The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, March 12, 1867, Image 1

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e_ILL-tWitiElt, Proprietor.
31. W.
to the cause of Republicanism, the tn•
••itu re, the :tdv aiceinent of Education,
dot Potted' 6.r0 fay. iswn ing no yti
it will endeavor to aid in the
ulfy Freedotnizing our Country.
s t:lo"Devoteti
Itereet•tof 42;r1.
•nd the beet g
except that of 1
Ntorit of twice
. epents inAerted at the iollowlng rate...
pecialbarxdoe. Are mole. A •••ottale"
rvier or 8 of Nonpa• ell typo,' :
Aertion ...... ...... -......,.. ..... 50
$- Inee.tlon,r-- -....;....-- . -...... 31 2
. pent Ineertion.lesa than 13.-- 40
iear 10 00
-da, t year
5 00
tor'a tr . Exec tore N0tice........ 300 .
.Editorial Notices per line-- 20
lent advertleementa moat he paid in
tnotice will he taken of ad vert I patents
, 1.1'110 , 41 they are accompanied by the
. acWry refureuce.
If, of all Motto, executed with neatneas
etc. pt where
la 1O linens of B
4q.ntrt.. 1 g
1 squar..2 o
X Agnate, 1. 3
- Bo foods
;Special nn
. d.
1 ear Alt trti
Trom a dna - me
+ - moony or satld
'Mob No
dad (I,4critch.,
eeptedAncient-Vprk 'Masons
No. 342, F. A:IL Stated
on the 2.1 owl 410 'edoes tav Of
In the 3d Story of t. I wirroo72d Blnett.
,aeo. WU. h St - LEAH, 6f.
Free and A :
Xi &tee Ing
- Inunt h.
I'QI'SICLIF. C.Aide7aport, Pa.,
y inforsne t eit.zen4clt the villatte and
will promptly reApon.l to oh calk for
t vices. Otilek• on Firet greet, arst &or
idence., 1740
vicinity that h'
vpref , e.ion .1 et
, c;est of hie Iv
.JOUN S. , • •
:port, Pas, w.ll the several C..ortm
Cameroa rounded. Al! buoinoze en
! care will receive p.utrip, tatchiun.
Street; to re-idence.
A TT ' Ctl Tere
lu Pot ‘' ter uihd
,tadted to hid
-office on Mani
TTAIL SEili'S AT 'LAW, Coudersport. Penn's.
A -Will at iid to all heeinees entrusted to their
exc., with pr a lidless and ti lelity. WII al-o attend
-the several co its .z comities. Office
In the seeood torey .4 the tterr.-ted Mech.
ts.tte BENSON,
N 17-. I- L A Wrl l , -Con(ler Tort, Pa., wilt'
atteu It all latiiine,is eiltru,ted to lern ,itt dire
- natl. promptn 4. .-It.A.tal. C •ti t., of avijo nail: Won
'tlitil. Other.. iS ;co A•t rre , 'near the Allestativiiridite
- •
„Ll., A rviEtlc Y.Asn COUN3ELT. OII AT LAW.
Con -vr.port, Pa., Cll alleiiill Wn
the ad •uPoi
'er ilild r hea .jo a.. .e rilloit ..,.. \ ,
.D. UTTTE S., 4 it-.
- Dasslct. ....: -. . - nd Su tr-- , e. a: ,41/1 re:4irc•fitlly til
l_ tirrn th citiz •••6 of Clowleni,.ort :ma vii.,,h,
th ahe it ht 4 ri•sie.l it•i-o.llite in the Gritti , flp,ai
Hotel, .111 w It be retdv - Itt r. 11, m.. 4 10 nt ik.. ti-o
f. 161 mill call . 114314 4. re....trilitt grailuate of 13ittribi
Ma lical Col tie of 1. .7 in .1 ..4.
EL. ISDN fit T.1.0.i4PS
DEALEIttL la Drage, Iledic.raa, On,
Vara'. p., L:rr!..a atrtl:F.tat. . art e:ta,'130 ,4 :•
all 0.11 And ix.; 11a .etata,Sttr. ttttt
ice, iaza :Itter..try 6•••§V.
TTAOR fl utit-ncKG,
,A.geot for the-Collection of 114,,j1 .
tt.ted?dateo. nd -mtet.orerctrtvlit-,,ti .11 1111,
Bounty,Arry roof Pny,&c.-Ad kre±..k
if 4. -
'w - $lll-Lf..*: C
4 .1. IC. .31.e. 1 1.1..1.iiNEY ,
EPLI. Biz TATE ri..01 1V3V12 NCE Afl ENT.—
f." "d 'gilt and i'nxt, imtf..tntt nth ,
itut,,ttlig.tted. I..sitresprep-,,ty trzniii4 tit Cinth • l'e'-t
-eon:wattle. 1r the Cunt °try, And Pet-14m ,, axtvit A Acct
de de in the irr tvelent•ur Cittairtny ttf Hart.
