. ' - - . • • - • cp.! .„ • ; f Ai. #.4 # I*. • -- Jrlrlir. '`•••` r • - ;.'' 1111 Ell ;* ~ . , p.."- - .......-- xiii,, ,i--4. 41r .,•.,,,, .:.,....., nraustisp &ray ,TtIODAi irt: •,-."'• 13.0.1: 1 -:PaPPv - it i AttAzirqz . .,: , :* , ~ - , - - ,-. %.e.: , ,,,0ti I , , alsaunt—s2,oo per twit= tp advarice.lo. ~-,-, III" OA DRS 0)' ADVERTISIIitt: —_--_ • '. ' - ma : lin 21n: 31n, 4ln_ igCol yieul idol: y e a S4OO $2 OO $3OO $4OO $OOO $9OO $l4 00' cell, Vso soo 400 5.00 7001100 t 40 OW ~; k 4 200 300 640 600 9 , 00 13.00 '2B'oo, ouch 251 4 00 1 6011 00 0-0015 001 20-00 Oahe 4 ON 000 10 01) 12 oo ao oo .28 00 outbi 501 8 03112 00 13-00 15 00 33 00 85 00 oilli 8 01) 12 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 35'00 50 00 or. 12 00 18 03 23 GO 11 00 35 00 GO 00 100 00 ------------ ---------=-:-,----' .-' •+rated by `• In irertiseiaeutaavecalculated by the Such lu length °hng,tll d any less space la lateol'as it full i neh: - otelga,yh vertiatanerde must be paid for before l ti.. 08, e ept ott.yearly. contracts' When halflearly moats i advance will lie rectulti.d. - • i - -- .itufiSS II Orli/Vitt% ttie V.,ittartsI•COIIIITOISiOII lte Oa page, 16couts par lineeatii , lusertion. • ;stiiii , . Warted for leas than sl. : •-- -. . . ~ ~ 1.1. NOTICES In Local coliiunl. ltizettle per Hue if 5 than live linos ; and 60 oonta thr a notice of five . . tor less. , . . .., „. 'NOIICEZIENTS OrMAREIAIIES and IMATEIBI iVertf;U ; but all obituary utOtlcen will be charged 10 cuts hue. gcLAL ./.4 one 850 per ent trove regular eates 111 EBB 0 Atb 5 l pea or less, $5,00 per year.: Busi,rtess rds. u. vATCRILDEIII, F. A. JOittBOlf Batchelder- ! St Johnson; ' „Auto of Rlonturtenta,. Tombstones, p 3, co Ateri, fic. fißti ges. t Shovr, Wahl qr., sito Founcky. WellstiortNTA..4uly 1672.",. p. Redfield,s , tv,SEY AND COUNSEII.OIiA.TIAPI.,4OIIe . I pomptly attended to.-31u9sburg, 'flogs cc= pou'a„ Apr. l a 1872-9m.r: C. IL Seymoltr, s HIV aT LAW, Tioga Pa. - AU, Imatlii:6l eu a4 Whits caw wilt receicy.ptowpt attaption. j, X/. - i - ~,, i Geo. VV. tierrie,k, , :. a: yAT LIM'. —WallAburo, P.l. . Oftleo iti Dna Uluctz, Maiu ivlreeti" oecond .110 r, I hili tau ca ActArtur."(JaWe ' • •• Mitchell & ISETS AT LAW. Claim and Insurance,Ageuts. e in Converse & WilliSzne brick block, Over Olgood's store, Wellaboro, Pa.--4aza. :1; William A. Stone; ' • %, 4sEy AT LAW, over 0. 11. Selley's • ki*d lifiFht a 13ailey's Block 'or. Main stieeL ,wro, Ji0.1,1871. Josiah , Emery, .ty LT LAW.--:thlico oppoalto CourtllcruBe, May cc Block. Williamsport Pa. All business itly ;gentledl, Pia% 3. C. Strang, - NEI AT LAW k DISTRICT ATTOVIIET.— c wall J. D. 1.7 iles, Esq., Wollsbopo, Pa.-11m. 1, "72 C. N. D artt, • 'T.—Teeth ulnae with the NEw ratrnovanrprx. h give better sa • faction than any. thing,.olBo e. Otlice to Wri ht n Bailey's mock: Welle ., Oct. 15, 1:.+73. . 3. B. Niles, Nu AT LiV.—VitU attend promptly to' btu': entrckstott to his caro in the counties of Tloga otter. 012 co on the Avenue.—Wellaboro, Pa., 1,161/. Jno. W. Adams,i NET AT LAW, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa pons prettlyty ;Mended to.—Jau, 1,1872. • , C. L. Peck, IEI AT LAW. Allelahns promptly colleuti.4 nth W. B. &anti, Knoxville, lioga Co., Pa. - C. . Kelly . ierackeri. China andkllaase *ere, lieWe Out uiVlited Vino. Also Table and I-Soiree Far 0301.—Wellabarrk,_Fe.. Sept• 17.1672. Juo. W. Guernsey * 'SEY .tri ; 1 . .A.W.—A.11 business entrusted to him 4. promptly httetuiga to.—Ottles Ist door south • Lama Farr's storo, Tioga, Tioga county, Pa. 1,1512. Armstrong Liun, FEES AT LAW, .Williainsport, Pa, a. iMiento:ia. IL LINN. Virm, I, Smith, ATTORNEY, Bounty and Insurance Agent aLlattuul +lout to the above address, will re prolpt attention. Terms moderate.—Ruor Pa. An. 1, 1872. Barnes & Roy, INTEILS.-Atl kinds of Job *Printing lUna on wltce %%43 best manner.. Ofbcoin Bow Mock, 2d boor.--Jun. 3, 1672. , Sabinsville tiouse. .u.r.1 1 41 . 0e.,P.1.—13eaD tyro's... Proprietors A 4 WI tobli thoroughly r6itaviited and i 4 cal rendition to aceJtottlate ate tray t:114 tilwriur to.tutter.--Jan. 1, PM. 1 D. Bacon, IVI. it.v tND SURGEON—May be fottud st his 1219 t of Miss Tothrs-:=3lain promptly to all calls.—Welleboro, Seeley, Coats & Co., Knqr,lllv, 'Cloo Co., Pa.—lteceive• money iit,aLitotiut notes, and dell drafl2 oli Mow ItF.ileetinua proinOly 155440. ' 0dee.,14. IX CUX;t444-• - 11. Ay COATS, Knoxville D. 11. tnTREII wad Deakr in Tin, Stoves, Coppzr wt Iron O • aro: Job work promptly attendee% it below. A. 11. Eawtutan.—Ma• - nb 11, Petroleum Rouse, • , PA., Geo-Clam, Prop r ietor.—pool ac in;.n for both man and bostat. Charges rca rod good attention given to guostt), 1.14. Slick i,cablnet Woe of AU kinds which will be 1 " 7 tkAn the lotrost. lie iovitts all to take tie gaols before purchasing elsowheyo.— et tun place—opposite Dartt'a Wagon Shop, is Street. Welbibotp. rob. 23,18734'. M.. Yale Si co. •' ' mticthring scroral brands of choice Cigars tit prices that =mot but please `unit We use none but the best Connect `u: anal Yara Tobaccos. We matte our OVal ill aitzthat reason ran warrant them: We al assortment of good C4Owing Mad lOss, from clay • 10 the kiva• 'Vqineco wcupbet4. aio., ••• , bcO. 21, 1494. R. Atulorson, Agt. IiETAIh DEALER t FIART/WARE, - , Steel, Nana. Holm Tift i i i r g ti P' 316- Agrieuhural Li:interne , Carriage Springs, Hints. kc., Pocket' and Tahiti 41 Ware, OUIIN and Amrannitilan, Whips, micad iron—the heal in use. sfanuftie: liner in Tin, Copper, and Blieet-iron 41 41 in Tin and iron. All work warrant 1, 187:1.• • .AlOllO HOTEL, P., 41N T. /AD xvplic44l, wE4sßoito, LA. • HOLLIDAY, PropllBtOr. .tit~n 4.4(1 th goad eintaitieli htseitug The proprletfir is% te make it s tirst.elass house. Alt mild depart from this 'hells°. Free I dilutes. Sober at 4 ltelutittlous 4413(1411e5. T sAicK oit; BravEIWYII . 04k 1 „ NiLkill NT e ITRityvhro= 414444.. , yeti xtw t , ,ts ,---444ent of Gooas ever brought to • "Mons styles. Pleas° call , s4Q look . . itS. Overcoats, and 'ltepalrtntl 'd,014 Wi th thcAP Is the cheapest. ; •• '• GgORGE 1411XEnr" ; Craton Street, - 14110i:fro. Pa.' 1r Sale- or Rent. 1 . 1 LOT Carair of Paul +divot and kt•• ao tor 141134 4pOU lots nearilbe ' - ' Velial4orb. `',tic :-~_,'. .. ME SE El ff= MEE ' -, ,,,1 itAIL -- ,AY=l:.tr,lit _- TABLES , ~- ~,_.:,.-...,.•„..„,-.,,, tt.. .„2 . .,.. , ,__ i44 .,. ? „ .....,, 0 , . . -,,, r;:.„,i...krt.0 1 ..,- , -.1,-. , 7. 1-7.' '' -, Y-'• .., • ',,: 1 . 7 . ~,,if,:,';ri .;: ~.'..1.::'X'4.r....',V-. ' litoispirtAtgotill'Og*TOstilt.-,ft, ~-..- --' ,, Aiti; -. ..tffeci:irstaii:( . .i.iiiiiiiVi t itlT''.:•': 'Lig itiai trio * comuso,l, ,-- AItIOVE AT 11Luti4uuna. NO: 1i ' '' ' " - g 00 6 , .iii : zlO. T 2- .'....-..;!.! - ;..10. - 45 ti• us: 4--• 3 - .;;; '. 1, ,, ....... 7 Ssp. ta„ - ... A..: .... . i — lO 10.11.1 n,: I' , Alf , .;• -'. :' 1 tigri; --,'11?:-.::.4._..='8,_!2,qP-,-.1,i.*: .. DEPART VC II M Ptl i g iri llA i t° , ' ''' % OWE-4T Coululitti No,'i Q. ~..-::: e's... .46,p; (4. , ; Ito. 2,-i.i.'. , i.„..-.... ... 6 stfo.' ~ 1 i'... .-. ••. -, . .-• 7 0.5 p, - m . ": - 4.. , ...,,,. : :10 00 a.lp. go. '6. i.. :',:. :: . .' 'T -20 a. zia;.‘ 14.4. 8.'.. - -.. :...;.: 1!:46 *' ;' - :- : - A.:.-titlotaxiaz; siithi;:ii "0: xt-'.411' L. IV SHATTCClt;nr,Crioga p. rt. ; ---, MI • , '! ' 1-I`' „IVOULD tosp;Ctrulkir I tiiiirctitbo i pt , opy4- of. • 2, pa r ° 04 vicinity ticat ttity - nsta' Opened n , ftitorp nektilOor to 0. 17:,nears'ivit6ot an& Slioe:Ctore, thily;tilqicl to eert_ou Soto ,- k- of Dpry YV -Yr PD Wit . - 1 , 1 1 ,- -v. , I,R Yysr , DO ;. ' • 1 . 4) • -PD nit . DP • ' = •‘• 1111' ' • YY DP , P=l3 "Rtt*s ., -y4 c .; ' yy- • DDDDD - MOIR ;' „• - • ttA I TSAND OAP% tctsmiolis, ; ' '44 - ti -- - , • .;i .wooaarta ware, T 4,71 1 1) BA it DIV R Lit • = - • 01{ 9tritY , 041105,4 C. • . •z•7 , ;, - • ‘l;flitelk tyey alll , BOll Cheap for Cash. - 1 ealf'fbnl. attention to our line of o.weeriee, as we Intend to give lbie our utmost Care VIC AR, Coffee - A • tx. C. Medium • • I3est, 11 . Pr(pte - .. -. B.eak Japan Tea,- "- ; dun Powder Tea . 1.25 " • " Young Ilyaon " from 50t01.00 itlaO4 Tea - ,. - --.• "';. 1..6 • ;, 4, • • . , . Wt . WI.L HERE SAY , iiult iti.ititend to let 4 0 PERSON OR PERSONS LW .1).6.115E.4.4 neon the o' and many ether urlioles too nutagrons to rncn, an. " Cad Are, IS EA 4= 1 E11.11.. . , 1 IZEBir - SIPER PLACE,. -; April 24, 1877-311ioti. • N: SI,3LAS4NtIRE 4: O. General Insurance Agency, , Life, Fire, and Accidental. muumuu, 'Clovelancl. Ohio ' 485,733.44 Now-York Life and Piro Ins. Co 21,000,000 Royal Insit Co.; of Liverpool 10,515,001 Lancashire; ofldanchester. - Capital,.. 