NTOL. Vie Agitator. • rtraulaß.SD Jougii . - *1..6.1E11.X4X 0 Rai OD Z4I , CPIr, „ AS.I.IV,i - • .•-• • - 47. • • t %LW Ir. 21*.LTES OF ADVERTISING e •Ito , tn. 81a. 4to I,CoI, cci 1 cal _ • viesk '4 . 112 i 5 00 ,- ;,4! 00!i0 01i9 WI $l4 UV 0V444 1 SD! 5 04i x i 04 700 ol Is c.;\ I. Woks I u s 001 g L J , 8 00 , 18 0 0 1 Gv Ilontb 95'_!. 4U'7, 6 lA , 704! VOO 15 OD: 20 VO ""SOLttsl 4 :,JI 01 4 1 ..910 Co'l2 00:20 04; 23 00 VlAo.stts; 5 0?; V 00 . 12 n!.y3 00,16 002.5 uoi 35 OD 4';lontts' 6 0, 1 12 0,1113 0%,!,20 W 122 0911 041 69 OD e , Q:, 112 oolis 4.4;5503in 001350016. 04i/00 0D trusemiuM ate calc;;la.ted by the Such in I...rtg - th „assay cud. stray leas aps.oo is rotad, es alull in :T;;ltan adsertistraents mast be yard for before lb.- itiONOLcipt an VATTY ccaitittts, yilatia" half-yearly ,ticts kr. adrartt z will be recitilreil. ira rce ctalre Sit.TicEe in :Ito Eturottai columns, on the if.4ocapitga,•l6conts gar lino ash insertion. Naar croserted for (ass than orrors to I.a a! colronn. 10.re.r...ta per Une if than bre lines t. and Sir cents for ancttceoffiee t:eta or lase. 'a-souticrourrire of 11.,..art.u.rsa and Dear aserted ;red; but all obituary natl . ...is arillbircharged cer.ta et line. Bytomb o - racEIS 50 Iva a etit Qbavertgrtlar tat*. 14r01":813C.taire lines or lour,. ?DSO „per year. BI shiess Cards • £4.7t02:17.11. Jalo-40:3. , . Illat.ehelder & jobt.son, liJuatiztarors of Blourarants, Toratztories, 'TatJo °Ds; counters, .DEposiatoundry, Ve.Baboro, Pa.--J nly 3, 1372. A. Rodi.teid, ' • .. ::.illilviliii AM couriaLtoß AT L3W.-- 1 ;%1) 1 ezt ,;.as phouv.tiyiatbuald to.—Blcaaburg, Tiz3a c.•:”,7-7 , Cy, kwan'a., .1.14, 1,.57]-9ul. , • C: IL Seymour, bustuess `e.u -tmatetlto his .:1.1.re will recetct 'prompt attoution.— J4u. 1, 1572. tic a - Ea d CvTia's oLock, across hail from Agitator OSice, t 1 floor s ,Veilsb - o o, Pa.—Jan. 1. /72. .Cameron, iJkiNiEl s .er LNIY, halm and Insurance Agents. Cor.verso & NllllaWe brick block, over Osgood's store, Wellsboro. Pa.—Jan. 1. William', A. Stone, nop...sty AT LAW, over C. B. Delley'a Dry Good Stao, Wright & Bailey's Block en Main street. Vie!labor°, Jan. 1, 1872. Josiah Emery, LA.W.--0111co oppollito CcAnt Ilcuso, 'SO 1 P ardy '5 Bioar. Frcuiptly aitezdal ta.:---Jan. 1, 1572. J. C. Strang, CiTORNEIt AT LAW k DISTRICT ATTORNEY.— ,iiEb a With J. 13. tilleti. Esq.,lVelsboro, Ya.-Jan. 1, C. N. Dartt, is til.;,..;—Taat made with the NF:AV IMSUOVESIE.N T. Oft,,ch glee better satistactiou than any thing else tk. r.se. Oilke in Wright Sr U tiley'a Block. Wella t,S:‘,. Oct. 1, 187:S. J. B. Nikki, i 1 riti.l 4 LY ..I.T LA.I.V.—UiII atter..3 In cint.tly to 1,113. • i to entrusted to hi+ care In the icOunttoa of Tiogs it.h I'.tter, tnat'.:e on the Airnue..—Wet.l...b , ..r ., . Pa.. ~ . .t. 1,151. ,-- - tint). W. -Attu..its, v ) ....iii,NLY AT LAW, manAdem, ITiogu County, Pa. ..' Ilectioz_lejvt94ll.4y.sktkend,..ii t. - ..—Sen. .1, la -N. C. L. Peck, L&NY. dilclalui3poltaptly ctlilectact with W. Knovville, Tic Pa C. B. Kelly. .. I.a.rg In Calpcler7, Chita ane bass NViaz:, Tet.ble CAA , ttj and Elate 1 Crum. Aia 'Eav , ,:a and bict.+4:: E.:; /.2.Ar.,:t.takt (..',uf.tsi —Wellsi,•yro, ' . a....3apt 17, ..1872 , Juo, W. Guernsey, .IIOSNEY 2: bzabies.s eatallstt3 to ctw vc01=71.17 4ttimde.l to.-01 4 2.ce 111. etvor south wiclitau/ 8 Yerr'i store, /loge, Tinge. exatuty, F. 34v. 2ST2 Armstrew, 4. 4, k Linn, az - luan'is AT LAW, Wililaw-vort., Pa. Vial. E. ABXB/T.ONO. Win. B. Smith, LIN SION 'ATTORNEY, Bounty and Inaurance Agent. C..azripnioatfuns sent t. 2 the abQvor•ddre4 , will s vitro •ronept attention. Terms suctlaatl...-Enos• 71110, • • 'Tsi. 1,1872. B. C. Wheeler . - ;;;Il l aTtly. attend to the collectieu ef all eir.ima le :top c ;.r.17: ---- Oface with Henry Slid wood. & Son, ez.s: etit of the publitt over°, Welleboro, l'a. ;.: 15, 1371. Barnes ck /toy, icsi3 PRIS/E.Rd.—A.l4 kinds at Job Printing dons on short notice, and in Ma best manner. Ofacain Bow• CCAO'3 E. 1,441, Scat.—J4ll. 187:. W. D. Terbell & Co., 7 W,11.7.31,1.E, DRUG - GIST, and aealera in Wall Papa fi.r..mto Lamp, Window Glaao, .Ivfornexy, Paiute N. no.—Corning, y.. Jan. 1;072., D. - Bil&-irii; In3IQIAN G>iD EFUF.t.3ao3—Xy. , ..y b 3 four.. 6 ct his cit,-:o lot door Er.ot of Moo To.dd'a—Mr.!.n street. `u iii arAtcd promptly to all calla.—Wcilaboro, ?a., 1, 1572. A. M. Ingham, M. D., E•:.IILEZPATHIST, Othco at his roe:at:hr . ^ on the Av oale —Walabnro, Pa.. Jan. 1, ',oil. Seeley ; Coats & Co,, , • Tioge Co , I. Inclicy d..P. 4 1r. draccraut troScs, arid sell drafts cr. New City.' t2,llot.tions promptly made. *t.l.)listeX SzEs.r:T, Osceola "V: , : z CP-tN1:41./.., • .41, 1, 1672 tre.vno Co t -r 3, - 1;04,1. ,Pa )0E L. PARKHVP.6I . - Ral Pnr.iificrisT. L. P.i.lll.kti, =EMI J, Yale floitite, 11,e. - - •••l• 111 2 , • oILIII:••ttific• • .2. I , art: maiilier 1, Pet rolium House, Pr6prit-tor.:- (1••od tisau Wig) 1,04.31 Is•R &tt gov.t utc,lttiott giv , •ll tco tille 9(i. IS7'2. Mr5...11111.y E. Lamb. li. Lt tihtt—Wtat.ea t.. uttnrut, hoe iticiala and the I ItS.L. ,g ,, 1er41": that nhe ha , t•no...ted It. tha 1111).n. dad bna1n..7.0 In MLR and that t , l..xunt at liar etow, ttee.t 44:(14 ! I.loek. ,'Z4(I NV111M111.1..--NLIVI. E. mnALL has • I the wakturT RIO crlitibitlo: 0 '16 31 titirnt.aild " 1 eive 1.. c attention es.. 'naively 0,72 tr. WeMboro Hotel., Ll'i..h. NI kIN S I'. & THE. Ala ti; r, Wellsbaro l Pa, tiOL. RUNNEL, Prop'A puptilzr k.,pt H.:4l:l:ay. 1: rr:44:lct, - ,r -4411:., no p. 01.11 to make it u first `•v; All the ktfigt-Snrriv, and depart Troia this . stanaat lc , ' I i5!2, TKE 01,17 "nNOISYLVANIA HOUSE" al, f...,TELiktiola,u as the `‘,: viclend Howse and e tcr a lital QeaupLea by 1). D . Ilothiay, has been 2 hcr;;4o-11 - ratifa 2 4 7 4 nrOoc4 ll 7 ' _ Nif,. ft. cvdo - & - Noli, '4 %.;11 be 4,ppy to e t ;;;; =.w. , :date. the cid friends at tra 10 at very reasonable katis. ;.E. 1, 18 7 2.- /Y, - X. B. O'COZ:NOR. Tioga Illarble,Works, • "' r“i,aiect to execnte all or. C 4 :3 for Tomb pt zets sakal t sonmenta \of either Ita , lia,7z, or little n, titts latest stye and approved war hipand with tstateh. T 1,3 traps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble ba able to zalt all who ma favor him with L-37 .) "'den. on As tersonable terms as earths obtained ceo.ntry. EtANE ADAMS. 1113./.1:119, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. amtlarL4.- Wellsboro & Lawrenceville it,' it. I 41.:$ '. uudity 1870 001na.77 12 p.m. p.m. ..in 11. M. 1..121. f..M i 5. 0 5Cs I%i i.,'„ , Ar.12,...u./...ig, !...,I) 8') 7h3 C C. l / 4 1 122$ 4;4 8 6,5 ' L'viL. ,, 9GO •i$ 40 li 12 13 48.:. 4 54.4 Dtp .!.. s ura:iia.g 911 b4B G. 5 - . 12 (..:8 81/ B4w T.6..1.1r,p 915 S:7J 5a3 11 43 415 523 7:1534'. VAlsge 3 ~. 2 9G4 G Zi3 11 23 352 812 litmmord —9 49 918 '7 13 /1 13 .5 O r 8 1 , 3 • 3:l—' - 'l's areal; .9 52 9277 23 11 97, S ILI :,, 7: . 7iciliday 957- V 80 75) 105: 38: 75.2 2.2.llllBtrary 16.98 5'93 77.3 10 63 " , i I 4: lillealtallay ,10 0 , 3 9497 47 10 35' 5 1 793 StB.tescielB 10113 9 :: , '.l T 69 19 l', 811.• 75:1: 8. CieVrsbrrn, A:: 19 25 19, COT.I 81/ I-2 41 ' ./?.., - ,Erlestozl, 19 .52 '2 e•;4 C.ltlllltnit, 11 12 157 krAtim, 111.6 I , . A. ii.,;(.1037.014. :9141,4.z1 Iliostiburg& Coming & Tioga IL ii, . _... .. lit .e Tulle No. '•:.t. Ta.s.o E1E. , .1. :11.:4.1ay Same 3d, 10i 2 OiDEP.,-...£1: .TLC , IL C '471.1';11:5. I .z.T..I:IVS._ AT Til-C45T.U2..1. - ID. 1 .. , .6 Oct A. M. I No, 1 u 10 45 K. m. •. 4 - zi.3 Ix. in i " S 10 20 p. m. " Li...... 220 p. to : " 15...... 023 p, in. Dr.r.5.8.:... EcriIst.BLCIEWBOHJ. ARUM AT cowaso. N 0... -.: ..... ~. —5 25 p. m. . 034 - .: .... ... 10 00 7 20*a. m. No. 8 1145 a. rr.,. A.. H. GOIVION. Sup' t IS, .k 0. R. P.. L. H. SHATTUcK, Supt 11:4 - .a P. R. OE Calawissa Railroad. • ~c tAre4t, il':ll6.znap)rt, r alefl itF. Wllllan., wart, dvp.lllstavv.rt Mark arriYts at 6 10 AceoturomiMion rrrivc at Nirsiliamsport,... —9.25 a m. An additional train lea:cs Depot at Iferdie NVEr.sport, at ILO a, rn.