. . . . . .. „ • , _ itte - COP Ilitnii 40tiltor l 1e Publatiiool.ol•Wn6tesdaS? lOatiiiiiirlitlf i per year, invariably , in advance. ", • COBB „ VAti_r,EizEß.. ~ m ii ...aok)/ •1 , I t) , • A . :- Ili r 4 vArraar.riall.i -. , - _ • ..o,:r•vzerviaxstrita itelaws. vuLirrs, or 4utlos, OR yteubyeitit 84131134, r IS Inal4:llfle,lB ,sl ce„ A Square, 0,00 $2,00 $2,50 $5;00 12 Squares 2,00 .8,00 4,00 8,00 Milt ' 10,00 1.5,00/ 17,001 22,00 12118.00 04 00 BP,rf 400. Special NokieV:s 16 Pants 111F•lino; Editorial or Loaf 20 rents per line; - , BUS/NESS MREOTO4Y. w. D, TERI - Sit:l6 dt-C4)-4 VIIOLESALE DIWOOIBTB,- and - dealers in Wall Paper, K.oresene Vaelps, Window-Glass, Perfamoryi tt_S4 i j darning:lT:Y., Jai. 1, 11;88:—Ty. WILLIAM 11: ATTORNEY 'AND': : COUNSELOR' AT , .LAW, Insurance, fibuntiandlronsion AianeY; Main Sire d mrs s lk t i k uro . , 4TI/41;18e.?,. S. F. • e J. B. Nities. , ttuisom WTI 11:10S; ATTORNEYS .t p(iRiSghBRB ~AT,k i pcw7 (pre' door from Iligotinfii, on the Avenuo)-- Vitt attend to basineea entrusted 'to •thoir cari) ie the voodoo of Tloga and potter. • IVelleboro, Jan. 1, 1868. - • • 1 WEiTFIELD , Borough, lioga. ,Co.r Proprietor`. A new and - commodious }Aiding with all the modern' • improvements. Within ,eas,rdriv,es,of the hest huiting and fish, iog grounds In lifirtberti:PAnnls-. 00 9v574n,q°4 fureisbid. TeiMs niedeitite: ' " 4 " ' Feb-3;1868-1i. - Sbo'p diet door north okra. A. Seara's Shoo Shop. AD -Cutting, Vitting, and Repair= ing done promptly and ;wall. Wellabor,o;,.lfia., Jan. - 1; JOHN B. SHAILSIMEAIFLE, - ItAPERAND TAILOR, ?p i :over ,TAtm R. llowen i e; Store..','Avatink f .; Bitting, Ropeiririg : done promliftt!dd, 3tYI4. A . Wellsboro; Pa.;.Tarc.'l;lB6B:4l , , M. GABBETSON I - TTORNEY AND OGUNSELDR —LAW; Notary Pubito and - InsarantiO Agent., -Bloes bur, , oyerVeald.., • k—• , s i t oriNt Lt rTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Wollsboro, Tioga Co., Pa,' , Maim Agopt, Notary POliqi and ,Ineurancti gent. ilo of easione, Baek 'Pay ' As'Nntary • a lm a he takes aoknopliidgemonts l of fte t eds,, .inistere ookas dorqinini,iondr t 9 Ica testimony. ,Agr•Dfflidoiter Itoysa•Dingt3toio; 00111114, Agitator Offea.4:oot: 40.18611 . John W. Guernsey, = , ItORNEY AND SIOUNSBtOR AT LAW; dating roturaed to thia cotinty.with .view of making it his permanent' zesidenoe, solicits si Age of publics. ,patronage. 411 business-An ? , trusted to his cafe will _be' attendid 4ci,,totlt, promptness and fidelity. ',Officks - fid. donr, [tenth of E. 8. Ildres hotel. Tio - ki; Tioga ed., - sept.26.'Bl3.—tf. ZA AK WALTON 1 -1 11(0,VtiE; Gainos, Tioga- CoVniy; Pi: !RACE C. V ERNIILYEA, .tnotort. This is now hotel located within gutsy adobe's of the t,o,t fishing' an d,,litinting grouridd'in North (D. Pennsylvania.. No pains- will-be spared it the act:mm[4o4o°n otpleisenrp?eqicerrt add . travelingupentilio.e;, — pokteorititinz • EiTFIELD, TA.;- tIEORGE OL01313;-..PilitAri.t nr. A now IloteLoondooted,oratio!prinoiple tic°, end lot lfvo, for tho nooonitnodalloti of, -' CONEY a, cQuiienou AT. WV,: Laise. reacevillo, Toga Co.,,Pnk Bounty, Pension, and lusuratme Agent. ColltrAloni..prpmptly attended to. Office,2d door belort.Ford-Aoude. Doe. 12, 1887-1 y . R.. E. OfaIVEY , • • RALRR in CLOCKS ;TSW.RIiRi, SILVER ct PLATED WARE, Spectacles, Violin Strings, &e., Pe. rWatcltes and -Jpwr elry neatly repaired: "Rngritviiii Bond in Pain RNtlisli and Uerman. • Ilsept67-Iy. Thos. 13. Emden. u MINS k DRAPTSVA4I.O - iderrrza r iiitiit tiia room, - Townstozot Hotel, ~Vellsuoro, will ii,bet with prompt attontion. FARR'S 1-10TEL, - ; • lOU A, Pb o 0-0 .14 T :Y , , NI" ii•.‘id stabling, attaoliod, and : an attentive hoa— r always in attendance. .• N. B. FARR , Proprietor. Hairdressing . 4g6 oor' over Willcox & Barker's store, Wolle-_ • Pa. Particular ,ettentiou ; paid -tu cutting, 81.unpoOilak, 'Dieuag, ota, coils, and avriches on „band_and made to or- DORSEY-Is- , ---• • ,' 'JOHNSON': BACON, M. b., late et: i t4a 2d. Pa, Cavalr,y, , after. , nearly tour years o - army servide';•tvith a 1410 iienea in field and hospital practice, has °boned 'an' PI the practice of medicine and anivry,.in an niches. Parsone,from, a tiletaned :can 41114/geed biK at the Pennsylvania Hotel when (Aestrett..—. 'lli [thy part of the State iii = constiliationi‘orlto ..,u surgical operations. No. 4, Union Block, up Wellaboro. Pa.; May 2, 18116.—1y.i- PICTURE GALLERY.— _::. ke FRANK SP,'ENCEU the pineal.° to the c4liens, of ,Tioga sty that ho has completed his N'EIV PHOTOGRAPH GALLHRY, iher. h - and to take nil kinds of Sun Pictures, r, at A cnbroty posi Foryotypes, yigrOttos,Cartber the Surpriee•tind Enieks Picifiroiralso / dur attention paid to copying and enlarg— ,l tures. Instructions givon in the Art on ..0 Nu, toms. .gltaita St• Mansfield, °"-•3) • .. , • , • Wen. B. Synth, - 'MILLE, pa, . gention, 890ntY, 30 , 11 d Ju nruice Agent. Cip:oHaittniO3,tillei t el t-ent, tp the •I.; re address will ritc r eivh - 'prompt - attentiloit. "11l moderuto. - [jan 3, 18138-Iy] • S. CLAINI:AGEN CY, • For the Collection of : - • Army and Navy Mims and Pensions. nE NEW BOUNTY LA*. pasaeilJuly 23,1836,gives tiro and three years' soldiers 'extra bounty. Send , u l.,l l.sclaargeb,, ;• . ' OFFICERS'- EXTRA' •PA , Y. •*• • • t , Lluontbs' extra pay proper to volunteer officers ' C(1 . 0 in service Match 3,1863.... PENSIONS ICREAED • • 4;•.1to have lost a' hub an d' ho h ave been'peima; ~ z l.l totally diaablod. , ther Govern inen t claim, prosetuted. • • '.-e-I,,ro,Octobe, JERODI 13. .201,113.' r 10, 181364 f • ; , NORMAN STRAIT, - ;ENS tar the National Sories of Standard School a•oki; published by A. &Sarum, & Co.lll A 113 rm. corner of John Street., N. Y., Xeiipeconetantly I,upply. All ordora .promptlk.llllo.l. . Call on or ,-• • " 'N. STRAIT.' 61 4, June 19, 1867-1. BLACKSMITH:In - . UR undersigtiski havtpg retired to • Welk. r" niid oparka his shop, on, Wat,r street,. .hero of patronage. Ile proposnOo do PORK YOB. RASO: hors.es $3,50 and oilier' work in* &olio-r -t. '?' 1 808.—t3m. 'J.. , W. lIITT4R. POTNELIVi . ; W TOUT—Agent for all the tbes rtrit RIVE WATER WIIRRIS. A litfi tea tlt'i Oscillating 31ovemeni for pang and 'O. Pa., Aug. 7, 1887 ti - ' lionnt , . ang PeneioDiAgency.,. ! regard to' l artlieunty alto by Hit act - approved and Laving on and a laiqb s'apply.ot um prop, red to . prosecute RH pen - NI ...ally ciatme triay- Liu to lir tor , "Pl!liviug at a illidauco can cointnunicale apilrl.4,4ieunr. d and tbel comannicatle7fir bO., 14 . 11.4 1 11 1 4 : il l • 8 1 4, 7 7 q: : : 0, t0ber24,1808. _ _ C. L. • • WILCOX, tY . on,q. Ds of all rbi r , /.4 r,14.4 . 0 +,,t; -- Our st,f,in.itinPfit is 11..41, Ly. Stare in Union PI" 4 O'Ule 4412‘.-7may 20 10,087-IY. ' • • MEE En 1, / ? MEE E l • i ~. aZZI Miff i $l,OO $12,00 12,00 -• 18,00 30,89 50,90 , 9140. 1- i : '47 7 . 't.,..,. ! 41,6 BL ~. os B O OK ~5 , - , ,:.:.., . BL ' YONUF , P)lft i w:4:l3Thiamifiooilii .‘,l:l * Trnellii4 tai.l3 - •210 1 .OAWItANt.-X2."'': •'..-';4'-:-.:: 1 - ?•". ' i ; citritt: 314 - om.tio Aoon A 4 44 . 11g5r;"9,4144; es 71IE ,:'• ,* ; 1 • • •‘• ~ • , 'l: , ,c• - • - t..•,•. - • • qANIC B 0.01 c, _Or 404 - ascription, in. all - st Ariel and as Initiltpr'qaatity of Stook, as s• in tho rSititsi. .:.`;'Voltinies of ' every' Bound 92th . # hest Tanner, and in al dared. -;_ -... , - A, U:it risIDS OF 'GILT -11 , —.,. .... tiltide4ttillAn'itio,belit. manner., 0•1 bound zincilkindti,goodas new. Sa4V,Cit i f Zj'n Mal ' i ' fF,LETE YOUR BET ) ' - i'miA reintrest,to furnisb back nu • RiSilair or Alairiiinaz published in -Stittesa tit#atAtritain„. atm low prio -;.I4•ANe, 00 . 13, -&-; OTHER : Of nikaifn 14,quaillies, on band, r ~ till LL HEAD PAPE OF anyugit& or size, on hand and for prin in : vi A150,...-BILT, PAPER, c i BOAR fl 0(1..,,ait noloifi ; ...ancluality, out to a y ti*e:: i -. . • - ~---; ,-; ~ i v . 4 ST/irtbisEit.t . - ,oE.t,p.;:, _ ettet,. lilote...Piipoi:, I ,:, : i Pefisi-,PttpOila; iker '•'!• ' j ,-I a rili;en"ia nitinflOi : , Prof. SI4EPARD'S4iON:OOI4LOSI ' u e .- PRNS,on zeugma sizys,,Ton _ • 4 ' AND OEtiTLEII EN, - ... Which' Pwill-warrrint 6quin 6 ASMA 1113ii l ill/ 11913 and no mistake. IME The alley° stioskfT will sell et the L. at an tinfoil, at a small advance uh ,prices t ,a i td inQaplirEep tvk still pure reti athiirivrarynlice4 l l4aoprece I respieteuily solicit a share of pu ageo - Orders lip mail promptly ad 1' Address, LOUIS K Advertiser B Sept. 18, 18117.—1 y. —ll-in ' i SOHN SUHIt, AITOTILD aisnot tf i,k4o tOteittlipt wrr ro c and s tilAhrtalneaup try, op,en v d shop on the corner of Wete i ton`st r pet.4, for:tiposo of manuf IitI , IIRITII AND TURNIP to order. QOFF,ISS pt'all-.kinde short node s !, 11).UkOkliton g tpfo ..‘ . , ranted. Wellsboro, June • l, - - UNION 19CEL. 1114_ MIN *AT4I .11 -- AVatiti fitted up a new hotel buildin oti4 old Union Hotel, latoly &Art: 4 mallow, ready to receive and ontertalik ~Upioni-novel was,: intended Id? Veintkl and the Prdpriotor believes it can be anal gro Attentive hostler in attendance, !Wtllsbbr,P, June 26,1867. ME .1•=•••••• , ==.7 " JOHN TAILOR ;AND CUTTER, has opo :oi;C * Otfton street, rear of Soars D' P,'nhero he is prepared to ennui tits td ore in:th&mosifintistottil rind 'with 'dispatch. Particular utt tOCniiing and Fitting. March 2tl„ tHAKI,LTON lIUUsE I On strictly Temperance priaCipTilar;M Pa. It.je. BAILEY, Proprietor. Carringip to let.—Mato__LlLlßAß-1 . . . _ GROCE R.- - .Klll_l3A4 AND , ,RE'Fillit 0e!door above the Bleat la NV 'B r ij S B R ° o , P 11 - 1 ESPH I CTFULLY announce ,to Ja ) publib that biltiaitaitlisira 14 se °cries, coniprisingi VeltioNpircea,l44 golagsee,,gyrups, and all that annatiti chyle stock{ Oyatefs in every style sonablti,houra. - • ••, Welloboio,Jau. 2; , -"- .33 c=.lt*ii ¢sPo 03313.c:peqs. flieat Excitement) , Atiri Job IMPetteltesli Es l ' We's itooot* and Shntititibinhtt - rhO entities r her; Wbuld say tgtbe people of Westfield nod vicinity thut hole Ranutonturing it Potent Boot which he believes to possee' fho trollowing advantage over all others; I st, tberrebtaibir4tuping; 2d, no wri sinew; they break to.tbelfeet; pd, no ripping. ~ l ii.qthortr i dttny nroljust the thing Tot everybody. temples on band cud orders solidited. Ole - eight of Westfield township and Boro' , teenred: 7f¢¢ lute alto just received tt splendid set of .bubnortti valet us, latest. styles. Corns one, tome sill We A boil it'd to se CAPII 9 17 11' n 4 '. e one dour south nti.ko I nil otoksp...trn # wes t nod 5 tiOt a. K. NIBBLE. WELLSBORO HOTEL C. IL GOIiDSMITII, Proprietor.—Having leas ed this popular the propriotOr4estieet:• fully solitite a fair share of patronage. Every attantion,given, to guests. The hest hostler in th'e•coniiiy always in attendance. April p , X8 6'..-ly..i TIOCIA , GALIMAY : W i IiIia;'''.I'! / w ., ;..t,i,/....;:1J i • ,ift ' Would ri3spoetfully inform the citizens of Ti age and vicinity, that I have built a new PEIOTOGRAPII GALLEIi.X • • • . In the Botough of Tiogn, and baring a good Phoiogralible Artist in my employ, I am noir prpplired,p'furnish all kinds of Pictures Isiiewp tl the Photographic employ a number of first class Painters, .1 am ,prepared to iinsiver all calls for house, sign, car riage, ornamental and scenery painting. Ad. dress ; '• ;A; IL May 6, - 1868—e+m. Tioga, Pa. • _ • THE PLACE'-TO' BUY DRUGS. AT the Lawrenceville Drug 'Stbro, where you will And every thing properly, lnilonilog,tb the DrtOrade EAI),! ,CHEAPER,, , :CHEAPEST, - .1 - s • • • .•, ,, ct ,•••• and `of the' beet:, quality foriCaah. .; Alai) .Pal n ts, 4:1113, Tare : tithes, ,Latcps, dila nay -:Notiona. Stringc . Flabing l Tnekle o Nindow SWAIN Oce; -4 ytlaah , paid for Flax Seed. ; s,‘ • ,s,s‘i 1 . 0.1:1 3 .11,BONA1tD. Lawrenceville, !Slay 8,1867. • Glen's Falls-,iitiliaildfilOgidianYe GLEN'S FALLS, N. Y. Capitol :and Surplus $371,63.66. , , ; ; i ; -4 ?; , PARK Mitt,' OnlY, Premium Notes required. It, is LIBERAL. It pays damages by.. Light ning, Whether Fire ensues or not. It pays for :live stock killed by lightning, in barns or in the field. „ / ---lis-rates are , lower than other Companies of, ;, - t:AutLl.rospo t nejibilitS , . 19 . 1,1M,Aga Veg y,* Farmington Centre, a Co. P. . May 28 , 047-lya . . ''WALKER LATSROP.' ARDW A N,I Ell,^ *Jilts; STOVES, TIN-WARE,,? BBLTING I 4 ,SICHIS i 'CUTLERY -I -WATER LIME, ISITTipMMTsi - . ,Cartago find lia , rzyri, HAILNESSE§,S24I,FatE„q? •45- ~= • :./6 ' irning, 4nn. efttaios Qii! -I)RA M.,' ob4rn 4"'B. Ye,llativroaano',6,,lB6.7;.(: . . . • (3.A LVND Marine 7 Eli d Charch 1.1, Clocks , at ttlool.0) • FOpEVE3. MAI , , ‘ ,_:,_:.: . •,.-- -;:-• :: • • , '2,, - - ‘, 1 , - ' , ~ - ' z . "- .' • •`-'" :- `-' '--' ' - ' ":!..'''!"::.' : ;' 4 ' s ,'':''''),-• --- - - :-Z'',"' - ';.),‘",':.' - ;'..."'. . ) - - . l "‘'`' l's. , _l - ,:'': -‘ .• _ . V .. lg : ..,,'' • Sr i ii , ` ,44,;!. 4:3 4 , ~, 1 . , 'l'., ....- •," . .',.::: • `-',•:* , ,: ..-, - , , . 14. k. 1; :, - ~,P 4. - : ...k`t t OtORI7 - 00% ' ligki,m4 if,,,,W- S: AN o till n f:131 h d y 'sty] - i i Olili t ll . j Idd Itoi;jpti jN z, beirs or = 1 WO Uni , UM APER, led or plain, „,,.... a 4 it g ut up re end, CA ' 1:i bAnrds j 17-:. " ,e'''' v - clope% • VE STEFiIe _ tie ~ ~' Th`a west Rates New York scr" dit " lie juitron. 'tided to.— lES, ilding, MEE I opiraisto at be has and grid cturine all 11E,, ;nom DONE 11. ndiinnll. 127, 1868. a -,a a lETOR. I L on the site yed by tiro, . upats., Tha ance trodait; ;finede without shop I illy's shoe ,acpyle gar-, iilanafinier,f_ ntiou paid I 1868-ly orsea and Ma RAini 6-, he tradiug e)tbf 'till: des, . , • Sugars, tes a first t Mir. 11111N1 BE I= ti 4 1 1 44I:rRODIJc.ED 'INTO AiyiERIPA i 5.. 4 ..---,,A?t ~: ,6 FROI4k - GERMAT'F' in *if s 't'.- 4 , , • , , • • 4 FtAtiir,CAOMANs ItlTTEllt= -4- to - 4 '• GERMAN TONIC, FLAND'S EPAOED; ri j itati s i rn i t i TAT , 1 ; . f. ,, . • 1,3 a 0 • r,COMPlaint) - , t. ,Y t . . .. -, i..,,TiAerfcit4 3 lay, ::1;144., - - .. • Y ICE, , 1 ligisease47of OA I.l*.yi .- ' 1 '.' ER DY II S P P TI E O P I B 4:i ' Ite. SKIN, '. . ..„,:' a al tall Diseases arising ; from a Obi. • lerii4k l 4.l2fire StoraacitiporOvU.o44 'l4?'.ir. liir_ra r.e rrr or frifn AzoQ.D. -•• : • '-`,. e 4 the following symptoms, and if 'You' find that' 4 yq. system is frifeeted by any_qf them, you may, rest 7 4 ;; a rCa (kg gueicsejtay copipeS qtr itsaitatlefot Veil , in 1 impoitant organs of you); body, and unless goon - eAMleed by the Use of powerfid remedies, a miserable - /A, so In terininatingin death,lqiit be thCrestat, te, -- 0 • .t••: : .•. , , i ~. I ConaApation. FlatUlenee , Inward Piles, • Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity Viol' the, Stoxnaeli,,".Nause_ l a Heart - hurtdDieguist forrdhd,Fulness 1 or Weight in the iitomreala - , ,• . . 4 .„9,. c: I. „Seur.,Bructations. Sink- 4 '. i ing or Fluttering at the Pit f thelt4l4)knoUt4iwitmiiittiv oft 011 7 ' a Head, 'Hurried pr Difficult Chingi, Pluttering.ot :the' EfoOr t o rifiler iduffc9lVtingBtansations W 0 eVgP°Bt)I"4DAtP°AfiPCV/ilOll,, 1 4t " r lIVIeI,IB-bialbr - the. ti.Jgh , ~,-.„., Dull - Paitiiiti !ttici•lfe"" - Be - 4 ' . '.. i °few*. of Perspiration; Itel- • ''','° 04n:toss of:the .BkirLand , 2 •;•••,1. - 0, , ,... ~ - ' Eirb-kap-,4Pgttte.Sttitzt-i.,:tt i , iti; Bite , hes , Lire s, etc., eludr. l i, - t t I , , deti Flushes of Heat, ButlilitigA t ti..l ",'' Pali irlosh, Constant Diffigininfeif ion'` .91 /. puti...qCqu,t, , iitOrxrqs.f.dcglapkits,s l., 11111 4..gircqr!‘".C4410:pilfigOlgejligatlett ; f ~• oz, , , , , ,, Affro..7 f lrtiiiil9-ir11* , #,... ~,i,,,, —•,, , -,• ''' — r^ st -./ - • ' , • - I 14' 4 1:1 1 ,0f1(1111) 1 43 .• eibtrittnivaittere i . -,. is entiielY vegetable, and contalite4t, ."' ' lique.l- It is a conipound•of Fluid-Ex..-- ' tract .1 The Roots, Herbs, and Marks ' from . which the*eiextraetC.Vire iiiadc y ore athered in Germany. All the 4/... meal. y or iiikeekvirfaaceifewisiektracied.frofis - .l`.' them hy a scientific klicolisti,-;aliese :-,, ie it . oxtr are tl - .4ent foria le rdeil l to,tir „ Iti,, cotm ~ id' hie' lisiiit'eit re' ili d, 'l. e . 1 man ' eialuile tof - ttiese. it'iks.'. - Tlii e " .1144 7 / it/cab:6lW iiihlistince of :6en,y *Mod '!,9 '' 'lt tiavelli,n.litliltal_Og.-Ahfifi Ditteroio. ' i 'll 6. 1 . , , -fa: °P I AILIIIIPAT) tax : ti r" , - 2 be usedlitte i - Where, co, it f p s m... talents Itreikatiad'ASsitile: ', ~,, 4 ''' ''' 1 . '''-' i1i1../ ',-.' l '' , .-':''' t , - , - E,,-..,...,.•-t.3t 44- 41 . •.4 . " , ' 47, -,,,,ii,,„.---.-,,, ;--: ~. ' -- '4.i)-' ~,,,- , ~-. 4;t H, i;44 4.. 1,4; •:;/ p ,0 0 ifeid 71aiut - 1 -1 (1141.,fixtg4iff-14,1 4‘1.. !,: ;‘'' 2 ,Xf*!':.i 3 0' , !,.:'1 1 - tt' l,:- , 4' ..,„ --- 7-N - , .- -1- '::-`,-:.:' -,, -'; !',--",- ' ' l -' , :• ; ',..',4 4 t' l l'':- • I _, ~ -: ,-.•_-,:, ! -,-- - 1,1,-, - .' f ': . . „ '.. ‘;.,‘•• ' ''''\ ,-;,,tp 4 -fl, ,' ~'.i/s4L-1::',. 1 ' i• DO ~'- \ - -') ..‘‘ ;i ..''.,''' ' ''''* f,• ,4” ..-. 4 : - ""*— A:Li:l'4 - 74-.44, - ,-- ''' I ,--,', j 1 ,:, • ;(,',-; y t- , , , ,,'- • : : 414 1:,..-.. , ,',1 0 4 4, : -,f, - s',, , , 1,, • . . . , , ,- - , •-- I , 44 . , ~L . ......„, , . 1 1 :.,, ,I .. % - 'l. , 4- , r I ,!,,, , ,----,, -, ~,_. ii .:,- ivf ,,,i..„-_,,, , ,,.., . .„.•• :-• , , ,;', ~, , 1 , . ,•,-..,..„: --„,.., • , !, - ,•3. ~.1 1...) i . 2,_ .. , 1:_ , ,,„.,,,.,,.„..,,--_,--7--,..!, /. L._ k•, , !, ~ „„ , ,L ' I - ,s• -.4,.......,_ , _-.1-. , r., , , , „.,....„ --_,...-,- ..:-.,,,,„,,,,..,::::...., ~,,......,,,,,,,_,.., y. 0 , ,z3,,,,,-,,, , ...A. , , , ~,, , _ _k• t 4. - . L .AL „.4.44.: 4 ,1, , ~.i - - . , ~ • - ; ' ‘, i" ' -- \'‘ 1' ' ' ''' ,,, -1 . -I,k , ‘, P - tA )1. -- ' i-•• 1 c."4•1.k. \ 1`0:4 4 1,04 %AN' 11' '' 'l ,- n - 4SI ",g`44 . .. - :-%:4) ' 4-0 -I 4 , - - ‘P:L-Eir - i'4.i41::4`,1t.i - . .)„-, .-, -., ... ~ 4,,, -,-,,,, . ~„,. ~ .., ~..,,, ~,i ,t. „ ,1 , ,,, , ,,,i .. . , . 7 _,.,;,,,,,--,,,.: i . ,-,_ ,- , . , :5 , :i. , _ ;,... —, s -,,,,,,,,.„- ~ - _,,, -..,,- . 0 -..:,,,-, - -,., ~ i 4.: ; ,_ -:,..:-.... ..,--_,—,:—.,. ,_-_-. .., :. -, . , -. ,,, .... ,,, 1,,, : -.:.... : ::_ ~- , , -.-fil-. „, _.--- - is. _ ~,,,, 4 1. - 4' • A - , i-..1,(44-; 4 di, ot,i4. -- ii - ?-(='"iA' , ." .. 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So o Old •, 1 :S o • b •1E A • Myel T 1 T feti , s ...14 iv 'wef t % TivizTown tack pia aIN (A - oft'4o'llobar, I,lvett tollen.ro , t4iiiewOrkl4ls:(3old p joyti.dr youth ate tiosr.l.ernnyill4i-,P, 2c.11 i I lit /61':..! i vt. no lino nitrifirthi r ki:bin'il l .- r/ Z i I `n 6 ' t'-1 joy; , " , `ty've left I n e , titity , fol iitaltaltifiV.F" o 1,21;'.1 ”7 And jret, I . V4ir`.. - tttp,'lvoitis fell not, : ; Fr „in o'iln"4ilto „ !:Trefii ono who',4gpleve,tbe l p : litt,it bp:ingitt, rr OP/ who's ball tniin . 3),rtnrs•teiliVe.: l `‘",- . : , . )11 . . t t,•llAnvl/I.t 1,4:o;(tp.1 - :; So '9lq vlii,:ibanice,bd'r .l 3 l •lo owl-) ' tt - t,:inayeatot'tenft rirlovin ynnrg,l; TirAt ))14"itgino fartheetin tha .4 1 :—Negrer Unit titoyld''oititelirknovi , EP .I;:yrt .1431.. a 1) vc To i tk44 MB , A1);1 r ft' 41'114)) 'qptisi4, go bid r i 4 611 / thesirtrd `:, m I rmirer to my lifinie — filmfe; • Tydillago nu ck itormw nik'et c i A tit Jrti 1440 Ifftimtl /6),,ht,4t, PO4 n4.111-.:1 =MI CBI 53E3 MEM ICE OW BROWN'S- OIL WELL. i Mrs. i tA.nastasiaSrown, better known 'as the IVidow Brown, owne and culti vated, t s'ktiillarni Ofltett add 6 iiit'i'llo!: i tiev34AVlt'ilnitt' fteivri• i ' ', M u hti#o4 l o . linnitsteaa correspoildent li i - eiii3 to 'the Iftriib.being a one story cottage, coin d 'WM dr b al. tj illep foopriv ( - \ T,l49afftklyini nekti% otritiiidiNe; .f.nif Mrs. 'Brown ri4q op y herself to provide for, and . ;fll - 0 . :11 her incpme valulfl pa l iedly . yAr, 14-14, , - 44 :i11t f Afili*illthir,, 0 41, 11 N9 opßi: . i.faav1.4...; &e 'was n'o .kmger-pftAie,i•ains..; ihouse,i 1 On the whole the widow might the considered comfortably provided for i l t thoifgh her farm , alld , :inaftsCl4gettker would ace beenlaelft'.'iiiWit. ,, tlioiniawd' dollar.% SlPre. 4 nastilein, WAS 114 Cpi?AnIPO-- = ifii : ll4lllllloll§'*4:ll44, ; #,nd heat is b tiering herself if, the' opportunity I evWtn• sented Itself. .To a lady tinder , tier c i!, 1 ,Cr1F , t , P 1 1. 3 ..q41 tIR i fietocAld..ollfu*.tlage v.v411,01, eligible party seemed to be the „readiest! road to high erstation. Bat the witlow's -11*r,sonuil i tadv,aniagesti.wero hardly if-r.-rsf.4 U character ,sto. i nsplie ;Ivory lively hopes in tit at'direethini i IShe:Was -tall and', gaunt, and her share of the pcigsliahle•bof..,ratlier 4 , 51.14b1e „gift ;'.of betibty,llifiil been belbw the ,average; Besides, she was now forty-five, and therefor ofa,ather dotihtfult'l l avenillty, it elneliced, that the wealt lestrman,i in fowl' was aeortainqiiliii _thenezer... t etfirlreltannatitoftliiitt t• ooniforf ble sum Invested in-stook And, ho,rrais. - Ita' , ,Uitligii -*WOW& ffild'lh"-•-thd. hicialgyer,. His wife Ivo))/d-, ,P. bfi c '''fc'ke''' . most lady in Iliti village.'" tor' this po sition t4re•Xvas fiforethan one aspirant, Abu( atiionrtfictii) All '-itt!enO A.li)?oliatgallyl, '''sl stood so t pear d,liniledatiMis;'4ll4M4l,6, Brown. I Bdtl,tione'tlWleo 'V dci.yilic, 'i.i `had her pliikilo'. - eaptefi:ille`ifad,o,:aPil ci rcu in staiieqs.:4o her . shre*iine.ss.l a*. , , sisted her to iiceonipliSli It. ~ r, -- :-::._ s . About this time the petroleum -fever was at...il s height. % Micro Ay05., , a!-Iwii,dl ,pm a Oldtoeilt general libt - im ly, in the iliii 1 tracts whOre petroleunilnid :boa ti isedyl, ' ered, but enpectil ation-1 Val; i f...i f 6" ilia ',the cum niercial eapita4ymiclicOinP4tile,4)v'ltlf flaming proSpectuAeg 'Were dtillt spring i tig in to existence. Fartiig \Oil li'we'tild' Ihe voitee' i - coriiiidered dear at. twenty - doltarep acre, all at • kitibe "eillaheed } 1 14/ittlik I .(tY, -"Of toy.e wan h undred, fold; aii.,( be Owners. , who had hitliertoltin tiff ' it4lllll,olllt-tarn d tea'nty t Wm bsiidenetS all at once om fOilildfliein46l \les 1 / 2 -ich Ileyond ,tli,eir wiit est-ilik , 4li- hills -` 1 ••'• •••''• = '' • ' '"'A.ihfut those-who - cherished - hopes -a ,R;q4AtAl fr 11l I th . l4,onqrfg.,Fr'ne Sqpir . e, Poi 4,) .‘ . g.r1itn...,,, e stilt , lid 'i•itason why his own Acres-Ai' lit eanitcprotelt stool besi flowifig 1 with.olliiiid-Air had; iiistitutedso ( me . orelimin ry InVehtigtitions' whieh - 'hii'd . only: ri".resi ited, i;t s dioppoititment. T - T . Though id readSr , t ts.',l Mak-- 'df diSiiildatit' -- i nikans, he sw,i_is . inclined . to be .grAFT.l.f,ifr o; mild ,bad I del objection aol.filitp . ,g i f4l . !„ 1.. - Aptiii.ittAbilk444 , ,i r A t °Ai. V . ':,.T a, WI, i AP. O!iitidfig oll e"*.ttlq ;:t l 4 l .eg'i PAP*" 1 ioionowi tilt ihg'..ool.re' 4 , and„ thi,S Avao.t,not, I.ttilinownl tiq IiABAOWDSIrieIi. i.. 1 1: iDI ;:n - 3.,rit - .: , 'Ainielibr:titni :aware. of thistfaety deter-- iiiitiedijOn a.c.ortpla'-'effitilf*fStmay.§fP call-it, _with, a view of inking 14'. lisidult: f.itieslitihd bf the squire—for-his-heart she 2 ciii i 'O, fittlb. - - 1•:;;I!!'il. ; V Ono moining the, expressinan hrought JoArof Btekv in ecit,tit,O r '#, - ko,c,Ntlijcp.i,, .15 4 .4.341videi1PY;b.:1 11 : 8 ,c-01id'k4941.-,; . 1.0Lt—,' ' 11 1 T-ifty eent'S - ; i cipr i l,'hii)Aold„, is,,ltie j 'iluggcd• it into. thu d ftk iropM,,, An d dell ~ p osited it', hi:, ,:tilie.)loo.,rner., :-,:it's. rather,• bef(yi," ! .!•;,; i,;;;,i' •..;At ;-:-. ••; - ,1 --n - x:yets', l said thO),widofv,rortiolasses Is „liefik , fer'n.noiit.an'ything , olite:; ~ - t :- I.", '- • `A 2-" ftiliisstisrierit--wali-,-riowi-T reckon 7i 4. t'1,11:54e Stow niffiighfriong lynt fO,lnse I AfinAeg fhll of me lasses.' • _tm , :fondliiff it' ir' said'",tli4' WilttiVi - 1 t V.3f,riilivi ,I ill . - l''':l.:i ...t. 1.... ~, .. P " ts ' i," .' - ,z A. • i •- ~ ~-1 • • Yea, , bu t the,i; F :.i,it,i 4 t.hat.otie,, fly . ye. 7 .:iti`lidon't knii,iviln.i,f"l'll; tile it hoarder', .lot-4W0 , 1f Ii cal - get flietn., 7 $1.114 ;; Mrs:, Ilteivp', inlprovising a fib on the spur of 1 •glii.'" l oo 3 elikt.(t.t_ i _ ~,i I v" , -,.• ,", ,t 't ..,.,, ;11"...i: f,-I -I Then yqq. :. ' l 4,. liplY.f - PP.l 2. lllogQ..4lkft tyour.ll 11 ° 1 -ise'r Yecli . mil-.1.fl :- ) ....;.;:-:ir ',, , 111.i 1.:,, I. : ri,..e:l '.l; 4Th6. - w id wiNft4glatt svhen the expresii- . 'infiti4ith iis ,intrusive curiosity -Waal tetn,e'r,T„ln he country it is very , bent'= '' 1 -- 1 0 . 4 - 4-0 .comment yiith -the -- utmost freedinn upon the .•plane';:and'itireereelPi .19e,s. ofonelaneighbm, clud,thia,,stome, • . e s -nas "itiiladvfitlAgfpf is- ~ i--, • ",,:ti C. , :',' t", ', ' ' s -, 1 4 1 ) WidOiX":4l44MtPitealii 6 6: Kelp ftilV 'the next dayl,!.:,!Eken;iiiistead -of triolasioil , t ry , , :--s-. 4d the contenttpto tie liettole'l :.... Id mightliiitO , t lidebViupposed i ,tine substitution would have prhvedil it V' xit iP.4s, but-the widow took "Iti. ''vrr,,s'7 . l AM,. ~',l3lie managed?,to:;glit'llib keg 1 iloyi _Pp), pollar, staitely. I?eret4 . 3 1094ect . .,1 i d,lt .up-, ii, cic`Aet:'i'l'irstr A-OkvqY,04;••00 .11 p d , 4 7004 1 010 1 1,• •Wskei•,o)`•iwith - 70!et ,pretd . ue 1 iqq4,,aild giii it g ,*;s ' the_ -, wet L i : , del lbertitely ,pottged 'it dawn.; )! A fter this l'at,li„ers, kir liF,Pr.94teding,relia; looked pareimirt p tneuroad ).until isho saw a liOrSo'-"lind 'buggy approach ing; ' - iiilitclii . 01 - ,19; "'Weir - knew- belonged -- to" - gejnir6 it'Ograin, Who alyyttaCipgiacq'ot kliit .r,O4d ! !Mout' that ,tinfel' fo visit 4.„§Xlifißi thouSes•wirNi - li - e,wila.balldio;ifqcenantS. im ye beyong;;"")_•" , , .. ....•. ~-,..; ~i - ,2, The Squite:`,WA . l.4kirel4;Offhecol:fage,. , t‘Wifeti"the'tiiv4qkrlifibut, and hailed bitn.• ''' v