10,000,090.', Ins. 00.; of NOrth linietiC4 Pa ' $ 3 , 05 0.53 5 '50 Franklin lire Ins: Co. of Philti. Pa. 2. 0 9 7 ,452 25 Republic Ina, Co. of NJ Y.. Capital, i $750,000 Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y • r 000.000 Farmers Mut. Piro Its., Co. York Pi 5..... ~.. 009, 9io Phoenix Mut. Lifo Ina. Co. of Radford CC .5,081,970 50 Penn% Cattle Ins. Co. of Pottavillo. .... C 00,00 0 .00 .. 855,481,401 04 • Insurance promptly effected by .matt. or othorsrlse, on all - kinds of Property.. All 'owlets promptly adjusted And paid at My 'office. . - .111 coraritunications promptly attended to—kiflice on Mill Street 2d door from Main star Knoxville, Pa. WM. B. eMIT33 Agent. , Jiw. I. 1873-V. • 1110 s. A. 3: SOFIELD. wo B l.l b L eas D h re glva eetfully announce to the publio that FRESH :STOO • - • .Millinery and Fancy Goods! • of ovary description, for the ladies, consisting of Rats, Bonnets, Caps, Gloves, Hosiery, Nubia% Shawls, Suits, • Merino and Muslin Underwear, Germantown Wools, Zephyrs and Furs. Thankful for the gener ous patronium of tire past, she hopes to merit a con tiiiminee,of,tne,Rlllll4s, I San. I, 1872. Jan, 1, 1872 Genoial Insurance Agency, NELSON, T/OCIA Co'., PA. J. at. ileJ. - 11. CAMPBELL issuing policies in, the - following Companies A, against* tire and lightning in l'iog and Potter counties -QUEEN ~Assets, $10,000,000.011 CONTINENTAL of NOV York, ... lIANOM, of •Now York 081381.00 CIEIMANAMEI,tiCAIt, Now .York.. —1,272,00100 .WIOI4,ITNO, of Wilkeaharre, l'a 319,693.42 WICLIAMSPQRT, of Win'eport, ...... —113,066,00 All buSineas promptly attended to by mail or other wise. Losada adjusted and paid at our 0111ce. • ' Nelson. lige. - • • Lacix D.RUO l gginclßm PATENT .I.IfEDIO:INES;' , ,Pajntni, Oils, Glass, Putty, . Brushes, 'AfussO, Supporters, and Surgi , cal Instruments, X.irpote: Cco2Qb Aka. Cipia, Ttit; ac' Co, Snuff, &c. *iirszets29'.PiMAl:raPTlOEl 6...utrors.r Concorct Dm) Gioceties; Sugars, Teas, CANIITED AND DRIED FRUIT, Shah Lead. Powdo find' tOrial •*6113118; CitiMll4o &c. • BLANK & MISCELLANEOUS . . . .- - .' i. 30011, 20 .. . All School PAO% in use. Envelopes. Stationery, Bill ripil Cap PM'. initial paper, Meniciranduins. largo :Ind arnall;Bletlanarlea,Logal paper, School 'Cards and Priniers.44, Writin i'Elvittl, Chaim and Bar4ganusion. - 13(nirds: Pleturo Primes, Cords and Tassels, Mirrors. Allanns, Paper Collars and Ciao. Croquette. Base Balla, parlor giiines, at wholesslo and retail. _ NOTIONS. • , , pita eheaea. knitti.4 vlolla Atria* 'bird scates. , ) . 0 1„ great varlet* of pipes; della, , iukstan a, measure ,tapos, - rulee, ttag. Tac le, best Irvut flies, lir es, kooks Litagkets arid rods. Spothil attcrt( ( ob paid to,tlta lino fu nip a z eaott. • , ARTICLES. AGENTS FOR A14.1:140AX STEAM SAFES. YILLACIE 4,111 for allo In tho pun tral Dart of We Duro. ' ASTiNCIS k COLS; . . , Faivt,,falr Sale. fjIHE snbiicriber air! Tor lido ids Sarin in Middle ," bury, 'mall:lug of' lbdacrea; 90 acres Improve d. •Tliero id a good welling, barns and out housed on the prendsedValso two good orchards, Tho property will le Witold all together or it will bo divided and sold in two parts . one o 65 the otheifrdiasereii. , ' • ',," - ~Tolts:—sl, down; the balauso la dive ariliaa 1 1 132194. ~': - ''- * :. "4.; JEL'A, leltleCti.: • • .-,-'`1,17,, - 1-T,,„,-4. , ,,;-t ~,--`, ! t :;- z -45T--:,W.,, -.-.31 .;e7 -, 'l,-.3.1?-:- ....`e9J' ..-:fi.,,,,,::,7.: .. __,4,,v,e,,,,,,,,wy,,,,,,T.RFeif.•%.,3:0-,i.-,,,..i,.kiT.'3,1;;;;;.,,,Ti-3,-,,1fi,5z'.1,: V:Si' ci ..q:: : . 4 :2' l l':C 7 :....° l '''. - - : ;• 0.,.:: >FA,: c , , ..., ~- _ - -.- ‘ ,..,; ( u, ~,, ,- , -,-. ., -- i. - .!.1'f .,,, ; , .... x - i,„,...';'-g--' , ''' Sf.g.4 -, TiC - `:::;7 , --11.,.Pri - . V.:4:.-: ~:- , .v...,•-zi.-tt.,121 „ 1.,,,,, . ..,..,=:4 4 t1:1 ,- _,.., - ; , ; - - „ , ,,A -,',--., , : , !..-@;..-;: c. 'AF -.,5 . •:.,. , -. , ,.:1% - 2,, , ,..,,- ~ ,- r ! ,., ,_.,),.. -, ,.-x„..-2,,- . I:Z -,„,,: . ..,,3:,1W : ., ~,,.., , ±i , ~, ~, . ..--, .. .4 . • ' '''';', ;..' -:' ' • : '''':- 2- ' '''' 4 , ‘• ' ' -' 4l'' '4 . °•;•,,' * '- 4,- - .7 4 •, '..' ''' ''. l, -' 1,1 :• 1 '•.. ,-'77 ,Sl' - - -feltNl.7s -2.1.17-.'44.1'.11'4*".24.'ib•'311'.1-42-A,"•;21:7''...11 ,l'•''''-17,f•-'l'll•T';''-'-.f.- ‘- 'l' '' :- " "; !"'? -1 • ‘'',1 ': -7 1' -'? 4 4 ^E '-1-4. " 1 '4, 3, " - ' l -. '. < 1 1 -7 .4; '' ' . .i. ' t 'it ; .... ' ,..!,2 . 2 '? • ,;;;;;• --. 4, '" ''' ''''' '1 •44, ';'.-77':- ;• '‘ ' _, r - ,.7 1 •5 7 ,... 2 41 ii - • ' '.•" ' ";„,,',..,%' . ,'• - ; ,1 ±),,,,.-',-1 . t., ; '- - AS,4„ . ' , ~ - ' ~' i ''.. '' -' .., i''' . ' .., '., :, -C 4 r:', -:' ' , 5 1. '1 P• , '`: • ',;75,, .31 't ".•:. V.. , 7iii-7_ , ....,5, ,, ...- , ,r, „, ` , ";.k . , 4 ~/,`,,,7"1% W . i' %”' .. - 1 V , - '. ' ',. '.2 . ' ' J '''''' ''' t. 4 . 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''')''''- i,"43';'17, 4 .`" 4 " 7 , L ltc 7 -: 4, 4 4 .1.," 4 4 ""•,;•, 4 't7? 4 4 ' , ',,,,,..:T-..,„! 4 :`, • ft„,4.. - • . , 5 , 5 47:: -;1,, , ,-„ _ ~ z...• ,. i . „ ,„ 4 , !,,, , r,.. c. -_, ~,,,,,„..., ,„,- ,;,.....,,,, ~ -", ~, , ;1 , . , trr,,, , ,,, 7 ~, ,". , 17'2 •'-' ' ,4` - 4 1 ' • --'-7' ' - --' ''''' '-'''`' '' '' ''''' ' '''' S ''''' '4 '' ' ' '' ''''''4' .. e ' ' ' ' ' ' '' . , t' ' ,. ll'' 't ' ', S 4'i i:. , 71,- 11 ,1 ' 7 ' ' 7 . - -;°...'', '' - 4,i; ' /,i, 1 , 7 - 4 1t 1y '''. , _ ...,..„1 ~...., )......:‘,-., - • . . --.,' -.— --,4 • -- ,- . ... - ~. , .., •..,,,=,—..,,,,,,, .., ~ -,..,- ~..... ~ ,_ y,... „:.,,,,,,.., ~,- -'- - , -e -.-4,-- , iK. -- ..t. , '-• ', - • ---y 4.4 ' . '•'•'''''' -4 ;"Y• ' '' '' ''' ' ''''-' 44 ' ''''''''''' "`"' ''''''' --- ''''''' L 7 '7 ' 7 '''' - 1"4-'''''''•""•*"'''''''"" ,( • • • • • ' Boo_rslAri4: , ItiE.! ENOXVUS.X. =co?, Co., Pa. 4ssrrs onus $55,0g0,0ci0 Amms or C0M260108. HASTINGS & OOLES root HORSE & CATTLE POWDERS, GOoiri in Client Variety. EEG „,,,,,,.„ 1 ,,,,, w ,,,,,, t , ;q 6 .-0::„.1 -7 ;. , ' ,. a , , , i)--i lorit -?.. - 7 , t(i g t':,.'; . : k , . ~,,,, -• .—4 , ..: , , ,, ,:;-: J.1 ,,,, , , --:, zi 4=:.i.-.':-.--,,','s-,:,;,;,t.,:::;',:.•0),'-',..-1i..,...:(i,_',.',,,,';',:,-;,``F,,,if-;i7)-?:.-':-,'!•`:',f--,- , -f,' r•'.'" , '':', l .. ,':- .-, - , ,Oli-, )ItiIiSSUPRO4i - 0g,*3:.00#:41v - -:-,k 1 914.5t,7 -. .. , .) , ...;• - - t: -1,, ; 1 ..... ,,,,,,,,, T:!;:a1,- ., Y,T.. , ' , .:':. tr..:.7..).;:•,34'•* e . ,..: . ,,, , :•:,..,.4,i , ,..! ; ,,, : ,-. . : ....!-;: z .". ( . ,: ,, ; .,: : :-..• . , , , , , 7 , 7 ,:, ._,! . .-' i . . , ', - 0 :', '..' ' . l . ` i c. iititsiESg'PAlsE ivis,) , ,i4) 1 1 1 1 -t - ~.. ....--....,-,- . ~,...., ~.... t , .. 4...., -.,..—.• ~--- -.. • ~...„3 .A.•-....:,....,-.....::::,..,,,...._:.......,.....,...,,,,,,,..-..: i , "; - - ,- . .. 0 . ;. • 4 s ! ~ •,, ....--' ti'niirllOY 11 ( 1 ! ). 4 0 $ ? 4 ""#1 . 1 •' ' r i ' r • -:,) ', 11'' • 1 . 31 ! 1 !,!! ..'''',.; 2 ' l -.. v '' . l' ;i ''' ' , '''''',' ' " - -4-1 ' ' `DioB4. l lll l igs ilt. 3 ' `l , Troy' l'ikt :-, - -2 - '' ' .' , - - l'elt,'11:1813-1f.,”. . ~. \-::: , - ~ ,1 - ',;;; ~ . WlSit fiNEIREE t , - - , ST TAR tORDIAL ,:,--... ,, 1.,.:.:-.-:,..a..ci„ 7;•:-'..:-.,k- - ,-;.:-. , :•- k!•:, - - , NATUREISI DREVF,:-RMEltit : • i 40' , , -., ..i...f, - x si-.; ,i,,, , : t - ‘l. . i.: _ ti, i .-'-:;-, ' ,.; 4 ,. '. Y-4 -3 , i ',-,', i ::•,': I: ...... :-; ,!';,,X .11 1, - --..t,, ,t{ 49Vkl:,Pff, , 2 :.;_ 7 ..... ,-T' d , _ - , : 3`'il.;:ri.l:',-i and Lungs. ~ ` ;~F It ls Wrattiying,tn ^u,to: l itifortt' the , ' , attic kat Ur:: L:Q.Ciiviaitarritilula'r,'SS,Tari!ordial,forTkroiitina Icing,lllsetuie, - tititiliftiCil an i3uviii;lte icpiiihil On from Ilia Atlantic te. the Pacific einuit:iiiiciiioingtOnct; o 4 to soniii RI Ili tirst f *llics of _.Europc, not ilirougli t'4 , 134 pfreas' aii* -iitrt'ny krisonitiriiugbont tbe - §tatee actqlly boneili l tail'fnuticured ut - hilofilco: *liiik l iin Plit s ilislici'lbii,lto . $30 ,- aim. rOportstv ;11 - 4 Is unable to supply he deniainl.,,: It. gains anti. bolds its roputto. , First..., So; bretupptug 'cough, but by_, likiseMug , bad assisting nature to . ttirdw oft tiio uubealithT inat.: ticollected -ai)ottt : the.thioat and pr;?ticplat:t4el, ;:uhich causes irritatiO'ri.: : ::: . .:: -;- -- •' - -: -: - - Second.. It rerii9vt . .ik--tkip 'cana) o 1 irritation (which produce's' cough) 'of the tent:tins' 'Mera intuit' and . brouchisituhcs, assists the)upgs to,akt taia threti off the unhealthy secrotioias, sad p,urilie'S the blcoti. Tiiira. It it'r . trect frontiquilis, lobelia; Specie and opicirn; of which moat throat, and lung relatedicsure , composed, which rtility.cough' enly;:and' disorganize the stoinielt. ' it haft ' 11'13i:01114g effect on tbe stomach, acts 'on, the' liver and hitinevt, lymphaiio and itervous`regionsi t . thus remthing le every part or the 4 4 / 1 14 its invigorating and piirifying ettectS It has gained a reputation which' it must hold abbi-e . . , . all others In the market, - •, 1210. 