—for Philadelliffia, N. York, llostnn sad tr.wrniediatei points. Returning, direct connection L• made at Williamsport with trains for the west, • No change of cars Letiiet.n Pidiadalphia, New "Sank and Williamapert. GEO. WEBB, Sup't • Erie Railway. I 1.1.1%;51..r. AsJoth - E,D JU:N'E 1872, liar; and inwroved Dracoroj Room aci S.L.pin,; Coaches, :) , )soblr.ing all niqi,tern linprovernents, •a3..0 nni - th_rdnzla on all trains between New - I:Deg, llochc,s ter, 13,1iflalo, Niagara Falls, Suapenstan 11113ga, land and Clulnnsti. ST A.Tlo"ti 5. IN o. 1. No. 5. \ No. 74 N. York, Lye 900 Wm 1010 am 633 pm Birm'tn, " . 444 pm 995 pul 301 a ta Elmira, " •e - ‘35 " 12 Corning. - 1707 " 120 am 551 " Pt'd Poat, " I ..'...... /25 *, ....... Rochest'r. Arr 10 37 " ....... i hr.i.„" 10 32 ~ liorteylle, " :130 Sup '2 00 - 725 iltt. 7 W lift Buffalo, " 12 05a a 810 a m 11 45 a m 12 45pm Slag. calla I ~ 112 Uinta I 9 60 " 1/2 30pia 435 pm Dlnakirk. " 150" i 8 00 " 1115 ~ ll5 ', AL DitIOZ:.I.I. LOCAL TRAJ:24 W1:q7.17.11iD 5 a. in., except Sundays, from Owcgo for liorusna vine and W icy. 5 15 a. ru., except Sundays, fr. oul .Susquehanna for tf.Prnellasille and Way, 30 a. m., daily from Susquehanna toe Hornell4Vals and Way. 110 p. m.: except Sundays, from Elmira n.r to Buffalo and Way. 220 p. m., eicept Simdays, from u.agnatnt , ,n ter llarneileN ilia and Wa3'.- STATiON'A. No. 12. 4 I Ni. i. -1 , u. 8.1 I No. 14 Daukirk..l...vo .127.5 p att I . I L.,00 pin 1 .. Nlag. 1 , ' . 9.3," 145 . 1559 p nt I 1012 pm i Duilalo, " '2 5U " I'6 25 " 11155 " 110,nellve, •• Rdehester, Corning, 0. " Blngtratit, New Yor.t," ADDITIOSAL LC/C..kL Titsnr3 EAZ.I-Ci.ll{D G 05n. bieept Sundays, from IloruElls‘ ale. f.:.;• Owego aneWay. 5 On a. in., daily horn liorualaville for Sulguatuuma and Way. 25 a ta., ezeopt tiun.taVe, tram 1.1.. - aut:llitilUa for -Binghamton and •-•-• • 7 UO ex.:l,lA 9.:ll:.•tays, Vv 1.'4., tor Sus.lia.• ihar.ua and Way. 200 p...m.,ozzept Suudays, nom Palut,.l 12u0: frr Elmira fond Way. l 50 - p. in., cieept Buz:Says, rr. m iloruellavzhe 2katquOutuu a aril Way, t 3loll ' l7 .Y*.z r li- (ed, he tweeu Blscittehunui TLIOIIE.L'i - icke`..e to ell I. sii:ts West at tilt vozy Low. est llPtes, 2, .11 the (..;ort.;o7:7's at tits,i;azu- DepA. II:$ is col. — autliortze.i.taf.azy a the Z.;:e ;:olc.l - .l.fAy for the sale c°ll l :Cattia Tickets ^ , u/a• Isag. liag,sago will orly Tiokets at the d.tulauy's 'Yatot.' MEI Northern Central Railway. Trains arrh: dcz.vat at. Troy, sir.2e Jug 2:1, 1872 Jar.. 1, 1872 Nor.4 - a7AE.r.). Sl.c.6sra ilxpregs, 4 57 p fr. 113altc. k4prea3, - 9 15 p w ;dal 9 15 p t..liatir...ll.lr.press, 9 15 p C4"/Prnti E.V. Ili 20 a La I C. 52 ajzi A. R. VLSZE, Uwe! SUiet. Foreign am! Domestic Liquors, Agora for Fite Old Whiskica, Jan, 1, 1872 Houghton, Orr & Co,, STONY 1" Y.E, id• • uggieq Sulkies, C 3 WACI-ONti, SLEfitHS AND 808, 6LEDiI We e:c prg.ta eJ . to CIO 11). 1. - . lr li/3i , I I:I.OA.CC. 111 I:10 Lest 2116.11Lter Sll. toil 'EWE:CA . Ii Cr. Iti COLEB, Azer.ta . Str.z.v 1, IA-,2 E. Booksilllefs and Sthuners,' , ' LULI 1).ea10,, In \V..11 ?alit' . . Wii.dovi "iva,Ses, • Window I'll.filres, • , i Alusical inFt(loilruiti; Vankve licitioag, 1 l'i..i.irr Y'ra}./ , 11.11.1 (+fusel. Pic0.r,...., all , - ate. i'iLitire Cold, • • I.LIA F• 13.0.4 IstaLLA. r‘N Wipe! d Weding (.IT . ANA s ill Inge 110 :WC --N. t'allat. a ni I:ltrian Da!lLti nt !'anti n month. tc,r s Net 4.4 rw.nth, Cr 111. , V1 .3t0,1 - . r.r , utpt: ti , lr —AD i ;r ery day. are, Agfl,ts e Anchor Lin.? HY IL.UI'I..IJ 4.11 Ars.tlo . ..Pan SteLmer.3. Pa age u ;‘, i'r• -, n; itti:: . ' poiLA in Europe r.t. O.? :2 I:. , we3t rL,;:, - €il.c."llt brel-t0 2Ubri Val P.r.7 01- cf. ...: -:`.l V VOL! r. s ofLl-,:hamgp. ly - • t.craos• lAM Loy; butldlzig zt toy mr.nufr.Qtcry, vine, P. srvq.rior "which pozst-sns the f:•.llevillag tatant:tees ^:e. , l zt ::tier I. It sepiratca rye, rata, rat Utter, cle• eat rless, and cockle, from wheat. ' . 2. It cleans flax seed, taheq eat yellow seed, 1,, , 2d ell ether seeds, perfoctly. 3. It cleans tinaothy'seeth 4. It doeo all other separating required o! =W. This mill is built of the beg; rud meet e.tlr,lb/C ber,qn good style; und 4 ls frold-c i tcuirfot cfiaL. r r pro duce. I will Pt a patent stove, 1% . .•.r. ' , separating oats froth wheat, to other mica, on relwobable tmzoa. toe , wtoSlCOVilie, .10a2. 1, 1872. d, rtaieassii. - , I , • , . , 1-I- ' _ , t ., •,,,, i,,, t -, - ` ..., ~ „,, • . - ~, . ~.*, J i t it" - ti3/4 , . , 1 • 1'• ,• ' ?•'‘ . "A'-, , N — -.... `, ' U Utt?. . ‘,.,.•'? 4.. ' 1 'Tr ` •*'• r te- . i :,t . .... ..,-.• 1 • •fi . ei . .? • • :...., 14 'lX .. t • ON N. , '- • 1 -,, ... -.••..-- .., -44.-., . w. cr ,.. ~... „,. ~„...,.„, , tr. „:" , ' 511 .4 0. , OA ji : :It/ 1 t› 4 ,,,, OP•1 0 : 5. .. • 4.1 ..,, § i ‘)2i ::):, ' 1 " . \4k "... '. . ~.,Ai . 1 -- e it ~.. e...... /' '' ' ) f, ..ift ~,. >1 . 9,3't : ... • .....,1 :V'," ...' ~; i 7ti t.. / • Ll' V; 4 1 t . . ..4 r,o.r-) / - I " , ‘-•• 1 1., C' -' ~4 4% V , _Ai (6. , . . . - • , ; . . . 1 dr . .. . i , 4' ~ . , ...1-'s•r• 1-, is' - l'e .14,z . 1.:,: . ' N '"A.,7,"C-'l : Ai , 4. 4 '''.—"" t • ••.: —4 .4 l‘P4 4 1 'ASe •• .0-... ' .... • - k 1 4 •• U.'. - .Vs.. :..... • 4 . •• '-'. , ' ~.. -, . • t,,iii ...--• • . )•,--- .....,•• . •••••. -,..... ~p,...„ -:..4 .t ~ ,c , •,= & .. .. • Sa -.1 - i , ; ••- .44, , ... * -..-. i ,....i . , , . e,,3 ?„,11 - 0.. .7..,1*,.,. -z,„.... , ‘... i v , ....h, rt. --11 4 ---' :...,-,...-,-•., •-- • .a,,,7,- tit -"....• - - 4•• 0 ; 'vi ,4"•-•• • - -4- . ...,k1s - ...'••••• '"` :',;. l'A!..- ''‘'.;,',., - ...71 '' - ',i' - - , - 6 ~! • • k 0:.., At. 1 - - ..;- • -.. , 4.. 4 I L , „: ' i ...- _ _ ........"7",. Li; i v - tite„i 4 .} , -.... .1 ___...- litss "Ca%.,le YiL.l. 4 0 I SO SOT: titittaLti I= Luaivail 4, 05 Sup. 10 3,3 ylSa La lii Coo " 400 p - G3O " I 8\ GO 725 \ " -4 12 01 :37 " 120 , 3 pm 12 40am 513 " 1245 10 10 , g 23 " 714 I 235 " 00 arm 11 10 " 9 20pm 93S SNO-N. ABBOTT, Cicul Pene'r Ag't MEDEI2I Cyrus D. SW, WHOLESkJE DZA.LF.II vaNE3, ke, St. COANING, "ti-. 7 PLATEON.V. SPRING. TRUCK AND CI.TTI 11%1 V;E:TIN P Young & Le it . 613 ~t ljo 1 Lyo,15 : - .1 4. C., 'll,lwa)l:.u , }:4. 11,1,,k6 E. 13. Y( :N TO, TIP V 4 7 44 1, 4 S OF FANNIN 4 - 4 010. O. DERBY DERBY & IISHLER, 11,0 : Just 1". E• t:C :AD V.• xit) G , :Lt 14a-est A VT BOOTS. ND ;Lt.) W.:ll3bvro, t Lccdies ) Kid, and Bal morals agtcl Gaiters, ) - Ladies, Misses, Childre,n, and Baby's 3.koes. Gqits' Cloth Boots c 4;. Shoe 3 Prin.ce Albert Calf Boots, Boy.? Call 4 .kip Boots rou•ths) Boots. Ia tarrt, all Wade or :dens' as wariz Lep a a arat-clad' Shoe :4tore. Tio ban aewelviorueu'a 81rcee ever offered la tLLI3 market vir.J defy 24e world t) INTO YU tt' OltK. you Leiter,: 4.1*, ti •ta \sea G y Duly tL* Lts% stock, and have as 16:..:).1 CLUtihaluJr6 i tr,..-rity can hire. REP,URLYG dtue roa.V.y, uLd v,:th 3:13paa,1. Leather and Pindings 9.00 a Li 5 OU p. ti 4 Cash paid for Hidei, ,Dew_.,o/1 Skins), Havin„3Just idled .)t‘s .; , etu_k, personally aelected tut 1144 Md.:Litt, w. redpaetruity eclirlt a fdi abate or returns," we believe to be a good intsltutAra u.axtut : and we hold the best ta:alde, to he IC,: cheal,etd, We keep no shoddy, bat t te,luturo.t.t 49 ttutileletit ;1,0 Bil SiZEO and testes. 1V Ittv.t, uur p Uet.; ac.l the public genetally to call nod C;01111,111C our trouble to show goods. to ba fourt.t, door .north of C. I3llelie)'a Mori Street Wellsboro, Pa. May 1, 107.2„ DLI:1;1' t l'I9141.1:1i. PX-10TOC4aAPFIY9 A LL lands, 46 - I,:e It.:toiPs taken ant ./1„ executed I:i',artistl , msunor at it. 2i Ne.:ern.z.re's Gcnery, oppositp. Co, WrUst•oro No. S.