fe . r4; 8 , 14i.nre,5 I rnnotut•ti itrttnivtly
ARE, gerehnnt, and I)"ler in S'oie!'
d S'leet I ron.W re Main+t reet, colmkr
t. T rt. mild Sheet Iran War rti tde to
Oil SI, it not
\Tina t'
port, Pen .•1
• •.•r, EOt
:lure, Cit.& STS—Deutera inDry tiuols-, Franc)
DI G. Grocert.s.PrOVlte.lll ;Fo,lr,
unt FCedl'Ot
'and .v-ryt • ip.g urns .Hy pt 1.. u g , ,0.1 cory
Pnvittee bn , .n 4 w 4,1 17 t:1)
.I '
I • •-11-SRCIS e s:"I' VELLSV I lAA: IC Y., Whole
-01. gale a , alio-tit Pe' .-r in Dry Goo tg. Fit ney and
1140 r (1,14
Reg.! 101.0.fithinl., lies V regi.i- inils G roe...Heti.
Flour., •*.e., It i. rg iiiiipnlivclit . ,
'll Flterall.irrni-
111,1,r.Lv.5• JONES,
.11\1711•A1Fr.u7,1;4231-I.rrtlcs In i),
Mai.. 1 7 .1 r • I. • 0n1r,r,.•••-•rt.
. -eond streets Coqd.o. sport ,Potter Co.n.
,Die is ASO it VI •..• this
Stn 'CA !Ina frorri the 12.:tiirow
\\l t
ter Journal
Intely adled a fine new ansOrtmnnt of
YPE tvon-r ntr'Kvlv lance o:otnannt
.epo red to do nil kitide wort:, cheaply
Or sere wilted/ 41.
J orl_
we Are now
and orith to
f , Potter\ county, Pennsylvania.
r LEWlsl. \ Proprietor. Tiqiio:
05 excellent II , t<l, Inv Proprietor wi.he
ncinhaanco or the trAvelinn public atni
Int ol ratistaction to all who trt ,
I—Frb 12.66, ..11" N,
o make tho
robs confid
all on hiln.l
.- j 8-.‘* J J?• K
11: L ------- E
A ,re Oiß nie,
...' . 1 •.• 1 ---
pi ; I Monuments and .Tcimb- tones
.7„..., f all U31,1.4'7411 he fu-nielied on re nn
I /1115 ..,.... dr Lemma and abort notic e -by
..... Resider „
ice.: Enialia, 134 mite itouiti o s f,
,coedemport. Pa . ., on the Si ~,, .onalio -inn
• DAN !:Hitt[.
• • ..
raeNSIOTi, 0 /-13 sTY and W AR •i .Alf © GENT:)..
Penstema procitrod for Soldiers of toe present
r who are diatithtd by reason of wounds received
orAlleatat intracted while in tho service of the Upite
States ; and peiialons, bonitty, and naelys of pay ott
in of those who hace died in .
been kill while in sera ce. All letters af inquirt
-promptly a etWerB Land on receipt by mail or A 0141te
Mont of th c too of claimant, I will. forward the tie.
@mos.-try pa Pro fer their sitmature. F--es in Pensio.
eases as fix dby law. geferA 1.0 Lid C. leam Beneon.
.4.. G. Olm ed, Joh S. Mann, and F. W. Knox, .151.1
--:- -,. P.A.:S,_BAN.BIIi
esist* c alm gent Couderimort l'a
i r b., itc, ~ Itch!
. ,
\iiVILIC Vl'olll9B -011CTIIENT,
Curethe Nieli in 48 Incourts ! -
- ItALT, ' RHEUM, ITii Eltz; 0111 T,
SLAYS'S, nd all ERUPTION'S OF: T85.,8K. , N
Prom 50 ce to. Vor sale h) ail iirniegiats. By t- Hiatt;
SO eents to WEEKS h. POITER, Sole Age. .is, 1;11
aShi n street, Boston. iambwil it:
be fo:waeted
W% free f postage,tiii any pr of thou/sIA St4tes.
etini 14 ',tetra w%y t , r,
. . . 1 , j
, 4
f - z -
. 1 -
DEER JOCILEALI: Tao following ttonnwets sung in
the. county ,Ittn Fall during. the campaign. Will
yT,u put 1l t. It to btiyre many citizens in t' in vicinity
who dsciie a copkt , ULYSSES, PA. •
The. rebel. left ourhouseho!d;andi swore they went
.to stay 4!, ; ;
They jipiged ns by ; their doughf e friendkjaed Were
*dad tn!get aVNy
But. When they got. acquainted wi h o•ir b yet North.-
_ 1¢,17 '
- tnel'i - ‘
With 91 - erman, Brant, and Sh 'edit), they then
came back again. -
vuO,Yres-7"^'are yiort Andy , I re "errl-nn Andy,
Yoti'llbeaf‘from Pennsylvania*. at we hope you've
• 1 heard from Maine 1 1 .
. . .
They 1,11, , t en meilike•Penltentlylno nal: to he forgiven,
They don't teem,. the loyal blood .at cries aloud to
But Andy thlnlt r A the press their, claims, too mod
esily b, hoof. 1
Be p ap; their baSks the while thiY yell : "Now Lill
r the fatted Fait 1'
Caflv s . ,
...j •
f? An y, reennsvuttlon, lemon , t an ebrldrente play.
If wefound it now in .1 llAt ice it can neer lio• down away;
You on% owe
dB the Bevernrus it, the people , owe
share, a
And that you should run the whole maehi they
' • .hink , is h4rdly fair.]
1 •
Cur us.
Your oulde-bre 1 ,
t.' fi
asted coat don't our Tire e Sam
t all, :,
The 9 uthern braart is much too large, lls Northern
. .
.. . ,
.. ~
li , r , a s t tool-lim . n.— • i
Vo nn't want Clop-shop clothing to corer rebel
henvr I ! 1
, For . r , .3 . guided our tailor ebears, end Justice vans
'the Peams, I i
-ClioEa's. ' i
, .
i i
The l'e•iple.know a thing or two, they cannot be
1 Eb.•.erii . ca, lj
Anclmnii - whifte.brolee'•their solemn oath aro not to
i be heliewedi; i
YoUr it. ead-and-Mlut ter han,gero on,welleartily dePplie,
Yoti'll in ed our rrequeut WaftliElr,6, 0 Andy, if you're
wee, • I
C i ioars ' '
To Ir B eitd-an-7.-putter folieyiiviults ourltoble plain,
Ault w rites on every her's got s*, "This &miler died
1 . In vain r'
d lin Op pitin 4n,rtilil i it all, Ihng ears are nicking
throinel,' • ;
the lieh. , ire glad just non{ to have the 4 bray
-111:f all tu yOu. I ' I •
Thnt'y . ou call the roar& trni+rr• erou4aMo con,
Foryou think rrOto your own tre,chery that no one
can be tru,.,'
Awl to make Chip great crime odious yoe took a novel
Von lrwame a leading treAtor and we hate it all the
stored I
When yon''Swing around the circle" to ihow"yrutr
ruynd race . i
T" leave the l'unotlution and the Flag at ere y place.
O apare CIA Hlll+4l i. , . , .. t0'e, refrain twin gent ; g blue
:or y0u,.‘,1 , ..c, keep your dignity end huvu your
hrt kly 1. 4 I
1 , i
Miele's a rice 4 duetcy 'bondrnen 'that once ,looked
up to yOn.:
.Ind you awore !o.he their "Moses 7 and they reall3
ilio gut yi - 111 true ; I
13ut you're faced ah...ut fur Egypt, to bondaze leading
back,; 1 • [
linitreie ou-footed master leads a very windb g track
" - ~
1 t • g : -
I was•oilljr seve teen when 1 trr
Ow -n Wiel iw
Attfe Too you, no loubt.
InitHre.onsita.... justified me. - My soothe'
lied when I ,',was a mere chill; and env ill
' '
•1. Wt. 1w re at ten ct.t Iti of )
.1, %
I ers,jshowed hoW much he mourned hoe r lo•-s
:nal resPecte.l her memory, 'by using, al.
1 poSsible speed - i is getting another to OA her
plaCe. t
, She. was a:goo& enough !woman ±in het
' svay--iny seCond mother, I mean—s'trictl%
iit•nest and Upright, and affect ionate after a
Certain fashi4n; but she lisul•the inisf'prtune
to possess a itie d dline dispositio-, and a
I,sharp, glib tongue.- 7 two woeful attribute
in `a woinan.[. lan cot tain that she &I her
IbeSt to make me e.oinf.4table and lt:4mv—
or,!as haPpy las it see. Med proper, acc4mlitio•
.I o !the rules! of, her religion, for a human
I •
:beilw 'ito ue She believed in the i.l.etritit- ,
which ,z , ,
„ inch tenors us a , :ways to have a tin ! ?rit its
ionr flesh to 'keep is 'contrite and lin'inblt•
I never belilvid in the creed. I think tli,-
thorn servesias a stingitg goad oftenk tliai
anything e lse.;!at any rate, it had that lett.ctf
with me. this new mother of 'Mae, con
seientious as she was in regard to her sooty,
contrived to make my young iife tlnniongli I%
tniilerable, ttiot Ibecause she was wielied, or
spiteful, b4.on account -of the rated aut a g -.
on*rikof our natures.
