Conditions of Life," and occupies twenty-five chapters. In these chapters he treats of food, digestion, heat, absorption, the blood, respira tion, secretion, excretion, decay and nutrition; the nervous system, the brain, the voice, hearing, vision, of cerebral sight or inverse vision, of the senses of touch, taste, &c., and of animal motion. The second book is occupied with Dynami cal physiology, and contains eight chapters. Here the leading subjects are—tho principle of organization; the influence of physical Agents on the organic series; the organic cell; reproduc tion and development; the growth of man; sleep and death ; the influence of physical agents on the aspect and form of man, and on his intel lectual qualities; and closing with a discussion on Social Mechanics. We have no doubt but that this volume will speedily take a high place in all our Medical Colleges, and in all Academies and Institutes where Physiology occupies a place in the course of instruction. MODERN GREECE : A Narrative of a Residence and Travels in that Country ; with observa tions on its antiquities, literature, language, politics and religion, By Henry AL Baird, At 'A. Illustrated by about sixty engravings. 12mo. ' pp. —. New York: Harper it Brothers. Franklin Square. 1866. The title fully explains the nature of this work. he author spent a year at Athens, and be traveled extensively in Peloponnesus and in Northern Greece. He visited nearly every re markable city and object of interest in ancient and modern times. He resided in the family of Br. King, and was intimately acquainted with Dr. ill and Messrs. Arnold and Buel, of Athens; all whom enabled him, by their obseivations, rive at sound conclusions on any point on which e might be supposed to be ignorant, in the social State of the country. Mr. Baird has produced a ook not only readable and calculated to occupy, spare hour, but one which is really fraught th interesting information regarding a country hich is endeavoring to free itself from the tram els of tyranny, political, religious and intel , Canal. NE RECENT PROGRESS OF ASTRONOMY; espe cially in the United States. By Elias Loomis,. D., Professor of Mathematics and Natu ral Philosophy in the University of New York. Third Edition. enlarged. 12mo. pp. 896. New York Harper and Brothers, to 335 Pearl Street. 1856. This is a wonderfully attractive book. From y to day we hear of the discoveries of men of ence, but we often fail to collect them and lo te them so as to enable us to construct a chart or dare of the territory that has been gained to uman knowledge from the vast unknown. The •regress of astronomical discovery was never .• ore rapid than during the last fifteen years. " ithin this period, the number of known mem . ers of the planetary system has been more than ; oubled. A planet of vast dimensions has been dded to our system; thirtysix new asteroids aye been discovered; four new satellites have een detected; and a new ring has been added to ;aturn. The volume which treats of these sub ects, and which has arrived at a third edition. nd whioh is from the pen of Dr. Loomis, carries ith it ample guarantee of its merits. &MOMS OF CELEBRATED CHARACTERS. By Alphonse de Lamariine, author of "History of the Girondists," Ste., Sze. In three volumes. Vol. iii. 12m0., pp. 323. New York: Har per 4 Brolhera, Franklin Square. 1866. We have not seen the first and second volumes f this work. The contents of the one before us are " William Tell ;" " Madam De Sevigne ;" . 44 Milton ;" Antar;" and "Bossuet." Thirty- Seven pages are dedicated to William Tell; ninety 0 Madame De Sevigne ; thirty-one to Milton ; ifty-four to Antar, and the remaining one hun 'bred and ten pages are occupied with Bossuet. spirit of Lamartine is visible in every page this work, which will be found to be most sug tive. We do not expect him to appreciate iton, and therefore we feel no surprise at the mess of the critique in this volume. OLD REGIEE AND THE REVOLUTION. By .lexis De Toeyueville, of the Academie Fran .aise ; author of " Democracy in America." Translated by John Bonner. 12m0., pp. 844. New York: Barper i t Brothers. 1856. This is not a history. It is an elaborate essay the Revolution, the object being to show that that great movement the sentiments, habits ideas of the old regime had a pow- a influence in accomplishing the change. Iy Erenchmen and foreigners have believed the France of the Monarchy, and the France mh arose out of tha Revolutionary fervor were distin i et lands, inbabited by people of differ iriciaiples: M. De Toeqneville explodes this and in the most satisfactory manner he es ishes his position by evidences from laws and :ems of the olden time. These he contrasts the ideas which prevail in modern France, thus be shows that the roots of modern so am deeply imbedded in the old soil. This le is a valuable addition to our stock of in tion on the condition of the Western nations !CA'S MOUNTAIN VALLEY; or, The Church in ! R ent's Town, West Africa. By the author Ministering Children." 18mo., pp. 269. iw York: Robert CarierA Brothers, No. 630 •ondway. 1868. fee years ago the Messrs. Carter published diary and letters of the Rev. W. A. B. John s missionary to Western Africa. We char ized that work as it deserved, and commend , to our readers as one of the most profoundly itual biographies of a devoted servant of the , which had been published in connexion the foreign Geld. The work before us is to t extent extracted from the Memoir of Mr. son ; its statements being thrown into an rriettl form, with additions from the retards of JTi~sion ptus pgartment. Kansas. ewe from Kansas, for the last week, pre- , ltl much more cheering• aspects than for-. iy, the condition and hopes of the settlers. gro ntl high way for immigrants to reach the itory, and for the receiving of supplies and , ing on their traffic—the Missouri river— not yet free to every class of persons; but rwise, things looked favorable. Atchison, Igfellow, and the Missourians, had prinelpally .e d, and Gen. Lane wan in strength and unop ed. 'I; tie trial of the prisoners charged with treason, come on at Lecompton, and been dismissed; President having authorized the entering an e prosequi in their cases. They we re eon _ ted to Lawrence under an escort Or United ~ es troops, and received by their friends with 6t rejoicings. vernor Gssav's arrival has inaugerated quite tnge in affairs. He has issued his Pro()lama exhorting to an obedience to the laws till may be time to alter and amend them, and announced hie determination to preserve the of the Territory, and protect Me settlers in their le general election is to take place on the of Oct., when a new Legislature is to be oho ; and we doubt not but that the Governor, so as he has the power, will endeavor to conduct irs in equity. Thus far all things appear fa 'lle to the protection of the settlers in their of property, and in the choice of their own oth3ers, and the making and executing of the laws by which they shall be governed. The Governor, however, will have a difficult task to perform. There are the feuds and ani mosities of two hostile parties, who have been en gaged in deadly strife, and whose determination, each, to possess the seat of power is resolute. Then there is the fact which we see stated, , that the militia are to be on the election ground, armed ; also, that Gen. Smith, as the U. S. officer, hro the command of the militia. And, worst of all for ease of management and the use of the elective franchise by all the acttlers, there is a law of the former Legislature, providing that every man who would vote must, if required, swear that he "Will support the Constitution of the United States, and that hr will support and sustain the provisions of the Act entitled, 'An Act to organise the Territories of Nebraska and' Kansas,' and the provisions of the law of the United States, commonly known as the 'Fugitive Slave Law." Can the settlers all take such an oath? And must Gov. Geary, by an armed force, prohibit those from -voting who decline the oath? And again, he will find a difficulty in keeping the election pure—that is, in preventing any from voting who may not be bona fide settlers; because it is provided, "Km 19. Whenever any person shall offer to vote, he shall be presumed to be entitled to vote. "Sac. 20. Whenever any plrson offers to vote, his vote may he challenged by one of the judges, or by any voter ; and the judges of the election may examine him touching hie right to vote; and If so examined, no evidence to contra dict shall be received." To enforce these laws, and, at the same time, to preserve the peace, and : to secure to all settlers their rights, and to allow non ebutsettlers to vote, will be a difficulty not easily to be surmounted. Latest. A dispatch from St. Louis, under date of 20th, says, that 2,800 men, mostly Missourians, had reached Franklin, destined to attack Lawrence. There had been some fighting. A few were killed, and several wounded. Governor Geary interfered. it is said, and disbanded the assailants. Political. BALTIMORE, September 18.