Lo CAL NOTIcyS, - C4 , llinq CA ' s Cast -Steel Plows only 'ss eft oll. For information how.to obtain them Cotztt:a *Fs: Co., 212 Water St., N. Y. j ai l 17, 1872-3 m. - \V' have re'el'ed n new advertisement frmn• patTon,.., of corning, too late for thi Nuo of the Agila foe. It will appear m. \\Tel; Th e ; r. i•. !u lte vigil: held it the, r ,,, ;( 1,11 - 0.? of 3lrz ? , Jane GrifllniA: Middlebury, .I,llel;,ty Ltb, 157;7..),, 1:i)r the benefit of R e v. w IT Rt A:general invitation :I notliereoltlyan' of *thi. , , pajim: hej loan] !in ;tar ertizement of the new firM of & Chandler, furniture de‘aler.3.— ti c B T Van Horn for years .been a' ,lcr in that liite-hore,.a4ft after forty years, eoneltided to-retire, and tun:tithe, t.til - alct - , - .3 over to "the boys.'' We hearlily v;L:11 ,itteces- to the new firm. Th e 1 ,,,,,:t wonderful dis.covery o'fthe pres ent fir i , Dr Tipple's Pile Specific. The Dr. ha_ di.7.co-ered a remedy, and is now m anufacturing it in Philadelphia, which ,rill Cure every cute ofeonntipapon and piles, or he refunds the money. Sold by Pierce ti- K„ ~, iCe!Lboro, Pa., w tere suflererd can find radical relief. , ,Try i ; nothing lost, and c inv;nco 3-elurdive_,3 I 1 1e „: . 1 . Tar 4rt0..N . , rrto l ....v . ,Enn /AND ISSTITIT- Ti o , : , WI i-: theititle of ti new work by An.. n Willie) formerly- Judge of - the Dis ttict-i.foi,ri, New - 11.7rk, which tells all about ~ A n country, historicailY alid•pOlitically. It 1, c-pecially valuable to e 'ery perion'-who• would un4rAancl the work ng of our systev o f governnment, being a complete epitome of political information. Not he leant reeoinc; mend:llion of tho book is its reasonable,price -V2 (.0 for'a volume of ovar 500 pages beau tifully bound in cloth. I is published in toth English and German, and sold only 1;37. sub‘Cription, Mr. U. S. Cb,egrove, ofßee . n. 7 eiiiike:•biiii*tliV Fl ' g ?I fit - fo7 this legion. • .__ I;Aoitattir. EDNESDAY , JANUARY I'l, 1872 Wellsboro Post Moe Oa and ant: January 1, 157% mails will open and Elsie at tins ctlica at the folio:\ iog bovals .MAILS OrRN. Tioga, (Pail (, 12,',',0 P. M. { ColUrgpt, Arou. Th. 12 M. Troy, " GO " I Cedar Rail, Tu., Fr., 2P. ?A n .. B4ohy ork, Tirsilus and Fritlayo ....... .... 11 :VC MArts CLOIE. Tic trails! 1,,7) P NT. i { Couirst.f., 'Aro. Th. 1,45P.M. Tri. , • 7,45 A. M. (2. 'dr Run, Mo. Th. 8,20 A. M. Stolly Pork . , lur_o,l.ays and Pr days 2,15 P. M. 0, W. 3fERRICIi. P. 51. Wellmboro, Jan, 1. 1379-1 Home Affairs. Local Briefs, —Last Fridqy a , :p - bet anti blarldas a dm , April (Ky. —This i., cite anni v - Iftry of Benjamin Fran birth —Hon.3olin left fur llarris burg M..01(1,,:,- —Every man can have with Om wenther hi ; we have all sorts. Lust Sunday and liomlny were' stinging clay s. —Mr. A - uncle:lll(4r at Utica with 0/el/man:an t ;,ml econ.3ecluently i 3 unable to fill I:;.t v read here this week. —The brrwr;•at rf thi; village announces that next N'il-einber it will pay.3s into other 1,;; a —The Depots along )he line 'of the Erie Railway were drapbci in mourning last Wednealay in memory of the late James Fid; Jr -41:gjor Fred. D. Bunnell informes us that he ha: exchanged two cottages on First 41..v -lin.ll, alin.z.-.345_,. . :-.Larg4iAle. property Ejiza et ,IN —All . persons indebted to the Agitator es tablishment for job work, advertising, or cubsoriptlon for. the .year 1E571, or previous years, era earnestly recitlested to settle up immediately, a , the acco•ants must be closed. —Mr. 3. Bement of Ja6tson,writes us that on the 10th inctant, himself and his father aged O. with one horse, skidded G 3 fair sized ash and bass logs in lers than four hours.— Mr. Bement wants somebody to beat this. —Prof. Winters of this village, is to lecture on "Pompeii" before the Philomathean So ciety:in theSecona Pro.ihyteriarf Church at Lawfetre'eviile to-morrow (Thursday) even ing Of coursolie will have a good house. —The following gontleMen were nppoin ted District Deputy Grand Masters A. Y. M., at the recent meeting of the Grand Lodge in Philadelphia: Robert C. Simpson, of Wells. , bore, for the county of Tioga ;_ Edward Her rick, Jr., of Athens, for the counties of Brad ford and Sullivan; G. S., Snyder, .of haini-sport, for the counties ; of Lycoming and Union. —At a meeting-of the Board of Directors of the first Notional bank oi l -this village on the 14th irritant, Mr. John I Robinson was elected President, and our young friend Eugene U. Rubinson was appointed Cashier.. The npw Cashier gets his prbniotiOn - early in life , but we believe he has earned it,- and will make an excellent officer. —Sheviffli'idi hi-6 handed us a coininuni cation, from Mainsburg statinz there is a child in Sullivan who has eleven grand and great grand pavalts, all living: This is en urmsal ea :e. Bui we know a young man who has had seven grandmother ,; and the account i n t cicced vet --IV,• topi,r , r:End t<