* 7 CU p m 3 40 a m ban " dl7 Portraits , on Porcelain Plates. Notting finer can to nth. t , :zl thi.ge ipantlful r eel n Pie.tnrei in a LI JE.I nauic lilt' 11 I,Ct new' and cieliaoy aae sup.:rtttarq; prnAli.;ed on trot. or parte. It y(.4 %1 hitt a or )(Jut JOE, go to liodunoqu'l. If you wilut the ter) Ltit :dog tau ud dad, to Naresuorr',l . .t 11 you utiutsOductlitue, ltde you. es• to Nk.a.- autonl's.. It you ward an ola I,zo Aldbrotype, or other tat h e CE/ do that ae reslsen.adt- ;•tz,e: 1 u. Ilbey wilt be fint3lied in Lul.a 1111, Lill NV Ater wheu desired , Persou9ctishingplcturrs or orally, 11.1.(1 chlcar.n, will receive especial uttonnon. A large nsiortmeut of rill/iltd Sod F cum linttran ennitantty on bawl. Ali 1,0c15 A,i 7 lila 711 '• Ptetitres Fraltit'll to Ordel !•L. e, er A. E. 1.....net-fniues t Dextltal EA.Ncob. 24., -tf. 1. 1 It NA:RV:44)hr.. New Boot, Shi.w, Li-iitlier AND FENDING 61`t TILV. , , New Shop; New an‘i ,clazs TELFG trolr. a Cac!: Kid 2 , :et A Ladies' E'id and Cloth, Bal moras and Gaiters, - Ditto Children's and ,Alisses. Gents' Cloth, Morocco, and Calf .Gaiters. Oxford ' and Prince Albert Tits ‘ .. , t• A good lino of OVTBSE ~L 'S, cr.O. a f*a....1.r. , :. ~).? FINE AOOll2, tang#g to I.Ydze from sl,ou to s7,t,u, pagg.d and wid fres $3,00 to $lB,OO, and worth av4ry time Leather and Findings Tic undetalgne3 haying '*pent twwnty years of his ale in Welleboro—rnuela of the bine on the atool ul •penitencA2, drawing the etti,tl (.1 i.ith that ft..l the. good of soles, believes ra her itt bentinoiLg than hior.lng. Wherefore, he will on y ILIn t.rh to his oia et„iton,ers 1 3 'end as malty new o es se elt, , ,se ti ovt. 11. lit a tall, that hd may be found t lite heir all p, ma: ::c.a I'4, B. T. Van Horn's ware rt owl, titth the beet anti .ht tip est stock in TiOge. cou tt!, 0 . Vt' fil-..410t. Wellshoro. Avail :lc 1,-; NE NEW SE i 've,73E43 MN L test Improved, lIAS No SPII EMIZIEMI r ' ; 'EVERY RaeS.alf 56tting N ILL 'at; pnt ont on tr y eati on Ea-2y. in(Jut! P:eforevo.rchustug, CAS 6t L. F. Tramates store ut L. j'ENNI Machine Silk, Tv. - lot, Cot Peczetar,tly oz) Letid: ' 1. I.3.—Aieohinet cf fl hi terms. Nov. 9, 10724 ra. General Insn J. H. & a. A" prepared to :zone Faigea PSI all kinds cl ire and Lightu!ng at reas. examlnp 5.11 r1e?..13 pen= and Pot r'. Selson, Feb. 7. 1W72-Iy. EA rr.t.T VAN.r.N ur.—. I er iNtir about Oix men es.' Is a rii.lualt with %state' Me owner cat: get the ram! rapt* charges. .tiuV. V, V274-3t. E I , LSBOR j.)tiN FUiFILER ..:+b - 16 1 : , spz kr! tal.kinde liana Peßd ttil<t F tit'S GOO4l Pietittre CUSTOM BOOTS c,t the 10Ter.3: ra:E.3, L 3 usual 'WING MACHINE h ' v !tenor: THE BEET. RAF, I • IN 1 . 03 aIN I edit) ME I . RI:T4)EI T:11 :••[. q: 1 y I..yrt• id exair; iN Q.c (33, A6re:o, .110.1 cl :..!2fis on re,a3..2:41,10 ;Lucie Agrenei, 3 Co., .P... Nzsa..;:, Ti Campb€li, YeLlciel in a:Et vacs OM illS:ltniA:e Pre`TAY IC.' lust 1 mble nacE. \':,. In :NE. 'And ly :lath, .', max:3 .11 . Ti , :ga, J. 11. LA_\IP.I.II,7LL. 3. V. CA-M.V.v., 14L. irktit I.Wl` nO.O i:CO n P,•ii •q tAd time to Li:, ' , feints. lees and a: ute cal Ile body. • b) proving property, eli4 J. W. LENT. C/air/taton, Ps. TIOG-* CO.. PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER ~10 1872. Natans. = bray 'earth, pray mist, gray sN,y; Through vaDers hot tying by, Larger than wont, ezi t'.e horned. yel:ow mom Chin aire are Ldntiy etirred, And far away to herai, Of sUmefrerb✓wsiA):-tt The cyterw:vas, shiZatuLe. The dark mist Lul• a the face 01 the (lim•lar ct Of rock „or z/ler's ha the 2.1.11e8 s•i 41.C.W.V.; gr.aa sa aUa ewes:, Ar.,d ruatthat . o. FL.Ch ea weet, Arad Bunnell/ g ve.tet gtv.:4t The slow, sacred Etat is the keg, Keck night, With its keel' I,gbteings white 7:hut:ler and fwedsi. new light Thu ghtunieriug Sow Ecst streska The dense clouds pert; Their jagged reutsl i nie set,,u Pale reaches blue and glen:, As the Mirk curtain Imaka. f' Above She shadowy world, Stiii more and Mole unrolled, The gathered =data upcuzied Like phantoma melt and Z.V.,341. In clear•ohscure revealed, Drown wood, gray stream, dark held;, Fresh, healthy odot a yield Vet farrows, towers and grE se. Tne 'sudden splendid gleam Of one thin, golden brine Shoots from cite teuthetod thin Of yen hill clowned with, wi.o.it Dowta its erobowiti Ode, As living waters elide, tit, the great raw utile t:da Y'oßows in aural dwds. from 9, bush and hedge &lad treb Joy, hrestreitied ate. Brealts forth to melendody, Tvritter and chirp and sung: 1 Alive the festal air With ganze.winged L.Teaturte fair, l'hut dicker every-wkete, - Dart, poLse and tia6U-Lkayg . The ehlnlug ?Wats are gotta. ----- tellght taus of gold ss.ut-blosia .. i Betuze the etxoug, Lrutut sun Or the deep coi, Tett all: A world of life mid gi, -, .; dparkhs and :3681.6 Lelow, 1 Where the eott wee le a-dAJw, i Itionty with dto,iall, lit,. Does not the morn 1,1,41 thus', built, bright, victoiluus, With now skies clew td tur Over the soul tolia-timt. lior night wati long and aeep, Stange lislons her gicep, Strange sorrows bade l,cr wce,); Her midi in dawn N , as ;cat. No halt, no rest for her, The 11321:110/ tat waucierrr L i now sphere to higher srhrre, Toward the pure suuro, of dny. The new light sherries her ieUrS, Her faithlessness, her tetzs. As the new sun appc ars To light her get.litle way. —Lippirrotni Atupaz:zo. The "Rode of Corti." "You would play upon me—you would seem to know my stops—you would sound me from'my lowest note to the top of my compass." When ShakesPeare put these words into the mouth of Hamlet, did the poet know that he was butting an anatomi cal fact—that the auditory apparatus of man is an Instrument of must exquisite mu sical complexity, compared to which the finest harp of Erard seems snit n elumsy failure? For some time past it had been known that the human ear eontained a se ries of minute bodies c..lled the rods of Cord," from the name of tta-ir discoverer; but Dr. Princhard, in a paper lately read before the Royal Society, has cast new light on these ,appendages, and given us fresh reasons to admire the ode: iut arrange ments of life. When a sound is communicated by sit waves to , the ear, first the auricle catches it up and transmits it to the drum, which pass es it by harmonious vibration through the middle to the internal poition of the organ. Here it is appreciated merely z. a sound, its direction and volume being also recorded,- but to distiogush the note of the sound, it is passed into the cockier, a spiral canal from the axle of which prooeeds a tiny plate of bone; this In turn gives out two mem branes, and between these lie the "10tIS of Corti." Looked, at floc, above, they re semble a double row of piano forte ham= niers, but the outer rdcls as_they wind up the spiral axis increase more rapidly in length than the inner, uhetcas the latter augment in number, co th.,t near the apex the outer rods are twice as long as the in ner, while to 3,CUO outer rods it. :6 compu ted that there are 5,20 inne r r or ruder this delicate and perft,ct sounc:lng bOard are clustered nerves and nerve cells, which serve to bear the impression of any vibrating rod or rods to the brain; end with so vast a key board it is 'phdt: that not mere ly semi-tones, but tenths and fiftieths of tones must be recognized by the consum mate recording apparatus. it is upon the lamina spiralia, then, or tiny plate of bone before mentioned, that the sound is thrown in order to decide its note, however fine or faint, that sound discovers one of the per fectly attuned rods which will leap into vi bration in concert with ,the impulse, and send a melodic or harmonic telegram to the senitorium.