—The National Wbig Convention have. unanimously adopted the fol lowing : Resolved, That without adopting or referring to the peculiar opinions of the party which has already selected Mr. Fillmore as their candidate, we look to him as a well-tried, faithful friend of the Constitution and the Union; eminent alike for his wisdom and firmness ; for his justice and moderation in our foreign relations; for his calm, pacific temperament, well becoming the head of a great and enlightened government; for his devo tion to the Constitution in its true spirit; for his inflexibility in executing the laws ; but beyond all these attributes, in possessing the transcendent merit of being the representative of neither of the two sectional parties now struggling for political supremacy. WHEELING, September 18.—A Republican State Convention was held here to-day, and placed in nomination a Fremont electoral ticket. There was no disturbance. THE Republican State Convention held at Syracuse, N.' Y., on the 17th inst., nominated Hon. John A. King for Governor, and Henry Selden for Lieut. Governor. The Central American Treaty---Powers of Consuls WASHINGTON, September 18.—It has been ascertained that the administration is official ly advised that the yrojec€ of a treaty be tween Great Britain and the United States has been agreed upon; and a copy has been received, but the contents have not publicly transpired. Mr. Dallas has full power on the subject, not withstanding the reports to the contrary. Mr. Attorney General Cashing has decided that foreign consuls cannot intervene in the settlement of the estates of their countrymen dying in the United States, except in the way of surveillance of advice. They cannot exercise jurisdiction. A treaty of friendship and commerce, conclu ded recently between •the government of Siam and the United States, has been received at the State Department, The despatches from Mr. Dallas make tion of Mr. Villiers being appointed British Min ister to this government, though the report is generally credited. The Yellow Fever. Naw Yong., Sept. 18.---There are four new cas es of yellow fever to day at the Relief Hospital, Fort Hamilton ; amonCthem, Dr. J. H. Baily of the 11. S. Ariny. No new oases have occurred at the Military Hospital. All the previous cases are doing well. One new case is reported in Brooklyn. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF PA, contain nearly 300,000 scholars, and in the language of a con temporary we can say The,fruits of these noble institutions cannot but be invaluable. Education, throughout the State, is as free as air. The humblest citizen may send his eons and daughters to our common schools, without money and without price. Pnonts OF GRAPES.—In the neighborheod of Cincinnati there are more than two thousand acres in grapes. The profits per acre average, ta king one year with another, about $3OO per acre. Much, of course, depends on management. The cost of planting ranges from $lOO to $3OO per acre. The expenses with ordinary land need not exceed $l5O per acre. PLATED WAGE. —We are requested to invite at tention to the advertisement of Messrs. John 0. Mead Sr, Sons, of Philadelphia. Their stock of goods is excellent in their line, and thefr prices reasonable ; and they are ever accommodating to their customers. ARREST.—William S. Coleman, President of the San Francisco Vigilance Committee, was arrested in New York city on the complaint of James Malo ney, charging him for being instrumental in ex pelling him from San Francisco. Coleman was held in $50,000 bail to answer. THE. WHEAT Citor of Wisconsin is stated at 14,000,000 bushels. It never was so large be fore, but this is probably too large an estimate. LMWERTIBEMENT.j . BUYERS of Men and Boys' Clothing, furnishing goods, Sze., will find at Carnaghan's, Allegheny City, a full stock of fishionable goods, for Fall and Winter sales. Fiery article is sold at prices below the ordinary rate, but for cash only. rADVERTISEKENT.I The Worst form of Piles can be Cured ! We are at liberty to refer to several well known gentlemen, who have need, thoroughly tested, and now recommend Bccrhave's Holland Bitters, as a remedy for piles. We are not permitted to publish their names, but will take pleasure in referring any person to them who doubts this statement. For this affection, one half the presoribed dose should be take—say half a teaspoonful; morning, noon and night, one hour before meals. See advertisement [ADVERMIBEMENT.] Calvin. N. Fitch, A. X., X. D., (late of New York, author of the Guide and Consumptive's Manual, &c., &c.,) and JOHN W. Svras, A. M., M. D., have opened an office at 459 Main Street, Buffalo, Now York, where they may hereafter be con sulted for all affections of the throat and chest. Also, for Dyspepsia and Female Complaints, and for all other diseases connected with or pre disposing to consumption, in the treatment of - which their success is too well known to require Comment. The combination of local with general meas ures—of Medicinal and $ thenotrophic Inhalations, with constitutional and mechanical remedies— added to the judicious use of water, 'frictions, proper diet, exercise, &c., must evidently effect far more than can be hoped for from any one of these plans singly, and will afford relief in all eases where disease is not advanced beyond the reach of medicine. Consultation, personally or by letter, free. Patients wishing advice by letter, will receive, on I DIE WM Dtti II Mil DI ti IF4 DI lILICIAU application, a list of questions l which will enable them to state their case clearly'; and all who de sire it will receive full information respecting the nature and extent of their disecie, and the prob able chances of relief, or pernianent recovery. i i Patients desiring , to remain nes us, can obtain board either in the city or immediate vicinity, or at Niagara Falls, an hour's ride 'distant. Cora l:\ munications may be addressed e' her to Dr. J. W. Sykes, or Calvin M. Fitch, M. D., 459 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. . . ffiarkets, Pitts - burgh. Asass—Pearls, Ts.; Pots, 5Kc.; Soda Awb. 3:p s '@3: l 4o. BoRTEB AND Bass—Butter, 14. Nags, 12413 c. DRIED Patrir—Applee. $1.25. Peaches, $3.U003.25. Ftouß—Wheat. $6,00@6.50. GRAlN—flats ' 31@.33c. Bye. 60(062e. Barley, $1.15(4)1.20 Corn, 55@60. Wheat. $1.1411.25. Ilax—sB.ooolo.oo ton. • CATTLE. Bzs.v2s-23.4©43/ 2 p. Sheep, $2.00@3.50. • Baltimore. PUNTA AND 81)mr—Virbeat, $7.00. Rye, $4.00. ' , Corn Meal, $3.2503.75. Glum —Wheat, $1.55@1.60. Oats, 25(027c. Rye, 75®77c. Corn, 84@ 6 7- BEEN—Myer, $8.75. Timothy, $4.00. POTATOES—CONLINOII, $2 50. Mercer, $2 75@8.001per bbl. OATTLB. BEEras—s2.7so4.oo per 100 IDs on the hoof, equal to $.5 50 08.00 uet, averaging $3.37% gram Hogs, M0C8 1 7. 50 . Sheep, $2.00@/3.00. New York. Fuca' awl. Meat—Wheat, $6,10©6.85. Bye, $ 2 / 5 05.50. \1 Corn Meal, $3.7504,00. Gum—Wheat, $1..55@1.58. _Corn, 87®69. Oats,. Igkise. Barley, $1.32. Beams—White, $1.7302.37% per bosh. saans—Clover,l4e. per lb. Timothy, $3.7504.123 , CATTLE. BEEvEs--$0.00@9.50 100 lb.. Mitch Caws, with res t $25 00030.00030.00. Veal Calves, 6@7c. Shee and Lambe, $2.5006.00 per head. Swine, 6@61/. Philadelphia. 1 1 1.0mt—Wheat, $6.75@7.60. Rye, $3.75. Corn Meal, $3.44. 