b' ends or Fear Ling. But it is neverthe '• • true that everywhere in Moses, and the vioplicts. and the Psalms, are written the things concerning Christ; that all &rip- Lure is piren by inspiration of God, and is r eoti table for doctrine, for reproof, for come ;ion, and for instruction in righteousness. :hat the man of God may be perfect, dm : ughly furnished unto every good work. And it is equally true that the great bus iness of the minister is to preach the Word a f te r the example of Christ himself, the great Preacher of the Gospel, and of his Apostles; when in the instruction of his disciples, beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded to them in all the Suiptures the things concerning himself, and wilco they, preaching to their hearers the Gospel of God, reasoned with them out of he Scriptures, opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead, and that Jesus is Christ. —Luke xxiv : 27-44; Acts xvii : 2, 3. And, without objecting to the common form of preaching in its place and measure, or wishing to see our ministers bound down always to any one form, we do not see how they can fully preach the Word, and so in struct the people that they may understand the Scriptures, without making their preeehe' ing, in some form, an exposition of the Scrip-1 tures in course, and in their proper connex- . ion. We cannot but think that the general neglect of a due use of the Word of God,, iu these various respects, is at least amoiik. the chief causes of the state of religion which we lament. 2. A second cause of the defective and unsatisfactory state of religion among us, we think, ;,s to be found in a general failure on the part of parents and of the Church, fully to comprehend the gracious provisions of God's covenant with his people in relation, to their offspring; clearly to recognise the relation of their children, through this cove nant, to God in Christ .Tesus, and. to his Church; and duly to embrace the promises llhe grave of 'lsamu& But_ even then, by f a ithi,, • we should rise with our friends to the glorious re- , 1 v.litiesof the' better world—the 'Paradise above-- th'e home - of saints. For we know that if otif earthly :house of this'' tabernacle were dig= ia.fla,44; have a building of God, a livage l hand% eternal in the heavenistll 11,s ALD.V.,1 , 11 .9 f ,1 &IMAM, ice►4riateurro. . e : /i, 13 IMICP W 78 1. 40 • • FAcruvr —Prof. IL T. ' otirN •141arlsilosillogss~llippeltsai. • • 1 parp•st smn orthio r tss o Apn will 0 1 0011 fln . fba • ?dONDAIrcif AprO, lOW , 1 . • '• ,••• TERMECPBS,NIMINifIP TOUR MONTHS': !•1 po,r4, 1140.00 ; Tuition, regular mune: $1100; ferog 4 o,, • MOM • , EL.ra A 8.• Instromentalhicurlo, $lB Piano Ibr jirac_cies;' ••• si Drantrig'andgninllng , 10 Ifire to Illesving-roost, , 1 • 111114T01.1,4K;tsuaaaa, ear.h 10 Wae hhol pn• kw. mdeni e osin, 50 ohs. inclldaut to school-mai,_ lg oenta,par month- Books and Stationary at regulir'ignest ill bills must be settled hi nadvincn, edam by club for WO. • 1 • _ , ,The Seminary budoin'ga are piseasatly actuated on a baaci• plitisku, lathe borcnigh of Rang Itsigiston — d, Plat-eV' verbis4.-gbt- i ta , b‘. u.tY apd hasithrobtres. Young 01 .• wtebtog tO'OW UAL rsithieo, liberal; thoiceagh wad 'Prao thr. l ' .66.6 = "4 " v 1 " e q'eq.e.4o(tnitil. all the &Maid( and EO/•' '6fr *waif will ia this litotititihsa lind• set* . • -'" 4 2111) 1 f - • .114 it) • ' • aid! PROSPEOTU S PRESBYTERIAN BANNER The Baritt22 Is publiebed weekly, In the olties Pine b nrgh and Philndelphisoind is adapted to general ei;,ulatlor In the Presbyterian Chasch. swamis iN ADVANur, IN CLUBS of twenty, and upwarde, DRLIVERED in either of thecltiee, ADVERTIBIIDENNTB ; In Adrenal. Por eight lines, or leas, one Insertion 50 cents; each Fab 7oitint insertion, 26 amts. Isiah sulditiosusi line, beyond ei t, cents for every insertion. r eight lines, three menthe, $B.OO. Saab additional line 26 cents. Tor eight Linea, One Year, VO.OO. Ilaet additional line $l. ()Alum of t wo Limy, $6 a year, and $1 for each addi tonal line. BUBIIIsae NOTIOIS. of ten Ilusse or lea, One Dollar. Bed, additional line, I cents.