—Landon The old South Church, Boston, which' narrowly escaped destruction by the recent fire, is doubtless the most noted c hitch edi fice in the United States. Thu old South Society was the third Congregational Soci ety in Boston, and was organized iu 1669, in consequence of a curious theological quarrel in the First Church. The first church building of this society, erected hi 1669, stood for sixty years. it was of ce dar, and it had a steeple and galleries, with the pulpit on the north side. It was taken down in 1729, when the present builaing was erected on the same spot, end religious services were held in it for the first timei on the 26th of:April, 1730, (0 t 3.) Old South is frequently mentioned In the pages devoted to the history of Boston heft - 4e and during , the Revolution 1:';t; the Bri,tiAi itoldierF4, eager to insult awe hy whom they were so enrllitllly listed,, 1.!,t. .IV h(011 they held so completely in 'their power, occupied this meeting house as a Ir4ting school and place for cavalry drill. They established grog shop in the lower gallery, which they preserved in pail for epeetetors- of their spots. The rest* of the ga:let fe't were tole down, and then hole inte - ii.q ivas stripped of its Wend work. The tit ut :hey covered with aboul two it , H dirt. thli tune the church 1.144 pto..tot, and n,; new pasior wwt. ordnii:ed till 17 In 1;:•*.? the huthting I\ 119 nlol'9l_lo4 1 ltnil and put in very touch its present cundilloa. Aitificial Clouds. ,e,-!.,,toniort ! , :tys, "lie tlizit re:faith th lie clouds shall nit but theiepeara 00 the Rhone have lately been -.:tutlyiio..; the clouds to some purpose—they I ha.. e :Ate eeeded in mandfacturing them to or.ler.-- SuCt2essfnlexp‘criments, art nil to the Lyons PM9resce, have been untlettaken by the Vine dressers' Congress fur the produc tion of artificial clouds. Tin receivers, filled with it peculiarly-prepared tar, mere disposed over an area of many :icies t mid when the tar was ignited thick a hitt. cloud : , rose into the atnaisphere, and, %pleading out evenly over a large region, renMined :Au:petaled several yarils above the soil. 'Vi,c reader w ill at once understand they object and the use of this device. In sr Msop.3 alien host is feared the tar-clouds would inter pose bowc;:n the clops and the Ely, thus Checking the night radiation which oiten causes such ravages in vine3 - ar,i, and g,ir dens, both .In-spring and at harvest-lime. This experiment of the French huhand men is therefore something more tioln ' a curious scientific feat—it is a valuable agri cultural contrivance, all the. more useful from the i simplicity and cheapness of its machinery, a few dollars worth of tar be ing ample provision for a season until the idanger'S of nfrost are passed, or till the crops I can no longer be injured. This device for clothing the fields with a protecting robe of vapor, tt*en together with the well-known process of cannonading the clouds to make ) ibern " tell their beads its - drops of rain," ! show how the modern farmer may 'shape 1 the elements to' his - purpOses, and rub eN en Cloud-compelling Zeus of his fabled attri butes. A. curious libel suit has jt st been 1.4..gtm in England. It is the case of Mr. Ileporth Dixon, the author, against th Pall 3.4:01 Ga zelle. That journal criticise I book, " t3pirittial Wit'ps," with gieai rigot, unroug other things, that it %\ as immoral. . Thu author considers himself damaged by this allegation, and brings suit for rectification: The reault of the case titi I be taken as a precedent, as it is- an unusual OWN PIIESIDENTS MESSAGE, • 01,41-& - naM and Hamm Reproentuffro: In trreztvitting to you thh! my fourth an• nun] e, , It is v% fah tiutols.fulne.4g to the Clivvr oi till Good tbat as Nailon s,ve have been bks.stkl for the last year I Nt Mt peace at hente tied attauad; and A [ten klca prosperity youelmleci to but felt.; • peop e. With the excepticn of the recent ik- t .statiog ties wttieti hat e sv.ept Ilona the t earth :t -4 .111 a breath, va it were, miilivnt , 4f acctar.ultotect %Iriltil ill the city ot 8.. sodri, the::: has been E the .year It is gratify lug to not: licw tlieir to r ciwitens of tae city of Unicago, under similar circumstances u year earlier, the cit izens of Boston are ral: under their mis fortunes, and the prospect that their erergy , c1.,4 peiscrerance'vt,lll overcome till Costa -.did show the mune prospeiity Conn that they would Lid no all-Atoler befallen them. Utherwit,e. tse have been free from peed- Itaice, vita. ana culamity, hich often over tv.te nations; and as far as human judg- hwat. cult penetrate the future, no cause stems to exist to threaten our presens peace. 54 heu Congress adjourned iu June last it question had been raised by Great Britain, and was then pending, which for a time se riously itupertied<the settlement by filendly artattation of the grave differences between this Goveznutent and that of Her Britannic 2,otlebty, whieh by the Treaty of \Vat:Ling ton luoi been zufcrred w the tribuuml of ar• bitration whit!" had wet ut Geneva, SiAft zeflaud. The arbitrators however disposed of the questivhs which had jeopardized the whole kit the tiesty-and threatened to involve the mu nations lu - unhappy relations toward euxtt (Alter, tu b. manner iatistactcqy to thita. Government. In accordance witli the views and policy %%bleb it had maintained, the tribunal which had convened in Geneva in cumber concluded its laborious i;ession on to- th day of September last, on which day, ha: Mr it) ailed itself of the discretion ary power given it•by the treaty to award n sum in gross, made its decision, whereby it a%‘ arclat the sum of $15,000,000 in gold as the indemnity to be paid by Great Britain to the oiled States for the satisfaction of. all the claims refeired to its comideisation Thi6 decision happily disbos.es .ot a long standing ditiej en( c between the tai o Gay ernmenis, ar,d hi connection with another award wade by the German Emperor under a reference to him by the same treaty, leayes theSe GovelliillelltS witllol.lt a L-1111tIONV upon friendly feldtions, which it is my sin et -I t' I l Ppe Lni•y , lyre% er remain rqualiy un clouded. The report Ot the te.teht, of, the ::;tutes,tippointect to tittekot llo: 6etievd. bunal, accompanied by the protocols of the pluecedingti of the tabitration, the argu ments of the counsel of both Governments, the award of [be tribun a l, and the opimons given by the heNeral arbitrator 4, iy trans- milted herewith. 1 hare caused to be born mhuietizeil to the heads of the three frientllN powers that complied with the joint rt'que;t made to them under the treaty, the thanks of itll9 Ooyel nmeiat for the appoiutment of arbiti:itorg made h'y them re-pi-etivviy, and also my thank:, to the eutinent persi)nagt., twined h.% thvol, mid thy zipprvei:.tion of the dignity, patience,; intoalludity and yrut aoility. NVlth thu)r_nr. tlizott, told fooctiont, llttr (tovolittititit L.la euttintitof.ttuct.l to inc the flpitrvilitibto i.y lit r iift. :ma t.ti-tplifyt.tl )l r. the bit rator Laiut,t on the part of till., Go\ ensihint, dui ins; the lootrac toi in ;1!;,i I tit.et, ihr Mi,jcs3ty in precintii.ii lF 13 LILt In Ulu uf. , ..1-I , t, (.1 tUe befulti to recora ii rpr t ui a t ;;I: tht uitiri:ed utility, tuiv, eta:ea ii.itienee, alai We pti.ideric i p clibcret,i.in NS Lie,l:lo3 contiticU c u the very iei,:ponsiole find delicate Ctutie3 corn. suit:rd to hilt} Cs it z.d.r7:o ieitrzieti utt<fildeti the tri- Lanai On the plat of this Ciovernment, to express my uf the talents and wisdom which they hrcught to tear on the waalr..- Inert of: the rebuit 6u iquppily reached. it v. in be the povince of Congress to pro vide tor the distrita.l.tod among those ulio Le enti:let.i'tv r, the reErective shoes of the money to he paid. Althouf,h the stint auarcled is not payablt until a yesr from the date of Com ay. vrd, it is turned ad. ViSztbiLi inlet Hu tune be 10 , ,t in Inahic.z,h poper examination of the leVeral CA.B,CS 1:1 , A 11 icl4 Incteum.ilcation 'bay 1 . .. d e due. I con sequent*. :eLoaitutnid 11. e citation of • n. board ut eunacissioners for the purpose. By the 84th-art;cle of the Treaty of Wash in.,;tou the respective claims of the 17nited t.ti,tes and of Great Britain in the construe- atm of the treaty of the ICtir of June,lE4t3, defining the boundary line between their re spective boundaries, were submitted to the arbitration and award of Ms. Majesty the Emperor of Germany, to decide which of those clitims most in accordance with the 'true interpretation or the treaty of le4t3.— Majest,y the Emperor of Get many hay his- been pleased to undertake the arbitra tit)°, has the earnest thanks of the Govern latent and of the people of the united States for the labor, paius and care which he has (leveled to the consideration of this long. peudiN; difference. 1 have caused an ex pression of my thanks to be communicated to his Maiesti: Mr. Bancroft, the representative of this Government at Berlifq conducted the cate and prepared the s.t.nement on the part of the Lnited Eltates with the ability that his past service justified the public in expecting at his hand. As a member of the Cabinet at the date of tie t.ettty w llici t has given rhie to the ilita;ttssi.el I , ;:twPcn the two Gov ernments, as !tit: .\liho'er to Gr‘at'Britttin, whnseetin.littecioif Ib ia.w pionza tn eed un• ?t , the nkt.rit tit th:• 1_.;( , v4-ritnitvit csl:.e etul rit..tp.c, the ay. ±tr,,„ H;_: iv:;;(:1i:Itet1 V.ith tli iitli..gtion rtii 1•i1.i1A2 , , 1,11,1 1....4.t1iutiC ti;f: t ;alai rl.tiLiva ti, intit:ti credit tol tire:,' %%1:2f..1; hti the a j6ll('nt it,.rcll boil ut the .4::• , .: (111.1 LII 11,d :7,14[1_111(1A , 01 Ptit'li jidlly, P.l , :11.1jt., , ..5 Iht. : ,Ll:/1),•1,.!, ..11. ille ‘...:1',1 tiny i +.l o:_l,t.t'r .:.-1., t-e t ll (.11 1:1,, Itv, ~ ..trd in - ,,ti 1 lims, decteeing that the cl..im of thi.! (0y- el :Au :A.( of the t,i,itetl State!: (Mit tla• i 4,1; 1 , 1:11v i,1),.• ',LI N \ tr i ll thi. Riji , t , lif ;,.; 01 )lt,r i Blitlibilit• 211113(. - .1.ty ai'd OIL' Uii !it'd Cl,ll I ;11 , Ilettiti lie, tliti ii to rottgh the limo Ch.tit• i ncl. i, ilitil,t it) )1 1 ...cerd:I/tee flit)! !lie il , )/2 it 1 1 ' 1 1 )1 ° 1 l ' I '" / ul the itrittY ' Vt.Sli ithki.l 1111 OW rill 01 1 .11111 u, 18-1,13 , hetWeell the apynts of Iler 1:Ili/mate 11;.,Je.‘ty and tlio , e -01 'the Uttin.Ll iitattt,, It'opie., of the case pre-L nt - - - - ill in behalf of L-tolt tht‘crittnehi RI ill .1 f 1 the diatt.ntent in reply of each, anti a ir:ln...- 1 lation of the :maul, ale; transmittcti help- 1 with..• This award confirms the l'itiNd 1 tStatecl in their claim to the intpoi hint welt- 1 ipelti2o of h-1aw1.4 1) imz lietx‘cen the conti. neat and Vitt:comer', Island, which Inc I mole than twentyl,ix \ ,•arzs, LA e 2 - SiJIL V the! 01011cl:1/on of Ow tted:v, Go•,•tt 13riutin has 'contested, and Iczt‘...:-: tfrifor the Past dine in the lti,tOry tit Ifie t.nited plates tv: a nation V.;[ l, 4iV,twi Zi littetioll Ot dilaited boundary beim, 1 , (..q OM ielthin ' and the p0::e1...,j0m, 1,1, 1 GrClit Britain on thi., , ontint nt. It ik., my grateful duty to acknotyledAt , the prompt,. ,poutaneous action .ul 11cr .Nlaje,ty's t,:o‘-• 1 cattalo:it ill riving effect to the a\‘...., , a. In antn.ipation 01 . :ivy reiiti.,!. f.Olll 11:i.i (;•,v- ! ernment, anti belote the met:idiot} in the 1 UrtlEett . s t'ltt! - -i - 0 tilt , no Ltrd ''i:; 11, 0 1 I'Y t a le Etiq‘i-1'..T 1 , Her ..‘lajet•ty, had gt: en 11,,rtite (ions for the removal . of her troop , t which hod been rtaCtoned there, and for the Yt'S.S?,.• lion (ii tat exetn•e, or claim, or. justification, `so of to le:tre the totted t•-tait, in eXCillt+itt: pOS6‘:: - CtuLi Of the lorly ill-puted territt/iy. .I. ant gr,i:letl to lie role to Ittimmace that the t:.: 001 h lilt OA! leta(Nitl 01 111 t• ttoops I have btA.'ll exet.uted, and the' toilitt,ry juini I occupation of ,oen Jean bv.s ceo,oli. TiE f 1 i,ivinih are t:uw in the eza:lu.:l‘e livs.c.',..ku of the I..';:tiit..ci 'ii:-.taies. • i it no* fiteoinee r.cce:isary to coin lete • ti: 1 SI!INLy um! (tete' tninetion of that pl.rtion of -the Lunn(int'y line through the Eut 0 (itt.:ll LA2 1:1'(;i1 I , ‘ t'ne e<manissltql wide', de the retna . ning part cf nue urable to 1 tecoutinmt? ale appeintuient of a coui -11,i.,,,i0n tu akt join* with ono which im.y by Lier 4)lajf:4l,y fur that purpcne. Exo:ritaice of die thhicuith s ititentlii4; the determination ut our admitted ttue t,f LouLl out y alter the occupation of il, territory" e.n* :-ettitluiev by "those, ON\ iL,k4 rilleZl at;)ue to the ret..pecti‘e tjuvcrilhicipi, pui a:. to tic ihlpultutice liatural V. in. objects or other onuments the actual line between the territory. acquired by purchase from liusia and the adjoining possessions of tier britannim ..isjesty. The - region is N ow so .:(marscly occupied that no conflict ing intertats al pidivichmals or of jurisdic tion are likely to intimrfeme to the delay or embarrassment of the actual location ot, time line if deferred until the population shall eeter and occupy the territory, some trivial contest of neighbors may again array the tw o Goveinnients in antagonism. I there fore recommend the appointment of a corn mission.to act joinzi:,- with One that may be appointed on the port of Great Bmitain to determine the line between cur territory of Alaska. and the Costa N.inor posse.ssiou i s of Great Britain. In my last annual messs,r, I re-ionamend cd the legOation necessary on the part of the United States to bring into operation the arileles of the Treaty ot Washington of felatinff to the fisheries and oth er- mt.ttera touelnag the relations .of the United States toward the British North American possessions, to become operative so aeon as the proper legislation should be had on the part of Gantt Britain and its possessions, which had nut tlien been had; and clueing the session of Congress a ques don was raised which for the time gave rise to a doubt whether any action by Congress in the direction Indicated would become important. This qUehtiOU has since been dliTosed of, and I have received notice that the Imperial Parliament and the Legislature of the Provincial Government have passed laws to carly the provisions of the treaty on the mattes referred to into operation therefore recommend your early adoption of legislation in the same direction necessary on the 'mit of this Government. The JoiLt Commission for determining _the boundii-y line between the United States - and the_Aritish possessions between the Luke ot W tit; oods end the Rocky Mimi tains has rganized - and entered upon its work, It is desirable that the — force be in creased, in order that the completion of - i the - - survey and determination of the line may be th e tourer attained. 'Co this end I rec ommend that a slifficient spproprinion' bo made. Wult rinnee, our curliest ally, and with Ru.:l , ,ia, the constant and steady friend of the 'United States; with Germany, Ntiith the Govetnment and people of w hi c h we have f-O tunny CaUFW9 of frien&bip, anti so many common svmpathies, and Nt him other power , : of kurope, our relations are nmintalued on the most irietßily term q. 'Since my Ilt•A annnal Message, 11)1: elmuge has been made of the ratifications of v, rl•my the .luttro-liengarian EmOire rclltim.; to naturalization; also of a 11./..aty With the Gorman Empire roTecting'contll.- and trade marl,; a1.,=0 61 a treaty V. ith. SWC (..kql fled NOI•WIly to hitt tThilipiti{ , ll. .:11 of Nviti hz.t‘e duly pro claimed. at it.; haying matte eu appropliation to defray the expenses of Cl4tunis.,ioners on the part of the United 1 1 Stato..; to the. Intetnatirautl Statistial Con. [ 1..).e.,..; to St. l'eter%,hur..... the perzons up ~pointcd in dud character proceeded to their attenthql the huFsions of the t.:ongrs. Their ; eport shall in due season be laid before you. This Cotwiess meets at intervak 11 about tlnee years, and 11:C, held its :-e-,sionq in ;:evetal• of the countiies of Europe. I submit to' your onsii.lerntion the pic:priety of V:".:lentllng ar, iilVitfainu 1 . 