1 9 . . 12,1 from 10 to 15 1.10 The:tiije,Tree 'Tpr':.C'erd..ol, Ttvoure SUCAIit DROPS. Dolng-under, my irrunedlate direction they shell riot lose their eniati*e qualities: by the 118 C: of cheap and impure articlee. • .111$Nity-: - 4. Wl_,$fl!AJIT-, Dr.:L. st). C. Wishart'a 'Oflloe Darlore nit, open .ou all' MOndays, 'Tuesdays and Wednesdays freiti . 9 a. in. to sp. M.; for consultation by Dr. Wm. T. Magee.— With him are attsoolated two consulting physicians of acknowledged. ability. Tills' opportunity Is not of fared by any other institution in the city. All letters must be al/dressed Jo L.Q. C. Wishart, m. 0., 282 N. Seethed street, Nov. 19. 147.1-em Door, Sash & Blind Factory, 116ENJA311N AUSTIN, is prepared to furuleh first ,j) dais work from the beet , lumber at his now Ia r , tore which is now iu rullooperatiou., .. . ~ -- , 1 • . • , k . ,• J 1, .. .. - t Sasilli, Doors l - . : . LOOK 1 dots promptly, stud lu brat muuuer. The best workmen employed, and uoue but the best seasohed lumber need: Etmourtm.botne iudustry. Faotarp I etir the foot' of Main Street: din. 1,18: tf. BEM AUSTIII EG talllN riIHE subseribfr offers to the - farmers tbroligh the ,j. county the Egyptian Corm which upon trial was found to ripen if pleated even the last of July. It is estimated, 11 4 0 m its very prolific qualities, to yield 150 bushels per acre; and walsho, by measure.- 05 pounds to the , bushel.- This corn was produced from sonic procured direct from 11r. Junes; our Con sular Agent, directly on Ida return front-Egyr.t. It needs no different culture Worn that of other/ arietieli; find in the South' two crops call be raised on the same youudin one year. It grows lathe fotm hi a tree, and 34 ears have grown uon one stalk•-=average from 6 to 15 ears. ' Fordomes use it is' unparalleled. When ground, ground and iiiroperly, lted,'ll Is equal in color and s ou tinencsto Wheaten flour. As a fOraga , Crop, by sow ing In ills or broadcast ( for early feed,) there is no kind u corri'so well adapted to much cows, and none that ill I yield half thetNahle is stalk 'or core. ' :- • i f , It can be successfully grown Su•any State, - ' •• " ' 'Earsk.-4-:-,-.lful order' that all May >revels° seed, 'we hiivol °Quad the price to ono dollar a raCkage. Any Pers6a who will get - up a ciali of five, -will receive a . package gratis-I-16 peekisies'Nr $10; fiti packages for $2O; 100 for $lO. One package will contain enough to plant the for ;wing season iron/ i'l) to kl)..acros; also,. directions for planting - it." Addrerei - - r••• , - - '• ''• •• - • EliAaftn3 COOPER, • Itimoville. Tiegn - Co.„ Pa. . . Geo. Castapbell , • iore.v - ING reiorfleil to iVoll.;tioto. '.IJ, Ed her trade jri the.uienuterture cART/FICIAL /1411 WORK • - not ld rispectrAli oid• friend* that , Alt , 'would ha glad to sae ,all who waxihi favtir her with their tails, She can be found at ,t,he bongo of J. M'. Johlasiiii. the thieliet; ; :Feb, 25,18734 f. - - R - -SIVIITH - S nprt asebihlialt new' • L goods from -'l 4 - veryttitug Ana's lady, wears can ha follactda lietTestalillabnicut, Not • hat* and bonnktaluit reteivett: nerretylta of fcalisia arktV ties. which aro !offered'obtitni,o4hall eter titfart:: tali ppblipt‘ic bordiir invited to call and examine' winds halgre nutchlishig siseithere. • T. s . = ,Weilatgrai 43;r4;7417a44....--' Eff!ES ICTC;VWXC , I3. Great. American 'llitipepsia Pills, AND - I , PROPRIETOR. • Free Charge. PHILAJJ'ELI , LitA VW IE L L SID OR 0) 111\iliVIDF: $ I.lZOitit.VP.e, AND MOULDINGS, oonstintly ou haul, or notouttiaturellt6 order IPlialkftig mid Blaiching =t! M=l==2= DM ntlito .„ • - , ~i•- : . '', , l ,f - fi; , ,-, ,- :,•.' , ',', '• • 'L €4 , -.4-,,, ,,; ,- ;`, ` • 6r-'•,;; 4,q:': 11 841,1 ',,':, `'..,:f-, 4,t1•,,.N •-•`,,, ',.::-.......„"- _.,•., ~ -.,•- ~...- ~ 54.64.1;1c, i s tirsii},..! 5,,; , -,,- - .',; 1 41 iii hirikj ' • I.bp, --i1,.-,5-.. iiiti 4 4641.. '11'e1, i, Atioc49Fif'r ~-' ' '',:. -)tilier-ea#l`l,T.,a r,, ;,,,,. s ~i o wn'.i ,•F' idri' - ..•i - i •.; •• 41 ki r :l l 4 , 0 ortlf6A 1) ~--- ?ni".am"3l6 / 1 4°r'isti'b . the lal4l-':'4i 2 ' ''.',•'‘-;-',,," -onliklctlXe!'.„,-, •., •. 1 '.'":. -'" --, ; (,, iiit4 ,- .:;ififrtir... F 'q -0A.47 . . .) ‘ .i t '' ' - l''tlis cliAsitl Tifi v 0.., , .., Wilk:rig g ee lon • - ad, sdcrcis to _ L te. ,, i - nig - l iweettb!P 106 . 111 ' / , ! , .. t ‘ 1 , -' • ' ' ,iit lie 1 .- Willi Taal ' • .T4stiiill tier lir An it itt o b r iiiiir!laP lae'' • , _...6Y!11411,.61•,.,,,;ii, .. e t; it's • ulitto silk shoei-,7- kna ariv " Ile. "hi a te"it r io - cyc' could ..h r, Q! O I • which NVeitl/14)1"rm .1 • . •.'' . -. • t - , ' - i f lint kliuth'-'7. And over Si britsst ilis,l crosse , tun s 11 " they'mtil 410(1 ( itudi'r 9 a 1 .4'll4"Wa i ' ',,,notting thore Arutthi re Nail ii.l4se l e, a le _ ~, .i,ei , Doi alleine f ant Bet' I.ehg i Add Jan:Jaw:n - 11A rpnr:s, no raserinnrr.c, .Atitt-thdy said, qlmty should Ile, 1i ea they le.fttho,f9piti,.. r, - ut tim atilltiesa rind gl~~sn. 'Lew Leta their jai; a Al* a 3fliu4i.ler. tb Rpm', - 1 3411v1TIvilpvoil:ho ;VI( The sivOet, stattq DL • bitop and ok. kvy • Apckttirtta, it. Alyr.t. , aifkitt—he anti etke,,, Ireivah vibe; hot $41,. troilia 11 , a spent,' y401111).10 4ialseq ofp l ict place, quiet ebeeki Re et) 71. 118 afro' To a r 191911140 Then ltemalil, —O - aliffiti4 Is ther b e -DP Yo,ico'? ii 0 . 1 4 10 _ t4D nu t, to the rat sila Telt telltale and soul :1.0 ”Flifetiow; I will listen fvf What flue the secret of nal, ""Was it the infinite wonci, That'yeu aver'could let Ilf .‘oi.. - riftis it the grOter,ntu The petfol calm c`cr.-046• .sll'as the Infra - de greitei Beyond all clrgazue,2o,k a. . • < . I "t1:0141iro roll - bacit its risen And ibpa, : ae they say it'd • * 4 And 'RIP it tbo trauerratis fluctout so what a 'MEd: '• I petfect dead! 0, d r hold the breath ()Env so' • "1 liaton as deep Es to ho se high as to heaven, and. - . . "- morolunst be lessure- To - roatis you so 71aSiti frc . . . . would tell you if I wore ti Were yout-hot tear's nt yowl' any, thetteh the sword oh my lips to It: “You stionld not Usk vainly tivith streaming eyes, Which - of all deaths was the ehietest surprise; tT t r The very atrangeat and suddenest thing Oral! surprises dying tuns bring.f . . woritl I Oil, ulO Thougivho tom me, who a Who will Ifelisvp whit Ito 11 1 With the sweet; soft voice, • Ttia utmost Wonder, is thl And see•Suu, and love you, "Am' am your angel. uho Aria know latht though flea " And.how about the new carpet?" ' Pretty little .3.irs. Lane , Spoke coaxingly, with her hands clasped 'on herliusband's firth._ He looked down at her a moment be fore he answered. She`had been his wife. for,AvO years, but hen face ~ i vas 4.1, sunny ;an tisigalish as' when he* Ara 'wooed , her. .Her, blue eye had scarcely shed a' tear in Mt those years, except the lazy, luxurious tears such .as :happy little: souls_ weep, OYer the ideal .woes .of story-hook heroiess. Her monthly rose in the French window was net pinker than - her cheeks; her scarlet geratii-, tun NV givnot brighter or redder than her lips; and the pet canary chirping above the bloa soma was no gnyernr-Merrierthan the little birdlike woman who 'Svaitcd for iblm Lane to answer, 'He smiled as Id looked at her, brushed back her 'soft brown hair with an Unconscious tenderness. "YeS, about' the Carpet, Annie. If I thought we needed it, I would get it, of course; but we use the thawing room so lit tle, the - carpet that Is on it 'now is almost- 4u* bright as,it was the day- we chose it, and, you know how pretty we both thought - it then." . 1 , ~ . The girlish young Wife pouted her dainty lips. • •i -- ' • " Well, Thhn, but , it's been down five years, and it's only so4tice because I've ta ken such good care of i it. if I'd been car& less and let it get spoiled, you'd have bought me another without grumbling, you know yob would. it's too bad if I've got to see things nromulforctver just &eau& I'm care ful of them.. ' Don't yo,u get tired of seeing the same things, always, John?"' , "Not easily, so long as they are the same =fresh and bright as ever. I'm out tired of pm yet!" -:,. r 1 . • , .„ • She laughed, and - her pink cheeks flushed a little. -•, • - - , ."But:l'm not a earkt. - Ours' is only a Brussels. ,you know, and .I do so want a ,Wilton like Mrs.- Mane's." • ' • • • "So Mrs. Mayne s the Serpent in our Eden! Well; Annie, ive me till ,night to think about it. •And he bent -toward'her for his -- dootl-bye. i • After he had gOne si lag room' and , took 'a st ions. The carpet was tl. moss like green Ton - Witi so owell. She confess, had a more refined large-figured 4in - ifheld your gaze like the eye Of the ancient. Mariner from the mon - lent y , ott entered, the room. But then; she thOught. tiocAtillmy, :i green, gaudy thine; and a Wilton was so mild) more ele gant, so, much more in 'keeping with her rosewood and brocaiele. Then she began dusting some of her books awl: ornaments. ;While the waist thei l e,she heard - the bell ring, ..and a ,short, parley "at ,the door.—a child's voice, apparently,' asking for food, and the cook.'s : answersl hat to=day there was nothing; inspare. A sofind . in ,the -young, sad voice, • a sort of, incoMPhaning• rim= lessness, struck ht,r,,antl she stepped t own stairs Just as Widget . i4tte about to shut the, door. • - " Come back a mom nt, little -girl," Idle said in•those gentle ton silica John liked so well to; ear: 'The chid turned; an eager light cominy,into her 'ace for a •moment, and Ma going opt. 7A vs. Lane was acting on impuhe. She, elm st, always did. sit was a' good thing:,, - th iefere, - that most 'of her impulses were swe t, and gentle, and true. • • , • . , —s • „ • . . , . " ilia Su hungry?" Ole aSked'PityinglY. .•"lt doesn't. mutter BO much , about -me.;, 1 ,, ma'am; I 'could bear t be :hungry, ,but I don't knew 'What to'd *fer my mother. I have triettto get- a place to work,- but no one will :tqe me...--They say -a child ten t. l years old is wire plagu than - prat. ' 'Moth er had to work ao bard o keep,us, And - now she's' been sick,awhilc; rt,d44e, can't work,- -- and we've:eaten up 'eve •ything; 80.1 came nut to see if anybody %%auk' give me- some; thing--for Mother,- and I've asked - at every house in, the' strect„ and everywhere, they said 'just the stutic— T tha they. had nothing to , day.',''. 1 . _ _ , , , . do you liv Mrs. I.fIUC.„ - "U6ly kfew :4epa;• bfi." Well, then 111,,g0. 11J, iep iiiptber, COI juit,im my bcinn bretkil inent."- , _ • 11r;. Liiu'e!s shy huirjedly - packed, ;Ind:tea and angai-'nna. 'the sick mother. 'tie • and tied 4):rett down again wllo6.theli tinishi►►l ler 1) . ke akf I isl ytiui prouty l ,'' •• SI ontt)a, Wit s , always called . ma 'anther:" - father the -gan: Father tlie4l, aril A 4 iliu4 siprk, 1, ,q,kes.?lit=baby fled . 60 ;t4inki! ~t)jitti L14!1014,..T.1/0.N011.(1,e41, INE ME , I -!; I% to.droad • .; I:.k , rup!i/U1 dead, „ • , ” 11 a 1 ]e %he. levv4 erc.vihite. 10t MO Y 3 Of WV. , ,Udbreackt witliont breath dpathl , , tbn ePnRe. net, igtinslo. L soul, not. tar; dsing dOO 44 of All fa'llowo'r 'fall? at.) feel gray %teal ?- • '.•• • And how deep wnward tint sleep? - Alcor? . ". . do, past, things clear?.`' , - heart of biles , nr love fe ? • most deaf! I to'heur Able. bell, on el° not tell I sweet, head to rdet. dead, „ • .n my brow idled. ‘ tlei of death had latd i v it unsaid. t kind dead! . U bclicti•4 it Atli% wild? ord Ler say, lin the der old way I hear, laud Nal you dear; • as. mu , bri/d, 1 have never died." A Cheek fi r a Carpet le Wentlot() theAraw rvo Of her Possess• at soft, his ny-shatled evetything_looks d to herself- that. it .r . thr;:in Mrs. litayne's is it 'far?" itsl;'el Warn—three streets ime with .you info the louse Bridget shrill cold yras-full 01 .pity us `basket with tireatl , 4. B'as's .tif, jelly , for she - ran, - up stairs sunnier and tigry:girl.was just l e said. "" What-is in; but turlfutlie .and so'does in . . Null" • , , uy our trout.le be t other witsu't•used td, to w•orlc so io)rd IthrO ~2 citiestibrieltilt; 1g more 'seriously LL ,Ane lien; ilifPo2 -1. Ateeil 4titn"(c.r .eile I ' l lr AtIOPVC4IN ME Ault:no t•Ali4 - IWlti•it'gc4fiX.#loe':f',:t(ilif:t* ; .l-ip 07; oiT:.iicit4:whellio ,_ if;ttte rentiinrvtst ii;iy,'lrtt'cl'.CJpte,'.slei}'4l'tj- then: - hen - charitable ; ,:gitt)ei:iiptlito's had slie:'ll4dl thous:hi. it ii2,lai r e ichoa: , it she' ever 'What iMiti, , wonian, or. Child wafilhitre tvand call, her tneSSeity the l , child; ‘-r Alpft,Weoilt.n,, - house' befoO, which: t had ittoicii . 6,tu". • F ‘ TbeY - and the little gip:Opened 'a d6of.— hlothet ," .'' a: latly, I:'htirne with ma Itispe - Sout- - -a-ltind htaywhO' 'll , 44Oiven;Me breakfast tied brought you , iscatiVt":„. • tv'ttiimient ehl'of be` rootti,. and- rook:Jo such 'a piefure," 8 3 hilher,,yonng. happy life she , had ,never skn before,-; , '4l4e,:apittintent , Was ',almost Mire of - Infultertf; _.',NV,It9 01, ',l I .11005'i cia ,Asere (1114'':fie . VerVihro etetip; • bade, s ,lhit everything 101:1 110110 could make it; and 'against the:wall -at the Net (4,t tie bed titteg frethett 0440, the •portittiL of a • Man- with: hind, : .honest eyes';, and fetitures•nf .-,which the child' Ellen's- werejahnest ll cep* , Lane Saiii.:with the . I . l we - 9 1 grace which.had - raade her a, welcome gne.F.o in far different s - .'f , " t o ,Sep :could arrange:sertnithing for.,,yeet%ecimfort; but lira of-- all- ; Yett :lutist have some toms and tea.!' -"And 'giving her little guit* iiiatiey; - she tient' hey Q tit o. pfaco re fil0); Arid sat down beriielf 'id the mean_ tithe beside -the lied where the 'Siek.woman lns,wihh her - baby' 'asleep uponilier arm' '!•l`,lia twait, pale o n the pibmv was notbanutifel; Annie Lane - conic' not laiSen ii Men tat br romantic about' the sick, Woman—could byno, Means idealize her; 'lnto .heyoine; - yet thefe_wft. taimetiliing ion(' end - true in: her expression, and *hell - she. turned to place the ba . } . )k mo g q- . -Conifertahly;'d light and gloW of wither-, love illumined herSeatures until they *ere better than pretty: ;Mrs. Lane was not long in learning her history; , ~(4the We:linen used all , her days to self-.; d e pendence.,-„Before.slie .was married she worked on a sewing.machine in a shop; and she nnderstoed that business iltoroughly.—,7 But When Janies : Smotort,, married 'her 'sire gave it , np, was 'a :g,bod.mecitanie, carpenter, and - Ms. - wages kept 'theta corn ! fortably. They,bad not laid up'nutch, how ever; tot,sluriOg the eleven year :pf-, their marriage three children besides the - two she loud left noi'htid , come and gonet—poorje:e. hie little things that cost a good deal for doctor and tnediclao. • , i; 4 . ME Then, juSt before the last baby (lame, a' scaffold:Ml; had given away .where - her la's hand Was at work—lie had fallen from the fourth story of the house, arid been brought home to h r dead:,She had sold almost all her - furniu ie, riiiil 4 ',ot.t.dotig by - that 'Means until OAP% as able to be about; had then she had left th c baby With Ellen, and gone out to days' w rk. of washing and cleaning. , It was labor, Or Which she wasriot strong eii. outeh, but C .l.iatf";beeir 'all the occupatiOn she could get. ‘ After awhile sh - ehad taken a severe - coldoinit had gro Rhsolll that she could hot getout at all.: They hail eaten up ;everything they had, ,and this morning, for, theltirat lime, aheliad spat Ellen , out,to , try to-get itninethirivoniewhere to 'keep , them alive till she-could work • agai ii: '` Audit' nurst,have been God, zuri'fita; that scalier. to yonir she eouebiaa. .:, , 11.rs.i Larie:—helPiesfi, pi et ty little thing-= , - scare* knew'what to say, , Her heart beat, "'Kith: fumultiMuSfAbrobs, of pity; her eyes wereltill of tears; ,in all her life she had nearer liefOr peen 'biotin. iu contact with Aetna], 'gaunt 'I il lierY ~111 d destitution.. 'At lova thought-aceared. to wher,- and She uttered it. eagerly: „ - • ' " If .youi only had a sewing machine now, 'you could take-work home - when you get better, couldn't yOn, and support - yourself and tae children nicely?" , The woman,sighed- - -, r a deep, i unconscious sigh of hopeless longing. , ' , Yes, ma'am, I could; but you kriOwl that's an impossible ?I: - 1 can never get .a Machine. I'll he only too thankful if I can get well enough to go <nit again by the day. If I can't, , ,l don't know what Will become of the children.", , , But God knows," whispered Islrs. Lane,, softly. , "He pities - you, you know, as a father pities his children." Then came, Ellen with coal and kindling's, and the subject was . not alluded to again. When their tive,o'cloek 'dinner ,was over ' that afternoon John Lane went gayly into the,sitting room :with his pleasant surprise for her, and he laid it , on hey lapin the shape of a cheek for two bun ' died dollars. , . , -" There, bununing,bird," -he said lightly - , that's.for yotir new carpet." - nosiness has prospered this year, and - what is it good for but to roake,hoWhright andwilb 1:, 4 116 turned her face• and touched-hl r lips silently i to - the. 'kind harid. 'reining- on her shoulder. Perhaps John was disappointed. lle had ; anticipated her gay .laugh of merry, exultation, her delighted:chat about .eolors and patterns. Her rieiv, lie sat clown besideler'graVely, and waited for her to speak. t3lie tOld him 1161 the story: of her day, leaving 'out 'nothing. .He eofild age' how deeply she, had 'been 'inov - ,ed, 'by the color which wea t, and came on her checks 'nod the tears which gathered . unheeded in her eyes:, When shuwas 'ail ihr:A4V. she said unhesitatingly: - -4 , ; ; are very" happy,. aren't we?" Yes, dear. _ - ' " And c C owe !-onsething„ don't we,. tO those' who are lesl . so? Think, John, it 1' inullutit you as she lost her husband! 'And if I had net only ' lost you, gut had after ward no way to live' :, • " 1 ,: She paused, as if for ome• [ encourage-, ) ment,hut she received . ne: John Lane was beeinning to get a limpse - of a- new pbase_ln bis little wife's, baraeler,' and he meant that she,shduld : ,b mg (Mt • her - own i ., ideas unaided: She began to fear that she - could not interest him. Shement•on, tim-• idly enough, but .ve'sfearnestly. :, ': ,- ' i A part of two -hundred dams would get that woman the necessaries which would. Make lier,eonifortable,,And then' she would' soon be Well again, for her disease was only' the' result of overwork and exposure. Then the rest of it would - buy a Sewing machine,' and she could'get along,nicely , with that.— She wouldn't need any More' elp:• ' • . Still Mr. ,Lahe Was silent, 'Via site drew ,a little-nearer:to him, - •-and began: smoothing, his big. lingers with her own little one.' "..I know, dearjOhn," she said_coaxingly, " that two hundred. dollarS would be . too • much to ask, you for, in Most cases,- for any 'one charity, hut I have so set' my heart - on really and substantially 'helping. 'this poor bereft woman. -00 drawing room carpet really Looks - very' nieelyHyoul 4ripw 'pie thought it , wealcid6 ; lid:- morning; and if, just'this onee,- I might -have. the two-hun dred dollars 'to do 'tins, good deed' With; 'and keep the old carpet !doWit, it Wduld make me so -happy. Just think,- John, that poor - widow and thot-e little - children - would say your name every day': in their - Trap:l43, 'and they would be made eetn,fortable, for 1'; Johnr) ' ' • .*-, :• • ..,- ,- . • • -i , , • :, ,JOlO Lane- bent, down,and 'kissed -- the 'eager, -- tender, face. ,I.:_in afraid his eyes were 'too dint just thettlitCseci all itsbrightness. "A're'yottaure, ilenr.; . .ri [ he .askedl gently,• that you WOuld be'' SutiAed-With the Old' „ , :carpet? ' ' . Quite sure; John.; - It shall' last., as long _as the Wilton, would; , 0; 361tu; 1 never did *any good in lnyllfe. • Let tile- do= this little how I" ~ - - ' ' - --' -'. ‘s• - :' " "Annie, yon shall!' That eye t manly heart was to full just then 'for many. words, - bittty the 'Orin clasp *bleb -.held her s6' tentlerly .Atinie, Lune tlritt : her litishiindiwuti - not displeased:, carried'Out 'all' ter -.plans. ,- liy-Augtat 311$:' _ Stanton tt as Well again,''and - We ing initehine slned =at- lb t: ~ w 'of , her - comfortably, ft - 101411M room. To, her . the face Annie IJah i e, .s.eetna', like the face of , rin ufigel; • ..d.to's lltrifiengtO:ShettO been „tOlie i-14 1 .iip,kilic0.' 14 .: Ole Wnineds,: - .Wliknlli'cirt ,wiil - rever'aguiu novel carpetli,pr)i'ido;jitirdOted,4 "54,i , ,,:-sl,tke ` 13 0 1 4 14-6 %ect.V.i1d: 14 440'• - 0 , , E 1 Ofit s - 'WO; ;,Aoh4•*lo.loilirl*ygikxy4 . 4 giut =I • ,- .-- 4 .'",,,ni,7--",:i-i'n-KZI3 '''S,--,...q1t-4`'%'''-ri4...C.;`:,,,,,;-. 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'...., r . • ''-:-;' ~,':.• = ,:•!:-4 .• - v:'•• - :' - ' 1, ~' i iiii:ij ; if a`.- ,litit :' liolov•.0.5;`:11e.i. g4A:likliglitlik;C: 1-- \•46 l er tetiirekpis;: ,l 4i , ' AlAtt, ,, : - Avlwk),4olrfri,,,„„. P, ...., , , . , 42,,„„g., , , bitt ii i j.bigliek; l i y tslo. .. tlt ! let-.. . - . , t , _-r!., 4 11'‘.!..--, , - i owl C rliirtitio.o;:stibtaltOtibi',. -, , , , _:;4 ,, .,,,, ,, , , ,7, ,,, - - -.•,,,,:::, , , , ," , ,. , _;:;' : : telf‘tiek:tilittliis:lo4.:' einil i altee „, . ~,. , 4 , ~, , , t. ~ .. ~ , ,„ „,_ „ . _ ,Tlie CorresPundOW:Of- tb-0:>$14";:.Fia0160- . * Gyirozo - ttio,) , , , ritoTrishrlll,C4l,64.iic etrip: l - 7f - r t-,Tlity . liki,ftiornit `-'portion;' of:: the „tamp ; is. sin - link - OW win* operili*or WidetilUg:Of the Vayitie; 'iit li - crltapa,an"arrie ;in ,area:. .:On; ;till M0:4,0t, this ',O pen t irg,.Whig h a eem a 'more_ likeltlinge:waSlibOwt • than ipnythink;•elSei:, the-. l ,ntit OralWiii I rises tr, hundred . feet,,tr. more.,.bilt, it 14 easily 'Sealed,: :for, Ihe •intior aidels inclined, and the rocks aresharp and jut' Out :Of over it,; =Onee'in,thialiasiti r dierti, is litit,One',Opeu - `Way Mit, .tiri'd that, ik by. the frair:Weter.:There2are, other - -Ways:out;; 'bet they arbdiYAMl/SeiS INallirk I'o themilny , cares besink'hole:v -in, - atiother:,part.: - of the lava: bed,rnadWideb;,Will be More 'fitily_-de,- (itib,cd.ff l 4bk!rOn.- , Ott the Otll.oo ",pf= this basin .there Sis - i 4 succession - of ridges as high ,d 3 11 ifit: itliiph inChises, ir,*;:but,itlie.se :do: not. est vild al rt.' te ; Way ttrontid; TO-the LIVeSt of "(iie:t?aSifilia.,aolat - , tableditte surface' Of, lirva;' - eN te odin g .fi - ont - th e Very tat MO* ..,of'i fa' rim, 'clear ba4 for •itiore than a.:tnile. •--111 this, plk..o,arethc. Sink ;holes- or caves fortited thoukands of 7years - agti, perhaps in the pool-,, 4ngolf this inpnense betty ';ot,inolten'eartli. The Opettiogs z tLf• the holes- are - wry:Small; indeed; one dues not see,theM until he'. has -tdmoSt fallen in. - - But .-1 hey: Widen:- as , theY , go - dowh, and their SideS being sloping,-,one can Pick his way to the hottoin:withoutrdif ficailty.-,Mostrof tit* eareS . :are ceimected with ;each other and. with the larger. basin byaubterranc.oui passages, so that brie_ can' ~so,for3talf - a mile'in the bed Whh O ut torn., l ug to.the surface at till:., This is of-Ineatett: lablehenefit - in delendirig the Stronghold,. for one-man r can keep one' hundred , at bay' :abnopt anywhere in it Sear 'of being smoked 'Out-or haVing Itis.retreat cu t. 'oll.-- - After supper, which, .by - Alas shared with a keen relish by abettt,' ti:dozen, naked Indian babies,. Bogus Charley came andsaid, he - wiibld CondUct us to Captain Jack. So Abe - whole part§ gathered up their children and followed; Charley led fhb way up one 4idetx.it. the baain, through, a , little trail not easy of ascent - by unpracticed - feet, and across 'the' lever place-About , fifty ' yardd,' when, we came snddenlY"to the Mbuth, of a pit hole 'at-least 'forty • feet- deep2-,-',-The hole inclined as it led downward, anti at the hot= d botn:wideneand formeda perfect- Cai'e i ex fettling tinder a rock at leestfirtYfeet: At the mouth of the eave-proper, - but yet , thirty Or forty feet.below the surface,' a piece . of canvas was - stretched. This was caPtain Jack'S front:door, - tuid the -cave behind' it Was his, abiding Place -L-the place of the - o• doe Ting. Behind the canvas we could 4hright fire burning, and nearly the whole tribe iteircled around it; and ready for a talk which. they.lizieW WaS 10 'COme. ; • , ''"The descent into the cave was somewhat perilons, but by a' vigorous clinging 'to the rocks `and careful 'stepping, we'manageitto: reach, the canvas.., Then t throwing that back, we-stood in thelpresence of Captain Jack. -It was easily seen_ that he ivas'.sick.' He eyes were :.dull, his' cheeks einaciated, and he was so vOrtk he could-OA stand, but remained reclining on a huge pile of bear skins, witli his two wives by his side. . Mr. Steele Went up and shook hands 'warmly, 'as did. the rest -of the. party. Then passing. completely :around. he circle; all - shook Itands , with the entiretribe. ' The ceremony laste,cllseveral minutes, , and when finished, the' viSitors were furnished seats in j,he 'ch. ? ' cle, near Qaptein Jack.. _ ' "- - " Tbe only wood in. the lava bed his slum,: hush, hut-this was piled on the fire with an unsparing hand, and the flameS. shot up word gad illuminated the cave brilliantly. Then each member of the partylighted his . , ,pipe, and after taking a - Whiff or two p a ssed it around to the right. beginning with Cap thin, Jacic-who took a whiff and passed it mil() the next, and noon. In such -a large :ell'ele 9f courAd'ozic:pikful would, p,oi:go, around; and so MAT it got smoked out they 'did not hesitate to'bring itpack to be refill ed, gut send it on to ompletc its jour- ; ney. Dttrin,g this ,ceremon not a word Was. spoken, - and 'eor ye* ciirrespondent shad time to take a goodlook -at -the savages:— Captain Jack is 'a stern, dignified-looking man, 4101. over thirty, though he, looks old er: lle \ has a' mid head, though,- like all 'lndians, the forehead islow. his complex ion is dark, the mire copper color;. and his eyes are black, full, and piercing: His hair is long, hanging down to the shoulders, and he is, of course, destitute of all beard.: HiS mouth:is large,. and its shape indicates firm ness, determination, , Mid a great deal of character. -,He was dressed in a hickory shirt, and was covered\ with, . blankets.— &winced Charley, the nestn 1 ited one in 0 the tribe, has a Jewish cast if c untenance; leis -nose being long; and arm litec'and his -face thin and _narrow., Ile has a l terrible scar on his right cheek, which, but for his natural-pleasant expresSioti,•wou- ti make his countenance rather repulsive.. Ile is 'about 35 years obi, and is regarded as the bravest Indian in-the tribe. .• Shtick Nasty aim is a' youngster of - not Over 20 to. ..!;?.. 'l.lc;\ sat in' the circle with a Soldier's coat on, and \ look ed AVM, 11 a judge. ' 'locker :lint, the Mader of the band -who committed the murder on the east side of the lake, Was rigged:J - 114ln .a Cm-racy-jacket,- army pants, and black hat. , He has a bad face, and though quite young, looked its if, he Conldhe guilty, of, anything, He is jtiStriiow, anxious for- peace,. in the hope of; getting aninehty fer,hiS share in the massacre. Midis doing all he can to inakea trerty: ;Black dim,' anotheenf the nuirder ers, is a tail, fine-looking fellow, _but one that' would rather not meetalone Of a dark night.. Ile-wore the military,raP ,tba6Cal.) - tarn Burton lost in the fight." It had a Tingle and the figures 21 ou it. ,- Ile also carried a cavalry carbine lost,on the day, of - the bat tle.'. in-fact, I :satir quite a, _number of breech-loading muskets, and whole piles of metallicartridges, all of 'which 'go to show that ouitroOPsln their retreat • must have left a good, deal 'of War materiel behind them." , , . . . Thirteenth audTourteenth Amendments; The Supreme Court has juSt rendered its. first decision defining tle‘seope of the Thir teenth ainnourteenth 'Amendments the Federal Pi - institution: 'The opinion is,very important for several reasons. It is -eaten-. Inted to throw the immense • moral force of the Court on the side of rational and care ! Ad interpretation of the rights of the,States, and'those,ot the Union: It is calculatedto maintain, ;,and to add to, the respect-held for. the Court, - as,being at on& scrupulous in its regard for the ConstitutiOn, and ufaMbi-'1 tious - of extending its own jurisdiction: is also a seVere,,and we 'might ' almost hope tt let to that - sehool, of constitutional lawyers who have' been conned - eVea since' - the adoption 'of the fourteetah Amendment, inventing_lipos,sible, entiseqUenves .for that addition to the Coirtitution. The decision referred to was in the ('floe, cif.certain New 'Orleans; butchers agaiwt , the Crescent City Lite Stock Landing and Slaughter=hotise Company. This company was incorporated three years ago by the Legislature' of Louisiana:, The...act of in ;corporatien, gave,it The exclusive privilege .of..erecting .slatighter_ houses and landings 'for live stock in the Oily of, New Orleans.— On *llia hand, the apt required the coin- - patty toTroVide huildin6, for slaughtering; 500 animals each day, !hl to admit any per son to slaughter animals 'in ' t heir slitifahter houses for certain 'fixed rates. The hatch , • era claim that this' act is contrary to the `Thirteenth- and Fourteenth Amendment's of 41n3 UtAted ; States, Conatit Mimi, in that .it rirentesian inVoluntary servitude; in that - it abrichnisthe privileges andltutunnities of eitizens,of the United States; in that itde- Wes" to the'plaintiffs the ennui - protection of the liter utni.l .in thin. deprives- them of thelr 'Property- without due proce:'tof law. The !finprethe. , Court decides- against the plaititithi.on all theseipoints. - • IE holdS, - , aubstantially, that the 'amend .ments -Trig, be construed by the light thrown -by their histoey. on the intention of Iten pitt • ,The Court - reviews the _history,. to showthat the general Ptirpo6c of the nmendmenta was tOProtect the rights of the freedmen. 'Td tlllB etiil shiVerY was bytle,ThirteenthAmenthhent: The Servfht de - done 'tiw ay= With 'wait per-, r(onal',ifertittide.' it - wits- of the k i n d that Would'iOduile penal"seivitude, if 'that had not line* distinellY cat laded. :'Was ':not an,d,Coniti,!tot be that:'PnhOrdinntiOn'in tera;'o httsinress:ikutitStrQiit'syhichit:Wol, ttlstqlickildo 0: 1 0* li4tioita-,co*titullop BM ME ME ME EIREEMBE •• . - - • i''''r 'Vt '''''if 'l' 'i'''it' - "ii'''' l Wi''''iitkii* '.l ''' USEFUVAND'StrOtiThttri ti:' -- '"''' - ‘ • O eg3.) 1 1. O. ' _PA ..W HP - le.,•p p P.,.,.. . ~.. .- • :-.- t: _. ..: . , .. _ ~ ., ' 4, ,,,,,. .i. , : Aothocifkcii - hriaii - '- wit illiV'thef; Juxtkcv - 0.4 ' , sir '41.,..-, ,, .: ':, -,, ..._-" v -,---,-,..:-...-, , , 7 , =.,,,,,,,,,,,,,kv ,, 54--.,,. , , th,:ti . 44,oo4lXtivvf Onol3t,'-- - o:iiiiiraiel r ( t,i - ki.1. , . - , , , , :yi ni - ,,, , ,t•zii, i iiii.5eir„ .. ,„.,.,,,,,,, , ,- , ?- .. : i 1114 , -",p,riVl. o l4o::`i,lo.riifiti K , i - Jiti,i,etfsittp';„§ -40: '.!''': - .:1_• -'-' ,l ' • 7-7-"' , -,.•'!-- -7 4 :1 5 2:=•••, -- -, ~t, : .:-,t--,.., i ;,, 4 I,l,li)tetCBfritiiKadd'iif,:lile'Sbroalita.te.6oind': - 2 ", - The,:tifestfith 14-- tote itkutyitivq.lyOuei;6l'ii:. - _ ;0 ,1 4.1 0 g- 1:l i e , - pi* it i *;, 4 , t iha 1ii):16:00,14,AC ',ixtirti - pt - 6flaietit, ha:46,01n been .diaata*rlxii.. , - -, „ - , vosower:',. ;:4_ 1 3 - i,ki1.6.61.4 . of, , ,itita: .ti l i-,3.0-44- , ••Bliton-Lietii- g -i-$l4 h - rrifipolicior e hllioh re p.,...:.: 'eniirr tife'fiegrii:Wathgloied4b - &iiilliteOf..,elt-: • fultV , roYieWS flip - lO4sliog:;Pfkje4lo,'OU'lih,l44,.?•= - •'' izen§hil),-,i,,ir,ilibe‘,Vlliti,,..d:thtc.:4,:_llol.vas,-;rent; baye been urged' - against , it.- - ,;;The -- , - ,jeet,g riigtlir,•4l - ki,. ; a 4 ari44.iiate,i'Aiid : rejeathili.',li) othi", .oq4list's • tthdiclition.,',of :44,d:O:ilittroil is:', -- Ca':•"-', • ethi. a a :Xi tizeti ;l_w.p.pj.Eiti4l,3) . l,lfiirC'',lle. 4949 1 detIthre'interOs'gedbarAbereget'S -filirtik... rinioi,i, ihilitben,TO:reWcre:• - • - ,,•: - X,ltt-'ou . tteelfili''' 'llial•views on this.: shbleet 'sliOrtly"" ) iap_cUpre,.''t,!. Amen' thetit'i*ide firth n't iffy's). of:ilia_ VOA: . ,4150 y, and iritleayth's r to enii . tek - .the'..th,ikrep,7,-'-. : s i tedlSb I e5, 2 . - anil iforhadc;tiny..*'tate,f6'ahridire, •ios'erltatiehs or ),Wdoetritie-Nrkieb,•he'reallyt", 1 , : iii.ico •lii*si and:, in(thiin it ies. -ha "-sn A ch,,,--1.t., .telrObes, and whit% j,ie_asserka kha(ke,tiughZ ~- ..: a4;0: la ad IP h i iii,'4,:e., it i ibn . ,_, cif, it hq i r ? tlita:l9, , ;froth'. 'the 'hagi n thrig:. - y„qLci'- Wishes ''' lii,;:tii ..be,•17,,"".. ~ Whfel.l- . l)e. : restdeS;i, nnlfi ~.recinfrif "that•„ 4 hpf , ,. well; iniderstoOd,- :that.-4lnfo'-nOir,,Of"'a*ried'Fi?!., - )Ightl• - ••••iif_'liralie - rt'it'. iltiii iipera(,ia,„afinll,.,he „y . e., 'that,,beef • t erCaral thitrae,t , 'Of: meo'.obnfaitied t''''‘,. Si)eeted, an atiait he, "-i. , likili.:,llo•,e;, equal,;inc.)-. l l l 4stallo no 6 essart for' 1•, 1 . 1 P , forMatiqk_q ,, , .t.p6ljilify,f, iii`e,.•l4W..-.4.' ",'' . ./.lAbe - 4hOtisiona_..n.re: glibiPmen 16 tiro-"blood Or'ulirs.clibir r :tillttpr.,,' ,o,,f f ,enurse,', general; lair, tliey , Were .framed and '" that. by ' - the'-20t' for t he' lOW the fi;,lftallvii.C. 