• PRESBYTERIAIN BANNER ADVOCAT origin D1M11141014 Vo No. 0. "ONE THING IS NEEDFUL:" "ONE THING HAVE I DESIRED OF THE LORD:" "THIS ONE THING I DO." origin Adirosateg Vol. XIX, .asßro .I WHOLE N Phlladelpkt9 Byr :es.] • - - - ' From our London Correspondent. Doctor Davidson and the Lancashire College—P ' Observe, now, what light this distinction - Halley, the new Principal of the Indepervi between the two words throws, upon certain lege, London—The two Assemblies P' • texts. In Acts xvi : 32, we read that the I have said regeneration is instantaneous. • —46"l7.trus Case ilf°de"' Evangelwal and the e' Church—lts Revel , - . Apostles spake the word to the jailer, "and It may be called: the infusion of. spiritual . to all that were in his house," (oaks) life, or the imparting of a,capacity of spirit- Freedom of r That is, to all within his premises, in- ual perception to the mind, or the opening Moderato r, fia • eluding the inmates of the prison.- After- of the darkened eyes of the understanding; i SP^' wards the jailer "brought them into his for by nature we are delta, and we cannot house," (oikos ;) into his family apartments. live till. made alive by . the. Spirit; by Again :. In 1. Cara , xvi 15, we are told that ture we are blind, and we - dennot'i.- " The! house (oikia) of Stephanas" had ually till the Spirit opens" our addicted themselves to the ministry of, the us night.; and 'this hefi' •. lit Sainti." Here notice,: that this " gi house" It is his work •by - of Stephanas differs from.that "household" soul. We or" . of his, which Paul baptized. It was the .we are ' We' are now prepared to meet au objets- oak,- .the . attendants,' or tholervants of Ste- w tion often used by the Baptists with an air planes, who devoted themselves to the sr of triumph. Why is it, say they, that vice of the Saints; butt was his of!- in • 't the accounts of great numbers baptized at children, who were baptized h- Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, at Same- CHRIST'S CONFUTATION''' . VC ria, at Corinth, and other places, we hear The Sadducees nothing of the baptism of any but believing Moms, but r 0" adults ? I answer, First, Pedobaptist min- rection • OV( inters, whenever" it falls to their lot to bap-. - tine many adults on one occasion, defer I the baptism of their faniilies to. wino' ,al more suitable- occasion, JUit , ties seem to have done:- Tho ; I believing Corinthians s 4 families .at another was baptize , • anotb , - - Itr •t' a Presbyterian ; ant CW ah xex /..; c iii d me .ti list • • 6 !'..• • 4 e th he ho ; ',t „. . %L. nto , I otL 1/ad -n rye t .1... re I pr •,‘ • *AL s tb li d ' Fa : f r . 4 • at R FA er t th , he er ore 46 , 1 A , isfu • :ten our cur • , ed e I ear he ‘n ou • pt MeKINNEY, Editor and Proprietor. II ADVANCE. *ginal ottrg, The Grave. BY J. Q. A. 13131,LIVAN !! the Grove I thou 'rt very drear who sings thee this, the circle of my friends, ny n. form I miss. than friends I miss, and more fight on earth I've found— dear, long since lima laid • thy narrow bound. the church-yard, 'midst the trees, stone church hard by, bath returned to dust, to the sky. why shouldst thou seem so drear? by thee is given; thou art the gate through which :d ones pass to heaven. may not fear thee, Grave; I may not fear • God upon that day, my doom will hear. in open on my sight, oe be mine forever; tr and my father, too, d from me never. 1857. Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. Baptism—No. 4. last Number, we insisted on the fact, that of the seven individual recorded in the Acts of the Apos der than four stand in connexion baptism of whole families. Lest ' , ould complain that we have lim :amination to a single book of the iment, we will very cheerfully inquiry to the inspired Epistles. contained in these writings hay taring on the case, is the follow- I : 14-17,- 41 1 thank God that I bap of you but Criepue and Gable leet say that I baptized in mine own name. ized also the household of Btepharms; mow notwhether I baptized any other. sent me not to baptize, but to preach 1/ we have already taken into the being mentioned in the Acts of As to Gains we do not learn any family proper. Stephanas first fruits of Aehaia," and of ~lever. There is no record of his but here is a special one of the of his family. We must, there to our former list just one mdivid one family s making, in all the Int, eight individual and five urns, recorded as taking place instituted the ordinance, and mien to his disciples. Two of were certainly without families, others we have no specific infor that point. On the whole then, 't record goes, the rule still holds te Apostles never baptized the sad of a family, without admit )le family to that ordinance. Baptist brethren demand of us that in all the five families there tie child As well might they that there were little children Israelites when they "were all. Moses, in the cloud and in The two cases are sufficiently. , It is enough to say that in the - of things, among five ordina some small children will always and it is not credible that it therwise. From the last census States, it appears that two in of the white population were tars of age. At this rate, and to families at six persons each, parents, they would contain individuals under the age of Same time we should not for -vn countries, and in ancient were numerous, and bore a •oportion to the adult popula- ate r' mu ' EXAMPLE A SAFE GUIDE. kth of the modern Baptists bold hat, " Was it even proved that in baptized, it would be a baptism rom the commission."—Carson, o great is his horror of infant that he would still oppose it, were shown ever so clearly to practiced by the Apostles them )r our part we are content to fol. iootateps of those inspired men, mplioitly to their construction of commission. MIL BAPTISMS AT CORINTH'. e there only one or two families at Corinth ? We think there were, this is implied in the language le Apostle : " And I baptized also of Stephanas; besides, I know• I baptized any other." 1 may to quote the words of the origi explicit : Ebaptisa de kai ton 'tans b loipon ouk oida ei tina .sa. It is hardly possible to con di sense of the latter clause of Ice in a literal English version. . translators have rendered loipon tord besides. But in the French it is more accurately rendered, as to (Au REsTE.) The word evidently the baptized family of Stephanas, 'in the previous clause. In this verse may be paraphrased thus : also baptized the house of Ste , as to the rest of the baptized families, not aware of having baptized any ❑ from the context that the Cor 'ere divided into parties, each of ',red to a particular teacher, in to all others. Things having it so unhappily, the Apostle was he had himself baptized so few of , there was lees pretest for repre him as the head, of a party. "I )d that I baptized none of you," addressing the adult members of :eh " I baptized none of you but and Gains. Many other adults Seed been baptized at Corinth, but himself. It was true that he had tized the family of his friend Ste but they tenoned no exception to ious assertion, since they were too . young to take any part in the strife, and therefore were not comprehended in his censures. And even here, be had limited himself to a single family. Though many families had been baptized at Corinth, he had baptized but one. For Christ had not sent him to baptize, but to render the more important and difficult service of preaching the Gospel. Such appears to be the drift of the Apostle's remarks; and if his lan guage implies that many other adults besides Crispus and Gains were baptized at Corinth, it equally implies that other families were baptized besides that of Stephanas. FAMILIES NUT ALWAYS BAPTIZED WITS THEIR Trr. We are nowt prepared to meet an objec tion often used by the Baptists with an air of triumph. Why is it, say they, that in the accounts of great numbers baptized at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, at Sama ria, at Corinth, and other places, we hear nothing of the baptism of any butbelieving adults ? I answer, First, Pedobaptist min isters, whenever itfalls to their lot to bap tize many adults on one occasion, defer the baptism of their families to another more suitable occasion. Just so the Apos tles seem to have done. They baptized the believing Corinthians at one time, and their families •at another. Crispus, for instance; was baptized by Pauly and his household by another hand. So the baptism of Stephan as, and that of his family, must have taken place on separate occasions. And such cases were probably of very frequent occur rence. Secondly, had it not been for the party strife existing at Corinth, we should never have heard of any baptisms there but those of believers. The disputes in that church called forth the censures of the Apostle in an Epistle. In that Epistle 'he incidentally mentions one family baptism, and gives an intimation of many more. If eircumstinces •had elicited any details of the baptisms at Jerusalem, after . the day of Pentecost, we should no doubt have learned that family baptisms followed those'of be lieving,adultsi as •at Corinth, and in as great numbers. And if the proposition of these baptisms, to those of individuals, , was as great, as would appear from the , few:cases specially recorded, we may presume that from fifteen to eighteen hundred family baptisms ensued upon the addition to the Church of the three thousand Pentecostal converts. The same remarks will apply:to Samaria and other cities. Bat not only have the doings of. the Apostles given testimony to the fact that they baptized little children, but their words prove that they meant to tell us so. And the fault is not theirs if no evidence of it appears in our English version. Every linguist knows, that in most languages there are words expressing distinctions, for which there may not be words exactly corresponding in other langtinges. Precisely such is' 'the' case with the two Greek words, oikos and oikia. Our translators have rendered these words, indiscriminately, housho/d and house; though they differ from each other as a part from the whole: The one is a masculine, and the other a feminine noun. When used in a literal sense, aikor means a house, the dwell ing of a family ; and oikia signifies the whole premises, including out-houses. When they are used figuratively, to signify persons, oikos means a man's proper family, excluding ser vants and and attendants; and oikia denotes a whole household, including servants and attendants. For this distinction we have the authority of Aristotle, as quoted by Mr. C. Taylor, (Apost. Bapt., pp. 41.) " Oikos, when it signifies persons, most usually means the children of a family. Here are a few examples, taken from the Septua gint : Gen. miv : 30.—" I shall be destroyed, I and myhonse ;" (oikos.) There were in fants in Jacob's family at the time. Num. xviii : 31.—" Ye shall eat it in every piece,ye and your households, (oikos,) for it is your reward for your ser vices." Their children ate of the offerings at three years old.—See 2. Chron. xxi : 15, 16. Dent. xxv : 9.—" So shall it be done unto that man that will not build up his brother's house," (oikot.) 1. Sam. ii 33.—" And all tin increase of thine house, (oikos,) shall die in the flower of their age. Here, again, infant children are meant. The New Testament writers, also, used the word to signify children of all ages, thus: Heb. xi : 7.—Noah "prepared an ark to the saving of his house," (oikos.) Here ser vants are excluded. 1. Tim. iii: 4.—" One that ruleth well his. own house, (oikos,) having his children in subjection.' Verse 12—" Ruling their children and their own houses (oikos) well." Such is the word used by the sacred writ ers in connexion with five family baptisms. " Crisps, the chief ruler of the Synagogue, believed on the Lord, with all his house," (oikos.) A truly remarkable instance of a father and all his chileyen receiving bap tism, as believers. Cornelius had ohldren. Said the angel to him, "Send men to Jop pa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter; who shall tell thee words by which thou and all thy house (oikos) shall be saved."—Adts xi : 13, 14. To the trem bling jailer, Paul said, believe on the Laid Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thine house," (oikos',) and he was baptized, he and all his, straightway." Says the same Apostle, k g 4 .l baptized also the household (oikos,) of Stephanas," meaning the chil dren of Stephanaa. Of Lydia, we read, "She was baptized, and her household," (oikos.) In all these cases, the word used by the Apostles is one whieh.every Grecian would take to mean _children. That the people of those ages did so understand the word, we have the most ample evidence. The first translation of the New Testament ever made, was the Peshito Syriac, pub fished only , a few years after the Apostolic age. That version, instead of saying, "Ly dia was baptised, and her household," says, " She was baptized, and the children ofher house." Oncie, Household. This word, as we said, when used meta phorically, to signify persons, means a house hold, including servants and attendants. We give an example : Philip. iv : 22.-0 All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Ca3sar's house hold," (oikia.) It is a certain historical fact, that , not Qne of Nero's family, at that time ) . profaned Christianity ) though some PUBLICATION OFFICE, GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH STREET, ABOVE SMITHFIELD, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR THE WEEK ENDING. SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1557. of his attendants, or servants did.—See also John viii : 35. Observe, now, what light this distinction between the two words throws, upon certain texts. In Acts avi : 32, we read that the Apostles spake the word to the jailer, "and to all that were in his house," (oikia ) That is, to all within his premises, in cluding the inmates of .the prison.- After wards the jailer " brought them into his house," (oikos ;) into his family apartments. Again : In 1. Cora xvi : 15, we are told that "The. house (oikia) of Stephanas" had " addicted themselves to the ministry of the Saints." Here notice, that this " house" of Stephanas differs from that "household" of his, which Paul baptized. It was the oslcia, the attendanta,•or the lervants of Ste pilau's, who devoted themselves to the ser vice of the Saints ; but it was his oikos, his children, who were baptized by Paul. CHRIST'S CONFUTATION , OF THE SADDIICEES, The Sadducees received the writings of Moses, but rejected the doctrine of a resur rection from the dead. Very likely they de manded an " explicit warrant "—a "'Thus saith the Lord, the dead shall arise." But even had Moses stated the doctrine in those very words, that would hardly have silenced their cavillings ; for Paul has since`declared, in so many words, that the dead shall rise, and yet there is a body of professed Chris tians who deny, or explain away his- mean ing. To those ancient skeptics; Christ ad duced a spcies of evidence, more difficult to evade than any a explicit warrant" what ever. The Lord, addressing , Moses, said, "I am the God of Abraham,: and the God of Isme r and the God of Jacob." "He is not," said the : Saviour, "the God of the dead, but of the living." This inferential proof, in the judgment of the great Teacher, was conclusive: When, therefore our Baptist brethren require us to produce a " Thus saith• the Lord, thou shall baptize infants," we may, justly reply, that even`had the sacred writer used the linguage they prescribe, there is no great probability that theitobjections would: have been obviated. Even now, when we press them, with the testimony .of Justin, Martyr, Irenaeus and Origen, respecting the baptism of little children and infants, their answer• is, that " these terms. are used indiscriminately for minors, whether they be twenty days, or twenty years old." That "it happens that we hear of an infant • who was hanged for killingids tutor; and •of the last- will and testament of the little infant (infantulus) Adald, aged eighteen." On the whole, therefore, we-may be •satisfied and thankful that. the Apostles, in this case, have, made use of language less ambiguous than that• demanded by our brethren. Whenever these inspired men tell us of the baptism, of a believing head of a family, they never fail ,to.tell iv of the baptism of-=his whole family: For eight individualbaptisms particularized, they mention no fewer than five family bap tisms. Still , further, to designate these families, they employ a word which in their day would naturally be, understood to mean children; and whiek was actually so under stood in the age following. Is it, then, un fair to presume that those who disregard. all this evidence, would hardly be persuaded by an "explicit warrant," or even a sign from I heaven ? L. N. D. P. S. If any one thinks them is not sufficient evidence that the family of Crispus was baptized, we have no objection to drop it from our Het, as it is the only believing family of the 'live mentioned in the records tor the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. Religion: OR, LETTERS TO A FRIEND ' ON THE DOCTRINES AND DUTIES OF THE BIBLE. Letter 11IL—Regeneration. The eyes of your understanding being enlight ened.—Ern. i; 18. MY DEAR FRIEND : —As , to the nature of regeneration, the answer to the question, " What is effectual calling?" gives you a correct notion of it :—" Effectual calling is the work of God's Spirit, whreby, convinc ing us of our sin and. misery, enlightening our minds in the knowledge of Christ, and renewing our wills, he doth persuade and en able to embrace Jesus Christ, freely of fered to us in the Gospel."—Short. Cat., Quest. 31. Here is the work of God's Spirit; here is the conviction of sin and misery; here is enlightening the mind in the knowledge of Christ; here'is the renew ing of the will; here is persuading and ena bling to embrace Jesus Christ, freely offered in the Gospel. So our Confession of Faith teaches : " All those whom God bath predestinated unto life, and those only', he is pleased, in his appointed and accepted time, effectually to call, by his Word and Spirit, out of that state of sin and death, in which ' they are •by nature, to 'grace and salvation by Jesus Christ; edlightening their minds, spiritually and savingly, to understand the things of God; taking away their heart of stone, and giving unto them a heart of flesh; renewing their wills, and by his almighty power, determining them to that which is good, and effectually drawing them to Jesus Christ; yet so as they come most freely, being made willing by his grace. This ef fectual call is by God's free and special grace alone, not from any *thing at all fore seen in man, who is altogether passive there in until, being quickened and renewed , by the Holy Spirit, he is thereby enabled to an swer this call, and embrace the grace offered and conveyed in it Faith, Chap. x., Sec. 1 and 2. I have spoken of regeneration as a change in our moral nature, and es the implantation of a principle of holiness in the heart. It may also be considered as a Divine illumina tion, or the impartation of spiritual sight, or a capacity to see spiritually. Sin blinds the mind; the understanding is darkened by it.—lsa.. xlii : 7; Acts xxvi : 18; Eph. is 18, and iv : 18. In regeneration, the eyes of the mind are opened; the understanding is enlightened; the blindness is removed, and we see. We see God as he is, or have right views of him ; we see ourselves as we are ; we see Jesus Christ in his beauty and loveliness, and we embrace him, and love bitn. And this illumination is effected,, net barely by the truth jresented to the mind, but by a direct and supernatural influence of the Spirit upon`the soul, quickening and en lightening the mind and understanding; so that it is no unusual thing for those who are thus enlightened, to say that they see the Bible, and religious things generally, in an entirely different light; texts which they hadleid or head a hundred dam ) seem entirely hew; and all this because the Spirit has given sight to theirl,dark minds, and opened their eyes to behold wondrous things out of God's law.—Ps. exit : 18. I have said regeneration is instantaneous. It may be called the infusion of spiritual life, or the imparting of a, capacity of spirit. ual perception to the mind, or the opening of the darkened eyes of the understanding; for by nature we are dead, and we cannot live till made alive by the Spirit; by na ture we are blind, and we' cannot see spirit ually till the Spirit openi our - eyes and gives us night; and this he doesin regeneration. It is his work •by a direct influence on the soul. We are dead, the Spirit gives us life; we are blind, he gives us sight; and then we live and see. We have new and clear views of Divine things ; t Vi4new and blear er views 'are the first effee , and this , spiritual inogled:e. is shvAngq it tr inseparable from: it, - as , the truth thus seen is embraced ;' and the. Saviour, thus ap prehended, is received' and trusted in, and rested on for salvation. - Thus Paul was sent unto the Gentiles, to open' their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto. God.—Acts xxvi : 16-18: Bat on this point, you may read the 6th chapter of 'Ile: 1 • A. Alexander's Thoughts'on Religions Experience—a work which every one should read, especially in these days of false and superficial experi ence, and spurious conversions. All I wish to say just now is this, that in regeneration there is a spiritual illumination—a capacity of spiritual perception- is imparted to the soul—the understanding-is enlightened ;in other words, the, mind is . "enlightened in the knowledge of Christ," and ina,desavingly acquainted with him.—Short: Cat., Ores. 31. In regeneration, the will is. renewed: . By nature, 'our wills are in 1%, ndage to our cor ruptions ; they are controlled by the de praved state of our affections ; ; the pure and holy motives of the Gospel have • little or no influence; and we haie "no ability of will to any spiritual good:"—Con. Faith, Chap. 9, Sec. S. But ivhen oursatures are changed; our wills are tietitee ; and as our understandings are enlightened so that we see things in their true light and, yalue, so we can freely choose that ;iahich is good, and holy, and pure. Before, called'evil good, and good evil; but nowt we see things ac cording to their true nature, and' our , willeP now incline after the things of God: We are slaves no more, but Lord's freemen, and we rejoice in the liheity of the sous of God. And as there issAireet influence of the Spirit in enlightening 'the , mind, Bois there also in renewing; he , will; when he enlightens the mind mews the will; by his almighty power,he' d'etermines it to that which is good, andtilleatually draws it to Jesus Christ. Befdieit: the expressive language of Luther, thee- yrk spsei4editze . , . no ,r; it is free.—gon.. Faith,reliap; x, See. L In regeneistion, , the law. is put within us, or written in the heart; and the writing of the law in the heart implies giving a knowl edge of the law; I do not meanlhat a di rect revelation is made to the soul, or that the study of the. Bible, is rendered unneces sary, or the means of grace useless; but that our conscience, our natural sense of right and wrong is quickened, and we have a readier apprehension of what is good and evil; we see as we did not before, what the law requires and whatitforbids; we see the nature and the extent of the laW, and have a correct and quick sense of duty. And writing the law in the heart also implies conformity to the Maw: As we have seen, we have by nature' no conformity to the law-; but when 'we are renewed, and the law:i s written in our hearts, a conformity to the law is imparted to us; our souls are brought into harmony with it. We are in- dined to obey it, and we regulate our lives by it. Hence, in writing the law in our hearts, the Spirit gives us a love for the law, and enables us to delight in it. The law being written in the heart, we know it; we are conformed to .it; we 'love it, and keep it. Not that we obey it perfectly, but we make it our rule,' and repent of our depart ures from it; and look to Christ for the pardon of all our failures, for he is the end of the law for righteousness• to every one that believeth.—Rom. x : 4. Again, in regeneration a-likeness to God and Christ is impressed upon the soul. Man was originally created in the image of God, and he is renewed in the same image.. The image of God in which man was created, was- mainly his moral image; and in what this image consisted, we learn from what Paul says of our new creation : it was in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness : " Lie not one to another, seeing thatye have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man, which is re newed in knowledge after the image :.of' him that created him."—Col. iu : 9, 10. Again : "That ye put off concerning the for mer coversation, the old man, which is cor rupt-according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your. minds ; and that ye put on the. new man, which, after God, is created in righteousness and true holiness."—Eph. iv:-20-24. Here we see that the old man, the depraved nature, is corrupt; the new man, the renewed nature, is after the image of the Creator, in knowl edge, righteousness, and true holiness. In these respects, regeneration restores the lost image of God- to the soul. Knowledge, is restored in that spiritual illumination before spoken of: righteousness and holiness in the renovation of our nature; in the renewal of the will; the implantation of a principle of holiness and rectitude, and the writing of the law upon the heart. The law is a reflec tion of the Divine character, and the writing of this law upon our hearts, stamps the Di vine image there; so: that in regeneration we are created anew in the image of God, in some measure like Adam before the fall. The outlines of the , Divine image is engra ven on our souls; and we ought, day by day, to become more and more conformed to the Divine likeness—ehanged into the same Im age from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.-2. Cor. iii: 18; Phil. ii : 5. Read -2. Cor. 2d, 3d, 4th and sth chaps.; Phil. let, 2d, 3d and 4th chaps., and Hymns 286, 200, and 219. Yotius, TRULL CAUTION.—We cannot judge what men are, by what they have been formerly; nor what they will do, by what they, have done : age and experience may make men wiser and better• They that had sold Joseph, yet "would not abandon Benjamin : the worst may MOO in 011ie, From our London Correspondent. Doctor Davidson and the Lancashire College—Dr. Halley, the new Principe/ of the Independent Col lege, London—The two Assemblies at Edinburgh —Monstrous Case of Moderate. Tyranny—The Evangelical and the Establishment—The Free Church—lts Revenue—Election of Professors-- Freedom of Choice and • Brotherly Love—The Moderator and Ez-Moderator—PolitiesPrance, Spain, Austria, and Hungary—The Birth-Day ' and the Derby-Day—Preaching to the Masses in Exeter Hall—The Tractarians Rebuked in the House of Peers—Episcopal Spurgeoniwn—Mr. Spurgeon and the Fashion—The Weather, the Crops, and Connerce—Maynooth Debate and Di vision—Dowry to the Princess Royal—King of Prussia and England—May Meetings—Hon. Neal Dow at Exeter. Hall.' LONDON, May 29, 1857. The Committee of the Lancashire Col lege will ,soon be called to decide on the tilo,l6olsiiiseanftis tvlews - On rnpfiliifiort tad British Stanilara," cOn ducted by Dr. Campbell, has been exhorting them to do.their duty fearlessly, and quotes at length from an article of great ability in an Episcopal Quarterly, in which Dr. David son's views are discussed.. The writer does not argue in the spirit of a partizan; and he seems to come to a very just conclusion, that while Dr.• Davidson is a well-read man, his judgment is by no means to be trusted; and that his see-saw system, (now' leaning to Rationalism and now to Orthodoxy—while yet denying the inspiration of the part of the Pentateuch, giving the go-by to the ordinary ideas about the authorship of Ee clesiastes, and holding pretty plainly that the. Bible is only inspired as to religious truth, sot historical statements,) is most danger ous. Were a Presbyterian Synod to inves tigate such a question, one would expect a verdict suited to the claims of unwavering and systematic theology. Whether the Committee will act out what is understood to be the opinion of the majority, or content themselves with leaving things as they were —merely giving a caution, and thus shaking the confidence of the old Evangelical Dis senters, as well as putting young men in peril—remains to be seen. The REV. DE. HALLEY, of Manchester, has consented to become the principal of New College, London. He isa sound and able man. His work on Baptism vs. the Baptists, is of superior merit. But he holds therein rather latitudinarian views as to the indiscriminate baptism of children. .Doctor Lyndsay Alex ander, of Edinburgh, after Mr. Stoughton, of London, had refused the Chair, was offered the post ; but he remains with his people. A fine, new chapel is being erected for him. He is a man - of literary tastes and habiU, and writes frequently in the British, Quarterly, of which, Dr. Vaughan,Presi dent of the Lancashire College, is the Editor. capital is at this moment the seat of Two GENERAL ASSEMBLIES. That of the Established Church still retains the appendage of a Lord Commissioner, and of State Breakfasts, Levees, and • Evening Parties, given by Lord and Lady. Belhaven, at Holyrood Palace. But the glory is gone, as compared with the olden time, when before the Disruption, freedom was in the presence of Cmsar's representative, asserting her birthright, and-when a Welsh, not afraid of consequences, turned his back on the Lord Commissioner, rather than allow the State to trample on the blood-bought liberties of the Church of the Covenant. The Scottish Establishment Assembly is never attended by, the common people, or the middle-classes. You enter the Assem bly Hall at the top of the High Street, and find a body of clergy, elders, and lawyers and perhaps the ease of a isputed settle ment is before them, and the old, impenitent Moderatism of Church polity resists, as long as it can, the more Evangelical party, who wish to make the best of Lord Aberdeen's Act, with its partial concessions to popular feeling. The strength of Moderation/ may be judged of by a decision come to by the General Assembly, (by a small majority,) reversing a decision of a Presbytery who had refdsed to ordain a Mr. Ferguson over a parish. This gentleman, according to the testimony of various witnesses, was in the habit of swearing, throwing somersaults, and sometimes imitating the squeaking of a pig ! One woman, who criticized his ser mons, which were " high flown," or, as a Gallic witness 80, " far and away," was threatened by the reverend gentleman to the extent that " he would knock her teeth down her throat if she made such observa tions !" He seems to have made up for his other deficiencies by a hearty hatred of the Free Church, saying "they were a devilish set, both ministers and people." A parish minister stated that he heard these words uttered, and yet (therefore ?) Moderationt carried the day by seventy to sixty-four votes, and this presentee is to be settled ." with all convenient speed, according to the rules of the Church ! ! !" Still, let us do justice. The Establish ment has a large body of earnest ministers, both in towns and country parishes. I trust they are an increasing number. They have their Foreign Missions, Home, Colonial, and School Schemes, all systematically sustained by annual collections, and probably stimula ted into greater activity by the amazing and far superior liberality of the disestablished Free Church of Sootland. The FREE Cannon, since the Disruption, has raised, for its various objects, about three millions and seven hundred thousand pounds sterling. Her Sustentation Fund,-the sheet anchor of the noble ship, still is vigorous. The £l5O per annum, in addition to a manse for each minister, has not yet' been reached, but every year gives a nearer ap proximation. I shall be able to notice the proceedings more fully when they have made farther progress. Meantime, I may mention that the Free Church Assembly has been occu pied at some length, this week, with a de bate as to the parties best fitted to fill the Chair of. Exegetical Theology at Edinburgh, and the Chairs at Glasgow which had not been previously occupied. The Rev. Robert Rainy, assistant to Dr. Gordon in the Free High Church of Edinburgh, was proposed, by Doctor Candlish, for the first mentioned of the Chairs, backed by the recommenda tion of Principal Cunningham, and the other Professors. The peculiarity of the ease was that Mr. Rainy preterred to remain in the High Church pulpit. The, issue was the defeat of Dr. Candlish's motion, and the election of Profeisor Uneaten, Of Abintleen. Ai to thS oat* Chi& of APolOgetkis the contest lay between Dr. David Brown, author of a notable book against pre-mil lennialism, and Dr. Hetherington, author of a . well known "History of the Church of Scotland." The latter was elected by a ma. joritY. Dr. Brown was ,, appointed, after;' wards, Professor of Theology at Aberdeen. Thus each party in trust has found his proper sphere. The happy consummation of leaving none disappointed, and the warm support given by Dr. Candlish= to the elec tion of Dr. Brown, , whoin he had opposed in reference to Glasgow, had .a :most: powerful effect, and the conclusion of an excitingg , and long protracted debate, was an unmixed triumph of hallowed hiiitherly love. Dr. Julius Wood, of Dunifilea, is tha Free Church Moderaton' Dr:- Di'Crte preachedthe opening sermon, andst its close akt,a,noble tribute to the memory of Hugh Miller. Being now, however, .a-minister , of the English Presbyterian Church,;n cense, quence , of his election' to the' Church 'His , tory Chair in London, -bey was not-compe tent to constitute the Assembly. This was done by Doetoz , Henderson, of Glasgow; who paid a fit tzibute to Doctor M'Crie r and proposed the excellent Dr. Wood, in language which met with a unanimous response.- Turning now to Politics, we have news from CHINA of great suffering among the population at Canton, from the high price.of rice. Nothing will be done by the British until the arrival , of the Plenipotentiary, Lord Elgin. The Emperor is said to have imposed a tax on opium at Shanghai. As to INDIA, there had been a tendency in one regiment to insurrection, in conse quence of some superstitions objection to the paper in which , the ball cartridges, were made, which , they thought, contained the fat of beasts, which their religion holds sacred. The regiment has been broken up, and a ringleader executed. FRANCE has a succession of Roysl Visi tors, a inclining themselves ; " ' as a syco phant , said the other day . , to ,the Emperor. The King of Bavaria is in Paris just now. The Grand Duke Constantine had previous ly left for the South of France, and then Prince Napoleon, who dislikes Russia, and clings to the English Alliance, came >back from Berlin, whither he had gone on a visit to the King of Prussia. In SPAIN, O'Donnel and Narrrrez. are daily engaged in the Cortes, in violent re crionnations. The Queen is as immoral as ever. Her infamous 'mother has had all her forfeited property restored, and Jesuit ism is triumphant. AstoPßusslA AND 4 SWITZERLAND ) the quarrel is at last definitely settled; the former 'renouncing all claim to sovereignty over Neufchatel, and not insistingon peen niary compeitiation. The EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA is in Hun gary., and issues an extensive amnesty, re storing property and liberty taken away by Court Martials, after, and during the war , of 1848, and authorizing exiles to return. Kossuth is still shutout. Hungary will not be satisfied. Her Protestant Church is still , in bonds. The Magyar language is still discouraged, and .a petition from nobles, bishops,. and proprietors, five hundred in number, asking for constitutional rights to be restored, and other 'favors, was putl aside* with a few reproving words. Centralization is the rigid system of Austria. She too is under the' influence of the Jesuits. The QUEEN'S 13110 H-DAY was celebrated, with much enthusiasm this week. Next came what Lord Palmerston calls our "Isth mian demos," or, as the, Times describes it, "The Metropolitan Pic-Nic," namely, the Derby-Day on the race-course, at Epsom. Such a collection of all ranks is no where else seen. The worst are sure to be there; great evil is the result. By the results of this race many betting men are ruined yet. the Globe tries to defend such ocenes. Manly sports, like cricket and' , boat-races, are valuable, but let us have, done with the race course. PREAOHENO TO THE MASSES Win, ere long, be the order of the day. The Trade dans complain that Ecclesiastical " Spur geonism" is creeping into the -Church , of England., Lord Dungannon, a High Church . Peer, iomplained: last night, in the House ,of Peers, that Exeter Hall, an " unconse crated" building, had been opened for pub lic worship, and that bishops And clergymen were to preach there each Sunday uvening. He wished to know, from the .Bishop of London -whether this was not contrary , , to law..iVhereupon the Bishop rose, and coolly replied, that the-affair-was -perfectly legal., being in accordance with Lord Shafts bury's Act, " for the greater liberty of roll-, gious worship," paseeda few years ago. [This, Act had the bitter opposition-of the Bishop of Oiford at the time.] Furthermore, he avow his deep conviction that the preaching to the masses was a great and good work; and sat down amid cheers. Next rose Lord Kinnaird, an Evangelical Scotch Peer, who stated his delight in seeing four thousand people in Exeter Hall, and marking their devout joining in the Litany, (the only part of the Liturgy used,) and their inter est in the sermon of the Bishop of Carlisle. And last of all, got up the venerable Arch bishop of Canterbury, indorsed: the new. movement-most heartily, and said it would be a lasting reproach , to the Church of Eng land, if she could not accommodateherself, to the necessities of the age. So the result is, that the• Tractarians " gained ta-loss " by their= movement, and that Evangelism re-, ceives a fresh and glorious impetus. Mr. Spurgeon may be well regarded as in directly the cause of this-movement, in-eon nexion with the letters in the Times, some weeks ago about bad preaching in the Chwoh.. ; That gentleman holds on his: way with amazing. power. Numbers of the No bility now repair every Lord's-day morning, to Surrey Gardens. Last Sabbath; also, it is said, there were present between sixty and seventy members of Parliament. Tin WEATHER la now most seasonable. and delightful. The people of Ireland Were almost deprived of a seed-time for their oats and potatoes, by . continuous rains in .A.pril ; but at length fair weather came, and a seed time came, which, though late, yet has been followed by sunshine and showers; that have covered the land with promise. In London and its suburbs, flowers and gardening receive great attention. Nothing is more pleasing than to see the beautiful binches of roses and other'flowers sold ;for a trifle in the crowded , and dilitY city.' Then Philadelphia, .111 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut By Nall, or at the Oiliee, SI.N per Year, I SEE PROSPECTUS. Delivered is the City, 1.75 " " the market gardeners are awaiting th e abundance of early vegetables, many of which are sold in the open streets, and their vast consumption by the poor of the;people, conttibules powerfully to the general` health. TRADE AND COMMERCE are ivoiiderfnlly flourishing in many of their , brsuoliiii, and the imports- and exports increase,-.every quarter; but the high price of money, while it checks spemilationi is 'a sirioturembarrass. ment; and a constant drain to the Continent and the Bast, keeps the precious metal); so scarce as to , compel . a very high interest to be demanded 'by the Bank of England; Nevertheless, war has ceased, prospects of harvest are good, and'-with-' unnuniterCd blessing and privileges,' tempond and `4spir ituali., there is oatiseeft* the deepest thank fulness. The MA:YNOOTH - QUESTION has been brought,- by Mr. Spooner, before the new Parliament, which rejected, his motion by a majority of 25. The division was rather a surprise, and was taken early in the. even ing. The Conservative leaders took care to be absent. This is their _ usual mode on this question. But it shows .that Protestantism is nothing better than a sham. Mr. Spooner's honest seal doernot make up for other qualities needed by a leader, in a cause so difficult as this. The Parliament has been occupied with the DOVILY TO THE PRINCESS ROYAL, who, ere long, will be married to the young Prince' of Prussia. By an almost maul mons vote, it was agreed that the dowry should be £40,000, in one sum, and an an nuity of £B,OOO for life. These are: large sums, but nothing compared with the wealth of the country, or with the demands of one half year , of that terrible waster, Wan. This excellent young lady is (D. V) to be the future Queen of Prussia, and her intended husband is a youth , of , great prom ise. If this:Royalmarnage prove as happy as that of Prince Albert and Queen Victo ria, and as , favorable to the &use of domes tic, and consequently national virtue, there will - be abundant reason to rejoice. It is pleasing to see the two great Protestant na tions of the Old World thus more and more closely allied. The- time may come, when despotism, backed and urged on by Popery— driven to a last desperate onset •on 'Liberty and Truth—shall need the joint-resistance of Prussia and England, to repel,the insur gent wave. The Kr or PaIISSIA has given a very hearty reception to the Deputation of the English Evangelical Alliance, at Berlin; He welcomed 'them-a' fortnight ago, at his palaie, in the most affectionate manner, and kept his Court, waitin . g dinner fora whole heur;in order to recerte their address, and to converse with them. He takes the deepest personal interest in the meeting of the Alli ance, which, by his invitation, is to take place in September next. At the same time, I do think that too much may be expected, as to results. As I have indicated in former letters; real religious freedom is looked on with suspicion by the earnest Lutheran party, very much as tolera tion was looked on by the Puritans of Eng land and the Puritan Fathers of America. Among the Annual May Meetings not for- Merly, noticed, I might mention 3 iu general terms, the CHURCH PASTORAL ATD SOCIE TY,- designed to provide Curates, and supple ment the income of small livings in populous places, which, (as contrasted, with Tn CU RATE'S AID Soormv, a High. Church Soci ety with , a . similar object,) is decidedly Evangelical in its character, and the means of 'great usefulness. I may also notice the Anniversary of the PROTESTANT ALLIANCE, which embraces all Protestant Evangelical Churahes, and has kindred associations throughout. the King dom. The good accomplished by Lectures and. Schools,. is very great,ft and decided , cases of conversion are:reported. A healthy hatred of Popish error, is essential, to a free nation's' life, and Cardinal Wiseman fears the, influence of the Protestant Alliance, both at home and abroad.. The Nunnery Question, Romish Refonmitories, exposure of attempts to'palm off lying:English Histo ries, got up , by Roinish schoolmasters, as well as , to seize on the orphans of Protes tant parents, are constantly attended to. Both in Spain and Tuscany, victims of Pop ish tyranny have been released; and Lord Clarendon, our Foreign •Minister, ads on the; remonstrance of the Alliance.. Dr. Tyng,.of New York, spoke ably at the An nual Meeting. The HONORABLE NEAL Dow made his the 'present in Exeter Hall, twice during the 'present week, and was received by the Mends of 'the Total Abstinence movement with , great enthusinsta. I, was:present dur ing a part of the time. Mr. Dow speaks very effectively. At the same time, the mass of the middle and upper classes are quite unprepared to sanction the prohibition / by law ' •of the sale of intoxicating drinks. To decrease the number of ;public houses and' 'beer-shops, is possible-and most desirable. The facilities are fearfully great, and drink ing customs•very disastrous in their effect: But I am firmly convinced that. (until by the spread of the Gospel leaven, and of a Scriptural' education, accompanied by an abundant outpouring of the Spirit,) the na tion itself is not willing to have a Liquor Law like that of Maine. A Parliament attempt ing to impose the yoke of restraint, would proveke a terrible reaction of license and drunkenness. Besides many real Christians believe that vinous countries are temperate, and that the use 'of malt liquor in the fam ily is lawful; and; moreover, they too often find that some of the leaders of the probibi tion movement in this country seem.to ignore the Gospel aa the grand- Panacea for every social malady. J. W. &num says : " The grand error of life is, we look too far; we scale the heavens; we dig down to the centre of the earth for sys tems, and we forget ourselves. Truth lies before us; it is in the highway path, and the ploughman treads on it with clouted shoes." WHAT Christ . proanred at the expense of hiellabora, =frump and death, we are in vited to come and receive, "without money and without , price." ALL our restrin this world is from trust in God. 0. U4B
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