3. CiaarrrWheat, $1.40@1:42. Corn, 64@65c. Rye, 80e. Oats, 400. CATTLE. 8Ezvz8—53.00(0.7509.50 per 100 The. Sheep, $W@ 4.20. gags, $7.00@8.20 per 400 The. Cows and Calfres, $25.00(450,00 per head. *reignCllttiligeitte.' The steamer Asia, from Liverpool, 6th inst., arrived on the 19th. The American ships Ocean Home and Cherubim came in collision, off Lizzard, on the sth inst. The Ocean Bromesank in twenty minutes after the occurrence. Seventy-seven lives were lost by the disaster. The London Times, in an editorial on the har vest, says that, thus far, there is no prospect of prices receding to a point injurious to agricultural interests ; but there is little dollat of that plenty which is necessary for the intets of trade, and the comfort of the people at large. From the Continent of Europe the accounts of the harvest are still more favorable. Private letters from Madrid fully confirm the statements that have already appeared with re spect to the course decided upon by , the O'Donnell Ministry. The Constituent Assembly will be dis solved, and the Constitution of 1845 will he re established; not, however, as has been asserted, with modifications in a liberal sense. The •ques tion of modifications will be left to the new Cortes. Ma zzini has published in the journal L'ltalia e Popolo, an address to all Italian military men. He reproaches them for submitting to the domi nant power of a few Swiss regiments in the two Sicilies and Rome; also to that of Austria in the Duchies and Lombardy. He beide up to them the example of France and England, and asks whether a hundred thousand Frenchmen or Englishmen, with arms in their hands, would permits ten or twelve thousand Swiss to keep them down, •Diplomatic relations between Turkey and Rus sia have been renewed. M. De Boutenieff, the Russian Minister at Constantinople, had paid his formal visits to the Turkish Ministers, and was to present his credentials to the Sultan on the l 2sth. Sierra Leone dates are to July 13. The 'rains had been unprecedentedly heavy, and trad was dull. Cholera is disappearing from Madeira. ive thou Sand persons had fallen victims, in a po e lation of sixteen thousand. At Funchal, he deaths are no more than five or six daily. Ms. DALLAS.-At the annual festival of t e Cutler's Association, Mr. Dallas, in responding a complimentary notice of our country, said: As perhaps not altogether inappropriate to the occasion; of the numberless advantages of this\ progressive age, let me for a moment allure your attention to a single one, perhaps the latest from which, I think, must flow many consequences of greater moment to the social relationship between • our two nations, than can at first be perceived. Let us hope that these consequences, as most pre dict, will be mutually advantageous and useful. You have probably heard already that the irre pressible and insatiable cupidity of my country men—[laughter]—is about undertaking a daring exploit of annexation—[laughter]—an annexa tion that will at once embrace these islands— [laughter]—and, moving with a march as rapid as civilization, ultimately include all Europe, Asia and Africa. [Renewed laughter.] I have actu ally in my possession a piece of the chain recent ly forged to bind these three Eastern venerable continents to the new one of Columbia. [Cheers.] We see in the far West that you possess and accu mulate treasures which we covet and must have —[laughter]—the hourly inventions of your genius—[hear, hear, •hear]—the discoveries of your explorers on earth, or in the heavens ; the numberless additions made to the comfort and happiness of the human race by your hundreds of millions; the schemes of your commerce; every step onward or retrograde in morals, in jurisprudence, in, the press, even in finance, in the stocks—we must have them. [Cheers anlaugh ter.] We must have them ; we must have.them as quickly as yourselves. [Cheers.] We are aware that there is not in the wing of the carrier pigeons, strength enough for this; that steam is too wretchedly slow for our impatience; subma rine electric cable, with one grapple at St. John's, Newfoundland, and the other at Valencia, in Ire land, resting for one thousand seven hundred miles securely and indestructibly in the current less depthe of the Atlantic, that will realize all our aims of ambition, and rivet an annexation more wonderful, and infinitely more praiseworthy —[cheers]—rivet an annexation more wonderful, at all events, than that of Texas or of Cuba. [Cheers.] I shou:d not . have indulged, Gentle men, in this light vein, to beguile you for a few moments, were I not perfectly satisfied that the astounding fact from which it has sprung is no longer in doubt. Our two countries—the &min ions of her Rritannic Majesty and, the United Statekof America—though separated by a stormy sea, several thousands of miles in width, will, in •the course of the coming year, he drawn, so to speak; by the magical aid of machinery and sci ence, within conversational distance of each other. The preliminary soundings were perfected a few days ago, from the terminus of one end to the other of this great artery of sympathy and of thought. I wish it were in operation. And why? Because, gentlemen, I would instantly illustrate its. most glorious adaptation to the promotion of goodwill among men in distant nations—[cheers] —by sending your toasts to my compatriots, and giving you, before you rose from this table, a full•hearted American response. [Loud cheers.] The Church. There is a deep anxiety felt in all circles of the Established Church to know how Lord Palmerston is likely to dispose of the enormous ecclesiastical patronage now. in his gift. All sorts of surmises are afloat upon the subject. We may venture to suggest that the Premier is not likely to give any hint of his intentions; as to the new Bishops of London or of Durham at least, until these Sees are fairly vacant, which will not be till the end of this mouth. If the colonial appointment to the bishopric' f Graham's Town may be taken as an earnest of the views of the Cabinet, then, we may infer that Evangelism is still in the ascend ant, as the new Bishop, the Rev. Henry Cotter hill, Principal of Brighton College, is a distin guished member of that party. elan • In his notes of an Autumnal tour through the North-Western counties, Mr. John Lnmb, the Quaker correspondent of the Belfast Whig, says : " There is no doubt that our country is vastly im proving. The people are better clad and better fed. The country is much better cultivated than it was a dozen years ago. The gaols are nearly empty, and the poor•houses not half-filled ; some Of the masters complain that they cannot muster as much healthy labor as will cultivate the gar delis and grounds round the work-houses. The towns are better paved, swept, and lighted, and many an old, unsightly thatched house has been pulled down to make room for a respectable slated one; 'yet there is abundance of room for further improvements in all these respects. Few towns in Ireland have improved so much in appea'ranoe during the last ten years as Sligo. The wheat crop is also likely to be a very good one; it is thicker on the ground than last year, but some farmers tell me it is not as well headed." Tu 'key. It is stated in a Constantinople letter in the Ilfoniteur del'Armee, that the fortifications of Kars are to be re-established. and that it is to be made a fortified place of the first order. Works are also to be undertaken to complete the fortifica tions of Erzeroum and Van. These three places belong to Turkish Armenia. and form the line of defence of the Asiatic frontiers of the empire on the side of Persia and of the Russian possessions. • "It is positively stated," says the Pays, " that the ports of Reni, Ismail, and Kilia, situated on the Danube, and restored to Moldavia in virtue of the treaty of Paris, are about to be declared free ports. These places, before they were in-posses sion of Russia, enjoyed the most extensive com mercial franchises, and they acquired therefrom a degree of prosperity which they have never since recovered.", EADVERTIEGMENT.3 A Valuable Family Medicine. So celebrated has Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge be come, that it is regarded as the only specific cure for worms. Families should never be without a supply of it. At this season particularly, when worms are so troublesome and frequently fatal among children, parents should be watchful; and on the first appearance of those distressing symp toms - which warn tta of their presence, at once apply this powerful and efficacious remedy. We are 'confident that it only requires a trial, to con vince all that it richly merits the praises that have been lavished upon it, It is safe and infalli ble. Volumes of certificates can be produced, showing its great metcal virtues. • Mir Purchasers win be careful to ask for Dr. M'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges in comparison are worthless. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the signs ure of FLEMING BROS. Nofits. TO THE SYNODS ME. J. D. WILLIAMS, receiying agent, in Pittsburgh, for the Boards of the Church, expects to be present at the ir k setings of the Synods of Allegheny, Ohio, and Wheeling, Where he will be pleased to receive contributions, which Amy be forwarded by the members. Synodical Notices. The SYNOD OF PIEfTLADELPRIA stands adjourned, to Meet in Norristown. Pa, on the Third Tuesday, (the.2lst dab of October;at 734 o'clock P. M. The standing rule will be remembered, "that falsest one week before the meeting of Synod, the Stated Clerks of Pres. bytiries forward to the Mated Clerk ofSynod," at Doylestown, Pal, their tatistial Reports; and the Narratives of the State of Religion in their Presbyteries severally, to" Rev James Cisciwell, Parkersburg. Pa., the Chairman of the Com m t e of Synod on the Narrative." S. M. ANDREWS, Stated Clerk. - • Th Snit meeting of the SYNOD OF CHICAGO, by order of; General Assembly, will be held at Princeton, Bureau Coub Jll., on the Third Thursday of October, at 7 o'clock P. Dt i . Opening sermon by Rev. I. Pillsbury. The, - SYNOD OF PITTSBURGH will meet. agreeably to adjournment, in the Filet Presbyterian church, Pittsburgh, on the'Third Tuesday, (' let) of October, at 3 o'clock P. ' . WILLIAM JEFFERY, Stated Clerk. - The, SYNOD OF WiIDELING will meet in the Second chnrch, Stimbenville: Ohio; on the Third Tuesday (Mst) of October at 4 o'clock P. M. CHARLES a BEATTY, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF NORTHERN INDIANA stands adjourned, to meet iii;Crawfordaville, Indiana, on the' Third Thursday of October next, at 7 o'clock P. bf. E. N. wnwar, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD of lOWA is adjourned to meet in the city of Burlington, on the Second Thursday of October, id 7 o'clock P. M. J. D. MASON, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF 'WISCONSIN will meet in the city of Janesville, n Thursday, the 9th of Oetober, at 7 o'clock P. Opening'hi. -sermon by .Itov. John A.. Savage, D D. In order to.avoid confusion, AM members of Synod are re quested-tit inform the Session of the church at Janesville if they design to attend, so that arrangements can be made for their'leniertainment, previous to the time of meeting. When they arrive, wilt please call at the chapel, and report themselves to they Committee of Arrangements, who will con- duct themito theta several places. And oblige AL W. STAPLES. Presbyterial Notices. The PRESBYTERY OF CONCORD stands adjourned, to meet in Statesville, Iredell County, N. 0., on the First Wed nesday in November, at 11 o'clock A. M. R. H. LAFFERTY, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF RICHLAND will hold ite next tated meeting et la. Vernon, commencing on Tuesday, the 4th of October, at 7 o'clock P. M. . J. B. MARQUIS, Stated Clerk The PRESBYTERY OF ROOK RIVER will hold its stated ' 11 meeting in the Second Presbyterian church. Freeport, o Monday. 13th of October, at 7% o'clock P. M. mem. m • to for Contingent Fund will be called for. S. 1.". WILSON', Stated Clerk. ! , e PRESBYTERY OF NEWCASTLE will meet at the W • o Clay Creek' Presbyterian church, on the 7th day of Oct ter, at 11 o'clock A. M. R. P. DUBOIS, tUtted Clerk Second PRESBYTERY OF PEtbADELPHIA will 9 next stated meeting in the Presbyterian church at urg, on the First Tuesday (7th) of October, at 11 A. M. JACOB BELVILLE, stated Clerk. hold o'oloo The meet (21st d. ESBYTERY OF FINDLAY stands adjourned, to ;bourbon. Allen County, Ohio, on the Third Tuesday I of October, at 2 o'clock P .11. 11: HOLLIDAY, Stated Clerk. 'The ' next Tile,N A. M. SBYTERY OF'NEW BRUNSWICK will hold ite meeting in thS Presbyterian'eburell, in Titus on Tuesday, the 7th of Ootober, at 11 o'clock k. D. WHITE, Stated Clerk. The P' Wed n the E rst BYTERY kATUTAN will hold their neat (D. T.) fa the cbarcb. et Pleneent GroTo, on edgy in October, at 11 o'ciock A. M. P. O. STUDDIFORD, Stated Clerk. The ER Preabyteria October ilex YFERY OF OHIO will meet in the Second thurch, l'ittsburgh, on the First Tuesday of .t 11 o'clock A. M. W. B. MCILVAINB, Stated Clerk. The PIES their next a White Deer, RY OF NORTHUMBERL4N - D will bold d meeting in the Presbyterian church, in Ciietday, Oct 7th, at 11 o'clock A. M. ISAAC GRIER, Stated Clerk. The PRESS meet at Centre tober, at 11 o'c RY OF 'STEUBIZIVILLE adjourned, to cy, on the - First Tuesday (7th day) of Oc• A. M. JOHN R. AGNEW, Stated Clerk. The PRESBY on Monday, Oct Y OF DU RUQUE will meet at Dubuque, , at 7 o'clock P. M. JOSHUA PHELPS, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYT t mouth. 111., Octobe and a delegeterrom OF SCHUYLER will meet in Mon. 4th, at 9 o'clock A. M. All ministers ery church, 'will be expected. THOMAS S. VAILL, Stated Clerk. . • ThePRESRYTER to meet to tho chum] day of October, at 2 ri 'OF COSHOCTON stands adjourned, East Hopewell, on the First Tues. lock P. M. - P. M. SENEPLES, Stand, Clerk. The next stated mee INGDON will be held ing Valley, on the o'clock A. M. g of the PRESBYTERY OF HUNT• the Presbyterian church o! Sink• Tuesday. (7th) of October, at 11. The morning passen 1 at the Spruce Creek Sta utea A. M; and the tre minutes A. M. Carriage: bertf t who come by railroa of the latter train, and c. train of cars going Bast, arrives , P. It. 8., at 4 o'clock and B.lllili going West, at 7 o'clock and 40 Al be provided to meet the mem at this station, upon the arrival j ••ey them to the church. 1 ENT HAMILL, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY coi . Cadiz, 0., cm the First Tues The PRESBYTERY& W Buffalo, on the First Tuesda 2 o'clock P. M. CY 1 The PRESBYTERY OP K. boro', 111. , on Saturday, the 41 THOMAS The next stated meeting of t TON will he held at Shawnee, 3 o'clock P. M. E. The PRESBYTERY OF DO stated meeting at Cbeotnut 1,67 7th, at .11. o'clock A. M. JOII FA The PRESBYTERY OP OHICA meeting at Chicago, in the South the Last Tuesday (30th) of Septe o'clock, P. M. GEO. N. CO The PRESBYTERY OP BLAr ) saittiburg, on the Sent Tuesday o b i P. M. The opening sermon will tor, and the eermdn on the second . A. McF..L emit September. 11th, at Lebaute parsons Miller, Mr. KING TORRENCE to Miss Kay; legbeny.County, Pa- . • -On the 28th ult., by see. P. O. Jean BEEIG9 f IIf Pittsburgh, W ?dies ELIZABETH gbeny County. , . , the iame, on the 4th . inst., Mr. DA MISS ELIZABETH STODDLILD, both Of Biome? CL AIBSTILLE will moot In of October, at 11 o'clock A. M. N MOFFAT, Stated Clerk. tulerlfiON will meet atlower f7th day) of October next, at DIOKSON, , Stated Clerk. . t A SIITA will meet in 11111 e. tf October, at 2 o'clock P. N. S. HYNES, Stated_Clerls. PRESBYTERY Or NEW- TocodaY, October 71h, at WILSON, Stated Clerk. AL will hold its next on Tuesday, Ootober the 'llAlt, Stated Clerk Will bold its nertitated libyterian church, on it halfpait seven ) 11,U1ii Stated Clerk. 'ILLS will meet at ber next, at 2 o'clock • ched by the Modem , by Mr. Hastings. ILN, Stated Clerk. by Rev. O. 11 nu; all of PROFESSOR OF DUSIC, GRADUATE 1 4 k. of one of the butt. institutions In Burope, who has taught in Seminaries sateral years, with the beat success, desires a ro•engagement as a Teacher of Music. &c., such as Piano, Melodeon, Guitar, 2 borough Bass,. Singing, Painting in oil and water colors. Best of reference Oxen. Mew address "Box 12, 'Birmingham, Huntingdon County, Pa." a t Mr. Ammar .ttracr, of dile- K. Owns to II On Tuesday, the 16th font., by Rev. J. L. Vallandighato, Mr. WM. D. SMITH, Or Calvert County, bld., to Mies ADALINY. llaenty.y, of NowaTk, Del. Sept. 3d, by Rey. R. M. WaMee, Mr. Jogx Moaterr, of Canonsburg, Pa., to 'Miss Saran Pam, of Bridgeport, Fay ette County, Pa. On the 13th inst., by Res. S. Sturges, Mr. Duo .Mrwat to Mida Etna An PEADEE, all of Phillipsburg, N.J. . August 213th, by Rer. 11. Newell. Mr. J. Y. HENDERSON, or Columbus, Wisconsin, to ELLA E. NEW.7IL, of Fort Madison, daughter of the officiating minister. 1 p bituarg. Dosn2-On Sabbath, the 17th of August, Mrs. NANOT SEA ewe, a consistent member of the, Presbyterian church of Butler, aged'about 37 years. " Mrs. Seaman was greatly esteemed by all who knew her, and will be much lamented. She leaves a husband and five children, the youngest but a few days old at her death. Mrs. Seaman died a triumphant death. Don—On the 26th of August, in Butler, Pa., Mrs. Mxemet CATHARINE Mcßamer, wife of Dr. Isaiah Mc Makin, in the 26th year of her age. • Mrs. McJunkin was an ornament to society, and a valua ble member of the Presbyterian Church. Her death will be much lamented by her numerous friends and acquaint ances. She leaves'a little son and daughter to experience, but not fully to appreciate, their peat kss. Elmn—Of typhoid fever, in Kittanning, Armstrong County, Sept. 2d, Mr. ROBERT TEIORN, Jr., in the lith. year of his age. Mr. Thorn became hopefully pious, and a communing member in the Presbyterian church of Butler, when eighteen years of age. Possessing an excellent English education, he became one of the most Successful teachers of youth, and was engaged in that useful occupation when taken with his last illness. In the church of Kittanning, be was recently elected Ruling Elder, but died before.the day appointed for his ordination. He ardently longed to be qualified for the ministry; and to this end was studying the Latin and Greek languages. He was an upright, laborious, and use ful man. He leaeus.a wife and two children. DimPL-Near Ripley. Ohio, on Saturday everting, September 15th, natty TROMti, youngest daughter of John and Sarah Salisbury, aged 18 months. Her disease was congestion of the spine. Only a little over three days, from apparent perfect health, fill her little form was still in death. " The Lord giveth and tho Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of tho Lord." " Forbid them not," whom Jesus calls • • Nor dare the claim resist, Since his own lips to us declare, Heaven does of such consist. With flowing tears, and stricken hearts, We give her up to thee; since thoo bast taken to rhino arms, Wo would submissive be. This lovely bud, so young, so fair, Called hence by early doom, Just came to show how sweet a flower In Paradise will bloom. ' DIED—On the Bth Insk,. in the 15th year of her age, at the residence of her mother, near Newark, Del, Miss ItEnema W. GARRETT. Calmly and peacefully she departed, resting upon Jesus. Sweet angel slain', thou art gone To the far-off spirit laud; On wings seraphic thou halt flown Away from our sister band. Strong were the tendrils of our hearts, Entwined about thine own ; But 't was our Saviour bade us part ; Re spake, and thou art gone, But one year since. and thy young face With health's bright beauty flushed ; Now thou art cold in death's embrace, And thy glad voice is hushed. As when the sunbeams of the morn Play o'er the dewy earth, And hearts rejoicing in the dawn, Are filled with gladsome mirth. Then, on the Western sky at even', The dark and stormy clouds Roll forth deep shadows o'er the land; And night the'earth enshrouds. So thou, npon our life's bright day, Smiled as the morning rose, But melted with the eve away; And dark shall be its close Ah, no! away above the skies, I bear a voice from fsr, "Weep not! in Jesus' diadem. There shines another star." Dom—ln Knoxville, Jefferson County, Ohio, Aug. diet, from an injury received by the bursting of the cylinder of a threshing machine, DeNun S. AUXANDCIi aged 21 years. The deceased was the son of James Alexander, Req., long and favorably known aaa Ruling Hider in the Presbyterian church of Island Creek. He was a young man, of amiable disposition, kind and affectionate to his parents, and beloved and highly esteemed by all who knew him. His death was a painful casualty, and is a sore bereavement to his aged parents and family, and one of those dispensations of Prov idence which should teach us the importance of being al ways " ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man corneth.'! He left home on Friday, at noon, intending to*return be fore nighVand had jaet commenced an hour or two'e work, when the accident occurred, which Famed hie deatii. Thus, "In the midst of life we are in death." His death is a sol emn warning to the young, and especially to the circle of his coiripanioos, of the-uncertainty of life, and the necessity of a preparation for (oath. "Row short and hasty is our life; How vast our soul's affairs." M. A. P. Iltsn--Angust 23, near Chestnut Level, Lancaster County, Pa., Mrs. MART lawnvs, in the 73d year of her age. Mrs. Irwin° was the daughter of John Reed, Esq ,aßuling Eiderin the Presbyterian church of Chestnut Level. In the morning of her days, she embraced the Fallout., and united with the Church of Christ. Few who have named the name of Christ have more fully exemplified throughout a long life, the beautiful graces o f a child of God. Her meek and humble spirit; her miff irmly consistent walk and conversation; and her untiring devotion to the cause of her Redeemer, secured for her a large plaman the confidence and affections of (find's people. For the last twenty years, it his been the privilege .of the writer to enjoy an uninter rupted end intimste asquainterice with the subject of this notice, and'he can truly testify, that under all circumstan ces, whether.% prosperity or adversity, itysickuess or in health, she was always the same meek, humble, devoted Christian. It will be no unexpected announcement to die• taut friends and kindred, that her latter end was peace, oftentimes assuring those who ministered around her sick bed, during a protracted and painful illness, that she telt and enjoyed the Saviour's presence and Supporting grace. Death, for her, had no sting; the grave will lutve no victory. • K. C. L. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ARRANGEMMTS, - Al' 0 i RNAGIUOPS CLOPPING HALL AND FURNISHING STORE, Corner of Federal and Water Streets, Allegheny City. THE CASH SYSTEH ADOPT.ED, AND PRICES REDUCED. With a full appreciation of past favors, and a desire to merit the continued patronage of a discriminating public, the undersigned has changed his system of business, and presents this card of information to buyers of this / AND BOYS' CLOTHING. To increase his facilities for a • iABIIIONAIILE CUSTOM TSARS, An engagement, at with heavy expense, bas Just been made Irk* "Obi Cutter, who OCCUPII33 a high po sition as anlitt led mechanic, and whose reputation among thO s -ftlat o ass.Toiloring Establishments in New York and Philadelphia encourages the belief, that lull satisfac tion in his depaitment will be given to the most fastidious. A. superior stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Fur Men and Boys' Wear Is now on bands, embracing, in part, FINE FRENCH, AND ENGITSEE CLOTRS A fall assortment of new style Over Coating; French and English Caisimeres • Gienadine and silk Plush ' Nestings, entirely new styles, which, with a full variety of well made Clothing, Shirts. Gloves, Hosiery, for Alen and Reps, &c, Renders the stock both large and attractive. REPORTS OF FASHION Are received monthly from Paris, that every Garment may be cut in the newest style, and made in the best manner. All Goods are marked down in price to small advances, but sold for CASH ONLY. J. HARNAGIIA.N. Allegheny, Sept. 15,1858. ser7-2t ARRIEW BEECH/Fat STOWE9I4 NOVEL!—Dyed ; a tale of the treat Dismal Swamp vols., $1.75; by mail s prepaid, $ 2 . 0 0. For ludo by JOIIN B. DAVISON, se27-4t 65 Market, Street, .61ttaburgh. BIBL E SI BIBLES I BIBLES :—THE. SUB. SCRIBER is now opening the largest and most beau- WM assortment of American and English Bibles ever brought to Pittsburgh. Bagster's elegant small , quarto comprehensive Bible, and otters from his celebrated press, are among them. lie hopes to suit every taste and purse— from 37 cents to 35 dollars. For vle, wholesale and retail, by JOAN B. DAVISON, se27-4t 65 Market Street, Pittsburgh. LARGE ARRIVAL. OF FALL AND WIN- T glt GOODS, at the store of Murphy .41 Burchfield, North-Beet corner of 4th and Market Streets, Pittsburgh. .We are now receiving a large supply of goods. selected with much care, from the leading houses of New York and Philadelphia ' embracing Ladies' Dress Goods, such as French Merinos and Cashmeres ; printed do ; rich printed Mous do 'Danes; black and fancy Silks, and other now stylos of goods. Also, - CLOAK'S AND MANTILLAS, In "Velvet, Silk, and Cloth, of the newest styles; and a fall 'supply of Staple Goode, for family use, such as the beet make of Shinano Linens, Ac.; Flannels of till kinds, in cluding Welsh, danze, and home-made. Also, superior Cloths and Cassitneree, Jeans, Tweeds, dro., for Men and Moys' wear. It will continul to be our plan to keep n stock of good goods, and sail at low prices. 5e27.10 MURPHY BUBCIIFTELD. DUED ; A TALE OF THE GREAT DISMAL SWAMP, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, autbor of " Uncle Tom's Catia." 2 vole: $1.75; by mail, pre-paid. $2.Ce) Far sale, wholeFale and retail, by .1013 N S. DA V ISON, see-4t 65 Market Street, Pittpburgb. NEW STORY, BY THE AUTHOR OF "The Wide 'World," "Oueeehey." The Bills of the dnatemuc. Price t 1.25 ; by mail, prepaid, $1.46. For sale, wholesale and retail, by . JOHN S. DAVISON, 5e27 , 4t 65 Market Street. Pittsburgh. HILLS OF THE SU ATE MITC, A NEW STORY, by the enthor of "The Wide World," and " Queechey." Price $1..25; by mail. prepaid, $1.45. For sale, wholesale and retail, by JOHN S. DAWSON, ee27-4t 65 Market Street. l'ittshorgb. fOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.—MARTYRS TO SCROFULA., RFJOICEI—This subtle disease, descending, from generation to Eteneration. a &arra! heir loom, may .be literally okrirpared by tbis penetrating un guent. AU eruptions and sores yiel ito its curativeproper ties. Sold at the manufactories, No.BO Maiden Lane, New York. and No. 244 ?Aroma, London; and by all dive:gists, at 2fic., 62 , 4 c., and $l.OO per pot. ee2.7-3t O TEACHERS.—ON ACIDOITNT OF ILL IL 'health, I offer, at private sale, my Academy, located in the central part of Pennsylvania. The buildings are nearly new, 100 feet by 45, three stories high, with ample =COM- Modations for 70 boarders, and a family. The gross income of this Institntiln is now about $5,000 per annum. !Terms very may. If not sold by the let of December, it will be leased fora term of years . . Address 0. P. Q., se27-et* Harrisburg, Pa. • -siLvirit. PLATED WARE, Manufactured by ' JOHN 0. MEAD & SONS, The oldest and most experienced ELECTRA PLATERS in the United States. , • SETS AND 'IIRKS„ PITCHERS. GOBLET'S, TUREENS, &c., &c., OF The most elaborate and richest patterns in America. ALSO, SPOONS, FORKS. LADLES, FRUIT, TEA AND TABLE KNIVES, ETC. No. 15 South Ninth Street, above Chestnut, Near the Girard House, 131327;1y* Philadelphia. 111LIS T ISSUE D—JACOBUSPS NOTES ON TUB GOSekll4 by JOHN.—This is the third volume of a aeries oo the Evangeli4g. Tho followinw are a part of the many testimonies borne in favor of the former portions of the work: "These volumes display in a very eminent degree the excellences which should appear in a condensed commentary on any portion of the Word of God. They embrace the marrow of all the beat writers and Gins mentators on. the .4ospels. The labor which they must have cost is immense, and could only have been devoted by one whose heart was in the work• The "Harmony of the Gospels, which is interwoven in the Notes, and the wonder• ful condensation c f facts and expositions, render both vol. owes extremely valuablo."—Presb. Banner. "For valuable conch motion, and accuracy and safety of interpretation, we think it superior to Barnes, and would advise its use in our Bible Olusses."—Christian Intel gcneer. " Admirably adapted to the Babbath School, Bibb; Class, and Fondly,. with this advantaue of preceding works, that it has appropriated the results of the latest inquiries on sari ens subjects connected with Biblical Litemture."—Purilan. Recarder. "The anther, by his learning, taste. an skill, is eminent ly qualified for the responsible work of en annotator on the Holy Scriptures. In his Notes, be combines the mar row and fatness of many commentators with his own ideas, and associates his cemments with a Harmony of the Gospels, in a very impressive manner."—Zion's Herald. "The Notes ate evidently prepared with great care, and fully illustrate the textto the comprehension, welled almost saiii.of the least attentive reader. We regard these volumes as an important auxiliary to the study of the Gospels, and a valuable addition to nor Biblical Literature designed for the roasses."—Mbuny Argos. Frew, James Hamilton, D. D., London.—"l am eapecially delighted to find that you persevere with your Gommentary on the New Testament; and from its admirable execution, 1 am not surprised, although very happy to learn, that the former volumes have gone through so many editions." Prom N. L. Rice, D. .D., St. LOW.; ttfo.—in my opinion, you are doing for the Church and the cause of truth, avesy valuable service, in the preparation and publication of your Commentaries •on the New . Testament. They till a place which it is most intPortant to have filled. They are read by the members of Bible Classes, and by teachers, and by pu pils in Sabbath. Schools, because in them they find. in a few words, the exposition and information they are seeking; and for the same reason they will find a general -circula tion." It. CARTER & BROS., Nev York; 3. S. DAVISON, Mar ket Street, Pittsburgh ; TAS. A. IRWIN, 800 rd of Colport ago. St, CI ni r Strout ; W. S. RENTOUL, St. Clair Street. Alfa COCHRANE, Allegheuy City. TURCARORI ACADEMY, FOUNDED IN 16:36.—f he Winter Session of this Institution opens on the ]st of November next. The last Ciitalogue numbers 160 students, from tea States of the Union. Tile course of instruction Is fall and tuorough, both as to preparation for business and for Collage. Students have been entered by the Principal at Yale, Pvinceton, Dickinson. Lafayette, Jefferson, Washington, and Delaware Colleges. Locatim in the coun try, easy of access,' healthful, free from temptations, and In the midst of beautiful scenery. The moral and religious influences Wand around the Institution are all the most anxious parent can desire. For catalogues, containing full information, apply atthis otlieb, or to J. IL SHUMAKER, M. A., Principal, se2o-3m Academia, Juniata County, Pa. FriHE' MILL ER A(JADEIIY, AT WASH .. LIGTt/N, o.—The minter Term iu thisinstitution willreommence on Monday, the 3d of November, and.,will continue fire months. This Academy is under the !lper vision and care of the Presbytery. of Zanesville, and has ac quired a high reputation for strict digelpiine. thorough In struction; end good morale. A very large proportion of its etutents are Church members, and candidates for the Gos pel ministry. Tawas.—For tuition in the English branches, $BOO per session. For tuition in the Languages, $l.OlO per session. Private Hoarding, g 2.00 per week. For Circulare, and other information, arldroßs REV. J. E. ALEX A.NDEIt, Principal, or J. Y. McKER, A:T., Assistant. ee2o-4,0 "DUN LAP S CREEK PRESBYTERIAL ALADY.MY, near liderrittstown, Fayette County, Pa. 'rho Winter Stesion will open- on Wednesday, thu 20ch of October. The hoarding-house la under the core of the Prin cipal. Terme, for board andlnition, $55'00, light and.fuel, extra., • ' S. B. Iti. 'KRUM, Principal. seto-7t* TI-INDLOG [DAM AND STA,TiIiDARD It WORKS —Hebrew Bibles, American and Leila& editions; do. Lexicons, Grammars, and the various Text Woks in uss in the Theological Semitiarida, 'students' Note Books and Stationery, for sale at low prices, at the Bookstore of' , G. COCHRANE, se2o No. 6 Federal Street, Allegheny. JdCOBIIS7ti NOTES ON JOHN, JUST published by Carter .