0 the CliWlTeti, tU hula its next ineetino in the United The centettnial (schibration to be held in .187 t; we Id attZuil 111 approp CI ME. Of ea-ion for t-net: nicetinz. Pretatteations ate la:ing lottv.t.le for the In to t.e held during the next year In Vit.2ittia, of verb ;2,siat magnittnlt!.. The L-n.:t..ne3 - e Exi it; the direction of aclvan,ted the elevation inelustiy. and of and of 111 , - hunaan ne,s, ns men as cf a I; . ittat;_r and hetweer. 4h15 sitibn is to be the 111.1,1: have lit?en held in Eastern Eurbrtf, it is Nilievecl that A.metican. intrenter.i and manuf l .cturers will be ready to t.vvil theniFdives 0f.,, the Ltppor tunity tor iit=e pt...r.t.set3t ci their prt.a.lue tkaltt, tf t.r4:0uct...7,•.t..1 - C:te. ..21'...ttArt.r a ct 11 :'t prnteciicn. At ti lust ses.iion of Coz , r,res2 authorlly wt-r, given for tLe r.ppoitiltztriti of one cr more P.r . /2.r.ts Gc:verr,Liezt ct be tipproptiatio,i tlAre is (d;lnger twat the irn portatit I:euelits ti:e occ. , sion offers will in a large de;i•rce be lost to the citizen of the - United bates. Y lecommend the strongly to your cunsideratiott, nrd recommend thut un 11(4:quote upproprlatior. be inac , ..e for the purpo:,e. To further aid American exhibitors at the Vienna Exposition, I would recommend an additional approprintiorz of money, and that the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to fit up two naval vessels to transport be tween our Atlantic cities and Trie'4e, or the most convenient port to I, l legnit, an t i back, their articles forexhibition. Since the lastittession the President of tihe Mexican Republic. distinguished by his high character and by his services to hibp,vontry, has died. His temporary successtr has 'now been elected, with great unanimi y, by the people, a proof cf confidence on their part in his patriotism and wisdom whiich it is believed will be confirmed by the result of his administration. It is particnltMly de sirablc; that nothing should be left undone by the Government of either Republic to strengthen their relations as neighbors and friends. It is much to be regretted that ninny lawless acts contimie to disturb the quiet of the settlements on the border he tween our territory and that of :\lexico, and that complaints of wrongs to American citi zens in various parts of the country are made The ievolutionary eurelitit tit in a hick the xitighboling ticpuLlie lots so tong been involved, has in ....owe (4 42 e o.l;,turtir.:: , :e. It is t•t 1„e Mint a a wore :.ettled Ailie r thri tut the Repubhc, hie!, way he es.pe. from the present Golernment, ti,U act , \'.i:itlt just cuitipluiut is MUIR, IA cease "1 ltc preccedingc -of the Comini•ision Oct tite. l anf tuition with Mcxttu of the, of July 1...t.G'3, on the sultject of online, I unfoitu inily been cheohed in ob.,ta tor t h to..vid of a itich meastuts taut ta tin !,y the two Govertitniut,, and 1• 'ii it is believed V. lit prove :titan st-till 'I he ' ounat-sittion.4 ' appointed ptirsultnt to the re-olutiou of t oil uess of t h e ot i\l•r; last to inquite into Mitt eda tions on la. ICMIII howler, litre dilh_ently Mudt! init..44cratata, itt that , t ou t I , Th e i r ~`! tcort upon the_subjcct a ill he communica ted to yob.. Their re,,oilit itt ;Acre necessa rily itteoAlphitti; partly on al c,auu (4f the apptopt union made by Congscs...-- The Alextctin ;ft\ eminent Los apponded a satin:lr Commission-40Am estiLiote these out, ta c t s. , It is not annt , unced otliciallt•, hut the tucss6l that countty state th.tt the i Aill 051- 11.1%'04gatikl dt'dred, t latl the ,•:,- 01,crutioni of 1,11 nitrites coliccre i Nl Itch It" -Aa'l.llC ; lllat. kali. the Rd ore't ccom we nil dinta ..44,1,cial approptiatiun he made at the eartie,t day prat:LW:lWe Itl ti - labit.; ;itti Clow missioners on the part of the Unile,h;4t ti t e s lu ieturn to them labor, wit tow delA , . II it; V. ilk regret that I ag.tin to an nounce- a COatUl:lailCe of tit • dist urited con• dition of the island (,e toi\ard the pacmcatit.n ut te (.Ih-ion:tided pavt of the population 11.1, 1;: en wade, licit the insuirection has gam e d no at iva n t r , 2 -,,, tttitl ellibits no mole of the elenientA of power or ul the I:lid:Teets nt ultilMite -Etiii tess than were tinr on the other haute, liii not succeeded itt tepressitta, and the parties stand apparenthJ in the same it:halve attitude v Inch they haf e oetapied for a long time past. The contest has lastet'. milt tor 11101 e than five years , . \ cre it hies at a oistancc from our neighborhood we might be 'mutat ent to its although humanity could not be un mOt et! by many of its int 'dents wherever they iniliht occur. it ice, hotever, at our Cool. ~i 'I. cannot doubt linlt the cvir.ll - ,ned trnain• tenalice ot slavery la (..;uliti Is lon tne strongest iriclueouent a to the cont . in,uahee 01 this str..te. , A te . irtUlti %%rung is th e Luau si 1 couie. t , l a terrible evil 'lhe z.holit ion, vi I snAN cry and the int rudy.ction u.i other relorini, 1 in the atirninistration',,t. 11,e ,c,o‘eini,,ent in Luba could not roll i.) lIIIVIIIILU the 1 estui a.• tion oi pence atm art:]'. It to et•j.teitliiy lu he !toyed that the 1 , 11.,ei,t hbeial (10vern „ sitilt, kJ: 1:1),.:u v.lll N ,, ittliti.rily talout;this ‘ielo.. 'I. he iaw of ,t,ttiancipz,t;on, N, Idyll 1 ' 1 „is patiscd inure twin t \‘u yezaa bIIICC, bits leitultued unema.ttiL.„l. In i , dvidati t.l the iee,i,iation: tor it: 4 etotk.reel:•ci:t, it \•,,.s bl,ll, It ILAIUM bLel) lu‘vaid cui..taciptaivii, tint it IA Ilh the recognition of the right, and was hailed as such, and exhibited Spain in harmony with the sentiments of humanity and of justice, atid in sympathy 'with the other powers of !the Christian and civilized world. Within 1,14 Ptst, 'few weeks the regula tions for carrying ont ; the laws of -emanci pation have • been announced, giving evi dence of the sincerity and intention of the present Government to carry into effect the law of ISM I have riot failed to urge the consideration of the .wisdom of the policy and the justice of a', more effectual system for the abolition of the great evil which op presses a race and continues a bloody and destructive contest close to our border, as tweil as the expediency and the:jtistme of conceding reforms the propriety of which is not questioned.,Deeply impressed with the conviction that the continuance of E 1 av ery is one of the most active causes of the continuance of the unhappy condition in Cuba, I regret to believe that citizens of the United States, or those claiming to be such, are large hold-. era in Cuba of what by them is claimed as property, but which is . forbidden antrde nounced by the laws of the United States. They arc thus, in defiance of the spirit of our own laws, contributing to the continu ance of this distressing and sickening con test. In my last annual message I 'referred to this subject, and I, again recommend such legislation v.s may be proper to denounce, and if not prevent, •at least • to discourage American citizens from holding or dealing in slaves. It is gratifying to announce that theratifi cation of the cotivention concluded under the auspices of this . Government between Spain on tine one part and the allied Repub lics of the Pacific on the other providing for an armistice, have - been exchanged. A Copy of the instrument is here t with, submit ted. It is hoped that this may be followed by a permanent peace between the sane parties The differences which at one time tlmreat ened—the maintenance of- peace beNeen Brazil aifd --- the—Argentine, 'Republic, it is hoped, are in the Wity -- --osfactory• ad-. justment, ' With these States, as—with the Republic's of Central and south America, we continue to maintain the most friendly relations. It is with regret, however, that I announce that the Covernment of Vene• zuela has made no further payments on ac count of the awards under the Convention of the 251.11 of Am il, ISCO. The Republic is understood to be now nearly if not quite tranquilized. It is hoped, therefore, that it will lose no time in providing for the unpaid balance of its debts tit the United States, which having originated from injuries tolls citizens by Venezuelar authorities, and hav• ing been acknowledged pursuant to a treaty, in the most solemn form known among ni - ti on q, would seem to deserve a preferene ; over debts of a different cfrigim and co - tracted in It different manner. This subje t is again recommended to the attention f Congress for such action as May be (kernel proper. 1 1 1 Ouf treaty relations with Japan remain unchanged. An important embassy from ihat inreresting Ad progressive nation vis ited this country during the year that is passing, but being unprouided with powers for the,jsigning at it convention in this conii.- ' try. no conclusion- in that diretion was reached. It is hoped, however, that the in terchange of opinions which took place du ring their stay in this country lot's led to a mutual appreciation of the interests which may be promoted N 1 hen the revision of the existing treaty shall be undertalan. In this connection I renew niy; recommendation of one year ago, that lo give importance and to add to the efficiency of Onr diplomatiorela thralls wiJapan and China, and to further aid in re (lining the good opiniOn of these I) peoples, nd to secure to the United States ii 4 share of time u.omaineree desti4ed to tlow between thoie nations and the'bulance of. ' the commelchd ‘Norlm4, an appropriation be made to support at least fourl American youths in etch of those countries, to serve as a put of the of vial families of! our Minis ters [tare. Our representatives would not even tlmtn be placed upon an equality with the representidives of Great Britain and of v, iome other po era. As now situated, mour representatives in Japan find China have to depend for interpretets and translators upon the native's of those countries, who know ,a.ur hnignPge imperfectly, or procure for the ckcasion time service's of employees in for eign br i siness houses, or the interpreters of :other foreign i.!. , iinister.3. m I rene-A- them recommendation made on' a previous occasion of the transfer to the De partment of the Interior, to which they seem to belong more appropricitely, of mull the powers and' duties in relation to the Ter- ritorics with which the Department of State is now charged by law or by custom. Congress from the beginning of the Gov ernment has wiselv'made provision for the relief of distressed seamen in fotleign coun tries. 3.Co' similar kprovision hdwevcr -bus hitherto been made for the relief l i of citizens in li.l , tress abroad other than seamen. It is uniltirstood to be customary with other Gov ernments •to authorize Consuls to extend r,uoll relief to their citizens or subjects in coltiln cases. A similar authority, ati'd , :an appx?ppriiltion to carry it into effect, are-rec ommended in the case of citizens of the tnited States destitute or sick, under such circumstances. It is well known that such citizens resort to foreign countries in great numbers. Though most of them ere able to bear the expenses incidental to their situ ation, :here are some; through accident or otherwise, who become penniless; and have nnfilends at home able to succor them.— Pq-scias in this situation must either perish, cast themselves uPon the charity of foreign er if:liev42:,‘ tit thu private charge of i. othet-s. who tivally, even: with the m::At benevolent dispositions, have noth- I. n!:, •,....-. ... , . 'zilimi t o : Ipn.re for such purposes. rd the :d,trioli:y and appropriation asked for be .rrantc , , care , t in be taken to carry the ba : »et,cen 2e of Congtes3'into etleet, that a bt-Inc.t ‘inneet-.:-Ily or unWJllthily bestoW: ' ~: tm 41.11 lire !(' II he nt“tiv)-; re.' iveri Anti cart 1 , 0(1 into (tosnry dui in 4 N'f - ar etlint! Jtmt =I or 1:11 . : A.t• 11,11 tl S i•/111f•.. •••:: walennl baul, eiret, CG:1 , 111S, 1.11111. it`E.lll( Was y mium ou saes t.l (nu =I in ill , 'Vro.v f xtry Juto' . lt14.012,Z;;I 15 net e:spetniit tires by warrant , : durin • sore rerio.t were: 1 . L . 01.1, .I.i rtrn in, laditig rr, itthl p'roNe ‘,t I,ts. n; cAtilAklititviit, In. :Wallin( Iltlpru% .11% ,lardm . . rellanecniil .•i-,11 exv.i...4 , ...,, inolltdlnq pit , 3.ic 1), hi 11 , t 1“,u5,:“.., and •K•r.....t.ng t IR , !1.1•111 , ...','.. ....... ~ . t%) 1 1 .. t cm tht pliblio d..ht...... ..... t41....:1.c10.yrixt.,c4' plin..ii al taA.L 1.,....n“.. Mint cat publi.• a. , bt .. I ictoillm en bt , n , :is pm cltas. - (1... :. ..., ..iLmrti,..licf ; 1.. ;: , ,ilit'e c'...bt. ..:.. @MI t ;1 , 1 at-atm:et tt tNte4 ;tn. 1-47.2 Iv ..1 From the foregoinu statement it apper• that the net reduction of the principal 111 the debt during the fiscal year ending Jnoi q(' . ,, IS72,'was 5,;=99,060,25; 1. The sonn 9, tide reduction is as follows: ris, r et oldi nhry receipts during the year, t1,t584,684,229 net ordinary expenditure's, including in rest on the public debt, 370,559,695 91. total, $94.124,584. Add amount receilcd pain premium on sl!ICs of- gold t' eNcesA i-f! ,hepremium'rd , l en bonds purchased, 5 -. 1,- 454,270 89. .Idll the amount of! the reds ,, :i toe of the cash habit - ice at the close of Le year, nccompanied with the stimc to I , ‘• conimencement of the year, P 3,1371,1343 5: - .. Toal, 1,7.99,20,253 54.. . 1 This statement tro;ts EOW V of• the prit , ci Pal of fhe public debt.. By' the monthie statement of the pnblie debt, which itc;(l, tpuether the the and ! intsreq due ..1111 unpaid and the intet est account to date duo, ;Ind deducts the cash in the Treasury lei t:, , Ccvained on the day of publication, the re tlus,•:;(a Wth; i i 1160,644,401 2,3. ' - I',lte bout co of i this reduction is its '::0110W6 r ' ' _ • OM= iT.i1.'171 1 .:28,1 t'..Z.7:".714 L 30,640,177 72 749.8. 5 .1 1.1:8,44:: 4,412,:n4 t:tr4,:!:!... , Sr I 9.412,1,37 1174,106.8t1; nil 11:,9 1,8:t 1 :t6;) 11, tull,72ii 2ti,:,33.4.1/2 21,211 ) "9 4'2,0:W,32.9 117 27 O. ,7.59 , C. 9 5' c 9 .."41.9613 16,6(31.:1.117 ;~F,~,ai^,s;s ; lleductiem in principal account 199,900,003 lieducti , ,n in lin; atci interest account. 3830.982 1- ..... • /Wilt:C:l4A' ill Cabil Ci Lll/1d Tyr:: ' ' ' ...8100.6‘4,49 on - 11,6 bags of the last table, 'the .sta,te ineo.-3 a reduction of the pdblio debt fro;.: Tito !at of March, 1860, to. the present folficrxs: rzeL9.7)TF,r• - if 1, 18:79, to Much 1, 1870, 88 1 ,134,782 8 4 ' :•.ritx,'l l 1, 1870, to iltrett 1, 1871, 111,849,65' 28 . ...;71:12 3 F. 71, to Mardi 1,1879, - 94,886,248 84 rf :411 la7l - 2, to Nov. 1, - 1872, 64,047,287 84 Tote .... . $363,028,y0 87. the great reduction t of tOtitioni by the acts of Congress at the I.r.st aession,-Ithe expenditures of the Government in collect ing the revenue Will be much reduced for the next tiseal year. It is very,. doubtful whether any further, reduction of so vexations a burthen upon any people will be pt r.cticable for the present 4111 all eveata, as a measure of justice I. *Quid recommend that no more legislation be had on-this sub ject, unless it be to correct errors of omis sion or commission in the present laws,. til sufficient time has elapited to „prove that it can be done and still leave ,littitlelen.t reve nue to net the current qp,enses of tie Gf..r.:eroment, pay the interest on the public debt, and provide for the Sinking fund es tablished by law. pieservation of our national Credit is of the highest importance -Next inimpor tnoce to this comes a solimn duty to pro vide.l national currency, o 'fixed unvarying value, compared With gold, and as soon a 3 placticable ' - having din regard for-the interest of the debtor class and the- vielsai tudes of trade and toratrierce, convertible into gold at par. : WAR DF,PARTICILtiT. Th. , report of - the Beerettry of ,War shows t hi: if - ipenditure6 of the War Department for the fiscal year endink June 30th, '1671, to be $a5,799,0u1 andjfor the fiscal year end ing .1 tutu %Nil, 1872, to be $35,372,157 20, sitov.,ng a reduction, in favor of the last fie- vcar of $427,§34 tn. The estimates for appropriations for the nestfis- cal year ending Anne 30th, 187kare Va c 1301,:t78 78. The estimplOof the Chief of Engineers are subtnitteparately for for tification,, river and habor improvfments t and for public huildings and grounds and the Washington aqueduct. - 'llw affairs of the Freedman's Bureau hay, ail been transferred to the War De pat tment, and regulations have been put -in execution for the seedy payment of boun t.% , tivc., due colored soldiers properly ~tin under that bureau. All war ne- , coon t‘. for money and properly Prior to 1871, have bo,tii examined and transmitted to the `tlea-ttry for final settlement. During this ii,:.:ti.,. there has been paidfor transpor• tation on railroads 4 1,800, 0(11, .of which. I I :':8010 as 57 ti over the Pad i Railroads. .Fit iran,portation by {rater $620,373 3% adn hy , Inge $48,975 84, and or the put chu,e of transportation anin le, wagons, hire of loainsterf., etc., etc., $ 92 4,6 50 04. Ali‘mt i6;370,(4.i11 have been collected from the : 4 •initherii railroads during the year, leav ing about. four million dollars still due. The Quarto:master general has examined and. I nuit-inittoil io i liel accounting officers for i-ettlenient Sliti7,l - ,9 79 of claims by loyal citizen, for (Tharerma.ster's stoges taken during the ivar. Subsistence supplies to the :11uount of zitS'9,o4B 12 have beet issued to Ow linlinos-,, `l'h••. zu,,,uni average mean strength of the ‘:11.; \vs , 21,101 white and 2,494 colored i 'N.) • The ):.4nl deaths for, the year re p. •1•• •• I i•i•• •••;-: hitt! the 5-1. colored. n'd ;Of the niedteal and: eur eit zd ..f t.l“ bl yet tu.be ordered he There exists an absolute ue- ;id nteLlical corps (11 the full num -1•c; -.;•;hlished of Congress of July now fifty-nine vacan ( Lnl the Lumber of sticcessful canal ; ,2,,_.•,:(lcqKlit:or ten in any ono year.. , The r;N:er and harbor improvements have, !,et. a ~.i-,1::•,1 :,,n with eller& and :economy. !lietigl; ;h.:a:, :.fie Only parlianY completed. Thf, IC.lsui!•,, ;i;l'e sayeti to commerce 1n411:171: tin , .- ;11e, —“,un: e r •xpt , nded. The increase) 01 (:(), , ,Inte; . f . , Wit:i I he great depth of chan-i, - , 'it:•lct - :,-..'curitv la navigation and' the 3 cf ti , ::, aCd; millions to°thewealth .1: ‘.l - : and increases th.e. resources ver.:lnlenE. The bride across the i t: - • - e: at 'Rock Island • has been . and the - proper site has 15been de-' ipon. for the bridge at ,La Cross. :. nod exhaustive report made by, 4 :iioa aOpointed to investigate the r el ha:i - betli tronsmitted to Con i. . 7.1(• n:). ervatioa; 1 aucl report of the Sig nal Liliee ir. , e ben, continued. Stations have been maintained at each of the prin cipal lake, seaport and titter cities. Ten additional stations have been established in the United States. and arrangements have' been nnv.ie for an xchange of reports with Canachi, aysl a siniilar exchange of obsof: vatiou4 is contemplated with the West In dia IslawAs, Mil G~ li~i' (: r, complel , l: I.erminuel :1‘) the Sur: 7.1 The favorable attention of CongreSS is in-. vacs.' to the following . recommendation of the `,..iecretary of War'. A ditcontin knee a tl.e qpioin , .inent (\f extra • Houten nts to ser‘e as hijutauts nti quartermast rs; the ) 1 adoption of a code providing a spechac pen• city for ~:Yell defined ofience•so that the equality of ;ht; sentences adjudged by the courts imutial ma); be adjusted; tit l e con solidatiun of aecounts;under which. t 1 xpen & reticl tures are e, ,-..:. a menEure of eco only; a x.,-appropriationliui the money tp l . the (.6i:so...action 4-4 a dept at San. Antonio, the till , it :1“; -ite befii7 now perfected; a spec- la! ~.....t placit,- thi•retincteily ct the city of .),1:.Ni0.) ~1, ti., ...;me bhrii; ris other national c, :,,,•;,•; le ~ : ............. t., lurcba3e sites for. 11.11..t.:%,_ p,, , t , in Texa-; the appointment of comint-lfy -e:rL.. - ....:u1t ,. ., fry to .t, o n.eommis.9- it i n -.! ,::114 er.:. );- a Inteellte• tot - .:..le - , - ;itriug bet tel. •, itle : , ..el' • m,,tectiott 1,1 , -nppbez.; nn rq; inopti:,: ion 1,,r the publication ot the 0at ..,1,:_....e an.l In11.1e::\ of the, enutOtrileal section of 111, , -U:ut Medical 11u,entn; a rc-appro pi ':2,-; i.in i' i f.lll:• amount for the mattufocture t o. ! 1 ,.•,•1 1 1,.., , 1 t n , a rt:;, - honld the selection !,.. - ,1••:•1,..i , 1 I , v the 1 , ;,, , .rd 4,1 ofilecra as to 1c:..% c tne.f ,, rmer t.pplopriation unexpended al t i„ ,•,,, ~• 40 the li-c•::1 year; ,the sale of . 11; h „ I .:a. lal , ,•aor.. 4 , t )lie.lli.... , issippi as can be -i,.•:.‘ 1 ,:i1111 Ille plot - seed, .:11)phed, to the e , t.thil.l.liient u: .; 1:11i. , ./ , : it:-ve n d of ( . 4. 1 0- • , 11;, ~ iwi :111,1 replca !mon 1111...Allantjecon'st, ' mii the 1 ut , -11:,..e of a,- , itiktible site for. a motto.: g1. ,, 01 , 1 h'r li.av„v7 (trdziatice;the l) and;:lijr)a iA . .hrinky , which deprive .in• vi ut,.r. in the I . lllted :''."4:ttf•S servtee. frzvnl . I leli , . im., ! . lament trout their inventif.ms; : the ri peal of the taW prohibiting- promotions in the .-tati• colpi; a contimumre of. the work upon the , vi )!Ict tiektt.l:'64', 3.4,...1.e.peal of tire' 70, -1-tion of the art of ,Inly• 13111, isdn, takii:::. f :<; 111 engineer :014liets the ; per diem gentled li , other !mores; a Ihnilittion nt: the ijele 1.,,r the present:alba 01 .0141 way, claims for .ill.-i:-Ltmc -.l.titplies aiatier . the act of .Iti'. 1111...66.1., and, it' mottitleation-, in the nif,l,. of the selection of:yntlets fur thefil• it ai j Actutenty, in 'order ti; clnitance the use fol,,,,ot" tin-Academy, whichlli impaired by rezi,ou of the larec amount t!f, time ne cei-.liily e% bruited iii gi‘,img , ,new _cadets n 111,.r.“-it Line: edits of the more elemen t:::. 1.1.41,l i -of lentning,.whielt they should ;„..; t i,, , .1.,• . ..,, , tally Flip' , the .icadomYi ni`.' o l , an appropri;:ii,,n for phil o s t r,i, I ki.:111 apparat ii , .• :oi in , tpa• e fa tier numbers and pay of the 'it , " , • 15 ;e:l , l.•yny leLn,h, 1114 ;Ci.\- , ltion ~ 1 Conores.: iv - ill tie staled (hi:: .: iy:i've t el , e,-;cti to ',trioiei enter - pit-c- to! ,lie lii:Pt,. IIA trlip WA cheaper Ira n-; -tuition ut Ow , ouat,mtly increasinv . 5u1!21,•,- , I \V.-''tin and '2 , ol . lther» product to the A.ilatitic ....ah.eti-d. The c;ubjeet ,i, one that hill two , itt.elf upon the legisla livi h) ...rich ri !he paver/mem sooner or: 11;t , i ~ 11 ~, [ ' ) . - .:i;(" , t U101:101 1 1 that itrlMei.: ate •“, : ,!s I.e.tal.cn to gain 'all: available ' n : ,. formation to ins.;ute equitol.o, apt' just lc g-.': isleln. On the route to connect the lli '4- il-z,j;‘' \ C :;"ey v.* . All the Atlantic 'it, Charl s ton. -. ~, inn SaV:ltlll;ill,,Ga., by water, y tai,-,,,,- ,•F th e 01 ; 1 0 nett! Tennet• rs , 1: , .*:•: and : , ls ti l t : .0...;; yr navigation to tic wit .. 1..n , i Chiollitii;. , .op rivers, the . witters. lut'y; :;eta : 1 11rvetil and a .r . eport made by na' iiccoinplkilt.qt en:,:;:ileer.! officer. of the army. A 1-ecoed anti also tt third new route will be proposed for the consideration of Congress. tevecly,,by an . ext6ision of the Kanawha ::nit James river_ canal to the Ohio, and liv exti:iision of the. Chesapeake mill Ohio -eain.l. its' I :gym not pleil:lrt-st to Kvopatuentl govern ! unlit aid to these or other enterprises until it is clearly shown that they ore not only oL National intete3t, , but that viheu Coutp/atV4 ■ N t o: 60. '2,14.13,105
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers