Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, September 10, 1872, Image 1

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oc,- Agitator.,
I'uisl.l,llED EVEMY 'lll MUM: 1T
j3.S.3ELM.T.IMEd et, am4pp,isr,
7 M. LOT
I, • V. 1,00 per annum in advance...4A
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11.11 . 1•:S OF ADVERTISE 4: -
rim. - i 1 ~,1 , 2 in. 3 In. 41u. 71n. 12in 25 In.
___ .-- -- - - ~----- -
I; ;; k it 00 $206 $3OO $4OO $OOO $9OO sl4'
t q t5O 300 400 500 , 700 11 00 , 16
• ;;;;s 2 t [l3 00 SOD 600 80013 00 18
)1 0 .0, 250 400 000 700.900 15 00 20 t
,i, n il,4 4 00 000 00010001200 20 00 28 00
Jl,O, f, 01 nOO 12 00 13 00 16 00 25 00 35 f'
. ,1,2,01 , .00 12 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 35 00 60
;1 ,, r 12 00 18 00 25 00 28 00 35 00 60 00 100
.memelits are calculated by the inch in length
..lalllll, and any less space is rated as a full inch.
, r , adrertisiments must be paid for before in
it on yearly contracts, when half-yearly
0 a., 1.1- 111 :La yauc a will be required.
t. i-. 1 Norior4 iu the Editorial columns, on the
m cents per line each insertion. N0th
,,,,,it...11.a. iesq than $l.
L „-, tier. in Local column, 10 cents per line if
re tine me and BO cents for a notice of Ore
, aor I.
42 ,- 11\11 - DI , Of MARRIAGES and DEATHS inserted
lAA all obituary notices will be charged 10 cents
I'D I NOTICES. sf/ per cent above regular rates.
P,csisb CARDS 5 lines or less, $5,00 per year.
Business Cards.
Batchelder & Johnson,
I tti..rg of Monuments. Tombstones, Table
c , unter- , , &e. Call and aec. Shop, \Valu st.,
I ufdry, We'labor°, Pa.—July 3, 1872.
R. S. Bailey & Soo,
I, !:utter a spevialty'. Our hotel and family
eliables us to ol.taui the highest market prices
and Mail-hint Dairies. No. 3G_Soutli Water
A. Redfield,
ms promptly attended to. °Mee over the Puatodke,
tie°. W. Merrick Esti.—Wellsboro, Apr. 1,
- - C. H. Seymour,
i roil:4 EV .ll' LAW, Taiga I`a. All bitaiLleas else
pu-tt .1 to iii,....31 , ,, will receile proulpt attentionf—
j,ii. I, 1572.
Geo. W. Merrick,
, i .,I;NTT AT LAW.-0111ce iu Bowen Si Cone's
netoss hiU from Agitator Office, :.1 floor,
I'.t --Jan. 1. ldik.
Mitchell it Cameron,
AT LAW, Claim and Insurance Agents.
n. ConvellAc brick block, over
oveood's store., Wellaboro, Pa.—Jan. 1,
William' A. Stone,
l Al' LAW, Omer C. B. Kelley'a Dry Good
Itatley'fl block on Main street.
.lan 1, 1812.
Josiah Emery,
1 AT LAW.— Otti,e opposite Court House,
I r,s,l s Block. Williamsport, Pa. All business
~a th altilvie.l to —Jan. 1,
C. Strang,
at' , ltll I It. N. IcA. Esq., Welhiburo, Pa.—lnn. I, '72.,
J. B. Niles,
1111.. sci l'f attimil promptly to bus
-. 1111 cl to his rmu iu the comities of Twigs,
P•tt , r. Olihm o» the Atmuue.—Wellsboro, Pa.,
Jno. W. Adams,
Li.,EN 1 - AT L kW, rtianetlebl, Tioga co u nty, Ya
. tion.4 pr,warty attended to.--Jan. 1, 187%
f'. L, Peek,
\l -- N AT LAw. Anchit
”. • Bionic/
J no. \V. Guernsey,
rY AT I.IIV.—AII bwinroa entrusted to lurn .
, 1,1 b.. ott-ndea to.—Othee Ist door sout h
11 r, I.IIEIII s I \ arr's Awe, Tioga,'finga ,oliuty, Pa.
1 M 72..
Armstrong & Linn,
JRNEYS AT LAW, Witharusport, Pa
1(. AftmcranNii.
• • 'at: rt. LINN
Win. B. Smith,
.11111 tithing vzut t the above address will re
«c prompt attention. Terms tnoderate.—Knox.
Stle, I'a Jan I,
Barnes & Roy,
—Att lands of Job l'rmting done on
[thou. c, and in the best manner. Otheein 11ow
,, Mrs door.—Jan. 1,1872.
W. 1). Terbell & Co.,
%IMLES LE DRUGGIST, and dealers in Wall Paper,
ao Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery, Paints,
kr.—Corning, N. V. Jan. 1, 1b72.
D. Bacon,.lll. D.,
t.N AND SURGEON, Ist. door east of Laugh-
PadLe—Maiu Street. Will attend promptly to all
.1‘; —Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1872.
A. M. Ingham, M. D.,
AI:F.OPATIIIST, Officelat!bie residence on the Av
.l`lo —WalshorO, Pa., Jan. 1, 1872.
W. W. Webb, _M. D.,
!IT , I O TIN gyp SURGEON.—Office—Opening out of
coles'a Drug Storo.—Wellsboro, Pa., Jan.
Seeley, Coats & Co.,
Enoxville, Tioga Co., Pa.—Receive money
di....00nt notes, and sell drafts on New
Collections promptly made.
DAVID COATB, Knoxville
In I 1 2
J. Parkhurst Co.,
arat_ o 17 E 4, Ell land, Tioga Co., Pa.
lin 1, 1-,72. JOON PARKIIMIST,
Vale House,
l'A. A. Yule, Proprie - tne. Thia
v,,od condition to accommodate the travel
pam,. m a v, 'well or niatmer.—Jan. 1, 1872.
Oeo.Fo, Proprietor.—Good ac
uu hi men for both man and beast. Charges rea
and good attention given to guests. •
Union Hotel.
Vk'N [TORN, Proprieter, Wel'shore, I , a..—This
pt,a , eitty toeated, nvd 119.4 MI the cenvw
,, I, mum and Least. Charges moderate.
Wellsboro H 1,
Wellsboro, Pa.
HotcllAtely kept by 13. B. Holiday.
' x% cll .pare no 'mine to make it a tint-
All no , gtagei; arrive nod depart from thia
r. , lla , tlerkln attendanve. trt) -- Lis'pry at
THE 01 4 1D
mix known as Hie Townsend House and
fqr a tune occupied D. D. Holiday, lies been
thlrottady retitled nd repaleed by
&1.. rt. o'c3oNNOR,
tz)::111 be hippy to accommodate the old friends of
Lrnic,. at fiery reasonable Mites.
bz I. 1972- ly, Id. R. O'CONNOR.
A3I now building at my manufactory, to Lawreno
tOlp , , a .aprter
, 1-Birsses the following advantages„...
,) It teparatea rye, oats, rat litter,
aed cockle, from wheat.