& Bros., and other new publica tions, reeelved at the Bookstore of se2o N. C. COOHRANE, Allegheny. .I[llo.l , L 0 WAYS PILLS.—PERFECT inotoTioN and purify the bile, produce healthy blood; and if the functions or either ths stomach or the - lira are ritsordared, Holloway'.3 Pills will assuredly repair . the mischief, and enable them to supply the channels of cir culation with an uncontaminated fluid, Sold at the menu factories, No.Bo Maiden Lane, Now York. and N 0.244 Strand London; and by ell druggists, at 25c., 8234 c.. and $l. per box. WANTED—A WIDOW LADY, OR A. MAN and wire, to take charge of a Boarding Nouse. None need apply without sending reference. Address W. It.. wonus, Shade Gap, Huntingdon Co., Pa. COTTAGE SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, Pottstown, Montgomery County Pa. The Winter Session of this Institution will commence November 4th. Tor Circulars, with full particulars, address ItEV. W. R. WORE. sel3-ly • Principal and Proprietor. STEUBENVYLLE PRMAI.E SEMINARY. —This Institution will commence its Winter Session on lloniay, November 3d. The terms, which are the some as formerly, With all other information, may be found in the printed outline, to be obtained from the Superintendent, sel3.3t* cirAtthr.B C. BkikTTY. EW ISSUES OF THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, No. 3u3 Chestnut Street, Kills.. Life of the Apostles John and PAUL, by Bev. Liorace 'looker, completing the set of Galladett's Scripture Biog raphy, in eleven volumes, with engravings; pp. 384,18 mu.; 35 cents. iteply to Paine. This able and conclusive. work, which has been included in the Society's Volume on Infidelity, is now iesued separately, and in larger type, (as above) that it may be accessible to all who wish to circulate it, to coun teract the ',claim of prevailing error. illustrated Family Almanac for 1857, adapted for all puts of the country, with nine elegant engravings. This Al manac contains four calendars complete, osleulated for Bos. ton, New York, Baltimore, and Charleston. ['rice, 6 cents tingle, $3.50 fur 100, $3O for [OOO This • Alm spec barely pays - the cost of Issuing it, and ought to reach a million families in our own country: Dealers, and others, should order early. The Christian Almanac, in German, for 1857,1 s of the same character, on the same terms. New Tract, No. 583, "The Precious Blood of Christ?' je2-ly . wT LS NOT A OYEZ —GREY HAIRED, _W Bald, or persons afflicted wi h diseases of the hair or scalp, read the following, end judge of MRS: S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S ILAIR: RESTORER: REV. AL THACHER, (00 years of age,) Pitcher. Cheiming,o County, N. Y. " illy hair is now restored to its natural color. and ceases to fall." MA'. PROM. GEORGE SITEPARD, Ihngor, Me. "I find friends who on my recommendation, are disposed to try it. &a." REV. WM. CUTTER, Editor Mothers' 11fagazine.N Y. "Iffy hair is changed to its natural color, and growing on bald spot, &c." REV. B. P. STONE, D. D„ Concord, N. 11. "My hair, which was grey. in now restored to its natural color, &e." REV. D. CI,ENDENIN, Chicago. ill. "I can add my testimony, cud recommend It to my friends." R VA). T. WOOD, 31Ideletown, N. Y. "My own hair ha greatly thickened. and also that of one of my family, wh, was becoming bold, -&c" REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charleston, S.C. "The white hair is becoming obviated, and new hair forming, &c." REV. A. PRINK, Silver Creek, N. Y. "It has prhauced IL good effect on my, hair, and I can and have recommended it." REV. JO ISPLI WINNE, Pastor or West D. R. church, N.Y., recommenda It. REV. D. MORRIS Cross River, N. Y., also, and MRS. REV. 11. A. PRATT, Ilsmden,•N. Y. We might swell this list, bat if the above fail to convinc —t ,. y it/ Said by all the principal merchants in the United St& a, Cuba and Canada. Wholesale and retail depot, No 85.5 Broome Street. N. Y. .tom Some dealers try to sell articles, knifes.' of this, on which they, make more profit; if so, write to depot for cir cular and information. sed,Sm Al 4 LE G LI EN Y PEINA_LE SEMINARY, neat building Eaat of Peet °Mee, Allegheny City. This Inatltntion will open 'ita first session of live months, on Monday, the Bret day of September, 1850. For informa tion relative to the design of the Institution—Bs facilities; Board of Instruction, Terme, &a., see circulars, at the Fres hyterimt Book-Rorime, 'St. Clair Street, Pittabnrgh t or at K P. Schwarta's Drug Stem, .4ilegheny,City. jyl9-if PROSPECTUE4 OF TOE PRESBYTERIAN BINPLI- CID Aldnrcatt, The ELMER le publiehed weekly, In the cities of rms. berghand Philadelphia, and la adapted to general circulation in the Presbyterian Church. TIMMS IN ADVANCE, IN CLUBS of twenty, and upwards, DELIVERED in either of the cities, ADVEETIEEMEINTS; In Advance. For eight lines, or less, one insertion 50 cents ; each EIV G . sequent insertion, 25 cents. Each additional line, bey, out eight, 3 cents for every insertion. For eight lines, three months, $3.00. Each additional lire 26 cents. For eight lines, One Year, $lO.OO. Each additional line- el. CARDS of two lines, $5 a year, and $1 for each ode , . tional line. 13001271183 Nortmes of ten linos or less, One Dollar. Each additional line, 5 Cent , . O. Communication, reozmmendatory of Inventions, Me dical Practice, Schools, . 1 / 4 c. &c., being designed for the penz nkry bandit of .Individuals, should be paid for as Business Notices. REMIT by mail, where no good Fortuity le otherwise at hand. Drafts or notes of the larger denominations are preferable, where they can be conveniently obtained. Sunscairrtose taken by Rev. S. tluiteuu, 73 West Fayette Street, ..Baltimore. - J. D. Williams, Esq., and Jas. A. Irwin, Esq., Presbyterian rooms, No. 45 tit. Clair Street, Pitts burgh. Rev. R. H. Richardson, of Chicago. J. S. Copes, M. D., New Orleans. PASTORS sending us twenty subscribers and upwards will be thereby entitled to a paper without charge. N.B. When Presbyterian families are very much dispersed, hey may be accommodated at the Club price, even though a ew ole. of The e oo Ptwentyls be wanting. Let all be supplied, If i. we shall favor, to our utmost ability. Let e supply be PULL, but every paper paScifar. For Two Dollars paid, we will send Seventy numbers; cr for One Dollar, Thirty-three numbers. This le for the sale of easy remittance. ye Iv credit is extended (we wish It may not be needful to give credit) the CONDITION is Two Dollars, after the third month, and Two Dollars; and Fifty cents, at the end of the year. These are but customary prices for other papers. If Pastois, in making up clubs, find some permits not ready to pay at once, theymay yet send on the names, at the Club price, on their own responsibility to pay us shortly. It is desirable that clubs date their subscripticn periods at the, same time. DAVID SlCHlNNNY , Proprietor. l inH E UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN A 1.- jIL POINTED Receiving Agent and Treasurer. for the Pi/- lowing Church enterprises, in the Synods of PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENY, WHEELING, AND OHIO, via The General Assembly's BOARD OF DOMESTIC SIONS; the General Assembly's BOARD OF EDUCATION ; the General Assembly's CHURCH EXTENSION COMMIT TEE, (St. Louis); and the FUND FOR SUPERANNUATED MINISTERS AND THEIR FAMILIES. Correspondents will please address him as below. stating distinctly the Presbytery and )lurch, from which contribu tions aro Bent; and when a receipt is required by mail, Ole name of the post office and County. As heretofore, monthly reports will be made through the Presbyterian Banner and Advocate and the Home and Poreiyn, Record, J. D. WILLIAMS, Trea.surer, Presbyterian Rooms, 45 St. Cleir Street. my 24 Pittsburgh, Pn. .ffirAND VD IN AL ACADEMY, NORTH SEWICKLEY, BEAVER COUNTY, Pa. ker. Henry Webber, Principal. Mr. A. E. Thompson and Mies Ituth C. Bowman, Teachers. This Institution is located in a healthful and beautiful re. gion of country, and affords superior facilities for study and personal comfort, with entire freedom from immoral twtocia lions. It is the constant aim of the Principal to surround the young with the influences and restrictions of a Christian borne, and prepare them, as far as practicable, for all the ac- tive duties of life. The course of instruction is comprehensive and thorough, embracing all the branches necessary to prepare the pupils for active business pursuits, for teachers, or for admission into the Junior Mama any of our first Colleges. Strom for advantages are afforded to young ladies to perfect themselves in the principles and practice of instrumental music, on the Piano. Large and commodious buildings ban been erected. where the pupils are constantly under the supervision of the Prin- Cipal. The Academy is located thirty miles from Pittsburgh, eight miles from. Zelionople, eight miles from New Brighton, and fifteen miles front Newcastle. Is easy of access by railroad or canal. .An examination of the students of the Institution will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 23d and 24th of September. Tratus.--Itosrd, room, fuel, &c., $50.00. Turn - cm—Preparatory Department, $6.00. Middle Year, $3.00. Junior, $9.00. Senior, $lOOO. ErFRAN —Latin and Greek, $B.OO. Instrumental Music, $16.00. Use of Instrument, $4OO. Painting and Drawing, $5.00. Stationery and Contingent, $3.00. Washing, f : .4.00. Osa RALF to be paid in advance; the remainder at close of session For further particulars, see published Circular, oracidress It.v. H. WEBBER., Principal, North Sewickley. RFatver County, Ps. I=ol DG WORTH LADIRS> SEMINARY, pA S ewickley, Allegheny County, Pa. key. N.H. Wilson, D. D., Prineipal, assisted by six expe rienced and thoroughly qualified. Teachers. The next session of this well known Institution will com mence ou the First Monday in November, and continue Eve months. Situated in the beautiful and healthful valley of Sewick ley. within twelve miles et - Pittsburgh, and one of Sewick leyville, with the Ohio River, and the. Ohio and rennin, lea nt* Railroad running within sight, It is easy of access, either from the East or West. Away from the noise and tempta tions of town and city, the pupils enjoy the greatest advan tageslor uninterrupted study; whilst the extensivigrounds and shady retreats pertaining to the Seminary, afford Ample opportunity for exercise, so necessary to the development of a good physical constitution, as well as a vigorous state of mind. The number of boarding pupils IS limited, in order that finch and all may oujoy the personal care and attentiot of the Principal and hie lady. TENNIS—Sib per Session, to include boarding and tuition in all tto English branches. For Cireblars, or further information. apply to 3. D. Mc 0011D, Esq,., No. 131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, or to the Principal. au3 Lot lr OCU ST GROVE..SEBLINARY, NEAR 4 rinstsimuit.—A BOARDING AND Der Stamm, ron YOUNG/ LADIES —Rep. George T. Rider, A AL, Rector —The Fall Term of this Institution opens on the Third Wednesday in September. to eon+ tune, with a brief recess.twenty wetke. The Educational Department will be sustained by success ful and experienced teachers. The Domestic. Deportment offers the comforts and privi leges of a refined and Clbrietion home. Parpntg and Cluardiang may restasaured that " The Grave" will afford every advantage of the beet limitations, either at the Beet or West. Especial facilities provided for the study of Music and the Modern Languages. The policy of the school is neither denominational nor exclusive; it is cordially opened to alt who seek its privi lege& Applications should be made to fbe Rector as early as pos sible, as only a limitsd number can be received. A conveyance provided for day pupils. Circulars may be bad at Mellor's, and Davison's; alp°, of the Rftinr, by the Poet °Mee: BAIR-SVILL E FEDI ADE, SEMINAR Y.— On the Blairsville Branch etihe Centre). Penna. Railroad. Rev. S. 11. SIMPLE; A. M., Mrs. P. P. aIMPLEY, with six teachers. Ae^ommodations for seventy boarding who'll* „Course of study systematic, thorough, and extendid..? l :Pirnils re ceived for a partial or the entire course. - The best facilities afforded for the study of instrumental Music. Drawing, Painting and French, at usual rates. Charge for tuition, in regular studies, and board, furnished room. lights, &c., (exclusive of washing and fuel,) per session of five months, half in advance, $60.00. Tea per cent. abatement for two from the same family; also. for daughters of clergymen, and ladies preparing to teach, whose circumstances require it. Catalogues fur. nished, on application. Present session will close September 25. The next session will commence Nov. 3. S. H. SHEPLEY, Proprietor. Blairsville. Indiana County, Pa. se6-2.A. IGHLY USEVIUL DIES OV ER Y AN elderly gentleman, accustomed to the raising nod managing of Bees, has discovered a method by which be. or any one, can prevent bees from going away. It is truly amusing to be able to bring down a stray swarm that 3ou may bear passing Over your bead. Or if your bees manifest a dispositien, when coming out of the hive, to fly ciif nith out lighting, you can make them light. Or if they attempt to go away after they have been hived, you can make them swarm on your hat. if you wish. It is no trifling matter, but truly useful and amusing, and every one that is con uected with the raising of bees, should be acquainted with. Any person enclosing and sentlingonedollar, and a stamp, to Dr. WM. BIttlYSTEat, editor of the Tournal, ' lluntingtion, finutingden County, Pa., will receive full instructions how to proceed. AC ARD.--RAVING TESTED FOR ONE year thesystem of dealing exclusively in noun. mg eau flouseketping Goods, ea are now fully convinced of die advantages, both to buyer and seller, winch r. salt from it. We nfine.onrselves to the above named classes of goods, Mid can thus devote more attention to, and put togei her a much larger assortment of each clues. ,Our stock ineholes no baits, or goods to be sold at cost, involving the neces , ity of large protit upon linens, and other articles. Thus. w bile the purchaser has the advantage of selecting from a large assortment, the inducements of low prices, and the cart lin ty of getting the very best quality, is also presented We oak the inspection of our stock by those wanting article. in our line, and feel confident they cannot fail to be SU tr,c-d, in goods and price. BROORS COOidln. sal& if No. 75 Market Street, Pittsburg. b. rwIHE PLACE TO BUY FINE w/vrcei IL JEWELRY, GIL YER WARE, and FANCY GOODS W. 11. ELTONHEAD'S Eta Watch, Jewelry, and Silver Ware Store, No. 184 S. SECOND Street. between Pine and Union, west side, Phi hula. where you will find a large assortment of the slove named goods: also, Plated Communion Service, Ten- Setts, Cake Baskete, Ceators, Spoons, Forks, J:c. All kinds of Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, mode to orderand repaired. 11,3,..d deduction made to Clergymen. _la I will sail my goods as low as can be had in the city. VENETIAN B L I N D S. A. BRITTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS, & WHOLESALE AND RETAIb DEALERS. N 0.32 North SECOND Street, above Market, DbLedelphic. The largest, cheapest, and best assortment of PL any and FANCY BLINDS of any other establishment in the Braked States. I...REIAIIIING.promptIy attended to. 'Give. Ile mall, and mltiary vnviraolvoa. fofi-1 y BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. THE subscriber, being provided with Steam Printing Preens, and a great Tartars of Printing Types and other fix tures, Is prepared to execute every description of Ittoire Pamphlets, Cards, Bills, Labels, &c. Blank Deeds, Blank Books, Paper and Stationary, always on hand. J. T. BRRYCCK, No. 84 Fifth Street, Gazette Building. PitLeburph. Ate 8, Dia& derP-ir 11101 IN B. M'FADDUN & SON. 95 MARKET STREEP. Pittslnirgh, (logien in Warnhes.JewelrY,Audi Silver Waro mylo-tf CA R D.—JANES U. URISCOE, DENO TIBT. an. WALNUT Strain.- a ho•it Ninth r•l•io . ,Ato R R, IRPORTER:' or WAT 01110,„ . No. 104. - 0111i0TNUT 14.1444 second torvnfilfpit'eiphia- • . qini AIM , 144101408/6. D 'ILI TEST, Third Street lbws Pine, W Pa; ri&tr ' • 1 . 2 5 ft C, 2.70 " ea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers