Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, January 17, 1872, Image 3

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    Lo CAL NOTIcyS,
C4 , llinq CA ' s Cast -Steel Plows only 'ss
eft oll. For information how.to obtain them
Cotztt:a *Fs: Co., 212 Water St., N. Y.
j ai l 17, 1872-3 m. -
\V' have re'el'ed n new advertisement
frmn• patTon,.., of corning, too late for
thi Nuo of the Agila foe. It will appear
m. \\Tel;
Th e ; r. i•. !u lte vigil: held it the,
r ,,, ;( 1,11 - 0.? of 3lrz ? , Jane GrifllniA: Middlebury,
.I,llel;,ty Ltb, 157;7..),, 1:i)r the benefit of R e v.
w IT Rt A:general invitation
:I notliereoltlyan' of *thi. , , pajim: hej
loan] !in ;tar ertizement of the new firM of
& Chandler, furniture de‘aler.3.—
ti c B T Van Horn for years .been a'
,lcr in that liite-hore,.a4ft after forty years,
eoneltided to-retire, and tun:tithe,
t.til - alct - , - .3 over to "the boys.'' We hearlily
v;L:11 ,itteces- to the new firm.
Th e 1 ,,,,,:t wonderful dis.covery o'fthe pres
ent fir i , Dr Tipple's Pile Specific. The
Dr. ha_ di.7.co-ered a remedy, and is now
m anufacturing it in Philadelphia, which
,rill Cure every cute ofeonntipapon and piles,
or he refunds the money. Sold by Pierce ti-
K„ ~, iCe!Lboro, Pa., w tere suflererd
can find radical relief. , ,Try i ; nothing lost,
and c inv;nco 3-elurdive_,3
1e „: . 1 .
Tar 4rt0..N . , rrto l ....v . ,Enn /AND ISSTITIT-
Ti o , : , WI i-: theititle of ti new work by
An.. n Willie) formerly- Judge of - the Dis
ttict-i.foi,ri, New - 11.7rk, which tells all about
~ A n country, historicailY alid•pOlitically.
It 1, c-pecially valuable to e 'ery perion'-who•
would un4rAancl the work ng of our systev
o f governnment, being a complete epitome of
political information. Not he leant reeoinc;
mend:llion of tho book is its reasonable,price
-V2 (.0 for'a volume of ovar 500 pages beau
tifully bound in cloth. I is published in
toth English and German, and sold only 1;37.
sub‘Cription, Mr. U. S. Cb,egrove, ofßee . n. 7
eiiiike:•biiii*tliV Fl ' g ?I fit - fo7 this legion. •
Wellsboro Post Moe
Oa and ant: January 1, 157% mails will open and
Elsie at tins ctlica at the folio:\ iog bovals
Tioga, (Pail (, 12,',',0 P. M. { ColUrgpt, Arou. Th. 12 M.
" GO " I Cedar Rail, Tu., Fr., 2P. ?A n ..
B4ohy ork, Tirsilus and Fritlayo ....... .... 11 :VC
Tic trails! 1,,7) P NT. i {
Couirst.f., 'Aro. Th. 1,45P.M.
Tri. , • 7,45 A. M. (2. 'dr Run, Mo. Th. 8,20 A. M.
Stolly Pork . , lur_o,l.ays and Pr days 2,15 P. M.
0, W. 3fERRICIi. P. 51.
Wellmboro, Jan, 1. 1379-1
Home Affairs.
Local Briefs,
—Last Fridqy a , :p - bet anti blarldas a
dm , April (Ky.
—This i., cite anni v - Iftry of Benjamin
Fran birth
—Hon.3olin left fur llarris
burg M..01(1,,:,-
—Every man can
with Om
wenther hi ; we have all sorts. Lust
Sunday and liomlny were' stinging clay s.
—Mr. A - uncle:lll(4r at Utica with
0/el/man:an t ;,ml econ.3ecluently i 3 unable to
fill I:;.t v read here this week.
—The brrwr;•at rf thi; village announces
that next N'il-einber it will pay.3s into other
1,;; a
—The Depots along )he line 'of the Erie
Railway were drapbci in mourning last
Wednealay in memory of the late James
Fid; Jr
-41:gjor Fred. D. Bunnell informes us that
he ha: exchanged two cottages on First 41..v
-lin.ll, alin.z.-.345_,. . :-.Larg4iAle.
property Ejiza et ,IN
—All . persons indebted to the Agitator es
tablishment for job work, advertising, or
cubsoriptlon for. the .year 1E571, or previous
years, era earnestly recitlested to settle up
immediately, a , the acco•ants must be closed.
—Mr. 3. Bement of Ja6tson,writes us that
on the 10th inctant, himself and his father
aged O. with one horse, skidded G 3 fair sized
ash and bass logs in lers than four hours.—
Mr. Bement wants somebody to beat this.
—Prof. Winters of this village, is to lecture
on "Pompeii" before the Philomathean So
ciety:in theSecona Pro.ihyteriarf Church at
Lawfetre'eviile to-morrow (Thursday) even
ing Of coursolie will have a good house.
—The following gontleMen were nppoin
ted District Deputy Grand Masters A. Y. M.,
at the recent meeting of the Grand Lodge in
Philadelphia: Robert C. Simpson, of Wells. ,
bore, for the county of Tioga ;_ Edward Her
rick, Jr., of Athens, for the counties of Brad
ford and Sullivan; G. S., Snyder,
haini-sport, for the counties ; of Lycoming and
—At a meeting-of the Board of Directors
of the first Notional bank oi l -this village on
the 14th irritant, Mr. John I Robinson was
elected President, and our young friend
Eugene U. Rubinson was appointed Cashier..
The npw Cashier gets his prbniotiOn - early in
life , but we believe he has earned it,- and
will make an excellent officer.
—Sheviffli'idi hi-6 handed us a coininuni
cation, from Mainsburg statinz there is a
child in Sullivan who has eleven grand and
great grand pavalts, all living: This is en
urmsal ea :e. Bui we know a young man
who has had seven grandmother ,; and the
account i n t cicced vet
--IV,• topi,r , r:End t<<at E S%. C'vron,_ and
J. B G 41r. their interest its
tho ,S. .131:11e1; , i to Peter
trn,ier9tooa that A. Detrick,
who fortivf:4 edice , l the IV(.4t th•ttneli
Ge... 0. cr mansging editon.\
i .
PAIS F 1:3, A ,- 'l' T D TINT. —On th e 10Th instant
Fre(lerielr ,7 -on of :Sir. D. G. Edwards of
CharieFtuti,. ae;rtl Fix year .1, v,'lmt, into. his
alirt - i '.-. t..irtt -0.-ite le a -t raw cutt,-7,r. VMS - stand,
ing In F=il:llll)tieg to run the Putter and
pn:11 th ,,.. ...t.c. int.l it, he got hi 3 left. hand
int") Op , li'n'r,-e:, •, , .•?1:011 cut oft' three of his
Eager. 'llse little fellow had on at the time ,
a Pair of 411er p-slr:n mittens made with the
w°nt o ' l l. and the mitten on the injured hand
waqtot cm ~ 1 11 althoitgli the fingers were en
tirel: - -vet.-', - itt,,tl , . it The boy had , been
forl 'iddm 1 -.) tr ,,, •}l Inv onto' fretkur.sntly.—
Ilm ev,..-y true liwy 11:1' , a -..iir , , , 11g inclination
to rt1:1 r?‘.•'r . v lu:whine 11 , , cee- -, ., and - the only
liat'" l .Y liu ' r.- , il -ueli kAalrorerutt4 01105 16Ctied
Tnr or P[I:..),: . FT? woa: Was
thilY 4)) the q're-byterian, Metho
tli-to arol 13Ipt , :ot ~ ,ewtirz of mu' village by
union itr.yer nieetinn. We underAnntl they
were largAy attended, and were
fr'L It flit r : o, much so dud it bits
berli re , yiv.ld to coLtinue them thi- week.-
111 ' infurmed th(:ro w/r. r,o,m . e very en
teVainin4 talk ,1t, , ./iIC tlo.: 'Jive:L:2l , 4-i hot
w,(el;. vrher. , IL. , pc were invited to eriti
liie tb' pulpit. We believe it wits Dr.
who said it W:l9 no wonder clergy
rnPn were such poor cliri:.7tio.n;, they heard
few rermotm • •
Litt: r. Cot. B. C. Bailey
of village has been coramiludoilcd by
by Gov. Geary Division Inspector, with the
rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, on the etafr,of
Mai! Oen. B. Co; 'of the .18th Divi'qiork
National Guardof this State, edruposed of the
eoutinl of Bradford, Tioga and Sullivan..-
W c rP - Teetfully present arms—or pens—to
Licht. -Colonel
. -
An:7os7.—A friend at thiz plaee senas
Word that the Good Templars of Arnot held
a seirce Christmas night, but the house was
co small or the crown Wll3 So large that they'
hardly had roorn.to enjoy themselves. Bev.-
3. L. sKendell, although not a member of the
order, opened and closed the meeting by re
That gentleman has been in . Arnot but
&bout two months, bit izt that time he. has
dOll.O. great : Weal : tuft:lie iidvatieenieift4f Ott)
PreZyterian ,thi2tseiipti*,9las
'bren started fOr a new Clitiielt btillaing 'And
Nearly $l,OOO raised,. The building' is to''.ba
begun in the,,spring, wheh ,another
house, a new hotel; and a. number of new
dwelling houses are to be erected.. Arndt is
eiclently in a prosperous conditiori. •
Mrs. Llverniorela Sermon.
.4g it (dor published lastweek
se ere stricture by an anonymous corres-
VOAdent,' of Mrs. Livermore's sermon,--can
You spare me space for a short reply?. I
simply desire to correct some misstatemerda
and ungenerous inferences. tdo not care to ,
waste words on the thoustmd.and-one views
of a futurti.ihite ilia divide 'good men and
wonienl Let creeds take care of themselves
only weal; ones, at all events, need fear dis
cussion. But I had, ,supposed, that, in this
couritry. at:least,. •eve4-orke ,was at liberty,
not only to hold their own religious views,
but to express them
,oleo. And yet this gen
tle critic buds fault, not at what this lady,
preached, lmit because she preached?, Ile
says :
"I do' not - think. your 'paper the proper'
place in which to discusS the creeds of the
churches. But it would bejust as prOper
for a lecturer -who comes 'into a community
by invitation of a whole peoPle,, to use ,t heopportunity thus furnished to advance thtt
interests of his or her peculiar sect or creed".
A - inost delicate sense of propriety, to
sure i The above statements are not only
unfair, but erroneous and intended to "inns=
lead: The facts are those. Mrs. Livermore
was hired to lecture here. She came for-that
purpose, did lecture, and was paid-for it. -It,
happened to be Saturday. night; L . -she • bad'
necessarily to - remain here until' moridaY.'
She preaches; an has a peculiar fitness
the'shered office. She 'was earnestly colic=
ited to preach on. ,Sultday.4 not : 4a her owns
Motion' or wish ; 'het at the request or desire,
of any assOciation t iillitens or otherwise, at
Boston or olsewhere ; unified' and
earne4c kePeitted reqUest of alargeMunbervit.
eitiz4s of this place; 'without `regfir4 : -to - tre
ligious opinions- ofTiliffereiMits;
odisi Sobiety . 'very kindly -granted her,-the
use of: their large, fine church—an act. of,
courtesy the public dtdi .appreciate. , And
she preached a sermon that none but•an
-Mitered cynic could - fail to enjoy, howeikei d
much he might dissent from its creed.
*-Istow what is - the` impropriety in it?'. 'The
act of preaching is the thing criticised. The
creed then clods not affect the right, May .
woman preach ? --Wo believe that - is conce
ded. If at all; then Why not "by the Invita=
tion of a whole people"? Was it generally
desired? The immense audience 'that gath
ered to hear her answers that question, and
would answer it the' same Way as' often as
they had an opportunity.-" The Tight of the
public to makethereqUest-4a that, denied?
Assuredly, according to -'-tearer," because
it is improper to preach upon tho-Sr_tbbatti,
while engaged in lecturing during the week;
and certainly it is wrong to ask, what it is im
roper to do t- "Disseminate her views with
other people's money"! Who paid her any
money for preaching? Improper to preach,
except for money and settled over a regular
charge t How was it with Christ,. the Great
Preacher? Who paid' His salary? Who
arranged . His congregations He .preached
to all who would listen, on the hill-top, in
the valley, in the temple, on the highway.—
It is a very safe precedent,—preach to those
who will hear, always, everywhere, any•r :
where. Suppose a minister, of any creed,
is called away from home on business, and
invited to preach, can he properly do it?—
Not according to "Hearer' He would lay
himself open to the monstrous charge of
"disseminating his views," and that would
qondeinn and dishonor him"! And in our
humble Opinion, he ought to be condemned
if he refused on the ground of "business."
. And then the "Boston programme" is a
bugaboo to "Hearer,";_as frightful as a Jack 1
O' Lantern to a child. Does he , suppoie , the
Boston Lyceum Bureau, conducted by'
Messrs. Redpath and Fall to be a great Sec
tarian-Engine of Propagandism'4'. If he does,
let him that it is a _private, secular,
business enterprise, conducted „ en -bnairtess
1340.41. 7 .41144cilteiVjrttifiatielliettlittr ,
views on nobody. They t t npalt a d9rnan - 0.:
Lecture Committees, seeding to please and
gratify the taste of their localities, ask for
certain names, and they supply them if they
can. .If it he a fact (as "Hearer" thinks)
that the most able and popular lecturers ail
tertain the Unitarian belief, - then no wonder
he feels alarmed for "the orthodox"; he has
some cause. But this alarm Should not swal
low up his judgement,—he needs that. We
should regret to have him "bid adieu" to
the "Boston programme"; ',told yet, if he
should, he might not be greatly Missed:
And yet another error,—as ,to "the • uti- -
willingness of the - Uniterianslo• pay the ex:-
pauses of propagating, their views as oth
ers do," it may enlighten "Hearer" to know
that, although their numbers are not legion,
they subscribed last year for the very pur
pose of- "propagating their yiews," the sum
of five million dollars. _
And yet another error,—as to Mrs ; Liv
ermore's lectu;e being."pervaded "iiy• an Int
der'eurrent.of that peeuliarphilosophy
teaches that .sin is not guilt, but a disease, the
result of being. badly born—and the wrong.
doer is responsible only as the sick are re
ksponsible:" What she did say, was ; that
ranch of the moral and physical itnierfee-,
tion in the world, was-the.' result of causes
antedating birth. The sins of the parent's
shall be visited upon the children ; even unto
the• third
.generation. Is that unorthodox
doctrine ? ' In view of this, she simply said
to parents live pure lives,—do not sin. -The
question of responsibility was left, where it
belongs,—between God and each creature of
his hand.
And now, if we may be permitted i 'Par-;
ting word-of Oavice to "Hearer,"
. !would,
say : cultivate healthier ideas o proprety,
More liberal spirit, and less • reekleSs` state-,
meats of errors-for facts. Zeal is cornmen
sable, but it is not commendable,to 1 t it out
run diseernment for it is not u.'pleasant
' sight to sop ,the ungentle spirit of faction,
exoreLie the spirit of fairness, and leave only
a distorted imagination, which all the wretch
ed carping of an envious spirit will seareely,
serve to cure. G. W. M. 4
Front ltinnsfield.
The following from a Mansfield fiiiituntas
been accidentally crowded out of our col
umns until This week hut it is of interest ,
enough to itrtify kg appearance even at this
late clay. We hope to hear from "I(irk"
,ftgaitrand often.
Tilitbr - Agitator: "Ac ti" . itec
it i
-dentall, left the course, and, "Regular" re
-I:i,ped, 'fit!? irregularity, perhaps nyt
take it amiss if I should jive you an inkling
of '•ntrair.; about town" in this little hamlet.
The pal three months have been crowded to
their full capacity by those anxious . to haven
place in which they might safelydefy ".:Inch
If we may judge by external appearances.,
the relifzion , i elomenl is gaining ground, flora
the fact that we have ono fine church, buihi
ing fast approaching, Completion and ground
brQken for the recent], (Presbyterian.) The
M. II C.bureh has the slate roof nearly on,
and the spire already begins to point heaven
. ward.
, The brick block of Ross, Williams and
lityrdaugh is being pushed forward in utter
defiance:of cold, and when completed will be
n ticc thing add an ornament - to tho town:—
Adams (the legal gentleman) has just coin.
pleted a dwelling, Which joins the stoic and
adds to its general appearance.
Captain Davis is erecting a building on
Church strebti to be used as a &Millet:, and
shoe store. Maple Avenue 'begins' to loolt
like a towit ‘l* 4 itself, and it has been hinted : l i
that soon allot. the January election the pave
ments will -receive some Mt:Wien; also a
place to tako care of unruly animals other
41an, cogs, sheep, tkc; This last is much
needed, for we can still - boast of some few
candidates for - such a place.'
The Normal is still located here, and in
conjunetien with the Wellshoro High School
is doing a fine work.
The .Lycoming Insurance -Company has'
been stirring 'up the ideas of setnl,
goo(). pit,i7ens assessments on premiA
notes. One firm. has received notice of
.. 4 ~ j '
as'He , isme9t.t.:' , ig' o liitillo,o4.4444ll7#llo'
upon to fork over . s* ad,otheili •
from $lBl
clown to $OO. 'To use a vtilgiii ekpreision,
"-this thipe.snak-pa,. the hair pull," , ancl,,lpne
hears intitterings Idud. arid - deep: : I ettiltot,
'vouch for the story that one victim has takerk
to his bed on itb• tine bf4lie ilitisit oil Jiliall
ntineiul systein, ut the story will do to tell.
Now the questio i is, will the people go blind-,
ly into a good tl ing, or will they look for,'
themselves? ;XV ill they go into an enteipiiii:
which gliAll - proN e to be as fine an one- - as!tho'
late one of that acne? 'Om -We -i .relyas fullY
on companies wl °se policies have, no state ,
'limits, but may i lour risks anywhere . , irs,the
Union ?, comps ies ; which are liable to suf.
fer by..evqryyre. rie . tiro in.ilse,:ppkti,,Nyecct . -
and by- 'ever„- ' isplaY of ilreinirtognikUrr
large cities? or may we not secure ourselves
better by our , 'wri- State cornpardesiwhislV
take no risks out ide the old Keystone? I
as Well cis many thers wish to secure such
companies to are best for the holders of the
policy; kind,- as he ; agents are as thick 'aid
numerous 113 lig tning-rod men, thy`mtilit
know what'l wa t and what company . - can'
hest nieety avi hes.' The agent of the Wi-:
°ming tell me that company is about the
best, but at the s rue time offers to lUguru',t4 -
less rates in othl companies. Blit the ql?eiji'
is, are the cheap st the hest ? . Do y,oupono.
der the above company to be - safe and' rellii:- -
'lsle ? I
The mow has
men are ilomew
Water is 14'4 an,
doubt we shall s
plc of your totvi
Agitator :—A hu. ting incident lately occur
red in_thiS y, hardly surpassed in in-,
teristlit the aim .li' of the forest: On ttielotli
orlrisumonth on , : Of 'Gull loWnsimin; Jeines
accompa.led by. Ashley Short and a
feW 'neighbors,' thud pttisuit three
hears.whose trail had fallen under their oli
.oervation; &kin cliiido"'
'tilting one, and s it proved in this instance.
Afte,r a few hour ' tramp all but Messrs I.luf;'
Short go o it up.. From 'Fildniltik
,the following onday - these' indefatigable
Spe rtsmeirfonti nee Oh p ursuit, t•W.
'O'clock of that day they had the satafaction
of hearing their dog bring the fugitives to
bay; , hut,,on a hillside, above themiso„steer
'and 'slippery as to make it dangeroustoelllirtb
up with loaded guns. Consequently they
were discharged, iind-410,Aw00.4.A4610107iteed
..the ascent arnied - Olifi; - "Witira' small
and their empty guns. They soon came to
trio spot virhein'the tolieleitight;
'A large tree blown out by the roots and arch
ing over formed. a sort of natural. retreat,
and here, wearied by their long march and
protractedfast, the bears had takep. .refzge.,.
Jtist ¢s the hunters Caine up, and bekore,they
hitd time,toye-charge their guns, One of the,
bears, a huge beast, rushed frem
.and' fastening on the dog began dragging
hint back. Mr. Burril; mho Is a .powerful
man, threw himself into the fray, and - after
a desperate combat succeeded in kescuingthe
dog and killing the bear. About this time
bear No. 2 put out his head and was shot by
Mr. Short. The third one now broke: cover
and 'tied down the mountain, pursued.by the
wounded dog. Burril followed a - altert - dis.'
ILtlltte, when the animal treed. He therieliout
ed to his comrade to bring the.:;gtlit,*cit4so
Bruin was coming down. Beferoiliat COuld
be done "B." was down the tree and.,iebont
to escape. Burril, not to bebeeten'tlietyaY,
engaged him in a hand to claw "Coitteit;' , end'
soon, c4ised in- a struggle fer life, the . y"roll*l
down the steep incline.- Thice the, hrute• got
Mr. Burril loving-embrace and did his
-best endeavor tO hug him to, death, at.,the
saute time :indulging 'in numerous pliiYttr
demonstrations upon his antagonist's person,,
with 'teeth and claws, while •Burril as valittat.
1)-1,trove te '.4rrinale or mangle " B.' s' like;
°lit of him.':" It Wits-Burril verses Bruin, and,
Burril•Won. By the time level ground's as
reliqhed the bear was dead, the dog was -torn,
and, bloody, and Burril nc.p.fly-strippeo. 904
.clotting, but not seriously hurt.
.‘ ilnwormded from the dreadful close,
But breathlisa all, J. B. arpFe...
"Faltered thanks to Etdarci for fl
ItedgeF(9‘l,. toil:Loped; sirota attire,"
tike Pitt. James when tiie came out-Of his
t u IA — With - I.lodefiet:, Mit; Tiiot, 4fiitea; -
but certain it is, fhe litida'nerroW escape. The
viers displayed their, victims to numbers of
N?ollastitig artd.adrOiritig peOple oil their 'kit:,
umphal march homeward from Long Run,
where the great bear ilght was won and lost.
Knortille, Pa.; .Tan., 1872.
REAL ESTATE MovEmpsyrs,—The follow
ing transfers of real estate were„filed,for iec
ord in the office of.D:l;!lDeane;:Reeoider of
TiCita county, from the Ist to the 18thLinst.
Nancy Granay,lo LoienzoDoud; ,orket
third- tide; in liirtiptihrg; for $lOO.
Charles Fisher arid wite to P. C. Van Gel
der, one-third 40-%119t88,•!;4:-.**31111.04.0) for
$1,200. • •
George Jackson to R. B. Ferry 4, eighte,n,
acres, in Middlebury township, for $676. •
B. B._,,Ferry.and wife to George ,Jackson;
e teen- tier es;" ilfiildlebiiry township, for
Nancy. C., Leuraq3., Julie and: -Mary
A. Temple to Julius G. Seeley - ; thirtyizere - s,
in Deerfield township,-for $BOO,-
E. A. FiSh,‘She'riff, to' Richard D. N'els
m'an ; one-half acre, hi Osceola township, ler
- •
'fennel!, LYtria:n Seely and Wife, -
L. C. Retan - and wife, Samuel, Polly, Elvira,
and Elmira Seeley to P. E. Gates; 179 acres,
in Jackson township,•for $6;695 50.
li. IL Moore and .wifeto Moray. Buthia=;:
au ; fortYceight acres, in -- Jacksori'tOwnihiP,
for $BOO. ' -s; ''•
_diner S. Field itha wife to • t niel White;
one-half aere,•in Middlebury'', township; for
• Chau n•pcy I ,, y,.;lSYttaelar . a#d vifd tp.Qlitiptij,
tWeiity-five acres, iis
•• - - -
Wirow to Chauncey' Bnea 28ti
acres; . in Union township, for $606. •
Leander Baron -and Margaret_ !aeon to
Chauncey Bacon; twenty•-five aCres, in 'Un
ion tetynalLip, for $;3,00. , •-•. • ."
Joseph- English anti vifEi to 'Chid. S. Fiali
er; one-tiiird acte,:in WeiTsboro, f0`r..5175.";
George Sinith to onintia:, York
three, acres, in Sullivan 'township, for $2,120.:
Joht,i Mayrtutd„ to, Mrs. Lura E.
twenty t4co Acres,"3n 'Elk townsibip,_.fo . r $160::
lton• § mith and, wife to-Lyttuta,,no.•
son ; twentil acres, in Charleston
.fot: $4044 - • ;
Do 04 - 4.110 - B..iki.:iii
er ; CdteeiVii.Wainut street,
hero; f 4 $1.70.; • `, •
F. D. 'Ficteiler and wife to Uriah Dost,ics „ ;
lot 83 by - Cl3 feet on 'Walnut street," Weljsboro - ,
fur ,
• . - ,
a. Ethr L.idiitgtnn *aria wifo : to Joseph 'Rob
tifty-eight- acreti, iu lti9htriotid
ship, for SQUO. - •
.f. Clark and wife to qfid
Lot-14;e; three-sixteenths acre, in Mainsburg,
for SILO.
Lydia .I,llarrilin to Petar G. 1 - Vaiker ;, six
ty ttcrp, in Deinlay township, '
Anti,witirto,Nenzo ,Ric 4;
aix arfopk - tivOnatharttrownghip, fOr'SSOCt
Bache . t o o Chau Ivey ,
five acre,, in Union township, for $0.10:
Johp.J,ohnson and wice to SorahM.--qiti h r 1
cll •.:-t.twiAotAttiblintir-townsliip; coital I
about twenty-nine acres, foi: 5630.
Ralph E: Crows arid:Sher- Bk.:: .14:g„
Coal"Conipanni:WOAlitc!#, Parto'°9l3
and part in Charlatan inwiiship;_ , • wining
13.00 acres,. for 522,000. ,
Johar Citaniberlin i nn& • " • to • attlivo.Y.,,x
Kirk:6 - AB'; one auto • •tidetztvitieliP;jl
for • - -L 2 .••••
U. Bubb d., and =to A.
I Titatlzius ; fifty nor'.. in Itichnic.itid*ittahiP;
for 3400.
Andrew: J:.' atlrjnkaxtd wife lip. g.cpp4o3
J. Crosby ; eventy acres in Richmond town
ship, fox; • ''63
Nor an Ingrain _raid wife to John Fenton
eig aexel in Liberty township, fOr
nodli-' Blackwell and wife to" { Wllilarlt,
e 0f,16 - , and S. t."bilitey;,_fiftkaeresl,ll , ,74;;•-,
ris township, for $175. ' '
Michael Culligan and wife to Seymour F.
assed over and our lumber.; l
fblue as to the IMO result:
much sdught after, and no
on be - following the ett•am.t
in locating a site for_-, er
• • • • tRIC: t:,
dr : otchkiss; about tur- Otto e Tfl"
Mt s . 11'
ga, for $742.
Isaac Owen and wife to John El,
acres in Richmond tottnsldp,- h fol4B;0001
i ji,„.o4-in Day and wife to Jackson Smith; one
in Richmond township, for SW.
Charles Day and wife to Jackson Smik;
fifty 'acres in Richmond township • f 4 $1,900.
• .11.enry E. Eeenc and wife, Edwin Dyer,
,Angtusta M. Dockey, Esther M.., Fannie A.,
Ellett T., and Isabella Y. Dyer, to. JatilL's
DallY; 160 acres in Covington township, for
Abel W. Rockwell and wifC\ to Josiah
•ciravesi ilfotz.fat&s44•c..9..viniildou :anti El ltr.
mond townships, for $1,500.
, Btephen Orcut and wife to Samuel Vi
ers; twenty a - tres,,iti . I taglz.sqp, township, or
$4OO. ' •
ft£OISTER'S OFFWE.—The following w
have been admitted,tii n ki9 . bat? by Darius;
Deane, Register otrfti.g4 OittiMl4l4 - '
Ist instant : i 'IA 1 ti 4-1 T , I 7,4 , 1
The will of Fredfil4l44o,r:itit9o) 1
burg, deceased. Lelltii teitaittiiiittistliS. '
,to John F. Harrer and George Harrer. ' '
state estimated at $6,0(1).
rjr,l'lle will of Daiiid Halt, lute of Churl
ton,, deceased. Ephraim Hart and- Bei ''
,Shott, Executors. Estate estimated at $A t,
`. Letters of Administration were ilsue
Sarah Corbin and Henry Colton, Ad i
I t
istrators of the estate of Philetus L. Cur
deceased. Estate estimated at 51,000.
1 - 1 0 rattV?:Y . c Ai -..-. ,( t ,-,'
. ~: .zr ....xvie rt ' 41 ": 4 4.k...: 0- ..,*- .1
The contract for remodeling and eiri.e
jug the county jail. has been awarde,fl
Messrs. Brown, Black buin ct . (.."Urtiri fl r I
sum, of $4,240. The work in to be cons le;
by the first of October next.
During the brief thaw client week, n l ice
.jaur took. place in the river about ten r miles
above Lock Haven, extending frora FUr
neyta Run up five inile.., A. jam in pio Bin
nerriahoning extendttftWlCeiltlfietpV&
'Rot nd Island. The work of drawing he
10la from the river is lakidly progfessi g.
t , SEi Nehemiah Shaw, tirtr:ihitirrnan of the
: V.' orc 6
C I.t.
tee in charge of the task, I rep its
0.1;ont ten millions of feet out—abaUt or4e
-110 Of all.—Republican,' Jan. 10.
There is good sleighing in Lock Haven.
'qui third or special week of colir be an
Iliie,sday morning, Judge Williams,`of Ti get
;VOlanty, presiding. 'The Judge is ii.' tiiiir .
with our Bar bY reason of his many god
qnatities of head and heart. The court !id
jouined on Wednesday morning, a number
,otthe cases having been continued on ac
'count of a death in the family of J. H. Oryis,
Esq.—Democrat, Jan. 10.
Mr. JacOb Baldy, aged about 68, .oi*Wook
l toriship, was recentlf,#oo ;iU lii
Horrible manner by a log. Wherilound ifg
was extinct. I
Mr. Frederick Dutt of Pine OreWhas been
dwindled by the lightning-rod men, and 'no
tifies the public not to purchase an o e given
by him to the company. "Uperienee is a
d ea k 5e ,h 0 6114,8W -:: , 2. ::.5.:1= .tv : ~ .:-.;_1':: ,:: , 1 1 , i
They have an insane man in jail at Lc
Haven. One of his exploits as related '
the:Democrat is as follows: He went
por i td where some boys were skating, stripy
clings clothing, prOcured a long...pole, bra
a large hole' in the ice, plungq 4 intO44'4
ter bnd amused himself by triktifeit'4ol4
Thi boys became alarmed at his actions
summoned help. When extricated ,ho
alrriost lifeless
Sten;g o Z44..:':ici
Several farmers onthenorth border of j'qa
to-h:near Ftench's Mill believe that they hrOve
~fohnd traces of bituminon coal, and la o
Vepeful of llntlifig a paying vein.
' l'A few days ago a Gerteiji 4),i:ti`r'itiit t e,t:ern U,
left the train at Corning, stopped at the Min t
House, and within ten minutes becalrie a
mother, to the surprise of the lanc,llak w o
had no time to arrange for the unTett d
: -. ,;„4 8t. .'•. - OM"3 •-..: ‘..T.1-,. ~.::.
1- 5- •
41.tast Wednesday night au old lady gale_ t
"at th'etlidiaiMiAltiiiiti 4 bteliz'Olit'Aie• "
./L•l;tt and 'went peacefully to bed. - F'o tt.t;
I v . - ,
,p4it t ely the transom Was a little open, and; t
bll3.4eVW: 4 4iraerit4 %41.4...91,1P f?'„cloc
r -Militill'OM. , itital~titinek4l'
litOing her last one, the old lady said
0 9 . 13
~!'blew it out, becanse , She didn't know o
gas worked,' -~" - • •• ' 11:
A meeting of Steuben men drafted.in,tb
late war was to be held at Bath last Stiu
: 404. We should really like to see those p
triots in solemn conclave. ' . i
*et 144011 . 4; : ititi4itiiiii9.1', 1
fkenteen, had a child recently that she,
ilaies to be her father's. No arrest ha 4
been made far this - horribliket im e. •
Mr. ; Rockwell,. the blind vocalidt,_
suddenly <l4ali.gir
of last week in thishaH:whiltstindezilieff.
reciting. Mr. Rock Well has been for th
years a teacher of vocal and iustruract
music. He was greatly esteemed as aCb
tiara gentleman.
Rev. Manly Tookc:ig*t *On
region as a minister and "veal eldet
the Mt E. - church, died Dee. 80th, at Chick
He, was for fifty years an earnest and fait
preacher, until laid aside by infirmity
‘wat.di the elttittafttityugat\thlife:. ; • 1
;The town of Corning raised last year )
rgi s ds and. bridges $5,852 86. el ides.
there was paid on bridge•bonds int'
.$2,123 88. So says the itiptitatt`,Vrti v
SMITH—S3tITI3.—At the 31. E. parsonage, Dec.l2:th,
1371, by Rev. Paul Smith, Mr. Sanford Q. Smiti4 and
Mee Emma •L_SPAW.Patira.g / 11 ,4,4141:1
~ _.WOOD--REWITT.—At the
q ic c..‘ ifTlace, Jan. 2d, 1572,
Mr: Solomon Wood and MSS the A, DeWitt, both
otßutland. -
• -
LOVE:LP-SR-NAN NESS.—At-ttw reft4l9loo.o f t h e
bride's father, Mr. Charles 0. leeit'eleal and Ha ttie
:Van Ness, both of Rutland. -
INrEf_XLIZSON—AIISTIN.—In Charleston, Dec. 31 '7l,
by Rev. G. B. Transuo, Mr. George Willunsonaud Miss
guy J. Austin, both of Charleston
by ltev. S. A. Rawson, Mr. William A. Piezos cf TOiiau
:da,4Pa., and Miss Ruth A. Inscho of LawreuLeviLlePa.
Parnaingtou, Pa., De( 4th,
Leslie,Weaver, lir. U. Welts e of
•LibertY,lrtelllistiaidia SOille of Fanningtou.
AA • .
VAISSICE...rjrc CharlestoF,pec,
, ),‘„2.871 :gr. oho
N. "ii:rull!**11 1 84 4 0 M4tryt t i., 116 1 1 la rri
,--c.rcr.'" 22 1;
Ezra= Wallace, daughter of Mr. John N. Vaual
the 65 year of her age.
lioVD.—ln Covington , Jan. 10„ 1972. ,bon d Nits. d
in the 12 year of her age.. .
AELSEY—Prudis Kelsey, tl.le only` daughte
P. ad= .T: :•.. • • :-.; • . ~ • ..., • • 4 7 ,,,
187 ,of indaranda***; ; $ 4 6 ; , 1:,-;' 4 - - 4 : • •
an 27 days.
Spedni Notice
Woirrnic!or No exchange says then;
it ts, day psi las that we, do not hear, eithc;
idtei coming into our office or in * Rome.
the, success of JohnsoVA nctifii
of Coughs and colds, 14 Prit o ilat
„ -
If we can benefit
recommending .1 2 4
,do so. We p
etLY ciao
a readers of the AM,/tor a
/0 144
lein," 6 .4±4olNM*-af:k:-V4
e had about good, a elianco'•to
77, !
P r early eveljAil 4ifddi a .,
through a respousiblo Agency. 02•11perivi)
Outing taught them to avail themselves of the s virrs
of Pose who have *de the business a stnlfy;the
Agbncy of ell A. Co., No. 41 Park Now, Now 11
lokk, tlinpnitoeig i V9. 1 NaMtM iktt't . l1 qq•
Alf 3hilt hirgMt 6 i'll4-Abtit: r e 6 trAets-:
thtoilgh theta .
.:.vttri••• — _,A 4 ii ~.61 - ~,, "0„..-..- - t4.)i-v-,:.< , • ~ t'Y'---..- = •
••-: ..:•., ,Ur i i lir / 4 .. •. “
.... •••T :• - Try ~. • .:I ...4 .. ..: ...... • .1 . • 1 ' . ' AVD MAIN VAltArliiiali, 11 1 .
i., ,:',. `.....0- • ' - ‘1; , ,
001(towdiow itiaP4s = - '. •. , q‘..itfolot,
.. . , . , . s „f : 0. .. . a.the i to V bora, '
I tnottittlislii, 6 k ' Colo arm; containing 300 acres.
Arhere can patients look for relent The esperiettee of I , ;aith•about 200 acres improved and 100 acres of
on Dyspeptic ;Ands toßrove that the'piopn uietbc•.i ~ tikthnhae.santb. Adelunronil'a. depot Ls located on the '
iif treatment of Mt.wileitnitatia c liattilAlVA%t 4l o 1-4 'Vpriirmbia.A*T4i-rtNi4A alt-to;4l)er, or in harts.•' Three
-hot to be found in any of the regular oat of int 18- ;
l barns, three tenant houses (ide:iides the rnanidOn ham.
• cine. You cannot find any three physicians who 14).1 t 'whih hi one of the best in the township.) with plenty
agree upon this point; and each patient is but iiii truth of good fruit on the premises Terms will be nualo
a subject of experiment. The only effeztual remedy
for this terrible scourge is 1 satiOsetary. For 1 0 . 1 rticulara, impute on the pro
, -,.,.-, „• :' '8; .' 1 .7 ' tifYr . 44;• Bit tetz Usboro, or of D. L. Aitttli '
uary % 812, '6,-
It'slOrte is certain and uniform In Its efiticts.
cured thousands and wtli curayou. TI3Y IT
ann. 3, 1872-Im.
1 1 .
- of
y, of
(her w
t.. 1 in - th
0111 . 0.-
Icy by
I know
it • 1.1.0
?:" 60 - AtiflCS . •
'discretion, causing nervous de.
j, he.; baying tried in vein every
has discovered.* simple WWI of
viii send (roe to Mil fellow4uffer
-78 lessen at., Neve York.
Jan, 1,
GO WES i'."
toile was suitor West u, moat paco
lunkevi wen »rude in tba Lr
inew; l ;but in these daytizwo r
the word Weat low oomo to
Emma, Colorado, I 'alifondiaild
traveler rearing almost, so
pie wiabei
gOralary "7
gross and tito,
ropos lowa, Ne
the Territories,
');hi; lirLe
spirts fro: ,
trOsd;:and •
ha, I toitlu,
~A#L,,_„e QS VONA „i ow),
.4 in um biurliegtoci tome, which
owes Chicago, Einviinginn.and,
Itidiattapolis, Over file tudieitp:
ld'Westerzi Short./Ane;- and ftake•
equiedo, Peoila and Warsaw tall-
through Burlington, reaches Onus
4f7f, St. Joseph, Atchison, Lea•
of v, co ! unroll*. the Mimi
d 'ot!iffr •44 a rUIII/iitg
'if:Burlint*, you will be
4,71- 4i.
mute has admirably anavrerad the
to go West," by the publication 'of
'ee.ing document, Sllijd with facts iu
, tinectlons, accommelatiollo., Wes or
Guesting items, and 'illustnited by a
41y showing the whole West: Which
of charge. Copies, and addition&
811:6 tCiii4l 1
The Bur' Mgt
question, "Sc
truthful an'
regard to trek
farey and ot ,
Large map,
they distraint
information ci
Passenger Ag(
obtained by addressing, " General
B. and Id. B. B„ Burlington, lowa."
lag. L-4.1.1 persons who confer:opiate
tlthNewspapers for the lawn= oft
iVdOceld to P .- 4 -74.1 `xn ,, X•rliPti
gowea ,, w Co.
lose 25 cents for their Onn Hint
rr, containing Lists of 9.000 News
showing the cost of advertising.
its to suivertisers, and some ao•
reps of men who are known m
Thls firm are proprietor* of the
iper Advertising Agency;
):usling corker
s OliCkitaemr
for a circular.
wisp Paan d).
paper, and cal
also many use
countUf the
cceaful ddirr
Araericia Newt
irk Row,
astecitudeti Montt:lea for
arriktownento 111 all -nowspaperi llagw i ll4 Z
41 P
qui ereptesesue
the lesestlas
quo Valley Railroad.
per cent has bee
the Cowsnesquel
third d* of Feb
ere of the Coweinesque Valley Rilltoild
e notice, that an assessment of ten
made on each share of the stock of.
Valley Railroad, to be payable on the
next, at the office of the Treas-
an. 12, 1872.-St. Sec'y and Treas.
.E.lklend, Pa.,
Tax Payer)3.
ehy 'given that the Commissioners of
fy wail - hold an appeal for sat thole who
: by the assessment for the year 1872.
nets' Office on Thursday the 16th del
t. between the hours of 9 A. M. and 9 1
JOB ItEXPO. i Cosier*,
f {
w. T. O. 11OLLLEI. I
may be aggrieve'
atthe Commfesi•
of February n
P. M. on that
Jan. 17, 1862.
Year Goods
VaLitt ' " SrSS :.3nat pat leturaWligunihit ' ‘.i:3
J: city - with $ assortment of goals in Isla
lineich, aver bra ht Into \ Zoe county, among,
wh east dm! ' \,. /
011oice Frames of New Styles,
';10,0 • • - )11
CCC; r l;iel 4ratilltt Goods,
and a great variety of
; 1 1 1 Z i tith: a a
fine In style, and at the very lowest-prices.:***:l:444lll
pared to wake
• '
.Pigs :Class . POrtraits,
In all the beat styles of the (V, from
• touched no:gut-wee.
It is always a Vaunt° to show goods ; titi,doirtiuSx
batpktyard or bashful, but call early and often.
) 'ritArr SPENCER-
Masa"l4, - 14, Jan. i672.-ara
VA) hava 4001112 Ibe.49rongh
••- • -
any Goonk,
i i~w« .
widat will be
bevb - alivizt
-F as a
„• . .
,) t
Wacatiortord'to do this, u we shall save enough In
tents to vay.extra freights. We shall continue to add
lei eta ate& during the session, snob goods as the wants
Of the cOmmanity 'seem to, demand.. We invite a call
pri § a sl2 whOlitaill!gigtt ut'ung in our Uns.
~~~r~ ~
' ,- i ) ---!!,,at!:;Lj....An,
af the
, -- 9ASAT 141inSIP,8r&XES TEA CO4IPANY - e
.7 L.
iisca wbolesalo
/!/.i 28 1, 2 4t,
-- 1-, ,'---- or - - cue;:pr-Ront.
- ~, , ,, ,e, ~...1 .,.. 1 -k 'k
1 5 1
, r 6,
z ,,..
...Ac-w. r .,.,..:04“17farm i '%,.ivaiftiisvitithip, 'flogs Oct,
Vit.","iihout 21,4 in et'lv'eat'ortlie Borough tit
Ttoga, about 100 here' improved. find 46 unimproved.—
. /las mitt three barns, three dwelling houses, an apples
and peach orchard, and other fruit trees. Terms easy.
Also adjoining on the west, a farm and timber lands
from 40 to 200 acres as desired, with 80 acres tmpro
, Nikki a good barn ' s gogsktisun/i ,and..solo•,
4 . )oodlig'h dairying _ WM.; • -1; "C..11 . .BITII; II
•Jan:li - T872." - "'' ''''' • '---' ;:: ~ 1, --' :1:1 ,'4: 2 0 01 1' , T P••
FllO BOB= STENVA,RT : You are hereby no ed
- 4,'3llartticf:t UntiCidtrittm Ora 4 . '• V ° CoC°
ot.eoliarilthilfiesit . W„, hots ntir_df r Taco fin
VW btoids- Of ma h 6 ji-iVddi tha,t 7 iiiild - Ocitirt , ha s, ja,L
polnted,Atonday the 29tit cay of January. 187:1, for a
heating of Ala appliCant lu the premises) on vs eh
ocejuilotilron can attend if you think propek.
-.Tati.Tloj , 1372.4 w. : E. A. ElilEt. 'Sheriff.
Farm for Sale.
. - 411-lalitalnitiftlVAlMESsitar. ' Acres inaProvad,
Joa. This ihrm n
a situated near Igt
o the i t ite mn o t a o ti,. t ,° utt g io,
good lawns and ninety fruit 'ecs it is weal; 0410
V. dairying and agriculture. Terms cnay. IngAire of
the subsdriber at lifaina6lkrg;t4.
i APO , / 4 1 igiV r ift J. A. 110,Y0.F.
* I A
1:10 , : ter OA; laid to be sad ler cub, et each
Ai • .:"VrealtaYeterxt pleyed-out.
_. •
~ ;sy.aa yoa go," la a trite old mailla, 4E4 whim
live# AA to; the true 40olaine for boll} cell ir snit lavrtr:
)•,..,,, , 3 1,,,, : ,•,..,• . , . - , 1. .
I Sp y iO v e/ 1 goy& at ell )2Vatf, ler 044 aNfj
'solicit a tlial from 04 patrons; °AA
ell faap 0
Milgrim wlall to bur arms:lvo azurite le 00411
tit eleltillptve, • " , A. W. P .., -
1 1 014 4V -T, 4812: tt
, '
• ' 1.Q..F.; ....• ' e r ? • '
- ', t-; :,,For Sale.
jiiio , l , tio'44 , 4o.s.4tlsuailiawina as the iillialai:j
~7 /C
a , ell Vartu A M 11% itche Creek, Tioga C0.;',1%.
ts .b. TO' 'l:Welling houses. a Mow Sat , 'ldill • '
Bat . , . *tr bdlo.gs— ono of ths beat kicatlo
fora , , ' ,g or either roanufaeturirtil ataldlalan
ork *O.; kltaillroad. , _ . , ..
Also, .i olulng a lot of about 184A* about
acres lapwatt7 Would tasks ~
61 a goad 'fgaait.-1314
eztougli . 4l jt to fdeT,'lrittiber kolits, &o.; gai, tat. ft, "
Alsoe4out I (rae'red of timber' laud with sollOe t'Apt'
ovatliciit, atpaiat a Leda east of dos *Web desfribed
' ble for liferohor • and tabu.
ilapAt4 t0ta:0214114 'ist' oiu, itari 'oath - *MAUI at
Ail Otei: tc!leAtt4. , 4 . 1ati*,4 2 3 4 - 4 ck
ve 00 a etc& barn 'de.' * " ', • " ' -‘' - •
biiatt,.., &lig to purchase 'noire at Ms. ;alp
:al otk the Arming at Mitchell ' s erg*. - (
Titri e
O. EL ffinildol 7 / 3 .
rl, 1572-11:" ' ' ' Tioga;,.l?a.•
tie , Bin'
ill , OrdlnauceoC - .114:,
0, ,,,. . ,
~, , ,
E11b , , , , ci.turad and enacted by , the Burtraaitilad
tuici; of the Bor nigh at gnosville, tblit fcareistad.
AbortppUblioatiort at Anis Ordivaricat
Film thtiAllittlasa, ,tho aid walks shatil Al
„Fillq_ tity,awi4ra and occupier% atlas lota'
istbi;tX 4 l= and
ii igl e i= ll 9 " E il lll9l7
Teataliarafoni thin five hours , co *COI
*guil t kreib , U. samo AUX bast:44lW bi
gas at ozpaneo of rinr. atinAlossls
I i
1 4 4 - 41 1 71 .. e_ain , ~, Clerk. , :
t!,truit maitufatterr, 1a:4,411112aca,,
11. villa, a superior . .
4, 1 .:44,1!.q . = FANNING , MILL, - •
whiebittics folldwing advantages over all Ottaat
2. /t i llAksaules rye. OIL rid litter„euct foul geed. and
chess, cockle, from witeat.
i 2. It se loesucdSz„, -o*,lidces,put yelloyr, S`c_44, and ell
other eds, perfectly'.
1 8. It cleans timothy seed.
4. It doe* all other encircling required of a nail.
,Vest ind accost durable - Aim-1
bar, in zialityisiAanialaddd &sap lor ewes; br
'4 will In a .plitezt 'sieve, for eeperiting vat. troth
Aiest,tic paler aulUs, oLi ressodAils..terrua.
LeWritticOUls;.,7l2l.l,lB72: Istatitit. -
. "'Anwar/ma
Lifid KOilLl3l4
• -
AYDiG w e.ed s Brat-class Hardware Mose in
rescUnlginvita Abell' friends anclAlla.itabZdaitm•Street,
lio gau
d-alto give i them a eall. , They giutrantee satiaftUon
IA all coat Their stook - couiste oi,
• •
"tht Viatry
,-Kgrrus wro , - - RAZ"
;"o • loN;•BibrrAVOltic,
andsgeiVeral , line '4Toode, second to none in the
e 041 0 ,, qv? lorreat carp price!.
, •
The ere afro egeide rofllie itittllY MOWER. ITH
ACA WSF.BI. EA r KE;-Auticro HORSE A•cfpg,' AND
2:" •-•
rcrri rEtniticit
StahittkW./hh. 1,1872.
1 . _ 3Le' s IW Bailey
(Stligikilor AP, ' UP. ROBERTETP
Stozks,' fin ance *ardware,
''• - , . tAUi # oll g ; 4 '9*
I. , ,
Acarat each- =
- of , Bu il der* dilliteriala. LOCKS . ,
I~LiTLANCUES. ars- Sm.; Al3O. ORdrPriGl
Ita atiakisthfacturers pices:- •
iti - rTerqu,tQuik.
Jae. 1, 1572
Tthol Ca' .A. -
Ilk Fire; and . - ccidental.
• A.SBF-Tfp.eyE -,25 . 1,000,60.
Ina. Co., of liart AßßE h C Z PAirlf4 $8,060,636
Franklin Fire Z . Co. of Phlla, Pa 2,087,462 26'
Republic Viov cm of X. Y.A7.apitot.. 8760, 1 206
Asides litO. Cinelniatiti; 21,000,000
I:lioopiik re Tim Co. of N. Y ........ _1,000,000
Worm kfut." - Pi.ro.lrui. Co.. York Pa. , —900,889 11 .
Mut:Life Ins: - C 4 oLot Watford et: .0,081.970 61
tt'it Cottle tbs: Co. of PcttSville • • Goomo
Inaurance promptly effected by mall , or otherwise'
011 all kinda ot,Property.' Albloaaell Promptly Tete
and paid. I..ive stock Lnaurcd "goblet death, e o
tkutn. ,V.S ~ -"i •....,-- .' :". r ' _
sla t s
lam a l so agent for'ilte. iideif.Fins Izisu.rance . Co. f
eilmbanatt , Capita/41, Ail—
/dloonanunleattona InPtlY attended to — Cnito° 0
lt,Ull Street 2 d door from n at.. Knoxville Pa.
: •• , -..., AVM . B. SMITH
Jan. I . 11.811,4 f. -y-I ..; ' agent.
• ••
: ~....1 ..., •,,- • , , 0 , i : ' . _
CORNING. , N. Y. ,
, .
: •
• I .
1 Bold at wholesale Prices, Buyers are request.
and get quotations before going Anther Ease'
; • • - • t
y a p ; -. . 'W. It TgRBELL cq.
I , ri
*gage of Babe.
4 ••••'•
• .
1,1147,i nat,a • 1
• . 4tt
a1t.... -a : alm.typ-iitsw • r:
• '
rErnanramty CliNflifi. PA. ;I
TD 3 G.4 90.VITZY
4*3zire'Pa<mi.2l.l?.4: 4 2)To
awl prices ,risststii ii First door.
Vacul t iOrne Cold Alvaols. Stets
, . " tinpress Cloths, 60
Heaq sheetings,ll. an 4
Blesa. edltueline, tine, M, le,
Clotlie and cassimerm lees
New Settee:6i; extra qttalltrilik
Hoop Skirts and l Ooreeta. cheap
Shawls in Great V
at the
We carry an immense stock •
ado tk et!Rrl i tr i gli baCk 4
Condos, ha. 1, _ 1612.
Corning r
3E3. ti
, • -
• ,
Manufacturers of Stationary anii Portable Engl • ,
for Saw Mills, Grist Mills and Tanneries"; Ovens •
and leached bark, Castinp, Eolts,lllailroini Frogs,
Withal for shipping by *anal or Eallroads to all •
INlaterti,tnitideris of the best quality. ,
FIE 72-17". • • • -„
, - •
Wartbefore inltc/4040110105 . 4%
Jan. 1, 1872.
Jr H AVE you r tried the latest atiegreatest Medic.
tovery of the age ? •
It cures colds, diphtheria. crimps and pains i. the
stomach, indigestion, diarrhea; dysentery. suer
complaints, cholera Luorbus, cholera Ac.. as by • le.
tipplleatiOn fok•least bites, ebilb us,
sprains, bruises, feleus, rhea attain, sick h•
toothache, neuralgia. pains in the side, back and loins,
in a practice of six years, it hoar been found t 4 be sec
ond to no preparation ever offeted to the public.
Teo proprietor of this edic no feels warranted in
guaranteeing it to be the beat Ireniedy_. for _the 0 4 - -
diseases in the marki.t.
Manufactured and put up only by Dr. M. L.
Dloesburg. •Pu.
Wholesale agents—Dallett, Dearer & Durban , 1.
Chamber street, New York ; W. D. Terbell k Co., C'
_ 3tw.1.1
e Houghton, Orr & Co.,
• 0 I
Bug f6s Safes
.&- ,(
Visagraokta .I*ILVANIZ.NiIIar lir ti on 1
notice in the be4S
teed. - z l u rrottTrr 1
aearniral3 & COM, &slut*
" 4 /1 t".#` 44t1 : - L l ' 472 ; -4 - •
SW. IlLootousliziensuiitellvendlaW
columodatioluo not surpassed by any ct
hotel bathe Northern Tier." %Ili
ibletof a
and Wain street*, Walletarkkaftd thled rate hotels. Losedlon;
good fable, good - larlori' -
hmtie!. JAia 1871 Y
~~oFS twi
New Go;
. ~ ~.::
J. A.
Dry Seeds,
" ,
Great &duo
" Soo
de. 25
Extra wide
New goods rec
, I
; , J
00l Beavers, in great
k Velveteens. Twill B
'veteehe, in all the dei
Itraight, at the low`e'st
Men's 2-Sole and Tap rine Ki •
Men's Tap Sole, A. H. Calf t •
Mere' Tap Bole Peencsh OtH
Boys' belt Double Sole Rip
Boys' 2-Sole St tap fine Kip •
Youth's Hip Boots. •
Women'a Calf Vamp Balmoral
Women's Calf Vamp Polish
Ladies' Serge Polish Hal
Onr entire line of Ladies' Se •
111, --3 •
, rd . er and a
11017 D: Prop I
. ,
Low, Prices!
ns Co.;,
°oft & Shoes,
.e Prime of - Drees Clouds,
bone in
it. They
"rice 'List s
wroth oso.
All wool France► Oldecens nag
Extra Z 6
Worsted Papilla, - 26 "
Alexander " wide Cu "
wortli 60.
150 " 75.
Moll striped Dress Goods
y, and sold Cheaper than Ever.
Wed daft
. 200.
y ue.
• ever.
d Cashmeres, all wool and Union,
' risme in the co ) 10y.
ety,\l • t;
i Loweit
ety, at mane
:lacke, i choice)
irable skiadee.
prices in\he col
leas• than regular market rat
shades very cheap.
Terry Velveteens, all colors
• Boots, $4,00.
• ta, 4,50.
'• • to.. . _5.00
•. $2,15 to $3,
ta, $3,25 to $3,
22 es, 82 45 t 0,002 s,s '
oea, $2,25.
xtra. at $2,50, -
04 Work at oat,
• ladies' Sorge Polieli Gaiters, at $2 worth $2,60.
orth $B. Misses said Children's Work equally cheap.
I y low prices.
s, auduzert ourselves to keep our trade vowing. We
; but we pledge ourselves to do as we advertise la ell can%
our Make
at Wit late da
Machin = hop'
SHED) 1840.
A j ßl4
pad Boilers. Gearing, Shafting and Machinery required
Grates, tor burning Tan. Screws for nioving . uuleachtai
1• • , and Repairing done at abort notice. 'We hays fa
• lute, anti can-fungi& Machinery cheaper than heaters or
14 ;.( 4 . iv .
.\l.. u
~,. ..N V t IA i
Y :,e
-, =
Every year inereaseA the popularity
of this Kahiable Hair Preparation; ‘
which is clue - to merit alone. We can
assure our old patrons that itl is kept
fully up to its high standard; .and it
is the only reliable andperfeetegArep
oration for restoring GI oR FADED
td H
Li 'to it 'rout:Mid color, making it
,nut to its, y _cut „
soft, lustrous, and silken. The sealP,
by its use, becomes white and Clean.
It removes an eruptions and dandrtift
and, by its tonic properties, Prevents \
the hair from falling out, as it stimu
lates and nourishes . the hair-glands.
By its use, the hair grows thicker and
stronger. Irk baldness; it restores the
capillary glands to their nonnal vigor,
and will create a new growth, except
in extreme _oldlt is the most
economical limn 'DRESSING ever used,
as it requires fewer applicatiOns, and
gives 'the hair a Jsplendid, glossy ap.
pearance. A. A. Hayes', M.D., State
149 Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The
"" constituents are pure, and icarefully
selected for excellent ; and I
consider it the BEST i s IItP.A.BATION
for its intended purposes."
Sold' by ita Drieggiats, and Dealers 01 Median's.
Price One Dollar. j
Buckingham's Dye
As our Renewer in many eases re•
quires too long a time, and too much
care, to restore gray or faded 'Whisk
ers, we have prepared this die, in one
preparation; which will cmckly and
\effectually accomplish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which win neither rnb nor 'Wash of
Sold by all Draggles. Abe Fifty
Manufactured by R. P. NAIL & 00,,
rrAams, NAL
33, 3, 1872
Foreign and Domestic
WINES, U., &c.,
Agents for Pine Old W
°man. Aim,
O. N. *WIRY% J CO:
.1102, I, IBIF.
New Prints, 636. / 0 . / 9 4c-
Flannels, all-klnda. at leas than value
ITandaoms Dress Goods, 25 and 31e,
Black Alpacas, 91, 3735, 44, 600.
k, Blank• Velveteens, plain
All the above atyles cut on
,gar This entire line of Boots
is manufactured for us at J.
Richardson's, slid rarranteit
by tis In every respect, as In
fornier years.
Sill .& Squl
$ /O ,Ai
I ois
27% "
O f N.