- - • . ea- Oommunication4 recommendatory of Inveutione, Nte &cal Practice, Schoch', Le. ko., Wei designed for the pews: ;Wary benefit of individuals, should be poidfor. aa Business Notices. , Bauerby mall, where no good .ppoitunity is otherwise at hand. Drafts or notes of the larger denominations are preferable, where they can be col/mangy obtained. Parrots sending us twenty subscribers and upwards will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge. N. D. When 'Presbyterian families are verryinuoh dispensed hey may be accommodated at the Club price, oven though • Cow of the twenty' be wanting. let ell be sulmlidd; If posel Ole. The Pooa we shall favor, to our utmootability. Let ttko amply be 11 :M4 but nwriPaPer vi rd . for. Por Two Dollars paid, we send Seventy numbers; Of for One Dollar, Thirtythreo numbers. Tide is for the sako o easy remittance. , If Pastors, in making up clubs, end iiome pewons not ready to pay atones,ptey my yet send on the namm, et the Club prioN'on their own responsibility to pay us shortly. It Is desirable that thaw data their iebscliption periods at this some time. DAVID hicKlNNltY.,Proprietor. J.R.H. ink IVOR]) FsIRALE INEZIfteAR.I,,, CHAIITHRAX) NTT . ; PA. The Winterßeadim, of nve months, will point:truce tho fret Wednesday in November. , ..,ay,pmer,auirdipiklfseel,LLghtnxidTtitinnAn.ghwitet. gilthbnenches, $6O pet geneton. Ancient end Modern 'tin images, each sb. Looms on the PSIEID, and use of Instru ment, $16.„ Patatlng.atiA Drawing, each $6. Or the pay. meat of ilioOrglincladl die whole. , A daily stage edtenisirle with the ° eargait Newailr. - Del., and also at Parkeelnarg, Pa. Address -- J. M. DICSBY, or Orford ,Sept. 90,1665 BAJIIITEI, DIOKIY. Oxford, en . eep29-tf 'l77ft: ATTIiXTIIOIh . i'HIIIA-VIIII;IA4IOjAKIEEPIffIiIIDAT 000h8.14TOff.ff, r, Vrbsre easy I N, ,ftrund Aug', sweasbeesat o f all kindA Dry Goods, retritCrieff In ftirnlalednit ehoitwe,llttlit' giving" pc•iAable'liguillyAixliaiiilideid in tinting each article& In various places. In ooneeguenoe of our giving our at. teutfon to this kind of stook, to the extthudon of dries and fancy •sooda r we can-gwantee our !Floes and atylea In be yhe moat favorable in the market. 4 • ; ' ' ' LIMIN GOODS' we.'artirable ;to tetra perherfeatiatuttion;being the , Mater aeraiuspan Limes 'BTOILI rw vine cater and havig been e for' mold *eat twenty. year. saigulerirCtstortern i trout some air beet manufacturer , in Irelan d . We offer also bfock of u, o: AP I IPLANAALB , ANP,Aftri3Ll2ll4., , ,4 . , of the best quditiaa to be obtained; and at the vireylowert Also; offilielattt, Qin* Tleklagt, tarok , Table ,Cloihz, and Napklne, Diapers j ;ffite/tabitS, Table 'and'Plaatto C • Damasks , and Mir :rases, Late and Muslin Cartalna, DLaltlee, .ffarralttt• !Madan, Window Shaillnere, ha he. JOHN - T, OOWNLL & BON, 7. e' , *' B. W. earlier crineirrirr SIVNNTSIita.'. I easci-tf Phi:444oU, mH& it1114:101r/C11. tinrinpatooix.—TEl 111: new Ilttati Book. and Him sad Tanwitook, tbb itewaroetwora, EDWARDS A gaitlEk D.D., and .aIISTIN PEUILPB, D.D of Lnibver .Thedlogical •flemlnery; and' voinitmoldlo34 , &rein votive prep tratlon,,, led, 1, le oottlidently,hoped, will. be published during the ' • ' • ; - I' I T 4,01,1114 141X1n4S1 as of ,thitterial y new and old, placed ,at s the dietiotal 'nt the ohlt6ra, from various edu'reot wintry and in England, and the very general and deep in teeeaPmaeltitea n'the iitwkbY the Obfidiatt put4b3v 00- twinning increased enzlety on the Part of Its angora that fiery pagd4bd irerylin eehfll tie will eonektere'd belbie it leaves their hands, have led to this somewhat longer delay in its publication than wan antrcipated. ' The work will be published so a Hymn.flook, and elan as aßlainsnd Tinw%ok, wit:Landow sized tpitee,•istylee of binding, eta., by ~ MASON hBOTEMLB, New York. • " '• • 8:1E.VIIIPPL1 Bietoit. • An edition of tble work, edited by eminent Repast Di• vi , l4l4.rthe wee uf . Ake denorstuattan, is ,also outempla• led, the perticsilsis eh 'publisher. of which wily be - duly Sunerushed: . : L , ; 1. 1. 3 122 .0tecirl A V.141' 0 F. 17 XD JIILT/0.1141U I.A.IM TY 21195 T OrriPAMIL yrala!at attest, le , earlier of • • • • •:•! • NO. Arrangement for Dalimia-driring the iforponsiou of illoOnle Pop*lota by L tholla&co:.•• 1. Depoolts rocolye‘iind'eoyinootO ludo day.' ' ••• 2. Current Barti Neese, °kicks. lila' epos wm b n. rerliedUn.depMilt: 3: Depaite mode In Bank Not" or Chia' paid • bieY to enrrine Bank Note'. DFlK.sits 'his& 1u Gobi or Silver will be paid beak in • .4112areet. /ivy Per Cent . Per Annum. . , MINIM la MINSTER, President * Wass= J Rao, Sierretiry. Philadelphia, January 12,1868 dr„,.6IIITEILAL AC &BMX Ye Alf VIEW gut Juniata Oonnty, Pa., one-koartik c UM* than: the 'PerryArsine /Nation of Pennsylvania Hail sod. , Bininter Simian , will °camases on Monday, the 110. Of April. .Whole anciarnse per session of twenty-two weeks tbrßoard, Room, 'PttitiOn, Wishing awl able cps-)salt ip atinneed 7 sir Bee rculars. DAVID WILSON, • • rissafolly Ci Priiiettel and Proprietor, Pork Dm! P.O. A,. a ...s , I D . D . , A. Barrropt & co, Nsinnuonnunts, A WHIM-MAIM AND RETAIL g DILLIRL Nom Northi3DOOND Btreot,above Market, Phil adelphla Tbs otgoopost,anditgoot spaortabout of PLAIN and RANDY BLINDS of fali other eatablfahment In the, United Iltirsa. • ' 113raLEPAINING promptly ett•nded to. Cave us call, and stkf jearielva. 111,BOP. ItIPL LION NSW WOGS ; • - ,• Jur: rinusErro, THE EPISTLE OP TEE APOSTLE PAUL TO TUE • r • cxanT azriaiterealr. Euelped as an soompiniment to the authori Noblest& lliballifiaa'aud the Acts. . • , ~• i ! „ .BY HENRY .1. RIPLRY, N 1197011 THZOLOGICAZ IMILRIART. 12mo. Cloth. •• 137,ocate. . • In presenting this work to the public, it is pioper toial attention to wring's, but moat important characteristic, in respect' to which the work will compare favorably with eth ers-of the sauna Gies The aathor has expended hie chief strength on the difficult „passairea, and devoted but little space to the pest" He has proceeded on the principle that comment on whit every one can undmstand is superfluous. The notes are explanatory." • Nor Sabbath &hoot instruction, tbe, work will be found especially valuable. ' '• GOULD .9 LIWOOLN, 59 Washington Arrest, Boston, dr% I 8801. UTZ°, OF PARTSIKIISEOP..— .12/ Theheretofore eaditlng between Drs. ; HUM and has beau dissolved, by mutual consent. .3ettueill,lB6B: feeds MOTIOM•—INEILSIL11141114 LZTTEIIII. AIIIIIII4IBTItATION to the estate of Jane Walton, late of floSth Payette Townahlp, Alleghsny COnnty, dek'd, have been grantatt,to ate subectibsr. All persons Indehted to the said 43%1:ate are rev:Laded to mak. immediate pay- Mint. and thbas hatlirig railing 'giblet the same 'trill pre fest them, duly authenticated, for aetthnent. fotl-Sto WILLIAM ArtlbllAN, Admialatraibr. SW BOOKS AT Z. Co CILKIKKANZPII, 6 I l Btrea , AHegheny.. L i e 6Uashiinret rlir - Mithie'OrlPbififlit lieu& Here and Hereafter, or the Two Altars. Spurgeon's Works and BerrooniL?-!_Tessatings tot tbrOdistipr; by a Disciple. Word t" pacamtalcanta; Dr. Alexander. Dodrldg'e Sacred .Thoughts: !Theedoidai or the: Heroine of Barth.. Kyle's Notes on Mark. Annals of the American Pulpit; Sprague. Ihinbrain &odes; . 1' Vol." - Gathered :Lilies, or Little' obil dren in Heaven.. Livingstone's Africa/ new supply. - fe6 01111111 B. 111rADDras 001111A111101111HICT rittnbarfth. Mohr*iedisk,JoNelry, • • ."• •wwintf AO Nov 41001 CA OF TIORE., Or. TRAIN SOCIETY, No. 919 CHREITNIIT Sr, Phila. Anecdotes for the Family. New illustrated edition,. with .22 engraving's, printed on fine paper, elear type. 500 pages. Coropl the euthor of Biography of Whitefield.: nar rating delightful .diacoveriee, providential deliverance., irreligion indldne, reproofs, isurtrnotiOne, , oonrereiorte, re- Item, love and intercourse in the family. Price, 50 dente, ' Joseph, and his Brethren.lntastratesi with fine en. gisvinge. Bguirs.,lBrno 80 pages. • Prioe,ls cents Paper, 20 ovate gilt muslin. - in attreetlite imitative of the eventful lift of Joseph, for the inetriction and %entertain. men's of children. Tife'Poich - treat' the or party - V. of the Bible Primer, 'prepared fot the .voung, to enable them to appre ciate and understand' the poetry of the Bible, with many Ipautifultugruiritypr., 2.4:1 pages, 26 cents-41Mb or the sot, 82.0 6 - I • The. Pictere Alphabet, with 19 ante and letters, and verses In colored ink. Price, 6 cents. Clusrlotteltliaabeth's Short Burnes for Obildieri bated:- 25 cents': The Wanderer, The Morning Gletry,The Huguenots; each :11.0 emit& .• • , rtfraPiti of 55 cents. etch feta Life. (KY cents. • , AnnalsOf‘tbe Petri. , PO cants .2qm Tasors.—.No. 508, I do not. feel, 4, pages; 597, Seek. and,ye shall find, B.pegas; r s9B, Hire yet confessed Christ, 8 - pave • 509,'1ain to mono, world; b' paella; 600, I cannot change My own heels*, &pages; , i , • • Thephistreiesii TaccAlf .9triptlan • Almanac for 1558. _Enlarged. Price, 8 cents single, 0(1,0 cents a dozen. lbe,American Messenger, and •The Pepet—two ittiselive niontbly4 newspaper itheete, afforded , to single subscribers And to OAF, at very low rates. lariist!lllMltecent _of 'Books for young and old, 'with faredly'ana pocket bilAirs, kept constantly on band at the TRACT` ROUSH, • • • ',1:20 P2O Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ; • . tuttf7us. js2D-tf tA . nts ` ALL/nl, AvAlskolf fft, k . ats T OA %I'LL r, JUNIATA COMITT,-PA. row ...sista of two. Bassions of ,twenty '' i'VALl:rff:'Atdon of this lottitiffrin,ffEll ,commen c e AT,ran. lath, and elois' October 10th, in- Pi t iiiii ' lion of Pre' wesbnat the and of the/sit term. Iniregi Parritertkot is aittmted in a beautiful and healthy naisw., m 'Liss aside t of a moral and intelligent community; tret i f ,c Os opp_ortatilty win , b• afforded to male and fe *pfiti for the acquisition of a good linglirb,, Math,. amitimit and Clanakal E4ucation. . And thaw" who, entrust ibelaniaaLafidaintntera t 2 the oars of the Principal; are as. eared that , their moral culture 'wet 'be etwelbily at. tended tot' II oinnesios with efforts' to demtlop their mental and physical lacullies. The gavots:unmet trerenad :wilt Pe*. t. ,peut feLkintliaad pinata'. No pains' n 11l be to Medlar OW liirtftution *wort* , of • liberal and a garmort •• , , - - 4 ...: :LI , • • • I .:MilltitaTelgul oft " 17 :4 1' 41 1 WADA_I. maisqvmrd,,rgo, Light and w r morn, $64 Mutie irlth nee of instromenty SIB Palfeedlion, or. $lO per i eqttstiilet-F ,, ; ' •,; , . , rvping,itper Seenkm, br i g l icrAaAriFil. Wench . . illt a '" ' " ' aa , 1 - Board can be bad in the afar Irma 111..10 to $2 ner iiihOkt Fte further lose l uot , ii'Ver t ai ; ! P e P Valefg 4. led t-ut.tv.rt,! ....ta;:•.. -44 bc.ll..tr, • 'sie i EKED 1313 Abbotatr. ROMANS. WITH NOV'S, 1111." per year 1.25 '' is 1-75 " " 5%2&1y