" ( ds us
Perfectly. ax seed, takes,p
l lt cleans timothy see
t. It
de " all other SS ting required of a mill
. t r r lnti Mill Is bunt • , o best and most durable tim.
style,atid is sold cheap for Cub, or pro.
.tr e. -
Lnr rened .. z: / ;
I will at -
Vtqt, t,
rvatent sieve, for separating oats from
er mills, on reasonable terms.
e. Asa. 1 . 1972 . J. H lir ATHEIL
Wea' and faint,
Prone on the soldier's coml, ah, how can I rest
With this shot-shattered head and sabre-pier6dbreast ?
DO Comrades, at roll-call, when I shall be sought. -
00 Say I fought till I fell, and fell where I fought;".
00' Wounded and faint. - • ,
I Oh, that last charge I
00 Right through the dread hellfire of shrapnel and shell.
00 Through without falrring--clear through with a yell;
00, Right in their midst, in the turmoil and gloom,
Like heroes we (lathed at the mandate of doom I
Oh, that last charge! , .
It was duty I
Some things are worthless, and some others so good.
That nations who buy them pay only in blood;
For Freedom and Union each man owes his part,
And here I pay my share, all warm from my heart;
It is duty!
Dying at last!
My Mother. dear mother, with meek, teaifel eye, •
Farewell and Odd bless you forever and aye tr'
Oh, that I now lay on your 'Allowing breast,
To breathe my laat sigh on the bosom first preSeed;
Dying at last!
I am no saint,
But, boys, say a prayer. • Tnere's one that begins,
"Our Fater," and then says, " Forgive us our sir s;"
Dcn't forget that part, say that strongly, and then
I'll try to repeat it, and you'll say amen
Alt, Pm no asdut I
Hark l—there's a shoal
Raise me up, comrades I We have couquyed, I know l—
Up, pon my feet, with my faCe to the Poe I
Ah, there flies the flag, with its star-spangles bright,
The promise of glory, the symbol of right I
• Well may they.shout I
F. A. .70H1401;
O God of our fathers, our freedom proldng.,
And tread down robe/Hon, oppression and wrong!
0 land of earth's hope, on thy blood•reddened and
I die for the Nation, the Union, and God I
Scotch Songs.
If proverbs are the mother-wit of a cotilit
tryi, then ballads are its sentiment; they em
balm its national pride and its penuliar hu
manity just as its honey preserves the flavor
and bouquet of its flowers. And of no
country is this so true as of Scotland, for
its songs are the revelations to us of a peo
ple and a country. highly picturesque, and
full of the broadest lights and shadows.
Where is there a land that piese - nts - .such
startling contrasts of thotintnin and moor,
of wood and water? and:where a people
whose character reveals such antitheses? In
their earliest history the trait is remarkable;
they lived as rudely as peasants, they fought
as if .possessed by the very spirit of chival
ry and valor. 'When they abolished •the
magnificence and aristocracy of the Papa
cy, it was to inaugurate the barest and the
most democratic of churches. They were
the first to betray Charles Stuart, and the
last to lay down arms for the rights of his
descendants. They are worldly-wise to a
proverb, yet strangely susceptible to ro
mance. Their whole history is full of the
most abrupt contrasts.
The songs of such a people have necessa
rily art infinite variety; the color and the
perfume of life are in them. A noble, na
tional music symbolizes the early virtues of
any nation, just as the flowers which were
fabled to spring from .tlie blood of gods and
heroes indicated the btkuty of their-lives.
When the Scotch songs were written,
and who wrote the greater part of them, is a
question as difficult to answer as the famous
Scotch proverb, " Given the Picts, Who
Ivere,they? and who now represerits them?' s
• The oldest..mariuscript we possess is the
Skene MS., which was doubtless written
out between the years 1615 *and 1620, and
left by the' last descendants of that house to
the Faculty of Advocates in Edinburgh
about the year 1769. They published a copy
of it in 1839, and in it, marked us old, are
most of our faYorite melodies. All of them
bear the stamp of high antiquity, the aroma
of something that has pasSed out of our life;
and herein is their charm, for if it could be
proved that they'were modern, the heart of
Scotland would be bereaved indeed.- The
very suggestion that Lady Wardlaw (in the
time of Queen Anne) wrote what Coleridge
rightly calls
0., Pa
robbedit of much of its interest until Mr.
Aytoun restored it to its place in the affec
tions by proving, not only . its undoubted an
tiquity, but also discoywng that Sir Pat
rick was really a# historical personage.—
The ballad describes the expedition that
took Alexander's daughter to Norway to
marry Eric, king of that country in 1281;
and Sir Patrick was probably a leader in it;
at any rate Aytoun says his tumulus or grave
is still to, be seen on the little island of Stron
say, one of the Orcadian grOup over against
i -
the coast Pf Norway. •
I believe that the oldest printed Scotch
air is generally conceded to be "hUp in the
Morning Early." ' This was a great favorite
of Queen Mary, the consort of William the
Third, and on one occasion she 4ave great
offense to Purcell by preferring its quaint
melody and sly humor to his.finished classi
cal compositions. Another very ancient
melody, and one far too little known, is call
ed "Braw, Brawtads." ; Burns has set, to .
it words full of a wild, tender luttipiliess; .
and the celebrated Dr. Haydn has ;left a
manuscript arrangement of the air, - on'which
he has inscribed' (doubtless the best English
he was master of,) "This one, Dr. Haydn
favorite Song:"
The'private history of 'Auld Robin Gray'
is amusing, and shows how near together
are the fountains of mirth and pathos. It
was composed by Lady Ann Lindsay just a
century ago, to be sung to a very ancient air
called" The Bridegroom Greets," of which
she was assionately
,fond.' The music was
exquisit , but the old words were very ob
jections )1e; so she determined to give some
little history of virtuous distress toils plain
tive tones. One day while attempting this
in her closet, she called out to her young
sister:. " I am writing a ballad, my dear; I
am oppressing my heroine,with misfortune;
I have sent her Jamie to sea, and broken
her father's arm, and made her mother fall
sick, and given her auld Robin Gray for a
lover; but I wish to load her with a fifth
sorrow within the four lines, poor thing!—
Help me to one!" " Steal the 'cow, sister
Annie," said, the little; Elizabeth; and the'
cow was immediately b:/led, and the ballad
completed. Lady Ann's charming little ro
mance is still suhg, but it was set by a cler
gyman called Lewes, in 1828, to the emi
nently beautiful melody which is now pop
ularly and universally known as " Auld
Robin Gray."
The remodeling of very ancient ballads
and giving them a dress more acceptable to
the present day, was on of Burns's greatest,
aCcomplishments. ,Even a curoory glance
will convince any one that Alidie — songs of
, liis arc far the best which take the " oWer
word" or burden of some old lilt for their
basis. For instance, " The Birks o' Aber
feldy," both music and words, has a certain
antiquity as far back as 1657; yet the place
is still pointed out where Burns sat and wrote
this beautifully descriptive song. The met
Oily is one of those which close on the sixth
of the key, ,a, very favoriteterzahAttiOri in
foul aced, and
allow seed, and all
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Let me lie down,
Just hero in the shade of this cannon-torn tree;
nese. low on the trampled, grass, where I may see
The slime of the - combat, anti where t may hear
The glad tiny of victory. cheer upon aver;
Let me lie down.
: - Ob, it was grand I
Like the tempest wo charged, in the trinmph4o share;
Tho tempest—its fury and thunder were there;
On, on, o'er intrenchmenta, o'er living and 'dead,
With the foe undeffoot and our flag overheat!:
Oh, it WR3 grand l
I'm mustered out I
I'm mustered outl
-3Ve4 , krn Atethcdist Protestant
The g randpld ballad of Sir Patrick Spence,
suffered much at the hands of modernizers,
and I would like to do my part toward re
storing in their original beauty such exqui
site lines as these:
prace dew on the gewrin lying
the fa o' her fairy feet,
And like winds in the sunina t er sighing
for voice is low find sweet.'
These have been verynnady,lsnbly altered
to ._ • •
"Like gentle dew drops fallirig
Alight her fairy feet,
And like winds in summer calling
Her voice is low and aweet.".
Woo of the gieatestpeoullarities `ot Scot
OA song is the capability it posseatiii of
expressing by the same notes the most reek,
less mirth - and the most prbfound sorrow.•;- , - -
Take, , forinSterice, the Ettig,- There efini
a young Man.r _Play itirt-the specified time,'
and it is the - ve7 essence-Of meshing, railing
drollery; play it very slow) aid _tenderly,
and it closes like a wail of hopeless sorrow. -
A More familiar instance , may be • found in
John Anderson My Jo," It, has now ab
simileted itself to the measured beauty of
ktur,ns's immortaLwords; but so late as 1704
it appeared as a'country dance, with a note ,
attached which strongly illustrates the man
ners of.the timer "The tune is to be played
even through once over every- time, so that -
Me jint,ontple hare time to take their drink."
But better than all of this class is the 'Laird
o' Cockpen.' It is comic, pathetic, full of
sly humor or mock heroism, according to
the words or time in which it is played. It
was composed by that Laird of Cockpen
who so faithfully accompanied the second
Charles in his wanderings, and who, by •his
wit and-music beguiled so many hours of
the exiled King. Particularly was he.fa•
mous for his rendering of the " mirth-pos
sessed" old air called `Grose_ and Butter."
Chinks was so captivatedwith it that
Brose and Butter" lulled him to sleep at
night and awoke him In the morning. Af
ter the restoration, however, Cockpert with
many others was forgotten, and peor and
friendless he found it impossible togain the
ear of the King.,, Ills musical, talents nev
ertheless procured him the friendship of the
royal organist, and be vras_pennitted to play
the voluntary one day as Charlea wee leav
ing Butter' the chapel. "Bross and stayed '
as if by magic the King's retreating steps;
in another Minute he was in the organ gal
lery. The organist, alarmed, fell on his
knees, exclaiming, "It was not ma,- your
Majesty, it was not me."
" You you!" exclaimed the monarch
contemptuously, • "you never could• play
anything like that in your life." Then,
turning to'his old companion with kindling
face, Odds fish! Cockpen, I thought you
would have made me dance in the church."
Many an estate has been " sold for a song,"
but the *lands .of Cock-pen were redeemed
with one.
Many of the Border ballads have a charm
that is wholly indescribable. Words and
music lilt along as if to the gallop' 9f horses
and the jingling of spurs and spears. Who
ever (that had heart and ears to hear) listen
ed to "-0 Kenmuir's on an' awa' Willie"
without longing to mount and gallop by his
side? The same active influence accompa
nies the Jacobite Songs. "It's up wir the
bonnets o' bonnie Dundee" must have filled
many a legiOn for Prince Charlie. bear
it is to have it chime in the niemoryfor days
The stately rtythrn and march of many
of the oldest airsmake them peculiarly suit
able for patriotic songs; and Burns took ad
vantage of this when he adapted " Scots
wha hae", to the air "Hey, tattle taittie."
For tradition says that to the spirit-stirring
strains of this noble melody Bruce and his
heroes marched to the field of Bannock
There have been many theories to account
for the peculiarities of Scotch music.—
" Keep to the black keys" is avery common
one. Others affirm that " the Scotch scale
is the moderii'diatonic one divested of the
fourth and seventh." But sonic of the old
est and purest Scotch airs possess both sev
enth and fourth. " The Broom of the Cow
denknowes" has both; "Ca' the ewes to the
knowes" has a most effective seventh.--
and the " Souters of Selkirk" would be lost
without its fourth, while the seventh at its
close is a definite peculiarity.
Mr. Finlay Dun; one of the very best au
thorities on Scotch music, points out theye
'mutable similarity between ,the cadences
of the most genuine melodies and the an 4
clout music of the Roman Catholic Church.
The fine old air called " Tarry woo," alter
ed by Dr. Geddes, a Catholic priest, in 17-
37 to " Lewie Gordon," was Once sung in
the Catholic Church as a Sanctus and It
now appears in Whittaker's " Seraph" as a
hymn harmonized far .lo u r N - i -,i;—..,. -- 2,..-a.-
these theories affect not its Originality.—
Grant all the seven notes of the scale, !flake
them fourteen, and they would not account
for the keen emotions, the mysterious stir
rings, the strange yearnings, these melodies,
so wild, so simple, so rich, so various,
evoke: No! it is because the musician*
lyre has been the musician's kart; because,
from the sorrow 'and suffering and all that
travail of life has come the child of song. .
There is a common impressithat the ,
playing and pinging of Scotch mite is very ;
simple: -- tOn'the coritiary; . Very fnot . `' to
the manor born" are able to' inteipret it.—
Geminiani is said to have blotted quires of
paper in attempting to write a second part
to ' The Broom of the Cowdenknowes;"
and I am very mu& of the Ettricle Shep
herd's opinion,_ who defended its want of
range by saying that." human nature never
wearies o' its am prime elementary feelings."
Christopher North's charge of monotony he
says " is nae main correct than to ea' a kin
tra level in bonnie gentle ups and downs;
twa-three notes may mak' a maist - e beautifu'
tune; twa-three bonny knowes a bonny
landscape." He, then very pleasantly con
trasts it with our modern music - which he
says is -the " everlastingly same see 7 saw--
the same slap at the foot of the bill, an' the
same scamp* fip—the same helter-skelter
across the fiat, and the same cautious riding
down the stony declivities."
But Scotch songs are beyond criticism
from a literary stand-point, for they are
mostly the production of a pre-literary jci
riod; for the rest we never think of critici
sing them; we just receive them and love
them.—Christian Union. _ ,
Two hundred years ago that quaint old
writer, Sir Thomas Browne, filled two large
volumes with an account of what he con
ceived to be " Vulgar Errors"—" Pseudo
doxia Epidemica"—and although modern
science has done much to diffuse sound
kndwledge in regard to the phenomena
around.us, yet popular fallacies have not as
yet quite disappeared. Even our text books
of popular science, and many of our so
called scientific papers, continue to propa
gate and perpetuate mistakes which may
well be classed with the " vulgar error&' of
Dr. Browne. Thus, nothing is more com
mon than tohear of the tubular character
of hair; indeed, almost every one that we
meet will, if asked, Wilms that the hairs of
:our head are very fine tubes. And yet eve
ry hair is a good solid cylinder—a fact pub
lished hundreds of times, but which seems
to have no effect upon the popular belief.—
It is true that a hair, when examined under
the microscope, looks something ke a tube;
but then so does a solid metallic ire; a fine
needle, for. exaMple. That whie gives rise
to , the tubular appearance is gimply t •
blight line which is always seen on •t • r
cylinder—a stove pipe, for exampl.,
a common black lead pencil
take the hair, however, 1 et' .
slice off of the end, •. I 1
we tind-that it is not 1 , •
if cut froui the ....,r .
Anothe = ugular idea, which has gained
very . -i eral ground, is that the moons of
Ju s er, cau be seentin a looking-glass; and
' some bright night We try the experiment,
we shall actually see Jupiter in the looking
glass', accompanied by a very faint star
which constantly maintains the same dis
tance from the planet. • Further examina
tion will show us that every bright starpre
sents the same appearance; and if.,we re
flect a little upon the phenomenon, we shall
see that the so-called moon is only the faint
imago of .the star :or. planet' reflected froin
the surface of the glass, *while the bright im
age reflected from the snrfeee of the mer
cury is what we call the star itself. A lamp
or candle held before a thick mirror will
present precisely the same appearance.-:-
smple though the explanation be, however,
there are-few errors that have taken a deep
er hold 'on the minds of the pseudo-seientl
tic than this.
Amongst popular fallacies a prominent
place must be gtVert to those which arise
from i the actual deception of the senses; for
neither °Ur eyesight nor our sense of touch
is to be absolutely depended Upon. Thus,
the beautiful phenomenon kna.wn as "the
sun drawing water" is caused pimply by the
rays ot 00 3 44 - Piercifig abA iktlfetletida,
and rendered more intense by the prevailing
gloom. Few people would believe that ac
tual measurement of the aunatid moon, when
nearthe horizon at rising or setting, vould
tilp show that they are then ran& larger,
wgLi§oo.44) ^ - : - T10:04' , ,, co,'-,-'-i,k;
Popular Fallacies.
-,451. even
:hen we
_ having cut a
mine this slice,
7 4'ring, as it would be
d of a tube, but a solid
than at other times; and yet, allowing for
the'difference caused ..by refraction, and
which is fop 'slight to be measured by any
but the finest Instrimient& 'actual measure,
Meat does Oho* that not only their real lint
apparent sizes are precisely' the= same
at all-times:
A.Uotherfallacy which in very prevalent,
is that every drop. of water ,contains
ions"of animalcules, and thatievery.pelable,'
indeed,-every fragment of, solid matter on
the face of the globe, is peopled with myri
ads of these small creatures. :,For this be
lief there ,however, no foundation what
ever. So far as anirnalcules are .concerned,
most pebbles and, fragments of rocks are
barren deserts, especially when dry; and
good spring water is, so far as animal life is
concerned, a liquid waste. A few stray an- ,
imalcules may occasionally be found in' the
water that we ,drink; but if it is " filled"
with, animalcules, ,it is certainly not fit for
human use, either as drink or in the .prepa-,
ratiOn of food. ,
• :But while most of the fallacies which we
have 'mentioned are due to simple ignorance,
there is another class which is based upon
a sort of quasi-seientitic information, and
which is far more' dangerous. A -g•ood ex.
ample of :this is the opinion general(); `held
by half-taught chemists that it is to the si
liOlous coating - of the grasses and cereals
that these plan - 0 owe their priiver of stand
ing upright- in' Other words, • that it is to
thistthat they owe their stiflhess. =This opiii-,
ion bits been atllLrail,y,
_held by' many,tkat
they hie/64016W „the arlditimri of Silica'
land fci* .the'. purpose : of gi!itig stiffness, to
the straW`, - . aridl_huslareVentiaig: the indoig,
of the, rani;'- NOW, whet we learUthat
most all soil olisists cif at least cnie-half
Ica; we shall see the absurdity - of such •ad
vice. The truth is that the stiffness of straw
is not due to the silica at all, for chemists
have dissolved- the silica by means of hydro
fluorie,aeld, and removed it completely from
the vegetable' stem, without impairing the
stiffness of the latter. —.tale's Week>y.
An Exponure by Thomas V. Cooper.
-At the Republican county meeting held
at West Chester recently, Thomas V. Coop
er, Esq., of Media, was called upon for a
speech. -Mr. Cooper is one of 'the editors
of the Delaware County Anwricah; - and rep.
resented the county in the Legislature last
session. His particular topic on "this occa
sion was the attempt that has been mtido to
break down Gen. Hartrtinft, with the first'
stages of which he happened to be person
ally, familiar. Mr. Cooper said:
"We find that Harthanft is the mark for
every venomous arrow, and since he must
bear the shock of the battle, it is our duty
as good Republicans all the more firmly to
stand by him. I for One have good reasons
to know that in personal and official iuteg:
rity he is really above reproach. Near the
Close of the - legislative session of last win
ter I was unwillingly brought in contact
with those who are - now and were then in
conspiracy.againschim in order that they
might protect themselves.
"One morning I received a note request-.
log me to call at one of the rooms of the
LoChiel. There I was introduced by one of
my constituents, since shown to be one of
Evans's securities, to George 0. Evans, ac
cused of appropriating $291,000 of the
State's money, Dr. Payne, the attorney Stra
ban, and others. These parties -desired me
to introduce to the House that morningg a
series of resolutions chiirging General Liar
treat with dishonesty la the management
of the auditing department;' and of Mack
ey,' chief of the Treasury. They went into
a long explanatitin of their proposed move
ment, and endeavored to -- pledge me -that if
I became its legislative champion my name
should be heralded throughout the State
and nation as a model reformer. They
spoke of their immense power and means—
rather of the means backing. them—saying
they could control $500,000, not forla
tion; oh! no; that was not e. en iit ;
but as a moral support in the movement. That
this amount and this support would
through some channel of reform not named
oN described.
'"They named a number of newspapers
that could be'counted upon to .further and
, back the undertaking by glowing articles
and such evidences as would at least awa
ken suspicion. Among Ike newspapers
'named *Are the New York Sun and 21rib
.wnerthe Philadelphia .Press, and Lancaster,
Harrisburg, Pittsburg, and other_ papers of.
' large influence. An introduction of their
resolutions would be immediately followed
by flaming articles from these and other
- soOrces, and if necessary the question could
be pushed in the Legislature by speeches,
and evidence could be produced sufficient
to injure Hartranft's chances for nomination
and election. When asked for this evi
dence, a check or a draft, a note, one or
two private letters, and the books of Yerkes
& Co. were shown. And an hour's exarai 7
nation convinced me that% nothing in the
least degree tangible was presented, and
subsequent developments have shown that
every atom of testimony bore only upon
trivate and personal transactions—that no-.
hing in any way connected Hartranft. with I
an. improper use of the State funds. When
this objection was urged they failed to meet
it,.and the party plainly _showed by word
and action that - their object was to create - an
improper suspicion—this for purposes of
their own—this, as they were told, with a
view to intimidate Hartranft and prevent
any further prosecution of the claims of the
State against Evans. When asked to treat
the conversation as confidential, I said that i
Hartranft ought to know it, that he was a
friend, and that I should tell him ;• his after
conduct would attest his guilt or innocence.
SoMewhat to my surprise, they manifested
a sudden willingness that he should be told,
and this was confirmation that the whole
movement was designed; to scare hint off',
from a proper prosecution. A few minutes
later I told Hartranft. Ile' replied: ' These
parties have - for the past twenty-four hours
been trying to 'get some one to introduce
their resolutions, and only lakt, night they
offered me $58,000 to withdraw the prosecu
and I refused. The very lowest amount
due the State may be based upon the deci
sion or bail fixed by Judge _Pearson, and,
that is $lOO,OOO. This prosecution
be; withdrawn until the State gets er due,
and if these parties want inv.= gation they
shell haie it.' That was e substance of
what Hartranft said., 'oon followed, (not
the introduction , he resolutions of Eyans ,
& Co., for' i mouton with myself every
one apprs ed refused to touch them,) but
those quested by., Hartranft,. and those
w , led to the investigations herein liar
raft was unanimously acquitted and some
of. the Evans ring condemned.
"Have I not shown sufficient to satisfy all
that there was a conspiracy here?—a con
spiracy to betray tile State, ~ if Hartranti
would scare; if not, to threaten - his chances
as a candidate 'for Governor? ,t Why, the
very papers named by these men as pledged
to the moral support' of their object, each
. and all, with singular,-with more than sus
picious unanimity, opposed the State ticket as
Lan. as ft was - nominate.' ; Yet , more; this
evidence, theti:iii The .Private 'keeping' . of
these ma i . has since appeared, the. col
umns of the Press, Lancaster Erpress, and
other papers' OPposing the ticket. • Who
supplied it? - _Who, else "thanthose still bent
upon keeping...within their possession ,the
$2,91,000 retained as .tiimmissions-forcol
leeting the State's war eltdn'ts?,'.
These facts would Vot bi'new to you if
you bad' 'oppcirtonity :to :ermine ,
record; for so much' of this - explanation ash
waft then - known to me Was - Made to the Leg- : I,
Islature the) - meaning following_ the appear
ance of an . article in the: Bun. The only
remaining charge, that .Hartranft has en
gaged in speculatinrwith thetonds in the
Slain Fund, - was successfully' met by the
State , when; he invited eol. For-,
riCy and alconuaittes. of honest and cotiip
tent men to examine his vanitaand accounts.
The report of thostivho accepted this inVi
tation-.and Col Pornerdidn't—shows that I
the there,- and
they are the, only pnea,:artroolmegotiablel-- 1 -
This optolorOtit boixtlrined s :s ieport'inade
by a Senate conMkifteolit,loll, when an at
tempt wait Millie th - ese . • bonds and ap
ply.the proceeds to thepayment Of the State
debt, that repots pronouncing them not ne
gotiable everibrtits Statt'whielt was opar
.sy to the origindltiOntrtet , whert her public,
.works were sOld,'-wid - that committee, it I
remember aright, had for Its c3utiontua
4SOOpAy,:,SaTEIO.ER,:',IO, 1 8x2.,.
Bpchileig, the present competitor of our
camitdetktifer Goveraor; • '
I have known Gen,Hartranft for years,
hive ifortwo yuare past been associated' with
men; wettposted in State politics, and I have
yet teklinw any of their number who' do
'not: -belleite ‘lihn personally and officially
honest.- 134 reputation has never in my
hearing been impeached •by any such, whe
ther Democrats or Republicans."
, the ,beteeeraey,aed . the South , '
'What is the truth about the conversion of
the Democracy to negro equality. We de
sire to give a perfectly candid answer.—
This seems to be the state of the case: The
Democratic party, us a political organiza
tion, accepts the constitutional amendments.
as established - , facts just as the South ac
cepted the overthrow, of the Confederacy.
It:desists - from opposition to them just as
the South desisted from the attempt at se
cession--;•cenvinced not by. logic,. but by
facts. - Tlie.-Cobstitution, 'now gives to the
negro ' eqival.civil 'rights !and.; the ,suflrage;
mid the Democracy virttiallY
,Isays, "These
enactments cannot be repealed, and we
promise to-give up trying to repeal them."
: This is all very well; .brit it is by no means
enough. The Democratic pledge to let the,
constitutional- amendments alone does-not
meet the ease. The danger of the colored
people has• been and is, not'oppression by
lawiso much as oppression without law.,-•
Their leal states as voters has long beep
practically-established;e owe little more,
to the•Detnocrety for. v ing that they will
i f
not interfere with that t an for: voting that
access! it must - - not be attempted; or that
gratita ion shall. not interfered with. , -
What We- do wait is racticali- guaranties:
that school - teachers of egroes shall not be
driven away; that blac men shalt not be
whipped. itUd intirtiered;. that terrorism sup
. perted by • occasional violence shall not keep,
them in virtual serfdom. Will the. World's
party give us any guarantyon that point?
The World will probably answer that the
danger we indithite is Chiefly imaginary.—
Exactly; the consistent and unvarying tone
of the World as to the Kuklux outrages as
sures the,
that it utterly disbelieves in them.'
It hes 'never ceased to declare, not simply
that they' were exaggerated for' political ef
fect, but that they had absolutely no exist
ence.l It has ridiculed, unsparingly and un
ceasingly, the very idea of any organized
terro:lsin - exercised toward the Southern
blacks., That is enough for us. We do not
impugn the World'a honesty or candor; we
only say, If you cannot see what seem ,to
us, facts patent as daylight, we must wholly
distrast yopr judge - mut Your diagnosis, of
the disease is so different freni, ours that we
are' unwilling to accept your treatmentl of
it. And the World in this fairly represents •
the ithole, Democratic party. Its organs
and spokesmen, almost without exception,
have !always declared not only, that the Ku
klux 1 legislation assumed excessive poWer
for Congress and the President, but that
the evils against which it was directed had
no existence. We believe there , never vi: •
a more . conspicuous instance of the power
- a- partisanship to blind men. That the
outrages-on the hlacks have been sometimes
exaggerated we do not doubt, but that such
outrages, have been practiced on a , wide
scale; that they are a constantly impending
danger,, that their existence and toleration,
are due to prejudices which a thousand Cin
cinnati platforms cannot dispel, we hold to
be a I well established as any broad factcan
be. ,
Th t the South is in general more lawless
and violent than the North; that the lower
class of_ whites - are, ill-disposed toward the
negroes; that their hostility tends to express
itselfin acts ,- this state of things alone
woulddot involve all the evil we appre
heti& , The additional and worst feature is
that tile; better class of whites, the respect
obleAiiw-itbiding men on whom in general
theerder , 'ef the community depend% are
italiffetent and, incredulous, ,as . to the perse
vutien,Of..the tiegroes. The fact is sad,' yet
not,,Scistr as it at first appears.. .•
,7,„ ' l3 "- 0 .4...0.a.e-the negrof!p
ferier phicedly CiPariNWSOMPlaubtailll:
cid tattl. false position of equality; he, is the
occaiion, an to some extent t he , active
cause, - of local misgovernment; he is the
symbol -of past defeat and present annoy
ance Standing in such en unfavorable
light the black man's wrongs make little
impression'even on the better class of the 1
COWunity; sad the rowdies and roughs re-
ceiv little check from • public -sentiment in
thei molestation of him. has in view of
'this tate of things that we are unwilling to 1
intr st the central government to a. party of
which the great mass are simply tolerant of
the negro's legal equality as, a fixed fact,
and have no.heart in making that equality
a practical reality.. . [ ,
Winn we have said includes the virtual
anser to 'the ,W o r ld 's second point—that'
host le action on the part of government to
war , the negro would be blocked by a Re- 1
pub "can Senate and the Supreme Court.— 1
The danger against which this guaranty is
°tie d.we do notdread. It .is not active
ItoSttli, tynn the part of the central govern
went .that we, fear; .it is inaction, . indiffer
ence, an apathetic neutrality which would
held no check over evil influences that only
.teed letting alone tome& their mischief:
. W,e tatty be asked if we like interference
on;the part of Congress and the- President
lei 1. press ,outrages like those of the Ku
' kiu . NO, no More than we like bitter rued
win •I ' but we would rather have the metla-
I eine than the disease. Further, in theevent
of Gen. Grant's re-election, we do not look
for Much such interference... If the Repub
lican party' triumphs there will. be little need'
of 4.. T he simple fact that the Government
stands as the avowed friend of the black
man, and his protector if necessary,- Will it
self be the beat protection. But• should'
Mr.-pier:ley be elected, we believe the re
sultlwould be accepted—however contrary
to his own wishes—by the lower element in
the southern white population as a signal
of t tat "freeing of the white man" which
to their mind means• inferiority of the_ne,
gro.. The new President would m‘into
Milne with his hands tied by,iii<new party
associations. And 1.11.0-7 - Democrat'le mine
tenths of that naaf i " though they ay il ac
cept negro...wrathy as a fact in the, statute
book , aVe anything but zeal toward mak
• s • it a fact on the soil.—Christian Vnion.
.. .. . - . .. , _,..
Even the World proclaims its unWilling
nesto "submit the financial, policy' of the
con try to Mr. Greeley's ;guidance." Its
avo dance of this difficulty is by a plea that
the ,ffnances will be committed , to the Sec
retarY of the Treasury-Selected by Mr.
Gleley at the instance of his counaelors—
an so the fatal difficulty will be bridged.—
But Wall street, sympathizing. with the
_WOK did not show its belief in the safety
valVe'when 'twits supposed North Carolina
hail been won by the coalition. ' nor is there
anywhere any. evidence that the most Vi
sionary of those•schemes, whose , possibility
alarms the World, would ,not he carried out
if Possible: . • On, the other hand, we have
toUrance, of sound conservative manage
ment,et the finances if Grant' is re-elected,
in what Ile has aireadY, done aid is doing.,--
There is` no more huportant issue - 0 stake
thin:Cads; and if the very suPpori c ers of one
4andidate question lila capacity. to Manage
A 4right, it is needless to go &tither for a
reason for dropping ilim.—., ffideukaph.: . '
Those Democrats who refuse to vote for
Greeley are assured kily their leaders that. a
: vote for the Democratic Electora_for this
'State nominated at Reading wilt not be. a •
- vote for Circeley,l and-we-already hear 'of
•one Democrat who refuses .to; •vote for the
Sage, lmt has concluded tot vote the electo.
rat ticket. The ,14berals understand that
the Electors nominated at Reading, if elect. ,
edi :will cast their votes for 'Greeley
Electoral college. If they do uot,Alie Lib
erals will be the :victims of the • grossest
treachery; Arid if they do r the :anti-Greeley
Democrats be:outrageously deceived:•z-L-
ThesetoprincipleilDemeeratic /eadersuitust
.betaught-•Atiat .thek.:.cae!t : carry *ater .ott
atiOuldeitc . - -141; be distinctly Under.:
'l4tOOd*V4ir'cliisitl+X ;14;6 , fhe iMposed'upon—
Abe Liberalt LatihialtraighleVtit Deblooram
H fcrr i i kri,4 •
THE DlNTERENcE . .—Buckalew is travel
in .g through the State tellintthepeople that
he was loyal during the war. • General Har
tranft's loyalty iwaa..exhipited - 1 at the first
shot at Sumter, aticl Ake•people kave known ,
ever since - where In stoti.; , The °gels coin
•pelle4 to t&WtlUtti The other's'
positkuterpUlna - • -•I
- 411111MMINERIEV '
WelisbOro, & Lawrenceville
• ukipt Dtreal Monday irate 13(1, 1672:
_vorsa mum 601210 ikon!.
' 16 4 Stations: ". 11
p.m. p.m. a.m. - a.m. p.m.
140 6 at; 820 Ar. Cornlug, Dep. 780 785 6
12 18 440 722 ' 825 840, 818
12 03, 433 714 Dep. Dunalug 891 840 628
11 53 429 710 Lathrop :885 sio,
11 44 418 6 . 59 Bear Creek - 8 46 901 647
11 33 415 656 - 'Bogs Village 849 904 -6 46
11 18 402 642 Hammond • 903 913 716
11 03 353 633, Hill's Creek, 912 927 7 .27
10 57 3so 630 Holliday 916 980
.7 81
/947 842 622 Mfddlobury. 828 988 742
1039 837 617 lillealralloy 9OR 943 750
1026 8 29: - 6 ot3 Stokeadate 986 951 803
10 15 320 6LO Wellaboro, Arr. 94510 00 813
A. H. 12011rN; Bup't.
, .. ,
Blossburg & _Corning & Tloga R. R.
- Time -Table" N0..32. ,
- - ' ' 1 Takes Effect M0045Y aline lid, 1872.
Pirrsur MUM C,031.24Tr50. ,AnltiVE AT /31,0iiintitta.
NO. a. 4 ... '7 80 a. m. No. '1 • 10 00,a. of
" ILI,. . ...... 755 p. ru.
.1' 3 - - io q0p.49
No 4.805 p. m. No. 2.... '.
;A .685 p. in
545 p, m. " 4..„.,..... 1 ...820a,m
A. H. GORTON, Sup't B & 0. IL U.
- ." L. H. SHATTUCK, SUVI Tioga H.R.
, VataVi r ifiS# ~RanTly• ' .
~ , ,
. , pmt. P99L of Pine street , Wi ll la P °r 4 ? I ' ,
. 1 ',• • , 4 - F'L,Si7VABP'
'• 1
Mall'ffep:Willlainspott, ' " '•' ' ' ' ' 9:00 a. in.
Adoornmodation 'dep. Williatnaport ' 6OO p. m.
Mallarrtve at Williamsport " "0 10 p'. in.
Acoommodation arrive at WilliamaPort,: .. :- . 9.16 kin.
AU additional train -leaves Depot at Benito House.
W'msport, at 9.05 a. ni.—for Milton, Philadelphia, N.
York, Boston and Intermediate 'points. Returning,
&root connection is made at Williamsport with trains
for the west. e .
No ohango of cars between Thiludelplila,. New York
and Williamsport. GEO. WEBB, Sup't.
'Erie Railway.
This Tams Azoisp) Jim/ aD, 1877.
New and improved Drawing Room and Sleeping
Coaches, combining all modern Improvements, are
run through on all trains between New York, Roches
ter, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, 'Suspension Bridge, Cleve
land and Cincinnati.
No. 6,
1100 am
915 pm
11 50 " •
19 , 35 a m
1208 "
ilO 20 " 114 20 "
205 " 7OS Bft. 720 Bti
620 am - 1120 am 1120 am
700 " 12 10pmI 12 10 pm
732 112 so 112 50
N. Ity.rk, Lye
Bingl2, g.
Elmira, ' •
No. 1.
900 am
484 pm
6 25 "
7 02 •4
Corning, .4
Pt'd Post, ..
Itoobinit'r, Arr
ilorn'vlio, 4.
Buffalo. .4
10 80 "
816 Sup
11 50p4U
12 45am
1 48 '•
Niag. Falls ••
Dunkirk. ••
6 a. m., etcept Sundays, from Owego for normals
villa and Way.
5 15 a. m.,except Sundays; from Susquehanna for
Hornellavile and Way.
00 a. m., daily from Susquehanna for Horneffsvill ,
and Way.
1 15 p. tn., except Sundays, from Elmira for Avo
to Buffalo and Way. -
290 p. m., except Sundays, from Binghamton fo
liernellaville and 'Way.
No. 12.•
110 pm
145 "
2 30 "
615 Sup.
400 pm
725 ..
10 10 •4
Dunkirk, Lye
Sing. Fella,"
Horn'lure, "
Rochester, "
Corotrtg, -
Ding' rata, 4,
No. 4. I
020 g.
10 10 gg
5 30 gg
11 98
12 16 am
2 16 ..
New York, ..
7 00am 11 00..
600 a. m..
except Sundays, from liciniellaville fo.
Owego and Way:
6 55n. m., daily from tforusllavills for Suaquehan
and Way. •
700 a. m., except Sundays. from nornellaville fo
Binghamton and Way.
7 ilii a. m., except Sundays, from Owego fqf ;Basque,
fauna and Way. ; '. I
1 GS p. nr., except Sundays, from' Painted Post fo
Rivkin" and Way.
1168 p. in. except Su4ldaye, from Hornellsville fo
Susquetunda and Way. 1 ' 1
- *pally. '
thlondays oxceptel, between Susquehanna and Por
.. ,
Through Ticketia to, all point* West at that - Avery Low
eat Rates, for sale ill 'the Corupariy'a °M ae at the CorpL
-- rills - notutrinirratitu - .
Company for the sale of Wester,/ beketa intart
Baggage will bo checke only on Tickets purchase
at the Company's office.- •
Deal Pass'r
' Northern Ce tral Railway.
Traifs arrive and depart at Troy, since June, 9th, 1871
.as fellows :
I rroactrniv.tnt.. • sorrrrrwatip.
Niagara Express, p irk Flay°, Express, 816 p ri
CUlainitati Exp. 10 20 8 15 1 =
-r„„,' 4 `
41. R. FISKE, Gong Sup l :t.7
Cyrus D. SIII 9
Foreign and Domestic Liguori
WINES, &c., as..
Agent for Fine lilt Whiskies;
Jan. I, 1872. CORNING. N. Y.
Houghton r •
Orr &
• • fifatoxfactaceri of '
Buggies, Sulkies,
. •
; •
mr: prepared to do anything in our line on alio -i
ea and in the beat manner. Satisfaction gu
teed. • - 110UORTON, ORR & 00.
/IASTENOI3 di COLES, Agents Wellaboro.'
• Stony Fork, July 1, 1872. •
HAS now in stock, and will keep . co nstantly
band, at the lowest market quotations.
Wool Twine, 2di 4 ply cotton dz patetwine. Marti
yar strand. •Knowl's patent Key Ladder, from Bto
• - ,•
tali moeortment of Late Ilnren and Borgia
aunmerasze. °ARAL waxer.
racra DOWN.
Ito. 1 & 4 4, eitra engine oil. 'A oomph:de tiosortmosini
• • `, Mechanis l Tools,
nougr. xiinzuwas AND NODBIr
Come is aaA !tike s look, get the eel:des , and see
ielgurtelto 13:td•oblige ' J. SUEIMEL3N,
Jan. •
_ _
," Tq BOIA 41,41 E ." !
i4 ltetrakleinitt - l i r,P ,
1..4* for Cannseers. It is • tcrpsaloa volturo I
oltnroosters eirsosp.l.' (Ft which , 100 4 000 copies have
been sold. , lust* tirooleonnelet no Ouo
but take ono people , Tou in the . streets to
Isitioribs It r. "Melo is a dins toloisit," and all
Who teed this book Mb - clearly that time: .las come—
nPrY sit once for or ciroulsm.. AddresS ,
Door, Sash it: Blind Faatozy.
rlailisrAMM AtMitt is prepared to tarnish nisi&
1.0 'class worirtronribe best lumber, at bbl 'new fac.
tory Whitt), is now in full operation.
111421ININ D 11/11011411VE D
constantly on bend, or manufactured to order
Planing and Rgatehink
- '
done prom l tly,. and in the beat j manner. The best
sioiinnon p)Wd. and none but the best seasoned
bunberus d. Encourage home industry.
Attar near the fo
J.D. 1.1
Ere w. a antgd. Part:NOM attention given to • '
C .; &Cloth Dressing
We Man acture to order, mid do all *lnds
Carding an • Cloth Dressing, and defy competition.
We have • s good an assortment of ,
Full Sloths, Cassimeres,
and give m. re for Wool in exchange limn any ottier,
eitablishme •t. Try them and satisfy yourselves.
.We whole • o and retail at 'Cowanesque mills, 2
miles below Knoxville.
Jan. 1. 18 2.
„ -
J. H. riswold's Water Whee.,
rtill.E undirsigned, are agen ts _ for the above Water
1. Wheel, and can cheerfully recommend it as supe
rior to all others in use. Persons wishing to pur
chase should see this wheel in operation before buy
ing other wheels. - INGHAM BROS
Deerfield. &lay 15, 1872 '
No 7.1 No. 3.*
530 pm 700 pm
252 am 325 am
505" 525 "
542 " 001"
Read the following
Wrirrrium% Aram 24, 1872.
We the undersigned, purchased one of T. H, Gris
wold's 80 inch Water Wheels using 68 inchea of water
to run thresrrun of stone under a 20 foothead, an
well plessed with the wheel. We have ground
buahelaper pour with the throe run and can average
that amount per hour all day.
New; Store
- AT 11013 A,
awl au entire new Stock of
No. 2.
I Ma.
I 800 "
11 00,"
8 00 "
432 " 1213 p..
613 " 12 47
711 " 298 " I
No. B.t
1000 pm
1012 pm
1125 ..
3 05am
HE. 13
. new
the beat an
ty, are noN
lie general
3 30pm - 4840 '1
than ever
so, !las°.
to -select f
prices an
Car ra..e and Harness , riniralngs,
, ,
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1872. '
At tbeir B
aim to ke:
please.. •
Avg. 21,1
Jewelry - Moroi
in the Minding ocently occupied by 0. L. ,Wilcox.
Hie stock, comprises a fulraaaortment of
Clocks, If athes. Jewelry,
Silber and Plated- TV . '
13. D. WIA.RRINEN. on a eat workmen in North
ern Peunqylvan attend to the,
I ,
1-teOairine of Watches,l
Clelcs, : tte., 6%0.
- For th skilful doing of which his seventeen Pears .
practical experience le sufficient guarntee.
ioro. Aug 23, 1871-tf. --
'own . l_ots -for Sale.,
r r illE Ft bscriber offers the village front of his farm
jt. for le in quantities to suit 'purchasers, and at
prices o make It an object for investment. These
lands lie finely for village lots, and a portion of thetu
cannot be excelle.d for manufactuling purposes.-I-
They lie immediately on the extftsion of Grant,
Pearl and Walnut !Ankle, and south of Second Avenue.
The; will sold in iota or larger quantities to suit
the want& Of purchasers.' •
Mali 22, 1872.-6 m. ' B. PAELSBY.
- Mrs. -O. P. SMITH;
Row receiving new and elegautdeaigna in
(A . CO O=OlE4
'and itirttes the public to call and oral:clue goods and
price 3.
P. trouble to show goods.
Feb. 28,1878. - Mrs. C. P. BlicITH.
Ins. 00., a Korth America, Pa $6,050,636 60
Franklin Fire Ins. Co. of Philo, P 2,087;02 q 5
Republic Ins. Co. of N. Y., Capital,— • 1,750,000
enact Int. Co. of Cincinnati. 21,000,000
Niagara Fire Lis. Co. of N. Y Logo,nor,
Fanners Mut. Fire Ins. Co. York Pa. _009,889 16
Phomix nut Life Ins. Co. of Hartford Ct.. 6,0 0 2 .970 Ut.
Peralr's Cattle Ins. CO. of Pottsville .....800,000 00
lota ....
VisiirtmcePromptly effected by mall or otherwise,
on all kinds of Property. Alfloasee promptly adjusted
and pad. Live stock insure/ against death, tire or
thefki, -
I am tilaoigent for the Andes Fire Insurance et. of
cinciratiu. Capital. $1,6 00 . 000 .
All communications promptly at - ten/30 to—office cm
AIM Street 2d door from Main at., Kno l xvi
B. lle
R Pa.
VI. d=
AMA. 6-
W.undereed is prepared to famish 6uTiages,
agons, Battles, tee., on short - notice, and on rm.
aonablic.tertna. 8 H. Borden of Tinges and IL
Vheelet et Lawrenceville. *gents; .Call at the
trj:= ,4l. ray ahoy in WQaboro, and examine
1171 14.4141 , O. I. WEBILERt
Sash, boors,
eld W
BOTHERS, Proprietors of the above
=tore as zurnal to order, te: suit oustoraltriL,
SZ(e) :3 :TOW: t u:RI
flu & SON, having just completed their
:rick Store ou Alain street, which is ono of
anged and most inviting stores in the coun
• offering to their old customers and the pub
y a better'selected stock of
• ;Ore presented in the borough of Tiogn.—
re of Burt's make, constantly on hand. Al
! kiHamlin't Organs, and a variety of styles
.M. All are invited to call and examine
quality. H. E. SUITS dr SON.
an. 1, 1872.-ly.
I 1 hilly inform the public that they
have established a
Livery for Aire,
ble on Pearl St. ,opposite Wheeler's wagon
gle or double rigs furnished to order., That
good horses and wagorils, and intend to
ces reasonable. &
deralgneva would resi)entftaly eay to the ell
! Wolleboro an 4 Niel"lity, that he Lae opepettif
3%/111 . 1.13aery
Life, Fire, and Accidental.
e$ I'S OVER *24,000,000.
I As Em Or COISIF:eInr9.
"Jan. , l;
- Foraltu
Van Horn & Chandler,
(titweeseore to E. T. Van Horn)
AVE no' on eahibittem and ealtd at the ;111 plane,
the largest and Wog, complete itneit of .
to be fond In Northern Penrulltitie, consisting of
and Undertaking.
Es, RUSE & yrsoruaori 3LiT
and a Ni stock of the common goods casually found in
a trattia establishment. Ms Omni goods ars largo.
17 °Mei: own ufacture, and satisfaction guar
anteed both as t i nqality and prim They NU the '
Woven, Wire Jiirct - trass
the moat popular spring bed sold; also the Tooker
kasing Universal Bed that haa bm. ti onOn trial for 17 years and W
en satisfacon. r ,
Coffin, BooT,'
Ss supplied, with all sizes athe kmelider Ca ' sket, anew
and beantihal style. of burial case; together with other
kinds of foreign and time nuainfacture, With trim-
S 1
to match. They .will make undertaking a spec
i in their btudziess. and any needing their services
Ti l
be attended to promptly , and at sanded char.
op.. Odd pieces of remit= made, and ing
SU kinds done with neatness and dispatclx._
Jan. 10, 1872. VAN /TORN 4 IMAM
1 ............-
y ,
To witoAt /T MAT 00210E111L—Briirig concha& mit
ism entitled to a little res after nearly 40 Year" dote
application to btudnese I - •• ve passed over the furni• 4
tun business to "the ikry " as per above advertise
meat and take this me •• • of asking for them the
same liberal patronage as been extended to rne.—l
fly books may be found • o old place for settlement
zan. 10,1862. B. T. V BORN. ; ,
. • I -
gold at stiolesale Buyers aro requviled
call and gat quotations betora going inxt.her PAM.
Jan. 1. 1872,,
1 W. B. TEBBELL &00
R. G. XI
(Succenor to D. P. ROBERTS) DEALER m
Stoves, Tin and
AND 11011 SE N•
. .
A general stock-of Builders Materials. • LOCKS.
PAPER at manufacturers prkes.
Sir Terms anb, and prices reasonable. First door
above Cone Mle. It. C. BAILEY.
dan. 1, 1872
.i (
TIAVIH opened a first-clo,s Hardware Store in
Mansfield, opposite Pitts Bros:, - on HAUL Street,
Fretfully invite their Mends and the publicist gen
t° give them a call. They guarantee satisfaction
all cases. Their stock consists of
CI :11143 :18
011 URN POWERS, Ago.
and a general line of Goods, second .to none In the
country, at the lowest cash prices. I
They are also mutts for the RI
,: LEL I
n. 1,1872
Pilanefteld, J
~,-, L '.‘,. who bus long been established
ci, a u ,
to the Jewelry lolOitiess in
( s. t 0 0 ~, ,
_,. Wellsboro, has always for sale,
tie k
t, ".. . • .various kinds aid.pri i ces of
'Gold orl SilVer, Clocks; Jewelry, old Chains,
Keys, Rings, Pins, Pencils, Cases, Gold and
Steel Pous, Thimbles, 13iioons; Bezel's,
;, Plated Ware,!.
With most eat other articles usu i lly kept iu such es
tablishmonts, Arhich aro eohl low for
41.. A: S I H.
Polishing clono ! iontly, and proOtly, and on aliOr
A. rotior.
Jan. I s i117:347.
:.l 4
U. 37.
10 , PA.