Presbyterian banner & advocate. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1855-1860, February 20, 1858, Image 3

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    b' ends or Fear Ling. But it is neverthe
'• • true that everywhere in Moses, and the
vioplicts. and the Psalms, are written the
things concerning Christ; that all &rip-
Lure is piren by inspiration of God, and is
r eoti table for doctrine, for reproof, for come
;ion, and for instruction in righteousness.
:hat the man of God may be perfect, dm
: ughly furnished unto every good work.
And it is equally true that the great bus
iness of the minister is to preach the Word
a f te r the example of Christ himself, the
great Preacher of the Gospel, and of his
Apostles; when in the instruction of his
disciples, beginning at Moses and all the
prophets, he expounded to them in all the
Suiptures the things concerning himself,
and wilco they, preaching to their hearers
the Gospel of God, reasoned with them out
of he Scriptures, opening and alleging that
Christ must needs have suffered, and risen
again from the dead, and that Jesus is Christ.
—Luke xxiv : 27-44; Acts xvii : 2, 3.
And, without objecting to the common form
of preaching in its place and measure, or
wishing to see our ministers bound down
always to any one form, we do not see how
they can fully preach the Word, and so in
struct the people that they may understand
the Scriptures, without making their preeehe'
ing, in some form, an exposition of the Scrip-1
tures in course, and in their proper connex- .
We cannot but think that the general
neglect of a due use of the Word of God,,
iu these various respects, is at least amoiik.
the chief causes of the state of religion
which we lament.
2. A second cause of the defective and
unsatisfactory state of religion among us, we
think, ;,s to be found in a general failure on
the part of parents and of the Church, fully
to comprehend the gracious provisions of
God's covenant with his people in relation,
to their offspring; clearly to recognise the
relation of their children, through this cove
nant, to God in Christ .Tesus, and. to his
Church; and duly to embrace the promises
<d• the covenant on their behalf, and, by
the agencies and means which God has or
dained, to train them up in the nurture of
the Lord.
God said to Abraham, "I will establi
44 1
my covenant between•me and thee, and thy
seed after thee in their generations, for an
everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee ,
and to thy seed after thee." To his people
in all times he says, " The promise is unto
you and to your, children." Through, thii,
covenant the children of . God's people are
members of the Church, and, as snob, sus
tain a peculiar relitiOn to Christ, and to
God in Christ; and through this covenant
it is, that God has appointed that the giftof
eternal life in his Son shall be bestowed
upon them. To this end, they are 'to be
dedicated to God from they have any being;
according to the tenor of this covenant, slid
the seal of the covenant, in baptism,
be placed upon them ; , its promisee twerAly
faith to be embraced and pleaded for-them ;
and they are, from the first opening of,their
faculties till mature age, to be duly, "diri..
gently, faithfully, daily instructed' in. the;
knowledge of Divine things, and trained up,
in the nurture and adinonition of din' liord.
This duty God has made incumbent, first
upon parents, in reference to the children
whom he has given them, then upon, the
pastors of his flock. All other teachers, if
lawfully used, are but helps to tbese. They
alone have opportunity in any due manner to
discharge this duty; they alone are competent
to its adequate performance; upon them Gpd
bath laid it; of them he will require it !in
the great day of account; and to it they are ,
bound tly the obligations of nature and of
grace. This is God's method of bringing
salvation to the children of his people.
Now, if Christian parents, and the rs
tors, and the churches, everywhere, were to
clearly comprehend and recognize this
- which is God's method of bestowing his
grace on the children of his Peopfe ; and
were, with an intelligent, living, confiding,
assured faith, to enter into the arrangements
and provisions of God's covenant in behalf
of the little children of the kingdom
. of
heaven, to plead for them i ts prom ises, Nand
and duly,to fulfill its obligations
toward them, is it credible that it should be
tho common ease of these children that they
should continue to'be unregenerate, irithout
Christ, and grow up, through childhood and ,
youth to years of manhood , and womanhOod,
not the children of God, but the children of
the Wicked One, of that Old Serpent,. the;
Devil and Satan ? Is this credible ? 'On
the contrary, ought we not to expect that,
under these conditions, the origin of their ,
spiritual life would follow close upon the'
origin of their natural life; and that, stniati
lied from the womb, they would grow up, froui
the beginning of th eir days, the children of
God; in every period of life, frOni early
childhood to old age, bringing forth, in forms
and in measure appropriate, to the. 'mimes
sive stages of their life, the fruits of tle
Spirit, and furnishing in these the'evidence
that they are indeed the children of God ?
Without presumirig to usurp the Ovine"-
tive of God, and to pronounce that they are
unregenerate, because of the want of 'paint'
factory evidence that they are born of:God,
there is indeed great reason to fear thist Whirl
multitudes, perhaps with the great majority:
of the children of professed Christians, the.
actual state of their case is widely different
from that which we have here indicated as what
their ease ought to be. It may be that a great
majority of the children of professed Chris..
tians do, in fact, remain unregenerate .n in
fancy and childhood, and grow.up to mature,
years, the eihildren, as they are, by nature, of.
disobedience and of wrath. But we , believe ,
that this is not the normal.state,:of things ,
ordained by God; and that to this abnormal.
departure from and neglect of God's:method
of conferring his grace upon the children of
his people, is owing,, in a large "jool},e
want of a more full, and symmetricalonil
perfect development of Christian character
in those who make a profession of godlinesi;
and the instability, and inconsistencies, and'
and disorders, and imperfections, in so many
ways, of their religious life. • •
3. A third cause of the low state' of reli.
gion among us, we think it can not be
doubted, is the want on the part of:Chris
tians, of due measure and kind of prayer to
A consideration of the place which prayer
holds in the spiritual life of Christians, pre
cludes the supposition that they live prayer
less lives. It may, however, be true—we,
think that there are few real Christians who
will not admit it to be true of themselves—,
that there is a great want of constancy, per.
severance, and abounding in 'all prayer—
public, and social, and private—a failure to
watch unto and continue instant in. prayer.
Stitt more is it true, that there. has been
with us a great want of due art:testi:re and
importunity in prayer—the effebtail,efervent
prayer which prevails with ,God. . Our
prayer has not been like that of Jacob, in
that memorable night when he Wrestled with
the Angel of the Covenant all night long,
even until the morning, saying i "I will not
let thee go except thou bless me -" and ob
tained the new name Israel, became he was
a prince, and prevailed with Go 4. It has
not been like that of the woman of' , Canaan,
who'jesukon behalf of lierdaugh
ter, when ixigio ls her plea agailper *pare*
repulse, she said : " Yea, Lord, yet the dogs '
exerciseo iOlp r 0 V o ir
s ons in e, th i i i e r tehalf, t a hey would in the
eat of the crumbs which fall from their
dedicate, their little ones t g o ' G a o s d,
master's table." It has net been like that tenor of his covenant with them and theiaccording r to
Of Jesus himself, when in the days of his
flesh he poured out his soul in prayers and Pleading
I for them its promises , and expecting the
a e h n e t et of t e h e e d se . romiees in the baptism of the
rle d r a e y ea b l y e day,
the morning and
supplications, with strong Crying and tears, Holy
!evening, along with I unto a Him that, was able to save him from ; the voice of psalms, and the reading of Scriptures,
. death and was heard in that he feared. Is lin ell their habitations, these children prayer,
it to be suppoSed, brethren, that if prayer, covenant were diligent] • faithfully, zealously in
suche as this, abounded with us continually strutted i nDivine things Y' , end thus ' all the fami-
I —prayer for ourselves, for preventing grace , i lies of the Church were nurseries of Christian
1 that we 'may' be kept- from - an evil , heart of 1
t iru h r s i a ed st g e e m an o t
s p g it e lyd ef i s f
a th u lszlition of
things, thins
, unbelief in departing from the living God ; -.!' . a s were
i prevail, it would be, through all our churches,
1 from the power of temptation from without, the fit-bringing of a revival of religion, which
and the dominion of ind'frelline. sin within; would not be as the morning cloud and as the ear_
• and for quickening grace, and the constant ly dew, wblat , goeth hi a it h abide through
indwelling ;of the "Spirit, that we inlay live many generations, making the
garden of the Lord.
continually unto God; , 'and if there were
1 6. A fifth mean of obtaining a revival of reli
t prayer such as this for our brethren, and far .
ler 41 0 e d u i c n h t as h we seek, is a due use of the Word
all men—is be supposed that, in still a , e private study of the Scriptures by
eaSe, considering the strong language in which '! the members ,
, tre. o the `Cherish, in Catechetical in
. .Church indeed as
, s ction, and in the ministrations of the pulpit
the Scripture§ speak of God as the `hearer of
prayer, there pould exist the , state of geneeorna_l We need not repeat here what has already been '
i said nd of the excellency of the Divine Word and its
declension which we , behold? And, ,
es tp u ersa a b u le d ne:essity, as the principal mean of
sidering the very close and intimate con- i
'would result e t i t irn i t life . Te benefit which I
flexion betweenprayer and all other exer- formation of Christian I
i ch ee n e wi e c f te c r trte thefulhienti, thedepth, and the rich- '
cises of spiritual life, Cie ire not authorised and the constancy
to'o6l3o . lticle .
. that our -want:of spiritualtprOa l r , stability, and tisu frui e tf z u P l e n r es e s tic o e f ' the Christian life,
pertlyie, 'in great pact, to the want of i
i fr ti m a full, thorough, diligent, faithful and hab
a 'am meaeur b ea c n aus d e kindof Foyer ? , , private study of the Scriptures for the e a
,4. A. ioult ofthe _ow state of re- for which they are given can not b' 4 ' ends
ligion among us, we think, is the want of ii, tea. We can not but think, too, theat°ther-esetniestrala
roption of. the catechetical form of instruction, g
perfectly sincere and full ,purpose of heart, : e rn the people, by the , pastors, would be otex- 1
with godly sorrow for sin, contrition of spirit totes. :The
se a mean of understanding the Scriir
and, deep hUmiliation, to put '
away from us' id e• The ignOl: WhO are ashamed or =win
ell iniquity,, pergOhal and. social ; to purge , g tolearn, but not ashamed to 'remain ignorant ,
am consthences from the guih, of . ,sin ; to may decline this form of instraction,and -suffer'
penalty of, ignorance in a low state of religion
mortify titterly,till the remainder of /001TUre
steal loss
souls and their„litse, and in great spir
don withieue ; and fully to , yield ourselves ., But they who avail them
unto Goa as those who are ' alive from the selves of telise,sid way
' this method will have
dead, to serve him in newness of life. ' ' an abundaltt re:e a :l s l e • t s :l:a% isLatl e d definite
knowledge, of the oracles of ' G P od.
Need, we stop here to point out hew ineen..
Sistent is a state of things such as this with to the . exposition :.of the Scriptures from P ti l :e
any , high degree of spiritual , prosperityin PS W lP e it Cafe t it'd forbear - to expresa otir belief , ' th t " t:r
our Own tioule,,or in the Church. ?-:--hoW , al-
i till ier b es e ts iv o ha f tpy er d e tty i
i for the C hurch and,forathie
lowed lniqiiities 'separate between Us and g on,.when the el . refle, direct,
searching,living exposition of the living oracles
God, and cut us off from communion' With
him , ........o e . ts • , • - ~ er Co . d2atheir proper,co9esion", shall spore fully'
n r n wan evil conscience, by the. guilt.
an ol,..o:ll,criiaeeeea to /din with confidence, ! :I" 6,o lla the t r he ni m eaVa P o tr f at it s nite ilL s e revival pul?it' l .
.d maddened ' by the f arrows, of the Al- eon, which we've old earnestly ; - of u re 1- Ycir the Pre bvtarta i
, o urge upon au Our 1 1-., ---A 'Banner an.: Ad4uttiat ^, 7
mighty, becomes the, instigator of, ;all, the brethren, ari)a return -to, and due obserrance of . :
the ancient and ;Divinely ordained ordinanceßible II I if
of , Persons in Weitimor ' ° d ill! * * " '''`" '` li la tl: r i
evil . passions of theheart ?—how unmortified
t sinlii j,lie heart , , wars With ' grecer and brings " a. th eli e g rine .Pla inj i t a n g itio a n t , te L n e t tu n ti Oben eall
e our r o n people ColC ol h et!' t h`Beaverquested n but
to .make
11.:t', who
t ' i () h: i n i loenc obtained i,, i t
ns into , captivity ?-4 . cii reservese for sin land
: t e -.o.lteLeraitheY ; - Arid so much she moreas Bibles donated. by, them, of the y oe t .`en i' • ;n'it's
'ye see` the day approachliti; fk m o re' faithful f 4,!
prevent his blessing, ind entangle us- again 46 ';* ' d of ' II- "7:
teLe r s o , , , ), ;; it' ; ' , th l ii, suet
~,a n , value Bibles ,they
' lilleiri,,t, of the duties lif l their office in this and
in the snares of this qtvii. Worldi and ,of our tri;e6otlieearivirpeeta,,
especially by. - the elders of the
owiclusts? -C an it be doubted Ahab, in ,this donations for ° thel e o;t da-6°lle"idlis te *' or
are idained to watch for souls, se. received
lies Mic of the chief , Utitises why -the life of the; ti l tat shall
earnest,. Persevering give iei r g ß i r m t 1 a nd fithallYtt.t. suns- to make report of the Amine scati 3 t tre p:rt q feniarly d
Goa SO lelignishes in us; and'ithe: Work of tell, e I Townships or, ogurchis - - ;VII; and
the Lord no more prospers in 'our tin& ? - #a l a t e' r at eider% and people , of the ealmozz, from whet
piste m eans' appointed of GOA "tor abtaliting . :1 7 A Th ia8 ; e iiii i: P: ts frers a il' T o e mie n a e ire c h In h r 3 r ' to e r k i n ,::l : ti, : in 'l n ' k ' e e"
' fincli , , se we apprehend,- are l'ionle bf the a 'ePe f eial,i'rull, and "mig " hty nutpouringcog his a correct and full report for , thosiiCounties et
f u t i rn o ci t i t ,V o c i i , T " re e n b s ' t e , f , e tilire;pdiremwian.t',ndir!ftli,
,t" . lyirlt . for . the conversion of sinners „to God, and the ' end of myyear .
ea y pe
IL Let'ile inquire; in Ibis 'second place, S wi r e e read todristhhe, multitudes
aroundt 'as;
iet Th t e h e ur ß g e hr r ee d s ;f a h nr e .b v t, mailed ' t4 l 7 , 7'a i tYl4lB:l : ; '• *al.
what arc the means of recove ' from this
, recovery ; . HI. Let us , in:the,third,place, consider THI ~., ,, 4 t
the Bible
, , Bankers, ittsb rgle on any
8, Rehm ,V ma l egtetk„arith
a lwritig c
obtlieheir .
ins rreapyrx;e44.,l4;f. ,, ,th, :„L .
.untoaod, account t e h p eeß re ib te le g fio i clet t te i sz ' ati 't 44
rik i,art tt
O =F;
~ soonsatimeasrs which we have to seek
. lAW' estat e in whieh t :: '''
we are and Of obtaining B
ese, means, for this greatl 'am now ' ' -
bless in These Have been ' already indie . ated - . in ~ g. • ` ''''
Washington County, and, will visit at-heir/own
1. "And"firet, the griice*of God to men in
~ Ships as soon as .pos,sible. ~• y '
what, has been said of i th. ; e eyidenoes of the Jesus ,' . , -.- ~. v-..i t ,-. i
C. Titans
lowstate, of relit I ' s dit' us,and ' '
, oo am g of the - .0f this grace of God to men, great evidence . _ Agent of Pennsylvania Bible Society
fitm but
u an e a t ; ee rs . ea? Counties, please publish Jthecatiove
eaueeteof this stet . 4 - pleadenliion. , is,thit which is tarnished in the ; gift; of his Son' :,:will the' papers of Westmoreland , ss e°l' ' '
../L The-meanyttrist in/order,„peit perhaps, to f'9ttl is° f°r , them, th a t the Y .iiai gk t n6e parish
have' eteriiii life:' The Apcistle argues
affect °Ur
•hearts* with" et.: deep sense Of , our to the'confidence we should hive that to all with alesuie.- -- S.'
evil conditionAn.this respect. .•; - , come unto God e b t y he Ch e r , is e t, i c i t e will ,surely. bestow
To „ .every haPlielidiog PhYiati,an/ and to Manit&-.4tAL7O4IKMATitiIe49I4 with every. Church throughout the , bounds ,of ' delivered him up = - tor' it vv . i . t . fi
him eistartfelyjgive us 8111000ga l' a r
theie Syndds which •holdall/3n away from-that
, ~ ;
'would ex' An i d in particular, the Son of illorhi r ine m elf
vilfermintceit had before attained :,,,,.
Lis an g __ his disciples the perfect readi
say, in the language '` of - Him 'that 'holdeth : ne;ta e o B ;
~ Father h to licseow hist3pirieupolf them
the seven stars in his right hand and' lielk- that seek' ii
nth in .: fit:l'6 , M Of ., the'heven geoldencatidle- knowluivr. !A le gi:a ss :Vl gifts glf Unc if o your r be c i iiii ng dt 4 en li
how,much more shall your heavenly , Father give '
sticks ~ Remtimber from whenceethou art
fallen, and repent, add „do the first' works. 1 g
the Holy Spirit a them that ask h' 9 . .
~ , , ,IM --Luke xi:
To every lukewarm, secure, worldly-minded 2; 4 1 '* ' ' ' seek this lee :w
-and carnal Christian and Church,.we would degiefou ße n e ri l n l tre e in "r ter agent '°
address the wordkOf the Lord of the Church ; vigor* concerned the e : t r a n s ° v f e hFie.t in hettin,
to, the Church of, the * Laodipeans; /'I. know -it'CIO/, - flovhkir hi his sacrifice ror obtainedsin g'
thy works, ,that tthon art neither cold .not hot. his Ownblood entered into he
I would thou iverV cold orhot. .So then, h r e a tlpiacte; into heaven itself,
'redemption, has by
to appear in, the
ever liveth to
because thou art lukewarm, and art neither fr ' isk e e n inaCetfo l ti 9 f r o l iru t . s t i T e ci ll i n t r h s e e h ex e preteiton pr o p.
cold nor, hot, I ,•will town , , thee , out of ,my ' erly menus, to :transact mess of our salva
tion; to do whatsoever is necessary
month: , Because thou coyest ISM rich;and
,have needof .noth- ' , eloP C'n la the actuat salvatiowof:those
increased in'goods and,
idea; and knowest flatted thou art wretched, 4,1 3 ,Air. , 28 .. • • " 'A i ' l ''''' '''--
and miserable, and poor, and blind, and; 'that the . main object of this intercession islthe
'naked; I counsel IWe/tie/buy of
b ine/ Fold ion : ilissof" Spirit, aethe Spirit of truth, aid
'tried in the fire that thou, molest , e erieh ; grace, and life. ti It is expedient for yon. that'l
) • go away; for if Igo not away, the Paraclete.will
and ~ i viate raiinent, that thou inayest be
n b ilt, come unto you , hut, if I depart I
0141,14, and the shame of thy nakedness do will send
yon when he is come he shall re
not appear ; and to' anoint thine eyes' with ' him
pro e . e world of sin, of righteousness, and of
, s ey . e i r : ve i , 6 tha i t i; thou mayest see ."--- Rev , Rey. ii : Judgment: he will guide you into all truth:; 'he
i' shall glorify me : for he shall receive of mine,
of 2 r . el A igi ll o e n e4 is n- , 4 a in fttl a l: i' A f ritr i gi f il g ea ‘ a rt, i to eti F i V a li n i t i 1 tthee Besides , sll
intercession : alillsh * iietn of T chr at°l7 l lll : th—j th is e: chgnim ie xi
d e l l ie
: I l i ' t i7 t
t e l l e ',
. t 0 : f f. I
away ' tia SU iniquity, personal andlide' p sprat encouragement touching our prayers for
to seek; bic' ' tlie 'dross of h
'Crist at `
I. once the - this Miming: When the' Apostle John beheld in
purgetion Of our consciences from the vomit vision-the seven angels, to whoin were given v the
of, sin and the mortification of sin in our seven ,trumpets which ' were to ann
4 PuJitlP those
, . mighty revolutions by which the powers of dark
. s ! and to - present olirkervel a livinge - eac- n es s were to be`ovirthrewn, the dominion of se4
n t e he .
,:flee ~holy, and aeceptable into' God, which ! tan was to be suloYerted,: akingdom of God;
is out reasonable service ,', • was to be eetablished and
3. A third mean of obtaining a revival of the trumpets sounded, be semi theveAntaaie;l beforeo t 1
; `Covenant, the, great High 4'ilest over Angel of
religion is prayer . ; united, sincere, earnest ;of God, standing before the throne of God, re-'
fervent, believing'
ig/Partnnoto, 00141111a1
prayer to , God.
" , . . t the 'rapers of e ll a top, . w And „ i .
Instructive on this point is the example , these prayer ' s of the:sa : Mitt it -8
answer t°'
so often cited, of the• disciples of our Lord t i the thronc , tif God by his S o u p s, ; I : i :fu e l:Tr;
during the days between his ascension and ti ineenseof his intercession, that. the trinnfpna tb t
I, th .. e„cliottiin ES Salvation are achieved, 'and the
the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit was , reign of God established: • ~ I saw the seven , ano
poured out from on high and the Nov Tee- I . _
~. . .
, I gels which , stood l before-God and to their_were
,tament clAsitericiation' was Amy, inaugurated.' "'given seven - trumpets. And ' another angel- came
Ten thousand, times ten thousend:examples „ and stood before the altar h '
~.,. ? having a golden -ma
in the, experience of individual Ciiii
d. ' the' li* ' , -. t ,, nations, , ,
I that' be should offer it . with the prayers of, all.
en in 2story ofthe Churehin tillages, saints , upo n ta
attest,the ettMacy of _prayer in tibtainingthis - throne : a e the ; e golden altar which:was before the
heavenly gift. • If, then, we would obtain with the prayer 8 07 th e °ite ° FI f * sh t e e , iitsl a° : , ' E ly d h o l t-b e e ° fo si r e e
this blessing; let us opeirouvearsto the call, , Ged'out of the angel ' s fiend . ' ,
s th i e
seventh Magid soundid, there were great w VOZB
"Ye that make mention of the Lord, - keep en; saying, The , kingdoms,of this world are s
not silence, anti:give himworrestitillthe es- ,'•: . 49 ' 4.
, become the kingdoms of our Lord and hie Christ."
tablish; and till he make Jerusalem , a praise • : 2-4; id' 15 Here m* emicenae.
ire the cartie;" and responsive to .this. call, 1 ment Y to * seekthat the kingdom — of God '
-upon` i 'earth he in heaven, `the intercession come
letcach one o f us• say, ." For Zion's sake
will I not hdld my.peaco, and for..y eresalem , k ,l Christ, the.gon of God, whom,he IMareth alra s °f ,•
sake will I not -rest, until the righteousness,w ". and the offering up before' the throne of Gol of
~i the prayers of the 'salute .through hisintercession,
thereof , go forth as brightness, and the,
'yeti= thereof as a lamp thatb ;ette” :se I 1 , ' ,, e "L . ! t f dii-tila f.4 ll6 ved•
lan- lxii.te.l, 6, 7 . , ~, ~ , ' , : ,
,{ thalLtliVitiqpigetrept IS found l u lk ‘ Bin fact.
4., A f ourt h mean of ow n i ng, a rev i va l . which is pre eminently re 4114 ai elk ye e e r t S i ti7 e i ' h n S t : 1 11 3 3 of s i thl
i Spirit, under, which hole to , be
of. rtligiPol =Ph no, is to be desired, is• a con ' ary influences and Peivertor the satiation oll'thene
family to Gods method of bringing salve
don to the children of his people. ' ln its main scope and intent; all which was
, ,
White the work of God in the economy wrought by God under the Old Testainentilispen=
; c graioe,.'by which he gives salvation and ashen Wavpreparato to the doming of Christ,•
-to put away sin by . the - sacriti ' of himself,'' '
oe, and
eternal life to men, is supernatural and trans , ' ' ..
obtain redemption. Ms the great, Is
con s ail mere naturaloperations, it never- distinction of the Nreffestiment dipensation that,
tlielelii lir l ocetids in donforidity to the 'tessen- '
tial itriienplelf of the humareconatitation and - the
~ the Spirit of Chriet, - the• Spirit of light: 111111,• as
the analogies of nature. As the period ; a
childhood sit& esrly youthlis.that in , ?Which, . and lifeyis to ; be Sentinfothe world, by s his t e r ff il a ti ' S'
teal working, to communicate to menthe blessings
in natural things, the seeds of knowledge; ,-,of the treat salv •
are sown, character is formed, and the course in ministerial 1.14.11- =lbis 41* 1it14.31b ill sem. '
g ministry , aother:tr ill e ns f"
the y sresh'ef
of life is determined; still more eminently
true is all this of what belongs to the super- • the sufeeienoy of the ilmel s ry .fid f e oltn etli t s t a a !i°ll 'n o t f
natural and
soriteet we; by Bp r i meh as t h e of the ends for which it has been instituted; ter and e
obstacles and hindrance-84001OP the all" - a ,w se id we ch r , warrants the expectation of, the Divine:
wh t iph alone given to it efficacy. ~ And
Mih from ' the life of God and/opposition 44- such 'true
e w a e re through ...Christ toward,
all , 'spiritual good of our fallen -nature, ,are tied : not that i lf e.
, think any thing as of 'ourselves : ' but ° le f b e nT r e o s n e e r i g s i e i e u s h ffi t i ° :;
greater in the ease of 'the fortniticientit Chris
l, clinic)? is=-of cod : who also ha e t s h :
stab character and the directien of 'Christian
nat. „ ministers of Inc New Testament ; not of ihe letter '
life than in the ease of merely •-, but of the Spirit : foi the leiter killeth'
s t b t hs
ural and belonging to this woworld .' --- . -- Spirit give% life .-2. Con iii :5, g. '
This, therefore,'
le a mean of promoting true :,! Co Lo ttiolit, brethren "hell:lied in Christ Jesus
~and. , t l et us, compisheading the nattire
religion, of `wliose indispensable necessity we
°llr d
ma . iide of the great ;blessing .which
everywhere parents, pastors, and churches, banish-
of ll e!, au with . deep humiliation and contrition
log from their minds the vague and undefined, but Ispirit ,
. deploring the low state of religion among
false notion, alike contrary, to the nature , genius - uesndats (Tins, with diligeire.suld fitelity em
end spilt of ,Ohristianty, that the''''''
. of ploy, the Divinely ordained means of a taming '"
God's people are 'li ii Ito '
. ae s r m the commonweal* !'true permanent,abiding revival of religion all
of e lstam, and Aran
gerefroni•the cove t of I , i l . oir l' eherohes' i .an lasted therein bY the (moons
promise, or at most logrstbut a quasi citizenship ' nase" -
agemennafurniehed•in the Word • of God. Let us,
in the kingdom df heaven, would clearly coipo-
.„' kali faithiji,Gedas touching this thing, such as ii
hend their true covenant relation to Christ,'and . , tgeltienite 14,0,10, *hid, dwells
to God_ ill - him; if enterihriiihr this 'Divi in: the heart of , the eternal Yither, the infinite
e g i ent itritlfn undvre tlif•
tainn the ki n ngd s o lo ui . o oprom f God, s r un th lyf an i a rnt e allit . .,merite 'gem pitarific,e , and bitercestiost of his.Son'
ee l gm %rid, said the infinite power of to Spirit,
It is difficult for us to enlarge our hearts and to
strengthen our faith, to embrace the exceeding
great promises of God's Word. Accustomed to
see the people of God a little flock, and the whole
world lying in wickedness, we scarce know how
to frame our thoughts to conceive of the condition
of things, when multitudes of the people shall
crowd the gates of God's temple, flocking as doves
to their windows ; when they shall all be righteous;
when they shall not say, every one to his neighbor,
Know the Lord ; because they shall all knowliim
from the least to the greatest. We judge of •the
things which shall be from the things which have
been. We make our eight the measure of our faith.
When we stand in the valley of vision and look
around upon men dead in sin, and are asked,
"Can these bones live?" we scarcely, have
faith even to say, "Lord, thou knowestl" tat
is the. arm of Jehovah shortened ? Is , anything
too hard for God ? Know ye not whit ia l the ex
ceeding greatness . of his power which he irkanght
in Christ when he raised himirom. the !Jebel 'end
set him at his own right hand in -heavenly
places? Ile who is the restis'eption and;the i llfis •
has said, " Thy dead men shall live: together
with my dead body shall they-artie." "'Net by,
might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, salth the
Lord." Are ye straitened in God? Are ye not
straitened in yourselves? Enlarge your heart.'
Strengthen your faith. "Bring ye all the tither
into the storehouse, that there mayrbe meat •In
mine hmise, and prove me :herewith, saiih' the
Lord of hosts, if Twill not open the windoini of
heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there
shall not be room to receive !me
This Convontion would, therecr.e,wend
to the churches within the beurids'et 114de
represented here:
1. That this Letter be reeditiellkiPtlieceolfgre.
gitions upon the first Sabbaikenarlte reception
by the Ministers or,Eiders. .tints..riz , 4: if-,
,2. That -each .11ession be requested te,clikethese
topids,into prayerful cßosidersiiore ;at a g e arly a
day as'Oesi6le; and earkiprimipair otiVilierneral
peetorei'visitaticin within theft. reirpeetivitlfonride.
3. That the pastors be requested to***
reetly upon the great topics connected ittkthe,
reviving of God's work.f 1
4. That the third Thursday of Mare f'l J. l tt„
served thro'ugheitillie tionitils:di'ltheilynai ass iss .
day of, fisting,"VimiliatiOn' ' prayerifei :the
speedy.reviving oeGod's work. • •t t At
:.Resolved, That we would , be greatly emfOureged,
by t the , concurrence and . oo7operation, * ot.:Any
Synods, Ministers, or churches, in the vii and
• ;')N It!
actions herein set forth.
E. D. hlechfiirriz; Claindanb .
• 4... tr
: •• .3 • • •-; •
.1•11 " 1 "
tWS 143. rif t. 417. 4 .
I: r . Jirj
. • : 0 .4911' 7 7i i
WE have received, from, our ."tt,,eutlylilutl;lr,
. oOnslus,:gou. David, Aito#io,lkuAgoffr, ,
the Begetuty. of he Treo l iwry.ouS i sunte.,ud;
:litlYigation•-: • • i'; bn <nil •
,•••• Execution. tLr .a l 7 '
Henry Fife ortid Charlotte Jonee v iee;ited the
human pen:l4o of their crimes, by hangibg, on
the 12th inst.:: M. An t tineienee 44eowd
surrounded the snolosures of the Jail , and Cali:
House, which were : carefully grtaAlid
companies of troops. Bat the *64llliii . was
made as strictly private, by . Sheriff:,Pos t o
, _
circumstances would permit. Only Vii i r . tymeieueit
_Fere present. Fife was attended, , to, 44teSs f ee'of
execution, the . Rey. John G. Brown of. the. As- ,
80 fir, 1 0) 16 (9FAnat , C,k u MitrV id CifyiPtte,lir 4.6
• Itev,. Mr. Belt _ the,Methodist,c,htsp /$ O O
'professed to be sincerely peMteut,,
,Forning the
justice;of their .ezecution, and declared that they
trusted. in the mercy of God, through ,the . Lord
Jesus Christ.. Both. protested the , #mocepeepi
Monroe Stewart, convkitedlor the same J urime,
.the last: Greatmstibrte4llL,riew, be! eleole .1.04e=
cure his pardon. 'TI'Lk
'AedrhEm forthe Inane in WimitterV P
l'he Managers:S . ll4 efterchiving .
Made S.' of isl l a Y dleriait
. • • , • 4,:‘ , • • .• . :4_7T Y.LI '•
,proposed for this . 4/yl l / 2 p e rn s!=
decided to l locato it, on the farm oft o l te Hod.
, Backhonse,,on the of, the Ohio
Aire; and seven miles from. this ,p 4, 71 py way of
the Pittsburgh, fort Arayne, amtphlosgu
road.• The, selectiopil eminently jadierions.,. The
views•from the 'spot,,where the ,hnildings will be'
located, are unsurpasSed in the West;ekhile there'
are :two never failing springs, on; the, ,pr,eitlioest
sufficiently elevateilltAtluit discharge: fifty thou
sand gallons of .wetter• every twenty-four boors.
Thelitte Mr. A:Ter-if-left $13,000;for thebenefit 'of t .
this Institution, and the State,has alreidy.appro
priatied $80;000. • ;
_ .
111 t31•1/Mashington.
o f ,
There has been but little basin done in Con-i
4 , -. ..?
green since our last. ; 'Next wee lre may haynJ
.0 it MI, , t i I . 1. 4 i 1 T;
something imp n . f, ) i I,
NtOISHA. is the name of a projected new Staten/
to be organized in the Indian Territory, West pfr .
Arkansne, .
,hisaiy.TMiseptiyians,asid. Arkansans;
with , their , slaves it is said,. have removed into
; ,the TentieTy., The Chootnws nidgherokees also
, imlif 4,yea.,. The former desire:ttlOdinitted into
i l l° t l7 ,4 ° S;J e ifOtrt are 6 .4, 4 4r4;4 ° A n N" L :
These two tzitms are is a-hi gkit i r e y ' :lF l Vl S r (1.
Christian missionaries have been lrgittpong than:
They bare regular schools.. Many 4thn . m, read
-.and write. They raise cotton, tolmpo and other
•agrimiltntal prodncM. . !tightly "thinking men in
.theliolk would-rejoice in the promeot ,of pre
.servingood regenerating any of ; zhe,:tribes of 'the
aborigines of , the country i . and k .ktoutheniers
Would be predisposed tondd another Itillaye State'
to the Union: Thies the prospeot4to : something ,
being done for arid with tleosha, istayo table. ' ' -,4
On Tharelay evening, Febinary 4th,; it the maddenoe
the bride's father, by hey. R. Y. Wilson, Mr: WI:LUAU Rau:
sou, of,Ltnn County, Mo., resent] of Weetmoreland Cd,
Ileaveir Academy. p.., to 1111/71 MATRA C. CEILDITY, of Allegheny County, Pa.
Irebruary 4th, by Ray. Alexander MPOsnithey, Mr. Joan
"i'liisilnetitntlari offers nnuentitidniements to Tansies te • ldtss githam 01 Y 1 Y1, all of Ham field ' Townshl
• , .iis * . P P. ,
those wishing . to acquire a tho ugh kiniWiedge Fl ari ` Y, ".* , •
of the branchei tuqually taught it_inch schools, 0 0: 7 4 iint i tr y gr"% i f et t,,Tri: u n,, b . p y AßN "f a i : i W e i l l ibis liggV
including English Branches, 800 lr
-keeping, Nat- d.. • • 1 , ...1? . • . I
Val, Mental an Mpral Smencetathematics and By Mae, MAW Peat, uth e house of the bride's father;
In Lawrence County, Pa., Mr , Wilmot 13. to MU".
~Classics. An ,exte.neive collai on . ' of Chemical MAse*stu Ulan.
and Phil oeop,hked,,Appariitris gk4:4B rinnialed ad- On the 4th test-, by Rev. 3. A. Pltikerton,:hir. JANAII
tea Benan C. Roue srox, o Manor County,'
Viliituilts,tO the D,epariment iNatiiral' Science. il r ij o M al ri t° , t ,
Owin g ta) the endowment fgi terms are , On thelelleidt4p_yiev. , J. P. Button, Ify..Joashift anew,
lower than in any *Mailer ipititntlow The school to hibmALIIIr IlArixactsus.—NbruAry 44 pr. Ainiasor'X'
'f - ~••• ,tormurto Bpse 11.4*Wer 2aori, .11 of. Deny
year is divided into two $e on!, Ave
,Months , Weeritoraladd'County, Po. ; • r
each, and each session into tvrA.,queris. Pres- Oa the oftmat,: !limey. D. D.Mlaelp,
ant session.begon.Fobruary let, and ends the laid,
of June, The eecond qnsrterrf present melon 'At the inienneg'e, in Loiermi.:BotholkNortbsaaptoa
Wine April ,No student admittpd for less ri i iLt 7 l e bVtih rd ir s ?-s:4,l7i g talj t ir= ta:
t en e. quarter. far„Pmrticerai. Tddrees either Bbileen,lho,, Veit! ofMinteam, Bucks Co., Pa.'
•Or ttlie Milk#111: ' coi tke 2 9 th or December, by Roy. J. R. Mugbee, Kr. Wis.
jr. Spium, to min Form, all of WeetTorelastd Co., Pit.
I• . rtj
*.t qt. • • 4. 7 . , December 224, by niv, W. Yords Oth/ 1 "/ Wi"
...n., : •4 l lo9ffes "Mrs. JAL 1/110" A.,Ause. orManceek County, find Mies Masolgasir
41 . 11040 ' 5e . gekt,t IBRAihil;sof-Itergetk county, o. Decemheitsizti
• • "• i• • . 1 Irv, • f39mus to,ldur attee J. Neweia, both or MOrfilin County, 0
(414teerev 81-.=0,-Andattutiffea,chers. ,* , ,le 2d,•:atthe residence of 'ibis bribe s Ibither
# o b ea; 0 "ips; ea
of Yinglnie, •to Welt
t ow, 11 4"2,'Ce
, ra. TrYi
the Board of Trustees, the faithful and efficient
discharge of duty by the Teachers, and the kind
patronage of its numerous friends, this Depart
ment of the Institution has been snore than usu
ally prospered during the put and presentees.
Terms per session of twenty-two weeks, are as
follows : Boarding, Light, and Room furnished,
$60,00. .Tuition same as in the Male Depart
ment. Extras, per quarter of Eleven Weeks :
Instruction Piano Music, $B.OO
Use of Instrument, 2.00
Instruction on Guitar, 'B.OO
Vocal Music, l .00 .
Drawing and Water Colors, 5.00
Oil Panting, • 8.00 •
French Language, 5.00
german Language, 5.00
There will be scoominotiations furnished for
sixty boarders in the Seminary.
C. W. Msteer, A. Principal ; M. Duff, As-
The Board of Trustees have purchased large
and commodious buildings for the use of this .
Department, affording a large number of excel
lent rooms for students. The • buildings have
been place& under the care . of the Teacherso who
are prepared - to 'accommodate boarders .on the
most reasonable tome, and will exercise a parte.
tal' care ' over those plabed in their charge:
Bearding • and Room furnished will not exceed
$1.8771 Per Week: ' Termi of Thition Per quarter
of Eleven Vineks, English .BeancheS, $2 60.
With ifaitirai • Philosophy or PhysiOlogy, $8.60.
Willi Book'•kebping; ChAnistry, Higher Mathes;
marine ur ctitiltiefp; $4.90
, 14iPerimental Leoturei
:• / • , ,• • . • f.
,B ea. Pek re; 1868. '
Iritass4krdritin from ealling•the a tan ion o
pte. P. 4n in tfus difo
percof, the Plralr:ltestortit“rri""OfYref. - 0. ~t.‘4
Wood .&
'Co.; of St.' Louis. It will be teem that
numerous Certificates trim 'persons of the;
highest oharaeter, s to the merits of hie Resters,
tire. From positive knowledge are abio,) On,
abled to say, that it is in every sense what it pro..
femme to be, and we do net hesitate to' pronounce'
it the. finest piepiii*tiZm for' the heal:Fano:l Noir
which hoa so' far been devised rbyilitimin ingenvo : •
ity. We have seen it arrest threatened baldness;
and,reetere: toLthe head its, originAl l profusion of,
nattual,glosey,4*, andw,hen the iattei has been
prematurely tinged "graY,. 'haie tieeti
like magic, reetd 'tig
e the ers •okivintli and heSlttd 41
The 'dibtingn . islied Pl'oPriety.' of tide.
sittionusoulotts ...itestorstive,r that
.givos to the TerfsAs wits use the, woe head of
hair% that they, ,wore,in„youth,, thus; acting in,
etri pompliapee with ihe races of the fiiit'and
grasteet 4 of F all ' toilet '''ntakeie—Nattro. , ' Nb
who has iiierft jou , itudtatette unitei with as id
this testithonyito--its
(.11i4 , 1.e.Poppk's jilend c; • ri '
.. 10 .fiVi a ll D WOOH.; , 11;`1 '
.fr. * . Z.“11!
-Whatit I,3litingrforl;th.erNAlDia
t Wm. i Sakiidisist, Esq., the:44lll4mm latitio,
kraph4r,imyo s I , ys • •
haie . P 441116 7 1113 4 rtieiB l :7l6e4aie's Holland
Bitteri, it invariablie'relleves likdigestion
and daiiiiico ble Nt.'s .13- )2: - . 0 e; 0
,Itek lay ailintcoeo
itegdm i tiodtk
;im i ly4 k iiii ii ng b ei..;< •• 1 2 r,,,
11 . 4,; fisea
i i ,994m70,:.1 :Re*
wended itotheiff:itM4hlli it Voile)usVlibit
it is, r1PF 81 , 1 4 44
.$ • •
Aldefmaii Jonatl,tifljelly,„of 14eir,*!trIBt. ?MIT . ;
ear : " I
for. weskiees of t h e Ottmtili, otid.indigeo l ,•",,
James M. MlVPhYtAiltht: ' govend PDT'
siciaanchad Aceskir:oo4ffpld liitSarli
plovPd theiPaio from DIY , 14 2 0 1 40. 4 4 44 4 11 14 *.g,
from indigeation.V
. E
The editor of the, Kittanning,Fres, Piippopm
"lifter one of .the, best Physioians,in this place
had failed, Boer/tare's Hollanst Bitters , enrsd tnei
'of the woret,forin of Dyspepsia."
&stela Felix, only manufacturer of the origi-
Ektraet of Coffee," soya: "F know, ( that
your Hoilesid , Bitt ere is one of ,the bestmedieinee
in the world for diaordered'stomaoh or liver."
' Dr. Lndnig; editor 'of the Faekd, Baltimore;
forononnces it's medleine'deserving the eonfidense
'of the; public. ' • • • ;
the leading German Physkilla 0:
) o enitniflvOilli,'hnifiretforiped it fregyently:thiring
tlidllastthieeSais; with - Marked eneefiss v. ride,
figteitit iligligelitiieoriane; or gill ihis
system generally: • ' ,
T11E1)1'1 , 11;40, )liTion's Vinegar'
I says Ipunpriti Misst, Mid was therefore indnied
tdtft!Olirrit,lit t op)f a i:wife; (trouilid,iith the
debßff„onimion to jar Of . .:a consumptive habit,)
.sanillenl,l7 it 18 d oing h er more idod 4 tiisii any
thing !Me has ever taken.",
CAtfriorti!-• , -Be .(larefal-,to : **. 3 .fq - Bypre's
HoUttrid: Bitters.
Bold at , $1:00 per -bottle ;. or, oix .bottlea
$6.00, by the sole proprietoks, • BENJAMIN
'PAGE, JR., & CO.l.Pittsburgh ; and Druggists
generally:. , •
Ortt#ll~~~ r
• 8 . • !r . .:rtsi. ;.!
=Foreigiddtee!tiiiztatived . tpithet.4otitor.J
nary. The is*olubitoreethaineenvedneed / I to .
4 Per cent. " Cottedint" . l9Lawisibing4npeiw,'
Lei*gh4ti fiedit,theitocrtadir.
l'ailianient'val to oisongilelin'ithe 4tirittoe
A. bade had' been rouglit - at Abimbagt;
which the Englishger° vio torignis: Prof:44l4ns
ritiutii:piisniti;aliplon the
-t • :
, Commissioner 'inf., at Canton, had indignantly
*acted the,terni of' peace proposed by the Eng , ,
lish and French., The, American 'Minister, Mr.
ArMdt 1 1 0 114 ,LPF 1
that he .Irophdoonfee,,erith,hintlrtfient",the walla
bittlthat .nc barbarian shoniii enter ,Cinton., - An
attack on the city was to be made shortly.
'rl , 7 r,
, LP i • .;
. ~.. 5 .4.. a tie));
. .
Near Lakeville, Diseatah County. Minnesota, snethe mak
of January, by Nev. F. Angustns Pratt, Mr. IsaeoC. Cesar
to M ee Amt Ears' Bevan, daughter of Mr. Jetties B. Barra
DlED—January, 29th, at her residence, near
Latrobe, Mrs. MARGARET OSBORNE, wife of Mr.
Robert Osborne, aged 82 years.
"Hark! they whisper! angels say,
I Sister spirit, come away ;'
Lend, lend your wings, I mount, I fly,
0 grave, where is thy victory
0 death, where is thy sting ?"
Dint--On January llth, 1858, of pulmonary
disease, at the residence of her father, B. B.
Smith, Esq , of Westmoreland County, Pa., Mies
HARRIET SMITE, aged 22 years.
The piety of her life, and the steadfastness of
her faith, through prolonged and intense suffer
ings, together with abounding mercy granted in
the conflict with death, hare magnified the grace
of God in the esteem of many witnesses.
Aran—ln Marion lowa, on -Wednesday, the
27th tat., Wrtran, infant son of Rev. Alex. 8.,
and Mary R. Marshall.
."Of such in the kingddin of heaven."'
DOM —At Springdale, Allegheny County, on
the 20th nit:,• of letlattunation 'of the brain,'
CiLtaLse, yotingeit on of Matthew and Jane
Maclean, aged 17 years. . •
_ .•
,Having,been dedioated ta,l3 . odby b aptism, and
reared in the bosom of a ebriatiaa , famllyi'he.
gave centering evidence; If , his VA d libs
last sickness, that he'had pitt.h 3 tkUn of the bless
logs of the covenant of ;grace.- He wasan affect;
donate and obedient child, and s kind brother ;••
and his friends, while they lament hie early de
whin, mourn nut asthose who lisyalm, hope
4 10I S ) 7 '' iii M ni fYl M t:A9 6B , St
P64.Wz'sia4l!kiAxl,••q447.yl)snu , '
DIFD, —,jo,lltDaTea,port, lowa, on the morning
)tt1e, 8 4 4 1,4k, ! ;, r Rqn,m 2 youngest
sob of Mr. Dared H., and ,Cgtharine ld?ore, late
of Hollidaysburg, Pa., in the 18th year of , his age.
ff'his amiable and affectionate young) man
tuffertd through most of tte ti`nitiroer' past, +kith
a affection of tliejungis, lOW dIY brought
' im'cloirn,to , the grove: Maranon*, ponsidering
':is recoverr'dotibtful,r he' smnitedltoß be Adving
*Oa attention t, 416- 04." .1.7:41311' tae
‘o meet MO win' Ovsiaitention'l
•of truipw, sal tq howpbefore Gke *ingot grace.
,thit4set edotimehtil heremirassed Were those of
0 4.1 " 4 " I r ldit; tt* • 141" f 6i/41141 1 16-11ste
ilui o ; t rAr DOU'it *. bet 1 / 1 34 9f.,_ MUdji th .
ImblicPpnifeesi on' of,faa dn,thevidordP Jeeas,, yet,
We feel that his aged 'an& oft befeaired parenta
r i tid friends are not left to ioriow .those
1114.1 no hope. May the God of di 1 1' f •0uP, 1 .,., 1410 .u.
+peak peace to their troubled ispiptts,
l orvii4.
• !: • • ' . ! 77 - 7. . _ I I 1..t . i r,, • ....,,... av , a
_. Dre - -DeoProtw-*h0i115 5 7. 1 __4616,.
_ LL ,ili , +.
Iv GAM,. wife.of
.R.r..,1. W.!ide Rum; !..,ak .a , .:Jyial
deuce of tker, father, •Wil li amt lik*,,,. ziest; Pr)
anon, Washington County, Penna. ~ .. ; ,
...„.. i „,
. .....
The Object ef:thiS ncitioliiias 'one Of thosiVer
eons, Often' met Wi ) th, in whom centre, certain
graces which at once :command; the love . of -all
From her early. childhood_ until the day of her
death, she. seemed .teehed,aratuntherthe very at
luaPhV. tfAißPlnta 4 ki f td, T 4l 6 47 P etie
:heart and a, h a eneiolettf hand, Weie .( risaik char-!
I'l 3.4 •i• :. • 4 .- .1 Ir. ?ri ' ::...., a - In
' %..... I 4 ' : .. ; or
. 1 . 1 5 04 10 0 * l'. .ff ffl.l4,o ! re:‘,. n _ in9 B aVrr.ig
aillittber accompanied her - bushel*, te.Nevf Al
ibilmyrillil where. she united with the Presbyte
tiChtquh, She took this step with - niOre thin,
.crdinary deliberation. in 'her life she was hum
ble and unassuming, yet with, her hruniliti was
'branded it spirit of eheerfulnesi which never failed
to secure the esteem' - of an; wto knew her.' Tie
ojnplipia*staes of her death were 'peculiarly try:
Ang,-both to herself and all her friends., Though
Ill& illness was not long, her sufferings were of the
severest . cluiraelerfr The 'fact that alie‘ivits iv:4
.dying ,ceriditiiiii was • kept a secret f ro m tier for
fear of.:eiciting. her ~ in her eztrette prostration,
'inttil about one•hour prior to her 'death,. and then
::ecia t ed a scene' parer to be• forgotten by' those
lrbo„iiii*easecf li:lt, Was' Oitaorlintiittseing
ogitaanday : When told she, oeuld'isll* . i lidile
4Onger, she . . eeemed. ' surprised,sbit-tbisoiras bui
'foi a few mothents. •Tittires'UtUad isieiternera.
~Notp4. muscle moved. Never did a mother smooth
•tho pillow of her sleeping infant with more com
posure than did she • address• herself to the sad
and solemn via of • parting with her friends.
She called ` them `' one by otte:t4 ,her beside, and
gazing upon each one as they approached, with
all the - tenderness of undying affection; saltil,
;" Nisi me." After a moment's pause she spin
fastene,d her eyes, now lighted Up with 'attire.
:earthly, fire, upon those who etood weeplag
t•'aronnd her, and in.theeweetest accents of !hie
I limOwti only to those who are " passing away,"
1 ,04144111, the& word, gut 14wart moves the 'mini,
, ,0110 a beauty and
...otiosity rested, upon her countenance, wliloh
bkpte of a peace known only to those who, are
AIR* asleep leans. Though all' around her
Alen weeping, she shed not a,tear. Not one word
•••eteomplaint. esoaped her lips,: though her , suffer
jagtwiese Amen indesoribible.• She manifested
the grelatmat"Cirlitiiii offlitimitaie and
• •••.r ; •.• . .
se 0! for the. dotard:threw, 1.
• a: . ' • Who slumber:ln AheAordi,:t • • .
D END ...-.:.0f oentrunpfion, -An atembirr.
slip,,:Venting° Count y , the • .
Sire. Misr J. M'CoY, wife of J. 1,...1rQ0y,*b.,
fht!theilithr yesr of her age. „ ~
delgeseed was born in Cecil Covanyii-Mapts.,
lead, sad moved at an early, age, iritiihdkiliiiiewod it
mother, Itirs. Cnnunings, „to the Stets or4hio.
In herlOtity.ear she made a p,uhlis profession of
44 faith in Christ, in the Presbyterian oburoh of ,
Muddy 'Creek, -Butler County, Pa., under tits
ministeriardharge of , the Rev. John Coulter; and.,
from the IMitintop7.of 'theaq who kEte,w her bets
we have : oral reason to believe that she lived
the ,Chidodfa's life, 'died the 'Christian's death,
and is l iiav - ritWelying the C'hristian't reward:
Nntits.nridl-vottrided hope a that tpke depased it
An fall- tinj? ylortc ‘ilataineth
for_ the ,people 41(4 1 4he
three motherlesfi ohildreti; and a iiddiaretitkOther,
together with dear friends, should l aotinourn as
those who have no hope, for iteni:,gie4 , ll:oll 'fa
, WM, her still greater gain. - ,Whello9.rsve, ;tie
tondo!: .tisi that bind husband 104 We t twenty
. andlobildran, are severed by fr t4i *NT! 'of
date; we, do not, wonder thkt i tlyt,„keetVai l jakellr,:
that the deep fountainsof, the. t oni .are. ellFge* .
up ; we arttold that Christ himself s'opt,44
, '>llhe grave of 'lsamu& But_ even then, by f a ithi,,
• we should rise with our friends to the glorious re- ,
1 v.litiesof the' better world—the 'Paradise above--
th'e home - of saints. For we know that if
otif earthly :house of this'' tabernacle were dig=
ia.fla,44; have a building of God, a livage l
hand% eternal in the heavenistll 11,s
ALD.V.,1 , 11 .9 f ,1 &IMAM,
ice►4riateurro. . e :
/i, 13 IMICP W 78 1. 40 • •
FAcruvr —Prof. IL T.
' otirN •141arlsilosillogss~llippeltsai. •
• 1 parp•st smn orthio r tss o Apn will 0 1 0011 fln . fba •
?dONDAIrcif AprO, lOW , 1 . • '•
po,r4, 1140.00 ; Tuition, regular mune: $1100; ferog 4 o,,
• MOM • ,
EL.ra A 8.•
Instromentalhicurlo, $lB Piano Ibr jirac_cies;' ••• si
Drantrig'andgninllng , 10 Ifire to Illesving-roost, , 1
• 111114T01.1,4K;tsuaaaa, ear.h 10 Wae hhol pn• kw.
mdeni e
osin, 50 ohs.
inclldaut to school-mai,_ lg oenta,par month-
Books and Stationary at regulir'ignest
ill bills must be settled hi nadvincn, edam by club
for WO. • 1 • _ ,
,The Seminary budoin'ga are piseasatly actuated on a baaci•
plitisku, lathe borcnigh of Rang Itsigiston — d, Plat-eV'
verbis4.-gbt- i ta , b‘. u.tY apd hasithrobtres. Young 01 .•
wtebtog tO'OW UAL rsithieo, liberal; thoiceagh wad 'Prao thr. l
' .66.6 = "4 " v 1 " e q'eq.e.4o(tnitil. all the &Maid( and EO/•'
'6fr *waif will ia this litotititihsa lind•
set* . • -'" 4 2111) 1 f - •
.114 it) • ' • aid!
The Baritt22 Is publiebed weekly, In the olties Pine
b nrgh and Philndelphisoind is adapted to general ei;,ulatlor
In the Presbyterian Chasch.
IN CLUBS of twenty, and upwarde,
DRLIVERED in either of thecltiee,
Por eight lines, or leas, one Insertion 50 cents; each Fab
7oitint insertion, 26 amts. Isiah sulditiosusi line, beyond
ei t, cents for every insertion.
r eight lines, three menthe, $B.OO. Saab additional line
26 cents.
Tor eight Linea, One Year, VO.OO. Ilaet additional line $l.
()Alum of t wo Limy, $6 a year, and $1 for each addi
tonal line.
BUBIIIsae NOTIOIS. of ten Ilusse or lea, One Dollar. Bed,
additional line, I cents.- - • .
ea- Oommunication4 recommendatory of Inveutione, Nte
&cal Practice, Schoch', Le. ko., Wei designed for the pews:
;Wary benefit of individuals, should be poidfor. aa Business
Notices. ,
Bauerby mall, where no good .ppoitunity is otherwise
at hand. Drafts or notes of the larger denominations are
preferable, where they can be col/mangy obtained.
Parrots sending us twenty subscribers and upwards
will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge.
N. D. When 'Presbyterian families are verryinuoh dispensed
hey may be accommodated at the Club price, oven though •
Cow of the twenty' be wanting. let ell be sulmlidd; If posel
Ole. The Pooa we shall favor, to our utmootability. Let ttko
amply be 11 :M4 but nwriPaPer vi rd . for.
Por Two Dollars paid, we send Seventy numbers; Of
for One Dollar, Thirtythreo numbers. Tide is for the sako o
easy remittance. ,
If Pastors, in making up clubs, end iiome pewons not
ready to pay atones,ptey my yet send on the namm, et the
Club prioN'on their own responsibility to pay us shortly. It
Is desirable that thaw data their iebscliption periods at this
some time. DAVID hicKlNNltY.,Proprietor.
The Winterßeadim, of nve months, will point:truce tho fret
Wednesday in November.
, ..,ay,pmer,auirdipiklfseel,LLghtnxidTtitinnAn.ghwitet.
gilthbnenches, $6O pet geneton. Ancient end Modern 'tin
images, each sb. Looms on the PSIEID, and use of Instru
ment, $16.„ Patatlng.atiA Drawing, each $6. Or the pay.
meat of ilioOrglincladl die whole. ,
A daily stage edtenisirle with the ° eargait Newailr. - Del., and
also at Parkeelnarg, Pa. Address --
J. M. DICSBY, or
Orford ,Sept. 90,1665 BAJIIITEI, DIOKIY. Oxford, en
. eep29-tf
'l77ft: ATTIiXTIIOIh
Vrbsre easy I N, ,ftrund Aug', sweasbeesat o f all kindA
Dry Goods, retritCrieff In ftirnlalednit ehoitwe,llttlit' giving"
pc•iAable'liguillyAixliaiiilideid in tinting each article&
In various places. In ooneeguenoe of our giving our at.
teutfon to this kind of stook, to the extthudon of dries
and fancy •sooda r we can-gwantee our !Floes and atylea
In be yhe moat favorable in the market.
4 • ; ' ' ' LIMIN GOODS'
we.'artirable ;to tetra perherfeatiatuttion;being the , Mater
aeraiuspan Limes 'BTOILI rw vine cater and havig been e
for' mold *eat twenty. year. saigulerirCtstortern i trout some
air beet manufacturer , in Irelan d . We offer also
bfock of u, o:
AP I IPLANAALB , ANP,Aftri3Ll2ll4., , ,4 . ,
of the best quditiaa to be obtained; and at the vireylowert
Also; offilielattt, Qin* Tleklagt,
tarok , Table ,Cloihz, and Napklne, Diapers j
;ffite/tabitS, Table 'and'Plaatto C • Damasks ,
and Mir
:rases, Late and Muslin Cartalna, DLaltlee, .ffarralttt•
!Madan, Window Shaillnere, ha he.
7. e' , *' B. W. earlier crineirrirr SIVNNTSIita.'.
I easci-tf Phi:444oU,
mH& it1114:101r/C11. tinrinpatooix.—TEl
111: new Ilttati Book. and Him sad Tanwitook, tbb
itewaroetwora, EDWARDS A gaitlEk D.D., and .aIISTIN
PEUILPB, D.D of Lnibver .Thedlogical •flemlnery; and'
voinitmoldlo34 , &rein votive prep tratlon,,,
led, 1, le oottlidently,hoped, will. be published during the
' • ' • ; - I' I
T 4,01,1114 141X1n4S1 as of ,thitterial y new and old, placed ,at s
the dietiotal 'nt the ohlt6ra, from various edu'reot
wintry and in England, and the very general and deep in
teeeaPmaeltitea n'the iitwkbY the Obfidiatt put4b3v 00-
twinning increased enzlety on the Part of Its angora that
fiery pagd4bd irerylin eehfll tie will eonektere'd belbie it
leaves their hands, have led to this somewhat longer delay
in its publication than wan antrcipated. '
The work will be published so a Hymn.flook, and elan as
aßlainsnd Tinw%ok, wit:Landow sized tpitee,•istylee of
binding, eta., by ~ MASON hBOTEMLB, New York.
• " '• • 8:1E.VIIIPPL1 Bietoit.
• An edition of tble work, edited by eminent Repast Di•
vi , l4l4.rthe wee uf . Ake denorstuattan, is ,also outempla•
led, the perticsilsis eh 'publisher. of which wily be - duly
Sunerushed: . : L , ; 1. 1. 3 122 .0tecirl
A V.141' 0 F. 17 XD JIILT/0.1141U I.A.IM
TY 21195 T OrriPAMIL yrala!at attest,
le , earlier of • • • • •:•! • NO.
Arrangement for Dalimia-driring the iforponsiou of
illoOnle Pop*lota by L tholla&co:.••
1. Depoolts rocolye‘iind'eoyinootO ludo day.' ' •••
2. Current Barti Neese, °kicks. lila' epos wm b n.
3: Depaite mode In Bank Not" or Chia' paid
bieY to enrrine Bank Note'.
DFlK.sits 'his& 1u Gobi or Silver will be paid beak in
.4112areet. /ivy Per Cent . Per Annum.
, MINIM la MINSTER, President
* Wass= J Rao, Sierretiry.
Philadelphia, January 12,1868
dr„,.6IIITEILAL AC &BMX Ye Alf VIEW gut Juniata Oonnty, Pa., one-koartik c
UM* than: the 'PerryArsine /Nation of Pennsylvania Hail
sod. ,
Bininter Simian , will °camases on Monday, the 110.
Of April. .Whole anciarnse per session of twenty-two weeks
tbrßoard, Room, 'PttitiOn, Wishing awl
able cps-)salt ip atinneed 7
sir Bee rculars. DAVID WILSON,
• • rissafolly Ci Priiiettel and Proprietor, Pork Dm! P.O.
A,. a ...s , I D . D .
, A. Barrropt & co,
Nom Northi3DOOND Btreot,above Market, Phil adelphla
Tbs otgoopost,anditgoot spaortabout of PLAIN and
RANDY BLINDS of fali other eatablfahment In the, United
Iltirsa. • '
113raLEPAINING promptly ett•nded to. Cave us call,
and stkf jearielva.
; • - ,•
Jur: rinusErro,
• r • cxanT azriaiterealr.
Euelped as an soompiniment to the authori Noblest&
lliballifiaa'aud the Acts. . • ,
~• i ! „ .BY HENRY .1. RIPLRY,
12mo. Cloth. •• 137,ocate. . •
In presenting this work to the public, it is pioper toial
attention to wring's, but moat important characteristic, in
respect' to which the work will compare favorably with eth
ers-of the sauna Gies The aathor has expended hie chief
strength on the difficult
„passairea, and devoted but little
space to the pest" He has proceeded on the principle that
comment on whit every one can undmstand is superfluous.
The notes are explanatory." •
Nor Sabbath &hoot instruction, tbe, work will be found
especially valuable. ' '• GOULD .9 LIWOOLN,
59 Washington Arrest, Boston,
.12/ Theheretofore eaditlng between Drs.
; HUM and has beau dissolved, by mutual consent.
.3ettueill,lB6B: feeds
AIIIIIII4IBTItATION to the estate of Jane Walton,
late of floSth Payette Townahlp, Alleghsny COnnty, dek'd,
have been grantatt,to ate subectibsr. All persons Indehted
to the said 43%1:ate are rev:Laded to mak. immediate pay-
Mint. and thbas hatlirig railing 'giblet the same 'trill pre
fest them, duly authenticated, for aetthnent.
fotl-Sto WILLIAM ArtlbllAN, Admialatraibr.
I l Btrea , AHegheny..
L i e 6Uashiinret rlir - Mithie'OrlPbififlit lieu&
Here and Hereafter, or the Two Altars. Spurgeon's Works
and BerrooniL?-!_Tessatings tot tbrOdistipr; by a Disciple.
Word t" pacamtalcanta; Dr. Alexander. Dodrldg'e Sacred
.Thoughts: !Theedoidai or the: Heroine of Barth.. Kyle's
Notes on Mark. Annals of the American Pulpit; Sprague.
Ihinbrain &odes; . 1' Vol." - Gathered :Lilies, or Little' obil
dren in Heaven.. Livingstone's Africa/ new supply. - fe6
01111111 B. 111rADDras 001111A111101111HICT
rittnbarfth. Mohr*iedisk,JoNelry,
• • ."• •wwintf
AO Nov 41001 CA OF TIORE.,
Anecdotes for the Family. New illustrated edition,. with
.22 engraving's, printed on fine paper, elear type. 500 pages.
Coropl the euthor of Biography of Whitefield.: nar
rating delightful .diacoveriee, providential deliverance.,
irreligion indldne, reproofs, isurtrnotiOne, , oonrereiorte, re-
Item, love and intercourse in the family. Price, 50 dente,
Joseph, and his Brethren.lntastratesi with fine en.
gisvinge. Bguirs.,lBrno 80 pages. • Prioe,ls cents Paper,
20 ovate gilt muslin. - in attreetlite imitative of the
eventful lift of Joseph, for the inetriction and %entertain.
men's of children.
Tife'Poich - treat' the or party - V. of the Bible
Primer, 'prepared fot the .voung, to enable them to appre
ciate and understand' the poetry of the Bible, with many
Ipautifultugruiritypr., 2.4:1 pages, 26 cents-41Mb or the
sot, 82.0 6 - I
• The. Pictere Alphabet, with 19 ante and letters, and
verses In colored ink. Price, 6 cents.
Clusrlotteltliaabeth's Short Burnes for Obildieri
bated:- 25 cents':
The Wanderer, The Morning Gletry,The Huguenots; each
:11.0 emit& .• • ,
rtfraPiti of 55 cents.
etch feta Life. (KY cents. • ,
AnnalsOf‘tbe Petri. , PO cants
.2qm Tasors.—.No. 508, I do not. feel, 4, pages; 597, Seek.
and,ye shall find, B.pegas; r s9B, Hire yet confessed Christ,
8 - pave • 509,'1ain to mono, world; b' paella; 600, I cannot
change My own heels*, &pages; , i , • •
Thephistreiesii TaccAlf .9triptlan • Almanac for 1558.
_Enlarged. Price, 8 cents single, 0(1,0 cents a dozen.
lbe,American Messenger, and •The Pepet—two
ittiselive niontbly4 newspaper itheete, afforded , to single
subscribers And to OAF, at very low rates.
_of 'Books for young and old, 'with
faredly'ana pocket bilAirs, kept constantly on band at the
• • • ',1:20 P2O Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
; • . tuttf7us. js2D-tf
. nts ` ALL/nl, AvAlskolf
k . ats
row ...sista of two. Bassions of ,twenty
i'VALl:rff:'Atdon of this lottitiffrin,ffEll ,commen c e
AT,ran. lath, and elois' October 10th, in-
Pi t iiiii ' lion of Pre' wesbnat the and of the/sit term.
Iniregi Parritertkot is aittmted in a beautiful and healthy
naisw., m 'Liss aside t of a moral and intelligent community;
tret i f ,c Os opp_ortatilty win , b• afforded to male and fe
*pfiti for the acquisition of a good linglirb,, Math,.
amitimit and Clanakal E4ucation. . And thaw" who, entrust
ibelaniaaLafidaintntera t 2 the oars of the Principal; are as.
eared that , their moral culture 'wet 'be etwelbily at.
tended tot' II oinnesios with efforts' to demtlop their
mental and physical lacullies. The gavots:unmet trerenad
:wilt Pe*. t. ,peut feLkintliaad pinata'. No pains' n 11l be
to Medlar OW liirtftution *wort* , of • liberal and
a garmort •• , , - - 4 ...: :LI
, • • • I .:MilltitaTelgul oft " 17 :4 1' 41 1 WADA_I.
maisqvmrd,,rgo, Light and w r morn, $64
Mutie irlth nee of instromenty SIB Palfeedlion, or. $lO per
i eqttstiilet-F ,, ; ' •,; , . ,
rvping,itper Seenkm, br i g l icrAaAriFil.
Wench . . illt a '" ' " ' aa , 1 -
Board can be bad in the afar Irma 111..10 to $2 ner
iiihOkt Fte further lose l uot ,
ii'Ver t ai ; ! P
e P
Valefg 4. led,! ....ta;:•.. -44, • 'sie i
1111." per year
1.25 '' is
1-75 " "