Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, February 25, 1860, Image 1

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ills` 12=IO:Wilitit ti 18 I " ONE TEEING IS NEEDPULr "ONE THING HA
fprigina pomp,
it Ay - lasi/tint ail ministering spirits."
MOirer igeeping o'er thy darling,
Dying on thy loving breast—
Holy angels hov'rinetear thee,
Gently take it to its rest.
Blooming Bride, in joy and sorrow,
Leaving now thy Father's home—
Angels holy, still be with thee,
Aid 'thee in thy journey on.
Pilgrim trae'ling, onwardlitast'ning,
Upwards to your home on high=
Angels help thee, angels guide thee,
Angels point thee to the sky.
Age may meet thee, make thee weery,
Sorrows' clouds make dark the'way—
Angel voices still will cheer thee,
Singing of " the endless day."
Friends of sunny hours may leave thee,
When these olonds of sorrow come,
Angels press the closer to thee,
Whlsp'ring " thou art near thy home."
Courage Pilgrim, Mother, Mister,
Pressing onward in the way,
Beep your footsteps near the Saviour,
Boon will shine a brighter day.
Angel's wateled our blest Redeemer;
Oheer'd him 'mid the darkest gloom;
At hie birth—end in temptation,
In the garden—At the , tomb.
Jesus Is onr elder Brother,
Will not angels help us too ?
Help ne living—bear us dying
Oa their wings, his face to view.
War thel Presbyterian Bauaer *ad Advocate:
Rev'i'val in Highland Congregation, Pres
bytery of Allegheny t,ity,
MESSRS. EDITORS :- 14 The Lord- bath
done great things fir us, wirereof we are
glad; and to his name be all the praise:"
This church observed the second week of
January, in accordance With the request of
the General Assembly. During the follow ,
ing week, prayer meetings were continued
.through the' congregation, with fata
lly vieiting, and occasional preaching by our
pastor, preparatory to a contemplated series
of meetings, which aommeneed on Monday,
the 23d ult. Our regular series continued
a fortnight. During the first week welled
preaching in the afternoon, and also at
night; and through the' second week at
night only, with a short season of prayer
before, and an inquiry meeting after each
Messrs George P. Hoye, Rardeey, and
other godly youog men from the Seminary,
imbued with the spirit of the Gospel,
preached for us.
Our assemblings increased in numbers and'
in interest as the meeting's progressed:
The silent tear, the flushed cheek, and the
low sob, heard in every part of the house,
gave unmistakable evidence that the Spirit
of God was dealing powerfully with the
heart, not only of the unregenerate, but
with those who had long professed , his name: ,
A deep solemnity marked most of our Meet
ings; and the inquiry meetings, after
preaching, were attended by about forty
persons, most of whom professed to' have
found Christ precious to their souls, and to
enjoy peace in believing on hie name.
As we contemplkeeld liaviliWivectomunion
on the second Sabbath• of , February; prayer.
meetingsrwere• continued' through' the' con.
gregation , every night.; and during all this
time we had firefly visiting, catechisitig,
and earrreaVezhortation , by our faithful-pas.
On Sabbath the 12th instr f the sacrament
of the Sapper With celebrated, and thirty
two persons on examination, made public
profession of their faith in Christ, and took
their seats with the rest of God's children
at his table.
Three others who enjoyed a comfortable
bops, were detained at home, on that day,
through indisposition. Dr. A Williams, of
Sewickley, was with us during our com
munion, and much refreshed and en
couraged our hurts in the Lord.
roc the Presbyterian Banner sod Advocate.
Organization of a Church, &o,
Oa Sabbathi December 4th, 1859, pre
plastery steps - were - taken to organize the
First Presbyterian church, (Old School,) of
Richardson 00., Nebraska Territory, but not
completed until January 22, 1860, when
the office.bearers (two Ruling Elden! and one
Deacon;) were ordained and installed - by
Rev. S. M. Irvin, of lowa Missions, near
Highland, Kansas.
This " little sister is a wall," and deserves
to have a " palace of silver" built for her
King's glory and praise, because she is lo
cated in a beautiful, richi and promising ,
land. And in view of her promising bright
future, her " breasts are like towers," and
We hope she finds favors in the epee of her
beloved, and may she also find /avor with,
or among her' rich, honorable, and royal
eisters. Although the Presbyterian element
is not strong in this county; yet, in point
of number, intelligence, and respectability,
it is the predominant religious element in
the region.
Richardson is the South• East Courityr of
Nebraska, having Kansas for its Southern
line, and the Miesouri River for its Eastern
boundary, and thin it has both navigation
and railroad to. connect it with Eastern
cities and commerce.
Education is popular in this region.
'Within twenty or thirty miles there are, be.
side common schools, an Academy and
'University, with large brick buildings,
erected at the cost of eight or ten thousand
doll are.
We invite Presbyterians who desire i
Western home, to come and see us, or we
refer'them to Rev. $ M. Irvin, Highland;
Kansas, who has resided in this region for
the last twenty.three years.
JOHN PRYSE, Missionary.
For the Preebyterlan Banner and Admen,
Professors' Once 'More.
"I always watoleprofeseors." Quite like
ly. A great many - do. It was said of old,
that they were made a "spectacle to angels
and to men." Ceitifnly,' a multitude of
eyes watch them now; and repeat their ob
nervations and confect:oes; for the benefit of
others. Indeed, monsidering the multitude
of wateherb, what minutie•things are report
ed, how, readily small things grow to be
great; it is a wonder professors stand so well.
" But I watch professore, when I deal with
them." Very many do. I have.itnown bad
boys, watch to tease an old Quaker, because
they supposed the "friend" was bound to
bear without retaliation. So some people
watch a Christian professor; and having un
derstood that the Gospel exhorts men not
to be worldly minded, to bear evils patiently,
and teaches that it is not reputable for
church members to have , law snits, they
conclude, that a professor is a safe subjeot,
for any dishonest trickery that can be piled
upon him.; that he will take it patiently, or
at least, for the sake of his Christian char
acter,. not venture into law. L think it
would not be difficult to name a score of
oases, in which men have attempted imposi
tions-'on a professor, they would not have
thought of against another.
" But I am afraid of them, they are so
hard." Now, I xeally suspect that. When
I- used to hear such charges, I believed
them, and mourned it should be
~ so. Bat
my eyes were opened by a small personal
operation. A fair business man of the
world, bargained with me, before witnesses,
to do some work at a fixed price. When it
was done, and not as well as he had agreed,
he increased the price twenty five per cent.;
and endeavored, by threatening, and bully
ing, to force payment ; and when the , wit
nesses were produced, be had the impudence
to tell me, "be thought when he was deal
ing with a professor, he would have 'no trou
ble at settlement." Now, since that, I think
there must be some truth in the saying
about "Stop thief" And when a man .
complains that a professor is bard, I thirik
he tried to cheat him, and failed.
61 Well, professors are sharp." If they
are not, they must be dull scholars. They
certainly'meet with sharp practice, and hav
ing had the experience of _eels, a few times,
it is not strange that they become chary.
Here, friend, is the truth. Many professors
are nothing but worldly men with a Chris
tian Dottie. You ought to be an earnest,
faithful disoiple of Christ, fulfilling your
duties to God, and shaming them for their
sin. But while you are not such, a name is
nothing ; you are brothers at h eart, and do not
speak evil one of another. Then many real
Christians, finding no one that will refrain
from attempts" to cheat then; because they
are Christians, are forced to doubt and dis
trust all with whom they dial. You, your
self would takes the hest of a bargain off
them if you could. Now, it is unjust, mis
erable cant, to talk of that eaution,•which
you neeessiate, as an objection to religion. '
I have told you the truth plainly, but kind
ly. May it do you good , . A.
From our London Correspondent.
The Great Eastern's Captain Drowned—The-Un
blessed Ship—The Sabbath and Compulsion—The
Commercial Negotiations with Franee— The Open
ing of Partiansent—Roman Catholic Statistics
.Progress of Monasticism—Counterfeit Manufacture
of Antiguities—The London University, and Doc
tors in Science—Elevation of Education vs. The
"Cramming" System—Revivals and . the West
minster Review—The Clerical Journal and the
Ulster Awakening—Pishertoiek Place—Belfast
—ftfr. Radcliffe and Islington—Lord Rod= and
the Prayer Meeting at Exeter Hall.
TIM OrREAT EASTERN seems doomed to'
disaster, if' not to the ruin of her share;'
holders. By a sudden and fierce storm on
last Saturday morning, tbe gallant Captain
Harrison, who; as commander of the Africa,
bad croaked ithe Attitude again and itgain,;
for years, -- in safety, was drewn'ed. Two
others also perished:, , Ali attempts to •Tagus.
caste the body, even by the ineetitnprofett
system, were The *hole nation
tdolll.l3s his loss ' cre
and 'the efidence of the
public in the
Great Eastern, which bad
been previously shaken, is now lower than
The enterprise was boastful, and not 'very
practical "or English-like film:1111e beginning.
It was got up in the tittle of raging specu
lation, when " imagination's airy: wing "
soared into the empyrean almost out-of sight,-
and the organ. of " Wonder" was also
brought into very italic exerchie The re
cent investigations at the meetings of angry
sharebolders show that about £867,000 have
been expended, that-the structure is not-so
firm, or trustworthy wit ought to have
been, or as the contract required, and that
large additienal sums must be expended be
fore she- is seaworthy. Even then, .who
would expect . profit, with such immense
sums - for ttie - shipisiworking expenses. Mr.
Lever, of Galway; hei beediiiakirig,tendere
far the hire of the ship, but theseliaie been
declined , for the liresent, antheitirlthe - piesi.
cut feeling abroad, the publi6 would 'not
adventtr6 thildielelves ant voyagetieroWthe"
It is sad to think that a. - larg,e liettidn'of
the work - of thisrmonster
log at Blackish, was perforrned on the
Lord's diy, that•no' provision was' filth for
the religious instruction of the men, or the
education of their' children, and that after
the accident on her way to 'Portland, when
on a Sabbath'morning some' of the men de
murred to working on that day-, (from con•
scientious feeling,) they were put under ar
rest. No, benediction was invoked when
she sailed first of all, and a godless set of
men the leading proprietors seem to be.
The Crystal Palace is precisely 'under simi.
kr control, and too many of our railways,
also. They pay very badly, and theirs is
not " the blessing " which " maketh rich
and to which He addeth no morrow." ,
is, for the present, not signed. The Times
and the country begin to mul:uric at the
fact tbat France either cannot or will not
give up her protectionist duties until the
Summer of 1861, at least in' many depart.
meats. Meantime she will be getting ma
terial of war from us, in the form of iron
and coal in large quantities. By admitting
their wines at aiow duty, (andlthese are but
articles of luxury,) we , shall' diminish our
own '"revenge. Beeides,"it is objeeted that
large' protective duties will be maintained on
many articles, even after a year and a half
has expired, and that free trade reciprocity
will thus be imperfect. Nevertheless!, I be
lieve the Treaty (the work of- Mr. Cobden,
mainly,) will, in all probability, take'effent.
The growing belief that the Emperor has
made his deliberate choice of the English
Alliance, and mans to favor Italian free
dom, will strengthen the . Cabinet- here in
any commercial treaty with France.
The Queen's speech will be delivered this
afternoon. Possibly I may be able in my
next to tell you something of the interior of
both houses, on the first Right - cif the ses
in the Ramieh Direr:gory for 1860, are very
suggestive. Churches; cl4pels-,- and sta
tions, an:Munt to 767 in England and Wales,
and in Scotland to 183, giving a total of
950 places of Romish worship in Great
Britaiir. Ten years ago ,- (the year of Papal
aggression,) the number was 680, so that
the increase is nearly fifty per cent. Dur
ing the same period'the Romish clergy, sec
ular and regular, have increased in England
and Wales, from 788 to 1,077, and those in
Scotland from 110 to 154; the increase for
Great Britain being that rather more than
twenty five per cent.
The growth of convents for women, and
of religious houses for men, has been even
more marked; monastaoism having increased
in the ratio of from 62 to 160, or nearly at
the rate of three hundred per cent. At
present there are in Great Britain twelve.
Colleges, all mainly, intended for• theirain
LONuDON, Januaiy 24, 1860.
F'Olt 1 4 11 E ~W Er :N►ING
ing' of the priesthood; for it is well known
that the Jay education in there colleges is
wade wholly subservient to that of " Church
students," and is consequently at a low ebb,
as far as secular and classical learning is
ooreerned. There are, besides the above,
Noviciates, or places tor training novices,
belonging to the several Roman Catholic
churches, and which are attached to the re•
ligious houses. There ate ten of the con
vents-mainly devoted to the education of the
upper classes of Roman Catholic females.
The Sisters• of Mercy, whose wait lies
mainly among the humbler classes, have no
less than three houses in London, two in
Birmingham, and others at Bristol, Notting
ham, Liverpool, Preston, Sunderland,
ford, and Wolverhaniptou.
in other words, a wholesale .produotion of
counterfeit vases, statues and other articles,
in perfect imitation of those known to be
of Roman origin, and found in the district
—is now discovered to be going on in Ger-
many. The town of Rhemzabern, near
Spires, was supposed to be the scene of this
imposition. The Romans had settlements
here,'and the place is indicated in the itin•
eraoy of Antoninus and in the Theodosiau
map. The soil has `• been always - rich in
every description •of Roman relies, 'naiad.
ing urns of baked clay, sarcophagi, engraved
precious stones, and red vases made-by pot
ters. Many antiquities having brought
profitable prices, the idea of a forgery-system
watt suggested and acted on. The whole
country was so inundated with this pottery
ware that suspicion was around. The Acad•
emy of Sciences at Munich, sent a special
agent to Rhemzahern, and he has arrived at
the conviction, after a minute investigation,
that the mysteikue manufactory ieinot there,
but at Mentz, which is strongly. suspected
of haiing producetd an antique ivory cos
ket, so perfectly imitated as to have been
purchased' at a high price for the British
Museum. Man, as Lord Kaimes says, is an
4 i imitative animal," and covets:ins man in
especially so: There is a vast amount of
imposition in this• way, pervading the Brit
ish and Continental market for pictures,end
articles of alleged antiquity, and- the. best
jadges are sometimes deceived. The copies
(and I haie seen such copies', for example,
of some of Sir Joshua Rsynold's beet pie
turesi) it may be said; are nearly as good as
the originals. But the difference is, that'
the best copy is not the'original.
Bachelor of Science, has been . founded by
the University of London. Bachelors of
Arts of the University, and• undergraduates
who shall have passed the first examination
for Bachelor of Medicine, will be admitted
to the degree.of Bachelor
,of Science, on
passing the second examination prescribed.
Other candidates must pass the matricula.
Lion examination, and also two other exami
nations. All candidates must 'show a own
potent knowledge of theqund a mental•pridei.
plea of-1, Mathematics; 2, Mechanicatand
Natural Philosophy ";s 3, Chemistry; 4, Bi
ology, including Botany amt" Vegetable
Physiology: , In' connexion withetiti* de ,
greed- , will , be the highei- one of iloctbr of
Science, two years elapsing after the obtain
ing of the Bachelor's degree, before the ex
amination for the highest-degree just men
tioned'. •
This is one of the signs of the times, in,
connexion with the increasingly high,stand
ard of education now aimed at, under the
stimulus of the multiplied openings for
talent and gifts in Great Britain and the
Colonies, and not theqitilitliri' the civil ser
vice of the Government in-bulls-and China.
Competitive examinations are of recent
adoption, and are working well for the in
terests of the country. The .Middle' Class
examinations at Oxford, are stimulating
schoolmasters to be diligent; lest Owe/bon-Id
lose their position. Too many of that Class
make a trade of what they are quite" nnfit
for. The " Dothaboy's Hall" system is
not entirely abolished ; and at all events, if
boys are pretty well feri as to the body, it is
too often a cramming system which is
adoated as to the mind ; so that intellectual
,digikiort of such bolted - morsels" of facts and
wordicie well nigh an impoiliibility.
RxviveLs are still the subject of dis
cussion, pro and COll, The. Westminster
Review has a very long article on the sub
ject'; a strange compound, evidently written
by one who has been brought up within the
pale of Evangelism, but- who has revolted
and. inn away. Balsam like, he is some
times compelled to bless, while he intended
to curse. .The animus of the writer is,
sufficiently indicite& The &it 'condition,
aceerding to hitt', is`ignorance I The Sewed,
that "all the members of the OlittYch' shall'
enjoy complete freedom (row - doctrinal arid
diseiplinal restraint ( /' (!) " in order that the
laity may co-operate in the 'religious ser
vices .by preaching,• mutual exhortation,
telling how the Lord has dealt with them,'
and:combining in fervent and long continued
prayer for the- ealvation of soul*" And
the third, ," that the intellect be rendered
inactive, the imagination and emotions being
excited, and that the sentiment of fear be
especially addressed and Fowerfully wrought
upon." With regard to the appeal to . /ear,
it is denounced'. The Wesleyan Times
seema'to'scent the traoes of Joseph Barker,
or sinne'OEle of the fngitiveti from Methbaism
who claim 'to be "original . thinkeri," and
writes very-ably on the whole'eubject: The
Weittntinster Revihweire Aeclaridthat“ in
terpolations . and excreseenoes'still'olung to
by the people, as essential' parts of the faith';
are now. rejected by distinghished 'Biblical.
scholars," Mr. Maurice disotitdink the dim
-of "eternal , punishment ;" Jowett
exploding the theory of " sacrificial atone
ment ;" Professor Powell "repudiating the
,a,pthority of the Old Testament, and cense
quehtly the doctrines of the fall of man
and the obligation of Sabbath observance;"
Mr. M'Naught, "renouncing Scripture' in
spiration ;" and the Bishop of Hereford,
" doctrinal religion generally." The Re
viewer having added, " The process of aim
pat:Mien will undoubtedly have .to be oar
ried "still 'further'," the" Wesleyan Times
writeilhas - :
The process of obi is what he means, as
wilt be 'readily undersiood when we mention that
the solemn - words of Our LORD, " He that believeth
shall be saved, , and he that believeth , not shall be
damned," are denounced by him throughout his
whole lucubration as a fabricated ghost " which
has struck terror into the hearts of millions' of
every Christian• generation during the last eigh
teen centuries." •
We are sorry to discern in the writer of this aw
ful article a Jacob hand under ao Beau covering.
Is he desoribing himself as well as men like
Joseph Barker, when he says,. " There - are not a
few gifted with superior Intellect and natural ear
nestness of character, whose conversion proves a
first impetus to their mental activity; the force
of which is not expended, until, having carried
them through Methodism, and often subsequent
religious phases, it enables them to attain intel
lectual freedom, and an' bouorable position among
the 'original thinkers and workers'of their gener
ation—the men of gallium of 'whom the nation
proud." The only "man of genius" we know
of, to whom this description is at all applicable,
is Thomas - Cooper, who, now, like Bahl of Tarsus,
builds up the faith Which he once deetroyed. Be
this as it may, the man who penned'thie vaunt
evinces thst t with the: insuiptre and
- • . _
4 --
...., -
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. :
111 .
1 ,
1 , -
Philadelphia, South West Corner of Seventh and Chesti
-It_ .
. , I AY, FEBRUARY 25,,
. , IS6O
Heti& si,,l,.'ai_ nya-•
atiOli r , : ciil
ter e ':q
1 .1..1
ee po.
_ per ;'of
#6 ded ~. '', i
modes of sp;
tt,oquired thr
the recreant
to attack t
This &mins
Hence we h
pressiooo, or
which. by e
the implacable wrath of Got? "
males, desertion of parents, a ,
ties, as imperative on the fai
men. The Word of God, in s
as snob a hotchpotch of eau-,
tradictions, that, it ie difficul,
in proportion as its readers
gaining an extreme paucity
verte," and commanding. " tb
perfeot faith" of each only
elate of ignorance' and hare
to exert with which to test it
Suoh being ""the ':ditfidnlti.
Christian," it followa that " t
versions, a cooditiou of the
ignorance." This ie " a shore
of dealing with the Revival, i
The Westminster Review J •• . ' ...
nizes the notable morel eh :`_es Which have
been effected by the Irish' ' evival ;" but he
doubts their perinanency,4coMparing the
movement with that . ' of Pither Matthew;
and forgetting that the lett& effected a tem
porary'result by a direct a nOirbitrary test,—
often' without Conviction; and under the
popular inipresSion'Of supergatural power in
the imposer: Whereas" nolo , - the cessation
of, drunkenness among sc. Protestant` popu
lation in Ulster ia, as the. folkyan Times
truly says, "an indirect malt, and one of
the effects of the Revival,- }hereby. proving
the operation of a moral cage '
In another part of the ' eteitin ' Tames, t .
is a frieddly and' faVoiablelefice of " The
Ulster- Awb kening ;" and it ;as Said', " With '
such 'a bodY of evidened a this before'lle;
we need . not be trOlibreffi in out "mind's, ''
though a host- of lirestnaster• - retiisieti,
Lancet explainers, ' S'ottirkiv • fiedgling,l, 4-
akeptioal 'and inexperieheta , .'phyeiohogitrea; ,
and 'special -correspondent iv mar doubt,
rail, or revile." tk ,
it is curious to, observeithovr extremes . ,
meet. While the Westminstv' that
" the procession of revival twill continue,"
the Clerical Journal, ' (ii,lligh - Church'
organ,) recognizes the feet a ffi rmed in`the
" Ulster Awakening," (will+ it' reviews at
some length; and In a 'kindly tone;)Ahat
these are '" periodical visitations' of the"
Spirit: Btit it aflifene thittthe"Mittide of '
the '" Ulster Aviakenber, l might - byte'
omitted'the reviiihref th e FiritiliVageoin'd
of the last 'century to Erit,l l o, 'as well ad—
thorie in Wales India Sdetlito;linctinseited •
in his listiinsteed; the reviVarrif the Nkene
age ; the resurrection of life trithe'eleventh'
century, in conneziono ciitirlsorce active
.Fraternities - of the ChurishOftßoate," when •
"the religious corporations were' multi%
plied; also that of ""the pried:dog brothers
in the thirteenth century ;1 the great Revival
of the last half century,. +hush has led
"thousands of churches an'lergy/' to a
restoration of the t
primitiv :efficiency of
Episcopal orders in the, N,
tioriel Church
t l s
of this land, as well as in th peloniere: It
therefore classes the " Ulatli.A.Waket!ing ",
amOng "sporadic" R9'4!'ilfgeve 3 P lag, are, ,
thoie Of _" French Rortianint,t(the:Jartt„
&Mists of the seventeenths`. century)
"American religioniste, inctpriinitive Meth:
odists." The "evil greatly prepandeiates "
over the` good." The Reilvidisti are right
in having faith in " united, faithfill, perlie t '
vering prayer';" but such prayer inutit'bel
"in God's osen howsef that hi, iii tlui
Church Episcopal only'! After all ilii4 it
is, I suppose, very inuahio be gratefialfo'r;
to find the' "Ulster' Aivikenieg" thine' .
spoken - of " We' 'are'gladdthat tiB'rettiirlfo
ble a movement stronfellivefolied rid fitting"
a chronicler, and we cometreddothe 'honk , fo
those of our readers.whO'desire to seetwlat
the Ulsterrevivaliste have to record of-their
movement, and , what an able advocate has
to say in its defence." ' ,
AT BiLEAST, the*ork , ef the RolY'Spitit 4
is mightily opelittitie in , Sabbittli! Settools.
I have - before;iner rts writeTht letterlrom'
an elder of Dr. 'Morgues—church, - acoonv
ponying' the -annual , report.ef Fish - Vivi*"
Place Sabbath Schbolsi• for 1859. The
nuniber of scholare on the books is'eight' ,
hundred' and. ty one , I% eliverage , changer
of echolare is threw hundredn each year.
The daily. occupation of the boys is divided
into' fiftpone trades; and. , those of the girls,
twenty-three. The Report.- states,. " The r
Lord Almighty hath =visited us with an
abundant shower of his heavenly grace, and
many, many in our schools have, within the
past few months, found Christ the Lord,
and are now rejoicing in his love and favor.
From one to eight, in many of our classes,
have tasted of his love; we do not wish to
say the number whom we'beli'etre ton have
been truly convened; tont We' are thinirfitr
to . know that they-are a gendltendiparly
•A spirit- of earifeht gm/Meats,
and the one greiterilei for — thelutieorit
verted‘ Vtle''haVe united"prayet
meetings, we have littliniiiiiltratietrikarttftir
supplicating, and we have •coneerts'"for
secret,prayer." As, to thegeneral presence
of a Divine Influence; it is added : "The
friends and supporters of, Sabbath Schools
have much ()Ouse for thankfulness, in know
ing what the Lord hoe been doing in the
schools of 'Ulster. He has set his sell to
the work."
My, friend, in his
,private letter'. to me, .
says " The work is still' progressing in our
school; many, this { Week, haVe"liaeli With"
me, in tears, anxiiiiin abont `their "Souls."
'He adds, "We lialtrbeerrhiemembering
London, of late, in our public meetings for
prayer. Oh, that there may -be-, la great
movement in the mighty eity. Suck an
event would tell on all the World."
Last Lord's day, Mr. Reginald Radcliffe,
a lay Evangelist who has been remarkably
blestied, preached in my own chlifch; Dr.
P. V. M'Lean takirm the yulpit 'with him,
and conducting the devotional"services.
Very soleinn, and I trait' saving ,
along, are made. We have some drops" of
the heavenly rain—ask for ns an 'enlarged
outpouring from Hi ntiiho is ablelo`do for 4
us'exceeding - abundatitly'abode` all that *we
ask or think.
The excellent EARL or Roby—an-Ulster
man—presided at the Evangelical Alliance
Prayer Meeting, on Thurmlay last, in Eieter
Hall. A similar meeting is held to day.
To morrow is a public meeting at 'Edward
Street, Porttnin SqUare, to , hear thi' dtatia
mutt of officers - and others; 'who ".'have'
visited the scenes' of Irish Revivals.
P. S.—Since Writing the
,early - pare. of
this letter, I learn that the Commerisial
Treaty with Fs ranee' was •signed yestirday
Lemon of Faith.
Looking out of his window one Summ'er
evening, Luther saw- on a tree'-at band , a
little bird making biwbrief and easy'dispo
sition for a night's rest=" Look," said le,
44 how that little fellow preaches faith - to us
all. He takes hold of his twig, tucks his
head under his wing andtoes to-sleep, leav
ing God to think for him P"
ZEAL without knowledge is fire without
Per the Pzeehyterkin Banter end 'idea:late:
Go or Send !
Sabbath Schools should be' planted in
thousands of neglected neighborhoods the
coming Spring and Summer. Multitudes
of untaught children may thus be brought
under the direct influence of Bible truth
Every Christian and patriot has some reopen•
sibility in this matter—should go or *d—
eed if possible do both. The American
Sabbath School Union is receiving numer•
ous applications from theological students
for Sabbath School missionary appointments
during the Spring and Summer-vacations—
from three to five months. To engage in
this work would be, a great blessing to the
young men themselves, in giving them that
knowledge and experience, so important in
the work of the 'ministry, and would furnish
them with the funds needed to enable them
to roneoutet their studies (which in many
14 , 4 1 . • - 7
on' ay
peen co say no mi. - 0 +8
advantages to' be erijnyed by' the' siliurcheit
when these young men shall become pastors,
or of the blessings immediately conferred
upon those for whose moral elevation and
salvation they would specially labor in the
mission proposed.
Wi have abundant testimony upon this
subject from theological professors, pastors,
and students, who speak from their own oh
servation and experience. We can employ
but few of these young men, unless the
monirshall be paid or pledged Specially for
this purpose. Our policy in regard to col.
lusting agents, has thus far fully met our
expectations, but has resulted in making a
large proportion of our donations and collec
tions specific, and hwi Wm put into commis
sion an IA mos* large number of permanent
This leaves us without means to employ
student or temporary missionaries. Three
or four hundred theological students, eon
incited with Ingot's Evangelierd Chlifdhes
could be engaged for this work-within the
.next month, if We had - the means' to meet
the expense—one dollar a day for each
man How many who read this paper could
easily furnish the means to employ one or
mare of thesirfoiing - llllSSiOtariffg `for three,
fair, or five months—thus sending men to
do what. they "Cannot do in person. Who'
will join us in this two fold work of benev
olence—aiding the student and blessing the
onildren? In behalf of any person or per
sons, churches, or Sabbath Schools, Sending
us $l5O, (or a pledge for the same) "we will
commissinn a theological student (the semi`
nary and field - of labor may be selented by
the donors - if delsited) and ''send him forth
among the destitute as a Sabbath School
Missibiiiry. We will also furniesh dorfors
with .a monthly report of the labors Of the
miesitliiirr employed on their Febbunt:
Resporigeor to this propdaitilin should be
madeat an early day; as arrangemente must'
Soon be ebriipleted'for the Spring and' Sum
mer work.
r e f mutilation by
Otter monstroei,
and obedience of
lt,tkis represented
roes and con:'
e well-informed,
'4 s scientific eon
t!a'ihesitating and
come to it in tt
o ittoiimen
fnt boodming a
ibat sudden eon-
cL.importance is
i patiy method,"
etiOd b 5 else
R. B. WE snmook, Sed'y of Mittitions:
J H. ituitTis, Asseeiale'See'y.
Auptican Sabbjh School Uiiio7a.
eiphik February 1860. f
Yorthe Presbyterian BMU er and Advocate.
A Revievier Reviewedv
- EDlTorts - :=The hretlifin‘ of
the " new' - Quarterly" say that it is "a
specie l misiloi - " of their Cluircirw to cord
mend the . PsialidaY Divine:"-- 1 p: 150.
AceerdinglY 'just about ' one' page in every
four Of, this* fire rinfriber,' is on that Subject.
In eisimiting' this' " mission," they
speak of their "metrical paraphrase," " as
a true and literal translation decidedly sts•
fierier t'o'any'Othelfr in the English language,"
and is "liarritd‘ort the principle of a traria.
lation of the origitial 'as literal as the laws of
versifittatibii will' 'allow." These' 'are the
words' of this Reviewer, in other connexions.
The " True Psalinody" adds : " We adhere
to the very matter provided by God ;"(p.
10,) and the re , echoes, we "reject
all aditiams to the system of praise - which
God 'haiqgiven - to the Church." Let us
examine thie'matter.
1. The author of the " Letters on
Psalmody " thought it was his duty to ex
plode these most extravagant and unfounded
,preteneihntir arid acebrdingly; in 'the first'
five of etteYsT he "'Shelia thit eteard 4 of
singing , " an inspired. Psalmody," these
brethren sing," a paraphrase," or " expli
cation " of the Psalms, in which are found
sorae;fitil'Undrid'Eldraps corn
vaililOusize'from" two and a
hat/ lines down to a single -Word or phrase.
All these,. with very few excepAions,, arennt
mere " words and phrases,' but man's
'imprevementi - on the - Divine thorighf; hu
meri additibiss to the very matter provided
by God," in the original Hebrew. The
'plain Christian can see the proof of these
statements ley . comparing Rouse with the
prose traations Of our Bibles, Which even
the ReViewsdr‘isdillitlea he . "`iiiost'estitelleirt
and faithful,"' ihenisseh greater mew pro.
'mince to hi' "the befit tramelation'in the
world," and' "as literal as can be, , to avoid
2. NOV" Whit reply does 'the Reviiier
lb Make - to these whielf
so thinking* eiphillb Prete/strewor" an
exclusively iumpired Ptialishodyi" which pro*
that he and Ins brethren have exalted into
a' term of , communion one of their 'own
inventions bait coliiitabitiee from
the tribtlieVChisroli'of •Seotlitled3 and which`
convict them of the 'very einivand "'strange
fire'" with which they-denonnee •other
Churches? ; Here is his :answer': "You
knew that this has "nothing to do with the
gitestioia I" With‘ t variblis expressions' of
content % he'prefeeseiC to see' no forms 'Sr
meaning' in thir - sort of argument I He
ventures to affirm that it only proves' that
Rouse's " Version is in some respects im
perfect l" Bat how could the Reviesier
niakestoicii a statehiebt ? Oriabhief design,.
repeatedly' Iwo We& by the ittthcii in his first
" five Lettere' wavto show that Rouse is
no version at all, 'and therefore not an " in
spired Pealmody," but a patchwork para
phrase ;" and that those who sing it,
nedenisarily - are' of - - offering " the
strange' fire . '" of " harden . composithisi."
Yet this' Reviewer arm seecno relevanciy in
all this it is only discussing " the exolu
sive use" of Rouse, or the imperfections
of his. " metricallianalistiori !" But is it
not something to' the - purpole'fo prove that
he and' his - brethren 'hate no " mettles'
translation," but only a "paraphrase," - or
mixture of Divine and human composition ?
Look at the subject in another light.
SsYs the Reviewer, "If the Patilitia - are
sung in the worship of God it ill, bf ',aurae
some version - must be'used." But if this be
a correct 'statement, then he and his breth
ren "do not sing , the Psalms at all;" for it
is'proved in the "Letters" that they use
exclusively " Rouse's Paraphrase of the
Psalms," as the SottillicGtehiral Assembly
have repeatedly called it. They -*lib not
pretendsthat the, Psalmsi" and an "ex
plication" of the 'Psalms, are the •same
thing i nor yet that, the Genera Aiseembly
of the Church • oi Scotland were so ignorant
as not - to be able-to eallithings by their right
J. W :
3. Dr. P. appears to be quite desirous
that the author of the "Letters" should
oppose "the U 96 of the Book of Psalms P I
" If you deny," he says, "that we have Di
vine appointment for the use of the book of
Psubts, why do you not say so f" But we
trust no Presbyterian will ever he ito foolish
or winked as to deny any such thing! If
Dr. P. had road the book he attempts to
review, he would have found our principle
kat& more than once, as follows " The
whole' Word of God" (of cannel including
" the book of Psidme,") " is of use to direct
us" in praise (as well as in prayer.) This
would have answered his question, and saved
his ink and paper. We most strenuously
advocate'" the use of the Book of Psalms,"
and that, - too, as of " Divine appointment."
The real points of difference are these :
The Reviewer professes to sing "a true and,
literal version or translation;"but all the
time he i iiatonif 'an 'ex 'Unita i t , 'era•
of "Itunian composition." We' Presbyte
rians on the contrary, sing just what we
profess, viz , a paraphrase ot the book of
Psalms. Again, the. Reviewer "lays aside
Its widen," large parts of the Pisaluity thus
iinspiOring . upon ," the' very matter" of
" God's Psalm Book." We - omit certain
parts, also, as less suitable tor praise than
Other portions of the Soriptnres. The Re•
oiess4r and his brethren call their " pare
hraiii," "the songs which God his giver," i, an'inspired' Pitainiody literally and truly,"
t.nd excommunicate their elders and mem.
here for singing anything else, even in family
trorship. Oar Church, on the contrary, au
thorizes ttreir "paraphrase" (Rouse) to as
roany of our congregations 'as ishoinse - to use
it; but appre , ies,-alsk another' parairhvise,
ncluding,' in Many. ot -the- Psalms; New
'estament explanations. For all that we do
a this affair, we claim "to have Divine
•?ppointrnene " And yet Dr. P. seems to
f.e astortisheli, ' becarise we do not deny
li Divide appointment' for the use of the
*look' of Psalms I!" We would just as soon
Thing of denying the Divine, appointment
tor the use of all the rest of the Bible I
We have thiS Stated the plain, unvarnished
Eget* of the case The RevieWer' will pidb:
tbly retort, "wily ' tactician,'" " artful,"
" disingennone;" but that proves . nothing
to hie purpose. The "Letters on Psalm-.
ldy" furnish abundant evidence of all
these statenente, and Dr. P. will not find' it
osy •to' refiite - even' a atrial' part - of that
4. Tee Reviewer- has another' strong
pint. " The great question, he says, " is,
Itave we Divine nppointment fpr the use of
:}he devotiettal "corniiositions of 'uninspired
liensin the worihipof God I" Del". of coulee
:iuswers'in the - negative.. But &este never
else, in Divineworship,tbe Tsraletand-proph•
ii.sies of Balsam, recorded Numbers : 7
-444: Does he ; never, in public worship,
;bad those paseakesln the audiethie of the
t l eople ? But' perlia* he Will say '-.B dim •
Was inspired. Well, then, tiketherspeeiihes
4f Job's friends, of Whom • God' says,' " Ye
lave not spoken of me the thing which is
-Right " Or take the eonfensions of the
$O, jesta l z k errt "devils," that Jesus was! .
, ithe trae lleheish,' , "the Holy ()nevi God."
noes Dr. P. never read' these passaikes in
the public worship of God?" Then-here
e commits the , very sin of using "the cow
tositions of uninspired meni" yeaef, devils,
vs the worship of God"! And worse still,
is not: Certain that: they were even ta devo
4ional 'dompo el dons "—certainly thOse of
l• the devils " were not! The Reviewer
ocean-this,- and yet he intimates. to ns the
ianger of offering S 6 strange fire," if we use
to worship the compositions of uninspired
tien—if we dare to eing anch a hymn aly
" All bail the pewee, Jesitecnime
Let angeli prostrate fall ;-
Bring forth the . royal diadem
And crown him Lord of alt."
But we do not wish to mieafferpret` the
itevievief. While' he is guilty of theft`
trangely' in oonsisrentlants;we' t,viitife• that
tie bad in his eye only the'singing, not the
:tending, of " evanyeliecti'hyninas coal Viebit by
uninspired men." He strongly debieit that
ire " have* Divine 'authority'" for • singing .
these 'hymns; though` he does "not` objeef to
ivorshipping God by otherwise-using' in
tublic - Worship "the obtelYdeitiObt of unin•
fpiredurneti." , and 'even of devile Let 'fie
look stqthis 'mutter!
5. The , Reviewee calls' upon us ." to . pro.
duce Divine authority --for"` the use . (in
ingitrg) of evangtlied with peievl by
tihineidifed'queite? , " Thiel" he /says, it is
the great quetitiOti:" We nit te
(1:) ierobviotis that' Dr. P. here leaves
intirely out. of •View "the Divine liplioirit
iuent 'of the exclusive use of the - Boole of
Psalms." The 'questions are entirely die
linot. Bupposei'for example Priabyferians
timid agreerto tite'his "inspired Psalmody,"
Rouse's' pariphiabe," exdlusively of
411 ' other Iparsphrebelraf 'the 1 3 salliiit=-wh it
thenl Still, with most "perfebt cOnsisfency
ihey'inight sing any tiumbefef gc'Diangeli!
nal Hymns." Andrsupposeltie - agree With'
))r. P. that ihereis'ito appointment
or such..",hymni`;' of tiningifred men:"
. I tlll, therel is. all-the inspired 'tatter of the'
t-tiaiiptetietsi inelnlinig se've'ral whole books of
toetidallittdddevotional?-cenipbeition, besides j
t twiny othendes, songs, or hymns 44 coropelbed'
hetivnti:" Did 'not - thiellAiettet" once'
üblish - the folloWing':—" We'liree - to AIT nee any other , thatilthe songs
e:ontained in the Book 'of Psalitie?"—
Ralston, p. 46. How, then, Cid -lie` ven
ture to sayin this 'Review; (p 22,) that 'if
thiirquestion " of the use 'of unindpired
fvangebeal hyenas " bieettlbk we sirsillquive
iat little.clifteultyin adjuiitirk subordinate
Okla' 1" Does he. iniah that - there' would'
fa 2 , difficulty" about singing other
inspired matter, which We, hive 1 " no,
tuthokty" from
,Gott 'to sing in his wor=
ship ? And when in his book on'r'salmodf,
k , 88, he says t "This difference 'of opinich
kabout any song , of .prailid'oontlitiedr in the
.Bible,) should not disturb' theliitic'e . of theN
llhurch," are`we-to'uniiiiittiliti him 'to say'
that' to use""`acibga °Of' praiie"
AlITHOIIITY," should'; make
t 4 dilkorelty And it' thiewhat he
means bythe obligntiOultsand-tbrvirli `of 'the ,
I/ Beyond comtnandment," which' forbids'
($ thivorshippirig of God by * * * *
!Any way not appointed in has 'Word's"'
himself; pit • seeing; the Want 'Of Divine
authority` is . a " little — diffiiiulty," and
-4 , should not .disturb the peace of the
9burch "—butler Preebyterians, the 911003
inant'of Divine authority exposes": them to
the heavy curae - bf breiiiiing - " the 'sielond
lomenandnient," "the`sin' of 'Nadal'and
ikbibtf" "offering strange' fire." This want'
" Divine appoidtifient" is a very cop
elliebtroor to hold - ovet the heads` - 'of Pret'
fatetilinaT in ordetr" to frightenuthein
the Rente.esinpT but;When , ohoe'they , get - iii'
therefilieffifid 'it is ui diificralte'
- Ind "ought' not to of the'
(2') But"entolitieerwe adadt that " the.,
laivinVaptobititticent for the Use of tiiiivsgia
lest hymns.toOlotied by uniriapirbriteit,'
(he great question '! The Reviewer", , - 6r
By Pail, or at the Mee, $1.50 per Tear. t
Delivered In thetity, 2.00 ‘ 6 "
authority," Bat in this he is strangely ird.
consistent with himself If it be so great
a crime to sing "evangelical hymns," whole
hymns of uninspired men, is there no sits
in singing parts of such hymns? Yet hop
uses, without the least ' 4 compunctious visit.
logs," an explanatory " paraphrase" of the.
Psalms, patched with hundreds of, thoughts„
and sentiments, and explications, of Rouse
and other " uninspired men This is
abundantly proved in the first five "Letters.
on Psalmody. i ; If the use in praise of a,
whole " uninspired hymn " be so grievous a
crime, why not limuse's parts- of •hymns T.
Was Rouse inspired ? When this Reviewer
gives up singing the " human composure"' of
Rouse,lt will be Time enough to attend to this
so called principle of " inspired' Pefalriody "
In the nieantiine we shall continue to think
that all the human patchwork of Rouse 'was
never " composed in heaven I" Dr P. may
ciao httltir t 4lt l Atikt
a , .1 sno flog dif with t e clues.
tion " of "inspired: Psalmody"—but fill
unprejudiced men will' say, " Physician,;
heal thyself."
I have thus, Messrs. Editoni, endeavoreth
to explain to the Reviewer's satisfaction,
the important bearing 'Which these subjeets
have on the Psalmody controversy. Thera
are several other points in this Revie'w,
which I should be glad to discuss But I
must not encroach upon your columns too
far. If Providence permit, when Dr. P.
gets through, I may test the merits of his
articles in another form. NATHAN.
Living top EiglL
The following paragraph reminds us of a
little work published here 80Che few years'
since, entitled " Three Experiments of Liv
ing," illustrating Living within the Means,
Living 'up to the M.eins, and Living beyond
the Means, and We'select it as not inappro.
priate to this meridian :
There is a dreadful ambition abroad for
being " genteel!' We keep up appear
twee tee. often at the expense of honesty ;
and though we may not be rich, yet we
moot menet) be so. We must be " ratlike
table," though only in the meanest - sense,
in mere vulgar outward shOw.' We have
not the courage to go patiently onward in
the condition of life in which it his pleased
God to call us, but must needs live in some
fashionable' Matti to whiCh we ridicniously
please rto call ourselves, and- all to gratify
the vanity of that unsubstantial genteel
world of which we form a part. There is a
constant struggle and pressure for front.
seats in the social auipliithiatre,. in the
midst of which, all 'self denYink resolve is'
trodden down, and' many •finel - natureti are,
inevitably crashed to death What waste,
what misery, -what bankruptcy come *dm
this ambition to dazzle others •with the -
glare of apparent worldly eneceis,
not describe. The misehievouti 1481116
show themselves in--a thoitaand waysi-An,
the rank frauds committed by men who do.
not dare to seem poor, and in the desperate
degree - At fortune, in which; the pity is not
so Much for those - Who fail,' as for the Min
dreds of inamentlamilies-Ob - -often'
- involved in their•ruin•t• -
Higher I it is a 'word ''of' noble meaning
--the inspiration of all great deeds- , -thei
sympathetic chain that leadit, link by liuk r
the impaseiornid soul to its zenith of' glory,
and stillTholdi roystefibus objetit stand
ing and t litterixig arm* the
Higheil lisps the infint.that clasps its
mother's knee's, and makes its feeble - essay
to rise from the floor—it is the first inspira
tion of childhood—to barst'the narrow con
fines of the''cradVe in fhich' itst'saitifitat
moments have passed forever.
Higher I laughs the proud school bey at
his Ming; or as he climbs the tallest tree
of the fores t , - that he may lo ok - down nn hie
lees adventurousccompanions; with flush Of
exultation, and abroad over the fields,' the
meadows, and his native village. Re never
saw so extended a prospect before.
Higher l earnestly breathes the student
of philosophy and nature ; he has a host of
rivals, but he must, eclipse themell. The
midnight oil burns dim, but he finds light
and knoWledge in the lamps of heaven,
and" his soul is never ,weary when the last
of them is hid behind the curtains of
morning. y .
And higher I his voice thunders forth;
when the dignity of manhood has invested
his form, and the multitude is listening,
with delight to , his overlies, burning whir;
eloquence and ringing like true steel , in the
cause of freedom 'and the right. When
time his changed his lucks
. to silver, and
world - wide his renown ; when the "..maiden
gathering flowers by the road side, and the
boy in the field, bow in reverence : as he
passel, and peasents look,to him in honor,
win he breathe forth`fioni his helgt the fond
wish of the past ?
Higher` yet I He has reached the, apex,
of earthly , lionor,, yet his spirit burns as
warm as in youth, though with a steadier
and'palei light, and it would even borrow,
wibgs and soar up to high heaven, leaving
its tederrierit to niouldei among the laurels.
he hairivtetrrid around ft, for the ending
glory to lie-reached only iii the presence of -
the Most High.
Sowing the Seed,
Religious, people often make the same Ml*
take as business men, when they !expect
great results without long labor. Oar cowl
trymeti',' relytoo muck on timer
of excitement' to promote ieligionOts thy''
calculate on times of speculation to make
their fortunes. Bat the expectation is as
unreinionable in one case as in the other.
Fortunes suddenly made; %ire .as StaidStili
lost. The glittering babble bursti in the"
air. Wches acquired by patient Pinditatty
are the . most enduring. The mushroom m.y. -
grow up in a night, and wither in a night,
Bat the oak, that defies the blasts of-a hun
dred Winticarceliltilial l its a greirth
within the •life of men. So thsi
fruits,that spreads thewidasti-and•atau,dthrel'
longest, spies up only where the see* bas ,
been long gilri and wttered again and again.,
twi h'teirs. 22 3/ Y. Evangelise
A •• Beautifttl 'Thought
When enginters iodiebiidge irstrettin;,..
.they often - carry over at first ibritlt - iiiikle
thread. With-that theynekt:streteh a wire
' germs. Then strand is added to strand, un
til a foundation is laid for p!anirs;, and :l rpw
the bold engineer finds safe - foifwa r i,
wallislfrom 'side to side So God titkeefroin'iis
some golden threaded pleisafe, and' iftrefolide
it hence' into lidaven. Them hettalres•arehild,c7
1- and then a friend. Thin, 1,,,he bridges death,.
andieioheithe thought s of the most timid
to find they IrkkhitheFind f trittherliiatiAtu
the • '
TnE GRACE or Goo.—A boat,vith'thet
full tide against. it, ',does well if it can keep,
from and. MEifit bay. ; strong
force indeed to get forward!' We meet esti
E 1 „ Eby n.,.• • with. ,
Ts ta e y 8 Oppuo!'008 111/194,7
NO. 887