It wo uld not have been a wonder , if, un
der the cirlinstances, I. had accepted Owen
Wickliffe, Oen without loving hitri for the
! sake of the,Vgilit., home he littered me; but
I did love him, when, I married ItiM, with
all a girl's roirtancitl a.,woinan's temler
devotion; and he Tett rne.l my lore with
equal ardoir-at:ani i• - atke' made me be
lieve so. tWe spent . our 'botieytott in
travel, and li then !settled dow as (
as a pair of Tolima ,in our new \b,hitie—it
pi etty 14114 cettage in the suburbs ita ca},
"Ro , :e Cottirge,o wen called it. I rernerti
her how prbtid and pleased I w:.s, When 1 , ,
led Ine " ill OA first afternoon, and cattalo.
the house-Maid, !bade her deliver; up tin
' keys tO. he new 'mistress She did so, but
With ilbsuppress.ed mire h, for I must have
'`appeiired very trifbrg aed, unmatronly in
iretx-eveS• and I Was! not a whit less so than
I app se I I could sing, and play
piano, ditri gritc4ufly, and dress myself to
. 1 e fection Vitut with these qty accomplish
ments, ended:l knew! , no norc about, do
inestic of ir s ha no more idea of the se
riousness and sacredness of he duties [trot
taken upon me, thantwo year.. old bab •
' - YOu re too, young, b..u silly and child
ish to becetne a wife and rootlet yet; be:
ter! wait awhile,' Maggie," tuyitl - avant i••ai.i.i
- .
eery time the subject wa r S broght, up h.;
her presenee ;:.bta t Owen would not hear to it
" Never , fear, aunt Debbie," he wont.
reply, " I wbeie there is a viii there is a way.
vbu knew; 41:io• can learn what she dot;'
k t ow-her!lheart's All right, and that',
enough."l I • ! .
Aud I, al my soul mis„crave
*ma: too iliac!' irClove with his taindsCute
\ ,
. - .
. •
. ,
. . ..
. . .
. . • : . . .
'-• ' . ,
. ;
•-i-• • • i' -- ---' .• • .: - • *.- •-' - I- -, -- • • • '',-•
• • . -, ••
. . , . . . . - , , • ..- .
-- • 1 1 -. ' I - •• . ..- t ----•'.- - 1 •---'• •-- --':- -..--•-•-'-• -•- • - till• --- ---.. -.-
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J.a ..,
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~...i :, . k ‘... . 6.01111V1 ,
A l'
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• . . . .. .
'I- • '
... . , •
Debotta to the 't.irlciptes of Inte Dit)octleg, - 14$60)1114tioo of horning, Lite t iltyte qqa jiebV.
eyes, to . turn from his ardent pleadings, and
hearken to the saga counsels of pre-and
experience. So we were married, and went
to h ou a mouth after, at " Rose
;For a time everything went on Smith
mingly. .6Jrcas was a gU9d book, acid
satnettling more, a fine manager; the most
fitStidious eye could have foUnd . wilting to
complain of in' the neat arrange ment of our
room.; or the palate of an epicure found
anything amiss in the nicely flavored, nicely
cooked tood that daily appeared upon our
table. Owen was in raptures.
Alta,atint Debbie!" he said, exultingly,
when she came down to tea, "what di I I
tell you ? Where will you find nicer breitd
than this I" breaking one of Dorcas' feath
ery rolls' "I said ling would learn. She's
one of the best. little housewives in is
Aunt Debbie made no reply, she dill not
even glance towards my Scarlet cheeks and
downcast eyes, but L knew well enough
tl'iat the inspected my secret , I 0pen , ..1
My !ilia to confesS all, and gave Dorcas the
eredit that was her due; but Given's happy
eyeQ silenced me. I was very vain. and
had always been fon:I of praise; but itia
praise coveted above alt things else. I
believe I would have been twi
. 1
ny.. to have
saerifiC d my very life to have bat his ap
probati!in. Women are such silly blockL.
heads; Ind as a g,eneral"thing, husbands are
se exce ~tingly sparing of l approving words,
and so lery profuse in fault-tinding, 'that it
isia marvel to me that there are half rio
many I ,l leasant homes as there are. Bios
whew& fire of true love barns upon the
household altar, its: ever en luring heat
w4141s the ties that bind heart to heart, and
hand to hand, so firmly together, that a I
, ;
oflthe tug and,strain of every day life can
ntt teartheth apart.
fßio. I do not mean loinsinuate that my,
husband waS prone to faith finding; on the
coiliwy, he was very lavish in his praise—
mid that praise was so Sweet that. I kept
..:ilion., e i onsoling myself With the thought
thift it would not be &Mg before I would
reallv.merit it.
!A' day or two after, he brottgt home a
eO'nple of frends to dinner. • As semi as -I
..olild inake'tny escape from the parlor, I
ran cut to Donc:lr, pale With eousteruati.m.
1311 t. 'Dorcas was in nOwise starCe•i. She
;vemt., quietly to }cork, while I was running
to :11111 fro. giv . 11.4 velq, tO all triatin-r of ex
.. , .
travagan , exclatultion T ; adding a little he -e
lmil a little then., improvising one,thing,
and tilying up another, until she g -- 4 to
zether as Mee a . dintrpr as my fastidion,
young littskm I conk! have desired. He
xn..: pkased to the heart, I knew it. by the
exprossion 0- his eyes.!
" Mies the girl fOr you," I overheard
him say ingias I left / the parlor tO go the;
the n , elesA form 0. ordering supper. "c ii
het there's not another such a wife iu town.
.I.he's always as neatlis a new pin, yet she
cooks an obi stagfr. ; 1 t6ll you 1)01 1 1.,
I did a fYood days work when I married 114
I never felt meaneti in my lire, bitt
took in my old resolution to make
Myself worthy of lus praise; and in accord
:Mee -therewith, I malted after Dorcas for
t'wo or three days, taking note of e t• 4.
tiling she did, to the poor girl's evident
detention and annovai - ce. But after awhih-
O'd habits a ut, the betterof me, and I Ifel
I,itek into the beaten cilia, lounging away
the forenoon in my . clUotther, amp tbiing my
ifrogliet and worsted work, and reading the
last new not el, intiniOY more pleasing, to
tty taste, than tin , kitchen and the cookio ! ,
St ve And, after all, *lint slid it Matter
Dorcas , wo'rl•l never I leaveat4l there
1 .
was no use worrying;insse
But DoreaS did not think just a I did.
she took it into her jhead to get married
herselt afutr 16)ked upon it a,
an imposition then, and do now. If awo
man has a genie: f u cooking. and it in
'her power to make woman:' s hoio,
pleasant and agreeable What iight has slit.
t transfer her good works into an estab
tishment of her own 1 is not !ovine• one',
neighbor as one's self; to say the -least. Al l
Dumas was sud let. too. It was,:
going to be married,' M.N. Wick
and muNt leaye You tli:s -evening;*
and the next martini., she wa.
' Owen did not collie home to dinner; and
'feelin. , very petti,ll Durea , s I resolve,'
111 a grand Sup Per 'ol my own, !that
wool, tl t ;row ali etfirts of hers i n to il l "
shade. had the day before me dud began
early. 'MY . -s t ore wits in full blast, aw l t h e
tea-kettle finely . under way, when a littl
e low made hisNappearance with a siring
of trout in one handand a note from Owen
in the oth..r.! I real it,ea , rerly
"My old friend, %Vat: Seymeur is in
towiL Nlag, I shall ltrin:r hitn.rociri Ito sup ,
per, so d ) - voar beat. dear. ''l,;l. 13
the trout nicely."
I went to I work zeataisly. Not eoiktem
With riot roils, I deternfitied on Spanish
tinnsthey Were Owen 's particular
Of coUrse•l m ike them ; - the dough
had been rising all Alas, ant mast be
E. went into it up to my elbows. There wa,
a goodly . 4it tntity—experienced htiuse
leepers are alw ys lavish—hut I imina t re,l
0.4r0t it into fern; an I then I got on the
pan of trMit and the cAfee-pat What 'a
thing t had been to keep Dorcas
lung, when I could cook so well myself, 1.
thought, my aboundingh with pride and
gratification, - a nUp stars for white
sugar to sift. over niy\kuns. There was a
runaway, horse ou the street just below, and
Ipause' d at the Window toitwliat waStcr
ing on. Then a group of gayly dr ess ed
girls; some of my old„friends, flininting out
to a new rig, caught my eye.' I all
about supper for several moments, and stood
drumming against the glass, and humtniti
au opera air to roy-self Jolt then an awful
sound broke ,on my ear, a basing splutter
from below... I went down three steps at. a
bound. The kitchen was bl'ack with smoke,
and the odor of the burnt trout altrirst
drove me back. But de ermined to Save
theta, I seized the pan, 'dropping it thein-,
stant after with a cry of pain. The red hot
!mete had crisped my had to the bone;,,
the hissing grease and binned fish flew in
every direction, spoiling . imy pretty . Oil-_;
cloth and soiling my new eyening w Mpjter I
beyond redemption. In the meanlime my
cetfee was foaming over, mid the roils were'
burning to coals, and evky instant the
1 I
! tove,' which I had literally crammed with
Wood, was increasing its l‘rat. I felt as if
I should go mad: Every !attempt I made I
1 tolescue my supper left itjs mark, upon my i
poor hands; and, to cap the -climax, in the
very heat hf the fray thrke caine a rap at
the door. . I smoothed inf hair and e iped
1 the perspiration from my 'tee and hurried
out The comer was no jother than aunt
Debbie. 111 ,ever N gave etteranee to 2111y7
, thing like, profanity is myrheriet,.l. feel sure
1 thatinfinite justice will \ not hold The ric
cluntablel for, are in vita ' life. I
think when we sin involt :n be
leaiMe our souls are too ii sorely
tried to liele it.
Aunt Debbie !Followed k.
ite into the' par
lor, removed hershawl RIO bonnet, srneoth
er. down her silk apron," tied took out her
Mb of knitting.
"I heard Downs had left you'," She said,
I in - her pleasantest. even vole , . "ant! I
il onqht I'd dr. p in and see if '.' on wanted
h ... p. ?,- ' 1 _
"No, no!" I troke out passion .rely, '"I
di ndo well enough myself I'm cooking
st pper in w. Sit - down here please; Owen
w'll be h me directly." I .
i i
She ac trieSced, and t hurried hack tit
I itl.4 e. kitchen . 10 s% en 6 11911 [cr' via 1 helping
i himself the scattered trout. 1 save him
la t ipunch otat sent him limping cat on three
I te , , and then rushed at. the stove.. TIM
tire bad d one downs and', the fOaming cot
fee stile:ied ; and the heftry,.black wipe I
Irons smoked in the oven. But I had no
time to Waste in repining 1 . •It was almoSt
six o7eloek, ant toy pushand was a pine;
turd Hiall. ' i
[ vcn to work and gathered tip the
broken fish, pacing then on a dish and
peeling Id the burnt skin; then I selected,
the best of the rolls, and set about ni:i
Spanish:buns. .1, had Seen Dorcas make
thein, rin , l I followed her example to the,
letter.' , As the stove was 'ltio.h.ratA•ly warm.
ih.-y baked pretty fairly; and 1. dried lIIN
eyes and began to set tire table with siiine
thing dike a revivimr hope. Six o'clock
found ; everything in readiness, and my
handsome husband in sat with his old
friend on one hand, and
,aunt Debbie 'on
lie other
"These are - capital trout, 'Vat," he Said,
• rd^.
as ho 'helped him to them. "I lordered
them bitrposely when I heard you were in
toWis, Do them justice! now ; aml take a
rol , --itay wife
. is famous ! for tuttkit4 goo,'
Irrea , l:'
1 could hear tiV , l . leamindpitate, 'AO oly
han . , l vreahle , l so that -1 coal , ' scarrely pool
out the niuddv,'unsettlen - eoff , e. Mr. Sey
mour pet unit itis . small, ile icate hand; and
took a Toil, broke •off its ithaek top, glanced
Fit its heavy, Ipoogy imi.l.(lle, :and pushed it
io;ide. It %%Its rather heavy he thought,
and he was' eannpelled tO avoid et erythile ,
ludirestililei he was so imme to dyspepsial.
Owen swallowed a Miter morn btu! o:
. ,
burned trot't with alok of excessive au
v . ..
‘.-The •roi s are lietWa', - ' he said; uyoor
yeast most 'lima) failed, Mar; but try a bun,
:Vat —Mag makes prime buns" •
• Me Seymour took one, tasted it, and
!aid it beside liis*roll. Owen, who had tak
en one, also,lestketl up in utter astonishment.
' •Why, Mag!"
"Well. what iiow I" I retorted, rietttshly.
, Y 0 1 .1% e finale a tnistake, child," sa id
aunt Debbie,. q•ii••tly;'ve put salt in
Your buns instead of i sugir. Wait a nio
'neut. Mr. Sesitiour, till I slice some cold
bread." I • .
She rose with .geittie dignity, tviiile I.
utterly unable to control ni feelihn burst
into tears:
"Mar..rie-, said illy Inisband. severely, "if
you're going to act like a obi! I, you'd bet
t.r go to your room" I•
. I nee•led no Sethind hint. The next in
,tant found me in my eh:intim., an•l the
door. double locked. I • 'wits too deeply
hurt, too much inortift•-•d, tilo angry to be
reasonable so I threw mya f dt: on the rag
before theAire, and cii d iripeif into a tit
of nervous tienlaclie . , I Igy there, hour
after hour, wtilt \ that one t liniight, in rn
mind. At last I heard his! Flip upon the
siairF, He patise•l finding
it lotkel, tapped once ces-Lwic 1
e • but 1. =de
no movement in answer. He rap
and then called.
"Maggie, are you asleep r
He was sorry, eager so trinke al
between us, I could tell by the tone
voice, yet I replied stubbornly.
"No; but 1 do not wish to be disttlrbed.'
• "Very- and the inemplit: niter I
heard the street door close behin•l him
. _ . .
It was very late when he `returned. II
tad unlocked •my door, * certain v 1 at' he I
‘ituld come in.; but, to ,my infinite I. l trprise
and'aggraiation, lie passed On to his dress
ing nano Without even so much as :paus;•
ing. WeAnid never spent a single night
apart sincetitq l ' marriage; anti it. reined
terrible to lie I. IrTe altme, Once or twice
I was Sorely temple to go to hint, and
beg hint to fOrgiVe i.,', ‘ • but my pride kept.;
we back. 1 was not tik blame --I had
tried to ples. him. After I, aunt Debbie f
was the right, I ought wit . haVe mar
ried so voting. Olt! if I. were MO a srirt
again! The fetters. - Whielt had hitherto
seemed i onty silken bonds of love, cut like i
galling chains. Toward day-break. despite i
my butivitig hand. and aching heart, I fell i
into a troubled sleep, from which I did
not aw ke until late in the morning. 11
hurried down to the kitchen, determined 1
pos.-i le, to atone 'for the delinquencies of
the prclious eveninm
But aunt Debbie had forestallea, me. I
; found kitchen in . trim order, and a
breakfalt on the stove, that Dorcas herself
might have **kat!. Owen was . watkin4
up and down, uneasily; and aunt Debbie
- was e‘idently en./emering to quiet iiitif.
-Ile turiled,‘liiirply a: I entered.
'I glad yon'%e come down, Maggie," he
said. 11 didn't think you'd indulge your
temperko far as to absent yourse'f from
the table." ,
Ills •WortlS set me ad ablaze.' -- : . '
do as I ptewte," 1. retorted.
."Undoubtedly," replied - he turning on
his heel, ."yOu'te ghen us gZod proof of
your self-%sill already."
_you've given me - as gocia root Of
your good inaiimirs, to say no more; insult
mg me hi.-t night in the presence of
stranger, .after 1 had done the. hest 1 could
Your best, 'lSlagr with stingit
tempt, "Heaven save us from
You :shall be saved from :any
forts of wine for the future. sir.
waNni my vocatitni,betore 1 um
shan't be now."
'"ltrnst not for the sake of I
man." . . ..
His hataering sarcasm stung
broke out pasAenacely. •
`"lf your. bad been a good hush.
a , ouldn't hare 4eft me here. .yvith
drudgery on my bands.: I was a
fora cook."
"Mores the pity that l rnarr
you'd better say," 1 went on, burs
tears. "1 wish lira , ' listened to rn
ut iGs Ilvt too late to reMekly the
shall go hack to my father..".,
"1 wish vou would:"
The response startled me into. tiny senses,
Did he really 'Wish so' I turned to read
the truth in his eyes. but he was gone. We
had pp breakfast that morning. The day
went. by drearily. I was busy "all 'the tune
packing uo my trunks.' Aunt Debbie re
monstratea and persuaded, but finding me
fixed in my determination, left me to my
seir Toward Wit I had evee7thirig.iii
readiness. my trunks locked and labeled. 1
hurried on my thing- and started out, fear-
Mg to look back lest my. heart should fan
ine. On the threshold a strong hand held
ine back: .
"Alag,4l e, 'w ' hat doei;thi§ Mean T . T'
. goinz, h —thats alt." • .
leave me, mig g ic . .
I could scarcely command my voice, the
tender word, 'and ,Sad beseeching eyes:
dm led rue so; but I managed fake
"I', von wished me to go!" •
"Oh, Maggie, Maggie ' k,:aw I didn't
mean knOw how I love you, hi-
Arms claSiong ine,.his kimes raining on my
f l ee. "Com e h ac k, ,larling, come back ; and
I'll never ti,.,1 fault again?' • :
- "I did my bes't, Owen," I sobbed cling
int; to Ins brea , t, ! .
know you did, poor, little Mag. ' For
gi% 6 I tie, and I'il :never grieve you ari,
more Come, now, dry jour tears ano
both go down and try our 'hands at
getting up a supper together."
.j was only too glad to obey hint
went down hand in hand, - and everything
worked like Magic; I made Mins, and
made coffee. 'that was our first anTlast
ivarrel, •
t ‘Ve growino; uki now, but every yeas
only brings our Wedded hearts more'eloselt
.to 7 ether; mi.i by the blazing. hearth we tel.
the story of that tong gone trouble to, our
two blooming . daughtefs, that. they .ma
shun the. breakers upon 'which our happi
ness came so near being wrecked..
A certain Mr. O. fsti once being blessei:
by the birth.of n si.n4 -- a - frien.l offered one
llntplrol .lollars for the priVilege . of naming
him. The (dim. nac
. Ilowever, deelitwd,
when it was proposed to christen the child
blabogany. 1 •
Female' l mnt
A yoting girl,employed in a large riesn'tz
facturingestablishmen tat at - 1 , 16110n frtietifti 4
•wasi sent on an errand to re &Hain ittiliti
on eirrivireg at which she imodieti, hut'nq..
bot 4 cone to the 'door. It, beipg- part v,
open, however, she entered, and &Ming' 4,-,
body itv he first mom, proceedisi to . iltd,
second: and no person helhk in that, to tied,
thUvi, where, at the father end of it l'eltel
saw a Man suspended by the neck. and nj ,l
parEmtis• deado==With grerit ptesencel, 01`
mind, she cried loudly for helve ' and t!i,itit
her scissors Cut, the cord, and maeue l ied!' In
place the suicide on a Berl in the r00m. 4 A
physician was Welled in. btni- by a prompi:
]application of resuscitating rentetlies, tied
person '.Ba restored to life. He Wit
the -on of the owner of the house, whtiOtitit
la man of wea'th : anti in the course of a few
f day!. he recovereti his serenity, and nothiqt
was further route ids thotwitts tlmta suicide.
The youtet girl was at her oecul Akio:4
and thought no more or but little of t„iltu
ioglurrence. One day, however. she tocui:v=
l ed' a note from the father ,of the
1 man whom site hatl 'cut down, requesting
!her to come to his house Without-sus.
Ipecting for a moment what . was inter4edi
!slur went; and on her arrival was thus-: ad.,
dressed by the father: -
4.111 y son whom von saved froth certalti
- death, loves you, and wishes to marry yon
Will you consent I, I have made -thyseq
acqtermeteti with your circumstances. you ;
are respectable, but, pOor." Iktv son is rich;
sou will never know want. Reflect npOil
of his
"No further reflection is necemary l 7'
plied the ) (mug girl; "it is no 'Mg) ote,;111.1t,
your son is rich; be wished to bang hit
and linty wish to do it. again Nothing run
remove that oltjection.7 She was inezor.
able; and the thug, r !vas, that her flytot‘
urination might again drive her lover to
the rope.
AL nasty -o,reddiug.
A somewhat novel] and romantic;may• - •
'ria,tre took place in lifilWatikee, Wise On-i nt
Ltbout two weeks sitieJ , , which may niter-
kst the tidy 'portion or out . rmiden4 - . A
;wedding was announced .tiek take . piao. in - -
l i the even at one of ihe churches and ot.
k!ourse the r ;eata IVere erowded—ter l there'r
are thouisands of persons *lto will go to s e e
'1 man married or hanged who would not
venture out en any' other ordinai , ore ex+
traordimiry ocemiim.. Ainont .the special
tors were 'a widower and widow, both in
the nwif-dly of: life, who happened to sit
iog.ther in the shine 'pew, they bled . . a
,light- acquainnince, and very: natt&aily
whißpered together - upon the appearance Of -
the bride and bridegroom at the 'alter: °; At,
about the covelusion, a the ceremony the
gehtteinah ‘iigh€4 very liudibly _and .:wilici--
!wed to his companion.: "PM' tiiii . 10. , 1 t
hate to see them start ;' out in the world •
alone, I'd. like to keep The poor creatures
company to-night." 'So would 1," sighed .
the widow. • ".Say wen," said the eido
wer, a bright idea striki him. “A4,;:rreed-,'l''
r t
responded the w dow. The first cereincany
was no sooner through,- than accontinigt4
up marched the hero and heroine cif -- .. - dee
et.iry to the alter, and in ies; time that' *
trice way , made one flesh to the utter tre
wildeintent of the assemblage. - - :.
n(r Cob
, r wont,
.ueb of
y Inner
me. I
mi you
all tins
t raised
red you,
ling into
) 1 frlendb
vii now.
tor the. PubllC
The world estimate men by theft-lan&
cess in life; and l ibv gertrtai i•onserty !Env
reess• is evidence of superiority.
Never, under ny eirentirstandei, Amitltne
responsibility von can avoid - is:insistent!!
with your duty to yourself and others .
Base all your l actions upon a principle of
right; preserve yoiir integrity Oftliarattof,
and in doina'this atter tsekon. tott.
liemernber tint self-inrc;resc is more like
ly to warp yourljudgetnent, than all'
eirequistanoe,i cOmbitiedi therefore, lohk
.vrAl to yourAtiqJ when your interest is cello=
Never make money at the expense of
roar rept' tat
. Be neither!litvish nor n'Tgardlyt . ot the
two avoid the latter. A mean 'dia4 is um
despisedt but publie favor is Odell
vino' stone to, preferment therefore gen
erolis feelinces' should be cultivated. "
Say bdt little=think mueh- . -=and des
Let your t xpeoges he 'Midi' as to leave
balance in yOur iwketi Ready_ money is'
good friend' : iii need:
lieep clear of the !Ms; for *iieti you gain
tour_ case '•&311 are generally' the loser of
\1 inwrlriukina and . digar smoking' are
had habits. They i npair the mind ani
pocket, and lead to the waste of titre.
PAREPA) *hile in New - Haven met a
!'tile Wind girl, who is said to havia . a won=
ler siveet voice and a musical taki.t,
oF a higher ogler. Parepa b e g a ed of it
iarenta toialMar her to accompanyi her t
Europe, and being refneed, oth'lreiil to
both mother and child, and derayl all -ex
..emes. Both oilers were deelirla
The city of Houston,
:otton factory in operation 'and kinsiher in
ilmagt ready to begin Things wok pn.
ticularly bright in that sectioni