'n 'At hecondition' 'Ova f• tO Our fo.Pd,l WO neither eoc4t.otniviiiii... of .I,liiii: wreit• :Fad:- of- Oihrtieciple• - re4thredi " bun _for ,the nutintenturee;Of Mei tetilDetat'aire 4-, '- it:tlie• alit 0n d ii)4l'l t :Alf4Vel:',',*(Aktd‘ - 147,•,c :been •Pori' r!itrogen - - for. •tlin;ptrapnarina of,_ , - 0,,qt.,--,-,,,,•• pased.': '„1.),.i.(.:0nit horib, in'7?4,bsthhee' e , that: gnus Of our - bbd:Y; and , Allat i ':liikeford.:ii!; - --, -,: thromtitiou . s:feetin thii,bieti,s l , r,',44„.flaiiatead;, cannot: . be - - ealled- ‘food'',ln , •thel. - .tirtlitutry - .4 - '7.',:- nitakt init.4 he eons,lit6rol iii nt.ihßreting*,,iti , , .Serthe, 7 hut we:thorehy....inereater , thiiiiiniking.,_l , A , that; the .' ';i)ri vi 1 age:), 8111114 i in oi i K.S','-i t was ;capnbilitich of , the bot)t und'r:its,catiagity p'-),,,, A t ' Wien shitdi in.ca e6t. A1.6..e r , A 0 lid amen ta:t opqa „resiat ' exterior. : injurious iiitthethit% to; - ,if.-,e,;- .I- • lielanginoto - 61 izii 3 Os lOr . the Vivited . St4.licm,.as, O)ain thin' b ealth mnder,iiiif*o l )lo,7l.PtiOtpi)- - ':','„ ,stieh,..and a la - 110 'SNO,I.II.- on 0, w hich v ary, Stances."-. • Ttioad: , cotiatltnentrr• of AboAtteitt ~-,;-,,'.: hi the - Eo v e i li j gtdti ? , : - l i'r,nri t l: . ,t,b4 - A v fi i1€,,,ii,,,m- .., y.II lel) _are snltible: 1 - inbokling wat.*Ar4ii - kc- - :r,.', qui,red,eabli'sf•ata. tO,yeeo ,- ;nize tWrigirta, cif: pg'H' in- the ,•formatfogand - .)•eilOativi - „lof -ilie';, - ;, the citr4ens of ' loiy . 0 r het' , 8i ttt - ; as :,i4o.,aaine .7(q(kaliir tisites, but' b.ytheirr,effeeti'iir'-ibe - .'7-:, as' hose of its iitYri ,eitikeini, 'it .ditr, nOf, in- , ,nerves they exercise a ciros i•: , deeid edA tint= '. ,'Y . - r , terutto - deprite.auy f›tate ofillle power ,ence on Mel nzieeutai,'eork , wherkitkitieavi,;;: detidiav,tha,i•ight l q i:Jig 9 ivi..citi z po, ; .p i "diffgrAfroth: all.otlier!withal:ni*:yetetiblt,,-, short, inqP , .inireehtlf,,A.b)6himenf.Yi4 not poll. • lie therefore'plabes eicttnet:Of meat- - a_ pfei i , - T f , ,atAriel. 'ileiii4iiiiiii,: -- iie apt_to. andiVit)) ittealarl '' eofee;'Oder'the hind'' ,"' eltailihi 40)6:a1' tietkUitiOn'(4.l,'rik4ts for. li "nerrothe food;. in eontradhatinctioite l ,, 00i1g.3i t64lßi'ktft fo r : s iilo;o6)3 9 pr o4 e a4:iioes of "kbthruoalOod;!,Whieh'aareqlo _ -:, ccoc.th inilhilieate • 0n. ,- ; It t traS ,a,p,icee' of: the preseriallort of, tbetenwerathre_and req.' „,...:, pralieni - legi!ilaiith); - niehrif lq re incolo ,cor-, ,toratiou ,of 'the 'thaehine. ' -41eAtici•?iintVett r :: ' •,•, tain r)brifhis - C.:kit:3[4o' tit , stalollah certain t'ra-ct of meat are .0' Otm.'seliatneapofdiortepr.••-i results which tr'erhthe39gi outgrowth,tial,, of - 3 . ? ? - 9;1149 iwtritionsoriz_wiqteinfia_g..4o,,, l ;ILiebii, ii.,.-• the'. - wa.r.--;-.21. `. :r.,Te"-ia.). - ,'• ' - inalfever, 'With' jus4eei condethns !le. - con- . , ;elusions „of those who, froth - ,eutupaintive .•' '-' experiments 'on the nutritive 'rattle of Iraqi - '.- - meat and treat extract "taken'--per , w,:argue that? the latter is not onlyuseless , for nthri lr • Lion, but but positively injuriouS± ,Tt.should ,be , ;.r: clearly understood hat beef' tea and extract - ":' Of :pica are only•to be regarcicd in l'he ' /fght_ of ,- : • 04 - diaries to ,foo,d, rather than, 2 . fidepoWent or- -.-• - , licleB of nutrimen(.-,-Medical and Surqica(,,Rie .: -' porter. • I -•- ‘ • • Flirting.' as - ,4 Finn Art.,- ce f sae jet tnop Lite ,to little trite'art unle: . :; it 'certain genius goes .with theskin*ledge. And 'will deny that there is a certain natural gift forsOelatirt•- iluetie'e, its there is fieantiftil tate— Some pere,ons'haYe..vrake 00a1 who ba.Vti not -any, oilier , forn,-..-of genius; anti`do!.ne Women, of Veryti4erate abilities in-other,respects,-,have• I)rt „ s of that amounts' une, woman - in fi11116,11c3 : r at; ill - gather great crowd at givern the, great o siipper, all shall lie flat and while _some, Winsome,--little 'body, witliOnt any titay or.-2parade, , aria eyen withent ritfe betnity,,Will:enterhinther cir9le of guests in a: i'hartning, way, of ,lier,'own, and,Malte'. theta all ''tn hoineWithelter and each-loth er: Playa upon. .1 he if various tempers nod trait 9 and associationa atnps-. ter hold phi'ye, tipi;n the harp Or piano., I have, sometimes,-•\,thoupht. that scriptl*-rib'. cintrin," and - perliitp-i,,ev:en4hat in the ,hest sonse,i'4 e'alled could' be made one of "the faie arts, i:nimbilteti to r charity, antl;ltlvku to relit-14M. ,Thathright girl tapes that lialftlozen tktriplillo- iu hand, : null touclieS each in ttirn.;vith playful grace un-' tilthey are wiliing captives toiler spell i and ready to, bit} or„, watch chains, atthe'fale, or go to ''her charelk-And worship by her: prayer' hook. There is a line indeed beyond which thiSAirting ceases to be if line at t, and beebines cp.tite business like and utilitarian; a 'practie:il ,operation in ' making a iptirl+t apdbas - ginv it husband—a usefill buttuot tdways idea! ;result: ,Yet, as the world goes„l a great,dealf of trite misslon firS Work is done by, Charming Woman, hi managing men to an artistic, and legitiinate way, rind the Mary ;has_ not ail the i worlc , of sin% intereession n_ her 'hands or in her cyrl;l,, although Henry Heine naught, "fl, called her' the connter girlp of the Catho- I tic ..,ourca 'wan won, over the Gotha and IVandith.—„Lh%. Ovipiod.,/ /hipped , • ' 'Peeketed the ;Plunder,, . Thq J-kraidon neim , b/...ean of ,a bate date WP have, been ainlieiently interested - in theigalary-sccandal to - titeike,an efforito as -certain who dill and Whol did not : draw. the ; extra 411i.'e _thousand - dollars. A • personal friend who 11614.4; MI position in the, Treaspry '.l:tepartment Who Maichington in ; forms:tut that' those Who voted in favor of the salary' bill in the House have 'to ti nlntt drawn the eNtra pay voted themselves.T *Of the It icidll - ,Re , ' Who voted against the , steal ,not, more than a do e, Litre as yet taken the, money, and out of this in/other it public ly known that: three gave: 11w amounts -to charalible histituticips, in'their districts; icco: purchased United States, bonds tot* anion - lit and bad them canceled,„ thus reditang' the* national delft' ;10,000, and one placekrthe amount in the cOunty treasuries, - of his dis*- triet. •It must *be' admitted that thi's pretty; good record for th 6 men - trliu voted against the salarY bill, and, as tt laidy, we are disposed to give them credit toe -and right motives; ' There ' are ,doubtless those who could not resist the temptation to pocket, the extra' V;,,otio when' it was within 'their reach, mat they will; be'held accounta ble 115 , ,t he - people alike with thOse l wito Voted for the bill. • There, are', among liaise who have siMply not taiga - the" Money &Witless some who - arc waiting, , the stunk to' blow when' they .will qUitilly'draw it; but , we!itre'of opinion . tl, - Of a late, ti ttjoi'it3 of theA ninety-11re never intended 'to; 'and never- will, talc) a 'dollar of opt of the tre . aany. -' • Time Will ;:tell;' and *Whenever :one Of theni comb be 'ore the people Win; \ o r'Setil'ent his shit t he: fit - 111'11* 'bill and the ext ra1.5,000 be liOrough investi: gated.", • -:• - There seem to besot tl . l misunderstanding' regarding the: m11011(1610114 which :Passed COng,ress last - session' hi iregard td - tlie• cob diera 4?oniestecal. ; , tilliendnients proposed were l and Ipiportiin t, but they all failed to.litiss excf.pt the- following, which •cuihndies _alt the change •- t hat- has •heen made ' , in the Inimestesti law That : any pec.ion entitled uuder the-provisions of 'the forc:ipi ust.6;ente r a homestead, who ticiy haveiierccoliire- entered ,under the lioniestead laWa quarditr of lands lees thanlaira , tte' permitted • to enter ati much land-a 4; 'when 'added to the 'quan tity ,prei iouslp , entered,i shall not exceed acres." Thus is, that -whereas the law of '1872 piamita ,iiobiiers to enter homesteads op wharis double minimum lands," •or latictiwithin he'l i mita pc' railway 'gran t and - whereas many soldiers had entered 80 acres edelc,- they tire now permitted to enter a Whole quither section, or 160 'acres. The amendment Auiplyrlou tiles the quantity pf land that may his -entered Under the tan% ' • , One of the. most ittiprirtant decd. - Alias sell., dered by, the Solo ettali a court .of. . the United States . 1 . 431. - ,11 itututt.r r( 1- Yealt wzo- tielivel,d'd a few days ago in a r,tilro:id-tat , ,e.on a Writ of error front the f3tiptente it:Ourt ~Of .1% - i9-. Co119i11.: - T)lf!' ploijititr t'hilli . QA l hat l'Airoft(lS hre.ptiliih . ! hi11 1 iw,a3 . 4.4, subjectat •91) tlthes to legislatire cordr.)l it 4 10 tatrotiqgtuenti tariir ,rates, k sze., and,i hat therefore .01(1'S:welt:id power to alitlior'iia; ilio, iinpoalciori 4 .. 41. 1:10;i2n to aid in' the e o n:am: 2 l;on ,of - eudi toad:A.7— ! The stati ! E.:li -4 one Cia!iia, however, decided that a raih Oa 1 ownial 174 a private cot pora thin Was not Itil)li,•,, in ;.,ii i ,i„ ictiz ,. that, „low, cy could tie I:li6t it its; j!i;,:dilin 1 )17 a'nnanic•l' 1 pality and .p,i •ell 1.1 it. ,Thi , it,ecision i/Icnti , reversed iiy tie SupOw r t.loart , ,or tie. ai , tell States, 'iv tieh holda that , at. radroad..i t ) a highway Which maybe rtat,ulated Wlto man-. agernent, tatlii of va1e.,,;(. , „ ',mitt therefore taildiotrin niti (if it notistroeo6ll ilauleir.it-• jinni(' exerci, , e of tlw ,l o(klative:' power. This is a diathroti deciarattott.oLthatight of the States to regulate,.tile use and operation of the raiirott(h% :t•onstinctot:lly their-au thority.. : •', ~ ~- -' . ; , , 4; -,. i, t„ .., 1:,- ;• 'y The Ohio • I,(fgh•EttnreL jaet pas , ,iccl. it law prohibitik g- at istlintely: the Jea'sti of :one: competing rai a it. it ilt;t: ing the_ assen., of two..li k iki, -- of holders - 10.mA: ze'. Valid, the lewke or a ton... competing: roi (I: ; I t 'lasi, ritvvido . iltal. in Que ,of it Jettse t he. ren tti j m 010 al" Itc' t:tet! earnings Of til`e,ri)ail for:tife and, resitiire. 4 - .:etitity'' for, the . perforMauc(i :or t,lte tcrnis - or i?( this character. It falty,prowets ,of li Minority ;'of 'the ',atoi•khohlerit railroad corpOrat ;ilintliiing,inimh'neetl;_. ed. - Th e Jan; paq' ; 3 t .il prevent the ,lease of he. bus and - Ineliana"foAl Great 'Westerif,' lttiti tIS uz;l'n glieii:'o,l.l) - 0K: - : - PE negres'iPlie!!king J»e ,Wr` I l 4kon:who ivrat lio'ter Saidt " n(i4 l -ker, etwi(l 't?efll - AtkwaVO 46•644'. ,, • • ; - L 7 cif tt , of b 1111 MMM= " Rinta, • ' ' • • .MOisten a lime of , batern bread:with. .' 6tinntr, eider v: ne . gar ,and hind' it on yea..-: imam-before gotng to ;bed. simple remedy,-We tire ahsured haa . iiroved 'remark ablyleilknelolis for • the - cure of thOse Rain ful'enlariYenients of Abe jointa of the. great toe ruhecj " haniong." - • • • If you have cold feet, 'limner e them morning and 'evening in - cold Water, rub with a roifgh•.toziel and -run .4roun'd pain' rooni Until, they .burn. ' , ln one month you will he..entirefy relieVed, All these red pep-, per and mustard nppientions ave liko afa to 'the stomach—relieve you tei day-and 141fve you colder, to-mor.row.,' • -•• , Dci not, look sour and :WP.e:begone:. :,Sid- ney stnith denounced such ati expression -as ,a ” brettelr Of the - liesee- ' 'Dr. 'Jotaisoll f 8 u...,e(14.0 obseir ethat, the habit of loOking, at the hest side ' f S.thing Was worth„ More to a . mati than a thousand ; poundaitt,year; and Sanniel 'Emil , observes, " We-possess the power, -to a great , extent, of so . exereisiqt the Will as to 4fir). , et - =the: thoughts upon Ob jects calculated to yield• happines.s.and im fi provement rather than ;their 0 posites. .Itt this way the' habit' of happY ought - -mar be. made to spring 'tip like an-y-. ther habit.' ( We may take the plaine4t. 'food . and in:. moderate quantity, but: if no sattentiop be paid to times and seas*, our digestrop'Will stain be deranged. .A. nilti: tnay eat nothing' but beef • and stale bread;lll6- two bestarti , cles , cif food stith which , we - ere acquainted, and he may it ke theta ,inproper, quarititb , m, but in n montlthe, will have dyspepsia if he' constantly chlinges the hour of meals: • -- ' • When you Meet with a Vrilie,,Wft the in jurethpart with a flannel ,dipped in • hot wai ter; if the sprainAs'very Tairtfill;WW-the' flannel with laudanum ,and etifer 'the Whole' with a dry, cloth. Then; Ivith,Lthe arm in-a. sling,i if it is wrist _that 'l3 spraitted r ot, the.le'g in a horizontal- position if it' lathe' , aiiioe; wait and see if it is necessary to send' for the doctor. , -. • ~, : • - A baby els. to twelve months old should be nursed about' eight o'clock: the morn-, Un•;,,ttnd- it should 'have time to get all 'it WitlllZ: . Every three hours, till - bed time or nine o'clock at night, it shoul - hays, a good , .meal, :which should be give with perfect regularity. Miring' the night; ,othing what over:, ; In a month. the baby , ill not only , become accustotned to this,nt upon ,this system the little_ chap tvill ourish as 'lle never did before. - More than Alf the atom ftell and bowel diseases, fevers and fits, from which babies suffer and dik;Come , from. ir:- regularity and excess in feeding them. , • . It snips that housekeepers who wash their . sit verWare with soap and water,i'do nOt knOw - what they are .abont. The proprietor of - one of 'the oldeSt 'silver. establishments ' , in the city of Philadelphia says that !,`housekeep• L ers ruin their silver ' by washing ;it in soap suds; it makes it' Wok likepewler. ll. Never'' put a ,particle c soap about - your silver, 'then it will retain its original lustre. When .it wants polish, take n piece of soft leather and whitening and'ruhinird. - ' ' " - - . _Dr. Troll says "-keep. , the"hoclrin - -health and the brain wilittalis care of atself, work - it all yOu can,", Sound doctline.. The man , that tleeps.soniitilY and sleebs_ettongh, who cats heartily of ifood'that the stomach is Ca pable 61 digesting easily; and . who ' take:s a .suthelent amount of exercise to•lieep :his blood in healthful circulation„rnar use his , 1 1 :brain to, hi-heart's -content. nelalr of - the so-called . affections .-of the brain are nothing more than torpid Wet., , stomach - that Will not digest its,food,.er s me other . local disease which proper diet and exercise would cure. Applying Liiid P4stei. !'3eeing an inquity from E..E. Morseiwlien" to Sitiy hind plaster on core, *heat and clo ver, 1'v:ill eve my exPerienee'and-Observa Lion for his and' 'Others' benefit. - .1 . presume bewislies to get the main _benefit on this- semon's erop, 'iititl•will briefly summarise; Oirit.7-Seak ilte,Seed twelVe hotrn; and roll in plaster; or Plant dry and drop 'ie., niespoouftil . in eahil inch, Then sow breed-. chat 100 pounds per acre when the corn - is . about three to four iticlies - high, • , - . Wheat.--Make brine as strong as you cap, and sprinkle the wheat and stir till all i3 - wet; " then part on what plaster there is needed. to dry it, say '','Z; pounds per hu - shel;.audl - thor- , owynly mix. .0r sow the plaster separate_ *lien *beak is_sown, .and work- inotogether:. C/ovei..—Sow as soon as groundwill„adatit of ' traveling on. • If clover Seed %iiti - sown ; with . grain, and 'pl ter- is "sown es abeve'lfW reeteci ftir wheat,- o mote will he needed till second or third yet r, - • - ' „ „ The above met locl of . using - plaster - Is based on the proposition that, with mit• short i t seasons and dry i su mier-4 it-is of-=prime itn , '.. 'virtue ce:to give the young plants; a. vigorous ,_ start. 'A,130, t hat • the-plaster is of no use to 'any plant., except it I=l mixed ,with the soil; I Icre.iw' that this last - propositim does - not' asc..4d - „xvilli the 'general .notion. existing . aao ii ..± ,I lie nen-observis class, lmtl think-. I can 'Maintain MY position- beth on ,scien, li itic - principles and . i practleii. litany' defer lug sowitcy, till. clover44-four , 'te'six; inches'' hilflii thinking.: - . - t he plaster,must be in con-, tallwith the foliage 'to get the greatest _beti--.. ,eiit. • I have soivelit in the fall ;with ,the very hest results; getting a veep early - 'crop.:', This is Very -,irriptirtilati.fot4,paitureg,,=-IVI,g 'Wr , j'e it ,e,lirt:Rl is said. to be A lr t. t rte . by st finely stovii.toinatoes - thrOugli a 'cog we piptA oft:NEIL, pile pint of ititntitOmto une (e,:114. - pOunitil taiga • (411;o1:n: - iwit Aileen ntittnic.,!4: stir- Cup of ; butter, one ,teMppotol, pf sciau, - ; tittitesi) 9 onfot iif - gin#or. , Let ~;I,t, E , cunt, - then txlikgaileient of fi~ut - very I,?ake iu n-quick •:- :':= letitotC. is. bol,- 61. tjout tpilto.a 2 6l- water :to quiltidlic thirst" PnilaitrO the lemon,Ailke, iv le 's t.:1 ( l; tiltteto time; belolugi cite ivri(( ill the thontica, nuititolit; ida:,two bot-oulk 'relic* thirst tilt 4', Ow :Atey v4*. , Ji; ttqw to . 4 )gta tt deeP iM =I =I =I El EINI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers