13 ciittrarg BOOKS sent to eta fora Notice, will be duly attended to. Tlimee front publishers in Phalli. delphla. New YOltlKi sag, may be left at our Philadelphia Omce, 27 South 10th Mt., below Chestnuts in care of Joseph M. Wilson. Ksq. Discounsas, Doctrinal and Practical. By Ed ward N. Ifirk, D.D. Bvo., pp. 225. Boston: 8. K. Whipple 4 Co. ' 1867. • This volume contains thirteen sermons in the oharactfiristio style of the author. The sentences ,are short, the language very direct, the thoughts aro condensed, and the illustrations are apposite and sufficiently plentiful. There is no attempt at rhetorical display in these discourses, and the ef feet is all the more immediate and powerful. " VASOONSELOS ; A Romance of the New World. ' By W. Gilmore Symms, Esq. 12mo„ pp. 681. Now York: Redfield, 84 Beekman Street. 1867. • Mr. Simms has chosen the invasion of Florida by Herman de Soto, and the time and the incidents 1 connected therewith as affording suitable mate rial for the work now before ns. THE °DOHERTY PAPERS of the late William Mac gins, L:L.D.' Annotated by Dr. Shelton Mac kenzie„ Editor of "Shiel's Sketches of the Irish Bar," "The Noctes Ambrosiante," &c. In two volumes, 12m0., pp: 376; pp. 483. New York: Redfield: 84 Beekman Street. 1865. We have already adverted to the extraordinary talents of Dr..Maginn, in our notice of the fifth volume of his papers, which Dr. Mackenzie is investing with a peculiar charm by his editorial • ;labors: These volumes'are chiefly occupied with . the papers which he contributed to Blackwood's Magazine. Maginn was a perfect store-house• of learning. He never forgot what he heard. His information was always ready at command. His facility in writing was truly wonderful, and whether he prepared a paper for publication in Latin verse, in imitation of Monkish rhymes, in French, German, Greek, or Italian, his work was done at once currents calomel, without any more trouble than the mere manual labor of putting it on paper. The literary world never saw any thing more wonderful • than his rendering into Latin poetry of the old poem of Chevy Chase, 'which formed his first contribution to Blackwood. It is hero given in volume L, pp. 191-2 R. Among his failings must be ranked an utter dis regard to his own fame, and hence the import.. ance of a competent editor to do justice to the varied productions in poetry, classics, antiquities, history, criticism, polities, and fiction, which in such wonderful abundance flowed from , his pen. To American readers many of his most piquant and telling allusions would be unintelligible, were it not for the admirable manner in. which Dr. Mackenzie has executed the task of editor. His _lntimate knowledge of the scenes and parties re ..4erred to; enable him to perform thiz.duty in a .. ..manner which could not be excelled by any other writer. SIMMONS Preached before the University of Cam bridge. By Rickard Cheneriz French, D.D., Dean of Westminster; author of " Synonyms of the Nei Testament ;" "The Study of Words ;" "English, Past and Present;' "Proverbs;" "Poems;" "Calderon," &c. 12m0., pp. 137. New York : Redfield. 1867. The titles of these Sermons are: 1. Christ the Only Begotten of the Father ; 2. Christ the Lamb of God; 3. Christ the Light of the World; 4. Christ the True Vine ; and, 5. Christ the Judge of all men. We are glad to see such a fullness of doetrinal statement in the sermons of Dr. French, as appears in the third sermon of this eourse.on the Atonement, in which vicarious sub stitution and plenary satisfaction are clearly taught. We would modify some statements in the fourth sermon; but, on the whole, they are conch more evangelical than the great mass of the pulpit exhibitions of the party in the English Church, to which Dean French belongs. NATIONAL RIGHTEOUSNREIB AND NATIONAL SIN, the substance of a Discourse, by Rev. A. L. Lindaley, South Salem, N. Y. The law of God is Ono, and Nations are as really bound by it as are individuals. A people, in their collective capaeity, have no , right to do that which would be wrong in an individual, unless it be in the punishment of eviLdoers, and in claiming services and prOperty for the general good ; and, in all this, they are to proceed Strictly on the principles of the moral law. " 14- Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Let the nations know that God rules THE ECLECTIC MAGAZINE FOR APRIL.—This is an excellent. number. The article from the North British Review, on Dr. Bane's Arctic Explorations, will' be read with deep interest. THE Nears Bunten Rurntar. February; 1867. New York: Leonard Scott i t Co. The subjects discussed In this number are: The Employment of Women; Modern Style; Dr. Samuel Brown ; Dr. Kane's Arctic Explorations; Mrs. Browning's Poems; Richard Hooker; Art Unions; The Trade in Opium and the United States Politics; Foreign and Domestic. Our readers will see that this is a varied num ber so far as matter is concerned, and the read ers of the Review will find that the talent and in formation of the contributions are of as high an order as ever. Hiaulea's STORY BOORS. No. 29. Lupton& April, 1857. Lapstone, or the Sailor turned. Shoemaker, is the title of the story-bookfor this month. , The retired seaman coins imaginary occurrences for the amusement of his juvenile hearers ; but the scenes described, the usages on bpard ships, at sea, in harbor, in calms or in storms, &c., &c., are all strictly true. This book, with its illustra tions, will, therefore, be a taking one among the young. THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW. January, 1867. New York: Leonard Scott d Co. This number was delayed considerably in reach ing us. We regret the circumstance, as it is a first rate number. The articles are : " History :and Antiquities of Npithemptonshire," admira bly written, and very delightful; "Ferns and 'Their Portraits;" " Homer and his successors in PoßpiiiPoetry," classical,. and 'filled with 'valuable 'criticism; " Rats," an extraordinary subject, bait an interesting and really valuable essay; " Salmon Fishing, Breeding, and Legislation;" "Lord Raglan;" this really great man is at t• • Ilengtbshaving ae.measure of justice meted out to his extraordinary merits. The history of the Crimean War by the Author of "Eothen" will set him right with a community before whoin he has long been traduced and misrepresented; "Life of Sir Charles Napier," equally creditable to the writer; and " Prospects Political and Fi uumiaL" ELM:I/MOO:0'8 • MAGAZINE. March, 1867. New York: Leonard score co. The character of this magazine is a sufficient answer to those who are disposed to associate all literary power and merit with the past. We have .• seldom seen a number superior in all respects to present. The• contents are: "/Esthetics b'*"among the Alps—:-Elements of Power;" " The ithelings, Part X.;" "A Crow Planked with Mr. J. Bull ;" this is azi;eieeedipgly: intustie and,tell 7 , ,Ing article on the foreign policy of England ; ,4 ~"Eicture Books ;" "Scenes of Clerical Life, No. - 2." " Mr. Gilfile . ; sitAt PA 411 Bacchus,]' real postL:yv " Hester • it' ..tLs =I ..Barry Cornwall;" " Aretio Adventure;" and " Letters from a Light-house, No. II." HOME MaoaziNa.—The s number for May has made its appearance, entertaining and elegant as usual. or the Presbyterian Benner and Advocate. Bible Narratives.—No. 27. LOT AND SODOM.—GEN. XVIII, XIX. When> Sodom-and:its confederate tow,ns were destroyed, a molten sea was cast, upon which was written, in letters of fire, Jeho vah's wrath against those finally given up • by a striving Spirit. The words, were ,in scribed to be read in after ages. Prophets, Apostles, and the Son of God, in the days of his flesh, all point to them, whenever they speak of the overthrow of the cities of the plain. But 'frequently the disashr: which came upon the house of Lot, is either named; or intimated in connexion with the mention of the sad closing scenes'of the history of the. Pentopolis; thus • giving a unity of impression from the conjoined his. tory which we havein theae chapters' of the Bible. In this manner we shall view this part•of sacred history. Lot and 'his numerous family had joined Abraham, when; at the call of God, he emigrated to Canaan. But it is too evident ' to admit of a doubt, that an earthly, and not a heavenly country, Wal-in a' great measure - the inttneneing motive of the resolve to join - the household of the father of the faithful. Like those fed by miracle, who were ready by force to make Jesus king, while they looked upon him as a temporal Saviour, but who went away offended when he announced himself as sent'to redeem from sin ; so the house of Lot, when it was evident that " the better country," i. e., the heavenly, was the chief object of Abraham's search, soon found reasons for a separation. We are told that disputes between the servants or sub jeots of the two patriarchs was the cause which led to the settlement of Lot in Sodom. But, could we lift the curtain, we . might perhaps see that the servants of Lot were only carrying out the indifference shown by their master to the views and hopes of Abraham. Though they were . mistaken as to a total dissimilarity of aim by the two pastoral beads of families; yet, they did not miscalculate as to the ability to consummate a plan of separation, and to mark out another path for • them selves. Thus, Lot removes to the wicked, yet fertile ad populous plain of :Siddim, and settles in Sodom, its most important, and perhaps wealthy city. ' , Though we are not told that by ~ h is exchange of pastoral for city VW,. ha„,:pro- I meted nis wealth, yet it appears to ;b e inti mated that, at the sacrifice of principle, he . got for a time to himself great honor. His daughters are selected as wives by the men of the place. He is allowed to sit as judge, at " the gate of the city." His rescue, along with other. captives ,from .Chedarlaomer,' by Abraham, who would be looked upon in Sodom as a remarkable war rior, may have contributed much to• the deference paid him by all classes. Never, perhaps, until the evening of the visit of the angela r had.he heard words uttered against his character, and the propriety of t his course. For, though "his righteous soul was vexed from day to day by unlawful deeds," yet he seems to have concealed his 'disgust from the men of the city, , and even from his own house, and to have shown a readiness to treat kindly the wicked in the midst of crime., His conduct on the evening before the overthrow of the cities, points in.this direction prettrplainly. The sight of angel messengers such as he had seen when his house was -with God, as one with Abraham's, roused into activity his dormant and stifled feelings of piety. The strangers must abide in his` house for the night,. But the clamors of the mob soon cloud the sunlight that shines for a little.. while. He cannot bear that word shall be _ carried back to Abraham, arid others whom he respects, that he has violated the laws of hospitality, and treated unkindly, .men of God who have come to his house. ~.fEst.does not wish a suspicion to be whisperedin•the ears of the pious as to his piety. Ho,looki at • matters a little differently from oorne• others. He believes he can be righteous, and do great good to the 'ungodly, by get ting and keeping popular with them. So " he shuts the door after him," and between him and his pious guests; and lays aside the garments of piety to assume the clothing of a man of theworld--e, ven of a shrewd politician; courting' popularity by pandering for the wickedest principles of. depraved hu manity. Yea,*the feelings of the father, as .. well as the principles of virtue, are offered as a sacrifice at the shrine of .Popular favor. But the men of Sodom, as the wicked.some- times do, showed that their • hatred to piety, , was greater than their love of lust; Lot. : • must, therefore, - either avow himself a good man, and true to principle, or delivering up the pious guest's whom' he had,inirited to his house for the night, he must take sides with the Sodomites, in direct and 'open conflict with Jehovah and his laws. ' While Lot was hesitating, .he was pulled • into the house by the hand of the angels. This opened the way for the miracle of, blindness—at once a figure of the blind ,infatuation of a mob in every age of the world, and a sign from , Go& to' strengthen. the"Werik:faith of Lotand . .. Ins two daughters. With such'feeble exhibition of the inner , life which Lot did possess, we need not wonder .that. he was not made the instrument of salvation to his wife, children and ser vants, or , to' any of the inhabitants of Sodom; and that even the two daughters, who mith him escaped the general destruc tion., should blur over their own and their father's piety, by an act which, but for the faitlifulnetis of the saered historian in describing sinful human nature just as it is, would have been omitted as too,' humiliating terhe , narrated. Thus the servants and all the children except the two, sink, unnoticed' • and unnamed, with , the multitudes of the doomed - cities. It is said of. Methuselah, the oldest man of the antediluvian, age, " and he died." This death took place i the .• year of, the deluge, ,and is, recorded-as an exhibition of the Oommon ravage's . of .the messenger which sin has sent into. the , world, to exact his wages. So here, though • 'Lot's wife did escape sinking with others to. the bottom of. the Salt Sea, yet, looking back, she was overtaken by the fire of Je hovah, by which, smothered and stiffened as she stood, by saline, incrustations, she be came "a pillar oflialt"—a more striking monument of the judgments of God against , the:highly privilegedrilio::turn stheir hacks . upon the mountain - tit snlety, than if she . had been buried iii..the4onimon calamity. As Noah, the fathet.firailliho escaped of . the old world, beeame-drianken,-and was thus at least the ceioasinn . Of - the'.aiiiieunce-.. •ment-of , a train, of eeili i ,ei t ize ; iivenaito k this... day ' in t 11 e •N i36 09.04 A05 . 0, 1( 449 1 : 2 of" multitudes of t he race,'so a inmilari online ,in, ~ the :eseitimdof •,tlie*:gthliGi:''sigiati, wait ','. the Occasioniitsetthdpitidttoilikpi ~, IP JIM II , , •-•!1 or II ,r . 1 a ~' .onia ,,, • - liAl i ~ ..i. , , • ;10 4 4 I**4.leabilliVetiosekalbstrl riroakoist . FM! Eke . .b. n 0., innem. r ,l. n ib, ...r.lp v. *A..* mi. *II• n ... --b ;71 1.,, I t* twr• , ,.. , 110 . ; iv r ~Fr r i rr 111 A .err. ,. ri,.. air . iff, added to the number of the homeless and wandering bands of Ishmael; for among them the descendants of Lot, as well as, Keturah and Esau, were eventually lost. Thus, upon the shore of the lake of. Sodom, a pillar is reared, and upon it is chiseled, in bold relief, a scene of awful, yet instructive interest. In the back-gronnd, part of the family and all of the numerous servants of Lot are sinking, with the masses of Sodom, amid flames pointing down from heaven ; sinking into bubbling, burning, bituminous waters. In ,the foreground %ap pears the wife of Lot, arrested, as she, had turned her face Sodomward, by a latni:ent flame which reaches out fromits fellows,.all of which pour down from Jehovah out of heaven; while Lot and his two daughters are hurried on; by the assistance • of angels' hands, to the little, city. Aiar, m snAedjor:, their sakes. To this ,pillar elfntar points, when he says, "Iltitnember Whenever or ,wherever weakly- , forte, or even some worthier Abject •of " 'man's ," energies:, leads the father arid husband to neglect the 4 1:wily) ,:t)phere,: the heavenly prospeekt,' . will ~likely' see, similar results. Shildren .r of great men_ seldom exhibit,,a,„,greatrieas,,,Cf,, inherited talent. Children-of .the.greili.and the,good: are not often equals., of 'their-parents in piety. More is exipected : thern,,Jind. yet their position and training „ara,such, 'that' less can , be shown. It need not .be.rthus., Parents should not suffer 'themselves 'to be' made keepers of •the .vineyardsewhile own vineyard they have not liniotr- If faith.' fnl, though they `cannot - vieyi 'yet, like Abraham, they,inai,give . tie**lPP all their. children may Weenie f . citiatatti- . springs .of some .stream •of , infinengea-* Which God may mark a. path , thro.ughnthe' dreary wastes of a sin.blighted..World: The separation of Let.fieni,Abrah'enyhili connexion with the -cities. , their wars .and final destructioni.4ll4.4e, mournful history of his house, gives•streha. leason as ought 'to _lead professedly' pions' parents, especially husbands • and fathers, to pause before they select another home - , and. other society, with no arrangements for promoting eternal interests. aciiecausewthe ;; destruction 'of those' of 'their • family - Who, perish be seeif,onlylin the habk-groririd of the picture of time's .woes , : is , no reason why they. .should -labor , to , 'avert it, as'an Awful calamity.. The fact, too r that, while the crimek ,of! the • ungodly may soon be forgotten, and tikentisequences' on earth be bit swell,,,,,theirs may live and widen in effeot'with.- the extending influence of the, little leaven. , of piety oast into the• lump, should lead to great care, watchfulness, and zeal in the service of 'the Lord. for tie foung, The lei D4iii 1446., ~A STORY T HAV . WAS TOLD :ME." BY ALXL MAT I saw an old woman' toiterinralong one cold day. The sight of ,giteyea'affisoted my heart, and, as is usu y the ea ,my feelings ran out at the pen'e.pOnt4,l4ns : 0 Winter wind, blow not.too•bleek. • ' On yonSi er trembling one; " ,• Her chill, and ifenk, l Soft greet her; Winter " For she has seen no 'Birdie to- No fire is in her cot'; * `So, Winter wind, go seek the 'gay, • ' 1 " : " Pass by and him her riot: " • O Winter wind, toss not away • ' ThCose locks - of faded hair; ;" • They shone once o'er a sweet, blnifiie, When she was young and fair. They glitter'd there like golden wings;" Gems held their bands apart ; Nowtiost lies on the faded rings, • • - And frost Within her heart. As I laid my pen dovin,,a beautiful child; ; of seven. Summers, .with the golden lightot youth streaming , all • over her bright mule,. oVildhood's fresh cluster in her dark eyes, and 41;niu;'is reddest roses on'fier.dinipled Che4s. 'gg 0 !" she cried, toesing,:the stray curls from her brow, . "we 'ye :get,Ae l splendidest new piano over home,,and,mother wants you to come and. try She esys.you shall play on it first." Now, Lam a child, with -children ; my heart bounds,. my' -rases leap in unison with their' sportive `natures,, when they are by. And virlieni.tha hicks are silvered on my temples, 'til'my . step grows - slow Upon, the staircase, when the voice* of my loved are only like remembered music, when my" hand's' grasp: becomes tremulon4 like the loosening, tendrils of , the dying Tine, still' may the dear Lord , grant to me the:trusting tenderness of childhood;,:stilkmay the feet, of infancy patter aronmi•my knee, and its . red lips 'breathe perftlie on my withered' cheek. . Awayment ink and Ron, Onit .bounded. I, to-catch the.hand• of little Nellie,„and ciff velem • In at the• beautiful)mansion; into a, 'Nellie'a mother - iil.iii t skWi:ioi:lovalld,',laY,4o - lieVii.cciistoMed cotioli,i c and up to the, new piano, to soothe the weary sick one with strains of _music. The•initrument-was one after my own' heart fulli M - and . midodikousi 'and the , ' soft stains, answered! liquidly,te • y:toneh': : Now the sweet verso.Of ,i3urns's Mary," •. and' now. theuweeter -music of Tap pan's "There is an hour of peaceful rest,' occurred 'to Any nieriviry,• and thus...l played' and' ang till Nellie'ilatlier ettine,,,,,.l;te ct lyas' a handsom e man, yin,-the ,full ~rigor,of hood, , andi•from hia ziaughter herited her golden•tinted ha'ir'and hazel eyes.,, Ile took a seat near'his drew' her; thin ha,i4.,:innil4s::and, .spo,io tO her. Then ivbert.',r.priiuuat 'the• riew .piano, turned to me, langkinfly, saying, "..Yes, and the best part• o& only cost me , ten dollars." • e n..• ~'• ; t,..• ro • • t." t , Ad. ! , • „ I expressed iny:initeriishnints,' - ind r oof look of wonder' from him. "Let me. tell_ you the story," le..saki, drawing little Nellie toward him, andvn- Circling her 'little' forM'iiith'his arm, while she looked with s tia. inuoh . ,eatonielimeot as myself, mid he began:— • 4ga Jew' years ago •I. wont to Chicago. I liadlbeen.there but a few•days; when, in one of'iiki ‘ Oorning walks, I encountered a lirl olonie twelve years" Old, a very intelligent; bAighZ;eyed..ohila,,,rbose . face wore such a sorrowful,expression. ' thatl almost stopped to speak withnberiaui shupassed.. The morn ing air wed raw and chilly; the *Wind wet from a light fall of. early snow, and flieiticed, that, as the wind 'bleiy 4 , her thin;:gitritente about her form, she shlyered ;with the:oold. As she went by, gone bat a little way;liitireel heard.quick .footstepa.behind me, and -stopping ; , lifted ..hethand, as if 'to plateit then diailiOe'bick, she said: ' 4 , :6 s!,:cy,ti ... oe, sir, if yOtieenl4,.giie ilit tle,money,..to„bny ,t 7 • • . ,f . !:',Ar.e, you hungry, V. , l4askedr.. 7 yes; „sit.; real* quitgia 4,1 r • -'1 - ; ;:r/i /Sall 21f lit' N 1." 11:910 1 / 1 1 . 4ihRigkA 0.41061 4 1,0412.00ither 0,4 a «iliqpi.n hut giia44 4 , 14 , qat0.1.1 ea 41,431 g sprained her arm, and my brother, who used to he)p,ns, was drowned . not long ago.' " Somehing in . my heat, and in her face, told me Ati !4 gory 7tn!,trite. I tool[ her into a baiter's" bele her bold out her tattered apron , and ed it with loaves. • then *plaiting ta t ailliiiiinte the sheproan's , hand, 41tijohlatektitit'thti 'Poor fainily Was . to lave breatteiery the Money was toed' up. . - ThlitilTslitipeUanother five d0118i'8"into the girl' hatid, and turned hasti ly from her tear:filledieyes. "'Well; ten .dtilliettpwere gone, and ~I was by no , ~ means riiiii r ,ariongh to spare it ;, but f felt a s, no, doebt:,'E,be Lord' would it; up; land, at anylate, ten dollinultas-.0 11 0111)! enough for". the mire pleasure ofigivingte: God's ptror • I went 'back tcr my - hotel juntas 1 0iiikitounded l for Minch= ft4ii;!.1.1.4/4- 44; my n seat .'with a y hundred, atnangers... •No.mtner,rliad- , I .cottunencedt eatingpthan - .T.iffeitte handi:laill..npow elhOW,': end . ' iottkink 'up there %sir an ;Ad: 'friend fourteen years. ' When I heiA.Aphic..l4l,Le. iig 47 1 4:n4 ~I : fililft:FlVls Ust . I *Ag.il:A49 VOA, 1 1 49; 44M.!!la n gy , _2•_ • gaict IlPttgr9P the firEit, kenom . .. of recognition ,was over,' f. but I am able - debts: ,Do remember day, fourteen.years age, you lent ma j t e t ilrititity, and * ft,43lil -, ilk: to *riinfeti 'I W s .4e title ? How' address -many times ilnee; . : tat 'could ifeis? la pidoig'ldifyala 'mirky' that 'I can-, datilde it; for 'yoniliiiidAseWineiilian • I was in trouble. But come Me' on' 19u,s, tbrough",l l 6lva, and,ny wf,s,andi 'clfltlreli will think you . atifniiitifisediard ititeoted t : 'for Iliati!tetiifif l itirgetteir'bil obligation but I could n•f ot refuse' the' •*, return. Trial d i Y; • r•••••oei not 'M r P?Y er j :•al) ' e"9 ; I9W PF iti• M.MN I O I R a said PYgeif 47:I8-4) 3!heOhie, , laps,. hringioneh vade nnveatment,dn the ~ new, lan - lind Weill on 'Thy way, •filitti) satisfied: - . with' . ,myself , and, the "iakiXld Three weeks ago, I had an offer.A . fitrA)Aundied' ,dollars for loy„wee,,Tbit, tsud ; A .T.mripted it ; La?.?, 41 ,,, 13 t . 3 1% lit'ACl "fit% and )181,!,i:41/ie' ha ve- J"g-: ) )13 , ettflAM,z,n r i . ,,fP llll Ml;' o ; .bought,this Ant ,_ , It seems r:tAtiti," :gazing: with a sort of "tevelen c es . theYeenttful in.. str*nent.''' r tk l Yoti i . 0%4 the igteldViit r in:44 . haTe l tattilatt L keinsoribing on a small , &Ivor cast-„thi):).i.rgad upon tbe , waters, j and, than shalt' fintkaafter many days butt notdsetiiwairactly IttPiti'riatii:tiiitlfe" case i'•:' " Did you overlie:4'dg papi?"- ,/xcia.bto: my slear, l but: I ,)learcl,_ from her through . a, German missionary. - -She is a geodacholiti,intittiChestOttle.acbool herself now, in Cliritigit:','l4 hittehelititrie hand some and refined *YOutimoman, and is.edu-_ eating' bet only, br tier . . „her -self. learned fronlinrhaknYliit4 WC " put new• life into the 'sinking heart of the , pier; r siiik father ; 'and the' dottnshinnnt;pro' • rsd' i th' e,' of 'the in' AO; 'gi#iiitrength to 114,,Niqa4 employmentpihe t attle. Amiga. ..fOuid',work -to do .in an office,oand the favorable notice af i silitilebratapianitit' l lwho, saw that she poribitthisd musical gifts of a high order,' so that'; bylie - anitivstiou,shs. became, enabled ypu see, te nt aollars.madermiltoktitaiiitY happy, grateful, and tutefulywind bought me this, beautifulinittitu.ment4' 4! = Verily, , truth; is. stranger than .:fiction.—t. Examiner.: • ~.:• ~: ',PA enti GO:lulc , i. . - - •".''' ; i t -4..<; . . •nlit3/.i.t h. t 1 ,fri,t. ; - ~..; , . . . int . D.. , : . s ia,,cl 4 1: 1,,,,,..,. . • For the Pieebytertan Ihn:iner and Adireesis t , ,Tof itr. and Ifiik late. at Peened viniapbut now ofaoink Tho' 'distance divides us" aiiiiPrieudglupimpl • ight, . Affection still guides uit„eur,ikeei:4*illutAte; And though weonay,,never spin aneet.oe•earth, Yet nothing can eater otir love , oft , pittit birth.% ' , , • .) 'Tis not the • cold -friendship toft”by"theiliorld shown, , , Bnt 4&ri''t is in'ogiveak.44o ?t I.' But 't is the heaTpt teal , iN:of,Nreet . Christian love,: ThP•lf4l/11,111)4,6_,Eq4/g of the We mingle together hopeLatupp Aeare— iev.P...tOlusPl94lo4lvi i9>Ape,Sr qur. tem ; In heaven our trammel:ere labor 4iipLace; • • And:ire not truijoyfan'the aintleilot his face' • ,J - . • ' At his ineroy-sett4iteeting'iii Oni'dendness ti.:l 'faint ; • His promisee ,eheer , ,tin, r otir,spirits, . Assur'd he will henr.tu3; and still - bid us live. When with deepest feeling o'er Zion woonoirn,, elliidjitttihisleet kneeling, i ke i ttiin t Honk . * DO 11:0Ftliell161 . 0‘, 1 the at;if The ' set time ' is coming when I shall be known !"', 'T is thus we commingle in hopes and in fairs, Although we're faildiktlintit this vale kf tears; And soon we ihtillifitti t eilethtregion above, Where in Jesus' presence ,we .:ever_ehall love:: mr l V.ir 4 / 1 . 1 : 1 70 , 1 1 (.17Y . /e061......(;112.4aA5Z51R.. • ly • .a Ztia"!O :•.:Cale 9 .. ,N.1.1w - i • • j 1 Istz • f. • t•trltS • ; • Mew—readers ' , can booa ware, -.Until they hivequiikoccasion , Ozyttet the feet,- lii)VOliich . Tibor or saved' l:oy' such a table as Ahg,441931M 'Lb 1607.=Virginbu settled by the Eoglieh. • 1614—New YorkNefttle - d - by the - Dutch. • 1620 -15.amichiCielialgttled'hy the Puritans. 1624—rNutTereey settled 'bp the PDutchx 170. 5 0 00 0 0:100fit.43':4 161 ,0 . #9.401314, .rds /Dam f f. 1045r*L171.19y4:lfoltie4 Or.:fr. l Bl4,;(latliolies• 1686 114 'hdandreptt i led'brtpgat i :Will,iiins: 11659-..41; iatia by the ` E ng l ish. 1,6T0,743,. QA . r,o4oloo,4o,bythstappylnots. 19 82 4 Ainneylvaniwsettled bilVint•Penn:• tietiled by Gen. Oglethorpe: 17:91=x,reign'air admittifl' •1 rsentno7iy,Qdmtudd into ,.. t'he Union. fl ,6-Tennessee adgil d~idto '= the'TJlion.' Qhituadinitiekiato,,ths-Union, -- 1811 Louisiana admitted into the Union. 181 6--Indiana!adinittAlin:‘ the Union. 18 17—Migai4iiithittsil,into the Unionh. 1818—Illinois admitted into the Union. 1819—Alabama adpiitted into the Union. 'lB2O Maine. a,dmiAdintortlfel.Tnimg. l Bl ,s iesour~ .. asiuiteci ant the . n. . 1880 .Lua1iShiiiiiiA'addlitted lido the "Union. 18 8 OrtATUOV . I k l 6.4lllOilcitinidititted-:into , tlie Union ' ,; 5 • - •Tr* l o44Dit,t* AO , .implr 4 -Towstadillitted&iiito 414.09.17,Alifoxilia,adOW4 into t t4, .175'emit .42175 - 4 7 .; .4 mAs:2 eta .4 , IQ EP XICF. , X•ICY TDICIDIT-r A CLOMCAL ABB" N..lceaffrikatoret, B RDO:GI 8011 6 0 V im % BoYs r , ' • . ` - ` , IP . Intl 1;)V2148/ Of .0 1 0,elki 0 ,.c. :., onithe Pittaburtl44# Ynelitud Chi it d d Ohio Rivai; twelve mile, \ frOm Plttaburgh—RßV-. J. 8.. l l' t....t.t0' .. ~ .• , ) : I ttaills v •E. a :44 4,4 :- 41. '54444 .0i ill VELLI, A. 31 Principal The thirtieth Salmon willToouk... Dr. aiexapp inenoe - oh MONDAY, bleiy 4 0 - 71867. :- - y l 'POIt t4 PPA 4 0 fu4PWS , ;,,o g ./ diOrgYPlll),LaPthore 4ettehersj 2 iiiidibtheriteen of'Atilje?tive plod :'ittUort& wathif - `%idg;tvorAOAltt:%vlrw&tn 41 ' h 1 up muck health alt, a , ,:iiiii , ,.: g ,, .4, an ir tbie lez berty Street, PittaburgtworiteithtrikeinelpalrinSetk' * iteptoat.ff yeeir pet i gr li r. , 2s§4 *1 * Li rAO — La I 1ng e t .33. ? ,,101137 ;4 7 8W 1,t 1f5 E5 its wit (I et. P i l "It RI took .IPI. *I ,Wagna.leß l' 414 our ~, A nd , a. .r• 'I ...It , _ . 4 4, 0 ,1weirp o Agh,zets 1404 .2837'301/T iti trim" tuttusun,s titii Ai oapill I A), =M= because they carry their traininof thought to bed with them. • In my whet years . I greatly injured. myselr t by studying my ser mons in bed.. The best thi i ng one can do, is to take care of the last half hour before retiring. Devotion being ended, something Inay 'be done to quiep`llo . t. strings' of the hiiii,'WhiCh atomise r itould ;OW to• vi brat. ' . Let me , commend L- boa ' thie •Wfaii"i 136 in learned d from ler. Watts, `4lic; aiiYalhat in' bis t boijhaOd' be • received it from, the lips' of .Dr. John' Owea . ; a very go Jad 4 edigree for ' ,• i 'Bleak the , thonghtat4lo4ol3l7jnotnethiPg at ,On os: Berlins and •agreeable.-... .113! y• all means ;break the-oontinuity, or tdeep will:be vexed, 'eXen if not beaten"airay: — IfloW rwith-to know my 'iiiathe4,; it .0, StiCOv,atthe pages of .my Eggliab..l3o4,,aliiliting,_94 a passage , here; alassage:•there, backward and 'forward withontplat, and without allowing say Mind, to fasten ' on any,: leaving liby il!o,,ttle , ﻊiﻊio t: octises, l to ,intareat'. jOe. VPAet If(2rit 'eftla ;14fiagii _a, a Divine.measage of , peace, . 14 ijo,,,e,vethlai s beloved aleep. • • • • • • ~•• • - FiOIL tit 5 'T.:: ,aaswiTAL OF "t Q TIE .2V T,tr *F 1 1.4 .2) T S.O 0 ro-B. , •.filliiki Or, Metty Bookof,,,Y,ectettn,Science and Ail. VOA 1857. JOY AND , .--1111c,..yonni.conyeit in Brhibiting , the •inostlinedrtanStßiscoinries -•and Improve judiing of the .reality of .his , :conversion ment '! P bilc`s ° P / V , chemistry; Astrononty, Ideteorelegy," Ztiology,, Botany., generally -lays. , much stress -. u p att ih av i ng a ~ :imineralog y , Geology, ', (lo6 grataqi A74lflnities, , to.' •" • -1.• - r gather :with Liet of recent Seientille,Yublicstiona achts great deal of joy , and regards that as' • a " arena - met of Patents,' Obituaries Eminent Scientific. v y,9l7,dectliye proof that he is - a disciple. ; of Men, Notes on the yrogress of Science d#lnglbe year 017:418,t; : Std . ,bhlB the . BY DATID A -BrELLB A. • colons proofs,. and , noidependence -ought be wi t h a l l e m ff t i% B •9w i° l 9 i i i i :',2 , l l 2° D " .. i piail tao t.,i ce ., in k placed on it: - --It: may not , ".le 'llestrablo<ut tiarvardlinivereity aThotogrfrph... , • '• ' • ' • . This the , _eighth volume o> an Anta* vt,bich has peen first; to' haire'faituatniiiinei3 of our salvation • - • • roc9rved;b:Tb!iiukt ,l ?;lllthstra4Viii=ei•eiknincrnv.or- . fgT 01 1 /% 10 7e 41T1.-welfa-a/Pll degree nIODOrg Originally as an expbriment; bee been 'continued from pear to year, becattse the more it's character . and:inane, of fear ne oessari, to .. eep 7 tuiii icf Oh net —• . , • • t. Onarpo ,amurr,k„ ; thn greater' has,been thi,demareithr' eta continuance ,_ The increasing denianaAer'it iii 3 n land Vein no less steidtthaie thigoc — nntri. Of inniast =the? sale - 'iras , greater , -Within the eamellinethan thl4 ,ct:nny previoanyolunke; and, t?n, the- other, -Inind; - , an actptabstance With each newrolireielles ei,Citetr ‘ dMirete possess the whole 'series: Taken together. theyepreient cOnipleteimeirey or the latest - discover:lee and Unpin renients in Science and the Arts. A complete set otthe eigAt cchnnes,nniformiy %Sand, will, be tentby of postage, ti'anijaiiion, in any part'. of tee OnitediStates, remittir g $1.0; ''and anyYnne -- -41-frthe 4 series will, be sent in the seine menner, for $125.:. cool:Oa LINCOLN, • '59 Washington Street;'lioaton. ''111111:13°01 0 1)1813011r.7'' . ' Banks of.Pitteburg h , satlyspt ~ Banks of Philadelp hi a , . - VIRGINIA , 'Bank Of Chambersbtarg, , ' lu so ' t 4;: Rankof Gettzsburg, NORTH .04.143CALNA,,,T Bank of kfidaitown . , - tsan ,2,2,solyent banks, „ 2 k of; Iskortfastatle,. ,W. 6". • " • Erie bank, . . OA.IIO . IFINIt.. Fains - 11 4 binciWoriass , 4 aoiventjukik*. •I- FnmlkthOlkOf . Par • • 'llaniabigurglatik,s l ' • 1 ail gavot :flonesdshabiyik? - 3 4 • ''' qr?itsrsdrsipk;: Baak Of Wallin, • % Allsolvepttesiki, • Yorleliiiid,` • ' • 4 .54' • ' Ballet Notes,, . -- - 1717 y—p• otheriiidveni banks, pa r 511 ItiO6lit WAR .omo. • • Akitoptiank, and branches, ElpO,kinnk and brAsithisf p , % "ATother solvent banks, 4 flaw' ExcuraND. !' Bank of Btiite of itisseati, •AgaiireiAt- 44f,- • nIJ.::IIrAPP9/ 11 9 2 4,. • , Insw • & Wire Clo.Chealics, 5 INeyer e artecK-:•, si . V u .L.:111 1) .."90 1 15 . gahi . lltatlinklip • • Beitlinerq KAB.ltapir. , O.IIIIADA. lIIE A 1;017),E4,7,1,841M-14311,6. g's 111 int." 43 T • . PITTSBURGH,' .PENNAJ. Founded In 1840, and, incorporated by the !..20s , ltitareof Pennsylvania, with perpetiied darter. - • BOARD 'OII"TRUBTENB, - Hie Sacellency, the ,Hon„, James Buchanan, President of the United States:' Hon Judge. Wilkins, . • . Hon..cluirles Naylor Hon.'Jtidge baniptoh; G . ,i;neral: :J. K. ••Hon. Judge , Lowrio ' '' • • Pr,*sident of Hie Taco Ity-.-P. DUFF, author of th e 'lre rth , American, A ccountant." . • , . • ' Piculty incladie live Profensoi4 Booli-lieeping, and from: eight to ten other Prof : evil : we and Lerturi.rs, including one of, the hest Penmenln the United Slates.." ,Abo . n 4,000 .students nave. completed ththlOommiwoial ediioatior in this insiltution,' . /arge niuntieirs °Utile= now among- the " meat euccestifiir and honored titdrsliatitilin'the ,Paipph)pt Circulars, with ,specimens of .eux,,feignian's 'writidemaiied ties to all'paris of ttiiiciintry. "Students biVe liceetirtola libiiiry.af 2,000 • • DUFFIgiBO94I.If...HERINO, Harpe. f a -new enlarged ; pp. 2 : 22 royal octavo. Price $1.50; postage 21 cents. ••• • DUFF'S, BTBAHBOAT BOOK.-HicHkiriGi. Price ,, 111.00 -postage' Weenie'. • . - . sale by all the. principal - Booksellers: . .ap18•11, 51.'7..9 B lUarAF 1 .410111:111 . 4kall ',virazia, ACADC MY The Inszt - Bealldn thla • Institution cßuinnouqe c/L Bintifh, of .Ang : eontir . ma,lpr Sp 'iron tbs. PROP ;13. DANA: YrincipaL ' • • MISS NANCY bi!JVNKiNi Teacher in Female Department: anBS DANA, Teacher of Music, Fremeb. and Painting: rpil4Bialtiformiiikar,Oalioin '1130;410;0r . • • ;' ' • • WM. bileIbB11111; l'reakientX the:Baud. t•••.' eiplB 4t• 7. • Select' Stories for Little' Folks. Compiled •by Addle. • . , , --,--_- :1 Ifinio..pp.2l6. • Price 30 and 35 eta' , ' '-• - • , Blt PI K E L. BEALE 'AND FICMALIII ACA- / . 9.,}Fen,neth Forbes, or Fourteen ' Ways of, fitirdyifg the - DEMICAL INSTITUTE.—Thb ' present lizesion 'of Bible; IfiznO, Pp- 315 . 'Mee 3 5 and . 40 Ceuta this 'lnstitution will close with a public examination, on 9. The Child's Scrap Bock. Compiled by the Editor. 1im0., 1 , Paday, lire 10th lust. • .l pp. 144. '• Prioe.2o and 25 cents. . . Tlisi ° Sumreer Session' ivill eoniznenee'on the fl:stlilentbsy' : ' i r I R. Genie from the, .Coral., Islands. Western 'P('ln7nes!ftz in: May,' and COtallthe till theisit'Thureday cif:September. . o omprialeg , the New Hebrides. Group, the. Loyalty Group, with a recees of two .w,eake in the early part•ot-July. Om; "'find the New Ciledimia Grouiz. By 'the 'Rev. William Gill, plan is to have two Sessions in each year, of twenty weeks I Rarotonga:: 12ni0..,pp: 232.• price 60. cents. . „ • r 11 Gems froth the Coratlslands, orincidents of Contrast Island- This school is a reehnstruction.of,Bethel Academy, in ex- ; between Savaire and Christian Lite, of the South Sea .. istence for maisY" - Yernil- cln`iericiiiisito, and new basis, with l era By' the Bev.. Wfilinxii - 0114 of Rarotonga. Eastern greatly improved and enlarged arnommoutions. ' It 7e now 1 Polynesia, comprielnuthe liarotonge.,GrAup t Penrbyn Is, d' ..• RW.I3 engravings. Kano., a Presbyterian Institution, in which the youth of that de. , lends. and Savage - lean . 'A noiniti , ztion will reeeive, - bisidee a sound and thorough Clan- 1 PP- 23 5- Price 75 ctn. • the -• • - •.' .• ._ .. .sical"•and. Mathematical Education; si Montt 'and religious , 12. Filth and Works , : or the,. Teeching th,tire,Apostles. • training, mesa tins the conscienesiand heart, as well as the 1 Paul and JaiinSit, oislbe 'Di:latrine art - Justi fi cation perfectly' understanding and memory, The Bible and Catechism are ' Harmonious. • By L: HI Chiletian,•pastor of the , NorthPll3B , Text'Be. kik. the Ccinrse. All the advantages Of the soliool, I byterian church, Philadelphia.. 18no., pp. 138. Price 20,, hotrever.- are open Wall denonainationi, withoutinterfering I and 25 cents. Whom i s . ~_ , ._ Christians' with their,religiens preferences. -..• • • - .. ~ ' 13. By Whom is the Wo rld to be Converted? or tffs . . . This institution is located nine miles from .Pittabrtrgh, in ' Christ's Representatives 'and Agente"for , the CdifiersiOn of a very - moral' and religions' eominuOity, where few tempts.., the .World... t .BY. the. , Rev., Thpluae,SmYtlis 11,D:., - .:Published.. tions to•lead youth astray exist, and 'where recently God, in :. by refined Otthp.Eyned of fiptith Carolint. 113ne. A pp.,108 : , a very gracious manner, has poured out his Spirit, making ".. P . riee 29 and 216'0b . .. many teecgoice in -hem embracing seyenaratgbt of its pres. ••' --- :140Tbe Cilassmates, tn con ge It v 2 15 al. envoy 'o; - e '''' -- e ' --. e - :V - ..Bya " '' ent puPils,: -• Thre anuntrY Around thtechiicaris elevated, fer- s ',. • terilen wllailefemi Minn" PP• 203- .Pricre. and3O eta. s , tile and healrbfoli•One of the' limit isiglehaorthe'Llidted ' l6. The Sian Juvenile Pselmodist,... By, mouss e PD 256.• • Pelee 30 cents. ''•'• - ' ' - - ' 'r. 1/tales. r '1,1.1 '1,3 ',•r:7. ' • .: .rir : .3.'<:,..e: , ( H astings . , 7 _ 7 _ , , pubii4ing , . A, a , env; . The Board are very happy to inform the pebbc,thattbey z• • • ' JOSEPH P. ENGLES; havesecurad theservices ofDr.'JOEINP:STII,LEF,A.E', late t r • refit,/ .•. • ! No. 25.5 Chest . nnf, St. pniiithelphhs. •• -. Professor of Civil Engineering - le Jefferson College, Pa. In , ~ him, as a man, a s_chelar, and an ; upright Christian gentle. F, • ThrygpF, !grifte,* . T . mx,,,stz . m"gcsi , ,..ceeirs man, they have eiety confidence."'" ' ' " ' • ~. . The branches • . taught. '. besides - .the: common:English I• • PDILADELPILLt HOUSZKICEPLNG , DRY - 000D8 , 11TOE s , ,branches,. and the Latin and Greek Classate, 7,111 embrace where may be- found a. large. assentment O.alli klxida it' the bigherldithennitica,fnaluding Algebra, eileonietrYS ;t ale- Dry Goods, required in farniehing 'bontie,.thps ,ea- - • 'onometry,- plain' and alibi:lMO, 'Analytical Gaindetry, Conte the trouble 'usually experienced in, hunting eiticharllelo ~ Sections,. P lain and Good:4le Survel ing , r o iellablitineetinitz 'in yellow' plaoes. Itaconsequence of irur"giring: one 'alit; and, their coordinate branches ;, together ;with - the - Natar!l untie, to Au, , kind ,:d.stass,,Ae se lh eieac k a k m, , eir , , : I'B6:silent, including Notainil Philo•ophi, ChefilletrYs f i . 7 "'" and fancy ,goods, we Can guarantee °IL! 1 , "0"e"-tellinty,lei I 'ology,Astronomy,•&o. ' The ectiool'iti furnlafied Wish ' a com- to be the most favorable 'lithe maret. • „., pinta set of: inetrninen ts, •or thednist Eastern manufacture, i• • • ' •' IN LL.NEN 'WOODS '' ' • for Practical , surveying and C.cil Engles/eleg i es Circum- ' ..war are able to . give perfect hatrthietinn, being . the gents„, ferentor, Transit, and Leveling instrument, lbeughtl# in- ea „,,,,,,,,, 5at , , L am . gum ! „mi . um , 0.i . n. , i and having 1a.„,„, etrnments; &c. • '''', ' '' - • ' *!, ' •', • 4 • , • for More thin t wen t y years i - .War imPinfaiefrom scene Puli instruction,. wllll.be ; given•dn . the 4iracticei of- r et ;.. t b e • b e st ' l , 3 , un d ac t uren e in r baton& ws- a s i es i b i o a these branches, and.practices,in the,use, oc,theinstrnments, ... tar ,. atm& of • : . 'with 'their liPplioetion hi tlie . .puip6ieti alio of AltrpncenY '''' • . , aLARBALs AND 6117SLINS, •,' • ri e • • randNavigatton ',- Cie. Conine+ - Wilr be' mill tta i tsilli`the eta - " or ui - 8 - .bea t gesi li t i,„ . t o be ebtabnit and at: tk e , staey ' - 16.444 dents for immediate;,nsafulness. in..the field and'office. in •tr vitas_ Also, Bla nkets Quilts, .foi6tiii l id , Tikaingr; The. combination with the study of the text-books ;land,field , practice lectures will be delivered on the numerous Subjects meek- Table Cloths; and Napkins,";Toweilbt, and Huckabace, Table , and. Piano, Co : Damns and, ata. connected with' thenaVithlielexf-bTWkii inf*antiog ; and - 7 ; nests Lao. and • Bi w a, curtains), ..,14B,104t.eri the eanetant aim or,i11! be, tomake practhnsl s end,,elficiesat I.- obialee_ wtad ow , abatt eip ,;&,, ,, : a e .: ...... .• i . • • , •,. inainbers of thscomm unity : ~ , • z , r • JOHN Y. OOWELL & SONi 3 1( 'TIOITION . .*.t Seinen' bf tWeitti xvizakii,'lWalet to I S. W. • $12.00, according to the branches taught ; to'beied in e7l- tteetnlgige..ttlw."."-•e'CrillngiV . .. , . _. ably in advance, or within , . ten , days of, the entrance °tithe ' - t reenact 1 P9l lll - 00 9 d. 13 <letnIng,e. , . ,g , eAnteP, nezi.bfi•bed 701 ' 'VD EL Ll'i s tpELLE : BELLA: BELLB:—Feift, Ittosli'silo'nisli it, infantilism COnt'suleattly itiatbd ln ref . ereizae;to:tnn - Acedony.. .'t, ~ ;•• :est tr het ir: alt s jup Churches , Academies , FichwielliSicnit s , Plarlts„, tioniy&n.', Made by .the•• anbecribers,'and I fargesusszortereni', ... ,j 0; ,:. Ay 'order, of the . i f ' Th l lltfle l"': '''' Y 1 kep t constantly on hand, mounted with their newly imy REV. Ge.ORGE,MA , Lc i .b.rt , gyssite. .. proved Iron Yoke, which h a detachedp late, permits the DAVID DONALDSON, he Dri eratily;irra.'tess: '" ! . ).witot taki n g it ~ I '' • . r x r . hoe the Anise, to b e turned on jta., apll,4t. __ .. . „,.„,,,,., „ L„,,,_,,,,,„ .• . • " vertical axle, any distance ; Abwaver email, or complerelj a - a. XP 0 11. D 1e...11 all„AgL, .119 S zaiRAEA•; found ; thus lelsening the Sanger of a fracture froin s repeat. V CREST:RR COtitilt - Pifft .1 ed blows orthe •• eisthperle one place. This yoke also coon; ; I The Winter Seseipl i p s P.I I IY.PM9Ftbs, will commence the first t bissee,the, movable arm by- whicti the, bell maybe 3rised!oe s 1 Nedneaay,in Novembef. . ~. 1 'havered In'its bearing ; if dekired;thns fithreithing or diinin. • , -, Einem* foiltoirrUnelnid, Light and puffron in the En..l ,iebing the force,ofthe blow.. The recent adaptatioziofleon • glish•brerAaa, $5O per Sessio n l •Artalenemilidndeen Pin' cases, in which they mould all algae, increases their working ffneffee, each SR Lessons on the Piano, and nee at . .. Tiara. , lacilitles; arelalso'efilbaricea tbesquality oftlfe - Olustin' eivhiche improvements, with those of thirty,yearedurin gm bi p b thl , metittfilso - Pabiting and Dinning, teindszs6,--Or Ake pep went of gBO, will Include the whole. •t-' , l I rl ; ~ establishment hes been in operation; hive' gibied YOribedr, A daily stage onneatewithlheeeniffetNiiirerk,t•Dtl., and,„ beim annneonalled ce/ebriyfor volume ofsound andittialiti ,alsont Parkesburg, Pa. 'Address' -'. - s t " ''' l '"' ' , oftone, and for which they havejusfrceived,Jrcinary_ ,185 i; • ..' . j.III;DICHATiIsi ''' 4 ; ::“: . J. • +ttieTh•stlireinintniit'the World's Fair; mar frOm thiebenn.' • - rOxford,Sept. 20;1855 , ~' SAHUELEHROFI44=ei . ,try.and„,Europebeing. in • ion , and whickis the ins ' .. 1.••• r• 7:.,f6 .:, ,, q' • . tleetitlitnettal they,havereceived. ' 'Being loarated afthelutteV ' , tiotinfilailraid; canal and river 'routes. they can ship in: direction at a moment's notice. For frittausr informntion, ? iiithiffeiefictliir a: 'Addissi - '-'• ''• • • ''" ''' " ' ' • ' .. 1 ha. r. 1., ;:art AN4, 47 I.W.,MANZEL • rtI BONS, , •,' _ 1. afi-lyeow he ' ' :Nicer TAT, Alban • Co., WY. DNl3'O a.' AT INsTrrprz, DIXON: ILLINOIS — 7 Tbis Institutian; undercharge Sof. .00 Prest , Yol7 or Nook - INTar.. hi ;10! bpen for, be recap tionof atilenti, Having a locatirin jileasant;beilibtal, and easy, pp IllePoub with: an able and; efficient, (*TPA or ' teilobere, , *ialfopad't.liat It receive the patronag e of the public. , • fiil Lion, teany =amber of j Rook River piiikvteg,, or: to the Prealdont.of tba Institu-'1 l tiou r , ..1 KIeHACOQUI-LL•Aet SEMINARY" L. G. G RISK mod IL B ,4 LlCRAND,lttt..Prinalpale.—, Th fa Institution is located ießtmkacoguillae Valley—a valley, .rioted,tor:beauty of scenery. andihealthfulnemeartliab babe •:the,home, of ~Logan, • the . Indian Chief.- This ISemiiiiry affords rare opportubitles to Tale and female pupils, for an. gulringisethorongiceducation:, • • • rq The studies. purtined hrboth•Departments are tioes best: calculated to develop the mind, and which have been ap:. .proved,.:Andnarp. now. taught by•the.;lllll3ePitxperfenced and anocessfril teachers. The students of this Institution are removed as far as possible from tomptaticie, as it is entirely in the country. The Principals not onlyAcyglii their entire time to the personal in atruationl r iliducOmf9rt of the pupils, but they. .arnaireistati!by.several teachers, who are eminently quail .Red.'hy. their uhility.jurd skill , fortheig p,Fotemision. • •• TSRMS,'RSS.OCc 'per SesslA othienionthi; *27 , 50 Part , 1 111 lu t adyence.,, this .fionr,,,the.,.studerit is Witt, dto boa Yd. tuition in`Riglith, send .furets.ViCitin , iins, .1 deduc tion of live dollars made for elerynierei:deughttins, And for orphans. Light, feet, end thine at the expenme nt the student. The common Icl:target for Music and the lout, The Peinsylvanhi Central R*Rroad, which connects with Baltimni Philadelptlia;lew •Yoik;ind 'Plttebuigh; passes tbeciogh :Lewin() wi), binlidlettirom the At 'this?place,.Mtudents can t3Ktj the o ooach for Reideville ands :tilers conveyances cday be, pt:Vehlieit; •of it noMfled, the Pill' 'etude will meet them there, with conv e yance from the Sens , Wary. The next Session commencetun the lit of May. !or Cat: alogues, containing full in fbimatlow; 'addi4l T. Amthieigaatilia, ' - IClshaeastallfts;Ta. WILON-aDILTT .vONNERCIAL coLLFAX, l .111. 'EPITTSBUitar,.PENNSYLVANIA. • 32.4:.1 . 1 - 9• 14 FPW#W , g i66 * ' • k • Mt-V . 17 0i P 4 C WW; ;S C P; MittOMßA L .rwp imirhitarDlN? SE ,YEN arrnAzionw - IN . DULY ATTENDANCE, • . , . and tlie Schsool. !kap idy _Xl:kraals* . . ZA " MOST xsoaorica •C ?MME/ "'LLZVE OF tag' WE'Sff. • • • • "." 'ttitinAl(.j • • •Tirß :.• SILVER 13 Awarded to thie College. by the Ohio, Michigan, and Penn • . sytitinia htata Fails ;in 1885 and 1858,cikir the.best Business s tud °ragman' cal Writing. . IMPROVED' SYSTEM OF DOOW-KEEFING, Taught by a practical bilaintaa man, who published a ',opts ' work , on: sf.toiik.keePhig as early as 1819. In no other •College is Book•keeping taught; liry Teacher an espial amount of exparLieSiaa in..tiachiaig, and Aftzsiness ltrictici: • • '•"' • • 'lull Commercial Course, time unlimited, - . Average time to com plate is thdrough'COu'rais,qtril2weekß. ' Con enter at any' Cale—review at Pleasure: 'Beard **week, 42 50 to 13.00. Prices for taition and boardbealtkieet pity in the Union—its great variety of business, make it thesheiPoSt and moat available; point in th a *Anitiet States • ionng man Sa'galis a Buslaiaa'EdiimitiOn;abd Specimens of Writing, and Circular, west &ma:charge. . Address. a,:w..4)9NRYNS:' ' ' • • • • ' Fa. UNL*I 9 Si CRICEIC.t9RFASPIVTAWYI I 6 . , ACADESIT.—Th, ,Stiaimer Trm,pf on Vie'llise,Wedniwdei of 'ApFi r.' '• •addrimattikkrhiciPial; titrlleriittstoienpFarittis feb2B HTGEI .MILL MEM: Nam "WORK. Will be pubilehed about, the lb% of tll2 EE • • . I TBsTrgoitr OP riu.g;R•oox . fi l • A!, I I *.VElP;PYARlNOscearo a oaripiz.Two.ttifoto. GIES; N • , • • • ••• •.. • With one.hundred arid fifty -twlllluatrationa. • *To w hich is prefixed Menioriala of the Author, embracing an authentic and minute account of hie 'death; With . other matters. . ,• 12m0.. Cloth, pp. 530. This woit la to be issued simaltaneoitsly in Sontitind aini this country. Ite publiciticidin .fiditaliurgh, (aid orcouriekiere)" lute ;been . postponed three. times, on account ot the untix , p!tctr•dli ,large orders for it in advance. adTicse. nearly 8000 - coPieaharl been indered of the ICtUrihtiigli pub.., Ushers, while the advance orders for the Au a t tain edition already liceetwiuit weliaveciverliad for ar "yformeit publ i• ‘ "t airti'fiiiit gittentie" • ' • (.." ME liEl editions ot the Mlthiring , Workß by the rams Author . are um:ready : , • ' JaVOROOTA LIM, SCIIOOI.III ABTEILS ; Or itioltorys fild Zdriciitioli: With' a pilit raft of t* ttreliref. °l° l h , PP; ‘• ; 7 :X? • • :.: T • - • - • • . : err. , ;:TUB OLD RED, PANDSTOVE; 1 7. :Pi l iNuffWilke in al Old Field. ,Illmiyodeflopillift' Atm • -. iiiidthicloileal;Eectionii. ClopiPpiVtille ill • . • .welto-4,w) . „, T44 F,QQTPRINT§.,OF THE Oftlll4Tft„, , , . • 04 The Asteroleple y:1 Strall'mi. With tioinorowlintilli • • tratiOari, and a Memoir of therAiitlior, by PrQPe 6a aia Aguedr.. ,l l2iio. Cloth, ph:3551+711. FIRST IMPRESSIONS Of 'England and Its People. " With s - poitisit, eturraved firom Bon uar's•Palntbig. ' 12oio. - Cloth, pii:43o.' LINCOLIST, , 3 60, . Washithrtsti Strstst,llieston. ; feb2B I" T BILE ,T..! P,.117 G B-L q I" The PiMbyteritio'lloarecif Taal id;, ded to their Catalogue the following yell:table an'irilitiiieat log books for the Sabbath. School:and thelFamily: I. A Day with the Haymaker:; Written fur.theßonrd of Publication. 18exie., pp. 72., Price le • Me. • • • Tbd First gebbath 'Excursion, indite Cdrisequences 78m0., pp. 72. Price lb`cts. t. •• . 3.. William Bartlett, or ,the .Rood, Son:: The Ceotested Seat iLeramie of the Stars; end Who lithe Hinidest 18mo , pp. ICS. Price 15 and.2D - ccii.— . 'Learn to Bay Y. or the City Apprentice. Written for '25 cents the, Board of Publication. lficoo., pp. 3.22. prim Aand . „ . • . . 5. Footprints of Popery, or Flame where'ldartire have Buffered. 18mo.. pp. 177. Price 25 and 30 eta. ' 6. Rhymes for the Minim . ., 18cuo., pp..9L Price 20 and' 25 cents.. - ' ' ikrir tarD palc sunslak• 9:011 .t P i L,l Pi; o liark4 1 3,9Pribilg ate PAV Oll ia WE: P ,I Allegheny, NV.iiii; iiiiii r t :ii. k=iminw, spitiNG ?Air.; CZ-Fiiiii' iitaii iind shall l'eipi , r Hirliabgil , p01gd4 3 ,11.W 1 pain i pat#7l., ceilingAßl offi * e4) .efandioiered &rders, centre Reces, &c. Cho 4 r inZpliti*clealicie3 citcielcvor Atratuiput itlidaelliCi 4.th kbades ~ „E, C,i 0(91BRIA. aid _ • Fro. n i edeiii 'Street. "All" tiii eg Dr, 4/..Prrlxperienqd Papereanjme emplpyed. a t . , I = c*rittelist, .. - .tion trworm y r o, /. w , uar..ll. OIL S ',§A AND*II.*PAL.-:-191TiLikiderlY01114iliPON,. 114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, (nearly opposite.the,Cus• tom Bouse,) have just opened a very choice seleeflod of ~ GREEN AND B 34OI MMAISPn'I ' Of the latest importatiou, p.faleor. ft• ; ItIO;fAGUAYttd, 4Np, TA BS T-74y.ti;COIK! NOW.Orleans, Cnba;6Tel,'Orrtime'd-alfd Putvialnialgrikare. , Bice, Rice-Flour, Poseri arillSpra'AtArehariripa,x,4at ders, MiCcitroni, FermiceilL Cocoa, Broina,-Extrallo: 1,1'141 Spiced ehocblate,"Purii • frround Oastfle :'Armond, Toilet•Palto,.Germati, anWitdein• Boap • t.'tanii) Oillonale of Soda; Cream Tarter; gg5at13147.09701e asit.;.,,Thireritreeta Lemon and Vanilla; Pier, Mold. and pipped paradlfik3 144 ear Cured Dams ; Dried Beef; Water' tutterlitiror nnd: -Bode .linuAlters;FOreign,lfruits; da:dte ' . v d 11 This atonic . has bee ninifehased for CASLI,an will be offer . 413 tor the TradeVind.` ale& to*Faiii les, at vei-AudireFitie ad • vark.,from whom werespectfuily . loiicit a aharepf,natron:. 'aka :m "'" • • ' ""'" a 1.1 . • W. NT tf art aliVrAl r . - COR/Vult OF HpIISTON STREET, .0n the same lihtelitya Ititkit garde]; and oppotttO St. "Thomas' '241/MtirlineOPlAN'tlit AikitreTAMiLitykiLii iirnos: l asa Hs eßooma 60.Centa to ••P t:itAirtftWl/J2.#4,4l'.44r4°F#&4l4l)ABPADißF?'.e,.: r. $.?..00 Der day for Booms and Boarg j") f a r agettlaVii se. I nee of bed :egi id,tteteity • 'and alllFF lnteritammands, without Sr the temperature of the i trordca. &dated taosoushq &WI if llieus t i brilfkain. ol l l %, rotor, -, o §ool. khA; *if , • 0 .1' !; , 111 , • , El( Jar atioeliq :are , 1 / 7 01 kt. .4iNifL4 Ael2llooll ME2 To 'iv V A L 1 3Y DEL CALVIN IL PITCH, Author of the,lnvalld's Guide and Coueurettivy.,., &c., will be at the ST. CLAIR HEMEL, • from MONDAY MORlsille.o, Al AMR' MIL ' TJ _,,,„. ~_. SATURDAY RVEIIIIG, 31.9 Y Tan " — 'Wbere 'be may be consulted daily. Sal:Uatb i.;... Ountuntption t :Asthma, Choreic Bronchitis, j• • • pispepria. FAILAIEtibia, and othtr atir;ti ontx d . , with or predisposing to eonsumpton. Jr from and cause Dr. FiTell should be rust:. z 3.. during the whole of the period above named, th, mega sou bevwuclnded by his associate. Dr. J. V( Those intending to consult Dr. Fitch are partk..„l.l' orzeated to'apply se early an possible; for nn tbs of his fotmfr visLe Dr. Fitch has .onod it it tterlp hie to give all the 'attention he could hare dray, number who delayed visitinc Lim until the thronged upon him during the mat few days of hisa-4- men ts. And Dr. Pitch wishes it furthermore distinct! ? 1 .. stood -that, although he considers Consumptio n s hie disesso,end treats it as such, still that be tires I •.'„-' 'tend to raise the dead, nor to cure patients ti n : aeither Inner nor constitution left; and there cel,,`; y.reaynont fom him must rpply reasonably earl; t.. 'anise- of thelr'dinense: And he would add, als alf it ~ himself and his associate are -accustomed to tell th., plying Unir real situation, nor need an ripely who Ili. prepared or unwilling to learn the trut h. A catrenr. : , , sent will of course only be undertaken in awes erber;. : •. - 'iiennt some chance of remedy. In Care When tbeeef4: 1 -the treatment mpst of course be, merely palliative. - . j..- 05080.1tation,,personally, or by letter, free. ei Allyn tsE !HO DRS, /0 to 4 daily. • „AtSlair.llotel, Pittsburgh, klarch,lo, '57. ~ ... OOH AND . JOB. rELINTiffle • - sup 'sibictritier htWrovided with Steele Pin emote% and grint, of Printing Types sad oa k ,. tares, le prepared to execute every description of z. Pampidete, Carde,ltille; Labels, &a. 111azyk ;Deoda,Gian!c Booki Paper and Stationary t ab DziJ. T. snityuct, 7 • No. 84 Finn Street, Gazette BMW ,. • Dee 8 1866. IMII • • GBIL PLATED W ARE, hiop:rtrqn-F• , •f;• • •• • • bleentactured by , , , • JOHN O. MEAD BONS, ' The oldest and &bit experienced num ?UTERI; h • : • : • ; United Statek . TEA BETS AND URNS, • - • ' PITCHERS. • • P9SPFrij, Ac, &c., OP • The most elaborate and richest patterns , tr .r 0.71 .I. I P • AEze/r iAmU• :02902%ycgA t, fi "KNIV ,'ETC LT• . TEA AND Llt ES :.;.• Nonli flovithninth Street,. above . Chestr t., t Near Girard I , • • PhiladeipYs, lietil4 tole 1ti . . 4 1- 11. S I D 74414T0N,'L.L, Di,•l7nion Mnteertity, siorfa.0 4 ,, 'reanimates, says: " Notwftloitandtog the irregular or, . Dies. B.'k. Alleresntrorld's Bair Restore•, &c_ the ;olr•tutir eesald, amt,aar, pay locks were restored re Orr oil color.. • • • • . M. TRACIIitRi(6O. years of age.) Pitcher, Cb., Y.: "My huh. is now..rostored to its Tiattir4 itii&cea.seti total! Mr" ' • ,BL V. WI! . CUTTER .. !d. Mother's Magazine, N. T.: M IT Ls changed to its' natural color." Ac. g.,p. STO . ND 4 D., Concord. N. H.: 44 My hair _ MI grey, is now restoroLts naucolor, ' MeV. D. CILENDRNIN.ed t Chicago L u r i a: : I can add my Zimqoy,,and reoommat,rd itto my friends" — RUT: Tr T. WOOD , Middletdiro, N.Y.: "My own hair; - greatly thickened ti ialio that of one of my family, ate hemming, bald." 'REV. J. T.lTUSTlNiCharleston; S.C.: "The white . becoming obviated: and,upw hair forming," &c. EXV:A. PRINK; Sirrei. t t reeli: N. Y.: '• It has omit- , ;a good effect ors my•hairothd I can • and hate recommit.... REV. BL ' ANCEIAiD, Meriden',' N. H.: "We think r. highly of yourpreparatimis,'.'„Ac. , REV;I3. C. SMITH, Prattebingh, N. Y. "I was rurtei, to find _my grey heirittirn as when -I wag young." REV. JOS. McKEE, Pastor of West D. R. church. N. T REV. D. MORRIS; Cron' Id dB. REV. IL MUTT, Hamden; N. Y .'. __, • • , . - We Might agile tikiellek; bit if no t convinced, TET I HRS. .VAT.Limirtitionkrz imum, Or, World's Hair Dreesing,..hi emential to use v ith thi 'sterior, and It the tait Bair ffie itug Per old orycrun..,se... .being, often 'ellleacibuilie cue elf hair falling, itc.:with..: the Restorer. • Hiity•lialied: Bald, `cir - iurricss . afflicted with diseases of 'tab . ": snap:, read the above: and judge of • MRS S.A. 'ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. 'IT , DOES war SOIL OR STAIN. ": Sold bye!! the priori; :10elesale and retail merchant: in the United States, Call. - DEPOTOSSAROCKESTRERT, YORK. BZENfNQ;`• 'Oar' Seine • dealers try 'to sell articles Instead of this. which they make morerprofit. Virtlte,to Depot for CireEr and inCinatibiL • *; • • ' • Ip4.6m* wioo. , irs hub snlyes_„Bixots-AND SHOES. • 111_,:ixt.s/ 4.111.85. ROBB, No. KR. MarkeCatreet, between tl- Market Nouse arid Fifth Street, would call the attentiot 1118.friande ant trustemeni; and all Others who may favor ET with their trade, that for the future he will be found al it New Shoe Store, as above, with an entirely New Ftcai , BookkatioesiGMt&sefltipperst ;Parenteaf, Pedal,Tustin. IL. „ .Braid, Efate, ke.4.comedeting In,part of Gents'. Fancy O p en 'Bootit. Ceiigret Gaiters; Oxford Ties, Air, limsVOhlldrens FitueY Boots, Gaiters, Ties, Slips; Ate., bialittta j. Boys' and Youths! Dress Boots, Shoes, Ties ci iDs'evoes . is one of the largestever opened in this city, stt limlinGinieviirythiing worn by the ladies of Philadelphia at: New!,Tork,•and, he. trust/3, cannot fail to please all. One ,care has been taken selecting the choicest goods, all which', he . ••r'7 ;f Hells° ocintinnee -to manufacture as heretofore, all 7sciiptloi3efof Boots and 'Shoes, and hie long experience over tweney,yeanrin business in this city it, he frusta, a et! fidenrgainety that tholelsh67favor him witli their eon,: •-win he fefili dialt with • ;•• 9C itla&ti _ . ittI,KCJA'AND laneyruicitwroitL t _,Tt! - A.12,14:11C 'IONS:No:21 3 THIRD Se-, be 1/4111tNadw*. sedAlwatuntllireetsi. Philadelphia, have ft: TED.' Si!..4:2PISH HIDES, Salad ,Patita'SiPa,, Tanner's Oil , Tanner and Onridees.Toals it the lowest • priaaa ;tetme. e. iand upon the bet. r aair! All kind, of .14tritheeria Alta, rough wanted, tot ' lilghiist • marliet :prlee will le even in cash, r. taken hi eat:thank° Loather torrid Ire. of them aFt4O/42,0.1c0Maliete0.11. . irstga F FUND OF TORO - NATIONAL EAPETY, 'PRUSTrEOMPANYWaIstut Street, Sort: i yVeet corner of Third, Philadelphia, , . Izioorporated LY the State of Pennaylionia. Money le received in any anm, large or email. and intent: paid fromlbiday Of deportit 'to thirdly of withdrawal. ....The omceiaopen every day . ,Asun 9 oclock in the morn* Mil VO'cloelt in the'evening, andr Monday and Thnr - .Atti 'evenings :tin 9 O'ileek. ' • IntereetTive P.erCent. . • -• t sums , large or mail, are paid back in gold, on demand, ."iiithOnt notice , to any amount. •" Thiel COmlrtaY eoutiaes Its thieineea entirely to thereof: , Snipe!. moneY onintereet...lThe 'investrients, amouctiag nearly,oli.l4 IdIJAION. AND, AMALp OF . DOLLAR S! RS .1 ae OtibliEheal report of , ABSSTES,Ore made in conformity silt i the.iiitatehins in 'REAL' YETATB, EOM. GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such Bre:Wass secoritits will always insure perfect security to the depoANne.ar.4 .which tionoefill to - el*" perniieney . i tibility to titsold ard .78Y0 MUM I.g D 1:11N0$ AL i+- Dris,..lcrarlai it. REITER ..ilirve.aaiioolateds then:63oler er. fit the 'practice of Eel eineand /gingery. Office in Dr. King's residence, No. Fifth Stiedtitipporite the Catbedral. Dr. ' Raittporill attend at tkm, office daily. and may be Cm milted at . i reafdaiicii, East .I.? Cor t -y. in the mornitql 'and . _ Oelh4f • • S BEEN AP ' pOENTED .Receiving Agent and Treisurer. for tbe Io enterprises' in the Synods of PITTSBURG& „ALLEGHENY, 'WHISELING, AND OHIO, M." General Aiseblioe BOAST) 'OF DOMESTIC MIS SIONS; the General Assembly's BOARD OP EDUCATION; the. General Assembly's MUFF CH EXTENSION COII3:IT TEE (St-Lonie); and.tho.lMND- FOR - SITPEB.A.NN CATE) MINISTERS AND THETA FAMILIES% Colieetiondentif will' pfatiiii iiddierte Elm 'ail below, statics dietinctly the IViebytery and Qur,cit, from which cout ri ti• A blolla G e keiettiit.;landlWhinueogebipt is required by *tail, the name _of ,tAce Ana ,Cpt.ento. ; -- • . ' Alf Befretofore, - ntodttilY fepoita talitide'thrcrech tht .Presbyteri , 2l.Barrner and .Adeocafeand the /Jona e and Foreip Record, ."- • Treasurer. , i.a!roilbjiMec' 'Radian* 45 Clair Street, Se y 24 • • . .Pittsburgh. Pa, •Vas 41:41. .1 A A , : ,111 111 DB. : A.-BRITTON Co., r"vitalfilmortnuta • te WHOLESALE AND RETAIL •, DBA.DBRB; 41.11W0Z.1D, Street,Oboye Market, 1111,adelehia 44 ,74,Ltud: I r7at assortment of PIER :at I t l T,! ) .ither eztamqoulat in the unltec :ggrAgßengwe.,p‘plokisattepaea -to. Give as a ell; and aattif?ycrareet - fair f 7 •, , gpf OariWN.4 - 1 1 # 1 ../ANVAL - OPX 11 ANtr F c poptli SOUR= Street,lbelow Obesn.s: • Envelopes, Die Sinking and Engraving, Dies Altered, Et welopee Bfiamped7rith. litodneeelOerdsclitnnisopalwir Ectel °pea, self seszlvi apd,prietpd.direetions, paper Bagi. for W I. 'Otattloilite; iinkseirs; &C;;; for. Ptkttiieg up puller' seeds ad groceries. P TUNTINtr!Pf an! kinds,' Ms : Cards. BfU-Heads, Cin ENGRATiiG i i ng. and ,iVedding cards, wi th ". velopee to fit iis*try,' of the finest English" preuth sad Ameriesumaper: •11 •: • • • t. 2.4Fre_lpyeetanwpe,to, order of, any size, AuslitY an d Iziti3Ooromezanot tßuirellopc",:is it% deeds, roortpro Ite4l¢oo )3t the beist maiuter by - ts . , counT. - X3 1 p4egg5.1 4 ,17 XxXoefAIT agreement apt - y • • • • •• • • . . Qom B ' A BB ivrxr $ 13SkS,'IN,D rebury. INETRU CTlopt HO L BUM% •ririotiNicobneelcos OsiJolln,%iiew edition. nib • ; t • IP arlziind Luke, now edition igatttri t i osti Vinh s •30010 on the &ain't; interweaving th e Snorter :r. • 190,,,Mattliew OrillftiCkstocalvickannexed j ) $1.50 per dei. On Kirk and Lute, each 1.50 • . or, the. tvth 'Omen bound in one, 2.25 " ,OW.iolkr withlhiteiltia&aleo . anne x 0 .].too to , They irillaberfoiClearded to any addreaa if orders be Fero JAMBS A. IRWIN. , Pies. Colportege, St- Clair Ft, , JOHN B. DAVIt•ON• ••• : s i; •• 65 Market Street, Pittsborgb• • • .__Wfd. S. RENTOCL. ,fe2l.-tt St. Clair Street, Pittabatg_:„. iiii4 L l it Y titir i giOilr lit inir ' % Si Oiiii.- e raii li 1I A IBLACK, Mannfactome 4fi Bari.abeet. HooPa% I 4410* bon, Natta, and spikee; 'a*, A lt BerPiumbed Ba ' . roa it d lim. "WAriaiase No. 99 Witei'fltreit; . between Wood *a : - lildarket- - li . $.:.• s ••, 271 : oarem Pin HIC PLACE TO-BUY PINE 'EVA TONE!. . s.thyrß. NARK, . and NANCY 00 0 "•' ‘ M at N. it: zurijim - EAD'S Wateh_ l Jewelry . tine Elinor ' Ware ,Store, No. 164 5- SECOND Street, between Pine arid Union; West aide, Phibuie where yott ! Will , find .; ;Urge 'apartment of the abOe aimed goads:. ; Plated Communion Service, Setts; 'Cake Citietsra; 81inone, Porte, !h.' All kinde of Watches ,40 - Witlry," - ape Myer Ware made t° orderand remdred„ dedueDol made to Cieren. W4lll "I *I " r? 4, 8 1 10 1 es eau be had in the eiN el A. a . W AXIMI zov X. D Ps NJ" D al " TI 8 tVIIIIVEllsVOS itecifirPiae. W il liamspor t, 3ye , tf 2 WOHN 111. Kt - ARVAtilt ICS. ATTORNI ° ! '' ANisCl,ll iNSitiblttill'-lit'W; and Solkdtor in Chen ReSt3C•;OSo 133.Nnotrth Street, above the corner ° httrith r li orrk 9 PAPDACaIia. SON, 95 .IMARKST, • deans in Wateikap, JewdrY, 8 " • • • • ' • •'• • eel iq ..011,r) Blond diaddha Ana eir,(Stt aii A:Jai; :z.:• • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers