attended to. Office,2d door belort.Ford-Aoude. Doe. 12, 1887-1 y . R.. E. OfaIVEY , • • RALRR in CLOCKS ;TSW.RIiRi, SILVER ct PLATED WARE, Spectacles, Violin Strings, &e., Pe. rWatcltes and -Jpwr elry neatly repaired: "Rngritviiii Bond in Pain RNtlisli and Uerman. • Ilsept67-Iy. Thos. 13. Emden. u MINS k DRAPTSVA4I.O - iderrrza r iiitiit tiia room, - Townstozot Hotel, ~Vellsuoro, will ii,bet with prompt attontion. FARR'S 1-10TEL, - ; • lOU A, Pb o 0-0 .14 T :Y , , NI" ii•.‘id stabling, attaoliod, and : an attentive hoa— r always in attendance. .• N. B. FARR , Proprietor. Hairdressing . 4g6 oor' over Willcox & Barker's store, Wolle-_ • Pa. Particular ,ettentiou ; paid -tu cutting, 81.unpoOilak, 'Dieuag, ota, coils, and avriches on „band_and made to or- DORSEY-Is- , ---• • ,' 'JOHNSON': BACON, M. b., late et: i t4a 2d. Pa, Cavalr,y, , after. , nearly tour years o - army servide';•tvith a 1410 iienea in field and hospital practice, has °boned 'an' PI the practice of medicine and anivry,.in an niches. Parsone,from, a tiletaned :can 41114/geed biK at the Pennsylvania Hotel when (Aestrett..—. 'lli [thy part of the State iii = constiliationi‘orlto ..,u surgical operations. No. 4, Union Block, up Wellaboro. Pa.; May 2, 18116.—1y.i- PICTURE GALLERY.— _::. ke FRANK SP,'ENCEU the pineal.° to the c4liens, of ,Tioga sty that ho has completed his N'EIV PHOTOGRAPH GALLHRY, iher. h - and to take nil kinds of Sun Pictures, r, at A cnbroty posi Foryotypes, yigrOttos,Cartber the Surpriee•tind Enieks Picifiroiralso / dur attention paid to copying and enlarg— ,l tures. Instructions givon in the Art on ..0 Nu, toms. .gltaita St• Mansfield, °"-•3) • .. , • , • Wen. B. Synth, - 'MILLE, pa, . gention, 890ntY, 30 , 11 d Ju nruice Agent. Cip:oHaittniO3,tillei t el t-ent, tp the •I.; re address will ritc r eivh - 'prompt - attentiloit. "11l moderuto. - [jan 3, 18138-Iy] • S. CLAINI:AGEN CY, • For the Collection of : - • Army and Navy Mims and Pensions. nE NEW BOUNTY LA*. pasaeilJuly 23,1836,gives tiro and three years' soldiers 'extra bounty. Send , u l.,l l.sclaargeb,, ;• . ' OFFICERS'- EXTRA' •PA , Y. •*• • • t , Lluontbs' extra pay proper to volunteer officers ' C(1 . 0 in service Match 3,1863.... PENSIONS ICREAED • • 4;•.1to have lost a' hub an d' ho h ave been'peima; ~ z l.l totally diaablod. , ther Govern inen t claim, prosetuted. • • '.-e-I,,ro,Octobe, JERODI 13. .201,113.' r 10, 181364 f • ; , NORMAN STRAIT, - ;ENS tar the National Sories of Standard School a•oki; published by A. &Sarum, & Co.lll A 113 rm. corner of John Street., N. Y., Xeiipeconetantly I,upply. All ordora .promptlk.llllo.l. . Call on or ,-• • " 'N. STRAIT.' 61 4, June 19, 1867-1. BLACKSMITH:In - . UR undersigtiski havtpg retired to • Welk. r" niid oparka his shop, on, Wat,r street,. .hero of patronage. Ile proposnOo do PORK YOB. RASO: $3,50 and oilier' work in* &olio-r -t. '?' 1 808.—t3m. 'J.. , W. lIITT4R. POTNELIVi . ; W TOUT—Agent for all the tbes rtrit RIVE WATER WIIRRIS. A litfi tea tlt'i Oscillating 31ovemeni for pang and 'O. Pa., Aug. 7, 1887 ti - ' lionnt , . ang PeneioDiAgency.,. ! regard to' l artlieunty alto by Hit act - approved and Laving on and a laiqb s'apply.ot um prop, red to . prosecute RH pen - NI ciatme triay- Liu to lir tor , "Pl!liviug at a illidauco can cointnunicale apilrl.4,4ieunr. d and tbel comannicatle7fir bO., 14 . 11.4 1 11 1 4 : il l • 8 1 4, 7 7 q: : : 0, t0ber24,1808. _ _ C. L. • • WILCOX, tY . on,q. Ds of all rbi r , /.4 r,14.4 . 0 +,,t; -- Our st,f,in.itinPfit is 11..41, Ly. Stare in Union PI" 4 O'Ule 4412‘.-7may 20 10,087-IY. ' • • MEE En 1, / ? MEE E l • i ~. aZZI Miff i $l,OO $12,00 12,00 -• 18,00 30,89 50,90 , 9140. 1- i : '47 7 . 't.,..,. ! 41,6 BL ~. os B O OK ~5 , - , ,:.:.., . BL ' YONUF , P)lft i w:4:l3Thiamifiooilii .‘,l:l * Trnellii4 tai.l3 - •210 1 .OAWItANt.-X2."'': •'..-';4'-:-.:: 1 - ?•". ' i ; citritt: 314 - om.tio Aoon A 4 44 . 11g5r;"9,4144; es 71IE ,:'• ,* ; 1 • • •‘• ~ • , 'l: , ,c• - • - t..•,•. - • • qANIC B 0.01 c, _Or 404 - ascription, in. all - st Ariel and as Initiltpr'qaatity of Stook, as s• in tho rSititsi. .:.`;'Voltinies of ' every' Bound 92th . # hest Tanner, and in al dared. -;_ -... , - A, U:it risIDS OF 'GILT -11 , —.,. .... tiltide4ttillAn'itio,belit. manner., 0•1 bound zincilkindti,goodas new. Sa4V,Cit i f Zj'n Mal ' i ' fF,LETE YOUR BET ) ' - i'miA reintrest,to furnisb back nu • RiSilair or Alairiiinaz published in -Stittesa tit#atAtritain„. atm low prio -;.I4•ANe, 00 . 13, -&-; OTHER : Of nikaifn 14,quaillies, on band, r ~ till LL HEAD PAPE OF anyugit& or size, on hand and for prin in : vi A150,...-BILT, PAPER, c i BOAR fl 0(1..,,ait noloifi ; ...ancluality, out to a y ti*e:: i -. . • - ~---; ,-; ~ i v . 4 ST/irtbisEit.t . - ,oE.t,p.;:, _ ettet,. lilote...Piipoi:, I ,:, : i Pefisi-,PttpOila; iker '•'!• ' j ,-I a rili;en"ia nitinflOi : , Prof. SI4EPARD'S4iON:OOI4LOSI ' u e .- PRNS,on zeugma sizys,,Ton _ • 4 ' AND OEtiTLEII EN, - ... Which' Pwill-warrrint 6quin 6 ASMA 1113ii l ill/ 11913 and no mistake. IME The alley° stioskfT will sell et the L. at an tinfoil, at a small advance uh ,prices t ,a i td inQaplirEep tvk still pure reti athiirivrarynlice4 l l4aoprece I respieteuily solicit a share of pu ageo - Orders lip mail promptly ad 1' Address, LOUIS K Advertiser B Sept. 18, 18117.—1 y. —ll-in ' i SOHN SUHIt, AITOTILD aisnot tf i,k4o tOteittlipt wrr ro c and s tilAhrtalneaup try, op,en v d shop on the corner of Wete i ton`st r pet.4, for:tiposo of manuf IitI , IIRITII AND TURNIP to order. QOFF,ISS pt'all-.kinde short node s !, 11).UkOkliton g tpfo ..‘ . , ranted. Wellsboro, June • l, - - UNION 19CEL. 1114_ MIN *AT4I .11 -- AVatiti fitted up a new hotel buildin oti4 old Union Hotel, latoly &Art: 4 mallow, ready to receive and ontertalik ~Upioni-novel was,: intended Id? Veintkl and the Prdpriotor believes it can be anal gro Attentive hostler in attendance, !Wtllsbbr,P, June 26,1867. ME .1•=•••••• , ==.7 " JOHN TAILOR ;AND CUTTER, has opo :oi;C * Otfton street, rear of Soars D' P,'nhero he is prepared to ennui tits td ore in:th&mosifintistottil rind 'with 'dispatch. Particular utt tOCniiing and Fitting. March 2tl„ tHAKI,LTON lIUUsE I On strictly Temperance priaCipTilar;M Pa. BAILEY, Proprietor. Carringip to let.—Mato__LlLlßAß-1 . . . _ GROCE R.- - .Klll_l3A4 AND , ,RE'Fillit 0e!door above the Bleat la NV 'B r ij S B R ° o , P 11 - 1 ESPH I CTFULLY announce ,to Ja ) publib that biltiaitaitlisira 14 se °cries, coniprisingi VeltioNpircea,l44 golagsee,,gyrups, and all that annatiti chyle stock{ Oyatefs in every style sonablti,houra. - • ••, Welloboio,Jau. 2; , -"- .33*ii ¢sPo 03313.c:peqs. flieat Excitement) , Atiri Job IMPetteltesli Es l ' We's itooot* and Shntititibinhtt - rhO entities r her; Wbuld say tgtbe people of Westfield nod vicinity thut hole Ranutonturing it Potent Boot which he believes to possee' fho trollowing advantage over all others; I st, tberrebtaibir4tuping; 2d, no wri sinew; they break to.tbelfeet; pd, no ripping. ~ l ii.qthortr i dttny nroljust the thing Tot everybody. temples on band cud orders solidited. Ole - eight of Westfield township and Boro' , teenred: 7f¢¢ lute alto just received tt splendid set of .bubnortti valet us, latest. styles. Corns one, tome sill We A boil it'd to se CAPII 9 17 11' n 4 '. e one dour south nti.ko I nil otoksp...trn # wes t nod 5 tiOt a. K. NIBBLE. WELLSBORO HOTEL C. IL GOIiDSMITII, Proprietor.—Having leas ed this popular the propriotOr4estieet:• fully solitite a fair share of patronage. Every attantion,given, to guests. The hest hostler in th'e•coniiiy always in attendance. April p , X8 6'..-ly..i TIOCIA , GALIMAY : W i IiIia;'''.I'! / w ., ;..t,i,/....;:1J i • ,ift ' Would ri3spoetfully inform the citizens of Ti age and vicinity, that I have built a new PEIOTOGRAPII GALLEIi.X • • • . In the Botough of Tiogn, and baring a good Phoiogralible Artist in my employ, I am noir prpplired,p'furnish all kinds of Pictures Isiiewp tl the Photographic employ a number of first class Painters, .1 am ,prepared to iinsiver all calls for house, sign, car riage, ornamental and scenery painting. Ad. dress ; '• ;A; IL May 6, - 1868—e+m. Tioga, Pa. • _ • THE PLACE'-TO' BUY DRUGS. AT the Lawrenceville Drug 'Stbro, where you will And every thing properly, lnilonilog,tb the DrtOrade EAI),! ,CHEAPER,, , :CHEAPEST, - .1 - s • • • .•, ,, ct ,•••• and `of the' beet:, quality foriCaah. .; Alai) .Pal n ts, 4:1113, Tare : tithes, ,Latcps, dila nay -:Notiona. Stringc . Flabing l Tnekle o Nindow SWAIN Oce; -4 ytlaah , paid for Flax Seed. ; s,‘ • ,s,s‘i 1 . 0.1:1 3 .11,BONA1tD. Lawrenceville, !Slay 8,1867. • Glen's Falls-,iitiliaildfilOgidianYe GLEN'S FALLS, N. Y. Capitol :and Surplus $371,63.66. , , ; ; i ; -4 ?; , PARK Mitt,' OnlY, Premium Notes required. It, is LIBERAL. It pays damages by.. Light ning, Whether Fire ensues or not. It pays for :live stock killed by lightning, in barns or in the field. „ / ---lis-rates are , lower than other Companies of, ;, - t:AutLl.rospo t nejibilitS , . 19 . 1,1M,Aga Veg y,* Farmington Centre, a Co. P. . May 28 , 047-lya . . ''WALKER LATSROP.' ARDW A N,I Ell,^ *Jilts; STOVES, TIN-WARE,,? BBLTING I 4 ,SICHIS i 'CUTLERY -I -WATER LIME, ISITTipMMTsi - . ,Cartago find lia , rzyri, HAILNESSE§,S24I,FatE„q? •45- ~= • :./6 ' irning, 4nn. efttaios Qii! -I)RA M.,' ob4rn 4"'B. Ye,llativroaano',6,,lB6.7;.(: . . . • (3.A LVND Marine 7 Eli d Charch 1.1, Clocks , at ttlool.0) • FOpEVE3. MAI , , ‘ ,_:,_:.: . •,.-- -;:-• :: • • , '2,, - - ‘, 1 , - ' , ~ - ' z . "- .' • •`-'" :- `-' '--' ' - ' ":!..'''!"::.' : ;' 4 ' s ,'':''''),-• --- - - :-Z'',"' - ';.),‘",':.' - ;'..."'. . ) - - . l "‘'`' l's. , _l - ,:'': -‘ .• _ . V .. lg : ..,,'' • Sr i ii , ` ,44,;!. 4:3 4 , ~, 1 . , 'l'., ....- •," . .',.::: • `-',•:* , ,: ..-, - , , . 14. k. 1; :, - ~,P 4. - : ...k`t t OtORI7 - 00% ' ligki,m4 if,,,,W- S: AN o till n f:131 h d y 'sty] - i i Olili t ll . j Idd Itoi;jpti jN z, beirs or = 1 WO Uni , UM APER, led or plain, „,,.... a 4 it g ut up re end, CA ' 1:i bAnrds j 17-:. " ,e'''' v - clope% • VE STEFiIe _ tie ~ ~' Th`a west Rates New York scr" dit " lie juitron. 'tided to.— lES, ilding, MEE I opiraisto at be has and grid cturine all 11E,, ;nom DONE 11. ndiinnll. 127, 1868. a -,a a lETOR. I L on the site yed by tiro, . upats., Tha ance trodait; ;finede without shop I illy's shoe ,acpyle gar-, iilanafinier,f_ ntiou paid I 1868-ly orsea and Ma RAini 6-, he tradiug e)tbf 'till: des, . , • Sugars, tes a first t Mir. 11111N1 BE I= ti 4 1 1 44I:rRODIJc.ED 'INTO AiyiERIPA i 5.. 4 ..---,,A?t ~: ,6 FROI4k - GERMAT'F' in *if s 't'.- 4 , , • , , • • 4 FtAtiir,CAOMANs ItlTTEllt= -4- to - 4 '• GERMAN TONIC, FLAND'S EPAOED; ri j itati s i rn i t i TAT , 1 ; . f. ,, . • 1,3 a 0 • r,COMPlaint) - , t. ,Y t . . .. -, i..,,TiAerfcit4 3 lay, ::1;144., - - .. • Y ICE, , 1 ligisease47of OA I.l*.yi .- ' 1 '.' ER DY II S P P TI E O P I B 4:i ' Ite. SKIN, '. . ..„,:' a al tall Diseases arising ; from a Obi. • lerii4k l 4.l2fire StoraacitiporOvU.o44 'l4?'.ir. liir_ra r.e rrr or frifn AzoQ.D. -•• : • '-`,. e 4 the following symptoms, and if 'You' find that' 4 yq. system is frifeeted by any_qf them, you may, rest 7 4 ;; a rCa (kg gueicsejtay copipeS qtr itsaitatlefot Veil , in 1 impoitant organs of you); body, and unless goon - eAMleed by the Use of powerfid remedies, a miserable - /A, so In terininatingin death,lqiit be thCrestat, te, -- 0 • .t••: : .•. , , i ~. I ConaApation. FlatUlenee , Inward Piles, • Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity Viol' the, Stoxnaeli,,".Nause_ l a Heart - hurtdDieguist forrdhd,Fulness 1 or Weight in the iitomreala - , ,• . . 4 .„9,. c: I. „Seur.,Bructations. Sink- 4 '. i ing or Fluttering at the Pit f thelt4l4)knoUt4iwitmiiittiv oft 011 7 ' a Head, 'Hurried pr Difficult Chingi, Pluttering.ot :the' EfoOr t o rifiler iduffc9lVtingBtansations W 0 eVgP°Bt)I"4DAtP°AfiPCV/ilOll,, 1 4t " r lIVIeI,IB-bialbr - the. ti.Jgh , ~,-.„., Dull - Paitiiiti !ttici•lfe"" - Be - 4 ' . '.. i °few*. of Perspiration; Itel- • ''','° 04n:toss of:the .BkirLand , 2 •;•••,1. - 0, , ,... ~ - ' Eirb-kap-,4Pgttte.Sttitzt-i.,:tt i , iti; Bite , hes , Lire s, etc., eludr. l i, - t t I , , deti Flushes of Heat, ButlilitigA t ti..l ",'' Pali irlosh, Constant Diffigininfeif ion'` .91 /. puti...qCqu,t, , iitOrxrqs.f.dcglapkits,s l., 11111 4..gircqr!‘".C4410:pilfigOlgejligatlett ; f ~• oz, , , , , ,, Affro..7 f lrtiiiil9-ir11* , #,... ~,i,,,, —•,, , -,• ''' — r^ st -./ - • ' , • - I 14' 4 1:1 1 ,0f1(1111) 1 43 .• eibtrittnivaittere i . -,. is entiielY vegetable, and contalite4t, ."' ' lique.l- It is a conipound•of Fluid-Ex..-- ' tract .1 The Roots, Herbs, and Marks ' from . which the*eiextraetC.Vire iiiadc y ore athered in Germany. All the 4/... meal. y or iiikeekvirfaaceifewisiektracied.frofis - .l`.' them hy a scientific klicolisti,-;aliese :-,, ie it . oxtr are tl - .4ent foria le rdeil l to,tir „ Iti,, cotm ~ id' hie' lisiiit'eit re' ili d, 'l. e . 1 man ' eialuile tof - ttiese. it'iks.'. - Tlii e " .1144 7 / it/cab:6lW iiihlistince of :6en,y *Mod '!,9 '' 'lt tiavelli,n.litliltal_Og.-Ahfifi Ditteroio. ' i 'll 6. 1 . , , -fa: °P I AILIIIIPAT) tax : ti r" , - 2 be usedlitte i - Where, co, it f p s m... talents Itreikatiad'ASsitile: ', ~,, 4 ''' ''' 1 . <IA. :a f ,41.-1,,,,,t ~. I .f. , : 4:,-1:::1':‘1, i , I,Vii I: a A 14(yonanb's iSermattagemir, iwt f.;i: 4 ila euittoSAit 41i Vile: iti<edieittilpth4':lllll,44;" with t Will Santa CV= Rum,' 49 :.‘aUgel'ete: 01* ludilibe•l'l the seste t dieeetiesiat p* Ritter; in •eases taberenflO'H pure ("WOW stimulus i srequired. You wi/tbear in mind Mit their remedies are' ent irely Main - tut from any others advertised for ..,the 'cure Af' the -diseases named, t(iese being seientifiepreitiralions of medicinal extracu,lnthile the Om are ,nwe dec9ctiou, of Kim ; ; in someforia.. :The TOl`4o si is leciderlly, One, af,/e most, ~ pleasant: ancradregible. , Finiedfelierer •dArirl ktlie' , Mlle illi teatalilirisiti.3. Iris a ptiruniii. rah !I lt, wink .ltszlif&gitan •exlniarating, - .and.inectieinat i• quail I ies'h ayeputqleo,4:l9.l . o km anima e ; tit4•vre44ficrf..,l all tonicir ,i , i :.,:t , ': ~r. , , A ,,-,•,1 1 -.OOONSUMPTION. , I =:.6): ; 1, 4'1 Thoiiiiitifilil Of 'ectil'eii; ,Wifelt - tiiii)'flik::'•: : ' dent supple's:se& Jiiewas /afflicted with this terrible disciesei-liaveitbecit cared - i" I by thelfise of these remedies... Extreme _ . Pllllat I tiiiiiii,'lreblitty, and cough are ' i Ith 4 l6.ofmal , ..ALittiVg# 6 4 l olll. l a 3 , l l;Kgvereli N cases of d.pigspityla forguittelniefliat floe - a. digestive - organs. Even in cases of I genuine Consumption, these remedies will b found of the - g.reat.eal. hintelit, ' ~ streng healing anti lirrigoirating. I ~-hoi,_,u . I .. I • „.... . i;,.._.,11_,..,_,.., DEB ' L ...... _ 2: „ si l , : Eni - r1 y e ts.ijsagiof . my imparra • Bill' P"ffri , ".ar In the iohole system, strengthen the-ap.' p tar, te.ffhle , an enj oyment of the food, enable the - {eln e at/ In iityistlit4 Pilitifit Ole,' -tlotdViveli, 4 •oeo,l:l -! 41-k u lthilijselilthlr tifoifilexidn, end rare the yellow tinge I fromilie 'rye, impart a bloom to thc-cheekt,and change the vatic nt frees a short-breathed, emacuiced, tv . g, and nervdus inrdtieksto i tatftrcietl,fiour, %ta l l') : outpersol. ir, t fAIAS (JV 3 CA, f A - I ' ' , • • # 1 f :, .1 a Bre Chok i ri ,}; WealaDEl , Deiic4 - ite„chiltiren i , n ittnaßtiVairwt - ity Or '1`46111t4 . . lts Inc!. iltry ale Jauntily Al cal it t.N. 'l' cy can lir lzall ant Hitt, Cytd 'tv II IN perfect !Wirt. Att, t e hi la .itti!rt,t. tl+4, old, the most ttellt•nic fentitle, oir voafiri of ninety - . -""il; %., , tite l rtiejiil t ; i i64it_l- •ti 431 _ 4" ,i•or(4lff kta K , o , FOP ii ) tiP 4 if Ian!: 0u1 . ..; 4+yr. giVP';; how' . 0,0; illyet . tliq 4 nrijthis ill Jealllqj t;otaii •tion, by Al. we o' ILesr, vpinedie4,cyq_ /U(. • Lnd"' Art 'AMP)) a [LAC SktMOI/ifla:% good c atop ,exColtp,OVN 41T.Pnlan , f,c,StqTrrxi talk tiogpoli Ot.dier`aii.figiaatervieste,, should ta Me \ fe d "Ili. •The.tdiveritelperfect ordtit, Alta n puirt, yrilk revolt 111 ling er. i . aria biooioing,cheetca, ~i; C 0),11011 " " : 117 1 . 141;!011fit mah tes are kepler ,; 1 7,1;;; ; ; i 'r 4, a 4 1, 6 : i h ri le i -i a g ti r tr op i - ft; (1 1 ;11 the 11,11111 fir/r liton;,) fit taqthottil., „et/lq{heq_ , are count.- r • • •• • Tliottsitudi celved t teo,/fylotig . totite:ylit,cia,tretliesso remedien.: • BEAD TIIE 12.E001,1MEND#16W. , „ ...; FllOl HON, G WOODlirAltio,- v Chief .lumida I,f li' fiutn:nne Cap 444 i.P.aosYlrili 11 . 1 a 4 ti. , I'im.%I.F.I.PIIIA, 31.incn 1.001;1k17;!,hi.! /find -i4ojiatat's Comm) Milos" , kirnoSlais iiitosLi`,/ leafing beverage, lad is a sornl ionic - a:ea in disca'::;'- ders flf (Ire 'digestive orgaliv. and of great benp'in i . .: • cited , qf de6ditg and want 'ft/ nervous action in Me. • ...„.., system. ! Yours tr4Lly, .. GED. I.V.•WfIO9D4VA RP, .''''' 1R431 110 N. :lAN Itlg ill . :0 - ioe6pl i ~, P'i'''''''' „ ; .,, f l jOg e or, the Slip' dnieC.ZlTlrt a' yepi1,83:111311y.1;„. 11 4 -.:': ...-- : f Pim IDELPHIA, A VlJl,..Atily /80.,,,, ; ,i . I costeHiet , :"ll.oollanillvsGerman 111 : 14 ! . tore” II site. 1 ;tablet turd 'clan Ins. cage of; alt.„ . -.. tfielicit, Air iind I pest Ina or •Dy - riphipolltii , 11:7, ' bait beatify t lika from My'oltmerleriEve.. fi 'Yotirs; Nvltllk.rospeoti - , I:te , .:•, , ,v,..3 JAMEI4, r4IIIIOI . IIIPSON. fi :••• Waitl EV:, JOSHI'II 11. IeENNAIIIS;I2I.D„ .' - , 4.,- ' ". ; Plaiisir "0' ;- the 'liiall Btlytist Cliarqh i'liil;t4otillifit: 1 • ~ • i VO.:Tas.IIBON-I)Esu S.nt :—I hare teen frfalffelzall re - .7 •. ' Questallb connect my mine with secommenaations.efi ,k difcsent kilicts of inedicincs,but regarding thepraiticS ; ,... ._ ... - i as ont-tif my;approprifite sphere, Ihare„ffs tat cans di . ainui ; Imi With a clear proof in varioriir fniMeis.tuid ;. -parrariy Olnyinei fahrily;of tile Weirdness of'fli: •!- Am. oa tict's German iiiassl..,lstiparklet , oncefreantnyto. ' salsa efittrsel to cupress my'flat, cogriiction that fur; general ileblllty of the systyra t ontl_Opectiallyforiolves:,., Complaint, it In a safo astlviattableinWesiiglin. ... to:7. some cases itiruly,fail ; but usually, ..fgi dotal sfol;itleViltt,' ' . ibe eery bent ial to those wise sufilrh Ws E isnit;one cause. - ' - ourz,rerf . re-firrqtaki-% . . . 4 .. 1 iiT;•l if. f ',. i. - . . J., if.,Xlf 11171 7 .414 D, •: 1 C - . . ' Xighth, belgultejl,BL.L. . , ---- Price of the Pit telie,titlkl6 -tibr bOtV4,I IO Or, a ha1:14. 02 94A 1 1- 5 • 00 .,r-e /4 ~. a ill:I Price_ 1 4- ille. 'X'PruCti•: 4 l4,ift9 , ll)eri bottle; ;1 ,1 ` ' 4 Dii. l iLlii 01 - 19Fchi.forEST,50. , 1'47 , : , •1 , ',roil -,, The Tonic le 10 . 4 4 , q,!1itit . I 'ft : 4)o filesi: ‘ ' '''' :"! -.1 ;,-: 1 :4' ,. '4 'l Recollect tit ' iris cbil.iitosijliiiitiii irietiittiti'lio . ?tetikt: ~ I t thas.are so a 'ftfriargi v itsted•cantiolifithrOiahrtrosszeke . 1 all and, do lo f :al " Vitfrips wgiti.fainclubelrOis to , a ;f lake anlifhin dm ifllvd Mlnall,NOCUUSilfdifted.bc.:.7 - 1 muse be foals alaraerpsolli a:ln il,.t..gbeir.o # 6 , 04 4 3 - • r tali be sent b etpiesi to fnlyrbeiltitb 1: 4 ,0i; agliqqirpn, c - ~;I.'O3I?.,INCIPAIIi- -,O FFIOEI , - -' ,.40-- ; AT THE ! ERMAN ,ItiEbiC NE STOR , tA.uair R,..T.4E.pz ,ridradetphia. B. M. P , l7A4yl3;Prop - rietoy - _QM. JAOKEIO Ilc o.'-' -- , -- . egtedies,eatil far..41141.e' :431Y, Storekeeperm,. - .ol , ;;Mcdh. :L ore everywhere., t to excuAatilefillie 6tictffou bug•in / 4 ; ignuine. _• ' ' • -, , ijr.‘ , , •,,,... lai•!,.. .No 6311 CH . ' 1 Tel • Whose cDritiggist ' eine Deal • •Do not for% order ,. to get t - • ONE " 1: ; r::•• •.414- — 1 .; • „.. • • ,„ei• , ,fe --- ' 4 . , ...,..„ / ',,,,.. (4; •.‘il• lii iv:ti, i.: Ainerioa;iiiitt ..crovilus - aralor salt) Isy briliggistit; - nd Medichnitleallits, , Obfywhere p liolled , Chtiadzis,',Botit4" lie WeBtiikslie4.i-Mor;ilJA ~"'' ..~~r - -b 1 . . . ... —........................, • - y:„r-:• -, ,,' - ::-.,,: ~...,, ~,,,,,,,,.,„ ~..;:-4,,,,,...,4,....:, ---.77- , -.1--: ~ t.,„:?..,-,;:.:, ? _4,-', -- 272 1-' , . I "': 7 ' - :'.:-',-.:',-%..,,-- , 44*-44*.4°""-t l - ''"'‘.4 , -' . % , 4- ! 4 -) - -;*, 1, `;‘'N ,, ,.!Pt"....1 -:.';'-t---` ` ~---„.:•-,- • ' , - .:: • ~ . ...- 1 --, ,. .,:'''-1-..:. . . - '----. ..., -----, - - 4-- , ± ,--f7.,-. ~::,1,,,;,',y',";.,:::'4,triti.,.-:',7f,-,,:yl'f;:ty'',z,z:-47Vmv?17-crz7; n:;-=;—:,'1-- :,,- , „"•:' , :‘_,T,,,.,,'2 . 1. ,, f 7 2. 1 • - !,;-(-i,.. § , ; ,,-,i=' ; inki? , ,.. -- ,VP5s _ ,-_,-,':;-- c, •;: , , ,,, .1 , . ci , : 0.:.„„..,,,f..- .:...,„„..,--,' --, - ,m b .r.4 144 ,t1:341 014,*•-,•1z.1;? , v' -- V. ti:Cti!El-- - i ....' ',' ,-. * .-' ,4 '-'44 1, ,, &•--.41*-.-' t., '" -, ` - L , -','• ---7-- ‹ '--,'„ '.- ; ',- ' * ',' ~, ,- :‘ I , ,• , i,,,,v„ , .,.. , }„_ ~, tjk4a,,,14.0,1.11,':.- , ,,n,f-1 , ::,4-ti i', 41 : .t..'lt,i-ip-7, - r"- -/ xis 1443144*:,-., %......,- - 4, ~, -..1:4, , ` -,-',... ,--".,•":,'''" -I*-k',.."','4!:.- 4-'-' .- "•' - :-;: - .is . ' Pik ' ',-, .: 4'' -, To 'a: :,....- .>'''-' i1i1../ ',-.' l '' , .-':''' t , - , - E,,-..,...,.•-t.3t 44- 41 . •.4 . " , ' 47, -,,,,ii,,„.---.-,,, ;--: ~. ' -- '4.i)-' ~,,,- , ~-. 4;t H, i;44 4.. 1,4; •:;/ p ,0 0 ifeid 71aiut - 1 -1 (1141.,fixtg4iff-14,1 4‘1.. !,: ;‘'' 2 ,Xf*!':.i 3 0' , !,.:'1 1 - tt' l,:- , 4' ..,„ --- 7-N - , .- -1- '::-`,-:.:' -,, -'; !',--",- ' ' l -' , :• ; ',..',4 4 t' l l'':- • I _, ~ -: ,-.•_-,:, ! -,-- - 1,1,-, - .' f ': . . „ '.. ‘;.,‘•• ' ''''\ ,-;,,tp 4 -fl, ,' ~'.i/s4L-1::',. 1 ' i• DO ~'- \ - -') ..‘‘ ;i ..''.,''' ' ''''* f,• ,4” ..-. 4 : - ""*— A:Li:l'4 - 74-.44, - ,-- ''' I ,--,', j 1 ,:, • ;(,',-; y t- , , , ,,'- • : : 414 1:,..-.. , ,',1 0 4 4, : -,f, - s',, , , 1,, • . . . , , ,- - , •-- I , 44 . , ~L . ......„, , . 1 1 :.,, ,I .. % - 'l. , 4- , r I ,!,,, , ,----,, -, ~,_. ii .:,- ivf ,,,i..„-_,,, , ,,.., . .„.•• :-• , , ,;', ~, , 1 , . ,•,-..,..„: --„,.., • , !, - ,•3. ~.1 1...) i . 2,_ .. , 1:_ , ,,„.,,,.,,.„..,,--_,--7--,..!, /. L._ k•, , !, ~ „„ , ,L ' I - ,s• -.4,.......,_ , _-.1-. , r., , , , „.,....„ --_,...-,- ..:-.,,,,„,,,,..,::::...., ~,,......,,,,,,,_,.., y. 0 , ,z3,,,,,-,,, , ...A. , , , ~,, , _ _k• t 4. - . L .AL „.4.44.: 4 ,1, , ~.i - - . , ~ • - ; ' ‘, i" ' -- \'‘ 1' ' ' ''' ,,, -1 . -I,k , ‘, P - tA )1. -- ' i-•• 1 c."4•1.k. \ 1`0:4 4 1,04 %AN' 11' '' 'l ,- n - 4SI ",g`44 . .. - :-%:4) ' 4-0 -I 4 , - - ‘P:L-Eir - i'4.i41::4`,1t.i - . .)„-, .-, -., ... ~ 4,,, -,-,,,, . ~„,. ~ .., ~..,,, ~,i ,t. „ ,1 , ,,, , ,,,i .. . , . 7 _,.,;,,,,,--,,,.: i . ,-,_ ,- , . , :5 , :i. , _ ;,... —, s -,,,,,,,,.„- ~ - _,,, -..,,- . 0 -..:,,,-, - -,., ~ i 4.: ; ,_ -:,..:-.... ..,--_,—,:—.,. ,_-_-. .., :. -, . , -. ,,, .... ,,, 1,,, : -.:.... : ::_ ~- , , -.-fil-. „, _.--- - is. _ ~,,,, 4 1. - 4' • A - , i-..1,(44-; 4 di, ot,i4. -- ii - ?-(='"iA' , ." .. "'' 4 0 ' : 'h -f . ,' A-" - `','''- i ' :-..."`",' ::: s ::'-'t A ~4 1: :. : ,;' " '. 11 ' ,41, G . .r0g% I ti ': , i 1 1 4 :,7, ~ : • "*::: 1 0 i 1 (1-) ::' t' t!''i I" ~ „4) , LC", 1,-..,,, • - ,,q ,t! ~-:,4-IW,;_, - , W• i , 0,-'- , tt-A',l - 4. t- , ,; I z;i 4: 14 tni" , --,' ''..= :''Ll' , ':-' ;Db. , „II: - 1 ,0_,,,:., -,__,* T,s),V,i- .' t 4 :': iolt4ii CI L: , ; 1, , ^.^4°:itiL t i t'.' kf'• OP:: LI ik t.-I* 4 - 4 •::-; tit.. , ' i A '-:-* , i -',' ) 4•;? : ,!. ~ ~ 1 ' ,,, i 'l ,, - " - ` - .'i - ,: ''' % , - , ! ,..-t% ; ..,1 ;.,4. :4 4 1 , -4A06 4. 4 .4i4C ,1 4*; 1' 40,Fii,147 1 10 4 4P,1144Ca1i4:4' b'ii4. 6l -it .6-t' 1144,0,P, 4 ,n1404ii-`/,lPP,t't OW ,4CAIea!II P '- ,', ; - . i.- - , - . 1, , : i ti .4 4 3 ',..; i', -, ~_ '4, ' - 1 - • , , - 4 1 .1 ''-14-,._ , C 1 Tx , i .., -4_ 1 v }: 4,5 Iri .F. Eli i) = A~jd! So o Old •, 1 :S o • b •1E A • Myel T 1 T feti , s ...14 iv 'wef t % TivizTown tack pia aIN (A - oft'4o'llobar, I,lvett , t4iiiewOrkl4ls:(3old p joyti.dr youth ate tiosr.l.ernnyill4i-,P, 2c.11 i I lit /61':..! i vt. no lino nitrifirthi r ki:bin'il l .- r/ Z i I `n 6 ' t'-1 joy; , " , `ty've left I n e , titity , fol iitaltaltifiV.F" o 1,21;'.1 ”7 And jret, I . V4ir`.. - tttp,'lvoitis fell not, : ; Fr „in o'iln"4ilto „ !:Trefii ono who',4gpleve,tbe l p : litt,it bp:ingitt, rr OP/ who's ball tniin . 3),rtnrs•teiliVe.: l `‘",- . : , . )11 . . t t,•llAnvl/I.t 1,4:o;(tp.1 - :; So '9lq vlii,:ibanice,bd'r .l 3 l •lo owl-) ' tt - t,:inayeatot'tenft rirlovin ynnrg,l; TirAt ))14"itgino fartheetin tha .4 1 :—Negrer Unit titoyld''oititelirknovi , EP .I;:yrt .1431.. a 1) vc To i tk44 MB , A1);1 r ft' 41'114)) 'qptisi4, go bid r i 4 611 / thesirtrd `:, m I rmirer to my lifinie — filmfe; • Tydillago nu ck itormw nik'et c i A tit Jrti 1440 Ifftimtl /6),,ht,4t, PO4 n4.111-.:1 =MI CBI 53E3 MEM ICE OW BROWN'S- OIL WELL. i Mrs. i tA.nastasiaSrown, better known 'as the IVidow Brown, owne and culti vated, t s'ktiillarni Ofltett add 6 iiit'i'llo!: i tiev34AVlt'ilnitt' fteivri• i ' ', M u hti#o4 l o . linnitsteaa correspoildent li i - eiii3 to 'the Iftriib.being a one story cottage, coin d 'WM dr b al. tj illep foopriv ( - \ T,l49afftklyini nekti% otritiiidiNe; .f.nif Mrs. 'Brown ri4q op y herself to provide for, and . ;fll - 0 . :11 her incpme valulfl pa l iedly . yAr, 14-14, , - 44 :i11t f Afili*illthir,, 0 41, 11 N9 opßi: . i.faav1.4...; &e 'was n'o .kmger-pftAie,i•ains..; ihouse,i 1 On the whole the widow might the considered comfortably provided for i l t thoifgh her farm , alld , :inaftsCl4gettker would ace beenlaelft'.'iiiWit. ,, tlioiniawd' dollar.% SlPre. 4 nastilein, WAS 114 Cpi?AnIPO-- = ifii : ll4lllllloll§'*4:ll44, ; #,nd heat is b tiering herself if, the' opportunity I evWtn• sented Itself. .To a lady tinder , tier c i!, 1 ,Cr1F , t , P 1 1. 3 ..q41 tIR i fietocAld..ollfu*.tlage v.v411,01, eligible party seemed to be the „readiest! road to high erstation. Bat the witlow's -11*r,sonuil i tadv,aniagesti.wero hardly if-r.-rsf.4 U character ,sto. i nsplie ;Ivory lively hopes in tit at'direethini i IShe:Was -tall and', gaunt, and her share of the pcigsliahle•bof..,ratlier 4 , 51.14b1e „gift ;'.of betibty,llifiil been belbw the ,average; Besides, she was now forty-five, and therefor ofa,ather dotihtfult'l l avenillty, it elneliced, that the wealt lestrman,i in fowl' was aeortainqiiliii _thenezer... t etfirlreltannatitoftliiitt t• ooniforf ble sum Invested in-stook And, ho,rrais. - Ita' , ,Uitligii -*WOW& ffild'lh"-•-thd. hicialgyer,. His wife Ivo))/d-, ,P. bfi c '''fc'ke''' . most lady in Iliti village.'" tor' this po sition t4re•Xvas fiforethan one aspirant, Abu( atiionrtfictii) All '-itt!enO, '''sl stood so t pear d,liniledatiMis;'4ll4M4l,6, Brown. I Bdtl,tione'tlWleo 'V dci.yilic, 'i.i `had her pliikilo'. - eaptefi:ille`ifad,o,:aPil ci rcu in staiieqs.:4o her . shre* a*. , , sisted her to iiceonipliSli It. ~ r, -- :-::._ s . About this time the petroleum -fever was s height. % Micro Ay05., , a!-Iwii,dl ,pm a Oldtoeilt general libt - im ly, in the iliii 1 tracts whOre petroleunilnid :boa ti isedyl, ' ered, but enpectil ation-1 Val; i f...i f 6" ilia ',the cum niercial eapita4ymiclicOinP4tile,4)v'ltlf flaming proSpectuAeg 'Were dtillt spring i tig in to existence. Fartiig \Oil li'we'tild' Ihe voitee' i - coriiiidered dear at. twenty - doltarep acre, all at • kitibe "eillaheed } 1 14/ittlik I .(tY, -"Of toy.e wan h undred, fold; aii.,( be Owners. , who had hitliertoltin tiff ' it4lllll,olllt-tarn d tea'nty t Wm bsiidenetS all at once om fOilildfliein46l \les 1 / 2 -ich Ileyond ,tli,eir wiit est-ilik , 4li- hills -` 1 ••'• •••''• = '' • ' '"'A.ihfut those-who - cherished - hopes -a ,R;q4AtAl fr 11l I th . l4,onqrfg.,Fr'ne Sqpir . e, Poi 4,) .‘ . g.r1itn...,,, e stilt , lid 'i•itason why his own Acres-Ai' lit eanitcprotelt stool besi flowifig 1 with.olliiiid-Air had; iiistitutedso ( me . orelimin ry InVehtigtitions' whieh - 'hii'd . only: ri".resi ited, i;t s dioppoititment. T - T . Though id readSr , t ts.',l Mak-- 'df diSiiildatit' -- i nikans, he sw,i_is . inclined . to be .grAFT.l.f,ifr o; mild ,bad I del objection aol.filitp . ,g i f4l . !„ 1.. - Aptiii.ittAbilk444 , ,i r A t °Ai. V . ':,.T a, WI, i AP. O!iitidfig oll e"*.ttlq ;:t l 4 l .eg'i PAP*" 1 ioionowi tilt ihg'' 4 , and„ thi,S Avao.t,not, I.ttilinownl tiq IiABAOWDSIrieIi. i.. 1 1: iDI ;:n - 3.,rit - .: , 'Ainielibr:titni :aware. of thistfaety deter-- iiiitiedijOn a.c.ortpla'-'effitilf*fStmay.§fP call-it, _with, a view of inking 14'. lisidult: f.itieslitihd bf the squire—for-his-heart she 2 ciii i 'O, fittlb. - - 1•:;;I!!'il. ; V Ono moining the, expressinan hrought JoArof Btekv in ecit,tit,O r '#, - ko,c,Ntlijcp.i,, .15 4 .4.341videi1PY;b.:1 11 : 8 ,c-01id'k4941.-,; . 1.0Lt—,' ' 11 1 T-ifty eent'S - ; i cipr i l,'hii)Aold„, is,,ltie j 'iluggcd• it into. thu d ftk iropM,,, An d dell ~ p osited it', hi:, ,:tilie.)loo.,rner., :-,:it's. rather,• bef(yi," ! .!•;,; i,;;;,i' •..;At ;-:-. ••; - ,1 --n - x:yets', l said thO),widofv,rortiolasses Is „liefik , fer''ything , olite:; ~ - t :- I.", '- • `A 2-" ftiliisstisrierit--wali-,-riowi-T reckon 7i 4. t'1,11:54e Stow niffiighfriong lynt fO,lnse I AfinAeg fhll of me lasses.' • _tm , :fondliiff it' ir' said'",tli4' WilttiVi - 1 t V.3f,riilivi ,I ill . - l''':l.:i ...t. 1.... ~, .. P " ts ' i," .' - ,z A. • i •- ~ ~-1 • • Yea, , bu t the,i; F :.i,it,i 4 t.hat.otie,, fly . ye. 7 .:iti`lidon't knii,iviln.i,f"l'll; tile it hoarder', .lot-4W0 , 1f Ii cal - get flietn., 7 $1.114 ;; Mrs:, Ilteivp', inlprovising a fib on the spur of 1 •glii.'" l oo 3 elikt.(t.t_ i _ ~,i I v" , -,.• ,", ,t 't ..,.,, ;11"...i: f,-I -I Then yqq. :. ' l 4,. liplY.f - PP.l 2. lllogQ..4lkft tyour.ll 11 ° 1 -ise'r Yecli . mil-.1.fl :- ) ....;.;:-:ir ',, , 111.i 1.:,, I. : ri,..e:l '.l; 4Th6. - w id wiNft4glatt svhen the expresii- . 'infiti4ith iis ,intrusive curiosity -Waal tetn,e'r,T„ln he country it is very , bent'= '' 1 -- 1 0 . 4 - 4-0 .comment yiith -the -- utmost freedinn upon the .•plane';:and'itireereelPi .19e,s. ofonelaneighbm, clud,thia,,stome, • . e s -nas "itiiladvfitlAgfpf is- ~ i--, • ",,:ti C. , :',' t", ', ' ' s -, 1 4 1 ) WidOiX":4l44MtPitealii 6 6: Kelp ftilV 'the next dayl,!.:,!Eken;iiiistead -of triolasioil , t ry , , :--s-. 4d the contenttpto tie liettole'l :.... Id mightliiitO , t lidebViupposed i ,tine substitution would have prhvedil it V' xit iP.4s, but-the widow took "Iti. ''vrr,,s'7 . l AM,. ~',l3lie managed?,to:;glit'llib keg 1 iloyi _Pp), pollar, staitely. I?eret4 . 3 1094ect . .,1 i d,lt .up-, ii, cic`Aet:'i'l'irstr A-OkvqY,04;••00 .11 p d , 4 7004 1 010 1 1,• •Wskei•,o)`•iwith - 70!et ,pretd . ue 1 iqq4,,aild giii it g ,*;s ' the_ -, wet L i : , del lbertitely ,pottged 'it dawn.; )! A fter this l'at,li„ers, kir liF,Pr.94teding,relia; looked pareimirt p tneuroad ).until isho saw a liOrSo'-"lind 'buggy approach ing; ' - iiilitclii . 01 - ,19; "'Weir - knew- belonged -- to" - gejnir6 it'Ograin, Who alyyttaCipgiacq'ot kliit .r,O4d ! !Mout' that ,tinfel' fo visit 4.„§Xlifißi thouSes•wirNi - li - e,wila.balldio;ifqcenantS. im ye beyong;;"")_•" , , .. ....•. ~-,..; ~i - ,2, The Squite:`,WA . l.4kirel4;Offhecol:fage,. , t‘Wifeti"the'tiiv4qkrlifibut, and hailed bitn.• ''' v<IPS IO44', CItte fp gmui,t.sbesaidi '.won't '§dii i ,jfils„'.4nto;tile yard ! co-in i n ntel?: , lrfie WatoOnoaly , well •tastes so; atrange=. 'l3"-:' 'JAI(' tielieveini. petrolepitr' -I - '•" , ,v'' retOtellai I The-''quire - pieked" . up . his ears„and made , all '''liaste • to - 'da . ae :xequested.,-, I ",•••,„' ~A - 1'. . .;• .: ; ,, 1 ;-: ~i;) • 'i.- -Woo ' , dolii.t 'pc& 'ea,. I sitiddiit Pfliec,ex - , , , claimed, WiliAdiciptitk, notice it , lust V . , . . if it e' ' OM Inr OE i 1 . ,.2,,. •-, , : 3 .7 . ' • "-. ';'.. --;- -.. _ - ~ l ' ttlY , t- .' , l t = it - 't , , '''- t .., ~, - - ELLB.IIOIO-042V Z r ' 4868 I . :-...‘-1,.i ..-i;i-,'.. , q' WWl:t r . V.): -;',P,tls,tll4 f',' ; 4•4f '..flp, f4-- , -.14-: -, --17- --• •,,- • : ,%.• `• ',.' ;. ,•` ••• •••• -4' ~ • f . : 1 ,',f4.,,Mk.V01.; fkig l M4AV • 1 1, ;i • " itc' • !e,e. •14 4:1 A a K r ",!P WP - NMAVi.. I ) A.l ci= al 9A111": I" tiP-92 1 1x - PufilaPifi. i(l3et. l l scarce find oho Thread blivery, 11)..tapi old; the.eoJd wotla-mogks: d to-night 1 :Oh bottor thought; , - latil nutifiboAtttimio' aliditmokfi , '-' 14- 4 '‘`.° 'l.jorititi-mittid biok,tiiniljeeKtitstliiht ilt . .--fttL ,, z o' , lovo - whicliifrom.tiy - libnis - Viiiiptowo 1 ' 67 it:. : V...}l:th kt 1 ,1. 1 .9 s", ,11.4 I''r4'.. i {4l itl'a .Ll 2 , ' ' , ii, ,atiS:itkii t I 'tlio'dnifiliiiiki'Vri 4 d,''' .4 . 4 e d' litivoilira;Aiitl'Ynt l fii9. 4" lily •" 7.i - b 6fftt, , ifivvaidi4N i,iiiii s iofet.igs, 4,a " t ":"vi.' i '' t o l'AriattAttilliVii.kilti4iffei.hacilli!„." -44 ` i 0, , 0 , ,, , 44: .., . x,..,„it , ~ , „tt ut (..,_O4 r 1 , -0- 4 : -... i - v i, it:.:-itir, , ,)::.. 4 - 0 - 1.1.0.. - ., , :' , . „- Ai 'rues lord B, Wig ebilint B, 4oStßift.3.ipi..* 4.?iiai ;0 this' ecl44ll.mihiitill.:4o4 mine, . . - • w°q l o Or ,0 11 1 Stid,Yc,ve, . a 1- )iheid , liTte 't Is finth . 0 ill134;4,„:,;;; $ , II! ia~c,czt~~~e~att~ '~~~~~~~ =NJ 1 I, killinlreallynolleenauclitilliO4day; 1 N , ' rs , nroWnt 'lt 14104 , itinNA. Wet , ' l i gii, a littl iig.9 tliter inaybs,, bpi tctlyiyi it's, ;wry :tedP- ' ''' • , , ..1: tilet. ,tatiLlaSte4l`.%44hilD thel' l Sqfilre•' i IF , Atairui.t.jtlt4 Olat,:i or.something: else; ' , It unly,,ho•Nome dead, crit.te, that's.c.g.ot 1 drowpeallfthewell a n ~ dpol ... qoued b. 4: I . % lit er .; .3+,.icA. .r,. 11 ::... 'O, fri hope mot)! said fthie Iv iildir lifp,. tone• f salfUni. i 1 I'Vfwettidn't "bit'vel illy' i yiTli 1)11104'01*n fiend delilo l .l"‘,""' ). `` ',, (1 1 t , • x l , lit'by. petroleniti,' l sniggeSteW tire,' i v Sflkli • ti-811000.7baldhei rgeonhiletf ta' .tbat.'t :1 , /, ' o,++:ii ‘,. ..;•++ll ; , ii Un..l', , i ii.Allii+Y;es,'- On& Ile - VidoW,, 'II *soul rr,4'inlndithatit - , , i ,, rmul , '' It: '- 'i l; 7 .:1 thin tint° vthey , ;illadi fretiCheil', tiCO , 4el ' nudAhe , altiire hadlialiienky 7 coini. 'nit; ced4lowertnigithelbtichtetit, 1 ~,,.i f in , ..3 /'''rl'lle widtuv'itratt qtlieiclAftdent&th4 *Msiillt thinolbliaving `agoiit,ovi e deyitisu in. till ithe' •felnn•J ntoinentarY'l l rintirt . ,ymt itrdibeeonniado.'dllinatdAll ";tli -portio of water drawnnii Wciald ElhoW", fipikn t , faecal bf , adililtbliti: - 411.1 f,, ,litilibit • file - booketiatin6lagain to ihde=tatw She Icii hiviasetwedi \ i Onlhev•tilitfcidel'or fhb 'Wit r Nvad - a , ;mating i lei: nth' . Thief • viti !Siff luoukll4'.l,llli)sl"iiii.,4l.l,.sit 1..iA1“ i;0„,.. , i :' .lie Squitelooked vit it tnkerl .1 Ellis' 'Bl.l , xxi ,reocp, re- eximentiii -qualified' Iteil, - to' licige n the matt*. .14.e .1. 0a5 ) ileiith a. ..,Iname It;fist? ;if 'l' Pci , ltit itr • - ..q.uit - lf; II ,- ~I . IW t„.l/3quirsirpgrain;' , Whati dot yaw , t 1 think ?flaskeitillro.;Srivatitieagetlytl-' 1 - - `l'd t believe: Ayoutibi 7 righn, 1- Widder, • said t e ; Squir6 4 : :a f:plivi Inclined Id I. title' 1 i 9110 1 - that.: i t's ' geifultie I, o,trtileutti. :1 „ 1 oil - dolt% say so; Stplift'WelriPtiC ,lit. mek foil oncetin I/ waY.A - !''' , ' 1 ti ''''." - 1 ,n , ain't certain. Suppose you gisnii `Mee ajdippttili. and I'll tasteionith l' '''''f' -, 1 I '''The'iliPPer Iv agbroUght, land ''Skitilik Pograrbitlidltaste.i.tathwituftni..yotaltieeik - sons - e - dontortions of the face, , 9 tl i cc • t yptr.o/' lanii i ralr elle a r n a rA Pe vturVh l'a l l ' ge l l; 'dilute with :real well wateV ' r " 1 "°' l ' ll 'Well ZIA uire"?' i A I • 'i . P.P.! 1.... t .11 ;Tit+ fi 'Aftsi BroVillf; ihM) t4il l t , ti'do l bfef it ' Therelapetrolourn spring only iirfaintil, and it as broken out sty k ' 11. n , Lan sakesi.Stiuire;whoi 3fo d; htilie thong %nit! Ant.tbere ainle:' Other' petrole iln:Wellin tolfn II 7,; -:.: li;', ' . -1, t ia .f l Nt, hat tis,l none! 'hasvaPpe d' Yet; 1 i thbu lig - haye reason tothinktinnie may . , trelo OM ipy ,fariii ah. ~ ~...„, l br.t, i s, + •,ti ~ `lt's onnexpected'iSciulke; ll said - , the ritii i :i v l t e altilt i lO V ' e fi l lO . Ut:i l t.r . AVliit i 4o l uTit 1 you advise '/!, • Yont'vo'i . itivtiya , Peen on "' friend aneLcan depend on your I . ldviee.' ', "Well,teaid the lisiquire. , clearing; ,hits , •thrdat'arid speakiug4n a`cautious • tonei , I think i I'd sell the fartn. , ' ,, 'l•vi ir''''' '' `Sell, ithefarm I' ejaculated the *Wow. `Yes,l nontinued , •bet' adviser;• more confidently- • .IBeirig a 1 lone - Worh,fin,, k' you cat('t sin wells, and Ivorkithe- e trolluro youpself,l, I . ` 1 il.); .i•' 2‘ ,!. 1 1 r , + •+r '' i iit Squire Pograint, Vd oughtitO get the benefitof it. 1.1( ...t I, ; '; - il ,, i !ue. -, , 'Certainly .thb.:Zraini le , : wortii flpore 1 • thaft,,,,i4 ivas. 1 f ehnuldnlt inclind ' giVing, wo, well; thrdekthousand dollarslof it,' and that is.reore'n. three tithes' what it. :.would haverfetohedtbeforet , 1••• , : I r , il-I Alonit,thinic 1 , . want , td sell .i t for that, Sq uire,:i I get my livink °Wit, ; .., 'Yes, 'Wilder, ,hat eons idet what would bp ,tb,e .1 n ter fist.oll th ree thouentid dollar. , ',lntnetpd in government bends-:--seven thirties;foilneurance. ', Why 4 tit."" would be more'rsdavo hundred dollars u'i year.? , , iygs, It i lnitt. s , - ,lnitthittrw'ouldult hdidly , .. t t . 1 4 1 .4 1, , ..1 - " -, '-^.3•1 rWI -, -. ilielL•rola what, isiidder:.illil i Ore: hall igit1 1ve i............ -11 / du 1 " 1 ,4 ''. A' 4 I 13El ' ytivreli °nee. ,Come,.thatts eayin? st'aii lArt4, , it,•? , • --, -, ; :; . 4 .z ,- ~. ,• . ) 'On tho,Whole,,Squirc, said the' wily widow, 'ir•don'tL thin k. i I'll. , decide just yeti TSceina tome I,thei farm ought to thing 'More than three 'thousand dollars. ,1 1 5' .tn Mite i obliged toyou foayour friend-' . 1 1 12flerf a I guess' 1' &better take time 1 3 te'Conal 0, and...perhaps. consults' some & ether friqrids,v, c l , , :, . • :ti : `Widdelyi said Squire Pogrom, feeling that the rieh :prize. was • in : ' danger , W slipping lk'ein his grasp, 'l l ll tell) you qv at, d , kn Ws f ' oolish but, as , ou're iiiioii ' ' 'ow ' ' • 1. , friend, i Il won't: mind , saying 'four t hougarni dollars. It may , be my loss, but i. , 'D,,ho youtgain.l •, I , , . 3 1'in sure , you're.very•,liind, , Squire Preram, arid I•hope I'm properly grate ful for your kind interest, but I Hopi ,yoliiivga i ,t,begendedtiflc don't deolde , Just yea, j A thAnk,l'd better go and see; ilswYer NAIPPrOsse , 1 i,, , ~ ti, 1 'DrAt't { q,anti see him :: whatever . you dd,'.Blild,titiire Pogrom hastily, for • , • be,- feared thail the laWyer t would , (Wert-Wilt 1 ,11 1 , 1 },,..' i, 'Pr,,Quiloe,me to eon sider my; offer tins th is ` alVr:noon land: untibithen , L not; , to tar flivin? sOul,abottt ,what•youtve :found in the welL'.. , c: ' '.., ~I • ' . `'Very ! N't 01, Sqqire, I'll-agree to, I that: , a l isn't long to wait till then. , ;: , ~., .i:1 ; 4 l'll eidli pgainc at : three,'.; said • the Squire..,,_',Don't forget your promise.' k , ''l Won't,kssid, the widow, , . : , ' , The'Squ Pe drove out of the yard, arid tb,e ; WildawAith int smile .of . triumph, 1 l'onletrAlteXhina',o .;1t ~ , , , , i'' lan pretty sureolbeing Mrs. Pogram, ' Af:l-work Mycards;right,' , she • thought. r , liMeati'whilt the Squire drove away in a .bro*n 1 44•04.1, To, think - sthati , the prize for Whitihisiti; :had• ! sought; should after all have fallen to; ihe lot ;of the widowith her ten poor acres. It was eerteiF'ul'l ge. .Now t hew:ehpuAd,hio ftwlli,e roil in. it,?„ If :he ceuld 14 1 ir` tPe; fa 'even at five 'tilmisand dellOni, •he . pld .readily- Make: It pay. himt fifty; t upend, ,Tho ,Indleations -were:that fli Oil Sprina was a rich one. At any rate t e water bedrankaratieked , strongly eto ,otthncoil:;' ' '. , - ' - But woi id ewidoif sell? That,was icri, hyiport tit ueitiOn. The more time she„ ha foth ight, thehigher probably. 'Woud err advrinte.; -11 l she 'con shlted.' the might as • Well. give (.. 1/ it up tia'a, loot -hence, for the, lawyer Welild be as' xiona' to . ecure It as hipiseif. Thi4,was not to bet thought of for a nfornAnt i :, .But bat if , , Mrs. BrOWNl , iicellnet hip, otrer I Was,,,,there 4 no othe xv4`?: " . - le Wasjust titthis -moment 'that the 43 thermag iluggeeted •itself. He Was • a widower, 14trs.,113rown. ,w_as a widow. ißy marrying hewohld secure the farm, and not 'be etittlyelled td pay 'clown' a !dollar, be.Yonil the , •Minister's; fee =for -11 3 1 ,iting .„1 1 /09 11, , MP; , Brown wool not epeilll44d whArilie, had intende.d to I,„ 'Marry :for , h'see rid wife': 'She ceitainly ~ w as not bands° e, , but Squire 'Pogrom' was :practical lap s and he knew that she was a airierpro tical woman, and , W k would eeii, his us 'Bold in good order. t . , 1 Perhaps it wool no .be 'a bad plan. 'A tlany rate ilex _ld hold it in., reserve. Puncttiary at ire the :Squire .rode op at i th#4 o or 9rhe_ ottage. 'Frew - abent 0 veil, ..widder?' he fisked,'T or oeS it tc, e,v:et?' *- - : I," .i. f : .1 , IWtiss, and, ‘ os, Squire :i ' llere.,'s some water „tjustilrawed,up,) ' ' , 'rho•Bl.quire did of need to taste it. He could see for 'ruself that the pro 'Tertian of wa greater thitn in the poi ng. 1 '- , 'I N adq k ' le said, %aye you da 1, tEI leideil d ei, the Iw:thousand, :dollars X eß,'Orgd„,,Tou ? Y i see . that will save .you niktnautde ' tyd youicau live corn. fortable thereattyour days.' t' l ir rneek Yell,' S. lire,' said• the widow, 1 Ibut.l've made u 1 ny mind to send for some , man :that inOws ''' about these things, and get hi',' te attend to it for me. Pll seq Mr: I reros,s first, and ---' 1 "Flits wits lenou ' . Tile• Squire had ,m4( 1 ,,ei,n11 ) /iis mind -; , I :Widdee,! paid lit, 'l've got another , plan to proPpse. may,seem kipd of 0111111211 ME 132. _ 'wild A tif&VOn , lint X Ye. been think in?, of , solve timc, ,(how long Sqiirre. )) and that isl i that l' eed a wire.'Things 'lii,'gettirilialriek r at heine; and• it needri ~ a 'WeliiiikLito straigh ten , ',e in , ou t.. lal nit a Ulan of words. Widfles, twktA ,y,pm , ,4-, 64. t Pograin ?? , , , , , :,olSqiiife;' said the' Widow; 'llt's 'rle 'irtneik.netted thatit quitet•trustratow‘ibe. , ' , Ent Vril free ,to say • thrit,,l,' ve. always , relipeeted.your- character, and thought 1.411.ri, MAU. that 'an'y' winnait''inight:'be ;pot di t o ln a rry , 1.1 :.. ~,,,-.: , •,. I • ~-. ~. '''qbireantsetit then.'-.- ~ : '-, - } „., ,: i , .. "..1 do,! said the widow . promptly, 'mid PM c giadlo have this new burden !zpir inVlAliedidirs.'' ,' ''"' ' "'"- ' ' "" ' '' - o , ..wtddeii, It Might ito , be - , rittemded Wat;:onep t .'„ ,I , think iw..fed „better imaTili tiit'- , ziforrow aS to lose no thne.'' i ' l t l4- 3u et as you say, Squire;l'llte feirdY:°' - YiTile next day the clergyman's see- , *Se pKere called In ,requialtickny Ala to, the' iistoulihruent and anger of ,all _the, ,Xiil e rtrittrto Squire,' Pograrosii 'fitid, 'the 1 i.p,rize wjyr, carriedmift% , by , %the, ,, : widokv` laiciViti, t who's k Asi ugly , l as *sin :;good-1 tress `k nows what lie saw ln her., ii , The' dtiss after there was another sili.-- 't e iht. i.2%„cioin'pany of rworknien. were. f eit husily,engaged in, 'sinking, deeper , 1 , -tlbilnew Mrs. l'ogram's , old • Well, and the - kurriel - snread that betrolenin had -been discovered- there: ' .But• for' SdrUd ••irieeriiprebensilde reasohtbs first strong indications.were,notiborao out iby - :ackb.-; `sb4itthit dAboverlds. - Thii water re sin -.OM rill its . 4slditturity;•lniii - after.' sin -lug i . -se' titandredldollars , the Squire• was. tibliged_to abandon the, attempt I in' 4is,-, guilt; ilkUrsi, - Pegram `now r iastall94 ,o i thegierttlaini licluse as "mistress, pore 3 the' ciiSi}ppbillttnetit , with-eqtratiirriity. )Slie.littlpist bad got what she bargained Icir;','-iid, she, was, satisfied. Whethet, lieeJl hii band'ever siip,eet,eir her compli eity is kitiblearly knoWti.. It' May' be Confidently, stated', hoWever, that any getitleMPT 4COrptis,oistarttipg , a, ;Petr= !letrizi Qouripriny may obtain the Brown Iritvirontreaionable t6rrne; Willi it'd extra` 'eliligelfor. one , oil , *el l. already' sunk. II -.11-:Romance in' Real Life : ;,,,ono of'ilitise little romances of which bAI F.Texie.b.• are so fend, has taken place, in, rarje, and ls thus Ideseribedin al3our-' milk, l l‘l l Robert, an immensely wealthy and highly accomplished elegant, Well . kineWn t not only for his valuable collec .tions, oil 'paintings and mediaeval • re les, • nut.for h s .riiyo ;Willies a ,designer and 1 :Painter; earing that one of his tenants, tii,Alr.,-13 - :;••Mthom he bad — iieVer - seen, kept, one of the most extensive ateliers Of fancy.boxes and ornamental -,.ohjots in Entice, called on bin with ,the de ; giro pfirnaliing hiS iiequaintance. ,i littering the counting-roont `he "found ,Bt ..goeil-natured, eccentric - gen tleintu •• of 11 1 1d.d/e-lithe, ,who greeted an .ex 7 claimed,. , . It : 4 ' irsupposcithat you A also haVe seen nlY„advertisernen't, and, come to • apply ,for; that'sitnation as, designer 2'), , ,• ! For a jolt eM. Robert, replied that he had. -- Ig. - -Ifi•siipplied ' him with 'Paints andinpehes and requested him to Pro 'duce adesigii for a casket. ‘,..M. •Robert soon fouridthat what M. B. really want; ,ed Nes iinaitist Who' Would strictly car:. ,ry,oiithls.":oWn ideas, • tind•tba.t -thse wore pure ~and formed on an - , atensre 4lioNledg.t) Of art. In a short time ho • 140. need 'a sketch' which suited the em ployer,tO todot:---" a.pottit." ,-- •-',•-• 1 '-• i LALl,,ll,obert„ Very •gravely engaged jilinSelf,t,einicted gopcl . wage_-, and'insisk -.1.4..........' rL..... ......1-I_. " nip pro placed in the room which-was desi g ned ; him. But when he was .inro- Awed tol the work-rooms 7 and found ne ! hundred and fifty gills"; Many of them yquag Q.0(1 'beautiful, • busily employed;and was linformed,that ho would be'-re quiro to supply, them with designs and titiow,tlo young ladies hoW" they Were to bo, earlled out, theyoung'artist began ;to feel as if:be should have,te be carried out blruself--,being.very susceptible: , ~ ":Working for a living," said h % to nirnself, ;"is•not entirely devoid of at :tractions: .-liet us work." • • , •, 111,,Itobert, being an accomplishe delighted his emfdoyer, and he ioen, found remarkable fascinatio in ;seeing big "designs realized , ln , erirupe,l,,er c wood., Ho took a pleas ;gradAttalOrto Unknown. in „seeing Ellis Works in shdp windows' and ' finding them JR, the , boudoirs' ' of his - Jiffs, woiltshqp . life was of courseCA re , ,tipealcd from ",society,", nor MOTOSter'sfipeet that his 'l , tist •.117 ,18 •11is 10, nd But 'Robeft oon .a•lnore, intense object of fastina i-kipil WANG daughter of ; M. 13., a_ ydung ,lady,-'he'add took part in ,the.duties of, tcatolier.' ' This damSel as.rernhik le;fokher. aecomplishmentsas for her C'Xt r o. 9 rdinarY;,,Peal.-liT, and Ai.; Robert , seep ifound - that us regarded taste and pi3Ott.tre all matters Whibh specially interested him he had never Met with any one „like her. Step by.step the pair i foll,iniloVo, and little by little. the artist B. o lingratiated himself with .the father that the latter,•after • dtte'' deliberation, coneouted:, td, their, union. . , • ••• • Rrevigue ,to the marriage the, old, gen 4,l'eruan one' day'Spoke of a dowry, balk give ;Maria - tilt.* thousand francs," said. he <with a,little , air .of boasting.— " Eh, moo garcon g" , "And I'suppoSe;" 'ridded M. Robert, .‘f that I, too, must setilescitne .thing;onlillywife. • • - T. l 4ia sed a peal of laughter, which .was redoubled hen.the . artist, added :. will' settle' this Piece of prop erty,= litniee and all,• with the building adjoining,,On her,tt. , „ • , ..ifut Itci *bu t t was their amazementwhen, bertldFew forth 'the title deeds, . -` %,: i tYkitiseem to forget , that I am" yoUr ;tfludial'4 , 2 sti l t my name Robert.:"'.. The young lady, did not faint, but pa e :nearly died , ' of listoiiishrhent and' ;Joy., There Was a, magnificent wedding, but .01e bridegroom has not , given up !Airiness. -He declares that there is as inucli atn'figement in behig figeful 3••:' •arnusing eile!s self. • It. •• • I •." • . , A Kansas Paper,hinA storyof th: late 'State election . : ' lii Some of the con ties thenneitibtf f a 'hog; law Was'ettbinit -,ted tp themooters, at the. time the ; Con , stitutienn. amendments were. „)(n :one' these'.couli ties a day or two After elee ilon-laitz TriShMare balled at' the house Infialibighbor,ladY who bad beon'deeply Anterestetl in:, the., question of woman stiffing°. The lady took occasion .to Ak'iiitri- - • how did you vote, on , thelimen mend drnent2Y. ament?" replied he t -bard. 'l,37.iimierslanding,What She . meant. ; " Yes' ; on question of allowing the wi'iitlen. rand negroeS Vote, - and proltibiting'tbe r rebels ;to i exercise that :right; PI ' , , -. • 4 ! Weil; MrS:rl:l. to ~'tell -the - truth;" ,voted - figainst the 'r liay gurS,' the' Wirnmin, and; the hogs,. Ueda& 1 1 , - - ; •. boy-had ter some 'time „With u rionS old uncle, ;who •'took geed - Oar° that the child's,health should net be •injured by over feeding. The Utielecwas one day walking, out, (the child at his side.), when ,at friend accost- - accinqp4uied bra greyhound, While the elders were talking, the little fellOwoiever'having seen- dog of so slim anti texture, , ' clasped 'the: creature round • the,neck s juu. pdssioned'ery,' "Oh, doggie, and did Hire ivir'your uncle, too,lltat ye are so ' Mil ~,~; r : q_: - ~;:i , 9t z. . • - =ME ~~~ a .Si'. ' ' A WEFX " . , M.R. AGITATOR: ;,:A-•few .words from the undersigned in xoureolttmns,; - tritty be: Of !interestto some of your readers. ~ : iLeaving Mansfield at - 2:80 k; It of the ,22 . nd ultimo, a few hourslotmd us com- Jortably quartered.' at 'the 'Dickinson 'lliiitsb: HereinTelitiet : . otle - , old i 'friends', ' Captain Shaw and',.ladyi..,and'apent an ;hour Or,more .in,pfeasanti,eonversatien, , ;most of Which was ,tleB . •tod - to - Wells-, hero gossip. : , Da'riot'ask . • - 11,'•repert of the 'sum 610 your/ eusto •• dry-gossiping . coluning-,.• , J.l' 1.:).- ~, F -t:i. 1';.,. ii:/;-‘ - - •tt -'• ' ' Tild nett , morning, taking .the. 045-, ,frain,lwe arrived in - Btlffalciabout nooli; and after 'a delay.of six -hours . ,:, partly abent lit 'Seeing . the sigjitEs; • bor:itiosqy inobi,ainlng Irqst and , :rOfreshinerit;'',We rimmed , ouri,joarney. , i Whi rlitigi ;past the falls in, t 1 early twilig4 l. we ; , viiß:fh [ just, able 'to''ositeh - a 7 gliinpsa,of `tiel •taighty 'cataract, out' VisitfitbeftedirOc.; cell thither by the ever -preserititriist Which rises in almost snowy-:-whiteness froM' its , (paining : base., : At; f Stistien sion, Bridge N - Ve took a ; sleeping / car. over ithe Great Westein '! . R. - R.," and' but for a Worrisome, crimpy child,.'-should 'litiire s , , . pagOed a m oat comfortable. nigliti,l; : The early dawn. revealed. tons.front;the,ear. _Willows nor MajeatY'S level and, ex-,, pansiVe territory 'Ore trpfloi.' . Citiada, - . with its broad cifitivated - farms, and - miniature forests,barren, of evergreen— :a desolateAghtici one reared amidiiig- - ged hills and giant hemloelta:•Cittisaing :10letroitiriver, on a ferry ~boat; a ~ride - of. 'aittYm'seVentY miles on the, ,Detroit & - Milwaukee R. • R. , brought . OW to' Fil a t•,' the phiretqwn. of Gencsee county: . Jakr. 'ing a hack' 'for ten miles over' a level, attridy•road, 'Ave )reached%"the. villagecof , Flushing, where we received aweleome greeting from our old friend, neighbor, and pastor, Rev. P. Reynolds, formerly ,eif"Citaileston, P. A day or, two of rest: ;and 'dare midet4 his hospitable;roof, and Mzh.avere so mach refreshed' in 'health and, spirits, and our little one so rapidly; haproving, that we were enabled to oh -serve • something .of the 'Suttontiding country... ~ ,Flushing is a country village. of; sit Oreight- 'hundred inhabitants, situated On the Flint river; a strewn about as large f asithe"lioga and cowanestmei combin- , e 4; , Lifinbering and Flouring mills are carried on here; on ()bite an.' etten sive settle,, though the pine forests have. nearly diSappeared lin - the immediate vicinity--of +Flushing.: The -: principal' forest trees are oaki maple, and beech— only a :few cedar and second growth, pine I apPeaV•to enliVen r thabtherwise ,l3arren ferest,seenery at.:this 'season of of theyear., The surface.of the eounr ; tryisneither hilly'nor leVel; but Slight ly undulating, and well adapted to grain growing ;, but it cannot compare, with Tioga county for grazing and dairying. Wheat has•long been - the staple "crop. Fields'of fall sown grain, axe now i,. .. cl ing well: ' ._ _ The majority of ithe eople here' seem to be _ quite ,religiously inclined.. In 'FluShing there are three churches: the Presbyterian,' Methodist,' and Baptist' The, friends of ~ Mr.- Reynolds will :be glad to learn that he is laboring . sue tessftilly as paStor - of thelatter dendrui- I nation, which now numbers about -one hundred and fifty . members,_ Awenty-, nine of er'r'or['have -1 - been added Oince his connection - With the church in Ang ust-last.- -We had the-pleasure of seeing •hiro administer the Ordinance of bap tism to five believersithe. SimdaY after . A flourishffiglitageorG - 04,TeM - ,nlars has been doing exceireiVtervice here since last fail.l Though the State' fail ed oh : prohibition, yet Flushing _hated 190 for to 100 against the, measure. ,But by the failure - to adopt the iieW Consti4 tution i prohibition remains,•nraler, the old. ' Many voted against the new con stitution for this very. :reason-=fearing -the new constitution might be adopted. and proliibition defeated ,• and prefer ring the old eonstition With tempera ice to the new with a sign of drunkennbs,s. Some• , evidently thought that free Whisky Was too large a price to' pay for free suffrage. Pretty wise. discrimiria tion,"Perhaps! Though the , day "must 'comae when . hortest'colored men'shall 46. ;allowed to vote; and when 'Men of what eyer oelor;shall be, restrained fremmitn bfaCturing:drunkardsc'beelse `we intast give:up' the fundamental 'prinelple that t !!.(4overnment, derive their, just pow ers from the consent of the governed," and that other doetrinof the' comMo n n law' ahaut the abatement of '•nuiSanees.i. ,=Flinte yis an inland place, of se'VA, or eight tl ouSitild inhabitants;hbd - iin t, 1 , for the p • troi t- it ad :!SaginaW .R. 'Would :• . • 'scarcely more - impertion ee than - , ell- i'oro..' When the Port Mu; Y0r14•14 - raukee road which • is.' pro jected,to Intersect the Saginaw road at• 'this point, is completed; it 'will mai; e' Flint a ... lively place. - So -Much • -(itte?+ steam locomotion build up,and .enrich otherwise obscure and unimportant vil-, loges. WellsborOpeople must hurry up that R. It. if they ever. expect to get out of .the wilderness. The State .Asylum for.the care and education ()Übe'' deaf,'. dumb, and blind, is lecated,here.,lt is a"nOble building, and elegantly fitted up for thaaceommodatioti -Of its 120 in-' mates, (100 deaf &dumb, and 20 blind): Nye spent an hem' at this Institution, most of thatirne in seeing (hot hearing-) themute Classes' recite. ,: Two of"' the' teachers whom we visited . were, them : . selves mutes. It is almosttinpossible to• deseribe in viards . what ' these unfOrtn- , nates were able to conimunicate to each :other. without' the aid of spoken or ,written words, in fact ofttimes without. words,. such speaking ,eyes, knowing' glances, ritid'gfcpressive gestures ! The instructor 'would ' go throbo • with `a series of grotesque motions . with , his hand, .head, and frequently . his whole body; and; thenthe pupils would' write out a complex sentence each using 'the same ; words. The blind studied "by means .of I raised' letters, [Which they 'traded by the , sense .of touch. As we turned away from these scenes, we felt that;we badheen Made Wiser and' bet ter, by thern. We felt a deeper, sense 'of -gratitude to God who gave us the use of 'all" our senses s wherewith .to OlAain knowledke, add' 'do goo ; while ' Nv.e t iii . praised and admired the' agnariii - noua charity of tho - se who ha undertaken' to - prbvide' for theimore atfo . rtunate ; of Our Mee. - , .' !, ~ . . • i • There yet remain some' 'traces of the "poor Indian" in this part of the State; A small .. re l Al l 4lat- , of thh,,Chippewo tribe still suryive : a ,half civilized 'state a' few niikyi dewri ' the river, 'from this place. , 'We paid them it'short Visit. TrAditipo - On that. a 'great ;:battle - was fought on ,thea banks of, the Flint .near Flughihg a 061' while 'ago, in which .a whole tribe was exterminated, and' the trayellexhi now pointed to the burying, ground, distinguishable only, by, a large number of irregular'kholls or mounds, around arid 0:bl/6-Which trees afoot o'r morn in,. , tilatheteriare now green*" growing, , To ~satiSfy, oprOlves as : , to; this - nritter w e (1:' C. two blergynieni an . 'old - 'gehtletim . n, and the writer) proceedl •ed with• hoeand, spade to- open 'one ' , of these mouwis,aod of a truth well found, decayed human bones. - .To our ,;;asap;poi ntmen t no remains cif the tradition T , 'at tomahawk; bon' and arrow,' nor - et h -er implement:which .should= rest.'i with' the,fallen brave,, were , to, be, found.•-- 'W'as'ir poS.4lble that - We "noble red man" ' had imitated 1 h Is less, 'generous' ,white brother by irobbiag the dead Open ' . ;the battle.field t ' 7VV,itlit. a fewsorrnWful• - reflections of this naturew t e, re-interred ' k );" • • ' . fli The itOrirldoitille., es (10+,1 - the. ,s urist. • .0 , 104.4 ntrw vi , vAtttweestittree4W ( iiß , • i- 4Nik vi CARD TYPE , :` • = ' ;, 1.4141)) VAST; X93;:§S•Er,o , ' ,, ; ,; • • promptly -a0.4 evetteptir,o&,tel'oiseritetpeatiieid fPosTkltsi.Tralditisis, " - cm ABB, BILL? .1111.11.DS 'O/iltDff 'PA/tIPB.LTS Ifortgelmiteeseeisindssfelt sstsSsiFtlas,4,, ti+VC - tiestehles%agd J;astiee,s ) Akin* 91i. Peoidegitrig iit:ti' i dlitiinee Olaf detsiiid ca 11githfitsiia/444::t4#:1W EWEN = ';i:; - ;.t:Yil".: , ';,'- e 1` ~,. F. 7 MEI d g Iktilif :+•..) NoNforo fon4;ef, ,sec rots as . those *lio do net; mein! hpep then such p'eriimis'edVet _septets _us :a spendthrift covets - money tet,tholfurpose -'of .eireW thO bOiikle v, 'leffoiirOe,iiiegiothi hands, protnided'h;y:y4fikee, cuili4loo , .11 ea uneete.hithlkkuel4iihiturhett:; and*reh-:•. ding way, hontew . arq,.wi.Kieie-4 future race .ufteh' t i lt% /epathicitt., yi.ohld ever okhuthe heroes from their gory beds to. Otisfytheirieelvo-of-: the truth :et our:history.. • • We COt: weit few d 013.,, These Itries.Mhfit;, for the pVeselAtpfec /41044" - - eefire' of• 114ye,heett iirOmieed let ters by . • * *y 2 1, 1 - • • .Na,pideoli aztd - the S or Soy. , . . ... ~ --. ~ ..,- -- - , _V • -In theyeail.BbQ;,the ;',l'Kench flotilla ,- itt 43onlegne waited-ter airopportnnityto inak.efa clswept upon - thoiouthern coast 1:4) gdgiand. Payafter day , -Napoleon pagedi,tlA? t boaeh, aw,eephig with his lel eseepe iki e Wu° e,fspanse of the Channel, vratehlng i the-,,appearaire and, disap ',neurone° of the 'English fleet. L . ' - Among the. English who :Were_ pris oners at-Bohlogne i Nes, a sailor boy, who.wat permitted to ramble about the 'town and seashore- - it being ; reckoned utterly impossible for hinr,to male his cscape., ' One day ~as he .was wandering along 'tin the beach, gazing sorrowfully .iieross the waves te,•warde the white cliffs Of dear old Xngland,,a,nd thinking , of his h9me inpong the green lanes of Kent, he Saw, an empty hogshead floating sea qYardi ,with the advancing tide. As floon,as the depth' of the ,water would perinit, he ran, into the sea, seized the barrel; shoved it to land, role di it up the beachnnd bid•it .in, a 0 - 'O. The thought of home had nerved his arm, 'and a bright idea • had dawned upon him and - filled his* hi.firt with hope„— He'resiolved to form n boat out of the barrel., With his :clasp-knife- for his only, Wel, lie cut the Verret in-two. He then went to -the wood that lined the shore and brought .down sonic willpw twigs With which he bound `the staves tightly - together. During thp time of 'lag boat-building hp had frequently to leave the cave to watch the movements of the sentinels. ' The un was sinking as he had finish ed his I bor. In the frail lark he had so, rude y and rapidly construe ', he 'was go rig to attempt to cross the an nel;:fea less alike of,its swift cu rent and the storms that .might arise. 'lle 'returned to his lodgings to eat his, sup per and wait tin darkness set in, , Slowly with the impatient, prisoner did the hours pass by ; but the night came on at last,.and• he resolutely, set forth on his perilous undertaking. - By ,a circuitous ronte he reached the 'cave. The wind was moaning along the Bea, telling of a coming storm t and not a'star glimmered in the sky. f " `Phi's is the darkest 'bight I ever saw,7 said the sailer lad to himself, "-but] sci much the bettor for me," ' and down he Vat toward the water, bear ing• his boat-on his back. , But alas I his hopes were destined to ,be disap pointed. As he was about to launch 'lns beat, the sharp cry of "qui 'dye!" rang in his ear, and instantly the bay -1 onet of the sentinel was pointed at his breast. _ - . Ho was'taken to the encampment, r aced in irons and a 4 guard ..set over On the"felloiving_morning,'while Na- poleonlVias making his usual - recon -noisance from the beach, he was told of 'the attempted escape of the lad. ' Let the JcpAy and his boat be-brought before ho sal& =• • • - tpeed Hy - obeyed. _When' .Napoleon' beheld the twig bound halt barrel, and' the youthful - forM of the sailbr; hnsmiled, and turn ing t6the prisoner,' , tone de void of,,inger, - - for he admired the dar ing of Alio • you intend td cross the Chan heti') such a thing as that•? Why I 'Wofild not have ventured one of my gunboats a mile from shore. .131.4 I ',see how *Napoleon looked compassionately up on the PrisO . g . r .,,._.r h o stood before him Av ith.a 4;011 ianee in which boldness 'devoid of IV udence, was portrayed.' . "I I ''' tvb lidw it is. ,You have a sweet heart -der, and you long, to see her." N, haVe no sweetheart." . Lena! -What n British sailor a sweetheart •-•,,x iother sire,-whom I _have not - sel Tara, and whom • yearn to see. } - • • ' • A.] hall see her, my' brave Briti g el JA.right Amble mother she must 1 ve retired so gallant a son 1, Vou si.. landed' in England to night.. . this, handing him a coin gold - , , ,it will pay your,expenses Junkie after you are placed on shore. And ink` noble lad, farewell," As the grateful - boy bowed his thanks amid_walked away. Napoleon turned to 'rine' of - his.aides-de camp and said : „ "'1 wish -- I had an army of men . with hearts like, that boy." Bonaparte was as good as his word.— That Very, day he dispatched a vessel, bearing, .flag •of truce, which I landed 'tli6hld atilittstingsintheneigliborhood ,of which Wee his mother's home. It is not, necessary icitell - of the moth- - 'bi- and seri ;:how theyprayed - their sil ent praY&s of.thktiikfulness ; bow they laid their heads oh each other's shoul ders and went; for JO . y; • -T1164. , 1ii10r had _rejoined the navy.-- 'Many and ' manY, a time' afterwards, when disableil forservioe, was he sore •ly'diStreSsed fOr want, often were his . clothes scanty, and,his head without a shelter ; but the strongeettind sternest . or his neccessitles could never force • 'him to pert with the gift of Napoleon. . ,This deed of Napoleon was more glorious - than' if he had conquered a na tiou:— The glory-Won by the 'award is - taro ishedAvith blood, and sends sorrow • to thotisandAnf homes, but by this sim ple'aCt Napoleon niosut a,-greater con quest _thtiAt eotild'be made on a. battle- • tield'LL, he - conquered two'hearts by love, 'end 'lined With' jhy 'the home of a , .; - ; '" THE POWER ok' ~ r irE HEART.—Let 'any, while sitting down; place the 'left ) leg ovtr. the knee of the right one, ard pbrinit, it. to ,lning' freely, abandoning all niiiscular control over it. Speedily it-May be observed to sway forward and - backward - through a limited space at regular intervals: Counting' thp n - urn-, - her of these ITIOUNIS for tiny giveti_time they - will - be found to agree 'with? the' beatinTottbe pulse. Every, one kpowi that at tires, Vvhen the Hater-frog the engine-is forced through: heat hose, if the bbitd IS a sharp one, • considerable force is necessary to overcome the ten ., JfiSt so it isin the hunnin body - The arteries are but trsystem-of hose • thre•iigh Which .the -blood is forced by the hetift. l i ,When the leg is bent, all thpArteries'Within It are bent too, mid every „time the heart contrae.ts, the - blood - rushing throneh the arteries tends fO;Straigliten• them ;• - tend • it is 'this effort ' Wiinhich produces thei - •'.; . •ation of the leg: alluded, j to. 'i 'With t - sneh•:.pecUllar -,_ demonStratiens;:.'it , .1111 - ficult to con- • 'eelVellie Power exerted by that excitiis - - - ' ito mechani.4i.u, theriornial pulsation of '- which: are never perceived ,by him whose Vpry,life thayltre. ''-- - , - •' ' 11111 ill