Tale R` -JOURNAL, POTT - PUBLISHED HT - e_ILL-tWitiElt, Proprietor. 31. W. to the cause of Republicanism, the tn• ••itu re, the :tdv aiceinent of Education, dot Potted' 6.r0 fay. iswn ing no yti ido it will endeavor to aid in the ulfy Freedotnizing our Country. s t:lo"Devoteti Itereet•tof 42;r1. •nd the beet g except that of 1 Ntorit of twice . epents inAerted at the iollowlng rate... pecialbarxdoe. Are mole. A •••ottale" rvier or 8 of Nonpa• ell typo,' : Aertion ...... ...... -......,.. ..... 50 $- Inee.tlon,r-- -....;....-- . -...... 31 2 90 . pent Ineertion.lesa than 13.-- 40 iear 10 00 -da, t year 5 00 tor'a tr . Exec tore N0tice........ 300 . .Editorial Notices per line-- 20 lent advertleementa moat he paid in tnotice will he taken of ad vert I patents , 1.1'110 , 41 they are accompanied by the . acWry refureuce. If, of all Motto, executed with neatneas etc. pt where la 1O linens of B 4q.ntrt.. 1 g I 1 squar..2 o Afroh.s...b.e. X Agnate, 1. 3 - Bo foods AdantniAtrati, ;Special nn . d. 1 ear Alt trti tiolv:snce,ntol Trom a dna - me + - moony or satld 'Mob No dad (I,4critch., IESS . NOTICES BUSI eeptedAncient-Vprk 'Masons LODGE, No. 342, F. A:IL Stated on the 2.1 owl 410 'edoes tav Of In the 3d Story of t. I wirroo72d Blnett. ,aeo. WU. h St - LEAH, 6f. Free and A : • "EVITLALIS Xi &tee Ing - Inunt h. !D.ll.,LARtekng T. ELLISON, IL; Dy I'QI'SICLIF. C.Aide7aport, Pa., y inforsne t eit.zen4clt the villatte and will promptly reApon.l to oh calk for t vices. Otilek• on Firet greet, arst &or idence., 1740 TjatACTICL respectinh vicinity that h' vpref , e.ion .1 et , c;est of hie Iv .JOUN S. , • • 41. , 7D COUNSELLOR AT LAW. :port, Pas, w.ll the several C..ortm Cameroa rounded. Al! buoinoze en ! care will receive p.utrip, tatchiun. Street; to re-idence. A TT ' Ctl Tere lu Pot ‘' ter uihd ou ,tadted to hid -office on Mani OL] , STED and LARRAISEE, TTAIL SEili'S AT 'LAW, Coudersport. Penn's. A -Will at iid to all heeinees entrusted to their exc., with pr a lidless and ti lelity. WII al-o attend -the several co its .z comities. Office In the seeood torey .4 the tterr.-ted Mech. ts.tte BENSON, ATTOR I, N 17-. I- L A Wrl l , -Con(ler Tort, Pa., wilt' atteu It all latiiine,is eiltru,ted to lern ,itt dire - natl. promptn 4. .-It.A.tal. C •ti t., of avijo nail: Won 'tlitil. Other.. iS ;co A•t rre , 'near the Allestativiiridite - • „Ll., A rviEtlc Y.Asn COUN3ELT. OII AT LAW. Con -vr.port, Pa., Cll alleiiill Wn the ad •uPoi , 'er ilild r hea .jo a.. .e rilloit ..,.. \ , .D. UTTTE S., 4 it-. - Dasslct. ....: -. . - nd Su tr-- , e. a: ,41/1 re:4irc•fitlly til l_ tirrn th citiz •••6 of Clowleni,.ort :ma vii.,,h, th ahe it ht 4 ri•sie.l it•i-o.llite in the Gritti , flp,ai Hotel, .111 w It be retdv - Itt r. 11, m.. 4 10 nt ik.. ti-o f. 161 mill call . 114314 4. re....trilitt grailuate of 13ittribi Ma lical Col tie of 1. .7 in .1 ..4. • EL. ISDN fit T.1.0.i4PS DEALEIttL la Drage, Iledic.raa, On, Vara'. p., L:rr!..a atrtl:F.tat. . art e:ta,'130 ,4 :• all 0.11 And ix.; 11a .etata,Sttr. ttttt ice, iaza :Itter..try 6•••§V. BULLER. 4: 2rIcALARSJI: I7, TTAOR fl utit-ncKG, ,A.geot for the-Collection of 114,,j1 . tt.ted?dateo. nd -mtet.orerctrtvlit-,,ti .11 1111, als Bounty,Arry roof Pny,&c.-Ad kre±..k J. if 4. - arrl.l.lsti; 'w - $lll-Lf..*: C 4 .1. IC. .31.e. 1 1.1..1.iiNEY , EPLI. Biz TATE ri..01 1V3V12 NCE Afl ENT.— f." "d 'gilt and i'nxt, imtf..tntt nth , itut,,ttlig.tted. I..sitresprep-,,ty trzniii4 tit Cinth • l'e'-t -eon:wattle. 1r the Cunt °try, And Pet-14m ,, axtvit A Acct de de in the irr tvelent I.tt•ur Cittairtny ttf Hart. fe . r4; 8 , 14i.nre,5 I rnnotut•ti itrttnivtly ARMSTRONG , ARE, gerehnnt, and I)"ler in S'oie!' d S'leet I ron.W re Main+t reet, colmkr t. T rt. mild Sheet Iran War rti tde to Oil SI, it not HARDN4 \Tina t' port, Pen .•1 • •.•r, EOt P A. STEBBINS & :lure, Cit.& STS—Deutera inDry tiuols-, Franc) DI G. Grocert.s.PrOVlte.lll ;Fo,lr, unt FCedl'Ot 'and .v-ryt • ip.g urns .Hy pt 1.. u g , ,0.1 cory Pnvittee bn , .n 4 w 4,1 17 t:1) I I . It. SIIMIXONS , .I ' I • •-11-SRCIS e s:"I' VELLSV I lAA: IC Y., Whole -01. gale a , alio-tit Pe' .-r in Dry Goo tg. Fit ney and 1140 r (1,14 Reg.! 101.0.fithinl., lies V regi.i- inils G roe...Heti. Flour., •*.e., It i. rg iiiiipnlivclit . , 'll Flterall.irrni- 111,1,r.Lv.5• JONES, .11\1711•A1Fr.u7,1;4231-I.rrtlcs In i), Mai.. 1 7 .1 r • I. • 0n1r,r,.•••-•rt. aNII.I. . -eond streets Coqd.o. sport ,Potter Co.n. ,Die is ASO it VI •..• this Stn 'CA !Ina frorri the 12.:tiirow \\l t nod very ter Journal Intely adled a fine new ansOrtmnnt of YPE tvon-r ntr'Kvlv lance o:otnannt .epo red to do nil kitide wort:, cheaply nnie,t. Or sere wilted/ 41. Ty J orl_ we Are now and orith to NiAN• HOUSE. . f , Potter\ county, Pennsylvania. r LEWlsl. \ Proprietor. Tiqiio: 05 excellent II , t